Monday, August 31, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #35 Lunes 8/31/15
Labels: no-creo
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #5 Mon 8/31/15 Tania takes a trip and Pedro takes the Guilt or I'll fly Away!
Labels: mivac
Amores con trampa #110 and #111 8/31 and 9/1 Monday and Tuesday
Rocio is in new clothes (I like it!) and is packing to leave. Santi helps with the suitcase. They begin the tearful goodbye. Rocio promises to always stay in touch. She's ready to go.
The twins waste water filling water balloons. Jacinto reminds them that they said at home they would conserve water. They remind him they are at school. They give him a good dosing.
Fac and La Pantera (RAWR) finalize the sale of her rancho. She asks him out for drinks.
Beto is in mope mode. He erased all of Rocio's pictures from his phone, but her memory is crystal clear in in mind.
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Labels: Trampa
Labels: bajo, perla, telemundo
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #50-54 Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Favorite Male:
Total votes: 6
Antonio: 2 votes (33%)
Padre V: 1 vote (17%)
Simon: 2 votes (33%)
Bruno: 1 vote (17%)
Female Character:
Total votes: 5
Sara: 1 vote (20%)
Magda: 1 vote (20%)
Natalia: 1 vote (20%)
Marina: 2 votes (40%)
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Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
Last week on Caray, Caray!...
Oh, we are soooo out of the shadows. Adios, La Sombra del Pasado and "Benvenuti!" Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse.
This week on Caray, Caray!...
Amores con Trampa is coming to a close in late September, to be followed by Antes Muerta Que Lichita on September 22 (see below for more details).
Coverage continues for Lo Imperdonable, and the team is welcoming a new recapper, AuntyAnn for Wednesdays.
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres and La Vecina round out the slate for Univision. Talk about all things Telemundo (and more!) including Bajo El Mismo Cielo, El Señor de los Cielos 3, and Avenida Brasil here.
Here's the news we have about proximas...
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Sunday, August 30, 2015
To: Desperately Seeking a Recapper. Keep The Faith, Wednesday, 8pm, Lo Imperdonable, Univision, From: Your New Recapper....
Thanks everyone y Hasta Pronto!
Labels: imperdonable, recapper-intro
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #74 Fri 8/28/15 A Family Reunion
He’s taking a well-deserved day off and I appreciate the opportunity he has given me to try my hand at recapping after a rather long layoff, so for tonight I’ll be your guide through this morass. Settle in, have a complimentary gin and tonic, and let’s spend an hour together as we enjoy watching other people suffer. I promise, no baby seals will be harmed.
What better way to begin than with Nanciyaga counseling and consoling Julio? Something for everyone. He’s fretting and regretting his strong feelings for Ana Perla. Nanci understands, she’s experiencing a similar situation with her patrón, Martín. He wants to forget her, but Nanci assures Julio that hope is like a weed growing by the river, it never dies, it thrives. Well whatever, Julio is pretty gloomy (agüítado) about the whole thing (how the heck does this bumpkin know a word like that?). Nevertheless, Nanciyaga ain’t giving up on her patrón. She’s gonna defy the stars (and presumably those pesky snails as well). “Patron belongs to me… only me.”
![]() |
"Bippity Boppity Boo" |
Ummm, OK, Nanci, as long as you have that machete, I’m not going to argue.
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Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #34 Fri 8/28/15
Now for the good stuff...
Ivana passes out at the pool’s edge and Ursela, Dan, and Arango just stand their staring at her while the doctor and the butler act as if they care. Dr Medina feels her pulse and says they need to get her to a hospital, Ursela dismisses the butler, and they all just stand there discussing what to do. Ursela is clearly in charge, she tells the doctor that they will do nothing to save her. In fact, Ursela rolls her over into the pool. Dr Medina shows us that he actually does have some ethics and jumps in to get her out. Right then, the butler comes running over to tell them that Jerry and Max have arrived. This puts Dan in a compromising situation, so in order to not look like the uncaring moneygrubbing husband that he is, he jumps into the pool too to help the doctor. Jerry and Max will save the day!!!
But wait, Arango runs out to the gate and tells Jerry and Max that they took Ivana to the hospital and quickly leaves with them.
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Labels: no-creo
La Sombra del Pasado Vocabulary
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Labels: sombra, Vocabulary
Friday, August 28, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #4 Fri 8/28/15 Muchacha Italiana viene a seguirme!
Giana has collapsed in the lobby of the hospital while Fiorella screams for help! Adela and Ray, Benito’s parents and perhaps on the maintenance staff of the building where they live, are at the hospital having tended to Ray’s sprained foot and they witness this pitiable scene. Adela intervenes with the cold receptionist and demands a Dr. be found to attend to Gianna right away! They will pay the bill. A Dr. and Nurse rush out with a stretcher and load Gianna on. Adela encourages Fiorella to accompany her sister!
Labels: mivac
Amores con Trampa #109 Aug 28 2015: Dona Tomasita is back from WHEREVER... and Pantera meets Facu and starts her 'vengeance'... Rocio says her goodbyes
Labels: Trampa
Desperately Seeking a Recapper
This is where you come in! If you would like to recap you can have the Wednesday night spot! We can't offer much in the way of compensation, but we might be able to throw in some gold, because Novela Maven knows a guy that knows a guy, some good company on the patio and the opportunity to have first dibs when the new Salinas/Colunga novela rolls in later this fall.
Oh yes, you heard that right. Salinas, and Colunga sharing the same space! You dear potential recapper have a shot of getting on that recapping team if you join us on the LI team.
Please let us know as we really, really,really need the help!
*Discalimer, we really can't offer gold but we do have Salinas and Colunga, which some would argue are better than gold, especially Colunga when he takes his shirt off!*
Labels: imperdonable, recappers-needed
Yo no Creo En Los Hombres, Cap 33, Thu 08-27-15: In which Maleny is BSC and Ursula is colder than ice
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #73 (Tel #74) Thu 8/27/15 How many times do the bad guys have to win??
Labels: imperdonable
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #3 Thu 8/27/15 Volare Woe Woe
Heck, let's throw in Dean Martin for good measure.
Fiorella has accepted Vittorio Dragone's e-mail marriage proposal. Vittorio is over the moon! His whoops of joy are heard across the restaurant (La Dolce Vita by name) and Benito comes running. Vito is so happy! He's always wanted to marry an nice Italian girl! Benito suggests that Vittorio ask Fiorella to come to the clinic to meet him. Vittorio is confused by this, but Benito kindly explains that Vittorio will need to check himself into a botox clinic in order to look like the foto he sent to Fiorella. Benito thinks he should slow down, but the old man has already taken care of everything. And Benito called Vito a vetusto! HA! He's got a young bride winging her way to Mexico right now! Vito invites Benito to the wedding. He tells him to dress as a page and have expensive rings. Ok, I don't remember, did Benito say something in episodes 1 or 2 to the effect of "if this girl agrees to marry you I'll dress like an idiot at the wedding"?
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Labels: mivac
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #2 Wed 8/26/15 Tania has a bad day
We start with Pedro who is a total kill joy! Tania wants to hang out and chill but Pedro tells her he came to Italy to work and he can't miss his meetings, she wants them to grab dinner together but he tells her he has to think about it, all in all he's not all that nice to her and the seed of dislike starts to grow in this recapper.
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Labels: mivac
Lo Imperdonable #72 Wed 8/26/15 He's still not that into you
We are going to the big city:
AP wants to go to Mexico to look after her brother and the OG, but Raymunda does not want her to go, the city is full of bad people, just look at what the outsiders have done in town. Blanca volunteers to go with AP but Raymunda is dead set against it. Ugh, she annoys me. Any way poor Pablo gets thrown under the bus, Raymunda says that poor Manuel was probably just defending himself from Pablo and that Pablo shot him and then ran away like a coward. Blanca tells her that Pablo was not the one who was always armed and looking for fights, but Manuel has always been a violent snot (I added that part in). Veronica and Marty are going to Mexico so that Veronica can get more information about her past from Jorge and offer to take AP with them.
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Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 32 Wed 8/26/15- A fresh look of despair
MD comes in the garage to ask Orlando what happened with Isela. Orlando who has the Virgin Mary Cross on him at first denies but later admits that Isela got abused. But out of a sudden a distant shadowy figure lurks ready to spill her tongue "My daughter was not abused, she slept with a guy from happiness". Shocks and screams ensue from Orlando and MD only for the Heifer to repeat it again "She is just playing you for a prince while screwing the rich guy for fortune. You will see soon enough just how right I am !" . Orlando tells her to piss off and later he does some smacks on the poor brick wall ( Will his cross soon transform him into the Devil's incarnate?)
Ursula is assuring to Doc Medina ( The one taking care of Ivana. He refused to help Ursula out.) that he should help Ursula out just like Claudio has done less Good Doc wants to stay without his job. Arango smirks at the situation and sips a drink.
Claudio now in the hospital does not agree with Dan taking away Ivana from medical care but stupid Alma thinks that Ivana will be just fine in Ursula's Hell Care. They later take Leo home into his beautifully decorated room by Clara but organized by Max. Leo is very happy at the sight. Claudio wants to thank Clara for caring so much. The family has a short term happy-time and we all know that is not a good sign.
MD calls Isela to inform her that Orlando did not fall for the lies ala everything is just fine. But MD still asks Isela if she has an affair with Claudio. We later see that conversation cut for no utter reason. Now MD and Doris are discussing how to get rid of dirt on a dress all while Doris grabs a chocolate. Espy wonders what's up with Doris . MD just says that she is feeling bad about Ari . MD also believes that Ari is cheating on Doris with Maly.
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Labels: no-creo
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Amores con trampa #107 and #108 Wednesday and Thursday 8/26 and 8/27
(Forgive me for not having a video tonight.)
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #71 Tue 8/25/15 Ha,ha you got shot
Note: Recap might be out of order just to allow me to get through the process faster.
Charming info out of the assistant:
So Aaron continues his plan to get information on Veronica from Jorge's assistant, and it works! From her he learns that Veronica was adopted by the Prado-Castellos, that everyone knows she's adopted and that her parents were not hot stuff, her father was an awful drunk and her mother abandoned her to run off with her lover.
Again, how do people know so much about Veronica's past when no one ever talked to Magadalena or Aaron? And even if Jorge was aware of Veronica's parents past I doubt he would have shared this information with people outside of the family. Whatever, I'll roll with it. Aaron also learns that Vero is a good egg.
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Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #31 Tue 8/25/15: Just A Marriage Investment
Labels: no-creo
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #1 Tue 8/25/15 Ciao!
Voiceover: Fiorella is my elder daughter. I don't know a sweeter, more lively girl. Everything is a party for her. She always has a song on her lips and her eyes shine (resplandecen) with light. She lights up the world with every step she takes and she makes everyone who knows her smile, no matter how bitter they might be. But no one could be unhappy at her side, because Fiorella is like a spring breeze, a tree full of flowers, a laugh bubbling under the surface (a flor de piel)--a bellissima muchacha italiana (beautiful Italian girl)--full of life, who dreams of marrying and being very happy at the side of the man she loves.
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Labels: mivac
Lo Imperdonable #70 Mon 8/24/15 Honor
Labels: imperdonable
La Sombra del Pasado #134, 08/24/2015 (Mx 136 Part 2): The End of Our Tale
Now to the recap!
Ladies, gentlemen, here's a sight no one ever thought they'd see: Candela is on her knees, crying and praying for Aldonza's safe return, she also prays for Cristobal- she prays for him not to kill his father because that's a crime that would follow him around forever. Then, she wipes her tears and a look of defiance takes over, it looks like she's decided that she must take action, more on this shortly.
Cristobal and Padre J are still searching for Aldonza, they ride off to meet up with Mel and the rest of the search party.
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Labels: sombra
Monday, August 24, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #30 Mon 8/24/15: Discussion Page
Thanks to ViviDC:
Part 1:
- Maleny's got a new hairstyle and a new attitude. She first goes to Ari and pressures him to give back every cent of the money her mama and Arango paid him to break things off with her. She doesn't have Max anymore and has nothing to lose now, so she threatens to accuse him of sexual harassment at the club if he doesn't comply.
- Ari folds, and has to ask Doris for the money back. He lies and says he's loaning the money to Orlando to pay for Leo's medical bills and his planned wedding with Isela. Doris breaks the news to MD, who now wants to go into business together. MD doesn't care. They can make it work and still be partners, even though Doris doesn't have money to invest right now.
- Maleny continues on her new tough attitude. She gives Arango a check to cover Ari's bribe money, and lets him know she is NOT as stupid as they think. Even in her drunken, hysterical state the night before and the night Arango picked her up from the club, she picked up on the non-boss-employee vibe between her him and her mother, and she knows their hiding secrets.
- Maleny then has a truck of new quesadilla stand supplies sent over to Honoria, much to Hon's, Fermin's, and Julian's shock.
- Esperanza is trying to forbid Clara from continuing her relationship with Leo. Clara is having NONE of that, and can't believe she and Leo are getting all this crap, when MD is about to get back together with that lying cheat, Dan. MD defends Clara and Leo's relationship to Espy. She then goes to the hospital and lobbies for Alma to leave the kids alone. Max overhears, and thinks MD has misinterpreted Leo's restrictions on visitors by the doctors as Alma being against the teen lovers. MD looks at Alma and tells Max to get clarification from his mama. Max once again tries to warn MD off Dan and says he'll be there for her. But she tells him to keep his distance, per his mama's orders.
- Max chews Alma out about her not trusting him, and betraying his trust by telling Maleny about his feelings for MD. He says he's lost his trust in her. Alma becomes distraught. Max and Leo also get suspicious when they see she called Clara's house from Leo's phone.
- To try to fix things, Alma allows Leo visitors from the hood-- Orlando, Julian, and a very happy Clara. The novios smooch happily. Alma leaves the room quietly.
- Claudio calls Isela in the office and tells her he's staying with his WIFE and SON in the hospital and won't be coming in to work. Having earlier been taunted by Josefa that she couldn't be that great in bed, if Claudio wasn't trying to get her back IN bed, Isela is obviously upset he's being so distant. She stabs some papers on Claudio's desk as she says farewell, and looks up to see Maleny watching her with a very knowing look. They threaten each other to not meddle in each other's business. Isela won't reveal what she knows about Maleny and Ari, if Maleny doesn't mess with her.
- Alma has overheard Leo tells Orlando, Julian and Clara that he remembers perfectly that he raised the car onto bricks. They don't understand, since the bricks were to the side of the car. They think Leo must be mistaken, but he's certain. Alma gasps to herself, now certain that someone tried to KILL Leo. She's right, but this only makes her more determined to keep Max and Leo away from the folks in that hood. She doesn't understand why Claudio offers to lend Julian office spaces next to his own (as compensation for saving Leo), but he's certain he will be able to get Julian's help in convincing Leo to distance himself from the hood, and eventually Clara.
- Ivana's showdown with Susana ends in stalemate. Susana does back down when Ivana threatens to limit her access to money and luxuries to mere crumbs.
- Meanwhile, Dan and Ursula try to figure out Ivana's game in keeping the miscarriage from him. They decide Ivana still wants to marry him, but wants to get revenge on him in some way. Dan goes to see her the next day, confronts her about the miscarriage, and rushes her to the hospital when he sees she's in a bad state. At the hospital, he and Ursula plot their next move while the doctors do a D & C. Ursula prays she doesn't die, before they can get their hands on her money. The doc comes out and tells them that the infection was so bad, that they also have to do a hysterectomy. Dan plays to grieving father and fiance, and asks the doctor to let him break the news to Ivana. This is all kinds of wrong, and the doc holds on to his professional ethics for a minute, before he agrees. Ursula and Dan decide not to tell Ivana that she can no longer have children. Dan says it's even better now. No pesky kids to get in the way of HIM ending up with ALL the money. Bwahahaha!
- Alma, Claudio and Max see Dan and Ursula. Max calls out Dan's hypocrisy-- playing the faithful fiancé, when he saw Dan macking on MD just the day before, and just learned from Clara that he's trying to get back with MD. Dan claims he was just seeing MD to try to help her with the lawsuit Ivana is bringing against her. Alma and Ursula confirm the lawsuit to Max.
-Clara happily reports her visit with Leo to Espy and MD. Espy wonders how Alma treated her. Clara says she was cold, but polite, and it’s all due to MD going to talk to Alma. The sisters hug. Espy doesn’t want Clara to experience the troubles MD is having with Dan’s family, with Leo’s family. Clara doesn’t think you can even compare the two situations. Espy relents and gives in to Clara’s happiness.
- Dan goes in to see Ivana after she wakes up. He lays it on thick with the tears about their lost child, and how he wants to try for more. He lays his head on Ivana’s chest, and she looks like she may be falling for his act.
- Max tracks down MD as she’s walking through the park. He wants to know why she didn’t tell him about the lawsuit. He wants to help her. She tries to shoo him away, and says that Dan and Victor (the shady lawyer) are helping her. Max is flabbergasted. How can she trust Daniel? He tells her to stop playing the innocent and admit that she wants to be fooled by Daniel! MD snaps back and asks so what if she does!? Max declares his feelings for her again, takes her face into his face, and makes the slow approach to her lips. She doesn’t resist, and when their lips finally meet, she becomes a full participant. Another dress bag is dropped and totally forgotten as she melts into Max’s kiss.
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #105 and #106 8/24 and 8/25 Monday and Tuesday
Rocio is very upset about her conversation with Beto. Feli wants to know whats wrong. She tries to brush it off. Feli rightly guesses she's upset about Beto and asks if they fought. Feli knows Beto adores Rocio. Rocio doesn't think so. Hilda was in Beto's office. Feli looks a little down about that. Rocio asks if he likes Hilda. He changes the subject. He encourages her to talk to Beto. "Tell him how you feel!" Rocio is convinced it's too late.
Maria tells Fac that Florencio has left for San Bartolo el Chico. Fac looks suspicious. Beto thinks this is a good thing since it means Florencio won't keep bothering Maria. Esteban interrupts this family meeting to ask Fac why he's leaving for SBeC with Porfirio. There's business to attend to! Fac has a meeting with the Japanese investors. Fac wonders how long it will take to wrap up the meeting with the investors so he can get going to SBeC. Esteban thinks if the ladies cook a good traditional meal, only a few days. Susana quips that Esteban is making jokes and Perpetua agrees...but they're bad jokes (Did I catch that correctly?) The family leaves
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Labels: Trampa
A couple of reminders –
First, since we are the home to three different shows, it helps a lot when you put the name of the show at the top of your comment. It looks like this:
How long before Carmina goes off the deep end? Maybe she already has...
Second, on this page we've decided not to talk about previews.
Have fun!
Labels: avenida, bajo, cielos, perla, telemundo
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #45-49 Aug. 24-28
- Padre V's trip to the Twilight Zone.
- Sara signing a contract with the devil.
- Sara hires Rosa.
- Ric and Isa do the deed.
- Ric and Pedro make a deal.
- Cheo has a ring for Sara.
- Fidel and Padre V's friendship grows.
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Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
This week on Caray, Caray!...
We bid a fond? farewell to La Sombra del Pasado tonight. Tomorrow we say "Benvenuti!" to Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse.
Amores con Trampa is coming to a close in late September, to be followed by Antes Muerta Que Lichita.
Meanwhile, coverage continues for Lo Imperdonable, Yo No Creo En Los Hombres , and La Vecina. Find discussions and recaps for Bajo El Mismo Cielo, El Señor de los Cielos 3, and Avenida Brasil here.
Here's the news we have about proximas...
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Preciosa Perla-index
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #29 Fri 8/21/15: Amongst The Lies Various Versions Of The Truth Will Out
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #69 (Mex #70) Fri 8/21/15 Ana Perla Tries To Pull A Demetrio
Labels: imperdonable
Friday, August 21, 2015
Amores con Trampa #104 of misbehaved kids... of a couple trying to revive the fire... of two grown men going on a scavenger hunt ... and a copter gadget on the loose
Labels: Trampa
La Sombra del Pasado #133 (Mex #136 Pt. 1) 8-21-15 In the Valley of The Shadow of HELL!
Labels: sombra
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, #28 Thu 08-20-15: The web gets even more twisted with lies
Labels: no-creo
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #68 (Mex #69) Thu 8/20/15 Mariana Wrecks Havoc And Emi Pops The Question
Clemente looking decent in a cheap suit visits Jorge at the PC offices and tries to get info on Veronica to no avail. He pretends to care about Veronica and tells Jorge that he would like to see his niece. Jorge replies with a "I'll think about it and let you know". Ha!
Labels: imperdonable
La Sombra del Pasado #132 (MX 135)-Thursday 8/20/15
Eli, hellashelle, Kat and Lila- you are all the best teammates a person could hope for. I really feel like I've been a part of something special on this show.
Eli-your wicked wit is enviable. I wish I had just a smidgen of it. Your ability to compact the episode into such a powerfully funny recap leaves me amazed.
hellashelle-I groaned along with you every time your "nemesis" graced the screen. I totally stole your "long and short" of it a couple times and you were very gracious about it. I thank you for that. I hope I get to be on a recapping team with you again very soon! I hate that I'm too behind on YNCELH to join that conversation.
Kat-How do I even begin to thank you for all your support since DQTQTQ? I am honored and relieved that you haven't fired me.
Lila- I love your enthusiasm. Your love of Telenovelas and the characters in them shines through every line...and sometimes your hatred ;-)
*ahem* I'll get on with it then...
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #67 Wed 8/19/15 Evil Manny
I also need to say something very quickly, I'll write more once I've calmed down and can properly expressed myself: I have been made aware of some comments that have been posted on the recaps comment section that are hurtful and offensive and which have really discouraged me. I can not believe what I have read and am now too upset to say anything more.
JackieV- welcome to the patio! And to any lurkers out there, come play with us! This thing is becoming dreadful and the only thing that might save it are the witty comments from the patio!
And now your recap:
- We get more of Veronica telling Matilde and Maggie that she will never forgive her mother for leaving her in the hands of her father- she does not remember much from her childhood but she does remember his temper, his shouts and his violence.
- Maggie and Matilde try to tell Veronica that she does not know what her mother was dealing with, but Vero doesn't care, her mother never even looked for her and she will never, ever forgive her, the topic so upsets her that she had to leave.
Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 27 Wed 8/19/15 - The Devil works Part Time
( Some scenes were merged out of context. Children below the age of 18 may find certain scenes disturbing)
Ivana in her Rant Mode announces bloody revenge on her enemies even if she is to ally with Mole Jacinto. Gerry is not fond of the scheme because Ivana was never that kind of person, she's in fact a great person . Gerry tries to convince Ivana to forget all this but she rejects so Gerry is outta there! At the exit he encounters with the Mole . The Mole glances Gerry with a creepy but satisfied look. When Gerry is gone, Jacinto's left hand shook as if he was ejaculating.
Ari is telling Doris that he was just telling Maly on phone that she cannot play tennis in the club anymore cause her Mommy Dearest sent Arango to threaten him over helping Maly suing Dan for abuse charges. Doris didnt believe it but she did went to Orlando to confirm it. Ari is shocked that she trusts Orlando more than him. Doris asks Ari to check on Orlando cause he was feeling bad over something.
Ursula informs Maly that she has talked with Ari saying that he cared more for money than for Maly. Arango will give Ari money but Maly will have to pay him back after she gets married . Maly gets mad but Ursula says that this is Maly's mess. If Maly wouldnt have killed her father everything would have been fine. Maly blames Ursula and Arango instead and begins crying. Alma comes to console her. Ursula and Maly manage to convince Alma that MD is getting her hands on Max to get revenge on Dan. She has even told bad words to Ivana to make her abort. Ursula advises Alma to convince Leo that staying in the neighborhood would be a very bad choice because the sisters are pure cancer. Clara asks Alma if she can visit Leo but she rudely rejects her. She does not want Clara in Leo's company ever.
MD is apparently on a job interview but gets called by Espy over work stuff. In the end she does get the job alongside a bag of cloth. She later goes to some apartment and falls right into Dan's trap. He starts grabbing and kissing her. MD does kiss him too but later she relents. She tells him on the stairway that some battles are lost since beginning . This is just one of them. Dan says that his family and Max put them in a trap. MD leaves but unfortunately she has left her bag in the apartment as well UGH. Dan begins spewing crocodile tears to himself but it's not like that we would care.
The Viper Josefa got visited by Claudio who is very worried for Isela. She has not returned his calls. The Heifer wastes no time in informing that Isela got raped by Orlando. She feigns care and worry for her pretty virgin daughter.
Orlando calls Isela lamenting that her mother treats her like that. But he still wants to marry her. If he knew his name he would kill him in moments notice. She hangs up because Claudio comes in the room. Claudio regrets what happened, he abused his position but Isela does like him. Her mother misunderstood her thats all. Claudio tries to touch her but she rejects him. He looks with a regretful look between his eyes. Ari was also there so Orlando threatens to kill him if he ever opens his mouth.
Espy warns Hon to stop spending that much money because one day it may run out. Hon says that she wants to see Vermin work. Espy doubts that anyone would give him work. Hon wants no mortifications though besides what will she say her son when Vermin has to leave? Espy says to say that it was all just to help Vermin. MD comes in and Hon gives her the blessing. MD informs Espy what's up. Dan even claimed that it was all Max's fault. Espy is insulted by his cowardice.
Max frees up two colleges from Julian's prison and they surprise him . Max hopes that they will remain on good behavior. He is heading out but Clara stops him because they would not let her see Leo. Why did not he tell her? Max says that he was doing something else but they did release him from coma. He has also phoned Adrian, the lawyer who was supposed to work with Julian and told him of the situation off-screen . Someone comes to give Clara the dress that MD forgot in the apartment. Clara also asks if she could send an SMS greeting to Leo.
Ursula is counting money but she also hopes that Ari will not be demanding more dough . She wonders why her children choose lovers from the poor class. Arango laughs at that since the kids are repeating Ursula's history without knowing it. Ursula orders him to not tell anyone of the past and Arango promises since its convenient not to forget certain things . What a loving creep!
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Labels: no-creo
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #131 (Mx 134) - Wed 8/19 - Take this villain…no, please, take him!
We get a recap of Sev committing almohadacide (thank you doris for that one!). The machines beep and Sev shouts for the doctor, who declares Humberto dead. No prob, Sev will tell the family. Pru gets the call from him just as Valeria is being perp walked through the streets of Santa Lucia. I'll spare you Sev's fake platitudes. Pru is so distraught she actually asks him for help with Val.
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Labels: sombra
Amores con trampa #102 and #103 Wednesday and Thursday 8/19 and 8/20
*(the recap can be found in the comments)
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #66 Tue 8/18/15 They really are too stupid to live
- Nancy is really confused, she feels like Martin is the man for her but she also has feelings for Emiliano
- Montse at the request of Selma helps our favorite gold-digger get a job
- Pablo's mom goes home but promises to return after the wedding to spend a long vacation in Mina Escondida. Yay, what every newly wed wants!
- Claudia finally gets to see her frenemy Ginny who straight out lies and tells her that she and Emi are getting married.
- Selma continues to block Claudia from spending even a second with her man child.
- Julio, hot, beautiful wonderful Julio tells Pablo that bad seed Manuel has threatened to kill his grandfather and AP!
Labels: imperdonable
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 130 (Mx 133): Little Ironies in the Night
Labels: sombra
Yo no Creo En Los Hombres #26 Tues 8/18/15
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #65 Mon 8/17/15 You oughta be in pictures!
• Poor sick Ginny seems to have Emi where she wants him... or does she?
• Marty seems to have Vero where he wants her... or does he?
• It's movie night in Mina Escondida – pass the popcorn!
• And Nanciyaga STILL doesn't get it.
Labels: imperdonable
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bad daddy, BAD! La Sombra Del Pasado 08/17/15 #129 (Mx 132)
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #25 Lunes, 8/17/15
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #100 and #101 Monday and Tuesday 8/17 and 8/18
Well, played show. You totally psyched me out! That whole scene with Conchita finding the envelope behind the painting of the Last Supper was a DREAM!!! Porfirio wakes up from his nightmare screaming “You found my secret!!” What could it be?
Isa catches herself singing the theme to AI3! Just like me! She sends Peloncha out to get the newspaper. Peloncha grumbles about how old fashioned it is to read the paper. People use their tablets these days. She looks up to see Porfirio. She’s afraid and prays that God take her away...but not to Saint Peter. Porfirio gets flirty. Peloncha intones “cruz cruz cruz que se vaya el diablo y que venga Jesús” (May the devil begone and Jesus come!) Conchita makes her way to the hedges...and she is not happy that Peloncha seems to be busting moves on her “territory.” Porfirio asks Peloncha if she’d like to make him a good hard-boiled egg. Cochita flounces away with Porfirio following.
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Labels: Trampa
Labels: avenida, bajo, telemundo
La Vecina- Highlights and Discussion #40-44 Aug. 17-21
Unless otherwise noted, Links are to a lyrics video.
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Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
Last week on Caray, Caray!...
We are still in need of 1-2 recappers for Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse, the replacement for La Sombra del Pasado . The Gran Final of Sombra is scheduled for August 24, with Muchacha Italiana premiering on August 25.
Amores con Trampa, is also coming to a close, in late September, to be followed by Antes Muerta Que Lichita.
Meanwhile, coverage continues for Lo Imperdonable, Yo No Creo En Los Hombres , and La Vecina. Find discussions and recaps for Bajo El Mismo Cielo, El Señor de los Cielos 3, and Avenida Brasil here.
In general blog news,
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Sunday, August 16, 2015
Monday and Wednesday Recappers Needed! Synopsis-Muchacha italiana viene a casarse
From the desk of Diva, the team leader:
The Muchacha Italiana team is looking for two new team members!
We are a supportive team of smartasses, dedicated to blending translation, commentary, critique, and curse words into rollicking recaps for the entertainment and education of our peeps on the patio.
Do you enjoy watching telenovelas? Do you often find yourself talking out loud to the screen? Do you stalk Caray, Caray! waiting for the next recap to post so you can find out whether you're the only one who noticed that know, the thing that happened, but it probably shouldn't have happened, because didn't they rule that out in episode 5? Then this might be the job for you!
Qualified applicants are self-starting team players with good communication skills. Both first-time and experienced recappers are encouraged to apply! We offer a competitive salary* and comprehensive benefits package.**
Frequently Asked Questions:
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Labels: mivac, proximas, recappers-needed, synopsis-cast
Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse-Index
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 24, Fri August 14, 2015- Maria Dolores and Ivana Get Their Daniel is Wakeup Call; But Will They Hang Up on the Loser?
~~Recapped by JDesdeNYC~~
Scenes combined so as to not annoy the recapper and reader
To Tell the Truth
Susana tells an incredulous Gerry that Daniel has threatened to throw her out of Ivana’s house after he and Ivana marry. Susana says she has to play both sides; while she will continue to pretend to support the Dan-Ivana marriage to Dan’s face, she thinks it makes no sense for Ivana to marry that worm and find out later he fooled her. Gerry still plays the “they should marry for the sake of the baby” card and Ivana shows up. Susana leaves and Gerry finally breaks it to Ivana that Maria Dolores wasn’t some “fling” (aventura) for Daniel. Gerry saw MD come to the hospital, where Ivana was interned during her miscarriage scare, in her wedding gown looking for Daniel. Cara de impactada de Ivana.
Josefa still is angry and hateful towards Isela asking why she confirmed Honoria’s suspicion that she is messing around with Claudio. Josefa plans to get rid of Orlando once and for all so Isela can focus on the “Get Claudio” mission.
The Lying Santibanez Come to Blows
Alma reminds Claudio of his responsibility to the Santibanez family, as a close friend of the dead Daddy Santibanez, so he can take care of the Maleny/Dan abuse situation privately. Speaking of the devil Dan and Maleny argue about Max insisting on reporting Dan to the police. Maleny says of course she won’t report him but Dan insists Ari clarify and retract to Max that Dan physically abuses his sister. Maleny says Ari can’t do that and neither will Max believe her if she says the accusation is false. Mal says MD is going to run into Max’s arms as MD will not return to Dan after all the lies he has told. Dan says he’ll get MD back by telling her Mal was the one who got the fake judge for the civil wedding ceremony. An outraged Mal grabs Dan’s face and tells him no way she’ll allow Dan to lie on her like that. She will tell MD the whole truth because if Max leaves her, Dan won’t get to be with Maria Dolores. The siblings push and shove with Dan eventually actually abusing Maleny. The avenging Max sees the abuse firsthand and Dan only stops after Max sucker punches him. Max insists that Mal reports Dan to the police.
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Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #64 (Tel #65) Fri 8/14/15 The Return Of The Veronica Sketch
Labels: imperdonable
Friday, August 14, 2015
Why, if you weren't a woman I'd. . . .! La Sombra del Pasado #128 (Mex 131) Friday, 8-14-15
Good evening, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are my beloved Sombra Patio Peeps! Let’s jump right in!
Labels: sombra
Amores con Trampa #99 Porfirio's ghosts are closin in on him... and Carmen needs to get off the see saw.
Labels: Trampa
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Capitulo 23, Thu 08-13-2015: Dance of the Rat Fink
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #63 (Tel #64) Thu 8/13/15 Let's get this party started!
Labels: imperdonable
Thursday, August 13, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #127 (Mex 130) 8/13
The Fetus (Thanks, Eli!)
Cristobal is now well aware that the fetus is not his. He leaves the gynecologists office in search of Val but Juanita tells him that Val is in San Miguel.
Val is given literature to read about the procedure and paperwork to fill out. She cannot interrupt a pregnancy after 12 weeks and will need to have an ultrasound. Val assures the doctor that she is not that far along and will bring the ultrasound report from her own doctor. The clinic doctor explains that the clinic will have to perform their own ultrasound. It's required by law. To interrupt a pregnancy after 12 weeks could be very dangerous for the mother and is a crime.
Chris is waiting at Val's door when she comes home. He confronts her about lying to him. Of course he has no memory of "that night" because NOTHING HAPPENED AND THE BABY IS NOT HIS! Val says she doesn't know what Cris's father told him...ooops! Cris is cara de why am I the last to know?? What? Cris is incredulous. "My father knew???" Cris tells Val it's her OB/GYN who spilled those beans. Cris is greatly relieved that he will never have to see Val ever again.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #62 (Tel #63) Wed 8/12/15 "Party On While You Can, Folks, Because Your Happiness Is About to End!!!"
On with the recap. Some scenes are combined.
Lo Viejo: V-Snake feels awful, but it's no surprise. Daniel warned her of the effect of the medicine he gave her to cause her a medical crisis and gain even more sympathy from her family. She whispers to him a plan for squeezing all the juice out of this manufactured "crisis". Vero tells Martin she has to go to Mexico City and can't wait any longer because she is worried about Malena. Malena runs to the shower to wash away the filth left on her body by her rapist husband Aaron.
Lo Nuevo:
Martin promises Vero that he will speak with her doctor about going to Mexico City, but if the doctor says it's too dangerous for her, then he can't do anything about it. She tells Martin she needs to go to their room to rest. After she leaves, Martin tells Alfredo how happy he now is with Vero, but confesses he still has to learn to control his jealousy. He worries that Emi still loves Vero even if he plans to marry Virginia. Alfredo reminds him Vero loves him, but he needs to control his jealousy or he will lose her forever. The doctor shows up. Martin tells him about Vero's wish to go to Mexico City and the doctor agrees to examine Vero.
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Labels: imperdonable
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