Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/21/2018, Episode 16: I kissed a Girl...and I Liked It

Recap by Kirby J

Crap, they are still kissing.  Oh no! she asks why he kissed her...he's crazy! Just then LuciHo gets a phone call from Johny who asks if she is still at the embassy. He asks her to go over to his house, but she is too tired. She tells Leo to take her home. So Hon, how tired are you?

Val and Guilly finally having a heart to heart talk. Vale tells Guil that she was dumb to do what she did; she was lucky that Jacobo was there .They talk about Jacobo (LeonChi). Guil feels some type of connection with him too.  He then asks what he can do to make Val feel better. Val doesn’t know how he and Eva are able to cope with their father's death; they don’t seem as affected as she is. Guil shares that when their Mom died, he felt the same way as Val is feeling now. He shows her a book that helped him through that time; it is Camilo's book. Val points out that their father never believed in it; he just published the book because Camilo was his friend.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 11/21/18 Capítulo 53 Time Marches on Whether You Like It or Not

Dani tells her family that she is going to do the reality show and comes against strong opposition to what they think will be airing her dirty laundry in public.  They also think she is disrespecting her family.  She calls them hypocrites for having aired their own problems in public. Later, Dani asks Imelda why the family always has to stick their nose in everybody's business.  Imelda says by moving back home she gave them that right. Blanca sees Dani as stubborn. Imelda wants them to solve their problems as a "normal" couple. Gabriel thinks they maybe need something more extreme. Blanca can only think of them being on display. Gabriel says he is solving his problems as a grown man and will do whatever it takes to make Dani happy.
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Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia, Capitulo 52, Tuesday, November 20, 2019; "Blanca has a hearing loss--it's the end of the world as she knows it."

I am traveling right now and did not get a chance to really write up a normal recap. But here are some highlights:

After the exercise/self defense fiasco, Susana and Julieta become entangled on the floor and are in pain. Catalina promises to make a concoction for them that takes away the pain.

After drinking the concoction in a cup, both Julieta and Susan see hallucinations of their children  (and Pancho's children) during a work meeting. They think their employees are their children. The employees wonder what is going on and why their bosses are not making any kind of sense. They wake up a few hours later feeling very relaxed and their pain is all gone.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/20/18, Episode 15: A Kiss to Die For

Val is on a lounger outside as she looks at her father’s pictures and has several drinks. Meanwhile, Lucia is  putting on her makeup as she thinks about buying her dress and getting Leonchi’s opinion. Just then Johny calls to let her know he is on the way. She tells him she is not ready but he wants to get an early start. She tells him they need to be discreet; so she will go on her own and meet him at the embassy.

At the poolside, Val gets up and stumble to go get another drink. Leonchi watches her from across the pool as she calls Lucho who is with friends while they are drinking and driving. He ignores her call; so Val leaves a message that she is calling because she needs him…and he doesn’t even bother to answer her call.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/19/18, Episode 14: People Who Work in Glass Offices...

Greetings and hallucinations! Due to the scheduling of this series I will not be likely to get more literary than this, so I hope it will be adequate. – Urban Ahthropologist

Luci-ho walked out of the competition's office gloating about how it didn't take much to put someone in his place.

Rosita introduced the shaman to Bel-chino. The shaman looked creeped out. He did not allow Rosita to follow the grownups inside. He seemed to understand the problem. He talked about how Death knows how it decides things. “I we don't understand it's because we need to really open our eyes.” He handed over the pipe. Bel-chino took a drag, then said he felt weird.
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Monday, November 19, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 11/19/18 Capitulo 51 Stumbling Along

Linda and Daniela run into the apartment with the good news.  They found Imelda's original marriage certificate.  Imelda is so happy she can prove she was married to Canuto first.

Amalia is with Enzo at dinner. She is all upset about her weight and is on a diet of only eggs. He asks when her self-esteem fell so low.  She said it was when she saw how super skinny his ex-novia was.  He tells Amalia that his ex-novia had so  many problems that it was terrible being with her. Amalia laughs in his face and says she Amalia was his second choice. He tells her she is taking a bad turn and is getting worse. He is angry.  It is absurd that she wants liposuction and that she betrayed her family to get it. He starts to leave. Amalia gets suddenly nervous and gets him to sit back down. She and her one egg look sad.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of November 19, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 8-9PM—La Sultana**
• 9-10PM—Falsa Identidad**
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 5**

**All three novelas will be pre-empted on Thursday (Thanksgiving) by a showing of Titanic, beginning at 7 PM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/17/18, Episode 13: Turning Those Proverbial Tables Begins

Parte 1~
So, Jacobo/León is amazed to see Sra. Lucia knock-knock-knockin' at Camilo's front door.  After pointing out he should let her through the front door already, she begins the...ahem...pretext is that as her dear departed's "best friend was Camilo--" "--Sorry, I thought Sr. Carvajál's best friend was Sr. Johny"-- "--he should know my reasons for firing you."  Cam suggests in front of the two of them that Jake was rather oafish and crude for which he's sorry (not).....Well she was there to have Cam relay the message but since he's there in person, "--I'll tell him myself:  you're to be at my house tomorrow morning.  Apart from your rude actions, it's difficult to find good workers and someone that I can trust.  Be there first thing in the morning." Jake thanks her for a second chance.  Cam sees her out.

In Téjas, Beltran and Fortune Telling Broad are downing a couple of Texican brewskis.  She wants to know why people are after him and trying to kill him.  "--Later.  --Damn, you soak beer up like a sponge."  Belchin'  throws down cash to cover their tab and answers a call from the wife that the boy is still in the hospital.  He'll be right there he says.  --He explains his job now in this life and she giggles thinking that's the last thing she'd think he could/would do!  Hey, he's won the lotto!  And his career in the life before this?  Belchin' tells her to throw the tarot cards down.  They'll tell her.  He leaves and she races after to join him.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 50; Friday November 16, 2018; “Marriage Certificate is Located!”

Robert comes to comfort Imelda at the jail and tells her that he isn’t leaving until she is released.

Ari goes over to knock on the door at Pancho’s apartment, but his mother and Blanca are walking by and are asking what he is doing at Pancho’s. He tells them that he was going to ask Temo for a book he needs. Polita says she is glad that he is back so he can help them at the store. Then they give him the news that Grandma is in jail. Ari is shocked.

Clarisa chases after Axel at the hospital and traps him in an open supply room there. She throws herself at him and starts to play kissy-face with him under his protest. Meanwhile, Linda is coming around the corner from down the hall and catches them in the midst of kissy-face! (He appears to have finally consented to the act.) She yells out, “Axel!” Clarisa finally releases him from her stronghold and is visibly irritated by intrusion. Linda angrily explains while he’s there playing “Don Juan”, her grandmother is now in jail courtesy of his grandmother.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of November 12, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 8-9PM - La Sultana
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 49, Wednesday November 14, 2018; "Lovestruck!" or "Imelda goes to Jail!"

We open with Julieta at home and seeing a strange man run up the stairs and go after David to abduct him. But this was Julieta just dosing off having a nightmare. She checks on Dave and is in bed and doing fine.

Temo and Ari are talking and Temo is pouring out his heart to Ari. But we already know that Ari does not feel the same way. He tells Temo he is not gay. Temo is very hurt and Ari explains that he feels that they are best friends. Temo then wants to be alone, Ari leaves to go home and Temo cries.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/14/2018, Episode 12: Devil in the Red Dress, or My Favorite Mistake.

Recap by Kirby J

We left last night with LeonChi and LuciHo making small talk, like,  I’m a man, you are a woman, wanna see?  And what looked to be a lead in to ZipperGate.  Why do I keep thinking  “No honor among thieves”?  Oh I know, ‘cause there actually is none.  Hmmm…

The little convo gets kinda physical and she runs into the house in a huff. LuciHo pulls back and tells LeonChi to get his things and get out.   But once inside and by herself, she thinks of his words that she is a woman and he is a man. Johny calls and she asks what he wants. He wants to see her, but she is not in the is not a good time. He asks if something happened, ‘cause he is there to help her out . She tells him they will talk later.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/13/2018, Episode 11: Revelations Lead to a Change of Plans OR Bring It On, Baby!

·       Part 1 of 3

 Leonchi is at the park walking and thinks about his discussion with Camilo. Meanwhile, Camilo drives along and thinks about what Leo told him…and how Leonchi wonders if Johny and Luciho were responsible for his murder (this must have been cut from the previous episode because I surely don’t remember Leonchi mentioning his murder. Back with Leonchi, he breathes heavily and walks when he sees Lady Death smiling at him, then she walks off in her short black dress.

·        Renata and Guil enter to see Castillo. Nurse says he is very fragile and the doctors are doing everything they can.

·        Johny asks Luciho for Guil. After he tells her Guil found that someone was embezzling money, he thinks he will work on Guil to have another ally within the board.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Tuesday 11/13/18 Capítulo 48 Susana Throws Julieta a Lifeline She Cannot Refuse

Crisanta offers Amalia a job. Amalia is not too sure because if Imelda even saw her talking to Crisanta,  she would kill her.  Crisanta could pay her a lot more and even give her an advance to insure her offer.  When Amalia hears about more money, she becomes  "drunk" with the idea.  She could really use more money.  Crisanta wants Amalia to provide  information about Imelda and her past with Canuto. Imelda fans herself with the  peso bills. That might be too personal for Amalia to tell. Crisanta is willing to pay extra for the truth. Amalia tells the truth: Imelda made up a story and told the whole family that Canuto had died. She even put up a false tombstone.  Crisanta is shocked.  Amalia won't say anymore but quickly changes her mind with more money.   Imelda did it because Canuto had cheated on her with Crisanta. Crisanta pays for each tidbit of information.  Because he cheated, Imelda buried him but then he returned to Oaxaca to really die. Crisanta gives her all the money she has.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/12/18, Episode 10: Leonchi Has a Very Bad Start to the Day

Some scenes have been combined to take up less space.

*Leonchi is still in his Secret Man Cave Home Monitoring System Headquarters forcing himself to watch as his loving widow and substitute son nearly get it on in the study. It’s obvious to him this is not a first flirtation. Johny has his hands all over Luciho’s body and she’s letting him explore. Hands to head, Leonchi screams in disbelief and anger. Frau Security comes running, but nothing seems to be disturbing the household’s back hallway. (And he’s head of security and doesn’t know about the Operation Watch Centre in the basement?) Meanwhile, the 4-handed game in the study is over and the two leave for family breakfast together time.

*It seems Guille is also having a bad start to the day. He tries to find out about the shooting he “witnessed” last night. Nothing in the media. He skips the family breakfast to go check out the liquor store. He calls Tonio the Shooter (whom I though was just a bar pickup, but he’s got his number), who is cool with what went down—it’s food on the table for him. Guille sees the store is closed and assumes the worst.
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Monday, November 12, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 11/12/18 Capítulo 47 Julieta Sees her Life "Slip Sliding Away"--OR--Canuto on the Move

Blanca does a puppet show for the children reinforcing the message that just because something or someone is attractive does not mean that it is not hiding something bad.  Frida quickly realizes that this applies to the "Camilo" situation.  Frida wants to hear how Eugenio and Blanca met.  Eugenio volunteers that  Blanca was the most beautiful woman in the world. She worked at the post office.   When he went to mail a letter, he saw her and dropped the letter!

Temo discusses with Lupita Audifaz's reaction to Ari and the earring. He is afraid if he were honest with his father, he would have the same reaction as Audifaz. Lupita does not think so.

It is bed time in the girls' "dormitory.". Blanca takes Linda's phone away. Linda feels like she is in the Córcega jail.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5 y más: Week of November 12, 2018

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 8-9PM - La Sultana
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/9/18, Episode 9: One Shocking Revelation

Parte 1 of 3....

It seems to be Don Leon's lot in the Afterlife, now transmigrated into the body of an electrocuted criminal, to be witness to one "shocking" revelation after the other.  And so it goes.....

At the grave site of Don Leon, the groundskeeper notes to his co-worker how day after day he rakes up the leaves and dead floral and yet there's always a new pile of it leading up to the man's grave like Death's pathway for the spirits; he's certain Don Leon's is somewhere else right now and not where it was left to linger.  (Or so I think.)

Meanwhile, as El Alacrán and Eva are enjoying their moments of illicit lust-making (and Viewerville closes its eyes in disgust) Lupita and Juliana use Panchito's one-way pass to finagle a tight little storeroom in a house that's at least hidden behind a solid gated wall to stay in.

At the same time up town, Guillermo corners Renata, his secretary, in the break area to give him her true first (and thus lasting) impressions of him as a boss.  Does he want the CMA version or the truth, she inquires.  The truth, of course.  She blasts him straight between the eyes: "Rich people to me are always pompous, self-important, self-centered, conceited individuals who arrogantly order around others.  And, you are that."   He leaves the table to nurse his bruised and bleeding ego...somewhere else.

Somewhere in mid-town, it seems that Beltran, aka El Chino, is waiting to see the/his fortune teller.  There's a long line today.

And, Dr. Guerra, knocks on the door of the widow of the only other transmigratory occurrence he can track down.

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Friday, November 09, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 11/9/18 Capitulo 46 A Roadblock on the Highway of Love--OR--Julieta Puts Robert on Notice

Julio thinks it is odd that Temo and Ari are always hanging out together sort of like twins.  Lupita doesn't find it strange because they are friends.

Pancho is still helping a nervous Susana put the sail on the mast of her model ship.  He tells her she has nothing to be nervous about.  Pancho wants to see her happy. They laugh and rub foreheads. Crisanta walks in and says she has caught them with their hands in the cookie jar. Visibly nervous, Susana asks Crisanta how long she has been there. Crisanta says evidently not long enough.  Susana leaves Pancho to finish the ship and goes to talk with Crisanta. Crisanta guesses that Pancho also took her to the market and gave her the flowers she has at home. Susana denies it all. Crisanta makes it clear she is not judging her.  She just likes to know what is going on.  She also has noticed the very special way she and Pancho look at each other. Susana says nothing.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 45, Thursday, November 8, 2018; “Family is Everything, Even when there are problems.”

We open with Julieta asking the lawyer if there is any danger that they could lose David because his bio father is alive. The lawyer says yes.

Ignacio comes to the Córsegas to complain about finding Frida’s picture on an advertisement fo the sunglasses. Daniela comes out to defend her mother and in no uncertain terms tells Ignacio should tend to his own obligations he owes and stick to the visitation schedule. Finally he leaves. Blanca blames herself for Frida having that near miss kidnapping from her activity online. But Daniela tells her she’s done a fine job as a mother, it’s just that no one can control what goes on the internet. Later, Julieta shows Blanca how to put controls on Frida’s social networking activities.

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Thursday, November 08, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/8/18, Episode 8: Love is in the Air OR Black Butterfly Lady, Whose Spirit Did You Plop Into Eva?

·        Lupita and Juli arrive in Mexico City. Juli still wonders what they are going to do…the city is huge, but Lupita has a feeling that they will find her father.

·        Guil goes to see Val. He tries to motivate her to take a shower or walk outside. She shouldn’t be locked up there. Val is looking through social media and comments that there are so many people who look so happy. Guil tells her that people upload pics of the life they wish they had…not the life they really have. Val proposes a deal. He should stop being so bitter and she will return to the university.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of November 5, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 8-9PM—La Sultana
• 9-10PM—Falsa Identidad
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 5

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/7/2018, Episode 7: Baby I'm Baaaaack !

Recap by Kirby J

We saw LeonChi apply for a job as chauffeur for his ex-not-ex wife Lucia.
OK I will never spell that the same way twice, so that’s driver in Gringolingo.

Guil is at work and completely ignores Renata. When she goes into his office to MAKE him notice her he tells her she was right...those were the best tamales.

Alicia is trying to get Beltrino off to work and tells him to hurry. He doesn't wnat to go and definitely doesn't want to wear a tie. She reminds him he can't just leave work because of their son.

Inspector asks about a case then asks for tortas.

The head of security at the Carvajal house, Frau, continues talking to LeonChi about the driver job. Frau checks on Leon's credentials then asks if he isn’t sure they don't know each other. They talk about Leon. Frau feels bad about not protecting him. They agree that if he (Jac) does something wrong in this job, he is out.

Camilo is researching the SanMue and the black moth tattoos. Meanwhile, Beltino arrives at the university as students greet him.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 11/7/18 Capítulo 44 Frida and Julieta Discover that the Boogeyman is Real

Linda sneaks into the house after her date with Axel. Frida is still up and asks her if she will go with her to the fair tomorrow.  Linda says she will take her and they both jump for joy.  Frida texts with Camilo who says he will see her tomorrow.

Susana comes into her house quietly only to be met by Sebas demanding to know where she has been.  He woke up and she wasn't there. Axel was supposed to watch him but ended up going out. Susana says she is his mother and he is not a detective.  He interrogates her with  question after question.  She says she was at a dance class with some GIRLfriends.  She finally tells him to go to bed  and that he should be a lawyer when he grows up or maybe a spy.  When he is gone, Susana is still happy thinking about Pancho.
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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/5/2018, Episode 6: Haunting Memories OR Leonchi Cleans Up Well…RAWWR!

·        Camilo is at the police station explaining to a female cop that Jacobo Reyes is his patient; he suffers from schizophrenia. The cop then goes to check on the bail.

·        Renata goes to a vendor and asks if he saw where Guil went. The vendor tells her he took a taxi and left.

·        A male cop tells Camilo that they can’t set bail for Jacobo because they have to confirm if Jacabo and Mauricio “El Chino” Valdez are the same person since they found that the fingerprints are the same. 
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Monday, November 05, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 11/5/18 Capitulo 43 I'll Have What Tulio is Having--OR-- The "Happy" Birthday Continues

Polita tells Axel that he is not throwing out their son.  Audifaz tells her that nobody will tell him how to handle his son.

Robert scolds Dave for talking to his mother like he did. Julieta is in tears. She just wanted a birthday party for her son. Robert sends Dave to Imelda's room. Robert calls Audifaz on his violent attitude. He is only getting involved because he does not want to see his family split up more than it is.  Catalina insists that the building needs a cleansing. Ari refuses to remove his earring. Audifaz storms off. Pancho says Ari can stay with them.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of November 5, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 8-9PM—La Sultana
• 9-10PM—Falsa Identidad**
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 5**

** Both Falsa Identidad and Señora Acero 5 will be pre-empted on Tuesday, November 6 (Election Day), by something called Enfoque edición especial: Nuestro futuro latino.  However, La Sultana will be shown as usual.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, November 02, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/2/2018, Episode 5: Where There is No Will, There is a Way…ward Heir

·        Leonchi tells Camilo that he knows it sounds crazy, but he is Leon Carvajal; and Camilo is the only one who can help him. When Camilo refuses to believe him, Leonchi calls him “Apache” and tells him that is what he has called him since they were young. After Leonchi continues to tell Camilo things from their past and swears that he is Leon, Camilo wonders how he knows all that; so Leonchi continues to tell him more info about Leon until Camilo believes him.
·        At the Carvajal home, Celina makes coffee for Val. Lucia approaches Val and tells her that she knows she came home drunk last night. Lucia advises Val that alcohol only makes things worse. Val cries as she goes toward the table for breakfast. When Lucia sees Eva, she tells Eva to let her know when she will be coming to breakfast….since this is her house. Eva gets up and tells Lucia not to get to used to that idea. After Lucia tells her to be quiet, Eva replies that she won’t be quiet until she sees Lucia walk out the door and go back to the bordello she came from. Lucia seethes and slaps Eva.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 11/2/18 Capitulo 42 Yela's Gift of the Poison Pill--OR--Power Plays All Around

Yela tells Julieta that she doesn't want any kind of contact with Fernando. Julieta wants Fernando to know that Dave is not alone and is protected. She wonders why he said he wanted to meet Dave. Yela doesn't know that nor what jail he is in. She warns Julieta that Fernando is dangerous with lots of connections. He is getting out soon and who knows what he is capable of.

Robert tells Audifaz not to talk to his son that way. Audifaz says it is his right as a father to talk to Ari any way he wants to. Ari wants to keep his earring. Audifaz tells him he is a man and not a woman. Blanca, Eugenio and Polita want Audifaz to take the argument off the street. Audifaz issues an ultimatum: either Ari takes out the earring or he does not have to bother coming home. Polita tells him to think about what he is saying. Robert tells Ari to do what he wants because he is free to do what he wants. Ari thanks Robert but does take the earring out because he does not want any more problems. Audifaz tells Robert that he hopes this is the last time Robert contradicts him in public because Ari is HIS son.
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Amar A Muerte Needs Recappers!!!

Hi all!  I am coming late to this party that Rgv Chick is heading up.  She's started some recapping rundowns Mon. and Thurs. and is doing yeoman's work.  I will be recapping Friday's beginning next week.  We're only 4 episodios in.  At this point a binge marathon would get most of you up to date within an afternoon or evening if you were unaware of this little gem. Let Rgv/Mappamundi/Anita know.  It's got a great cast led by Angelique Boyer and some familiar new hunks like El Falco's Michel Brown, Alejandro Nones, and familiars like Alexis Ayala, Arturo Barba and Macarena Achaga. It's a LemonStudios production ( La Piloto1 and 2) from Televisa for Uni.  I do believe the theme/main storyline is unique for Looney and Telerisa: transmigration of souls into others' bodies at the moment of death--think musical souls instead of musical chairs--not to mention a death by electric chair carried out in the U.S. in only 90 days.

So.....CU there, amig@s

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Amar A Muerte - Main Characters

Lucia Borges: a beautiful, elegant, "with it" woman who, in her youth, was forced into prostitution by her mother.  She runs off to Mexico City and starts working at Grupo Carvajal, where she meets and marries Leon in order to leave poverty in her past.  She and her lover, Johny Corona, are betting on the swift death of Leon.

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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 41, Thursday November 1, 2018; “Susana hires Catalina?” Or, “Things just get worse!”

We open with David’s birthday celebration. Just before he blows out the candles he makes the wish that he will get to meet his “real” father soon. This does not bode well with Julieta and Robert. You can see Robert’s face just drop at the thought.

Breakfast is going on at the Córsega’s apartment and Audi is exclaiming about what they should do to get rid of Crisanta. Imelda makes the comment that she is not going to rest until Crisanta goes back to Baja California. Frida is texting at the breakfast table and Blanca tells her the rules. She wants to go to the fair with Lupe. Linda seems to think it’s just fine and says she will go, but Eugenio says she is still being punished. Frida begs to go, but Blanca says, “We’ll see, first we have to celebrate David’s birthday.” All of a sudden, Audi gets up from the table and says he has to leave and go out and look for work. Everyone thinks he is acting strange, even Polita. She says he’s hiding something, but it’s certainly not money.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/1/18, Episode 4: Guilt Becomes Her

·        Lucia looks at a pic of herself in her younger years and recalls being at the bordello and hitting a man over the head.

·        Eva is ready to start her Board of Director’s meeting; so Johnny introduces the Board to Guil, but Guil tells Johnny that his father was just killed and he needs time before he can participate as a board member. Johnny tells him he has to start some time. Eva tells Guil that she needs him there; and as one of the board members tells him that his vote will be needed, Lucia enters and tells them Guil’s vote won’t be necessary because there are already 7 on the board…with her vote.
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Thursday, November 01, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of October 29, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 8-9PM - La Sultana
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
This week continues with the new Turkish novela, La Sultana, about a young woman who ultimately rules over the Ottoman Empire in the early 1600's.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Amar a Muerte: To Love To Death - Synopsis

Life always gives a second chance and Death also.  This premise Leon Carvajal and Macario "El Chino" Valdés live out in the flesh: they die the same day, but under different circumstances.
Leon, a telecommunications magnate in Mexico, is assassinated the exact day of his wedding with Lucia Borges, while El Chino, a contract killer in the US is executed in the electric chair.  
The soul of the magnate (Leon) crosses up and over into the dead body of the assassin (El Chino) while at the same time El Chino's enters the body of Beltran Camacho, an obscure Anthropology professor who has problems with his wife over the health of their son.
Now, Léon Carvajal, in Chino's body, and under the name of Jacobo, discovers dark secrets about his wife, Lucia Borges, about his right hand man, Johny Corona, as well as his three grown children; meanwhile, with the assassin reincarnated as the professor, he takes the new opportunity to hide himself from his enemies.

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Mi marido tiene más familia index

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Amar a muerte index

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/31/18 Capítulo 40 Arrogance, Thy Name is Vicente--OR--Julieta Reminds Vicente He Still Puts on His Pants One Leg at a Time

Ari meets with Tavo and tells him about a new friend Temo  who is different and about his predicament. Tavo tells him the world is always evolving and that it is normal for people to be afraid of changes. People need time to adjust to new situations. It is important that Ari is true to his heart. The issue for Ari is that he likes Temo as a friend but Temo "likes" him as something more. How can he tell him that he doesn't feel the same?
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capitulo 39, Tuesday, October 30, 2018; “Nothing but Chaos”

We open with Yela telling Julieta that David’s father is a very bad person who is in prison, but is ready to get out. She tells Julieta that he is in prison because he once kidnapped David from her when he was very small. Now he is ready to look for David again, she tells Julieta tearfully. Julieta asks her what her real reason is for coming because last time she was there, she asked for money and then took off with David. Dave comes in to say goodbye to Yela and wants to know if she is coming to his birthday party. Then he asks about his bio father, so Julieta says he has gone far away and no one knows where he is.

Susana knocks on the door, sees David and says, “Oh I didn’t know your children were here.” Julieta explains there was a problem at her mother in law’s house…and Susana realizes it was the problem with her mother. Then she reminds Julieta that she must personally pay that penalty for the cloth order error by tomorrow. David says to Susana (and he called her Susana) to say hello to Sebas for him. She leaves to go pick up Sebas at school.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 10/29-10/31/18, Episodes 1-3: And So the Story Begins…

Greetings to everyone and welcome to Amar a Muerte!

As of now, there are no recappers for this TN, but I thought I'd provide  a space to see if a patio forms to discuss this intriguing story. Feel free to tell us what you liked, what you didn’t like, what made you roll your eyes or what brought tears to your eyes….and anything else you might want to comment on

I will put up a discussion page every Monday and Thursday at 11 pm (this may change depending on how many comments are posted).

If you would like to post some highlights or a recap in the comments, you are encouraged and welcome to do so.

Let the comments begin!! Enjoy!
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Monday, October 29, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 10/29/18 Capítulo 38 Yela Darkens the Door--OR--Crisanta's Shellfish Dreams

More yoga that is not working to calm Imelda or Blanca down. In the midst of all of the mayhem. Pancho stops by with the twins and hears about the missing Linda. When Crisanta sees Pancho, she proclaims that the apartment is useless and decides to live with him in a real "home sweet home". He doesn't look too happy.

Back at the department store, the security detail gives Axel seven minutes for his "mommy" to get there and pay or they are calling the police. Axel apologizes because he thought it would be "fun."

Susana calls Crisanta to let her know what is going on with Axel and Linda. Crisanta tells everyone where Axel and Linda are. They spent the night together at a shopping center. Blanca wants to rescue Linda. Audifaz criticizes Eugenio for not being strict enough with Linda. Robert reminds Blanca that Julio and Dave are suspended. Everyone leaves for work or school or the shopping center.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5 y más: Week of October 29, 2018

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 8-9PM - La Sultana
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
La Sultana, a Turkish telenovela dubbed into Spanish will begin Monday, October 29, in the 8-9PM time slot, replacing Exatlón. The word is that Turkish novelas are quite good.  Many viewers loved Fatmagul.  La Sultana is the true story of Kosem, one of the most powerful women of the 17th Century.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, October 26, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/26/18 Capítulos 36/37 The Folly of Youth and of Old Age

Imelda had no idea Julieta was so radical in her beliefs. Imelda did what she could to take care of her family. Julieta does not deny that, only that her decision caused a lot of problems. Julieta sees that doing what "society" dictates is not always the best for us as individuals, Audifaz criticizes Tulio for drinking so much. Imelda tells Julieta she just cannot waltz in and "educate" them after all these years. Julieta just wishes they would try to be a little bit more "open". She asks Imelda what would ever happen if somebody in the family had a different sexual preference. Imelda won't even go there because that would never happen. Next, Eugenio brings up the "elephant in the room". Tulio is "allying" himself with Crisanta. Amalia calls him a traitor. Imelda agrees with Tulio because he is playing nice for the family's benefit reminding them that she never divorced Canuto and everything is still in his name. Blanca asks if Crisanta's family could take everything they have. Tulio says yes, they could and everyone gets upset. Tulio says that if the Córcega families don't come together, their family could be left with nothing.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 35; Thursday October 25, 2018; Come Together, Right Now!

Julieta talks with the investor and gets good news. The investor was impressed that there are so many dedicated working mothers there at Cklass and is impressed with Julieta’s handling of her own emergency. He signs the contract.

At Susana’s home Susana and her mother discuss the situation about the bakery being in Canuto’s name. Sebas is in the background saying how much he misses his grandfather.

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of October 22, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Falsa Identidad**
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 5**

**Both Falsa Identidad and Señora Acero 5 are pre-empted this Thursday, October 25, by Latin American Music Awards 2018.

Telemundo has been showing promos of La Sultana, a Turkish telenovela dubbed into Spanish, about a young woman who becomes "La Sultana" and rules over the Ottoman Empire in the early 1600's.  Starring Beren Saat (best known for her role in Fatmagul), Anastasia Tsilimpiou, Ekin Koç and Hülya Avsar, the novela  tells the true story of Kosem, the sultana who helped shape a nation’s history as one of the most powerful women of the seventeenth century. La Sultana is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, October 29, in the 8-9PM time slot, replacing Exatlón.  Some trailers are available on the Telemundo website.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/24/18 Capítulos 33/34 The Flotsam and Jetsam Canuto Left Behind

Susana tells Sebas about Canuto's other family and comforts him. If they are all family, he wonders why they all hate each other. Susana tells him in spite of everything she loves him. He asks if his granny will die. yes, they all will but angel Canuto is watching over them. Axel comes and sits with them. Crisanta has taken to her bed again and Susana tries to comfort her with some soup. Susana cries over her father's photo and regrets what she said to him.

Julieta explains to Dave how Canuto was related to all of them. She talks about life and death and taking advantage of the time we have with those we love and telling them that.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia; Capítulos 31 & 32, Tuesday, October 23, 2018; Whose husband was he anyway?

Vicente packs up his things and leaves with his making mention that he is married to his career.

At the Bakery, Blanca tells Pancho that they shouldn’t be hanging out so much and that he needs his privacy.

Eugenio invites his mother to a dance in town. She says no at first but then agrees to accompany him.

Axel, Linda, Gabriel, Dani and Frida continue bowling. Axel and Linda win. Linda jumps up into Axel’s arms, but Dani reminds Linda they are cousins and to watch it.
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Monday, October 22, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 10/22/18 Capítulos 29/30 Thoreau Said: "The path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men."

Canuto tries to wheedle his way back into Imelda's good graces but she is not having it nor the flowers. She reminds him he is married to another. Canuto and Imelda sit by the Tule tree, share some cake and chat about the past and how they felt back then. She doesn't feel like that now. Canuto begs to be forgiven to close that cycle of his life. For her it has been all over for a long time already. Imelda says it doesn't matter any more. He is married. Canuto informs her that since they never got divorced, they are still married, too. Imelda tells Canuto not to come looking for her. She needs to cry and forget. Later, Imelda admits to Blanca and Eugenio that she never stopped loving Canuto and never lost hope. She still has her engagement ring. She is aggravated with herself for still loving somebody who betrayed her. If Canuto never had cheated on her, they would be one big happy family.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of October 22, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Falsa Identidad**
• 10-11PM—Señora Acero 5**

** Both Falsa Identidad and Señora Acero 5 will be pre-empted this Thursday, October 25, by Latin American Music Awards 2018.

Telemundo has been showing promos of La Sultana, a Turkish telenovela dubbed into Spanish, about a young woman who becomes "La Sultana" and rules over the Ottoman Empire in the early 1600's.  The novela is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, October 29, in the 8-9PM time slot, replacing Exatlón.  Some trailers are available on the Telemundo website.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, October 19, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/19/18 Capítulos 27/28 Jealousy Reigns and Perversity Rises

Julieta notices the tension between Robert and Vicente after Vicente gave her the "eye"/looked her up and down when she first came in and he saw her. Vicente excuses himself and goes for a cup of coffee. Julieta identifies the situation as provoking Robert's jealous streak and tells him so. She saw it with Pancho and his mom first and now with her and Vicente. All Vicente did was look at her. The real problem is that Robert is insecure. He admits it and he has been that way since he was abandoned as a kid. She then tells him the problem she had with Dave being rude to her. Dave said:"She has no right to ruin his life and she does not take care of him well enough". Julieta feels like a failure as a mother. She cannot quit work to look after Dave with all of their debts. Julieta points to Dave's attitude changing when he started hanging around with Sebas. Robert says Dave needs friends. Julieta sees Sebas as a bad influence. Later, Robert calls Vicente out on the way he "looked" at Julieta. Vicente didn't know at first who she was but now he knows so they both agree to work on the foundation business.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 26, Thursday October 18, 2018: Who are you and what are YOU doing here?

We left off yesterday with Canuto apologizing to his sons, their forgiveness, a family hug and Imelda beaming in the background.

At the other Corsega home, Susana is promising to be a better mother to Seb. Axel overhears, but says, “I’m a little suspicious, but thank you for the effort Susana.” Something about Axel seems a little softer toward his mother.

Inside the bakery, Pancho is writing a letter to Rebeca. He is telling her all about Oaxaca, Blanca and the Corsega family. In the letter he acknowledges she isn’t ever coming home. He begins to cry and Blanca walks in. She puts her hand on his shoulder to comfort him, then hugs him while he weeps.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of October 15, 2018

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
They've been showing promos of La Sultana. It's a Turkish telenovela, dubbed into Spanish, about a young woman who becomes "La Sultana" during the Ottoman Empire, early 1600's. It's projected to begin on October 29 and, we assume, will replace Exatlón.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/17/18 Capítulo 25 "If Mamas" Ain't Happy . . And They Ain't!!

Robert introduces Susana to the family as his grandfather's daughter. Susana knows who they are and is only there because she is worried about Canuto. Imelda comments on how uncomfortable this is for everybody. Susana agrees but she cannot contact her father and needed to know if he is there with them. Imelda informs her that Canuto is not there nor will he ever be in her home again. She asks Susana to leave. Susana remarks that sooner or later they will all have to get to know each other. She cannot believe she has brothers and nieces and nephews. Susana makes sure that Imelda knows that her mother knew absolutely nothing about Canuto having a previous family. Imelda's advice is to go find her father because he is the only one responsible for whatever she and her mother is going through. Robert tells Susana that this is not the time or place to solve the problem. He takes her into another room where she expresses how her mother has fallen apart and threw her father out of the house. She admits that it probably is not a good idea coming there. Meeting his father's ex-wife just made it worse considering how the two women hate each other. Robert tells her about Canuto's mission of uniting the two families. Susana cannot see that ever working with Imelda and Crisanta being rivals in love and business. She cannot support Robert on his mission. She would just like Robert to call her if her father turns up. She leaves and Pancho asks her to come rest in his apartment and he will return as soon as he can. Catalina is getting impatient for the "granny cooking competition" to get started already.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 24, Tuesday October 16, 2018; Guess who is coming to dinner?

We open with Crisanta questioning Canuto about his past and if he was being unfaithful to his wife with her. He admits that it’s true and she is shocked. Axel comes in and admits that he too knew about this secret. Before she walks out crying she tells Canuto that he has destroyed their family.

Susana finds the video where Julieta admits her error and says she will pay for the penalty herself. Julieta tells Casandra it will take them longer to pay off the house.

At school where the children are, Julio and Lupe talk to Diana their teacher about their mother. Diana tells them she is there to help them if they need the help and if they want to talk, her door is open to them. They leave and tell her their dad is waiting. Hugo walks in and is in good spirits. He says he can sell his wares or his “tornados” there at the school.

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 10/15/18 Capítulo 23 Feet to the Fire

Robert tells Daniela that by seeing a common relative in the family trees of Dave and his best friend Sebas it became apparent that they had more relatives. That relative is Canuto Córcega and is their grandfather. Yes, Susana is their aunt. Daniela is taken aback that Axel is their cousin. Robert notices her reaction. Yes, she and Gabriel know Axel from all over and he and Gabriel cannot stand each other. Robert cannot believe that his family is the one where nobody gets along with anybody. Daniela doesn't understand why he would care. Robert says that Canuto asked him to be the the one to help him get the families unified so now he is asking her for her help. Reluctantly she ends up agreeing to help him. They need to meet for another breakfast soon.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of October 15, 2018

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
The new season of Señora Acero is scheduled to begin October 15. It will replace El Recluso, which ended last week. David Chocorro will be joining the cast as the new galán.  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/12/18 Capítulo 22 A Daughter's Loyalty

Sebas is with Axel reviewing his homework about his parents. His composition is a few sentences long describing his family as he wishes it were and ending with him stating that his parents always have time for him. Axel tells him that what he wrote is not true. Sebas knows that. He wishes that his family was more like Dave's. Dave has a mom and dad that are together and they make Dave feel important. Axel assures him that his parents love him a lot. If his mom didn't love him, he would never be able to live like he does. His grandma loves him, too as well as Axel himself. Sebas loves him back.

Daniela has a surprise for Gabriel. She blindfolds him and presents him with a romantic dinner consisting of a salad. He is happy.
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Thursday, October 11, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Falsa identidad, El recluso, y más: Week of October 8, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Falsa identidad (9-11PM this Friday)**
• 10-11PM—El recluso (ends tonight)**

** Since El recluso ends tonight (Thursday), Falsa identidad will run for two hours (9-11 PM) this Friday.  Starting next Monday, Oct. 15, the 10PM slot will be filled by season 5 of Señora Acero.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/10/18 Capítulo 21 The Party's Over

Susana and Julieta talk it out. Susana understands that it is tough for Julieta but Canuto is her father. It all seems like a bad joke to Julieta. It is turning out worst than Susana had expected. Anyway, Susans wants a nice meal for the employees because it isn't their problem. She also pressures Julieta to get her early summer submission of styles as soon as possible. Julieta brings Susana her work and plops it on her desk. Susana is not pleased. She wants her to do her submission all over. She remarks that it is not personal. Julieta thinks it is and leaves in a huff.

Julieta calls looking for Blanca and Blanquita since they are not on camera. She calls Catalina who tells her they are at Pancho's.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 20, Tuesday October 9, 2018; From Truth to Healing

Frida, David, and the Lopez twins are doing homework together and arguing. Frida talks about how she misses her mother. The homework is about mothers and fathers who work. Frida also mentions how her mother is on tour with Xavi. Pancho is listening outside as the twins start to say that they miss their mother and he comes in and tries to comfort them.

Gabe and Dani are arguing again. She tells him she doesn’t want to be his mother telling him what to do all the time. She realizes it was hurtful and she apologizes. Gabe goes out to get some air. After Gabe leaves she throws down a tool which knocks over some wood that  very painfully lands on her foot.
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Monday, October 08, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 10/8/18 Capítulo 19 You Can't Keep the Truth Down

Daniela and Gabriel are increasingly in a bad place with their relationship. Daniela couldn't sleep since he was riding his "motorcycle" all night long so she slept on the couch and awakens with a sore neck. Gabriel is clueless to what happened and apologizes for something that is out of his control. Daniela is angry and says that is not enough. They need to do something about it. Later, when Daniela is working, Gabriel wants her to take a break because she is so tired. She thanks him but makes a comment about her "responsibiity"to her work. He sort of takes offense at her "indirect" comment. Surprisingly, she makes a point of saying it wasn't an "indirect" comment. As he leaves, he tries to tell her he loves her but she cannot hear him above the sound of the machinery. It is not until he is gone that she turns off the machinery thinking she heard him say something. At dinner time, Daniela is cooking and Gabriel has come up with an idea. He is super excited. He saw a loan offer on the internet that would give them the money they need with no interest for 12 months! Daniela cannot believe he would suggest something like that. She flies off the handle exasperated saying she doesn't know how many times she has to tell him that they have no money! She loves him but has to admit that she really doesn't know him. She can't see them going on like this. Their marriage does not work. Gabriel wants their marriage to work. He will listen to her. She tells him that before they were married they each had their own space and identity. That is not how it is now. They both need to be complete as individuals before they can come together to be a successful couple. She tells him that he needs to do what the best is for him not her. They just seem to want opposite things.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Falsa identidad, El recluso, y más: Week of October 8, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Falsa identidad (9-11PM this Friday)**
• 10-11PM—El recluso (ends this Thursday)

** Since El recluso ends on Thursday, Falsa identidad will run for two hours (9-11 PM) this Friday.  Starting next Monday, Oct. 15, the 10PM slot will be filled by season 5 of Señora Acero. 

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, October 05, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/5/18 Capítulo 18 The Little Boy Who Couldn't Say NO

Imelda has told her sons she needs to talk to them all tomorrow. Eugenio is worried. What could it be?

Hugo talks to his wife about starting yet another business because he is worried they will have to move back in with Catalina. A retro movie rental business? Real ponies to rent and ride at the shopping mall? She doesn't like those ideas but agrees that he better come up with something.

Daniela and Blanca are out together. Daniela voices her concerns about her marriage. She feels like they are on a rollercoaster. Blanca finds it normal especially in her case. She has always been independent and didn't need a man. Blanca adds that love changes everything. Daniela is afraid that Gabriel feels trapped. He wants everyday to be like a theater production. He never quiets down. Blanca says that marriage is not a fairy tale. There is a certain routine to it. Daniela says she tries to help Gabriel but he is bored with everything. Blanca compares marriage to two plants growing together. Each has leaves but also has thorns so you have to learn to accommodate the other person an they do you. Daniela realizes that she and Gabriel married very quickly. lanca tells her that you never ever finish getting to know your partner. The key is to be with somebody you want to continue to know more about. Daniela says they are trying to get the spark back. Blanca informs her that the "sparks" stop and that is why you need to build a solid foundation for your marriage. Gabriel has to grow up and Daniela has to give him the time to do it. You solve crises with maturity. Blanca informs her that her dad has been having a rough time as of late. He is tired, depressed and so nostalgic about his father. Blanca and Daniela walk home. Daniela asks Blanca how she solves problems like those she has had with her father. Blanca starts out saying it is not easy but sometimes you have to make a difficult decision to benefit both of you. Blanca tells her about the separate bedrooms.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 17, Thursday October 4, 2018; Getting ready for the truth to set them free!

Julieta faints from an anxiety attack at work and is transported to the hospital. Casandra frantically tries to get hold of Robert, but he’s left his phone in his car. Finally she gets hold of him when he gets back to his car and he goes over to the hospital. He finally arrives to go see Julieta and decides it is another anxiety attack like she has had before in the past.

Blanquita is crying and Blanca and Eugenio don’t know what to do and are trying to bring down her fever. Blanca wants to give her a cold bath. Then Pancho comes over and suggests a home remedy with potato slices placed on the soles of the feet. He goes back to his truck to get some potato to use. Pancho places potato slices on the bottom of her feet and then they put socks on her.

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Thursday, October 04, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Falsa Identidad, El Recluso, y más: Week of October 1, 2018

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - El Recluso
Señora Acero 5 is scheduled to begin on October 15 at 10 PM to replace El Recluso, which is a short series.

They've been showing promos of La Sultana. The internet says it is a Turkish telenovela about a young woman who becomes "La Sultana" during the Ottoman Empire, early 1600's.  It's obvious from the promos that it's dubbed into Spanish. It's projected to begin on October 29; and, we assume, will replace Exatlón in the 8:00 PM time period..

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/3/18 Capítulo 16 Between a Lie and a Much Harder Place

Amalia tells Enzo that she is worried about Imelda finding out about her working with Crisanta. She could kill her! Enzo tries to calm her down. Enzo gets a text about a private dance lesson and Amalia explodes in jealousy.

Catalina is installed in Julieta's living room. Robert and Julieta are in bed. He is nervous about some new surgery he will be doing tomorrow. Julieta admires him. It turns out that the surgery is for a girl names Gabi who has burn scars on her scalp. With scalp extenders they hope to encourage her own hair to grow. The surgery goes well the next day.

Blanca is still sleeping apart from the still suffering Eugenio. Thinking he is asleep she "coos" over him (Blanca always seems to "coo" over Eugenio and Robert) and kisses his head. Eugenio is awake and is looking distressed.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 15, Tuesday, October 2, 2018; What Happened to the Family Photo?

On the phone with Robert, Blanca says she stopped Canuto from telling the truth of who he is by feigning that she saw a cockroach.

Dressed like a pirate, Amalia thinks she can fool Crisanta, but Crisanta can see through the pirate disguise, even though Amalia pretended to be a Russian tourist. Amalia says she is looking for beachwear and Cristanta asks “for which beach?” Amalia says “for Acapulkinsky.” Then Crisanta lets Amalia know that the gig is up. She gives Amalia an ultimatum: She will call the police or she can help Cristanta betray Imelda.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 10/1/18 Capítulo 14 Pancho and His Pervasive Positivity Save the Day

Julieta continues to talk and tries to backtrack saying what she really meant was that this situation could happen to anyone in Susana's own family, like her mother, her brother or Susana herself. We all make mistakes. Susana is not buying it. Julieta concludes that they are never going to ever agree anyway. Susana wants her to just go, give her statement, come back and get to work. That's it. There is nothing else to be said. Susana does offer her a lollipop. Julieta just turns and leaves in frustration.

Imelda is still laughing and enjoying the damage they did to Crisanta's bathing suits. Amalia is angry that they actually created Crisanta's new hit bathing suits when she took the scissors to them. They created the "Anchakinis". Imelda, now thinking about it, is not too happy that they have become responsible for her rival's success. Imelda wants to continue aggravating Crisanta until she is gone.
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Monday, October 01, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Falsa Identidad, El Recluso, y más: Week of October 1, 2018

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
  • 10-11PM - El Recluso
Señora Acero 5 is scheduled to begin on October 15 at 10 PM to replace El Recluso, a short series.  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 9/28/18 Capítulo 13 "Limbo"

Imelda is still pondering what to do. She talks to Blanca. Robert wants her to tell the truth. Blanca wants her to tell the truth, too. She will be relieving herself of a great burden. Imelda never thought it would end up like this. Blanca says Imelda did what she thought she had to do at the time. Eugenio is calling for Blanca and comes in. He wants to know what they are hiding. Imelda says nothing. Blanca says they were talking about "woman things". Eugenio has come looking for Blanca because the bakery is about to be overwhelmed by a large order for the church. They do need help as Imelda has suggested. Blanca suggests Polita. They could help her as well as she helping them since she is still unemployed.

Catalina is at her house cleaning up water on the floor from a leaking something above her. Hugo arrives with a summons. He is all upset because he is being taken to court. Catalina is angry. She wants to know what kind of monster Susana is.
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