Friday, May 20, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #79, 5/19/16: WTF Did We All Just Watch?

Part One

Oh my god. Guys, you guys, what did we just watch? What's going on? Someone tell meeeeeeeeeeee,

Okay, so I just finished the episode, the Univision App is crap, it lags, it shuts down on you as you're watching- and then you have to start watching from the start and hope the freaking thing will work, anyhoo, after two hours I finally made it through.

The episode was super slow until the last seven minutes, so let's recap the slow bits and then move on to the action, okay? So we start off with Belen going *splat*, once she realized that Andres knew about her involvement in the plan to get him killed, and finding herself surrounded she jumped to her death rather than face jail time, I think knowing that Olegario would place all the blame on her was the final push she needed to jump. Poor Andres, he is devastated, don't ask me why, but he is. Dummy. Andres blames Ayala and Co for Belen's death and I'm over here thinking "hu"?

Back at the Hotel, Alfredo is having some quality time with the little Al, he tells the baby that they need each other and I just want this dude to get up, run from the hotel and take the super adorable baby away. Alfredo is a good guy, proof of this is that when he learned about Belen's death he took the baby to Andres and told him he needed the baby more, oooh look, a therapy baby!

Meanwhile Teresa gets a summons from her friend, the judge, she is being accused of murdering her husband! Teresa wrongly assumes that Isabel was the one who ratted her but it was in fact Julio who did the deed in order to spare Isabel. This causes a major rift between the two. The lesson learned here is: Don't accuse your future mother in law of murder. It won't go over well. In this case it ended up making Teresa curse the day Isabel was born. Totally harsh.

Ayala confronts Olegario and tells him he's on to him and later Olegario makes the mistake of talking smack about Belen and gets a well deserved punch in the face.

Elsewhere in town, Juana and Diego are getting ready to leave Mexico, at least Juana thinks they are, Diego has other plans.

Teresa ran to Doctor V. for comfort after being served with the summons and he comforts her and later agrees to be her date to the party the hotel is throwing, and then he stands her up. More on that later.

Part two:

The party from hell

Ok so here's where the fun starts. Teresa gets ready for the party and finds that Doctor V. has stood her up, but she's a strong independent lady and goes to the party on her own. She gives a speech to her guests thanking them for their friendship and loyalty. While she does this other things are taking place in the hotel.

First we have Julio saying his goodbyes to Cecilia. He gives her a hug goodbye and Isabel walks in on them, misunderstands what's going on and stalks off. Julio leaves to go after her and Diego follows after them. Ooooh the drama!

While Julio and Isabel argue, Doctor V. leads Diego to them up in the secret room. Diego finds Julio and demands to know where Isabel is. Isabel hides. They start to fight and the fists fly and I LOVE IT. Yes, I'm blood thirsty and what? Diego deserved the beat down. Isabel comes from her hiding place and smashes a vase over  his head but fails to knock him out. Diego gets the gun and points it at Julio. Doctor V. appears and shoots Julio in the shoulder and tells Diego to take Isabel away! Ahhhhhhh, my brain!

The gunshot interrupts Ayala who was declaring his love to Matilde. Everyone rushes to see what is going on and they find Diego holding a gun to Isabel's head. Doctor V. pulls his gun on the group and prevents them from helping Isabel. Again, he tells Diego to take Isabel away, and Diego does. Diego drags Isabel out of the hotel by the hair while she begs him to let her go. He refuses to. Then she asks him to shoot her because she'd rather die than have him touch her again, then a shot rings out. Doctor V seems to believe this means Diego has killed Isabel and he put his gun down, again, WTF.

Back to the stairs at the entrance of the hotel. Diego continues to abuse Isabel, when we see Julio. He calls out to Diego "Montejo, die!" and shoots Diego!



Yago #13. Thursday May 19, 2016. Land Of Cuckoos

This recap is brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, CountxAlacran. Enjoy! 

[Some scenes were merged] 
  • Refrito of previous scenes (Yago learns that Lucio has a new baby in plans, Abel buys off a gardener in the orphanage to be Lorenzo’s sombra, Teo argues with Fidel about Camilo Michel.) 
  • Flashbacks of Abel’s earlier life. Abel accidentally killed a young fellow which made his father to take Abel’s punishment. His family rejected Abel which forced him to take the journey to Mexico on request of his father. In Mexico he beat the crap out of bullies chomping one’s ear off with pliers. He was also encountered by the child’s mother which finally recognized Abel as the killer. She cursed Abel’s whole existence, saying that he will end up worse as her fallen child. In the present Abel was at the point of killing himself but Teo stopped it. Abel is curious on who put the video on. Abel also pointed out that Bruno is slowly becoming the bane of his existence. If Bruno won’t stop digging , Abel will be forced to kill him.
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep #52 (5.19.2016) Keeping up with the dreams that love for Lala products command!

I have a dream!

Viviana's dream

At the cereal clinic, mother and son promise each other they will fight this together. Her dream of love is that the three of them (I am guessing they're including Luca) will never get apart.
Looks like Adrián borrowed Salma's t-shirt, maybe because she doesn't need it anymore.

Salma's dream
Speaking of the devil, Salma shares with Kristel her dream of love and that doesn't include the shrimp-like fetus on the screen of her tablet (Look! it has eyes!). They watch a sonogram and the younger sister complaints about the situation she created herself. On the dark side, she is one of half a million teenagers that are pregnant in México right now, but if you look it at the bright side, she can take her kid to her quinceañera as one of the chambelanes!

Mario's dream
His dream is that his unrequited love for Viviana blossom in a full gilf relationship.
He is so confundido and more when he tries to tell his daughters and Salma's hormones make her feel unwanted. He assures her that he loves both equally and then she is happy to be included and now the club has four and a quarter members. Granny, pops, the girls and the fetus. Imagine if Viviana ties the gordian knot with Mario and becomes both Salma's stepmother and mother in law! Wow, and including PatoLuca in this mix this will make a very twisted family tree!!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 16, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.
The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Time):
• 12-2 pm—¿Quién Es Quién?   
• 8 pm—Eva la Trailera  
• 9 pm—La Esclava Blanca 
• 10 pm—El Señor de los Cielos  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the discussions they're looking for.

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 13 (May 16, 2016) Second Half

Fernanda Meets the Family from Hell, and it’s Hers

(This lengthy scene is from Episode #60 from Wed, May 18)

Fer has arrived at the hacienda to take care of Don Fernando. She steps into the living room to find Carlos waiting for her, wanting to know how Pedro is. They exchange a few words and it seems as though a reconciliation is near. There are sweet kisses, a “te amo” from Carlos and another kiss.
Into this tranquil domestic scene, roars Hernán hell bent for leather without a horse, on a mission to fire Fer for his self-humiliated daughter’s sake. He yells and bullies Fer and makes a grab for her. Carlos comes to her defense. The two men tussle and Hermy ends up pushing Carlos backwards onto the couch.
At this moment Amelia rolls herself in to witness this dispute. Fer sees her mother and her mother sees Fer. Amelia speaks first, calling her Luisa Fernanda, hija. Blanca hears her and heads for the living room. Mariana arrives and stands in the background. Shock, anguish and incomprehension are all etched on Fer’s face. Amelia approaches her, tears starting to fall. Her daughter is alive. She reaches out her hand to Fer, assuming Fer will reciprocate. Fer backs away from her.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sueño de amor #51 Wed. 5/18/16

A little fragmented a lot like the commercial ridden episode of tonight . . .

Ricardo goes to open the door of his home and he gets yet another phone call from Esperanza telling him how much she misses him one more time and that Pato has news about his kids. The call turns out to be a good thing because while talking to her, Ricardo notices some marks on his door as if somebody was trying to get in. He remembers La Sombra's threat. He does not try to open the door. He does not get blown up. He calls the super duper spy office of which he is no longer an employee. Esperanza insists she is coming over even though he tells her not to.

At Ernesto's house, Ernesto and Tracy get into a discussion. Ernesto is all worried that La Sombra is going to tell Ricardo he was not the one that caused the attack at the restaurant. Tracy wants to know what could happen anyway if La Sombra said it wasn't him at the restaurant. Ricardo would never think it was them. Ernesto is worried there could be an investigation which wouldn't be good for them. Tracy reminds him it had nothing to do with the two of them; it was all his idea that ended up being his deal  to get his daughter Pato to love him and for Pato and Luca to forgive him. Ernesto is just not sure. He would be capable of doing anything so that Pato and Luca would not find out the truth. Tracy jumps on the "anything". What might that be? Ernesto says that would be eliminating La Sombra all together.
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Yago #12 Discussion page 05/17/2016

I had awful problems with the sound yesterday while trying to watch the episode and I was not able to re-watch this morning so here is a discussion post, I'll watch the episode tonight and have a recap up by tomorrow morning, because there is no episode tonight we won't fall behind!


Sueño de Amor (SdA) #50. Tuesday May 17, 2016. A Valiant Recapper Has Joined Us, Just In Time To Document La Sombra's Capture! ¡Enhorabuena!

This recap is brought to you by our brand-new recapper and Patio Pal, Kinomathematika. Enjoy!

Monday’s episode left us with several questions: 

- How’s Ernesto going to handle having Rodrigo and Selena living in his house? 
- How will Anastasia seek revenge against Pato? 
- How will Pedro handle Aranza’s clinginess? 
- Will Erasmo take Pato’s advice and let Luca help him with the money for Kiko’s operation? 
- Will Ricardo be able to finally get the Sombra? 
- How will Ricardo get his kids back? 

Here’s what happened on Tuesday’s episode: 

At the OCN – After being able to locate la Sombra, Ricardo and his team prepare for their mission to capture him. 

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #78, 5/17/16: The Truth is Finally Told!

This recap is by commenter Cynthia. Her first recap on the blog!  Thanks so much, Cynthia!
We open with Ayala on the phone confirming the real identity of Diego. He is a Colombian who has been a fugitive from the law for 6 years named Juan Camilo Angarita. Ayala explains that Diego is a very dangerous murderous man, who was running from the police. Romulo saved him because he was a member of the Masonic Lodge and was trying to help out of good faith. The problem is that Ayala doesn’t know if Romulo actually knew that Diego/Juan Camilo Angarita was a murderer. The part he can’t figure out is if Diego/Juan murdered Romulo himself or if it was truly Teresa who murdered Romulo.
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Yago, #11, Monday 5/16/16: We're all pawns, my dear

Ambar calls Yago just as he's getting in his car. He gets bonked on the head and has a flashback:

Melina is visiting him in prison. She's brought him lunch and is telling him about Dad's new job. Then Omar is attacked and beaten badly. Omar is dragged into a small cell and locked up alone. Later, Fidel joins him in the small cell. Omar says he doesn't have the strength to eat. Fidel encourages him to bounce back.

Ambar leaves a message. She's sure she heard a struggle. She doesn't look well. Sara offers to try to track Yago down. She looks again at the threatening text from her father and puts 2+2 together the wrong way: Damian must have taken Yago!

Yago comes around and sees a silhouette. It's Fidel. They hug. Fidel plays the tape of Yomar revealing himself to Melina in the hospital. Yago feels that Teo has betrayed him. Fidel says Teo is just doing his job. "Melina is Omar's mother, not yours. And Omar is dead. You are Yago." Fidel knows about the video of Abel shooting the guard, too.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #77, 5/16/16: A Hot Mess of Crazy

This is my last recap for this outstanding telenovela. I want to say up front just how great a pleasure it's been to watch and read along with the rest of you. The quality of the writing, the acting, the production, and the participation of the Caray community has been a profound delight at a particular moment when I really needed to find something delightful. Thanks to everyone who has come along on this spectacular ride. The TN has been great, but the experience has been awesome.

Ahem. Enough mush. Back to our story.

At the gravesite, Belen's teeny acorn of a heart breaks in two at the sight of her deceased, freshly dug-up child. Dagoberto, Cipriano, and Ayala are all distraught at the scene. Even I have to stifle a sniffle. Ayala et al storm the hotel with guns as Andres consoles Belen. Ayala asks for Diego and is told that he left earlier.

Ayala sifts through volumes of records in Diego's office. Teresa tells Mateo to make sure Ayala doesn't open up the safe without her permission. Teresa goes to her own office and calls the insurance company.

Meanwhile, Isabel shows Julio the life insurance policy that was written with Teresa as beneficiary. Funny thing, the date on it is after Romulo's accident.

Ayala is already trying to open the safe when Teresa returns. She tells him it's Diego's personal safe and no one else knows the combination. Ayala says he'll blast it open.

Baby #1 gets a proper burial. Belen panics as the men begin to shovel dirt onto the tiny coffin. They back off to give her some space. She asks Andres to get her other child for her. She won't forgive him if he doesn't.

Judge Barreda is telling someone on the phone that everything is under control and business is business, when Ignacio, Matilde and a squad of reporters and photographers burst in to give him the good news of Belen's reappearance. The judge has no choice but to tell the reporters that the charges against Andres are being dropped. Ignacio and Matilde exchange smug looks.
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Monday, May 16, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #49. Monday May 16, 2016. This Novela Was Smushed With "Porque El Amor Manda" To Give You "Sueño Del Amor Manda"... Because You're Worth It!

At a glance

-- Osorio has decided to recycle Porque El Amor Manda, because he can and because he gets his paycheck no matter what.

A closer look 

Ricardo shows Esperanza the apartment he one-sidedly decided that she and her grown children should move into. He does, however, grant the little lady the privilege of choosing the furniture and the knickknacks that will fit out their new home. 

Accompanied by her adoring lapdog, Pedro, Princess Confundida goes to visit her saintly mother in jail. Despite her histrionic whining, prison life isn’t treating Silvana that bad. She is impeccably coiffed and she sports her favorite fluttering falsies. All that’s missing is her signature red lippy, designer glasses and military-style black garb and she's Principal Crazy-Eyes again!

At the constructora, Viviana complains to Luca about Ernesto’s objection to her “friendship” with Mario. Luca informs her that Ernesto pulled a heroic stunt during Pato’s birthday. Viviana’s eyes bug out in disbelief. 

In the reception area, Nacho informs Begoña that he decided to pull a Ricardo and cross the border illegally into the United States (irse de mojado). See you in 20 years, toots! 

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 13 (May 16, 2016) First Half

The solution to the mystery of who and where in the world is Fernanda, granddaughter and future heir to a vast fortune, is known only to one person and he’s incommunicado, interned in a psychiatric hospital. The people who want to know starts with her grandfather, Don Fernando. For good or ill, he has memory lapses. The others, Luis, Amelia and Mariana, all have a stake in Fernanda being found for their own financial gain.

This week we are surely in for some surprises. When Amelia gets back from the D.F., will Fernanda run into her at Don Fernando’s hacienda or will they manage to miss each other? Will Luis stalk the hacienda until he sees Amelia and waylay her to find out where Fernanda is? So far, Pedro has been able to keep Luis and Fernanda apart by pure strength of will, but in doing so is also keeping Fernanda and Carlos, the love of her life, apart, leaving room for a certain Dr. Javier to move in. In Friday’s encounter Javier and Carlos had a standoff. What is next for our pixie-perfect heroine?

Note: This post will cover Episodes #58-Mon, #59-Tue, #60-Wed.  The Second Half will be posted on Thursday and cover Episodes #61-Thu and #62-Fri and carry us through the weekend.


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 16, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Time):
• 12-2 pm—¿Quién Es Quién?   
• 8 pm—Eva la Trailera  
• 9 pm—La Esclava Blanca 
• 10 pm—El Señor de los Cielos  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the discussions they're looking for.

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #76, 5/13/16: The Black Widow

Hi everyone. I want to tell you all what a pleasure it's been recapping this fantastic telenovela and I'm sad to see it end. There are so few really good ones that when one finishes, it leave an empty hole that is hard to fill. We were lucky after Yo No Creo en los Hombres, we had another fantastic TN that followed it and that hole never formed.

This is very long, there was no way I could shorten in without leaving out vital information.

We start where we left off, Manuela and Felipe having a conjugal visit, and Julio and Isabel being told the story of how they faked Andres’ death. Julio wants to know why Ayala was willing to break the law to do this? Ayala is not disposed to let innocent people die for the benefit of rich people. 

Belen has arrived at the hotel, wearing mourning black and a veil over her face, crying her eyes out at the injustice of Andres’ fate, through every fault of her own. She’s a first class drama queen, she’s utterly torn up, and runs to hug a startled Angela. Oleg pulls her off of Angela, but everyone wants an explanation of how this could have happened. 
Viewerville is on the edge of our seats, waiting to hear her explanation.
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Yago #10. Friday May 13, 2016. Some Truths Are Better Left Untold.

What is this salty discharge? Why am I bawling my eyes out, on a Saturday morning, over fictitious people? This ain't right.

At a glance

-- The Avengers Squad is disintegrating: Yago hides things from his sidekicks, while Katia and Teo turn on each other.
-- Damián upgrades his blackmail plan.
-- More about Abel's backstory after the casino robbery.
-- Yago tells his mother that he is Omar.

A closer look 

Let's delve right into the action, shall we? Flashback. San Nicolás Prison, a few years ago. Abel pays Omar a visit. He is visibly upset to see his friend’s bruised face and asks him what he can do to help. Omar wants answers, answers Abel is not prepared to give. He wants to know whether Abel knew about Lucio and Sara, about their intent to betray him. Abel dodges Omar’s questions and evades his scrutinizing gaze. He pretends that he doesn’t know anything about the casino robbery and that he hasn’t heard about either Lucio or Sara in a long time. Abel says his fare-thee-wells: He’s going to bounce (retachar) to a new place and start from zero, so he won’t be able to keep up with Omar and... Before he can finish stuttering his lame excuses, Omar sternly bids him goodbye and wishes him good luck. He smells a rat. Abel emphatically makes Omar promise that he’ll take care of himself. 

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Sueno de Amor, #48, Friday Ric can't even catch the faux Sombra

Hello, everybody! I'm going to keep this short and to the point, feel free to add details that I've missed and you think add to the overall plot. 

We start with the cat-fight between Kristel and Aranza. They are, indeed, fighting over bland Pedro, but who am I to judge?
The quarrel is interrupted by Pato, coming out of the toilet and reminding her two amigas that this is HER day and they should stop making a mess out of it.
Kristel almost starts weeping, apologizes to both Pato and Aranza and leaves. Aranza tries to defend herself, with the classic "She started it", but Pato bluntly asks if fighting over Pedro is something that Ara should focus on now, with everything else that is going on in her life. Touché!

Barbara Santillana informs Felix that she will take over for Silvana and no, she doesn't need his incompetent help to do the job, he's less likely to screw up things better in an administrative capacity. What she needs is a good educator, someone who knows about academics and is an excellent teacher. My mind goes straight to Esperanza, but then Barbara says another name: Cristina Velez Valderama - and here is how I suppose we'll be getting introduced to Marjorie de Sousa. Not even in the cast yet and she's already replacing my lovely Esperanza (oh, yeah, and I saw her in the credits, too, third position, with the mention Protagonista Invitada - whatever that means).

The scene switches to a child's room, a little girl - we see a picture of her with her mother (Marjorie), we hear her recorded voice saying how much she loves mom and we see a woman enter the room. No face for now, though, and I really don't get the mystery.

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Friday, May 13, 2016

El hotel de los Secretos #75, 5/12/16: Andy is alive ALIVE!

Oh my sweet lord, we got our Andres back!

  • Gabriel tells Natalia that Belen is alive and that Andres was killed for a crime he did not commit.
  • Natalia realizes the danger this puts her brother in so she hides him- smart girl.
  • Everyone mourns the death of poor sweet Andres- Julio has some lovely things to say about how awesome Andres was.
  • Teresa goes looking for Doctor V. when she can't find him she sits in his room and has a melt down, she even starts reading the Bible.
  • Speaking of melt downs, Sofia is having awful nightmares of Beatriz who tells her she will never give her a moment of peace, then she sees a dead man sitting with the babies, it was so creepy to see dead baby #1.
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Yago #9. Thursday May 12, 2016. World That Never Was

This recap is brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, CountxAlacran. Enjoy! 

 (Scenes may be merged out of order)

Credit: Teche-Anubis, Deviantart

If anyone wonders about the title choice, I took it out of Kingdom Hearts. It’s a world that reminds me of Yago’s mindset and lonely life. 
  • Repeat of previous scenes (Ambar rejects Yago’s advances, Damian catches Matias looking at the tape, Matias informs Yago about the tape).
  • This is mostly a Yago-centric episode. We find out how he was doing after his surgery. We meet a new character, Selma (She is the lover of Fidel, mentor of Yago). Selma helped Yago design his alter ego teaching him of all of the tricks in life, more importantly to throw his original face (physically and mentally) out of the picture. In the present, Yago went to visit Bruno at his house because Bruno was worried about Melina’s rapidly decreasing mental health. Obviously, he had a hard time encountering with family memories, pictures and Omar’s favorite food after so many years. As Yago he had to abandon Omar completely (The directors must be happy to the tears that this show is just fantasy so that Ivan Sanchez cannot sue them for stealing his vocal cords).
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep 47 (5.12.16) This episode has been brought to you by open ''Death threats'' when doing it anonymously is not enough.

''A very long time ago, very, very long time ago, in a land very far, very, very far, a little princess was born. She was so hairy and her beak was so crooked that her Mapa called her  ''Pato''. When she turned ''18'' her dad gave her a luscious party. Everybody was invited, specially Eli and Pocoyó. The shadow, international art thief was not on the list but he assisted anyway because he had a special gift for her. I told you I would kill her when she turned 18, remember?''

Grandmamá Pepa thought she was getting weird, wired, but all Ricardo did was give her a tracking device that looks like Barbie's smartphone to locate her son. Can you really know where he is with this? Sure! Do you remember the tubes from the tv when you were a kid? Well... technology has made everything smaller... 
She thinks she is the only one to blame because Max grew up without a father figure. She said that she created a soulless monster because the absence of Max's father made him steal to fill that void, yeah right! To another dog with that bone!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 9, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.

The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Time):

noon - 2 - ¿Quién es Quién?
8 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
9 PM  - La Esclava Blanca 
10 PMEl Señor de los Cielos #4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

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Yago #8. Wednesday May 11, 2016. A Broken Home

This recap is brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, Princess Juju. Enjoy! 
  • Bruno, Jonas and Melina are falling apart, they won't tell each other the secrets they hold and Melina is drowning in sadness. 
  • Bruno and Jonas argue about Melina's treatment and they later make up and agree to stick together; they always have. 
  • Flashback: Yomar's family is so happy, it actually hurts to see this knowing what's coming ahead, they are all very proud of Yomar for working on his degree. 
  • Flashback: Yomar and Bruno bond, Bruno's voice over tells us that Yomar was his here and always brought light, happiness and laughter to everyone he met. Buy the way this is exactly how Sara described Ambar to Yago. 
  • Flashback: Yomar gets set up and the family picks sides, Jonas feels Yomar was guilty and refuses to visit him in jail, Melina and Bruno on the other hand refuse to believe that Yomar committed the crime and stand by him. 
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El Hotel de los Secretos #74, 5/11/16: A Son Saved and Sent Away; A Son Who Stayed Close is Lost

Diego’s Mad Mama has Julio tied to a chair and blindfolded, and Isabel drugged half out of her mind and hog tied to the bed in her lair. She orders her goon to shoot Julio, as he swears his love to Isa. The goon takes aim and gets ready to shoot Julio in the head, when suddenly a shot rings out, hits him square in the heart, and drops him dead to the ground. Mad Mama hides. Isa faints into drugged unconsciousness. Doctor Vicario steps into the room, knocks Julio out with the butt of his gun, and points his gun at Mad Mama as she emerges from the shadows.

Doc Vic: Hello, Juana.
Mad Mama: Simón! What are you doing here?
DV: You and I have a lot to talk about. Let’s go!
He leads her out at gun point.

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 12 (May 9, 2016) Second Half

EPISODE #55 (Wed May 11)
Carlos comes to help Paco with his homework, but he says he can do it alone. Paco wants to know what he and his mother were arguing about. It’s adult stuff. Paco doesn’t think a mother and son should be fighting. Carlos says it happens.
Next morning Cesar is helping Fer at the quesadilla stand. Then she leaves for her new job and reflects on the burden she’s carrying on her shoulders. She needs to pay back the loan—with interest, all by herself, without a father, without a mother and without Carlos. How quickly life can change from night to morning. She thinks about her mother, how she knows now her mother didn’t love her. She wonders where she is.
Adelina comes to visit Pedro in his room at the clinic and introduces herself as Fer’s good friend. They spend time getting to know each other. She’s impressed by how happy he is, even in a place like this. He claims there’s always light at the end of the tunnel and his daughter is the light of his life.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sueño de amor #46 Wednesday 5/11/16

So, here we go with a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Pato is on the street and Anastasia approaches her. They end up on a bus where Anastasia wants Pato to get a message to Ernesto for her. She needs his help because she has no money: nothing. So far he has refused to give her anything. Anastasia makes sure that Pato sees a  gun in her handbag. Maybe Ernesto needs someone he loves to be in danger . . . Anastasia sure hopes that Patricia gives Ernesto the message. After getting off the bus, Anastasia pretends to shoot Pato through the bus window with her finger. Pato is left creeped out and alone on the bus.

At the hospital, the doctor is filling in Viviana and Luca about the severity of Adrián's problem. Luca and the doctor think that Adrián needs to go inpatient at a rehab center. Viviana is not too sure. Later at home, Ernesto agrees Adrián needs to be admitted to the rehab center. Adrián sees it as if they are throwing him away. Luca and Ernesto do their best to talk him into it. Adrián hysterical makes all sort of promises not to drink. Viviana is afraid they will mistreat Adrián and promises to take care of him rather than send him off to that terrible place. Ernesto sees Vivana as just stupid but then he has to stay quiet because it is all his fault anyway. Luca tries to convince Viviana and Adrián that Adrián's promises mean absolutely nothing. Seems to be enough blame to spread around.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #45. Tuesday May 10, 2016. Misery Loves Company.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Adrián is in hospital with alcohol poisoning (congestión alcohólica). His pity party for one is getting old. Everything that happens to him is everybody’s fault but his own. He treats both Estrella and Salma like crap when they visit him at hospital. That should teach them to care. 

In Acapulco, Esperanza and Ricardo do a lame copy of the “From Here To Eternity” kissing-on-the-beach sequence. Agent Alegría informs his starry-eyed fiancée that he’ll resign as soon as he catches La Sombra. Wouldn’t an immediate resignation be more conducive to La Sombra’s prompt capture? 
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Sad, salty tears: Damian lives Yago #7 05/10/2016

This won't be my best recap but that's because in a few minutes my office computer is going "bye, bye" and I'm finally getting a new one!

  • Melina, does not get run over! She was shaken up but is in good health. she confesses everything to Jonas-including the fact that she pawned her wedding ring to get bus fare to see the shaman.
  • Jonas goes to Lucio for help in getting even with the shaman, Lucio and his goons pay the shaman a visit and trash his place- but wait for it...the shaman has Lucio's number and tells him that he (Lucio) may be able to fool everyone else, but that he can't fool him and that he knows Lucio is behind the suffering of Melina's son. Ooooooh snap!
  • Damian, Sara's and Ambar's dad makes his return. Sara and Lucio pretend not to know him but Teo and Katia are on the case and tell Yago that Damian is someone known to both Sara and Lucio, this will be important later.
  • We get a flashback scene where we see just how much of a conman Damian is, he catches someone's attention and is offered the casino heist job- so he never did it for Ambar, he was hired by someone else to do the job!
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El Hotel de los Secretos #73, 5/10/16: You Want Macho? Just Dial Hotheads Are Us

Parte 1
All are totally upset by the fact that Andres has been unjustly dragged off to jail for the missing Belen’s supposed murder.  (El bocazota ése, with that size 13 shoe of his, has managed to insert same with a perfect fit).  Julio and Detective Ayala are wise that the judge is in cahoots with Somebody.  Julio sees red and blames Diego for Isabela’s kidnapping.  Why?  I, frankly, am not sure.  They figure that he’s hiding a dark, dark pasado since he really comes from Colombia and was on the lam for some shady deal that got him in trouble with The Law and over which Romulo and he apparently argued –and which may be the reason he might have administered the deadly arsenic to the old dude? And, perhaps it got the others in Romulo’s secret society to want to off Diego also, or at least to accuse his beloved of being an adulteress.  Julio wants to head off to strangle and mangle El Diablo de Diego just because, because if it hadn’t been for that devilish brute his sister wouldn’t be dead and his beloved wouldn’t have been raped!!  However, Ayala tells him no!  “--Use some common sense! Killing   serves not the Greater Good.”  This gets Julio thinking with the common sense part of his brain…maybe.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Yago #6. Monday May 9, 2016. Discussion Page + Highlights By Julie And Vivi.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a discussion page until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Two of our Patio regulars kindly contributed this impromptu recap. Many thanks to both!

Highlights by Julie:

Katia gets her hands on Ambar's medical records and Yago finds out that Ambar was admitted to the hospital just days before (or after?) the heist and questions if it's a coincidence. (duh) 

Sara recalls that the hospital threatened to kick Ambar out because Sara's account was NSF. Turns out Sara's father kept her share as well as his own because his own welfare was more important to him than Ambar's. Lucio offered to pay Ambar's hospital bill himself. 

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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #44. Monday May 9, 2016. The One Where Nobody Calls The Police.

At a glance

-- Aranza gets kidnapped, beaten and raped because Osorio is running out of cheap ploys to raise the ratings of this train wreck.
-- Adrián runs away from home and spends the night drinking on a pile of garbage.
-- Nobody has the presence of mind to call the cops! 

A closer look 

In their luxury suite in Acapulco, Esperanza and Ricardo mingle limbs in slo-mo and fall asleep in a pillowless diagonal embrace. 

Back in Mexico City, Kristel tells Pedro that Salma’s pregnancy brought their family together. Silver linings and whatnot. However, Kristel doesn’t know where her witch of a mother moved out to. Pedro informs her that her mom was the one who sent the CCTV tape that got him locked up in the holding cells (separos) of the police station. However, he is still alive and kicking (vivito y coleando), so no harm no foul. Pedro receives the sympathy he was fishing for in the form of a kiss. A kiss for which he’ll get admonished, at some point, by Princess Confundida

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El Hotel de los Secretos #72, 5/9/16: Mommy-Suegra Dearest

Diego's mother has a mild face, but the tight bun in her hair and the black satin dress give her a severe air. The collar that looks like a chain of medium-sized doilies adds to the incongruity. She tells Isabel that she had Isa nabbed in order to "save" her and Diego. Diego's been writing letters to his mommy. He's treated Isa badly and it's not her fault. He's a troubled boy. During her speech, she prepares a mixture of medicines in a small bottle. She assures Isabel, "don't worry, you'll learn to love my Diego and all will be well. He won't make the same mistakes again!"

Isabel struggles to get up, but is easily knocked over. "My Diego should have been a writer," his mother says. "You're exactly as he described you." She administers another dose with the mask and says that a little morphine and scopolamine will help Isabel "sleep better."
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Monday, May 09, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 9, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Time):

• noon-2 pm—¿Quién Es Quién?   
• 8pm—Eva, La Trailera  
• 9pm—La Esclava Blanca 
• 10pm—El Señor de los Cielos  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

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Saturday, May 07, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #71, 5/6/16: Watching The People Get Lairy Is Not Very Pretty I Tell Thee!

What do you mean there are only 9 episodes left?
At a glance

-- Isabel was abducted by a mysterious woman, who turns out to be Diego's mother. No way! Yes way!
-- A calcined corpse shows up in San Cristóbal and is believed to Belén's. You don't say! Oh, I say!

A closer look

After the hullabaloo of Diego’s rampage and Isabel’s abduction, Ayala instructs his men to take the injured Julio away. Diego comes to and asks about Isabel. Ayala informs him that his wife has been kidnapped. How could this happen if Diego himself shot his wife’s lover in the leg? Ayala denies that anybody got shot. No blood, no witnesses, no case. Diego flips out and threatens to denounce Isabel for adultery. 

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 12 (May 9, 2016) First Half

We have been asked by BlogMom to post twice a week. Seeing as we are about to fall off the front page, the recap for EPISODE #52 for Friday, May 6 is being posted here. Comments are most welcome.

We pick up the conversation between Dr. Javier and Fernanda where he left off in the prior episode. He was wondering why Carlos is trying so hard to get Fer to come back to him. He should be ashamed to face her after what he did to her. Fer explains that they thought Isabela was pregnant and Carlos didn’t want to leave her, but the pregnancy was all a lie.

Carlos now wants Fer to forgive him so they can be together again. Dr. Jay wants to know if she wants to. She says yes, he’s the love of her life, but she can’t just now because she doesn’t trust him. She’s lost her confidence in him. Jay doesn’t think he’s likely to deceive her again, but Fer says one never knows and then repeats the story of her mother keeping the secret for 19 years that she’s the daughter of another man and Pedro never knew that [but of course he does] and that Carlos’ mother just found out her husband has a mistress. She doesn’t want that for herself, living with distrust. She leaves him, pondering.

Carlos finds out from Dr. Marcos that someone named Isabela was nosing around and told Javier that she was Carlos’ novia. Carlos has to explain that he and Isy were novios at one time in the past, but he ended it. He doesn’t know why she’s going around telling people she’s still his novia. Marcos thanks him for clearing that up. Carlos assures him he loves Fernanda, even though they’ve had a quarrel.

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Yago #5. Friday May 6, 2016. Everybody Has An Achilles Heel.

For no reason at all. You're welcome.
At a glance 

-- Fidel Yampolski takes Omar under his wing and helps him become Yago. 
-- Abel plies Katia, a recovering alcoholic, with vodka in order to get more information about Yago. 
-- Sara is jealous of Ámbar and Yago’s nascent romance. 
-- Lucio tries to secure the initial investment that Yago requested through a loan shark. He also learns that Bruno is investigating Omar’s case. 
-- Ámbar has a health emergency and is evacuated by helicopter to Mexico City. 

A closer look

Punta Azul. Yago requests that Lucio invest 40 million US dollars in their joint venture or they have no deal. 

Flashback. San Nicolás Prison, a few years ago. Omar gets a beat down from some inmates who want to know where he hid the casino’s stolen money. Omar is saved by big shot mob boss, Fidel Yampolski, whose integration to the prison population is the biggest event in the jail’s social calendar that year. 

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Friday, May 06, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #43. Friday May 6, 2016. At Long Last, My Precious Turtledove! We’ll Bump Knees And Make Sweet Acapulco Love!

Are you sure this is what the book said? You got the position number right?

At a glance 

-- Esperanza got an engagement bling-a-ling in Mexico City and a bow chicka wow wow in Acapulco. 
-- Everyone is still pondering Salma’s pregnancy and debating what to do about it. Everybody except Salma. 

A closer look 

Esperanza is at Casa Manzanares giving unsolicited advice to the suicidal pregnant rapist teen. The rest of Salma’s cheering squad is also there: Margarita, Mario and Kristel nod along to everything the self-appointed Dr. Nosey Parker says. Salma is instantly reinvigorated by the magical pep talk. Yay! ¡Abrazo Juaréver! 

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El Hotel de los Secretos #70, 5/5/16: Diego Goes Ape ****

Ok so the universe hates me today, I've been trying to watch the episode but something is wrong either with my phone or the APP I'm using, and my freaking Kindle won't charge! I'll do my best to have a recap up- even if it's just bullet points. I apologize for the delay. Question for anyone else using the Univision APP- are you having issues trying to watch shows on it?


Yago #4. Thursday May 5, 2016. A Blast To The Past

This recap is brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, CountxAlacran. Enjoy!

(Some scenes were merged) 

Short version: 
  • Naked Ivan Sanchez!  
  • Repeat of the previous scenes (Ambar dances with Yago, Lucio & Sara come to the island, Bruno promises Melina to reopen his old investigation regarding Omar. 
  • We get to see Abel’s point of view such as his bronca with the scratched car (He protected Omar from a bully) that ended in Abel reluctantly accepting Lucio’s offer resulting in Abel killing a man and betraying his supposed brother. In the robbery Abel dropped the gun but it was far too late for Abel to fix his mistakes because it had Omar’s fingerprints all over it. 
  • Yago & Ambar bond further as he invites them to his yacht despite Abel’s hidden rage and failed attempt of a nice date (Yago is unsure if using Ambar for revenge would be a great thing). Abel changes his mind about trusting Yago but Lucio pays him no attention. 
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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 42 (5.5.2016) From teacher warrior spinner hope... to cliché weepy nosy counselor!

¡Feliz 5 de mayo!

Bienvenidos al mundo del revés, donde nada el pájaro y vuela el pez

Adrián and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad life 
Adrián was hiding behind the boxes full of the most expensive glassware from around the world talking with Estrella on the phone, and she broke up with him for the ''N'' time. Then he is showered in insults because he is un ''estuche de monerías tonterías'' and Ernesto lists his ''achievements'': He likes K-pop spontaneous musical numbers, he had to repeat school year and was demoted to attend the poor one across the street, he is a drunk and a minor impregnated herself while he was drowned drunk. Sadly, that was the saddest thing and none of the above, because during the impregnation, he was not even aware and thus didn't enjoyed it! At least Salma can say that those 45 seconds of ''pleasure'' will ruin her whole life, but what about Adrián? 
Los De la Colina discuss abortion vs. adoption, and seem not to agree on any of them.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 2, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.
The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Time):
 noon  - Secretos 
 1 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 8 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
 9 PM  - La Esclava Blanca 
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find the discussions they're looking for.

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Yago #3. Wednesday May 4, 2016. Some Chase Ghosts And Some Follow Mirages.

At a glance 

-- Lucio’s relationship with Omar and his involvement in the casino heist are explored. 
-- Yago plays mind games with Lucio and Sara to make them court him as their next business partner. 
-- Melina is convinced that Omar is alive and wants to look for him. 
-- Ámbar and Yago have their meet-cute and seem to be attracted to one another. 

A closer look

The episode begins with a repeat of Yago’s reencounter with Omar’s family. HIS family. He is received affably but, at the end of the day, he is now a stranger to his parents, Melina and Jonás, and to his younger brother, Bruno. Yago is also introduced to Sara and Lucio’s little boy, Matías, who may in fact be Omar’s son; we’re still looking into it. Yago feels so disconcerted that he needs to escape to the bathroom. He washes his face, dampens his hair and dries both with a towel. Later on, after Yago leaves, Melina wipes her face with the same towel he used earlier. She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale, because, lo and behold, she instantly picks up Omar’s scent in the towel! 

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El Hotel de los Secretos #69, 5/4/16: The “Lady” Vanishes

Already drunk, after Andres finds out from Alfredo that Alfredo/Andres Jr. is really Diego Jr., and Belen has been playing him for a fool from the get go, he seeks Belen out and flies at her in a rage. Hearing her dissing both his mother and Natalia in the servants’ quarters adds fuel to the fire, and practically the whole staff has to pry his hands off Belen’s throat (good thing she has that big ruffled collar). Belen doesn’t back down, however. She starts insulting Andres’ manhood, saying he’s not capable of impregnating a woman. Andres flies at her again, and is intercepted by all the male staff. Belen turns her insults to Angela, which is the last straw for Natalia. She smacks Belen a good one, and the hair-pulling melee begins. Two of the waiters drag Belen away and out the back door, like the trash she is. The men, Lupe and Angela follow, but then leave Andres and Belen alone to sort through the ashes of their brief marriage.
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Sueño de amor # 41 Wednesday 5/4/16. "Waterworks"

I have never seen so many tears in any production anywhere anytime. We pick up the action with Luca being taken in for questioning in the death of Vicente. Luca tells the officer what happened with Vicente. He was not going to let him threaten the girl he loves. The officer sees that as reason enough for killing him.

At school, Tracy is visiting Silvana in her office. They are looking at the security footage that shows Pedro's fight with Vicente. For a change of pace, Tracy corrects Silvana's Spanish. They talk about the murder. They are all excited that Pedro can be implicated in the murder and in that way they can make Esperanza suffer a bit. Silvana asks her secretary Quintina to get a hold of the detective that is investigating Vicente's murder.

Esperanza is with Ricardo. Ricardo sees Vicente's murder on the news on his phone and that Luca was brought in for questioning. He goes over in his own mind his encounter with Vicente. He tells Esperanza about it. Pato overhears about Luca and is immediately hysterical. Luca is not answering his phone. Ricardo explains that Luca is only in for questioning. He has not been arrested. Ricardo will find out what he can.
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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #40. Tuesday May 3, 2016. Estalkin' Is Bad. It Gets People Stabbed.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Someone does us all a favor and stabs Vicente. In 24 hours, witnesses saw him tussle with Luca, fight with Pedro and get roughed up by Ricardo. Neither one of the three has an alibi, this was made abundantly clear throughout the episode. 

In other Sueñolandia news: 

Salma discovers she’s pregnant. At long last! Poor thing is distraught. She is barely 14, she sexually abused a drunken teenage boy, she got a very average boink out of it at best AND she fell pregnant to top it all off. I know this sounds sarcastic but I actually felt sorry for the kid. Thankfully, she has the support of her grandma and her older sister. 

Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida
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It's a hard knock life: Yago #2 05/03/16

Ok, here we go, I'm going to break down the recap into two parts, the first part will recap everything we learned about Sara last night and the second part will cover everything else, I hope not to miss anything but if I do please feel free to add to it in the comments section.


 We start our episode off with a flashback to Omar's brutal beat down in jail. The young man was set up for theft and murder by his two best friends and his future wife, we don't yet know his friends motivations, but I'm guessing they betrayed him simply out of greed. Sara on the other had a different motives, will learning her background make the patio more willing to forgive her and see past her sins? Only time will tell.

Sara was raised by her father who taught her that life is a game, everyone you deal with is an adversary, an in the game there can only be one winner. Life is made for winners, and there's no room for the weak. What her father failed to tell Sara is that sometimes you can win at the game while also losing everything you hold dear.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #68, 5/3/16: Love Diagnosed and Perversions Disclosed

Immediately after Jacinto has viewed Julio and Sra. Montego’s private passion on display, the two discover a buried box with a bloodied jacket.  Upon examination, Detective Ayala finds an arrow appliqued inside the jacket; it appears to be a symbol of some secret Scottish Rite, as yet undetermined (I believe, as again I was working with no CC’s and bad audio).

Once Julio and Isabel head out, Matilda and Ayala scuffle over his pedantic attitude towards her.  It’s something to do with eroticism and not knowing real love if it smacked her upside the head cuz she’s really just cold-blooded; he supposedly only gets excited by dead bodies….dunno.  It’s a boring story-line and the actors totally miscast for this kind of love duo.  Mati races angrily back to the hotel to commiserate with Isa who tells her Mati is suffering from Luhhhhhv.  FF>>FF>>

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