Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 115. 04/22/14

 Naive Esme finds out from Dim the problems Refugio is facing at work due to her pole dancing.

Graceless calls Dim to inform him that Montse is in the hospital having surgery. She doesn't know if Montse will make it. Dim tells Esme that Montse is in the hospital with a gunshot wound and runs out of the house.

Vic wants to turn the cell phone on to find out if Ale is on his way. Nadia says it's too dangerous. Ale rushes in to see if his family has arrived yet. Vic says they can't wait for them, they have to leave now. Nadia says the police are on there way and they can't afford to wait. She doesn't want to return to the hell that she was living in with Pervy Pedro.

Montse is in surgery and finds herself in a white room where she sees her beloved father, Lauro.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #76 22 Apr 2014. The band is a hit, Perla hits DA with a kiss, and Don Chuy goes beserk with the news that Lupe and MA are a couple..Subtitle: Al que no quiere caldo... le dan dos tazas

Lupita happy, tells Chuy it is true, she is in love with someone.

At Mercado, MA is handing Dona Queta a banana. She tells him she wants someone to drive her around the next week to do some errands. He offers his services. Trust me. She is speechless, eating the banana.

Back to the Fonda. Chuy grabs Lupe's hand and swears he would never put walls between Lupe and whoever she wants to be with. He wants to meet the guy. Lupe says you know him… (is it that old guy who lives with his mom around the corner?) Lupe tells him he lives here in the barrio, as a matter of fact, he is here in the house. Who is it? MA… (Chuy takes his hand back, stands up… )

L: What are you going to do?

C: I am going after that guy, going to put the cards on the table… I did not help you make it and watch you get your life back together… only for that guy to come and… Can’t believe you fell on the trap again…

L: No, it is not a trap. Noone is deceiving me. MA is not Alejo.

C: They are same family, same genes, same family tree, share the same bathroom, the same jocks (ok, i am going overboard here, you get the drift), … He is a criminal!.

L: He is no criminal!.

C: Now I get why you defended him so much. But I am going to find him right now and speak to that miserable guy…

L: You are not going anywhere, papa! And please forgive me for speaking to you in this tone!

Trofeo arrives at Lupe’s house, Mati opens the door. "Lupe is not here, went who knows where, with who knows who? And who knows what time she will be back." (Trofeo leaves the envelope with Mati). "What do I do with this letter now?"

Back to Chuy and Lupe...
L: I don’t want to argue with you. I want you to understand me. I want you to tell me the nice things you just did tell me a while ago.

C: I wish I could. But I just remember the day you came home crying desperately because that guy had deceived you. And I won’t let it happen again to you.

L: It won’t happen.

C: Know what? I can’t talk to you right now.

(he leaves, she cries)
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #32 4/22/14

De Que son como hermanos, son como hermanos.

Straight to the new....
Lupita tries to convince big sis she saw mom kissing Eleazar, but Natalia isn't buying it. Lupita tells her to go look for herself.

Carmen is at the table beating herself up about the kiss. What if Abdul, Paolo or Brigitte had come home? Natalia comes in and tells her she's just getting water.

Eleazar is agonizing (*ahem*), but he's happy that Carmen kissed him.

Natalia tells Lupita she must have imagined the kissing. Lupita swears she didn't. Should would like Eleazar and her mother to be novios.

Unable to sleep, Eleazar is forced to take a cold shower.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #98 US 4/21/2014 Dafne is Critical, Bruno's Marriage is in the ICU and Fab Just Needs to Pull the Plug

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter/Passover.

When Easter eggs grow up.
Let's get to it!
Ally and Bruno work on preparations for Uriel's party.
Art and Aranza tell Lucha that they are going to the hospital to see about Dafne.
Sonia returns to the apartment full of sweet talk, Fabricio demands to know why she never told him about her pregnancy.
Monday's Dish:
Andrea and Mauricio arrive at the hospital. When they see the blood on Esteban's shirt they start to panic. He assures them that he's alright, the blood is Dafne's. Someone tried to rob the cafe and she was shot. He doesn't know what her condition is because the doctors haven't told him anything.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #31- Mon 4/21

De que el arroz fue la unica cosa tumbada esta noche, fue la unica cosa tumbada esta noche

Natalia tries to talk to Diego, but he brushes her off, since it's "strictly professional" between them, so what could there be to talk about?

Rosa loves the idea of the clothing line, but she knows Vicente doesn't.  She laughs to hear that he hasn't heard about it yet.  She's happy to see Irene so happy.

Karina is so grumpy, she can't finish her cereal.  Diana is so hungry she finishes it off for her.  Karina wasn't kidding about that being the last food in the house.  "And if I don't get a job today…."  She encourages Diana to start looking for a job too, but Diana says "I wasn't born to work!"  Well, whatever…Karina has an interview to get to.

Rosa and Irene bump into Natalia, who is less perky and polite than usual.  Irene knows she's not usually like that and Rosa takes her word for it.  "Is it just me, or was she crying?"  Irene says something must have happened.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #75: 4/21/14: The "Elixir" Helps Nepo and AS Cope!

Hola, Mis Amiguis! I will try to make this recap brief. Please let me know if I left anything out/corrections. Shall we start with an earworm? This is especially dedicated to Nepo: If I Can't Have You!

 Lupe has gotten an earful from Ahole about Nepo showing up at El Editorial. Lupe is pithed.

Meanwhile Nepo is in his office at the market and is being tended to by Trofeo. Nepo's face is a hot mess of a bruise and Trofeo puts an ice pack on it. MA has come in too and Nepo tells him thanks for nothin' for protecting him from Ahole. Pobrecito! MA that is not Nepo.

Lupe calls up Nepo and wants a chat, not later, now, now, now! Toute Suite!
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Monday, April 21, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #114, Lunes 4/21/14

A Foreword from Edith Wharton

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has thus far been my peculiar pleasure to guide you through the social quagmire of Aguazul. In the process we have identified the genuinely noble members of our society, those who only present themselves as such (with varying levels of success), and the demi-monde, the one set that never deceives itself about what it is or can be. Sadly, their honest ways have had no effect on those who present a face to the world so false that the most observant of us are obliged to look for the degradation it hides.

Since our tale has taken a path away from the masquerades of drawing rooms and the minuets of manners, it would be foolhardy of me to lead where I dare not follow. While I am infinitely familiar with even the most naked greed the world of cynicism, corruption, and brutality requires a guide with greater knowledge than mine and a manner more direct than I am accustomed to assuming.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of April 21, 2014

Here is the Easter Monday post for Los Impostores and Impostoras. Enjoy!!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 21, 2014

Here is your Easter Monday post for your favorite novelas. Have fun!!

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #113: 4/18/14: It's All About Graceless' Wants!

Ahoy Amiguis! I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter and Passover. This recap is on the fly, so please correct/add anything I happened to miss. I am skipping the old and starting with the new. Oh, for my count of the missing Padre, this is day eight of the missing Curia. Shall we start with an earworm? Y'all just know I have one or two every recap I do. This one is dedicated to Graceless of course, cause this episode was full of her, er herself shall we say, and here it is for your listening pleasure: Heartless!

Graceless has continued her trumped up testimony and that Judge is just eating it up. Graceless says one of his peons, she doesn't now if it was Ale for sure, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, but he was being drugged or something, and she thought she'd let the judge know that cause of the exhumation. The Judge wants to know why she didn't take Don Benny to a hospital? Well, the Padre didn't approve you see, she was a married woman, and had been Don Benny's lova all those years, can you imagine the scandal? Her prestige, cough, cough, was on the line here. Besides that "bastardo" married her daughter Monse for goodness sake.
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos! #74 Los tres matamoscas llegan en el platano amarillo (the three fly squatters arrive in the yellow plantain!)..

Chuy tells Lupe Nepo is talking to MA. Lupe goes over there.

AS and Mati watching tv. Leo runs out of patience. He leaves to find out if Alejo left already. AS also runs out of patience and goes after him. Mati keeps wondering if Aureliano will ever get home to pull Alejo’s ears out.

Nepo is still trying to get info from MA as to who Lupe's interest is that is sending her flowers, Lupe arrives and tells Nepo Alejo is Emi’s dad… Nepo goes beserk insisting Alejo is after her. Lupe yells at him that she and him are not a couple. Nada de nada de nada de NADA!! MA has to stop Nepo from following Lupe. Nepo insists to MA that Alejo is also after Lupe (la vaca, not just the becerro [whoever is after the cow, not just the calf]). Chuy comes over, Nepo tells him Lupe told him about Alejo and Emi. Chuy also rants at Nepo, trusts Nepo will understand after he tells Nepo what happened (between Lupe and A-hole) years ago. They stare at MA, he gets the sign and leaves.

Leo and AS gossiping about Ahole being Emi’s dad. MA demands AS be discrete… AS says how can I keep quiet facing the gossip of the year?? Lupe was ambitious, otherwise why would she roll with him? Leo notices that Emi is his nephew… MA reminds them that Lupe was the one that lent them a hand when they had lost everything. Did any of your friends help us?? No, right? So you will respect Guadaluuupe Menchaaaca and that’s all!!
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #30- Fri 4/18

"De que trabajo en Caprico, trabajo en Caprico"

Diego tells Irene about how he really felt like Rodrigo was there, listening to him, and how much he misses him.  *drink*  He's hoping this is a sign that he's recovering.  Irene encourages him not to get his hopes up.  They change the subject to the need for a DNA test on Diana's baby and start researching on the Internet.

Brigitte gets Natalia's work number from Carmen and calls to ask for an appointment with Irene.  Natalia tells her it's way too early for that--they don't even know if they're going to go forward with the clothing line yet.  Brigitte complains to Carmen that Natalia's just being selfish.  She's determined to get a job at Caprico (hence the title).

Irma the nurse would totally be putting the moves on Rodrigo if he were conscious.  She settles for putting him through some passive stretches.

Irene and Diego start calling labs to ask what exactly a DNA test entails and how long it takes.  The first lab tells Diego it takes a week and he flips.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #97- El Rumbo a Los Anvils Is Paved With Lots of Filler

Yeah, Balthazar and Zen are cute...but the time for such stories is past. I want anvils and YA!

Am I the only one who thinks Zenaida looks like Madame?

Anyhoo, on to the recap.

  • Feo hands over the check for Lucero and an icky kiss for Sonia.
  • Isa looks for a phone.
Lo Nuevo
Gil has taken Mari home and she had a good time. They ask Tita if Mari can visit Gil more and she agrees. Gil asks Tita to forgive him for being such a jerk. She forgives him and comments on his new positive, less snobby outlook. He tells Tita about Sonia wanting to help out Mari because of the scene at the wedding.

Mau and Andrea discuss the Art, Isa and Marcela situation. Andera has her doubts about Marcela.

Zen and Balty.

The police are convinced that there's some fishy business and promise to investigate and FeVier is suspect #1.

Osvy is worried about Art and the separation.

Mari overhears Zen telling someone about Operation Fake Broken Plate.

Dante calls FeVier and tells him about Gabi's investigation. He also tells him that the police think FeVier is the number one suspect.
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Weekend Discussion: Karmageddon Awaits!

Karmageddon in Por Siempre Mi Amor

OK, with 17 or 18 hours to go on this story, it's time for this all-important discussion. The villains in this tale are some of the vilest excuses for human beings we've seen to date, so this will be lively.

As in a previous discussion on another series, this will be a two-part question:

  1. What fate do you think they deserve?
  2. What do you think the writers will do to these perverse creatures?
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Por Siempre Mi Amor # 96- April 17, 2014- Where Am I? Who Am I? Who Decorated This Place? Lies, Lies and More Lies: Fernando is Resurrected

Episode #96- online #135

From the previous episode:
Favier takes Isa to,the cabin in the woods. She has to depend on him for everything.
Edgar brings the necessary paperwork and gets the details of the accident and the name of the hospital that she was transferred to.  Tita tries to talk to Ara and let her know that as a stepmother, Isa sacrificed herself for Ara. Ara the spoiled brat that she is doesn't even flinch. Tita doesn't believe that Isa would deceive Art, ever.

Tita tells Ara not to let hate poison her heart, Isa spent years earning her love and trust. Ara is not hearing her. Tita still doesn't believe that Isa would deceive Art.

Isa knows that she is not at home.  Where is she? She calls for FeVier who now looks like Fernando (WTF???).  He tells her that they moved.  They sold the apartment and bought the house for their family.
Ara believed the tape that she saw.  Tita tells Ara to look at Isa from her heart. And Ara feels nothing but hate for Isa. (Eye rolling time). (Tita stop wasting your time with this brat and spend it with the kids that love you and want to learn from you)
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #112, 4/17/14: Nadia Escapes Pedro and Graciela Tells A Whopper


The story you are about to read about is not true. No names have been changed because there is not one innocent character on Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, except maybe Baby Laurito. Given his family, I have eve my doubts about him.

This is the city, Aguazul, Campeche, MX. I work here: not for much as it turns out, but it must be enough or I wouldn’t keep doing the job. Praise does sometimes calm the ego’s insatiable need for fuel. 

I am a recapper.

Some might call me jaded. You will understand my cynicism when I report that in the light of the last few weeks of unending violence and gloom so little happened tonight that I could almost be cheerful.


It’s not easy being a recapper. You don’t get a lot of respect in this business. I mean, you sit down next to some good citizen on a long haul flight, they eventually ask you what you do, and you smile and say, “I spend several hours a week recapping Mexican soap operas. That is MY life.”

Do they smile in return and ask you to tell them more about your fascinating job as a recapper?  Do you ever get a chance to discuss the value of long arc storytelling or whether telenovelas reflect real trends in modern Mexican culture? Do you debate whether the Sopranos or Breaking Bad were telenovelas?

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #73: 4/17/14 : Suelta La Sopa, Por Favor!

Hola Mis Amguis! This recap is on the fly, so please fill in anything I missed/got wrong. I have an earworm that is perfecto for Ahole. Have a listen: You're So Vain!

Shall we begin? Lupe is cleaning the house and talking to MA. She keeps making him move so she can get the floor under his feet and he even adds more cleaner to her bucket. They are discussing when they should tell their families about them being an item, of course, and also Nepo. Well, MA wants to do it sooner rather than later, but Lupe wants him to wait some, cause of the fraud accusation and other things. Knocky, Knocky on the door and who is it? Special Delivery, of flowers, and what a nice arrangement it is too! Lupe accepts them and is so very happy MA got them for her, that she gives him lots of sugar, but the problem is MA didn't send her those flowers. Lupe thinks maybe Nepo sent them, and of course MA isn't happy over that, even though earlier he said Nepo was a nice guy.
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #29- Thurs 4/17

De que abrió los ojos, abrió los ojos

Grumps is rudely awakened by Diana, come to complain that Diego never came home last night.  Grumps thinks it's highly likely that Diego spent the night with "that woman," not that there's any reason to get all upset about it.  He tells Diana not to worry her little head…Grumps will take care of it.  "Now let me rest."

Diego's ready to go off half-cocked once he sees the video, but Irene tells him he needs to think first.

Vicente's old secretary stops by to visit and says such nice things about her old boss that you could knock Natalia over with a feather.

Diego is convinced that the baby is Oliverio's.  He tells Alberto to rewrite the agreement and Alberto says he can now demand a divorce--Diana can't "refuse" to give him one, since she's a cheater, and Diego doesn't have to give her a damn thing!  Diego calls the house and asks to speak to Diana.  He tells her he's been thinking and asks her to met him for a coffee.

Eleazar comes by to pick up his "wife" and is alarmed to see that Carmen isn't ready to go yet.  She fills him in on just how much work goes into getting the denizens of Garcia Central Station up and out the door every morning.  They end up laughing over how they're arguing like a real married couple.  It takes Carmen about two seconds to go to her room and throw on a fabulous dress, but she needs El's help zipping it up.  And I'm sure he's thinking he'd rather be unzipping it, but hey, Lupita's expecting them.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 4/16/14 (#72): He Hugged a Boy and He Liked It

Oh, man. This is painful. So much awesomeness to report; so little time. Most of this is from memory and I am paraphrasing like mad, so please don't hesitate to correct errors/omissions.
Diego calls Leo about his next art lesson. Leo hesitates. Diego suggests having the lesson at his place. Leo is afraid to go out on the street, but Diego offers to pick him up. Leo agrees; the things he'll do for the sake of art!

Leo comments on the decor at Diego & Nepo's house. (Sometimes a banana is just a banana, right? Right??) It's still super-naco, Leo says; just as tasteless as at the Menchacas', but he also observes that it's a better neighborhood and a nicer grade of hyper-naco stuff. Diego gets a kick out of the way Leo speaks, with everything being -uki and little sprinkles of English.

AS gives Perla an etiquette lesson. The topic: fancy dinners. Perla faces a dizzying array of plates, glasses, and cutlery. Everything she says and does is wrong, according to AS. Perla is overwhelmed, but motivated. AS thinks Perla also could use some lessons in "diction" because of the vulgar, common way she speaks. She urges Perla to encourage the rest of her family to take the lessons too, because (she's said this before to Carmelita) they could transform this greasy spoon restaurant into a fine dining destination. (Does AS really believe this transformation is possible, or is she just trying to entice them with something she thinks would interest them?)
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #111, 4-16-2014: The Grand Re-Opening of La Escondida; María discovers a new career; Nadia realizes she and Victor have been Pedro's private porn stars.

Dear Caray Caray Friends,
I had to do this one quickly today.  There must be a million typos, but I think I got most of the major points and even some details.  Let me know if I missed something important.  
Best to you all!  Enjoy!  
Julia R.

Lo refrito:  Captain Robledo tells Refugio he should be proud of Esmeralda's hard work and intelligence and also tells him he has a new lieutenant to report to;  Esmeralda trains her new dancers while María looks on; Pedro has sent Nadia flowers to congratulate her on her pregnancy.  This is not a good thing given the fact that this means he KNOWS about her pregnancy.

Refugio meets his new boss, Lieutenant Rentería.  He is surprised to discover that said boss is a woman, and she quickly upbraids him for his insolence and attitude.  He apologizes and insists that he's not machista, it's just that he's not used to seeing many women in the naval base.  She informs him that she worked hard to merit her position and earned it through discipline, bravery, but most of all intelligence.  She wonders if he thinks intelligence and beauty are incompatible--and by the way, does HE think she's pretty?   Does he ever--with all due respect, he adds.  Finally, she dismisses him and tells him to wait for her in the office and help her with her work.  She reminds him to salute her when he forgets, and he leaves, but afterwards she is smiling to herself, and it's clear these two have some serious chemistry.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor # 95- April 16, 2014- The Pieces of the Puzzle Are Starting to Fit Together and It Looks like The Truth, Nothing But The Truth!!!!!!

Happy Humpday!

Online Episode #134
Art is still having his tantrum about Isa and doesn't want her name mentioned
Gaby shares with Andrea and Mau, the sordid story of the "good" doctor and how she can't find Isa. Andrea suggests calling to he local hospitals, while Mau looks for Javier.
Isa has anemia and has forgotten the past 11 years (how convenient for Javier). She is pregnant and if it's a boy she wants to name him Miguel, which sparks a strange sensation within her.
Javier/ Fernando skives us all by kissing Isa. Does her love her or hate her it's hard to tell?
The witch doctor continues her evil by supporting Art who is trying to get back on his feet.

Sucia tries to come clean by visiting Iakani Construction and devising more lies about her involvement with Javier and introducing him to Ara.  Bruno guessed the reason for Sucia introducing Javier to Ara and as always Sucia has that "duh- deer in the headlights" expression. At the same time Fab confronts Javier and wants to know the relationship that he has with wife. (Please let Fab make it through this episode)
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #28- Wed 4/16

De que no es gay, no es gay

Diana breaks off the non-gay-non-cousin liplock, in case Alonso comes back.  Alonso, hiding out in the broom closet with Alberto, is furious.

Diego assumes that Diana left the test results on purpose, and is pissed that she'd decide to tell him something so important this way.  He storms out of the office with Irene hot on his heels.

The "session" continues, but Alonso isn't kicking them out yet.

Lupita admits to her mom that she lied so good, the class wants her cop daddy to come to show-and-tell.

Cop Daddy is getting a promotion to head of Homicide. Ummm…Eleazar…please don't bring homicide stuff to show-and-tell!

Diego shows up just after Diana and Sexter leave, but he leaves without stopping to talk to Alonso and Alberto.  Alonso calls him while he's in the car, but Diego is hell bent on confronting Diana about the pregnancy test.  The Als are worried, thinking maybe Diego figured out the truth about Oliverio on his own.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #94- April 15, 2014

Let's discuss while Corazon unravels last night's episode.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #71 15 Apr 2014... The secrets are out!! And MA is confronted again on his vision for the future.

Ahole at cloob… Chabela and Geno comment about his ‘accident’. He tries to deny deny… assures them Isela and Mini made up the story. The ladies won’t buy what he’s selling, and leave.

Lupe and Perla at kitchen in Fonda, Perla ruins the potatoes with too much adobo (seasoned salt). Mati offers to help. Lupe has Mati, Perla, Tizoc and Frida in kitchen, and they all look mighty busy. Chuy comes down, is heading out. Lupe sends him with some deliveries. MA and Nepo come in. MA announces that Nepo will pay for some medical tests Mati needs. Lupe thanks Nepo. Lupe looks very worried and MA notices it.

Later, at hospital or Dr office, MA thanks Nepo more in private. Nepo again brings up the Lupe deal. Nepo tells MA he appreciates Mati… and him(MA) too. Dr and Mati come out. Dr summons MA to his office.

At A-hole’s, Mini still is trying to open the door to get in closet. Isela says they still don’t remember the date of Aureliano’s death. Mini is cursing. Isela mocks Mini that she did not ask MA for the date Isela suggests Mini ask MA for the date. Mini says not until I can get something really valuable for whatever I find in the safe. Isela keeps whining that she can’t live without a plastic card… without spending money!

At Fonda, everyone is trying to help out. Lupe is in kitchen and Perla and Tizoc are serving. Perla stops by AS, who is sitting at a table on her own… AS keeps suggesting to Perla to take the etiquette class… Perla tells her what she wants is to be a model… AS says then her class would be even more useful. Perla suggests instead of paying AS with money, what about discouting the class fee from their food tab.
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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 110, Tues., 4/15/14: It's a zoo around here!

In which:
Adolfo gambles big and loses;
Ezequiel gambles big and wins;
Two people learn Pedro's secret;
Pedro finds out about Nadia's pregnancy;
And Refugio is set up to have the sexist stuffing knocked out of him.


Pedro is about to leave for home when Adolfo stops him.  He has to tell him something:  "Ezequiel Basurto is hiding in your house.  He has a pistol.  And he wants to kill you."  Pedro takes the information in coolly.  


Nadia and Victor are together in their special house in the country.  They talk dreamily about raising their child together.  They snuggle in bed.  Then they do a little more than snuggling.

The Mongoose
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #27 4/15/14

De que me paga, me paga.

Recapper note: Hot diggety, we've got some SMART people in this one. I almost wonder if Ms. Suarez needs a review of the TN "rules." 

Skipping the refrito and right to the nuevo.

Karina calls Natalia a robamaridos. Grumps interrupts the catfest and yells at Karina for how she answers the phone and tells her to keep him up to speed on company happenings.

Alonso agrees to the trap. Albogado sets up a camera with the laptop, but they find that having the laptop open and facing Diana will be obvious. Albogado offers to my a hidden camera (which will turn out to be a super obivious camera, but whatever.)

Diego notices the missing 20 mil pesos and immediately calls the bank. They tell him about the internet transfer to Oliverio.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 109. 04/14/14.

So my 7 year old decided to stop recording my novela and instead record hers. I was able to record west coast time slot so recap will be up shortly. Although I'm afraid short.

Okay we start off with Dim realizing that his mom won't be nominated for mom of the year. She and Tomas were in kahoots to destroy his marriage to Fina.  He decides to leave but mommy dearest begs him to stay. He agrees if she were to tear up the check. Afraid not replies the Graceless one.  Dim says I'm out and leaves. 

Tia Pru tries to convince her big bro Captain Robledo not to send JL to the big house.  The Captain says no can do. JL committed a crime and has to pay. Depending on how generous the judge is, it looks like 5 to 6 years in the slammer.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #93 US 4/14/2014 Feo Returns and Gabi Goes Grizzly Bear

Monday was the beginning of Ultimos Capitulos! Things should really start rocking and anvils should start dropping now. This was episode #132 in Mexico, we got a full episode!

Aranza returns home after going to see Javier. She wails to Arturo that Javier told her he'd been Isabel's lover from the start and Aranza meant nothing to him. Aranza and Arturo cling together and try to comfort each other through their tears. Seeing the results of her handiwork Marcela decides it's time to leave. Bruno walks Marcela to the door and she asks him to keep her up to date with what's happening to Arturo.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #26- Mon 4/14

De que salió positivo, salió positivo

Tad has something medical going on that needs more testing.

Irene returns to the waiting room and signs the paperwork for Vicente's operation.  She and Alonso go to get something to drink, followed closely by Karina.  Diana is pissed that Diego doesn't seem to care how she's doing.  Well, you're not the one going in for surgery.  Plus, you did cause a scene earlier, so….

Irene runs into Tadeo, tells him about her dad, and almost gets away, but nooooo…Tad has to turn this into one more opportunity for a "talk."  Irene actually agrees, unfortunately leaving Alonso with la chismosa de Karina, who's just dying to know everything that has nothing to do with her.  She helpfully tells Diego that Irene went off with "a man her age," and then has the cheek to ask "So, who's this Tadeo Vargas, anyway?"  Diego tells her it's none of her business.

Irene and Tadeo have a coffee.  Tadeo brushes off his reason for being there with "Eh, you get to be a certain age and you just gotta make sure everything's working."  Right.  'Cause all the guys I know are SO good about routine preventive care.  Tadeo says all he wants at this point is for them to at least be able to say "hi" if they run into each other, maybe forget the past and start over.  He's noticed that Irene seems happier and he's guessing that has something to do with Alonso. He says it without any jealousy and Irene practically blushes, cause, yeah, she may be "of a certain age" but that just means she knows a fine specimen of man when she sees one.  I say that as a woman of a certain age.  We know quality.  Tad gives her his card and his digits and tells her to let him know if she needs anything.  Then he takes off.  And that's how The Tad Show ends for this season.  Next season will be all about Tad's mysterious health issues.
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 4/14/14 (#70): You'll Never Get Rich

I apologize; my Spanish is broken tonight and there were several scenes that sounded one way at first and then different when I replayed them... so there may be a lot of mistakes here.

Ahole offers Lupita a laughable sum for hitting her bike (which is AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT on Bingo Card #5, by the way, although in Ahole's mind it probably qualifies as sex... he did "bang" her, after all...). She tears up the money and throws it in his face (woo! more sex!).

Emiliano is calling for his mami. She tries not to react until Ahole drives away.

Vilma warns Saul that if he doesn't stop defending MA, he'll sink with him.

At home, Emiliano wants to know why Lupita was so angry with that man. He's not completely happy with her explanation that "he hit my bike," and she becomes impatient. He backs down, and she apologizes. It's just that he's never seen his mother so angry before.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of April 14, 2014

Hi guys!

According to the listings on my tv, La Impostora will get the night off on Good Friday.  You might want to check this out yourself, just to be sure.

Happy holidays everyone!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 14, 2014

Hola Telemundies!  Madelaine asked me to remind you that this week, because of Semana Santa,  Avenida Brasil will only be shown on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

According to my cable service, the evening novelas will run from Monday through Thursday, but there will be religious programming on Friday.

Gut Pesach, Happy Easter and if you're someplace where it isn't snowing, Happy Springtime!

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 108, Friday, 4/11/14: Enemies

Dear Readers: 
A version of this brief summary was originally posted with the comments to Thursday's recap.  

Pedro steps out of the judge's office just long enough to tell Alejandro he must wait outside while his mother is being interrogated.  "Why do you hate me so much?" Alejandro asks his tormentor.  "Why are you so determined to do me harm?"  Pedro's only reply is a smirk.  

Pedro and the bent judge finish their brutal questioning of Rosario.  Every question is an accusation. They try to get her to admit that Alejandro's father is really the late Jacinto and that Rosario was a slut who was sleeping with both Benjamín and Jacinto.  She is forced to tell them her horrific history -- how Benjamín Almonte ripped away her innocence, killed her fiancé, and then had her accused of the crime; how she gave birth to Alejandro in prison a month and a half early and entrusted the baby to her father, and asked him to tell everyone she had died; how Padre Anselmo guessed the baby's parentage but didn't know that Rosario was alive until she had finished her 30 year prison term and appeared on his doorstep one night.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Weekend Discussion: Novelas en Ingles?

Is this a viable idea?

There were two unsuccessful attempts a few years ago to do English-language novelas by two of the smaller networks.  They failed for two reasons:

1.  Poor acting, possibly due to poor writing
2.  Not ready for prime time in terms of gringo viewing habits

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Que pobres tan ricos #69 Some revelations... Some direct accusations... Nepo's new associate... and Lupe's biggest secret might not be a secret anymore...

At penthouse MA sees the news report of Bambi on the tv and goes beserk when he makes the connection of Bambi on TV with the Bambi picture at Dona Queta’s stand. He starts moving crazy telling his family about Bambi. They don’t really understand what he is saying.

Lupita argues with Chuy, he won’t admit that Carm leaving was his fault, she did not respect AS & fam. Lupe rants at him that his asking Carm to stay behind and care for the RP was not right at all. Lupe won’t let Carmelita leave because of THAT WOMAN (AS).

MA and Saul in car, MA hopes police will catch Bambi soon, tells Saul about Bambi being Queta’s nephew. MA tells Saul he is thinking of using Bambi to take down A-hole. Saul says you are crazy if you trust Bambi, it would be like playing Russian roulette with a gun FULL of bullets. MA tells Saul he felt like being in a spy movie at his last meeting with Mini, even had to escape out the back door! If it wasn’t for Lupe… Saul asks MA what’s up with Lupita. Did you do the deed with her?? ‘Home-run at la Nopalera!!’ MA nags at him to not mock Lupe. Having no money does not mean MA can use Lupe. MA admits he is in love with Lupe. Have never felt before what he feels for her. Saul is in disbelief. MA calls him ‘insensible’. MA leave. Saul tells self ‘thanks for asking about MY issues! You worry about me so much!’

At her house, Dona Queta argues with Bambi about the news report she saw. Is he still doing #$)#$*?? Bambi denies still being involved in that stuff. She does not want to be dirtied in his pig pen lifestyle.

At market, MA arrives, asks Nepo AGAIN for his job back. Nepo AGAIN gives it back to him with not much resistance.

A-hole keeps looking at the photos of Lupita.. ‘more beautiful than ever’. Vilma comes in, she gets miffed at A-hole paying so much attention to Mrs Menchaaaaca. Vilma says she will find where Lupe is. A-hole says don’t bother.. I am soooo much smarter than you… all you have to do is investigate the licence tags of the motorbike. Vilma offers to go find out. A-hole says no, I will do it myself. Vilma insists in doing it only to get shoo-ed again by A-hole.

Now Tizoc is helping Lupe at Fonda. AS comes downstairs. Lupe immediately confronts her about Carm leaving. AS acts all the entitled ‘victim’. Carm, the ‘employee’, had an issue with her, not the other way around. Lupe says Carm is NO employee. They continue arguing about who knows the true meaning of ‘respect’.

At market, MA questions Trofeo about Dona Queta. Dona Queta comes in and gets to her stand and hides the framed photo of Bambi. Trofeo tells MA that in the news they are saying that the police is after Bambi because of money laundering. MA looks to Dona Queta’s spot, and is worried/concerned.
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Friday, April 11, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #25- Fri 4/11

De que lo atraparon, lo atraparon

The next morning, Alonso wakes up on the couch.  Irene starts picking up some of the stuff she'd knocked around.  She says she's feeling better, but she's sorry she wrecked his place.  More hugs.  She's apologetic, but Alonso says he's happy because she got through it.  He agrees to let her clean up, since she says she's going to feel bad until she does.

Diego calls Natalia to tell her that Vicente is in the hospital and he won't be coming in to the office today.  Diego gives her instructions about a folder that needs to go to the plant.   Diana brings Diego a coffee and asks about Irene.  Diego isn't sure she should be there, or what condition she's in.  The doctor comes out to say the angioplasty is a go and takes Diego back to see Vicente.

Natalia worries about how Diego is doing and hopes Vicente gets better.  As Karina walks in, Natalia tells her that Vicente is in the hospital.  Karina calls Diana to see how she's doing.

Tiburcio goes to confession.  He tells the padre someone's in the hospital and it's his fault.  He backs up and tells the story about Irene and the baby…he was supposed to take the baby and give it away, but the girl figured it out and ran away….

Diego begs his unconscious Grumps not to leave him behind.  "You're all I've got.  Don't leave me!"  Vicente mumbles behind his oxygen mask and passes out again.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #92-The Hypocritical Oath

I will do my best with this. I took some notes, but I'm still adjusting to the new DVR and remote and I accidentally deleted TONIGHT'S episode, so I can't go back and double check stuff. *sigh*

First off...
I looked up and perused both the Old Hippocratic Oath and the Modern Version. Then I even looked it up in Spanish. I'm pretty sure Dr. Dementa knows nothing about this oath. How does one graduate from medical school without knowing about this? I'm pretty sure that backstabbing counts as using a knife (see Old Oath.)

Let's to put in words the things I saw tonight....

Isa is busted. Art is pithed. Marcela is outta there.

Feo destroys the tape recorder with his ugly clod-hopper shoes.

Marcela calls Art and wants to meet with him about some information she has. She shows the video to Art and Bruno. She throws a whole forest's worth of shade on Isa. Bruno really has his doubts. He can't imagine Gaby would be part of something like this. Art thinks the video doesn't lie. Art proceeds to get drunk. That's the way to problem solve, buddy.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 107 - April 10, 2014 - Josefina Chooses Herself and Angelica Says Goodnight

How is it that we can become so emotionally attached to a character in a television story that when the character dies we are moved to actual tears?

I think it is because the component parts of our personal experiences—birth, joy, sorrow and loss, couplings, ceremonies and beginnings, suffering, fear, triumph, divorce and heartbreak, sexuality, illness, old age and death—are common to all human beings, regardless of culture. Together these experiences constitute our shared humanity. As we lose ourselves in a good story, the tale of a human life well lived, the line between the stories we tell ourselves and those others relate to us becomes blurred. We feel loss at the death of a beloved character in a television drama because we all know loss.  It is terribly sad that everything is impermanent.

Josefina Chooses Herself

Dimitrio Mendoza, not-yet-reformed scoundrel, stands high in the middle of Aguazul’s Plaza Mayor. Dramatically, he declares his love for his wife.

“Josefina Valverde! Te amo!”

Dimitrio cries out in front of the whole town. He loves Josefina in a way he never thought he could. He begs her not to go but to stay, to be happy with him! He will love her forever.

Dimitrio jumps off his precarious perch, runs to Josefina. He tenderly takes her face in his hands and prepares to kiss her, but she stops him.

He wants to know does she believe him? He loves her!

Josefina says, yes, she believes that he loves her, but there is still something missing. Now, she understands.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #68: 4/10/14: Amor de Microbus!

Hola, Mis Peeps! I'm doing an on the fly recap again. Not too many details. I had some trouble with the convo between Frida and Mau and also some with Tizoc and his band. Please feel free to let me know what it is that I missed. I learn so much from Y'all : ) I am skipping the refried and getting right to the new.

Shall we begin with an earworm? I have selected one for Lupe from her past so to speak with Ahole,  Love On A Two Way Street!

Vilma asks Ahole if maybe there wasn't a past ahem, woman he could have had a child with. I think he insults these women as low class and wouldn't want a child of theirs. He thinks about it for a hawt second and then decides, impossible, absurd! He is and I quote 100% sure that no such child exists.

Tizoc and Don Chuy are just about done cleaning up the kitchen from that fire. Don Chuy feels like a little man for the way he reacted to Carmelita. He looks like he's crying, but he tells Tizoc he's got something in his eye, yeah, right!

AS is at some salon complaining about the quality of their lotions, not like the ones in France or whereva when her former friends show up. They want to know why she is still in Mexico and not in Italia. AS claims it's for the wedding and the stuff she bought has to do with it, when they ask her of course. When is the wedding? Don't know yet, cause it depends on the Count and Countess, but will be sure to invite them.
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #24- Thurs 4/10

De que no murió, no murió

CarLouse and The Shrimp hang out in front of the fonda while Louse reminisces about how Carmen's cooking was so awesome.  If only he hadn't tried to use her as a drug mule and she hadn't gotten caught.  The promise of empanadas is just too tempting for Shrimp and he tries to go in and get some…but he's stopped by the sight of Carmen in there with Eleazar and blames CarLouse for getting them caught in the first place.  I have no idea what happened, but either Shrimp shoots his gun off by accident or Louse shoves him off their shared motorcycle on purpose.  Shrimp ends up in the street and gets picked up by Eleazar and Morales.  Looks like the gun did go off, as Louse ends up around the corner with a shot in his side.

Drunk!Irene goes over to Alonso's.  And I'm glad it's Alonso's and not another hotel room with some creep.  She decides now is the time to come on to him.  Yeah, that's not awkward at all.

Carmen and Co. are worried about what it means that Louse and Shrimp were in the 'hood, but Eleazar says they should be safe and he won't rest until Carmen is cleared.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #91- April 10, 2014- Dear Diary, My Name Is Isabel and I Have a Plan

Dear Diary,

My name is Isabel De La Riva and I am married to Arturo De La Riva, a so, so looking guy who is extremely jealous and not too bright.  He was a widower with a young spoiled daughter, named Aranza but I am not going discuss her too much at this time. Art is an architect who works with his close friend, Bruno who secretly still loves my pregnant best friend, Gaby, even though he is married to nice lady from Spain, named Almudena.  His mother Tita thinks that Bruno and Gaby passed some type of test but... They just adopted a little boy, Uriel.  Uriel lived with four other children in the hood with Marianela, a simple pretty girl and a guy named Borlas.  Bruno’s mom, Tita befriended Marianela, Borlas and the kids while they were selling stuff on the street.  Tit would feed the kids and eventually took them in to live with her.  She built them an orphanage and all of the kids except for Uriel, live there and are waiting to be adopted, perhaps by Almudena. Thanks to Tita, Marianela is getting a good education at Tita’s alma mater.  The uppity girls at the school tease Marianela and in order to defend herself she slaps them around.  She always gets into trouble, its funny the uppity girls don’t.  It’s probably because their uppity Principal defends them. Well thank goodness; Don Gilberto came to his senses, thanks to his new girlfriend, Agatha.  Don Gil went to visit Mari at school, it’s funny, the uppity Principal said that a woman had come to the school to visit Mari.  She lived abroad and didn’t have time to stay and see her.  Hmmm?  Gil stayed and defended Mari.  He even told the uppity Principal that he was her grandfather and would make a donation to the school if Mari was not expelled.  He was able to talk to Mari and apologize for being so pigheaded and arrogant with her in the past.  She accepted his apology.

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Qué Pobres, Weds 4/9/14 (#67): After the Fire

- Nepo tells Gwendy that it's best if they don't see one another for a while. She bravely pretends to agree, but goes home distraught. Carmelita says that if Nepo needs to stay away from Gwendy, it's because he has feelings for her.

- Macarena calls. AS suggests moving up the wedding another month (or having it in a month) and asks Mac to have her parents send them the money to set it up. Mac says her parents are still in Siberia and won't have access to their bank accounts. AS agrees to go ahead and plan the wedding now and wait for Mac's parents to pay her back. Leo is nervous about this, but AS is sure she knows what's she's doing.
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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #106, 4-9-2014: For Pedro, the best presents do not come in medium-sized shoe boxes; Nadia tells Victor the truth; DIM makes a very public announcement

Lo refrito #1:  Gracie keeps harping at Carlotta, informing her (again) that she'll regret marrying Basurto, that Josefina has left DIM and that Adolfo is her lover, and that she (Carlotta) would do well to stay on her diet. 

Put A Ring On It, Alfie!
Lo refrito # 2:  Adolfo and Basurto are feeling the aftershocks of the murder of Padre Anselmo.  Basurto is really angry about what happened, threatening to kill Adolfo with his own hands for creating such a problem and being such an imbecile.  He can't believe Adolfo went rogue and didn't tell him about Pedro's plans to kill the Padre and then also maligned and implicated Basurto himself.  Basurto claims he would have arranged things differently if he'd known, but it was too late.  He wants to know what happened to Padre Anselmo's ring?  They need it as proof to show Pedro.  

An anguished, guilt-ridden Adolfo cries as Basurto wishes him good night and leaves him alone with the box o' body part.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #90- April 9, 2014- It's Official Gilberto and Borlas's Dry Spells Are Over. They Have Girlfriends!

 Just some points to discuss:

·      The orphanage officially opens up
·      Dan, Ileana, Gil and Agatha have a forced dinner.  Dan seems uncomfortable but Gi is grateful for the second chance. Agatha lets Gil know that Dan is not that into Ileana.  Agatha thinks that there is another reason why Dan broke up with Marianela and its not becaseu of Ileana.
·      Gilberto formally asks Agatha to be his boo.
·      An uncomfortable moment with Bruno talking to Gaby’s tummy and Ally walks up.
·      Dr. Crazy is at the house waiting fir Art.  Isa invites Dr. Crazy to the festivities at Tita’s.  What is wrong with her?? Let that witch doctor stay at home in her own house.
·      Fab congratulates Dr. Crazy for becoming a business partner with Art.  Sucia and Ferball are not too happy.
·      Dr. Crazy puts a bug in Art’s ear about Isa bring close to Ferball.  Boy, he is creepy.  Javier is pressing himself on Isa, she gets nervous drops and breaks a glass, and the perv kisses her.  Yuck!!!!!  Art walks in on the foolishness and wants to know what is going on?  He is not buying Isa’s answers and is ready to explode at any minute.
·      Marianela is happy that the kids have a home but she still misses Dan.  She is beating herself about Dan and Ileana.
·      Andrea doesn’t think that helping Daphne is a good idea.  She doesn’t trust Daphne but Mau does.  Obviously Mau doesn’t know Daphne.
·      Andrea is still uncomfortable at the resemblance of Javier to Fernando/Ferball.
·      Gil feels responsible for Dan and Marianela breaking up.  Cuca tells Gil to apologize to Marianela and get to know her.  Why doesn’t she open up her big mouth and tell Gil the real deal?
·      Borlas declares his love for Marianela.  She looked at him like- really?? Thought about it and decided to give it a try.
·      Osvy shares his motorcycle race story with the Angeles De La Tierra.
·      Tita is glad that Gaby and Bruno have remained friends even though they are exes.  Tita put Bruno to the test when she had Gaby and Bruno work together on the orphanage. 
·      Dr. Crazy is instigating trouble with Art about Javier and Isa’s good looks.  Art shares his feelings of dislike towards Javier with the witch doctor.
·      At shares with Bruno that he caught Isa and Javier in the kitchen.  He doesn’t trust Javier.

Coming attractions:
·      Does Art catch Isa with Javier thanks to the witch doctor??  Must see


De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #23

De que pierde la dignidad, pierde la dignidad 
(Alt title: De que perdió la lucha, perdió la lucha)

It's gonna be wham, bam, thank you ma'am and haphazard. Sorry I just couldn't seem to take notes fast enough tonight. :-(

Alonso advises Diego to postpone the divorce for now. He also tells Diego it's important for her to get help. She needs therapy. And in true novela form he also cautions Diego not to do anything that might upset the delicate flower that is Diana. Dr arrives and says Diana can leave that afternoon.

Nat tells GVB how grateful she is to Diego. She wants to do something for him. GVB thinks a nice gift from her stall.

Alonso arranges for his friend Alvaro (another Al?) to be Diana's therapist. Grumps doesn't think Diana needs therapy. He thinks she needs Diego to be a better husband. He blames Diego and says none of this would have happened if he had been a good husband. Diego says they'll will do what they can for Diana to get better, but he's getting a divorce. He tells Grumps he's postponing the divorce but come hell or high water "De que me divorcio, me divorcio."

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Tuesday 4/8/2014---- Por Siempre Mi Amor Recap #89---- I have no idea anymore!


-Oso is in bed with a grindguard and hilarity ensues. Tita must really not like that snoring but who would LOL.
-Zenaida (you know, she looks like Marianela, are you sure she isn't Mari's momma?) and Balthazar are like a slightly saturated version of Tita and Oso and she lays her charm on while Balto (never too late for nicknames) lays it off. Someone's a knockin' at the door and they both go to answer it. (Balto takes his job too seriously.)
-BonBon is heading to his colorful car (has it always been green? I thought it was yellow when he got the newspaper about Fernando's "death") and his stalker/predator is on the move watching him and filming him. Coincidentally, FeVer s headed to see 'Za who is sitting at a table alone and he asks her out to lunch. She declines because she is going to go see Tita's Casa Hogar. He then says he will accompany her to it!
-Balto and 'Naida escort the inspector to see Tita and she talks with her.
-Tita is up in happy flames because the casa hogar has passed inspection and the grand opening is soon to come!
-Illeana and DanHairyChest are in the vecindad when Mari is talking with Agatha about heartbreak and she denies any and Borlas comes. Mari leaves with Borlas and after asking, Agatha lets him know what he did wrong and he looks as if he regrets being the sacrificial lamb.
-Isa is talking with Gaby about how happy she is for Tita and that her dream finally came true! Some talk later and Isa mentions going on a trip and that FeVer and Marcela are coming to catch FeVer in the act. Gabs says she doesn't trust Marcela one bit. (This plan can only go so well...)
-BonBon's being stalked some more.
-The inspector is with the gang at La Casa Hogar and Dena tells her it's named Casa Hogar Adalberto. Everyone is giddy with glee!
-Illeana and Daniel are in the car and she says if it's a casa hogar he can see the kids whenever he wants! Danny then agrees and disagrees. (I just have to say this; Illeana isn't bad for liking Daniel. The only real fault is that no one wanted to tell Bronce Mari the ugly truth or that Daniel wouldn't listen to Soni when she was clearing up stuff at the wedding. So in a way, it's Danny's fault for not listening and almost everyone's fault for not telling her. The truth hurts but only as much as a booboo unlike a lie or hidden truth which is like a scar on the chest. Illeana only liked Danny and spared her feelings until it was no longer necessary. At least she isn't like Daffne who flaunts her good around town like a horny scoutmaster!)
-Tita comissions Borlas to work at La Casa Hogar but he can't abandon studies!
-Cuca is talking with Gil about how he feels for Agatha (her nickname shall be 'Tha and just for fun, should Cuca be 'Ca?)
-The Narvaez/Guttierrez clan is having breakfast and are happy about Tita's casa hogar.
-Gil goes to see 'Tha and she says she isn't ready (Well get ready Cinderella 'cause Gil Charming's takin' you out tonight!)
-'Za and FeVer are walking and he lets her know he is going on a trip and she asks to come. He says she will be bored (I'm pretty sure she will be ANYTHING but bored if it's the trip I'm thinking of.) Bottomline, she isn't going.
-Danny, 'Tha, Gil and Ill(eana) are eating out and happy together.
-At the Casa Hogar grand opening, everyone is in ot their own thing and happy. However in this novela euphoria doesn't last long and FeVer and Isa pull telepathically pull each other aside to exchange the address of the trip (Venue) The gears in Art Dad's head turn as he sees those two ealk off and wonders what's up.
Avances- About FeVer and Isa, Arturo ponders and over the road of redemption Marcela wanders. (and FeVer's lips on Isa's head wander as well LOL)
Author's Notes- I apologize for it being the second half of the episode only but in a way it compensates for the other time I only had the first half and my witty remarks make up maybe?


Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #66, 08 April 2014... Fire at the Fonda!! at Chalma, MA and Lupe get hot and steamy too

Emi by pool asks MA if he would like to have wife and kids… MA says it would be really nice, but have to fix some issues of mine first.

At Fonda, Trofeo and Chilaquiles ask Frida what is there to eat. Leo is freaked out, says  customers are bottomless barrels… AS says fix them some tortillas… Frida and Leo convince AS to cook something. She goes to kitchen but not leaving her bottle behind.

Lupe asks Emi to go back to room. MA and Lupe are by poolside. They have another cute argument. He says she has not given him a chance to admire her looks(she is in swimsuit). MA wants to invite her to eat some tacos.

Back at fonda, AS is drinking her martini while cutting potatoes (for Spanish tortilla?) Frida keeps waiting on customers. Leo comes in, says customers want to eat something heavier like panzita. AS is wabbling… she throws stuff on pot… they will love this delicious dish! (LOL!) Mati says see? When you make up your mind, you actually can do something productive. AS says she could care less about her comments, like a fly flew by. Leo says can’t help AS because it is super-complicated. AS says use your head. If anyone poor can use it, you, who have traveled so much should too.

At Chalma room, Chuy tells Nepo about his ‘beatings’ when he was a wrestler. This is nothing, compared to that. Nepo is thankful to them for their hospitality. Nepo lets Chuy use the truck to go back home to get some things.

At Fonda, Leo is having trouble lighting the stove. The room is filling with gas. Then he lites a match… drops it, lites another one and the whole stove goes up in flames… he tries to blow (LOL!) he calls for his mami… AS shouts ‘ay santa maddona!!’ Mati is not much help either blowing from where she is sitting.
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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 105, Tuesday, 4/8/14: Go to Hell, Adolfo Argüelles!

Pedro Medina has the winsome Argüelle siblings, Nadia and Adolfo, in his nutcracker, and he is squeezing hard:  

Will Adolfo carry out Pedro's orders and send the good Padre Anselmo on to a better place?  

Will Nadia abort her pregnancy in an attempt to keep Victor from Pedro's reach?  

Let's cut to the chase tonight.

Padre Anselmo Goes Home
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #22- Tue 4/8

De que lo está manipulando, lo está manipulando

Alonso encourages Irene to back away from the booze.  I assume she does, since next thing we know….

It's the next day.  Vicente is calling Karina to give her instructions to follow while he's out of the office, including bringing him a bunch of files to review.  He's saying it in this annoyingly patronizing tone and griping at Karina for not saying anything more than "yes, sir."  He hangs up before she even finishes telling him she'll get it done.  In the middle of carrying out his orders, she calls Diana to apologize and see if they can hook up when she goes by the house.  Diana tells her to bring some sleeping pills if she ever wants to be besties again.

The judge changed Carmen's charges and she can now get out on bail, once Diego pays it.

Karina calls Alonso to pretend she has insomnia and needs a prescription for sleeping pills.  He says he'll leave a prescription for her with his secretary.  Oh nooooooo!
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #88 US 4/7/14 Yes, He Thinks He's Sexxxy

And yet again we have been subjected to Uni's scissors. This episode was a combination of episodes 126 and 127 from Mexico. I watched the first episode online, but did not watch the second, so this recap will contain deleted scenes from the first episode. Deleted scenes are in italics... again.

Arturo picks up Isabel's phone and reads the text. Where? When? He asks her, "Who sent this text? What does it mean?"

New stuff:
Isabel lies that the text is from her client in Monterrey who is very, well, direct. She assures Arturo he has nothing to be jealous of since the client is old, chubby and has a wart on his nose. And yes, that description fits Javier. She hugs and kisses and whispers sweet nothings to Arturo. He forgets the text and they head upstairs. Meanwhile at the penthouse Javier gets no answer and gets mad. Ha. Ha. The joke's on you old chubby warty nose!
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #65: 4/7/14: Now We Are Cooking With Gas!

Hola Mis Peeps! This will be an on the fly recap. Shall we begin? We will start with an earworm just for Nepo I Can't Dance !

The Menchaca family has arrived at the pool at the Chalma and can't wait to go for a swim. Emi wants MA to go in with him, but Nepo calls My Name Mike aside and wants to go with Emi instead, it's all about getting Lupe back you see. MA is also in his dress shirt and tie here.

The sleeping arrangements at the hotel, er, cabana, er, whereva is Deigo, Nepo and MA bunk together. Lupe, Perla and Emi will bunk together. I don't know if Don Chuy is staying with the guys or not.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #21- Mon 4/7

De que aguantó, aguantó

Diego gets a call from Alberto--he's got good news.

Irene shops for art supplies.

Eleazar hands the luggage tags and info over to Alberto.  Diego shows up and Alberto tells them that with this evidence, they can at least get Carmen out on bail.  Eleazar ribs Diego about being in luuuuurve with Natalia and Diego ribs Eleazar about being in luuuuuuurve with Carmen.

Oh, great.  Andres is back from sailing around the world.  Remember Andres?  The guy who put Rodrigo in a coma.  Remember Rodrigo?  The guy who's supposed to be Diego's twin, only we haven't seen him since Week 1?

Irene and Diego get to eat in peace, since Vicente and Diana are both being grumpy.  When Irene mentions Vicente threatening to "turn in" Diana, Diego goes upstairs to confront her.  He tells her that he saw the security videos, but she asks if he saw her face.  She turns on the waterworks about how humiliating it is for him to think so badly of her.  He tells her he remembers smelling her perfume and he's sure it was her who planted the drugs in Natalia's desk.  She counters that he's BEEN cheating on her since he met Natalia, or he would have told her who she was.
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Monday, April 07, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó . Lunes . 4/7/14 #104

Chapter 104: Blatant Lies and Dangerous Truths

Pedro Medina's Office:   The not so lordly mayor reminded the good Father Anselmo he is the only person alive who knows of the suicide note left by Lord Joaquin. The good priest acknowledged this with some degree of discomfort and gave his apologies for having to depart, as he had important matters to attend to in his parish. As he was about to take his leave the unlordly mayor attempted to stop him by saying he needed to remain in Aguazul for clarification of an essential point. The good father said he would be leaving in the morning, then accepted that his presence would be requested again.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of April 7, 2014

Welcome to April, Impostoras. Here's your post for this week.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 7, 2014

Welcome April!! Here's your post for this week!

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Saturday, April 05, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #103: 4/4/14: As She Lay Dying...................

Ahoy Amiguis! Those of us left on the Patio are shaking our heads and wondering que the hell is goin' on here. We seem to be stuck in a never ending wave of sadness, but have faith. There is a new disturbance in the force, going by the name of Sandho, but, but we still have El Capitan and now Dimi, so never fear the Underdogs are still here! Angie is slowly going into that long goodnight, but is still trying her best to fix things before she departs. Let me start with an earworm shall I? I really love this song and it so fits everything that JL and Angie have been through. So relax and listen as you read this recap. I have a couple more inserted into the recap, so please take a listen to them too.  Long Live . Shall we begin?

Ale gets the news from Vic that Lic Cervera has gone to that big law office in the sky! Seems there was fire at his office and well, everything burned including the poor Lic. Ale is thrown for a loop.

Monse goes to visit Angie and runs into JL of course. Angie is still asleep and JL doesn't like to disturb her. Of course Monse has to rub salt into poor JL's wounds, that he is horrid, all that trumped up crap he did to Ale and oh, Angie doesn't know about you being drummed out of the Navy does she? Yeah, and she doesn't have to says JL. JL thinks maybe Monse is using Angie as an excuse to see him, oh, yeah, that's the ticket! She gets miffed by this and goes off.
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Friday, April 04, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #64 The trip begins... and the wrestling event starts at all fronts. Carmelita vs AS and Leo, A-hole vs Mini and Isela, and the main event: a baker's dozen dance at Chalma.

A-hole wondering who that mystery man could be. Vilma reassures him they will find out.

MA tries to ‘explain’ to Nepo… a long story, kind of cumbuluted… Nepo says what I have is time. MA begins…

All begun when I returned to Mex, … without papers, … running from the ‘migra’ … I was the only one born in the USA… they told the ‘migra’ here that I was here. … then I had to find where to stay… Nepo offers help… MA passes… Nepo insists, seems he is offering MA a place to stay… Nepo then says we all could go to the Chalma tomorrow… you should put land between you and your problems… enjoy a vacation… MA smiles forcefully, seems it is settled…

Perla shows Chuy her swimsuit. He gets a bit miffed, says she would be more dressed with a lettuce leaf… you want to parade around Diego Armando with that on? You are a ‘damita’ and have to demand some respect… She keeps kidding around… Chuy says he has always taught Tizoc to respect women. She keeps mocking him. He gets more irritated and warns her you will not wear this, not even for Halloween (jk, he said ‘not even as a joke’).

A-hole is about to celebrate/toast to those two witches gone… Vilma reassures him that she will not let Mini keep anything of his… Door bells… Vilma yells for Oyuki to answer the door. A-hole says she is acting more and more like his mom in law.

Mini and Isela walk in with a guy in a suit… Mini warns him that ‘you pay for everything in this life’… The guy in suit announces to A-hole that Mini is suing him for spousal abuse.

Nepo and Trofeo show MA the spot he will sleep at (seems just a little step ahead of the cold attic floor, I thought Nepo’s house looked a little better. Is this his office at the fruteria?? MA is speechless at seeing his new president’s suite… his cell phone rings. As MA is on phone, Trofeo asks Nepo if it could be that MA is interested in ‘la prima’? Nepo wonders too. Nepo tells Trofeo that he is trying to get MA to trust him so MA will help him with ‘la prima’.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #20- Fri 4/4

De que tiene urticaria, tiene urticaria

Eleazar visits Carmen in solitary.  He lies that the kids are all fine and tells her she's safer there, away from The General, and that she needs to be careful with her.  He asks her about the bags and Carmen remembers that the tags were still on them and she saved them.

Diego visits the "security" department at Caprico and asks for an incident report and the security videos.  He's surprised to find Natalia in his office and they make googly eyes at each other while she puts him through to someone to return a call.  Outside, a grumpy Karina arrives…late…and gets stalled further by yet another call from Diana.  Grumps is pissed that Natalia is in the office and refuses to apologize to Natalia.  She tries not to provoke him and tells Diego not to fight with him on her account, but well, Grumps needs no provocation.  Diego gives Natalia work-related instructions that she probably both understands and will be able to carry out effectively.  Out at Karina's empty desk, Vicente does a little mental math and decides Karina + Diana = Trouble.  As Karina skids to a halt in front of her desk, Vicente summons her into his office.  She's still frantically scratching her neck as he asks her when, exactly, she touched the baggies, because he never saw her.  Of course, she can't give him a good answer.   "Diana's the one who told you to plant the drugs, right?"  Karina confesses they did it together, but it was Diana's idea.  Vicente is furious because they could have gotten the company in trouble.  He tells Karina she'd better not call Diana and warn her as he storms out of the office.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #87: 4/4/14

Cable was half-way behaving tonight! Woot!

I combined some conversations.

Isa tells Gaby about the "trato." Gaby is gobsmacked. Isa thinks this can buy them time and keep Ara from marrying a little longer. Gaby wonders how much time will it take and Isa tells her however long it takes until she supposedly falls in love and leaves her husband. 

Sonia can't believe that Cuca doesn't work at that job anymore. It took a lot of effort to find her. Javier thinks Cuca probably went back to her pueblo and won't return. Sonia is disappointed by his less than helpful attitude.

Mari is leaving school and Borlas has come by to visit. Mari's classmates and headmistress make fun of Borlas the naco. Ally and Uriel come to pick up Mari and they invite Borlas to dinner. Looks like it's Naco Stew for dinner tonight!

The orphanage is almost finished. Tita is thrilled.

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Weekend Discussion: Your Travels in Novela Territory

Here I mean traveling where novelas are produced.  Who has been to Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Spain, etc?  Have these places met expectation?  Did you have a good time?  How was your Spanish?

All the standard questions being asked, including what you saw and ate!


Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 102 - 4/3/14 - Stolen Kisses and Post-Wedding Conversations

Wedding Fiesta
Nadia and Montserrat discuss her pregnancy. Montserrat repeats the old wive's tale that Nadia is having a tough time with her pregnancy because she is carrying a girl child. Nadia repeats that she cannot have this baby.

The wedding reception for Esmeralda and Refugio is lovely. In a sweet touch of ironic whimsy, Angelica has seated her mother at Esme’s ‘special work friends’ table. Amalia has already left behind her upper class snobbery to embrace the good-hearted Esme, but now Angelica is putting her to the test by seating her with a group of pole dancers. Much laughter is heard on the Patio.

In another part of the garden, Adolfo-fito and Dimitrio sit by themselves at a table trading barbed comments. Dimitrio thinks that it is odd that Adolfo is here at the wedding with Virginia when she is Dimitrio’s ex and she got hurt. Adolfo points out that that is nary a woman at the wedding who has not been hurt by Dimitrio, starting with the bride.  Adolfo asks where is Josefina—Is she hidden from Dim’s Navy buddies because Dimitrio is embarrassed that he is married to a woman like her? Dimitrio responds that he wonders if Adolfo ever gets tired of…being Adolfo. With snarky jabs like those, I think we can safely say that Dim and Addled are no longer a happy couple. They look like frenemies to me. With Adolfo breaking bad and Dimitrio leaning good, well, those two are now coming from very different places. Never the twain shall meet.
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