Monday, June 08, 2015


Dear friends,
You may or may not know that our blog is attacked daily by frenzied legions of spammers. These days most of them are witch doctors, but in the old days they were peddling limousine services and air conditioners. I have turned on comment moderation after a week, and am now deleting most of the spam by hand...

... but I just discovered that blogger has, in its own attempt to ease my burden, been classifying zillions of spam comments - but also plenty of legitimate ones - as spam...

... for instance, I just found a folder on the site called SPAM and in it were about 1,500 comments dating back a couple of years and a lot of them were from (sob) Susanlynn who is one of our longest-contributing and devoted fans...

... so, if you find that your legitimate comments are not appearing (ie you are not a witch doctor or an air conditioning salesman) write to me at and let me know.

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Sunday, June 07, 2015

No Empty Threats, Or, ADmit It! We're All Just Swimming In Swill!

Simona wishes Violeta luck with her job interview.

While Motor and Toño chug a couple of chilled ones back at Simona’s place, Tony tells Motor that Daddy Dearest is going to get his clock cleaned for dipping his wick where others had not feared to tread.  Motor mentions Teodora’s rape and Tony isn’t pleased.

Diana, down in the dumps and feelin’ dumpy, is still looking for love in all the wrong places.  She sits in Lucio’s humbling hovel waiting for him to load her up on compliments.  (Guess being preggers is not always all it’s cracked up to be, Dee Dee.)  Once she leaves, Lucio goes rooting around in Max’s box of inherited jewels for a necklace to please Dee with.  The one he comes up with looks like it could pay for all of Max’s cancer treatments and then some.

Vi’s voice and La Mano Negra convince Julian-lio that he should give her a two week trial at his club.  Mano looks like he’s interested in her and chats her up a bit.

Fausto is convinced that Max is “El Anonimo” and he pays a visit to Macaria having decided that they should become lovers again—frenemies of sorts--she’s an enemy equally vile, vicious, and conniving as he is, he tells her.  He’d rather keep her close if they can work together again.  They seal the deal with a seductive roll in the sack—her price for her loyalty.   She promises him again to let him have one go with Abigail as proof of her “loyalty” and love.  A moment or two after they’re done doin’ the deed and in the middle of “afterglow”, Renata walks right into Mac’s brick cottage unannounced and is looking for Abi.  Feisty is forced to flee the scene by sneaking past.  Ren thinks she smells his aftershave but Mac swears he’s been nowhere around her place recently.

Later in the day Mateo gripes at Mac for knowing about his wife’s affair with his uncle and never saying anything.  Mac hides behind the excuse that she tried telling him way back when they dated but he wouldn’t listen.  He asks if she knows whether they carried on the affair even after they got married, but Mac plays dumb on that score.  But, not happy unless she’s getting under somebody’s skin, she goads him by saying that Abi, as nothing more than a maid’s daughter cannot expect any serious relationship from her beauty and will probably end up some rich man’s mistress.  Mat goes ballistic and begins shaking the be-jesus out of her for it.  “—Why do you always say those terrible things about your own daughter???  Is that what you want?  To sell her???  Huh?” 

Feisty walks in and saves Mac’s bacon.  Mat’s forced to stomp out of the kitchen knowing he’s too much of a gentleman to give Mac the beat-down she deserves.   

Across the way, Abi brings Max back to his humble abode and waits with him while he vomits and then puts him to bed. 

Back in the hacienda’s kitchen, Macaria plays Ms. Innocent and cannot imagine why Mat’s in such a foul mood.  She complains that they’re both so obviously in love with her daughter and both of them get so testy over it!  Feisty grabs her by the throat and threatens her if she dares trying to play both ends against the middle when it comes to Mat and him.  They’ve just reconciled, but she’s not beyond his reach.  “--Don’t threaten me!  I’m not afraid of death or of jail.”  “—No, I won’t bother killing you.  If you dare betray me again I’ll gouge your eyes out with my own hands so you’ll live in the same darkness as Renata!  Ha, so you are afraid of that, aren’t you?”

Outside the manse, meanwhile, Dee is moping on one of the benches in the back garden when Lucio comes trotting up.  He fills her full of flattery and hands her the necklace to cheer her up.  He races off when Helena comes up the walkway.  Hellie admires her daughter-in-law’s necklace and helps Di put it on.  She asks where it came from and Di says she inherited it from Tía Mia.  Hellie says she honestly doesn’t know if she could ever trust Di again.  

Di again swears by all that’s sacred that she never was involved with anyone after she felt hopelessly in love and married Mat; she then sways the conversation towards making mistakes and keeping secrets and the tone takes on a guilefully menacing air.  “—Everyone has made mistakes and some have been kept secret.  Haven’t you got some secrets of your own?  I thought there was something in the hospital but I didn’t really hear well.  I supported you despite not knowing what secret you were hiding and I did it because I love you, Helena.” 

Having finished with weak-minded and insecure Hellie, Di then walks into the living room to find Feisty lost in thought.  All the better to nag him over Abi once again.  “—All you managed to do was to drive my husband and her even closer together.  In fact they are sleeping together.  I caught her in his bed while he was taking a bath!” “—You’ll have to help me drive them apart.”   Not a chance.  Your wife and your son and your problem!!  He asks her to keep her mouth shut or at least to lower her voice.  “—It’s okay with me if they all hear me!!  If you’re going to drag me through the mud I will do the same.  I’ve got no reason to protect your secrets from my husband!” Of course, speak of the King of Rome and who should appear wanting to know what secrets she’s talking about.

Lucio finally arrives back home.  Abi rudely gets ready to leave him with Max and as he tries stopping her, she warns him to keep his hands off her.  He asks why she’s always got to be so catty and rude around him.  All he wants to do is to thank her for going with him to the treatment.  He’d wanted to but Max wouldn’t let him, he admits.  “—I’m sure he’s got his reasons!” she sneers at him as she walks out the door. 

 Hellie walks into the living room right behind Mat.  Instead of acting guilty as sin, Fausto artfully turns the tables on Mat telling Hellie and him that Mat had better not take advantage of a decent young woman like Abi, especially under his roof.  He has no business as a married man sleeping with her!  Mat starts snickering.  “—You are telling me that???!!!  After hopping into bed with everything in skirts your entire married life???  You who has admitted to having an affair with my wife when we were dating???”  At least it wasn’t under Renata’s roof, says Feisty in his defense.  Mat is quick on the uptake.  NO, you simply were courteous enough to carry on across the way at La Enramada, right my love?” 

Di tells him enough already!  “--I will not allow you to talk to me or this way!  I swear I have been completely faithful to you during our marriage.  What do I have to do to convince you?”  Mat tells her there’s not a thing in the world that would do it for him now.  There’s no reason for you to console yourself in your mistress’s arms, she continues.  (Her tía must be smiling up at her from Hell itself, Di’s acting is so flawless.)  “—She is not my mistress!!”  “—Oh, don’t tell me you did nothing but talk all night long!”  “—That’s exactly what we did!”  Feisty jumps in here and warns Mat he’d better respect Abi or else!  “—The same goes for you!  You’d better watch what you do around her because I’m going to be watching you!”  Mat and his Mama exit stage right. 

Fausto advises DeeDee to get her hubby and move the heck out of the hacienda or else.  Nothin’ doin’, spits back Dee.  “--You still haven’t begun to pay for all the harm you’ve done me, Fausto!  And you know how I am going to collect?  I am going to make sure that that idiot Abigail is never going to get it on with you!  Never!!”

Upstairs in Mat’s room, Hellie gives Mat The Talk about sleeping with a single girl.  Mat plays The Troubled Teen and tries making his mama understand that it was a harmless hug through the night and nothing more happened.  “--What the heck is wrong since I’m going to marry her as soon as I get divorced.”  And the two children?  “--There’s a good chance they aren’t mine, but if they are they will be taken care of their whole life long.  But my kids or not, this marriage is at an end!” 

Hellie isn’t satisfied.  She continues defending Di’s supposed “luhhhhv” for him and he cannot understand why she is.  Hellie explains that we’ve all made mistakes.  Even I have.  No, says Mat.  It’s not the same thing.  She didn’t cheat on one man while engaged to another!  It’s totally unforgivable!  You can defend her however you like, even though it’s going to break my heart.  But there is no way I can ever stick it out with a woman I despise as much as Diana!  And nothing and no one can ever make me change my mind!!

Naive Nieves and Teo visit Diego in prison.  (Yawn. FF>>FF>>)

Lucio worries over Max.  He tries encouraging him to make another play for Abi but Max nixes that in the bud.  Lucio and he discuss selling the jewels for his therapy rather than him doing any more “jobs” for Fausto.  Lucio promises only one more and then nothing else and Max won’t have to use his mama’s jewelry.  But no, it doesn’t involve killing anybody this time.  (Some good news for a change.  Right Maxie?)

Abi remembers Mac’s sob story making her believe that Fausto is her father and that he despised her because she was a maid’s illegitimate daughter.  Fausto joins Abi in the garden and scolds her for sleeping with Mat.  She tells him it’s her business.  She’s a big girl now and she’s not sorry about anything since nothing happened.  He asks her what her feelings are for Mateo but she refuses to discuss it with him.    Rather, she wants to know what Feisty feels for her.  (Ruh-Rohhhhhh!!!!!)


Saturday, June 06, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #15 Fri 6/5/15 The First Part Of Martin's Ridiculous Revenge Ends With His Wedding To Veronica

Club Prado Castelo
A drunken Emiliano offends Veronica by calling her a "seductress and treacherous" and Martin grabs him by the lapels. Instead of giving the jerk what he deserves, Martin releases him rather quickly and Emiliano continues to make a scene in front of all the guests. Jorge shows up and tries to put a stop to it all but instead of dragging his son out of there the idiot stands there and lets Emiliano continue to humiliate himself and the rest of his family. Veronica tells Emiliano "enough already!". The fool is willing to give Emiliano a pass for this little scene when she should slap the him silly for his offensive remarks against her. Emiliano comments on how Martin will drag her off to Mina Escondida which happens to be the worst place ever. Veronica makes it clear to Emiliano and everyone else for that matter that Martin won't drag her no where because her place is where her husband is. She says that Mina Escondida might be a hell for some but for her it will be her paradise because it will be her home with the man she loves. She makes a toast to Mina Escondida. Nicolas finally steps up and carries Emiliano out of there. Veronica hugs Martin and Jorge apologizes to all the guests and to Martin for the scene Emiliano made. He tells everyone that they will understand that the party can't continue.  Jorge leaves.

Martin and Veronica are still hugging and Veronica asks him how come this had to happen on a day that was supposed to be full of happiness. Martin tells Veronica not to take things too seriously because alcohol and spite doesn't mix well together. Veronica doesn't know how she can't take things too seriously if what Emiliano said were terrible. I have to ask here: If what he said was terrible then why the heck are you giving him a pass? Veronica doesn't understand where Emiliano could have gotten all those ideas about her.

Montse grills Salma with questions. Montse didn't even know Emiliano was in love with Veronica. Salma shrugs off her questions and tells her that she has to go and be with her son. 
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Friday, June 05, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #79 6-5-15 Cande's back, but ain't nothing sweet about it!

Greetings, friends!  Let’s see what our friends in Santa Lucia are up to.   Cande marches smartly into Renato’s law office, check book in hand.  Cande is confident she can make the divorce an express especially knowing that Renato has feelings for Aldonza.  He evenly and flatly turns her down:  he’s not for sale.  She puts her checkbook away but maintains that EVERYbody has a price and he should think about his and get back with her.  Renato asks why she is so interested in Aldonza and Cris divorcing.  THAT is none of his business she replies as she leaves, nose in the air.

Lola has a little errand, too.  She goes to Mari’s house to tell her Eman has moved into Aldonza’s and his room is right across from hers and now they can see each other every day!   Mari maintains that she trusts Eman and Lola claims she doesn’t care about him, she just wanted Mari to know.  Mari tells her the last thing she is worried about is that Eman would ever be interested in her; he’s been over her for a loooong time;  and slams the door in Lola’s face.  Mari stamps petulantly on the other side of the door and each calls the other stupid.  Thanks, so I don’t have to.

Oh, here’s Cande, on her way home after failing to buy Renato.  She meets Simoneta/Viviana carry two suitcases.  Since Cande is always set on bitch mode she lights into S/V and asks what the shameless slut is still doing in town, her husband wants nothing more to do with her!  S/V maintains that she and Sev will always be together because there’s something that binds them now:  She’s going to have a baby!  Cande doesn’t believe her, S/V doesn’t care and is confident that Sev won’t deny a child of his own blood!  (Hoo boy!)  “I know Severiano!” S/V declares defiantly.  “But you don’t know me!” Cande counters and stomps away.  (I don’t know how these girls manage these rough-hewn cobblestones in those heels—sheesh!)

Still super pissed, Cande steamrolls into Sev’s office and scatters the papers on his desk and announces to Sev through fiercely clenched teeth that he’s going to be a father again!   Cande orders him to go to the Santa Lucia hotel where S/V is staying and fix it:  She’s not going to have this same story repeat itself!  Cande blasts out the way she entered leaving Sev’s evil wheels turning.     Sev does indeed stop by and S/V was expecting him.  Of course he denies the baby is his.   S/V told Cande because Cande confronted her on the street and HE refused to take her calls.  She knew Cande would go running to tell him immediately.  They have a back and forth:  Sev doesn’t want the kid and he wants HER out of town.  SHE is not leaving and she’s not going to give this baby up like she gave up one before and if he refuses to recognize and support their child she will mount a scandal of monumental proportions and unmask him before all Santa Lucia!
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Amores con Trampa #50 Would the character who is NOT involved in a love triangle please step forward...

I will redo the detail from the beginning of the cap in the morning, but here is the rest.
Some woman has about 3 scarves on at the same time at Isa's store. She tells Rocio she's buying them all.  Isa catches Beto and Rocio kissing. Rocio and Beto finally get a green light from Isa to date.
Beto catches Isa and Esteban arguing out in the street, but he is probably too far to hear what they're saying. Isa not happy Esteban tried to make Santee believe he was Alejandra's dad.
Estefi waltzes into Facu's office and keeps insisting and begging that he give her something to do and keep her employed, she claims she has no money even to eat... and if Santee finds out about it she is toast!
Esteban is trying to call Santee, but Isa calls Esteban, he threats he will tell Santee the whole menu. Isa gets frantically desperate begging him not to.  He hangs up. She is driving insane and catches up with him... Beto is coming from another road... wait for it.... wait for it... Esteban and Isa continue arguing from one car to another.   Beto watches as Esteban crashes against a construction truck. Isa flees the scene.
Something is going on with the younger ones and Diego's brother... they all are still in school uniform.  They are playing hide and seek but Jacinto keeps giving too many explanations... the rest of the kids (Diego's brother, Alejandra and Gusana) are thinking sighs and visions toward each other.
Estefi still in Facu's office, he insists he does not want any trouble at home.  He is surprised Estefi has met Maria.  Estefi says Maria is lucky to have him.  She thanks him and before he can realize it she kisses him on cheek.  He gets uneasy. She leaves while he talks to himself... he can't understand the people (rather, the WOMEN) from this city.
Did I say I LOVE Lalita the little cow?  the animals have plenty of lines tonight. including Margarito, Tito the donkey and even the hen.
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Lo Imperdonable #14 Thu 6/4/15 "Rings, Horses, and Drunken Cousins.....Here's How to Ruin a Lovely Engagement Party"

UPDATE:  As I previously mentioned, Adriana had an "imprevisto" (something came up) and could not write a recap for last night's episode #14.  Fortunately, our recapping team captain Mauricio came through for us (even though he also has recapping duty tonight) and wrote a detailed recap of episode #14.  So, I have deleted from here my emergency bullet points from this morning.  Enjoy Mauricio's full recap immediately below:

Hotel / Bar 
Virginia and Martin continue their little chat outside the hotel/bar. Virginia doesn't want Martin to mention her relationship with Daniel at home because it would cause problems and she wants to protect Daniel from them. She goes on to tell Martin that no one is to blame for being poor and that what is important to her is that Daniel is a hard worker. And we all know Virginia knows from personal experience that he is a "hard worker".... Martin won't mention Virginia's relationship with Daniel. Martin's cellphone rings. It's Veronica. Virginia leaves so Martin can talk with Veronica. 

Martin answers his phone. Veronica thanks him for the all the flowers. He filled her room with them and filled her with happiness. It's the best present she has ever received. No one has ever had such a gesture like that with her. "It can't be the first time that a man gives you a gift.." Martin tells Veronica. "Of course not" Veronica replies. "But if that were true, nothing compares to receiving something like this from the man I love" Veronica tells him. Martin tells her he thinks she is exaggerating a little but is glad she liked them. Alfredo signals to him [probably letting him know their car is there] and Martin tells Veronica he has to hang up. Veronica tells Martin she loves him. She tells him she knows he can't say "I love you" back but she is sure that one day he will. Martin hangs up and says to himself "of course I will never say it but I would love to..." as he leaves.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #97 – Lucio Chooses Door Number 3 and Gets Zonked

Refrito: Diego, Mateo and Abigail sit at a card table in jail. Since that isn’t awkward enough on its own, Diego starts to blather on about Abi giving him another chance and marrying him again. He seems to catch a bit of the emoting virus from Mat’s proximity, but Mat leaves and he calms down. Abi shuts him down on the marriage plans. He needs to have a life first, preferably out of jail. He says the marriage will help him get custody of Domingo. Poor Nieves. He used the same line on her. Abi offers to talk to Fausto because he’s so good and helpful, and Diego says no in the usual manner.

Helena connects the dots about Fausto getting a girl pregnant, and then that girl giving birth to Diego, which would make Fausto the father of Diego. Fausto cannot see the logic in that and won’t have Helena spreading it all around town, either. She is playing with fire these days. Will she make it to the end of the novela?

They continue speaking, and Helena is bound and determined to fill in the blanks and cross the T’s on her death warrant. She needles Fausto about having slept with his own son’s wife. Fausto doesn’t get why he has to keep repeating that he ended it when he found out they were dating. Doesn’t that remove any weirdness or impropriety from the situation? No Fausto, even if it were true. Now Helena dots one more i by mentioning the anonymous letter accusing him of being the father of Diana’s babies, and saying that Diana said he has continued pursuing her. Fausto says Di has done a good job of manipulating Helena, and he is right. For now.
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Thursday, June 04, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #78 6/4/15

I thought this episode was going to be great...and then they just started talking a lot.

Valeria confronts Cris. How dare he sleep with her while he was married to Aldonza? If she had known that she would never have slept with him. She's no one's plato de segunda mesa (second choice so to speak.) Cris tries to apologize and explain that he was drunk and had just found out that Aldonza was his sister. Val doesn't want his excuses. He used her. He sought her out knowing she was in love with him and wouldn't turn him down. He took advantage of her feelings. He apologizes, but she doesn't accept it. He humiliated her and treated her poorly. She only hopes that are no "consequences" from their night of passion.

Mudo and Jacinto are on their way to kill Solitario. Emanuel and Joaquin are already there trying to FREE SOLITARIO. Eman and Joaquin knock Mudo and Jacinto out and try to make a get away with the horse. Melesio and a shotgun puts a stop to it.

Pato and Slivia hang out in front of Irma's shop and babble (something about lamps?) Slivia is tired of it and tells him to stop acting like a 12 year old and just go talk to Lola. Pato is just following along with the idea Mari gave him. Lola and Irma close up shop. I guess Mari's plan was to casually run into Lola and act like he doesn't give a fig about her since  that's what Pato proceeds to do.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #96 - Discusion Page

Courtesy of TF!  Tks!

Recap (as best as I could remember):

Pat and Ren talk about her operation. She can't wait to be able to see his face and Abi's. Fausto meanwhile is eavesdropping.

Xi has summoned Dani back to the city. She asks her where the jewelry that Porfirio gave her is. Dani says she gave it to Max. Xi says that she hopes Porfirio doesn't find out. Dani scolds her for using Fausto to cover up the fact that she (Xi) and Lucio had Pat beat up. Dani asks if Xi really wants to help her (Dani) win Pat back or is she just using her to get revenge on Pat.

Abi and Mat are lying on his bed discussing the situation with Diego and what happened at La Enramada. The next morning Mat gets up to take a shower and leaves Abi sleeping. Dianaconda walks into his room and sees Abi sleeping on Mat's bed. She wakes her up by grabbing her hair. She starts to go off on Abi on sleeping with Mateo. Abi reminds Di that she's not a saint either because she was involved with Fausto. Diana accuses Abi of getting with Fausto too. Abi calls her crazy and warns Di not to mess with her. Di kicks Abi out of the room just as Mat comes out of the bathroom. She sarcastically asks Mateo how he slept and says she found Abi in his bed. She warns him not to mess with her etc etc

Connie takes tea to Elena who is staying at the hacienda until the situation at La Enramada gets resolved. Diana comes in and whines to Elena that Mateo spent the night with Abi. Elena wonders when Mateo will learn. Connie interjects and asks Diana why doesn't she tell Elena that she was Fausto's lover and that Mateo recently received an anonymous note saying that Diana is pregnant with Fausto's kids, not his. Elena is impactada. Diana tries to explain herself saying that her affair with Fausto ended when she fell in love with Mateo and that Fausto is still pursuing her etc etc. Elena doesn't seem to buy it. 

Efi goes to see Julian to try to end things between them. He grabs her roughly just as Toño comes out of his room and tells his dad to let her go. Efi quickly leaves and Toño asks his dad if he's sleeping with Efi because he (Toño) is also sleeping with Efi. Julian gets mad and kicks Toño out of the house. Toño shows up at Simona's. 

Motor arrives at the sisters' house to pick up Juanita. Edu is there and tells Motor that he should've set his eyes on someone other than Juanita so that they don't have to see each other anymore. She gives him back all the gifts and things that he gave her.

There's a brief scene where Teo runs into Max.

Abi and Mat go visit Domingo. They promise him they will get him out of the orphanage soon. Minho figures out Diego went to jail. Later, A & M visit Diego. Diego is upset about what happened at La Enramada. Having been visited by Ren earlier he knows that he's not her brother and wants to get back with Abi. Mateo awkwardly witnesses as Diego says he wants to marry Abi. 

Fausto and Elena chat. He tells her the "good" news that he unmasked Diego. He knew all along that D wasn't Ren's bro. He says he hopes Diego will stay in jail. Elena hopes he had nothing to do with Diego's current situation. He assures he does not. He reminds her that they both have his brother's death weighing on them. Elena remembers when Fausto made her promise in front of Gerardo's grave that no one will ever know that Mateo is really Fausto's son. Elena remembers that Fausto told her he would never marry her because he was with someone else. Elena asks if he remembers who that other woman was. He says he doesn't. Elena says she saw him with that woman kissing. She says she decided to go find out who that woman was and found out that that woman worked for Don Bruno. Her name was Isabel and she was Vicenta's daughter. She, just like Elena, was pregnant at the time. Elena then asks Fausto the million dollar question: Have you ever thought that Diego could be your son? 


Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #13 Wed 6/3/15“Martin Continues With His Willful Blindness About Veronica, or as they say in Mexico, No Hay Peor Ciego Que El Que No Quiere Ver”

(I’m skipping all repeated scenes; also, some scenes are combined)

Martin’s Mexico City office.  I’ll start with a question – who spreads photos of his brother everywhere in the office?  I guess Dimmy was more a son than a brother to Martin.  Anywho, within seconds of Claudia dropping a photo and V-Snake picking it up, Claudia is already spilling the beans about the Dimmy-Martin connection and Dimmy’s recent death.  V-Snake seems genuinely shocked to learn that Dimmy is dead.  Claudia realizes her indiscretion and begs V-Snake not to say anything about it to Martin.  No worries, says V-Snake, but I want to ask you a favor in return.

Mina Escondida.  NanC has set up a little shrine for her dearly departed Dimmy, complete with burning incense.  She remembers Dimmy telling her that his brother will surely “love” her (“querer”) as much as he loves her.  (Looks like NanC may have confused the meaning of “querer” – to love – with the meaning of “amar” – “to be in love with”.)  Perhaps she burned peyote instead of incense, because now NanC is hallucinating – she sees Dimmy’s bloody face through a window, causing her to mouth something unintelligible about a “mala mujer”.

Vero’s Office.  Emi visits Vero in her office and is all business with her, coldly telling her he needs a budget from her.  He starts walking off, then turns and congratulates her on her engagement.  She thanks him but tells him his attitude is putting a damper on her happiness.  He rudely says that her affection for him must not be all that much, because it’s not going to stop her from going through with her plans to marry Martin.

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La Sombra del Pasado #77 6/3/15

I'm subbing for Kat tonight. I don't know whether to tell her she owes me big time (because there were some things that really upset me or squicked me out) or thank her profusely for needing the sub (because there was some great stuff.)

I really feel like there are two writing teams. One is an expert team that's great at character development, creating tension and storytelling. The other team is a bunch of high-school sophomores cutting and pasting from the internet.

And they've inexplicably given the cut and paste team the main storyline.

I've organized this by writing team and then by events. Things may be a little out of order and highly condensed.

The Cut and Paste Sophomores
After overhearing Cris's call to the lab, Cande realizes they can't let him leave the house. She tells Sev as much. They can't let Cris send off the samples.

Cris is getting Aldonza's sample ready. He hears Cande screaming for help. He puts the envelope under some gimcrack on the mantel and goes to investigate.

Sev fakes some kind of attack. While Cris is helping Sev, Cande goes to snoop in Cris's room. See? I told you. Sophomores. Needles to say, she finds the envelope. She tells Cris to tell Mel to get the car ready. She tells Dom to go with him. Once alone Sev tells Cande they can't get rid of the sample or Cris will know. Cande has another idea. We aren't exactly sure what because the next we see of the envelope, Cande it returning it to the mantel. By the time Cris gets back to his father's bedroom, Cande is back in place. It's like the end of an Agatha Christie movie. Both Sev and Cande inform Cris that they won't need the car. Hum told them that Sev just needs to rest.

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Amores con trampa #48 and #49 6/3/15 and 6/4/14

Picture an excited, quivery chihuahua waiting for a doggie treat.

That's me every night as I hear the strains of ♪♫se me hizo roca el corazón ♪♫

Look for Jarifa's always marvelous recap in the comments!


Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 95 " Let's just sleep together with nothing going on"

Recap (In no particular order): 

  • In his goody goody mood,  Faust drops the balls to Ren that he is the Padre Of all the Dumbs that are sacred ( They're still innocent fragile human beings, they just lack a brain) , Mateo. Ren tells that she already knew because Helena told her. Faust is obviously molested with Hell trading secrets like cooking recipes. He pretends that he compares himself with Ren because they both have a special someone and a deadly truth to accompany their sad life stories . Ren also gets served  his weak side of fake penance.  He also assures that his stuff with Diana ended when he discovered that he was not the only one driving Di mad ( Oops i meant the word Mattttt)  .Ren sucks it all in like a fifth grade risotto. Those are Sev's Heavens indeed. Candy atleast knows her rotten plate, but Ren keeps acting like Virgin Mary . Oblivio is  Einstein compared to Ren. 

  • Diego encounters Lucio in his house holding Domingo by his mouth. Diego of course snarls at Luc as the authorities arrive with  him demanding Barragan  but of course these bimbos are Fed's wises Lucio so he's getting nailed for a long long time. Luc is disgusted by Diego as he demands for the Fed's to take him away as Dom also gets taken away by force.  Luc later gives some Fed a stash of money for playing his part in the deadly game  as an useful idiot.

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Lo Imperdonable #12 Tue 6/2/15 Dump the chump and the rest of your family

Oh this novela might drive me crazy, last night made me want to stab someone and we are only 12 episodes in, will this recapper survive?

Let's get to it, it will be a little bit short but only because I have work that I need to get to. Here we go:

Martin meets with Jorge to discuss becoming his gold vendor, he will also take the opportunity  formally ask Jorge for Veronica's hand in marriage. The two men meet, as far as the business deal goes Jorge accepts Martin as his gold provider but he will only agree to a one time deal, if things work out he will offer Martin a long term arrangement. Then they start to discuss Veronica and my blood starts to boil, if the rest of my recap sounds grouchy it's because I was grouchy watching this mess.

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La Sombra del Pasado #76 6/2/15 Close Your Damn Doors!


Short: Sev tells PJ about the night Ray died, but not about the rape; PJ struggles hard to deal with his newfound hatred. With Eman’s help, Cris sneaks into Aldie’s room and cuts a lock of her hair. There’s no water at Las Animas or El Santuario. Cris asks Ren to delay the divorce; Ren refuses. Cris tells Cande the divorce will take 3 months. Cande overhears Cris asking a DNA clinic if the test can be done without the dad.

Long:Severiano continues to torment PJ. He fills in the details of Raymundo’s death: that Ray caught Sev and Rob together and attacked him with a machete, leading to Sev’s losing his arm. When PJ asks why Sev’s telling him this after all these years, Sev says that he wants to make PJ an accomplice to his sins. He adds that he wants PJ to know why he’s always hated the Alcocers: Because their family got the lands the Mendoza’s once owned, because Raymundo made him an invalid, and because Roberta made him lose his family. He says PJ can’t do anything to him now, just like he couldn’t do anything when Aldonza needed him most. He doesn’t elaborate on this and PJ assumes he’s talking about the war between he and Aldonza. PJ tells Sev that his own actions brought all of this on, he can’t blame others. Sev says even if that’s true, he doesn’t care: Aldonza will still pay. PJ takes this as a confession that Aldonza’s not his daughter, but Sev says he never said that and PJ will never be able to prove it. Once Sev crosses himself and starts to leave, PJ grabs him and it about to give him the beating of his life when he looks up and sees a Virgin Mary statue. Sev laughs evilly in the background as PJ helplessly lets him go, hands tied by the rules of his faith. As PJ cries, staring at the statue, Sev creeps up behing him and says he hopes PJ can sleep soundly now.

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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #11 Mon 6/1/15 Take this QUIZ to find out if this novela is right for you!

Welcome back to Monday Spanish class.  It's time to wallow and hoot our way to mastery.  And before we get started with tonight's episode, let's try a little quiz on what we've learned so far.

[The answers are given below.]

1.  What did Virginia say about Verónica's mother?
She called her a:
(a) ramera
(b) cualquiera
(c) prostituta 

For extra credit:  If you were Verónica, would you have punched Ginny in the face too?  How many times?  Explain.

2.  Why is Emiliano channeling a late 1970s John Travolta?  Would YOU marry Emi?  Explain.  Please.
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Monday, June 01, 2015

Truth bombs, truth bombs everywhere! La Sombra Del Pasado#75 06/01/2015

Hi Patio peeps! I've been missing in action due to work commitments but here I am with your Monday recap, I'm going to cover the small things that happened in the episode first and then we will move on to the real action, you might want to have some wine/tequila by your side, you'll need it! Oh, also events are totally out of order but it makes my job faster and easier!

Renato, Cris and the Aldi drama

Renato serves Cris with the divorce petition, Sev and Cande both have smug looks on their faces, I wish I could slap them. Later, Renato informs Aldonza that he has delivered the paper work to Cris and suggests that things could move along faster if she told the court that she and Cris are brother and sister, she refuses and says that that subject will never be spoken about.

Cris goes to see Aldi and says that he will not divorce her, he begs for her to take the DNA test, but again, she refuses, well, he puts his foot down and says he will not agree to a divorce unless she takes the test, and then they argue about Valeria (yawn). I like Cris, I like Aldi, I do not think they should be together. I also should add, that I feel really badly for Cris who always sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

Two witches go shopping:

Val and Pru are on their trip in Huston, while there Candela calls Vale to tell her she's needed in Santa Lucia, Cristobal needs someone to comfort him and Aldonza is no longer a threat, Val looks like Christmas came early, she asks what's going on, she wants details but Candela refuses to tell her anything over the phone. Once the call ends Val tells her mom something important just went down, both of these wenches seem to believe that Cris will end up getting married to Honey Boo BooValeria, and they make plans to go look at wedding gowns. *Ahem* when a guy dumps you for a girl he barely spent three days with don't you think you should just give it up? Can we get her a copy of "He's just not that into you?".
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Amores con trampa #46 and #47 6/1/15 & 6/2/15

I looked forward to watching this all day and I was not disappointed.

HilMare is a delightful troublemaking addition to the story. I can't wait for Rocio so slap the Beto, Betito, Betote right out of her!

Francis and her minions of evil accost Carmen and Hilda Mecha (HilMare ™Marta.) Francis makes snide comments about their fashion sense and HilMare is all "come at me bro." (I highly recommend you do a google image search of that phrase. There are some hilarious picutres.) Francis backs up. hahaha! Her minions look a little happy to see someone stand up to her. Carmen and HilMare get in the RancheritaMobile and leave. Francis starts screaming about the plague infesting the university.

Facundo came home to look for some papers. Maria catches him and tries to convince him to stay and eat some pork dish with verdolagas. He turns down her invitation, but she still wants to talk to him. She asks if he knows why Santi fired Esteban. When Fac says he doesn't, she tells him it had to do with Isa. She explains that she just saw Esteban giving Isa a huge kiss and that Isa slapped him.

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Enjoy your week, amigos!

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

QueTe Perdone Dios #93: But Grandma! What Big Ears You Have!!

--Thanks to Anon. 207 and Aunty Ann for the highlights from Wednesday's episodio.  They're officially posted.

Parte 1~~

Finally, Macaria has managed to get one (well, actually at least four) over on Fausto with all her anonymous notes floating around town, and Viewerville shares a communal sigh of relief.  Mateo reads her anonymous note stating that the baker in Diana’s double your fun bun factory was really Fausto.  Mat races out the door in a mad dash as Mac snickers at the fireworks she’s set in motion.

Meanwhile, at Pablo’s grave site, Abigail clarifies to Renata that she believes Renata would never have left her side nor allowed Macaria or anyone else to treat her so roughly while she was growing up if she’d truly been Renata and Pablo’s daughter.  

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #10 Fri 5/29/15 In Which Venom Is Spewed And Veronica and Magdalena Are Codemned



Veronica wraps her arms around Martin's arm and tells her future husband that she has no doubt now that she's in love with him. Martin sees this as a red flag and release his arm from her grasp and gives her this "if looks could kill" face behind her back. He tells her that he doesn't get her - just yesterday she was telling him she needed time and now she tells him she's sooo in love with him and wants to get married. Does she really want it? he asks her. Of course she'd get married to him and if it were up to her it would be right then and there. She realizes that he's become serious and asks him why he has gotten so serious. Is he sure that what she told him about her parents doesn't bother him? Of course he's not bothered by it. She wants him to be honest - if he's not sure about marrying her then she wants him to tell her. She tells him that she'd understand. He tells her that of course he wants to marry her - now more than ever and as soon as possible. 


Emi wants Jorge to tell him what he talked about with Martin. He lets Jorge know that he told Veronica that he wanted nothing to do with her. Jorge thinks Emi is going to the extremes because Veronica rejected him once. "In business like in life you have to have patience" Jorge tells Emi. Jorge lets Emi know he didn't accept Martin's offer because it would mean the family would have a commitment with him and it would things for Emi with Veronica. Emi serves himself a drink and tells Jorge he should accept Martin's offer - at least it would save the company from a crisis. Emi tells Jorge he's no longer interested in Veronica because she's a fake and liar. Jorge snatches the drink from Emi's hand and tells him that he won't allow him to speak like that about Veronica. Emi tells Jorge that now he knows that Veronica and Demetrio slept together at Casa Prado Castelo. Jorge is aghast and can't believe this. Emi tells Jorge that Virginia herself saw Veronica with Demetrio on various occasions. Jorge can't believe this about Veronica who has always respected their home. Jorge is determined to go and speak with Virginia despite Emi telling him its not necessary and that Virginia isn't feeling well. Just then the door opens and Virginia walks into the room. Jorge wants Virginia to tell him all about Demetrio. 

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Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekend Discussion: Have the Writers Declared a Competition on Perversity?

I had to post this right after this evening's episode of La Sombra del Pasado because I was ready to explode at Severiano slobbering all over Aldonza. I was actually screaming at the screen and I never do that. I've seen a lot of nasty horror movies and was beginning to become immune to some of the evil and gore in them. However, rape trauma is still something that makes my blood boil.
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La Sombra del Pasado #74 5-29-15 In Which we are made to feel Dirty or Satan Slimes Again

Let’s jump right in.  Adelina attempts to counsel Aldonza that she should forgive Cris as Vale means nothing to him.  Aldonza thinks Adelina doesn’t understand anything about the situation and refuses to talk about it.  Adelina presses on, asking when Aldonza is going to take the DNA test.  NUNCA and it’s best she drop that subject too.   Adelina brings up Aldonza’s failed pitch to Hum to let her buy El Santuario and all its environs.  Adelina thinks it was dumb.  Aldonza doesn’t understand why Hum wouldn’t sell it when ES means nothing to him and she doesn’t understand either why her mother would sell it to Hum knowing that he and Sev were thick as thieves.  Adelina reminds her of the dire financial straits that forced that decision.  Aldonza thinks Roberta would turn over in her grave if she knew all the things that had happened on their beloved land.  Adelina adds that HER FATHER would too!  Aldonza does not react to this but lights up with the thought that she’s going to turn everything around and make the huerto productive again!  Golly Gee, just wait and see, Tia!  Tia thinks she’s naïve, Aldonza thinks in time she will convince Hum to sell.  Tia leaves and Aldonza basks in a self-satisfied smile.

Satan and his Slut argue about Cris’s demand that, as his daughter, Aldonza be given ES.  Cande thinks Sev should’ve lied and made Cris think he was going to give it to her.  After a year passed they could always think of another lie to cover his failure to cede her the property.  Sev blows up:  he’s tired of her stupid ideas and he’s done caving in.  He’s not giving up anything to that stupid Aldonza or that “quack” cousin of hers! 

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amores con trampa #45 Facundo puts his foot down... and brings back to the board a player that could end up being a nightmare to more than just Beto and Rocio

First of all, thank you Jarifa for such great detailed recaps! I confess I have not commented but I have watched pretty much all of it and I agree with all of you… what in the world is Facundo doing acting like that to Maria and being the hypocrite with Isa… but then someone must have found a magic herb because there are a lot of hypocrites in that neighborhood, aren’t there?

Ok, back to the story.
Isa with Frederick… talking about his significant other… which he knew over the internet (danger, will Robinson!!)  He says you are no one to talk… you are playing around with Facundo… let me know when you figure out how you are going to untangle that mess…
Perpetua calls Facundo at the office, and he walks out to get tangled in the reception area with Estefany.
Maria and the kids are getting into the taxi.  Isa is amazed that Maria is indeed leaving with the kids. Perpetua gets in the passenger seat of the taxi.
Here comes Facundo in his big black truck to stop the taxi and block its way. Maria yells at the taxi driver not to stop but to no avail. Facundo jumps on the taxi hood and windshield and starts yelling at Maria asking where she is taking MY kids!!
Francis and her sidekick shadow girls meet at school. Seems the shadowgirls suggest to Francis to enter the ‘queen of the university’ contest. Francis at first thinks it is too far below her to compete in that. But the girls convince her ‘just think when they crown you in front of everyone!’.
Facundo keeps yelling at Maria asking why she is taking the kids… Isa keeps telling herself ‘how can’t Facundo realize how much I love him and how much I need him !!!’
The taxi driver starts to pray out loud. Facundo yells at him to go pray somewhere else.
Maria says she was heading back to the country.  She does not want the kids to stay here.  Beto asks what about Yoya and me??  Maria confesses she doesn’t know what to do anymore.  Facundo acts offended that she was about to leave with the younger kids without even letting him know.  Maria whines that lately he treats her so bad, doesn’t even look at her… Facundo suggests they go inside to talk… there are too many gossipy birds around…
At university, Francis finds Yoya registering for the queen of the uni contest… Yoya asks Francis what SHE is doing there… is it perhaps she also plans to compete for the queen of the uni title??
Back in the Carmona house… Facundo asks Maria a favor… a tiny bitty favor… never again try to take my kids away… She asks the same of him.  They are whispering, something that Santee and Isa never do.   Maria says that she never thought Facundo would inspire fear in her… never.  He leaves quietly.
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Lo Imperdonable #9 Thu 5/28/15 Crazy kids, already talking about marriage and they didn't even have "breakfast" together, yet

Filling in for Gloria today, I hope the recap makes sense, I did it on the run.

In Mina Escondida
Mariana and Pablo arrive in the village on a boat. They didn’t top by the hotel, because Pablo wanted to know the surroundings as soon as possible. Mariana thought that it would be a good idea, but now she hates the mosquitoes and the unsteady boat. She wants to get back to the fancy French hotel ASAP – Pablo can explore on his own.
He asks her to stay with him, but she won’t hear of it.

This is Mariana’s first mistake, because who does Pablo run into in the village? Ana Perla, of course! She’s with some kids in front of the church, after Sunday School (or something). The Abuelo didn’t even want to allow her to do that, worried that some of the boys in the class would be old enough to seduce her.(Oh please!)

Anyway, Pablo sees Ana Perla, Ana Perla sees Pablo and it’s love at first sight, slow motion breezy atmosphere included. She covers her head with her shawl, looking like a Virgin Mary, I presume, all innocence and candor. He’s so taken, he wants to go talk to her, but Abuelo and Manuel show up, see what is going on and interfere. Abuelo drags Ana Perla home and Manuel goes after the stranger, to warn him that he needs to leave the village immediately, because he’s not welcomed.
He’s clearly looking for a fight, but Pablo is not impressed. He explains that he is a painter, who only came to find inspiration for his work and Manuel’s threats don’t scare him one bit. Manuel loses this round, but this is only the beginning for these two.
Later, while drawing, Pablo remembers Ana Perla and her perfect name (that he overheard). In the meantime Abuelo warns Ana Perla to stay away from the new guy, because he can only mean trouble. She already looks half in love, so let’s see how that works out.

Manuel ambushes Magdalena on the street to let her know that, while drunk, Botel told him that she’s married and she abandoned her daughter and husband to be with him. So if she ever gets herself involved in his affairs again, he will tell the whole village the type of bad seed that she is.

In Mexico
First comes love, then comes instant marriage?
Veronica and Martin are at the restaurant, kissing for the first time. He asks her if she’s capable of love, because many women just pretend. Well, Vero would never do that, and he shouldn’t suppose that ALL women are the same, just because he met some bad ones. After all, some men are shameless, too, that doesn’t mean that she won’t trust him. So, how about they carry on with what they’re doing and let time decide for them?
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Que Te Perdone Dios #92 – The Postman Always Sends “Anónimos” Twice, That Is, If Macaria Had to Eat the First One

Refry: Diana can breathe again, after Fausto’s attempt on her life in the hospital room. Fausto is all smiles at the foot of her bed.
Dr. Pat is sporting a nice shiner, and doesn’t want to talk to Fausto, who wants to proclaim his innocence. It doesn’t matter anyway, because no amount of beatings will keep Pat and Ren apart, they love each other.

New: Barragan is questioning Lucio in his office, making very, very sure about the date of Pablo’s death, without telling Lucio that therefore the killer could not possibly be Don Bruno. Lucio insists, even invokes his scar, and signs his declaration. Just when he thinks the coast is clear, Barragan produces one of the ubiquitous “anónimos,” the anonymous, hand-crafted letter by painstaking letter, documents that Mac has been making. This is the one about Padre Francisco, and Barragan points out that Lucio was the last one to see him alive. Lucio begins to squirm, and has the gall to ask, “Who would want to hurt him?” Barragan gets all Perry Mason, strolling away and then whirling around with ANOTHER anónimo, about Freddy! Lucio does not burst into flames as he denies any and all knowledge or involvement in any of the crimes.

Simona is visiting Ela, of Xi-ela, suffering about the Freddy letter. Ela comforts her, saying it most likely is a lie. But if it is true, says, Simona, she just wants that desgraciado in front of her to let him know how much pain he caused. Just as I’m thinking “cue Lucio,” there’s a knock at the door. But it’s Don Fausto! He is the intellectual author, after all, so I stand corrected. He walks in to the sound of panting sheep dog background music.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #73 5/28/15 I am weary. Let me rest.

I'm out of recapper juice, this show is killing me and I'm ready to cross that river. Hence the title...inspired by this bluegrass tune.

It's gonna be crap y'all. All over the place, condensed all to hell and missing large chunks of action and the drama. I didn't take notes and I only half watched it again for recapping purposes. It really wasn't that bad. Maybe it was just me. Just seemed dull.

I've arranged it by plot thread. Sort of.

The DNA plot Thread
Padre J demands that Sev submit to DNA testing against Cris, Aldonza AND Emanuel. Padre explains to Cande that he has a suspicion that Emanuel is the child of Roberta and Sev. Sev absolutely refuses to submit a sample. Padre is surprised. He would think Sev would want to clear things up. Sev continues his protest. Emanuel is not his son. He told Padre that that child was a still born girl. The two get into one holy (or unholy) shouting match, which brings Cris down the stairs to investigate. He's all for a test. Sev finally succeeds in getting the Padre to leave. More and more Cris is convinced his parents made up the whole sibling thing. Sev tells him to go ahead and marry Aldonza then. Cris realizes his mother never intended to help him. Cris asks Hum about how to do a DNA test. Hum takes offense. He's not going to help Cris with this. Val's happiness is at stake. (Hey, Hum...happiness is a choice.)

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Que Te Perdone Dios 91: Highlights

by Anonymous Anon207 and Aunty Ann

Connie told Renata that if she & Fausto adopt Abi, Fausto could take control of the ranches through Abi (I think). She also told Renata she wishes she could see so she could see what a terrible person Fausto is.

Simona showed Barragan the poison pen letter she got about Fredy's death.

Fausto told Julio he wanted 50% of his profits or else.

Diana told Fausto she knew all about Mateo being his son and Fausto locked the door and tried to kill Diana until the nurse showed up.

Julio visited Diana and asked Diana if she had any tea to blackmail Fausto with and she said no, and that he needs to be careful since he's on the run from the law.

Abi lines, Mateo lines

Lucio told Max to shut his pie hole or he could catch a bullet too (I think)

Padre Tomas was feeling like a fool for believing Fausto & Lucio

Renata asked Patricio to operate on her again. Twin showed up (I think Angel Wings) and Renata found out about Patricio getting a beat down. He told her Fausto ordered the men to beat him up.

Ren asked Pat to operate on her, but to keep it a secret. Not even Mateo will know. Pat used the excuse that he wants to study Ren's case to get his hands on her records, and Mateo agreed, but asked Pat to help convince his aunt to have another operation. Of course Mateo has no idea that she has already asked Pat to perform the operation.
Renata told Abi about the Patricio beat down and blasted Fausto for it.

Fausto went to Lucio and asked him to investigate who beat up Patricio & blamed Fausto for it.

Also, Barragan interrogated Lucio and then showed him another poison pen letter (which I don't think was the same as Simona's letter).

Barragan and Padre Tomas were talking about the poison pens letters floating around town and Tomas was upset the letter writer just didn't come forth and denounce the criminals in person and I want to say Barragan wanted Tomas to come forth with what he knew but Tomas couldn't because it was under confessional rules.


Lo Imperdonable #8 Wed 5/27/15 “Hearts Run the Gamut Once Again – from Aggressive Dueling to First Tender Kiss”

(Some scenes are combined)

Back to Martin and Vero engaged in a fencing duel with real swords and no faceguards.  He promptly overpowers her, knocks the sword out of her hand, and holds the tip of his own sword to her neck, thinking to himself he could just end her life right there and then.  As Vero stumbles and falls, he moves closer, with the tip of his sword still hovering over her neck.  Any normal person would see the insane look in his eyes and get the hell away from him…forever.  But not Vero, that’s not her style.  If anything, her love for him just grew ten-fold, because he didn’t pull any punches and “opened her eyes” about the limits of her strength, unlike the rest of her male fencing opponents.

Magdalena, alone with her memories, mumbles to her lost daughter that she will never forgive herself for abandoning her.  NanC arrives to deliver some fruits.  Magdalena wishes she could cure her aching soul with NanC’s herbs, but knows they only cure physical maladies and that her pain will only be cured when she finds her daughter.  She wishes NanC could foresee her future, but all NanC can see is more tears in her life.

As an apology for his crazy behavior, Martin invites all the gang out for drinks that evening.  Vero readily accepts, but only if it’s to toast his victory.  Cunning Virginia plays matchmaker and tells Martin he only has to apologize to Vero, so he should just take Vero out.  Meanwhile, Emi is still fuming about Martin’s ungentlemanly behavior, so Vero tells him to just calm down and get over it.  (Translation - she is a grown woman and doesn’t need Emi-niño watching her back.)….Later, Emi gets a chance to confront Martin and warns Martin he will have to answer to him if he ever dares to hurt Vero….Martin thinks some women pretend to be weaker than they really are.  Emi has no doubt that Vero is strong, and with a firm character, but a woman nonetheless.  Martin acknowledges he got carried away but does not want to ruin his friendship with Emi.  Emi makes it clear that Martin ruined it when he came between him and Vero, the woman he loves.  Now Emi doubts they can ever be friends again, but Martin convinces him they should just follow the rules, like in fencing, and may the best man win with Vero.  (Emi, dude, don’t even waste your time.  You already lost the battle and the war.)

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #72 Oh Sweet Baby Chihuahuas The Dumbassery Just Keeps Coming!

As always, I start with the new and do some combining and condensing.

Lo Nuevo
Emanuel goes to El Santuario to see Aldonza. Lola is there. Cue the theme music. You can tell the spark is still there even if the two of them have their heads too far up their ass to see it and quit playing mind games (thanks for the new toy, hellashelle!) Eman explains that he found out about the break up from Cris. Cris is not doing well. He went and got drunk. Lola tells Eman that Aldonza is asleep and it's probably not a good idea for Eman to see her right now. Adelina comes in with Joaquin as Eman gets ready to leave. Eman and Joaquin decide to ride home together. Joaquin and Adelina say goodbye. Sparks fly between Adelina and Joaquin as well. After Lola explains Eman was there to see Aldonza, Adelina remarks that she's sure that half the town knows the news by now. Lola is worried that Valeria is GOING to take advantage. Little does she know that the advantage has already been took.

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Amores con trampa #43 and #44 5/27/15 and 5/28/15

It's time for another evening with the Carmonas. There's been trouble in paradise lately and most of us on the patio are more than a little peeved with Facundo. Jarifa will fill us in on tonight's tomfoolery. Look for her recap in the comments.


Lo Imperdonable #7 Tue 5/26/15 She should of let him go off the cliff

Hello my patio peeps! This is my first recap for this show, it will be quick and dirty but I think I will be able to cover the most important parts, my DVR was a little bit wonky last night so I know I lost maybe 5-10 minutes of action, feel free to add to my recap in the comments section.

Also, before I continue, I am going to ask people to remember that this is a spoiler free zone. I saw the version of this with Kate Del Castillo, if this sticks closely to that version I know how things will turn out, if I saw LA Mentira, I'm sure others have as well, please do not ruin it for others by posting spoilers and do not discuss the previous version as it could give away key plot points, if anyone does and I see it I will delete the comment(s), please don't put any recapper in that position. And now your recap:

If she does not dig me she must be a ho:

At least Emiliano seems to think this is the case with Veronica. She is very clear with him, she has no romantic feelings towards him and she has started to feel something for Martin (who she just met! Seriously!), Emiliano makes the mistake of saying that it's true, she does go from man to man, and that earns him a slap, a wimpy slap by novela standards but still. Veronica is angry and wants to know why he would say such a thing to her.

Oh if only she knew that Virginia has been working over time to throw dirt all over her good name.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 90- Charlie Charlie Who's the Fox?

  • Fausto & Elena attack eachother with threats but don't realize that the truth about Mat reached Di's ears. Later  Faust warns Ele that if the truth came out, Mat would hate her too but Ele would gladly tell it cause he would be aware of the scum that is his "Uncle" MaD Hatter  cause Ele knows that Ger bit  the dust from his own brother . Faust cynically lies  that this is not the truth so her threats don't mean nothing to him . If she does, Mat will suffer the consequences! 

  • Max & Teodora went to buy stuff for their fancy picnic. While Max is out, Luc comes to bugger poor Teo  but to our luck Max's had the punch repellent ready while threatening Luc to never bugger our beloved ever again. Luc's fornicated mouth responds with nothing but a spit on the floor and everyone seems to be  watching, +10 for Public Manners! ( This reminds me of my high school classmates sometimes, least the cleaner's got something exciting to do with his life) 

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 71, Almost Everyone’s Got Their Head Up Their Ass

This recap courtesy of HellaShelle

The short summary is under the long one this time. No snark; too much ass-hattery for snark.

The Long of It: Cristobal keeps breaking our collective hearts with his tears. How is he supposed to just stop feeling what he feels for Aldonza? How’s he going to get past this? Emmanuel doesn’t know what to tell him, but he’ll stay with him while he gets drunk off his ass (supposedly so he can fit his head inside it tomorrow…)

Mari, dressed and ready for dinner, paces in the square before finally calling Eman. He tries to explain that Cris is in BAD shape and really can’t be alone, but Mari’s couldn’t give a flying fig; he’s always throwing her over for his friends! She hangs up. Because the TN gods want me to suffer, Pato just happens to be strolling by and sees Mari in tears. He stops to comfort her.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #89

First, I realize I've been MIA lately. It's been due to school,  familial affairs and allergies. I apologize.

Second,  let's cut to the chase; Diana woke up and is apparently going to hold a certain thing she heard at the right moment over Fausto's head. That's quite the plot device and way to get the ball rolling faster.

Third, there's a nueva etapa. I wonder what's in store for us.

Lastly, this is for fun but is anyone going to watch La Vecina online?


Lo Imperdonable #6 Mon 5/25/15 I'd like to buy a vowel – Is there an e? Okay, I'd like solve the puzzle...

The Party Continues

What we saw on Friday

Pablo takes his foot out of his mouth and he and Emiliano bond over their multicultural worldview. 

Virginia smirks to Mariana that she would toy with Martín only to make Emiliano jealous and to thumb her nose at Verónica.

Martín and Verónica discover another thing in common: wounded palms.  Martín thinks it is destiny that has brought them together.

And tonight, under a full Televisa moon

In the Night Kitchen

Salma is cross at finding Matilde, rather than Verónica, in the kitchen seeing after dinner.  But when Virginia joins her, she turns on the smiles. Two men, Emiliano and Martín, have shown an interest in Virginia!  Virginia, of course, only has eyes for Emiliano.  Even so, Vero, Jezebel that she is, swooped down on Martín as soon as she saw he was interested in Virginia.
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Monday, May 25, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #70 The Puppetmistress Strikes Again!

Greetings, Sombra Peeps!  First of all, a big Thank You to Eli for swapping days with me and giving us the exciting details of Friday’s exciting episode!  

Next, a lame, but true, disclaimer:  My DVR farted out on me and there were several scenes I was going to clarify.  So, here's what I remember and put together from my notes.  Feel free to correct and expand in comments!

 Let’s jump right in where we left off with Cande deploying her latest separate Cris and Aldonza weapon:  the sibling bomb!  Cris thinks it’s the most absurd thing he ever heard and doesn’t believe a word of it.  Cande tells of Roberta’s affair with Severiano who recovers enough from his initial shock to reluctantly agree.  Aldonza looks as if she is going to hurl and tearfully protests Cande’s “revelation.”  Aldonza says she doesn’t believe it but she leaves in disgust and hurt, Cris runs after her.  He begs her not to believe this idiocy!  The seeds of doubt have been planted and Aldonza cries that Cande could be right and if she is, what do they do?  Aldonza says her mother is the only one who knew for sure and they can’t ask her!  Cris says a DNA test will settle the issue immediately!  Not one to be bothered with thinking things through when a dramatic display of emotion and fleeing are an option, Aldonza chooses the latter:  she wants to be alone! 

Once home she talks to Adelina and tells her of the latest salvo from Cande.  Adelina tries to tell her it’s absolutely not true; her father is Raimundo!  Aldonza wants to know if she can prove Raimundo is her father;  Adelina says there’s nothing to prove!  Aldonza asks if it’s true that Roberta and Sev had an affair.  Adelina answers sadly, yes.  Aldonza wants to know when it started.  Adelina is not sure but she IS sure that Aldonza and Cris are NOT siblings!  Aldonza’s mind has already gone to the horrible thought that Sev could be her father and that her own father raped her!  Adelina tries to calm Aldonza and also suggests the DNA test but Aldonza laments that she knows he will never take it. 

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Amores con trampa #41 and #42 5/25/15 and 5/26/15


I didn't think this show could make me happier, but tonight it did!!! There's a talking donkey.

You heard me. A talking donkey.

I think my life is complete.

I will be combining and possibly condensing scenes tonight. I'm doing 4 recaps this week. Gotta pace myself ;-)

And ¡Ay ay ay! Facundo was talking a mile minute tonight!

Perpetua catches Maria talking to Santiago and demands to know what she's doing with this caballero (which would mean gentleman….is it wasn't dripping with sarcasm). She calls her daughter "María de mis pecados" which cracks me up for some reason. Perpetua tries to drag Maria out, telling her daughter that she shouldn't have anything to do with Santi (ese gavilán...hawk.) Santi tries to explain that he and Maria are just trying to fix things. Perpetua doesn't have a thing to say to him. She dumps a flower vase on him. Santi's all wet.

Felipe is an even bigger nitwit in this episode. He's annoyingly attentive to Francis. It annoys me, no her. Francis is loving every minute of it. She's finally happy. She's got Feli and that rancherita can to hang out in her mud-puddle or whatever. Her two idiot minions with no self respect notice that Carmen just came into the cafe. Carmen has a surprise for Panchota….excuse me….Francisca. It's the surveillance tape from the parking lot. It proves that Francis threw herself in front of Carmen's car. Francis thinks Carmen is just trying to steal Feli again. Carmen tells her she's happy with Diego now, besides...Feli is whipped (mandilón.) She also tells Francis she didn't have to fake a pregnancy to keep her man. Carmen leaves the CD with Francis. When Carmen leaves Feli asks about the CD. Francis claims it's a video of when she had dark hair.

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Happy Memorial Day! Here's your post for this week. Enjoy!

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Freedom, and lies! La Sombra Del Pasado #69 05/22/15

It's a long weekend, let's all get some drinks and chill! (Some scenes have been combined, or moved out of order so I can get this recap up faster)

We start off the action where we left off last night, Satan has pulled a gun on my favorite boy in all of Sanata Lucia, Renato keeps his wits about him and tells Sev that he {Sev} will make a mistake and when he does Renato will pounce. Renato leaves and Sev is left only in the company of his lawyer (Nava?) who has a look on his face that says "they don't pay me enough for this crap"-seriously, go watch the actors facial expressions, you won't regret it!
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Lo Imperdonable #5 Fri 5/22/15 We All Love Our Freedom; We All Choose Our Destiny; And We Need To Watch Out For Strangers

Let’s skip the scenes from yesterday and get right to the new stuff….

Jardin De Prado Castelo
Virginia tells Emi that Vero has done “terrible things” and Emi wants to know what the heck she’s talking about and he wants to know NOW.

Pueblo Nuevo
Pierre walks around town and looks back every once in a while to make sure he won’t be seen by anyone. He stops in front of a window.

Jardin De Cresencio
Ana Perla sits on her bed in her room and is reading a book which she quickly hides when Abuelo Cresencio comes into her room and gets on her case for being lazy and not doing anything productive. Ana Perla explains that she can’t do much being locked her room. Abuelo hands Ana Perla her embroidery and suggests she embroider. Ana Perla will do as Abuelo says.

Jardin De Prado Castelo
Emi has Virignia by the arm and Virginia in tears [crocodile tears, perhaps?] tells him to let her go. She tells him there’s no point in talking about Veronica if he’s going to act like such a nutcase [oh you haven’t seen anything yet, Virginia. Viewerville know just how crazy Sergio Sendel can be]. Emi knows that what Virginia has to say is to make Vero look bad in his eyes. He tells her that if she has something serious to say then to tell him NOW. Virginia cries and asks him how he could treat her this way during a party. He apologizes and tells her that he makes her mad when she acts this way. Virginia tells him that she doesn’t understand why she tells him things about Veronica if when she does they end up arguing. Emi wants her to promise him that she’ll try to get along with Veronica. Virginia reluctantly promises that she will. She tells him that what she wants the least is to argue with him. She tells him that they’ll enjoy the party and be okay. She goes off to greet Mariana who has arrived.

Mariana and Pablo have arrived to the party holding hands and Virginia greets them. Meanwhile, Martin stares and looks attentively at Virginia. Jorge shows up and tells Martin that he can see that Martin is impressed with his niece Virginia. Martin tells Jorge that he has two beautiful nieces. Jorge tells Martin that he loves his nieces and takes care of them. He’s like a father to them and he keeps an eye on who they mingle with. Martin understands and tells Jorge that he’ll get to know him. Jorge is glad Martin says that because he doesn’t usually let people he doesn’t know well into his home. Martin tells Jorge he’s like him and also likes to know who comes into his home and his construction company. Martin tells Jorge that his construction company isn’t a big one but it’s been successful because they offer ecological solutions now that they are needed more. Jorge is left interested and wants to know more about Martin’s construction company.

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