Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #76 (Mex 112-113) Tuesday 7/30/13 And they are back together again, but for how long?
*Jorge and Justo are in the vencidad, JA says that if Maria can't/wont forgive him he will return to El Lay and turn himself in. Justo tells him that maybe he should write Maria a letter telling her how he feels, JA thinks this a stupid idea but Justo says that he used to write letters to Altagracia and it worked for them, this makes JA change his mind and he writes a letter to his bonita.
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Labels: QBA
La Tempestad, Capitulo 2. Tuesday, July 30th, 2013. A Storm Is Coming!
Labels: tempestad
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
PEAM, Tuesday 7/30/13 (#101): Like Sands Through the Hourglass
BONUS! See comments below from Tablet Jefa et al to fill in the missing pieces!
In Fernando's office, Xochi and Fernando console one another and bond tearfully over their bully-laden pasts.
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Labels: Manda
Corazon Indomable, #56, Tuesday, 07/30/13 Everybody gets ready for the kidnapping party and Teo 2.0 makes an appearance
The ranch – Lucia’s room
Labels: Indomable
La Tempestad, Capitulo 1. Monday, July 29, 2013.
Labels: tempestad
Monday, July 29, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #75 (Mex 111) Monday 7/29/13
Labels: QBA
PEAM #100 - 07/29/13 - Super Charged? or Super Silly?
We look forward to the sweets that Alma has prepared for Jesús and the silliness to follow with Yuri,
Refrito: Pati does search about her dates and data of impregnation,
Elias and Vero argue, about the car, the child, the divorce, what else is new.
Pati and Cantú exchange fake pleasantries. Julio and Cardenas argue about his comportment regarding his BOSS Fernando resulting in the depressed Julio leaving in a huff of humiliation. Jesica can't believe that the fight is over Xochi and not her! She questions, "Fernando, what does he see in the glassy eyed one??"
Alma and Valentina and Jesus arrive and Valentina calls her AMIGA she also compares Alma to the princess of Valentina's story with her Papi Jesús and when Rogelio arrives just in time to see Alma and Jesús kissing, Valentina calls him a gruñion (yep, you guessed it, GRUMPY) and Rogelio takes over the scene with his return to total power which no one can deny. Fernando and Xochi discuss and shyly flirt in his office. All the new and old secretaries are in line to greet the returning Jefe.
In Fernando's office the brothers do a jumping, screaming silly routine. All of a sudden, Rogelio gets serious and wonders why Jesus isn't dead yet. All he wants is HIS Alma back.
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Labels: Manda
Corazon Indomable #55, 7/29/2013: Let’s Get On With the Revenge and Kidnapping Already!
Mari and Doris receive their invitations to the Ball...eerrr…Karim’s birthday party (aka, the kidnapping of Mari party). Mari reminisces with Juanita about the time in her life when she had few clothes, and her best dress was a (sometimes) white, shabby thing. Apparently, both Mari and Doris need to find dresses more opulent than the ones they wear every night in the casino, so they head to the same boutique on the island to try on dresses and to make catty remarks at each other.
Labels: Indomable
TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of July 29
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»
Labels: cielos, dyo, marido, telemundo
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #181 Sun 7/28/13 El Gran Final, Part III
Labels: Amores
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #74 (Mex 110) Friday 7/26/13 A variety of baby-daddies have a variety of experiences
Hola everyone! I'm subbing for Jardinera this time. She'll return to her recapping duties as usual next week!
Amidst the tears and drama, some interesting stuff happened in this episode! Sorry it was longer than I anticipated. Some dense content was in this episode.
Here are some screencap previews to get us started:
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An artfully-designed tri-screen shot, showing how miserable JAntos and Maria are. |
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Look at the expressions on these three. (Especially Mirna's!) |
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Caught in the rain. |
We start with JAntos going to the chapel to pray. (An aside, I keep on thinking they're playing Grieg in the background. Peer Gynt? It's something very familiar. And later, the choral music is Mozart's Requiem? Someone please confirm this, because I'm too lazy to check my recordings . . .)
Labels: QBA
Amores Verdaderos #181 Fri 7/26/13 El Gran Final, Part II
Hola, Madeline and I (Elvira) are sharing duties on this recap. I do the first segment, she does the second.
Some screencaps to get us started!
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Vikki and Big Angel welcome their little bebe into the world. |
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"That slut is calling." Sometimes these photo captions just write themselves! |
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Big Angel and the Little Ape overhear some very interesting stuff! |
Labels: Amores
CI: #54: Doris vs. Maria Alejandra (aka Superwoman): Let the Games Begin!
Labels: Indomable
PEAM #99-7/26/13: Is This Love That I'm Feeling, Is This Love That I've Been Searching For?
Hola PEAM Peeps! This recap will not be in order and some scenes have been combined for a better flowing recap.
We got a lot of refrito last night, you know the Vero/Rogue planning, Chucho and Alma talking about Rogue and how Chucho isn't buying what Rogue is selling, Chatita in her best fighting stance, telling Panfilo since he is the AARP babe magnet (Thanks TJ) he has to make a choice, it's either her or Susanna, make a pick already Dude! Also the Cantu cutting off Rogue's monitoring device and Alma telling Chucho about her Snappy Pappy running off to the States and the Patymelt betrayal and then smoochies! The only one working at Avon is Cardenas (Cardy). Oh, and after Chatita makes that demand of Panfilo, she loses her train of thought then kinda remembers and tells Panfilo to make that decsion and she goes.
The Elevator Klatch:
Ivonne is at least kinda, sorta working, when two of her friends come by. Ivonne it seems is no longer performing for the desiring public, nah, for the public and she is only performing for one person, Ya don't say! Here comes Cardy and the two other sillies and Julio isn't happy and neither is Ricardo when he sees Elias come off the elevator about two seconds later. Cardy gives Ivonne what for, Ricardo follows Elias, and Julio goes his way, past Xochi and he totally ignores her. Ricardo has followed Elias, who stops by to see Mari, who asks after Val and gives Elias a hug, they get interrrupted by Ricardo, who wants a word with Elias, and Mari freaks, with me so far? Elias and Ricardo go off and Ricardo wants to know if Elias is into Mari? Of course he is, well Ricardo isn't happy and says well we'll fight for her and may the best man win, hmmmmm........ Elias goes. Cardy wants to talk to Alma and Ferny wants to talk to Encanto so Cardy goes to see Alma and Chucho goes to Ferny' s office.
Office Talk:
Cardy talks to Alma about Julio and Xochi being on the outs and Begonia leaving Don Gil, who is all alone, pobrecito! Ferny is a mite confused. He wants to be a friend to Chucho, sorta like Elias is with Chucho. Well Ferny has something he is dying to tell Chucho, so tell it Ferny! Seems he kissed a girl and he liked it, well he kissed Xochi! Que, Que What from Chucho! Chucho wants to know if Ferny knows the difference between 'Tasha and Xochi, of course Ferny does. Well then there isn't anything wrong with that from Chucho as long as Ferny realizes that 'Tasha is Xochi! Later, Chucho wants to surprise Chatita with something and Alma will help him, as she always does. Chucho and Alma also talk about the position at Orion that Augusto talked to Chucho about. Alma and Chucho leave Avon to take care of that surprise. After that little confrontation with Ricardo, Elias comes by to talk to Mari about that Avon DVD and he tells Mari what happened with Ricardo and that yes, Elias is into Mari. She is sooooo happy, which begs the question, what time is it? Time for Rico Suave (Ricardo) to find someone else!
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Labels: Manda
Friday, July 26, 2013
Corazon indomable #53, Thursday, 07/25/2013, A fugitive, a pilot and a gigolo in training walk into a Casino...
Labels: Indomable
Amores Verdaderos #181 Thu 7/25/13 El Gran Final, Part I
Okay, listen up out there on the Patio. This 181st episode will air in three parts over three nights:
- Tonight, Thursday, we saw Part I
- Tomorrow, Friday, we will see Part II
- Sunday, July 28, we will finally see Part III
Labels: Amores
Qué Bonito Amor #73 (Mex 109) Thursday 7/25/13 Que Asco de Baby Daddy
Maria doesn't take the news of the loss of their baby well. Not at all.
Back at Casa Mendoza, Isa is still being entertained by her new novio. Kid's got more game than Colosso, Jantos, and Milamores put together!
Gloria arrives at the vecindad just as Rodrigo hops a bus. I'm not sure she realized that she actually did see him, as opposed to just thinking some random kid looked like him because she missed him so much.
Maria cries.
Justo apparently paid for Amalia's meds in addition to taking her to a specialist. Instead of just frickin' saying "Thank you and I'll pay you back when I can," she goes on and on about how she shouldn't have let him do it, she shouldn't have accepted it. But, as Justo says, what's a little expensive medicine between consuegros? From the waiting area, they hear Maria's cries.
She's blaming herself for not being careful enough. Amalia blames Jantos for telling her the truth. You want the truth, you want lies…make up your mind! The doctor kicks everyone out of the room so she can sedate Maria again. Now she's moved on to denial, mumbling that it's a lie and the baby is alive.
Amalia gives Justo a display of what Jantos has been putting up with all this time, asking him why he didn't lie, damnit! Jantos tells her to just let it out and let him have all her complaints already.
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Labels: QBA
Thursday, July 25, 2013
PEAM # 98-7/25/13- I Didn't Mean To Turn You On
Labels: Manda
Miguel has left the building and the ugly truth comes out CI 07/24/2013
Labels: Indomable
Amores Verdaderos #180 Wed 7/24/13 I could see but now I'm blind.
We will, it seems, be lurching from crisis to crisis in these exciting final episodes. Unsurprisingly, Balzac [heh heh] has the night off. He will be hiding under Jean Marie's bed until further notice.
Lili feels it in her gut -- her papa is in danger! And she's right. Because at that very moment, José Ángel walks blindly into traffic and kneels in front of a minibus. He holds out his arms to stop it, as if he believes he really is Super Superman. In an amazing confluence of good reflexes, good brakes and good luck, the bus stops short. The big guy is safe.
Labels: Amores
PEAM #97-7/24/13: 'Inga We!............And Double Green With Yellow!!!!!!!
Recap By Pablo
Labels: Manda
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #72 (Mex 107.2-108) Wednesday 7/24/13 Endless Drama & Tears. In other words, a typical day in the world of QBA.
Hola, amigas y amigos. This is my debut recap for QBA. I'm going to be a backup recapper for QBA, now that Amores is just about done. I'm subbing for Paquita this week.
And so I get lots of tears and drama and FF scenes in this episode. Well, what do I expect from QBA?
Let's start with a few screencaps to get the ball rolling (more screencaps below).
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JAntos visits an unconscious Maria in the hospital. |
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A kiss on the cheek . . . |
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Coloso is ripping JAntos a new one, because supposedly JAntos is "cursed" and bringing Maria down with him. |
* In the City of Angels, Curtis is sexually harassing Derecho. He seems horrified, but Curtis has a lovely figure. Will Derecho eventually succumb to her charms?
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Behold, the look of abject horror on Derecho's face. |
* Wendy is telling her daddy that Michael is a great guy and she's going to give him a chance. Justo approves. She's also going to work with him in the prison dentist office. Justo isn't so sure about that last thing, but thinks it's great that Wendy might be exposed to a different way of thinking, and that maybe
Labels: QBA
Corazón Indomable #51, 7/23/2013: Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish
Labels: Indomable
Qué Bonito Amor #71 (Mex 106-107.1) Tuesday 7/23/13 When bad things happen to good people
Labels: QBA
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #179 Tue 7/23/13 Gramps gets a reaming in the church, Big Angel has major meltdown
My recording crapped out for a few minutes but I got most of the episode. PUT A FORK IN IT, IT IS DONE! Recap as done as it's gonna get!
Here are some screencaps to get us started.
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The wedding is interrupted! |
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Big Angel's tearful reaction to the Furry Fornicator's shocking news. |
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Lili looks at her dad, equally shocked and in despair. |
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The bio parents are certainly not enjoying witnessing poor Big Angel's obvious shock and distress. |
OVERVIEW WITH SCREENCAPS. It's as done as it's going to get!
* Vicente (soooo glad he won out over Carlos, BTW) and Adriana are looking forward to Lili finding out the truth about her true parentage. They worry about how Big Angel is going to take the news, though. Their worries are not unfounded, as we will find out.
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Happy and normal! In this novela? Inconceivable! |
* Preparations for the boda are underway. Lili has made everything ready and she's gushing at Gramps. Meanwhile at the mansion, Big Angel and Vicki are preparing to attend, and talk about their own plans for wedding bliss.
* Gramps talks to himself while in the still-unoccupied church. He calls the wedding a "sham," and says that he's going to keep Cande strung along, "she's so naive" he thinks, to believe that he'll ever tell Adriana about Lili being her kid. Gramps is still full of douchatude plotting, even on his wedding day.
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The King of the Douchebags. |
* The Furry Fornicator has to settle a score with Gramps. What better place to do it than at Gramps's church wedding? He's telling the Ho of this and she tries to discourage him. They also talk about his taking a job at an agency in Chicago.
* Everyone's congregating at the church for the wedding. Cande really does look lovely with her lacy veil. Lili is there, so happy for everyone and oozing love for Gramps and Cande.
Labels: Amores
PEAM, Tuesday 7/23/13 (#96): The Tell-Tale Wristlock
Oh. Right.
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Labels: Manda
Amores Verdaderos #178 Mon 7/22/13 Lilly orchid makes a miraculous recovery from major abdominal traumatic injury while her little 'brother/cousin' is still in the womb... We are happily toasting at Roy table... Anyball a diamond launderer?? Who knew!!
Out in waiting room, Frankie, Roy and Nikki are also glad Lilly Orchid made it through. Miraculous recovery... Nikki says Vic is 'El TOP!!' She tells them Vic was Adri's first love, and if it was not for Anyballs interfering, they would be happily married now.
Out in hallway, Said Anyballs and CandyCoward run into Vic coming out of the room. Candy goes in to see Lilly. Vic is no happy camper at seeing Anyballs, who tried to walk in behind CandyCoward but Vic did not let him. Vic tells Anyballs he knows his daughter with Adri did not die at birth, and that Adri's new baby was born. Vic warns Anyballs not to try anything against the baby or else... Anyballs shouts that this bastard baby means nothing to him. Vic reminds him it is his grandchild, Anyballs says it is a second rate grandkid. Vic tells Anyballs someday he will pay for all the harm he has caused. Vic gets summoned via intercom. But before leaving he tells Anyballs he is trash. (You go Vic!!! Vic's table is running the loud wave in excitement, anticipating more to come... I said it before, where can I order my own Vicente Celorio??!!)
Candy asks JA to go get something to eat... JA says who can think of food with Lilli's life on the line? Anyballs comes in, CandyCoward tells Lilli that her father (JA) adores her. Anyballs continues the cheesy talk saying she is a Balbanera thru and thru. Lilli reminds him 'Arriaga, abue' I am a Arriaga-Balbanera. (well, she still has her good moments, even if she is stoopid most of the time lately)
Out in hallway Roy is telling Frankie and Niki that he knows Lilli does not love him so he will leave once Lilli gets stable/recovered. But anyway he is really glad she made it. Nikki admits Lilli does have her qualities. She will find a good man someday. Both Frankie and Nikki recognize Roy does indeed love Lilli. Roy says he wishes Lilli the best even if she rejected him. Nikki says that is the sign of true love, to want the happiness of the other before your own.
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Labels: Amores
Monday, July 22, 2013
Corazon Indomable, #50, Monday, July 22, 2013 – A New Song, A New ’Do, A Little Flirting, and a Whole Lot More of the Same Old, Same Old
Labels: Indomable
Qué Bonito Amor #70 (Mex 104.2-105) Monday 7/22/13
Labels: QBA
PEAM #95 - July 22 Monday - Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver: Kidnapping Isn't Ever Nice
Nuestra Amiga, Judy B sent me a message that she was enjoying my latest horsey postings on FB and suggested I share some of it here with you since you might not all see it on FB. Top are two mustang stallions on top of Pryor Mtn, Montana (first seen here now!) Middle is very new foal in the lupin also on Pryor and bottom is a Peruvian Paso stallion in northern New Mexico.
Opening refrito: Rogelio escapes? Fernando works? Nooooooo…..
Yuri chides Rogelio for not being able to leave his house. It is because of the ineptitude of Cantú reveals Rogelio. The two galans continue planning to turn Jesús into Picalilli sauce.
Mad Marta grabs Valentina, with ineffectual resistance by the little friend who is smacked against the wall and Jesús's rescue attempts and one lost balloon bunch, Marta roars off swearing that they are not going to take her daughter Jimena from her. Val's friend feels bad that he couldn't stop Marta but Chatita feeds him bread and swabs his head booboos.
Elias and Vero fight over their stuff, marriage, stuff, daughter, yaddah yaddah and Elias finally reveals that he is not so sure he still loves Vero. She is cosmetic bag gobsmacked!
Jesica and Xochi argue over Fernando's obsession with Natashia and Jess threatens to tell Fernando the truth but Xochi wisely says that may be best, go ahead.
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Labels: Manda
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Week of July 22, 2013
La Tempestad: cast of characters







Labels: synopsis-cast, tempestad
"La Tempestad" (The Tempest) - synopsis in English

The Tempest tells of the love of Marina (Ximena Navarrete) y Damián (William Levy). Marina Reverte managed a hotel until she was fired when she denounced the "important impresario" Ernesto Contreras (Manuel Ojeda) for attempted sexual abuse of an employee. He swears to wreak vengeance.
As if this were not enough, Marina gets the sad news that her mother, Beatriz Reverte (María Sorté), has a life-threatening illness and requires constant rest; she must move to a quiet place.
At the same time, in the town of Nuestra Señora del Mar, Damián Fabré (William Levy), a young captain and owner of a fishing boat called "La Tempestad" supplies merchandise to a canned food manufacturing company, "Neptuno."
Esthercita (Laura Carmine), daughter of the town's mayor, is obsessed with Damian; initially he does not respond to her flirtations, but finally he yields and she 'gets him to seduce her' [editorial indignation - poor William Levy.]
Mercedes Artigas (Daniela Romo), an elegant and mysterious woman, offers Marina the economic and financial management of Neptune, an opportunity she accepts since she doesn't have work and her mother needs to live in a tranquil location. This is how Marina comes to the village of Nuestra Señora del Mar, where she meets Damian.
Mercedes is actually Marina's biological mother [editorial indignation - not again!!??] Poor in her youth, she became pregnant by Ernesto and had twin girls [NOOOOO!!!!] - Ernesto grabbed the other twin, Magdalena (Ximena Navarrete).
Mercedes mad a fortune with which she acquired the respect of those around her, and the power to confront her enemies. She has dedicated her life to recovering her daughters and for that reason has involved herself with people of the underworld who deal in white slavery. She becomes "The Queen of the Night" and has been able to save many young victims.
In the past I've been criticized for printing too much of the sinopsis and as we have a NO SPOILERS policy here, I think this is enough.
Labels: synopsis-cast, tempestad
La Tempestad-Index
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Porque el Amor Manda #94: There Are None So Blind as Those Who Collide With Statues
Typical family day at the Ice Palace: Eli is spending quality time with Valentina; Vero is spending quality time with her makeup bag. As Vero sweeps out, Vale tells her about their excellent adventure! They visited a hovel! Five minutes of friqueando and picking through Vale's hair for lice, then Vero's in the wind. Meanwhile, Marta is in the bushes. She looks like she got into Vero's makeup bag.
Vero arrives at Rogue's and finds Paty on the landing. Lest we miss the underlying drama there, special effects splits the screen and rings a boxing bell. Veronica makes snide clasista remarks down her nose, while Paty paints a word picture of Jesus and Alma in Cancun – she's figuring Chucho is “UF-RE-UF” in the sack. The mutual needling quickly turns into a nerdy little girlfight. They both make better fists than Alma, but Vero's clearly afraid to touch anything with hers. (My money would be on Patycakes if I thought anyone would actually bet against me -- but Xochi could take both of them.)
Rogue opens the door and invites both gals in. He may not have a preference, but Sanson clearly does – he lets Paty sail right up the stairs and into the bedroom, but Vero gets the special bulldog unwelcome. She says she wants to talk strategy, but she really doesn't have any new ideas. Rogue does, though – he says he knows how to serve Vero up to Jesus on a silver platter, whatever that means. The way this show is going, it could mean on an actual silver platter, surrounded by tamales. Pre-sanitized, of course.
Cut to Marta at home, talking to a child-sized doll about how much she loves her little Jimena-boots. Either the doll or the inside of Marta's head has a really creepy child-sized giggle.
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Labels: Manda
Amores Verdaderos #177 Fri 7/19/13 Three Daddies and a Little Baby; Balzac (hehe) Speaks!
Hola Patio Peeps, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, okay, this epi isn't exactly a "Tale of Two Cities", but it is the tale of three daddies and a baby and an intercession. So please, grab your box of tissues, a glass of Bailey's with ice, and rotten tomatoes to throw at Anyballs and relax on the patio, if you can and savor this recap as it unfolds. Oh, and of course this recap will not be in order.
Two Daddies In Lili's Hospital Room:
Daddy Angel comes into Lili's room first and tells her good morning and gets absoultely no response as she lays there, pale and still. Angel is a mite worried and Doc Vicente comes in and Angel tells him about the no reaction as Vicente thinks to himself, this is my daughter. Doc Hottie goes over to Lili and tells Angel to wait outside so he can examine her to find out what the problem is, essentially to do his job. Angel reluctantly waits right outside the door.
Adri has brought little Adrian with her and she introduces little Adrian to the Virgincita and thanks her for the little miracle. While Adri is there she also asks for Cris' intercession with Dios to save Lili's life. Seems Lili needs a miracle.
Angel is busy pacing the halls, when Doc Hottie and his team are hurriedly trying to wheel Lili by, when Angel stops the gurney. He wants to speak to Lili but Doc Hottie is trying to discourage him, they are in a mad hurry. Angel wants to know what's wrong and Doc Hottie tells him it's urgent they get to surgery with Lili, what does Angel do? Wants to talk to Lili and he's a mite snippy, for the love of Dios man, just let her go to surgery! He tells Lili to be strong and finally Doc Hottie tells him it's really time to go. The Doc and the team wheel Lili to the O.R.
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Labels: Amores
Corazón Indomable Fri. July 19 "I'd Love To Sin With You."
So Maricruz has stashed the kid (either boarding her at the Isla Dorada Infant Kennel or better perhaps, leaving her in Juanita's care), boxed up the remains of don Alejandro for shipping, and flown him back to Mexico City. She chose to save a few bucks by air freighting him back on a commercial flight rather than going to the expense of cranking up don A's private jet... it's not like he would have noticed the difference, anyway, so let's not be hating on her.We find ourselves with Maricruz, Tobías, and Octavio, who has some how managed to tag along, in the entryway of the mansion. Tobías seems genuinely affected by don A's death and sinks down to the second step of the stairway and weeps.
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Good Grief!...No, Really...Good...Grief |
"Mi amigo," he sobs.
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Labels: Indomable
Qué Bonito Amor #69 (Mex 103-104.1) Friday 7/19/13 Bringing Down The House!
Labels: QBA
Friday, July 19, 2013
Weekend Discussion: Broadcast Formats
I'm just old enough to remember the days when US soaps were only half an hour. That never felt right; I always felt cheated, especially about Dark Shadows. NBC's Another World was the first soap to go to a one hour episode length in 1978 and that was the beginning of the trend for the rest. A later attempt at 90-minute episodes failed and the program went back to 60-minute episodes.
The current broadcast pattern of QBA has an episode and a half with one commercial break and a slightly earlier start time not given to the cable and satellite systems that carry Univision. It seems to work for the network or they wouldn't be doing it. Televisa scripts are written to make for a major or minor cliffhanger at the halfway mark or the end of the standard-length episode so that they can air in any 30-minute increment, which is why we usually don't feel like the broadcast is ending on the wrong note. All this requires is (usually) deleting the "in last night's episode" section at the beginning and picking up where the previous night's episode left off. No objections from me!
If you weren't blogging this series, what is your preferred episode length? Would you want the networks to repeat the episode after midnight or on a sister network just in case? Do you prefer watching them on Hulu or anything similar? How do you feel about limited commercial breaks? Trust me; if a program remains in prime time with fewer ads, those advertisers are paying more for that time.
Labels: QBA, telenovelas, weekend
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Corazon Indomable #48 A Great Man Falls, and The Truth is Finally Out
In the cockpit, Octavio and Ed are told that the Governor’s daughter is on the plane. She wants to see Octavio. He doesn’t want to, but flight attendant woman convinces him that it might be in his best interest to not make the daughter of the Governor unhappy. And she’s had a few drinks too. Can’t wait to see if she’s a happy drunk or a mean drunk.
Carola wants to buy the casino for more than she offered before because she doesn’t want any partners. She offers $5 milliion. They are shocked. Can’t yet tell if the shock is because it’s too low or real high. It seems low to me, but I have no idea what casinos go for nowadays.
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Labels: Indomable
Amores Verdaderos #176 Wed 7/17/13 It is a wise father that knows his own child.*
*The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene II.
Labels: Amores
Qué Bonito Amor #68 (Mex 101.2-102) Wednesday 7/17/13 Fer loses girl, Susie defends girl, Aventurero gets girl – I think.
Labels: QBA
PEAM #93-7/17/13: Not Even Uri Could Have Spoiled Those Two Nights Of Passion!
Labels: Manda
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #67 (Mex 100-101.1) Tuesday 7/16/13 The more things change the more they stay the same
Amalia and Ruben face-off
Labels: QBA
Amores Verdaderos #175 Tue 7/16/13 We have Prince Charming and we have some jumping of the shark
Something more will be put here later. Discuss amongst yourselves. Quick overview with more planned to be added later.
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Yep, he kisses her hand and says he'll be her stand-in baby daddy. *Viewerville melts.* |
It's been one of those days. I hate this. I want to do this episode more justice. I'll do that later. It might be much later today. Check back for updates. Lo siento!
For now, here's the super-short version based on a sketchy memory. Events may not be listed in order.
* Vicki tells Big Angel that if Lili survives, that she'll give up Big Angel forever, for Lili's sake. Much crying and teeth gnashing over this decision.
* Vicente is a dream come true for Adri. If that deadbeat dad Joan-Carlos doesn't want to be a daddy to Adri's baby, Vicente will! Hand kissing. Sigh.
* Roy the Boy visits Lili in the hospital, but his Prince Charming kiss doesn't awaken our Disney Princess. She dreams only of the Little Ape. (More on that later.)
* Big Angel tries to get Lili to wake up. She opens her eyes briefly. Big Angel is beside himself with grief and worry over her condition.
* Big Angel finds out that Roy the Boy is there at the hospital. Big Angel pops a cork. Roy the Boy convinces Big Angel of his sincerity. The two exchange a manly hug, united in solidarity over their love for Lili.
* Joan-Carlos is ticked off that Adriana seemed to move on so quickly. Jocelyn says, "What did you expect? You didn't want to be tied down! You snooze you lose!" Joan-Carlos says that he got to feel "love" for Adri, she's the first one that got to him feel at that level since Vicki, but I believe he still reiterated his disinterest in babies. Well you know dude, keep that thought because there's a Prince in White Scrubs that will be more than happy to step in for you, and frankly at the moment I think he's way hotter than you. (This opinion is subject to change, depending on how the plotline develops.)
* The Ho is talking to her henchman (I'll remember his name but don't ask me to give it now) about bumping off Gramps, because he's ticking her off with calling her on her B.S. and all. Henchman suggests that she can get to Gramps (Anibal) by trying to seduce him instead. She's willing to give it a shot. Gramps is a douchebag, but no dummy. He's not falling for it. (I drifted off during part of this so I could be getting some of it wrong.)
* Lili our Disney Princess dreams (literally, she sleeps and dreams) of a Disney Princess wedding to the Little Ape. Oh barf.
* Earlier Big Angel heard Lili whisper "Francisco!" when she briefly woke up, so the Little Ape goes in to visit her. She says she is slipping away, has no reason to live. Her dad Big Angel is got a baby on the way and a new woman. Lili doesn't need to stick around. She has only one dream in her life, and there's no time for it to be realized—she'd love to marry Guzmancito. Well, Guzmancito obviously can't grant her wish. Or can he?
* Guzmancito tells the awaiting crowd in the hospital waiting room that Lili has one last wish and that's to get hitched to him. Roy the Boy doesn't like the sound of it. But Nikki says that since Lili's going to check out soon, that Guzman should do this for her. The Little Ape has tears streaming down his face. (JUMPING THE SHARK, WE ARE JUMPING THE SHARK HARD.)
* Cande overhears Adri crying over Lili and (for a reason I missed, will fill in later!) realizes that she can't keep the secret of Lili's parentage a secret any longer. She pulls Adri aside and just dumps the truth on her. Doesn't give her the specifics, just that Lili is Lucia. Adri is spitting mad, incredulous, yadda yadda. Candi pleads with Adri to not let Big Angel know, because it would crush him. Adri's fondness for Big Angel and his inherent decentness doesn't take much time to kick in and she agrees that no one should know of Lili's true parentage. Poor Big Angel doesn't deserve that. She makes Candi promise that she won't say anything of this (that Adri knows the truth) to Gramps. END OF EPISODE.
AVANCES: Adri tells Vicente that Lili is "their" daughter. Adri gives birth. Joan-Carlos comes to see her. Guzmancito visits Lili and says he's willing to fulfill her dream.
Labels: Amores
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