Tuesday, September 23, 2014

La Gata #17 Tuesday 9/23/14 La Lentitud

Watching this episode felt like a ride with a teenager who hasn't mastered the use of the accelerator: inconsistent pacing. Hubs is chomping at the bits to watch some TV, so this is going to be short, maybe not so sweet and scattered. Please fill in as needed.

La Pulmonía
After Pablo's day out without his coat, he's contracted pneumonia. He's put in the hospital. Lorenza is called. She rushes to his side. He mumbles incoherently about Esmeralda. Lorenza gnashes her teeth.

La Revelación
Rita tells La Gata about her mom and gives her the letters her father wrote. In them he professes his love and begs Blanca (was that her name?) not to visit him. Although knowing that his wife and child are alive gives him hope, he doesn't want his child to know where he is. When Gata asks Rita about this, Rita tells her that her mom made her swear on her deathbed to never tell her. (Yikes, what an awkward bit of writing on my part.)

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La Malquerida, capitulo 21. 09/22/14.

I apologize for not having done a recap last night.  I had a bad migraine .  If anyone wants to summarize I can post it.  Otherwise, please discuss.  Thanks.


Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #26 9/22/14 There's Something about Chava...

Yikes! It's officially Autumn! The captions on this episode were lagging behind so I'm not sure of some of the dialogue, especially the dinner scene. If I made any mistakes please feel free to fill in or correct in the comments. On to the recap!
From Friday:
Marisol and Lucas meet in the break room.
Chava and Sofia arrive at the racetrack.
Chava tells Sofia how much he loves the passion, speed, and adrenaline rush of the racetrack. She loves it too! He introduces her to his friend Tato. Tato jokes that he thought Chava forgot about his racing buddies at the track and, looking at Sofia, he can see why. Chava corrects him, Sofia is his boss.

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Monday, September 22, 2014

La Gata #16- Mon 9/22 - La Generosidad

Today's episode starts with a flustered Lorenza remembering the smack heard 'round Viewerville.  I ignore her ranting while I smile at how satisfying that was.

Mercedes chews out Jarocha for following Damian's violent example and says they're only hurting Esmeralda.  Mercedes is worried about what's going to happen to Esme now and Jarocha says she'll have to go back to begging so she can feed the kids.

Right now, though, she's still in the hospital, hanging out with her chamacos (kids) and the only two galanes on this show--Damian and Carlos.  Carlos and Esme are both similarly reluctant to ever love again.  Carlos is nervous about carrying the babies, but he, like Damian is determined to help her with the kids.

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Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 9/22/14 #46

Capitulo 46: A Truth and a Consequence

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando was trying to understand why Yolanda would try to do anything to hurt Ana, so he asked Isabruja. She feigned shock that he would think such a thing.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE ONE week of September 22, 2014

Reinamaniacs are still in shock.  No one was expecting The Rocky Horror Suture Show.  The Dragon lost his good friend and mentor; and we, the Crockpot Theorists™ were sent back to the kitchen, desolate, never to know what was behind that poker face.  Danger is everywhere.  No one is to be trusted.

Victor de Rosas has told us many times: La traición se paga con sangre.

Javier de Rosas has told us:  La traición se paga con lágrimas.

What will happen tonight?

In the Department of I Can Stop Any Time I Want:

Jean has very kindly compiled all the recaps from weeks 9, 10 and 11 and put them in a folder in a dropbox here.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos 2 ends tonight! Last week of En Otra Piel, and Gran Estreno de Señora Acero -- Week of Sept. 22, 2014

Tonight, Monday, September 22, is the shoot 'em up final episode of El Señor de los Cielos 2.  What an extraordinary job Hombre de Misterio has done as a solo recapper for this one (with a little help from his friends)!  Want to know who will make it through to a third season?  You'll find out in just a few hours.

Then on Tuesday night, settle in for the first episode of the new entry in the NarcoHour on Telemundo -- Señora Acero.  Is anyone planning to watch this one?  Does anyone want to recap it?

As En Otra Piel enters its final full week, it shows no sign of hastening its stately pace.  Count on the usual top-notch recaps here.

After its final episode next Monday, September 29, En Otra Piel cedes its time slot to the relentlessly promoted Los Miserables.  Anyone interested?

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Señora Acero-index

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #25: 9/19/14: The Look Of Love

Hola Amiguis! I loved this epi, it was all about finding love and yourself. Want to find out more? Please read on and here is a earworm. Dedicated to Chava and Sofia. An Eternal Flame

Shall we begin?

Greta and Fausto are talking about Alan. They will be watching him to evaluate him, good deal.

                                                   Take a look at this guy! A bit smarmy isn't he!
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo # 45, Luz to the Rescue

We start where we left off, Tamara slaps Fanny for having a relationship with Leon. Who slaps a person like that? Does she think she’s on Jerry Springer? But out of no where Ximena comes to the rescue and pulls her off. Why is Ximena at the corporate campus?

Luz shows Ana a loose tooth and Lichis is thinking about her guateque (new word for me; party). Ana says that she needs to dance a vals (waltz) with her father and then Ana remembers her dance with him and gets all emotional.

Fanny is in a meeting with Fer, Isa and Enrique to discuss being his assistant.  She’s not keen on the idea and acts like a spoiled daughter of the president. She left the university because she didn’t want to go into business administration. Then explain to us why you took a job working in business administration? Enrique suggests meeting in his office to figure out what she would like to do. 
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La Malquerida, capitulo 20. 09/19/14.

Skipping the old.....

Acacia is telling the grandparents about managing the hacienda while Cris and Esteban are on their honeymoon. Norberto eavesdrops on the conversation. He finally walks in looking for a watch he left at the wedding. Acacia leaves to ask Rosa about it and Norberto takes the opportunity to tell the grandparents that if Acacia needs any help managing the hacienda, to contact him. Luisa comes in with the watch and Norberto leaves.

Norberto is eavesdropping on the conversation that Acacia is having with the grandparents when Ale strolls on up. Norberto explains he came looking for his watch that he left at the wedding. They talk about someone needing to make blankets or whatever. Anyway, Norberto reiterates that if Acacia needs any help managing the hacienda to contact him.

Juan Carlos advises Acacia to keep quiet about the going on's at the hacienda. He doesn't want anyone all up in their business. Acacia leaves to get lunch and Elena asks Juan Carlos why he said that. He knows Norberto is trying to take advantage since he tried before with Cris when Alonso died.

Juliana visits an exclusive hair salon. She wants a new look now that her life will be changing forever. I wonder if they can remove the permanent pissy face that she always wears.
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Friday, September 19, 2014

La Gata #15- Fri 9/19 - La Liberación

Here it is folks! Recap is below the page break. I had trouble deciding on a title (La Caída? La Operación? La Pelea?) I even thought about using the title La Frustración to reflect my feelings tonight. I like those crazy kids Pablo Pan and Esmeralda so much and dagnabit they can't seem to get it together! Why is Pablo talking to Monica like he's in a position to start another relationship? You're married!!! Why are the writers forgetting that it's 2014? Surely there are ELECTRONIC copies of marriage certificates? Who cares if Mariano has a paper copy?

Ultimately, I decided on the event that made me really happy. El Silencioso is free and ready to exact some revenge. Hurry up, Fernando "El Silencioso" de la Cruz. Your family needs you! Gringo, David and I are smelting ores and making anvils. We will give them to you for FREE. Just drop them on Rita, Ugh-ie (can't remember who started this one, but kudos) and Lorenza.
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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo: Needs a Second Recapper for Alternate Wednesdays

Anybody wanting to give recapping a try alternating Wed. for MCET just let me or Melinama know.

Thanks in advance.


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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #24: The Chava and Pato Face Off and Armie has lost his mind.

Hola Amiguis: Did Chava have his moment of Clarity, as he calls it, has Armie gone mad? Please read on to find out. Here is an earworm. Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

Shall we begin?

There was a contest on who could be the bigger, stronger man, and while Sofia watches from the sidelines, with Chava driving, Pato manages to push that car out of the mud. Pato gets a huge kiss from his tesoro (Sofia) and what does Chava get? A thanks very much and you can go home now! Chava is so very disappointed, but what choice has he got? Pato is going with Sofia to the country home to clean up. he is covered in mud after all. As Sofia and Pato drive off, Sofia is looking longing at Chava, and Chava is so sad. But what choice does Chava have? He leaves.

                                            These two are so cute. Wake up Sofia! You really aren't Pato's Tesoro!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS — Reina de Corazones: week of September 15, 2014 PAGE TWO

With all that has been going on in Reinaland, I think we are going to need it.
I am going to post Mauricio's terrific recap here (with the break) so we don't lose track of it. 

Jueves Part 1

Party Crashers

Navier crashes what was already a doomed to be miserable birthday bash. He has brought Reina a gift - not sure what it was exactly but looked to me like it was an expensive bracelet. Reina thanks him for the gift and puts it down.

"Darling look who it is" she tells Victor. She refers to Navier as cuñado [brother in law] and sarcastically thanks him for coming. "You'll have to tell me all about your European vacation" she tells him sarcastically. Sure thing! Why the three of them [Reina, Victor, & Navier] can have dinner together and he can tell them all about his vacation. Reina sarcastically says "that would be wonderful" and she excuses herself to go and greet the other guests. Victor sarcastically welcomes back his little bro.

JJ has crashed the birthday bash as well. JJ and Susana spot each other.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS — Reina de Corazones: week of September 15, 2014 PAGE ONE

Dearly Beloved Reinamaniacs, we are gathered here to discuss our favorite novela loca.  We started off last week kind of slowly in the comment department but revved up at the end. If I think we need an additional comment page on Thurs., I will add it.


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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo #44/45???

Thanks to Julia for taking over alternate Wednesdays!

My apologies, gang, but night before last the hubster went into emergency surgery. So I'm still playing catch up after being awake a full 24 hrs and having to racing off to work despite the family situation--and yes, some employers these days are mass-governed by computerized machinery programs that don't account for the human element At. All!!  So, in order to keep one's employment you show up or you are shown the door.....  Thus, a bullet pointer of the show will be posted, but later than any of us would have liked.  --ed.

Jarifa and Anon. 207 --Thanks for the assist!

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La Malquerida #19: 9/18/14: The Honeymoon Commences What Happens?

Hola Amiguis! So the honeymoon has commenced so what happened? And what is happening at the Hacienda while the happy couple is away? What machinations are taking place there? Read here and find out. Here is an earworm. Aba Dabba Honeymoon

Shall we begin?

Cris and Este are about to go. Cris is happy that Uli is going to be alrght. Acacia is in charge of the Hacienda while Cris and Este are gone, sort of a trial by fire, and to rely on Rubio, oh, noes!

My eyes, my eyes! It's Manuel and Luisa and it looks like they are in the garage. Manuel's shirt is unbuttoned and it looks like Maybe so are the first two buttons of Luisa's dress, don't look Gringo! Rubio catches Luisa in time before she does somthing really foolish and tells her Rosa is looking for her and Este comes just in in time and tells Manuel he's gotta go! Rubio is tasked with putting the suitcases in the car.

Art and Rosa are in the kitchen when Luisa comes in and Rubio sees the way that Art is looking at Luisa. He isn't pleased. He loudly says he'll tell Rosa about Luis's kiss with Manuel and Rosa has a cow. Rubio is very happy to give Rosa the chisme.

Juan Carlos and Elena wish Este a great honeymoon. Ulie even comes to speak to Este and Este reminds him that Acacia will not be alone there. Cris is ready to get going.

Ale and German and he's comforting her. Ale says she's okay, really. She thanks him for taking care of her and German goes, Ale cries.

                                           Such a good guy. I want Ale to tell him so that he can protect her from Swine.
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La Gata #14- Thu 9/18 - La Mentira

Lorenza doesn't believe that Gata and Pablo got married.  She tears up the marriage certificate and says she doesn't believe a word.  Her precious son would never stoop so low, and no way is she having his baby.  She tells Gata to forget about Pablo, because he's going to marry Monica.  After more griping she dismisses Gata and storms back inside to scream at the nosy maid to never open the door to Gata ever again.  She wants her out of their lives…"Fueraaaaaaaaaa!" (out!).

Jarocha finds Gata on a hill of trash.  Gata tells her it's over, but at least she has her baby.  Fela joins them as Gata's saying she won't leave her baby with someone like Rita.  Gata tells Fela she'll probably go crazy like her soon.  Won't that be fun.  Fela thinks their two babies will be like siblings.  Jarocha drags Gata off, telling her to chill.

Gata cries in Jarocha's shack about how badly they treated her and how she'll never forgive them.  She says the baby is her only joy, a baby that's entirely hers, and someone who will call her "mom" and always be with her.  It's all she'll ever had in her life and no one will be able to take this baby away from her.  Um…talk to Fela about that sometime.

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

La Malquerida #18: 9/17/14: The Vows Were Paused, Were They Restarted? Enquiring Minds Want to Know!

Hola Amiguis! I was laying on my chaise, taking notes and got to the part where the wedding photos are being taken, and the shame of it is I fell asleep. I am so sorry amiguis! If one of Y'all would fill in what I missed I will add it to the recap. Lo siento, and I will make sure to stay awake for tonight's episode. Here is an earworm.I've Got My Mind Set On You

Shall we begin?

Everyone is gathered at the Church. Cris arrives on the arm of Juan Carlos. Este isn't there yet.

German and Ale arrive and German introduces her to the priest, as his novia, and oh, noes, this is the same priest she asked for Santuary, and both are quite surprised. He won't say anything.

Perls and Swine, and unfortunately Swine is now awake. Perls tells him to close his eyes and when he looks he has a cow. Perls is in a red dress with fake Perls and she looks way tacky. Oh, the horror. Perls thought she looked fab and now she is a bit peeved. Swine makes her look in the mirror to get a look at herself and she cries and goes.

Cris is very worried about Este not being there, because he could have had an accident on the way to the wedding. Este finally comes and they smile at each other.

Juan Carlos walks Cris up the aisle. Carmen and Andres have also arrived and gone into the Church. The ceremony begins , the priest starts the vows and Este is staring at Acacia. When the priest asks Este does he take this woman to be his wife, not. a. word! The priest has to repeat himself and Cris tries to get his attention. Everyone just stares at him and he finally comes to himself and he acceptos! Wew, for a moment there it was getting mighty tense. They are pronounced man and wife, besos and go out of the Church. They are gentley pelted with flower petals and everyone calls for besos. Acacia has one strange look on her face.

Now it's time for photos and that's all I saw. 

Here is the rest of the recap, provided by our Vivi:

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La Gata #13 - Wed 9/17 - La Novia

Of course, Augie doesn't believe for a second that his fine, upstanding son knocked up that piece of gutter trash.  Clearly, all the riff-raff have conspired against him!  Damian beats the snot out of Augie for daring to suggest that Esmeralda has been anything but a victim in this.  No, seriously, Damian's fists made violent contact with Augie's face and other parts.  Repeatedly.  I feel conflicted, 'cause Augie is evil, but he's still an older dude.  And also, Damian was going for a law degree, so he can probably kiss that goodbye.

Lorenza is sending Virginia to Italy with "Tia" Eugenia (Monica's mom).

Centavito tells Esme (who's holding Principe!  Drink!) that he heard from Virginia that Pablo's missing her something awful.  Centavito says Pablo's parents have been trying to keep them apart.  As he asks about her illness, Mariano arrives.

Suddenly, Augie has guards…and they come in and hold Damian while Augie punches him and then points a gun at him.  Damian calls his bluff and tells him to go ahead, call the cops, 'cause he's got plenty to say.  Augie threatens to have him thrown in prison and calls the cops to tell them to send someone over.  Damnit.  There goes his law degree.

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Mi Corazón es Tuyo #43, Wednesday September 17, The Hit Parade.

I guess there are two helpings of recap tonight...and you didn't even have to bellow for the mesero to bring them!

Picking up where we left off ish, Diego of course forgives Ana for yelling at him. He understands why she doesn’t want him meddling. Huggy hugs. Strangly hugs.

Meanwhile, over at the garage, Jennys is familiarizing herself with the workings of a car whilst Johnny is familiarizing his hormones with Jen’s face. She cottons just in time to spare herself any familiarity with his saliva. QTH?! They are just friends! But she said he should find another chava, he says. She meant someone ELSE!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #43... the slap heard 'round the world... and Leon finally 'suelta la sopa' to Fanny... and we get the typical reaction from Fanny and her rigid dad... (act before thinking)

I am not sure if Julia will do a recap. if she does i can erase this one...

Fernando with the 5 younger kids… group hug…

Lo Nuevo: Ana apologizing to Diego, with excuse she is a ‘poquis’ (tiny bit) stressed with the debt… he admits there are things he should not intervene on… will do (not). Diego takes a bit payback in the end of the scene by hugging her … HARD.

At mechanic shop, Johnny and Jenn are in a car, he gets a bit eye-googly at her, even calls her a ‘taco’. He tells her it was not until now he sees her as a woman. She is like ‘my space… your space’. He claims she was the one that told him to look at other women. She says ‘but I did not mean ME!!’

At mansion, Ana and Luz choose a picture (can Ana make a dress by just looking at a picture? That is usually a skill only expert seamstresses can have) and begin working on the dress for Alicia.

Leon calls Fanny, she hesitates a lot but in the end agrees to see him somewhere not at his house. It is really important. He is really pensive, probably anticipating the break-up.

At club, Johnny again leans on Jen, she repeats she did not mean herself when she asked him to look at others… then Dana comes by and Jenn says ‘just look around you’. He turns around and Dana is right beside him.

Manuela confesses to Bruno that she followed him, he is very entertained by her saying the guy he was with looked like a thug. She admits she worries about him… again he is very happy/entertained by all of it. Manuela says Ana told her that Bruno might have to pay someone… Bruno says ‘curiosity killed the cat. Would you believe that I, Bruno, would do something fishy? Don’t you trust me?’

At her bedroom, Isa is running out of patience. YoMama, the voice of her reason this time, says you better get a fuse longer than 3 days…

Fernando still helping Sebas and talks to him about Pi being a decimal that never ends… as infinite as the love I feel for you. (Ana has heard this and is very happy to see them so good together). Fernando goes on to explain decimals to Sebas. Sebas seems to be very grateful and loving as well.

Isa runs into Ana in hallway and provokes her saying she is an incompetent ‘na-ka’… don’t understand why he keeps you … ‘I wonder why’ replies Ana… Isa insists demanding Ana to look up to her. When Ana tries to walk away Isa grabs her arm hard and keeps on provoking Ana until Ana swings a ‘tronada’ slap on Isa’s cheek. Isa freezes, so does Ana.

Ana tries to apologize, isa just tells her ‘you just committed the worst mistake of your life’. After Isa leaves, Fanny comes over to a very anxious Ana who thinks now she will be fired for sure. Fanny agrees with her that slapping Isa went over the line. Ana gets Fanny to swing her arms with ‘cancel! Cancel! Cancel!’ and praying for her sake. Ana tells Fanny Fernando is helping Sebas with homework. Fanny happy her dad is fulfilling his promises he made to her. Fanny wants to talk to her dad about Leon. Ana wants to know what Fanny knows. Fanny is afraid what Leon has to tell her is really bad. Otherwise, why the secrecy?
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap #23

Greta is on the phone with Dani's principal and is wigging out as usual. Fausto comes in and consoles her as she laments about Patricio and her current woes.

Sofia asks why Chava hasn't gotten married and he says something but is interrupted by Pato who is now on the phone with Sofia and he appears to be genuinely considerate until Sofia mentions Chava is with her and the harp that was his heart is ripped at the strings. (It's funny that Chava is in the background cleaning while she is talking.)

Pato is being an ass and Silvie tells him to cool his jets; she thought was better than this.

Chava has set up the fireplace and he says he thinks it's weird seeing Sofia in the kitchen cleaning and not in the Ripollery giving orders. Sofia says she knows more than giving orders they bond some more. He thinks he is distracting her but he isn't; she sits him down and they drink a te de francia.

Silvie notes Greta is a woman who knows what she's doing; Paot better watch out. He admits Silvie is right and he must be pro-active. Silvie says it's good he hasn't lost Sofia. Pato and her plot some more when he says he is ready to fake it up and win Greta the bad ol' way.

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La Malquerida #17: 9/16/14: Going To The Chapel, and They're Gonna Get Married

Hola Amiguis. This recap will be short and sweet. Not a lot of convos but lots of getting ready for the wedding and lots of staring, by you know who! Here is an earworm.Going To The Chapel Of Love

Shall we begin?

Ale and German go to the restaurant where his paintings are displayed. Acacia and Ulises join them. Acacia says when they go back for Ale to talk to her Mom Cris, she promises Cris will help her. Ale isn't so sure.

Ale, Cris and Acacia are back at the hacienda. Ale says German is such a great guy. Now Cris wants to know about Ale's life. At first Ale is very hesitant, but Cris is quick and smart and says this guy raped you didn't he? Cris wants her to go the police and report him, but Ale is too afraid still. Cris also suggests that Ale go into therapy, but Ale says the only therapy she needs is German, poor girl!

                                           Ale just go for the Therapy, You really need it to stop being afraid.

Cris and Esteban kiss and Acacia has to look away.

Luisa is doing better at school and seems she's made some friends.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #22 20140916 The Pretty People Plot and The Dumb People Take a Vacation


Alexa helps to defile the impeccable reputation her family by striking suggestive poses on every surface of the chocolate factory. 

Sophia is sobbing in her office and asks Chava to take her far away from there.  He offers to take her to the end of the world.  Well, she doesn’t want to go that far away.  She simply wants to go to her family’s country house on the outskirts of town.    Sophia sends Chava for the car and his apron.  He stops at the door to watch her cry.  Her engagement ring sparkles in the office lights.  I hate her

In another part of the building, the soft-porn duo (Patrick and Silvanna) are busy plotting the demise of the chocolate empire.  Silvanna pops a tudie and leaves because Patrick won’t share his evil plans with her.  Once he’s alone, Patrick reads the results of the DNA test.  Coria was not related to Sofia.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

La Gata # 12 – Tue. 9-16-14 – Augie and Rita: a Partnership Specializing in Making Bad Situations Worse

[ed note: tonight's recap comes to us courtesy of La Paloma!]

Next Time, Try Hiring Professionals

The paid thugs break into Rita’s shack and wrestle La Gata, bragging “We’re getting paid a lot!” She begs to know who sent them and continues fighting.  A quick flash of Augustin shows him smugly claiming no sacrifice is too great for your child.  The kidnappers push the Gata blanket-burrito into their car, but find Damian standing in their way.

As the getaway cars weaves through the dump, Damian whistles for his buddies. They jump into the cart and cut the car off at the pass.  The camera cuts away again, this time picturing our pure Pablo strolling the campus, talking to buddy Henry and two attractive co-eds.  They think it’s time for a little fun.  Back at the dump, the trash warriors take a stand in front of the car. They open the trunk, lifting out Esme, removing her gag, and telling her to calm down while the thugs escape.

Augustin reams out his hirelings for their failure.  Lorenza overhears and asks Augustin what he ordered? Better for it to stay unknown, he replies.  Damian, Carlos, and the gang share their pride in being a family and protecting one another.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #42 16 Sep 2014... Fernando finds his parent cap but is still missing his spine and 'co$)#*$&es'


Jenn and Johnny, she suggests he finally get over Ana (she is now seized by Don Fernando’s brother, and he is good eye candy, besides very nice and polite to her) and find a gal who will make him happy.

At club:

Diego goes to the Chicago and asks Ino-Doro how much Ana owes him. Ino-Doro learns Diego is Fernando’s brother. Ino-Doro says Ana is my golden egg hen, when she dances the Chicago gets packed full, and I ain’t letting her go. Diego realizes and tells Ino-Doro in his face that he is exploiting Ana. Ino-Doro just calls on his guys to get a bit closer into Diego’s space. Diego says better call them off me… Ino-Doro warns Diego to behave … for Ana’s sake. (ouch!)

Jenn tells Johnny he is not ugly (Feo)… he is just … different. Jenny jokes to Johnny about seemingly having issues with Ana having told him he can stay there. Jen says she will interview for a job at a car shop later, a guy friend of Nico’s. Johnny says no way. Jen says thanks to all you taught me. Maybe he can hire you too. Jen would convince Nico to put in a good word for him…. Paid with kisses, of course.

And we finally get Enrique Basurto on screen. He calls Fanny ‘little girl’. She is a bit abnoxious to him, to tell you the truth. Turns out Enrique and Betty know each other and she seems to have a crush on him. He is also glad to see her again. Fanny tells Fernando on phone that EB is there, she tells EB Fer is ready for him. EB walks in. Fanny tells Betty EB is ‘super –what comes after W… meaning X’.

At the mansion, Ana receives a very nice arrangement of roses (orange, fuscia and pink, with small lilies). Of course they are from Diego. The delivery guy tries to make a pass at Ana and she basically shuts the door on his rear end.

‘I could say you are the most beautiful woman… but I would have to skip over all the rest of your qualities… great personality, generosity, patience and smarts… so many virtues would not fit in this card. All my love, Diego.’

She smiles staring at them once she puts them on top of the piano.

At Costena offices, Fernando (btw, he is the President) is yelling at someone doing a report for him. He has to apologize to EB as EB walked in. Fer says Isa was working at the VP role and she recommended him. His resume is excellent and fits the needs of this business. Fer says he demands commitment to the job. EB makes the mistake to say the receptionist, Fanny, is not really efficient. EB says the girl is also a bit inexperienced and insolent/petulant. Fer laughs it off and then says ‘she is my daughter!’ we hear EB grumble to himself ‘swallow me, ground’ (tragame tierra is a very common phrase in Spanish to mean they would like to be transported anywhere BUT there… sort of the ‘wanna get away?’ slang). Betty tells Fanny she does not want Fernando to know she knows EB, so she sends Fanny with the coffees.

At Leon’s apt, Tamara finds a copy of their marriage certificate. She asks herself ‘what face will Fanny put when she sees our marriage certificate?’
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #21 9/16/14 Pre-Nup? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Pre-Nup!

Hello Everybody! A TV station in North Carolina tweeted out this picture of the evening sky last Thursday. What do you see? Pretty awesome, right?
God Bless America!
On to the recap!
From Friday:
Miguelina tells Sofia and Chava about Lucas. Sofia wants to talk to him.
Silvana and Pato lock the office door for a bit of 'private consulting'.
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La Gata #11 - Mon 9/15 - La Correspondencia

Please don't go, Pablo!  Well, he's going, and he intends to send Gata money and have her join him in New York.  No worries--his dad will help.  Gata suggests, since there are so many more jobs there, she can just go with him now and start working.  But nooooooo, Pablo and his misguided pride need to do it on his own.  What about staying and letting Gata provide for him?  Pablo and his misguided pride need to do it on his own.

Carrrrlos comes looking for Virginia and thankfully, when she pulls up in front of the house, she's alone!

Gata cries in Fela's lap about Pablo leaving.  Fela is sure he's never coming back, 'cause that's what dudes do.  They say they'll come back, but they just leave you lonely and it drives you crazy.  She flashes back to sitting with Silencioso, sans beard, in the living room of Casa Negrete, which was far less decorated than it is now, with the baby, and having Silencioso dragged out.  Fela thinks it's better to be crazy and take her baby doll out for a walk.  Well, sure, when reality sucks this bad…screw it!

The chauffeur is a little worried about leaving Virginia alone with Carrrrrlos, but he has more loyalty to her and Pablo than he does to Lorenza, so he has no problem leaving her for five minutes while he drives the car around the block.  Carrrrrrrlos couldn't wait to see her again--harpy of a mother be damned!  Virginia just beams.

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La Malquerida, capitulo 16. 09/15/14.

Skipping the old and right into the new....

Luisa comes in asking what that man is doing in her kitchen and to her soup. Acacia and Ulises walk in wondering what all the yelling is about. Ulises introduces Arturo to Luisa and she stops her yapping. They leave and Rosa wants to know what is up with her.

Dr. Andres has invited Carmen to lunch. She wants to keep it professional but he says he's to old to be running after her. He straight up wants something more. She agrees.

Lunch is finishing and Luisa comes in to take the plates away and does it noisily and rudely. Cris goes after her and says Acacia told her she had a incident with her classmates. Next time come to her. It is her responsibility to watch out for her. You know how much I care for you and think of you as a member of the family. Please have confidence in me. Luisa doesn't want her grandmother to find out what happened. Cris tells her to have more confidence in her grandmother. Esteban walks in and says they have to go. They are going to take care of some wedding stuff. Ulises, Arturo and Acacia come in and Arturo tells Luisa goodbye. If there is anything she needs help with, to count on him. She thanks him but prefers to go at it alone. Ulises kisses Acacia goodbye. Acacia wants to know why Luisa treated Arturo rudely. Luisa realizes that in order to get ahead she can only count on herself. Except Cris paid for your schooling sweetcheeks. Just pointing that out.
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Monday, September 15, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo #41, Lunes 9/15/14 #41: Who Let the Dogs IN?

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando decided to lay down the law to Sebastián, grabbing his arm as he told him they were going to talk in the library. Neither he nor Sebastián nor Alicia noticed this, but Hissabela was gloating the whole time when Fernando played through the second act of “Wait 'till Your Father Gets Home.” The boy was clearly intimidated and Alicia watched in near disbelief. Hissabela finally distracted the girl by suggesting they go upstairs to try on the dress for her quinceñera.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of September 15, 2014

This is the LAST FULL WEEK of Cielos II and is bound to be full of action and bloodletting.

This is the second to the LAST FULL WEEK of En Otra Piel. Will anything happen?

Watch and comment here.


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Saturday, September 13, 2014

The She-dog Shows Her Fangs #40, 9/13/14

After overhearing Ana’s admission to Fanny that she is attracted to him, Diego sneaks off all smiles, giving himself a mental(?) high-five.  Ana senses that somebody’s overheard her and Fanny’s girly chatter but is too late to catch the culprit.  More slumber party activity ensues.  

The next morning at breakfast, Jennifer tells Dana she’s got to get another job to help pay back the money Ana borrowed from Don Doroteo to pay for her cancer operation and therapy.  She refuses to ask Don Nicolas for the cash, but accepts Dana’s suggestion to at least ask him to help her find a job.  And, of course, Don Nico comes through for her.  He’s got a buddy/client? that’s got a shop fixing luxury cars.  He’ll get the guy to give her a job—as a mechanic????  (More likely as a receptionist, but either way, unless it’s high class hooking, dealing drugs or winning the Irish Sweepstakes, there’s no way in Hell Jens is ever gonna to pay off that kind of loan in this life or the next!)

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #20: 9/12/14: Dinners At the Ripoll House Never Go Well. Greta Tells Sofia What To Do, Or Else, Missy

Hola Amiguis! My computer has a virus, so I had to get a loaner from a friend. Here is an earworm. The Worst That Can Happen Shall we begin?

Our very wonderful Matthias is making the chocolates. He is mixing and stirring and working his tail off and the end relsult? Perfection! The poor guy is so tired he takes a seat and goes to sleep. He has a dream about winning Maestro for best chocoltier in the world. The guard comes and wakes him up and accuses him of being drunk. Matthias says shut your mouth, well, not that, but the alcohol he smells went into that wonderful chocolate bon bons he just made. He goes.

                                                        Isn't he just too lovable?

Sofia and Pato are together and she smoochies him. They are looking at those pics of Alexa. She ends up liking them and now it's on to dinner. Sofia does bring up the fact it's time to find a new Maestro. She hits on the idea that Matthias would be perfect because after all he was the Maestro's disciple. Pato isnt' so sure, and we know why dont' we? No Maestro and Ripoll goes down the tubes. He doesn't want to think about all this right now.
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Weekend Discussion: Taboos

Telenovelas have been breaking a few taboos in recent times and the comments in this blog indicate that people's buttons are being pushed by some of these.  What does it for you?  What would you rather see?

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La Malquerida, capitulo 15. 09/12/14. Love and sexy time are in the air.

We start off with Cris and Esteban declaring their love for each other as they start the dance of love.

German gets onto Manuel for pushing Alejandra into the pond and to leave. German and Ulises go off for towels. Acacia understands that Ale doesn't want to show her scar but she is among friends.

Cris walks out of the bathroom happy as can be. Esteban follows. Cris is happy that their passion for each other is the same as the very first day. He tells her how much he loves to touch her and smell her perfume. He says he loves her more everyday and they start round two.

German and Ale talk about the incident. He calls his brother and idiot again. She doesn't want him to fight with Manuel over what happened. He leans in for a kiss but doesn't get to far as she pulls away. He knows she just wants to be friends but he fell in love with her.

Acacia and Ulises are cuddling in the pond. She tells him that Ale is very private and doesn't like to talk about herself. He says she's not only the best girl but also a good friend. They start smooching. She pulls away and he admits he wants to make love to her.
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Friday, September 12, 2014

La Gata #10 9/12/14 La Separación

I'm going to have to make this short and sweet. My laptop was acting up earlier this week, so I pulled out my old one and now that one is acting up. I just want to get this up and hope the laptop doesn't explode while I'm at it.  I'm really sorry about all the issues I seem to have.
  • Not-so-Ernesto (thanks, Susanlynn!) threatens Albecinia (or whatever her name is.) If she keeps advising Esme on how to avoid his pervy attentions, he's going to send her to the archives. He thinks she's jealous of the young hotties.  
  • Pablo is cute, but dumb. He actually has the nerve to ask Monica to help him convince his parents to let him be with Emse. Bless his heart. Monica refuses.
  • Lorenza continues to try to impose her will on Pablo and calls him a mal hijo. She tells him again it's family or Esme.
  • Esme does indeed get fired after the jealous wife catches not-so-Ernesto making the moves on our feline heroine. Poor thing! She was completely innocent!
  • Pablo and Virginia talk about Esme and Carlos. How did these two end up so nice???
  • Emeralda wants Damian's help in registering for school.
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Hasta El Fin del Mundo #19: 9/11/14: Pato's Mis Planes Continue and Lucas is One Lucky Boy!

Hola Amiguis. Due to a snafu, there was no recap for Wednesday, so I am going to briefly go over important points from that capitulo and then continue on with Thursday's recap. Here's the earworm.Aint No Sunshine.

Shall we begin?


The producer of that Chica Ripoll campaign likes Armie. She wants to know if he has ever modeled, would he like to model, he is flattered but won't. He's married.

The school principal calls the Ripoll House and the maid gives the phone to Greta, who promptly blows a gasket. Dani is not in school, skipped school. Greta yells for Fausto. Seems Chava dropped Dani off, watched her go into the school and then left. So now this is Fausto's fault. He and his freewheeling method of dealing with the girls, but especially Dani. Poor Fausto looks so bereft. Greta calls Dani's cell phone and leaves a voice mail that says come home now or else. Poor Dani is outside the police station crying. When Dani gets home, Greta chews her out and she's grounded and no cell phone or computer. She is confined to her room to study. Dani has just lost all her teen lifelines.

Chava goes to the police station and pays Lucas a visit. Chava pulls out the medallion. Lucas tells him it's his. Seems that his Papa won this medal for boxing. Lucas never knew his Papa, and this is all he has. Chava says how alike they are in many ways. Chava goes to visit the Commandante and finds out that all Lucas needs to be released from the hoosegow is for Sofia to drop the charges. Chava will pass it on to Sofia.

Sofia is going over the Ripoll campaign pictures with Alexa, Pato, and Silvana. Everyone likes them but Sofia, she feels they are a bit riskee so to speak. Now on to Thursday:

                                           Sofia isn't liking these pics.
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Mi corazon es tuyo, #39, Thursday, Sept.11th The worst father in the world prize goes to Fernando Wimp Lascurain

Yesterday we left Ana and Fernando talking on the phone. She asked Diego to call his brother because she wanted to tell him about Sebastian’s problems at school. But before she could start talking about the son, they got into a fight and Ana hung up.
Fer calls back immediately and Ana finally tells him that Sebas is failing 5 of his classes and he’s very rude, so much that she simply can’t control him anymore. Isa overhears part of the conversation and she is furious, of course. Fer asks to talk to Sebas, so Diego takes the phone upstairs to the kid’s bedroom.
Sebas is listening to music on his headphones and refuses to talk to his father. Fer orders him to pick up, but Diego doesn’t think that would be a good idea. Fer doesn’t care about Diego’s advice, what could Diego know about raising kids? (Apparently more than you do, idiot!) He asks his brother to put Ana back on the phone.

In the meantime, downstairs Ana is chatting with Nando, who came home upset because his novia, Ximena, has been around the block. Ana tells him that her past shouldn’t matter to him, that he should think about the future and living a beautiful present together. Then she asks him to close his eyes and try to picture what he sees in his heart when he thinks of Ximena. Well, all he sees is her, because he loves her so much.

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La Malquerida #14: 9/11/14: Intrigue and Machinations, Oh, My!

Hola Amiguis! What is going on at the Hacienda Benavente? A ton of intrigue and Norbie is up to something with Dany. Want to know more? Please read one. Here's an earworm. I Can't Get Next To You

Shall we begin:

                                                    Listen  you cowardly swine, put Ale's picture away. We are sick of seeing you holding it like it's  some sort of treasure. Our eyes just can't take it anymore. I wish a rock from the Devil's Pass would fall on your skanky head. You have been warned. Next!!!!!!    

Jules is still questioning Norbie from yesterday about what happened the day that Alonzo had his accident at the Devil's Pass? Jules wants the truth, and it better be good, well not that, but she wants the truth. It's about all his hankering after that Hacienda Benavente and those lands, "that should have been his" in his own words, years ago. Of course he dodges and doesnt' answer.

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

La Gata #9 - Thu 9/11 - La Despedida

Sure enough, the gossipy maid tells Lorenza that Virginia is following in Pablo's footsteps and the entire populace of La Barranca is going to invade.  Lorenza interrupts Virginia at the piano to forbid her from seeing Centavito.  (Mr. 5ft: "No problem!  I can't see.")

Pablo interrupts his father at work to tell him that…kids grow up and form their own ideas…and he's in love with Esmeralda…and it doesn't matter what her current last name is, because Pablo's going to make her a Martinez Negrete.  He wants to marry her ASAP since she won't take any money from him without being married to him.

Virginia, once again, overhears a nasty argument from her room upstairs and heads out to see what's going on.  Even Lorenza can hear him screaming at Pablo that he chose the "right" woman… one with money…and no, he wasn't "lucky" to fall in love with her, he just chose a woman who was at his level.  In the foyer, Lorenza waves the cook back to the kitchen and stands by Virginia.  Mr. Lorenza refuses to help Pablo find a job and doesn't want to hear another word out of him unless it's to tell him that he's getting married to Monica or some other twit who comes from money.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS — Reina de Corazones: week of September 8, 2014 — PAGE TWO

Dear Reinamaniacs:

Here is Page Two for Thursday's and Friday's recaps and for all your comments through the weekend.

This is the place to celebrate -- so far this week we've had full, uncut episodes!  Thank you, TELEMUNDO!  Let's hope the trend continues.  (How can we solve the mysteries if clues end up on the cutting room floor?)


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HEFDM- Discussion for Now.

Discuss away!


La Malquerida #13: 9/10/14: Too Close For Comfort

Hola Amiguis. This will be a brief just the facts M'am type of recap. Love Hurts.

Shall we begin?

Manuel and Cris have a talk about school.

Esteban and Acacia talk about the central commercial center project and he may have a way to help Ulises. Just wait and see what Eseteban does.

German and Ale do lunch, he's going to give her a credit card, manana. German loves seeing her smile.

Acacia still feels responible for what happened to Ulises and the project. Ulises tells her not to worry, he will find a way.
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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #38, 10 Sep 2014... Witch Mother moves in the house and acts all entitled... Bruno and Manuela start suffering... Fer and IsaBruja are enjoying their honey-gloom...


At Mansion:

Diego trying to convince Ana that Nico will understand her situation and won’t cause trouble with Fer. Ana not so sure. Diego even offers to carry her and take her in his bike… she passes on the first, takes his offer on the latter. She does not want to be too late so Ino-Doro won’t cause her more trouble.

At club:

Nico arrives, Dana (Jen’s friend) greets him. Diego joins them… tells Nico ‘wait till you see THE show’. At dressing room, Ana checks on Jen and her treatments. Ana is doing ok… Jen is getting some skin discoloration. Still bringing up the subject of ‘that which has no remedy’ (her not being able to have kids)

At Cozumel (I will be there in Nov as a stop in a cruise trip) Isa is doing her best to seduce Fer… he seems to be willing and follows along, even though the one doing all the ‘love you’ talking is IsaBruja.

(CUT!!!  Fer sees an image of Ana very nicely dressed, questioning his having told her 'I love you’ vs what he is doing now)

Isa tries to get him to come back to earth… he asks her for a moment… he is a bit ‘out of it’. And spits his favorite word of late… ‘perdoname’. (sorry). Then he walks away… Isa is a bit confused, a bit miffed.

At Club:

Ana talks on microphone… says her true name, instantly calling Nico’s attention. Nico is in disbelief. Diego tells Jen ‘no worries, I talked to Ana ‘bout this’. Ana confirms to Nico it is the one and only… She tells the crowd that here is a person she admires and respects… and even asks for an applause for Nico. Then she mentions that Jennis just came out of a serious illness ‘I love you sis!’ and then she tells the crowd that she twisted her ankle… but she will give the audience her best effort… welcome to Chicago!

Jen explains to Nico that she could not tell him that she and Ana have known each other a long time… Jen asks Nico for forgiveness for the little lie…’I will think about it’ (but with a wide smile on his face).

Ana does her show, this time it is Diego who does not miss a beat of it (Fer did it a while back) and she is better than ever… very high on the pole, upside down and spinning around on her legs… Even Ino-Doro is very pleased with her performance tonight.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

La Gata #8 9/10/14- La Propuesta

Wednesday is supposed to be just a discussion header, but like Kat last week I can't bring myself to just post a header. Too much happened tonight!!! Unfortunately, I'm a lazy son of a gun and it's not a full recap. Just bullets (some of which I wish were real. I'd aim them right between Rita's eyes. Old hag.)
  • The Meatball (El Italiano) is wrestled to the ground by Esme and Pablo. Luckily no one is shot. El Italiano leaves in a huff. He yells at Rita because he still can't have his Gata (my mind is in the gutter right now.)
  • Pablo goes off somewhere and Mariano takes the opportunity to tell Esme that Pablo actually has a girlfriend already and it's Monica. Of course this upsets me..er..Esme terribly and she begins to cry (while I curse the TV.) Mariano then decides to tell her he was just kidding. He needed to see how much she really cared about his bro. So not cool.
  • Later Mariano tells Lorenza that Pablo and Esme are the real deal. Lorenza confronts Pablo. It's either La Gata or his family. Pablo will choose Esme of course. That evening, Lorenza monologues. If that girl wants war, war she'll get! We'll see who wins!
  • Lorenza gives Monica tips on how to win Pablo.
  • Pablo misses a play date with Esmeralda. Esme is filled with doubt. 
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Mi Corazón Cap #37 Highlights

[Highlights from Jarifa and Martivett --Thanks a million to both of you!!]

Fernando with a "deer in the headlights" look and after being brought back to reality by Isabela finally says "I do". It is very surreal for him.

At that point, Ana cannot take any more and trips on her way out of the church and interrupts the ceremony. Diego follows her. She goes to the emergency room and has a sprain. They leave and go to have some street food. He tells her of his international adventures.

Fernando and Isabela leave in the limo and are smooching in the back.

Fanny explains "honeymoon" to younger kids.

Yolanda shows up demanding to know where her room will be. Bruno shows her a vacant room and she is not impressed and goes back to her house to say goodbye to Isabela before she goes on her honeymoon.

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Day Change To Alternate Wednesdays for Recapping Opening of Mi Corazón es Tuyo

We need a new recapper to now help Julia on alternate Wednesdays for Mi Corazón Es Tuyo (the 8PM Eastern time slot).   Martai is switching to Tuesdays.

Please let Melinama or me know.


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La Malquerida #12: 9/9/14: Ball of Confusion

Hola Amiguis. This recap is done from memory. I didn't take notes so feel free to fill in. I am leaving out the old, including Danevil and getting right to the new. Here is an earworm.Will It Go Round In Circles

Shall we begin?

                                                Now Why Can't he get Squared Away and Fly Right, he's so darn Handsome, it's a Dirty Rotten Shame. We want to like you, but ya know, there are certain lines that don't get crossed, jus' sayin. Stop the sabotage!

Esteban is telling Cris he wants to cancel the boda (wedding). What reason does Esteban give her? Cause her Papa Juan Carlos is in the hospital, that's why. Oh, good one Esteban. Cris reminds Esteban they are not getting married tomorrow. Cris will talk to the Doc to find out what is what. It will fine for them to marry.
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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

La Gata #7 9/9/14- La Amenaza

I had to attend a reception at hubby's office tonight. Luckily, we were able to make a quick appearance and get the heck out of dodge. I'm kind of beat though, so I just watched the episode and this is by no means a complete and "in order" recap. Please fill in the gaps.

La Pelea
While Esmeralda is supposed to be getting coffee for El Italiano, she catches Ines making out with El Garabato (El Doodle.) The two girls get into a huge cat fight. Esmeralda tries to warn Doña Rita that Ines is going to end up sleeping with El Doodle. Does it surprise anyone that Rita takes Ines's side? Rita throws La Gata out of the jacal. Esmeralda spends the night looking for shelter and monologue-ing to her long lost father. She is sure that he is out there somewhere and will return to take care of her. Later, Esmeralda returns and begs to be let back into the hovel. Ines makes her apologize. I seriously cannot wait for Rita's and Ines's anvils. They cannot fall fast enough. Not to mention the Italiano's glee at La Gata being out on the street. Surely this will drive her into his arms and she will be his? Bleeecchh.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #17 20140909 Their Opinions Remain the Same, It's Their Positions that are Constantly Changing

Depravity and twisted filth continue in Patrick’s den of limitless sin and never-ending debauchery.   Although their positions change quite often, the theme of the conversation remains constant.  It's all about the downfall of the Sofia and the Ripoll Factory.  Silvana gets Patrick to admit that his plans are to marry Sofia so that he can bankrupt Ripoll.  Somewhere during the missionary position, Silvana declares her love for him.  Patrick makes it very clear to Silvana that she’s just a “side piece”.  It’s just sex between them.  She’s OK with that. 

Please enjoy the video Side Pieces:  Duet by Drake and Brian McKnight

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #16 9/8/14 Silvana makes her move

Hello Everyone! Before we get to the recap I thought I'd share something cute:
A couple of years ago two peacocks and a peahen showed up on my farm. We think they saw the chickens and the ducks, thought the place looked good and decided to stay. Last year the peahen hatched 5 chicks. As soon as the babies appeared the two peacocks took off and we haven't seen them since. I guess peacocks are deadbeat dads. This past June, the peahen laid 6 eggs. Since there were no males around the eggs weren't fertile. She sat on that nest of eggs for weeks and weeks! I thought she would eventually give up, but she never did. I felt sorry for her, so one day when she was off the nest eating, I slipped in three duck eggs. Even though she had already been there for weeks she stayed on the nest for another month and hatched two ducklings! Unfortunately she lost one of them but she is raising the other one and it is doing just fine. She must wonder why her baby likes to hang around the water dish and the duckling must wonder why mom roosts at night instead of laying on the ground. But they are cute together and lots of fun to watch.
On to the recap!
From Friday:
Chava talks to Sofia after Alexa's meltdown.
Irma tells Lupe' she's leaving Armando and taking Nandito with her.
Armando talks to Alexa in the car.
Silvana arrives at Pato's Playhouse. Her shirt arrives moments later.
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La Gata #6 - Mon 9/8 - La Tormenta

Gata got a job selling lottery tickets.  Centavito got a job washing cars at a parking lot.  High fives!  They joke about how Centavito showers every day and Gata showers more often since Pablo started giving her soap and shampoo, but she tries not to use a lot so she doesn't run out.

Pablo's dad gives him a lecture on how to be a proper snob.  Pablo says he thinks he's starting to understand.  His dad is thrilled and moves on to talking about Lorenza's desire for a Pablo-Monica union.  Pablo keeps the innocently bland look on his face and his dad never notices he's being mocked.

Gata has found Principe.  Crisis averted!  No sign of Doña Rita, though.  Too bad, so sad.  La Gata and Centavito work on setting out various things to catch the rain.  Centavito doesn't think Rita's on the level about begging for money.  He thinks something else is going on.

Pablo's dad keeps going on until Pablo can't take it anymore and calls it illogical.  Pablo says he'll make his own marriage choices, thank you very much.  And Papi threatens to withdraw his financial support.  Well, Pablo's heart is no whore, so that's not going to work.

Pablo worries about Gata in the rain.

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La Malquerida, capitulo 11. 09/08/14. Acacia and Ulises make up; Sightings! Bare chested men.

Skipping the old and right into the new.....

Luisa is none to happy that El Rubio will be driving her to and from school. He probably asked el patron to do the honors. But if that's how he wants it, fine. She doesn't have to talk to him during the drive.

Esteban decides to forget the wedding at the church. If she were to leave now, it would destroy her mother. Cris is happy that she is finally accepting Esteban, even if just a little. Or perhaps she is pretending for her mother's sake. He thought she finally accepted him. He's hurt and starts to walk away. Acacia calls him back and says she really does accept him now. She wants to say more, but Cris interrupts. Cris wants to know if they are going riding, but Acacia begs off. She's not feeling it and suggests they go alone.

German aka big sexy is getting unfortunately dressed when Juliana walks in. Big sexy informs his mom that he got back the blanket he let Alejandra borrow and will take it to get cleaned. Juliana doesn't want it anymore and tells him to throw it away. She's concerned about his little relationship with that girl. She's not happy he returned early this morning. Big sexy says he just bought some new canvases and was painting all night. Juliana questions if he's telling the truth. Of course it's the truth says big sexy. Alejandra is a great girl. Sweet and respectable. Juliana relents and says they win. Norberto wants Alejandra at the hacienda and in the office. But she wants him to find out more about her, especially her inheritance.
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Monday, September 08, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 9/8/14 #36


Mount Olympus: The ancient gods usually content themselves with sitting back and watching human comedies and tragedies play out as though they were continuous live entertainment. However, upon occasion a truly egregious situation comes to their attention and they feel a need for action. One great enough that two goddesses normally at odds with each other needed to speak.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS — Reina de Corazones: week of September 8, 2014 - PAGE ONE

Reinamaniacs are still reeling from the realization that Telemundo is cutting the heart out of our favorite show.  Guys, if you haven’t already done so, please let Telemundo know how you feel about this.  You can email them at this address:


Or you can express your opinion on Reina’s Facebook page or on Twitter.

What can I say?  I find that a battle-scarred Reina is still more enjoyable than the rest of Telemundo’s primetime lineup and definitely more fun than anything Univisión is airing right now.  ¡Ánimo! And keep those Crockpot Theories™ bubbling! 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of September 8, 2014

Both these shows are in their final weeks, soon to be replaced by Señora Acero and Los Miserables.  Even if you’re not watching the novelas, it’s worth stopping by to read the remarkable recaps of Novelera, Jean and Kelly (En Otra Piel) and Hombre de Misterio (El Señor de los Cielos, II).

Have a great week!

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Saturday, September 06, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #15: 9/5/14: Pato's Master Plan is Revealed

Hola Amiguis! We get an inkling of Pato's Plan, Greta is pithed, Irkme has had it, and Chava and Sofia get closer. Do you want to know more? Read on to get the rest of the story and here is a little earworm Wives and Lovers especially for Irkme.

Shall we begin?

In Bangkok, Thailand, Perlata is playing golf and is talking to Pato back in Mexico. He is under the impression that Pato has gotten rid of Coria the Maestro, and without a Maestro, Ripoll will fold. No more new recipes and that land will soon be in his hands, Bwhhhaaaaa! Peralta tells Pato, he will soon have his Distric Mangnus. Yeah, okay lets go with that or look at this picture. It's Perlata and Pato.

                                                      Peralta and Pato, si!

Alexa is in the backseat of that Mercedes and she's staying outside in the backseat for a while. This was her refuge when she was little and she found comfort there. Alexa wants to know what Armando thinks. Well, this will campaign will be in all the TV and Magazines.And besides, Actresses are always selling perfume and shampoo, famous ones at that. This might actually help her career. Alexa finally goes into the house and Greta asks about the limp. Alexa says she is okay and goes upstairs. She is really hobbling and wincing.
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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #35 León's secret is revealed, will there be Bodas Interruptus?

We begin where we left off yesterday, Diego is kissing Ana on the cheek with his back turned toward an open door as Fernando walks past and glances in. He pauses, thinks about what he’s seeing, it looks like it could be a kiss on the mouth, but realizes he has to move on, and moves on.

Ana finally pushes him away, happy? no he’d be more happy with (elbow jab, elbow jab) but she tells him he’s going to be late for his trip to... to Paris, he says, the city of love, and then on to Bombay. Now called Mumbai, get it right writers! He tells her he’s going to think about her the whole time he’s gone, then he’s gone. She thinks about that. Is she pleased about that? We can’t tell by her expression.

Jenny is recovering in the hospital and crying on Nico’s shoulder, not literally. She mourns the idea that she will never have a baby. Nico does his best to console her.

As Diego is leaving, he runs into Fer who is surprised he’s leaving, but he does seem to have a smile on his face. Diego tells him he’s going for 2 weeks and tells Bruno to take care of Anita. They leave together.
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Weekend Discussion: What Are Novelas Teaching Viewers?

Some recent discussions are provoking this question.  What are viewers learning from novelas and what are they meant to learn instead?

La Malquerida is treading into some dangerous territory regarding misogyny and incest, La Gata is perhaps more heavily into class-consciousness than any of the others, and Mi Corazon es Tuyo shows us a large family about to explode over a marriage contracted for the wrong reasons which will have a domino effect on everyone in the entire household.  Since that series is popular in Mexico we can anticipate a long period during which a wicked stepmother will reign supreme over a previously controlling (but loving) father.  Nothing new, but this will be the largest-scale example to date.

What effect do you think this has and what should be instead?  Sound off, amigos.

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La Maquerida #10, 9/5/14: Fake Courtships, Fantasy Lovers, and Really Real Marriages

Gloria has a busy weekend, so I am filling in for her today.

El Refrito:
Luisa tells her Abuela Rosa that she’s going to school to become a chef, and Cristina is paying for it, as long as Luisa gets good grades. Granny blows a gasket, yells about the shame of asking la Patrona for a handout, and forbids it!

Cris is feeling fine and frisky and tells bare-chested Esteban that she wants to make love until dawn. He’s up for that, leans in for a kiss, comes up for air, and sees step-daughter Acacia standing in front of him instead of his wife!

Lo Nuevo:
After a few beats, and looking like he’s seen a ghost, Este is seeing Cris again, but the mood has totally been killed. He begs off, saying he’s tired. Cris takes him to the bed and gives his very tense back a massage.

Luisa explains to Granny that it’s not that she’s ashamed of where she comes from, she just wants to improve herself. She has that right! Granny agrees—but only if she works for it; not having people give it to her. Luisa explains that she will work and pay Cris back once she starts her career. Luisa wishes her parents hadn’t died, because she knows THEY would have supported her. Grandma has heard enough. She slaps Luisa and stalks out of the bedroom!

Luisa is a FAR better child than I am, because instead of being ticked off, she finds Grandma in the kitchen, crying over her tea, and apologizes for what she said. Grandma says she misses her daughter, who was intelligent like Luisa and gave her lots of headaches, but also brought her much joy. She explains that her fear is that Luisa is going to school for all the wrong reasons—those reasons being Manuel “Manolo” Palacios, aka El Joven Palacios. Luisa admits he is one of the reasons, but she’s mainly doing it for herself. Grandma finally agrees to give Luisa her blessing, and the two hug it out. Luisa begs her not to cry. Grandma says her tears are all she has left, because she knows Luisa will eventually leave her (way to lay on the guilt trip, Granny). Luisa assures her that even if she leaves, she will never stop caring for her or loving her.

Acacia is visiting Alejandra in her new pad. They discuss the Ulises-Manolo situation. Acacia feels torn because she loves Manolo, but she’s IN LOVE with Ulises. Alejandra is sorry that Ulises turned out to be a lying, violent bastard, like ALL men. Acacia doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, so Ale asks about how things are going with her stepdad. Acacia happily reports that things are going well. Ale is glad because she feels that Este is good peeps. Acacia feels she needs to make the effort to get along with Este, because he’s the perfect man for her mother…and an ideal father.

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Friday, September 05, 2014

La Gata #5 - Friday 9/5/14 La Promesa

Parte 1
El Refrito
  • Los madres make plans for world domination
  • El director will try to get El Silencioso's pardon.
  • El Pablo loves La Gata.
Lo Nuevo
La Rita tells Jarocha that she found out La Gata can read and write. Jarocha does't see how that's a problem. Well Rita didn't take the kid in to act all finolis (hoity toity), she took her in so she could help. Jarocha gives Rita heck again for making Gata and Centavo go out and beg while she and Inesita live the life. Rita says Inesita was was born to study. That girls burns the midnight oil with her studying (hilariously rendered in Spanish as quemar las pestañas--to burn one's eyelashes.) Speaking of school, Inesita is home from said institution...before the dismissal apparently. Rita asks about her early arrival and Inesita explains she can't go back until Rita talks to the director. The teachers don't like her. They failed her in 5 subjects. They don't teach anything. (Yeah, we're purposely obtuse because we don't want anyone to learn and we live for parent conferences in which we are blamed for all the woes of the child.) Rita will go down to the school and give them a piece of her mind.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #14: 9/4/14: Who Is Really In Charge At Ripoll?

Hola Amiguis! Who is really running Ripoll Chocolates you ask? I think I know, I have a Crack Pot Theory. Read on to find out. Here is a little earworm.  Maneater

Shall we begin?

Lupe is teaching Marisol how to Tango. I loved that they used an old record. You can hear the scratches as it plays.

Alexa and Pato are discussing her money problems and the La Chica Ripoll revival. Alexa is of a mind not to do it, when her phone rings. She goes to the bathroom to answer and it's that darn Alan of course. He wants that money or he'll talk to Sofia. Alexa looks sick. We'll get back to her in a tic.

We left Sofia and Chava at the restaurant discussing his life. He tells her about how racing is his thing and he tells her about the day of the sabotage. He is so into it, he does the hand motions, like he is back to that day, in that smoking car. Sofia is transfixed. Chava tells her one day he will win the Cup for a race. Chava says their lives are so different, but filled with coindencidences.

Lucas is out with the bad dude watching in a car. A bidnez man has come to his car and the tire is flat. Lucas and that bad dude watch as the bidnez man, goes to the other side of the car and changes the tire. While he is doing that, Lucas opens the drivers side door, the guy doesn't see him and jacks his wallet and Lucas goes.

Armando is down with Mattias on the factory floor. Armando has one of those get ups on. Silviana see him and likes what she sees. She also likes his attitude.

Alexa is in the bathroom and is looking mighty ill. Silvana stops there and asks if she is okay. Alexa looks like she is having a panic attack. Alexa says she's fine. It seems that Alexa might be accepting Pato's offer. She goes looking for Armando.

Pato is in his office when Silvana turns up. He says he is a genious! This idea for the revival of La Chica Ripoll. Pato says he has the Ripoll family where he wants them. Does he remind you of anyone? How about Pinky and the Brain? Pato is Pinky and Silvana is the Brain. See you know how Keebler have those little elves. Well Ripoll is being taken over by Pinky and the Brain, jus' sayin'.

                                         Pato and Silvana si?

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La Malquerida #9: 9/4/14: Dazed and Confused and A Little Clarity

Hola Amiguis! Oh, noes it's happening. The ending scene said it all, but never fear I will tell you everthing that happened in between. What is happening to our Esteban and what is happening to Acacia. Here is a little earworm for Y'all,  Clarity  Shall we begin?

Acacia is ministering to Manuel and Juliana is running her mouth and saying Ulises beat up Manuel, she saw it with her own eyes!

Esteban is wanting an explaination from Ulises, he swears that Manuel was the one that hit him. Esteban doesn't believe him and makes him go.

Juliana is whining on the phone with Norberto. Acacia now knows Ulises was made to go and he is not welcome back. Rubio gets Manuel up.
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The Enemy Advances

Cap 34

Ana forces Diego to retrieve her confession letter.  “—You owe me!  You OWE me!”  He races into Fernando’s bedroom and grabs the paper out of his brother’s hands.  I don’t want you to read this!  It’s a letter asking forgiveness.  I apologize for that with Ana in the library.”  But Ferd really wants to read the letter.  Di stuffs it into his mouth and eats it.  Problem solved.

Diego races back to Ana’s bedroom and tells her mission accomplished.  He gave his brother some cock-n-bull story and no, he didn’t have a chance to read the letter because his innards are digesting it as they speak.  He ATE the thing!  They grouse about whose fault it was until she tries kicking him out of her room so she can get to bed.   He tells her she should be grateful and eventually show him how grateful—a good-night kiss would do for starters.  She slams the door on him and he is totally smitten.  He giggles to himself.  “How adorable!”  

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La Gata #4 - Thu 9/4 - La Poesía

Pablo has a hard time capturing the special sparkle in Esmeralda's eyes with his mere mortal drawing skills.  He agrees to let her have the picture and they awkwardly get back to the planned reading lesson for the day.  He even cardboard sleds with her.  Such is the power of her sparkly eyes.

El Silencioso hangs out in his spacious single cell and daydreams about running around with Erika Buenfil and snuggling with a little baby.  He vows revenge, for his family.

Esmeralda continues struggling to read Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" while I frown in Pablo's general direction.  She's still having trouble with the actual words…wouldn't something less abstract be easier?  I can't find the section she's reading…something about spring arriving and soft breath…anyone know what it is?

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Thursday, September 04, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of September 1, 2014 - PAGE TWO

Hola Reinamaniacs, the Crockpot Theories™ are bubbling away with more than 140 comments for the first three capitulos of this week. So here is your page two. In response to Novelera's question on Page One, here is an updated list of Navier's perils to date. Enjoy the rest of this week!

The Perils of the Dragon or, It's Hard being Navier

shot twice in back on Victor's orders;
beaten by guards in prison;
knocked out when Reina was kidnapped;
shot in leg rescuing Reina w/fever complications;
shot (graze only) while in shower with Reina;
forcibly sedated on orders of Esmeeth;
knocked out by Izzy and pinned by falling beam in fire;
shot in shoulder by Fico;
poisoned by coffee laced with heart-attack flu virus;
involved in roll-over car crash (no injuries); and
shot by Reina but was wearing a bullet-proof vest - no injury
thrown out of window onto van 

So the grand total of times Navier has been shot so far anyway is 5 if you count the graze in the shower! And never a scar to be seen on his lovely bod.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap #13

Sofia is missing her shoe and Chava has a uh oh. He is scurrying and helping her look for it. They go to buy another pair of shoes in the interim.

Alexa and Greta have a heart to heart; Greta isn't clothes-minded. She was young once! Alexa lets it out that she is 6 months behind on her rent. Greta subtly blows a gasket and Alexa then says that is exactly why she didn't want to tell her. Alex says she has a lot to tell and it will never end; Greta can't help her. Alexa doesn't wanna face Sofia and ask for help monetarily.

Chava and Sofia talk about the call she made to him the other day; it was accident. Chava is OK with that since he was filled with glee and he is glad he met her.

Silvie was called in by Pat and she sees he has left info pertaining to the DNA test he has in store against Sofi. Silvie thinks Pat is behaving strangely when he gets a call from the mansion.

Sofi is in such a rush she opened the door herself and as she scurries off, Chava compliments her new shoes; he know he must find the missing shoe.

Over the phone, Greta is making a deal with Pat pertaining to Alexa.

Silvie is remembering that Pat and a stranger went to Maestro's house and knows something is up.

Alexa and Greta discuss their woes and such some more.

Fausto and Dani are discussing the woe of the stolen dress.

Lucas is playing the guitar when Miguelina come in and she asks about the wonderful job he said he had; you said things would be different! Miguelina has a Dona Mati and talks about how she is close to dying and he needs to be independent.

Chava drives around looking for the shoe; lo and behold, he found it? No, it's a dirty shoe he gallantly throws in the recycling bin.

Pat comes to Silvie and they discuss Alexa as the Chica Ripoll. Silvie claims she grew.

As he brings things in for her, Greta is lecturing Armie on art and she said art critics are boring. IrkMe has called him BUT he ignores it (who wouldn't?) and goes to bring more things upstairs.

Chava has successfully found the shoe!

IrkMe is angrily lamenting that Armie doesn't answer her calls. As he brings more packages, the phone rings and Greta says if he doesn't anwer the phone, someone is going to suffer an anxiety attack! He ignores it and Greta throws her 2 cents in; she says IrkMe must be demanding or jealous.

Sofi and Chava are a hoot once more.

IrkMe is leaving a message; forgive me babe.

Armie and Greta talk about how he isn't a cheater; Greta says he is a stand-up guy and Alexa is gorgeous. She can see why his wife would be jealous.

Chava lets a little white lie about how he found it; he was pricked by the heel while finding it in the car LOL.

Alexa asks Armie to take her to the Ripollery and he is skeptical at first but is reassured and happ to oblige.

Dani gets a call from Lucas and then a text; Risitas Hablamos. Fausto comes in stating dinner is ready. Would you like to eat downstairs or up? 'Niela asks Fausto for advice for a friend who is really her. Fausto recommends her "friend" help the boy and not to get mad if things don't work out because she is really trying to help him. He will bring her food up so her HomeWork groove isn't interrupted.

Lucas at work with his mobster boss.

Chava awaits outside for Sofi who is in a restaurant; she calls Chava to tell him to come in with her.

IrkMe sees Armie driving by with Alexa in the car. He helps her out and the sentimental music kicks in while Alexa walks into the Ripollery.

Matty catches Silvie and lets her know one of the machines is having difficulties when he is preempted by Alexa. Matty hits on Alexa and then he lets Silvie know about the machine for real this time and she says leave a memo; he gets a hit off of her sardonicism.

Chava is inside with Sofi since a woman and her baby didn't come in (I'm guessing Sofi is looking for a new Chica Ripoll.) He is about to leave because of the subtle discomfort when she pulls him in and tells him to stay.

Matty finds Armie and thanks him for taking him home. That's what friends are for. He lets Armie about the machine and La Chica Ripoll.

Alexa is in Pat's evil lair and they wheel and deal. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Chava and Sofi politely get their grub on and he is overwhelmed by the abundance of utensils. Sofi advises him the least used ones are for the appetizer and the most used are for the entrée. Eat calmly. Chava asks if she would like to talk about anything and Sofi says she would like to hear about his life.

Lupe is looking for a CD and exclaims to Marisol she has found it! With that CD she can make kids, adults and something I didn't catch dance! She busts a move and in a silly way gets down with Marsiol (after shaking her head back and forth.)

Pat is laying it on thick that Alexa is grown and blossomed now. She says La Chica Ripoll isn't in her anymore and receives a call; it's Alan and he is being a jerk saying if he doesn't receive the money they need, he will tell Sofi everything!

(End of Capitulo)


Sofi and Chava talk some more and he claims they're from 2 different worlds.

Armie saves Lexi from killing herself but she twists her ankle.

Lucas tries to steal from Sofi when Chava is right there and tells him to let it go.

IrkMe yells at Armie for bringing Alexa home and curing her ankle.


La Malquerida #8: 9/3/14: We Got Trouble With a Capital T, That Rhymes With P and That Stands For Pool!

Hola Amiguis! Darn the mini pie cart didn't quite take Danilo out, more's the pity. The title for this recap is taken from the Music Man, and so is the earworm I have put up. Enjoy the earworm. Ya Got Trouble
Shall we begin?

Acacia and Esteban are still discussing El Rubio and why Esteban didn't fire him. Acacia will not have a man working on the Hacienda that abuses woman. Esteban wants to hear from Luisa and Alejandra to get the full story.

Norberto and Juliana are talking about Manuel and Acacia.Juliana tells Norberto she went to the hospital and spoke with Cris and Juliana thinks there is some type of inheritance that wasn't managed well with Alejandra, Juliana is under this impression.

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