Monday, December 23, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, et cetera. Week of December 23, 2013

Heads up -- No regular shows on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

La Impostora, a new telenovela starring Christian Bach, Sebastián Zurita and Lisette Morelos and filmed in and around Acapulco is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 8pm/7c, the time slot currently occupied by Marido en Alquiler.

Best to all of you on the holidays!

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos-Index

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Corazon Indomable, 12/22/2013: EL GRAN FINAL!!!!

Well, Amigos. This long and winding journey we have been on, called Corazon Indomable, has finally come to an end. We've got a lot of ground to cover, so I won't waste time here sharing my thoughts, but I would like to thank my fantastic group of co-recappers, and the amazing group of commenters that shared this adventure with us. This final recap is a joint effort. Cece has recapped the first half, I have done the second half, and SURPRISE!, Carlos has provided some of his signature screencaps and captions. Enjoy!
Part 1 (By Cece): Stumbling Our Way to El Gran Final CI Style

Everything has been said in the past recaps this week. I would just like to add that it has been a wonderful experience albeit my first time recapping. I appreciate all the kind words and wonderful comments. You all definitely made this TN somewhat durable ;).  As to my fellow recappers, you are a talented bunch… that I aspire to write like someday. I would be the first person on the patio if you all got together and wrote a TN (I am also sure it would be better than half the stuff Televisa comes up with!). It’s been fun!!
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fri. 12/20/13 Corazón Indomable ♡ All About Elsa ♡

Well, all good things must come to an end... fortunately, so must all dreadful things as well. I present you with a recounting of of the penultimate episode of Corazón Indomable. For a brief time there it looked as though my luck had run out and I would be struggling with the final 2 hr. episode, but thanks to an emergency unexpected telethon on Univision last Friday, that episode was postponed until Sunday and fortunately for us, Vivi and CeCe will be doing the honors. The first paragraph of this recap covers a short period of time that preceded tonight's episode that was presented on Univision. It was the beginning of capitulo 160 which I discovered on line and I already had the paragraph written and hate to waste effort so I left it in. I hope you don't mind a bit of repetition.

Maricruz is sitting at the foot of Elsa's bed chatting with Elsa. Elsa, still not aware that Alfonso is dead is trying to recruit Maricruz's assistance in returning the deceased one to her. She's clearly in the wrong telenovela. She needs to be over at Mentir Para Vivir where resurrection of the dead is a rather common occurrence. Perhaps Maricruz could put in a call to Padre Plaid.  Because Maricruz is a practicing idiot, she agrees to help Elsa find Alfonso. Should be easy enough but not with quite the result that  Elsa is hoping for. 

Here is where tonight's TV presentation actually begins.

Liz arrives at Alvaro's place in her little red car and parks it at the curb. Skankery must pay fairly well as it's a rather nice car, and her too tight, too short, maroon dress and spike heels all look to be expensive... if a bit slutty. She rings the bell at the gate and thought bubbles about a moment of vengeance against two people, especially Alvaro. She is soon admitted by a housekeeper and led to the big house. Looks like her other target is Maricruz since she seems to be glad that Maricruz is there. She tells her that she is here to visit Elsa. Maricruz says sure and lets her pass. 

Wearing a tee shirt and children's pajama bottoms with little teddy bears imprinted on them (at first I thought it was Hello Kitty PJs), Elsa seems happy to have a visitor. She's busy brushing her hair and admiring her image in the mirror as Liz walks in.

"For A Spoiled Brat I Sure Am Cute."

"¡Hola Liz!"
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Lo que la vida me robo, #23, 12/20/13: A tale of two deluded men

Lo que la vida me robo, Cap 23, 12-20-13—A tale of two deluded men

Exhibit A: Our first deluded man. She isn't going to run away with you! Get over it and go away, dude!

Exhibit B: Second deluded man. Maria is a first class bruja! She is NOT confused or sensitive or good! Stop defending her, my beautiful, albeit deluded, blondie!


We start with J-L and Ale in the stables. Ale invites his new capataz to lunch. J-L is all okay! J-L wants Juventino to take care of the horses—Juvie-dude thinks that Refugio, being J-L's "boy," can do it. J-L says, "I asked you." Sullen smirks all around. Juvie-dude sweeps dirt on Refugio's shoes.

"Hey, watch with the large amounts of dirt covering my boots."

Then we go to the middle of Padre's and Montse's conversation about J-L being the capataz. No, he won't leave! She won't go with him, but the deluded dude won't take the hint!

Rosario is fixing food for the dinner, and when Maria finds out that it's following the instructions of Monste, and they're to have pork, Maria is as nasty as possible, says that this is HER kitchen, that Montse is not the boss of anything (only Ale is the boss), scatters the food that Rosario was preparing on the ground, and yells at her to get out. What a bruja!

"It's MY kitchen!" BITCH.
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Mentir Para Vivir #53 Fri 12/20/13 Tito’s Grand Return Comes At A High Price


capítulo 53 

Lo Del Pasado:

Homero, Leo and Ricardo have just been shot at and Grandpa Spooks lets Ric know that he’s well aware of quite a bit of what’s been going on with him and the Aresti family.  It’s just a matter of fitting all the pieces correctly to put that puzzle together.  Being shot at is not something Homero would consider a normal sort of familial problem, he has insisted.  Therefore, since he knew Gabe, he’s told Ric if Ric needs his assistance he’s there to help out.  Ric isn’t sure that he can trust the man.  Viewerville isn’t either cuz El Grandpa Spooks de Homero has just put in a call to Manolo.     

Lo Del Nuevo:

Manolo informs Spooks where he can find the old owners of El Descanso at the time of Gabe’s murder, namely, Lucina. 

Leo tries to assure Ric on his way out of Spook Manor that his gramps is really a fair guy and that he can be counted on.  Ric still refuses to let Leo come to the beach house with Tito, preferring to keep things on the Q.T. as much as possible since others are following him and obviously mean to kill him.  Leo asks who, but Ric keeps mum and leaves.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #14 12/20/13: I'm On A Boat (Ft Sonia the Pain)

"¡Caigamos en la oración!" count: 6
Lo Refrito
  • Andrea frets and prays for the safety of her children.
  • Dante frets calls Gonzo looking for the combination to the safe.
  • Isa frets and cries about "the kiss." Gaby pep talks.
  • Fernando frets and curses Isa.
  • Arturo frets and talks to Eugenia
Lo Nuevo
En la vecindad de Andrea
Andrea walks Esteban to the bus stop and warns him about talking to strangers. She instructs him to not leave school until Agata arrives. Her spaz fit does not go unnoticed by the ever astute Esteban. 

El Reclusorio
F-no praises Gonzo for his work threatening Andrea and tells him to keep it up. Gonzo whines that following her around is costing him money. He tells F-no that Dante has found the safe and needs the combination. F-no wonders how he found it, so Gonzo mentions Gema. F-no smiles like a sleaze and notes that Gema is más facil que la tabla de cero (a cinch--with all credit to Kathy. ) Gonzalo agrees with that assessment. F-no goes on to say Gema is más bueno que el pan (which according to WordReference means she's kindness itself or the salt of the earth. Somehow I don't think F-no means it that way.)  F-no is not going to give Gonza the combination and wants to know where Isa could be. Gonzo assumes she's on vacation. F-no figures she's already changed the combination so there's not point in giving Gonzo and Dante the combination. Gonzo figures Dante will just take advantage of his "stay" at Isa's. How do you like them apples, F-no?

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 22 - 11/19/2013 - Reveals, Obsessions, Arguments and Confessions

High Stakes Game At the Dinner Table

Outside the dining room the woman looks up at the man, smug, self-satisfied. She is somewhat older than the handsome man to whom she speaks, but she tosses her head and beam at him with a look that is a parody of the coquette she may once have been. She is more practiced than he at the social dance that conceals fear and hatred.

He, Alejandro Almonte, is less urbane, less polished than the woman. Still—he understands she is playing a game; a game she intends to win. She is his mother-in-law, Graciela, but there is no love lost between these two. That much is clear.

Graciela –“ If you tell anyone my secret you will be responsible for killing the Admiral. Consider well, you have more to lose than I do.”

Alejandro – “What game are you playing at? I am not going to kill your husband.”

Graciela – “If you tell my husband this news, he will have a heart attack. It will be your fault. Your fault. She punctuates each word with her index finger. “You will be responsible for his death and my daughter Montserrat will hate you even more than she does now.”

The son-in-law, Alejandro, seems almost incredulous at the woman’s audacity. His face is still as she takes his arm and cozily leads him into the dining room.  They sit down with the waiting others: the stunning young bride Montserrat, her Aunt Carlota and Graciela’s husband, Admiral Lauro Mendoza.

The dinner conversation wanders down familiar paths; the delicious meal prepared by Tia Carlota, and the Admiral’s fond hope that the newlyweds will soon give him a grandchild. Alejandro covers his wife’s hand with his own as he assures the family that there is nothing he would like more than to make a family with his wife, Montserrat.

But now the conversation takes a different turn, set up by an innocent question from the kindly Aunt. Why, she asks, did Alejandro’s father never marry?

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Corazon Indomable, # 159, Thur. 12-19-13. Move Along Folks, Nothing to See Here, Just a Minor Scrape or Two.

    Gentle Readers, I take pen  keyboard in hand to bid you farewell.  This ends the only May-December romance in my life. I fell in love with the concept and cast of CI last May and offered to recap when CarayCaray was in dire need of CI staff.  I trembled on the brink of my first attempt at this noble art. I continued to tremble as each Thursday rolled around and my family learned to leave me, the TV, and the computer strictly alone. I fear disenchantment set in once MariCruz achieved her venganza and CI hit the skids. Now we’re in December, at the end of a relationship gone sour. I loved MC and her journey; I only regret the writing/producing team had their own little venganza with us viewers. MariCruz was a bright and courageous spirit who deserved better from her creators. I gave her what I could.

    Just a note to Gringo, flag bearer for the CI defenders. To me, a recapper’s duty is to provide a summary of the episode plus any extra entertainment that occurs to a creative mind. This added “wit” may not suit everyone, since tastes vary. I remember other TNs that fell apart and were sideswiped or even trashed in the commentary. One example was Corazon Salvaje 2009, which was “savagely” criticized in comparison to the 1993 version. I hadn’t seen the earlier version, so I happily followed the newer one when it moved to a midnight time slot. In contrast, I dropped out of regularly watching other TNs, such as La Fuerza del Destino, Abismo de Pasion, and even Que Bonito Amor. I’m very grateful to all CarayCaray recappers and commenters for sharing an array of opinions.

    This episode follows MariCruz and Octavio on their separate journeys: Tav with Doris, MC with Alvaro’s family. Many short scenes have been combined so the channel isn’t constantly flipping back and forth.

How Were We to Know?

    When life on the ranchos took a strange turn, Alvaro appeared as a suitor for MC and Natasha appeared as a general romantic interest and troublemaker. We thought they were a passing fancy, but little did we know they would be with us to the end. Alvaro’s teenage daughter and MC end up damaged by the same egotistical artist, while Natasha plays a role in freeing MC from the “peace” of her prison cell. I don’t know why this was necessary, unless we’re unwitting dupes helping to promote Goyri’s new banda release. Or, maybe he just wants to be a nice guy for a change.

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Mentir Para Vivir #52 Thu 12/19/13 Disparar Para Asustar

Padre Plaid puts on his serious priestwear and gets chewed out by the Bishop for beating the snot out of Sebastian.  But, Your Grace, Padre Plaid has witnesses!  Sebastian totally had it coming!  The Bishop brings up Padre Plaid's previous lusting after Oriana and says he needs to spend some time wrestling with his conscience.  He's also been suspended from saying Mass or administering any sacraments.  He wants Padre Plaid to think about what kind of life he wants to live.

Raquel joins Ruben in the dining room.  Ruben tells Raquel he's got problems…and Matilde is one.  Raquel asks if he likes Lucina and tells him it shows.  He knows nothing can ever happen between them.  He's a married man, and even though he doesn't have feelings for Matilde as a woman, they do have a history.  He tells Raquel about throwing Fidelia over for Matilde.  He recalls hanging out at Fidelia's house in Bahia de Kino.  Lupe brings the drinks in.  Ruben says he'd like to go back to BdK to recall those old times.  He admits he's "fond" of Fidelia still and they toast to that.

Matilde begs Cesar to tell her where Fabiola is, but he doesn't think he can trust her not to force Fabi to marry Sebastian.  Matilde says there's no way she could do that, since Fabi is nearly 18.  She begs Cesar to find out, since he claims he doesn't know.  She wants him to convince Padre Plaid to tell him.  She turns on the waterworks and says Fabi needs her mother at a time like this and she's going to support her no matter what.  I have this bridge for sale….
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #13 12/19/13: Things Happen For One Reason or Another

Gaby and Isa are having fun with Art and Bruno at Puerto Azul.  Due to the heat everyone wants some ice cream to cool off.  Isa likes Art, she likes that he is worried about his daughter.

Sucia asks the nurse for her cell and calls her father and asks for money, of course.  Cuca, Ms. Alarmist, answers the phone and yells for Sucia’s dad.  The nurse lets papi know that Sucia has a virus, she can’t really talk she has ulcers in her mouth but she needs money.  Papi will open his wallet for whatever she needs.
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Por siempre mi amor #12 Wednesday 12/18/2013: Bidding War on Aranza; Sucia's Sick and Life Goes on Without Her

Recap by J Desde NYC

Lo Refrito:
Bruno tells Isa and Gaby they have no right to judge or insult them. He's not a mama's boy and Art is a widow, not some cheating husband, thank you very much.  Cara impactada de isa.

Lo Nuevo
Nicolas, is he a mutual friend of Bruno/Art and Isa/Gaby?, finds out from Bruno that Sucia is not Art's wife, but his dead wife's only cousin and Eugenia fell and died similar to Sucia's fainting. Nicolas tells Isa/Gaby that it's true Art is a widow. 
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Por Siempre Mi Amor 12/18/13- Episode #11- Comedy and Misunderstandings Abound

Recap by J Desde NYC

Lo Refrito: Art sends a note and champagne to Isa to apologize for the misunderstanding that they were a couple by reception. Gaby says that despite her "cara de velorio" (face for a funeral; velorio means "wake"), it's obvious Cupid's arrow has hit Isa when it comes to Art.

Lo Nuevo:

Abue Ozzy comes to collect Ara.  Arriving at Ozzy's mansion she is separated from her dog Grenita, who can no longer be with her in Ozzy's house. Balthazar--a jolly-looking, hefty chauffer--takes Grenita away.

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Corazon Indomable Wed 12/18/2013 Doris gets punched, and I am finally free!

 This is my last recap but before I go off into the sunset I wanted to take a second to thank you all for the kind words and the encouragement you have provided these last few months. I started to recap because I was going through a bad time in my life, my mom had passed away and my boyfriend had dumped me, one of the things that made me happy was reading the recaps here (and the snarky comments!), when the opportunity to recap came up I jumped on it because I needed something to look forward to and I also thought that maybe it was the first step back into doing things I enjoyed. I was right. All of you here have given me things to smile/laugh about in a time when I really needed it and for that I will always be in your debt. You are the best behaved group of people in the whole internet, you are all smart, witty and down right hilarious and it has been a pleasure getting to know all of you :) (shout out to Emeraldrose, my one and only interwebz fan,lol). Now for the recap;

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Mentir Para Vivir #51 Wed 12/18/13 Rocky Mariano wins this round, Gramps is a spook, and Tito’s a no-show tonight :(

Holy Gym of Comeuppance
When last we saw el "Cura Metiche", as Seba calls him, he had just given Seba just a bit of the comeuppance he's got coming to him.  He delivers to blows to the old breadbasket and then has Seba by the throat and asks him if he'd like to die.  Padre appears to be afraid of his own strength and backs off.  Sebas, never one to know when enough is enough, lunges after the good Padre when his back is turned.  Padre makes quick work of him and throws him against the bookcases, which aren't very secure cuz they fall right over.  He reaches to help him up then tells him to leave. Apparently, Sebas has had enough “spiritual counseling” for one night and finally leaves.  Padre is left alone to pick up the pieces.

Outside, Sebas, con cara de mil chingazos, calls a friend. The phone rings at the beach house. Marilu announces it's Sebas.  Paloma wants to answer but Oriana figures it would be best to ignore him. Sebas is really pithed and races away from the church.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó #21-12/18/13: Lots of Lying Liars Lying A Lot! or, as we used to say in Kentucky, "YOU A LIE, GIRL!"

A fews scenes have been combined to avoid some back and forth

Lo refrito:  Nada tonight 

Morning, Chez Padre Anselmo:  Ale has come for a visit with his wise and loving man-of-the-cloth friend.  Padre wants to know if Ale finally talked to Montse as he'd promised and if now the marriage situation is a little better for Ale and Montse.  Ale says they did finally talk, and he attempted to clear up some things, but it didn't help much because she's still cold, distant, and currently the only woman in Mexico (and definitely in Viewerville) who has no desire to sleep with him.  He disgusts her.  Father Anselmo in this scene proves that he is worthy of his own Dr. Phil-style talk show on Univison as he dispenses smart but honest love to Ale:  he (with kindness) tells Ale to grow up some and get over himself.  What does he (Ale) expect after all?  Given all the horrible things that have happened, does Ale expect Montse will welcome him with open arms just because of one decent, long over-due conversation?  What happened wasn't my fault, Ale protests--Father A. reminds him it wasn't Montse's fault, either.  Ale has got to be more patient with her.  If she still believes Ale is terrible, then he's got to summon sufficient intelligence to know it's his responsibility to show her with his actions that she's wrong about him. Ale says he's been thinking about it and has an idea of something to do to help things along.  Padre A. says he's confident things will work themselves out.  Have faith in God who won't abandon you.  

Padre A then switches the subject and asks about Rosario.  Ale says she's fine and that basically she's the only person Montse will talk to in the house.  This makes Father A happy--Ale has no idea how much--but Father A. wants to know if Ale talks to Rosario, too.   He says a little and that he asked her where she'd been the last 20 + years and that she only said it was in a place she'd rather forget.  Father A then tells Ale that Rosario was in prison.  Ale is impactado and wants to know why.  Father A assures him it that Rosario was wrongly accused and when Ale wants to know more Father A tells him to ask Rosario himself--to encourage Rosario to open her heart to him.  Ale again wants to know why, why, but Father A. takes his confessional vow of silence seriously and will only HINT BROADLY but not actually spill the frijoles. Ale looks curious, and, smart guy that he is, you think he'd figure it out, but I suppose this shoe won't be dropping for a good 20-30 epis or so, if that.   
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #157, 12/17/13 Maricruz disappears AGAIN. Tav thinks he lost her forever AGAIN. Alvaro comes to the rescue AGAIN. I never have to write a CI recap AGAIN!

Most scenes have been condensed and cut short (sadly, I couldn't ignore them).

 Tav has decided he won’t go to Isla Dorada, he’ll just drop Doris off and get back to Mexico City with the same plane; he has to do this for his daughter, he explains to a furious Doris. This is when she blurts out that MC is already free, so he can come with her because Lupita will have her mother from now on.
Ay, no puede ser, MC is free? Tav is utterly surprised and mad with Doris for keeping this a secret. She explains that she wanted to save (!!) him from MC, because she knows that no matter what MC does / has done, he will always forgive her.
Now Tav doesn’t want to go to Isla Dorada at all, Doris can travel alone and he’ll join her later. And if he doesn’t, he’s sorry.

Maria has finally reached a police station and asks about Maricruz Olivarez, a woman that looks very much like her… Oh, what a laugh I just had. NEXT!

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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 20, Tuesday, December 17, 2013: And the Award for the Best Couple goes to -- José Luis and Refugio!

The Old:
Montserrat reflects that Alejandro should have married María -- she is the perfect match for him.

The New:
Juventino is pulling on his boots and muttering to himself:  he can't believe they didn't kill the capataz...and nobody said he was coming with another guy.  He stalks away, presumably up to some off-camera mischief.
[The cry goes out through The Patio:  Hide the fruit!]

José Luis sees Alejandro and María riding away and seizes the opportunity to check out the big house.  Refugio, who now has a red bandana wrapped around his wrist in an unpleasant echo of the late and unlamented Gabino Mendoza, warns his friend to be careful.  (Save your breath, Refugio.)

Sneaky, sweaty-faced JL slips into Alejandro's house, and peers into a room or two.  Then -- busted!  Rosario appears on the scene and questions his presence.  He introduces himself as Antonio, the new capataz.  When he hears that Alejandro is out, he says he'll return later.
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Mentir Para Vivir #50 Tue 12/17/13 Sebastian is Going Straight to Hell Wearing Gasoline Soaked Green Jeans While Riding on an Turpentine Layered Conveyor Belt

Aresti Mansion: Sporting a grey business jacket, Sebastian barges into the Aresti living room and marches around searching for Fabiola. Matilde interrupts his quest in order to educate him on the proper way that a guest should enter a home, but he's not interested in etiquette lessons. Sebastian demands to know the whereabouts of Fabiola. She informs him that her daughter is on vakay. She asks what's so important. I knocked up your daughter and we gotta get married, says Sebastian. Matilde sneaks him with a quick right cross, but Leonardo yanks her away before she can follow through with a powerful left upper-cut. Leonardo orders Sebastian to leave. Sebastian tells Leonardo to butt out and find some business of his own. Leonardo steps all up into Sebastian's face and Sebastian swings at him. Leonardo side-steps the punch and knees his attacker in the gut. Sebastian runs out of the room, but not before threatening to kill Leonardo and saying that Fabiola will lose her chance with him if she does not say yes. After hearing the commotion, Nadia, the maid, runs into the room to comfort Matilde. Leave me alone, screams Matilde! Leonardo wants to know who the identity of the guy he kneed just in case there's a lawsuit. Nadia tells him that he just kicked Sebastian Sanchez Bratt-on.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir: Possible New Time Beginning 12/23!

Hey, all!

Madeleine and I have found a few t.v. scheduling grids listing Mentir at 7PM EDT beginning Monday night, the 23rd.  TV Guide does not have the change listed although Corazón Indomable is over by then.  Grrr.   

"Zap2It" and "Locate"  have the change listed as well as "Titan TV" and Univision's California affiliate, ch 657.   TWO hours of Lo Que La Vida are listed.   

So, fun lovers, reset your DVR's accordingly.

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Mentir Para Vivir #49 Mon 12/16/13 Everyone and their mama finds out that Fabiola is pregnant; the last to know – Fabi’s actual mama.

 I apologize for any spelling mistakes/ long sentences... I'll get back to the recap later today to polish it.

Last week, before the long weekend break: Cesar decided to defend Fabiola’s honor by beating up Piero and threatening to throw him into jail. Piero didn’t say anything to defend himself, except that Cesar should talk to his sister.

Today: Fabiola is talking with Padre Plaid at Mansion Aresti, explaining to him that Piero is not the baby daddy, he’s just her confessor – she didn’t really make this clear to Cesar, though.
Paloma walks in and wants to know what is going on. Fabiola explains that she’s done something terrible and her mother is going to kill her for it – she’s embarasada and Seb is the father.
Paloma makes a CRAP!  Cara, but hugs Fabiola.

At the same time the proud daddy to be receives a visit from his faux bro, Ric. They get into it when Ric asks Seb if he seduced or raped Fabi. Whatever the case, if he doesn’t marry her, he’ll end up in jail, because she’s a minor.
(Excuse me as I take a pause to express my feelings about Ric’s hypocrisy – when he supposedly left a minor pregnant, daddy shipped him off to school in another country and paid off the mother-to-be, but Ric has no problem forcing marriage on Seb – YES, he’s a creep, but because he’s a creep, they shouldn’t want Fabiola tied to him forever.)
As Ric storms out, Antonio comes to talk about Seb’s bright future as a president to the shady negocio he and Fauxcisco Castro are setting up. He finds out what his maybe spawn has been up to lately. Is Antonio’s heart filling with pride at the idea that his son is following in his footsteps by impregnating a minor? No, he’s pissed because another scandal is the last thing Seb needs after the whole paternity debacle.

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Por siempre mi amor #10 12/16/13: Revenge, Rest, and... Romance?

Hello everyone! It's been a couple of weeks now and I realize that I have never actually introduced myself. My name is Kathy and I am coming to you from a small farm in western Washington State.
And now I have to say this: Go Seahawks!

I have been a reader and commenter on Caray! for a few years now. My first TN was the final few weeks of Passion', (I was using Google translate on in the short episode summaries from the Univision website to figure out what was going on. That was baffling...). Thank goodness I found Caray in time for MEPS. I was part of the "After Midnight" party for CS '09 and LVO and most recently the train wreck known as PEAM. This is my very first attempt to do recaps for a TN. I am not a Spanish speaker, I am just a rank beginner, so I will be relying a lot on the closed captions. If there are things that I get wrong it's because I didn't understand or I wasn't able to get something down on paper fast enough. If I make some mistakes or forget something please feel free to put it into the comments. Insights and input from all of you make the recaps so much more fun. 
Thank you all for your nice comments on my previous recaps. I appreciate it so much!

Friday's episode was a condensed version of everything that's happened up to now. Univision showed its love for those of us on the west coast by airing it at 2am Pacific Time! Yeaaah, we love you too, Uni!

Sonia and Arturo talk about the punishment Aranza should get for fighting at school.
Grandma Meanie slaps Esteban for questioning her opinion.
Isabel cries over her memories of Fernando.

The New Stuff:
Sonia and Aranza are talking about the punishment Arturo has given Aranza for the fight she had with Dafne at school. Sonia sits at the tea table, but Aranza quickly pulls her up from the chair. "That's my Mama's seat." Sonia goes and sits on the bed. She says Arturo is wrong and he shouldn't punish Aranza for defending Esteban. "I'm on your side, Aranza. I love you." Aranza is eating her words like candy. Still, there's one more thing that's bothering her - Dafne told her Sonia would be her step-mother. "Oh, please," Sonia laughs, "I'm not your step-mother, I'm your aunt. And your friend isn't really a friend. She's telling you things that just aren't true. I'm your friend. I'll always be on your side."

Time passes. F-no is taken from the local jail to prison. At Tita's, the remodeling work is well underway. Gonzalo is busted at his dirty apartment and is taken away in handcuffs. At school, Dafne jealously watches as Esteban and Aranza grow closer. And at Arturo's the bond between Aranza and Sonia gets stronger.
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #156, Monday, December 16, 2013 “Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty, Maricruz Is Free At Last!!!......AND SO AM I!!!!!”

Recap by LatinaInMD                       

Thank you, Lord.  I’m done.  My personal “sentence” is complete.  To all of Viewerville, thank you for the opportunity to recap C.I.  When I began this journey, I enjoyed watching this novela and thus enjoyed recapping it too.  But I must sadly agree with my fellow recappers and the rest of Viewerville that the third and fourth parts of C.I. have been truly painful to watch, so I am overjoyed that this process is over for me.

Note:  Some scenes are combined.

Maricruz and Octavio continue their tearful goodbyes as Lupita enjoys an apparent Benadryl-induced psychedelic trip with the overhead studio lights.  She’s so out of it that Octavio has to raise her arm for her so she can give a limp-hand wave goodbye to her crying mama.

Alfie’s dad informs his grieving wife that Natasha and her entourage of starving artists are back and wish to speak with her.  She refuses to see them.  She is not about to attend to her son’s “enemies”.  Dad has no choice but to go face the music, er, headband-wearing Natasha and her gang, who insist that they will fight to get back their friend’s painting.  Alfie’s dad promises to give them back the money he received for the “masterpiece”, but he begs them not to sully his son’s name by revealing that he stole it from his friend.

ShutUpDoris is back in town.  Oh joy.  She tells Octavio she still has problems with her daddy because of her plans to marry Octavio, but she couldn’t care less.  Octavio expresses concern that once back on the island her daddy will make life impossible for them.  Then, true to his nature, he goes from having just sworn undying love to Maricruz to yet again saying he must “take” his daughter with him, but “legally” he says - as opposed to just kidnapping her for a third time, I guess.  (Of course, seconds later he does an about-face and says there’s a chance Maricruz will be set free, in which case she is entitled to her kid.)….Octavio suggests to S.U.D. that she return to the island and wait there for him while he resolves what will happen with Lupita.  She refuses to leave on the “eve” of their wedding.
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Monday, December 16, 2013

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 12/16/13 Capitulo 19

Chapter 19: The Pursuit of Love and Fortune

In Review

Corporal Alvarez found the calling card of the deceased steward and decided to impersonate him upon arrival at Almonte Manor. Refugio told his friend he was mad: The dead man was described as a widower with no children so surely he would not be able to manage this. Corporal Alvarez told him the deception is meant to be only long enough to enable him to liberate Lady Monserrat. They proceeded to bury the unfortunate Mr Olivares, as the smoke from a makeshift cremation would attract unwanted attention.

Current Happenings:

Lady Monserrat's Chamber: Rosario brought her breakfast and enquired why she was not outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Her Ladyship thanked her, but said she preferred to stay indoors. Rosario departed silently, but with an expression of much concern. She encountered Lord Alejandro without, who enquired of his wife. She told him that she appears pale, and as though she had not slept all the night before. He thanked her and noticed that she stared searchingly at him. She caught herself, then retired to the kitchen, leaving him with a pensive expression.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Santa Diabla -- Week of December 15, 2013

Lots of Diablas - very few Santas and one Santi. Enjoy!!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Marido en Alquiler -- Week of December 16, 2013

Marido fans -  here is your page for this semana of the semanas culminentes of this novela. Enjoy!!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, et cetera, Week of December 16, 2013

Here's your page for this week. Enjoy!!

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Corazon Indomable Friday Discussion Page: And the Nominations Are???

Greetings Caraymates! What a pleasant (but welcoming) surprise to find that my last recap would be a repeat episode. Instead of repeating La Paloma’s wonderful recap from yesterday, let’s use this as a moment to have fun and discuss some plot points until now. First let’s do some nominations.

The Following categories are:

Worst Villain:
The Dunce Award:
Most Entertaining character:
I would never want to be stuck on deserted island with _________
Best Dressed
Worst Dressed

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo: Supplement: 12/13/13: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Ahoy Amguis! This evening they showed a nice synopsis of what has happened with our TN so far. I have an earworm for Y'all. It's Monse's song for Ale, You Don't Own Me.

We start this synopsis with Don Benny (Benjamin) dying and begging the Padre, Anselmo that is, to go get the notary. He knows he hasn't much time left and would like to make a will.

JL (Jose Luis) and Monse (Montserrat) are having some time on the beach, their usual meeting place, bout talking to her Papa the Admiral. JL of course hasn't the avocadoes to speak with him. He's betting he'll be rejected! Here comes Sebas (Sebastian) and sees the whole thing. She explains she loves JL, Sebas is angry and tells her to just keep the ring. She'll probably have to sell it due to her family's moola problems.

Lauro, the Admiral, and his wife Gracie (Graciela), the Mama we love to hate, are arguing about Monse of course. Lauro doesn't want to see Monse sold for pasta, ya know money. Violetta, Sebas' Mama, calls Gracie to tell her the wedding is OFF! Gracie stalks to Monse's room and slaps the crap out of her, and tells her Sebas went back to England.
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Weekend Discussion: Controversial Subjects

Tuesday's capitulo of Lo Que La Vida Me Robó provoked over 100 comments regarding the marital rape scene that echoed Gone With the Wind in many respects [GWTW's scene is still being debated today]. This may not have been the ideal way for the writers to handle the wedding night of our flawed but otherwise sympathetic protagonists, but a lot of bytes are being seriously inconvenienced in internet postings from viewers debating all the same hypotheses and issues we raised on Wednesday morning.

Which – por supuesto – is always good for ratings.

Several other series have provoked discussion in the last few years over other highly controversial actions and interactions:
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TN Schedule for Friday, December 13, 2013

Hola, all TN recappers and commenters. Corazon Indomable, Por Siempre Mi Amor, and Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, will be shown at their regularly scheduled times in the Eastern and Central Time Zones. Mentir Para Vivir will not be shown at all. Univision did this last year for the Telethon. For Peeps on the West Coast, check your cable grids to find out what time Univision will show the above TNs. Last year, Univision showed the TNs on the West Coast either Saturday evening or on Sunday.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 18 - Maria and Juventino Create Some Really Bad Karma - Friday, December 13th, 2013


The man and the woman are have their heads together and are speaking in low tones as though they do not want to be overheard. ‘Uncle’, she says, and we are a bit surprised by her address; the man is looking at the young woman with an intensity that would seem, well, unusual, for an uncle and a niece.

His straw hat is pushed a bit back from his forehead as he leans into her. He suggests that by working together they can help one another. “Maria,” he says, “This woman is a problem.” He states it flatly. After seeming to consider the situation, Maria tells her uncle to do as he wishes. Just make sure that ‘that woman’ never comes back.

An older woman is quietly watching this conversation, waiting to speak. She tells Maria that Alejandro is asking for her, can she come now? Maria tears into the older, meek seeming woman. Maria told her that she did not want to be interrupted, for anything! The older woman looks down and walks away.


In another location, at a café table in a rough cobbled plaza, two men are eating and making plans. They are in Morelia, Mexico, it seems. Montserrat’s mother tried to throw them off and they ended up here. The good news is that the two of them are believed to be dead! The lean and chiseled man, who is called Jose Luis, swigs a beer and says he is sorry, he must go back to the town of Agua Azul and investigate the whereabouts of his beloved Montserrat. The fair-haired man, Refugio, calls his friend crazy. Jose Luis challenges Refugio, “You said you want to help? Go see Emeralda. She has information about Dimitrio.” Refugio vehemently protests—he does not want to see Esmeralda! Jose Luis, clearly the alpha male is this relationship, says that his friend needs to see Esmeralda to get information, yes, but also because Refugio is in love with her. Now they must be on their way.

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Mentir Para Vivir #48 Thu 12/12/13 Hablar para Aburrir

Oriana and Lina get settled in their room.  Lina likes Fidelia, but not as much as she likes her Granny.  She hopes God left Tito at Granny's house and Granny brings him with her when she comes to visit.  Ricardo calls Oriana and she tells him the house is great and his aunt's super nice and even asked Lina to call her "Tía."  When Lina finds out it's Ricardo on the phone, she wants Oriana to ask him if God brought Tito back already.  Ricardo asks to speak directly to Lina and tells her that Padre Plaid, who's way closer to God than any of them, because God works out at Padre Plaid's Gym of Penance regularly, said it will be a few days, but there's no estimated arrival date.  Lina gives the phone back to Oriana and Ricardo lets her know that Fabiola's been checking in with the vet, but he hasn't been to see Tito himself yet, since he doesn’t want to lead the investigator that JL has tailing him to the vet's office.  As soon as Ricardo can take care of a few things, he'll go visit.

Cesar visits his aunt, who asks him to come home already, and convince his stubborn mother to stay, too.  Cesar says he'll try, but he likes it where he's at and he really doesn't want to deal with his mother.  Fabiola says she'll stay and she's told her mother already.

Smoochy mushy talk from Ricardo and Oriana.  They postpone the good stuff until Lina isn't around to listen.

Nadia announces the arrival of Ricardo, so Paloma bids Cesar and Fabiola farewell.  She asks Fabiola to escort her brother to the executioner…digo, to his mother's room, so he can talk her into staying.
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Corazon Indomable, Cap. 155, Thur. 12-12-13 -- A Mournful Maricruz Sits Stubbornly in Her Prison Cell

Short scenes are combined in an attempt to force some sense into this report from Planet Bizarro.

 `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
. . . no, that won’t do, although much jabberwocky and wacky jabber is to be found in recent episodes of CI.  Let’s look for another poetic reference to set the scene for our jailbird.

It's a hangin' day in Wolf City, Wyomin'
Wolf city, Wyomin', eighteen ninety four
They're gonna drop Cat Ballou
Through the gallows floor.
She killed a man in Wolf City, Wyomin'  
. . . well, that’s not exactly right, either. We know MariCruz didn’t actually kill a man, but she’s determined to claim it.

Perhaps we’ll share a few lines from that famous prison epic, The Ballad of Reading Gaol:
The moaning wind went wandering round
  The weeping prison-wall:
Till like a wheel of turning-steel
  We felt the minutes crawl:
. . . We’ve certainly felt some minutes crawl with MC incarcerated. Let’s see how she does in today’s episode.

Seen Previously
    Ed and Tav run into each other at the airport and catch up with Tav’s miserable life. He’ll wait for MariCruz to get out of prison.
    Carola is sent to isolation as punishment for the knife wound scam she pulled on Maricruz. For some reason, she’s not happy with the situation.
    Maria is at Don Ale’s former mansion, talking to the maid/caretaker with the cadaverous face and messy hair. She wants to find some of the family, but none of those names are known to the maid. (She looks like she would fit in with a family named Addams.)

There’s a Ray of Hope for Maricruz, If She Would Only Recognize It
    Natasha visits MC in prison. (The guards probably haven’t seen this many visitors for one prisoner in a long time.) MC recalls what a ruckus Natasha caused with her painting career in the Rancho Abuelo neighborhood and asks (bingo!) “Que haces aqui?” Natasha is interested in MC and she knows who really killed Alfonso. She wonders why MC wants to be in prison?

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #9 12/12/13: Hey Feo, Do You Know Where People Who Commit Crimes Go To?? Jail

Del Ayer
Sucia the Snake has to let Aranza know that her papi is going away and she will be in charge.  Aranza is not a happy camper. Equis!!!!!  Sonia looks like cat that she is who swallowed the canary.

Isa wants to know when Feo is arrested.  Isa tells Mauricio that Feo’s ex- wife Andrea will work with them.  She is a victim too.  Gaby shares that Andrea is mathematically inclined and she will work under Mauricio.
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Mentir Para Vivir #47 Wed 12/11/13 Tito the Thespian Treats us to more Dynamic Doggie Drama

Frog Park
JL returns to the scene of the crime and has decided he's going to look for poor Tito.   Who should he bump into? Leonardo!! JL give him some bull about losing his daughter’s dog day before yesterday but he went away on a trip and couldn't come look for the little beast, er, pet.  It all sounds kinda fishy to Leo.  JL then asks if there are any predatory animals in the area. Nothing but squirrels (ardillas) and badgers (tejónes) replies Leo.  JL wonders about Leo's dobie but Leo assures him dogs don't eat other dogs- maybe the dog was found by someone or maybe he wandered off. JL gives up and leave.

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Corazon Indomable #154 The cameos just keep coming

YAHOO!!! My last recrap of Corazon Indomable ☺

MC's wailings finally illicit the appearance of the Glenda the Good Guard. Glenda asks MC where she heard that Lupita was dying. Well, it was Carola and Dominga, her new BFFs. Glenda tells her they lied to her, and MC has the same look on her face she had when she was told that Lucia was lying to her. No way. Why would they lie to her, and how could she not realize it?

Juanita calls the prison to try to at least talk to MC on the phone, but the answer is still no.

One Cell aka OC aka MC, still won't believe Glenda the Good Guard aka GGG is telling the truth. So GGG gives her a 'what for' talk. She tells her not to believe anything the mean girls tell her and to come to ask GGG if they do it again to see if it's true. OC then asks and I'll quote, "Why would they do that to me?" hahaha, OC kills me, it's like she's that salvaje from yesteryears all over again. I missed her.

Juanita runs home to tell Two Cell aka Octavio that MC is in solitary confinement.
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Lo que la vida me robo Cap.17 Wed Dec 11th,2013 The girl fight, it is soooo on

Oooo someone needs to bring out the cages because tonight is the start of what is poised to be one hell of a cat fight, on one corner we have Maria, a country girl with bad hair accessories, I have a feeling this girl is not above playing dirty. In the other corner we have Montserrat, a spoiled girl who has never had to fight for anything because mommy and daddy always took care of her, she might seem fragile, and she is so tiny that a strong wind might carry her off, but don't count her out of this fight, she might be tiny but the girl has spunk and fire in her belly, and I think if it came down to it she'd cut someone,  and do it while looking like she just came out of a fashion magazine, girl looks good!

Now on to the episode. Enjoy!

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Por siempre mi amor #8 12/11/2013: Stalkers and Shakers

Recap by J Desde NYC

Lo refrito
Aranza freaks out about Sucia getting her a big present, just as Dafne warned; she kicks Sucia who grabs her and shakes her; Lucha and Gabina come in and separate our luchadoras.

Lo nuevo
Feo, with sidekick Gonzo, buys an antique watch from another sketchy-looking dirtbag.  He is convinced this present to Isa will have her back with him.  He is delusional.
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Por siempre mi amor #7 12/10/13: Beware of Aunts Bearing Gifts

 Quick Recap for Tuesday"s episode by J Desde NYC

 Sucia (Sonia) is gonna move in with Art Dad and Aranza; Dafne is not a total hater.  She says, in a caring way this time, that I did believe-good on that actress-that stepmothers can be witches like in storybooks and she knows from experience. Her father remarried and her stepmother is horrible.

Aranza is not taking her mother's death well.  In the garden with Lucha and Gabino, she remembers gardening with her mother and is overcome with grief. She runs from the garden to the bathroom and starts bawling incessantly crying out for her mother and says she wants to die since she has no one. Lucha tries to console her through the bathroom door which Aranza won't open.  Arturo gets Aranza to open the door by reminding her that he loves her and that she's the only one he has left in the world...(This was really heartbreaking and I hope Sucia's anvil for killing this child's mother will be strong. Aranza could have legitimately killed herself in her grief and sent Arturo over the edge.)

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Corazon Indomable: In The Pits And Pounding Sand

Cap 153 

As the gods in Telenovelaland often say, “be careful what you ask for cuz you just might get it!”   Maricruz has gotten exactly what she asked for and more and I, for one, am all out of sympathy cards.

Carola plays the innocent victim to perfection and gets back-up from the crooked guard, Dominga.  The warden, who prides himself on being soooo in the know with his prison and his inmates, apparently is not when it comes to the scam these two are running.  He gives Maricruz three days in solitary.  (Ehhh!  Viewerville is so over la Estupida de Maricruz and the burro she rode in on!   It cringes every time she opens her mouth.  Where in the world is majestic miracle-maker de Maria Alejandra Mendoza?  HMMMMM???? Has our Mendoza totally disappeared?  Why-oh-why are the telenovela gods forcing us to make do with la mentecata de Maricruz Olivarez?)  

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Lo qué la vida me robó, cap. 16, Tuesday, December 10, 2013 -- Let's celebrate Human Rights Day with a sympathetic look at rape!

And I hate you too!
Montserrat wipes her mouth, disgusted at Alejandro's kiss.  He is troubled by her icy reaction.  He is, after all, not asking her to do anything she hasn't already done.  She has done a great job making him believe she cared for him  -- well let her bring on the acting now!

He pushes her down on the bed.  If she hates him, he'll have to make do with that.  And he hates her right back.   Besides, hatred is a more intense emotion than love, isn't it?

He lies down on top of her, his chest bare.  He presses his mouth on hers again.  She turns her face away, her expression bleak.  A tear stains her cheek.  She is very still.

For Esme -- no Love, just Squalor
Esmeralda can't wait to give Refugio the good news: she knows where Montserrat is!  But she is dismayed to find her apartment empty.  Did he leave without her?
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Mentir Para Vivir #46 Tue 12/10/13 The Dog was Found Near the Frog, but Then the Rabbit Died

Casa Bonita Hotel: At the bar by the pool, Manolo asks Lucina if Raquel had a part in the cover up. Yeah, she had a small part. Lucina tells him to look for something to get them out of this mess. Manolo tells Lucina to get a lawyer; falsifying passports is a big time crime. Manolo might know how to help Oriana, but Lucina will have to tell him everything that she knows. Good luck with that Manny!

Aresti Mansion: Leonardo, the guy who found Tito, pulls up into the driveway and introduces himself to the Martin, the doorkeeper. Martin tells Leonardo to beat it. Paloma is sick and she's not receiving guests. Leonardo asks if Paloma has a mutt and describes Tito. The doorkeeper says, yeah, but Tito moved out a while back. Just then, Fabiola comes boppin' out and spots the hottie at the front gate. She immediately, begins to undress him with her eyes and so do I. Leonardo inhales deeply, he instantaneously feels the electricity between us them. Anyways, hottie tells Fabiola that Tito has a broken leg and he's been hit in the head. After speaking to the stranger for all of thirty seconds, once again, Fabiola displays her "good judgement" with men by hopping into the SUV with Ted Bundy. Her excuse is to accompany him to the veterinarian's office to check on Tito, of course. Luckily, for her, suspicious Martin decides to act as chaperon. Martin tells Jorge to take down Leonardo's license plate and then he jumps in the back seat with Neron, the man-eating doberman.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #45 Mon 12/9/13 Tito has nine lives – how will Jose Luis explain this new lie?

 The old – Jose Luis and Oriana are fighting, so Tito runs to her rescue. JL kicks him viciously, the dog screeches, Alina screams, Oriana is shocked.

The new – Alina runs to the dog, calling her dad a bad person. JL takes Tito and rushes out with him, saying he’s taking him to the vet; Oriana hugs Alina, who is crying her eyes out.

At Casa Bonita, Cesar and Ruben are talking about Raquel’s strange reaction after Manolo left. What was that all about and is it somehow related to Ines and her sudden departure from Paloma’s house? Cesar remembers his mother’s harsh words about Ines, but Ruben doesn’t think they should take her into consideration - she’s Madhilde, of course she’d say something bad. The talk turns to Cesar’s new job in the design department at the plant – Cesar is very happy, he’s finally found his calling.

Raquel and Lucina are fighting (what else is new?). Raquel is upset because Lucina gave Manolo the gun Alina had the day Gabe died, she thinks they shouldn’t trust him, because being a friend doesn’t mean that he’ll forget his cop duties. Lucina is sure Manolo won’t betray her confidence, but if that happens, they’ll deal with it when the time comes – all she knows now is that she had to help Oriana.
Raquel has had it with all the Oriana love fest, though, she thinks her so called best friend ruined her life. Lucina stresses that the one thing Manolo mustn’t know is how close Oriana and Alina really are; oh, yeah, Raquel agrees with this, if only Oriana could vanish forever…
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Por siempre mi amor #6 12/9/13: We're All Just Here to Help

From last time: Andrea sobs as she tells Grandma Meanie that F-No is married to another woman. A rich woman. Meanie browbeats Andrea about how stupid she is. She should take her kids and move out.

F-No tells Gonzo that he's been outed as a bigamist. But not to worry. Isabel is dumb and in love with me. All is well.

Isabel watches her wedding pictures burn in the fireplace. Her ring is in the fire too. We don't get to see the phony thing melt.

The new: It's morning. Eugenia's casket is lowered into the grave. The family, including Osvaldo, tosses white roses onto the casket. Arturo kneels, clutches Aranza close to himself, and in front of the sobbing and grief-stricken group, slowly drops a handful of soil into the grave. The priest sprinkles Holy Water on the casket. Arturo and Aranza remember their last happy night with Eugenia. Dirt falls on the casket. Aranza weeps silently. More dirt falls. Osvaldo shakes his head. Sonia keeps her eyes on the prize. This she-dog is just getting started.

Back at the house after the funeral Aranza clings to her papa. She doesn't want to let him go, she misses her mama so much. Sonia tells Aranza she needs to change her clothes since the dress she has on will always remind her of her mother's funeral. You don't want to remember this sad day. You want to think happy thoughts about your Mama. Sonia convinces Aranza to go upstairs with Lucha and Gabino. Sonia's wasting no time putting her plan into motion. She turns to Arturo, "I know how Aranza feels. You remember that I lost my mother at a young age too. I think I can help her." He thanks her for understanding and offering to help. They hug.

Sonia heads upstairs and stops next to Aranza's bedroom door. Lucha is talking to Aranza and reassuring her; reminding her of her family and all the love she has around her. When she mentions Sonia Aranza thinks back to the backyard camp-out and Sonia's wandering hands. "I miss my Mom. Can you and Gabino take me to live in your hometown? I don't want to live here without my Mama."

Sonia has heard enough and turns in disgust, "I don't want you here either you meddlesome brat."

Arturo is placing all his wedding photos and mementos in a box. He looks at Eugenia's wedding band, his own larger band surrounding it. "Why did you leave me Eugenia? Why?" He places both rings in a small cloth bag, kisses it, puts it in the box and closes the lid. "You'll live forever in my memories, my love."

  Next day: Gabi comes into the office cheerfully waving a folder. "I'm here to help you get your mind off your sadness and your troubles, Amiga! What you need is a trip! Acapulco, Puerto Azul, Cancun! Sun and beaches!" Well if Isabel won't go then I'm with you girlfriend. It's been freezing here and a warm beach sounds so fine. But no, Isabel won't go. Her work is her escape. She looks at her watch. "I'm going to be late!" She asks Gabi to come along with her on some unfinished business.

They go to Andrea's house. The kids are snacking on popcorn. Forgive me, but should the little one be eating popcorn? I remember giving my little sister popcorn when she was about the same age and she almost choked on it. My mother slapped the snot out of me for giving her popcorn. Estaban introduces himself then takes Angelito to play in the other room. Isabel tells Andrea, "We're here to help you and your hijos. " Andrea looks skeptical. Isabel thanks her for opening her eyes to that rat-bastard F-No. "We want to offer you a job and a scholarship to a good school for Esteban."

Sonia & Arturo face each other on the couch. Sonia, determined to get her catch, dangles the bait. "Aranza needs someone feminine around to guide her through this difficult time. I think I've come up with something that will help all of us. If it's alright with you, I could move in and look after her." "No, Sonia. I can't ask you to do that. It would be hard on you." Now she tugs on the line. "For me the most important thing in my life is that you are okay. All three of us are suffering. Aranza has lost her mama, you've lost your wife, I've lost someone who was more than a cousin to me, she was the only person who shares my blood. Eugenia and I were like sisters, we grew up together, shared our secrets, our adventures. Please don't blame me for wanting to stay with my only family." "But this would be difficult for you. You have your own life. I can't be selfish and ask you to do something like this." Sonia sets the hook. "The only selfish thing would be to not allow me to be here with the only family I have left." Arturo gives in. Sonia reels him in and embraces him tightly. Her face is positively orgasmic. It's creepy weird.

Sonia has attached herself to Arturo's arm as she is leaving. It's settled. She will bring her things tomorrow.

Gabino tells Lucha that the last few days have shown him how short life can be. "We aren't eternal. We have to settle things while we are here."
"I know what you want. You want me to forgive him. I can't. I won't."
"He's our son, our only son."
"He's our son, but Dante kept hanging out with that Gonzalo. He didn't care about what he did, that you almost went to prison, that we nearly lost the roof over our heads.."
"He was young."
"He was young, but I can't forgive him. If we are dead to him, then he is dead to me."

The women sit at the table. Isabel faces Andrea and takes her hand. "I know how you feel. You still love Fernando. He is the father of your children."
Gabi is aghast, "You still love him?"
Isabel turns and gives her the stink-eye. "Yes. I should hate him, curse him. But I can't."
She turns back to Andrea, "We are both his victims. But if we work together we can help each other heal." She pulls some papers from a folder. "Here are the papers for Esteban's school. You need to contact them to set up a date for the admission test." Andrea looks truly moved by Isabel's offer. "I can't believe you would help Fernando's family." Isabel tells her this is not charity. Gabi says, "We have a job for you. You'll earn your keep."
"My mother says all I'm good for is cleaning."
"What were you good at in high school?"
"Math. I got A's. I could do problems in my head before the other's could write them down."
"Perfect, you'll be Mauricio's accounting assistant!"
"No, I don't think I could do that."
Gabi jumps up from the table, "Then I guess we're done here." She picks up her purse and heads for the door. Isabel grabs Gabi's arm and laughs. "Gabi's my best friend, but she's a pain."
Gabi sits back down and looks at Andrea, "Forgive me for saying this but you and your kids have no future if you keep on working as a cleaning woman. This is a great opportunity."
"That's true. I'll do it! I'll work very hard and learn everything you have to teach me."

Isabel takes a deep breath, "Fernando still has to pay for what he's done to us. I am going to sue Fernando. But I need you to help me and provide your sons' birth certificates." Andrea hesitates. "He'll be angry... but yes, I'll do it."

Lucha and Gabino are putting food in the cupboards. Lucha wonders aloud why Sonia hasn't shown up yet. Since Senora Eugenia died Sonia has been doing things that are inappropriate; things that are not her place to do. But at least she's not moving in. Arturo comes in and confirms her worst fears. Sonia is coming to live in the house to look after Aranza. Please get her room ready. Arturo leaves and Lucha says, "What did I tell you? She's more clever than all of us."

F-No arrives at Andrea's building in a taxi. He notices Isabel's car is parked at the curb. As the three women approach he hides behind a telephone pole. None of them notice his fat head behind the pole. He listens as they say their good-byes.

Back inside Andrea tells Esteban the good news about her new job. There's a knock at the door. Maybe the ladies forgot something. Andrea opens the door and stares in disbelief.

Arturo and Aranza are headed to a basketball game on the playground. "Are you okay? Is school okay?" He tells her he knows how hard it is now that her Mama is gone. "You need to be strong." Arturo tells her that Sonia is moving in. Aranza looks sick.

"Hola, mi amor." F-No smiles wickedly and grabs Andrea. He pulls he outside and shoves her down the step. He puts the padlock over the door latch. "So you're gossiping with the ladies?" F-No grabs Andrea's hair and pushes her to her knees. "Please Fernando. Think of the boys."
"What do I care about them?"
Esteban looks out the window and sees F-No assaulting his mother and starts to yell. Angelito is screaming and crying.
"Please let me go. You're hurting me."
"Shut up! Shut up!"
Agatha has heard the screaming. Grandma Meanie is hobbling up the sidewalk and hears the kids screaming and crying. She swears by God that she will shut those brats up. She turns into the courtyard and sees Andrea on her knees with Fernando's hands around her throat. Meanie breaks into a dead run.

Agatha has come out and hits F-No on the head with a frying pan. Grandma Meanie grabs the pan and whacks him twice. "You bastard! I'll kill you!"

Why she doesn't actually kill him is beyond me. But I have to admit I am surprised by her coming to Andrea's defense in the first place.

The fracas has attracted a small crowd of neighbors who are standing behind Andrea, Meanie and Agatha. F-No grabs the frying pan away from Meanie. She screams at him to get out or she'll kill him. F-No decides not to press his luck and throws the pan down at her feet and walks away. Everyone is gasping for breath. The kids are still screaming. Suddenly Meanie remembers the pain in her leg.

Back at the playground Aranza's head is not in the basketball game. The coach benches her, Ileana and Dafne. Dafne asks, "What's wrong with you? They're going to win the game." Aranza tells her friends that her Aunt Sonia is moving in with them. Dafne says, "Ahhh. So you're getting a stepmother." Aranza thinks back on how Sonia's hand wandered around Arturo's leg, how she hugged him, leaned over him. Suddenly her stomach hurts really bad. Aranza collapses to the ground.

Esteban wants to know who that bad guy was. Meanie tells him, "Your papa, Esteban. That bad man is your papa." "Is it true, Mama?" Andrea cries, the baby is still screaming. Agatha looks at Meanie with disgust.

Sonia has arrived at Arturo's house with a magic clown car. Instead of clowns, this tiny car is filled with several very large and heavy suitcases. It looks like Sonia is here to stay.

Agatha offers Andrea a cup of tea. Meanie screams, "What about me? Nothing for me?" She berates her daughter and her neighbor.

Gabino is trying to get Sonia's suitcases up the stairs. He pulls hard but the suitcase doesn't budge. He can't manage this load by himself. Lucha offers to help after she answers the phone. Tita has called to check on Arturo and Aranza. Lucha tells her, "Sonia is moving in to take care of my girl Aranza." Tita is stunned. She throws the phone down. "I don't like this. I don't like Sonia. I don't like anything about this."

Arturo races over and picks Aranza off the ground. He sets her on the bench, the coach and girls gather around her as Arturo calls the doctor.

Agatha says heard the kids screaming. She wants Andrea to tell her what happened. Meanie asks why she opened the door. "Did you think Fernando was here to pick you up and take you to your new house? If you are that stupid you deserve what you get."
Andrea explains that Isabel and Gabi had visited her. They offered her a job.
Meanie snorts, "Ha! Do they want you to clean their toilets?"
"No it's an administrative job. And they are giving Esteban a chance to go to a good school."
"Ah, they must be crazy. Please. Why would she help her lover's wife?"
Agatha scolds, "Stop bullying your daughter. I want to hear what she has to say."
Andrea tells them she thought the women had come back because they'd forgotten something. She opened the door and it was F-No. He grabbed her and pulled her outside and locked the door. Meanie is angry and her leg is hurting her again. It's Andrea's fault. Agatha can't believe what she is hearing and shakes her head.

Arturo and the doctor talk. Aranza is lying on the exam table in the doctor's office. She's feeling better now. Dafne tells Aranza if Sonia moves in, she'll marry your dad. That's how it happens. You'll have a stepmother. Stepmothers are mean, horrible witches like those in the storybooks. Dafne has a stepmother so she knows.

Advances: Sonia makes Cinderella's stepmother look like Mary Poppins.


Lo Que la Vida Me Robo, December 9, 2013. Capitulo 15.

JL is depressed that Montse did not show up. Refugio pleads with JL to head to his friend's house so that they can cross the border. They can no longer stay in Aguazul. He needs to forget about Montse. She is now married to another man. Perhaps she changed her mind and that's why she didn't show up as planned. JL swears that Montse loves him and that her family obligated her to marry another man. Refugio doesn't believe that things happened that way. JL insists it's the truth. They hired a woman to pretend to be his girlfriend and say awful things to Montse about him. Esme is like “Oh, crap! Is that me? JL wants to go and find her. Refugio tries to detain him, but JL yells at him to let him go. Esme asks Refugio JL's last name and confirms that he was the one that she was hired to lie about. Why asks Refugio. No reason, just curious replies Esme.

Ale nd Montse walk into the house, Montse looking bored. In walks creepy Juvie and tells Ale his bags are in his room. Montse tells Ale that she wants to wash up and take a nap. Dominga comes in and greets Ale warmly. She gets introduced to his wife. She asks if there hungry and goes to finish preparing the meal. Montse asks like a snob and makes a comment about how everyone speaks to him informally. Ale reminds her that they now live in the country and things are more simple here. She wants to know where her bedroom is. Ale shows her the way.

Nadia is in her garden when JL sneaks up on her, covers her mouth and drags her to a more secluded spot to talk. He tells her he won't to anything to her. She is the only one that can help him locate Montse.
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Monday, December 09, 2013

Corazon Indomable #152, 12/9/2013: A Bad Day for Burros, Jackasses, and Stubborn Mules

Burro= Filemon
Jackass= Jose Antonio
Mule= MC

Alvaro tells MC that he’s left everything to be by her side. He assures her the lawyer Oblivio got for her is awesome. MC doesn’t care. She doesn’t want anything that comes from Doris. Alvaro offers to pay the lawyer’s fees then.

The slowest bus to Mexico City, pulls Filemon along, with Maria slung over his back, flailing madly. The bus passengers make a commotion seeing the spectacle, the bus is stopped, and the ticked off bus driver cuts Maria and her burro loose. She’ll have to find alternative transport to D.F.

Carola and her fellow mean girl friend make nefarious plans to start a fight with MC, make the teacher guard think MC started the fight, and then have MC thrown in detention solitary. Bwahahaha!

MC turns down Alvaro’s offer. She’s surprised he just came here to see her, but he assures her he’s also visiting his family and taking care of other business. She admits Oblivio has come to see her, but she wants nothing to do with that bastard who’s once again going to marry Doris. But despite that, he’s the best person to take care of Lupita while she’s in jail. (MC doesn’t seem to grasp that by the time she gets out, Lupita won’t need anyone to take care of her. She’s not just asking Tav and Doris to babysit for a few hours!) Alvaro asks if she killed the painter. After a pause, MC stupidly says she did it.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, et cetera, Week of December 9, 2013

This is where you get to discuss and recap La Reina del Sur and any other Telemundo or Unimás show -- or anything else that isn't in Univisión's primetime lineup.

Remember: Marido en Alquiler and Santa Diabla have their own pages.

Have a great week, friends.  Try to stay warm.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Marido en Alquiler -- Week of December 9, 2013

This one is in its final weeks.  How do you think it will play out in the end?

Here's the place to opine, to recap, to kvetch.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Santa Diabla -- Week of December 9, 2013

What surprises will our novela spring on us this week?  Who will dare to be tough-girl Alicia's Pygmalion?  Will she learn to wipe her fingers and mouth with a napkin when she eats pizza?  Will Mara be released from jail, still innocent of the martial arts, on the basis of Hortensia's dying declaration?  Will Santi remember who Inés is not?  Will anyone find bayou woman's body?  When Santa gets out of jail, will she still be the Diabla?  What is wrong with Victoria? (physically, wise guys, physically.)   Will Pancho catch Sebastián/Franco Narco guy?  Will he come to terms with his sexual orientation?  (Or do we still have doubts about this?)  Will it be Transito or Victoria who finally dispatches Patricia to the great beyond?  And Berto and Willy and willy and the baby and Begoña and Paula and Lucy and Daniela and Ivan and George and Lázaro and Elisa and Lisette and Arturo and their baby and Barbara and Francisca -- what will become of them?

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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