Saturday, September 03, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #88/89: Divine Justice Shows Its Hand OR All In The Family Gets A New Twist

Parte 1~~

In Midtown, at Remedios’s Rooming-house, Santiago is inside confounding Ana Lucia even more by telling her that once she learns what he’s had to hide from her all this time she’ll come to hate him.  Yes, and it has to do with his wife--but what, dios mio?  So, the best thing is to forget him and all they meant to each other and never seek him out again.  She’s determined to teach him, to show him that it just won’t be like that! “--¡Adiós, my love!”  Santi’s convinced otherwise.  He races off like the confused and cowardly lion he is—again.  Ana Lucha is as perplexed as ever.

Outside, Chana goads Ramiro about wanting to be The Great Avenger, and not caring whose hearts he breaks in the meantime, even though he feels a great injustice has been committed all these years.  It’s not that she disagrees with the intent, but caution is called for here.  The truth can be a double-edged sword [un arma de dos filos].  Santiago appears and is impactado to see the soothsayer.  She tells him his past has caught up with him and it’s only just begun to hit the fan.  Remedios races after him to beg him to come back inside and put the rest behind him, not to run away from poor Ana Lucha and her.  He’s sick at heart, he’s broken Ana Lucha’s heart-not Marcelo--, but that’s the way it’s got to be.  Ram and he head out and Chana warns Rem that the storm’s approaching.

Uptown at Miranda’s manse, dinner’s just about to be served and Ernestina finally gives Rodrigo a chance to explain after 40+ years, about his supposed betrayal with another woman—and how dare he leave without a single word of explication.  Rod says she closed herself to him.  He tried; when he came, her parents refused to let him near her—and she’d agreed to do as her parents wanted, to marry the man they felt best for her and her station in life.  He tried getting a message to her through Leonora, but she’d refused to have anything more to do with him.   Ernestina defends her husband as a good and decent man for whom she held great affection.  Rod points out that she never truly loved the guy and the difference between her and himself is that, in the past 4 decades, he’s never again loved another woman.  

Valentin and Ana Laura are having lunch at Valeria’s.  They give her the news that they’re doing a piano and oboe duet to raise funds to keep The Foundation afloat during the time that it takes to find the embezzler’s trail.  Ana Llora and TinTin give her their vote of confidence and assure her Ramiro’s on her side as well, looking into what might have happened.

Rod continues that he left the country for foreign lands a broken-hearted man.  Well, it was a good move [acierto], says Erni.  Look at all you amassed by it.  Sure, financially.  However, there’s more.  He went looking for the pregnant girl who claimed Rod had knocked her up; he challenged her and got her to admit that it was Erni’s papi that knocked her up, threatened her, and had her lie about it to Erni.  However, he cannot prove it because when he confronted Erni’s papa about it, the guy denied everything.  Erni has a mental flashback to Chana’s words that afternoon.  Rod only remembers the woman’s name, nothing more.  It was Margarita.  (Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!!)   Miranda is now as much a broken heart mender as her hubby.  All four go in to dinner as friends and lovers, “just like old times.”

At the same time, Evaristo and Soledad are discussing how her mother, Margarita, was the love of his life.  When she died, he apparently took Soledad in as his own.  Sole had a miserable time of it.  Ev’s wife and kids despised her and treated her like dirt.  She was his lover’s daughter, after all, though not his blood.  He had taken her in.  They had hated him and her for it.  He hopes to make it up to Sole somehow.  Sole gets up and delivers an emotional blow to the old bastard when she tells him that once Ana Lucha and she are finally safe and sound and away from all of this, then she’ll consider possibly thanking him for it all and thinking of him as a stepfather, but not until.  All the bitterness of her childhood prevents that right now. 

Meanwhile, Mariano and Samuel discuss Ana Leticia’s tantrums and odd, unnatural jealousy where the other women in his life are concerned.  Marcelo’s return really hasn’t done much towards putting a halt to that kind of behavior either.  Sam chalks it up to Mo’s having been like a father to her and that daughters are always jealous of their daddies.  However, speaking of Marcelo, Sam’s not convinced that Marcelo had really lost his memory.  The last meeting they had he was sharp as a tack and as cunning as ever.  He knows all of Mo’s dark past and secrets and could really ruin him.  Mo could lose it all.  Mo agrees he has to find a way to control him.  Threats will do little where Marcelo is concerned. 

End parte 1~

Parte 2~

Evaristo has a sitdown with Orlando once Sole has left the coffee shop.  Now that Nieto Numero Uno is dead and mouldering in the ground, Orly’s being “promoted.”  He gets his own set of binoculars and a car to boot!  Wow! And, he gets an eyeful of Ana Lucia on Steroids—yep.  It’s her sister Ana Leticia and he’s not to let her out of his sight.  (Orly begins salivating as badly as any bully bulldog.  More, in fact, the slime!)  He’s to watch her every move and write it all down in his very own notepad.  

What he is watching, is Ana MiMi and Claudia declaring war.   Claudia has A MiMi all figured out and it won’t be so easy getting rid of her as A MiMi might think.  Claudia will go head to head with her and she’ll have Ana Leticia tied so tight she won’t be able to even twitch [parpardear = blink. twitch, ].  If she plays nice and helps Claudia to get close again to Mo and she will say only nice things about his adored niece.   So make a choice.  What’s it going to be.  

Evaristo warns Orly that while Ana Lucha is all sweetness and light with a heart of gold, her sister is exactly the opposite: “she has no soul, nor a conscience, either.”  Ev explains that A MiMi is bound and determined that her family never finds Ana Lucia and that Ana Lucia never has the opportunity to inherit any of the family fortune.  She’ll do absolutely anything to avoid that possibility.

Mo learns that Sam has the hots for Viridiana.

Valeria informs TinTin and Ana Llora that the only two people who had access to her computer is she and Edmundo Fuentes.  (Is that a hint of worry passing over TinTin’s face?  Could he and Eddie be partners in crime here?)  Ana Llora says there’s no reason to mistrust Eddie Boy since he’s been her granny’s CPA for decades and not a peso has ever gone missing.  (Yep, TinTin is definitely finding it hard to stop twitching while sipping that tea.)

Maribel confides in Ana Lucky that she has the hots for Ram (who has a real job and an actual savings account).  Nobody’s ever fought for her before and it was S.E.X.Y.  Compared to him, Javier is just a kid.

Santi, at the same time, tells Ramiro that he’s not sure he should continue living at the manse.  Ram says that Marcelo and his wife have managed to hide their distaste for each other well enough in front of the family.  Santi brings up Valentin’s name and was incredulous to learn the guy was in a wheelchair.  He doesn’t know why, but he wanted to kill him!

TinTin and Ana Llora are now having coffee and cake at a restaurant somewhere.  TinTin tells her he’s not certain that Ram has enough experience to really track down the embezzlement.  Ana Llora has total confidence in him.  Talk turns to Marcelo and that he’s living at the manse with the family again now.  TinTin tells her he’s glad to get the chance to know him better now that they’ll be rehearsing there all the time.

Ram and Santi discuss TinTin’s possibly being in that wheelchair do to Marcelo’s evil deeds, among them Gina’s death.  Ram explains how he was Gina’s ex and blamed Ram also for her death.   Santi is adamant that when Marcelo appears again, Ram will ask him whether he was the one that killed Gina or not.  Ram finds out that Santi and Ana Lucha have broken up for good.  Santi is tired of pretending…..

At Rem’s again, Chana has a chat with Ana Lucha.  She is in tears because Santi is also lying to her.  Everyone is lying to her.  Well, not everybody.  Chana hasn’t been.  (Ruh-roh!)

Santi admits to Ram that he chickened out when it came to giving Ana Lucha the truth about her past.  He could only drop the hint about Sofia Hernandez and then backed off.  

When Sole returns from work that evening, Rem is waiting for her.  She warns Sole that Santi was there earlier and spoke to Ana Lucha, but she doesn’t know what they discussed, only that she’s now in a bad way because of it.  Rem says she simply cannot put up with this anymore.  She’s going to tell Ana Lucia all of it!  Soledad screams she can’t!

Santi and Ram continue discussing the pro’s and con’s of Marcelo’s cruel behavior in dropping hints about Ana Lucia’s past and daring to kiss her in front of his wife.  Ram says he’s laid the cards out on the table for both Ana Leticia and Ana Lucia so she can get ready to accept the truth.  “—This is the only way the issue can begin to resolve itself.  We ought to learn from him.” 

Sole begins a chat with Ana Lucha who admits she’s been doing lots of working out because it’s either that or lying in bed all day and crying her eyes out.  She refuses to do that.  She won’t do it.  He came today, and they talked about all the lies Sole’s told her.  But that’s over.  She wants the truth.  It’s now or never.  Sole better fess up now or who knows what may happen between them afterward.  Ana Lucha wants the whole truth and she wants it now!!


Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #120 (MEX #125). Friday September 2, 2016. The Step Siblings Tie The Knot And Paulo Rey Kicks The Bucket

Giving your daughter away at her wedding with your son is priceless... For everything else, theres Mastercard.

At a glance 

-- Bodaaa! Comaaa!

A closer look 

At Casa Conde-Kuri, soon-to-be Casa Conde only, without the hyphen, Viviana supervises the after-bachelor party cleanup by a non-Eufro housekeeper. Paulo Rey picks Salma up for the “picnic”. He greets Viviana politely and promises to bring Salma back early so she can attend the wedding of the millennium. Mere seconds later, Adrián takes his leave as well, to supposedly go see an exhibition but we know he’s off to play Nancy Drew. He too promises he’ll be back in time for the bodabulous, bodatastic, bodawesome, and positively superbodafragilisticexpialidocious boda of his eldest brother, Saint Luca Superhero De La Colina. And here comes the bridegroom! Proud momma Viviana tells him she can’t believe he won’t be living at home anymore. At what point in time did he grow up to be so big and handsome?

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Friday, September 02, 2016

Yago #64. Thursday September 1, 2016. Hell Hath No Fury Like A Lucio Scorned

Bésame mucho. Tickle me with your beard mucho.

At a glance  

-- Just read on. I don’t have the heart to tell you here.

A closer look 

The episode opens up with a replay of Yago’s grand declaration to his tainted love, Sara. If Dusty Springfield sang “Wishin’ and Hopin’” with this pair in mind, it would go something like this: “All you gotta do is hold him and kiss him and frame him and jail him, just do it and after you do, you will be his!”
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Thursday, September 01, 2016

Tres Veces Ana # 87

Discussion page with Sneaky's recap coming up

Sneaky's recap below:

Bad Ana is pissed that Inaki played her and supposedly doesn’t know anything about Analu, he thinks its funny that after all the times she strung him along he finally got one over on her. She’s not amused and its ruined her night. She’s disappointed in him as an info source and as a man *scornful look* Inaki’s rock hard ego (and everything else, whew how many gym horas went into making that?) won’t take that, he knows she didn’t fake her O cause he knows *eyebrow wiggle* Anyway he’s not entirely useless, he can always find out info about Analu and feed it to her by dribs and drabs, being nicely compensated all along the way. We-el ok then but she still doesn’t feel like necking.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 119 usa/124 mex (9.1.16) Bachelor(ette)s parties for schmucks

After the exchange between Cristina Vélez Valderrama, firewoman of the education and Esperanza Guerrero Diez cancer survivor, Ricardo is surprised because he didn't know this side of CVV's personality. I have a tigress inside me. Nobody will come between you and me.
What comes next is an endless loop of compliments that start with you rescued me, no, YOU rescued me, NO, you rescued ME, no...

In the High Definition Motel with surround sound Pedro and Anya don't need the 3D glasses! They sleep together for the first time and everything is right there at hand. In their make believe bubble they pretend they're in a movie set and after lights and camera, of course whats next is ACTION!! And little Pedro is eager now that finally has a woman in his arms. Wow! We both deserve an Oscar! I already have two golden globes!!

Once I ran to you now I run from you...
Erasmo still doesn't love Anastasia and she comes with yet another secret she was holding. This could be the definitive difference between finally falling for her or getting away from her, but she confesses the secret anyway: She knows Erasmo has killed somebody.
Of course Ernesto can not believe such skinhead (descabellada) idea, since he considers him almost a saint for helping Kiko recover his mobility. It's true, she insists, I know him more than you, trust me... Black & white flashback of Ernesto choking her.

The date is over and Ricardo and CVV return to his house. they say good night to Andrés and keep talking a little more. After both thank Andrés and the manny thanks them back, here comes yet another endless loop of thanks when Ricardolt and Queen Christina start thanking each other for juaréver reason, back and forth, endlessly...
Thank you, no, thank YOU, NO, thank YOU! OK, thanks for thanking me, now let me thank YOU! C'mon, I wanna see who is required and who's not to the bachelor(ette) parties!!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 29, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**

**FRIDAY, Sept 2: the 9 & 10 PM shows are preempted for what looks like futból.

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Yago #63, Wednesday August 31, 2016: Finding Omar

The brief edition:

Ximena "liberates" Yago when she sees that he's still not happy. While Sara campaigns to get Yago back, Yago spends most of the episode trying to find his inner Omar. He also makes a deal with Lucio: Yago will cut Sara loose for good, so Lucio can have her all to himself. In exchange, Lucio will clear the way for Yago to be with Matias.

But Yago changes his mind at the last minute and decides that he cannot be Omar if he doesn't have Sara. So, he reunites with Sara. BOOOOOOOO!

Lucio's gonna be SO mad!

The blow-by-blow: below.
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Tres Veces Ana # 86 - In which we all learn the perils of paying too early

Alright friends, go ahead and brew yourselves a cup of coffee (I’ll wait)! Our efforts to stay awake will be mightily rewarded with a few entertaining scenes – all involving Ana Le of course, as the rest of the characters are currently (and ironically) on the list for 5150, some quite literally.

So here is what happened this episode:

Llora has graciously decided to do Ramiro a great favor and believe him and his incredible tales. Does he promise to bring Ana Lu to their wedding? He does. What if it’s in a month? He is standing firm. What if it is tomorrow? Alright, Llora, be realistic now. Our sharp Llora uses her deductive reasoning skills in this conversation to determine that means Ram doesn’t really know where Ana Lu is. (What a detective.  Has Evaristo heard about her?) She needs to set a wedding date though and they settle on getting married in six months and wrap up this point of conversation after one more promise of the lost sister delivery.  

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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sueño de amor #118 8/31/16 " The Fight is On"

We start with more of the same old same old: Paulo is bullying Kiko in the classroom with Salma right there to add her two cents just to make it worse. (uh, where is the teacher supervision?) After one too many insults and having his cane tossed in the trash by Paulo, Kiko punches Paulo twice in the face as a friend keeps him standing. Paulo is enraged that he has been shown up by Kiko and now has a bloodied nose and mouth. Esperanza finally comes in to break it up when it looks like Paulo is going to get to punch back. She also makes the big mistake of getting in between Kiko and Paulo. (Has nobody ever taught her how to break up a fight???) Instead of stopping, Paulo yells at Esperanza not to interfere and pushes her back so hard she lands on her derrière on the floor. Some of the kids are horrified that he would touch her. She tells him he made a very serious error and that things are going to change.

Ricardo the schmuck is still at it explaining to Cristina in his unemotional, robotic, measured, without any affect kind of way that he has not chosen Esperanza. Cristina lets Ricardo have it. She completely understands his indecision and that is why she is ending it between them right now. He can stay with Esperanza. She wants him out of her life. If he is in love with two women, that means his love is divided. She wants all of it not just a part of it.
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Yago #62: Trojan Trunk

Flashback: Proud papa Camilo watches a puppet show being put on by pre-teen Julia. He tells her that she is the best thing that ever happened to him. Julia thought that honor belonged to her mother. Camilo concedes that Julia is the best thing that her mother left him. Julia wonders if he doesn’t consider getting married again. Camilo remembers being jilted at the altar and the deadly consequences. He tells Julia that he doesn’t believe he’ll ever find someone else as special, lovely, and talented as her mother. Julia wants first dibs at holding his bride’s train and throwing the rice. Camilo hugs his (stolen) baby-girl.

In the present, Camilo gets himself looking spiffy for his wedding. He looks at a picture of himself and Julia and tells her that he has finally found someone he wants to marry. He’s interrupted by one of his security guys, who tells him Sara wants to see him urgently.
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Tres Veces Ana #85 - Tres Veces Conditions, and the Further Postponed Mission

Color Guide:
*Recall in Red
*Reader Reactions in Blue
*Spanish Lingo in Green
*Name Key at bottom of the Recap

She wears crocodile on her feet and in her eyes

We return back to the scene when AnaLet confesses being with child during the burial of what she thought were Marcelo's remains. Marcelo calls her a liar. (Viewerville nods in agreement, either that or she’s got a case of Rosemary’s Baby). She starts whimpering on about how she was devastated and couldn’t sleep, eat, or breathe (Damn, and she still survived). He’s hesitant, but inquires if she lost it. She nods, she did everything she could to save what she had left of him, a baby born out of love (or infidelity, Viewerville yells!). He’s not sure if he believes her but she doesn’t care, she doesn’t want him to touch her or try to console her. He’s the first one to know because she never spoke of it to anyone. But since he doubts her so much, he can talk to her gyno since he should still have it on record. At this he has a flashback: 

He’s driving with Alfredo to San Nicholas to confront Soledad. They hope Ev doesn’t find out or he’d interfere with their investigation. To change the subject, Alfie asks how things are going in Marc’s matrimonio. She’s still distant and upset. Alfie remarks about a pharmacy package that Martinez intercepted of hers, it was a pregnancy test.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 117 usa/122 mex (8.30.16) -Ernesto, seguro que no quieres nada, nada, nada, nada, nada, nada? -Que no, que no Esperanza, así que déjame y vete ya!

Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of the education and runner up in the race to wins Ricardo's heart (and rest of his body), tells her only best friend Margarita la alcahueta that the only thing she bargained for was a family and not all this tests. 

Esperanza and Ernesto are still pushing and pulling (en el estira y afloja) because he sees both his hope and Esperanza lost. Now that she is miraculously cured, Ricardo is also miraculously single and now he blames him for not having Esperanza's love all for him.
He, as mighty as he has always been, doesn't want crumbs, he wants the whole cake!!
Since reality is not what he likes, he prefers to keep Esperanza away from him. Go away, he said!
-But, but, I want to take care of you, give you everything you need except my love...
-I don't want it. Thanks.

In another part of the city, Napoleón is desperate because he doesn't want to give the money back and he doesn't have the baby either. Silvana, making fun of his fear, reassures him that she is working on it and that soon they will have the baby they so much need. 
They should talk to the guy who wants the baby and ask him if he can wait 9 more months, because in that case, Napo could make his own "sacrifice" and putting a paper bag over Silvana's head, impregnate her. Really! This is easy money, not as easy as selling sperm, but hey, they could even have a million pesos every nine months! Think about it!!
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Narcos August 29 ,2016 Capitulo 6: Discussion page

Discuss among yourselves this episode if you desire so.


Yago Capitulo 61 August 29,2016: Unfinished sympathy

NOTE: This episode was for strange reasons only 41 minutes long. It ended with Yago&Ximena smooching. No ending soundtrack, no nada. If there were any clips missing please say so in the comments.

You're a little 60 episodes late Loony-vision!

Flashback: Omar, Lucio and Abel were having drinks in a bar. Omar is anxious that he is going to leave Sara like that but Lucio&Abel promise to watch over the little serpent. In cue Yago starts narrating that the past never really vanishes but it instead watches us over and often same people are involved.

In the present Yago accompanied by Sara&Abel reveals his true identity to Lucio. He also reminds Lucio of the fateful night in which Lucio planted Omar's fingerprints on the gun. Yago will remember that night forever and ever. Lucio is incredulous to all this doubting everything that Yago is talking about. 

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Narcos August,26 2016 Capitulo 5 :Discussion page

Here is a place to discuss among yourselves episode 5. I couldn't put it up earlier because I honestly forgot to when I was working on Episode 4.


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 29, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**

**FRIDAY, Sept 2— 9 & 10 PM shows are preempted for what looks like futból.

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New Telenovela: El Color de la Pasion, September 6th Debut

Marcelo y Lucia, our pretty protagonists
(not to be confused with SantMarc y Ana Lucia from 3xAna)

Next Tuesday, September 6th, is the 2-hour debut of El Color de la Pasión (The Color of Passion) at 7:55pm EST. After sitting for two years on Univision’s shelf, it replaces Narcos, which has been recapped by Countx during its 2-week run, in the 10pm EST slot.  

So far, there seems to be lots of interest in watching this popular telenovela, and also some interest in recapping it from: Delilah, dy77, Anna Nabil, Anita, Jardinera, and Cathyx. I would also be interested in sharing a night with someone. If those listed are still interested, please email me and we can decide on a recapping schedule. If others are interested, please also email me. Gracias, amigas y amigos!
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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #116 (MEX #120, #121). Friday August 26, 2016. Señorito Confundido

Sorry, lady, but I'm too handsome to have to worry about making decisions!

At a glance

-- Ricardolt is very confundido (confused) and can’t decide between the two idiotic women that are debasing themselves to win him over. Poor perplexed little prince! How will he ever manage this stressful situation with only two neurons to rub together? 
-- The preparations for the rushed wedding of stepsiblings Pato and Luca are well underway. 
-- Ernesto preemptively ends his “relationship” with Esperanza.

A closer look 

Esperanza is visiting gravely-ill Ernesto and fawning over that drooling fool she says she is madly in love with. “A few days ago, Ricardolt hated me and now he loves me again! Well, with half his heart at least!” “That’s a big advance!, exclaims Ernesto sarcastically. He curtly tells her that he is tired and wishes to be alone, thank you very much. 
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Narcos Capitulo #4 August 24 2016 "Flame on"

[Some scenes were merged for easier reading]

NOTE: The next episodes will be mere discussion pages as I am worn out due to the new semester starting soon. I will recap the final episode though.

 The death of Rodrigo Lara gave Colombia a new edge of extradition support as one of the assailants confessed that Pablo put out the hit. Steve still blames himself for the death but Javier assures him that it was for the best as now they can go after these rat bastards. Pablo got indicted for Lara's death and got placed on the bounty list. Extradition could possibly make Pablo's life a living hell as U.S max prison doesn't have any privileges. Now Pablo had something to fear. Or does he? After a small fight between the Narcos Pablo proposes a new organization"The extraditables". But this time it wasn't a team effort but a man for himself. Gacha thought that he could stop the extradition by simply killing anyone who tried to stop him. The Ochoas build themselves quite a crafty logo("Better a grave in Colombia than a cell in the United States"). Carlos Lehder took it to the airwaves blaming the imperialistic America for everything. It was also the very first time judges had to wear masks during court. But not even that stopped Pablo from blowing up their cars.

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 28 (Aug 27, 2016)

(Continued on the first comment.)


Tres Veces Ana #84: An Inconvenient Truth--Or Why Would I Lie?

Viewerville is digesting the latest luscious tidbit to have dropped from Ana Leticia's lips.  News at 10....

  • Marcelo and Ramiro are at odds because Marc played him for a fool and betrayed his promise to let Ana Laura know first that her sister, Ana Lucia, is still alive.  He's upset thinking the Ana MiMi will end up telling the family and he thinks it's best they tell the family together before A MiMi opens her maw.  Marco knows better and says the truth is too inconvenient yet for her to tell anyone.

  • Ana Lucia is still acting cold to Soledad and wants the truth if she and Mama Sole are ever to speak to one another again.  "--What's in that jewelry box of yours, Mama?  What secrets are you hiding from me?"
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Friday, August 26, 2016

Yago #60. Thursday August 25, 2016. Like A Wheel Within A Wheel

We need a fourth for the Mahjong tournament. You in?

At a glance 

-- Lucio frames Hernán for Selma’s murder but Katia whacks the toupeed Red Converse Killer before Camilo could get to him. It was death by fire extinguisher. 
-- Julia wants Abel to kill Camilo. 
-- The Three Compañeres (Yago, Abel and Sara) ask the fourth compañere (Lucio) to team up with them to destroy Camilo. Lucio is about to learn that Omar is still alive. 

A closer look 

Lucio is on the prowl, gun in hand. Selma is his unsuspecting prey. He ponders on the potential of love as a powerful but at times destructive weapon that can convert one into the worst version of oneself. 
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Tres Veces Ana - # 83

Sneaky's recap coming up later in the day. Until then, let's discuss - what an episode!

Sneaky's recap:

Diving straight in
Badd Ana looks like she wants to stamp and scream as Marcelo tricks Analu into kissing him again w/the promise that it will bring Santi back, but after the kiss he gloats that Santi is dead and will never come back, she helped him kill him. (yeah I know weird sentence, weird logic, weird everything) Analu sobs that she will never give up but is eventually convinced by cold as ice Marcelo that Santi is gone and he, Marcelo doesn’t want to see her ever again, as BadAna cries and screams into a towel in the bathroom and then frantically fixes her faces b/c  ‘ he can’t see her this way’

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 115 usa/118,119 mex (8.25.16) Dos mujeres y un canijo

Express novela Sueño express, where everything is express except coffee. Next express wedding is in a week!

A quien le importa? (what happens to the subplots, right?)

To put you in context, I will list all the scenes that Univisión decided you shouldn't see just to finish this express novela sooner to start wit the next trainwreck.

From original version episode 112

Salma is offered Guatemala or Guatepeor, therapy or bootcamp. Obvi, she chooses therapy. Then she calls Paulo and he recommends her to turn nice and play victim to get her way. Then she starts her plan with Mario, who believes her. 
Later she asks for forgiveness to the whole Kuri-Conde family drinking green tea.

Kracy runs freely on the streets.

Anya picks up Pedro's roses before going out.

Esperanza and Pato talk about obscure forces "controlling them"?.

At Palacios, Ricardo argue with Pedro because he fells betrayed.

At the clinic, extended scene where Anya explains to Pedro and mapa about the cat.

From original version episode 113
Univisión don't give a damn about 0sorio's spawn singing career
or Carmelita Salinas grandson
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 22, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
As listed above, three novelas have been added this week to the daytime lineup.  Also, be aware that the three evening novelas will be preempted tonight, Thursday, August 25, by the Telemundo awards show Premios Tu Mundo.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Narcos Capitulo #3 August 24 2016: Dreams come to an end

"This ain't gonna hurt a bit!"

[Some scenes were merged for easier reading]
In the last episode we have witnessed some cruel and unkind deaths. One of them was Connie's adored cat. Javier starts drilling Steve with questions. Did you have any contact outside of DEA? Do you have any affairs? After a short thought Steve remembers his sticky situation at the local airport. He had his passport scanned and sent directly to the bandits. Javier also points out that the cat is D.E.A property so there will be justice for the cat. (This is due to Kiki Cartagena, a D.E.A agent that was brutally tortured during his mission in Mexico]. Javier&Steve also meet Suarez. He is a local cop that plays both sides that only works for money so he get's bribed. The DEA later catches up to the two airport bandits. Royal karma ensues. Killing a D.E.A cat is a federal crime. One of the bandits spills up the identity of the cat killer: Poison.

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Yago #59, Wednesday August 24, 2016: Party-Poopers

I hope you enjoyed the title, because that's where the fun ends.
(Official episode title: "Deadly Attack." That's not fun at all!)

- Fidel and Selma prepare to say goodbye to their home and friends by planning a going-away party.

- Lucio and Camilo set Sara up with a wedding planner to keep her distracted while they plan their totally nonviolent, lightning-fast, surgical strike on Fidel's place to get Julia.

- Julia tries to get Ximena to attend Fidel's going-away party. She is unsuccessful, but a follow-up visit from Yago changes Ximena's mind.

- Katia is allowed to make a supervised phone call to warn about an attack, but no one picks up the phone.

- At the party, Abel asks Julia to marry him, and she accepts.

- The nonviolent, lightning-fast, surgical strike on Fidel's place is a totally sloppy bloodbath from the get-go. It takes forever, and Selma is killed.

- Fidel finds Camilo crying over Selma's body. They struggle, and Camilo shoots Fidel. Julia sees her dead parents and is grabbed by Hernan.

The blow-by-blow: BELOW
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Tres Veces Ana # 82 - Finally face-to-face with the three faced woman and a man with no face

Our ever scheming Ana Le figures it’s not very convenient for Santicelo in either of his incarnations to meet with Ev, especially in light of all this info she recently received on Ev’ involvement in all of her beeswax, so she asks Abue to exclude her marido from this conversation. Abue could go either way, as she reasons perhaps it could jolt Marcelo’s memory and suddenly Santicelo appears from behind in his Marcelo updo. He heard Ev’s name being mentioned and Erni is pleasantly surprised he remembers Ev. Marcelo says it’s a great idea to invite Ev and incidentally he is remembering a lot of things, like the fact that he found out Ana Lu was alive and to stop him from delivering that news, someone orchestrated this accident. When he finds out the culprit, he will have no mercy on them. (Incidentally, he is speaking to Erni with a familiar ‘tu’). Ana Le looks like she wishes she had a strong drink nearby or someone to push off the building to calm her nerves.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sueño de amor #114 Wed. 8/24/16 "Ricardo Shows He is Just a Schmuck in More Ways Than One"

So, we will start with where we ended: Esperanza finally being forgiven by Ricardo the schmuck. He finally asks how her health is. She is in remission but not "free" yet: she still has some chemotherapy and viral therapy to complete. Ernesto and Pedro were the ones who researched the viral therapy. The doctors have no idea how she is in remission. Eventhough Ricardo the schmuck knows he has no right to ask, he does anyway: is she still planning on marrying Ernesto?

At the hospital, Cristina is still crying and talking with Margarita in the cafeteria. The upsetting topic is what Esperanza did to protect Ricardo and now he protected her from the bullet. The meaning from that is that either one was willing to sacrifice their life for the other. Margarita admits that is a huge kind of love to have. Cristina wonders how she can compete with that.

Esperanza fills in Ricardo about Ernesto's 20% operational kidney and how they have not talked about getting married since they called the priest to her death bed. He needs a transplant soon or he might die. Ricardo the schmuck asks her if she loves Ernesto. That does not sit well with Esperanza. If Ricardo is so sure about his marrying Cristina, why is he asking another woman about her marriage plans? Ricardo the schmuck apologizes saying he should not have gone there; it is just that he never understood the whole Ernesto thing. How she could kick him out of her life but forgive a man she hated? Ricardo the schmuck only had her come to tell her he owes his life to her and he thanks her. Esperanza tells him he owes her nothing and thanks him again for forgiving her but adds that she should not be there. Cristina his future wife should be there and she leaves.
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Narcos Capitulo #2, August 23, 2016 : Violence galore

[Some scenes may get merged]

Steve&Connie have just got on a flight for Columbia. On their way there they notice the Bahamas. It's quite an adoring window site (I especially like the filming and locations in this show. They feel very fresh.) . When the couple arrived to Columbia they ran into a lot of issues as they lacked the papers for a cat. The flight assistant was obviously bought. He called in for his boss and the scheme was on. They waited hours and hours until the boss let them through but that didn't come without a price. He scanned Steve's documents and sent them to Poison.

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Yago #58: White Lies and Truth Serum

As she’s being kidnapped by Hernan, bound and gagged and stuffed in the trunk of his car, Selma recalls how her relationship with Fidel began. She was Camilo’s girlfriend, but she was in love with his married BFF Fidel and was fighting the mutual attraction. She tells us that she knew choosing Fidel over Camilo would have consequences, but she preferred to die at Fidel’s side than to live at Camilo’s.

At Casa Guerrero, Yomar and the family fret about why Camilo is targeting them (taking away Jonas’ recent furniture contract) and if he knows Yago is Omar. Yomar thinks this could be the case, and everyone panics. He then admits to them that Sara knows his real identity, which sends them into a tizzy, as they are sure she betrayed him and told Camilo. Yomar doesn’t think so, and Sara comes over and pleads her case. She swears she will never betray Yomar again like she did in the past. She doesn’t think that Camilo knows Yomar’s real identity, because surely he would have already done something more serious to them...

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Tres Veces Ana #81 - Convincers and Convicters, but still no victors

Color Guide:
*Intro in Red
*Reader Reactions in Blue
*Name Key at bottom of the Recap

Before we begin, I know we've abandoned some tables here on the patio recently. Looks like we're going to abandon some more, I'll just place these here *sits a barrel of tomatoes in front of Viewerville*. 

Los tomatos de los nefarzos

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Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #113 (MEX #114, #115). Tuesday August 23, 2016. Darn You, Kracy, You Had One Job!

I'm a rational being, get me out of here!
At a glance

-- He lives! That rascal!
-- It appears that the geniuses at Looneyvision got scissor-happy again and are doing some creative editing to this creative show. They smushed two episodes together, #114 and #115 as per the Mexican broadcast. Recapper Jarifa has kindly contributed a summary for Episode #115, added at the end.

A closer look

In our wearisome and most loathed Sueñolandia, a severe case of nuptialsus interruptus is underway. We now know why Cristina Vélez Valderrama (CVV) chose an all-white color palette for her wedding: Camouflage. This is the only way we can explain why trigger-happy Kracy missed her shot at such a short distance and ended up getting Ricardolt in the shoulder instead of right between the eyes. Esperanza using her one-true-love as a human shield didn’t help either. It also seemed as if Tricky Ricky deliberately chose to shield Esperanza with his body instead of protecting his stunning bride; partly out of love and partly because he needed more cushion for the fall. 

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Narcos Capitulo #1, August 22,2016:The harsh beginnings

We are shown a glimpse of Colombia in the past and it's magical realism.The narrator begins: "Nowadays the U.S government can spy on everyone they want. You come near a computer or a a cellphone, you're doomed. But back in Colombia 1989 there was no Internet , no GPS. Only the rich could afford the seemingly untraceable satellites phones like landowners, politicians but especially the Narcos."

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Yago Capitulo 57 August 22 2016: The return of Sauron

We begin our intense episode with a flashback. Sara, just about standing before the court entrance  finally admits that she is not a victim at all but no one can choose their destiny. It's difficult to pick between your future spouse or your sickly sister. She should have picked both! Right when Sara wanted to exit Damian grabbed her, forbidding her to leave. The snake eyed Damian reminds her that all fingers point at her. The court needs a guilty person and that can't be Sara right? The whole charade is later revealed to be Camilo's plan to marry Sara. He gives Sara some cursed wedding ring. He will marry her even if Sara said that she'll drag Camilo into the abyss, it's a risk worth taking. Sara pretends to accept it. Camilo also ordered someone to take pictures of Sara&Camilo

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 27 (Aug 23, 2016)

ARE WE THERE YET? ALMOST. TELL US IT ISN’T TRUE. (Continued on the first comment.)


Tres Veces Ana - #80 - Next time please serve Valium at your party!

We start this perfect length episode (with an added bonus of no repeat scenes!) with Ana Le rudely inquiring if stunned Sole is mute or deaf, or neither, in which case would she please answer her question on Viridiana’s whereabouts. Sole manages to mumble something on Viri being right back. Ana Le wants to know Sole’s position here – it is seamstress. Yes, that is obvious, contemptuously spits out Ana Le. Sole is offered sweet relief from this most unexpected company when Viri comes out, and Ana Le runs out to congratulate her. Sole scurries away to worry in the backroom in front of Ceci. She is trembling and in a whiny voice proclaims that she has a bad feeling, and wants to go home to her daughter.

With Sole out of their earshot, Ana Le wants to know if this seamstress is any good, and if she is, Viri must send her along with the dress to make it fit just right, since all that money was paid by Tio to make Ana Le happy. (I would probably not be remiss in my estimation that the entire viewership of this TN would like to offer a suggestion to take a pair of scissors to this dress to make it really stand out…or stand down.) Viridiana calls Ana Le out on making TioM spend so much money on this dress. Ana Le uses this opportunity to bring up Claudia, who was bidding against them, and since TioM had a past with her, he was trying to outbid. Viri somehow looks like she has Ana Le’s number.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 112 (8.22.16) Esperanza suffers Aquimichú syndrome: One step forward, two steps back

We start this episode with Ricardo telling Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of the education, the reasons why he left Esperanza 21 years ago. We will never have the whole story, because he partially reveals that he did it because of his father, who died anyway, so his effort was in vain. Poor Ricardo.

Then, like in the truth or dare game, CVV reveals that her mother is alive and kicking in USA. We all know her father died of lung cancer. Why is her mother not coming to the wedding, is she illegal also and can not leave the county? Poor Cristinita.

In the Guerrero's household, Esperanza and her daughter discuss Ernesto's kidney's problems. Since he is reluctant to accept the girl's organ, Patricia has an idea to make him take it. Looks like these women like to decide what is best for everybody else except themselves.
Your father is a saint, says Espy, he prefers to die before taking your kidney.
He is so noble, right?
-But mapa, I am ready to donate my kidney for love. Love is everything!
-Well, and if you're right and love is everything, why is he rejecting me? You know that I can not leave him, after all he did for me. 
-This is the same you did to Ricardo, remember? It's called karma, viatch!
-And I can not keep insisting with Ricardo either. I need to get away from them.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 22, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana**
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**
Note that there are three newly added novelas in the daytime lineup.  Here are one-line descriptions of each: Más Sabe el Diablo: a young man whose life is filled with bad decisions falls in love with a forbidden woman.  Império:  José Alfredo, head of an international jewelry network, will do anything to keep his power.  Tormenta de Pasiones: A family's life will change forever when the husband's infidelity is discovered. 
**Also, be aware that the three evening novelas will be preempted this Thursday, August 25, by the Telemundo awards show Premios Tu Mundo.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #78/79: Altered Egos OR Facing The Hiss Pitting Image

  While Iñaki and Santiago get good and snakkered (I love this Norwegian-based term, snakker=talking/speaking) on two bottles of a most expensive brand of tequila, discussing the vices and virtues of Ana Leticia versus Ana Lucia, Ana MiMi has a major meltdown over her missing Marcelo whom she believes must be in his mistress’s arms.  Ana Not-So-Lucky, meanwhile, is examining SanMarco’s wedding ring and musing the meaning of the inscription: Ana Leticia.  “--Must be his wife’s name.”  (Ding-ding-ding!!!) And, Orlando, as usual, is sticking his obnoxious and greasy oar in where it is not wanted.
  Orly begins bugging NSLucky about the wife and unskillfully points out how perfect people at Danzaire think they are as a couple.  That’s only for the particular performance.  He doesn’t get it.  “—Not all taxis that pass by are free.  His has a passenger in it already.”  (Apt yeah but he doesn’t stop there.)  He inserts himself as the best alternative to Mr. Alter-Ego.  (As Hubby always tells me, even the ugliest man thinks himself an alpha-male, totally irresistible if only the woman involved would remove her blinders.  –In his case, I’d rather keep them on.) The only thing of interest for Ana NSL is that he mentions he knows who Ana Leticia is-and Orly plays his hand pitifully, if not pitiably.
  Yaki and SanMarco discuss Ana NSL taking his ring from him and putting him in Dutch with her sister for “losing” it.  He cannot go home now.  Listen to me, says Yaki, I don’t sermonize like Ramiro, but I give you decent advice.  SanMarco wants to follow it and grab Ana Lucia and just go to places unknown for the rest of their lives, he says, but he’s got nothing to offer her.  Besides, they’d be fugitives for life, especially as there’s still somebody out there looking for him.  Not a life she deserves, ya know?  Marcelo needs his revenge, though, and is who shows up when he's in need of an answer.  Darn it all.....

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Narcos Synopsis and Characters :Gran Estreno Monday, August 22 2016

Start Date and Time Slot: August 22nd, 10pm, replacing the 2nd hour of Tres Veces Ana for 2 weeks as the show only has 10 episodes.

If anyone desires to recap alongside me let me know in the comments below. You can also contact me at this email

Plot Summary: Set and filmed in Colombia, Season 1 tells the story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities.


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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, Fifth Edition

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to point out severe fashion felonies, you can always count on the staff of your established fashion -- and gossip -- magazines to point fingers and name names.  

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Sueno de amor, #101, Friday All talk and no play

For those of you who thought that this was going to be an action packed episode, there is nothing for you to see here. But for those who hoped they would be subjected to another never ending episode with people having the same conversations over and over again, then you are in the right spot.
Get a chair, make yourself comfortable and let the talking begin.
(scene have been combined, for better flow)

The hors d'oeuvre are so tasty, but who cares about them?

We open the episode on Cristina and Ricardo fighting over the other woman the walking dead the wedding menu. She can see that he's showing to much "hate" for it not to be hiding some leftover feelings of love. So, are they going to get married or not? Ricardo denies everything, he's even upset that she would doubt him after all that he has done to show him his love for her.
The wedding planner drops by in between their fighting, and even whispers at one moment that there might not be a wedding because of all this mess. Cristina doesn't appreciate the interruption, but her mind is set on figuring out what's going on in Ricardo's head. She finds it hard to believe that he would remain indifferent to Esperanza's love. She asks him to look her straight in the eye and promise that he wants to marry her because of love, and not because he committed to it and he promised to the kids.
He swears he loves her and only her. She cries from relief and they kiss, but I'm still having a bad feeling about this. He's very believable and I'm sure that he truly believes what he's saying, but the Patio knows better.

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Yago Capitulo 56: We're going home

We have finally found Hernan's shoe benefactor!

We begin our episode with Hernan's point of view of the last night's cliffhanger scene. As Teo&Romo begin their mission , Teo receives a call from Katia. Teo tells her that he is coming so Teo rushes Romo into the bathroom. He urges Romo to collaborate. As Teo leaves Hernan sneaks from behind and enters the bathroom. Hernan chokes Romo to death while describing the laws of Nature. 

Meanwhile Lucio is gleefully presenting his new multimillionaire  project. Yago is getting impatient. Abel think's Lucio's just bluffing since that's part of his nature but Yago believes it's serious this time. Abel goes to look for Romo and he get's himself quite a prey in Hernan. Abel cuts two of Hernan's fingers to avenge Ambar but to his surprise Hernan doesn't feel any pain at all. Some girl interrupts them and Hernan get's away. Abel puffs and huffs tossing Hernan's finger to the ground and spits into his ketchup filled hands. 

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 2d Half

Luis has Pedrito in his clutches and is now going after Fernanda. He’s planning to travel under false passports with the baby’s name changed to Luis and his daughter as Luisa.  (Is there an egotist in the house?) Fernanda is not going to go willingly, just because he’s her bio-dad.

The only way she'd ever go with him will be for Luis to threaten her with never seeing her son again. (It’s not speculation, it’s a Sherlockian deduction—thanks, David.) What an agonizing decision for a young mother to make—leave the whole family she’s grown so close to and supports her, the love of her life, a bright future (in charitable works, not artistic excellence) in order to be reunited with her son and have to live with someone she's hated (although she was making inroads in her own mind to forgive him—but not necessarily love him) in a country and culture far away from where she belongs. Ay de mi. What a dilemma for us to have to watch in the last week of our travels on the Camino as it brings us nearer the Boda at the End of the Road.


New Telenovelas/Series Coming to Univision- Aug/Sept 2016

Hola Amigos!

Here’s an update on some changes coming in the next few weeks to Univision’s lineup, if you haven’t already seen the ads. Three new shows are coming our way. Two of them are not so new, as one is a popular telenovela that aired in Mexico in 2014, and the other already aired as a Netflix series last year. Keep in mind that Univision has been known to change its mind often, and last minute. No word yet on if Uni still plans to split Tres Veces Ana into 2 seasons (temporadas), but it seems they don't. If you would like to recap any of these new shows, please let Blog Mom/Jane/Melinama know.  Let’s go in order of Univision start dates…
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Tres Veces Ana # 76 and 77

Recap by Sneaky: 

Skipping the rehash
TioM and Old Flame meet up at lunch and chat inconsequentially.
Evaristo and Ramiro are still looking at the wall o’ graves, ‘two people here died for you, you should feel bad oh and don’t forget I can find you anytime’ Ev says. Ram gives Ev the side eye and heads out.

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 15, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current novelas are the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 110 (8.18.16) If you love him set him free, if he doesn't come back, GO GET HIM!!

A quien le dan pan que llore!
We start this episode with Cristina Vélez Valderrama and Espy talking about Ricardo. What else?
Since CVV thinks she still loves him, she needs to know the ground she is on. 
Esperanza, a known flipflopper, replies this time that despite still loving him too, she is no longer interested in him. My word is my bond and I am now with Erny.
She should put that in writing, sign it, and seal it with a Notary Public, because we know how often she makes bad decisions and then she reverses everything always for her convenience.
The card on Espy's sleeve is that argument that even when she no longer wants Ricardo, "she is not responsible of what he feels" meaning, I don't want it, but if he comes to me I will take it! After all, 20 years are 20 years!
Let's synchronize our feelings, I love him and you don't, ok?
OK, you are sure. Yes.
Is that your final answer? Yes.
You will not think you are dying again and change your mind AGAIN. Yes, I mean no.
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