Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon, #55, 10.21.2017 Beni and Lu are no more, and Two traitors are uncovered

Please forgive the short recap. I was busy watching the World Series.

Repeated scene:
Sofia hears banging on wall, and scoots over and bangs wall with her feet. She thinks that this is all her fault and asks Ramon to forgive her.

New scenes:
Juana is serving Julio, Julia tells her to stop and just come sit with him. She can’t because she is worried about what Ramon did to Fabi. “Well you will have to get used to it, because Ramon didn’t think twice before hurting you and Fabi”. Juana tells him that Ramon is her son, and she can't help but feel bad.Julio tells her to stop feeling so bad because it hurts him to see her so bad (I am rolling my eyes at this time). He goes to hug her and tells her she makes him the happiest man alive, and then HE rolls his eyes (Juana does not notice)
Fabi is crying on the couch feeling sorry for herself. Maggie tries to console her, but there is no consoling her. Antonio gets there and tries his part.
Luisa is feeling sorry for having hurt Benito; he calls her and apologizes because Adalgisa told him to. Well since Adalgisa is so important for you go with her. (Here we go again)
Antonio continues to try to help her, and tries to convince her to go back to the shop. She does not want to because it reminds her of Ramon. She feels bad that she turned her back on her family for Ramon.
At casino Julio and Emilia run into each other. They go gamble.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #50, 10/31/2017: A Secret Revealed Gives Rise to Many Doubts

Eugenio tells RobPablo that the important thing is that he and Julieta are well. Imelda comments that now Eugenio knows why they were crying, it was heart wrenching knowing what happened. Mari interjects that it is very difficult, but they will get through it…at any moment, Julieta will get pregnant again. As RobPablo thinks about what the doctor said and cries, Blanca wonders if there is anything else he needs to tell them, but he just shakes his head.
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 10/30/17 Capítulo 49: The Snake in the Grass Emerges

Even though Blanca tells Imelda about the miscarriage, neither she or Imelda tell a puzzled Eugenio who wants to know why the two of them are sobbing. They blame a telenovela they were watching. Eugenio does not believe them but they have nothing more to say.

Julieta continues mourning the loss of her baby in the nursery remembering what she wrote to her unborn child.

Xavi and his manager are negotiating his appearance at Begoña's restaurant with Begoña. She leaves. Remembering Marisol's advice, Xavi asks his manager how much he will be making for his appearance. His manager turns it back on him asking him if he knows how much it costs to launch a career like his. Xavi wonders if it is worth it starting in a place like the restaurant. The manager makes it clear that if they are going to work together he has to have Xavi's full confidence. He does not want him questioning his decisions. Begoña returns with Ignacio, Marisol's ex.  Begoña tells them that Ignacio will take care of everything for them.
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Monday, October 30, 2017

Caer en Tentación #11, 10/30/17 Lunes: Truth and Innuendo

Chapter 11: Truth and Innuendo

Carolina shoved Damián off herself and tried to calm down. Damián quickly dressed as Carolina picked up her purse and left through the french doors near the stairs, where Santiago was peering in. She gave him the excuse that she had been resting. They walked outside as she explained she was nervous about the new business and needed to think. Santiago was a little confused and easily led to his pick-up truck as Carolina said she needed some fresh air. Damián watched carefully from the window. She glanced over in his direction to make sure he wasn't exiting through the same door.
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Enamorándome de Ramón, #54, 10/30/2017: Everybody Disses Ramón…Except Sofía

<-Rewind to Friday’s ending: Emilia is at home talking to Ossie on the phone as she walks to another room quietly. She tells him she doesn’t want to sound paranoid, but they need to be more careful. Behind her, Susana follows like a little mouse trying to hear her mother’s conversation.
Fabi asks Juana not to feel guilty; she never knew who Ramón was. Juana replies that it hurts her to say she didn’t know him either. Juana knows that nothing she can say, can erase Fabi’s pain, but she can say that she loves her with all her soul. What her son did is as if he were doing it to her. As Fabi sinks into Juana’s comforting arms, Fabi thinks that if she had listened to everyone, this wouldn’t have happened, but Julio tells her not to blame happened; she needs to forget and go on with her life. Juana asks her Fabi to return home, but Fabi feels it would be like taking a step backward; she has to come out of this on her own, though Juana asks her to ask for help whenever she needs her. Fabi agrees and appreciates their support and everything they have done. As Juana gets up to leave, Fabi stops her and tells Juana she will move forward. Juana encourages her by saying that she is sure she will; Juana knows she can.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos & más: Week of October 30, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente (last day is Monday, Oct. 30)**
• 10:30AM-12PM—Santa Diabla (starting Tuesday, Oct. 31)**
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

** Santa Diabla replaces Corazón Valiente on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Santa Diabla, first shown in 2013, has an impressive cast headed by Carlos Ponce, Gaby Espino, and Aarón Diaz. If you haven't seen this novela before, I suggest that you NOT read the Wikipedia synopsis.  It contains far too many spoilers.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #10, 10.27.17: To DNA or not to DNA

Repeated Scene:
Present time
Santi asks Raquel to please allow a DNA test of Damian to see if the baby that Carolina was expecting was his. Raquel resists, and Santi says don’t you want to know if the child was Damian’s.
At the same time Miriam arrives at the house and Cynthia tries to intercept her but she runs up to Raquel’s bedroom and finds Santi holding Raquel’s hand. She goes into a tirade and chides Raquel for bringing her “lover” to Damian’s bedroom. Raquel tells her what the hell you are doing in my bedroom get out of here. Santi tries to explain that Miriam is not hearing it she has made up in her mind that they are lovers and that’s that.

New scene:
Miriam runs out of the bedroom, Raquel chases her and tells her that she is confused. “I am not confused, I have always thought you were not good enough for my son, and I have just confirmed it.” You will end up with nothing is Miriam’s last words and she leaves Santi comes down and tells Raquel to not pay any attention to Miriam because she is full of hate. Raquel tells Santi to please leave, and do what he needs to do. He obliges and leaves.
At the TV station Laura’s boss asks her if she has anything new. She tells him that Carolina was pregnant; her boss says that’s not enough, he needs something bigger. An interview with Santiago Alvarado would be great, well Laura says she is working on it. She walks over to her desk and finds Patricia who is going to be telling her something, Laura asks if it’s ok to record her. Patricia says yes.
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Enamorándome de Ramon, capítulo 53, Friday, October 27, 2017: Juana accepts Julio’s marriage proposal and Fabiola thinks she just got dumped

We left off yesterday with Julio’s marriage proposal and Juana kissing him passionately. He tells her he wants to be with her always at her side. She accepts his marriage proposal. He say, “You are making me the happiest man on earth.” Juana says, “And nothing about this is going to be hidden. We are going to tell the whole family, including your mother. And if they don’t like it, then that is their problem.” (So why didn’t she have this attitude with Fabi and Ramón?) Julio responds, “Very well then, whatever you like. But don’t you think we should wait so I can talk to Ramón and ask him for your hand in marriage first?” Juana says, “No, I don’t think so. You can tell your children and I will talk with Ramon. I will also talk with Andrea and Fabiola.” Julio says, “Do you think Ramón and Fabiola will speak to you?” Juana says, “No, probably not, but I still need to try to speak with them so I can discuss this situation with them.” Then Julio thinks to himself, “If only Fabiola doesn’t ask you for money and then you give it to her.” Of course Juana can’t read his mind, but she says, “And you need to do the same.”
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Mi marido tiene familia Friday 10/27/17 Capítulo 48: Mourning What Might Have Been

Evening at the hospital is where the story picks up. Robert reminds the doctor he will tell Julieta about her condition when he thinks the time is right. Robert tells Luz that Julieta is in recovery and Luz tells him that Catalina is in the waiting room.

Linda meets with Bruno just like in her daydream. He is seated on a park bench with five red shopping bags. He confronts her by saying that she really knows how to take advantage of gifts as he looks at her shoes. She goes to take them off but he doesn't want them. He also doesn't need all of the clothing she gave him so he is returning it. He places the shopping bags in front of her. If she doesn't take them, somebody else will. Linda asks if he does not know that he is hurting her feelings. He says he is not thinking of her feelings. Bruno then asks if she ever thought of the feelings of all the guys that she deceived and left behind. From the very beginning, he knew she was a hypocrite and a user. That was why he went out with her. Does she remember Cornelio? He was the guy who bought her a very expensive handbag. Well, he is his best friend and that is why he decided to take revenge on her and gave her a lesson. She didn't care how all of those guys felt. For her information, Cornelio cried every night about her while she was out with that handbag laughing at him. Cornelio is still paying for that handbag for a total of 48 months with interest on top of it. Linda wants to know who he thinks he is to give her "life lessons". He answers that now she is feeling just what all of those guys were feeling because of her. He is just showing her that she does not have the right to make fun out of anybody. Linda slaps him. Bruno suggests that rather than slapping him, she should think about what she did. He gets up and leaves. Linda is left crying with the five red shopping bags.
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Friday, October 27, 2017

Caer en Tentación #9, 10/26/17: 2 Dead and Buried; 1 Resuscitated; What’s Next?

Epoca Actual - Santi is distraught,  having identified the body as Carolina and having had to watch them take her away in an ambulance. Antonio tells Santi to go home and tell his children. Laura observes from a short distance away as Nando is told to make sure Santi gets home unmolested by the press.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, there is chaos as Miriam tries to revive her son by screaming and carrying on. Luckily for her, they manage to bring Dam back to life and stabilize him. Andrés arrives and comforts Miriam.
At Raquel’s house, the four kids are waiting for any news from Santi. Raq gets a phone call, but it’s not Santi. Instead she learns of Dam’s cardiac arrest. She must go to the hospital so she arranges for Lola and Nico to take a cab home and someone will drop Benji off at daycare. Mia gives Fede the evil eye and asks if now he’s content. He responds in kind and Raq interrupts before the argument can escalate.
The medical examiner unzips the bag with Carolina’s remain while simultaneously Raq, Mia and Fede arrive at the hospital in a very agitated state. Lola and Nico are now home and wondering what might have happened to their father, to their mother. Nico thinks the worst. Lola tells him to stop, he’s only making her feel more guilty, but won’t say why.
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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #47, 10/26/2017: A Child Lost

Imelda and Blanca regret that the Jamaica water spilled on the invitations and assure Juls they didn’t want that to happen. Juls puts the invitations back in the box because now that they have Jamaica water on them, they are no good. She will see what she can do with them. Blanca doesn’t want Juls to think she did it on purpose. Imelda and Blanca offer to have some “better” ones made, but Julieta makes it clear that those are the ones she and Robert liked. Juls tells them not to worry; she has to rush to deliver them. As Juls leaves, Blanca stops her and tells her she didn’t mean what she said. She has a lot of anger and let it out the wrong way. She continues that she did want another type of woman for RobPablo; Juls is so modern and impulsive. Blanca realizes she is being insensitive again, but emphasizes that little by little she has grown to know and appreciate Juls. When Julieta flinches; Blanca asks if she feels sick. Juls says no and it has been a bad day. Blanca thinks about how things have not turned out the way Juls thought, but Juls say some things are good and they have to live with the rest. After Juls leaves, Blanca goes back in and tells Imelda that’s what there is and Imelda tells her that’s what she said when Eugenio wanted to marry her.
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Enamorandome de Ramon #52 10.26.17: Missing Persons & Marriage Proposals

Sofia kisses Ramon, to prove that their love is still alive, as Rulo takes pictures from afar. Ramon tries to fight her off, but he’s stuck between her lips and a tree.

Juana welcomes Pedro into the apartment though she’s surprised to see him there. He came to invite her on an outing, but Juana would prefer to give him an answer to his proposal right now. Her answer is no; she esteems him and cares for him, but her answer is no.

Ramon pushes Sofia off him and tells her that he loves someone else and it’s not here. Sofia begs him to take her back as no one will love him like her, but Ramon reminds her that he believed her words once, at the risk of his life, and she played with him. Sofia reminds him that she had her reasons for what she did, and threatens to scream until Fabiola comes out, but Ramon doesn’t care, as Fabiola left to get ready for their wedding. Sofia is shocked.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Oct 23, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week (Thursday and Friday schedule only).  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

AM shows

10:30-12 Corazón Valiente
12-2 Por Siempre

10:30-12 Corazón Valiente
12-1 Por Siempre
1-2 Latin American Music Awards

PM shows (all preempted on Thursday for Music Awards programming)

8-9 Jenni Rivera
9-10 Sin Senos
10-11 El Señor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer en Tentacion #8, 10/25/17: The Body

Guys I'm super tired cause it's been a long day, so tonights recap will be short, please feel free to add anything I might have missed.

We start the episode where we left off last night, a body has been found and Antonio wants this information to be kept from the press, unfortunately for him his lead detective is married to a journalist who is looking for the story that will get her career back on track and somehow she's learned of the new discovery and has shown up at the scene with her camera people. Antonio barks at Fernando to get the situation under control but it seems to be a little to late for that. I have a suggestion! Antonio should take Fernando off the case, surely he has other detectives on staff who aren't married to a rabid member of the press. But does he? Nooooo. And let me add that I wish the writers had made Laura a mute instead of giving her a limp. I can't stand her!
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Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 10/25/17 Capítulo 46: One Step Forward ??? Steps Back

A little bit of this and a little bit of that . . .

The manager (who I thought was a music producer) decides to take Xavi on and help him reignite his music career. Xavi goes to tell Marisol and to thank her for her support. What Xavi does not know is that the manager is only agreeing to work with Xavi as revenge. It seems that when Xavi was famous he treated him shabbily because he was young and inexperienced. He wanted to represent him back then and Xavi ignored him and looked down on him. The manager has not forgotten the slight. It is payback time. He will be the last one laughing.

Robert is making breakfast and is upset that Dave is leaving the foundation. It is bringing up his own past. Julieta is there for him. Robert really has grown fond of Dave and wants him to have a good life. All he needs now is a hug from Julieta.
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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #51 10.25.17: Stolen Kisses & Stalker Tendencies

Dalia confirms that Sofia was the girlfriend Ramon had in Tijuana and they agree to meet at a café tomorrow so Dalia can tell her where Ramon is. Sofia hangs up and smiles, excited to finally find Ramon.

The next day, outside the building, Benito brings Luisa some tamales and she accepts. Luisa is slightly confused so Benito explains that he knows she has never cheated and Luisa nods. He then then offers to wait for the bus with her and she accepts.

Andrea tries to run off, without talking to Juana, but Juana catches her and asks if she is avoiding her because of what she thinks is going on between her and Julio. Andrea doesn’t answer, and Juana explains that she spoke to Julio yesterday and made it clear there is nothing between them. Andrea barely acknowledges her explanation and leaves in a huff.

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Caer En Tentacion #7, 10/24/17: Time To Pluck What's Planted

This will be short highlights but anybody who wants to add more, I will gladly add into the post with due credit today.  Thanks!

Damian tells Carolina does want this relationship but won't dare to enjoy;  "--When will you stop being afraid?"  She tells him to take her home.

Mia doesn't want to be lectured.  Raquel says fine.  I've got your back.

Lola arrives home and is accosted by Andres.  He makes it plain he wants what he wants--what he's prepaid for...."--Told you before I'm not sleeping with you, so get lost!" Suddenly, Gym Teacher rides in for the rescue.  Andres and he have a pissin' contest.  Andres threatens to use his powerful family name to put G.T. in his place then leaves.  Lola is confused by Prof's presence--but not for long.  Stalking Pervy Prof confesses he's fallen in love with Lola despite her being a minor.  He will have her six, he says.

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Enamorandome de Ramon #50, October 24, 2017: Break-ups, make-ups and a whole lot of shake-ups

Previous Scene:

Ramon is out looking for a “Home Depot” that closes late, he needs to buy the fuses for his house. Sofia happens to be across the street and sees him.

 New scene:

Sofia yells out to Ramon and chases his car but Ramon leaves without noticing her. Sofia is a sharp cookie and knowing she can’t outrun the car does the next best things and memorizes the license plate number. 

Lucho calls Ramon to let him know that his last check is ready. Dalia asked him to call Ramon. Ramon tells him he will go pick up check tomorrow.

Sofia runs to her apartment and writes down the license plate number, and tells herself that with that information she will find Ramon. (maybe, maybe not)
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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia # 45, 10.24.2017: Hell on Training Wheels

Credit to Diana for inspiring the title

Previously (courtesy of Jarifa): Blanca doesn't feel valued or when she is not consulted for certain decisions. Nobody asks what she would like to do. She also has desires. Julieta asks how many. Blanca says a lot but they are all pretty simple. Blanca would like to be more independent and, for example, learn how to drive. On the spot, Julieta decides that she is going to teach Blanca how to drive. They drop the laundry until later and Blanca has her first driving lesson. Julieta calls Luz to make sure everything is in order, so Luz tells her to have a good time with her mother-in -law. Julieta can’t believe these women were brought up in such a way. She confides to Luz that what’s strange to her is that she feels like she is starting to love Blanca.
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 10/23/17 Capítulo 44: Julieta's Nightmare

A little news: "Mi marido" just ended in Mexico with a total of 100 episodes and a two hour gran final just as planned. Yay! No extensions! Yay! :)

Now on to tonight's episode. . .

A bad memory for Julieta: Catalina lectures Julieta on what she views as the realities of life as a woman. No matter what Julieta does it will never be enough. Julieta does not agree. She thinks a woman can be an excellent worker, an excellent, wife and an excellent mother. Catalina reminds her there is a great distance in between what she thinks about life and what life really is. If she gets married someday, she will have the fear of losing her husband like Catalina lost hers and the fear of being a mother and not knowing how to do that well. That fear will make her ugly and old.

In the following scene, we see Julieta in her office counteracting the bad memory with writing to her unborn child of her new fears and how she is ready to face them and be the best mother for her/him.

Daphne and Robert talk again at the hospital. She really does not want Robert to see her as a problem. He mentions that he has good memories of her and he hopes she behaves because he would not like to have to put space between them. He wants her to understand that. She just was feeling differently than he but now she understands. Daphne wants to know why he didn't tell Julieta that she was working there at the hospital. He didn't feel it was important. How did she know he didn't tell Julieta? Julieta let it drop when Daphne ran into her. Maybe Julieta is just a little jealous. Robert agrees just maybe the tiniest bit.
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Monday, October 23, 2017

Caer en Tentación #6, 10/23/17 Lunes: You Can't Handle the Truth

Chapter 6: You Can't Handle the Truth

Raquel slipped under the surface and was staying there, as if trying to drown herself. Jovita was outside in the hall calling her name. Maternal instinct won in her and she entered the bathroom to find Raquel at the bottom of the tub. She pulled her up and embraced her as though she were a child. Raquel began to cry.
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Enamorándome de Ramón #49, 10.23.2017: Decisions, Decisions: The Big Bad Wolf or the Old Coot

Previously: Ramón listens to Sofia’s radio message and hears his name. He knows it’s really her and wonders what she wants.
Ada arrives at Benito’s work. She got out early from work and figured she’d go give him some classes in English so he can understand his mom. Luisa sees her and wonders why she’s there. When Benito tells her she will be giving him classes, Luisa thinks Ada is so obliging. As she leaves them to their classes, Luisa tells Changuito to apply himself—the faster he learns, the better. Ada smirks and questions “Changuito,” so Benito explains it’s their pet name for each other. She thinks it’s cute.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Oct 23, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas. Between World Cup and the Music Awards, they are playing fast & loose with the schedule this week, so listen up  (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

AM shows
10:30-11:30 Corazón Valiente
11:30-1:30 Por Siempre

Tues & Thurs
10:30-12 Corazón Valiente
12-2 Por Siempre

10-12:30 World Cup
12:30-3 Un Nuevo Dia

10:30-12 Corazón Valiente
12-1 Por Siempre
1-2 Latin American Music Awards

PM shows
M,T,W & F; (Thursday shows pre-empted for Music Awards programming)
8-9 Jenni Rivera
9-10 Sin Senos
10-11 El Señor

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #5, 10/20/17: Raquel's Wounds appear to be Self-inflicted

Hello Patio, It is a pleasure to begin recapping this TN. This first week has been quite intense, with many twists and turns. I am looking forward to the many mysteries, surprises and revelations coming our way. So let's sit back and enjoy.
Three years ago
Carolina runs to Lola takes shoes away and chides her for touching her things. Lola had just gone to get a sweater when she saw the shoes. Carolina immediately makes up a story that she bought them from a friend and is making payments on the “imitation” shoes. Lola says those are not imitation. Santi gets upset and says that they can’t afford to be buying things like that, and leaves. Carol tells Lola to please not say anything more. Lola says that those shoes are very expensive. Carol pleads with her to let things be and not to say anything more to her father because he starts telling her not to spend money, etc. etc.
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Mi marido tiene familia Friday 10/20/17 Capítulo 43: I Want to Live My Life!

Julieta continues looking at wedding dresses and seems to be having fun.

Bruno is eating breakfast looking at a pathetic selfie of Linda in her hospital bed and reading her pathetic text full of self pity. He talks to an excited Cornelio who is at the hospital to see Linda. Bruno does not look happy. Cornelio arrives at Linda's room with a balloon. Linda is not pleased since she was hoping it was Bruno. Now all she wants is Cornelio and his balloon gone. As a matter of fact, she takes it upon herself to burst the balloon. Blanca scolds her. Cornelio gets the message and leaves. Daniela reminds Linda that she is treating Cornelio the same way she complains that they treat her. Linda whines that nobody understands her. Eugenio sees Cornelio and thinks he the guy that has broken his daughter's heart and lets him have it. He threatens to cut off his hair. He takes off his belt to hit him but Cornelio is too fast and flees the hospital.

Robert calls Daphne out on her behavior at the dinner and how she treated Julieta. She is all grown up now and needs to act like an adult. He is going to marry Julieta. He has the best memories of their friendship in the USA. Daphne asks if he realizes he is breaking her heart. He continues saying that he values their friendship but if it affects his relationship with Juieta in any way, he will have to distance himself from her.
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Friday, October 20, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #48, 10.20,2017: Troubles and Traps for a Traitor / A (Radio) Blast from the Past

From Yesterday: Juana is in La-La Land having her nightmare. She opens the door to find Count Droolio (Julio) who chases after her and puckers his lips for a big, fat, juicy, blood-sucking kiss. Juana dashes down the stairs to find that Count Droolio has whizzed himself to trap her and tells her he doesn’t want to be away from her. He puckers his lips again as he grabs her, then plants a big one on her. She screams and runs away…Juana wakes up flustered (at a dream that has brought forth her hidden desires).
Next Morning—
Luisa arrives at work and passes quickly by Benito’s station. After he whistles at her, she stops and asks why he didn’t show up to work yesterday. He replies that he was planning to come, but he found his mother with eyes wide open and incoherent. Fredes is fine, but she has forgotten how to speak Spanish and only speaks in English; so he has to count on Ada to interpret. Luisa is not happy that now Benito will have to spend so much time with his cousin, but Benito insists it’s the only way he can communicate with his mother. Luisa doesn’t buy it and tells him they won’t be able to be together.
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Caer En Tentacion #4, 10/19/17: The Red Shoe Diaries #2017

Dear Red Shoes.....

Parte 1~~

At the hospital, Mia races out of Damian's hospital room yelling and screaming to her mama and grandma that he's awake!  Unfortunately, the neurologist must explain it was a reflex action, nothing more. (Talk about yelling loud enough to wake the living dead-- oh well, since nothing else seems to.)

At the police station Santiago comes face to face with "Carolina" and disgusted, tells Antonio this isn't his wife at all.  Tonio tells him he should have stayed home and let them handle this.  Of course they learned she was a prostitute who decided to get her fifteen minutes of fame by claiming she was Caro.  Go figure... And, therefore, Goody Godoy must call his wife to clarify this woman was not Carolina Rivas.  Laura does a retraction and rebuilds the public's expectation level once again.....

Andres continues pawing Cintia, attempting to take her by force if not willingly.  She wants information and so does he.  This is the making of the [no big] deal and they both end up losers.  Andres can't get no satisfaction (I believe) and Sin can't get no real scoop de poop.  (Bummer.  I guess Sintia is a little beyond her pubescent use-by date.)  He gets off her and threatens her that the Sin and Sissy better start looking for work, cuz  he's going to make certain she and Raq hit the skids and hard.

Nico tells Lola that he heard it wasn't the first time their mama and Dam drove around together. Once in the middle of the night he got a call from his mother and he was sure they were together.  Lola blames him for keeping things in the dark when they could've intervened and prevented this thing from happening.  He refuses to take the blame.  Federico knocks on their front door just then, asking if their mama really showed up.

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia # 42,Thursday, October 19, 2017: The First Squall from Hurricane Daphne

At Cat DQ’s house, CatDQ asks a vendor for a discount since she is a good client, When the vendor points out it’s only 10 pesos that she would be saving, CatDQ concedes and complains it smells as camphor, but she does want the lady to remove the label…so it appears homemade.

Juls is at work on the phone with RobPablo and agrees to accompany him for dinner with Daphne. She suggests the restaurant where Daniela works. After she hangs up, CatDQ arrives and shouts out for her. Juls says it’s good to see her, though CatDQ questions if she really is glad since she didn’t want to know anything about her or her brothers. Juls frowns and assures her that she does want to be a part of their lives; she wants the fighting to end. CatDQ doesn’t want to fight either and gives her the cream she “made” and used when she was pregnant. She emphasizes she had to get the ingredients from all over…but it’s good for the skin. Afterwards she invites Juls to go see them; she doesn’t want her to distance herself from the family.
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Enamorandome de Ramon #47 10.19.17: Lovers Lost & Lovers Found

Sofia chides herself for not telling Ramon the truth, especially as she has no idea how to locate him. However, just as she’s down in the dumps, she sees an ad for an airline and decides to buy a ticket for Mexico City.

Benito calls Adalgiza, who has just woken up, to ask her how she’s doing. Adalgiza is good but has no idea what happened. Benito explains that he is giving his mother pills in secret and she drank them by mistake. Adalgiza didn’t know Fredesvinda was sick and Benito explains that she is suffering from dissociation as she doesn’t hear him whenever he talks about Luisa and how much he loves her. Adalgiza is shocked to hear about Luisa and curses her luck but saves herself by saying she’s worried about Fredesvinda. Benito then reveals that Jean Claude is a psychologist, not a friend, and asks her to help him give his mother the pills. Adalgiza, half-heartedly, agrees.

Osvaldo meets with his partner in the test selling scheme. His partner asks if his clients know who he is and have his contact information. Osvaldo nods and his partner worries that the university authorities will use that against him. He then warns Osvaldo to never mention his name or else. Osvaldo nods.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos, & más: Week of October 16, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente**
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre**
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

** According to Zap2It, next Monday, October 23, Corazón Valiente will run from 10-11AM and Por Siempre from 11AM-1PM.  Since the new Telemundo page won't appear until 3PM, I thought I would mention this change now.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer en Tentacion #3, 10/18/17: Where in the world is Carolina Rivas?

Hi all! CET was shown at an earlier time on both the East and the West Coast last night, and it seems like the same will be happening tonight, if you miss the episodes you can catch them on-line,

Damian: the man who kind of deserves to be in a coma is still deep in a coma in the ICU.

Three years before, Carolina goes to visit Damian at his office. She's there because Santiago wants an advance for the job they are doing and Damian agrees to give her a check. Damian continues to cross the line and tells her that he was thinking about her and as proof he presents her with a gift; a cook book in which he has written a small dedication which reads " so that you can continue to spread your magic for many years to come"- then he offers to give her a lift back to his house so she can give Santiago the check.

On the ride back to his house Damian tells Carolina that he wishes they were going on a trip, "the four of us?" asks Carolina, "no, just you and me" replies the cheater in the making. "No the only way I could ever go on a trip with you is if Santiago and Raquel came with us" says Carolina, "that would be enough for me" says Damian as he looks at her and smiles, he's so into her that he fails to notice

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Caer en Tentacion #2, 10/17/17: Looking for Answers and Someone or Something to Blame

Hi all.  I got to see the capitulo and then write.  I get home too late to watch generally the night of. The recap will be up ASAP...  --edit.  P.S. FYI, On Demand hasn't listed this tn yet.  It may take a week if the past is any bit of the predictable.

Fernando is spitting in the wind trying to tell cuckolded Santiago everyone has got to do their part through this.  Nando has been here before and tries reasoning with his apparent bud that Santi’s got to give him room (to effing breathe) while they do their search and discovery, and Santi’s got to give them that space.  Santiago NEEDS answers, but is grateful.  Nando will do his part which, as he reminds Macho-Man-turned-Maniac, is being done as a favor to the Chief. They are not shirking their responsibility in any way. Yeah, they in fact have been doing their job and they found Carolina’s cell phone--but unfortunately they cannot tell Mr. Raging Bull where it was found.

Nando gets a phone call from his wife as a possible reprieve, but no, it’s another harangue.  Hmm.  Well, she taunts, think about the investigation her lover, the accident—yes, it’s all intertwined.  Think about all of it and maybe you can manage to learn from this investigation what prompted Caro Rivas to leave her husband like this and the reason you cheated on me!  Click.

Lola says there’s got to be a reason Mama didn’t get in touch with them before. Santi advises Mama couldn’t face them with what she did.  Nando told him Uncle Vicente (?) told him that she never showed.  In fact all the times she used Unkie as an excuse she wasn’t there.  He hasn’t seen in in nearly 2 years!!  Uncle’s a drunk who they shouldn’t believe, counters Lola.  “—Get in the car!”  Just then Raquel comes running out and asks for a lift.  She’s got to get away from there and fast.  Santi obliges.

Mama Miriam, comes out with Sr. Abogado and the two watch Raq driving off with Santi and “that family of trampy low-lives!” [muertos de hambre]  “--Ha! I always suspected my daughter-in-law was disloyal to my son!  And after that little number back in there, I have the proof.   My son and Caro are doing this probably out of revenge and those two are the ones having the affair!”  El Sr. Abo-gato doesn’t disagree….exactly.

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Enamorandome de Ramon #46, Tuesday 10.17.17: Job Search continues, as does the Search for Ramon

Repeated Scene:

Ramon goes to an auto shop looking for work and as the receptionist goes looking for her boss; Ramon sees the news about Sofia’s father and “boyfriend being arrested. Ramon looks afflicted.

New scene:

Receptionist returns and tells Ramon that her boss will see him about the job shortly.

Antonio picks up Diego from School, Diego asks about Roxy wants to know how she is doing; Antonio tells him she needs to be in bed a few more days. Diego guesses it’s because of his baby brother/sister, and is excited about it. Antonio tells him that he will be staying with them for a little while until Roxy feels better at this news Diego gets very happy and hugs Antonio and tells him he loves him very much.

Ramon back at the shop is talking to the owner. Owner says he needs to see his mechanic’s certification and wants a couple of reference letters. Ramon looks concerned.

At Roxy’s house Diego and Antonio are making sandwiches. Roxy yells for Antonio to come help her go to the bathroom.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #41, Tuesday, October 17, 2017: Little Sisters Grow Up

Previously: Ana reads her coupon that excuses her from any error she has committed regardless of the harm it may have caused. Ana sheds a tear after Rob asks her what error she wants forgiven; and Blanca wonders why. Ana hopes she never commits any error, so Rob won’t have anything to forgive, but Rob keeps looking at Ana wondering what it is that she is hiding. Blanca doesn’t think Ana has anything to be forgiven for since she has always been at their side, supporting them (seeing how they suffer) at every moment. Polita adds that ever since RobPablo got lost, Ana has always been there like a guardian angel (with horns and a tail). RobPablo then suggests that she may use her coupon sometime in the future…in case she ever does something that upsets him. Afterwards, RobPablo gives out the only remaining coupon...Imelda who wins a day out with the entire family. As he sees Ana leaving, RobPablo wonders if all is ok. She says everything is fine…she just has something to go do at home and leaves. Juls approaches RobPablo and notes that, each day, Ana is even stranger.
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Enamorándome de Ramon #45, Monday October 16, 2017; Fabiola Moves in with Ramón and Suffers the Consequences

We left off on Friday with Ramón and Fabiola discussing their next move and Ramón saying that they need to discuss this with his mother as well as everyone else.

At Julio Medina’s place, Horrortensia rings the doorbell. Jorge answers the door and she rushes in, holding her head. “Well I just found out about Fabiola going to live with ‘the mechanic’”. Julio says, “What? I just heard that they were going to get married.” Hor says, “No she went to go live with him. We have to do something to stop them before she ends up pregnant with a kid. We have to drag her back home!” Margarita says, “That’s not possible. Fabiola is already of age and we can’t make her do anything.” At this point Hor starts to get another one of her sick, splitting headaches and escorts her home. Margarita and Julio decide to go see what happened.
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Mi marido tiene familia Monday 10/16/17 Capítulo 40: Ana's Emerging Truth

Julieta finds Linda eating on the bed in the guest room during her "break." She yells at Linda for getting spots all over everything and takes her chips away. Linda thinks that Julieta has a double personality. She is all "linda" (lovely) and in love with Juan Pablo but just beastly with her. Julieta reminds her that she is in her own house so she doesn't have to be "linda" (lovely). Furthermore, Linda is the one who just moved herself in and is only there because Julieta loves her brother. Linda concludes that Julieta is like Cinderella wanting to live with her prince so in that case she is going to have to get along with the three step-sisters. Julieta informs her that if she is beastly then the one in danger is Linda. Julieta repeats the prime directive: Linda cannot eat on the bed. She expects Linda back working in five minutes. By the way, if Julieta's little brother didn't let her know he wasn't coming home, Julieta would kill him, so, Linda should be happy she is not her little sister. Linda is left all alone making faces.

Audifaz comes out playing a clown at Aristóteles' dinner with David complete with a whoopie cushion. He even tells David a special story that was just waiting for a special guest to arrive to be told. David loves it. Both boys are totally entertained. Aristóteles texts his dad that he admires him.
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Monday, October 16, 2017

Caer en Tentación #1, 10/16/17: Gran Estreno - Accidents

Chapter 1: Accidents

Damián and Carolina drove down the Plaza de Cobro one clear night.
Everrything could be destroyed.” he said.
It's better we go.”
They kissed after passing through the toll booth. Both looked apprehensive.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos & más: Week of October 16, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente**
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre**
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

** On Tuesday, October 17, Corazón Valiente will be preempted by La Copa del Mundo, which will run from 10AM to 12:30PM.  On that same day, a shortened Por Siempre will run from 1-2PM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramon; #44, Friday October 13, 2017; Fabiola and Ramón Decide to get Married!

We begin tonight’s episode where we left off last night: Fabiola is sure they are and declares her love for Ramon. Ramon engulfs her in a passionate kiss and tells her that he never wants to be apart. Neither does Fabiola but Ramon reminds her that he doesn’t want to get in trouble with anyone from her family. Fabiola tells him that there is something they must do then: get married! Ramon is floored.

Ramón says, “Just like that so soon? I don’t have anything to offer you.” “It doesn’t matter,” says Fabiola. “All I need is you and nothing else.” Ramon shrugs and says, “Me too, I don’t need anything else. Then let’s get married. Let’s get married today if you want to. I don’t ever want to lose you.” Fabi says, “Then we have to tell everyone, the whole family, even Grandma.” So they take off to tell the family.
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Mi marido tiene familia Friday 10/13/17 Capítulo 38 & Capítulo 39

Capítulo 38: Linda and Bruno MIA--OR--Grifters in Training

At Ana's after her tiff with Julieta, Linda leaves to call Bruno. She cannot stand her family. She has to get out of there. Bruno gets Cornelio to drive him over. Cornelio is worried Bruno is falling in love with Linda.

Eugenio wonders why Tulio always has an excuse to not get together with the family on holidays. Tulio answers because things never change. Tulio gets into it with Audifaz again.

Blanca is sorry for opening her mouth about the pregnancy and apologizes. Robert and Julieta are willing to forget it all. Blanca wants to to help prepare for the baby's arrival. Julieta and Robert insist that they will take care of their own baby issues but in the end the family thinks that Julieta and Robert are selfish not wanting to include them in their baby decisions. Julieta chalks it up to them just thinking differently. Imelda has to remind them the baby is also a part of them; he carries their genes. Ana with a drink in her hand watches the whole discussion from afar.
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Friday, October 13, 2017

Caer en tentación: Dramatis Personae

This cast will make this an incredible series, a 3 for 3 for its producer.  Let's start with the main players (all are in the opening episode):

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Thursday 10/12/17

Feel free to discuss away!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



Enamorandome de Ramon #43 10.12.17: Impromptu Proposals & Manipulation Tactics

Fabiola hugs Ramon tightly then and he leans in to kiss her. Fabiola turns toward him and they kiss among the stars.

Post coitus, Osvaldo asks Emilia if she’s leaving for the night, as he thought they were going to stay together, and Emilia answers that she has a prior engagement but will be back soon. He asks her not to take long and she gives him a kiss before leaving. Once alone, Osvaldo turns on the TV but receives a call from Susana, who asks if she’s going to see him since they haven’t seen each other in a while, but Osvaldo tells her he has a paper due and will call her tomorrow to see if they can see each other Sunday. He hangs up without another word, much to Susana’s dismay.

Andrea arrives home and Juana chides her for being so late, as she never is, and Andrea explains that she spent the whole afternoon with her new professor, Santiago, and asks Juana if she knows how to do “tortas augadas” from Guadalajara as it’s Santiago’s favorite. Juana only made them once before but will make them as soon as she invited Santiago over. Juana then receives a call from Pedro, who invites her to an opera, and Juana agrees, with pleasure. Pedro will pick her up tomorrow at 6pm and Juana agrees before hanging up. Andrea notes that Pedro must like her as they’ve gone to dinner and now the opera but Juana shakes her head and asks her to help her look up some information on the opera they will be seeing, La Traviata. Andrea will, after dinner, and tells Juana to use her nice dress tomorrow. and they go have dinner.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Oct 9, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week (Thursday and Friday schedule only).  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa del Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Caer En Tentacion Sinopsis

Fall Into Temptation is the passionate story of two couples who, victims of fate, dare to experience a forbidden love.....

Raquel never imagined that upon answering an emergency call she would discover that not only  Damian, her husband, had been left in a coma due to a car accident, but also they inform her that an unknown woman was travelling with him and the body has disappeared.  Santiago, friend of the family, comes to her aid only to learn a shocking reality: that woman is not some stranger, but she is his wife, Carolina, who is Damian's lover.

Immersed in two time-frames, Fall Into Temptation shows a present full of pain after discovering the lies that have entwined round the two marriages which seemingly were united in friendship, and a past where what took place three years before, when the convergence of these two marriages was begun, is unknown.

The secret romance of the lovers in the past, and the heartrendering anguish of the betrayed in the present: both stories, criscrossed because of political intrigue of a crime that opens up numerous questions, arrives to carry us through an avalanche of emotions, personalities, and situations, to concluding that we all, in one form or another, absolutely all of us , are susceptible and subject to a fall into temptation.

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Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 10/11/17 Capítulos 34 and 35

Since there were two epsiodes tonight, these are the highlights of those episodes.


After Catalina has blabbed about how Julieta's and Robert's savings got wiped out, Blanca and Imelda go to see Julieta to give her a piece of their mind about her risking "Juan Pablo's savings." Julieta tells them it was both of their savings and it is really one of their business. That only enrages Blanca and Imelda more. Robert walks in on the attack and takes Julieta's side. Nobody will scold Julieta, yell at her or tell her what to do. Nobody will mess with Julieta. Blanca is left in tears. Robert reminds them that the lost money brought them to live in their apartment building. Julieta tells them, she would never do anything to hurt Robert. Robert wants them to see the good in things. He apologizes for his earlier tone with them. Julieta smiles. Later, Imelda tries to perk Blanca up because things aren't moving as quickly with Juan Pablo as Blanca would like. She feels like a failure as a mother. Imelda tries to tell her otherwise.

Amalia and Belén are on each other's last nerve. They just annoy each other. Amalia is really into her radio singing contest. She and Belén are arguing after Belén sees a man on the street that reminds her of her ex which makes her sad. Amalia is aggravated because Belén is still thinking her ex will be back. She needs to live in the here and now. She and Belën start physically fighting like two kids and Blanca tries to separate them.The radio station calls Amalia so she as a semifinalist can sing again on the radio. Later the radio station calls again asking her to come on down for an interview.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #42 10.11.17: New Loves & Fallen Stars

The doctor reads Antonio and Roxana the good news: he is the father! Roxana smiles wide and thanks the doctor as Antonio immediately storms out. Once alone, the doctor justifies his lie by stating that he did it all for the future of the baby.

In the hallway, Roxana catches up to Antonio and asks her not to be rude because he didn’t get the results he expected. However, she states that he doesn’t have to be with her or take care of the baby if he doesn’t want to because it was unexpected and he doesn’t love her. At that, she storms off but Antonio doesn’t follow her.

Juana and Luisa arrive at a store and begin to look around. An associate asks them if they need help and they accept and tell him that they need a dress for a business meeting. The associate goes to find a couple of dresses and brings them back. Juana is slightly overwhelmed but the associate insists he try them on. Juana would prefer to leave them, as the associate is too overeager, and they go. They go to another store and Juana tries on some dresses though Luisa doesn’t like any of them and neither does Juana. She prefers to leave as she has a headache and Luisa nods. Outside the store, they find another dress, a sexy cocktail number that Luisa insists Juana buy, but Juana shakes her head. Pedro then comes, greets them, and Juana tells him that they haven’t found anything that will look good. Pedro is happy to help her out and Juana smiles before agreeing.
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Caer En Tentacion!! Se Acerca!// Starts 10/16 at 10 EST

Hi all.  Am checking with Sheila and Alfredo about this one and will try to get up a Sinopsis, etc over the next couple of days.  It is HOT!!!!!  SSSSSSSS!  It's got Silvia Navarro, Adriana Louvier, Gabe Soto and Carlos Ferro.  If you're interested please let Sheila and me know.  I am available for a couple of nights and dunno about Sheila or anyone else,  I know I've been waiting on this one for months.

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Enamorandome de Ramon, #41 10.10.17: Ramon and Fabiola on again, off again, on again, oh no off again…Never mind

Repeated Scene:

Juana walks into Andrea’s room finds her crying and asks her what is wrong. Andrea keeps repeating “I did not kill them, I did not kill them” Juana tells her "you are talking, you are talking".


New scenes:

Andrea realizes oh yeah I’m talking, they hug each other and smile and breathe a sigh of relief.

Ramon walks up to Fabiola and says that he needs her, she tells him not to say anything, just kiss me. They both awkwardly look around and begin to kiss. They till each other they love each other. She says that when he keeps things from her she becomes insecure. He says you are my present and then they kiss. Benito sees them kissing and guesses the sign worked.

Juana and Andrea continue to be happy about her talking. Juana then asks Andrea what she meant when she said she did not kill them. Andrea tells Juana that she had a nightmare where she was made to feel that she was responsible for her parents’ death. She then tells Juana that she did feel that she was guilty because if she had not asked for that architecture book her parents would not have changed their flight. Juana wisely tells her that it was destiny. She is not guilty for her parents’ death.

Benito is standing in front of the “I love you with all my heart sign” when Luisa happens to come by, she thinks he put it up and asks him if he put up there for her. He says of course he did, who else  would he put it up there for (wink, wink). She tells him she loves him too, because he is the love of her life. Benito tells her “so everything is ok between us?” no she says, not until his mother accepts their relationship. Ok then, he tells her that at the end of the day she should come over to his house so they can tell his mom about their relationship together.
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Monday, October 09, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #40, Oct. 9, 2017: Julio is Over It and CuteMute is Now Only Cute

Here is the recap, courtesy of RGVChick:

Previously: Juana and Luisa go in to see Jorge before they leave. Juana informs him that his father’s meds are in the kitchen and that he can call her if he needs anything. Jorge thanks them for everything. After they leave he cries because it’s the worst day of his life…he lost his mother and Andrea at the same time.

In her bedroom, Andrea also lies crying and thinking about what Jorge said…his mother died because of him; being close to her harms him, so they can’t continue together. She goes to her desk and starts writing. Meanwhile, in the living room, Francisco gives Fabi a tea that is also a relaxant. He asks if she wants to talk about her aunt but that’s not the only thing bothering her…she quarreled with Ramón. When Francisco tells her they are very different, she argues that in many things, they are alike; it was something else…just things that can happen between couples. He asks if things will be resolved, but she won’t talk about it. After Fabi asks about her grandmother, Francisco replies she was very affected by Virginia’s death and that is why he is spending so much time with her.; it seems he cares more about her than they do, but Fabi thinks he feels that way only because she isn’t his grandmother.

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Mi marido tiene familia 10/9/17-10/10/17

Feel free to discuss away!

Recaps or summaries in the comment section are encouraged.



TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Oct 9, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente *
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre*
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa del Barrio**
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso**
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

*except Wednesday (no Corazon; Por Siempre is one hour only from 1-2PM)
**prempted Tuesday for World Cup

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia 10/5/17-10/6/17

Feel free to discuss away!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



Enamorandome de Ramon #39 10.5.17: Guilty Consciences & Hovering Exes

Francisco uses the defibrillator paddles on Virginia but there is nothing to do. She has flatlined.

Susana is listening to music in the living room when Emilia comes and asks what she is doing all alone. Susana tells her that Osvaldo left but she gave him her phone number and he left her a message thanking her. Emilia has not seen but she pulls out her phone, sees the message, and smiles. She then tells Susana that she is going out and kisses her good night.

Osvaldo arrives at the hospital and receives a message from Emilia asking him to go to the apartment in Polanco. He tells her that he must take care of something first and then he will go. He then goes to Jorge and asks him how bad his mother’s accident is, as he has somewhere to be. Fabiola chides him for being so insensitive and he agrees to stay after texting Emilia that he will be late. Emilia texts him that she will prepare the bubble bath and champagne as she wants to cover him in bubbles. He smiles as Fabiola decides to call Margarita to tell her what happened. Margarita doesn’t happen so Fabiola calls Antonio to tell him the news and he promises to tell Margarita and then go with her to the hospital. They hang up and Antonio can reach Margarita to tell her what happened. Antonio offers to pick her up but she would rather go in her own car and then leave later. They hang up and then Ramon calls Antonio to ask if he can miss work tomorrow as he was attacked outside his house and badly beaten. Antonio gives him permission and promises to call tomorrow to see how he’s feeling. They both hang up.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos, & más: Week of October 2, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #38 10.4.17: Harsh Truths & Merciful Lies

Dalia hands Fabiola Sofia’s earrings and hopes that, in the future, Ramon takes care of the things she leaves in his house. Fabiola looks at the earrings and tells Dalia that they are not hers though Dalia already suspected she would never own anything so expensive but wonders where Ramon got them. Fabiola wants to know if she’s assuming Ramon stole them but Dalia tells her that he would never do that though she wonders who could’ve given them to him. Just then, Ramon comes in, sees the earrings, and asks what they are doing there. Fabiola explains that Dalia brought them to her because she thought they were hers and he left them at Luisa’s. Dalia apologizes as she never wanted to cause a problem and Dalia, quickly, takes her leave so they can talk. Once alone, Fabiola demands to know who owns the earrings. Ramon admits that they are Sofia’s and he forgot to return them. Fabiola doesn’t believe his story, as no one would forget about diamond earrings, and assumes Sofia paid him for something or he kept them. Ramon doesn’t like her insinuations but Fabiola doesn’t know what else to think. Ramon reminds her that a relationship is based on trust and she doesn’t trust him so they can’t continue their relationship. He goes to leave but Fabiola demands he take the earrings as she doesn’t want to see them. He obliges as Dalia, who has been listening by the door and grinning from ear to ear, silently sits back at her desk. Fabiola sits down, dejected, and begins to cry.

Ramon leaves the office and passes by Dalia’s desk. She asks if he is going to tell her the truth about the earrings but Ramon throws them in the garbage and walks away. Dalia, with a smile, plunks them out and holds them.

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Enamorandome De Ramon, 10/3/2017 Chapter 37: Many misunderstanding, missed opportunities, and mistakes.

Repeated scene:
Virginia tells Jorge, “ Andrea is very important to you right?” Jorge says, yes she is. She confirms that they have been inseparable since they were little. She then looks at Jorge and considers telling him he is adopted. But changes her mind.
New scene:
Antonio gets to Fabi and Andrea’s house to pick up Diego, they are not there yet. When they arrive, Diego is extremely happy about having gone to the movies with Ramon and Fabiola. Antonio thanks them for taking care of him and then he leaves.
Juana tells Fabi and Ramon that she has good news because Andrea spoke. “She said Jorge, I wonder why she can’t say Juana, it’s the same length”. Ramon gets ready to go and kisses Fabi, Juana tells them ok ok leave already.
Fabi goes to talk to Andrea, she is happy that she was able to talk. She then asks her “what’s up with Jorge, I’ve noticed the way you guys look at each other, don’t forget Jorge is your cousin”
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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia 10/3-10/4/17

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Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



Mi marido tiene familia 10/2/17 Capítulo 28: Blanca the Detective -OR- The Inquisition Lives

Blanca actually picks up the pregnancy tests in her bare hands and she starts to wonder who in her household is pregnant. Robert comes out and asks if she remembers that she owes him a walk. He wants to go with her alone. He wants to talk to her about some things in particular. Blanca just needs to go in and get herself ready. Blanca tells Imelda that Roberto wants to go with her alone this time. Imelda says it must be because of something important he wants to talk to her about. Blanca shows the three positive tests to Imelda. All the family needs is an unwed mother! Who could it be? They discuss the possibilities.

Linda tries to talk to a client out of a sixth nose job. The client does not care. She has a coupon for a "free" sixth surgery after five. Linda suggests she pick another part of her body and to let her know her decision tomorrow. Bruno stops on by. He wants to take Linda on a date to the shopping center. He wants to buy her something. He thinks to himself that she really fell for that.
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Monday, October 02, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #36, Oct. 2, 2017: Love Speaks and the Naïve Fall Prey to the Cheat

Here is the recap, courtesy of RGVChick:

Starting with the (previous) end in mind: “ You have to help me to split them up because they are doing something unnatural together. So tell me, what should we do?” Virginia is not liking what she is hearing and looks at Sara skeptically and says, “Nothing. I don’t need your help or your good intentions. Is that all you have to say?” She opens the door for Sara to leave. “I don’t know how it came to you that Jorge and Andrea are in love. You can leave now.” Virginia lets her out then shuts the door. She then thinks to herself, “I never knew the day would ever come that I would have to tell Jorge that I’m not his real mother.” (courtesy of Cynthia)

Jorge and Andrea are kissing in front of Andrea’s apartment right before Fabiola and Ramon arrive. They all enter together. Juana offers them dinner, but Jorge has to leave. Juana asks Fabiola to go in to the kitchen and shows her what she has gathered for Ramón but Fabi thinks he needs more than that. Juana thinks Ramón should take responsibility for the rest of his needs; though Fai convinces her to at least give him some sheets and bed covers. 
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos & más: Week of October 2, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón; Capítulo 35; Friday, September 29, 2017: Francisco gets Dalia’s help to reconcile with Fabiola

We begin where Alfredo left off yesterday:

Julio is at a bar with a patron and tells him that he is having some romantic troubles, as he’s interested in a woman below his social standing. The patron thinks he should go for it regardless, especially if the woman is pretty. Either way, Julio doesn’t need her to give conferences. Julio thinks about this but admits that Juana is intelligent, in her own way, and has a good intuition and instinct; he is sure should could’ve gone far if she could’ve studied. The patron asks him to stop denying his feelings, as he is obviously into this woman, and show her the way to paradise. Julio considers this as a devilish smile crosses his lips.

Then Julio says, “You know what she told me, she told me that she has never been in love.” The drinking buddy responds, “Well then, show her the way to heaven.”

At Luisa’s house, she gets a text message from Benito that says, “Changita, I’m here outside. Please come out so we can talk.” To that, Luisa responds a very firm, “NO!” Benito then says in his next text message that he can stay there all night like a night watchman until she comes out. Luisa responds by saying, “I already told you no! I’m going to go to sleep now.” Not daunted by Luisa’s refusals, he has another plan. He crouches down by the front brick wall and starts making very annoying noises that sound like a cat in heat.
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Friday, September 29, 2017

Weekend Discussion 9/29/17: Toxic Sisters

I've often said that series villains are far more effective when they are related to the protagonists and between members of the same generation there is nothing like sisters of similar age, whether the issue is over the hero or an inheritance. If women had been on the stage in Shakespeare's time he would have created toxic ones too, because the emotional stakes would have still been higher than those he was able to express between brothers. 

Here is a list of evil sisters for your consideration:
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Enamorandome de Ramon #34 9.28.17: Party Poopers and Secret Smiles

As Fabiola and Andrea hug Juana, happy to have her back, Luisa comes out of the kitchen and goes to answer the door. It’s Jorge and Ramon, who come in with big smiles on their face, and yell: “surprise!” The Medina sisters tease them about knowing Juana was back and not telling them but Ramon proposes a toast to celebrate Juana’s return and the fact that that Ramon can now visit them too. Ramon pops open a bottle of champagne and everyone cheers.

In her apartment, Hortensia hears the commotion and calls Benito to ask what the hoopla is about. Benito explains that there is a party in the sister’s apartment to celebrate Juana’s return. He asks if she would like him to ask them to keep it down but Hortensia shakes her head and hangs up. She thinks they should come thank her for lifting the restraining order but instead they throw Juana a party.

Virginia also calls Benito and asks him tot ell the neighbors to keep it down. After a moment she hangs up and assumes Julio must also be at the party to celebrate Juana’s return.

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia 9/28-9/29/17

Feel free to discuss away!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Sept 25, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa del Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #33 9.27.17: Love Potions & Hairbrush DNA

Fabiola tells everyone at the table that Ramon sends them greetings but Julio is surprised that she is talking about Juana’s son. Fabiola nods and reveals that they are in a relationship but Julio thinks Ramon is taking advantage of the situation, though he doesn’t tell Fabiola this. Instead, he confesses that it is unexpected but everyone is free to do with their lives as they wish. Fabiola apologizes for not telling him soon but Julio shakes his head. Juana explains that she also found out by surprise, as they didn’t want to tell anyone, but Fabiola announces that now everyone knows except Hortensia, as the Medina sisters have not seen her, and have no desire to see her, since everything with Juana happened. Fabiola then inquiries about Hortensia’s health, as they told her she wasn’t feeling too well, but Julio hopes everything will be okay. Julio then tells them that he has to go and Juana asks him not to worry as they will take a taxi back one. Once alone, Juana asks the sisters how they feel and they jump at the chance to hug and kiss Juana while telling her that they are extremely happy.

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Enamorandome De Ramon, #32, 9/26/17: Juana finally gets the money, and let's the little piggies breath.

Repeated scene:

Ramon and Fabi are having lunch after having made up. Ramon is talking about going out on a date and Fabi does not answer very enthusiastically. Ramon catches on and asks Fabi if something is wrong.  Fabiola tells him she’s upset because Ramon hides things from her.

New Scene:

Fabiola tells Ramon that she found out that he was Dalia’s super hero when he went to save her from Rulo. And he even broke Rulo’s nose. “Why do you hide that from me?” “I did not hide it from you; I just did not think it was important”. “Well Dalia thought it was very important and the truth is that it made me jealous”. Fabi then tells Ramon that she does not want him to see Dalia anymore, "capiche".  Well “morrita” (pretty girl - urban dictionary) he tells her, that’s kind of impossible since he lives with her, and they work together, but don’t you worry your pretty head Monchi has got this under control. She is just like family to Ramon; they have known each other since they were kids, and Dalia is just that like family. Then Ramon tells Fabi “I have no eyes for anyone but you”. Well Fabi was jealous, but Ramon understands because he was jealous too and that made him act like an idiot, so please forgive me he says.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia 9/26-9/27/17

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Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



Mi marido tiene familia 9/25/17 Capítulo 23: Julieta Fails Mamá Suegra's "Key Test"

Robert is still talking with his parents and Imelda. Eugenio will take care of Robert and Julieta keeping the apartment. There was no deposit made yet. Imelda is grateful her prayers were answered. Blanca cannot say enough good things about Julieta and she thought that she didn't like them. Robert tells Daniela and Marisol they are not going to New York. Blanca tells Daniela and Marisol they really have to treat Julieta well since she is the reason they are staying. Later , Robert has something else really important to tell them, too.

Julieta does not want Ana to think she is ungrateful. She also doesn't believe the Córcegas could be so bad. A visibly angry Ana tells her she will be the one having to deal with the consequences. Julieta has changed her mind for the good of everyone concerned. Julieta does not have to explain herself. This whole situation has taught Ana never to help anyone with anything. Ana tells Robert she just found out that they were not moving and how Julieta will be losing a great professional opportunity. Robert thanks her for her help in assisting Julieta. Roberto says he will be dedicating himself to finding out more about his past. Ana is interested in that. He just doesn't like things that are unfinished. When all is said and done she will be glad to get to know them.She tells them to take care and leaves. Julieta and Robert wonder what is up with her.
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Monday, September 25, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #31, Sept. 25, 2017: Fransicko Strikes Out and Emilia Hits a ‘Home’r

Today's recap comes courtesy of RGV Chick

<-Rewind to Cynthia’s recap ending: “[Agustín] has no job in Miami anymore as the company is closing down their quarters over there. So he has to come back to Mexico. Roxana wants to know what he is going to do in Mexico. Agustín says, “Well, I’m going to look for work and come to live. I thought you still wanted to be together. Or is that no longer true?”
At Benito’s house, FredesMama is back!! She’s just thinking how she missed her sweet Mexico when she gets a letter that leaves her in shock and crying.
At Fabiola’s home, Margarita arrives so Fabiola quickly tells her about the accident…it was nobody’s fault. Margarita suggests she drive the stallion car again so she will be rid of the trauma. Margarita has good news …she has her own apartment and plans to sleep there that very night.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos y más: Week of Sept 25, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa del Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, capitúlo 30; Friday, September 22, 2017: Hortensia discovers Fabiola’s secret

We begin with Francisco telling Fabi that he doesn’t quite understand how she can be in love with anyone so “inferior” (referring to Ramón). He pledges to wait for her, no matter how long it takes, because she is the love of his life. (Or rather the million $$$ is the love of his life.) However, Fabi lets him know that these are her feelings about Ramón. He says, “Well, whatever you want.” Then he turns around to go out the door and runs right into Ramón who is also bringing roses to Fabi. Francisco leaves and Ramón wants to know where the flowers came from. When she says that they are form Francisco, he asks, “So why did you accept them?”
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Friday, September 22, 2017

Enamorandome De Ramon 9/21/2017 Capitulo 29: A fake doctor, a fake Private Eye, and a fake lover wants back in.

Repeated scene: Ramon is at the receptionist’s station and asks about Fabiola’s condition, the nurse asks if he is a relative, and he says he is her boyfriend so the nurse tells him that her doctor ordered a cat scan. At that moment Frank shows up on his high horse, and tells Ramon he only gives updates to patient’s relatives.  
New scene:
After Frank rides off in his horse after having been an ass to Ramon. Ramon bends over in pain. A nurse rushes to him to see what’s wrong.
Roxy and Virginia are having a lunch date at the “McDonalds” and let Diego run to the playground so that the two chismosas (gossipers) can catch up. Roxy tells Virginia that Tony did not go get Diego at school today, which suits her just fine. Virginia than tells Roxy that she has a lot of problems of her own as well, including the fact that Ozzie has left the house, and that Julio has money problems. Roxy does not want to offend anyone but she tells Virginia that Julio does seem kind of dark in his attitude, and “don’t you think he might have another woman?” Virginia does not think so, but thanks a lot girl you have now planted the seed of doubt. Roxy being the awesome friend that she is tells Virginia you need to hire a detective to follow him. Virginia does not think it’s necessary. Roxy tells her “don’t you want to know where he wastes his money?” Virginia worries that if she does hire a detective Julio may find out about it.Read more »


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia 9/21-9/22/17

Feel free to discuss away!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged.



TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Jenni Rivera, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso, El Señor de los Cielos, & más: Week of September 18, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Por Siempre
• 8-9PM—Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de Barrio
• 9-10PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraiso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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