Saturday, November 23, 2013

Corazon Indomable - caps 138 & 139 Fri 11/22/13 She's Baaack!

Two hours we'll never get back... Two... Dos... This double episode could have taken thirty minutes and still have been wayyy too long. But some good things happened so I'll try not to be excessively bitter.

We get to see Miguel die again... almost as satisfying as the first time  though we didn't get to see Nazario pull the trigger this time around. We get only minimal sepia flashbacks of the good times with Miguel... but let's face it, there weren't all that many.

We're also treated to Nazario's surrender. He did it his way, first finishing off his beer. He swills it down, slowly stands up, and thrusts out his wrists

Killin' A Man Is Thirsty Work

"I don't regret what I did."

Yes, well wait until you get thirsty again, I'm betting... no beer for you for a very long time.

And last but not least... She's baaack! You heard right, Doris has returned and lest we forgot, reminds us that she is the governor's daughter.

But first we have a lot... and I do mean a lot... of dreary filler. So pour yourself a double of whatever, sit back, and endure.

Juanita assures Maricruz that she looks great in a cheap dress. Let's face it, Maricruz looks great in just about anything. She tells Juanita that she will get in touch with Octavio tomorrow to tell him where they are. She's anxious to see him. Lupita must be off the drugs because she seems much more animated and not so drowsy. Maybe she's joined a twelve step program.

Alfonso confirms his date for the opera with his mom. Both are very excited ... well, perhaps she's a bit more enthusiastic than he is. His new intended and her new companion lady will be going. She encourages him to dress nice.

"He Was Loved And Respected... We Expected A Few More People."
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Lo Que la Vida me Robo #4- 11/22/13: Dimmy Dim Dim Did A Bad, Bad Thing!

Ahoy, Amigis! I couldn't let go of the Nautical Theme we had going on LT. We do have the Naval element here ; ) I too am having withdrawls but as Ms. NovelaMaven quoted me, that ship has indeed sailed. At least we have a couple hunks and that gorgeous beach, and who knows maybe some shirtless beach scenes ; )

The Poor Fool According To Dimi:
Monse (Monserrat) and JL (Jose Luis) are making out on the beach and Dimi sees all. He thinks so that's the poor fool Monse is hooking up with! JL sees that Monse is worried about the running away and getting married. She isn't doubting, just thinks it won't be easy, seeing as they have no moola. JL lets her know he will get some lana (money) but she has this piece of land her Tia left her, and someone is interested in it, she could sell. JL doesn't want her doing that. He'll take care of her and everything she needs cause, say it with me Y'all, Te Amo!

The Smart Sexy Man:
Ale (Alejandro) is with that dirty dealing Bruno and wants to know how he got ahold of these documents (the promissory note and the deed). Well, you see Bruno tells him, Dimmy Dim Dim (Dimitri or Triple D) has been borrowing huge amounts of money from him. Since Dimmy Dim Dim couldn't pay him back the Admiral  signed a promissory note and the deed is collateral. Ale wants to know how it is that the Mendoza family, who rumor has it, doesn't have this kind of moola laying around, do tell! Bruno tells him although they have put up a good front, the family isn't as moneyed as it used to be. They are about to lose it all! Ale will take the promissory note and the deed and Bruno asks him if he'd like an envelope with that? Yeah, and by the by, think of the voice of The Donald, Bruno is fired! Bruno doesn't look surprised.

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Mentir Para Vivir #34 Fri 11/22/13 From Hearts and Glowers To Mr. Might For Spite Makes Right With Raqi

{This may take a while to get up today as I've got holiday commitments sprouting up out of nowhere. I'll try to get it up by later this evening. You have the page to comment for now. --Jardinera654 }

~~Parte 1~~

Cap. #34

Lo del Pasado:

Viewerville, fighting to view the characters through the garish glare of Party Princess Pinks and Purples, has noted that Jose Luis, aka Francisco Castro, aka Fakecisco has just thrown a damper on the party by showing up and stealing all Ricardo’s step Papi glory by bringing the best present there could be for his little daughter: a brand new garishly pink and purple bicycle complete with pink training wheels and streamers. Ric and Oriana head directly over to tell Fakecisco to take his Daddy From the Dark Side presence and the training bike with him. Guard-dog de Guerrero de Eliseo makes to pull his gun out of the back of his belt at the insult, but is stopped with a single hand gesture from JL. Padre Mariano of the windowpane plaid padre-collared shirts comes over to second the request.

Lo del Nuevo:

As Viewerville successfully fights the urge to do a color check of its tv screens, Mariano follows JL out to the street and lets him know that he knows who Fakecisco really is and hopes the man won’t sacrifice his wife’s and little girl’s futures just to get his own way. “—Don’t be so naive, Padre!!” “—And you? Don’t be so sure, Son!” JL fights the urge to argue any further and forces himself to walk away.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Corazon Indomable #137: Simona Sports A New Attitude and Miguel Is A Dead Man Walking

Capítulo 137

Alfonso (what is with all these characters being named with Al derivatives?), aka Fonzie, asks Maricruz to tell him about her life. He asks if she’s married. MC confesses that she was once, but that fate was the cause of her separation from her man. Fonzie says he doesn’t believe in fate. MC doesn’t really want to go there and he decides to leave sleeping dogs lie. He’s got an appointment with his fiancée, anyway. Yes, he admits, despite the times they are a changin’ when it comes to families choosing marital mates for their children, his wealthy parents apparently are slow adapters. The pretty little rich girl they picked out for him, he complains, is the DF poster child for Valley Girls R Us, and he’s not looking forward to getting hitched.

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Mentir Para Vivir #33 Wed 11/20/13 Not in front of the children!

Lo Refrito
Oriana blindly defends her lying, cheating, criminal, husband to Mariano and 
Ricky.  They discuss their options -- Ricky can marry Oriana, but that could make JL angry and accuse Oriana of bigamy, exposing them both and therefore sending them both to jail.  And what about Alina?  What to do, what to do.  Ricky promises to stand by her no matter what.  

Ugh, we had to see a repeat of Fabi's walk of shame.  Poor little lamb.  I hate Seba.   

Piero reports that the signature on Oriana's wedding certificate and the bank docs are one and the same.  Ricky asks Piero to verify if JL had signing authority on that account. He even says he's willing to sell all his shares to JL so that he'll leave Ori alone.  Peori warns him against making such a drastic move.  He'd end up giving up his inheritance and leaving Paloma in the hands of that desgraciado.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo # 3-11/20/13: More Avoidance Issues for Jose Luis, More Jewelry For Juventino, More Scheming for Graciela, and a Few Yearning Looks for Monserrat From Alejandro


Hola! I'm Julia R and will be recapping every other Wed--sharing duties with Eli. I have something very important to confess before we begin: although I've been reading and loving Caray Caray! for a while, I'm actually a little embarrassed to admit that I'm a recapping virgin! Hope you won't mind the pun, but, yes, this is my first time ever, folks. Given the expertise on my excellent recapping team, I've got a lot to live up to, but I promise to do my best--some scenes have been combined because there was so much and to keep the flow going. I hope I didn't miss anything. Let's get started!

The old and a little new: Hacienda Mendoza. A nervous but excited Monserrat in a fetching little midriff-baring number that should be the envy of step squads across America runs to the door of her casa to let in her secret novio, José-Luis, whom she is hoping on this day will finally work up the nerve to talk to her father about their relationship. She has already told her father that Cabo Álvarez wants to speak to him and J-L was supposed to be waiting outside while she prepared Papa for the chit chat. However, poor Monserrat opens the door to find not J-L at all but actually Bachelor # 2--Guzmancito! (Sorry, I meant Alejandro Almonte, but I couldn't resist one shout out to my beloved Amores Verdaderos; I miss El Capitan Fabre and the LT crew, too, but am also very happy to see Sebastián Rulli back at the 9 PM time slot!)
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PEAM #181.2- 11/20/13: We All Should Obey When Love Commands. The End!


Dear Caray readers, I thank you for your patience and trust allowing me to experience something new for me. I am glad I did it, but I am also sad, since this excellent experience happened with this awful Telenovela. Thanks again and see you in the comments. 
This is my last participation for the time being, and since this has not been discussed, I would like to add a couple points from yesterday (I know, it's hard to say goodbye). 

Also on Sunday...

Aunque la jaula sea de oro, no deja de ser prisión

It doesn't matter if dad is in jail or free. On Father's Day, you just have to go see him. Today, we witness Mostro hugging his kids and Patricia taking Fernandito to see Papá Rogelio. Patricia, who could be doing theater off Broadway right now but she missed the chance when she decided not to follow Elías, still rehearses in the hopes that one day she can succeed as a ventriloquist, throwing her voice so Rogelio thinks that the baby is starting to speak and that he is not missing those big moments in every father's life.

Later on, to Rogelio's surprise, Fernando brings Mr. Fernando senior, their father, but Rogelio is still very hurt to forgive... Mr Fernando, who moonshines sprinkling sugar on churros and playing maracas, didn't come to ask for anything, just to see how his sons were doing and to met his namesake and grandson. Rogelio changes his mind and thinks of all the times when he abused and hurt his brother and since now his life is changing, he is not going to perpetuate all this hate. They hug and cry.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #136, 11/19/13 Portrait of a lady

I was dreading this episode, but I actually found it quite ok and fast paced (But keep in mind this is Corazon Indomable, so don’t expect too much).

Rehash from yesterday:

“Me rindo ante este amor!”(I surrender to this love) – MC says in a completely anticlimactic way and this line reminds me of a similar one said by Camila in Amor Bravio, during her much awaited and perfectly timed reunion with Daniel (Me rindo ante ti, me rindo ante mi, me rindo ante este amor – SWOON!) – Needless to say, when MC says it, it feels so flat to me, that I’m upset they’d use such a powerful line with this travesty couple.
MC and Tav still have a smokin’ chemistry and that’s so sad, because the direction of this scene didn’t do them any justice – their kiss has no spark, this is not a reunion kiss!

The new stuff:

MC is going to Mexico, Tav is staying behind for a while to make sure Simona is getting better (or dies once and for all); then he’ll join MC and Lupita to the city.
So, El Chulito and La Salvajita say one final farewell and then each goes their own way.

Tav tells Migreedy that he plans to go stay with Simona during her operation and after that he‘ll reunite with MC. Migreedy is pissed, when MC leaves the ranch he tries to convince her that Tav will never lover her, he can only love himself.
But, unlike the 130 episodes we’ve had to endure so far, today MC is willing to risk it all for love, open herself to the possibilities their future holds; she also wishes Migreedy to meditate on all the bad things that he’s done. Adios para siempre, she adds.
Good riddance to bad rubbish would be more likely, but MC has more class than I’d have in a similar situation. 
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Mentir Para Vivir #32 Tue 11/19/13 Cynderella's Interpretation

Please forgive me!  I do not have cable.  Last night I was watching Me Vida Me Robo (Or whatever) and in the last ten minutes, the show was interrupted by a soccer game.  I waited to see if it was a mistake, but Mentir didn't come on and I fell asleep.  So, I don't know if it aired or not.  Anyways, I depend on the ccs to do recaps.  I didn't get to see the aired episode or have the recaps.  I watched it on line, and the following will be my interpretation of what happened.  It's made up!  If I would have written the episode, this is what would have happened based on what I saw and the things that I could understand. 

My version will be up shortly!  In the amongst yourselves and share what you know.  See my version below.  See Vivi's version in the comments for the TRUTH!   [I've included both parts following Cynderella's summary.  Thanks to both of you since the rescheduling really screwed all of us up!  I almost missed both telenovela episodios myself last night. --Jardinera654]
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Lo que la vida me robó, Capítulo 2, Tuesday, November 19, 2013: ♫ Love and marriage ♫ ... don't necessarily go together

The grief counselors have come and gone.  Now only time will complete the healing of the broken hearts of the folks on The Patio.  No more evenings with DamFab. No more crazy guys in pants of many colors.  No more Sabritas machine humming reassuringly in the background.   

["This is getting serious," whispers EJ.  "It may be time for some tough love."]

Mads rallies The Patio: "Snap out of it, y'all," she tells them. "That ship has sailed."  

[There's some uncomfortable shuffling of feet, a bit of grumbling here and there.  But at last they put down their nerfazos and settle down to watch.]

Let's see what is going on tonight in Aguazul, a lovely pueblo by the sea--  

Kitchen Chatter at Hacienda Almonte
María pouts because she chased down Alejandro to console him and he sent her away.   She is so worried. Everything is changing -- and she's afraid of losing Alejandro.  (Oh honey, we won't even go there.) 

All cats are gray in the dark
"I thought you were someone else," explains Montserrat with a smile.  
[She had hugged Alejandro, mistaking him for José Luis.  Hmm.  Is mis-hugged a word?] 
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 11/19/13 (#181): El Gran Final, pt 1 - Falling and Rising

Hold onto your hats for a finale so funny, you won't know when to START laughing, much less when to stop!

Chucho tells Demonica: you've alienated everyone who cared about you because you destroyed everyone in your path. Do the right thing for once and let me save Valentina. I'll even let you escape. You've been a good mother. I know you love Valentina. Let's save her together. OUR child. Don't you have any compassion?

"And who has compassion for ME?" Vero retorts. She holds the gun to her own head and fires, but it's too late - he's already knocking the gun out of her hand. How gallant.

Satan calls. "The kid tried to escape! She won't drink her water!" Vero beneficently tells Satan to put Vale on the phone to talk to Chucho. Vale stomps on one of Satan's giant feet with both of her tiny feet. While Chucho tells Vale to pray, Vero nails him in the shoulder with a big syringe. She tells Satan to get the kid under control. "You know what to do." She taunts Chucho while he slowly loses consciousness.
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #135, Monday, November 18, 2013 Rescue, Food & Shelter – Octavio’s Recipe for Winning Back Maricruz……No Apologies Needed……WTH??!!!”

Written by LatinaInMD                                                                     

Rehash of JackAss and Simona meeting; Simona informs him that she is giving a hectare of land to HIS WIFE; in other words, not to you, Jackass.  (This is followed by a useless scene of Octavio and Migreedy – NEXT.)

As luggage is loaded into a car, a surprisingly lucid Simona bids farewell to her home and junior.  Simona makes Octavio promise never to separate from his son and to take him with him wherever he goes (as if Oblivio’s promises are worth anything).  Fortunately, Simona has the good sense to extract the same promise from Ofelia – if nothing else, Ofelia is loyal and more trustworthy than Oblivio.

JackAss visits Maricruz and informs her that Simona and Octavio are preparing to leave; Maricruz says she sincerely hopes Simona returns cured from her illness.  JackAss asks if Maricruz will see Octavio again if Simona returns cured.  Maricruz assures him that no matter what happens, she “will never see him again.”  (Mark those words, Viewerville.)  As much as we detest JackAss, we must agree when he tells her that he doesn’t believe her.

Now Simona assures Miguel that she holds him in high esteem too and asks that he too watch over her son.  (Excuse me while I laugh – the man can’t even take care of his own, nearly forgotten son, woman.)

An angry group of Realengueros stands in the way of a bulldozer preparing to raze all the little toy houses on which Maricruz blew her humongous (yeah, right) fortune.  JackAss just happens to be there, and they all want him to explain to them why “that woman” lied to them and “sold herself to those people for money”.  JackAss washes his hands of the problem, reminding them he doesn’t work there anymore.  Now the priest comes running to try to reason with the angry mob.

Maricruz starts bringing her belongings out to the ranch house’s veranda in little cardboard boxes tied with twine.  (Boxes and twine?!  Holy cow – now we know she is dead broke.)  JackAss comes running up to her and warns her that she is in grave danger.  She is incredulous and informs him (and Viewerville, of course) that she just barely received her compensation for the taken land, but it’s so little it will barely pay for her existing debts.  He warns her that the Realengo people think she betrayed them.
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Mentir Para Vivir #31 Mon 11/18/13 Take a chill pill, dude!

I'm looking at you, Ricardo Sanchez Breton

After a long struggle with my laptop this weekend, I managed to make it work enough time to get a recap ready. I only watched the episode once, but managed to take some notes; if I skipped/ forgot something, please help me out in the comments.

Channeling her best Rhoda Penmark impression EVER, Alina is staring somewhere outside the screen – she’s looking at her father, Jose Luis, who’s come to see her at school. She runs into his arms, screaming with joy, while Jorge, the driver, seems glued to the sidewalk.
Father and daughter have a happy reunion, filled with kisses and hugs. Alina wants her daddy to join her at abuela’s house, but he can’t come with her just yet – he did bring her back the teddy bear she’d left behind, in Colombia, though. With Jorge watching over (but, really, what can he do?) JL gets invited to Alina’s party on Saturday and tells his daughter that her mom already knows he’s in town. Then he takes her in his arms and wants to take her back to Jorge’s car – after a brief staring match, he reluctantly allows the driver to hold Alina, and leaves.
We can see how shaken up he is by the encounter, he has tears in his eyes; but then his face turns rigid and determined – dark thoughts are circling in his brain.

Paloma and Orines are at Aresti Breton. Orines is telling the older lady that her husband showed up (and yes, they were married, but Orines refuses to explain why Lina doesn’t have his last name).  Paloma tells the story of how she hated her husband for what he had done, but she never considered leaving him because they lived different times. So, what does Ines plan to do, does she still love him?
Orines doesn’t want to think about it just now, the whole situation is too much to handle.
As they chat, they leave the office in order to go shopping for Alina’s party, and they resume their talk on a park bench. But Paloma’s phone keeps ringing; it’s Ricardo who found out the ladies left alone and is in full stalker mode (insert recap's title here)
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Monday, November 18, 2013

PEAM #180 - El Ultimo Lunes, 11/18/13, We Need All the Angels and Guides We Can Get…

For the last Monday, I give you photos from Oaxaca: The Day of the Dead Parade by Students and my favorite Saturday Market with the Puppy Xolo, Bobo and also my own Willa.

Los Angeles Siempre Ayuden uno al otro

Los Escuincles (Xoloitzcuintle) Xolos were considered sacred dogs by the Aztecs (and also Toltecs, Maya and some other groups) because they believed the dogs were needed by their masters’ souls to help them safely through the underworld. They were also useful companion animals. According to Aztec mythology, the god Xolotl made the Xoloitzcuintli from a sliver of the Bone of Life from which all mankind was made. Xolotl gave this gift to Man with the instruction to guard it with his life and in exchange it would guide Man through the dangers of Mictlan, the world of Death, toward the Evening Star in the Heavens.   Wouldn't you like to have 5 month old Bobo here show you across the great water when you pass to the next world.  -text from Wikipedia

And last but never least, one more recent shot of my personal angel and guide, Willa! These images help me to look to the passing on of this telenovela and on across the great water to the other side where there is light and art and …..

This is my farewell recap many thanks to all the faithful for hanging in…. Hasta la proxima...

Jesús and Delia worry about the disappearance of Valentina and what hideous outcome is Veronica really capable of.

At Avon Alma and Pati discuss the conjugal visit and the upcoming wedding. Last, today is the day that Jesús they are going to arrest Veronica.

Veronica and Valentina in a park look at clouds, Valentina sees an Angel like her amiga Alma.  Veronica is not pleased.

Jesús talks to cops and his Alma worrying about the disappearance of Valentina.

They cannot find Veronica's car yet and Delia tells him not to worry. She consults with the abogada of Jesús and shows him his love's bracelet, which he knows well at first glance, it is indeed Cynthia's.

The monster Veronica stuffs candies into Valentina with a certain manic force.  Poor little Valentina tries to placate her Mamacita as always.

Jesús talks again with Delia who is so sure that a MOTHER won't hurt her daughter. But Jesús recites all the murder and mayhem committed by Veronica and asks her if she really thinks the demonic Veronica is such a good mother that she won't hurt her own daughter when she already sold her baby son, has killed a couple of innocent bystanders and so on and so why not...
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó -- Gran Estreno

Lunes 11/18/13  

Capitulo 1:  Paradise Lost

Once upon a time in the seaside kingdom of Agua Azul there lived Lady Monserrat de Mendoza, a beautiful young woman of 19, who grew up in a palacio.

Mendoza Palacio: As Lady Monserrat walked down to the sea her father, el Conde Lauro, received a guest. Sir Sebastián had been away studying for the preceding three years. Sir Sebastián informed the count that his parents were arranging a grand ball so that his engagement to Lady Monserrat could be announced to the nobles of their acquaintance.  El conde did not appear pleased with this prospect.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of November 18, 2013. La Reina y más...

I think that our experiment has turned out very well. Though I'm sure everyone has the idea now - this page is for discussions of the novela reruns of La Reina del Sur, Donde está Elisa, other non-Univisión novelas, gossip and speculation.

El Marido en Alquiler has its own post here.

Santa Diabla has its own post here.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: MARIDO EN ALQUILER, week of November 18, 2013

THIS is the post for Marido fans.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA, week of November 18, 2013

This is the place for comments on Santa Diabla where there's a LOT going on. Who killed Vicente, a nueva etapa, the return of Willy... Whew! Have fun.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

PEAM #179- 11/15/13: The Perils of Valentina Commences!

Hola PEAM Peeps. I will try to make this recap, very short and sweet without missing a thing, maybe ;

Catfight! Catfight! In the park, in front of a ton of witnesses, Pato knocks the crap out of Killeronica and she does the same to Pato. It's a draw, cause the cops come and break it up. Pato warns Killeronica to stay away from her family. Killeronica tells her she'll be at the boda of Alma and Chucho, count on her, bwhaaaa!

Julio and Aida finally do the deed! It's only about time. Then there is the whole thing of was it good for you, as it was for me? They are too cute!

Short scene of Kiko playing the keyboard for Vale, he's her idol. FF>>>>

Chatita comes to Susanna's place for the Bachelorette partay. It's all done up in heart balloons, where are the red buckets I wanna know?
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Corazon Indomable Episode 134: Season of Despair, Desparation and Estupideces

A Tribute to Rent (aka procrastination at its best)

One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes so dear (umm maybe)
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
That’s how much time, we have with this TN

We may be, rejoicing
We may be, in mourning
Tequila or tissues? Applauses or tears?
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
How will you remember, this (adlib) TN

And So We Begin
Dejected MC greets Octavio in a “hurry up dude, I have got better things to do like sit and look somber all day instead of taking action” kind of day. Octavio gets to the point and states that Simona is going to Mexico to operate and want to speak with MC prior to leaving. I am not sure whether MC is shocked that Simona wants to speak with her or that she is going to MC to operate which means she will not die like everyone clearly wants. Now that that’s over with while they are standing two worlds apart, Octavio wants to know how MC is doing. She tells him not to worry about that she is fine. She said her goodbye’s to Alvaro because she will never marry again. She will live alone with Lupita, never allow herself to love anyone again and get herself out of this situation (flash of Old Mari..yay!!). Tav feels obligated to lessen the distance between them but Mari is just defeated today. She tells him they will never be together and with Simona getting that operation they will always be apart (I believe this is what she was insinuating…correct me if I am wrong).

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Mentir Para Vivir #30 Fri 11/15/13 Pandora's Box: Dealing With The Aftermath

The really big news is that Tito finally got his break playing a near victim last night and made Lassie's heart go pitty-pat.  

~~Partes 1, 2 & 3

Cap 30

Lo del Pasado:

Jose Luis, aka Francisco Castro, now is death-grip impactado to hear from Berto (FYI the skin-headed, disgusting, redneckish, rich ex-boyfriend of Lucia in LFDD) who’s just told a whopper about defunct BIL, Gabriel, having been caught molesting six year old Alina when he saw Oriana/Ines take the gun and blow Gabe away at poolside.  “—Are you telling me that he molested my daughter?”  Ruh-roh!!

Lo del Nuevo:

Berto now accuses JL/Fakecisco of being Oriana’s husband and then JL appropriately throws Berto’s greasy, lying, stinking backside onto the bed.  “—How do you know?  Did you see it or what? “  Yeah!  I saw it all!  I saw the old man molest her and Oriana blow him away!  Pow!”  “--You’re a liar and I’m going to corroborate everything you’ve told me!  The Sra. didn’t own a gun; and anyway, that gun was probably Lucina or Raquel’s! Besides it was you who killed the old man! “  “—No, I told you it wasn’t me!”  JL either thinks pretty well on his feet, all things considered—or he had this story all lined up, which is probably more likely—and  explains, the fairytale familial relationships.  “--Yes, the little girl is mine but the Sra. Ines--or Oriana, since that’s what you’re calling her— she and I never got married!  And she never ever [jamas] married another man, especially not this smuggler like you say!!” 

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Friday, November 15, 2013

La Tempestad, Capítulo 80, Friday, November 15, 2013: El Gran Final: Time Wounds All Heels*

*Groucho Marx 

An Evening of Suicide, Madness, Murder, Redemption and Romance 

The Acme Anvil truck pulls away from a high-rise construction site on the outskirts of Our Lady of the Sea.  It has been a busy few days for Acme, and the demand for its foolproof product is still brisk.

Esthercita, fueled by a potent cocktail of booze, pills, self-pity and resentment, teeters near the edge of the concrete slab and glances at the abyss below.  Marina has already wrested baby Michel away from her.  Esthercita has one final bit of venom to spew:  Little Michel is the son of Ernesto Contreras!

Before anyone can stop her, Esthercita steps off, falls dizzyingly through space and ends up broken and bloody on the ground.

The Acme truck speeds off.  Next!

Hernán emerges from the bathroom of the psychiatric prison wearing the orderly's uniform and badge.   The orderly himself is left in the bathroom, badly beaten, maybe dead.


Hernán strolls right past the security guard at the employee exit, waving casually at the man but never looking back at him, while he fantasizes about Damián's demise.
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La Tempestad, Thursday November 14, 2013 — The Penultimate Storm

Pregnant Much?? Not Really.

Damian ‘outs’ Estercita’s fake-pregnancy ruse by pulling the pregnant foam belly out from under her dress in front of the whole town. He then throws it into the crowd, a bit like it was, say, a garter from a wedding. I guess if you catch the fake belly you will be the next one in Our Lady of the Sea to show up semi-pregnant.

Damian and Marina kiss and make up. They have overcome all the obstacles to their love.  (Maybe not. This is only the penultimate episode, not the final.) The whole town claps and there are fireworks.

Claudio Loves Mercedes

In the hospital, at Mercedes’ bedside, Claudio tells Mercedes that he is in love with her and asks for a chance at a relationship. She wants to have a little time with her daughters but she will give him a chance to walk with them. They confess mutual love.

Magdalena and Valentin come hand-in-hand to Mercedes Sr.’s bedside. Mercedes gives her blessing to the relationship.

Bea Is Dying

Beatriz is dying. Father Tomas comes and takes her confession. He tells her that she has completed her mission in life by raising Marina to be the strong, courageous, noble woman she is today. After Fr Tomas confesses and blesses her, he tells Becky and Jose that Bea is preparing for God’s final call. Becky visits her beloved sister. Beatriz mentally tells Rebecca not to worry. She summons the doctor who tells her that Beatriz has little time to live. Jose is standing by during this exchange, simply bursting out of his royal blue shirt. Jose had better stop hitting the weights so hard or he is going to need an entirely new wardrobe.

In a close up we note that Beatriz’ makeup makes the actress look pretty rough—her eyebrows are completely unadorned!—so we are not surprised when Beatriz prepares to pass.

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Mentir Para Vivir #29 Thu 11/14/13 Llegar para Sorprender

As everyone files into the boardroom, Ricardo asks Inés if that's Jose Luis or not.  She lies, remembering the threats he made.

Francisco (JL) dangles the possibility of expansion in front of the board.  He also brings up the idea of offering lower quality fabrics at a lower price, making up for it by moving a greater quantity.  Ricardo seems not to object, although he was the one who brought up the company's reputation being based on the quality of their fabrics.  What he does object to, after Inés asks what role the Caribbean Investment With Potentially Funny Money Firm will play, is that in order to carry out this huge expansion, they would have to depend on the CIWPFMF's cash, since Aresti Breton doesn't have that kind of liquidity.  That would make CIWPFMF the majority shareholder in Aresti Breton.  I vote no.  Oh, wait, crap, I'm not on the board.  Paloma comes to visit.  I'm digging the hat, babe!

Eliseo schleps Francisco's luggage over to Casa Bonita where he runs into Felipe…oops!  Eliseo talks fast and claims he got fired from being caretaker at El Descanso, so he got a job as a cab driver, and he met Francisco Castro and got a job being his "achichincle" (henchdude).  He whines about his hurt shoulder so Felipe will carry the bag and then makes a cara de "me fregué!" (I'm screwed!) while Felipe's back is turned.
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CI capítulo 133 – 11-14-13 – Some People Are Packing Up and Leaving Town

            Scenes are grouped under topic and may be described out of order. I always thought Solita was undeservedly ignored, so I felt compelled to write an account from her point of view. It’s at the end of the recap and not part of the action, so feel free to ignore it.   
Previously, more or less
            Tav thinks about Maricruz and decides it’s alright if she marries for love, but not from need.
            Padre Julian and Nilda talk. Solita lived a life of disability, but it was due to Nilda’s ignorance and her errors.
            Alvaro hears Perrico say he’ll be best man at the wedding, but really came to warn the birdbrain that drastic action is needed to keep Solita with him. He needs to grab her and run away.
            Herminio meets Octavio outdoors, carrying baby Octavito. Simona gave the baby to a couple living in a shack. Tav cuddles the baby and takes him home.

Life in the Mad House
            Ofelia is ecstatic to see Tav returning with his son and heir. He instructs Ofe on the new safety standards: the baby will sleep in her room and she is to watch him carefully.

            Defense against crazy Simona becomes a moot point when Ofelia finds her on the floor of her room, completely unresponsive. She runs screaming for Migreedy, afraid Simona is dead. Tav is gone, but the situation won’t wait. Migreedy will call an ambulance to get her to the hospital.  Tav arrives home as the ambulance crew is loading Simona. He gets the story of her collapse from Miguel and says he’s going to the hospital. 

            The doctor says Simona is in deep shock and is a difficult case.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

PEAM #178-11/14/13- An Episode of Bridezilla

Good evening all. 

We begin with Alma visiting her former cellmate, Tecolota.

Ricardo and Jesus are talking in the office and in walks Vicki.  Why??  A "kitten fight" ensues between Marisela and Vicki.  Insults are thrown but Vicki is there is to arrange music for Jesus’ wedding.  Vicki has contacts.

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Corazon Indomable #132, The search continues.

MC tells Solita that Nilda is her mother. Solita doesn't seem to understand, MC then repeats it to Perico as if he wasn't standing right there when she said it and acts like he just heard it for the first time too. They all leave Solita alone with Nilda to not talk. Nilda cries and Solita wonders what is going on. I have a halloween wig that looks just like Nilda's hair.

Octavio is searching for the missing baby.
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La Tempestad Capitulo 78 , Wed 11/13/13 - What’s good for Fulgencio is always bad for someone else.


Ahoy amigos y amigas, thank you for hanging in there with us amid all the crazy cuts and random editing. All the scenes that were edited out of tonight's episode are in BLUE. The scenes are mostly in order. Thank you for your patience.
The Phonymoon - Last night we left Marina in a very uncomfortable situation. To wit, Hernan is ready to “claim” his wife. He has forced her to the bed and she yells over and over for him to let her go. “Suelteme!!”

Hernan,  in a convenient moment of self-awareness, realizes what he’s doing and sobs his apologies. Marina tells him he’s the worst of men, grabs her shirt and baby, and leaves him weeping in a pathetic heap on the floor. Whew! That was close.
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Mentir Para Vivir #28 Wed 11/13/13 JL makes Oriana an offer she can’t refuse, or can she?

Table for Two
JL tries to get Oriana back but he's not getting anywhere. She's not willing to forgive and forget.  He begs for forgiveness for this one error.  After all she's suffered, she can't believe he'd ask her for forgiveness.  Yeah, he can see how she's suffering, kissing another man!  She admits she has a novio.  She had to have a reason to move forward and besides, she had been told JL was dead. She tells him Lucina and Raquel are the only ones who know her true identity.

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PEAM #177- 11/13/13: The End Is Near, Repent Veronica! Look to Jesus, Jesus Loves You (Sorry, We Don't Mean Garcia)!

Recap By Pablo

This is the recap of a very stupid episode (I am so glad this ordeal is almost over)

Fo-fo-for you, Je-je-Jesús, the sky is the li- is the li- is the limit!

It's weird that this stutterer friend of Jesús, whom he considers almost his brother, was not seen (or heard of) in any of the 175 previous episodes. I guess he had to be a stutterer because that's funny (to who is not), specially when they always start their phrases with what we think would be a bad word, but when they finally say it, it turns out it was not!! It was not funny 20 years ago and is still not funny. Popó, popó, por favor haz caca, haz caca, camino al andar!

It wouldn't hurt to try, if you could handle the truth...

Patricia is talking to Delia in the hope that she allows Rogelio a special permit to attend her best friend's big wedding. Sorry Charlie, 
1) Delia is out of town and
2) Personal matters are not to interfere with prison regulations

Heartbroken, Patricia starts walking aimlessly. Her brain orders her legs to move, but her heart has stopped responding... meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, in Avon's media room she is being awaited... without her, there could be NO WEDDING!!
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #27 Tue 11/12/13 You Mess with Her, You Mess with Me! Capische?

Aresti Breton, Ricky’s Office:  Lila and Berto have shown up unannounced.  Lila would like to recommend a new investor group that wants to partner with Aresti Breton in South America and Europe.  Francisco Castro is her contact’s name.  Upon hearing that name, Oriana practically jumps out of her skin.  Ricky immediately agrees and says that they want to introduce Mr. Castro to the board.  Oriana also thinks it’s a good idea, but she wants to consult with Paloma first.  Oriana asks for the name of the company.  Where are their accounts?  Berto says that they have a lot of accounts in the Cayman Islands.  All Rich people have accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Ricky abruptly ends the meeting.  After the siblings leave, Oriana tells Ricky that Francisco Castro was the name of the man who was in the restaurant.  She’s certain that Francisco is really Jose Luis.  If Francisco Castro invests, the money is dirty.  Ricky says that may be the case, but it’s better to keep your enemies close to you. They will do whatever Paloma says.  Oriana says that Paloma will do whatever Ricky says, so that does not comfort her.
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La Tempestad Cap #77. November 12th 2013. Repeat After Me: "They All Warned You Marina But You Didn't Listen!"

Ep #115 and #116 were combined tonight. Scenes out of order. No color combination tonight since I did a lot of combining to make the recap flow better. 

Ep #115 

Fully Confesses His Love 
Magda and Marina can't quite understand Fully's concern for their mother. Fully questions them about Claudio. Magda responds: "He's a friend of my mother's". Fully confesses his unrequited love for Mercedes. It was unrequited because Mercedes loved Michel Fabre. Fully excuses himself and leaves. 

On La Tempestad: 

Thank you, Mejia for the DamFineAbs view! 

The bullet is removed and Bagre disinfects the DamWound. While DamFab is in pain, over in viewerville we can't help but enjoy the view of his DamFineAbs. 

DamFab tells Bagre and Lolo about Marina's marriage to Hernan. They are so impactados with the news they each chug down some booze. DamNeedsSomeBoozeToo wants some booze too and is given some to chug down. DamFab tells Bagre and Lolo that Marina was forced into marriage with Hernan. DamFab will plan his next step. He'll rescue Marina and his daughter without putting them at risk. He'll lay low so Hernan thinks he's DamDead. That way Hernan will be taken by surprise with his return. 

There is a lot of back and forth with this: DamFab wants to rescue Marina and his daughter. He could care less about the DamWound. DamFab doesn't want the DamWound checked on while the crew insists it get checked on. This goes on for several scenes until DamFab FINALLY agrees to the DamWound getting checked on. 

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 11/12/13 (#176): Hugs, Kisses, Clues, and Dead Ends

After work, Ferni and Xochi visit Fernando's dad at the old folks' home. Dad is aquiver with tentative excitement and Parkinson's. He's been keeping up with his sons' lives through the newspapers; he read about Fernando's wedding and Rogelio's imprisonment. Maybe someone should tell him about these recaps.

Dad is remorseful and contrite about being such a lousy father; he doesn't blame Fernando for not having visited sooner. Fernando explains that Rogelio actually told him that their father was dead. Dad doesn't blame Rog for that, either. Fernando tells him not to dwell on the past - there's still the future, and five new grandchildren on the way!

Dad says it was worth the wait to finally see Fernando again. Fernando forgives him, and they hug.

It's Friday the 7th of June, by the way. Valentina is aghast that her father and Alma have to wait nearly a year and a half to get married in the cathedral of their choice. (It's where Alma's parents got married. Look how well that marriage turned out!) Then the phone rings. Guess who it is? Guess!
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CI #131 -- Lost and Found: Simona Misplaces The Mini-Tav While Nilda Makes Contact With Solita

We settle in for another round of redneck hobsnobbery as the doc is informing Esther, Octavio and Miguel that Jose Antonio will be off the job for the next two weeks, and admits that he has a legal duty to report the shooting.  Esther goes in to chat with her hubby while Migui and Tav ask if the doc knows who shot JA and why.  The doc tells them what JA told him: that it was a tenant from Rancho Narvaez over some personal dispute.  (Sorry, Doc, but the name’s been changed to El Abuelo.  I suppose they forgot to make the script change…..)  Tav thinks out loud saying he’s relieved it wasn’t about “her”… Sra. Maricruz.  Migui does a quick verbal shuffle explaining how Esther and she don’t get along and that perhaps JA wanted to avoid having to mention her name. The doc says nope, nothing like that and then takes his leave.  Migui does another mental number on Tav to make him continue to doubt MC’s good character when it comes to other men in the region.  
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Mentir Para Vivir #26 Mon 11/11/13 Mentir para engañar a la tonta de Lila

Jose Luis is explaining Eliseo that he bailed on Raquel’s inauguration party because he can’t be seen by his wife just yet. Idiot Eliseo thinks this is Corazon Indomable and some beard and a different hair could forbid Oriana from recognizing her husband, but JL knows better.
Joaquin calls just then and JL explains that he found the company to use for their lavado de dinero (money laundering) – they don’t need the capital, but he’s sure he can pull off the transaction. We don’t hear how much money they’ll “invest”, but it’s a lot.
Eliseo tries to find out what is the deal, but JL puts him in his place.

Casa Bonita is getting ready for the big opening, with a pool filled of flower petals. Nice.

Ruben is getting all dressed up to go to the party; since Madhilde wasn’t invited, she wants him to refuse attendance, too – normally, I’d agree with the wife in situations like this, but this is Maddy, so she has it well deserved.
She thinks they should have at least invited her as a gesture and if she can’t go, then Ruben won’t either. But he really, really wants to go – and he states this in a ridiculous childish voice, like he was a 10 year old going to his first sleep over.
Maddy accuses him of sleeping with one of the women, el desgraciado!

Oriana, Alina, Ricardo and Paloma arrive at the party; Lucina welcomes them, as Raquel looks on. Then she notices that Lucina is searching for Ruben in the crowd. Raquel explains that Francisco isn’t attending because he’s in a business trip; Lucina implies that something might be going on between Raquel and Francisco, because, you know, she’s Raquel.
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La Tempestad, November 11, 2013. Capitulo 76.

DamFab comes to tell his daughter and Marina good night. Ungrateful Marina tells him there is no need. Just because their daughter was born doesn't mean anything has changed. Estercita is still expecting a another child of his. DamFab reminds her that it was a set-up. Marina recognizes that, but he let himself fall victim. DamFab feels that the baby Estercita is expecting is not his. He asks her to have confidence in him. He loves her. They kiss.

Mexico City: Crazy Hernan tells Ernesto how much he really hates him. You have turned me into a man without scruples. He pulls out a gun. Ernesto asks him if he would kill his own father. Crazy eyed Hernan tells him to come up with a better lie. Ernesto says he is not afraid of death and is not lying. But you told me you killed by parents replies Hernan. Ernesto says I ordered the man who raised you to die. I liked your mother but she kept rejecting me. So that is why I took her by force. Shut up! yells Hernan. You are making me tell you everything and you will know the truth. She kept quiet so that I wouldn't do anything to her husband. Somehow he found out the truth and that is why I ordered for them both to be killed. How can you talk about this coldly? Ernesto says in this type of business there are no feelings. That is why I never told you where they were buried. There was no reason for you to mourn them. Crazy eyed Hernan grabs Ernesto and says he's going to kill him. Ernesto dares him to shoot the man that gave him life. Crazy eyed Hernan tells Ernesto he detests him. He can't kill him, but life is a b!tch and it will make him pay for all he has done. Ernesto says he knew that Hernan didn't have the balls to do it. Ernesto tells Hernan that even though he has become a traitor, he can't kill him since he is his son. Hernan says he preferred to never know that Ernesto is his father. I would rather have died not knowing the truth. He leaves.
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Monday, November 11, 2013

PEAM #175, Nov. 11 - Penultimate Monday - A Night Without Veronica Is A Night To Party, Party, Party

With heartfelt thanks to our military men and women who give so much to their country, I hope we all observed and honored this Veterans Day (named Veterans Day in 1954) was established in 1919 and re-dedicated in 1938 as Armistice Day, November 11, celebrated and dedicated to the cause of world PEACE. Anyway, happy holiday to our heroes!!

But enough for now we need to see Yuri approaching the doomed Rogelio at the prison that has become so like a fraternity meet up until Yuri steps into the cafeteria to scare the recovering wheel chair bound curly top.  Both looked like there are great barbers in the prison.

Jesus is rushing to set up interference in the prison but Yuri's flunkies roll Rogelio to his date with Picadillo.  Yuri waves a plastic spoon letter opener or juarever while he threatens but the wheel chair is left empty while Rogelio stabs Yuri with his weapon, suddenly when Jesus can get no action from the police because they haven't heard any death screams, the death screams come from a bloodied Yuri.  Rather than being astounded in fear, the adoring Yuri crowd celebrates the fall of the giant and Jack rides off in triumph for the moment.

Chatita's diagnosis of sore throat is confirmed by the real doctor who assures her and Alma that baby Luisa is perfectly well.
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Corazon Indomable #130, 11/11/13: Ren & Stimpy Rule the World!...uhm, the Ranch!; Who Shot JA?

You keep your dream, and I'll keep the money! – Ren & Stimpy
Ren and Stimpy, aka Miguel and Tav, discuss taking over the world, uhm… $imona’s ranch. Dimwitted Stimpy agrees to put the management of $imona’s lands in Ren’s eager greedy hands. Tav will do the legal paper work. Happy-happy, joy-joy! (Ren & Stimpy)

Miguel knocks back a double shot of tequila, and convinces Tav that it’s best that no one else know just how crazy Simona is. But then he turns around and tries once again to convince Tav to lock her up, since she could be a danger to both of their sons. Tav refuses.

At Rancho Abuelo, MC and Juanita ream Perico out about impregnating Solita, especially given that Solita is still recovering from pneumonia and is in delicate health. Perico doesn’t seem to understand how this could be (uhm, shall we explain it with dolls or stick figures?). MC insists that they need to be married by the Church, immediately. Juanita is a little less understanding and calls him a criminal! After the dumb shock wears off, Perico seems to be happy about the news, but for some stupid reason he doesn’t mention that he and Solita are already married by law (por el civil). He does say that he loves Solita. He has no family and was raised like an animal in the mountains (that explains a lot!). MC is cool with him, as long as he doesn’t leave his child in the same wild animal conditions. And he needs a plan for supporting his woman and his two kids. He assures them that this wasn’t Solita’s fault and they love each other. Juanita’s ready to tear him a new one, but MC thinks what’s done is done, and now they need to get the Padre to marry them. Then MC scolds Juanita for her part in not preventing the horny teenagers from having sex, because that’s the priority when there are two toddlers to look after. Perico runs upstairs to see Solita, and MC waxes romantic about leaving the kids alone to enjoy their sweet romance (well, the damage IS already done).

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of November 11, 2013. La Reina del Sur is back in town!

Jean and I decided to try something a little different this week.  Since there is already a lot of interest in the continuing novelas, Marido en Alquiler and Santa Diabla, and the rebroadcast of La Reina del Sur is likely to stir up a flurry of its own, we have decided to post THREE SEPARATE PAGES:

This page -- THE FRONT PAGE --  is the space for discussions of La Reina del Sur, ¿Dónde Está Elisa? and any other Telemundo, Unimas or Mundo2 shows.

Feel free to copy and paste our old comments and recaps of La Reina here.  Some of us have seen this one, maybe more than once, and are planning to sit out this showing.  But if you have already seen the novela and want to join the conversation, please go ahead!  But remember that this remains a SPOILER-FREE page.

Novelera has offered to write a full recap of the first episode of La Reina del Sur to get things started.  After that, you can figure out what you'd like to do -- recap? mini-recap? just discuss? borrow from the past? It's up to you, Telemundo fans!

Remember:  Post comments and mini-recaps (or not so mini-recaps)  for Santa Diabla on its own separate page here; and for Marido en Alquiler on its own separate page here. 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: MARIDO EN ALQUILER, week of November 11, 2013

Jean and I decided to try something a little different this week.  Since there is already a lot of interest in the continuing novelas, Marido en Alquiler and Santa Diabla, and the rebroadcast of La Reina del Sur is likely to stir up a flurry of its own, we have decided to post THREE SEPARATE PAGES:

This week, all your mini-recaps and comments on Marido can be posted here on this page.

For discussions about Santa, however, please go here.

For discussions about La Reina del Sur, Elisa, etc, go to The Front Page here.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA, week of November 11, 2013

Jean and I decided to try something a little different this week.  Since there is already a lot of interest in the continuing novelas, Marido en Alquiler and Santa Diabla, and the rebroadcast of La Reina del Sur is likely to stir up a flurry of its own, we have decided to post THREE SEPARATE PAGES:

This week, all your mini-recaps and comments on Santa can be posted here on this page.

For discussions about Marido, however, please go to its page here.

For discussions about La Reina del Sur, Elisa, etc, go to The Front Page here.

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

La Tempestad #75- 11/8/13- Que Lastima!!!!

Ahoy my Tempestad Maties. This recap brought to you by a little ditty I changed the words to. Please grab your coffee, your tea, your rum, your dark and stormy, juarever and sing along as you read this recap. Also deleted scenes will be in my favorite color Purple.

The Tale of The Tempestad (Sung to the theme song for "Gilligan's Island")

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,

A tale of a fateful trip

That started on a hot August night

Aboard this network UNI

The recappers were a mighty bunch

The viewers all were glued to WL

We passengers set sail that day for a three month tour

A three month tour

The ratings started getting rough

The scissors them came out

If not for the courage of the fearless recappers

This Tempest would be lost

This Tempest would be lost.

This Tempest found a lovely home on Caray Caray

With Gloria, and Mauricio

The Capitan and NovelaMaven

Elna June and Madelaine too and of course

The viewers and commenters too,

Here on Caray Caray.
Marina tells DamSad she promised to marry Herny, her word is her bond, yadda, yadda, that's it!

Laz and SHUTUPROSY having a chat, about why he was gonna be killed and who was gonna kill Laz. No never mind about that. Why didn't she tell him who the bebe daddy of Laz was? Fully took advantage of her, yadda, yadda, he married Delfina. Laz always wondered why Fully was always trying to help him. Doesn't want Fully in his life. SHUTUPROSAY wants to know what Laz is gonna do, now that he knows?

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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #174: More Monkeyshines

[Done from memory, without notes...because WHY SHOULD I WORK HARDER THAN THE WRITERS?]

Roger gets all prettied up for the jailhouse wedding. We know he's a good guy now coz they finally found him some shoes that don't clash with his suit. Paty has more fabric in her left sleeve than the whole rest of her dress, casual. They kind of fast-forward through the ceremony, which in typical Mexican fashion has five times more document-signing than kissing, but juarevs -- everyone's all smiles. No lasso of love, but I guess it's not the venue. Domi catches the bouquet, and she and Cantu do the happy dance.

Afterward the beaming couple repair to the rose-petal strewn prison infirmary conjugal suite, where Paty strips down to a particularly fetching Federico's of Monterrey number that has Rog's eyes popping. She bounces around on the bed, urging him to come and get it, rise and shine, throw away those crutches and walk, baby -- and he does! It's sort of a cross between Joanna Spyri's Heidi and a Viagra commercial, and yes, that's as creepy as it sounds. I don't think the monkeys should be allowed to collaborate. They have such different visions.
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Corazon Indomable Episode #129: The Various Coats of Octavio Narvaez

We begin with JA/MC discussing Simona. MC wants the Narvaez family to feel the pain she felt when they kidnapped Lupita (Too bad, I don’t think either of them care about Simona that much). However, since she is much better in character because she agrees to let JA take her back home. (The talk about something that I did not quite catch but I believe it referred to MC suspecting JA about something).

Simona returns to her house without a care in the world. She informs our two upstanding men of honor (insert dripping sarcasm here) that she just came back from a pleasant visit with Lucia. Miguel looks shocked while Octavio is worried. She bids them goodnight and tells them that they better go back home because Lucia is waiting. The minute she leaves McGreedy is quick to say Octavio should detain her in a crazy house. Octavio who decided wear his “Bleeding heart” coat today is appalled by Miguel brashness. He will care for Simona till his dying day (yea..whatever, I’ve heard that before).  Lets digress and discuss the various coats in Octavio’s closet…. lets see we have jerk, insensitive, romantic (no worries this coat is hidden with much dust over it). Then we have his most worn out coat all, which is stupidity; actually I do not think he ever takes that off. 

Sorry back to the show…. Miguel does not like JA giving his opinions on these matters. JA reminds them that if he goes down…they will too (uh oh). Octavio decides to borrow someone’s “wise saying” coat and warns Miguel…. this is why you shouldn’t involve yourself with delinquents.

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Mentir Para Vivir #25 Fri 11/8/13 Bad Boy Berto Gets Bagged; Ricardo and Oriana Get Tagged

Cap. #25

At Paloma’s expansive manse Oriana, aka 2nes, is pacing the floors and driving Paloma (as well as Viewerville) crazy worrying about Ricardo’s safety.  If she’s that worried, suggests Paloma with wizened certitude, she should never have broken off their relationship.  2nes says no, they should never have allowed one to develop in the first place!

Across town at their new B&B, Lucina and Raquel are discussing their list of invitees to their upcoming open house.  Lucina mentions that Raqi needs to be a bit more tolerant of Oriana since she’s going through a bad spell.  The cause?  It seems that Jose Luis never really died and is now in Hermosillo!  Raqi’s first thought is that he’ll bring the Colombian authorities down on all their heads and Oriana and the two of them will end up being cellmates.   Perhaps the Colombian authorities figured to follow him here so they could track down his wife, suggests Raqi.  No, they’d have already pounced if that was the case, reasons Lucina.  He no doubt escaped and is here to get his wife and daughter back!  “—Poor Oriana!  She’s walking an emotional tightrope about now!”  Cara de serves-the-wench-right de Raqi.

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Friday, November 08, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Karmageddon for La Tempestad and PEAM denizens

I have basically ignored these two series for the most part because I'm not into comedies and because William Levy does nothing for me.  However, since both of these are ending very shortly, the Karmageddons of their villains should be a hot topic that deserves its own discussion.

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Mentir Para Vivir #24 Thu 11/7/13 Planificar para Atrapar

Paloma tells Ricardo that she can't talk to Inés about her past, she doesn't want to embarrass her.  She figures Inés must be upset still because of the anonymous letter, but Ricardo disagrees.  Lina shows up to chastise Ricardo for not taking her to the fair and buying her a hamburger and a ginormous milkshake.  Ricardo says they can go right away, but she needs to get her mom's permission. Paloma begs off joining them.  As Lina goes off to get permission, Paloma tells Ricardo she's also supposed to be throwing Lina a party, though she hasn't gotten started yet.  Ricardo fills Paloma in on Maria's new medication and Sebastian's same crappy attitude.

Inés doesn't want to go to the fair and she doesn't want Lina to go either.  Lina tries yelling, then she tries pouting, but Inés won't budge.  Even pleading won't work.

Ricardo tells Paloma that he's wondering if Sebastian is really his son.  He explains that when they were young Maria once ran away from the house and when he found her, she was flirting with some guy, so now he's wondering if maybe Maria was "promiscuous."  Paloma doesn't believe it.  She suggests asking Celio what he knows, since he's been with the family for so long.  Inés shows up with her fake excuses why Lina can't go to the fair and raises Paloma's suspicions…Paloma assumes the blackmailer has been in contact and is now threatening Lina.  This forces Inés to admit that, no, Lina hasn't been threatened, but the blackmailer has been in contact.  Paloma wants to just pay them, but Ricardo argues that they'll never be able to stop once they start.  Ricardo wants to look at Inés computer and Paloma tells her to have Lina come to her (Paloma's) room to play.
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