Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #68, 11/28/2017: A Strange Proposal, a Makeover, and Return of the Matriarch

Previously: Robert tells the family that Imelda is stable but will need extreme care; how quickly she recovers will depend on that. Everyone is happy as Robert tells them they should go home and get some rest. Eugenio thanks Robert for being with them; and Blanca hugs and thanks him too.

At the restaurant, Dani thinks about Clarissa telling her that her relationship with Gabriel will not last very long…and being called a tomboy/butch. She goes to Gabriel’s office, so he asks what she’s doing there. She tells him her grandma is stable and she is there to make up some hours. Gabi thinks she should be with her family, but Dani also wants to talk to him. She wants him to listen to her without drama or shows or anything else he tends to do when they have serious things to talk about. Gabi denies putting on shows, but then concedes. Dani doesn’t want him to have problems with his family because of her. She spent all her life thinking that all her family’s sadness was because of her. She doesn’t want to create problems for him. Neither of them are alone and she knows that his father and sisters are important to him. Gabriel argues that she is more important. When he admits that there are things spinning around inside his head making noise, Dani comments that she doesn’t want to cause more noise, but he argues that he can resolve them as long as she is with him. She is not, and will never be a problem for him. He went through life not knowing where he was going or who to love. Then he met her; and ever since then, he knows exactly where he is going and who he loves…and it’s her.
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 11/27/17 Capítulo 67: A Day at the Hospital

Robert comes into Imelda’s room and asks Tulio what he is doing there. Robert threatens him with security if he does not leave. Tulio leaves after telling Imelda how strong she is, how much he loves her and how much the family needs her. Robert then sits with Imelda telling her how much she is loved and how much he needs her joy, advice and her compliments, too. Imelda can only moan and talk about being ready to go. Robert says she cannot go. They have to go on together. Robert looks stricken and keeps talking to her. He will be by her side as she recuperates.

Amalia is at the apartment building waiting with Enzo for everyone to get back from the hospital. She won’t go there because hospitals depress her. Enzo tells her now is the time to prove to herself that she can live on her own and that she doesn’t have to be tied to anyone. Amalia shakes her head. Enzo kisses her on the cheek before he leaves.
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Monday, November 27, 2017

Caer en Tentación #28, 11/27/17, Lunes: Mrs Robinson to the Rescue

Chapter 28: Mrs Robinson to the Rescue

Why didn't you tell me anything?” Santiago asked.
Because I didn't know,” Carolina told him. “The way I was feeling I didn't want it to happen this way. I had a little fainting spell, and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure. That's all.”
Caro, why didn't –” He stopped himself for a second. “Let me just see the doctor out.”
As he left the room Carolina adjusted to sit up straighter and took a deep breath. She had not planned on telling him at all or at least in the immediate future.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #71, Nov. 27, 2017: Treacherous Women and Whining Alley Cats

 Previously (courtesy of Alfredo A): Once alone, Ramon asks Fabiola why she hasn’t been able to look him in the eyes. He asks if it’s because of all that is about to happen when she asks Francisco for a divorce. Fabiola tells him that she can’t leave Francisco in the lurch, but Ramon argues that their night together showed him that she still loves him, and it was like they had never been apart. Fabiola argues that she respects the man she married, and Francisco supported her when he disappeared on their wedding day. Ramon reminds her that he never meant to leave her the day of their wedding, but Fabiola thinks they should pretend their night together was a sweet dream that has now ended. Ramon begs her to promise him to never leave him, but Fabiola can’t and gets in the car. Ramon won’t get in, no matter how much Fabiola begs him too, so she drives off. Alone and broken on the street, Ramon wonders what he will do now...
Sofía tries to call Ramón, but the call won’t go through. Valente walks into her office and she quickly asks for Ramón. She wonders what he is doing with Fabi if she is a married woman, but Valente tells her you can’t rule the heart; Ramón loves Fabi. He has told her several times; and she will have to accept it, especially now that Ramón and she are associates. She shouldn’t mix love with business; if she does, she will lose him. As he leaves, Sofía cries.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Milagros de Navidad, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Sangre de mi Tierra, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of November 27, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla (preempted by fútbol on Friday)
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre  (ends on Monday)
• 12-2PM—Las Reglas del Juego (starts Tuesday)
• 8-9PM—Milagros de Navidad  (begins Monday)
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso (ends on Tuesday)
• 9-10PM—Sangre de mi Tierra (begins Wednesday)
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

This week will see the arrival of two new evening telenovelas!  Milagros de Navidad replaces El César in the 8 PM time slot.  At 9 PM, Sin Senos ends on Tuesday, replaced by Sangre de mi Tierra beginning Wednesday.  Also, in the morning, Por Siempre ends on Monday (in spite of its title), giving way to Las Reglas del Juego. More information about the new evening novelas can be found on Telemundo's website and elsewhere.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Friday 11/24/17 Capítulo 66: Endless Repercussions of Ana's Truth Continue--OR--Imelda's Turn

The confrontation between Gabriel and his father Augusto continue with his father informing him he is going to end up losing everything. Gabriel reminds him they are no longer in the 1950’s but in 2017. His father goes on to tell him that social classes still exist today and Daniela is not up to theirs. Gabriel refuses to be the fool any longer fixed on material goods or brands. Augusto finds his “tale of a united proletariate” blah, blah, blah very cute. Gabriel will go out to play in the “mud” and will return to his Jacuzzi to bathe with toiletries that cost more than what his “girlfriend” is wearing. Gabriel adjusts his tuxedo jacket and seems to have found a new source of energy. He goes to leave as his father asks if he understood. Gabriel answers smiling and with a bounce in his step; he says that, of course, he understood.
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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #27, 11/24/17: Truth’s come to the forefront, Lies continue to hover

Present time

Godoy and two other officers go to Santi’s house to tell him he has to go to the police station to make a statement about Carol’s murder because he is being accused by Vicente. They then put him in hand cuffs. Godoy tells him his Miranda rights.
Rafa tells Raquel that he can take her to Cynthia. Federico asks her where she is going “to pick up your aunt, I won’t be long” she says.
Fed then gets a call from Mia “Fede I know you won’t lie to me, tell me what is going on with Nico” Fede doesn’t understand the question. She asks if Nico is going out with his boss. Fede says he doesn’t know what’s going on. Mia then just imagines the worst and feels sorry for herself.
At his bosses office she tells Nico that she doesn’t want him to bring any girlfriend problems to the office. Then he gets a call letting him know his dad has been arrested. When he hangs up she acts all moody and says “it was her?” Nico tells her no “it was to let me know my dad was arrested”
At the police station Antonio chides Santi for having gone to threaten Andres because that complicates his situation especially because along with that there is the accusation from Vicente.

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Friday, November 24, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #70 11.24.17: Magical Nights & Harsh Mornings

Ramon hands Fabiola his cell phone but they find that it doesn’t have signal. They try to find one, so they can call out and get some roadside assistance.

Antonio takes Diego to the police station, so they can talk to the police. Margarita arrives moments later and goes to them. Diego is not too happy to see her, but Margarita explains that her job is to help people, as she once told him, and she’s there to help him and Antonio. Diego nods and they walk inside the police station.

At the university, Andrea tells Jorge about her talk with Sara. They both agree that she’s a hypocrite, but Jorge warns her to be careful as Sara can be spiteful. Either way, Andrea is happy to know who her real friends are and Jorge nods before kissing her. His phone rings then and it’s Julio to ask him for a favor: take care of Hortensia after Luisa leaves because he must work late. Jorge agrees and hangs up. He then tells Andrea and she shrugs before receiving a call from Juana, who tells her that she will be back late but left dinner for her. She thanks her and hangs up before telling Jorge that she will be alone all night, so he should sneak away for a few hours and see her. Jorge smiles and kisses her.

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #26, 11/22/17: What Did They Know And When Did They Know It?

Antonio visits Raquel on business.  He needs her statement.  Mia wants to know what’s going on and why the police want to take her into custody.  “—I went to the company to your uncle’s office and took away a gun.  Give me a chance to speak to this man and I’ll explain afterward.”  Tonio walks into the living room and informs her that Vicente has signed a formal complaint against her and Santiago for his sister, Carolina’s, murder and attempted murder of her husband, Damian.  This is all she needed, but it was to be expected.

Mia goes up to her bedroom and leaves another message on Nicolas’s voicemail.  Nico is having a grown-up dinner at an elegant restaurant with Cougar Boss Lady.  He’s thanking her for the clothes and the meal, and tries to refuse her giving him a lift home after.  All the recompense she wants is to enjoy his smile and his can-do-it attitude.  (Righhhhhht.)  All the while he’s feeling like king of the cock-walk, Mia is screaming insults at him into the phone because he’s not returning her calls.

Crooked Coke-pushing Cop (?) tells Cinthia that she was a fool for telling her big sis about the affair with Dam, especially since it was before they Raq and he were even married.  SinCin wanted to make her understand Dam was not the best of hubbies.  Well, she can’t stay there.  He’s got lots of visitors coming in and out doing lots of things that may tempt her.  She lies and says she’s in control and tries seducing him so she can stay anyway.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El César, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of November 20, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla*
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—El César
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

*preempted Thurs for the Thanksgiving Day Parade

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 11/22/17 Capítulo 65: Social Events Gone Awry

Imelda tells Eugenio all about Ana coming everyday and listening to her talk about how much she missed Juan Pablo. Imelda feels responsible for having rejected her. Eugenio insists that she is not responsible for Ana having taken Juan Pablo or for the years of suffering that she caused them. Tulio and Ana could have looked into alternatives like adoption. Ana might have been in a mental crisis but Tulio was sane. Neither of them had to destroy the life of an innocent as they did to Juan Pablo.

Hugo talks on the phone to Julieta about having dinner tonight with their father and tells her that it might not be such a good idea. Catalina is playing spy and wants to know what is going on. Hugo confesses that they are having dinner tonight with their father at Julieta’s. Catalina reacts dramatically as usual and sees it as a personal attack on her.
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #69 11.22.17: Redhot Cougars & White Hot Chemistry

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :D

Hortensia tells Julio that Luisa must be plotting against her with Juana, but Julio just rolls his eyes.

Adalgiza is looking at magazines as Fredesvinda prepares dinner. She receives a text from Finito, who tells her that it was fate they met today and asks her how she feels. Adalgiza tells him that she feels better and thanks him for his kind words that afternoon when Benito walks in. He tells them that his first day went well but storms off to his room. Adalgiza worries that Benito will never forgive her for showing him the photo of Luisa and Finito, but she soon receives a poem from Finito and smiles to herself as she reads.

Over dinner, Dalia tells Valente and Ramon that Antonio is a ball of nerves, not just because of Ramon’s shop, but also because Roxana took Diego without Antonio’s permission. Dalia wonders if Roxana took Diego out of the country but Valente reminds her that Roxana needs Antonio’s permission to do that. Ramon laments that Diego is missing, and Dalia is surprised as there is no love lost between him and Antonio. Ramon doesn’t resent Antonio though, especially after all he helped him when he first arrived, and suggests the three of them do whatever they can to help.
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Caer En Tentacion #25, 11/21/17: The Forest For The Trees

Laura and Lola are getting coffee.  Well, Laura’s getting information and Lola’s getting screwed by the press.  Oh, she’s there to accuse Lola of having an affair with Damian as well as with Juan The Stalker-Abuser.  And what about Tio Vicente and his relationship with her mama and papa and her papa with Raquel?  After all, he’s just formally accused Raq and Santi of murder and conspiracy to murder (I supposed that’s what they call it in Mexico.)  Lola, upset and naïve beyond words, tells this reporter who, besides believing she sits on the right hand of Dios and thinks she’s better than her husband at detective-work, (--why, she is woman-reporter; hear her roar? )  that Tio Vicente is a vicious drunk who’s always spouting off senseless and meaningless crap.  Therefore she really had no knowledge of ol’ Tio.  And, Raq and papa are just helping each other out to emotionally.  So back off and keep our family and Raq’s out of the papers, the press, tv.  She’s never to darken their door again.  Got it?

Santi finally reaches Nicolas at his new job.  WTF?  Well, Dad, I tried to tell you I’d gotten a part-time job.  You weren’t listening.  And, no, I am not quitting university.  –Cougar Boss-Lady likes hearing that.  She also needs to hear she’s not looking too old and wrinkly these days, even though she’s getting very closed to her use-by date.  She sends him on an errand to a client to smooth the way for her business relationship with them.

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Enamorandome de Ramon, #68 11.21.17: Fabi and Ramon kiss and don’t make up, But Jorge and Andrea do.

Patio, my apologies for the condensed recap, the episode was deleted by accident. So I got most of what I remembered.

Fabi is standing staring at Ramso, when from behind Ramon touches her shoulder and with that sultry voice asks her why she is crying. She turns around and looks at him longingly. She asks him “why did you ruin my life?” he replies with “why did you tear up my life?” Ramon tries to explain for the 100th time that he had been ready to go to the civil court to be married to her but that he was kidnapped. And that Sofia had been there to ask him not to get married, and had been there only by chance, and the kidnappers took her too. Fabi says she does not believe him. She will not accept any of his explanations.

At their picnic Jorge and Andrea declare their love for each other they kiss each other and Jorge takes off his shirt and helps Andrea take hers off.

All Ramon wants to know is “are you happy with Francisco” Fabi does not answer “I feel the same way, what we both feel is unmatched” he then gets close to her and gets his answer when they kiss each other. As they continue to kiss, Sofia shows up and startles them. Fabi says there is your “just by chance” and gets in her car and leaves.

Sofia chides Ramon because she thought he was there to work, “yes I am here to work” and he heads on to the shop.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #64, 11/21/2017: A Torn Photo Breaks the Silence

Previously: At Ana’s house, Ana stands beside Tulio as he tells RobPablo that he has made it clear to Eugenio that he wants a payment plan for the money he owes them…instead of wasting time crying about it. As Robert stands with his hands on Eugenio’s shoulders, Eugenio retorts that every time he thought of them, he would feel sorry for them because he knew they were both very miserable…but they deserve it. Robert tells Eugenio they should leave; and as they walk away, Ana turns to Tulio and looks disconcertedly at him.

As they drive home, Robert tells Eugenio he shouldn’t have put himself out like that; Tulio will try to get back at him. Eugenio knows, but he couldn’t just let things go; he was very angry…and desperate; he had to tell Tulio to his face, and he said it. He couldn’t stand the hypocrisy; they were even invited into his home. At least now they know that he doesn’t like them at all. Robert then asks Eugenio to swear that he won’t say anything to his mother or grandmother and that he is going to take care of himself. Eugenio hesitates, but swears and thanks Robert for not saying anything in front of his mother. When he then asks Robert what they will do about his illness, Robert replies that he is obligated to tell him that the osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease. He has to take care of himself and follow the medical instructions to the letter. 
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 11/20/17 Capítulo 63: A Punch Produces a Deadline

Julieta spends some time in her nursery writing in her baby journal to her now lost child. She writes that the love between her and Robert will never end so the baby will live through them forever.

Aristóteles and his family celebrate his perfect score on the academic olympics test. Later Aristóteles, feeling guilty, calls Romina who was just scolded by her parents for not getting the highest grade. They want her to be the best in everything. She tells him to enjoy his perfect score and hangs up. Aristóteles feels bad.

Catalina and the family talk over dinner. Hugo will be paid much better than at the aquarium. Hugo remarks that he knows nothing about clothing. Diana tells him he will be okay. Catalina says that is the problem with Diana: she will put up with anything. Bruno adds “even Hugo” which makes Hugo wonder what kind of plans Julieta has for Bruno. Hugo doesn’t think Bruno will be able to make it for even three hours at Julieta's place. Diana smiles.
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Monday, November 20, 2017

Caer en Tentación #24, 11/20/17, Lunes: Blackmail

Chapter 24: Blackmail

With apologies for the missing finesse...

In some half-drunken edition of the Truth Game Carolina said something about Santiago always comparing her to Raquel, which Damián knew was a lie. It was difficult to determine whether it was that or teasing, as Santiago did not think this amusing. Raquel decided that Santiago had to have been teasing her because she was young, beautiful, an excellent cook, etc. Carolina then went on about Damián, saying that he was a good man, loyal, etc., while Santiag tried to divert this conversation to less personal information and commentary. Raquel poured another drink, saying that this should not cause problems between “intimate friends”.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #67, Nov. 20, 2017: Let Downs, Put Downs, and Turn Downs…How Many Downers Can There Be?

Previously: Agustín storms back into Roxana’s home and demands that Roxana tell him that the baby isn’t his…and if she did it just to stay with Antonio. She made up all those lies just to blackmail him. Roxana heartlessly admits she did it because she didn’t think he was good enough of a man…or of a father to her child. He damns the day he met her and storms back out.
In their auto shop office, Ramón thinks they did well for a first day. Sofía had no doubts since he is the mechanic and the main attraction for the shop; anyway, he is hers. Ramón is taken aback to hear her say that he is hers; so she quickly backpedals and tells him he is her associate. When she notes that all their dreams are coming true, she kisses him, but he tells her not to do that again and reminds her that they agreed to be associates and friends…only.  She tries to argue, but is interrupted by Valente who wants to know where they are going to celebrate. Ramón suggests the taco place so they go. Sofía is disappointed but goes with them anyway.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El César, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of November 20, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla*
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—El César
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

*preempted Thurs for the Thanksgiving Day Parade

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Friday 11/17/17 Capítulo 62: Robert and the Greater Good-OR-Between a Rock and Tulio

In the bakery, Robert is having a heart to heart talk with his parents saying that he knows how they fought to find him for such a very long time.He also knows it cost money to do that. Blanca wants him to know that he was not responsible for that debt. He wants them to let him help them in the situation with his uncle Tulio. Their problems are his problems. He is a Córcega.

At Catalina's, she is upset that Julieta is abandoning them again (just like her father) as she returns to Robert. Not so fast. Julieta is not abandoning anybody. She has some solutions to the problems in Catalina’s household. Hugo is sick of his job. No problem. Julieta has a Job in mind for Hugo so she needs his resume ASAP so she can send it to a store. As for Bruno, she tells him to get packed because he is coming to live with her and Robert. Catalina and Bruno are not happy at all. Catalina wants to know why she is taking away her little boy. Julieta has a special plan for him so he will be coming to live with her for a time. Catalina complains that Julieta just cannot come in and manage their lives. Julieta wants to just help her brothers. She cannot just stand by as they are sinking. Up to now, she has placed a fish in their mouths, now it is time for them to learn how to fish. They all want her support so they will get it but in her own way.
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Caer en Tentacion #23, 11/17/17: Raquel is lost Between the Betrayal and the Lunacy

Present Time:
Godoy is outside of the cabin letting Raquel and Santi know that Vicente is going to file a complaint against them accusing them of murdering his sister Carolina. Santi says “what did he say?” and Raquel Says “we have a right to know what he said” Godoy then tells them that “he is sure that you planned the murder so that you could be together, he says he saw you earlier in the cabin together, you know what I mean” Santi then tells Godoy that he is obviously lying he is a drunk and how are you going to believe a drunk. All Godoy can tell them is that they have to be careful of Vicente and of the press, because the news will be filtered to them. Santi then very accurately tells Godoy, that the filtering will be done by Laura because of him. Godoy denies giving any information to the media (but we all know that he does). Santi offers to open up the cabin for him to investigate, but Godoy does not have a search warrant, Santi says “go get your warrant and I’ll let you in” Godoy leaves, and Raquel and Santi are left to feel an utter disbelief of their situation.
At the Becker home flowers are delivered, Jovita is taking them in when Cynthia asks if they are for Mia, Jovita said no they are for you. Cynthia grabs them and looks pleased. Rafa calls her and she tells him that it’s a good thing he called because she needs the supply of drugs; she has some clients that are very interested. He tells her you already have the supply look in the base of the flowers. She does and finds a bag with the drugs. She looks worried. Rafa tells her she is now in and can’t back out.
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Thursday, November 16, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El César, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of November 13, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—El César
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer en Tentacion #22, 11/15/17: Guilty in the Eyes of Vicente and So What?

Part 1/3
Raquel is standing in front of Santi, nude from the waist up, demanding he look at her and asking if they didn’t have the right to do what “they” did to them, to feel what “they” felt. Santi is extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately for the moment, a noise interrupts. He and Raq can’t see it’s Vicente, having peeped enough to confirm his opinion of Raq and Santi. He backs up in his drunken haze and knocks over a potted plant. The noise stops and Raq approaches Santi and begins to unbuckle his belt. They begin to kiss unemotionally.
There’s a knock at the door. No, it’s not Vic, it’s Rosa, come to warn him that Vic is on the loose and possibly dangerous. Meanwhile, Raq has picked up her tops and locks herself in the bathroom.
Juan is at Lola’s door demanding to be let in. He’s in the post-aggressor mode of being sorry, apologizing and promising he’ll never get out of control again. He loves her, he needs her, and if she leaves him he swears he will kill himself. (Wish he would.) Lola puts up a weak defense saying he’s done this before, but lets him in, then falls for his crap, again. (If anyone is dangerous, it’s Juan.)
Vic goes to Lisa’s and raises a ruckus. She’s terrified, but hears him accuse Raq and Santi of messing around in the cabaña.
Mia and Nico finally get it on and are enjoying a brief afterglow. (Nico must be relieved after three years of frustration.) Nico has to get ready to go for his interview for a job in an attorney’s office. Mia’s insecurities return.
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Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 11/15/17 Capítulo 61: Silent Partner-OR- Silent Atonement

Linda goes to wait at the spot the told Bruno she would be. She texts him that she is there. Bruno sees it but is on his bed staring off into space and falling asleep. Other people come and go at the restaurant. Linda leaves sobbing. Bruno finally appears and sees her leaving but doesn’t bother to go after her.

Daniela talks with Benjamín. She wants to talk to him tomorrow in person. Yes, they can have supper. Eugenio is going down to the bakery to bring in sugar that has been delivered. No, he doesn’t need her help. He is still grousing about her “Gabrielito”.

Robert asks what Julieta heard on her phone. Julieta does an imitation of how Dafne sounded. Robert explains that he went to karaoke with Xavi and left with Xavi. It finally occurs to him that she must have heard them all playing with the electric shock machine. Robert starts to laugh. They were all screaming especially him and Dafne because they were on the end. Julieta is having a hard time believing it. Robert has a photo. Did she really believe that he cheated on her? She really does not value the man she has by her side then. She didn’t trust him. Julieta and Robert move outside where some men are delivery huge bags of sugar to the bakery. Julieta apologizes but Dafne did kiss him. Robert stops her right there saying he put an end to that situation immediately. Julieta counters with that she warned him about Dafne and her intentions towards him right from the beginning. Robert concludes that the only good thing about all which must mean that . . . Julieta finishes his sentence saying that she loves him with all of her soul. She cannot be far away from him. She felt like she was dying when she thought she had lost him. When she talked to her father she decided she did not want to make the same mistake. She can’t leave him just because the in-laws are not her favorite people.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #66 11.15.17: Grand Openings & Grander Schemes

Santiago tells Andrea that he has been thinking things over and he’s realized that she’s always been committed to him and nothing would have changed if he never found out about Jorge. Even though he now knows about Jorge, his feelings haven’t changed so he wants to continue their relationship. They kiss, happily, and then call Juana over to tell her that they are moving to Chile, so Andrea can continue her studies and Santiago can work. Juana is sad that Andrea is leaving but happy that she’s happy, so she gives them their blessing and they hug. Juana asks Santiago to take care of Andrea and Andrea proposes Juana visit them while they are they, she may even want to stay. Juana tells them that they will discuss it when the time comes but they should go get dinner before it gets cold. They all agree and go but Juana’s tears continue to flow.

Francisco (who is a jack-of-all-trades doctor) comes out of the OR and tells the Medina family that Hortensia’s operation went well but she will be in a medically induced coma for the time being. Once they bring her out of it, they will be able to see if there will be any lasting side effects. The family is happy and thanks Francisco, but Fabiola tells them that it was thanks to Ramon as well, who brought Hortensia to the hospital quickly. Francisco frowns but quickly recovers and tells them that someone should stay with Hortensia tonight, just in case. Fabiola volunteers and Julio decides to leave after offering to stay tomorrow. Francisco will tell Fabiola when Hortensia is in her room and leaves. Antonio then offers to bring Fabiola and Margarita a coffee and goes to get it.
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Caer En Tentacion #21, 11/14/17: Living Dangerously

Carolina admits to Lola that it’s her test and suggests to her that it’s best to wait till you’re married to have kids (PSA#1001).  She determines she’s not preggers and calls Damian right away to let him know.  She’s been worried her kids might tell Santiago—Why?  (You figure it out, Dam.)

At the grand manse, Santi has finally finished the kitchen remodel.  He and Raquel are sad to see this day come because now they’ll have to forgo their daily chats and heart-to-hearts.  Santi thanks her for helping him get on his feet financially with the business.  Thanks to her and Dam he’s now having to turn away business.

Godoy and Antonio discuss the fact that both Caro and Dam were alive, and he was actually conscious after the accident.  Godoy conjectures that he must  know who Caro’s murderer was; they also must assume it was somebody close to them, somebody in their inner circle who was extorting them for the cash.  Why?  Because, says Godoy, there were no complaints filed for extortion or harassment or anything else by Dam and to have done that would have exposed his and Caro’s great sin to both families.  Godoy suggests they concentrate their efforts on finding who in their group of acquaintances could be the criminal.

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Enamorandome de Ramon #65, 11/14/17: Chemistry is chemistry and neither distance nor trickery will get in the way of destiny

Repeated Scene:

Sophia and Ramon continue to discuss the auto shop. Ramon has made up his mind and they will set up shop at the location that Sophia already paid for. He will just have to deal with seeing Fabi.

Juana having a consultation with Dr. Parrot about how her romance with Julio is not meant to be and she’ll have to accept being on her own especially since the girls are leaving.

New Scenes:

Juana calls Fabi to let her know about having cashed out the shares to give her the money, Fabi tells Juana about how Ramon is opening up a shop right across the street. Juana will have a talk with him because she does not agree with that decision. Fabi thanks Juana for the money and taking her side on this issue.

Juana calls Ramon wants to know where he is because she has to talk to him. He is at Luisa’s she will come over so wait for her. (Run Ramon run)
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Mi Marido Tiene Familia #60, 11/14/2017: Hidden Messages and a Stolen Kiss Wreak Havoc

Ana tells Juls everything has an explanation. When Juls wonders what explanation she has for what happened to the Córsegas, Blanca comes in and wonders what they are referring to. Ana quickly fabricates that Juls was explaining how everyone is so vulnerable since she left. Ana adds that she has not being paying as much attention to the family as she should. Juls goes along with it and tells Blanca everything is fine. Blanca still thinks they were fighting; so Ana tells her she invited Juls over to talk since Juls and she have gone through the same thing. Blanca hesitantly accepts Ana’s explanation and tells her she came over because they were worried since she hasn’t been answering her phone. Ana tells her she had suffered from some headaches; she will call Imelda later. Ana then offers coffee, but Juls declines and Blanca would prefer to let her rest; so they leave. Juls offers to take Blanca home and she accepts...it will give them a chance to talk. After they leave, Ana sits down and calls Juls stupid.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Monday 11/13/17 Capítulo 59: Surprises All Around-OR-Linda is Now Cornelio

Julieta talks to Eugenio about what to do about a terrible secret she is keeping without really mentioning what it is or Ana’s name. She never says if it has to do with Juan Pablo when he asks her. It is such a difficult situation and she is asking him for his advice.He gives it to her. Even though she might feel that she is being forced to be an accomplice by keeping the secret, it is not right for her to cause pain for everyone either. Eugenio thinks it is better to leave her family live in peace.He knows it sounds hard but some times people prefer to live with their lies. When she leaves, Eugenio is left wondering.

The whole Córcega clan is at the festival. Blanca is having the time of her life telling people about having discovered her son and how proud she is of him. They are all happy to be with family. There is regional dancing, fireworks, parades through the streets and food. Robert finds out that the festival is big with tourists as well as the locals. The eight regions of Oaxaca are going to be represented. They have a seat at the stadium for the presentations and entertainment. Later, the whole family including Robert, are passing out samples of the bread. Bruno appears on the scene and wonders from afar how Linda knows Robert. Linda tells Marisol that she is so happy that Julieta is not there with them.
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Monday, November 13, 2017

Caer en Tentación #20, 11/13/17, Lunes: Revelations

Chapter 20: Revelations

Carolina made up an excuse about her hair being wet; she told Lola that she had had a headache and needed to take care of it. She went on about how since she began working everyone is questioning her actions, demanding to know where she was going and what she was doing. “Now you're acting as though you were the mother and I the daughter,” she told Lola. “What is the matter? What's with you?”
Well, it's that since you've gone back to work you have no time for me. You're not around when I need you. That's what is bothering me.”
I'm here,” she said. “I'm here to talk to you. Tell me what's happened.”
Now I don't want to talk. I don't feel like it; it's over. I've solved the problem. Okay?”
Carolina nodded.
Okay. Okay.” Carolina left the room without another word, took a breath, and tried to lean against the wall. Nicolás arrived at that moment, allowing her no time to think about what had just happened. When he asked about Lola, she told him that Lola didn't want to talk and asked him what this was about. He pleaded ignorance, then asked whether she had been showering.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #64, 11/13/2017: An Offer Ramón Can’t Refuse and an Ex-Girlfriend Gets His Goat

Title Compliments of Kirby J
Previously: Sofía asks Ramón how things are going for him. He replies that he is living in his godmother’s house and Valente is also living there. When he asks what she is going to do, she replies wants to stay here. She had been wanting to talk to him so he can help her open up a mechanic’s shop. When Ramón wonders where they will get the money, Sofía tells him she has the money, but Ramón refuses to use any money that is associated with her father. Sofía explains that everything her father had was confiscated. This money is from her mother’s inheritance; she came from a family of means. After Ramón questions why she would want to open an auto shop, she explains because it is what he knows; and she wouldn’t be able to find a better partner. She also hopes that they can both move forward by having a business. Ramón wonders if she is doing this so they can continue being together. Sofía doesn’t deny it; it will make her happy to be close to him, but this is business...and it‘s really just to help both of them continue on with their lives. He doesn’t take long before he agrees and they hug.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El César, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero 4, & más: Week of November 13, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre 
• 8-9PM—El César
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Friday 11/10/17 Capítulo 58: Truth, Lies, and the Blessing of Forgiveness

Luz calls Julieta to tell her that a man who says he is her father (played by one of my faves Eric del Castillo as Hugo Sr.) has just arrived and wants to see her. Julieta forgot all about him coming. She asks Luz to tell him she is on her way. Julieta has lost sight of Robert,  gives up looking for him and hurries back to the office.

Gabriel is with Daniela and is all excited about what their future could be. Gabriel tells her that she brings him good luck. He looks for some kind of reaction from her and he gets a slight smile which quickly disappears as she says that she is just confused. She tries to leave but he won’t let her. He wants her to realize that she does not love Benjamín. He thinks that maybe he should have a photo campaign where there are close ups of him all over the city proclaiming that Gabriel Musi cannot live without Daniela Córcega. Daniela smiles again. He closes his eyes and puckers up waiting for a kiss. She kisses her fingers, barely touches his lips and with a grin sneaks out of the office leaving him waiting for the smooch.
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Enamorándome de Ramon, Capítulo 63, Friday November 10, 2017; No one except Grandma Horror is happy about Fabi’s and Franc’s nuptials

Margarita gets home and finds Juana and Ramón in front of her apartment. They inform her that Fabi and Franc have just gotten married. Ramón is in tears and tells her that he truly loves Fabi and would never just leave her. Marg is shocked (saying to herself that this is such a sad situation) and says she is going inside to talk to Fabi. Juana finally tells Ramón that they need to get going.
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Caer En Tentacion #19, 11/10/17: To Damian Lying is Necessary for his truth

3 years earlier:
Damian and Santi continue to argue about why Damian hired Lola. Santi is upset that Dam is getting involve with his daughter and his wife. Carolina calls Damian at this moment, Damian covers up the phone he does not want Santi to see carol’s name on the phone. Santi tells Damian to stay out of his business and he will do the same. “Don’t think for me” Santi tells Damian and walks away.
When Santi leaves, Damian gets on the phone with Carol. She asks him “what did Santi want?” Damian tells her that Santi was just upset about the Job that he had given to Lola. For a minute there Damian thought that Santi had discovered them. But he has not he is just upset about Lola working for Damian.
The conversation then turns to how Damian wants to be with Carolina, and Carolina also wants to be with Damian.  Damian tells Carol to lie down and pretend he is there kissing her all over. Carol lies down and they begin to pretend to be together. He then asks her to get naked, he wants to see her. She puts phone down and begins to get naked, he loves what he sees and at that moment Miriam walks in and catches him watching a naked Carol. He quickly closes the phone but Miriam already suspects that Dam is cheating on his wife. She tells him to be careful because if she can discover the affair, so will his wife.
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Friday, November 10, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #18, 11/9/17: One Disaster Averted, but an Earring Might Give Them Away

What Swims In The Sewer Stays In The Sewer.....

3 yrs. Ago: Carolina avoids an embarrassing showdown with Raquel by racing out of the bedroom and bumping into Raquel.  Damian escapes down that back stairs.  Caro later realizes she’s lost her earring on the bed and texts Dam to look for it and find it or their jig is up.  Raq accidentally steps on it but Dam distracts her long enough and they argue together so that she forgets to look on the floor for what she stepped on.  She goes to take a shower before a lunch date with Gabriel and her hubby.  Dam locates it afterward and pockets it.  He joins Raq and Gaby for lunch.

Caro gets home and Santi comes in after griping and yelling about Dam and her going behind his back with the kids, all because Dam gave Lola a job and he doesn’t want the kids or his wife working.  “—WE are those kids’ parents, not the Beckers!  I am tired of his/their meddling with my family and in my bed!” Caro doesn’t quite know what to make of that last comment.  Santi uses Caro’s phone to call Dam and angrily tells him they have to talk and soon.

Laura chats up Juan and sizes him up pretty quickly as a dangerous predator.  Afterward, Laura has Lola come to her house.  She warns Lola that Juan is a psychopath and is dangerous.  She asks Lola if he was the one who beat her.

Andres bribes an attendant at the rehabilitation center where Cinthia is being treated.  He is allowed into the room and, as soon as he realizes she’s practically comatose, tries molesting her.  (Yes, if we hadn't already guessed, Andy has a very difficult time keepin' in his pants.)  Suddenly she attacks him and the orderlies pull Sin off him and chase him out of the hospital room as they begin to put her into restraints.

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Mi Marido Tiene Familia #57, 11/9/2017: A Business Proposal and Confessions of a Mad Woman

Previously: Julieta talks to her mom. Her father is in Oaxaca and she is going to see him. Catalina does not want her going to see the man that abandoned them. If she goes, she will disown her.

Tulio wants to know the name of the man Ana is cheating on him with. Lázaro the driver will not give up the info on Ana at first but ends up giving Julián's name to Tulio.

Ana and Julián are staying at a hotel at the airport. Julián wants to sleep with her. Ana is not interested. She needs to talk to Tulio. She sends him off to his own room. Julián visits Ana later that night and is all over her. Tulio calls and tells her he knows who she is cheating on him with. She decides that Julián has to go. Julián calls Robert and is on the verge of telling him the truth about Ana having taken him as a child as Ana screams "No!" in the background.
 Robert is surprised to hear Ana’s voice. Ana then yells out to Robert that the time has come for them to talk. Ana lunges at Julián to get the phone, but he throws it to the bed. She demands he give her the phone and yells that she will tell RobPablo everything before Tulio or he does; she is tired of the threats. When Julián retorts that she shouldn’t be unjust, Ana shouts, “No more! No More!” Julián tells her he can call RobPablo, but she demands that he stop; he has always been a cheat and a liar. She never wants to see him again. Meanwhile, RobPablo tries to return the call, but no one answers.
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Thursday, November 09, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #62 11.9.17: Crushing Mistakes & Unwelcomed Surprises

Pedro encourages Juana to accept the police’s plane to use newspaper to line the ransom money. She reluctantly agrees, and they instruct her to wear a wire during the meeting and one of them, Robles, will accompany her as a taxi driver. She nods as Julio arrives and gives her a fierce hug. He assures her everything will be okay, and she hopes so.

In her hospital room, Roxana asks Antonio about Diego. He tells her that Diego is with the sitter and she will take care of him all night, so he can accompany her. Roxana thanks him and then confesses that she’s beside herself because she awaited their child with such illusion, but that illusion is now dead. She begs Antonio not to leave her too and begins to cry.

Porfirio is at home on his computer when he receives the email Veronica sent as the Cresta lawyer. He reads it over the $300,000 peso offer to drop the lawyer and smiles, mildly amused that the lawyer is willing to sell his conscience for some money.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El César, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero y más: Week of Nov 6, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week (Thursday and Friday schedule only).  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

AM shows

10:30-12 Santa Diabla
12-2 Por Siempre

10:30-11:30 Santa Diabla
11:30-1:30 Por Siempre

PM shows

Thurs — Fri
8-9 El César
9-10 Sin Senos
10-11 Señora Acero

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer en Tentación #17, 11/8/17: The Problem Is More Than Jobs and Money; It’s Also Cheating and Lies

Three years ago, at Santi's house, Lola walks in on Carolina and Damián arguing about Cheatin’ Dam “cheating” on Cheatin’ Caro with his own wife. Lola wants to know what’s going on and Dam, the professional liar, covers quickly. He tells her they were discussing the possibility of Lola working part time at the company office and was just trying to persuade her, knowing how Caro feels about Lola finishing school first. Lola thinks this is a great idea and Dam washes his hands and tells them to work it out. Lola says she can talk to her dad, then leaves the room.
Now Dam leans toward Caro and wants to talk. Caro wants him to leave—sarcasm dripping from her cheatin’ lips—now that he and his wife are getting along, go enjoy her. She asks him rather unconvincingly to leave her in peace and escapes to her bedroom to think, pace and reflect. He leaves and has to call Raquel to tell her the two-family brunch is off. He has an emergency to deal with back at the factory.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, Capítulo 61, Wednesday November 8, 2017; Roxana loses the baby, but Ramón regains his memory

Ramón wakes up but cannot not remember his life, he is stuck in the past and thinks that he is on the run with Sofía. He declares his love for her. Sofía tells him she loves him and he needs his rest and to go to sleep.

At the hospital, the doctor requests to speak to Antonio. It’s bad news as Roxana lost the baby. Roxana cries and the doctor says they need to do a D&C on her. Antonio tries to show his support and sympathy, but Roxana rejects it. He calls Margarita to let her know the news. He tells her he has mixed emotions about it, but at the same time he feels liberated from Roxana. He also tells her that she is the only person who won’t judge him.
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Mi marido tiene familia Capítulo 56 Wednesday 11/8/17: Escape Routes

It was a night of technical difficulties. :(

We start in the shop where Blanca has come by asking about Belén. Amalia Informs her that Belén is ill. Blanca is concerned and wants to know why Amalia didn't tell her. Amalia didn't want to be a gossip. Belén woke up feeling sick but it is probably nothing. The real news is that Amalia ran into Aurelio and she made the mistake of telling Belén. She also feels it is not in their interest to see each other. Diana confesses that she is experiencing a problem in her own household where she and Imelda were being busy bodies and feel responsible for Julieta having moved out and leaving Robert. She adds that Julieta is only going to be gone a few days to think. Blanca asks if Aurelio wants to see Belén. Yes, he does but Amalia has no intention of allowing that to happen and Belén getting all upset. Blanca asks for the contact information so she can talk to him. Amalia is not giving her anything.

Robert is talking to Dafne. He asks her opinion about what she would do if she found out something serious about her family. Would she tell everyone or keep it a secret? It would all depend. Sometimes families come apart because of secrets that are hard to forgive. If he would tell her what the situation is, she could give him better advice. Robert says he thought he had been abandoned by his parents but now he remembers exactly who separated him from his parents. End of conversation.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #16, 11/7/17: The Party's Over

Parte 1~~

Raquel has it out with Miriam.  “—You’ve always had it out for me!  However, have some compassion for your granddaughter!  How dare you show me such disrespect in front of her???  If you must know, we wanted to learn more about how and when YOUR son started the affair with my friend, HIS wife, Carolina!”  “—Oh, now it’s my [helpless, prostrate, dying] son who’s to blame for all this?!”  (In a word, Yes.)  Raq leaves the room in a cloud of consternation.  Santiago, with his signature pained puppy-dog eyes and expression, gives Miriam a sad look of pitiable disgust and leaves.  Mia, on Abue’s side, tries comforting Mimi, who explains that if Daddy dies, the family money—Mia and her  brother’s inheritance, passes to Mama and the kids are doomed!

Laura continues questioning Lola, who’s been trying to explain till she’s blue- and black in the face that she was absolutely ignorant of her mom and Damian’s affair.  Laura notes the bruise on Lola’s face and asks who did that.  Lola lies that it must have been Benji by accident.  Laura is skeptical and tells her she can help her out of that problem.   Then she changes the subject back to who was Patricia’s lover and did she know him or ever speak to him?  Lola lies again.  “—Nope.”  She promises Lola total confidentiality, and says if what Patti told her, especially if she and the guy, were her lover (??).  Just then, Laura takes a call and says they’ll finish this all later and leaves.  

Godoy’s at home waiting on Laura to get home.  He wants to know how she knew all about Patti Vargas.  Laura’s asking for her lawyer first and pleading the 5th .  He says to stop kidding around.  She’s compromised a number of his leads and confidants he ‘s been working on with her big mouth.  She’ll only tell him that she thinks she knows who killed Patti and won’t give up her source.  “--Patti must have told you about what she and Carolina’s daughter did together and if she was involved with the girl’s suicide?”  “—They only hung around together in high school.  Here, if you want to know more, then track down Patricia Vargas’s lover.”  She hands him a piece of paper (with his name and address on it?)…..He leaves the room and Laura calls Lola back.  She says the police now have that name and will investigate.  It’s up to you to do your part now.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #55, 11/7/2017: So Close…Yet So Far

At RobPablo’s dinner with family and friends, RobPablo announces that they’ll be a little tight around the table, but they will manage. He then acknowledges Xavi who everyone should know, then introduces his friend and colleague, Octavio. Imelda, who is batting her eyes and is at the forefront, wonders if Octavio knows that she is the owner of the building and asks if he is single. RobPablo leads everyone to the table when Audifaz starts to comment that now that RobPablo broke up with Julieta, he and Polita were wondering…but Imelda then interrupts to try to keep him from continuing and tells Audifaz to be prudent. RobPablo clarifies that he and Julieta have not broken up; Juls just needs time to think about things and organize her thoughts. Linda then wonders if Rob thinks she will return since it seemed as if she fled from there. Eugenio quiets Linda and Blanca reminds RobPablo they are there to support him as his family. Ana then adds they aren’t there to make him feel uncomfortable with inappropriate comments. Dani quickly changes the subject and asks Tavo what he (‘usted’: formal form of “you”) does for a living, but Tavo tells them that if they call him by “usted”, they will make him feel old, though Imelda thinks he is young and handsome...and throws him a kiss. When Tavo tells Imelda he is a psychologist, RobPablo shares that Tavo has helped him remember many things from his past…today he remembered more with the pictures Blanca gave him…which gets Ana nervous. Frida then asks Tavo why people leave when they say they won’t. When Tavo replies that some don’t love each other they just live together, Frida thinks her father left because he didn’t love them. Xavi quickly changes the subject and suggests he sing a song for the family. Blanca tries to dissuade him, but Mari convinces her otherwise. As Xavi sings, the girls wiggle dance while Blanca has a big smile.
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Enamorandome de Ramon #60 11.7.17: Rebounds & Lawsuits

Juana has no idea if the man getting hit on the phone was Ramon or not and continues to cry. Vicente looks at her solemnly but has no idea what to say.

Chava wonders if Juana believed their story that they had Ramon. Rulo doesn’t know, though he does pity her, but a good deal is a good deal and Juana will have to give them the money they asked for to save her precious son. Chava smiles and then asks about Dario but Rulo shrugs it off. He tells Chava that he will tell him later, if anything.

In his office, Porfirio gives Veronica the demand documents to look over and she chides him for even involving Cresta, who could buy information as they please, because the truth crime was Margarita selling their firm’s information to Cresta and not Cresta buying it. Porfirio reminds her that it takes two to tango and Margarita is as responsible as Cresta. Either way, if the demand proceeds, they can use the leverage to reopen the fraud case against Cresta. Veronica tells him to do as he wishes but he is risking the firm’s reputation on this demand. Porfirio doesn’t agree, and Veronica leaves it at that. She tells him that, lately, they can’t agree on anything and leaves.
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Mi marido tiene familia Capítulo 54 Monday 11/6/17: Fears and Fallout-OR- There is no Peace for Julieta

Robert is left alone with his memories of abandonment and his fear of abandonment with Julieta. He goes running after Julieta.

Eugenio tells Imelda and Blanca that they will get their punishment if they did something to Julieta. Eugenio reminds them that Pablo will be the one to pay if they did something to Julieta. They need to think about that. Blanca looks worried. Imelda never really thought about that.

Robert runs out to the street to see Julieta before she drives away. He offers to take her to her mother's house again and she turns him down again. Eugenio appears and asks what is going on. Julieta is just leaving for a few days. Robert tells her he will be right there whenever she wants him and not to forget that he loves her. She also declares her love for him. He gives her the car keys and leaves. Eugenio asks if everything is okay with Robert. Julieta wishes that it were. She tells Eugenio to say goodbye to his mother and wife for her. She gets in the car and leaves a sad looking Eugenio on the curb.
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Monday, November 06, 2017

Caer en Tentación #15, 11/6/17 Lunes: Suspicion

Chapter 15: Suspicion

With apologies for the abbreviated version; there were some playback issues and I didn't want to keep you waiting.

Raquel impatiently demanded that Damián tell her where he was and indicated her suspicion that he and Andres were in cahoots about something.
You said he was going somewhere and he is here,” she said.
Let me talk to him,” Damián said to her.
Yes. You will be on speaker phone,” she said.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #59, 11/6/2017: Dead Men Don’t Talk and Talking to "Ramón" is Expensive.

Repeated scene courtesy of Cynthia: Let’s get married and go to Europe or to Canada. I can get a scholarship.” Fabi says to him, “Are you sure you really want to marry a woman who all she wants to do is forget? You know I don’t love you.” Franc then says, “But for now, what I feel for you is enough for me. I just know that along down the line, when you wake up from this bad dream, you are going to love me.” (At this point to me he is sounding a lot like his character Federico in “Despertar Contigo”) Fabi then says, “Oh Francisco, you are so noble! You have so much love for me and I am unable to return your love.” Franc answers, “Just think about what I am saying. Let’s get married and let’s go far, far, away from here. What do you say?" Fabi replies that she will think about it; so Franc wants her to go to bed and dream that they will marry, be a family with children, and be very happy. When he leaves her bedroom, Franc tells Marg that Fabi is calmer; he gave her a relaxant. He gives her his number in case she needs to contact him. When Marg thanks him, Franc tells her there is nothing to thank him for; he would give his life to not have Fabi go through what she is going through. Marg thanks him again and he leaves. As he walks out of the building, Francystco thinks about the idiots who are trying to get the money, but that money has to be his. He sees Dalia has called him 5 times and tries to call her, but gets no answer. He then calls Rulo and tells him to meet with him if he wants the money, so Rulo agrees to meet him.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, El César(NEW), Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, Señora Acero y más: Week of Nov 6, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

AM shows

Mon — Thurs
10:30-12 Santa Diabla
12-2 Por Siempre

10:30-11:30 Santa Diabla
11:30-1:30 Por Siempre

PM shows

8-9- Jenni Rivera, Mariposa del Barrio (FINAL)
9-10 Sin Senos
10-11 Señora Acero

Tues — Fri
8-9 El César (NEW)
9-10 Sin Senos
10-11 Señora Acero

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramon #58, 11/3/17; Juana thinks Ramón is kidnapped, they ask for a half million dollars!

Repeated scene from Thursday: Sofía tries to revive Ramón and tells the man she wants to go the hospital. He responds saying that the hospital is at least two hours away. She goes over to the van that is totaled, and sees Dario’s uncovered and bloody face. She just stares at him, like she knows him. The strange man offers that they take Ramón over to his house.

At the shop, Rulo is up to some tricks. He comes into the office, asks Dalia for a certain box of parts and while she gets up, he takes her mobile phone off her desk with a phone number. She brings him a box, but he’s already put it in his pocket. He comes out to Chava and he takes a number out of her address book. (Dalia, you should have locked your phone!)
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Mi marido tiene familia Friday 11/3/17 Capítulo 53: The Last Straw

We pick up with Imelda still hell-bent on sticking her nose where it isn't wanted by looking for a solution to Julieta's problem. Blanca rejects the idea because she does not want to cause more problems. Imelda thinks they should think of themselves as Robert's and Julieta's guardian angels. They can do their investigation on the sly. Blanca ends up going along and with Polita they start researching ways to get pregnant on the internet.

Lázaro the driver breaks up Ana's rendezvous with Julián because Tulio is out looking for them. She leaves Julián's in a rush promising Lázaro even more money.

Amalia talks to Belén about Aurelio. Belén starts sobbing. Amalia doesn't understand why she is still crying about him. He abandoned her. He cheated on her with more than one woman and almost forced her to sign the divorce decree and took everything. Belén begs Amalia not to make her remember. It is her nightmare every single night. She wants to know where Amalia saw him and if he asked about her. Amalia wants to know why she would want to see him. So he can hurt her some more? Amalia also lets her know that he is Enzo's (their dance teacher) cousin. Belén is still sobbing as Amalia consoles her.
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Friday, November 03, 2017

Caer En Tentacion #14, 11/2/17: Love Shack

  • If your missed the lead up to their tumble in the tinder:  Damian dares Carolina to tell him to go, not to kiss her, not to hold her and then he will.  She obviously is unable to control her passionate self--which this sly, silver-toungued devil obviously knew-- and they begin to passionately lock lips. The Bedroom Ball begins.

  • Godoy and a tech check the vidcam recordings taken at the time Carolina and Damien drove through the toll gate.  They note a black car that Caro seems to recognize and which doesn't have plates on it at all.  "--It's obvious they didn't want to be recognized." Dun-dun-dunn!
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Mi Marido Tiene Familia #52, 11/2/2017: Sometimes Love Is Putting a Muzzle on Grandma…and Others

Repeated Scene: Dani tells the family that if they truly want to support RobPablo and Juls, they need to know the truth …only to avoid more disagreements and more distance between Blanca and Juls. They overheard when Juls told RobPablo that she would never be able to get pregnant again. Everyone looks dismayed.

In the sauna, RobPablo thinks about Juls hugging and consoling him while he lay on the floor of the baby’s room and asking him to forgive her.

At Belén’s house, Amalia tells Belén that she dreamed about Aurelio and wonders is she would she give him another chance if she saw him again. Belén wants to know where she is coming from. She knows Aurelio will never come looking for her and doesn’t like thinking about what wasn’t, so she asks Amalia to leave the past in the past.
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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #57 11.2.17: Bumbling Kidnappers & Surprising Revelations

Rulo calls Chava outside the breakroom and tells him that they have a week to ask for the ransom though they need to find Juana’s phone number. Rulo assumes Dalia must have it and asks Chava to get it though he needs to be careful, so she doesn’t suspect anything. Chava agrees but wants to know how much they ask for; Rulo thinks half a million is perfect, so they don’t say they like to take advantage of people later. He smiles to himself.

Francisco wonders how he will gather the money Rulo is asking for when he receives a call from Hortensia, who congratulates him on calling and visiting Fabiola. Francisco agrees and then tells her he has a patient and hangs up in a huff.

Andrea bids Fabiola good night and then goes to answer a call from Santiago. Once alone, Fabiola tells Juana that she heard about her and Julio, but they have nothing to worry about them. She was mad in the beginning but now she understands that you must be with whoever makes you happy and that’s a harsh lesson she’s learning. Juana wishes her, and Ramon never met but Fabiola tells her not to worry, she will be okay but must go as she has to wake up early to go to the shop. She then bids Juana goodbye and goes.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos, & más: Week of October 30, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos**
• 10-11PM—Lo mejor de Señora Acero hacia su nueva temporada**

** El Señor de los Cielos concludes (at least for now) on Thursday.  In its time slot on Friday will be what sounds like a quick summary of plot highlights from the first three seasons of Señora Acero, in preparation for season 4, which will begin next Monday (November 6).

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer En Tentacion #13, 11/1/17: All In The Family; Or True Confessions

  • Raquel gets control of herself and pulls away from Santiago's embrace.  They are two adults who can control themselves and must.  She tells him about the keys she found in Dam's possession when they took him to the hospital.  What secrets?  She tells him to leave.
  • Laura cries and accuses Godoy of staying out of guilt and pity.  He tries to make love to her;  she seems to give in then stops abruptly and screams that she can not!!  He's left very high and not so dry....
  • Juan (Mr. Gym Teacher) catches Lola the next day and accuses her of two-timing him with Mike, and making him into a fool.  He guesses Mike's who she slept with for the cash.   She doesn't deny getting the cash.  Was she perhaps forced?  She denies that.  She asks him to leave her the heck alone.  He refuses.  
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Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 11/1/17 Capítulo 51: What Part of "I Want to Be Alone" Doesn't Robert Understand?

Well, we are at the half way mark with this episode and I have enjoyed them all.

Blanca is complaining about her conversation with Julieta to Imelda. Julieta was just fuming! She knows that Julieta is going through a bad time but she didn't do anything to her. Was she angry because Juan Pablo was there? Imelda tells her to tell Juan Pablo that Julieta is home. Blanca is afraid they are never going to get along very well. They only want to support Julieta but she won't let them. Imelda asks her if she did not say that she was going to be a different kind of mother-in-law; that she was not to make the same mistakes Imelda did? (Del plato a la boca se cae la sopa) Don't count your chickens. . . Imelda tells Blanca that she needs to go and be nice to Julieta.

Blanca goes to tell Roberto that Julieta arrived and was asking for him. He is asleep and she watches him and pats his head. He is dreaming of being the little boy curled up on the floor who was calling out for his mother in the orphanage. He awakens and tells Blanca about the dream and how glad he is to now have found her and not have to look for her anymore. She tells him Julieta is home. They hug.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #56 11.1.17: Incriminating Emails & Breakroom Deals

Dario suggests Sofia get smart and offer something more than $10k as he got $100,000 just to kidnap them. She offers him double, and will give him the PIN to her cards also, if he takes her to be with Ramon. Dario tells her that she’s in no position to make demands, so she will give him the PINs first and then, if the money is there, he will reconsider. She obliges, and he writes them down.

Porfirio calls a representative at the construction company to tell them that the judge has dismissed their fraud case against Groupo Cresta, but the representative is beyond words. Porfirio offers to gather the proof, and go to trial again, but the representative would rather dissolve their relationship and find another law office to represent them. He hangs up and Margarita offers to go talk to them personally, especially because it was her fault, but Porfirio prefers to forget the matter and deal with the loss of their most important client alone. He asks Margarita to leave and she obliges.
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Caer En Tentacion #12, 10/31/17: Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Parte 1~~

Andres makes a play for Raquel's romantic affections.  She replies he's the last person she'd ever fall in love with.  He pins her against the wall with a characteristic bear hug but Cintia races to the rescue.  He's caught between a Raq and a hard-on.  Sin chases him off but not before he sneers that Sin is jealous that he'd never sleep with her again.  Raq is disgusted to learn her kid sis slept with the sicko.  (Ah, birds of a feather, eh?)  Sin accuses Raq of rejecting her and abandoning her at the hospita and really not wanting her to stay at the house.

Santiago scolds Lola for leaving the house at all hours.  Besides, she's grounded unless she tells him what happened on that trip and what the press has got on her.  She tells him rightly that she's done all he's asked around the house and for the family and wants some down time.  She races out the door.

The detectives get the results from the paternity test.  It is as Antonio suspected....

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Enamorandome de Ramon, #55, 10.21.2017 Beni and Lu are no more, and Two traitors are uncovered

Please forgive the short recap. I was busy watching the World Series.

Repeated scene:
Sofia hears banging on wall, and scoots over and bangs wall with her feet. She thinks that this is all her fault and asks Ramon to forgive her.

New scenes:
Juana is serving Julio, Julia tells her to stop and just come sit with him. She can’t because she is worried about what Ramon did to Fabi. “Well you will have to get used to it, because Ramon didn’t think twice before hurting you and Fabi”. Juana tells him that Ramon is her son, and she can't help but feel bad.Julio tells her to stop feeling so bad because it hurts him to see her so bad (I am rolling my eyes at this time). He goes to hug her and tells her she makes him the happiest man alive, and then HE rolls his eyes (Juana does not notice)
Fabi is crying on the couch feeling sorry for herself. Maggie tries to console her, but there is no consoling her. Antonio gets there and tries his part.
Luisa is feeling sorry for having hurt Benito; he calls her and apologizes because Adalgisa told him to. Well since Adalgisa is so important for you go with her. (Here we go again)
Antonio continues to try to help her, and tries to convince her to go back to the shop. She does not want to because it reminds her of Ramon. She feels bad that she turned her back on her family for Ramon.
At casino Julio and Emilia run into each other. They go gamble.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #50, 10/31/2017: A Secret Revealed Gives Rise to Many Doubts

Eugenio tells RobPablo that the important thing is that he and Julieta are well. Imelda comments that now Eugenio knows why they were crying, it was heart wrenching knowing what happened. Mari interjects that it is very difficult, but they will get through it…at any moment, Julieta will get pregnant again. As RobPablo thinks about what the doctor said and cries, Blanca wonders if there is anything else he needs to tell them, but he just shakes his head.
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 10/30/17 Capítulo 49: The Snake in the Grass Emerges

Even though Blanca tells Imelda about the miscarriage, neither she or Imelda tell a puzzled Eugenio who wants to know why the two of them are sobbing. They blame a telenovela they were watching. Eugenio does not believe them but they have nothing more to say.

Julieta continues mourning the loss of her baby in the nursery remembering what she wrote to her unborn child.

Xavi and his manager are negotiating his appearance at Begoña's restaurant with Begoña. She leaves. Remembering Marisol's advice, Xavi asks his manager how much he will be making for his appearance. His manager turns it back on him asking him if he knows how much it costs to launch a career like his. Xavi wonders if it is worth it starting in a place like the restaurant. The manager makes it clear that if they are going to work together he has to have Xavi's full confidence. He does not want him questioning his decisions. Begoña returns with Ignacio, Marisol's ex.  Begoña tells them that Ignacio will take care of everything for them.
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Monday, October 30, 2017

Caer en Tentación #11, 10/30/17 Lunes: Truth and Innuendo

Chapter 11: Truth and Innuendo

Carolina shoved Damián off herself and tried to calm down. Damián quickly dressed as Carolina picked up her purse and left through the french doors near the stairs, where Santiago was peering in. She gave him the excuse that she had been resting. They walked outside as she explained she was nervous about the new business and needed to think. Santiago was a little confused and easily led to his pick-up truck as Carolina said she needed some fresh air. Damián watched carefully from the window. She glanced over in his direction to make sure he wasn't exiting through the same door.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #54, 10/30/2017: Everybody Disses Ramón…Except Sofía

<-Rewind to Friday’s ending: Emilia is at home talking to Ossie on the phone as she walks to another room quietly. She tells him she doesn’t want to sound paranoid, but they need to be more careful. Behind her, Susana follows like a little mouse trying to hear her mother’s conversation.
Fabi asks Juana not to feel guilty; she never knew who Ramón was. Juana replies that it hurts her to say she didn’t know him either. Juana knows that nothing she can say, can erase Fabi’s pain, but she can say that she loves her with all her soul. What her son did is as if he were doing it to her. As Fabi sinks into Juana’s comforting arms, Fabi thinks that if she had listened to everyone, this wouldn’t have happened, but Julio tells her not to blame herself...it happened; she needs to forget and go on with her life. Juana asks her Fabi to return home, but Fabi feels it would be like taking a step backward; she has to come out of this on her own, though Juana asks her to ask for help whenever she needs her. Fabi agrees and appreciates their support and everything they have done. As Juana gets up to leave, Fabi stops her and tells Juana she will move forward. Juana encourages her by saying that she is sure she will; Juana knows she can.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos & más: Week of October 30, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente (last day is Monday, Oct. 30)**
• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla (starting Tuesday, Oct. 31)**
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

** Santa Diabla replaces Corazón Valiente on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Santa Diabla, first shown in 2013, has an impressive cast headed by Carlos Ponce, Gaby Espino, and Aarón Diaz. If you haven't seen this novela before, I suggest that you NOT read the Wikipedia synopsis.  It contains far too many spoilers.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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