Friday, March 21, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #77 3/21/14

xlnt, did you say you were having issues with Univision's broadcast or was it someone else? Tonight's episode kept freezing and pixelating. It was a little frustrating. Just my cable company or is it from Uni's end? 

Borlas explains that the death during the robbery was an accident.

Gonzo calls Javier for further instructions, but gets the voicemail.

Ara tells Art and Isa that Este got the ransom money from work, but Angelito still hasn't been returned. Isa is going to light a candle for the child's safe return. 

Mau and Andy in the House of Tsuris. Andy fears she will never see Angel again. 

Borlas and Dan arrive at the wharehouse. 

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #10- Fri 3/21

De que la descubrieron, la descubrieron

Carmen gets cuffed, which triggers a melee assault by the entire family.  Wow!  The kid playing Lupita is doing a fabulous job…red in the face and everything.  Eleazar doesn't help when he tells the kids their mom has "committed a crime."  Dude, yeah, you found drugs in her bag, but that doesn't automatically mean she had anything to do with it.  Diego shows up and sees Natalia, et al, arguing with the cops who were assigned to make sure they didn't bust their mom out.  Diego tries to help when he sees Natalia on the verge of getting cuffed, but she screams at him that he's bad news.  The Garcias take advantage of Diego providing this distraction and make a run for it, but the car they've packed Carmen into is already taking off.  Diego gets the precinct number and runs for his car.

Vicente makes an oily-sounding call to the bank to have them drop the charges against Irene.  Vicente and Irene get into yet another fight at the car and he ends up leaving her in the middle of the street.
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Que Pobres tan Ricos #54 Mar 21, 2014... Leo gets a job... The romance continues... and A-hole's rage boils over, he makes threats against Mini and MA's life

Hi Folks.
I will have to appologize. My DVDR choked on me and deleted all the programmed series to record. I got home from my event in time to watch the last 40 mins so i could do that part of the recap. If anyone can summarize the first 40 mins, you can post it as a comment and I will add it in, or email it to me and I can add it in in the morning.

Leo has agreed to teach Diego, gets money in advance. Leo expects Diego to have at least minimum appreciation for art... Never interrupt the teacher.

Diego seems a bit uncomfortable... Leo says you need to observe the expressions of the human being... Mati is bored yawning.

Leo tells Diego you have to recognize your 'inclinations'(desires/expectations) ... Diego looks again confused... when he begins to try to voice his 'inclinations' Leo interrupts him..
When Leo 'finishes' the first class session, Diego feels like hugging him but then taps Leo on arm... Leo shows his first 'salary' as art teacher to Mati so proudly.  Mati says you brag so much and totally miss the important things in life.

A-hole calls Vilma, she has been investigating Tato. She tells him if your wife is cheating on you with this Tato, she must be blind.  This inflates A-hole's ego very well. She gets another call, she puts A-hole on hold, which he does not like one iota and lets her know.
The other call was the 'lab' to give her the report on who has been messing up with A-hole's laptop. A-hole summons her to get that report to him asap.

Isela and Mini are shopping for baby stuff. Isela is pointing to everything in the store, while Mini is shopping via phone for the hidden far away lovenest she will take MA to.
Isela tells Mini she will get the baby monitors, tells Mini wish she had a pair of those, so she would not have to watch Mini so closely.
The store clerk is losing patience with Isela, Isela says let me think! ... she even asks the store clerk to get her a giant kite that is hanging off the roof.

MA is looking for the polo stick around the room. Leo keeps whining about the room, would die if we don't make this prettier. Mati says it is pretty.  MA tells Leo since you are such an artist, why don't you take care of decor? Leo says will attempt to create a miracle.
Mati tells MA that his grandpa did see him play. MA did not know Aure ever watched him play. he is moved.

Vilma arrives at A-hole's and lets him know that yes, someone had been copying the files on his laptop. A-hole is very VERY anxious about the subject. Vilma says fortunately they did not access the encrypted files.
A-hole thinks Mini is trying to get more money from him. Perhaps to spend with her lover (or lovers). what if she is cheating on him again with her ex, MA.
A-hole reminds Vilma that when Mini was dating MA, she was cheating on him with A-hole. So she could be turning it around.
Ahole gets a gun, Vilma gets really nervous, says 'guys are loaded by the devil, put it down!'... this gun has the largest silencer i have ever seen! looks like a bazooka.
A-hole swears he will kill whoever Mini is cheating with, then when the baby is born he will kill Mini. HE swears he will find out the truth and will not allow Mini to mock him. Will kill them both.

MA calls Saul, wants to talk about the house papers again, no time to explain over phone, (MA again has the offensive attitude toward Saul)

Frida and AS very 'discreeeetely' arrive to the college financial offices to have AS sign for Frida's application for the scholarship.
AS asks the lady 'we have to be super discreete... and lets get this done quick. where do I sign? ' the woman says applying for a scholarship is no felony. AS says yes it is.

MA finds the polo stick and when he takes it to Emi's room he finds some of Leo's drawings...
Emi happy with the stick. MA takes the time to teach him some moves with the stick.
MA tells him maybe some day he will be a great player. they talk about a famous player.
Emi wishes that someday MA will play again and Emi can watch him.
MA is about to ask Emi about the drawings but changes his mind.

MA comes down and tells Lupe he has to go see Saul. They share sweet smiles. MA leaves. Carmelita tells Lupe she enjoys watching their vibe...
She tells Lupe don't know how long it will take for everyone else to catch up but the two of you look so cute together.
Lupe tells her she does not know what MA feels for her. Carmelita says beloney girl, anyone only needs to see your faces when you two look at each other.
What they need is to find a way to announce their romance officially.

Previews: Mini is obsessed, tells MA will take you where noone will find us. Lupe seems to get another jealousy rage talking to Carmelita... maybe another misunderstanding.

Mini gets her hands on MA... she is undressing, A-hole watches from outside... with gun at hand.


Weekend Discussion: Reality Check

Novela writers, we are talking to you!

While we are forever comparing telenovelas to fairy tales, they are set in real places with real names and are populated with characters who have careers and jobs that exist in the real world of today or yesteryear. Please get a little more real about their lives, their work, and their problems.

Your audience is not a bunch of ignorant peasants who know nothing of medicine, law enforcement, business, or money. When something happens to those things, we know there are consequences and you aren't giving the right ones.

A family whose finances are going down the drain doesn't keep a full staff of servants in the real world. They reduce their staff, sell the mansion, and buy something smaller. And in the 21st century they work.

There are no medical professionals who are psychiatrists, pediatricians, and cardiologists at the same time. Stop insulting our intelligence about this.

The same goes for the idea of identical twins coming in pairs of good and evil. That doesn't happen in the real world when they grow up together.  This was based on old superstitions that nobody believes in anymore.

Private investigators need sleep; they can't work 24/7 any more than anyone else. If following someone they need shifts of at least four people to avoid being caught. Nobody in that field would do otherwise.

When too much evil is happening from all directions, smart people don't just blame mala suerte; they look for a common factor.

My amigos will have more to add. Please read this and take it to heart.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #53- 3/20/14: The AS Explanation? Porca Miseria!

Hola Amiguis! There were some home truths this evening for some of these characters. Want to know more? Please read on.

We begin with the telephone convo of Saul and MA and his meeting with Ahole. Ahole knows that AS and Leo are in Mexico, but thinks that MA is in Italia. He has no clue that MA is in Mexico. Saul tells MA how AS and Leo lived like kings while they were gone at the luxury hotel they were staying in and Saul fills him on the bill, but we don't get to hear what is said. Mati comes by while MA is hanging up and remarks on the stunned look on his face, she hopes he didn't get bad news from his lawyer. MA tells her no worries.

Tizoc and Deigo are in the Fonda talking when Frida comes and it seems she is flirting with him a bit especially about how he had no problem picking up the mattress, but Tizoc had a hard time. Deigo looks like he's into Frida, and Perla stops by and doesn't like it so much. She pushes Frida out of the way and Tizoc has a scowl on his face.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 92 - 3/20/14 - Danse Macabre

Danse Macabre

Death Stalks the Arechiga’s

Joaquin has just finished writing a suicide note at Pedro Medina’s request. He sobs. But he hides the pen he used to write the note and takes it with him.

At the hospital, JL tells Angelica that he didn’t know that this situation was going to be this hard. She reminds him that when they got married the doctors did not give her much time and here she still is, without their ghastly treatments. JL wants Angelica to go ahead and have the treatments but Angie tells him that if he really loves her he will get her out of the hospital now. She wants to die at home in her bed in his arms. She refuses treatment. Jl gives the news to Amalia and admits he loves (amar) Angelica, mucho, muchisimo. Amalia hugs him, grateful, but very sad. Angelica wakes up and tells Amalia that she wants Jose Luis to take her to the prison to see her Dad. Amalia asks her why she would want to see him when he has treated her so badly but she reminds her Mom that Joaquin is her Dada and she loves him. Besides, he is speaking all kinds of lies and blaming Alejandro for things he didn’t do. She thinks if she speaks to her she can convince him to tell the truth.

Angie also drops the bomb on her Mom that she bought the strip club, La Escondida, and that she danced there in a private dance for her husband. Amalia is shocked but secretly amused. Angie tells Amalia that JL is now in love with her. Big L love. It is very different than before. She thinks he loves her as much as she loves him.

Houses of Living Death

In the prison yard in the hot sun, Alejandro looks very fetching in his khaki prison duds. Naturally they have been tailored to fit his manly form. He looks FABULOUS. Joaquin Arechiga, not so much.  As the prison guards escort Joaquin past Alejandro, even his paunch seems diminished. Alejandro can only think of one thing; did Arechiga change his mind about writing a letter that would clear Alejandro Almonte from charges of drug trafficking? Alejandro screams to Joaquin that he is innocent. Joaquin must write a letter that clears his name! Do not rob Alejandro of his life! Alejandro pounds the stone wall of the prison yard in frustration.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #9- Thurs 3/20

De que cayó en la trampa, cayó en la trampa

Ugh…The Shrimp starts moving around Natalia to get a look from all angles.  He puts his arm around her and says they should talk salary over lunch.  Natalia thanks him, but says she doesn't think she's right for the job.  Run, Natalia, run!

Tadeo thought bubbles that he had a child with Irene.  He calls her at the house, but Lala says she's resting.  She goes upstairs and tells Irene that Tad called.  Irene, playing with the rose quartz, says Lala did the right thing, telling him she wasn't available.

Natalia tells her mom Carlos' buddy was a perv, so she turned the job down.  She doesn't want her mom to make a fuss.  She's going to call her boss' friend with the Internet café.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #76- March 20, 2014- My Money is Tied Up, Angel is Tied Up, Art and Bruno Are Fit to Be Tied so Why Does Feo/Javier Still Roam Freely?

Happy Spring!!!!!

Online episodes 102 and 103- deleted scenes are in blue.

Dante calls Javier to tell him that here are big time financial problems at the house. Money was robbed from Bruno and Art by a consultant. Nick is blamed for robbing the money but Javier is the mastermind. Oh anvil, oh anvil, please drop as fast as you can. This bum needs to be squished! 
Tita is looking for Bruno and Ally lets he know that he is with a lawyer.  "Nick" robbed a sizable sum of money from the company. Caigamos en oracion!
Fab shares with Sucia that he feels good that his dad, Osvy knows that he is married.  He is going to officially move into the love nest with Sucia.  No one is going to take Sucia's happiness from her, so she has to find and get rid of Cuca like yesterday!!!  
Dan is praying to get over Marianela.  Marianela is nervous and scared because she will start school tomorrow (Thank you, Tita and then she will be so much easier to understand when she speaks, neta?). Zenaida gives her a pep talk.  She will look cute in her uniform (that will cover her belly) and she will able to learn just like all of the other girls.
Ara tells Lucha that she sold her car to be able to help Este. Lucha tells Ara that she overheard Bruno and Art talking about financial problems.  Isa tells Ara that Art has serious money problems and can't help Andrea and Mau.

Ara goes to see Este and gives him the money from the sale of her car.  Este can't accept the money but Ara lets him know that with the money problems at Iakani, Art can't give Mau the money that he promised him and sadly he has to tell him.
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I pinky swear, this is the last favor I'll ever ask you for... Lo que la vida me Robo 91 March. 19th.2014

Ah, friends in the patio, have a seat, make yourselves comfortable as I tell you a tale, a tale about a bad, bad man named Pedro Mendoza, his crimes are many, his testicles few and word on the street is that he has no heart, personally I think he suffers from chronic constipation-this would explain the way he talks, maybe this medical condition is the reason that he is a bad, bad boy. We will come back to Pedro soon, I promise.

However, first we will talk about Fabiola, a woman that has many problems,she hits the bottle hard, if you know what I mean, and she also has a terrible hair cut, frankly I'm more concerned about her bad hair than I am about her drinking problem, I mean, who needs a working liver when you look like that? Anyhoo, she has just bullied poor Amelia into telling her the truth: her parents adopted her and she realizes that that's why her uncle left her alone at a foreign boarding school, he did not love her because she did not have his blood running through her veins, little does she know that she is actually his daughter. Fabiola throws a fit, which prevents poor Amelia from running after Virginia, her often over looked and neglected daughter. This will have serious consequences, as poor Virginia runs into Adolfo, who takes her home, drugs her with the help of Maria and takes staged photos of her tied up in the living room, the photos will be sent to bad boy Pedro who will use them in order to blackmail her father.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 3/19/14 (#52): Up on the Roof

Frida, the sarcastically-dubbed Princess of the Proletariat, "debates" with JT, the self-proclaimed naco, in front of his friends. This "debate" would be best described as inane class-baiting. Sex would probably be more fun, but I guess they're not there yet.

Lupe tells Carmelita about the roof incident (which was, in fact, not a fever-induced hallucination after all, even though I would have put money on it yesterday). Why does Carmelita make that hourglass-shape in the air when she talks about Miguel Angel? That shape is usually associated with women. Whatever. Lupe says MA floats her boat like no one else ever has.

Nepo shows up with a very large bouquet of roses (suspiciously similar to the one Beto was supposed to get rid of last week at the country club) to apologize to Lupe. Lupe is really frustrated with him for acting as though nothing happened. "I know how women are," he says. They're always changing their minds. He's patient. He'll wait. This will all blow over in a few weeks.

Nepo keeps saying, "I don't want to pressure you." I wonder what he thinks "pressure" means?
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #8- Wed 3/19

De que hay revelaciones, hay revelaciones

Diana succeeds in passing off the Sexter as her "favorite" cousin.  For now.  Alonso covers up the reason for their visit, saying he needs a "fiador" (guarantor, cosigner) for his new place.

Carlos takes Carmen out to the middle of nowhere in the truck and tries to get fresh with her in the bed of the truck.  When she won't give up the goods, he proposes.  He brought a ring and everything.

Alonso and Alberto spout a bunch nonsense at each other about not noticing the Sexter was gay.  Right.  Cause you can tell just by looking.

Grumpy Grandpa shows Diego the photos and tells him he paid the bribe to prove to him how much trouble his aunt is.  They repeat the previous day's argument.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #75- 48 Hours and Its Not a Comedy- March 19, 2014

Let's discuss tonight's episode-
  • Javier reminds Sucia that her marriage is a farce and she belongs to him. Ewwwww!
  • Este asks Methulusah and Gonzo for help in raising the ransom for his brother.  Meth and Gonzo play stupid and lend him nothing.  Gonzo tries to scam Este saying that he knows where Meth keeps money, he will get the money and Este can pay it back in a month.  Este isn't buying it.
  • Isa confronts Daphne about going away with some friends.  Daphne comes up with a cockamamie tale as to why she rented the house and asks Isa why is she speaking to her in that tone.  Daphne tries to blame Isa for lying in first place saying since Isa doesn't accept Este being with her, therefore she wouldn't accept Angel.  Isa tells her that Este doesn't love her the way that she does and if she goes to the next level she will be hurt.  Daphne plays Isa in front of Art and lies like a rug and Art buys it.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #73- Taken a la Novela Style - March 18, 2014

Recap by Corazon Salvaje
-FeVer and Gabs are in a restaurant triggering my gag reflex. She apologizes for being rotten before and says she likes his 5 o'clock shadow. He asks gray hairs and all? She say yes to the gray hairs and all! (Aside from tossing my cookies, I have no idea how to react to that. I just hope there is no coitus between the 2. Thank God Gabs is prego and is moral enough to not have sexy time while so.) FeVer asks if they should order one dessert for 2 and Gabs just worries about the portion size. She just lets him order and he butters her up some more to the point where he kisses her on the head. (You know, Gabs was the firts one in this novela to dislike FeVer and here she is drooling over his gray facial hair and compliments. If this whole scene isn't desecration of a character, I have no idea what it.)
-Tita is scolding Bronce Mari for coming home late and tells her that she could have been notified at least! BM apologizes but Tita is still firm; Tita reminds her she still lives under Tita's roof and BM doesn't self-command herself. Don't let it happen again, you understand?
-Borlas and DannyBoy (who isn't wearing a button-down that reveals his hairy chest) are eating and talking. Borlas lets him know he told Bronce Mari everything and she forgave him. That's good. They begin discussing school and DannyBoy is going to look for application to community college(s). Borlas felicitates him and DB is off to sleep.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó #90, 3/18/14: Mothers and Daughters -- A Cosmic Crapshoot

In this fairytale of ours, Angélica wished for three things:

-- A chance to cut loose and be a little naughty.  
-- Real passion -- she wanted José Luis to love her in every sense of the word. 
-- To die on her on terms, far from desperate eleventh hour interventions.

The first two wishes come true tonight.  As for the third... 

No thanks, I'm just looking.
Pedro Medina watches as his favorite program comes to a stirring climax.  He sucks contentedly on his pipe.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos Tues 3.18, #52 ... Who needs chicken broth when you can have kisses, hugs and fireworks as treatment for high fever

Nepo/Diego… Diego about to get sick from his dad’s ‘breath aroma’. Again Diego leaves him alone and he listens to ‘que voy a hacer’… and keeps on drinking tequila.

That same night, at the fonda…

MA and Chuy admiring the finished work. MA thanks Chuy for the help. ‘acerquese a mi calor’ CHuy invites a hug. We have never got along that much but I know you are a good man. That is why I feel like giving you one good advice. All that bad vibe you have around you would end if you were willing to find a good woman to share your life with… the bad, the good, the hard and the mature (las malas, las buenas, las duras y las maduras)… when you fall in love you are willing to share in the good and the bad. In my good days the girls would follow me around everywhere. I did my best to fill the gigolo role. But one day my Marcelita came along. She changed my life… After that I did not want to take a step without her. I loved her lots until God decided to take her with him. And I love her still. MA asks Chuy how did you know she was the one? The heart will remind you every day. And her face will be in your head all day. You will feel happy when you are with her. And then you will realize you are helplessly in love. Chuy says good night… enjoy the cold… MA thanks him again… I don’t get it when you talk your slang… something about Guadalupe’s belly button… ah!

Morning, MA is fixing coffee in kitchen. Lupe comes down, she I surprised he got up so early. He says he did not go to sleep. MA asks her if she spent the night thinking of her fiancée. Lupe gives him the news she is not dating Nepo anymore. MA surprised, nada de nada de nada? (MA gestures/shrieks happily) MA asks her if she wants some coffee with a technique of chocolate? Lupe ends up accepting … then MA burns himself. Lupe puts egg on his hand and he asks why. MA says he would not mind if someone beat him up in the ring but he would do anything to hear her laugh. These two get along so well… I love it!
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #7- Tue 3/18

De que sabe encubrir sus maldades, los sabe encubrir!

Grumpy Grandpa hands over what he says is a sizeable check, but Natalia tears it up and tells him he and his creepy grandson can both stuff it!  Brigitte thinks that was a stupid move, but then, she's Brigitte.

Carlos steals Carmen from the fonda with her sons'  blessing.  He shows her the house he's thinking of buying, to get her approval.  Carmen loves the house (that staircase looks familiar…what house is this?  The one from Al Diablo Con Los Guapos?  The kitchen looks familiar, too.) but thinks it's too big for one person.  Carlos, of course, intends the house to be for ALL of them.

Back at the office, Karina is having a hard time with things like the difference between sales reports and purchase reports.  Yeah.  That's a stumper.  Grumpy Grandpa tells Diego about his visit, which he of course justifies because Diego is an immature idiot who needs someone to clean up his messes.  The immature idiot storms out of the office after giving Karina some lip about it.
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Lo Quel la Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 89. 03/17/14

Pedro tells Samuel to get with the program or he’ll regret it.

A guard gives Joaquin a knife curiosity of Pedro for protection.  Up walks Samuel gripping about the trap Joaquin put him in.  Some other prisoners grab him and starting hitting him and holding him back.  Samuel threatens to kill Joaquin but Joaquin disagrees and says that ain’t happening and shanks Samuel.
Ale is lead in to register for this stay at the prison.  When asked what he’s in for, he’s forced to say drug trafficking by EZ.  EZ then leads Ale to another room to take off his jewelry but we don’t get to see him take off his shirt.  He’s then in his prison garb and stops to pose for pictures.  EZ then leads him to his cell.

Amelia tries to force Virginia out of bed to bathe and perhaps grab a bite to eat out.  Virginia wants to visit her dad, but Amelia forbids it.  It’s not a place for a lady like her to visit.  She reminds Virginia that her dad lied to them all and made his fortune drug trafficking.  He also turned his back on his dying daughter and for that she will never forgive him.  Virginia doesn’t care and throws Amelia out of her room. 
Esme and Angel are picking out what Angel will wear for the magical evening.  Angel doesn’t want JL to know she’s owner of the swanky club aka “El Escondido”.  An urgent knock on the door and its Montse looking for JL.  Because of him, her baby daddy is in jail.  Angel defends JL and says he’s only trying to help Ale but Montse ain’t buying it. She’s convinced JL, Pedro and Joaquin are in cahoots to bring down the mighty Ale.  She decides to go see Pedro and Angel accompanies her. 

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Por Siempre Ni Amor #72 US 3/17/2014 Chihuahua Fight!!!

Happy Tuesday! I thought this was pretty funny:

I post this recap with a caveat: For some reason my TV is having problems picking up Univision. It started last Thursday, but cleared up over the weekend. We don't have cable or a dish; every channel we get is over-the-airwaves. Well Monday night it happened again. No signal. None. Totally black screen. Sooo - I have no idea what was broadcast Monday night, whether it was a single episode or a cut and paste double episode. This recap is a single online episode (#96 in Mexico) so it may contain scenes that were cut and may not contain scenes from the second episode if it was a double. I didn't catch all the dialogue so please fill in what I missed in the comments. Some scenes have been combined.

What I assume is Leftovers:
Aranza yells at Art and Isa that she's not a child - even though she acts like one. It's her life and if they don't like it well that's their problem, too bad. She storms out. Art tries to follow but Isa stops him. (Me: Art don't waste any more of your time. Kick her out and cut her off until she grows up and can be civil. You're always talking "consequences", well let her enjoy some. A few days on the street would do this beotch a world of good.)
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #6- Mon 3/17

De que está pintada de oro, está pintada de oro

I've been at rehearsal all night and I have a production meeting in the morning, so I probably won't have a chance to watch the episode until tomorrow afternoon.  In the meantime, discuss amongst yourselves!

*Update: got through most of the show....
*Update: the recap is complete.

Padre Juancho's boardroom visit leads to absolutely nothing, with more vague talk about "what you did" and "it wasn't so bad" and nobody talking specifics.  Grumpy Grandpa gives Diego a stern talking-to about keeping his nose clean.  Diana shows up asking QTH is going on, Diego evades some more, and Karina claims someone else must have ratted him out.

Diana and Diego's lunch is interrupted by a booty text.  The sexting fiend is an actor with bills he can't pay.  Good thing he's got a sugar mama.  As he whines about not booking a commercial and drools over a previous ad of his on TV, I make a mental not to not ever be "that guy."
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Qué Pobres, Lunes 3/17/14 (#50): Shamrocks as Far as the Eye Can See

Green things in this episode: Envy; a greengrocer; nausea; limes
Green things NOT in this episode: Money; luck of the Irish; any luck at all

MA continues working on the masonry. He's so proud of his work, he thinks when this is done he can maybe help the Menchacas with repairs around the house!

Isela says some nonsense about doing sudoku puzzles to keep the Germans away... oh what's that guy's name... no, not Hitler... oh, right, Alzheimer's! OMG I wish Mini would hit her in the head.

In the kitchen, Carmelita lectures Lupe about her fear of love... that's why Lupe's with Nepo; that's not scary at all, because she's not in love with him.

Next: A serenade from Nepo. In bright sunlight, on the street, presumably with a hangover. Wow - if that Plantain King gig doesn't work out for him, maybe he could do this full-time. Nepo ends his serenade with a marriage proposal for Lupita. There are only three onlookers who don't look thrilled: MA (from the balcony), Emiliano, and Lupita. Lupita tells Nepo they should discuss this in private.
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Monday, March 17, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of March 17, 2014


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of March 17, 2014

Here's your weekly page, St. Patrick's Day edition!

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos #49, 14 March 2014...Some folks are truthful about their feelings or lack of them when they are wasted in alcohol

Chuy, Lupita, Frida and Gwendy are all standing around the cement pile… Mati keeps helping opening the water faucet. MA comes out, asks how is it going? Chuy leaves. AS I thought, one of the times they asked Mati to open the water, Frida lost control of the hose and everyone is getting a shower.

Downstairs, it is wedding day!! Every white balloon in MC was bought and filled for this place. The wife is very pregnant. JT and Frida are commenting on this btw. JT says they kill two birds with one stone: wedding and baby christening. She tries to rant at him but he says you laughed at the joke too…

CK goes to Carmelita. He wants to toast with her for the couple. Chuy comes in to stand between them. CK looks much better showered and clean shaven. Chuy says go be the host of your guests. Chuy drags CK away, Carmelita giggles because she realizes Chuy is jealous about her.

Time for the first dance for the couple, again, cumbia. Oh boy, the couple on top of the cake are taller than the cake itself!! Nepo comes and congratulates CK on the party. Then he spots Lupita and wants to talk to her. She is too busy. You still angry at me, right? You are killing me with the stare. Lupita confirms she is. Carmelita is happy dancing around. Gwendy comes to Nepo. Are you still mad at me? He is… Gwendy says when you get over your anger, let me know. Nepo looks at the liquor, seems fairly good per his facial expression.
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Lo que la vida me robo #88 3/14/14: Something something ...

Lo que la vida me robo—3-14-14

Recap later, discuss amongst yourselves in the meantime! 

Hello everyone, UPDATE SUNDAY NIGHT: 
This has been an unusual weekend! I'm spending it in the hospital, hanging out with a family member (who will be okay). I've been watching robo on hulu with my phone & iPad. I'm going to try to write some sort of summary, but it's a bit dodgy on a phone, as I can't seem to get my browser on the ipad to work!

got some screen caps to work! Squee!

RECAP, briefly, from my iPad. events not always listed in order, please forgive, it's hard to edit on an ipad!

JL catches Ale burning the drug money at the beach. But rather than busting him, the have a heart to heart over a beach campfire. JL tells Ale that Monserrat hates him (JL) right now, and perhaps that's for the best. Monserrat thinks JL betrayed Ale, but that's not JL's style. JL talks about what a blessing Angel is, how much he cares for her (quiero, not amo) and he'll be empty when she dies. Ale is reassured that Monserrat never cheated on him with JL, but JL says, when Angel dies, he'll keep trying to get Monserrat back, that's just how he is. But... It's better that Monserrat hate JL for now... during this exchange Scheming Prima is watching them with great interest...

Bitch Maria fill scheming prima of Ale in on all of Ale's history. Scheming prima flatters Bitch Maria, telling her she's prettier than Monserrat, and so forth.

JL interrogates sleazy drug dealer who rats out Angel's dad (I think?). He feels very betrayed, and that's why he's ratting him out. he doesnn't know the identity of Joaquin's socio (business partner).

Ezequiel tells Medina that they haven't got enough evidence to pin anything on Ale. Medina tells him that he's got a powerful friend, he's pulled some strings, and they can get Ale now. Make haste!

Macario is warning Ale about JL, he thinks maybe JL conspired against Ale; I am missing something here. Ale doesn't think JL is conspiring against him. But I think Ale's a little worried. He asks Monse where she went to (or something) and is reassured by her answer. She is all loving concern about him.

Dim is joining the navy, and is sincere. Capt. Robledo knows Dim's dad would be so proud. Robledo has Refugio be in charge of Dim. Refugio acts very agreeable in front of Robledo, but as soon as they're alone, he unleashes his outrage on Dim, who says, hey look, I understand that no one believes me, but give me time to prove myself. Refugio later goes to JL to update him on the latest with Dim.

Hot Lawyer (co conspirator of Scheming Prima) is family friend of Josefina. They have a visit and she tells him how Dim is turning out okay. He was a gold-digger at first, but now that's all changed. Hot Lawyer is sure that Dim is a good guy. He smiles... Graciela comes in, all cool and aloof, and Sandro (Hot Lawyer) is all thrilled to see her.

Monse is reassuring Ale of her concern and love when in comes Ezekiel, ready to arrest him! Uh oh!

Sandro aka Hot Lawyer, has coffee with Fina and Graciela. He tells Graciela how his client is the niece of Benjamin, daughter of Ben's sister. Imposible, exclaims Gracie, the sister was sterile, couldn't have kids!

Both Ale's mom and wife wail in despair at Ale being taken away, but he kisses them both for goodbye and goes with the police.

Sandro is talking about his 'client' and the whole process of figuring out if she's an heir of Benjamin's, will Ale fight this? Monse says no. Graciela is all intent on this topic because she's obviously not happy to think Ale will be sharing his inheritance.

Drug dealer is visited by Medina, who offers him a deal: confess and I'll make sure you have to only serve a few years. Dealer says no thanks. the next scene has Angel's dad (whose name again escapes me) being furtively handed a switchblade by a guard, I think the blade is from Medina. No sooner has he pocketed the knife than Drug dealer spots him in the prison yard, comes over to accuse and argue with him for being a traitor. Angel's dad has his buddies pin down Drug Dealer, as he explains something (?) and then stabs him. Goodbye Drug Dealer.

The last scene is of Ale being checked into jail, the humiliation of having to state to the crime he's been accused of to the admitting guard, having his photo taken, and so forth. Ale gets to his cell and who is in a nearby cell but his old buddy, Amgel's dad! Angel's dad looks all teary-eyed as Ale gives him a venomous stinkeye.

END OF EPISODE!!! Didn't see the avances, but am sure they are MUST SEE TV!!!


De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #5- Fri 3/14

De que está confundido, está confundido!

Diana and her honey enjoy some post-coital champagne.  She really needs to cut it out with all that "I love Diego" business.  You keep on using that word, Diana…I do not think it means what you think it means!

Abdul heard from Paolo that Diego showed up at the house and he's pissed.  He wants to go confront him, but Carmen tells him to stay out of trouble.  She makes him Vulcan-promise.

Diego was suspicious about not being able to get in touch with Diana.  She's doing a terrible job of lying, but it appears his suspicion was a ploy.  He tells her about hiring Karina and she whines about what an exhausting day she's had.  Diego's trying to chill out with some poetry, but he can't stop thinking about Natalia screaming at him earlier and he's incredibly confused about it.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #71 3/14/14- Shut up, Ara.

Scenes are combined and condensed.
Part 1
Dafne tells Art and Isa that Ara is a hipócrita and that she wants Este AND Javier. Ara denies this and says she's not interested in Este. Dafne says Ara broke the rules first. She begs Art to let her explain and drags him away.

We are "treated" to a nano-snippet of Bruno and Ally. How is Bruno not ready? When they first met he wanted to have kids. dAlly has always wanted to be a mom and now they have this opportunity. Aaaand cut to Art and Dafne mid-sentence. Thanks for the crappy edit, Univision.

Then we get 10 minutes of "she said, she said"

Dafne and Art:  Dafne just wanted to spend some time alone with Este since it's so uncomfortable with Ara and Javier always around. She swears she had no intention of any hanky panky. Ara is a beach and has been treating me like trash. She's wants to humiliate me.  She bad mouths Ara and thinks Ara has forgotten everything Art taught her. Art is the best dad. She gloms all over Art. The sound of her voice makes me want to do violent things. 

Isa and Ara: Dafne wants to sleep with Este and she's really pushing him. Isa wants to know why Ara is so worried about it? Ara says Este isn't in love with Dafne. Isa presses again "Why does is affect you so much?" Ara swears she's not in love with Este. Isa encourages her to forgive and forget and not throw away her friendship with Dafne. Art and Isa forgave all of Ara's bad behavior, didn't they?

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 87 - 3/13/14 - Get A Job!

                  Get A Job!

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Joaquin Arechiga Had A Job

Amalia Arechiga and her children, Angelica and Virginia, have never known just what Papa Joaquin did to make a living. He kept the family in fine style and, well, such questions can make for very awkward conversations. Really. Only Amalia’s Tia Prudencia seemed to have a handle on just how Joaquin made his money.

Mayor Pedro Medina and Joaquin are alone in the visiting room in the Aguazul jail. Pedro tells Joaquin that he is nothing more than collateral damage in Pedro’s grand scheme. Pedro threatens, once again, to make Joaquin’s daughter’s suffer if Joaquin does not make the telephone call. Joaquin takes Pedro’s cell phone makes a call.
“Is everything ready? I am away from Mexico but my associate, Alejandro Almonte, is ready to meet you. I’ll text you the address.”

The call is part of Pedro’s plan to set up Alejandro Almonte, to create the perception that he is an honest and truly, cross-my-heart-and-I-hope-to-die narcotraficante.

Joaquin makes the call and then bitterly turns to Pedro and says, “I have never mentioned your name to This Guy. I am not like you, Pedro. I have not betrayed you.”
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #48- 3/13/14- Night and Day


Hola Amiguis! The obsessed keep being obsessed, and MA really needs Ms Julia's, "Premier Design and Construction Company TM ". Want to know more, please read on to find out what the heck happened on this capitulo. Since I started the week with a nice Sinatra earworm, I leave you this week with another: Night and Day

Since MA helped Lupita with those wedding plans for CK (Chilly Killer's) godson, she will help him calculate how much it will cost for the supplies he needs to enlarge the Penthouse on the roof.

Oh, lookey here, who has dropped by the Fonda you ask? Sharky wanting his lana (money). He gets that from Lupe and offers MA a loan at 15% while Lupita is shaking her head at MA. So they go up to the Penthouse so MA can get something to sell to Sharkey for the money he needs for the Penthouse rehab. Some things are taken out, but there is that coat of AS', you know the one, 100% Chincilla! Sharkey tries it on, is luxurating in that fur and offers MA 4,000.00 Pesos for it. MA says it's worth at least 10,000.00 Pesos and not a penny less. They bargain back and forth and MA sells the Chincilla for 6,000.00 Pesos. Kaching! MA gets a reciept and the money in cash. Sharkey has tried on that fur again, as Lupita laughs and tells MA he now has enough for the materials.
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #4- Thurs 3/13

De que ganaste el puesto, ganaste el puesto!

Natalia and her boss are reviewing the Help Wanted section together, trying to find something better suited to Natalia's new degree.  They find a secretarial position that just happens to need someone good with computers.  She calls and gets an interview the very next day.  Her boss gets to work making her a lucky new job vibes amulet.  She's clearly the nicest boss ever.

Diego's carjacker kindly requests his wallet.  At gunpoint.  He takes out the cash, then tosses the wallet itself out the window, where it's caught by Abdul.  Of all the stinking luck!  Two cops see this happen and think that means Abdul is the carjacker's accomplice and they haul him off to jail.  At the station, the guy taking Abdul's statement says he's heard the "I was just standing there and someone threw a wallet out of a car" story before.  He at least lets him make a couple of calls and get in touch with Padre Juancho.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #70- March 13, 2014- Watch Your Back!

 The deleted scenes are in red- online episodes 92 and 93:

Sucia wants Gonzo to get rid of someone. Sucia tells Gonzo to get rid of a woman (Cuca) who is making her life miserable.  It will be easy.  Sucia will pay him and gives him and advance.  She wants it done ASAP. She will provide the address where she works and she doesn’t want it traced back to her.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #69- March 12, 2014- Where is Maury, When You Need Him?

I didn't want to put up a discussion post.  The edited parts are in red. Univision, please put the scissors away!!!!

The bride and groom sign the registry.  Sucia's BFF congratulates the semi happy couple. Isa and Art can't celebrate because they have to get back to work.  Art and Isa look like they are both seasick.
Ara tells Ileana that Daphne wants to sleep with Este. Ara is sure that it's going to happen. Ileana doesn't see that there is any chemistry between them. Ileana doubts that Este wants to sleep with Daphne.
Gonzo tells Borlas that he knows that Tita has her motorcycle back. It was stored in the warehouse and now it’s gone. Gonzo wants to plan something else with the nervous Borlas who wants out. He is using the excuse that Gonzo doesn’t trust him.  Gonzo wants Borlas to take his “stuff” out of the apartment.
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Qué Pobres, Weds 3/12/14 (#47): Mike and Lupe Plan a Wedding

Beto looks as though he's going to collapse beneath the weight of all those roses. The snooty friends tell Ahole that Mini and Mom haven't been to the cloob all day. Enraged, Ahole tells Beto to throw the roses in the trash. No, Beto's not allowed to give them to his girlfriend - he must throw them out! He gets in a golf cart for a ride to the refuse area, but I bet those roses never quite make it into the trash...

At the market, Carmela and Guendy catch up on the Nepo/Lupita gossip, such as it is, and then Chilaquiler (Chila-Killer?) starts flirting with Carmela. He's reallllly looking forward to seeing her at his godson's wedding this weekend. Carmelita doesn't seem to hate the attention, but she's not comfortable with it either. She's even more uncomfortable with Guendy's enthusiasm, because in case you haven't noticed, Guendy is on a mission to get everybody in La Nopalera hooked up with someone! Chila-Killer is a very sloppy eater, too.

Speaking of slobs, JT is rubbing his armpits with his hands and sniffing them. (Didn't someone around here mention Mary Katherine Gallagher recently?) Frida claims to be horrified, but that doesn't explain why she continues to hang around and taunt him if he's truly as unbearably stinky as she claims. He puts his smelly hands on her face, and she just stands there complaining instead of running away to disinfect herself, so I still say it's love. Or at least pheromones, baby!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #86, 3-12-2014, Pedro vicariously gets his groove on; Nadia and Montserrat fall into a trap to slander José-Luis

At least the pigeons always seem happy. 

Welcome Everyone!  It's another beautiful day in Agua Azul, but evil is a-brewing, as always.  Let's check in on some of our favorite residents, shall we?

Nadia and Pedro’s Mansion, Agua Azul:  
Nadia finds María hanging around in the living room and wants to know what she’s doing there, assuming that María is probably looking for Pedro and that they are up to no good.  Before María answers, Adolfo walks in and tells Nadia to cool it, and that, in fact, he asked María to come because she needs work and he thought maybe Pedro could help.  Nadia tells Adolfo smugly that this is a waste of time, noting that they don’t need another SERVANT in the house.  Adolfo defends María, telling Nadia not to humiliate her (María) since she (¡pobrecita!) is having a REALLY hard time right now.  Maria uses this as her opening to complain about how Ale got back together with Montse, and they threw María out like trash.  Nadia informs María that she brought it all upon herself.  

Latest recruits on Team Pedro stand their ground in the face of Nadia's snarkiness

Nadia notes Alfie and María’s closeness and wants to know if there’s something going on between them.   Alfie says what if there were—and what’s it to Nadia anyway, and Nadia informs him that nothing good will come of his being with a tipa like María.  At this moment Victor walks in, calling Nadia “Mi Amor.”  María has a big ol' ironic laugh seeing them together, though Adolfo seems to be shocked and quickly is back at Nadia for her hypocrisy saying that she should watch what she says to Alfie since nothing good is going to come of her being with an idiot like Victor.  Alfie wonders what Pedro would do it he found out about Nadia and Victor, but Nadia informs him that Pedro knows everything.  Adolfo can't believe Pedro doesn't care.

FYI, our adulterous relationship has been officially sanctioned by the municipality

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #3- Wed 3/12

De que el tiempo pasa, pasa

Diana takes Rodrigo's condition as an excuse to eavesdrop on Diego and then rub herself all over him.  Once she's outside, she calls the maid at the house and offers her money in exchange for NOT finding Natalia.

Who is diligently looking for work in the DF paper.  I approve of her choice of pink highlighter.

A few days later and La Fonda Los 6 Garcia isn't doing so well.  Brigitte the Brat passes on the gossip that everyone is saying Natalia ran off WITH Andres and is turning out just like her mom.  Natalia's brother pressures Carmen to tell him what's going on.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014- Por Siempre Mi Amor Recap #68- The One Where Everyone Gets Down and Dirty (or Almost Everyone)


FeVer knows he is being stalked even when said-stalker has denied it.
Daffne is asking 'Za if she can borrow her lovely pink top. Why? 'Cause BonBon always liked it on 'Za, maybe he will like it on Daffne.
Borlas and DanHairyChest are borrowing (jacking) Tita's motorcycle.
Funeral for Padre Adalberto (LOL Illeana has glasses in every color for every occassion) where they seems to be A LOT of mourning.
'Za is being psychologically tortured by remembering what she threw away with BonBon and she laments about how quick he had moved on.
Borlas is asking for forgiveness from DanHairyChest.
Veronica and Cynthia-errr,Soni and Bestie (whose name I still don't know) are talking.
Osvi and Tita DNA test for Soni being Mari's momma.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Que Pobres tan ricos #46...Nepo's date plans backfires, Tomas finds out about the 'primos'. MA back to work. An upcoming MA/Mini meeting starts to snowball and not in a good way.

Nepo comes to pick up Lupe, she thanks him, he says I am just in LUUUUUUUVVV… no kiss since Lupe sees MA up there.

Nepo has taken Lupe out to eat at a fairly humble café… Chinese food menu. Funny how Nepo speaks ‘chinese’. Lupe does not want to order but Nepo orders a huge steak for her and tamarind juice.

Nepo begins by apologizing for the other nite. All forgotten, says Lupe. She is just thankful now and ever. Nepo toasts to her, the most beautiful woman in the world, and for the unforgettable nite ahead. Later, Lupe says she knows Nepo has planned a romantic nite, but she has not dated in so long… (excuse #353… Lupe asks Nepo about DA’s mom. He says she just left them. Lupe says she asked because she knows very little about him. Nepo says it was hard work that got him to his ‘banana king’ status. He just needs a little chance to show her all he can do for her ‘and with her’. Lupe says if there is one thing she is sure of is that he is a man through and through. But as far as getting to know each other, easy does it. Nepo does not want secrets between them… he wants to take her to a special place. Lupe says no its getting too late and don’t want to leave Emi alone too long, is not used to hang out in the street at nite. (Nepo remembers Gwendy’s advice that Lupe’s reluctance is positive…) Nepo insists that the place he is going to take her is very pretty… Lupe gives in to his persistence. Nepo wants her to close her eyes for the ride and he will let her know when to open them once they get to the special place. Lupe protests but gives in as long as it won’t take them too long.
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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 85, Tues., 3/11/14: Holy Guacamole!

From his studies, Harlow concluded that sex alone did not drive societies, nor did mother love enable individual social relations.  Rather, normal sexual and parental behavior depended on a wide array of affectional ties with peers and family early in life.
From A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries: Harry Harlow.

Since tonight was a bit of a snooze, I thought we could take a moment to review what we've learned over the past several episodes.  (Feel free to skip this resumé, if you are all caught up in the story.)  As you can see, the writers have cranked out enough unlikely circumstances to carry us through to spring and summer:
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #2- Mon 3/11

De que las cosas se complicaron, se complicaron!

The fact that Natalia and Diego just met yesterday make it easy for Rodrigo to pretend to be his brother, though she does notice the difference in kisses.  She just thinks he's being silly.  When Diego catches up to her later, he doesn't explain being on a bicycle or wearing a different shirt.  He's just glad to find her alone, so he turns back around to go confront Rodrigo.  Rodrigo keeps insisting on playing his little sicko twin game and wants to "share" Natalia.  Diego decides to enlist the help of the Bro Boys to lock Rodrigo in the room while he's taking a shower.  He's ultimately released by Diego's not-girlfriend and her friend who have shown up to crash Diego's vacation. 
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #67 US 3/10/2014 The Padre's Dead, Zenaida Survives but will Cuca and Tita?

Well Amigos, we dodged one bullet and got hit by another. PSMA stayed in its time slot at 8PM but Uni is up to the old tricks again, deleting scenes and combining episodes. Monday's episode was a sliced and diced scrambliation of episodes #86 and #87 in Mexico. I didn't know Uni was going to start doing this again, so I only watched the first episode online. I'm sorry to say that I missed lots of the dialogue in the second half because the closed captions were lagging way, way behind the conversations. I'd really appreciate if all of you could help fill in what I missed in the comments.

As usual - and I was really hoping I'd never have to type this again - deleted scenes are in italics. Some scenes have been combined:

Javier realizes the private investigator is following him.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos # 45: 3/10/14:Nepo Has Got Lupita Under His Skin!

Hola, Amiguis! This recap will be short and sweet, not in order for better flow. Shall we begin? Here's a little earworm for you as you enjoy the recap: I've Got You Under My Skin

Mini and MA will be meeting somewhere they haven't met before, he is accepting her help to prove his innocence. She'll use the GPS to find the place.

Vilma is trying to give Ahole a massage, cause well, he is muy tense, what with MA and Adolfo still on the loose, if only they would be picked up by the cops. Vilma massages a bit too hard for Ahole's taste, so she has to soften her touch.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #1- Mon 3/10

De que hay smoochies, hay smoochies

We meet Natalia on the day she's been elected Queen of the Fishermen of Tuxpan.  She also receives a declaration of love from Andres, who she considers her BFF, and she turns him down.  Brigitte, Natalia's younger sister is jealous of Natalia's crown and hints that Natalia doesn't deserve it, for not being a "real" Garcia (apparently the Garcia women have a lock on the Queenship).
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Monday, March 10, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 3/1014 #84

Chapter 84: The Lady Vanquishes

Almonte Townhouse: Lady Monserrat demanded that her mother explain how she came to have a daughter with Lord Benjamin Almonte. Countess Graceless insisted that she had no right to know this, but Lady Monserrat would not relent. A crocodile's tears are still visible, and Countess Graceless shed hers as she explained that she had fallen into a delicate condition in a time when the obvious current solution was not possible. When she gave birth to a baby girl she decided that it would be best to put her up for adoption. However she died shortly after birth and the hairs Countess Graceless saved were all she had of her. She had not been aware that modern science could disclose not only the parentage but the gender of the hair's donor. Lady Monserrat had spoken to Father Anselmo who had explained that he and Macario had buried the infant. Her sister. She asked whether her mother had ever visited the burial place and Countess Graceless tearfully told her she had never had the courage to do so. It was a wound that would never heal, she cried.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of March 10, 2014

If we combined these 3 novelas, it could be called, Camelia la texana en otra piel en Avenida Brasil! Enjoy.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA, week of March 10, 2014

Here is your post for this week, Impostoros and Impostoras.

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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #83- 3/7/14: 'Cause I Want It That Way

Ahoy Amguis. It is bright and sunny on the Patio today, but the storm clouds are gathering in the distance. There is a disturbance in the force, known as Pedro Medina, and as his machinations start to sprout and bear fruit, we on the Patio, have prepared that Bunker again. It will be nice and cozy when the time comes for its use. In the meantime, let us enjoy the soft breezes, tropical drinks and the wonderful company as you sit back and enjoy this little earworm that I have found for you.  Please don't diss the recapper for the first earworm choice, cause well, I'm a fan ; )  I Want It That Way

When we last left Nadia and Esme they were having a little convo about that thorn in their side, named Pedro Medina. That man is a sticky wicket. Nadia is lamenting the fact that she is trapped in her loveless marriage and there can be no divorce. Esme wants to help Nadia as much as Nadia wants to help Esme. Nadia drops the bomb on Esme by telling her that gasp *EZ and Pedro are amantes* (lovers)! Well, shut the front door Irene, but Esme is floored. No way she tells Nadia. EZ is so into Esme, as in girlz. Not boys! Well, shut Nadia's mouth, but, but, she caught EZ underwater in that jacuzzi, with Pedro in it! Esme tells Nadia she is wrong, wrong and wrong. EZ is a brown noser (I learned this little phrase when I was in the Navy, it means you have your nose so far up your boss' butt, it turns brown), he's ambitious but he is NOT gay! Look on Nadia's face Priceless!!!!
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Friday, March 07, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos # 44, MA falls deeper into his 'A-hole'-itis after Mati does another 'trick' on him and then can't remember the details.

Isela gives up on giving Mini advice. She tells her I don’t care anymore what happens to you.

Mini calls someone on phone. Out comes A-hole. She has to hang up and he asks who she was about ot call. You dear! … Mini says it was him and he sais it makes no sense she was calling him from patio to the house. A-hole looks at Mini’s belly… he says she looks like she is getting bigger… calls her ‘mi gordis’ and she hates that. Don’t you dare say I have a belly. Isela uses the opportunity to mock Mini some. Isela again squeezes A-hole’s cheeks as he takes his exit. Isela urges Mini to start using the ‘fake belly fillers’. And as she leaves, she mocks Mini again calling her ‘GORDIS!!’ (leaves laughing)

Lupita comes in to Mati’s room. Lupe had bought Mati some clean pj’s at the market. Mati loves them. They look so warm! Shouldn’t have. Lupe says no sweat. Would love to do more to make her feel comfortable. Mati swears God will compensate her some day.

Saul/MA out somewhere… Saul still miffed at MA for the ‘fideicomiso’ plan. MA says now more than ever I need that money urgently! (again gives his family as excuse to get the money any way he can).

The notary with bad hearing is reviewing the papers MA and Saul brought him. MA yells at the guy and only gets the guy more mad. The lawyer yells at them because the papers in the envelope seem some sketches from Gwendy or Perla instead of the papers MA meant to bring over… MA again blames it on Saul and his young brother ‘Leonardo’. (ah! So these sketches belonged to Leo?) MA and Saul mention that the papers were in the ‘bust’ of the grandpa and the lawyer takes that the wrong way and ends up kicking them out of the office. Don’t waste my time!! As Saul and MA leave, they argue again. MA tries to blame Saul and he bounces the potato back. They are yelling at each other. Saul is right in ranting that he has spent so much time with MA trying to help him out. MA says I can handle my issues ALONE!! Saul just leaves in a huff.
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Weekend Discussion: Your Favorite Novela

...or novelas of all time.  What are they and why are they your favorites?  Do you favor a particular genre or is it the actors or authors that are the attraction?

Weigh in, amigos!

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Por Siempre Mi Amor 3/7/14 (Friday) #66

Bullets tonight. Un lujo de detalles mañana.

  • Javier decides he needs to get rid of Este. That will kill two birds with one stone since it will destroy Andrea. Even Sonia seems appalled.
  • Dan confronts Sonia and wants to know why she went to see Mari so much at Tita's and why she jumped the gun in introducing her to Don Gil. Sonia claims she was just looking after little bro.
  • Art hires an inept PI. Javier spots him almost immediately and confronts him (we have to wait until Monday to find out what happens.)
  • Dan and Gil get into a huge fight. Dan is leaving the house and Gil is cutting off any financial support. This is good news to Sonia since it just means more $$$ for her.
  • Gabi finds out about Almudena and Bruno wanting to adopt the kiddoes. She calls Bruno and bursts into tears as she congratulates him. Later she and Isa talk about mood swings. Isa asks Gaby what she will tell the baby about the daddy.
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Thursday, March 6th, 2014-Por Siempre mi Amor Recap # 65- Oh, The Way We Were....

Recap by CorazonSalvaje

This is the first half of the episode- feel free to add any missing parts.

Daffne Duck is going off on 'Za about how she has always been in love with BonBon. 'Za calls BS; she would always insult the boy. (right on the money there) Daffne then says she did it to hid how she really felt (LIES!) and 'Za then says anyone who heard her could automatically suspect she was a spiteful bitch (some paraphrasing LOL) More back and forth about BonBon and then she says she hated feeling that way about him while he was 'Za's BF. She had to think horrible about him to shoot him out of her heart. A little more chit-chat and Daff states they've always been like sisters and she would never go against her, EVER.
-Dena is telling BrunBrun how she feel sabout Tita's arresting. She states it feels like an exaggeration and Tita doesn't deserve that after all the good she has done. To finalize this scene, she states none of this would be happening if it hadn't been for that stupid anonymous call. BrunBrun laments unfortunately, they will neverknow who made it. Ally gives an expression that screams, "Watch 'while I SMH. (for reals sistah!)"
-On the stairs, 'Za is apologizing for having things happen the way they did and she didn't mean for them to occur. Daff then states times they are a'changin'; BonBon is single (and not really ready to mingle), you left him for another (more like one who is in need of a Lorena Bobbit job) and I had to go be his shoulder to cry on. It was hard spilling my guts though and watching him in pain the way he was. She asks if she is over BonBon and just into FeVer. 'Za says yes but BonBon is her ex and her first above all things, he will always be her first love. 'Za never thought they'd be having that conversation (LOL) but isn't jealous. Daffne Duck thanks her for understanding that her love for BonBon is the purest of pure love (water.)
-Dena is wondering about Bronce Mari. She is about to grow into legal age; therefore, they can't place her in an institution. Brun explains what's up and that Bronce Mari was accused of working with a delinquent gang (Dante, Gonzo and unfortunately, Borlas) which leaves Dena shocked. Some chit-chat later and Dena says something about they ending up with all the enanitos. Brun slightly blows a gasket at the thought of all of them being theirs.
-DannyBoyl is astonished (negatively) with what Bronce Mari did with the kids and she then laments they will be taken away from her now. DannyBoy then says something about a few more years and BM says at least she had somewhere to take them. DB then says when she is a mother, she'll be excelente (positively) and BM says she doesn't want any other ones. She is happy with los enanitos and she was so close to them.
-Dena is getting mad since Brun is showing cold feet at the thought of adoption (hace poco, he was ecstatic about it...) He isn't regretful about adoption but he wants a baby; a newborn! Dena explains a baby would be nice but there are five kids who need them more than ever (y ademas, they're loved by the kids!) Dena says they haven't a moment to lose. Let's get to the police and adopt the kids lickety split! If not, then other couples are going to take them. Brun then says they have to get DannyBoy and Tita out of jail. Dena agrees but he had to promise to make sure those kiddoes will be their after all! He tries to turn her off about it by describing the situation as drastic but she is resistant and mentions she isn't alone. She had him and Zenaida and TITA! She gave them classes, she is ready. Brun is surprised by all this. Dena says she has never been able to have kids and this would fulfill her dream of being a mother. Some sympathy later and the two hug (I think it's the most inimate they have been in this entire novela.)
-FeVer stares pensively outside the window thoughbubbling about how he made out with 'Za and that he has to watch his back for his son due to the fact that 'Za and BonBon are still in love. Hell no, he is thinking out loud about how he is going to dispose of his son. (You won't get away with this FeVer.)
-BonBon is laying down on the red couch when 'Drea comes to ask what's up.BonBon denies and she states he is a good liar and should speak his mind. He says he doesn't wanna worry her. Is it that bad? OK so he went to the movies with Daffne and coincidently, 'Za and FeVer were there. 'Drea then agrees that is bad but changes opinion(s) when she hears that FeVer told them to be civilized and that it was Daffne's idea. Daffne and 'Za are best friends who live together;inseperable. The least FeVer and BonBon can do is stick it out and mature (only one has to mature but he who does is beyond redemption so it's too late.)
-Isa and Art Dad are worried about Tita being convicted. Especially with how happy she was earlier when annoucing her wedding with Oso.
-'Drea and BonBon are talking some more and about gMeanerva. 'Drea plans on asking someone to keep their eye(s) on her. BonBon says she seems redeemed and that she plans on taking therapy. 'Drea requests he help her since they have always been close and he is happy to oblige.
-'Za drops the ball and let's Isa know about Soni's ways. At dinner, she figured everything out. She gets everything from a face Soni made when Tita said she has always wanted to be Missus De la Riva. She also lets it spill that Soni influenced her with bad behavior plans and asks for forgiveness but Isa states it happened years ago and she will always love/forgive/ give love (to) her. 'Za swears she will never let Soni ruin her life again. That is, Isa lets her know she has been talking with Soni lately and the girl acts changed.


Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 82, 3/6/14--The Foundling's Tale--

Beware of Women In Black Hats
The señorita in the black hat walked into Alejandro’s town mansion like she owned the place. By total happenstance Mama Rosario had answered the doorbell when it rang and the woman rushed past Rosario as a narcotraficante cigarette boat might move past a 1929 Stephens Brothers Motor Launch, all flash and dash and no class at all.

Mama Rosario held her dignity as she brought the blonde a cup of coffee and offered it to her with an air of gracious formality. When the woman asked if she was the keeper of the keys (housekeeper) Rosario gave a tiny nod and a meaningful “No,” as she slid out of the room gracefully.

Alejandro prowled in looking like a lion that had spent too long in a tanning bed. He checked to see who had come by his den. Montserrat was by his side, with a not unfriendly smile.

“I am Alejandro Almonte and this is my wife, Montserrat.”

“I am looking for Don Benjamin Almonte,” said the woman in the black hat.

“My father died a year and a half ago.”

Now, for the first time, the woman looked a bit off-balance. “I understood

“You understood that my father had no children.” Alejandro looked slightly irked. “Everyone assumed that but it was not true.”

The woman had broad shoulders, like a swimmer, and she looked elegant standing there in a long black dress that might have been purpose-built to go with the hat. It was clear that the hat was what was important in this outfit.

She got a knowing look on her face and, almost under her breath she said, “My uncle died.  Now I understand everything.”

Alejandro looked like he had swallowed a bitter Chinese herbal concoction as he asked his cousin to sit down. He said he had no idea that his father had other relatives.

“My name is Fabiola Guillen Almonte.”

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #43- 3/6/14: Money, Money, Money!

Hola Amiguis! Shall we begin? Here's an earworm for y'all to listen to as you read the recap:For The Love of Money.

AS is pithed the maitre de hotel wants her to pay the bill like toute de suite, in other words, now! She argues with the guy that she is high society and things are just not done this way, by Jove! Leo is right there with her and is worried that bill is sky high! Leo utters "Help Me Jesus"!

Mini has Adolfo on the phone and is trying to convince him to suelte la sopa (spill the soup) give up the goods. Well, Ahole has heard enough and wants the phone. He shoos Isela and Mini off. Mini does stay lurking to hear what is being said, close enough and not too far away. Adolfo wants that lana like yesterday. Ahole tells him it will take some time to gather the lana together. Adolfo wants 35 thousand dollars and not a penny less. If he doesn't come up with it soon, I think Adolfo says he'll want more. Ahole is pithed!

AS and Leo finally get the bill and it's a whopper. AS thought the champagne and caviar were the bennies, as in free, for this deluxe hotel to give out. Nopis! The Maitre de Hotel tells them they take payments in Dollars, Pesos or Euros, take your pick. AS says she will pay.
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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Breaking news:Dimitrio is a boy and has a back bone! Lo que la vida me Robo #81 3/5/14

Hi everyone, I want to start of by thanking you all for your kind thoughts, the last few weeks have not been great, I lost a childhood friend, work is driving me crazy (working super long hours) and yesterday we got bad news regarding my sister, as some of you may know she suffers from lupus and it looks like her illness has caused damage to her kidneys-and all the other treatments have not worked for her, so not good news, which is why you are getting a quick recap from me today-she gave me this news last night as I was watching Robo, so I'm not in snarky mood today, at any rate I hope my quick recap helps. Again, thank you all for everything, I've never met a better group of people on the internet, you guys are all super special :)

  • Josefina takes Graciela's advice and stands up to Tomas, she wants control of her money and dares him to take her credit cards, money and property, this was a bad idea because he kicks her out of the house and she ends up in Graciela's living room crying her little eyes out while Graciela throws insults her way, but what's this? Dimitrio stands up for her, oh my who knew he could grow a back bone? He tells his mother to STFU and stop with the insults, and informs her that his wife is going to be living there with him, although Graciela is not a happy camper. Later in the episode Dimitrio goes to talk to Tomas who tells him his intention is to return to Josefina all of her cash-as long as she agrees to leave with him to Mexico city and never come back to town, Dimitrio is a sad panda and almost looks like he could cry at the prospect of his wife going bye-bye. That same day, after he has an argument with Graciela, Dimitrio has the absolutely great idea of leaving with Josefina, he tells her to pack because they is leaving! Josefina talks him out of it (nooooooooo) and in the end they stay put, ooooh and did I forget to tell you folks that Graciela made Josefina clear the table like she was a maid? B*tch.
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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 3/5/14 (#42): Team Recap!!!

I wasn't able to post a recap. As consolation, I offered this unrelated but very spectacular recipe for carnitas.

Our wonderful readers/commenters posted all the bits and pieces, and I was able to add a few more things after watching the first half of the episode this morning. Here is what we came up with:

Mati refuses to go to the doctor even though MA tells her its best for her. Frida sides with Granny so Mati doesn't go to the doctor.

Madelaine, Anon, Martaivett, Jarifa, and Julie:
MA and Saul go to that construction company and meet another guy that has been doing some research on the deceased Mr. Trejo's old accounts.

The adviser told MA and Saul that the place in the Nopalera was NOT worth a million dollars, but there is a fideicomiso (trust fund) of a million dollars (not pesos) for the OWNER of the property when he finishes paying it off. MA wants to get hold of documents that prove he is the owner by having Granny Mati deed the place over to him, thus cutting off the Menchacas - which Saul is telling him is wrong and unethical (just like Alejo).

The lawyer/notary clearly said the property would belong to the 'owner' once he finished paying for it so it clearly is pointing to Don Chuy.

ALSO: He says that there are two halves of the trust fund document. He's got one half, and the owner of the property will have to present the other half along with the property deed in order to claim it.

There is ALSO a "clause," but he can't tell them about that until they bring the deed AND the other half of the trust document (and maybe something more, I dunno).

Saul tells MA that if he were going to pull a fast one on the Menchacas he would be just like his cousin Alejo; it would not be ethical; it would result in legal problems and he (Saul) would not help him.
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