Thursday, June 30, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 30
Recap below!
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Labels: ana
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 27, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Yago, #27, Wednesday 6/29/16: The Bad Penny
Fidel's having a flashback. A young man is making a quick buck challenging people to a shell game in the park. A young Fidel watches for a while and decides to play. Naturally, he loses. The next customer, a young Camilo, also loses, but does not accept his loss as gracefully as Fidel did. He pulls a knife on the cheater. Fidel comes forward and asks for the honor of the first punch. They smack the guy up, take his money, and run off. Camilo thanks Fidel for his help, and a forevermore friendship is born. Oh and they both have lucky coins. Watch those coins!
In the present, Fidel fingers a coin and tells Yago that his best friend became his worst enemy. That man was Camilo Michell. (Fidel cuts Raul's corpse loose from the chair.) "You have your own revenge to complete," Yago acknowledges. "It's time to begin," Fidel says, stuffing the coin into the dead man's pocket.
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 19 (June 27, 2016) 2nd Half
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 29 - Evil plans and tearful good-byes
Labels: ana
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Sueño de amor #76 Wed. 6/29/16
The surgery has started. Ernesto is being supportive not just with opening his wallet but to Pato and also Pedro as his own children. They all have high hopes for Esperanza's survival.
Long hours of surgery . . . .
Pedro talks out his problems with Kristel with Ernesto. Pablo is reluctant to have any involvement with her because of the possibility of her blackmailing him using her depression and not eating.
At Margarita's house, Kristel is bemoaning her solo state without boyfriends. Her whole family cheers her and tells her how much they love her. Although smiling, on the inside Silvana is happy Kristel has ended up alone.
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Yago #26. Tuesday June 28, 2016. The Pawns Are Turning Against Their King
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #75. Tuesday June 28, 2016. Have Faith In Your Dreams, Especially The Ones Where You Don't Die
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 28
Sneaky's recap added below .
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Labels: ana
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #74. Monday June 27, 2016. Nothing Like A Solid Slab of Lala Cheese To Free You From These Love Pains!
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Ah the joys of villana-imposed parenthood! |
Labels: sda
Yago, #25, Monday 6/27/16: "Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth?"
We begin with a memory. I hadn't yet figured out how to do captions during this part so I'm not sure exactly what was said, nor even whether it was Yago's memory or Lucio's. But Yago and Lucio are playing in Jonas's workshop, and then Lucio is getting scolded by his mother (or grandmother). Yago says Lucio should have thought twice before betraying Omar.
In the present, Lucio's had a giant smart TV delivered. What a great daddy! What a nice house full of fine things!
Alejandra/Susana and Damian/Rufino chat in Dam's car. He invites himself to her apartment, but she says no, her roommates are too nosy. Dam says congratulations, you passed my first test. Now pass my second test: give me your real name. Ale says she'll tell him hers if he tells her his. Dam says he's Oscar Bravo. (Oh, come on. And I'm Juliet Sierra! Meet my friend, Victor Whiskey X-Ray Yankee Zulu!) She says she's Felicia Requena. "Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth?" Damian asks. She gets out of the car and pretends to fumble with her keys as he drives off. Then she takes off down the street. Dam in fact only pretended to drive away; now he follows her on foot.
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Labels: yago
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 27 - Long episode's journey into the night
Also, consolidating some scenes below, so don't be thrown off by that!
Labels: ana
Monday, June 27, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 19 (June 27, 2016) 1st Half
Glory be, the only thing grand that happened on Friday is that Pedro found Don Fernando in The Only Asylum in Mexico that needed landscaping.
There will be plenty to discuss, so carry on, Caminantes.
Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 27, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #21: SHOW ME THE MONEY! would seem that Orlando is Hell bent on cashing in on other people’s strife with his proof of life that Ana Lucia is alive!!!!!!! He tells Ramiro he wants A-Lucky’s rich relatives to ante up antes or nothin’ doin’. Ram feels deceived! Well he was, says Orly. She’s his friend and he only wanted to protect her and he was scared for her! Ram says show me this photo or I go. Ok. Orly opens his phone and shows him a photo of A-Lucky at a danse class rehearsal. Wow! The likeness! It’s her! She really is alive! Oh, and BTW, she has no memory of the accident Ram’s been talking about. Oka, then why is she still called Ana Lucia if she doesn’t have any memory of her past? Seems she was wearing some bracelet with her name on it.
Ok. So, Ana-Lu is having problems concentrating on her new acrobatic project. AniBal, aka AniBaldy, screams at her that her friend has her head on straight and so should she! Maribel secretly smiles a contemptuous grin as Ana takes it verbally on the chin. Later in break Bel beams at her friend and asks where she was and what’s going on inside her head. Ana-Lu lies that Santiago took her to San Nicolas to pick up cash owed by Dona Chana. And Orlando? Oh, they had it out with him. The guy’s nuts! He sliced Santi’s 4 tires all to hell! Just out of jealousy! “-Tough nuts! I’ve never led him on!” Well, Bel left town without word cuz she was mad at the dude for ignoring her affections. She here now with her BFF pursuing her dream!
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #73. Friday June 24, 2016. When Putting The Kibosh On Someone, Stick To The Tried-And-Tested Classics!
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¡Ándale, Poison Froggy! I'll give you a million meaty flies if you get him between the eyes! |
At a glance
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Friday, June 24, 2016
Yago Capitulo 24 :The Cogs on a wheel
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 25
Sneaky's recap added!
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Labels: ana
Sueño de amor, Ep. 72 (6.23.16) QVC Osorio's style (One hour of commercials and PSA's linked together with questionable ''plot'')
The one when Luca spent the whole sunday with baby Luquita
♪, ♫ When you are born ♪, ♫
Skipping sunday church services, Anastasia shows up with bambini Luquita in her arms to spend the day with daddy and block him from seeing Patricia. He, who doesn't have enough time during the week to take care of Patricia's needs, will have to spend time with his baby. Things are getting complicated for Luca, who in only one day will have to learn how to change diapers, feed, and burp the three month old italian baby.
Labels: sda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 20, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 18 (June 20, 2016) 2d Half
Luis is still nursing a grudge.
From this he never will budge.
He argues in court
'Cause he's of that sort
But won't win 'less he pays off the judge.
Louy is such a jerk
Who other people he loves to hurt
Surely when his time comes
He will be eating Crumbs
For others he poisons their bread
Maybe he'll be the one to eat it and be dead.
Labels: camino
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #71. Tuesday June 21, 2016. My Internet Keeps Cutting Off. It's Telling Me Not To Watch.
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How do you like them guns? I got mine by drinking copious amounts of Lala Milk and living at the gym! |
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Yago #23. Monday June 20, 2016. Relationship Status: It’s Yagomplicated.
Labels: yago
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #70. Monday June 20, 2016. When The Villano Is A More Reliable Galán Than The Galán
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Ernesto is insanely hot: Sweet as pie with his gal but a bad motha when need be. He deserves a happy ending. Yes, I have issues. |
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 24 - Old tears and new(ish) intrigues
Labels: ana
Monday, June 20, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 18 (June 20, 2016) 1st Half
Marissa - She's a prisoner of a debilitating disease and cloudy thinking
Don Fernando - He's also a prisoner of his mental deterioration and the manipulation by his elder daughter and her husband
Luis - He's a prisoner of greed, ambition and malevolence
Mariana and Hernan - They are in the same prison as Luis, with a little envy and jealousy thrown in the mix
Camila - She is a prisoner of her upbringing: unloved, unappreciated, a tool of her father
Isabela - She is a prisoner of her Hair and an uncontrolled obsession with Carlos
Amelia - She's been in a prison of her own making; bitter and longing for her former life, although she may get out on parole
Pedro - He's a prisoner of his own stubbornness and the inability to see how his goodness and protectiveness hurts the ones he loves
Carlos - He's a prisoner of telenovela plots, conventional set-ups, chicanery and skullduggery committed by others
Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 ¿Quién es Quién? & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 20, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, quien, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Who’ll be the first over the moon? Let us see…..
• Ana Laura says “Sí” but balks at being bedded before being wedded. Her leg of lead stops them dead. They head home instead, while most of the family are filled with dread that down the wrong road Ramiro has A Lloro led.
• Meanwhile, Ana Lucia and Santiago drive back to the place where it all began for them. They promise each other they’ll never love another. A mistaken Evaristo tells Mama Solidad that they’re more than likely saying their good-byes cuz he’s on his way to somewhere that ensures they’ll never see hide nor hair of each other again.
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Yago Capitulo 22: The clock is ticking
Labels: yago
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 22 - Narrow encounter misses and an amusing twist at the end!
I also apologize that I haven't had a chance to read the two previous recaps and comments and will do so tomorrow. So excuse any comments that have been discussed already.
And so we tune in for a Thursday fix of TVA as Soledad continues to stress over potentially losing Ana Lu as Santiago will separate g them. Ana Lu is very confused and explains about the photo. Soledad continues to worry that Santiago will bring them doom and gloom and world as they know it will implode.
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Thursday, June 16, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 69 (6.16.16) Believe it or not: Everybody is sleepless in Sueñolandia
Midnight confessions
Is midnight in Sueñolandia and the sandman failed to show up, so everybody is awake...
Mario came looking for Leche Lala and found Salma, so they had a picnic inside the refrigerator while discussing the love life of the teenager. Hashtag Ladyconfundida2 or #Ladyembarazada. Her guilt is keeping her awake because she is expecting a baby from the boy she loves and he despises her while there's another boy who loves her but she dispises him. Well, it runs in the family, Mario himself was confundido once dating Pánfila, or whats her name? Felícitas, only to make her loose her job and disappear from the face of the earth. Now he loves Viviana but who knows? Silvana is coming back, and the writers are crazy, so I wouldn't bet much on it.
Labels: sda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of June 13, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 17 (June 13, 2016) 2nd Half
Who holds the key to Fernanda’s freedom? Will it be Ignacio, Camila, Carlos, Don Fernando, Amelia, Pedro, Felipe or…wait for it, Javier? Yes, Javier will no doubt come back into the picture. He was only supposed to be gone a short time. Pedro is living in his house, for heaven’s sakes. It would be hard to believe Javier didn’t leave a way to contact him while he’s been away. Pedro can’t be so stupid or blind not to let him know what happened to Fer. Indeed, Pedro had the hopes that Fernanda would turn her eyes on Javier, a wholesome, successful and acceptable mate, even though Javier himself saw it was a hopeless situation.
Labels: camino
Yago, #21, Wednesday 6/15/16: Yago Strikes Again
Camilo meets his goons (including Tomas Vargas, the loan shark) on the roof of the building. He asks who let the kid get away. As the guilty party begs for his life, Camilo orders one of his other goons, a man called El Chino, shoot him in the head. Chino protests weakly, but complies. Then Camilo orders Chino to jump off the roof. Chino protests a little more strongly. Camilo holds up a photo of Chino's wife, Jesusa. Camilo says that if Chino doesn't fall off the roof, they'll rape and torture his wife to death. Chino jumps off the roof.
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Sueño de amor #68 Wed. 6/15/16
At the family court office, Ricardo hands over a psychological evaluation that was done on him about six months ago to the judge. She says she will look it over. She asks if he has the "proof" he has told her about. He does not have those videos yet. He will be sending them to her and they will prove he never touched Tracy. He thanks her for the time and consideration she has given him. His case is interesting to her because she wants to protect his children and she can see that his children do love him which is the opposite of Tracy's claims. She wants all of the information as clear as possible.
Margarita and Kristel go to visit Silvana at the jail. Surprise! Surprise! Silvana's demeanor is totally changed as part of the "true revenge" plan as suggested by La Tuerta (Ole One Eye). Silvana is crying and asking for their forgivenes. She even kisses their hands and lets them "pet" her head like a dog but nothing has changed. She has successfully deceived them with her "pity me" and "mea culpa" act. In reality, Silvana thinks they are just as stupid as ever.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 21
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 20
Discussion page until Sneaky's recap is ready for us!
Sneaky's recap added below!
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Labels: ana
Monday, June 13, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of June 13, 2016
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the discussions they're looking for.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 17 (Jun 13, 2016) 1st Half
We will have to wait until Tuesday to see how Fernanda’s trial goes. With Felipe defending her instead of Ordoñez, anything can happen. Can anything save her from prison? If Camila goes along with Mariana and Hernán, she will lose Fernanda as a friend forever, but gain her father’s approval (temporarily, probably). If she doesn't and backs Fernanda, her father's wrath comes down on her and Mariana reverts to her venomous reptilian persona. Since Camila hurt Fer at the end of Friday's episode telling her Carlos won't show up because he took his mother to Houston and he's with Ickzzy--his only real love, this does not bode well for the friendship.
Don Fernando is a lost cause to testify in favor of Fernanda. He's too befuddled. As Delilah pointed out, he doesn't even look good in his clothes.
Things look bleak before the trial even gets under way.
While we wait, let’s speculate—why, when Fernanda is faced with serious prison time, won’t Pedro or Amelia just let loose with their not so very dirty secret to Luis….and Fernanda. (Thank you, Diana, for the idea.)
Labels: camino
Tres Veces Ana #19: The Facade de Bondad Starts Cracking
Three Facades de la Bondad
Ana Laura's answer to Ana Leticia's declaration that Uncle Mariano is hers and can never be Jennifer's is met with a plea for Lemmee to get professional help. (Yeah, like when has she ever listened to anybody but herself, ever?)
Meanwhile, Ramiro's credit and cards are blocked and locked. (Does it make sense staying in a high class hotel then, when he knows ol' Papi-cock has cut him off? Dude deserves what he gets. He ain't smart enough to live long, but we know he will.) He goes to The Realty Place to at least give Uncle Mo the 411 on Ana Lucia. Unfortunately for him, Lemmee sees and latches onto him first; she taunts him and then when Mo enters the area, slaps the shit outta Rami and calls him fresh. Info is all a no go, and Mo gives him the heave ho.......Damn! Is Ramiro slow!
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Labels: ana
Friday, June 10, 2016
Yago, #20, Friday 6/10/16: Congratulations! It's a Boy!
She goes to prison to tell Omar he’s going to become a father, but then changes her mind and leaves.
She goes to Chela, her old landlady, to take her to the abortion clinic. She doesn’t feel anything for this child and doesn’t want to have it. Chela urges Sara to take a few days to think about it, but Sara wants to get it over with.
Before the procedure can begin, the technician does an ultrasound. When Sara hears the baby’s heartbeat, she changes her mind... and brings the ultrasound picture to Lucio. "We’re going to have a baby!" Lucio is over the moon.
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Labels: yago
Weekend Activity: The Televisa Remake Game (Classic Movies Edition)
In the last week I've been watching some great classic movies, so I've decided to revive something we had fun with in the past, The Televisa Remake Game. The rules:
- Pick a classic movie, any genre. Title translation optional.
- Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce. Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call. Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
- Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
- Comment on any previously posted project.
- Have fun!
Labels: ana, camino, sda, telemundo, weekend, yago
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #67. Friday June 10, 2016. Repetitiveness, Wretchedness, Ludicrousness And Drabness, Washed Down With A Tall Glass Of Lala Milk
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Too much stoopid will give you indigestion |
At a glance
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 18
Sneaky's recap added!
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Labels: ana
Thursday, June 09, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 66 (6.9.16) What hurts the most are lies, someone please get Ricardo some morphine!
-Why?- Erasmo asks
-Well, because you could have done the same BEFORE ALL THIS STARTED (and spare me to go to Tamaulipas and service old guys against my will or you and Kiko die).
Why some people trust the police and some don't is not explained here, but I am sure that if she had reported Sansón on time, he could have been watched and/or arrested. Plan B could be getting help from Ricardo in his new justice avenger mode, but he no longer works in Vasconcelos, or does he? Is that school still open? I haven't heard anything about it anymore...
Oh, well, who am I kidding?... we have to make this last until mid september, right? Lala productos are not going to sell themselves!!
Labels: sda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of June 6, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Yago #19: What would you do for your own child? 08 Jun 2016

More details of Lucio’s childhood and adolescence are revealed. Mati’s kidnapping forces him to be confronted by the memories of his relationship, or lack of relationship, with his family.
“The fear, insecurity, frustration, and envy that can destroy a human being and take him to the edge are the result of a childhood without love, and I know that better than anyone.” (El miedo, la inseguridad, la frustración, y envidia que puede destruir un ser humano y llevarlo al límite, son resultado de una crianza sin un amor, y yo lo sé mejor que nada.) – Lucio
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Sueño de amor #65 Wed. 6/8/16
At the Nueva Luz shelter, Ricardo is still at it with Cristina and they continue bickering but finally stop to collaborate on trying to find Sandra the lost girl (with revenge on her mind). Cristina is concerned about her because she has suffered so much. Sandra is not from Mexico City and is not at her home in Puebla either. Does Cristina know of some place that Cristina likes in the city where she might have gone? She does not remember so Ricardo asks her her name as a kind of distraction that might help her remember. After fighting this technique at first, Cristina introduces herself. Ricardo looks surprised as he recognizes her as the super duper expert in pedagogy that Bárbara Santillana has been trying to track down for a while now which he tells her all about. Rodrigo explains his surprise by identifying himself as a teacher at the Instituto Palacios. He also tells Cristina, not wanting to offend her, that at the Instituto Palacios she already has a reputation as a witch. Well, she is offended but Ricardo's distraction technique worked because in th she does remember Sandra's favorite place. She looks happy about that but not so happy that his technique worked.
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Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episodes 17 - Jails, card readings and still no memory
Let's start with important plot points we learned today to help us in deciphering what everyone's end game is.
In crazy oboe musician's memory, he is crying over Gina's coffin. Suddenly Marcelo and Mariano walk in. Cue angry stares, no doubt signaling we are about to witness Mexican standoff. Before we can though, memory cuts off.
Ramiro is remembering getting to the hospital after Gina's death. He sees Marcelo, asks him if he could see Gina. Ana Le helpfully volunteers that she saw Gina with a bottle of pills the other night. Isn't it how she died, darling? No, says Marcelo - Gina dies in her apartment from asphyxiation. She left a note. Side-comment: interesting suicide tactic. Judging from the rest of the episode, which you'll read about below, perhaps, indeed, Ana Le's plan of handing Gina pills did backfire, and in reality...could it be that Gina was killed by her own grandfather?? If so, why?
In any case, this was the exciting part, onward to the other 43 minutes then...
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 16 - Where it's all about Santi's memories and sad Ana Leticia
Sneaky is unable to watch/recap for us today, so I am putting up this short summary and we'll discuss away in the comments.
Since it worked so well last time, I will use the Game of Thrones character format (for those who read books), since that worked well last time. And - if anybody is watching current GOT season - it is moving just as slowly...
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Tuesday, June 07, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #64. Monday June 6, 2016. Sometimes A Show Gets So Off-The Charts Stoopid That You Long For Its Early Days Of Milder Stoopid
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What do you call that level of hunger when even a carcinogenic Crayola icecream called “Sueño de Horror” starts to look appetizing? |
At a glance
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Yago #18, 6/6/16: Children Taken, Children Lost
Labels: yago
Monday, June 06, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 15 Where many characters take many long trips
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of June 6, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Sunday, June 05, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 16 (Jun 6, 2016)
Labels: camino
Saturday, June 04, 2016
Sueno de amor, #63 Friday Espe is dying, Salma has a dying wish and Estrella is in mortal danger. The guys are mostly alright, though
For those who missed it the first time, we get another dose of kids violence, when Tracy screams at Selena and almost slaps her. Fortunately Anastasia is not a soulless bitch, too, because she defends the girl and after, she even reproaches Tracy her treatment. Mom of the year has no problem saying that she is bored and she despises her children, especially her daughter.
Selena runs to her room, crying with Rod and the maid, saying how much she misses her dad.
Estrella is with Sanson. She doesn't have the guts to hit him on the head with a pan, because she's terrified, but she becomes even more so when Sanson takes her picture and tells her what he plans to do with her: sell her to the highest bidder, because she's a hot commodity, being a virgin and so pretty (Damn you, Erasmo!).
Sanson adds that Estrella is five times more expensive than Erasmo's debt and if she says no, Kiko will suffer the consequences.
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Friday, June 03, 2016
Yago Capitulo 17 2/6/2016 "Stink, Stank, Stunk"
- A lot of scenes from previous episode were repeated
- This episode focuses on Fidel. We learn that he had a large family of four children(I got confused on the exact number) and a ex wife named Raquel. On the daughters BD Camilo's men disrupt the party forcing a very young Fidel to grab a gun. He opens fire in the sky damning Camilo with his strength. Selma reads a threatening letter that was written by someone called Fabiana . Fidel is leaving with his lover Selma disregarding the safety of his own family. Selma tried to warn him but Fidel did not listen. Raquel took care of the children while they were running away but on the way there Fidel calls Raquel to check on his kids only to learn that they were attacked. Camilo's men catch up to them dragging Selma's daughter . We don't learn of her fate ( I'm speculating that the missing daughter was Julia.) . Later there was a funeral done by Jewish traditions. All of his male children got knocked off
- Teo informs Yago about Lorenzo. He tells him that Abel chased Teo away all while taking his phone. Yago mourns that Abel changed so much clearly shocked that Abel can sleep at nights. Teo mopes that they lost their only witness of the crime but atleast Melina will not be in danger anymore. Teo also warns Yago that their revenge will be a much more bloody journey.
Labels: yago
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 62 (6.2.16) Tired of love triangles? Try love squares! They have more corners!
''Death is not true when you have accomplished well your life's work. We are what we remember of ourselves and we will be what others remember we were''. José Martí
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 14
Sneaky's recap added below!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 30, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, quien, senor4, telemundo
Yago #16. Wed, 01 Jun 16: Weakness
The strength of Katia’s loyalty and faithfulness to Yago is put to the test.
Labels: yago
Sueño de amor # 61 Wed. 6/1/16
At Ernesto's, Anastasia is having a riot telling Tracy about the whole Luca situation over a glass of wine. She is not sending the video yet to Pato. She will get Luca back. She has just thing to snag him with. Ernesto enters and interrupts their "bitchfest". He asks Anastasia to avoid coming over. She was just leaving and is gone. Ernesto starts to remind Tracy why she and her children are living with him. Tracy tries to get smart with her zoological background and tells him they are in a symbiotic relationship. Not so from his point of view. Tracy gets a warning: Ernesto tells Tracy she is like one of those little fish (rémora) that travels on and survives on what he the shark leaves behind. She is dependent on him. He is indifferent to her. She threatens to tell about the "La Sombra stunt" they pulled. He grabs her lips, squeezes them shut and tells her she better be loyal to him and not tell if she does not want to end up in the street. He leaves. She wipes her mouth off with the back of her hand.
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Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 13 - Number of cliches reaches 1000: lies, misunderstandings and stolen letters this episode
We start with the depressing scene from yesterday's episode, where Llora agrees to decline trip to Costa Paraiso in exchange for a hug. She doesn't even get that. Instead she goes back to her room to cry some more, where she is later joined by Abuela. Abuela is outraged Ramiro turned out to be such a shady despicable character.
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Labels: ana
Yago #15 Some Bullets for ya
- Fidel's love is back, where has she been?
- Lorenzo made a run for it and now Lucio is on the hunt, he offers 500,000 pesos to the person that finds him.
- Bruno and Alejandra think there's something fishy with the nun that got transferred, they want to know where she went but they get no info from the head nun.
- We finally get some background on Katia! It seems that our dear Katia was once a hooker (high end), she met Yago at a casino when she tried to drug him, he gets her into rehab and later offers her a job and she becomes not just an employee but also a trusted friend, she views Yago as her brother.
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