Tuesday, December 09, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014 - 138 : Countdown to the Gran Fin.

[Episode 138 was originally aired in the U.S. on Nov. 26, 2014]

Photos below are, once again, courtesy of the wonderful Jean!

A whole lot of beaming going on...

Reina has just discovered that Christian is in league with BSC Estefi.  She doesn't get it.  Why?  Estefi beams an encouraging smile Christian's way as she rocks her Cabbage Patch Newborn.  "Tell her how her disgusting father also ruined your life.  Tell her."

"It's true," says Christian.  And it gives him so much pleasure to see Reina like this, reduced to nothing, ruined and at their mercy.  

During this scene, Christian and Estefi can't seem to keep their hands off Reina.  One of them is always patting or stroking her head or hair, but the touch is intrusive and swings unpredictably from gentle to painful.  Now it's Estefi who starts patting and smoothing.  "You're both crazy," Reina cries.  [In this she is accurate, perhaps, but neither imaginative nor strategic.]   

As long as we're talking -- how about putting in a good word with Connie for me?

Christian, however, is happy to tell her a little story that will explain everything.  "My father worked as a bodyguard for Estefi's father.  He tried to prevent a massacre and he paid for that with his life."

Moto returns to Navier and catches him trying to sit up.  She scolds him and reminds him he needs to rest!

Cobra beams adoringly at the little emperor in her arms.  

I just bought him his first violin.

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La Gata #70 12/08/14 The one where no one looked for Fela

  • Fela is still missing-no one seems to care
  • Agustin's plan is to keep Fela as his prisoner for so long that she forgets her life with Fernando and then he will replace her memories with fake ones of him and Fela as a happy couple. What the F*ck. That's his actual plan you guys!
  • Chacharas is showing signs of early dementia by asking the crypt keeper, I mean Rita to marry him. He takes her out to a little river/pond thingy and pops the question, all I wanted was for Rita to fall overboard and drown. Yeah, I said it. I don't care what stupid plot line they come up with for her, I don't like her and I'm never gonna like her, so there!
  • Rita accepts the proposal and the two make out, and boy am I glad I got myself a beer after work, it helped numb the pain of that scene.
  • Rita says that the cards show Esmeralda's operation will be life changing, *cue the music of doom*
  • Esmeralda gets a call from bat shit crazy Gisela who requests that the two meet up for a chat.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #80 12/8/14 It's Lupe's Party, But the Surprise is for Sofia

From Friday:
Chava asks Araceli to make sure Paco gets to Lupe's birthday party.
Isadora complains about the lack of alcohol in her drink. Oliver tells her she has a drinking problem and tries to convince her to go to AA.
Greta calls Chava. She wants to talk to him immediately.
Alexa cries and tells Irais that she has loved Armando from the first time he first picked her up at the airport. He helped her get over her panic attacks and regain her confidence. Irais understands why Alexa would fall in love with Armie. Irais starts to cry. She has devoted all her time and attention to her studies and her work. She has no suitors and her prospects look dim because, well.. because she's a bit of a nerd. Alexa assures Irais that she's is very pretty and that love will come when she least expects it. Irais daydreams about Matias. They dry their tears and get back to work.
I struck out and you've never even had a chance to play.
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Monday, December 08, 2014

La Malquerida #75, 12/8/2014: Itzel Teaches Acacia the True Meaning of Trust and Loyalty

Mexico Episode #81

Skipping the old…
Hector has reluctantly agreed to take Juliana to dinner. They’re wrapping up, and he is eager to leave and get news of Cris’ health. Juliana, however, tries to prolong the meal by saying she understands why Esteban was so jealous, with Hector being such a gentleman and all. Hector doesn’t respond to her flattery, so she tries another tactic—the damsel in distress. She moans about getting a divorce, not having a place to stay right now, or even enough money for a taxi. She feels SO unprotected (desamparada). She puts her head on his shoulder. He looks at his shoulder like an insect just landed on it.

The doctor has just told everyone in the waiting room that Cris has lost the baby, everyone is devastated and Esteban wails in despair. Juan Carlos tells him he needs to calm down because Cris needs him to be strong. Acacia tries to follow Esteban as he flees the waiting room, but JC stops her. Acacia and Elena cry in each other’s arms.

Hector manages to escape Juliana, after telling her that he’s sure German won’t leave her unprotected. He’s going to speak to Acacia to get the update on Cris. Juliana goes in for the full body hug and cheek kiss as he departs. It’s just as ineffective as the head on the shoulders move, but she doesn’t seem to realize that.

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♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/8/14 ♥ #100 ♥

Capitulo 100: Notte de la Bella Luna

Lascuráin Mansion: Johnny Bugbuster told the family that they couldn't go back into the house because of the fumes. All the kids complained, each for their own reason; fortunately Siete was outside and safe, still in the costume the twins dressed him in. Ana finally approached the door. She suggested they camp outside on the grounds and have fun with it. Fernando didn't seem to have a lot of patience for this, but everyone did their share and they pitched tents and tiki torches for the night.
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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Dec. 8, 2014

Señora Acero is now officially in últimas semanas.

Enjoy your week, guys!

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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day, Monday, Dec. 8 - 137: Countdown to the Gran Fin.

We are down to the final four episodes, my dear Reinamaniacs.  From what I can tell, we are now seeing the episodes as they were aired in Mexico.  These last shows do bounce along rather breathlessly and in places they are pretty choppy, with some startlingly ragged transitions from one scene to the next.  So strap on your beanies and hold on tight -- we'll get through this together!

Monday, December 8, 2014, Episode 137 (originally broadcast in the United States on Nov. 25, 2014)

Screen shots courtesy of Jean the Magnificent!

In which:
Reina discovers the root of Estefanía's thirst for vengeance;
Victor learns the truth about the baby switcheroo;
Navier saves his life by playing possum;
And Estefi reveals a secret ally!

Parking ramp -- Oh no!!  Not again!
Navier slumps down unconscious in the front seat as his car fills with fumes.  

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Recappers Wanted for Hasta el Fin del Mundo!

We are looking for dedicated recappers for Monday, Tuesdays or Thursdays!  You can write your recap however you'd like.  They can be short, long, funny or just the facts.  You can do bullet points or use screens shots (we don't care)!  Just please be somewhat reliable. 

If you should decide to help us out, we would love to have you!  Just contact me at cypratt@yahoo.com and I will get you set right up. 


We like screen shots that look like this. 

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Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 12 - Dec 8)

Question: Who has a broken heart that needs mending?
Answers: Lucio, who told Alan his heart is broken;
Amaya, who has been told to stay away from Max by Constanza, next week's bride-to-be;
Max, who wants Amaya desperately but has been given no signals his ardor is returned except for some well placed hugs and intense kisses;
Eloisa, who overheard Mauro tell Max the love of his life was Florencia and they were going to get married when Lucrecia stepped in;
Salvador, who has been rejected by Constanza, and has gone to Tuxtla to lick his wounds and plan Max's downfall to show Consta Max is not worthy of her;
Emma, who finally realizes what a sleaze-ball Horacio is, but may decide he's better than nothing; and
Nora, who has a secret longing for Salvador, but with him in Tuxtla, it's hard to stay near him.

Question: Who is about to break some hearts?
Answers: Ulises, who plans to play with Flavia and conquer Mariana (by force if necessary??);
Mariana, who will undoubtedly see Flavia sliming all over Ivan and take it the wrong way;
Juliana, who after her mourning period is over, will still see Jorge as a bro-friend;
Jorge, who is very interested in Carolina, but will be nearer Juliana at the finca; and
Manuel, who just won't quite be able to step out into the light with his cuddly, shadow-gal, Genoveva.


Sunday, December 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of December 1, 2014: Episode 136.

From the previous episode: 

Navier asks Reina to prove her love for him by helping him escape.

On to the new stuff: 

CIA Clinic - If you really love you'll help me escape  

Navier wants Reina to help him escape but she tells him she can't help him do that because he needs to get his memory back. Navier doesn't think he is in conditions to receive a treatment. Reina tells him that it could be dangerous if he doesn't receive a treament NOW.What happened to her could happen to him - she lost eight years of her life and hasn't been able to get them back. She tells him he has to receive the treatment. She tells him the drug has been used on other people with good results. She tells him he has to do this for her and for himself. She tells him he needs to get his life back. She tells him they need to get their life together and love back. She tells him she needs him more than ever. He asks her - "How can I be sure you want to cure me and not kill me?" Reina replies with an "I love you". Reina tells him Esmeeth is his mother. Does he think his own mother would harm him? She tells him Moto is his colleague and admires him. She tells him PELS respects him. She tells him they all want him back and want to help him. She once again tells him she needs him. She tells him she needs her friend, lover, and hero. She tells him she needs him by her side. 

Bridal Shop - Perhaps this kiss will prove to you that I'm not a ghost  

If I kiss her maybe she'll believe I'm not a ghost

Connie continues to believe Izzy is a ghost until he pulls her against him and plants a nice juicy kiss on her. Does she still think he is a ghost? She can't believe he is alive. Juanjo has entered the bridal shop and calls Connie's name. Izzy tells Connie not to tell anyone he's alive or else he'll really be dead. Izzy hides behind the wedding dresses. Juanjo wants to talk to Connie.  

Hospital, Estefy's Room - Who cares about Laz? Not me. 

Susana visits Estefy and asks her if she knew Agatha was Greta's daughter. Estefy admits she knew and has known for some time now. "Why didn't you tell me?" Susana asks. "How could you have kept quiet about something like this?" Susana asks. Susana tells Estefy that Laz knows the truth. Susana tells Estefy that she is afraid of what Laz could do. "The worst thing he could would be to confront Victor" Estefy says. Susana who probably is still the only one in this novela who hasn't yet realized Estefy is evil tells Estefy that they have to help Laz. Estefy shows her true colors and tells Susana that she doesn't care about Laz. Estefy tells Susana that she only cares about Greta getting better and getting her daughter back. CMD [Corrupt Man Doctor] comes into the room and tells Estefy about the disappearance of his wife [CWD]. 
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Scandals and Seeing Stars; Some Double Lives In Jeapardy

As Pablo and Alicia continue to “spark” secretly at Isabela's under her maid's non-supervision Don Fernando checks in by cell with Ana to let her know that it's going to be a couple of weeks before they'll know definitely if the operation on Diego's hands was successful or not.  Apparently the docs found a great deal more damage than first thought when operating.  

Ana suspects Ali is sneaking around behind her and Don Ferd's backs, courtesy of Isabruja-ja's intervention, and mentions it to the kids.
Dana and Don Rot are at coitus interrupt-us please with an opportune call from Ana who Dana manages to pretend is another friend/cousin or such. Ana asks her if she knew that Don Rot owns the building Isa and Yo-Mama have moved into.  Yep.  Well, then try getting her the address, ok? Yep.

Bela heads to the street vendor's for rat poison.  (Bruja-ha-ha-ja-a-a-a-a-!)

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #79 12/5/14 Into and Out of the Vortex

Alexa and Dani cry together about losing the men they love.
Renzi and Pato meet with Chava's old girlfriend, Flor.
Dani tells Oliver that Greta is upset (so what else is new?)

(Some scenes have been combined)
Javier tells Lupe' that he's going in the right direction to make things right with Chava. He intends to get a place close to the family so he can visit every day. Lupe' doesn't really want the shirt-chasing, tequila swilling moocher living anywhere near her. Javier figures that's because Lupe' has a thing for Paco. She admits that she and Paco planned on getting married after her divorce. Javier tells her that he won't stand in the way. Paco will come back to her, after all what man would pass up a woman like Lupe'? Lupe' believes this drivel and goes for more cookies to reward Javier for his flattery. After Lupe' is out of earshot, Javier vows he'll never let her marry Paco.

Nobody gets to be a good-for-nothing layabout
in Lupe's house except me.


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Saturday, December 06, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 74. 12/05/14.

Skipping the old...

Acacia goes to the chapel to pay Esteban a visit. He says he prayed to God that if he saved his child, he will forget all about her.

German pushes off Ale. He will not allow her to draw him in again. It is her problem if she still wants him. He is with Lizi and will respect their relationship. He walks off just as Danilo walks up. He wants to go the visitors room to greet everyone. I assume you want to go see German he asks.

Juliana tries to visit Cris but she tells her they will talk another day. Juliana insists but JC tries shooing her out. Juliana as usual doesn't listen and tries again. This time Elenita escorts her out of the room and closes the door. She can't believe Juliana's gumption. JC tells Cris that Hector is still waiting outside for her. Cris asks him to tell Hector she appreciates his help today. She wouldn't have known what to do.

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Friday, December 05, 2014

Blogger Health Update: Sad News About Madelaine

Caray Caray Family,

It is with a very heavy heart that I share this news. Yesterday morning, Madelaine passed away in the hospital. The cancer had spread to her brain and there was nothing more that the doctors could do. I know you join me in sending heartfelt condolences to her beloved husband Jim and daughter Marie (Mia).

If you have not already reached out to me for her address, and would like to send something to her family, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Here is Madelaine's obituary with information on funeral services:
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at www.hollomon-brown.com. - See more at: http://www.hollomon-brown.com/obituary?id=1458106#sthash.jyi57mt4.dpuf
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at www.hollomon-brown.com. - See more at: http://www.hollomon-brown.com/obituary?id=1458106#sthash.jyi57mt4.dpuf

Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at www.hollomon-brown.com.

Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at www.hollomon-brown.com. - See more at: http://www.hollomon-brown.com/obituary?id=1458106#sthash.jyi57mt4.dpuf

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I Love You Guys.

Alexa send Dani off to school while she wants to stay and comfort her.

Pato and Renzi get acquainted with Flor while under the aliases Marcos Gonzalez (Patricio's) and Ricardo (Renzi's)

Dani talks with Oliver.

Loopy (tm" Kirby) and Javier talk about their relationship and after that he thoughtbubbles about how he is not going to let Loopy go.

Greta brainwashes SofiPinkBootySkirt some more as usually and feels pain (I want to see Greta get slapped at least once. Just once!)

Dani and Olly talk some more.

Sofi gets Greta some water and she spews la misma cantaleta when Fausto comes in.

Flor is being given the skinny about what to do with Chava then Marcos and Ricardo tell her why they want to send her off to Chava.

Sofi and Fausto with Greta.

Alexa cries when Sofi comes in: Sofi says Alexa's breaking off of her relationship is for the best and about Chava, she isn't firing him or Armie.

Chava and Armie discuss their woes.

Renzi and Pato send Flor off and Renzi is being gross about how he likes Flor. Greta calls Pato and they talk about firing Chava and that she needs to have Sofi realize Chava's a "dud" wheb he is not.

Armie and Chava hate that Irma come off smelling like a rose and Armie turned out stinking like a skunk.

Araceli is pissed with Irma and calls her out for using Nandito as a ball and chain on Armie and ruining Alexa's life.

Greta lays in bed remembering when she first met Paco and their vertical dance, then their horizontal dance. She sees Alexa and Sofia's romances as punishment. Dani is in and Greta stops her to ask where she is going. Olly is in and asks about Greta. Some talk later and Olly is then Dani's piano teacher.

Armie is headed out and Chava suggests serious help like therapy which Araceli suggested to Irma earlier in this capitulo.

Celi comforts Nandito (Araceli is NOT bad. A little insecure and totally ignorant of the fact Sofia could be her sister but not bad. Think Marcia from La Fea Mas Bella.)

Lucas and Marisol FFWD>> (Only because this relationship is so fake.)

Dani and Olly make music; I'm in shock and awe at Jade Fraser's singing. It's pretty.

Silvie and Pato celebrare contacting Flor with sex.

And now for...The Big Scene of The Night! Chava and Sofia are in a magical meadow where they kiss and the camera spins around them for a while. As they kiss, Pedro Fernandez becomes David Zepeda! VIEWERVILLE IS SQUEALING LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL! He's so hot now! He calls Sofi and they talk about Alexa and Armie's break up. They talk about keeping stuff secret and such. Ahh, middle aged novela romance!

Javier and Chava sing Las Mananitas to Lupe while Matias and Marisol smile and grin. (Yee, 8x the muscle with Armie, Lucas, Matias and NewChava!)

Paco has Greta's voice ringing in his head and Araceli comes in. They talk about Javier vs. Paco and Lupe.

Armie and Irma are in agreement with therapy when Nandito comes in.

Sofi and Dani talk with Greta. Greta talks with Dani about the piano. Greta talks with Sofi about Pato and Chava.

Armie and Alexa talk... platonically.

Laris and Mati talk about designs and The chocolate samples. He feeds her one and she jokingly bites his fingers. They're cute together.

Chava invites Sofi to Lupe's B-Day bash when Pato comes in.

Silvie spews her jealousy venom all over Laris ans supposedly staff romance is strictly prohibited.

Celi apologizes to Chava.

Irma calls Alexa spewing her, "Stay Away from My Man Bitch" venom. After that horrible call, Alexa sees a friend in Laris and they comfort each other.

Olly prevents Isadora from drinking alcohol. He plans on taking her to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Chava gets a call from Greta.

Avances for Monday- Greta plans on takling with Chava and Fausto tries to save him from such but she impedes Chava's exit.


La Gata #69 12/5/14 La Repetición

Please pardon me while I blatantly steal a page from 5ft's book of creative quips...

I hereby call the 69th meeting of the Gataholics, Order of the Permanently Slipped Beanie, to order.

We are serving a variety of Black Cat Cocktails tonight. You may choose a classic or retro version. Start drinking early and don't worry. The bartender is here for the duration.

Now let us recite our nightly affirmations:
We acknowledge that by watching this show, we are only enabling Ms. Latoodle-oo. We affirm that by our participation we harm ourselves and others by making her think she is creating a good product. We affirm that Maite is a raven-haired goddesses and that it is not her fault she is in this dreck. We affirm that we will watch this crap until the bitter end, but we will come out the better for it. We affirm that by sharing our heartbreak and frustration, we will be stronger in our conviction to never partake of a Latoodle-oo production again.

The floor is now open (Please note: I am all over the place tonight. You know me. I don't take notes and ICRS.*)

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Mi Corazon es tuyo, #98, Thursday The three stages of dragging out a telenovela

 Diving straight into the new stuff…

Fernando and Isabloated are talking about Alicia wanting to spend some time with step-mommy dearest. Fer doesn’t agree, as he doesn’t like the way Isa has treated his kids while she was living at the house, she has proved to be a mala influencia on them. But Isa insists, why should Alicia be punished? They hit it off right from the start and they are such BFF’s now. Fer reluctantly agrees, but it was nice to see that he’s now fully aware of Isa’s bad influence in the house.
They go to see Diego and Isa is on her usual worst behavior, trying to shake his hand and then brushing it off like it’s no biggie. Fer is very worried for his brother’s future, it is Diego who ends up comforting him.

At school, Fanny and the class find out they need to prepare for an exam. Lenin stares at Fanny, like he usually does and Fanny talks to Edith about Leon’s jealousy. She thinks that Leon was kind of right to be mad, because she and Lenin were spotted in a rather close chat. Edith is going to the orphanage soon and asks if Fanny will join her.

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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of December 1, 2014: Episode 135.

Emilia's Bar - He's no Batman, he's a Dragon and he's taken, sweetie! 

"What do you mean you're staying with her?!" Reina asks Navier. "You heard BRUNO you can leave now" Emilia tells Reina. "He's NOT Bruno, he's Navier" says Reina. "He's BRUNO DIAZ to me" says Emilia. "Is this a joke?" Reina asks. "Bruno Diaz...BATMAN" says Reina. "I suppose she's your BATGIRL" says Reina referring to Emilia. "This is serious" says Emilia. "Of course it's serious" says Reina. "You don't have to tell me" says Reina. "Basta! [Enough!]" Navier tells Reina and Emilia. He doesn't want to hear them arguing anymore. 


"Este hombre es mio y de nadie mas [This man is MINE and no one else's]" Reina says as she points at Navier. 

Esmeeth's Apartment - Where is the PHoo Juice when you need it 

PELS and Esmeeth are smooching in her room. They pull back when they hear Connie shrieking from the living room. Esmeeth will go see what is happening. PELS offers to go with her but she tells him to stay there because Clara and Asuincion are in the other room. Esmeeth leaves the room. 

If I just stare at her maybe she'll stop shrieking! 

In the living room, Connie shrieks until she passes out. Izzy is still in the living room looking at her and is silent. 

Laz & Moto Apartment - Really Moto? A platonic relationship. They had a daughter for goodness sake. 

Laz tells Moto he lived a love story with Greta. It was a real love story. It was passionate and marvelous. It was one of those stories you only live once. Moto tells Laz that he's talking like an adolescent. She tells him that he did not live anything with Greta. "Don't say that" Laz tells Moto. "That's how it was" Moto tells him. "You two weren't a normal couple" she tells him. She goes on to tell him that they didn't have days and nights together. They didn't have ordinary things. They didn't share the good and bad. They didn't resolve conflicts. They didn't pay the bills. They didn't have rountine things. Their relationship stayed platonic. "The male nurse and the lady, the poor boy and the rich girl" she says. 

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #78 20141204 The Flower that Chava Crushed Wants Revenge

At Ripoll, Armando tearfully shares with Alexa that Nandito is not his biological child.  Irma trapped him.  Alexa cries with him and apologizes for being so selfish about his attention.  She now understands that Irma is not her rival and she's not afraid of her anymore.  She loves him more than ever now.  Armando warns Alexa that Irma feels threatened by anything that makes him happy.  He ends the conversation in order to return to work.  He doesn't want to piss off Sophia. 

Meanwhile, Irma has arrived at Snob Hill and demands to speak with Greta.  Fausto tries to block her, but Greta hears their conversation and agrees to speak with Irma in the office.  Irma tells Greta that Alexa is a low-down, dirty, home wrecker who broke up her family.  Greta agrees that her daughter is a man stealing tramp, but she will handle this.  After Irma leaves, Fausto warns Greta not to trust Irma.  There is more to the story; the woman is no good.  Greta says that Irma is a woman in pain. 
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Thursday, December 04, 2014

La Gata #68, 12-4-14 Augie's Foiled Again. . . .or Fela Free at Last!!

We’re going to zip around and see what these folk are up to tonight.  It’s going to be brief.  Please feel free to fill in or correct.


We get a quick peek at Blanca in her beautiful blue top in the concrete block shack and rapidly are whisked to Augie and Lo’s miserable apartment.  Augie is in a pissy mood as usual.  He tells Lo he’s going to get his house and money back and put El Sil back in prison.  This will make his life complete.   He tells Lo he wants a divorce.  That’s the cherry on top.


Esme is having a pity party.  Mariano comforts and tries to cheer her.  He’s there for her always.


Pablo tries to find someone who sees things his way with the whole kissing Gisela in the middle of the restaurant thing.  Omar has brought Virginia to Pablo’s apartment.  She is blind to his point of view and tells him to learn to live without Esme, she’ll never forgive him.  C’mon Omar.  We’re outta here!

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La Malquerida #73, 12/4/14

Mexico Episode #79

Discussion page...catch Diana's recap in the comments.



I'm cooking up the recap so stay tuned!

Sofia has Alexa in the third degree about why she is in the same clothes she was wearing the day before.

Sofi- Don't play dumb.
Lexi- I was with Armie!
Sofi- Mom is sick, you need to let him go or at least he gets his stuff straight and furthermore we need to set an example for the employes! Keep it platonic like... Salvador and I.
Dani and Lexi- Salvador?
Sofi- He's back...

Nestor Miranda from Guapos, I mean, Peralta talks with Oliver about helping Isadora well, get help for her drinking problem. He agrees in glee and is asked avout Daniela; Olly and Dani are good but you can tell all MiPeNe cares about is his name being clean.

Tavares and Renzi talk about how Renzi is a delinquent/ victim he hasn't been able to convict and Renzi lies he is here for the magic of friendship and not enemies.

Tav- I'd like the names of your social partners.
Renzi- I'm not authorized to do that so just take my word for it.
Tav- (I'm not buying this crap; Renzi is a sleazeball through and through so act natural.) Sure thing, bye Meester Renzi.
Renzi-(Bye Felicia) Adios.
(The door closes and the cussing begins.)

Chava chides MariMuneca about Javier.

Mari- 2 days! Doctor's orders!
Chava-I wanted to celebrate mom's birthday without him there though!
Muneca- He's your dad, you have to forgive him! Why are you hellbent on cutting him off?
Chava-I don't know, I do not know.

The Ripoff sisters discuss the whole #TeamChava, #TeamPatricio thing.

Lexi-Ostuas, so the Ripoffery is going to become a battlefield now.
Sofi-Heavens no! I just need to put the boys in their place like Dani did with Lucas.
Lexi- Well if it were Dani's choice, she'd be with that sexy-when-riding-a-horse-little-crackpot.
Dani- Love you too sis!
Sofi-All I ask is that including me, we don't bring our personal troubles to the Ripoffery our father entrusted us with!

Greta has Patricio ringing in her head saying that he rehired Chava and that he knows what he is doing.

Silvie yells at Laris that the only reason she was hired is because Alexa hasn't even the slightest idea what is required and to get out of her office! Laris runs out and into Matias as Silvie thoughtbubbles, "Respect me, or respect me."

Laris asks Mati if Silvie is always so pissy and Mati says she had a phase where she was sweet but that's not existent anymore. Laris bruahes Silvie's BS off and exclaims, "I'm interested in working here neneeee!"

Mati- Matias, it's Matias and I don't let anyone insult Silvie especially due to her anemiatic state.

Laris- I could use a tour around the factory (on the inside- be my horse so I could ride you JK.)

Mati- A pleasure to be your guide, I'm the future chocolatier and close your mouth you'll catch flies. When ahould we start?

Laris-I'd love to right now.


La Malquerida #72, 12/3/14: Keepsakes and Pilfered Items

Mexico Episode #78

Estesmug knocks on Uli’s door. He says he doesn’t know how Uli managed to get out of prison, but he’s going to make sure Uli keeps his promise to stay the heck away from Acacia! Uli says this is between him and Acacia, and Este doesn’t need to be sticking his nose in. Este says it matters to him because Acacia is important to him. He forbids Uli to set foot in Benavente again. If he does so, he’ll be thrown out on his rear. And if he had his way, he’d have Uli kicked out of El Soto too. “Do you think after the way Acacia and you all treated me, that I’d want to see you all again?” Este hopes it’s true that he doesn’t intend to approach Acacia, but if Uli does, he doesn’t know what Este is capable of! (But we in Viewerville certainly do!)

Acacia has taken a long pause after Hector asked her the 50 Million Dollar Question: “What kind of relationship have you and Esteban had?” She says she’s never seen Este as a father, and goes back to the beginning, explaining how she got along with him when she was a kid; hated him when he married her mom; moved away; came back and continued hating him; and then started to like him. But that has now changed after he left Cris and hurt her.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

La Gata #67 - Wed 12/3 - La Ridiculez

Augie has a cab take him to Fernando's old mansion, sitting empty.  He remembers Lo saying it was the house of her dreams and him saying it was all for his queen.  He whines about there always being a shadow over it all.  Maybe because you were a thief and a liar and didn't deserve to be living there?  He thinks back to the bad old good old times.  Young Virginia was apparently a sleepyhead back in the day.  "What happened to us?"  Karma caught up with you.  Of course, he blames it all on…Blanca!  Wait…what?!

Fela is out on the patio with all the ladies of Casa Silencioso, so maybe he was directing it at the back of Esme's head?  Esme and Principe would like to know if Esme is Fela and Fernando's bio-daughter.  Fela is distracted from answering by a freak-out upon seeing Augie out on the balcony of her old house.

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Mi corazon es tuyo #97 The cuffs are off! the cockroach is in the kitchen, one father remembers better times while another wonders about fatherhood probably for 1st time.


YoMama and Ramona (remona)

Lion remembering moments and earlier drawings.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando calls the cops to try to resolve the cuff situation by getting a key.

Ana has Fanny call a locksmith.

Fanny texts Ana to find out what the problem is. Ana texts back that InoDoro wants her at Chicago ASAP.

Diego at hosp thinks he has to get his hands working again.

Fernando, Ana and Fanny come downstairs. Leon greets them. Ana explains to Leon they are playing a game called ‘trapped by force’. Leon finds it amusing, just like Fanny did. Fanny explains the twins cuffed them. Kiss. Fanny apologizes for not answering, tells him about Edith taking her to the ‘Las Mercedes home’. Leon smiles at hearing her adventure. Another kiss. He is very proud of her.

Johnny and Edna at his place. She is using him as taste critic for her quesadillas. He is telling Edna what happened to Nico. InoDoro calls Johnny and he gets instantly nervous. InoDoro angrily asks about Ana. The fourth drawing is about the tacos, the improvised picnic, riding his motorbike, getting him wet… all the memories of their relationship. She can’t wait to see drawings 5, 6 and 7. He says lets do 5 and 6 together. He has to go to get Mau in bed… another kiss for good measure.

Ana and Fernando in kitchen… she is trying to pry the cuffs open with screwdrivers. Bruno is on phone trying to get a locksmith. Fernando is not quite getting why Ana is so anxious and nervous to get separated ASAP. Ana is now trying to use plyers but to no avail either. Johnny calls Ana and gets her even more nervous, and gets Fernando even more curious. She pulls away and hurts Fernando’s hand. Johnny tells Ana that Inodoro said if she does not show up at Chicago right now he will tell all to Fernando.
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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of December 1, 2014: Episode 134.

Capítulo 134 – Starting at around minute 47 in the US broadcast on Friday, Nov 21. (the last part of Friday’s 4-fer!) Text in red is what was in the US broadcast.

Emilia’s Bar – Do I hear $15 million?
Reina is knocking on the door of the bar. Navier and Emilia are in the kitchen looking through the window of the door into the main part of the bar. “It’s her,” says Emilia, “the woman from the television. You must be Javier Bolivar.” Reina keeps knocking and says that she needs to speak to the owner. Emilia starts to go to the door saying that she has to open it. Navier asks why. Is she is doing it for the $5 million? Navier tells Emilia that he will give her $10 million if she doesn’t tell Reina about his being there. [Navier is pretty willing to give away money he didn’t even know he had until just now.]

The corrupt woman doctor tells Vic that there were complications with Cobra’s  caesarian. Her blood pressure dropped or spiked or something. They managed to stabilize Cobra but couldn’t save the baby. Christián is there. He tells the doc that he is Cobra’s brother and asks about her. Once again the doctor says that Cobra is stable but she doesn’t know anything about what happened yet. Victor tells the doctor that he wants to see his baby, to meet his son at least once. Esmeeth and FELS come in. They want Vic to come and make a statement about the death of MM. He tells them that he will be there after he says goodbye to his child who was stillborn. Susana and Juanjo are also there. FELS asks if they know what is going on. They say that they just got there. Another doctor comes out and asks for any family of Estefi. ”She already had her baby?” asks FELS.

Estefi is holding Cobra’s stolen baby and sobbing. She says that she will be with the baby all the time, take him to school and sing lullabies to him. López 3.0 is in the room. Estefi tells him that the baby looks just like his papa, Navier. “Cómo dos gotas de agua, Señora,” literally, “Like two drops of water,” says López 3.0 obediently. Estefi agrees. She has never seen such a similarity. She says that the baby looks like her too. The baby is a perfect mix of the two of them. Estefi clutches the baby to her breast and says, “you are my son, you are Javier Nicolás, my son. There’s a knock on the door. FELS comes in to Estefi’s room. Estefi shows him the baby and says, “look who’s here! It’s your uncle.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #76 20141102 Alexa Struts Proudly During the Walk of Shame

Patrick asks Greta to pretend that she is OK with Chava returning to work at Ripoll.  Greta protests, but he asks her to trust him. 

Greta reminds Sophia that she could still die if her daughters continue to disappoint her.  They wonder where Daniela is.  It's her night to sit with Greta and she is late.  Greta thinks that Daniela might be at a bar with Annette. 

Sophia chastises Alexa for making a spectacle of herself in front of the Ripoll employees.  Alexa says that the rumors are exaggerated.  That marriage was broken up before she even met Armando.  Sophia tells her to be discreet.  Alexa asks how do you hide love. 
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La Malquerida #71, 12/2/14: Unexpected and Unwanted Visitors

Mexico Episode #77

We get a satisfying replay of Ulises coming to Acacia’s window unexpectedly, dissing Acacia, dropping the evidence of his innocence in her hands as she cries and begs, and stalking off. Uli spots Rubio who is drunk, drinking, and singing a song dedicated to Luisa. Like Acacia, he first assumes Uli escaped from prison. Uli demands to know what Rubio did with the letter he sent, but Rubio continues to deny, deny, deny.

Luisa finds Acacia crying and puts her anger aside to hug Acacia and ask her what’s wrong. Acacia tells her of Uli’s freedom, proven innocence, and bitter visit—and how this all makes HER feel bad. Luisa is just happy that Uli is free! She tells Acacia to focus on that, and if she and Uli love each other as much as they seem to, then it will work out in the end and they will end up together.

Meanwhile, Este takes Cris to a hotel as part of their romantic date night. He pours the champagne, makes a toast, and looks at Cris expectantly. She doesn’t drink, nor does she tell him she’s pregnant. They speak briefly about the hacienda administration. Este says he’s cool with her and Acacia taking over. He still has his Association head salary, plus he’s thinking of getting involved in other business opportunities and spending more time away from the hacienda. Cris agrees that not spending all their waking hours together will do them some good. Este makes a pretty speech about their relationship, pulls out a lovely diamond ring, and puts it on her right hand. It reminds Cris of the first engagement ring he gave her back when he didn’t have money, and makes her nostalgic. She tells Este that she’s pregnant, and he does a really good job of feigning surprise. They make love happily, wake up the next morning spooning, and discuss their child. They both want a boy. She, because she has a girl and wants a boy who looks like him. He, because he doesn’t know how to handle delicate girls. Cris informs him that girls are plenty tough, plus he was great with Acacia when she was a little girl. He has been a father to her, and this child will make TWO kids that he has.

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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #96 12.2.2014 Being cuffed can be a good thing, after all. and Isa keeps scheeming using Alicia. Diego continues to come to his senses.


Diego/Ana scene.


Twins show Alicia the cuffs.

Fernando bans Alicia and Pablo from seeing each other. Ana thinks it is a bit extreme. Alicia begs. But Fernando says they lied… things did not start right between you. Sorry but you must think about what you did. Next time be responsible and honest.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando offers Pablo a ride with the driver. Ana tells Alicia/Pablo that they need to wait for the waters to calm down and then she will talk to him. Both Alicia and Pablo smile grateful.

Isa and Freeky… he yells he has to be better than Fernando. Isa tells him Fernando right now has many issues on him. Freeky says its not enough. Isa tells Freeky that they both will keep Fernando/Ana apart. They have to relax to think things better. How about you take me to dinner while we think?

Sebas explains to Luz and the twins that they can use the cuffs to force two people to stay together… the twins have no idea where the key is though. The twins want to play cops and robbers… Luz says think bigger! Luz suggests use the cuffs to keep Ana and dad together. The boys love the idea. Fernando shows up so they have to hide the cuffs. They all head to homework room.
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La Gata #66 12/2/14 La Muñeca

I may be the only one who feels this way, but this is starting for feel more like a support group than a conversation about a Telenovela. Gluttons for Punishment Anonymous, perhaps?


Very bare bones tonight.
  • Dr. Peñuela (played by the scrumptious Marcelo) is overwhelmed by eau de protagonista.
  • Pablo wants to get married ASAP, but Esme still hesitates.
  • Dr. Cisneros will be here soon!
  • Pablo wears Esme down and she finally agrees to marry him the day before her operation (and I can't help but think that you aren't allowed to eat or drink after midnight before a surgery... so they better make it an AM wedding so Esme can enjoy a little of the reception.)
  • Augie had hoped Mariano would remain loyal to him, but now his kids are dead to him and if Low is going to keep bleating about the nietos, she's dead to him too!
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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of December 1, 2014: Episode 133.

Episode 133 televised on Friday, 11/21 from 35:40 - 48:00.

In which:
Izzy isn't dead -- or is he?
The search for Navier becomes a media circus!
Juanjo's sad secret is revealed! (Who knew he had a secret?)
There are two deliveries but there’s only one live baby

Navier may have forgotten many things, but he remembers he is the hero of this telenovela.
He comes to the rescue of winsome Bar Lady, beckoning her to his side and ordering the Three Stooges to leave. "Who are you?" barks the biggest stooge.  "None of your business," says Navier.  "All that matters is that she has someone to look out for her -- and that's me."  Having no idea he is dealing with the Dragon, the big stooge makes the mistake of reaching for his gun.  Navier shoots it out of his hand.  "The next time, the bullet goes in your hand -- or your head, depending on my mood, which, at the moment, is pretty bad.  If you come back, you'll leave feet first.  Now GET OUT!  And you, leave the money."
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La Gata #65 And then stuff happened

My DVR went blank after maybe 25 minutes of the show and I could not find the episode on-line, below are bullet points of what I did get to see:

  • Pablo picks up Kitty and takes her on a hot air balloon ride, if my boyfriend did that he would soon find himself single. 
  • Mariano is freaking out about the missing paper work, and instead of telling Fernando he and Pablo make it a super special mission to locate the document-dude, when your last hope is Pablo you know you are doomed.
  • Kitty arrives home
  • Mercedes freaks out because Lorenza has not returned the babies in time for Esmeraldas to see them
  • Mercedes comes clean and tells Kitty that Lorenza has been picking up the babies everyday so they can go to the park, Kitty does not look happy.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #75 12/1/14 Nandito Becomes Collateral Damage

I really hate to say this, but this will be kind of a bare bones recap in some places. To do my recaps I watch online and take notes, then watch the TV broadcast and use the English CCs to fill in the gaps. We are having very cold weather in Western Washington and the TV reception has been terrible for the last few days. Monday night we were not able to get Univision at all and Hulu Plus doesn't have this episode available yet. If any of you can help fill in the gaps - or correct me if I got something wrong in the comments I'd be most grateful. I'll even treat you to this fun comic in return:

On to the recap!
(Some scenes have been combined)
At the hospital, Sofia tells Chava that she needs time to know if she really loves him. They come very close to kissing, but he kisses her forehead instead. Then he leaves.
The most chaste romance in history.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 70. 12/01/14

Skipping the old....

Carmen upon hearing the news that Nuria was killed starts crying that Ulises is possibly in danger. Hector tells her to calm down. This is no way to fix things. He will make some calls.

Ulises is able to get away from the inmate with the knife and the guards break up the fight.

Danilo welcomes Esteban, Cris and Acacia to his humble brothel....errrrrr abode. He hopes that they will consider him part of the family just like they do with Ale. Not so fast replies Cris. You have to prove that you can take care of Ale first. And more importantly that you respect her. That is why I organized this meal replies Danilo. To show you just how well I treat Ale. Aren't you happy he asks Ale. Of course replies Ale but the smile just doesn't quite reach her eyes. She doesn't want them to worry about her. Danilo greets Acacia with a hug. He's happy to see Esteban and Cris back together again. He has always believed that marriage is for life. Cris doesn't look like she buys the happy picture Ale and Danilo are trying to paint.

The inmate with the knife says Ulises tried to kill him. Ulises yells that he's lying. The guard doesn't care and will send them both to solitary confinement. He informs Ulises that those that cause trouble end up hurt or worse.

Danilo is sucking up to Cris and Esteban. Ale excuses herself to check on the food and asks Acacia to accompany her.

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Monday, December 01, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/1/14 ♥ #95 ♥

Capitulo 95: Partners in Crime

Hospital Room: Ana told Diego she felt guilty and he told her she was not at fault. There are things that are not within their control, including their feelings. Diego faced the truth, that Ana and Fernando were meant to be together. He cried.
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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of December 1, 2014: Episode 132.

Here's a little update, folks.  Because of the President's speech on Thursday, Nov. 20, it seems that 4 (that's right FOUR) episodes were squished together on Friday, Nov. 21.  Yup, episodes 131, 132, 133 and 134 were smushed into something incomprehensible.  We won't be done sorting out that single broadcast until Wednesday, Dec. 3!

I can't really tell you how the rest has been divvied up.  I do know that the show officially ends tonight, Monday, December 1.   (This final episode, by the way, is numbered 141 on YouTube.)  So we are recapping a show that technically no longer exists.  Whatever.

We'll keep doing our best to bring you the story, one chapter a day, basing our recaps on the episodes as they were shown in Mexico.  We'll probably be done with this insanity by Friday, December 12.

And to get the week started, here is my recap of Episode 132, the second part of the 11/21 broadcast version:

In which: 
Navier escapes after 5 months in the new PHoo Lab but his memory is gone! 
Estefy gets a new López.
Mauro gets out of jail free but it won't be long before his future is all sewn up.
We learn the identity of the Costurer@!
We suspect that pudgy ORBO may have an edge.
And we meet a new rival for Navier's affections!
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TELEMUNDO Y MENOS: THE FRONT PAGE: The Queen Departs, The Kings Arrive and the Woman of Steel and the Wretched Refuse just Keep on Ticking - week of Dec. 1, 2014.

As most of you know, Reina de Corazones ends tonight, Monday, December 1 (although a small band of Reinamaniacs will continue to tell the story one chapter at a time -- see the Reina page for details).

New Stuff:

On Tuesday, December 2, Los Miserables will move into Reina's former timeslot (8pm E/7C) leaving room for...

Tierra de Reyes, which begins that same Tuesday at 9E/8C slot. 

Señora Acero continues in the 10E/9C time slot for now.


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Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 11 - Dec 1)

Looking Ahead
Who will benefit the most from Max NOT knowing Amaya is divorced?
a) Cesar, who wants to be in control of all things Amaya for his own nefarious purposes;
b) Constanza, who is already freaked-out by Amaya's intrusion on her perfect little world;
c) Horacio, who is a sleaze-ball master manipulator and wants to be the one who decides how and when to use this information;
d) All of the Above;
e) Lucrecia, who doesn't really care, because she's going to make sure Amaya is not long for this world.

Who will be the one most likely to spill the beans to Max, accidentally or on purpose?
a) Manuel, who is a decent father and wants to protect his daughter from future heartache and betrayal;
b) Valeria and/or Lucio, who don't know it's something Amaya hasn't told Max yet;
c) Mariana and/or Dolores, who in all innocence don't know it's a secret (but neither has had direct contact with Max, yet);
d) Hector or Ivan, for the same reason as above, presuming Mariana has told Ivan;
e) One of the above;
f) Lucrecia, who would then tell Mauro just to hurt him before she attempts to do away with Amaya.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #74 11/28/14 Irma Goes Berserk and Pato Gets Dumped

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family and that you're all staying warm.
Pato tells Sofia that in spite of the photographic evidence that she and Chava passionately Eskimo kissed (I love that! Thanks Cynderella!), he still loves her. He'll wait until the dinosaurs return to have her in his life. She looks skeptical.
Miguelina and Lupe' meet to talk about Javier and bury the hatchet (preferably in Javier's skull).
Nandito tells Armie a secret, "Mom said you dumped us for another woman."
Mom said you dumped her AND me.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 69. 11/28/14

Rubio gets called into Esteban's office. He wants to know everything about the local brothel.

Perla and Danilo walk in laughing and looking happy. Julianita is glad to see everything is now well between the two of them. He sends Perla off to let Ale know they have returned. Juanita informs him that Ale behaved all day and just stayed in her room. Ale walks in and he asks if she missed him. She doesn't say a word but her eyes yell out “Hell no!” He says everything went in his favor today. Things are not looking good for Ulises even with German's testimony. Rumor has it that German is very much in love with his new lady. So, I think that if you keep misbehaving, I will have to make you pay.

Esteban begs Cris to forgive him and take him back.

Norberto tells German that Juliana and Andres are interested in each other again. Even if that was the case says German, there was no reason to pull your gun on him. You could have hurt someone. I lost my mind when I saw them both together at the hotel replies Norberto. They now have filed a police report. They just want to bury me.

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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #94, Forgiveness

Ana and Fernando are checking on the sleeping children before they turn in themselves. They open the door to Alicia and Luz’s room and see Alicia on the phone with Isabela talking about skipping school and meeting Pablo.

Fernando has a fit, rightfully so, and asks some questions. Alicia tells him that the boy turned out to be her own age. That doesn’t make things better for Alicia. She’s to have no phone, no tablet, and no internet, and no Briana since she’s her accomplice. Ana offers to make Fernando tea to help him sleep.

Natalia tells Diego that she loves him. He wants to know when that started. She tells him that she realized she loved him when she saw him when they were both back in Mexico, and after the accident, the thought of losing him confirmed it.
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Friday, November 28, 2014

La Gata #64 11/28/14 La Maldad

La moral, la conciencia y la vergüenza
Mariano thanks El Sil again for helping him. El Sil thinks if Mariano was about to commit an offense, he had his reasons, but he also had the strength to stop himself. Morality and conscience has made Mariano a good person. When Mariano asks about shame, El Sil tells him to never forget it since it can keep a person from committing the same offense twice (which he phrases as "tropezar con la misma piedra"--tripping over the same stone. A classic TN phrase.)
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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #93

I'm going to post this for today, I'm not sure if Jardinera is going to do the recap since we haven't heard from her. I sincerely hope all is well with her and she's just on a nice long vacation enjoying beautiful weather somewhere. I will take this down if she does post her recap.

Diego’s operation is successful, they stop the internal bleeding and he’s going to be fine. Except that both of his are damaged and need further operations to make them usable.

Nico learns about what happened to Diego.

Isa gets a housekeeper and is finally showing and doesn’t fit into her clothes. She’s very upset by this.

Ana needs a night off from her dancing job, Doroteo insists she work 4 days the next week without pay or he will tell Fernando about her job.

Edith is contemplating taking her makeup off.

Laura wants to be friends with Fanny again and told Fanny that she slept with an older guy to get him to pay for her tuition.

Enrique had León bring a report to him, looked at it, and slammed it down on the desk unhappily. He told León to go over it for inconsistencies. After León left, he swore that he had to succeed.


Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #73 20141127 Thanks Cap'n Obvious! We Already Know that Greta will never Accept the Poor Boys.

Waiting Room
Patrick walks in and catches Chava hugging Sophia.  They begin to argue and create a huge scene in the lobby.  Armando pulls Chava away and Patrick immediately takes Sophia into his arms.  Chava lunges at Patrick, but Armando stops him.  Later, Armando tells Chava that Alexa told Greta of her feelings for Armando.  Chava is envious.
Sophia confesses to Patrick that there is photographic evidence of her passionately Eskimo kissing Chava.  She tells him that her feelings for Chava are confusing.  She begs Patrick for forgiveness.  Sophia returns to the waiting room and tells Fausto that she told Patrick everything.  Patrick tells her how hurt he is and leaves. 
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La Gata #63 11-17-14 Turkey. . .and Masochism is best served HOT!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  This title is dedicated to Mariano and the other gobblers in tonight's episode!

Right out of the gate we are treated with Jarocha beating the crap out of Gisela. Jarocha gets in some good slaps, choking and a blow to the stomach before Pablo comes out into the hallway to see what’s happening.  Relish this thrashing; you’re going to need it later.  Jarocha tells Pablo that this dirty pig has told Esme she is paralyzed.  Gisela doesn’t seem quite as cheeky anymore.  Security Guards have to tussle mightily to restrain Jarocha who even aims some kicks at Gisela.


Pablo finds Esmeralda on the floor.  She cries that she cannot walk and that she was lied to.  Pablo holds her as she sobs and pledges his undying love.


Outside Fernando and Blanca arrive and Jarocha informs them as well of the well-guarded secret that Gisela has just blurted out.  Fernando prepares to rip into her when Gisela recognizes him and calls him a killer.  Blanca tries to defend him.  Fer decides they will go in to see Esmeralda and tells Gisela he will deal with her later.  The guards continue to keep Jarocha and Gisela separated.


Esme is back in bed now as Fer and Blanca enter.  She is glad to see them; she has them and swears she is not going to give up.  Outside the large glass window which opens on the hallway Rita states solemnly that her dream has been realized, Esme is a broken rag doll.

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La Malquerida #68, 11/27/2014: Uli’s Getting Sent to the Big House

Mexico Episode #74

I’m too filled with turkey, stuffing, and pie to go into details tonight, so here are bullet points to get the conversation going…

-After Acacia spills the beans about Cristina’s pregnancy to Esteban, he backs off. Then he stares at Cris throughout their contract meeting with McCormick, and says nothing. He offers no protest when Cris says from now on, she and Acacia will be the only people listed as administrators of Benavente. This leaves Cris even more convinced that Esteban does not want to reconcile, and she says so to Acacia. Knowing that she blabbed about the pregnancy, Acacia is surprised that Este didn’t work things out with Cris.
-Acacia, Cris, and we, get a tour of McCormick and learn how Benavente’s strawberries become delicious jams.
-Elena tells Juan Carlos about the pregnancy. He tells Cris that he is not in agreement with her keeping it secret from Esteban (he’s responsible for the child as its father), but in the end says he will support her decisions. He’s also super happy to once again become a grandpa. Cris says that she will give Este one more month to decide what the heck he wants. After that she’ll tell him she’s pregnant, but not so that he’ll return.
-Este tells Rubio about Cris’ pregnancy. His parents abandoned him in an orphanage, and he swore he would never abandon his own child. He feels that he has to go back to Cris. Rubio points out that this means that Este has to forget Acacia forever. Or does Este intend for her to become his child’s stepmother? Este is not amused by this joke. Rubio points out that even if he returns to Cris, Este is no longer the ranch administrator and will need to make some money, for his backup escape plan. He subtly pushes Este to partner with Danilo.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #72 20141126 Happy Thanksgiving

Chapter 72  This is what I remember.  Please fill us in on anything that I left out. 
  • At dinner, Greta reminds her daughters of their responsibilities.  1. Daniela, go to school and get good grades.  2.  Alexa, work and find a suitable husband.  3.  Sophia, be a good example to her sisters. 
  • Greta asks to see Sophia her office.  She tells Sophia that she's disappointed in her for letting Chava slob all over her.  She tosses that photos on the desk.  Sophia wants to know who gave her the photos.  Did Greta have her followed?   Fausto, Alexa and Dani hear Greta yelling and run into the office.  After seeing the photos on the desk, Alexa gets the courage to confess her love for Armando.  Greta drops to the floor from a heart attack.  Oliver comes over to visit. 
  • After dinner, Irma appeals to Chava to help her get Armando back.  She blames Alexa for the demise of their relationship.  Chava tells her that Alexa is not the blame.  He reminds her that she trapped Armando with a kid that isn't his. She won't be able to get Armando back because she lied to him for so long. 
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Weekend Discussion: Black Friday and Retail Creep

By now most of us will have eaten our turkey, stuffing, etc., and are thinking about the next episodes of our favorite series or hanging with family or friends.  How many of you are heading out to shop tonight?

About ten years ago when the early morning madness started a friend commented "In a few years we'll all be finishing our pumpkin pie and heading to the mall."  And this year Target opened at 6PM and Walmart at 5.  None of us at that table shops on Black Friday; I personally vowed ages ago to finish my holiday shopping before that and haven't broken that promise to myself.  Anything purchased after that date is bought online.

This article  sums up how I feel about this.

BTW, according to Wikipedia's article  on this subject, Latin American also observes it.

Your thoughts, por favor!


La Malquerida #67, 11/26/2014: Caray Caray Would Have Happily Helped Juli With the First Part of Her Plot

Mexico Episode #73

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends, but do drop in between bites of turkey and pie to discuss this episode.

Acacia Makes Announcements, Does Undercover Acts of Kindness, and Spills Secrets:
Acacia gathers the family together to tell them she’s done with Ulises, FOREVER…and she really, really means it this time. At least, until the next time she changes her mind. The family is happy to hear it. Lizi arrives and we find out what all the secret calls between her and Acacia were about. Seems that a girlfriend of Lizi (*cough*, Hector) has a connection with an art gallery that wants to do a show of German’s and Cris’ art! Yay! German, Cris, and everyone else is excited. Lizi voices her reservations to Acacia about keeping the real person behind the show secret and taking the credit. But she doesn’t feel bad enough to reject German’s grateful kisses.

Later Acacia visits Alejandra and whines about Ulises lying to her. Ale is concerned that Acacia will once again be vulnerable to Esteban’s charms. She warns Acacia to keep her distance from Este and to remember that he’s her MOTHER’S HUSBAND. Acacia says she won’t forget it, since he and Cris are about to have a baby. Ale is sufficiently impactada.

Visiting Hours in the Local Hoosegow*:
Ulises gets a few visitors. Cris, visits as part of her mission to protect her baby Acacia. She asks Uli to let Acacia go on with her life (without him) if he really loves her. Uli asserts his love and his innocence, and swears that once he proves his innocence he’ll win back Acacia’s love. (Dude, she doesn’t deserve YOU!) Cris says she’ll make sure he never sets foot on the hacienda again. (Gringo—Perhaps we should start cooking that crow dinner over the Thanksgiving break?) Carmen and Arturo visit, and are pretty down about all the evidence stacking up against Uli with Nuria’s testimony. Finally, Hector visits. He still believes in Ulises, and he wants Uli to be more cautious about sharing info since he thinks there’s a mole somewhere—Nuria knew too much info and he believes someone was feeding it to her. He also tells Uli that he has his people looking for Itzel (who Nuria claims was another woman seduced by Uli).

*The American slang for jail, hoosegow, is derived from the Spanish word, juzgado.

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La Gata #62 - Wed 11/26 - La Indiscreción

A lot of what happened at Esme's bedside in the early part of the episode was pretty irrelevant, so it's going to get combined, condensed, etc.  In contrast, some of our supporting cast were using interesting vocabulary and idioms tonight, and making some important revelations, so they're going to get more coverage than they might usually warrant, though still, I opted to combine scenes instead of cutting back and forth.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #92 Hankie-worthy ... Still can't tell if Diego wants Heaven to wait or not... And the news of Diego's accident spreads... and Ana and Fernando open their hearts and cry with each other


We left Fernando and Ana riding the ambulance with Diego, who had flat-lined and the paramedics were trying to revive him.

Lo Nuevo:

Alicia goes into the ladies room at a café to prepare (makeup, boob stuff) to meet Pablo.

At hospital Jenny tells Doctor that Nico has been anxious because he has been having a ‘bad gut feeling’.

At the cafetin Alicia asks for a strawberry shake. The waiter tells Alicia that she dropped one of her boob fillers.

Fanny, Edith and Natalia arrive to the hospital to ask for Diego. Nando arrives right away. The ambulance has not arrived (still in traffic?) … they all are worried they all got there before the ambulance.

In the ambulance Fernando continues praying, his hands are all bloody. He worries what he will tell Nico. Ana is begging Diego to please not leave them. She cries while Fernando kneels by Diego’s head. Ana comes and leans on Fernando, crying hard.

At Isa’s, Ino-Doro leaves, he has to go visit other tenants. YoMama calls him Pancho Villa and asks for his phone number. He gives her a business card, not being shy about showing her his wallet full of money. They flirt with each other… When Ino-Doro is gone, YoMama tells cupid he finally did her justice

At hospital, Natalia is really upset, tells Fanny that the men she has fallen for have died in her arms or at her care… Fanny tries to encourage her ‘everything will be alright’. Nando and Edith talk… Nando tells her he wants Ana with Fernando but he really loves his uncle Diego too, and appreciates Diego’s advice. Edith hugs him in support.

Isa returns home, rings bell and YoMama nags about having to open the door to her. Yomama says we need groceries… Isa wants HER to go to the super. Isa says ‘I got all this, you are just my gopher/second’. Meaning you are a parasite… living off another… and in this case, Me.(Isa). YoMama cuts Isa off and says go ahead and be hungry. Soon I will have someone to support me, so there!

Pablo is standing behind Alicia… does not want her to see him until he talks to her. He says she is different than the picture but she looks better in real life. Fanny turns around and is disappointed at seeing him. She nags at him that he does not look like the picture. No muscles and much younger than she thought. She is upset enough she wants to leave. He begs her not to go. She drops her bag when she gets up mad and he sees her school emblem on her sweater so he starts laughing at her trying to simulate she was 18 when this school only has elementary and secondary school. So she can barely be 15.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #71 20141125 Nothing Happened and We Learned Nothing! So Why Didn't Someone Remove His Shirt?


Armando's Hell Home
Irma tells Armando that she will kill herself if he takes Nandito away from her.  Armando caves; he won't take him.  Nandito asks Armando to look after his mother tonight.  Armando agrees, but warns Irma not to get any ideas.  Armando takes Nandito to school. 

Later, over coffee, Irma grills Araceli about the neighborhood watch meeting.  Irma asks Araceli not to tell anyone about her suicide attempt. 

Casa de Red Cruz
At the Cruz residence, Lupe watches as Javier gobbles down his grub.  Javier mistakes Lupe's arm for a piece of bacon and nibbles on it in between sips of coffee.  He takes co-credit for them raising their children well.  They did something right when they had those kids.  He suggests that they get back together because she still loves him.  Lupe immediately gets up and walks out of kitchen. 

Lupe visits Paco at his store and tells him that is coldness is hurting her.  Paco reminds her that she's a married woman and her husband is living in her home.  She tells him that Araceli is working on her divorce.  Paco doesn't care.  He just wants to know the date and time that Javier will get to steppin'.  Read more »


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

La Malquerida #66, 11/25/14

Mexico Episode #72

Discussion page. See Diana's post in the comments!


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