Wednesday, January 28, 2015

La Gata #106 - Wed 1/28- La Redada

Is this the last ride of The Hat: Esme Style?  She leaves Pablo to rather literally "watch" over the kids as she goes out for veggies for soup.

Lo is having a hard time getting the cops to understand that she's a woman accustomed to being obeyed.

Vicky is in the DF now and HatBro is on his way.  Mariano meets with her to reassure her that Pablo will be back to his old tacky-painting self soon enough.  Doc Javier shows up at Vicky's because he heard Pablo disappeared while he was with her.  From a flashback, and her face, we find out that Javi has something to do with her Deep Dark Pain that she didn't want to tell Pablo about.

Ines is getting released, per Osorio.  Too bad Osorio has been working on that instead of on any number of other matters where his expertise and non-stupidness would have been useful.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, #136, Ximena is back! and Nando is torn between two lovers... Edith is devastated at his silence... Isa calls Johnny and Ana is living dangerously for memories sake


On Bruno’s signal, Fanny leaves Edith at kitchen and heads outside. Edith is left with kids, something’s going on.. Alicia says never in this house!

Sarai arrives to kitchen to say goodbye to everyone.

Ana fails at getting Fernando’s attention to package so she opens it, is confused at the box she finds inside.

Fanny heads outside. Bruno is left with the kid at couch.

Nando and Ximena outside… she wanted to surprise him. How’ve you been? Did you get my email? You never replied. Was analyzing it (LOL!)

Fanny joins them. Nando is concerned.

Ana tries on the ‘inserts’ on her shoes… wonders why Fernando needs those. She loves him as he is.

Ximena tells Fanny, Nando that she and her mom are getting along great. She is even prepared for any news. Nando does not waste time to tell her that Edith, his gf, is in ‘da house! Fanny is surprised Nando had not told Ximena yet.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando finally comes out of closet. Ana is in awe of his fragrance. He is willing to go shower again. Or give her the bottle, but she would rather him wear it. He blushes at her flattery. She wonders why a man like him buys things to ‘grow’. He drops his jaw when he realizes she opened the package, she apologizes, won’t do it again, he reminds her opening others packages is a felony. Ana keeps egging herself saying he has no reason to feel embarrassed. She does not mind torture and if he wants to use ‘that’ he is welcome to. (he starts giggling) he says he did not order them. She asks what does it say here. He confirms his name is Fernando Lascurain, but he is not the ONLY Fernando Lascurain in the house. She finally ‘gets it’.. he asks her if she knows about Nando having interest In ‘growing’. Ana now feels real bad and tells Fernando that Nando won’t like it that ‘we’ opened his package. Fernando confronts her ‘"we??", Kemosabi?'’.

Outside, we finally get the reaction. Ximena keeps repeating to him not to worry. It was ‘logical’ we were far apart and she was nuts. Fanny is glad Ximena looks and acts so well. Fanny even wants to retake the friendship and wants to catch her up to everything that has happened to her. Ximena says she no longer lives at the house, she lives in a nearby apartment. That house depressed her. Fanny leaves them alone. Ximena has to insist to a shocked Nando not to worry. Its all cool. She says she will leave now, but when he calms down he can tell her all about Edith, and leaves with a smile on her face. He finally smiles, and says Ximena is so different.

Inside, Edith asks Fanny why she was outside. Fanny has to lie. Edith insists. Fanny says it is for Nando to tell you.

Fanny finally tells Edith that Nando is outside. Ana comes down running. Fanny tells her Ximena is outside.

Edith is startled outside, but Nando says just chill and I will tell you all about it. Edith tells him she is dying of anguish. He tells her Ximena is back. Edith turns around very shocked.

Bruno comes down, Ana has baby in her arms again. Ana wants him to be straight with her about Betty. She is pretty, single, self-sufficient, charming, discrete and most importantly, she likes you! The problem is you are not experienced in the art of the greek god of love. If the chance shows up, what is wrong with pursuing it? Fernando comes down so they stop the chat.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 7 - Honor among Bullshit Full Recap

 We are back again,with Doc Mateo making his return to the grand town alongside the hot blonde who is secretly giving the Devil Sandwiches that  taste like snakes. No one knows yet  from which pit  the Devil came from but he certainly was God"s favorite( Is Pedro Medina his distant cousin?) up until this mendiga dia !  Anyway on to the recap:

Mateo and Abigail are still sipping ice cream . Abi wants to know if Mateo will come to her birthday party ,he will come and the talk ends up with dance partners .He would love to be her partner ,but he cannot. He asks if Abi has one but she denies it,there were some weirdos but thats it .She asks him the same exact thing and plays stupid but Abi is not fooled and has seen how the Nasty Diana  Montero was looking at him,i think she got annoyed that we were playing Patsy Patsy together !

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*~Que te Perdone Dios (Yo No) Recap Schedule~*

OK so CxA and I aren't alone on this. Eli and Jardinera want to help which is great. As of now, here is the schedule.

Monday-CS (Yep that's Me!)

Tuesday-CxA(Jardinera, if you'd like you can back CxA up if anything comes up since you stated Tuesdays are best for you.)

Wednesday- CS (until someone claims this spot.)

Thursday- CxA 

Friday- Eli (she did do last Friday so you can tell I'm following by last week.)

I know I'm staying in my spot(s) but there is the possibilty this schedule is subject to change as the show progresses(and with wishful thinking this rather grim show will last as long as Ernesto Alonso's version.)

While I'm here, I'm up for double duty on HEFDM (meaning today and Thursday) and will help in Quiero Amarte on Wednesdays as well. 

If any questions or volunteers for anything, just comment! Thank you!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo….or Hasta la Vista, Amiga! #114 Tue 1/27/15

You’ll cry tears of blood, etc. etc  Pato leaves in a huff.

Ostras!  Sofia tells Alexa Pato is fired! She’s overjoyed – que te lo digo yo! (hic)  Alexa fesses up she was working with Chava to kidnap  her at her wedding.  Sofia apologizes to Alexa for putting her in charge of the empressa.  There was so much going on in her life and she was overwhelmed.  Thanks to Chava and being there at the factory, she’s realized this is where she belongs.  She’s ready to resume her post as the head of Ripoll.  Alexa’s really, really, but really happy. 
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Mi corazon es tuyo #135 Ana and Fernando invent a new step... 1 2 3... kiss kiss kiss 1 2 3 kiss kiss kiss... Fanny gets a huge blow ... Ximena returns!! ... curiosity killed Ana the cat... It's Sarai's time to go ... sound like a one-pot gumbo?? well, it is!!!


Nando’s nightmare with Edith opening the door to pregnant Ximena and then fainting. Ximena is expecting!

Edith crying in her room wondering if Nando is spooked because making love was not all that.

Kids try to run when Isa is waking up. Yomama has a bodily fluids accident when she sees Isa, Fernando cracks up laughing, but gets real serious when Isa starts insulting the kids again in front of him!

Yomama gives Isa a mirror… Isa has a tantrum. No fair!!

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando is with the girls at the girls room. He is caressing Alicia and is worried about her. Luz wants to talk about Sarai’s parents divorce. Sarai will live most of the time with mom but will see dad frequently. Sarai asks why couples marry if they will divorce later. He tries to explain that keeping a marriage going ain’t easy. Adult issues are complex. Most married couples are compatible, have things in common. Luz asks about him and Ana. Yup, hope it will be foreva.

Ana is walking baby around her room. She puts baby in bassinet. Ana takes monitor and goes downstairs.

Fernando and Ana down stairs, he is eager to have the dancing practice tonight. Ready? Ana first asks what he thinks of Lenin. Gets along with Fanny. Ana thinks Lenin is real smitten by Fanny. Would he be better than Leon? Would he make Fanny suffer? Fernando says Fanny has allowed Leon to make her suffer. Ana wants less talk, more dance. Fernando more than willing to oblige. They dance to a Danzon. Very close… almost kissing. (did they learn about ‘my space’) … she dances around him and he pulls her right to a kiss… and then another… she pulls away, they dance some more…

At some young ones dance club, Fanny and Lenin are at a table. Lenin is not quite of the opinion this place lends itself to lots of chit chat. He decides to dance with her, makes some old style disco moves. (apropo to the place?) well… things just got interesting. Leon just walked in with Laura. They sit down. Laura tells him precisely she used to come here with Fanny and Ximena. They order tequilas. Laura kisses Leon. Meanwhile at dance floor Lenin and Fanny make some synchronized moves… Laura convinces Leon to go dancing, of course after she has shoved about 3 tequilas on him. Now Fanny and Lenin are sitting, Leon and Laura are dancing.

At Jen’s they are doing dishes. Johnny sends her to bed, he will finish dishes. He takes pleasure in ‘serving’ her.

Ana and Fernando in kitchen… she is giving him some water… tired? No way. Fernando wants to tell her about the prank on Isa. But first Ana tells him the kids put cough syrup on her food. Fernando laughs. Fernando tells her about the shaving crème on her. He could not stop himself from laughing after all the bad she has done to them. Fernando says love to see you happy. He comes around the table and takes her in his arms… she kisses his face all over. He says he wishes he could have a pocket size Ana. When he is at the office, when he is sitting on traffic, to tell her all the time he loves her. Would fill her with kisses, but prefer to kiss the real Ana… They are kissing, this time are interrupted by Edith. Fernando again comes up with the lash in the eye. But Edith cries, says Nando is acting strange. Ana comes around to hug her. Edith doesn’t get what she did wrong. Fernando gives her an understanding stare. Ana has some words of support for Edith. Edith leaves.
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La Gata #105 Tuesday 1/27/15 The One With All the Flashbacks

I could barely keep my eyes open during this episode.
  • Gisela plays roundy roundy for a bit and decides she is going to find Pablo and drag him to Italy if she has to. She leaves to look for Pablo (note: pillows are neatly arranged on couch.)
  • Pablo sneaks in right after Gisela leaves looking for information or memories (note: pillows are strewn about the floor.)
  • Fer and Esme have an incessant conversation about her being back in the basurero with her peeps. Then he tells her about each peep she left behind and how much they miss her. He's also not thrilled with her current standard of living and wishes she would let him get her some things. Oh, some ridiculous story about the Esme and Pabs story just starting. Please. It started a long time ago and it's time to put it out of its misery.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Discussion #6

Hi all-

I don't know what's going on with the recap for today so feel free to discuss-I'll do my best to watch the episode later tonight and maybe do a quick write up so we all know what's going on before tonight's episode!


La Gata #104 01/26/15 The one where the outfits hella sucked

Bullet point time!

  • Silencioso and Co are still looking for Esmeralda
  • Pablo is kind of a jerk, I mean I know that Gisela is a crazy wench, but Pablo does not, and he is treating her like dirt!
  • Gisela wants to get the hell out of dodge and is planning a trip to Italy but Pablo refuses to go
  • Garza also wants to get out of town before people find out that he and Lorenza are partners in crime, he goes to visit Monicas mom to asks her for his money cause he does not want to go back to the pokey. She tells him Lorenza is in charge of everything so he's gonna have to wait. And he's all like "naw you old bat, pay me my cash!"
  • Garza is not happy and starts to choke her, omgeee you guys her eye make up is hideous! 
  • Monica shows up and sees her mom being attacked so she hits Garza with her mini-clutch purse and knocks him out. WTF does she keep in there? No seriously, how heavy was that little purse that she managed to knock a grown man out?
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #113 1/26/15 Pato and Silvana Hit the Bricks

From Friday:
Armie tells Irma that the pig stays. Nandito promises to feed and clean up after it.

Chava meets with Landa to ask his help to get Bigfoot racing ready. Landa can't help financially, but promises to call his friends. Maybe one of them will sponsor Chava.

Pato calls Renzi to tell him that Manjarres did a good job. The vat of chocolate headed for South America is full of pesticide.

Sofia asks Silvana if she and Pato are/were lovers. Silvana confesses that she is crazy in love with Pato.

New Episode:
(Some scenes have been combined)

At the restaurant, Sofia demands that Silvana tell her the truth. Silvana confesses that after her miscarriage Pato was there to comfort her. She tried to resist him but she was weak and Pato became her obsession. Matias only saw her trying to kiss Pato. Silvana knew that Sofia was in love with Chava and not Pato, that's why she was always trying to push Sofia and Chava together. Sofia appears to be having a brain cramp. She still doesn't understand.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, January 26, 2015 (#6)

Diego and Abigail are together when Macaria comes out to bitch at them

Mateo and Princess Di are practically eating each other with their looks and  saying how much they missed each other.

Vicenta babbles with Ren who sends her to get Abi.

Abigail and Macaria argue about the "kiss" Diego gave her and Mac-Bitch slaps Abi while threatensher with never seeing Renata again in her life.

PrincessDi thinks about her meet with Mateo and says something is to be a huge surprise for the 2. She walks into a house and starts making out with Fausto. He gives Di expensive jewelry.

Mateo and Guy (who calls for a sweat wipe) are operating on someone.

Mac-Bitch and Abi talk about Abi's father. Mac says Abi's father was a worthless bum and Abi asks if that's why she doesn't like her.

Diego takes it up with the complaint department that is Renata about Mac's bitching. She asks in what aspect can she help? Diego says Abi has done nothing wrong and walks away.

Abi wonders about her grandma and says if she lived with them, she would sing like a canary. Mac bitches some more and brings Abi's spirit down. In comes Vicenta(Lucha finally has a name) and warns Mac bitch she'd better not mess with Diegito. Vicenta says Renata has called for Abi to come see her and Abi is happy to oblige.

Connie calls Mac a Hoebag and I couldn't agree more with her (Mac responds with calling Connie a psycho bitch.) Mac then plays victim with Ren that Connie was being mean to her. Ren has asked Connue a million times not to bug Mac; Connie, with a lovely yellow rose tucked behind her ear, says Bruno will put Macaria in her place!

Mateo in a pair on jeans and no shirt lays on his bed reading a note Abigail gave him. Abigail as well is reading a note but Mateo gave it to her. They express their love for each other in coos and swoons.

Mia and Diana are on their asses on the when the doorbell is ringing and Mia calls for Teodora to open the door. It's Mateo ready to take Diana out for a stroll.

Renata expresses to Fausto's face how much she HATES him.

Princess Di and Mateo (and Mia) are out strolling when Diego, Renata and Abigail pulls up.


♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ #134 Lunes 1/26/15 ♥

Capitulo 134: Holiday Madness, Part Infinity

No refritos, just tonight's action:

Lascuráin Mansion: Alicia was so upset at Pablo's departure that she decided to stay in her room. Luz tried to get her to go downstairs, but was not successful. Fernando entered to talk to Alicia about it. She told him she didn't feel like getting dressed up and pretending to have a good time. Wisely, he didn't attempt to press her into doing so. Instead, he hugged her and told her that she should come down if she changed her mind. She cried after he left her room.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Jan. 26, 2015

Welcome to this week's Great Blizzard edition.

Stay safe and warm, my friends.  Let's hear from you!

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Quiero Amarte (Week 19-Jan 26) Highlights & Discussion

Amaya's Future is in Peril

Valeria is still mad at Amaya and hates Max for not telling her they were novios
Cesar wants Amaya for himself, not for love but to best his brother and gain a business advantage
Lucrecia still wants Amaya dead, despite Cesar's threats if she so much as touches her
Mauro is clueless as to Cesar and Lucrecia's plans for Amaya
Constanza is about to drop the baby bomb on Max
Amaya may or may not be pregnant herself
Max will find himself in a moral dilemma

Join us to find out which of these perils are put in play this week.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #5 Fausto earns himself a spot in hell

Hi, I'm still working on the recap, it will be up later today, the show is on late and I'm on the West Coast! All future recaps will be done by Saturday afternoons. Be back in a bit with my recap!

We start the episode with Renata pointing a gun at Fausto, she demands to know if he was responsible for the death of Pablo, he asks if Macaira was the one who told her this, and Renata tells him she has no reason to doubt anything Macaira says, thus confirming that Mac was the one who let the cat out of the bag. Fausto tries to calm a hysterical Renata by telling her not to trust Macaira because she is a snake (true, oh so true!) but Renata is not having it. I shout at her to shoot him, but does she? Nope. Instead she cries and cries some more which allows Fausto to disarm her.

They argue some more and Fausto makes it clear he is not letting her go because she is his meal ticket. You see Bruno's will stated that Fausto was a sort of manager of his assets, should Renata and her mother leave, Fausto gets zero, nothing,nada. Even from the grave Bruno manages to screw things up for Renata and his wife. Fausto has zero incentive to let the women go, the second they leave he is left with nothing.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #112 20150123 The Pig in the Blanket Grunts Over the Pig the Box

I was asleep and missed for first 10 minutes.  I probably left out a lot, so please fill in anything that I missed. 

The lovebirds, Chava and Sophia, are canoodling in the Mustang outside of Ripoll while Manjarrez poisons the big vat of chocolate on the inside.  The sound of the alarms unseals their lips and the sight of the employees filing out of the building returns Sophia in the instant management mode.

When Dani appears without Alexa, Sophia tries to run into the building, but the guard stops her.  Next Patrick and Silvana come out. 

While Sophia runs around checking on the employees, Chava and Armando smell a rat.  They believe that Patrick is behind this.  They discuss how this has never happened before and on the day that Sophia is out of the building and Alexa is on a casting call, all hell breaks lose. 
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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #132 and #133, Isa is a party crasher

[Thanks to Cathyx for the quick rundown 0f Thursday's capítulo.  I didn't receive my episodio for Thursday till Sat. AM. (Thank you HULU and of course, the real culprit, Univision, who now doesn't allow you to stream and view it by early the next AM to allow for a quick recap unless you're signed up with the "correct" cable or satellite service.) --edit.]

Since we missed yesterday’s recap, (not sure what happened to Jardinera), I will try to remember what went on with some highlights of yesterday's show. 
*Pablo got discovered and Thankfully got talked into leaving with his brother. Yes! But not before an over the top cry session with Alicia and lots of teens kissing, yuck. 
*Alicia cried herself to sleep. Ugh! 
*Sarai and Luz slept with Ana because the crying would keep them awake.
*Ana and Fer got into a shouting match because Fer was blaming Ana for letting Alicia take up with Pablo in the first place and if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be suffering now. (I know this is a stupid argument and they work it out later and kissed and made up.)
*Fanny accepted a “date” to see a movie with Lenin, much to Lenin’s surprise. The started to kiss and Fer interrupted them.
*Nando comes to Edith’s pad and Edith wants to do it, not sure if they actually did. 
I can’t remember anything else, so if you do, put it in the comments.

Now on to Friday’s episode.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 5 ~Discussion

Hello guys,feel free to discuss the todays episode which was quite depressing i must say and the town is in an desperate need of an exorcist ! I  am sure that either Eli or CS are working on the recap so do not worry about that. However just in case,  if it is not up by tommorow,maybe i will write it myself,they are probably still sleeping so i will give it rest.



Friday, January 23, 2015

La Gata #103 1/23/15 If You Teach a Man to Fish...

Some scenes have been combined.

Gisela has brought her home her stray. She ushers him in with a flourish and a "welcome to OUR home Pablo." He looks a little confused, but this is nothing new. He asks Gi if she's sure he will be able to recover his memory here. She's very sure. He really thinks he should go to the doctor. That's usually how they treat such cases, isn't it. Gi assures him that with her love and "attentions" he will recuperate. She asks for just a few days. Just a few days and her love can cure him. She is his only love. She goes in for a kiss, but Pablo is suddenly wracked with the memory of a gun going off. I think he's disgusted by her crazycooties, too. (That footage of him falling and hitting his head on the rock seems ripe for GIF-ing. I wish I had the skillz to make it happen.) He steps back and accuses Gisela "It was you!!"
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 4 " The Devil and Karma have their Parade"

Ladies and gentlemen,we are back in our little dark town! The darkness falls down a bit but will the happiness last? Now on to the recap! :

Renny is in her room taking care of and pep-talking Baby Abigail, saying that she should not worry,that she will always try to be by her side,to fight for her despite the sad fact that Abigail will never call her Mama (No worries Rainy,that promise always gets broken in the end,here is my tissue!) . Anyway ,i think we were again  time jumped   3 months forward. Master Brujo accompanied  by Macy the Vile and  the Disgusting Suitcases  are there  in the hall. Renny comes there too with the baby but Brujo quickly takes the chance to humiliate her by asking her to give the bebe to Macy and from now on  she is  to have the least possible contact with Abigail. Brujo is forcing both of them to leave.

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Weekend Discussion: Cross-Cultural Infusions and the Future

Still working on the photo gallery, but a new topic emerged yesterday in the midst of discussing the Christmas episodes of Mi Corazon es Tuyo.  It's been going on since the age of cinema and picked up speed after the emergence of television.  How much faster is this happening now?

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #111 I Never Thought I'd Say This but, This TN Just Got Good! Really Good! Are the Regular Writers on Vacation?

Snob Hill
During a phone call, Patrick screams at Greta for not controlling Sophia.  He's tired of being humiliated.  He says that her shameful past is the reason that she can't control that hussy, Sophia.  Greta sobs and says that she can't make Sophia marry him.  She's still all hysterical when Fausto comes in.  She's afraid that Patrick will quit.  Fausto assures her that Patrick will not quit his well-paid position.  His lifestyle means more to him than Sophia does. 

From yesterday, Patrick tells Silvana to hire Manjarrez and to put him in the production area. Silvana says that she doesn't have any openings, but Patrick doesn't care.  He wants him on the payroll...NOW!

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

La Gata #102 1-22 In which Pablo is a day late, and a brain short

Good evening, long suffering members of the La Gata patio.  Tonight, like most Thursdays we have a suckier than usual episode which yours truly does not mind because it makes for a quick, down and dirty rehash of this mish-mash.

Tonight was filled with lots of flashbacks as everybody remembers those, soul-searing, heart pounding moments of high drama – NOT – that got us here.

Juan Garza’s complaining to Gut sends him into flashbacks of Damian, Fer, Mariano, Pablo and Esme all accusing Garza of lying:   the penny drops and Gut asks him when is he going to stop faking?  Garza is not Garza, somebody’s paying him and he needs to get out of Gut’s office right now, he never wants to see him for the rest of his life!  Wait.  Is this the appropriate response for a lawyer?  How about calling the authorities?  A crime’s been committed here, you’re not breaking up with your boyfriend!
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Que Te Perdone Dios on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 "You're a Nasty, Mr. Grinch."

Mac and Ren talk.

Ren asks if what she heard is true and Bruno confirms. She says she will never forgive him while he throws more salt in the wound and says she'll never see Pablo ever again.

Lucio (complete with toothpick) eggs on Pablo who gets a little mad and is ready to charge towards him. That being said, Lucio pulls out a gun. He orders Pablo to put some pep in the step and head out (Hup 2, 3, 4 - Hup 2, 3, 4.)

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 21, 2015.

Greta as usual is nagging to Sofia about living up to Octavio's "legacy" but after the truth having been let loose at the wedding, Sofi really isn't having it. Sofia wants to love the life she lives and live the love she does; Salvador has suffered enough. She is going to throw the lapdog a bone and love him to the best of her ability.

Armie and Nandito play video games while IrkMeSome just glares in the background. Nandito says it's been a while since they have spent that much time.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #131 A new young man comes to stir some jealousy feelings in Fernando... and his brother hides under Fernando's bed


Fernando comes downstairs, notices Isa is all messed up by the baby, but as soon as she says Ana is with Alicia and Pablo in library, he heads there… Fernando gives Ana a couple quick kisses, despite her initial reluctance. Fernando gives a nice support speech to Alicia and Pablo, thanks Pablo for loving his daughter… Alicia makes MCET sign to him

Lo Nuevo:

Edith tells Fanny that she plans to sleep with Nando… Fanny is excited at the idea.

Bruno nervous that Zeus is taking too long to get the parts for the hot water in shower, Zeus is getting his dark spots removed at a spa… and lies to Bruno on phone that he was waiting for the person to tell him where to find the parts.

At company, Perla reprimends Leon for spending too much time with Laura at work… Laura leaves, Perla asks him what happened with his relationship with the Prez daughter. Leon says that is in the past… his relationship with Fanny is over.

Johnny comes out all dirty but shirtless and walks toward Isa… He can tell he is not indifferent to her so he milks it for what its worth… you can see all you want but all this you see has a duena(owner). We hear the baby crying in Isa’s arm. She keeps staring at him while he tells her what he had to do to the plumbing. Isa asks him to step away from her… but he sees that she keeps on scanning him top to bottom… She rants at him that HE is making the baby cry. As Johnny has walked away toward kitchen, Isa is fighting with herself that Johnny’s body is awesome, but Johnny himself is ‘spooky’. (espantoso)

Alicia and Pablo are still finding it hard to go their separate ways.

Ana comes back and as soon as she gets the baby from Isa he quiets down. Ana gets her phone off her leg and Isa seems to feel sick to find out where Ana keeps her phone. (between her legs, in a custom made pouch).

At office, Fernando has a visitor, Mr Medina, that he has to deal with before the meeting.

Perla tells Leon that Freeky woke up from the Coma but now he has gone nuts.

Angel and Magda talk about her excitement at working at the consult office alongside him. Ana calls Angel. She says she thinks the baby might have colic. Angel says sure, come over. When he hangs up he tells Magda who is Ana.

Isa invites herself to go to Angel’s office with Ana.

Fernando is talking to Torres about Freeky’s next of kin… Fernando knows Freeky’s dad died and does not know any other relative. Torres says the hospital wants to transfer him to the psych ward. Fernando says a step sister went to visit him at the hospital. He finds it strange, since Torres did not find any relative. Torres says it would be the company responsible for the decision, meaning… Fernando.

Nando is in his room with Sebas… some stuff about music measurements. Sebas wants to study for a music degree.

Edith calls Nando… She invites him to her room later on… to be alone. Nando is amused at the request/invite.

Isa and Ana are leaving to go let Angel see the baby. Ana asks Soledad to watch the other kids while she goes to take the baby to see Angel. Soledad’s cell rings right after Ana and Isa are out the door. Yomama called Soledad to arrange a meeting to have a coffee… or perhaps a margarita (LOL!). Soledad surprised.
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La Gata #101 - Wed 1/21- La Limpia

101, you say?  Now, that sounds like a theme!

Wilderness Healing 101: You can cure anything with a bundle of sage and an egg.  Bongo drums are optional.

Rita shows up and gets Gisela to let her see how Pablo's doing.  She starts pulling things out of her bag.  Later she picks some weeds and leaves

Hot Chicks 101: They're always hotter before they start talking murder.

Los Barrio Boyz drink booze and talk about how Gi is so hot.  Except Garabato.  He's seen the crazy.
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Que te Perdone Dios Lost Capitulo 2 (Edited)

 Hello again! It is me Timotej Nidorfer/ Countxalacran,I reccaped on three shows: Yago,Yo no Creo en los Hombres and Que te Perdone dios.For job purposes I had made myself chronologies of all three shows and during that I noticed that QPD has like 15 episodes missing.I am here to correct that so it doesnt look bad on my CV!

This episode can be watched on the new streaming service provided by Televisa&Univision who apperently merged together and became one.

Without further ado;enjoy!

"You presume limits to my insanity. There are none" Inspired by Valkorion, Star Wars EU

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 2 "Brutes and Fairies!" Part 2 (Missing scenes coming today,soon)

 Hello once again, it is time for us to return to our beautiful town with vineyards ,madness, forbidden love, our most wonderful opening song ( Que Te Perdone Dios Dear Producer!)  and of course we cannot miss our dear Bruto Flores Angeles(The viewer's already wish him an early anvil but i am a most forgiving person and i know its coming soon)   ,our lovely Macaria(I think i should just call her Macy or like CS,MAC-Bitch but Macy is shorter, I hope the gays will not be insulted though ,pardon Dios Mio for my transgression,i will pray for my salvation everyday!) and our badass ,silent not yet BSC( I think i will lament that saying soon enough) Sergio Goyri ! Now on to the recap :

We see what we already saw in the previous episode, the ending scenes in which the servant (Lucha from PSM) and Renata suddenly learn  that Pablo's  wooden house is on fire being burnt to ashes (Luckily Pablo escaped )  while forcing Renata to run to the house  but they are lucky that Meliton ( Manuel Ojeda) and the other villagers are already taking care of it but she collapses anyway so one of the men took her away to the curer's house.
We also see the scene of Connie lighting candles (Hopefully by the end of the novela, the gas bill will not be too expensive!)  and surprisingly and shockingly catching the HOT Pablo ,armed with an machete asking for pobre Renata. They exchange looks.
 Isnt he just Too hot?

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tue 1/20 #109 Hasta el Fin del Mundo It’s Nadie……Chava Nadie or I’m Coming Octavio!

Lo Nuevo ---

Pato’s Apartment
Outside, Chava gives Armie the good news that he and Sofia are going to give Love another whirl.  They’ve found they still love each other.  He’s waiting for her now just outside Pato’s depa.  He’s not worried about her being alone with him.  She assured him she’ll be okay but he’s standing by, with his cell phone, just in case.  Chava tells him he’ll share all the deets later but it’s safe to say he’s the happiest man on earth!

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La Gata #100 1/20/15 Dumba$$ery Abounds

I'm skipping the old (and probably a lot of the new) and condensing this thicker than Borden's.

Fernando said it best: the trial is a farce. Esme interrupts the Chismosa of the Dump's testimony to ask why she's lying and doing this to la Gata. Then Low interrupts the proceedings to declare that Pablo is the only person that can clear all this up. The judge needs to MAKE Pablo appear!

Gisela stays with Pablo. Mi amors and lots of angustia.

Garabato is on the bus back to the DF and worries about Pablo. Is he dead or not? And if he is, who could I pay to help him AND keep quiet.

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Mi corazon es tuyo #130 Tues 1/20/2015. Pablo has to move to Argentina... Fanny decides to walk away from Leon for a while... Ana keeps pushing Fer away with the 'kids cofusion' script and Fernando has little toleration to cold water showers


Ana/Fernando outside kissing, hiding from Sebastian, they state they are sure of their love for each other… even though Ana does not want to tell the kids yet… ‘we would’ confuse them, but it was you and I, then you married Isa, then I dated Diego then you and I again…’ yada yada… but it is enough for him to hear she does not doubt of his love. More kissing.

Lo Nuevo:

Sebas gives up on waiting for Dad/Ana to show up, goes back in… meanwhile Fer and Ana, still hiding behind the poinsettias, keep swearing the lurrrvvv… Ana insists they can’t kiss in front of the kids. Fer puckers up for another kiss but Ana is feeling pains in her back, gets a quick massage from Fer… Ana calls him on talking too ‘folkloric’ (LOL!) Fer is visibly running out of patience on the ‘waiting because of the kids’ pretenses… They finally walk back in.

When Fer/Ana come in, Fanny and Nando are impatient to hear something from the ‘picarones’. But Ana/Fer give the green light to open presents. The twins get costumes like ‘El Chavo’ (a character made famous by a comedian who died recently in Mex). Fanny keeps questioning Fer/Ana, she can’t understand the ‘hiding from the kids’ stuff either. She is asking why… just like he has been. Fer and Ana finally give in to Fanny that they were kissing, and Fer adds on that it was beautiful, wonderful!... Fernando moves on to watch the kids open presents. Alicia temporarily thinks she has no present under the tree… and even Nando mocks her saying ‘she ain’t got any!’ before Fernando says no, look harder. There is one for you too. She finds it and is real happy. Meanwhile Fanny is getting Ana’s reaction to the kiss… just as childish reaction description from Ana. Ana also tells Fanny Fer gave her a ring, and Fanny temporarily assumes its is an engagement ring, which Ana writes off right away.

At Leon’s they are also having Mau get his present… a small bike and some soldier (looks like Iron man, it is called ‘SUPER CHICO’), Mau is excited saying it is the one he had asked for!! He looks up and says ‘you are the best!’ to God while Leon takes a photo of him.

Fanny is trying to get Edith to get up from bed. Edith was dreaming about some plane. Fanny gives her some coffee. Edith notices Fanny has something in her mind… she has been thinking ‘maybe Leon is not for me’.

At Leon’s, Leon is talking to Reina about Fanny and Laura… Leon is saying same as Fanny ‘maybe princess Fanny is not for me’. Reina asks ‘what about Laura, is she for you?’

Edith still thinks Fanny could not live in a humble place like Leon’s… Fanny says it is more an issue of Leon’s temper. She reminds Edith that she and Leon have split and made up several times, but Leon solves everything violently. Fanny says it is a pattern that she does not like. She says Leon lacks maturity, has tantrums too often./easily.

Nando gets an e-card from Ximena saying she hopes to see him soon. He is impactado.

Ana is bringing the baby to her room, she gets a surprise flower bunch with a card ‘Via this card, I will inform to you that our dance practices will increase in intensity and intimacy/closeness. Please dress up even more beautiful than you are used to. For more information, please contact your dance partner… and hopefully, your life partner.’ Ana is elated… She looks again at the ring she just got from Fernando and writes him a response.

Fernando in his room gets the response slipped under the door. Fernando at first thinks it is Siete scratching the door but goes and sees the note. ‘Very dear dance partner… I thank you in advance for your attentions/details and I hope you too get ready for us to shine the dance floor… and if possible, get even more handsome, although that would be abuse… have a very good night, Ana Leal. PS… The “being my life partner” sounds wonderful!...’
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La Gata Recappers Phone Home! Sinopsis La Sombra del Pasado Gran Estreno February 16, 2015 7PM/6 CST

Please contact the blogmom at if you would like to recap

Time: 7PM/6CST
Producer: MaPat López de Zatarain
Created by: José Cuauhtémoc Blanco, Víctor Manuel Medina Cervantes,
Written by: María Del Carmen Peña
Source material: El Manantial

Santa Lucía is a small town where everyone knows each other and rumors spread like wildfire. Here live two families and over the years they have had many differences and accumulated resentments.

Our tale begins at the hacienda Las Ánimas where the baptism of Cristóbal (Pablo Lyle...eventually), the first born of Severiano Mendoza (Alexis Ayala) and his wife Candela (Alejandra Barros) is being celebrated. The family is rich, powerful and respected in Santa Lucía and the entire town is present for the party.
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La Gata #99 01/19/15 The story as told by Principe

Hello all, Eli has asked me to take over as she is currently trying to fake her death, normally I'd say "no" because I'm a feline and have better things to do but then I reconsidered, people need to know about the kind of abuse I have suffered and maybe someone will save me. Do not question how I know what's going on with everyone, including Pablo, I am a cat, I know all and see all.

Pablo has run off to the woods in order to teach a girl, Vicky, I think is her name. The poor girl actually thinks he has talent, I don't think she's ever seen his horrible paintings. Because he is off in the country side "working" Pablo is around to provide Esmeralda the emotional support she needs. She is angry that he's not around and feels that it means he does not care about the fate of the babies. Oh sure, she thinks she could ask him to explain himself, but she refuses to do it, instead she chooses to believe a woman who has done nothing but hurt her and her family. Whatever. The babies still show no progress, I think someone needs to slip human growth hormone into their milk.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #108 1/19/15 Goldilocks has Boring Sex

From Friday:
Chava and Sofia whine and cry about him doin' the drunken dirty with Araceli. Chava swears he loves Sofia and will accept whatever decision Sofia makes regarding their relationship. Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. 
Araceli admits that she forced herself on the drunken Chava. After Araceli told Pedro the truth he went back to Monterrey without her. Irma offers Araceli these words of wisdom, "Chava will forgive you, but I can't believe you were stupid enough to tell Pedro. Have shot of tequila."
Pato has no idea where Sofia has gone. Silvana is pretty sure that Sofia doesn't care about Pato or the factory, but if Pato is really concerned about Sofia he should call Fausto. He calls, but Fausto claims he has no idea where Sofia went.
Sofia tells Chava that despite his drunken sexual experience with Araceli, she still loves him. They kiss and make up.
The Wonder Bread Band practices together. Very FF ----->>
Matias arrives to take Yovet and Irais on a tour of Mexico City.
Sofia and Chava run to an abandoned house to find shelter from the rain.
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La Sombra del Pasado-Index

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, January 19, 2015 "Let's Do This!"

We begin in Real de San Andres where a truck pulls up amongst a bunch of ranch workers. Our (soon to be primera actriz) current star Renata Riquelme is snacking on grapes as astrapping ranch hand Pablo comes up on horseback eyeing her. Bruno chides his daughter for having gone by herself for grapes. He doesn't want her near any campesinos that could harm or take advantage of her. Her mother comes in saying she likes to see her and her father hug. Macaria has come in to help with the grapes and then is encharged with going with Renata for a swim and not abandoning her under any circumstances. Pablo comes in. Macaria (who is all Sabine Moussier'd up skin, make-up and hair-wise) and Renata girl chat about what Renata is really going to do.

Bruno wants Pablo to prove his worth (and that unfortunately doesn't mean he can have Ren.) Pab. is happy to oblige; cowboy hat and all.

Renata is stripping and dipping in the typecast Abismo de Pasion lagoon while Pab. pulls up and watches. He removes his hat and all attire to make a splash with her. They kiss and after their skinny-dip, talk about marriage. He wants to make her happy and unfortunately, her parents are against this. He refers to himself as a peon and she reassures him of her unconditional love for him.

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♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ #129 Lunes 1/19/15: Holiday Madness

Let's get to the important stuff:

Margarita's Apartment: Fanny caught Laura with León and was more annoyed than she tried to show. She gave Mauricio and Margarita their gifts and tried to make a fast but graceful exit. Laura followed her out saying she had to talk to her. Reina and Margarita saw this would not end well and both looked at León, who had to know what was on their minds.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Jan. 19, 2015

Wow!  So many comments last week!  It looks like Dueños del Paraíso has energized the Telemundo community, and now the whole prime-time line-up is getting attention.

A special welcome to the new commenters here, and a huge thank-you to the talented recappers who are keeping the enterprise going.

Enjoy your page and your week, folks.

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Quiero Amarte (Week 18-Jan 19) Highlights & Discussion

Dolores Morales de Valdez, QEPD

Dolores left this earth suddenly on January 16, 2015. It is believed from official reports that she was suffering from advanced kidney disease and accidentally fell through a glass partition in the ladies' room of the hospital where she was undergoing tests.

She leaves behind to mourn and remember her, a daughter, Mariana, a goddaughter, Amaya, and Amaya's child, Valeria. She also leaves to mourn a host of friends. She also leaves her husband, Cipriano, who will miss her because she will no longer be around to cook, clean, iron for him, earn money for his vices, nor to abuse physically and mentally.

Dolores was a valiant and stalwart woman, a loyal friend. Though uneducated, her wisdom and intelligence was sometimes beyond her capabilities to utilize. She was a loving mother and protector and believed in the idea that her daughters deserved a better life and sacrificed herself for their advancement.

She lived with and tolerated a drunk and abusive husband because that was what was expected of  decent women in her society in those days. She loved him once upon a time.

Her friend and confidant, the village priest is expected to officiate. Final resting place will be in the family plot.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mi Corazon: Amidst Christmas Pageantry A Few Surprises

This will be short as most of the episodio was a family celebration of Christmas with customary songs and some carols performed through various song and dance skits at the manse of Los Lascurain.

  • It's official: Freeky Enreeky has gone totally out of what's left of his mind.  He's witnessed by both Isabela and later his doctor having  hallucinations.  Fernando is officially notified of this by the company comptroller.
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Que Te Perdone Dios is up after La Malquerida! Here's your synopsis from CountXAlacran

We have two recappers for this new show: Corazon Salvaje and CountXAlacran (new!). Anybody else in? You can read the synopsis here:

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Weekend Discussion: Food for the "Big Game"

It's off-topic, but I've been a little too busy lately to compile the photos I want for the next gallery.

Who is hosting or contributing to a Super Bowl party?  I'm attending one for the first time and hope that my pasta and veggie and my bean salads will go over well.  They were always a hit on St Patrick's Day.

What will you all be up to on Feb 1?


Hasta el Fin del Mundo #107 20150116 Chava is a Narcissistic Idiot! The End! Recap Over!

Snob Hill
Daniela agrees to be Dulliver's girl friend!  The two have a celebratory make out session.  Stalker Igor, who has been hovering outside of Daniela's door, barges in and demands to know what Dulliver is doing in Daniela's room!  Daniela wants to know why Igor thinks that he has the right to barge into her bedroom.  Narcissist Greta interrupts the trio and is thrilled to learn that Daniela and Dulliver are now a item.  Igor is not happy since he called "stalker dibs" on Daniela and her family first!  Dulliver will have to die...we can only hope!
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Friday, January 16, 2015

La Malquerida #102, 1/16/2015: El Gran Final!!

Mexico Episode #116

Gloria and I would like to thank all of you for being such a wonderful, thoughtful group of commenters. A special thanks to Diana, who stepped up to the plate, took a swing at recapping, and hit it out of the park week after week. We can’t thank you enough for becoming our third recapper when we lost our Beloved Madelaine. Mads- We know you are watching with us, and having a great time seeing how all these crazy storylines have unfolded and resolved themselves. Thanks for being this show’s biggest cheerleader. Now, on to the recap! Gloria has masterfully recapped what Univision decided to show us, and I have filled in the cut sections (in italics) and a few extras. Enjoy!

Acacia admits to Cris that she accepted Esteban's love. Cris asks what she means by that? Acacia clarifies that she never had any type of sexual relationship with him. Cris asks how can she do this to her? I thought you were innocent in all this. Acacia says she is remorseful but Cris points out it's too late for that. Just months ago I believed I was the happiest woman in the world and now realized I lived in a fantasy world. My husband and my daughter. The two most important people to me for fooling me. What were you thinking? How could you betray me like this? She slaps Acacia and says she can't image her husband touching her. I was thinking you were a victim of his when in reality you were just a slut. Acacia yells at her to stop and listen to her. You have no right to tell me that. This would never have happened if you hadn't brought another man into my house.

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La Gata #98 Hot Diggety! ¡Últimas Semanas!

Lower your expectations. I've watched it twice already (and even took notes the second time!) and I still don't know how to force it all into some sort of coherent recap.

I've gone back and looked at my notes and I must have been drunk at the time, which can't be good because it was 8 in the morning. goes nothing.
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Mi corazon es tuyo, #127, Thursday The good news is that chivalry isn’t dead. The bad news is that Johnny is one of its main representatives.

Skipping the old…
Fanny is telling Edith about what happened with Leon. Lenin keeps interrupting with texts, asking Fanny to answer his calls, because he has something important to tell her about the orphanage. Edith goes to see Nando, so Fanny can have the chance to call Lenin – she listens patiently to what he has to say, apparently it really is something important.
Edith walks into Nando’s room while he’s still reading about the “wraps” for growth. He shuts down his laptop immediately, hiding from Edith. She wants to know what he was doing, but he won’t tell her, so they get into an argument about being lied to / being nagged.
Edith goes to Fanny with her woes and Fanny says that Nando doesn’t like being controlled; besides, maybe what he was trying to hide was the present he plans to buy for her.
Nando is buying something, all right, he places an order on the site he has been checking out. In my opinion a little less hair gel and a little more confidence would do wonders for his maturity, but if he thinks that something bought off the Internet might help….

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La Malquerida #101, 1/15/2015: Dan Gets Felled by the Ho, the Knife, and the Stiletto

Mexico Episodes 114 and 115. Cut scenes in italics.

Episode #114: Broken Glass and Shattered Dreams
Cris has just fallen to her knees, begging Acacia to forgive her for not seeing Esteban’s intentions towards her. Acacia tells her that what happened with Esteban was her fault. She should have put distance between them from the first moment he made a move on her. Cris refuses to let Acacia think it was her fault. She knows women who have suffered sexual harassment often feel that it’s their fault, but it’s not true. She begs Acacia for forgiveness again and says she should have realized what was happening to her, but she trusted Esteban too much.

Before Acacia can tell the whole truth, Elena and Juan Carlos walk in. Acacia quickly excuses herself, as JC hugs Cris and tells her the obvious—she’s married to a killer! He can’t believe it. Elena wants to know why he killed a young man he has known since he was a little boy? JC can’t believe that the motivation could have only been the desire to keep Benavente. Cris yells out that Este’s motive was to keep Manuel from Acacia. JC doesn’t get it. Este had become supportive of the marriage.
C: Because he didn’t want Manuel to make her his mujer! Because he wanted her for himself!
Elena and JC look like they’re going to keel over from the shock.

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La Gata #97 Thur 1-15 The one I'd rather flush than re-crap!

Hey y'all.  I couldn't even gin this thing up at all.  It tis what it tis!

Esme’s ready to go deliver some beads.  Damian comes to the door.  Damian tells her he will be with her for the appointment in the Lawyer’s office.  Esme refuses.

Pablo discusses the Garza appointment with Lo.  She plays her cognitively impaired son like a fiddle.  She tells him that when he was in New York Esme confessed to her that a man had offered to help her out, to take her on as his concubine or his wife, you know to help her.  Lo counsels that he should not be too hard on Esme, she was all alone and needed help.  Pablo kisses Lo’s hands in gratitude for her goodness and her sage counsel!
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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Thursday, January 15, 2014

Alexa with straightened hair talks with the director about her experience with movies and he says he has faith in her. She is ecstatic.

Unbelievable, for now she won't but soon enough Irma will be able to walk again (I'm beginning to think she is a demon from hell.) The wheelchair is a loan until they have money to buy one (and Irma thoughtbubbles Hasta que me de la gana Papuyo.)

Chava and Sofia motorbike along the countryside to Te Amare.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Alexa suggests the possibility of Sofia returning. Expressions are exchanged and Alexa is inaugurated the new head of Chocolates Ripoff. Greta says she never thought this would be happening. Alexa says she will stop living her life so Sofia can live hers and that that isn't fair. Sofia thanks her beloved sister gracefully,

IkStian has brought Fausto his favorite Gene Kelly movie on DVD. He has a Fausto-gasm, and thanks IkStian.

Olly gabs to Isadora about his band and Isa is worried about Peralta finding out. Olly says he is sure that won't happen and that Isa herself doesn't know who is in the band; he proceeds to say, "Daniela Ripoll."

Greta says it's inconceivable that Alexa is now the head of the Ripoffery and I find it odd that Patricio says for ger to put faith into Alexa since he will be helping her. Cipriano Fuentes is mentioned; Patricio says he is a man already dead. Greta mentions an addendum; he worked for her father and than he worked for Octavio. Pato is sure Sofia will be looking fof the archived files and that it'll end up being too much thus sending her back into her position at the Ripoffery. Greta says it's brilliant and she thanks him; she is so happy she can confide in him.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #105 20150114 Discussion Page

I didn't watch this episode.  Please don't keep what you know a secret.  Also if you are interested in being a recapper, please let me know.  


La Malquerida #100, 1/14/2015: Esteban is Unmasked, But There Are Still Truths to Be Revealed

Mexico Episodes 112 and 113. Cut scenes in italics.

Episode #112: Cris Starts to See the Light
Hector has just told Cris that he thinks Esteban doesn’t see Acacia as a daughter, but as a woman. Cris is incensed. How dare he insinuate something like that! He tries to explain that this is based on his observations, but Cris isn’t having it. This is something terrible he’s insinuating—that her husband is interested in her daughter?! It’s impossible! Hector apologizes, but says he couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Cris says these are just his crazy assumptions. “Esteban has known her since she was a little girl! He loves her like a daughter!” Hector apologizes again and says this isn’t easy for him. He thought about it long and hard, and knew it would put their friendship at risk. Cris agrees, because what he’s saying is monstrous. Hector hopes he’s wrong, but he wouldn’t be able to deal with his conscience if something really is going on. “No. You’re wrong/screwed up. This CAN’T be true! Get out of here!” Poor Hector leaves.

Dan reminds Esteban that they agreed to be partners and friends, in good times and bad. Este can’t believe Dan has the gall to contact him for help after what he did to Alejandra, Cris, and to all of them. Dan doesn’t see how Este can be giving him lessons on morality, after what HE’S done. “You and I know very well what it’s like to be driven mad by a young girl. We are more alike than you think.” Este takes offense at being compared to Dan. He wants to know what Dan wants. Dan explains he needs enough money to get out of there, since the guy helping him has disappeared. Este asks where he is, but Dan is wise to his game. He'll have instructions for him later.

Rubio keeps Este’s secret and throws Norberto off the Esteban scent. He tells Norb that the likely culprit was Danilo, and the likely target was German. Norb goes to speak to the police chief.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mi Corazon es tuyo #126 Little Diego Nicolas is at a happier home for sure... but it is certainly not Fanny's day... or Leon's. but Fernando and Ana seem to be 40 going on 13


Ana talks to Johnny and Jen about finding evidence of Dorofeo by recording some meeting of his.

Kids get home to start their xmas vacation (almost 20 days). Fernando arrives home with baby.

Lo Nuevo:

Leon and Fanny are going out alone, they won’t tell anyone. Mau stays with grandma and Reina.

Ana has brought the baby to Angel’s office. He tells her that Isa had introduced herself to him as ‘Ines’. He realized she was Isa when the family was watching the baby at the nursery. Ana talks about Isa’s multiple personalities. Angel says baby is A ok. Someone is knocking at door. Its Marta, Angel’s ex wife. He makes her wait outside until his appointment is over. He is visibly impactado by her showing up like that.

Leon is showing Fanny the video they had recorded (the Grease video) at a drive-through. She says you told me that when you gave me the 7th drawing or video, you would ask me a special question. Leon shows her the video (with background music of their theme song with Fanny lip-singing it and Nando and Edith and Mau and Luz dancing, etc) and at the end Leon proposes to her on the screen. Leon in the car opens a little box that has a ring. She is in shock. Very sad looking. He says he is already finishing his thesis and will soon take his final test, is buying a house and will buy her a better ring later on. He figures they can marry in 6 mos to a year, when everything is lined up. She stops him there. She finally speaks up and says she is too young, she is just 21 and not ready to get married. That she WOULD, at some point later on, feel ready to share her life with him. But she is just starting to find her way around. She is learning a lot and does not feel ready to settle down and does not feel prepared to be Mau’s step mother. He rebuttes that it is because of his financial status… but she swears its not about that, that its about her and her not feeling prepared for married and being a parent. He is so upset he leaves, not even letting her drive him home.

Ana talks to Angel about Marta… she tells him that it seems he has not forgiven his wife for having aborted his child, but he still has huge feelings for her. Angel looks away.

Fanny has caught up with Leon and is trying to talk to him again, but he wants her to leave him alone. He keeps walking home and she stays at the gate crying.

Preparations for xmas continue at Lasc Manor. They are putting on the nativity set now. Fernando is pulling apart some moss… Luz found the donkey… Alicia remembers doing a ‘pastorela’ (a staging of the nativity scene). Alicia suggests doing another ‘pastorela’, the Lascurain pastorela. Fernando is all up for it. He calls Bruno and asks for the script (play script) of the pastorela that they did with Fanny Sr a few years ago. Fanny arrives home and is visibly upset. Fernando notices. Fanny runs and hugs her dad.

At home, Leon is whining to his mom. He says the only explanation is that Fanny does not love him. Margarita does not believe Fanny told him that. He says it’s the only reason. Margarita agrees that marrying very young, at Fanny’s age, is a bad decision. Margarita says not wanting to marry you right now does not mean she does not love you. ‘Fanny is too young and you have a son! It is not an easy decision for a woman who is just starting her life!’

Fernando sits with Fanny in her room. She asks for Ana, took the baby to Angel. Funny, isn’t it? Ana caring for Isa’s son.

Sebastian arrives home and will help them with the nativity set while Ana heads upstairs with the baby.

Fanny tells Fernando what Leon said… and he proposed… Fernando shocked. Fernando is anxious, asking what she responded. Ana has to point Fernando to look at Fanny’s face and figure out that she said no. Ana wants to talk to Fanny, asks Fernando to leave them alone. Fernando takes the baby and tells Fanny he loves her. Fanny cries on Ana’s shoulder.

Fernando is changing his baby when Bruno comes in saying he found the script for the pastorela. Fernando asks Bruno to go get more diapers and to prepare the bath for the baby. Fernando tells the baby that they look alike and that he loves him… but also… what did you eat, son?? (at this age, man? You need to ask?)
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La Gata #96 - Wed 1/14- La Duda

Pablo rips up the test results, as if that will accomplish anything.  Damian shows up, late, as Juan the Ferret tries to act like maybe he did do something wrong by not calling Esme, but, oops, he didn't know she was pregnant!

Esme stews about how Pablo doesn't believe her, yet again.

Juan the Ferret gives a poetic answer about where he "came from."  Damian thinks it's about damn time that Esme get involved.  Ferret mentions "witnesses."

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

La Malquerida #99, 1/13/2015

Mexico Episodes 110 and 111

All- Univision is doing their best to make a hash of the final episodes of La Malquerida, but I know Diana will do her best to give us a delicious recap. See her recap in the comments. I'm sure there will be lots to talk about!


1/13 TUE Hasta el Fin del Mundo #104 Not Armando’s finest hour.

Oficina de Alexa
Alexa tells Irais she’s planning to dedicate herself to what she really cares for.  ruh-roh

Dani barges in, complaining about Alexa’s decision to support Sofia’s resignation.  Alexa explains she only did what Sofia asked.  Sofia needs to “find herself” and needs some alone time.  “Mal onda, neta!” opines Dani.  Alexa agrees she never would have thought of taking over the reins but Sofia needed her.  She feels Sofia will soon realize she needs to return and Alexa has the “perfect plan”.  She’s not divulging the details, but in less than a week Sofia – and the other partners – will agree that Sofia must return.  Que te lo digo yo!  (shot # 1)

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Mi corazon es tuyo #125 Sebastian and Sarai compete and win!!, Johnny and Jen show Ana the new pole dance studio, Fer and Ana take their relationship up one notch even if they have to kiss over the turkey


Not much, Ana dancing and thinking if Chicago disappears, she won’t have to tell Fernando anything.

Fernando silent with teary eyes staring at Fanny Sr’s portrait

Lo Nuevo:

Fanny and Leon take Mau looking for Christmas tree… She tells Mau she loves him very much… Mau saying you had not said that yet, I would remember it. Leon thinks about the last step (proposing to/asking Fanny) Leon makes Mau agree that Fanny is sooo beautiful.

At Chicago, Ana is saying a speech on the mike, wishes merry xmas to everyone and special greeting to her dear Jenny, Johnny and all her co-workers. A toast with red roses all around her on the stage… She announces they are closing for a couple weeks. Merry xmas and happy new year, Chicago! Cheers! Ana walks around hugging everyone.

Back to Fer and we hear the voice of Fanny Sr ‘don’t let her go, Fernando! … don’t let her go’. Him responding ‘No, Fanny. I won’t let her go. I won’t… let Ana go. Thank you… Than you.’ (he is very emotional, this is indeed a farewell)

(good acting on JS part…. Excellent… one of the few actor men who can cry realistically on the fly)

Back to Chicago… Johny and Jenny are leaving but find ‘la diva’ crying… she is sad she will be away from them such a long time. She loves working here. Good music, ambience, friends… you all. Jen tells her just give us a call. She is heading home to Agualulco near San Luis (San Luis Obispo?). Johny gives her a cell phone. She is real grateful.

At Lasc house, we get closeup of all the decorations… fireplace sparking… (WHOA!!!) Ana and Fernando are cuddling together in couch. Ana says they will make a stocking for Diego Nicolas. She will buy the materials and make it tomorrow. He is thankful.

F: This kiss we shared… (she is babbling some nonsense syllables LOL!... ) … yeah.. beautiful… you know I love you. And with that kiss I felt that you love me too.

A: AH you didn’t know?

F: Well. Believe me that sometimes I am not so sure because you never have told me.

A: Aaah!

F: That’s all.

A: … I love you!...

F: (in disbelief, emotional) Do you have any idea of how happy I feel to hear this??...

A: Yeah, but you are hyperventilating… I know because I feel the same.

(then they get to kissing and babbling about it being the first of thousands… no, millions… no, billions! Of kisses…)

She asks him one thing… whatever you say… anything… She asks him to keep it secret from the kids for now… he asks why… she does not want them to know yet… she wants to take things easy, slow to make sure they work out… He does understand her point… He recalls Luz saw him kissing Ana and then he married Isa. And Ana ended up dating Diego… and now they are back together… Ana says the kids won’t know what to think, especially the younger ones and she does not want to confuse them. (‘calmantes montes elegantes pintos pajaros cantantes’ … and in Ana’s vocabulary all that means ‘easy does it’) He says you're right, ‘si, mi amor’. She says she loves when he calls her that. (AWWWWW) However, he wants to continue kissing and points out that there is no one around right now. ‘sure!’ ‘I love yur englich’ (LOL!) Kissy kissy continues… he shuts her up… (FINALLY!! She was getting me dizzy)
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La Gata #95 1/13/15 A Rainbow of Stupid

1. Many thanks to Eli, Diva and Anon for the inspiration
2. The only action getting recapped is whatever fits into the theme. We can all clarify and add in the comments.

Seeing Red
Garabato is pissed. His parents were murdered and he was left a dumpster baby. It's all La Gata's fault. Her parents must die....or her parents must be left without a child. We've all said it before-La Gata was a baby. How is it her fault?

Little White Lies
More like big whoppers, but I'm working an angle here.
Augie conveniently gets back his ability to talk and tells Esme and Pablo that Lorenza is lying about her illness just so Eseme will care for him. Later Augie is back to thought bubbling so I'm particularly annoyed by this. Proof positive that the writers just do whatever the hell they want. Logic, story and quality be damned.

Later in the episode Lo tells another lie. She spills the beans to Esme about the paternity suit (stretched over two took forever.) Lo says Pablo came to her full of doubt thanks to this latest event. Could it be that the children aren't Pablo's?

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La Gata #94 01/12/15 Where's Maury when you need him?

I used to be a happy girl, but this show has broken my spirit, its gotten so bad that I can't really seem to make out what the characters are saying, as in all the conversations are a blur. I'm not trying to be a jerk, it's just that I find myself having a hard time trying to focus. I even made a song!

I hate this show and I can not lie
All my patio peeps will understand
That nothing on this show is worth watching
But we are dedicated peeps
so we will keep on recapping
I might need therapy this is no lie
I wonder if Televisa will help me out?

Okay, so not the best song but it's the best I could do!

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #103 1/12/14 How About a Game of "Who's Your Daddy?"

From Friday:
At the store, Pedro says good-by to Paco before going back to Monterrey.
Chava shows up at home on his motorcycle and takes Lupe' to her dance classes.
Renzi suggests Pato give Greta the name of one of the real estate partners to use for the name of Sofia's fake father. They'll use the name of a dead man so Sofia won't find out much about him. Pato asks Renzi to make sure the guy was a bum, that way Sofia will be so humiliated by her background that she won't feel she has a right to come back to run the factory.
Iker puts the drops in Greta's tea. 
Greta gets the name of Sofia's fake father from Pato.
New Episode:
This is the Lombardi Trophy that the NFL presents to the team that wins the Super Bowl. Please remember this picture for later in the recap.
Lucas, Ollie, Dani and Mari meet at the factory and talk about their band. They still need a drummer and a female vocalist. Both girls want to try out. These kids are so wholesome and picture perfect that I'm going to call them the Wonder Bread Band.
Dani tells Ollie that after Sofia ran out and left Pato at the alter, she came back home with him! Now Sofia wants to resign as the head of the company.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 98. 01/12/15.

Hunky Hector doesn't understand how Ulises is going to allow the love of his life to marry another. You will regret not trying to do more. I don't want to be all up in your business but I see myself in you. I allowed the love of my life to go off with another man and I have regretted it since. It's better to lose your pride for love then your love for pride.

Acacia tells Esteban that he now has to keep his distance. He says his only sin has been in loving her. She reminds him that is the biggest of sins. What we have done is wrong, but I am willing to do anything so that you go away. He only wants her happiness and says he will leave her to get on with her wedding.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 1/12/15 ♥ #124 ♥

Capitulo 124: The Name Game

Prologue on Mount Olympus:

Have you seen Father?” asked Apollo. “I've been looking for him for the last few days and he's nowhere to be found.”

I suspect he's up to his usual old tricks,” said Athena. “He could be down on earth among the mortals.”

Oh, that's trouble we don't need,” said Apollo. “The last time that happened – “

Don't remind me,” said Athena. “We'd better see Hera. Maybe he's with her.”

They went into the palace toward Hera's boudoir, only to hear her voice calling out.

Zeusy? Zeusy? Where are you?” Hera emerged from her boudoir, disheveled and not quite looking like herself.

Oh, no. It finally happened. She's losing her mind.”

Zeusy? Zeusy? Where are you hiding?”

That's too dangerous. We have to do something now.”

You're the patron of physicians. That's up to you. You must have a potion for this.”

I'll work on that right away. Meanwhile, don't let her leave the palace. I'll send Pegasus down to help look for Dad by himself so Hera can't find him. Nothing worse than Step-mum on the warpath.”
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Jan. 12, 2015

Hola á todos! Tonight is the gran final of Señora Acero and tomorrow is the long-awaited premiere of Dueños del Paraíso.
Los Miserables and Tierra de Reyes are chugging along.
Here is your page for comments on the old, the new and the remake.

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Dueños del Paraíso-index

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quiero Amarte (Week 17-Jan 12) Highlights & Discussion

How much evil have we seen so far in this ""Wanting to love you" telenovela? Let us count the ways. (Reminder: We are only at the halfway mark.)
Fraud & Embezzlement
Burglary & Robbery
Conspiracy to commit the above crimes
Attempted Murder
Attempted Drowning
Cruelty to Children and mentally challenged young adult
Domestic Violence and Assault
Threats of Bodily Harm

Not enough for you? Tune in, as we will probably have to make the list longer before El Fin.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

La Gata #93 Friday 1/9/15 La... Oh who am I kidding? There are just no words.

Yes, the foot art is ridiculously annoying, distracting and ugly. So is Pablo. As Mariano noted, he accomplished NOTHING with the lawyer. Pablo does get a point for suggesting a DNA test. Mariano gets the dumbass award for scoffing at the idea. That only happens when the case goes to court, he says. I want to try hash out an agreement before it comes to that, he says. WTF? I say. They don't even finish this line of thought before Pablo veers off into a conversation about Virginia.

Virginia and Esme gush over the wedding dress. Virginia just wants a family. A united family.No anvil sounds. Almost a disappointment until I realize they really only use the anvil sound for totally stupid stuff.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #123, Who survives? The Baby or Isabela?

I didn’t set out to write this in bullet points, but the way the show has been aired lately with quickly changing scenes and time passing by fast, that’s the only way I can do it. Also, there are really bad transitions and editing so a few things are difficult to follow or just make no sense as to why they are there.

Time is flying by rapidly; Fernando gets La Costaña financially healthy again, Sebastain is learning to use the crutches, Maricela has her baby, the kids and León prepare a production of Grease, which we never see so what’s the point, Isabela attempts to kill Enrique but there is an earthquake right as she’s about to stab him with a letter opener, (please!), so also what’s the point, León finishes his final thesis to get his degree, and Isabela is starting to feel contractions.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #102 Case Study: Chava, the Stalker is Outraged that he is being Stalked

This episode opens with Sophia sobbing at Octavio's tombstone.  Octavio molded her to be like him because he believed that she was his first born daughter.  He expected her to a perfect role model for her sisters.  What we see now that she is a the results of Octavio's fatherly attention...a 30 year old educated, refined, virgin who could be mistaken for a bimbo if she wasn't the CEO of a large corporation.  He was hard on her and expected her to be perfect in every way, she says.  She attributes her straight teeth, perky breasts and stunning looks to Octavio.  She wonders how he would have acted if he had known that she was a poor man's bastard. 

After pestering Octavio, she moves on to the chapel and bores the poor Virgin Mary statue with her annoying and endless sobbing.  She begs Mary help her find purpose in her disappointment.  She places her life in the virgins hands and then lays a lit candle at her feet.  Sophia notices a charm at on the floor and picks it up. 
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La Malquerida, capitulo 97. 01/09/15.

Acacia goes to Ulises office and wants to talk. She needs to clarify that what happened the other night was a misunderstanding. But he says he's tired of all the misunderstandings. She begs him to let her talk but he's not feeling it. He takes her by the hand and tells her that every time he has her close, it destroys him. And knows the same happens to her when he's around. I see that your marriage to Manuel has happened and in the name of the love that we once shared, I ask that you no longer seek me out. Even love has it's limits and I have reached mine. He asks her to leave and no longer wants to know anything about her. She agrees but asks him to forgive her and leaves.

Arturo tells him Carmen that he and Luisa are in love and want to quickly formalize their relationship. Carmen thinks they are too young but believes they will be happy together and congratulates them. But asks why the rush? He says he wants to experience every moment of life with Luisa. Carmen wants to celebrate by having a dinner. They need to celebrate Ulises going away and Arturo and Luisa's formal relationship. She asks Luisa to invite Rosa.

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Friday, January 09, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #101 20150108 Chava Gets a Happy Ending and He Ain't Thrilled About It

I only caught the last 20 minutes of the show and witnessed Araceli's violation of Chava.  If someone would like to tell us what happened, please share.


Mi Corazón 122: No More Bet Debt For Johnny And Bela’s Scheme Wrecks Seba’s Dancing Dreams

Fanny and Leon admit their stolen/surprise non-kisses to each other and make up.  FF>>

Disguised as the Little Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe, Isabela walks along the stairstepped pathway at the Lascurain children’s private school, and with a twist of her cane, trips Sebastian as he’s demonstrating a dance move to Sarai.  Seb is screaming that his foot hurts and he can’t move.  Neither can the only other adult within hearing distance, apparently—the Lascurain’s chauffeur. He stands at attention like a wooden soldier and does absolutely nothing during the entire event.  (What’s he even in the darn scene for?  Must be somebody’s couch snatch.)  Alicia calls Ana who calls Don Fernando who calls El Médico Mágico de Angel while Bitchabelly escapes into her car and laughs all the way back to her apartment.  

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La Malquerida #96, 1/8/2015: First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage…On Second Thought…

Mexico Episodes #104 and 105
Cut scenes are in italics.

Episode 104: Guess What, Ma…I’m Married!
After telling Ulises off, thinking he’s Esteban, through her shuttered windows, Acacia calls Manuel and tells him they have to do something to keep them (their families) from separating them. Outside, heartbroken Ulises is confronted by an armed guard who tells him he can’t be there without permission. (Dude. Had Uli been the real killer on the loose, Acacia would have been at the Pearly Gates by now!) Uli leaves.

The next day, Rubio is at the front desk at the police station, asking how he can see a prisoner. He balks at having to present and leave identification, and instead wanders off taking in the other folks around him. He spots Norberto, looking shady in shades, also pacing around.

Cris tells German that Ale is coming to live at the hacienda. He is fine with it. First, because it’s Cris’ house and she can do what she wants, and second because Ale will be surrounded by people who love her. Plus the guards are there to keep her safe. In any case, he’ll soon be moving into his apartment. Cris wants him to at least wait till they trap Dan, and stay under the protection of the hacienda. German will think about it. He requests that Cris not give Juliana all the details about what happened to Ale. Cris gets it, and won’t. They then talk about the craziness of Acacia and Manuel getting married. German also thinks it’s foolish and promises Cris he’ll talk to Manuel. Cris doesn’t want her opposition to ruin her relationship with Acacia, but German says Acacia adores Cris and that would never happen. Cris wants German to convince Manuel to at least wait a year.

Norb manages to get into see Perla and Julianita. He offers them money and demands that they be discreet and not mention his connection to them or Dan. He’s sure they will need money either on the inside or when they get out. Perla knows they have the power in this situation and reminds him of that. He softens his tone. He offers his protection, since they know Dan doesn’t play. He tells them to think about it, and leaves. J-nita is hurt. She thought he was there to help them and that he really cared about her. Perla calls her naïve. He’s like all the clients. Perla smiles and says, wait till he finds out he’s on video. J-nita freaks out to learn she’s on video servicing Norb.

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La Gata #92 Thursday 1-8-15 The Anti-Climax or Was it a dud for you too?

Pablo invites Carlos to his apartment.  Carlos thinks it’s about Pablo’s not being chosen as the Padrino for Carlos and Virginia’s wedding.  No.  It’s about Virginia and after Carlos learns it, he probably won’t want to marry her.

Pablo tells Carlos Virginia has a terrible illness she inherited from her mother.  She can’t have children.  If she does she will die.  Carlos thinks it’s a lie from Lo to separate them.  Pablo further tells Carlos that Virginia is not the biological child of his parents but his cousin.  Carlos turns away and weeps.   He tells Carlos he can marry but not have children and Virginia doesn’t know.  Carlos mustn’t  tell her.  It is his mother’s place.  Pablo tells him he will understand if he doesn’t want to marry and just go far away.  He asks Carlos if he will marry Virginia or leave.  Carlos turns his back, silently weeping and thinking for a loooong time.  Finally he turns back to Pablo.  Only Virginia matters to him.  If they can’t have children, they can adopt.  Virginia is a blessing in his life and he’s going to marry her.  He deflects any praise from Pablo that he is a great man.  “I’m a normal man with a great woman by my side.”

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Thursday, January 08, 2015

La Malquerida #95, 1/7/2015: Truth and Consequences

Mexico Episodes #102 and 103
Cut scenes are in italics.

Episode 102: German Learns the Painful Truth
The police have just arrived at Dan’s with a warrant to search the place. Dan demands that they leave and the police say the place is suspected of being a brothel and Dan is suspected of holding various women prisoner there. Cris and Esteban emerge from the den, where they were just about to sign the contract. Dan denies, denies, denies, but Ale speaks up and says it’s all true! Cris is shocked. As Esteban asks for an explanation and everyone looks towards him, Dan takes the opportunity to grab Ale and hold her hostage with his knife against her neck. Like a fearless mama bear, Cris marches right up to him, past the armed police and tries to pull Ale out of Dan’s grasp, but Efrain grabs her and holds her at gun point! All the police draw their guns, but Dan threatens to kill if they don’t lower their weapons. The police chief complies and tells his men to drop their weapons, as Dan and Efrain drag the women outside. Efrain locks the cops and Esteban inside the house, as Ale and Cris fuss, and fight, and struggle to get free of the two psychos.

Ulises and Hector come running up to save the day and a six person struggle begins as the two heroes struggle to free the women and disarm and incapacitate the two killers. Uli holds Dan as Hector struggles with Efrain. Dan yells at Efrain to shoot! And he does. Alejandra goes down with a bullet to the abdomen! They all panic and surround her, even Dan, as Hector holds Efrain down. Thinking that Ale is dead, Dan quickly scrambles to his feet, just as the police emerge from a side door of the house with weapons drawn. They shoot and manage to blow his cane to smithereens, but he manages to get in his car and drive away before they can stop him. Ale loses consciousness as Cris wails, Uli and Hector look sad and horrified, and Este looks disappointed that he didn’t get that contract signed.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 7, 2015- "The Truth will Set You Free."

Dani who has changed out of her dress watches Sofia saunter in still dolled up as a blushing bride with Patricio who promptly leaves.

Sofia comes in demanding to QueenBeeGreta that she is to tell her who her father is.

Alexa is with Armando when her phone rings a fabulous tone and she has to go.

Greta tells Sofia 50% of the truth and that is enough to set off her berserk button. Greta has a flashback to her wedding with Octavio and when Sofia was born.

Sofia yells at Greta some more which is amazing. Greta trues defending herself which she does and says she doesn't regret a thing. Sofia is livid and Dani comes in; she is worried and asks why she isn't with Chava. Sofia ignores that and lays it down; OCTAVIO RIPOLL (SHOULD BE RIPOFF) NO ES SU PADRE!

Alexa comes in asking what is up with the mystery? Fausto says he is a stinky poo in Greta's eyes and nose right now so Alexa should go see this for herself.

She comes in and Sofi grills Greta for having forbidden Daniela's relationship with TooSexyForWordsLucas and.                                 Alexa's relationship with ArmieSize15FootEqualsBigBanana when Greta was in a relationship with a poor man and the result of that relationship was her! Caras de imPACtO all around!

Cristie calls Silvie letting her know that Sofia's returned, there's an obligatory, mandatory, respiratory Maldita Sofia (think of Maldita Gata from Lorenza in La Gata.) She simply and bitchingly orders him to find out everything that's possible to be found out.

Chava says to Armie3rdTelenovioO'Mine that he is going to rip his love for Sofia out of his heart.

DaniPinkShorts comes in to talk with StillBlushingBrideDressedSofi and they console each other. Sofia acknowledges that Alexa is and was Octi's primogenita and favorite.

Alexa and Sofi have a heart-to-heart about how Sofia having had worked so hard all her life and Alexa was always the fave regardless of the effort Sofi put into everything.

Chava and ArmieDressedLikeUncleJesse talk about throwing Sofia out of his life for his career.

SofiBathrobe rocks back and forth repeating Greta's life-changing confession in her head; she compares her love for Salvador with Greta's....uhhhhhhhh with Paco that she still doesn't know was with Paco.

Chava's home and Nandito blabs something rotten Marisol said and she lies about not having said it. Miguelina says that she's beat from having cooked all day and for there to have been no completed matrimony,  fuggetaboutit! Lucas pats her shoulder and Miguelina seems to like having been touched by him a little too much. She's out and everyone else who doesn't live there either follow suit. Chava 'fesses up that Sofi didn't get married and Lupe says he should be glad. He really isn't and won't be he says and sulks it all the way to his room to wallow in tears on his racecar bed.

Silvie gabs her revenge non-sense with Christie ; they're gonna drug Greta and Pato comes in to stretch out this scene. He spills to Silvie about what went down at ministerio publico and heart-breaking news for Silvie that he still needs to play the good BF.



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