Friday, August 09, 2013

La Tempestad, Capitulo 9. August 8 2013. Hernan Plays The Violin, Damian Plays The Guitar, Marina Has A Jealous Snit.


We begin where we left off the previous night. Damian has brought Marina a bouquet of red roses to thank her for having saved him from jail and curing his wound. Marina thanks Damian for the roses and tells him that she has to go to packing plant. Damian offers to accompany her to packing plant. He may not have a fancy car but it will be his pleasure to accompany her. Marina prefers that he rest after all he just got out of the hospital. Damian will do as Marina says just so he won't argue with her so early in the morning. Damian will go to La Tempestad to see the unloading of the fish. He excuses himself. 
There is more gazing between the two of them before Damian leaves. 

Mexico City
Mercedes recalls some of the most recent events in her life. She opens a drawer and takes out a photo of her twins when they were babies. "The time of the truth is near and I won't be able to hide it. Everything comes." she says. She picks up the phone to make phone call. 

At the packing plant, Hernan has come to see how Marina is doing after the complicated day she had the day before when she was out at sea. Marina tells Hernan that she's fine and tells him that he is so well-mannered. Hernan responds by telling her probably the only truth that will come out of his mouth - he tells her that he is not so well mannered, he's egotistic and self-interested. Hernan tells Marina that a gentlemen should do these things without wanting something else. Marina doesn't understand what he means. Hernan tells her that he didn't only come to see how she was doing. He also came to ask her out on a date. He'd love her to come to dinner at his house. Oh and her mother is invited too. Marina accepts the invitation. Hernan will come to pick her up. He knows they will have a good time. He says that by coming to dinner Marina will also be able to forget the nightmare that she lived the day before with those dirty sailors. He also says that maybe if God wants they will get to know each other again. He tells her that they will see each other later and he leaves. 

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Qué Bonito Amor #83 (Mex 121) Thursday 8/8/13 Que Bonita Apelación

Maria won't let their relationship be over.  Jantos gives her a hard time about wounding him mortally with her words.  Maria can't get a word in edgewise.  Jantos is feeling an abyss eating him from inside, he's so hurt, and he swears it's over and he doesn't know how to forgive, cause she fell down on the job and never taught him how.  "Ojala que te vaya bonito," he says, and departs, leaving her in tears.

The LA cops want OGto come with them and have his fingerprints taken.  To rule him out, of course.  Bruno agrees he'll be there tomorrow.  NO, damnit!  Don't let him go tomorrow!  He'll go burn his damn hands off in the meantime!  The Godfather wants OG to disappear.  He figures Santos has won.

Maria cries in her apartment while Jantos cries in his.  Do not throw that blanket out the window, Jantos, I'm warning you!  No, he wraps himself in it and looks at the moon.  Meanwhile, Maria is wrapped in her shawl and we switch from "Ojala Que Te Vaya Bonito" to "Que Bonito Amor."  Maria cries on the floor.  Jantos cries to his teddy.  Maria cries to the loveseat while Jantos mopes with the teddy by the light of the moon.  Oh, never mind, he's not crying.  He's implacable.  Dumbass.

Rodrigo asks Colosso to please not leave just when they're getting to know each other.  Colosso swears they'll still have a relationship.  Colosso is leaving his hat for Roddy.  Like Wolverine left his dog tags for Rogue in the first X-Men movie.  Roddy's begging is to no avail.  So now we've got…what…3 people crying?  I still want to count Jantos as one of them.
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Corazon Indomable Cap. 63 8/8/13 “(You’re) Having My Baby. What a lovely way of sayin’ how much you love me.”

          Thanks to  Adriana Noel and LatinaInMD for recapping during my vacation.
        Our intrepid and lavishly-dressed heroine is fighting battles on all sides.  At the casino, partner Carola and the obsessed Emir Karim are trying to disrupt control of her empire. The Gov., the Emir, and the renovated Teo are ready to storm her heart (not to mention her body.)  “Shut Up, Doris” is an annoying gnat buzzing around, trying to keep MA away from Daddy Gov.

          MariAle’s thirst for vengeance is driving her life to exclusion of anything else. Solita is on character lockdown and little Lupita rates only a plot-device mention in tonight’s action. Her wardrobe is dominated by red dresses, probably symbolic of the blood she’s ready to shed.

Casino Bar
          As we open, the Gov. just left her side, and Octavio waits for his appointment with destiny.  MA takes him to the deserted bar, where they can speak privately and avoid gossip.  Their conversation is intense, punctuated with burning gazes and equally scorching kisses.  (Save this one on DVD for a winter night when the house needs some heat.)   

          The basic point? The Gov. wants to marry MariAle, Doris wants to marry Octavio but can’t stand MA. The only way MA will cede control of the Gov. and his proposal is for Doris to give her Tav. If Doris won’t give in, MA could end up as Tav’s mother-in-law.  He needs to take some action (not exactly his strong suit.)
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Thursday, August 08, 2013

PEAM #108-8/8/13-Uri Doesn't Go "U.P." As Per His Belt Buckle, He Goes Down, So Who Is Picadillo Now??

Malvino snatches Val and Elias tries to defend his home and family.  Uri proves to Jesus that he has control of Val and he is not a liar.  Jesus flips out upon hearing Val’s distressed voice. Jesus tells Uri that he is a coward and picks on women and children, and tells Uri let’s go one deep (one on one) and Uri starts bitch slapping Jesus.  (We hear Alma and her dreaded scream)  Jesus keeps on beckoning Uri telling him that he is not a man and lets fight without the gun.    Jesus punches Uri once and Uri asks for another with his gun and tells Jesus that he is going to die.
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Bro, you're getting married! CI 07/07/2013

Okay peeps, here we go! Full recap is up!

 We start with MariaA looking over the IOU's, soon she will get Miguel so deep in debt that he will have to sell the ranch to her and she will be the one and only owner of the hacienda, she will get her revenge, bwaaahahaha. Okay, Televisa writers, no one here suffers from short term memory loss, you don't have to remind us that MariaA wants revenge against the Narvaez, we've been watching for months, we remember the plot, please stop, okay?

Carola comes in to visit MariaA and tells her she has news, she will be selling her part of the casino. "You're going to sell your shares to the government for pennies?", "No, I'm going to sell my portion of the casino to Karim for millions of dollars!" says Carola. "You can't do that, the government won't allow the sale!" "The government will allow it, as long as the casino continues its normal operations" "You can't do this Carola, you will force me into a partnership with Karim!" "Well, if you don't want to be his partner sell him your portion of the casino, you will be even more wealthy!" "No sir!, I will not sell him my casino, I need it!" "But you have other casinos!" "Yes, but right now this is the one I need to accomplish my goals, and I will not sell it!"
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La Tempestad Cap #8 - Wed 7 August - Sluts and Booze!!!!*

*I couldn’t think of a title so I used my favorite line of the episode.

Welcome to The Patio of Lowered Expectations, where every Wednesday is Hump Hunk Day and we feature an all-day Happy Hour.

Last night -  We left Capitán Dam Fab and his newest crew gazing at each other while the boom box blasted “Today I want you, Hoy tengo ganas de ti!”

Tonight - Mayuya the faux-happy frenemy is “so excited” that Estercita is alive and gets to marry Dam Fab. Mayuya’s half-a$$ed smile barely disguises the seething volcano inside and she almost erupts when Delfina excitedly tells Princess Estercita she’ll be the most beautiful bride in the world.
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Qué Bonito Amor #82 (Mex 120) Wednesday 8/7/13 Jantos/Maria break up (again); Colosso splits (gasp); Amalia worries about.....Amalia.

·         Maria tells Moms she knows Jantos would never ever, ever cheat on her w/Elvira.  She's gonna look for him – they can't stay mad at each other, especially now.  Suddenly Ruben shows up at their front door with his face beat to a pulp.  He tells them that hoodlum Jantos is the louse who accosted him at his office.  He claims Jantos beat him up cuz he wants Ruben to give up on Susanito's case and give up on Maria.  Not only that, Jantos threatened to kill him!  He might have done so too if Elvira hadn't arrived just then to save him.  Maria apologizes but he tells her she's no to blame for Jantos' violent character.  Maria is tending to his wounds and we see Jantos walking up.  He witnesses her tender touch and Ruben's caressing her cheek.  Well, that's enough – he barges in and wonders why Ruben can't understand he needs to stay away from Maria!  He pulls him up from his chair but Maria gets between them.  Jantos gets a good look at him and sees Ruben's injuries.  “Hey, wait a minute, that's not how I last saw you!”  Ruben:  “You're not going to deny that you went to my office and beat me up, are you?”  Jantos again denies having beat him.  Ruben asks Maria to please ask Jantos to assume responsibility for his actions.  As always, Maria takes someone else's side against Jantos.  “Were you so angry that he was helping me that you insisted he drop out (of Susanito's case?)”
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PEAM # 107-8/7/13: Danger! Danger! Everybody Could Die! Including Two Forty Year Old Virgins!

Recap By Pablo

Won't we all? But, what's the hurry?

Aída is probably breaking a promise but what the heck, Delia is nowhere to be found and Alma is more important than anything, so she calls her to warn her and tell her that Jesús and everybody he knows is in danger. If he doesn't comply to Uri's demands, there could be a huge pile of picadillo and a lot of people missing. You do the math.

Since Alma is already at Chatita's, and Elías is there too, she quickly shares the 411 she's got. Everybody panics and thinks about Valentina, who due to her age and size, could be in the most danger. We grown ups can deal with anything, but what about the little ones? Think about them, they're defenseless! Just to be on the safe side, Valentina will skip school tomorrow and before Elías leaves, Chatita gives him the long version of her famous blessing.

In another place but at the same time, Jesús promises himself that Uri won't be able to touch even a hair from any of the three women in his life, so Chatita, Alma and Valentina can rest assured that nothing will happen to them as long as Jesús can stand up for them. He leaves Orión and rides a beautiful new car to be inconspicuous, but that is still more strange, and since Malvino and Sixto are watching him, they proceed to follow Uri's instructions.
Jesús, who is smarter than cute, quickly finds out he is being followed and tries to get rid of one of the many dumb couples that populate Monterrey. And when I say that I am not exaggerating, because they come by twos and I have seen them working as security guards at Avon, as accountants, etc. 
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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

La Tempestad, Capitulo 7. August 6th 2013. Hysterics, Sleeping Doctor, Red Pants, and A Wounded Captain!

Damian removes the bomb from the bottom of the boat. He is shot with a spear gun. There is a lot of blood. He floats to the surface.

Marina and the crew are worried about Damian who still hasn't swam up to the surface. Bagre, Oso, and Lagarto will dive underwater to find out what is happening. 

Mayuya sees that Esthercita has taken pills to kill herself. She checks Esthercita's pulse and sees that Esthercita almost doesn't have a pulse. She is about to go and tell someone but thinks about twice in her evil mind. Why should I care? I won't tell anyone! Esthercita took those pills because she wanted to. If she dies, then I'll have Damian! (Only in your dreams, Mayuya and maybe not even there)

Bagre, Oso, and Lagarto dive underwater. They find Damian. Lolo throws a flotation device into the water. The crew tries to get Damian aboard the ship.

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CI #61--Doris’s Dilemma: It's Either Daddy Or The Dreamboat

Part 1~~

For those of us in Viewerville who now have sea legs and can leave the Dramamine at home, we return to Isla Dorada and the floating casino just as Maria Alejandra is telling Raiza that there’s no way Octavio Narvaez would marry Doris.  However, as they turn the corner of the hallway they get an eyeful of Tav and Doris in the middle of a major tongue-swallowing spit-swap.  Raiza snickers and says think again.  She and MA stand and gawk long enough that Doris eventually notices she has the appropriate audience.  Doris looks up long enough to deliver MA a smugly triumphant smirk.  For better or for worse, MariAle figures Doris is the kind of blue-blooded babe Tav’s returned to the marriage market to snag. 

Back in the casino a bit later, MA notes that Operation Max-out Miguel is progressing as planned.  Raiza manages to sweet-talk Migui into signing the first IOU in between guilt-free guzzled slurps of the House Hooch and his poorly placed bets, and skillfully coaxes him to continue to play.  

Once Doris and Tav come up for air, she meanly mentions that MA saw the two of them locking lips.  Tav looks a bit sheepish for ummm…a second or two as he watches MA glide back the way she came, but his attention is quickly snagged once more by Doris, gloating now that at least Daddy isn’t there with said card sharking slut.  Tav makes the mistake of telling Doris she’s exaggerating the situation.  This encourages Doris to raise the volume from a low alley cat yowl to sharply shrill shrew.  (My hand goes for the mute. Could Lucia and Doris be not-so-distant cousins?)  
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Qué Bonito Amor #81 (Mex 119) Tuesday 8/6/13 Lipstick on Your Collar Will Tell a Tale on You

There was quite a bit of Frijoles Refritos at the beginning of tonight’s episode. It does not bear repeating.  If you must consult a good translation, see Urban Anthropologist’s fine finish from last night.  If anyone has additions or corrections, I’ll fix it in the morning. (Note: a few scenes are combined for smoother flow.)

Rodrigo is still down in the street looking up at a castigada Paloma.  Vanessa and her side-kick sidle up and engage Roddy in flirty conversation. He rejects her.  Paloma sees this going on and ducks back inside.

Paloma reappears on the balcony and Roddy moves out of the way while she hoists a bucket of agua and dumps it on the two junior metiches.  Roddy and Paloma get a good laugh while Vanessa and her pal get a good soaking.  Then Roddy climbs the magic beanstalk that appears when needed to exchange some sweet nothings with Paloma face to face.

Jorge Alfredo talks to Maria about her day “at work,” after Ruben sees her home.  She looks a little bedraggled. He wants to know what they are going to do next. Ruben is all concerned about Maria, but also about Susanito’s appeal and wants Maria to come back to the office that night. He leaves under a JA death stare (usually reserved for Ana Martin).

Maria is distraught.  She just needs to find one single proof to prove Susano’s innocence. JA gets in a snit over Ruben’s interest and Maria’s willingness to spend time with Rube. What happened to the professor who was going to help, why Ruben.  Maria gets all defensive until she happens to spy a little lapiz de labio on JA's shirt collar. She goes on the offensive.  Our two turtledoves are no longer lovey-dovey.  They have a spat over Ruben vs. Lipstick. JA denies kissing anyone and Maria denies having any interest in Rube.  Regrettably, Maria keeps it up and JA, regrettably, remembers all the women he’d come in contact that day. They included Elvira. Aha! Maria accuses. JA denies. JA accuses. Maria denies. (Well, this goes on and on, so I’ll stop here.)

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PEAM, Tuesday 8/6/13 (#106): Mouse Chase

Hey amiggies, I just got home from Six Flags and boy is my neck tired. We stayed a LOT later than I expected and I haven't even seen the episode yet and there is a good chance I won't be able to stay awake through the whole thing. (Also, my Internet connection appears to be constipated.)

BUT... commenters save the day! (Again)
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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

La Tempestad, Capitulo 6. Monday, August 5, 2013.

Damian thanks Marina for talking to Estercita.  Marina tells him it was the right thing to do.  You shouldn't have to pay for something you didn't do. "Still it was very noble" replies Damian.  I had my reasons and not just because of the packing plant but for you too.  We may not get along but I know you’re a decent man.  "So you care about what happens to me" asks Damian.  Marina tells him not to get confused.  She cares about him like any other employee.  Marina walks away and Damian tells himself that he can't with this woman.  She so easily frustrates me but it doesn't take away from her beauty. 
Fulgencio is griping to Delfina about how Damian and his cronies are laughing at him.  Delfina tries to calm him down, but he just gets angrier.  "He's just like his father" yells Fulgencio.  Fulgencio wants to choke the life out of him.  Delfina reminds him that is a sin.  "No, what your daughter did was".  Delfina says that this will help Estercita clean up her image if you allow her to marry him. No! No! No! yells Fulgencio and storms off.
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #60, Monday, August 5, 2013 – “An Epidemic of Stunned Silence!!!!”

Recap by LatinaInMD

Esther gives a thank you kiss to her peasant he-man Jose Antonio, who remains in bed apparently exhausted or in...STUNNED SILENCE!!  She heads back to the big house, where Lucia awaits her and demands to know where she has been.  Take a guess, dear cousin.

Mr. Carlos Morgan informs MariAle that he is there to make her an offer she can’t refuse.  Ask for whatever you want for your casino, and my client will pay you double that amount.  Really?  “So if I ask for, say, $20 million dollars...?”  Double, he interrupts.  As if she didn’t already know, she inquires who is his client and feigns surprise (stunned silence!!!) when she hears Emir Karim.

Lucia tells Esther it’s best if she leaves the ranch.  That’s not about to happen, not when I’ve taken a liking to the country, says a self-satisfied Esther.  To paraphrase her rather long speech, she said, this little volcano longing to burst out of her ice prison is not about to live the life of a nun, like a tree lacking soil and water, simply out of respect for a society that doesn’t even feel sorry for us lonely women.  Ofelia appears to feel “pena ajena” about this pathetic little speech, so she tries to get Esther to stop.  Esther reacts by asking Ofelia who fills her lonely nights, or Simona’s nights, for that matter. She goes on about her “needs” and says she wants to love and be loved, even if it’s by a peasant.

Mr. Morgan tells MariAle that if she wants, she could even get more than twice her asking price.  Really?  “So if I ask him for 150 million dollars…?”  He will give them to you, insists Mr. Morgan.  He tells her that amount has no importance for the Emir.  She says it doesn’t matter to her either, and it’s such a wonderful offer, that there’s no point in making him wait for an answer.  It’s a….NO!!!!!   Mr. Morgan’s reaction?  STUNNED SILENCE!!!!!
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Monday, August 05, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #80 (Mex 117.2-118) Monday 8/5/13

Let All The Poisons That Lurk In the Mud Hatch Out!

Reclusorio: The judge asks Susanito whether he understands the charges. He answers in the affirmative. The prosecutor asks whether he killed Fabian Cervantes. Susanito answers that he doesn't know what happened. They struggled for the gun, it went off, and it all happened so fast he isn't sure. Ruben smirks carefully at someone, nodding his head. Maria looks taken aback.

Street: Oscar delivers a serenata (“Payaso”). They get paid, but it's not much. They are nonetheless determined to get enough money together to help Susanito.

Reclusorio: Maria points out that there are contradictory pieces of evidence. The judge looks willing to listen.
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PEAM #105 08/05 - Delia Where Are You? We Need to Be Rescued from This Stupid Yuri Plot NOW!!

We have wind and rain pelting down again so I will post this header in case I can't post the recap right away. I will keep trying so talk among yourselves for a couple of hours.  Never mind, the storm cell passed quickly this time so we are back on track.  Here is tonight's offering:

A Pura Raza Española in France

Refrito - Alma questions Jesús' sudden cold change of attitude.  Viewerville questions why we have to put up with obnoxious Yuri through yet another episode with this stupid plot device, that our hero Jesús has become an avocado-less wuss.  Alma gets herself kicked out of Orion by Agosto's orders.  Yuri who inexplicably has the intelligence to have wired Jesús for sound chuckles in the back of his car as Alma screams at Jesús.  Jesús sheds unmanly tears for what may happen to his Alma and Valentina.

Alma tries to get information out of Aida who says she is only the secretary.  She hasn't a clue either but recounts how Jesús has yelled at her unpleasantly already which he would never have done before.  Patymelted shows up and feigns surprise that Alma has tracked Jesús down to Orion. Yuri and his confederacy of dunces look on from the car not wanting an alliance of any kind to form between Alma and Aida.

Back at Avon, Mari counsels her AARPStud Papi that he should stop playing up to Susana and remember how much he owes to sweet Chatita. He claims indecision is driving him to toy with both lady's affections.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Week of August 5, 2013

Hang on tight -- tonight is the final episode of El Señor de los Cielos.   Congratulations to Hombre for completing his marathon recapping of Señor so brilliantly.  And thanks to everyone else who contributed recaps or commentary along the way.

The new kid on the block, Santa Diabla, starts on Tuesday.

Let the amazing recaps and smart comments on Dama y Obrero and Marido en Alquiler continue!

A GENTLE REMINDER: NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!  In this plot-driven Mundo de Telemundo, people want to be surprised.


P.S. As Jean noted last time, if there are more than 200 comments, you will have to go to the comment page itself and then click on "go to page 2" (or however your browser puts it) to see the latest comments.

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Santa Diabla-index

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Saturday, August 03, 2013

Tempestad # 5-8/2/13: I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In, Trouble, Trouble; I'm Hell On Heels, Say What You Will, I Done Made The Devil a Deal

Hola and Ahoy Patio Peeps. I don't use any type of CC's when I recap, I go by what is said and body language. If I get something wrong please comment and I will fix the recap. I am having a bit of trouble understanding WL but I think given enough time, I will be able to decipher what he his saying. This recap will not be in order and some scenes have been combined. Now have a glass of rum or grog, relax and enjoy the recap ; )

I Say A Little Prayer For You:
Dam meets Madrina and the guys want to partay cause Dam was  released from la carcel. Madrina wants to go to Church and pray in thanksgiving for Dam being released from la carcel. Dam goes with Madrina to Church. At the Church, Dam prays to the Virgincita and thanks her with all his heart. Madrina prays to the Virgincita for her to protect Dam. Padre is there too and prays in thanksgiving for Justice! Dam and Madrina leave the Church and Madrina wants him to come home with her and spend the night. Dam tells her it's ok, he's spending the night on the Tempestad.

Mama Don't Let Your Girls Grow Up To Be Bidness Women:
Bea and her daughter Marina are at home and Bea tells Marina she met Mercedes and really likes her. Later, Marina is getting ready for bed and her Mama Bea comes in with some tea for her. Marina would like to hire a nurse to stay with her Mama so that Marina will have peace of mind when she works. Bea tells her she don't need no nurse. She'll be fine. Mama changes the subject to Hernan, the galan. He even brought her flowers! Marina says they are just friends. A little later, Marina is in bed having such a nice dream about the Cap'n being shirtless, in a cave lit with lights, and either there is a waterfall, or it's raining and they are having some hawt kisses and getting drenched. It's her dream! She wakes up suddenly and her Mama is in the room, Marina tells her Mama she was having a nightmare, okey dokey then! Mama was just coming in to get her empty cup. Mama wonders if Marina is having trouble sleeping because of the Cap'n. Marina tells her Mama that guys don't like women bosses. She tells her Mama that the Cap'n doesn't like her being the boss of him. Marina tells her Mama about the Cap'n throwing her in the drink. Bea is pithed. Now it is time to go back to bed and Marina tells her Mama to get some sleep, and no worries, she will set that Cap'n straight tomorrow, cause tomorrow is another day!

I Don't Give A Damn 'Bout My Bad Reputation:
Padre is trying to talk Estercita into going home. She doesn't wanna cause the wrath of Fully (Fulgencio) will be upon her head. She is a scared of him. Padre really wants her to go home!

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Corazón Indomable Fri August 2 The Blood Called And Was Sent To Voicemail

We open this episode with the new improved Teobaldo masquerading as the old deformed and scarred Teobaldo (sorry if this confuses you, I've been paying attention and it makes no sense to me either. Take another sip of your Mezcal and pretend you understand.) paying a visit to Araceli's new  apartment, interrupting what may, or may not, have turned out to be some afternoon delight for Eduardo (without Teo's arrival I was only giving him a bout a 20% chance of scoring anyway). After telling Aaceli he's found work for her back on the Isla, Teo scolds and threatens a bit as he simultaneously gives Eddy that familiar fish eye and twisted smirk that clearly means, "No nookie for you today

."  Serious glaring ensues.

Back at el Rancho Rancid, Ester has decided to explore her benevolent urges by offering to help José Antonio advance his education. He can read and write a little already so... good to go.

"You'll do this for me, señorita?"

"This and much more," as she closes the distance between them.

I think that this is where a lot of my fellow recappers might add... Ruh Roh!

She reminds him that her name is Ester, none of this señorita stuff, and suddenly notices,

"You're very handsome."

He turns to leave but she reels him in and fingers his face,

"Tempting lips..."

Oops, it's Lucia, she looms and she doesn't look pleased,

"¡ESTER! What are you doing?" she screeches.
 Oops, Better Hold Up On That Kiss
Later, cowboy.
As Juanita dusts, María Alejandra is about to leave for the casino to have a chat with Carola. Doorbell rings and Juanita goes to get the door.

"It's a very young and very handsome man," she announces and beams.

"You didn't ask his name?"

A familiar face peaks through the door, "Señorita, tell her it's Octavio Narváez."
Hey, I'm With The Jehovah's Witnesses... Got A Minute To Discuss Where You'll Spend Eternity?

Briefly, back inside the ranch house Lucia is not pleased that Ester was flirting with that illiterate farmhand. Ester confirms that she is looking for a little distraction.
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Qué Bonito Amor #79 (Mex 116-117.1) Friday 8/2/13 partial - Jantos Discovers Concho’s Secret, Mirna Gets Made, and Suz Lays Down The Law for Mama

  #116/117 partial

Lo Del Pasado:

Everybody in the colonia it seems is determined to earn some extra cash to help pay for Susanito’s legal expenses, tho’ Jorge Alfredo is stuck at Concho’s bar doing a quick preparatory audit of the bar’s books in preparation for the state tax officials’ return visit.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Rodrigo and his papi, El Coloso are now on good terms and Rod’s got his first gig singing serenatas with the JNTR mariachis that afternoon.  He may have skipped school to do it apparently but Col says he can’t make a habit of it since he doesn’t want his kid to be a no account dolt like his daddy.  He’s got to make the family proud.  Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to sing they go…..

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PEAM #104-8/2/13: What Time Is It? Time For Chucho to Grow Some Avocadoes!

Hola Manda Peeps. This recap will not be in order and I have combined some scenes to make the recap easier to read. Thanks to Julie, for "What Time Is It".

We get the bit of refried with Malvino calling Yuri and letting him know that Chucho is at Orion, seems they have wired Chucho for sound, as in his cell, computer, etc., and Yuri wants Malvino to keep a close eye/ear on Chucho. Xochi is dancing to her desk, while Susana and Mari are wondering why, oh, why is she doing that? Alma comes into work and is really sad thinking about Chucho not being at Avon anymore. Augusto is very happy Chucho made his choice to come to Orion. Alma continues to think about Chucho and goes to her office and cries. Augusto shows Chucho his new office and Aida comes in. She is very happy to be working with Chucho again. Chucho is not only the new V.P. but he gets the latest model car! Chucho is given his contract to sign and he does. Alma doesn't know why Chucho left Avon, and she cries some more. Since Chucho looks like Deputy Dawg on a bad day, Augusto asks him if he is ok. Oh, he is honkey dorey and Augusto welcomes Chucho to Orion. Hug and handshake. Aida asks Chucho if he is ok. He is. Chucho thinks of Alma and asks her to forgive him. Split screen and both are very unhappy! I just got one question? Chucho where oh where are your avocadoes?

It's lunchtime at Avon and Mari and Jess are knoshing together. They talk about Rico Sauve(Ricardo) and how Suave he is and Mari works with him too, well I gotta say, they all work and play together, don't they? Well, there is Elias too, but he's still married. What to do, What to do?

Ferny comes into work and has a little something, something for Xochi. She wants to know what and guess what it is? Anyone? That's right, diamonds are a girl's best friend, as in earrings that is. She is so exicted she is squeeing and Mari and Susana are wondering what is going on now! He also invites her over to his place this evening but she's a little unsure bout that.

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Friday, August 02, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Music Videos For Your Pleasure

Couldn't think of a topic this week, so I thought I'd round up some music videos.

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La Tempestad, cap. 4, Thursday, August 1: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."

--George Carlin

Captain Damián Fabré is stuck in the pokey accused of raping the mayor's daughter, Esthercita.  He may be criminally hot, but everybody -- well almost  everybody -- knows he is no criminal.  It was Little E who jumped his bones .   

Dam Fab and the Night Visitors
Dam Fab's first caller, Marina Reverte, offers him a perfectly good way out of his dilemma -- Just marry Esthercita, you boob!  

What's Marina's interest in all this?  She needs to keep those fish coming to her packing plant.  And that means she needs Dam Fab on the job.  But hey, if Dam Fab isn't interested, he can rot in jail and she'll find another captain and crew -- somewhere.  

He listens and then laughs, reminding her he saw her splashing around in the water after he threw her overboard.  And guess what?  When her wet clothing stuck to her body, she looked pretty good.  In fact, it was the only time she looked like a woman.

Well I never!  Slap!  !Estúpido!

And so the mating dance between these two crazy kids continues.
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #58, Thursday, August 1, 2013 - “The Wheels of MariAle’s Vengeance Are Finally Set In Motion…With the Help of an Unexpected Ally”

Recap written by LatinaMD

Note:  As usual, some scenes are combined.  This one was chopped up even more than we are used to by now.

Doris tells her father he is so naïve and assures him MariAle planned everything that happened at the party.  She then accuses her father of liking MariAle too.  When he leaves her room, she promises herself to get MariAle expelled from the island. 

MariAle tells herself that Octavio was very brave in defending her from Karim and she has to be grateful to him for that, even if she doesn’t want to be.  Meanwhile, Octavio lies in his bed telling himself that MariAle’s flirtations with both Karim and the governor were quite obvious.  He says despite her physical similarity with MC, they are both very different in soul and spirit.  “Karim’s lover.  The nerve of that woman!!  Maricruz wouldn’t dare behave in such a vulgar way.  I defended her because she is a woman, but she doesn’t deserve my love.”

As MariAle cuddles Lupita and sighs, she has flashbacks of happier times with Octavio back on the ranch.  She then thought bubbles that she doesn’t do well to remember those good times, because she can’t forgive his betrayal, his failure to defend her from Lucia and others, and his abandonment.  “And now of course he defended Maria Alejandra, but not Maricruz.  He surely still feels scorn towards Maricruz.  Just as I should scorn him, because I need to be hard and inflexible to be able to get vengeance, vengeance without pity, just as he had none towards me.”

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Qué Bonito Amor #78 (Mex 115) Thursday 8/1/13 Que Bonito Auditoría

Two official-looking dudes come into Ay Jalisco .  When Mirna tries to play hostess, they inform her they're here to audit the books.  One of them asks her to close out the register right away.

Rodrigo tells Paloma that her being upset at him and not wanting anything to do with him was a big part of why he ran away.  She's charmed and rewards him with a kiss.

Mirna escorts the official dudes into Concho's office, where they inform him that he hasn't been paying his taxes.

Amalia oohs and aahs over Isabel's superawesome test.  She grudgingly admits Jantos helped with that.  Isa asks Amalia what it means when you like a boy…does it mean you're in love?

Jalisquito is out an a nice family establishment giving toddlers fist bumps and working his charm.  Make that kid the mayor of Telenovelandia!

Amalia tells Isa that she's a little young for being all crazy love like Paloma or Maria, but if she "likes" a boy, well, that's just natural.

Back at the Family Café, Jalisquito passes the hat.  He appreciatively munches on a taco and daydreams about Isabel.
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Thursday, August 01, 2013

PEAM #103-8/1/13- Picadillo Means To Distance Yourself From The Ones That You Love and Paty Tells The Whole Truth

The Old Business-
We start out with the lying skank Paty begging outside of Alma’s apartment door for another chance.    As Pablo would say-juarever!!   Alma lets Paty in and gives her a second chance. (Eye rolling time for me)
Xochy and Ferny are enjoying their date and talking about how Xochy doesn’t drink and that Ferny doesn’t have any friends, no one to confide in except for Jesus.  They toast for friendship, break their glasses and share a laugh.
Elias is putting Val to bed and she asks if Alma if the Queen and the Helper will live happily ever after (and the handwriting is on the wall) She wants to know if Alma is going to be her stepmother and when will she marry her dad.   Alma has to take of things because she is still married to the Mean Prince. Nothing gets by Val.  Nitey, night!!!
Jesus arrives at Uri’s room and thought bubbles to Uri’s warnings about the people that he loves, Alma, Chatita and Val. He better not tell Officer Delia or someone may get hurt, possibly all three. Malvino lets him. 

New Business
Alma pours Paty’s favorite drink and Paty is touched that Alma remembers. Paty tells Alma that she is happy for her being with Jesus and she always knew that they were meant for each other.  Jesus’ love helped her get through the suffering as a result of Paty deceiving her.  A humbled Paty agreed. (At this point I have to eat some crow because Paty is being truthful.)  Alma realized that she didn’t really love Rogelio and Jesus arrived at the right time in her life. Indirectly Paty helped Alma and Jesus to get together but Paty had selfish reasons for wanting Alma with Jesus.   Alma asks Paty if Rogue has changed in the way that he values, treats and handles her.  She lets Alma know that Rogue is seeing Vero, The Ice Princess.
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Corazon Indomable #57 Sometimes things don't go according to plan

We open with the arrival of the guests to Karim’s party. They decorated the apartment with guazy white material draped over the entrance so one must push them out of the way to walk in. The governor, Doris and Octavio enter and Karim gives Octavio the stink eye, but quickly recovers and welcomes them. Octavio wants to proceed to the drink table but Doris wants to wait for MA to arrive to see her get kicked out like the lower class casino owner she is. In walks MA in her body hugging red dress with her hair down loose and wavy. Octavio moons over her (I hope you know what that means because it describes his look perfectly) and Karim practically knocks Doris over to rush over and give her the welcome we all expect, including the hand kiss, and tells her in front of Dortavio (that’s what I’m going to call them when they are together), that she’s the reason for the party, and the most important guest. Doris is dismayed to hear that. Not only is she dismayed, but she is appalled that she could get the Emir’s attention like that.
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La Tempestad # 3, Wed July 31 - No matter how treacherous is the sea, a woman will always be more so*

*Breton proverb (But I say it depends on the woman!)

Refrito: Madrina warns Dam about the impending tormenta. Mercedes sadly ponders the fate of her daughter. Mercedes wonders which stubborn mule will reign supreme, Damian or Marina. Split screen with Marina and Damian both gazing at the full moon, “What a man/woman! I’ve never met anyone like him/her. sigh...”

Lo Nuevo: Looks like Marina’s little school chum Hernan isn’t quite the upstanding businessman he claims to be. We now know he’s in league with bad-mayor Fulgencio and their side business is the trafficking of unfortunate women. They meet after dark; Fulgencio is nervous about being recognized. He says he’s the boss of this town and Hernan needs him to help arrange their “business”.  They want to mess with the fish factory and they need to get rid of Damian, his boat is always on the water where it’s least expected, he could figure out what they’re up to. They both want Capitan Damian off the face of the earth.

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PEAM #102-7/31/13: Extra! Extra! Desperate Widows Fighting Over Cricket-Face Man

Recap By Pablo

80 more to go!

''You are a lot more than you think you are''

Xóchitl's honesty hurt Julio in the deepest part of his heart. She doesn't love him. Jesús is drinking coffee with him and trying to make him feel better but Julio is afraid he will end up alone as a zombie, living without will and just walking around with no direction. Of course Jesús is right, Julio deserves a woman who loves him, but right now Julio doesn't see with clarity. The pain is just unbearable. Will you still not love me tomorrow?

''Take care Alma, your work is flawless and nothing bad should happen to you''

Alma, the only one who actually works at Avon, except when she is pissed off running away to CanCún with a heartache leaving traceable hints to be tracked down, presents to Rogelio with some reports, sales and representatives reports, budget, inventory and campaigns. Sounds impressive, so Rogelio slips and almost loses his cover telling her to be careful because some danger is pending over her head. The lawyer coughs and Rogelio stops but he has already said too much. One more mistake like that and the whole company will know that he is related to Uri Petrovsky in the dirty business area. That is not good.

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Qué Bonito Amor #77 (Mex 114) Wednesday 7/31/13 Wax On, Wax Off

                     El Lay prison – Michael's a bit disappointed to learn that Wendy's affection for him is only as surrogate father to her unborn baby.  Although she admires his work at the prison, she has to be honest with him – she doesn't love him. He's so in love with her that he's sure she will eventually learn to love him back.
                     Irasema urges Mancia to get an attorney or else Susie will surely end up in jail.  NOOOOO!!! Mancia comes to her senses and they rush out. 
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #76 (Mex 112-113) Tuesday 7/30/13 And they are back together again, but for how long?

My work situation is a bit crazy now, two out of four people are out on vacation and guess who has to pick up the slack? If you guessed 'Eli' you would be right, so this will just be a bullet list of things that happened in this episode, which was kind of a slow one!

*Jorge and Justo are in the vencidad, JA says that if Maria can't/wont forgive him he will return to El Lay and turn himself in. Justo tells him that maybe he should write Maria a letter telling her how he feels, JA thinks this a stupid idea but Justo says that he used to write letters to Altagracia and it worked for them, this makes JA change his mind and he writes a letter to his bonita.

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La Tempestad, Capitulo 2. Tuesday, July 30th, 2013. A Storm Is Coming!

Greetings Everyone! I'm Mauricio and I will be your recapper for Tuesday. This is my first recap for Caray Caray. I hope that I will do a good job. 

It turns out that Damian isn't just shirtless. He's actually naked. Damian asks Marina if she wants something. Marina asks him if he always receives his visitors naked. She calls him Mr. Fabre. It's Captain Fabre, he says. No, I don't receive my visitors naked. But you're the one who walked into my cabin without permission, says Damian. Marina asks Damian to put some clothes on. Damian seems to be enjoying exposing himself to Marina because he's laughing. He tells her that he will put some clothes on if she will kindly pass him his pants. Marina spots a pair of pants laying on the floor. She picks it up and hands it over to him. Marina still has her back turned while Damian puts on his pants. Haven't you ever seen a naked man before? asks Damian. I've seen many but that is none of your business, says Marina. It appeared that you hadn't judging from the look on your face. But like you said it's none of my business and to be honest I don't care, says Damian. 

At Esthercita's house, her parents are having a very bad morning. Delfina is in tears. Fulgencio tells her to stop the waterworks already. She isn't letting him think. But our only daughter is missing, says Delfina. Fulgencio thinks that it is a mother's obligation to keep an eye on her daughter. He doesn't understand how Delfina did not realize that Esthercita had not come home. Esthercita told me last night that she was feeling tired and that she would be heading home, explains Delfina. But in morning when I went into her room she was not there and her bed was still made. Delfina is sure that something terrible happened to her daughter. 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 7/30/13 (#101): Like Sands Through the Hourglass

Like sands through the hourglass. That's what it was like watching my recorder rescan all of the channels because Comcast, my esteemed and beneficent service provider, chose (in their infinitely mysterious wisdom) to reassign all the channel numbers sometime last night. By the time the rescan was complete AND I was able to find Univision (it's on 15-5 as of today, for the record), we were a good 40 to 45 minutes into the episode and I couldn't get the recorder going until it was just about done. But I'm gonna make the most of what little I saw and take a guess at the rest. The rest of you, please feel free to note what I missed, because I KNOW I missed plenty!

BONUS! See comments below from Tablet Jefa et al to fill in the missing pieces!

In Fernando's office, Xochi and Fernando console one another and bond tearfully over their bully-laden pasts.
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Corazon Indomable, #56, Tuesday, 07/30/13 Everybody gets ready for the kidnapping party and Teo 2.0 makes an appearance

 This felt like a set up for the next episode, so I decided to have some fun with it here and there...

The ranch – Lucia’s room
Lucia is in bed, she talks to Ofelia about her baby dying. It was a girl, she finds out. Esther comes in and tells her they buried the baby on the ranch, but Ofelia’s surprised look tells us that was not the case. Esther also adds that they’ll plant a rose bush where they buried the child. Lucia is crying, mourning her baby.
I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but Lucia had no belly, what was there to bury?

MC’s new office - Maricruz and Miguel talk about his employment at the Casino

Maricruz (confident and stiff): "Hello, Sir that I don’t know. What is your name? I need to add you to the list of employees for when we pay you your miserable wages."
Miguel (to himself): "Dios mio, she looks just like Maricruz! Or is it a ghost? Or a double?"
Maricruz: "What is your name, Sir? How old are you? Are you married?"
Miguel: "I’m Miguel Narvaez, I'm giving you my name because the pueblo police are surely not searching for me, even if I’m a fugitive. I’m 40 and I’m married to a lunatic, but I came here alone."
Maricruz: "You don’t look like the kind of guy who is used to doing a portero job. I bet you own a ranch that you had no clue how to manage. Do you have any references?"
Miguel: "I’ve never worked before (truth!)… for others."
Maricruz: "Are you a responsible person or a mediocre loser? Will you be able to humiliate yourself to add to your pay, to receive tips?"
Miguel: "The H*** I will. I won’t need them."
Maricruz: "Your salary is very low, you won’t be able to live with it. You’ll need to learn to adapt. Welcome to the Casino and now get lost! I need to think about my revenge."

Miguel leaves, Maricruz has another talk with Destiny, this time to let it know the revenge is beginning in 3, 2, 1…

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La Tempestad, Capitulo 1. Monday, July 29, 2013.

Opening scene:

Unknown maid is cleaning a room when suddenly she is attacked and violated.  Marina walks off the elevator and ears someone crying. She goes to investigate and finds the maid who tells her that has been raped.  Marina calls the front desk and asks them to call the police.  As they are waiting for the elevator, Mr. Conteras, the attacker, shows up and asks how he can help them.  Marina informs him that the maid will be pressing charges against him for rape.  He asks Marina if she knows who he is.  Marina tells him she doesn't give a crap. He committed a crime and that is all that matters.

Beatriz is watering her plants when she feels sick.  She asks God for more time, says Marina's name and faints.
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #75 (Mex 111) Monday 7/29/13

Capitulo 111: Las Cartas No Mienten

JNTR Club Room: Concho announces that sadly, there is no female singer this evening but for the special guests tonight he has two conquistadores, El Coloso and Mil Amores. One of the ladies flirts shamelessly with both of them and they launch into “El Rey.” Ana is not too pleased, thinking that Fernando is eating this up. Oscar flirts with the whole party, they look happy, and Lourdes looks pleased. Fernando sings his signature song and Siete Mares doesn't look pleased. He kisses the guest of honor after he's done.

Hospital: The two cops who stopped Jorge Alfredo during the storm come to the hospital with a Wanted poster looking for him. The nurse tells them she hasn't seen him and she just came on duty. They go past her into the corridor although she yells at them that they aren't allowed in the intensive care unit. She picks up the phone. The administrator stops them just as they are about to enter Maria's room where Jorge Alfredo is sitting with her. He tells them that they need a search or arrest warrant and they say they will return. Jorge Alfredo hears this as he leans on the wall near the door. Despite this he vows to stay with Maria, who lies asleep in the bed.
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PEAM #100 - 07/29/13 - Super Charged? or Super Silly?

Perhaps the Electricity We Hoped for with Jesús and Alma is seen here in the recent Albuquerque weather events!!

We look forward to the sweets that Alma has prepared for Jesús and the silliness to follow with Yuri,

Refrito: Pati does search about her dates and data of impregnation,
Elias and Vero argue, about the car, the child, the divorce, what else is new.

Pati and Cantú exchange fake pleasantries. Julio and Cardenas argue about his comportment regarding his BOSS Fernando resulting in the depressed Julio leaving in a huff of humiliation.  Jesica can't believe that the fight is over Xochi and not her! She questions, "Fernando, what does he see in the glassy eyed one??"

Alma and Valentina and Jesus arrive and Valentina calls her AMIGA she also compares Alma to the princess of Valentina's story with her Papi Jesús and when Rogelio arrives just in time to see Alma and Jesús kissing, Valentina calls him a gruñion (yep, you guessed it, GRUMPY) and Rogelio takes over the scene with his return to total power which no one can deny. Fernando and Xochi discuss and shyly flirt in his office.  All the new and old secretaries are in line to greet the returning Jefe.

In Fernando's office the brothers do a jumping, screaming silly routine.  All of a sudden, Rogelio gets serious and wonders why Jesus isn't dead yet. All he wants is HIS Alma back.
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Corazon Indomable #55, 7/29/2013: Let’s Get On With the Revenge and Kidnapping Already!

I was bored by this episode, so I’m keeping it really short. Scenes are not in order.

“It’s My Party and I’ll Invite Who I Want To”
Mari and Doris receive their invitations to the Ball...eerrr…Karim’s birthday party (aka, the kidnapping of Mari party). Mari reminisces with Juanita about the time in her life when she had few clothes, and her best dress was a (sometimes) white, shabby thing.  Apparently, both Mari and Doris need to find dresses more opulent than the ones they wear every night in the casino, so they head to the same boutique on the island to try on dresses and to make catty remarks at each other.

Doris can’t believe a “woman of the casino” like Maria Alejandra was invited to such an important event, at which the crème de la crème of Isla Dorada’s society will be in attendance. She shoots off her mouth to the shop attendant, saying that she will contact Karim and have him rescind Mari’s invitation. The attendant tells Mari, but she isn’t worried since she knows Karim is wrapped around her little finger.

Doris calls Tav and orders him to be her date for the party. He is hesitant because he doesn’t have a thing to wear. Because those tuxedoes he wears to the casino every week are just too casual for a birthday party. Our educated, landowner pilot also doesn’t seem to feel he’s up to the level of the other invited guests. I think the man protests too much, and just doesn’t want to spend an evening with Doris, her father, her brother, AND Karim. I’d be finding plenty of excuses not to join that sparkling crowd too. Maybe he should have told Doris he’s washing his (luxurious) hair that weekend.
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TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of July 29

We certainly have been busy with 238 comments last week!! Please note that Blogger only shows the first 200 comments. If we top 200 again, you need to click on Post a Comment and then above the comment box, you will see that there is a link to more comments (shown below). This worked in both Firefox (on a Mac) and IE but your browser might be different.

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #181 Sun 7/28/13 El Gran Final, Part III

* Lo refrito: you bastard, screams Kendra, no one will stop me! You bastard! Kill him, Espanto, kill him!

* Lo Nuevo: Dances with Sunglasses pulls his gun out and aims it at the witch. But Macaria Chávez is a very lucky ho, because Espanto saves her pretty butt by hitting Salsero’s head from behind. However, the gun fires and Kendho gets shot on her upper arm. While Salsa-Dude is lying on the floor unconsciously, the panicking duo is sneaking out of the flat through the service door. Outside they get into Espanto’s van. The Barbie doll can’t stop screaming and crying, she’s in pain. The members of Viewerville try to practice forgiveness and mercy, but they are having a hard time with it. YOU DESERVED IT, B****!
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #74 (Mex 110) Friday 7/26/13 A variety of baby-daddies have a variety of experiences

Que Bonito Amor, 7-26-13, Cap 109ish—A variety of baby-daddies have a variety of experiences

Hola everyone! I'm subbing for Jardinera this time. She'll return to her recapping duties as usual next week!

Amidst the tears and drama, some interesting stuff happened in this episode! Sorry it was longer than I anticipated. Some dense content was in this episode.

Here are some screencap previews to get us started:

An artfully-designed tri-screen shot, showing how miserable JAntos and Maria are.

Look at the expressions on these three. (Especially Mirna's!)

Caught in the rain.

Recap is finally done! Put a fork in it!

We start with JAntos going to the chapel to pray. (An aside, I keep on thinking they're playing Grieg in the background. Peer Gynt? It's something very familiar. And later, the choral music is Mozart's Requiem?  Someone please confirm this, because I'm too lazy to check my recordings . . .)
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Amores Verdaderos #181 Fri 7/26/13 El Gran Final, Part II

Amores Verdaderos—July 26, 2013, Cap. 181 — El Gran Final, Part II

Hola, Madeline and I (Elvira) are sharing duties on this recap. I do the first segment, she does the second.

Some screencaps to get us started!

Vikki and Big Angel welcome their little bebe into the world.

"That slut is calling." Sometimes these photo captions just write themselves!

Big Angel and the Little Ape overhear some very interesting stuff!
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CI: #54: Doris vs. Maria Alejandra (aka Superwoman): Let the Games Begin!

5 sentences: MA loves to thought speech about her supposed revenge. She has made a new enemy (Doris, who is determined to marry Tav) and has shut down the not so smooth advances from the Governor. Miguel is beginning to like the bottle way too much but seems much more in tune with the similarities between MC/MA than Tav/Ed. The hotties always talk about the same thing. Luciafer wants to be with Miguel and crazy Karim plans to kidnap MA!

The Long
We begin with MA reciting her vengeful thought speech for the hundredth time. She finds it odd that Miguel is on the Isla. But who cares…. she’s glad that he is now in her hands and she can begin her revenge for all the harm they did to her (She has been talking about this for like 30 episodes…. whatever this great plan is, it better be as good as she is hyping it up to be).

Tav & Co. on the other hand are handling the very tipsy Miguel. He swears that MC and MA are identical  (you don’t say…maybe alcohol makes him smarter) but the boys tell him no and try to get him to go back home. Ed being the best wingman ever says that he will take care of Tav’s drunkard bro while he returns to his date with Doris. Ed adds, that when Tav becomes her novio there will all sorts of perks that Tav will be able to return the favor.

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PEAM #99-7/26/13: Is This Love That I'm Feeling, Is This Love That I've Been Searching For?


Hola PEAM Peeps! This recap will not be in order and some scenes have been combined for a better flowing recap.

We got a lot of refrito last night, you know the Vero/Rogue planning, Chucho and Alma talking about Rogue and how Chucho isn't buying what Rogue is selling, Chatita in her best fighting stance, telling Panfilo since he is the AARP babe magnet (Thanks TJ) he has to make a choice, it's either her or Susanna, make a pick already Dude! Also the Cantu cutting off Rogue's monitoring device and Alma telling Chucho about her Snappy Pappy running off to the States and the Patymelt betrayal and then smoochies! The only one working at Avon is Cardenas (Cardy). Oh, and after Chatita makes that demand of Panfilo, she loses her train of thought then kinda remembers and tells Panfilo to make that decsion and she goes.

The Elevator Klatch:
Ivonne is at least kinda, sorta working, when two of her friends come by. Ivonne it seems is no longer performing for the desiring public, nah, for the public and she is only performing for one person, Ya don't say! Here comes Cardy and the two other sillies and Julio isn't happy and neither is Ricardo when he sees Elias come off the elevator about two seconds later. Cardy gives Ivonne what for, Ricardo follows Elias, and Julio goes his way, past Xochi and he totally ignores her. Ricardo has followed Elias, who stops by to see Mari, who asks after Val and gives Elias a hug, they get interrrupted by Ricardo, who wants a word with Elias, and Mari freaks, with me so far? Elias and Ricardo go off and Ricardo wants to know if Elias is into Mari? Of course he is, well Ricardo isn't happy and says well we'll fight for her and may the best man win, hmmmmm........ Elias goes. Cardy wants to talk to Alma and Ferny wants to talk to Encanto so Cardy goes to see Alma and Chucho goes to Ferny' s office.

Office Talk:
Cardy talks to Alma about Julio and Xochi being on the outs and Begonia leaving Don Gil, who is all alone, pobrecito! Ferny is a mite confused. He wants to be a friend to Chucho, sorta like Elias is with Chucho. Well Ferny has something he is dying to tell Chucho, so tell it Ferny! Seems he kissed a girl and he liked it, well he kissed Xochi! Que, Que What from Chucho! Chucho wants to know if Ferny knows the difference between 'Tasha and Xochi, of course Ferny does. Well then there isn't anything wrong with that from Chucho as long as Ferny realizes that 'Tasha is Xochi! Later, Chucho wants to surprise Chatita with something and Alma will help him, as she always does. Chucho and Alma also talk about the position at Orion that Augusto talked to Chucho about. Alma and Chucho leave Avon to take care of that surprise. After that little confrontation with Ricardo, Elias comes by to talk to Mari about that Avon DVD and he tells Mari what happened with Ricardo and that yes, Elias is into Mari. She is sooooo happy, which begs the question, what time is it? Time for Rico Suave (Ricardo) to find someone else!
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