Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #126, Tuesday July 1: Don Chuy has a secret, Emiliano continues his descent, Ana Sofia cooks breakfast.

As I expected, this was an awful episode.

Nepo is in an awful mood at the lawyers' office. He agrees Mike is innocent of the particular crimes he's being charged with, but he HAS wrecked Nepo's life. Saul wants Nepo to make a deposition concerning the pistol and also Mike's good character. That's just too much, Nepo grumbles and leaves saying he'll get back to him.

Vilma is pleased the case against Mike goes forward tomorrow. Alejo decides if Mike is freed he will blame everything on our poor defunct Adolfo Giron. This makes Wilma sad though she doesn't disagree.

Tomas keeps waving some papers, 'proofs,' perhaps from Don Bambi, also a picture of some reporter. Please fill me in if it's important.

Lupita has money for Nepo and for Don Solomon but is furious to find out Alejo has paid back the debt to Don Solomon.

Top Cop comes to see Alejo, demanding to see Mati. Alejo says his grandmother is not in his house, she's in the best possible place for her (other than the grave of course) and reminds the cop "I am her custodian." "I insist on seeing her!" Alejo gives an address and Wilma calls the nurse to make sure everything looks ok. Grr.

At jail Tomas and Saul assure Mike things will be ok, they ave the laptop. Mike writes a letter to Lupita and gives it to Tomas for delivery.

Lupita storms in to see Alejo (Wilma is jealous) and yells about his meddling in her affairs. He counters by laying it on about how Mike is a criminal and also is shagging Minerva. He brings Wilma in to confirm the story. Lupe doesn't believe it but her resolve is weakening, she knows Mike would do ... almost... anything to get proofs of his innocence... Minerva is listening at the door, very pleased.

AS comes down to make breakfast for her kids, "is that a crime?" she asks Carmelita, who is annoyed. AS says the poor never think about anything but money.

Chuy sneaks out mysteriously again for the second time. This time Carmelita follows him and sees him greeted at the door (somewhere) by a pretty woman. Furious, Carmelita finally rushes over, bangs on the door, and when they open it, she's there with her fists up! Chuy and the woman laugh. Turns out this is the house where Tomas lives. They invite her in and show her something (which we don't get to see) in the next room. Abashed, Carmelita agrees to keep this secret and apologizes for her behavior. Chuy liked seeing her so jealous and suggests they go on a date. They leave arm in arm.

Lupita leaves Alejo's office (after he has once again suggested that she marry HIM, not Mike). There is Minerva, pouring on the innuendo: "Want to know about our spectacular nights of passion in my house?" She says she'll be having a conjugal visit in prison soon. Lupe's exasperation mounts until she head butts Minerva, who then storms into Alejo's office and demands an instantaneous divorce.

Perla amazed to see AS cook. It smells tasty! I was a good wife and mother so I know how to cook etc etc." Perla says she won't have to cook because she is a top international model! Ana Sofia says "your 15 minutes of fame will end, then what? So help me chop already."

Saul tells Mike to rest up for the trial. Lupe comes home upset and Carmelita tells her to hang on. Tizoc gets some good news.

Tomas comes to give Lupita her letter from Mike but gives it to Emiliano instead. He hides it and runs away, then calls his dad: "Should I give it to her?" "No. I'll buy you something special for giving the letter to me."

Tomorrow: Wilma is accused of fraud.


De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #112/113- Tuesday 7/1

De que están averiguando, están averiguando

I will be out of town July 11 (Friday) and July 29th (Tuesday.) I am hoping someone can do the recaps so Kat doesn't have to. Thanks!

Tonight's recap will be in alphabetical rather than episode order (and mostly from memory so please fill in my gaps!)

A is for....
Carmen's kiss has perhaps awakened some feelings from the past. He brings her a bouquet of flowers and a pretty bracelet. She turns down the gift and his advances. He also picks a fight with Eleazar and tells him he is going to fight for Carmen. Abdallah thinks he'll win because Carmen is a woman with principles and she's not going to be with El while he has a baby on the way.

He continues to be suspicious of Brigitte. He calls Carmen's house looking for her and is told by Paolo that Brat is not there and hasn't seen her. This is news to Alberto. Brat told him she was going to be with her mother.

He did it with Karina. It was the happiest three minutes of her life (Not recapper snark; she actually said that.)

He gives Nat a call. He hasn't given up it seems.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #110/111- Mon 6/30

De que están juntos otra vez (por ahora), están juntos otra vez (por ahora)

Jaiba is dazzled by Big Abdul's storefront.  Abdul the Lesser is less dazzled by what Jaiba might be doing there.  She's such a dimwit, she thinks a large Buddha statue is pure gold.  Big Abdul explains it's only gold-plated and he keeps the reeeeally expensive stuff under lock and key.

The bowling alley has sold and Luchón tells Mara that he's found another job for her.

Big Abdul takes a business call on his cell phone about some expensive jewelry and a wedding in Dubai.  Jaiba thought bubbles that she needs to hook this big fish quick, especially if she wants him to take her to Dubai…not that she knows where Dubai is.

Natalia picks on Diego for being so squeamish about being peed on.  "It worked, didn't it?  And the doctor said it was the right thing to do."  I'm not sure the doctor thinks smoochies are conducive to Diego's recovery, though.

Luz greets Eleazar happily and tells him she's teaching Kimberly how to cook.  When Kim goes off to the bedroom, Luz tells El she can tell that Kimberly doesn't want her there, but too bad!

Natalia takes a call from Vicente, who insists she must be with Diego and won't take "no" for an answer.  Since he says it's about Caprico, she says she'll put him on speaker.  Vicente tells them about the broken machinery and Diego says they'll be back as soon as they can.  Natalia goes to find the doctor and get Diego discharged.

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 6/30/14 (#125): Pretentious? Moi?

Prince Emiliano is full of attitude about his mother's engagement to MA, but he does sort of have a point. First they were cousins, and now they're getting married? He's in jail, so what is going on? Emi waves the newspaper photo right in Lupe's face (so maybe he has a point, but he's still a brat). Lupe says, "MA is a good man and you know it. I thought you wanted a father like him." Emi says that was before he met his real dad.
And of course he's really in a mess at school because when his pals didn't believe he had a father, he let them think it was MA; now he has a real father and they don't believe that AND they think his father is a criminal. (And, in fact, he is... it's just not the same father. I'm getting a headache just thinking about how confusing this would be for a kid.)

Frida overhears the conversation and privately tells Lupe she can relate to what the boy is going through at school. She counsels Lupe to be patient with him. Later, Frida visits Emiliano to talk about the way he was bullied. They bond over the helpless feeling of being teased by classmates about foolish things.
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 6/30/14 #164

Chapter 164: Unlikely Allies

Judge's Office: Maria Zamudio sat before the judge, pleading with him to listen to her, saying she was a victim. In all her years of turning tricks she had learned how to play to men's weaknesses and she was using those skills for all they were worth.
She seemed to have fooled her attorney into representing her and now she was crying in front of the judge. Crying in a way designed to provoke pity in him. Just as Gracie had tried.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 30, 2014

Enjoy your page, Telemundies -- and have a great 4th of July!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 30, 2014: ¡Últimos Capítulos!

¡Qué emoción!  This is the last posted page to celebrate, rant, or wax nostalgic about La Impostora.  Enjoy!

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Weekend Discussion: Your Favorite Novelas

For the benefit of any newbies who want to catch up on novela classics, what are your favorites and why?

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo# 163: 6/27/14: Descanse En Paz Capitana Renteria!

Ahoy Amiguis! It's a sad day on our Patio of Disillusionment! There is a big disturbance in the force as there is jockying for positon, and one of the leading crime fighters paid the ultimate price, but that being said there are more secrets and lies coming out like a leak in a dinghy so to speak, and it's not a pinhole leak either. I have added levity for this recap, cause frankly I needed it. It's a bit campy but what the heck, you'll get a good chuckle from it. Call Me Maybe!

Shall we begin? I am skipping the old and getting right to the new.

JL and Refug are having a chat in JL's office about Beech Maria, how she will pay to the letter of the law. Refug's cell rings and it's Admiral Robledo wanting Refug to report to the base cause they are launching an emergency operation to trap the Scorpion!
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Friday, June 27, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #108 & 109, 6/27/2014

De que están mal de estómago, están mal de estómago...O...De que están mal de cabeza, están mal de cabeza

Stomach ailments seemed to be the running theme tonight. Does anyone know where we are on the Mexican episode numbers? Judging from Wikipedia episode titles it looks like #127, #128 and #129...but I don't think they are editing any more. Just curious.

I'll skip right to "Lo Nuevo" ('cause it started with a big ol' belly laugh for me...)

When last we left our little Brigitte the Brat, she was moving in for the kill kiss with Andres. I can't tell if they actually kissed, but Brat apologizes. She just got carried away. She remembers how when she was younger Andres was always around Natalia. He was always loving and sweet. She tells him that she used to think how nice it would be to have someone love her like that. Dude may act like a doofus, but he had Brat's number. He literally laughed in her face. It was awesome. I've rewinded several times and watched, but I guess I need to get on with the recap. He knew she was just after the pesos (so in English it's "all about the Benjamins". In Mexico is it "all about the Benitos"?) Brat asks him not to offend her and he very plainly tells her that she offended herself quite well on her own by throwing herself at him. She didn't even call him by his name in Tuxpan. He was just "el pescador." He's sorry she doesn't like her boyfriend, but too bad. Out of respect for Nat and Carmen, he's not going to mention this to them. She leaves in a huff.
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Que Pobres tan Ricos #124 Fri June 27, 2014 MA is going bonkers, gets a few more headaches but also gets a new Ace card (Top Cop)

Nepo kisses Gwendy and they end up under the sheets again. But she wakes up alone in bed. She calls his cell. But it gets his voicemail. She leaves a very nice message.

Leo and Frida tell AS she can’t back down now, only two people can see MA in a given day. AS says not that I don’t want to see him I don’t want to take 20 buses to go see him. Leo says DA offered to give them a ride. AS does not trust the fruitman’s son(The cheeky futbol player). DA arrives. AS still nags its not a good idea, she could get an anxiety attack seeing her son behind bars… Dios, send me a signal!

At school Emiliano does not waste a moment to brag about his dad’s money status, but this gets some boys to walk away from him. Emiliano keeps bragging but the other boys tell him they know his dad is in jail. Emiliano ends up defending his ‘dad’ saying he earns his money fairly, they show him a newspaper picture of MA and Emiliano calls him MA. The boys question that and then end up shouting ‘ratero!’ (liar!!/burglar!!). They say the guy in the picture came to see him, they say he is ashamed but it is his dad. Then they shout that Emiliano is a liar!! Liar!! Emiliano calls A-hole with his cell to get some help.

Frida visits MA. They have a nice emotional scene. She tells him someone else is here. MA does not expect AS. Nope, its Leo. Leo says his mom would never step in a jail. MA says with or without mom I am so glad to see you two.

At Fonda, AS comes downstairs. Lupe nags at her that she skipped seeing MA so AS would go but she didn’t. AS tries to excuse herself but Carm says no excuse is good enough.

MA tries to not let Leo and Frida have too high hopes that he will make it out. Frida asks if you don’t get out, how long will you be here? MA can only guess it would be many years. How is Guadalupe? MA says the illusion that he will soon marry Guadalupe gives him hopes. Frida says Guadalupe is so strong, won’t let anyone put her down. Leo says AS found out about the wedding. But the buzzer sounds before they can tell him AS is trying her dandest to convince Lupe to desist.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 162 - 26 June 2014 - Maria's Luck Goes South

Well, I took a look-see into the happenings in Aguazul tonight and I haven’t got much to report. Everyday in Aguazul starts with a beautiful sunrise and a sad song; that much is clear and consistent. But not much else changes in this hot and steamy town from week to week.

As you saw last night, Mama Graciela dropped in on Maria at her new place. You can tell Maria has decorated the crib because there is a large painted object on the wall. In case you were wondering about the function of this object, it is clearly identified, in English, as ‘ART’. At least something in Bluewater is, um, as it seems. Art by the yard is still art by the yard.

Gracie comes into Maria’s wearing an outfit that could have come straight from Bed Bath and Beyond. She sports a turquoise blue-fringed tablecloth over a white lace fitted top and a floor length striped maxi skirt. Actually, I take it back—the lace on her undershirt looks hand made. I suspect some nice abuela in Aguazul is missing her fancy Navidad white lace linens.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #123: 6/26/14: Chismes Travel Fast!

Hola Amiguis! What have we got this evening? A whole lotta Ahole and Mini. Have no fear, though, cause there was a lot of good things too, well maybe. Come read for yourself and by the way there was no Dona Mati sighting, so starting tonight, I am keeping count of how many days Dona Mati goes, sight unseen so to speak. I have an earworm especially for Emi and here it is: Yakkedy Yak

AS drinks her elixir.

Ahole shows up at Emi's school, he knows this is the only way he gets to see Emi in her prescence. He still wants to marry her and she tells him neva gonna happen. He has a question of his own. So is Lupe marrying MA then?

Meanwhile, at the jailhouse, Mini is looking at MA like he's the Thanksgiving turkey, or a yummy concha, or a bowl of your favorite ice cream, take your pick. She can't beleive she's getting him back! She feels like an A list actress that just won an Oscar. She can't wait to hug him, kiss him and oh, so much more! Like eat him all up, Yummy! She's the happiest girl in the whole of the Universe. MA asks her how Granny Mati is doing?
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #106 & 107, 6/26/2014

De que se usan, se usan

Episode #106

Tad Wins the Telenovela Disease of the Month Lottery
Last time we saw Tad, he had collapsed in front of the restaurant where he had unsuccessfully tried to steal a hair sample from Natalia, and was bleeding profusely from his nose. Nat calls Irene, who tells Nat which hospital the ambulance should take Tad, and then Irene calls Tad’s doctor. At the hospital, the doctor reveals to Irene that Tad has been hiding the leukemia diagnosis he got in NY. The best place for him to get treatment is the hospital in NY. Irene informs Nat, asks her to take over at Eskenda, and immediately packs Tad up and takes him to NY.

In NY, Irene is informed that Tad’s only hope is a bone marrow transplant. His chances of finding a match are slim because he has no living relatives… Tad seems less worried about this, and more concerned about how happy Irene will be if Nat turns out to be their daughter. He and Irene are really sweet and loving with each other in the hospital. Irene’s upset, but she’s staying strong. You go, Irene! Tad doesn’t tell her about Nat possibly being theirs, since he doesn’t want to get her hopes up. (Dude! Tad, this could save your LIFE! Spill the beans, already!) He calls P.I. McShady and puts him on the case to get Nat’s DNA, then calls his maid and asks her to get hair out of Irene’s brush and give it to the P.I. She at first thinks he’s trying to work some voodoo love spell, but does as she’s told.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #122: 6/25/14: Dona Mati's New Conundrum! Ahole Needs A Million Cast Iron Skillets!

Hola Amiguis! I am posting the highlights of what happened last epi. I don't know if EZ is posting, but if he is, I will take this one down.

Don Bambi got transferred to Spain cause ya know his bebe Mama lives there, plus she's got all that money, so he is now in a Spanish prison, but no worries, MA is still protected, only Don Bambi didn't clear MA before he left. MA tells Saul, and Saul reminds him there is always Mini, wink, wink! MA is less than enthused.

Agente Chavez kept his promise to check back in with Ahole and Dona Mati, so he even brought his own Doc. Well the Doc examines her and finds she is completely demented, well not that, but has senile dementia. Poor Dona Mati kept referring to Ahole as Angelito and we know she isn't meaning Ahole. This exam was done while Vilma, Ahole and the nurse are all present. The Doc even checked the "pills" that that stupid nurse says she's been giving Dona Mati and the Doc agrees these pills are the latest treatment. Don Mati actually has nice jammies on, a scarlet silk pair. As soon as Agente Chavez and the Doc leaves, Beto, Ahole and Vilma, along with that, may the anvil strike her, nurse, and Dona Mati go in a car and stop in this really tough neighboorhood and drop Dona Mati off. Ahole thinks whoever finds her will think she's a poor woman, off her head, and she'll probably die in this 'hood, far away from him and La Nopalera. I hope Ahole goes to hellz, along with the nurse, Vilma and Beto!
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Bring it! Alejandro vs Pedro, the fight is on. Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 161 Wed. June 25th.2014

Patio peeps, hiiii! I just wanted to let you all know that I miss snarking with you but I was without cable/internet for over a week, and while I can read the recaps at work I can't comment because of the volume of work I have, I've missed you all and I've read all the awesome recaps and comments! I hope to be able to get back to commenting soon, but right now work makes it impossible, anyhoo, here is the recap for tonight's episode, enjoy! Ah, I should mention that I watched this episode with my sisters and will be adding some of their reactions to the show in this recap.

When you mess up, propose!

We start tonight's episode where we left off last night-Dimitrio has proposed to Monica, because now that he has slept with his ex-wife Josefina he knows for sure that any feelings he had for her are now dead (shifty eyes), he explains to Monica that he and his sister are in the same situation, both needed to face their past, Montserrat found that she still loved Alejandro, and he on the other hand learned that his feelings for Monica are real, he tells her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She tells him that he betrayed her not only as a woman but as his superior, why did he keep from her the fact that Alejandro was back inAgua Azul?

Dimitrio explains that he did not want her involved in the mess, Alejandro is family, the father of his nephew, his sisters husband, what was he supposed to do? Monica softens and agrees to marry him, let me just add that this kind of behavior from men is what drives women to do bad things, things that land them their own episodes of Snapped.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #104/105- Wed 6/25

De que llegó el turco, llegó el turco

Diego doesn't hear a thing Alberto says after he hears that he's married to Natalia…he wants to talk to her first and Alberto grudgingly picks up the phone.

Natalia goes out to the car and happily announces to Andres that she just got a job offer.  He's suspicious.  Alberto's call comes through and she agrees to talk to Diego, annoyed.  Andres says he'll take her to Alberto's office, but he's worried that the PI hired by the Cacares is nosing around about her and that it doesn't bode well.  For some ridiculous reason, she agrees it would be a good idea for him to join her at the appointment.

Gino leaves Luchón in charge of the bowling alley and a trust fund for Paolo's education.

Rod and Vicente find it promising that Irene is at least thinking about it, so maybe later they can convince her to stay.  Rod thought bubbles that this will give him time to cook the books.

Irene calls Diego and even though he's suspicious, both he and Alberto agree it's a good idea to stay through the launch of the first collection.  Alberto talks about drawing up papers where everyone agrees to Eskenda separating from Caprico once the collection is launched.  Natalia walks in with Andres.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #101- Tues 6/24

De que hablan de negocios, hablan de negocios....O....De que son chismosas, son chismosas....O De que su hijo es un tarado, es un tarado....O....De que no entendió "orden de restricción", no entendió....O De que regresó con dinero,  regresó con dinero....O... De que regresó otro papá, regresó otro papá

Abdul is an AbDUMMY. He comes home drunk and starts a fight with Carmen. The next day he tells her he's leaving the house. He's going to live his life the way he wants. La Jaiba eggs him on for two hours. She calls him her man and offers him work. Carmen sends Padre Juancho to talk some sense into him to no avail. Padre Juancho also finds out the cantina is just a front for a brothel.

But it's OK!! Abdul's daddy is in the DF and he's shopping for computer equipment for his business. He asks a nice young lady to help. Her name is Natalia Garcia Pabuena!

Rod lets Grumps know that he talked to Diego and his leaving is not a good idea. Grumps is clearly all about the business since it's his "masterpiece."

Diego and Irene continue to work on their proposal to separate from Caprico. They think that since there is a crisis in the auto industry, Caprico will actually want the influx of cash that they are offering. (And this is the bit I don't get, they want to PAY to leave?)
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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 160, Tues. 6/24/14: Shut up! No, you shut up! No, YOU shut up!

Graciela continues her conversation with Montserrat. 

She tells her daughter that her marriage to that Sad Deluded Bastard José Luis will be invalid, and she'll be able to go back to the man she loves. 

"No, that won't be possible," says Montserrat miserably.  "For Alejandro's freedom, I had to swear that I'd never see him again."

Graciela is aghast. "What's the matter with you?  Why did you do that? José Luis did absolutely nothing to help Alejandro!  I was the one who got him out of jail!"

Montserrat is stunned.  Could her mother be telling the truth?  Nah.  "For one second, I actually believed you," she says.

"I'm not lying, Montserrat.  Maybe José Luis unlocked the door of his cell so he could leave.  But it was Judge Esperón who gave the order to release him after he talked to me -- to your mother!"
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Qué Pobres, Martes 6/24/14 (#121): Fresh Starts and Rotten Bananas

Tonight, several of our characters face new beginnings: new careers, new opportunities, and even a new child.

Meanwhile, Nepo and Alejo continue to fester.

MA faces certain death at the hands of Alejo's hired thugs, but Bambi personally halts the hit and tells them that MA is under his protection. The thugs flee.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #100- Mon 6/23

De que está enojada con los dos, está enojada con los dos

Kimberly demands to know why El waited so long to tell her.  But really, she doesn't care, because she's never going to forgive him and her only consolation is that Carmen doesn't love him and is going to marry Gino.  So there! Cunchetina comes outside and suggests they go see Carmen now or consider themselves defeated.

Gino shows up at Carmen's with flowers, which she gladly accepts, and invites him in to tell him about her day.  She tells him about the anonymous call and going to the hotel and seeing El with another woman, and Paolo about to check into the hotel with Mara.  Gino doesn't think Paolo and Mara having the sex is so bad.  He says the call must have been about Paolo, because why would the anonymous caller think Carmen would care about El?  Why, indeed.

Tad tells Irene they played a mean trick on Natalia.  He gets that she wanted Natalia's happiness and says Nat and Diego will save their love if it's strong enough.  He suggests she back off Natalia for a while instead of trying to "fix" things.

Carmen blah, blah, blahs about how El's a good friend of the family is all.  And he's screwing around with another woman when he's engaged.  Hint, hint.  Carmen asks Gino to imagine if someone saw HIM in the same situation as El…hmmmmm?  Gino takes his leave and promises to have a manly chat with Paolo.  Carmen, having come to the misguided conclusion that she has to end up with SOMEBODY, can't believe she was going to throw Gino over for El.  Silly me, thinking one evaluated each suitor on his own merits.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 23, 2014

Here's your page, folks!  Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 23, 2014

Here's the weekly page.  Enjoy!

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 6/23/14 #159

Chapter 159: The Lost Men

Police Chief's Office: José Luis Álvarez sat behind his desk while staring at his trophy bride. Since he first met her ten years before he had been through a lot. He had been a lowly corporal in the Navy when he fell in love with the daughter of a retired Admiral. If he had been ballsy enough to approach her father back then he would never have gone through anything he had endured since. After being framed for murder by her brother and mother, he became a fugitive along with his friend Refugio Solares. His friend had killed the officer with whom he had been sent to transport José Luis to the main naval prison in Mexico City. They had assumed other identities to allow him to get closer to Monserrat Mendoza to get her to run away from the husband who had been forced upon her.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos 120: Mike goes to jail. Ana Sofia takes some nourishment.

Thanks to Julie for switching with me, I'm leaving town very early tomorrow. This recap was done without subtitles so please fill in the good stuff.

Mike gets his mug shots taken in the prison and meets his new cellmates, two guys who loathe him until he uses his newly-acquired barrio slang to convince them he's a homie, then they are best buddies.

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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo (My Heart Is Yours) - Synopsis

MiCorazón Es Tuyo (My Heart Is Yours) starts July 21 @ 8PM for now, replacing DQTQ, and is a Juan Osorio production.....
Ana Leal (Silvia Navarro) is an exotic dancer by night who, as fate would have it, begins working as a nanny in a wealthy family’s mansion during the day.  Fernando Lascurain (Jorge Salinas), the owner of this grand mansion and its even grander family, is a successful businessman and widower left with seven kids to raise. (This guy's been busy!) 

Ana hates the exotic dancer gig but she has just lost possession of the house she's worked so hard to own.  She's determined to begin all over again.   Because of some clerical error during her job search, Ana learns she's actually been sent to apply as a “nanny” for a wealthy widower with seven—count 'em, s.e.v.e.n. …..uhmmmm..... shall we say ….vexingly vivacious..... --children.  Their papi, meanwhile, is determined to replace his deceased wife with a woman of similar status and “breeding” (as in cattle, horses, and she-dogs).

Ana, although not from the righteously rarified right side of the tracks, manages to pull a Mary Poppins on the kids to get them over the trauma of losing their mama.  Along the way, she and Fernando recognize their romantic attraction towards each other.

Also starring is Pablo Montero as Fernando’s brother and Mayrín Villanueva as a first-time villana.   Other headliners are Carmen Salinas, René Casados, Adrián Uribe, Fabiola Campomanes, and Lisardo.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo-Index

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #158: 6/20/14: Graceless Does A Semi Amazing Thingy, Que????????

Ahoy Amiguis! The fog on the Patio of Disillusionment has thickened so much, we have added candles to the tables. Where have all these characters' brains gone? Sometimes I think the writers "borrowed" some of the script of "Lost" and ran with it. You can't tell from one day to the next who is jumping to the Others and who is staying with everyone else. I need some levity, which I am sure Y'all could use, so this little earworm will surprise you. It is a actor on this TN and he does a great job. Please take a listen. Lo Que Siento Por Ti

JL (Jose Luis) and Monica meet up, JL informs her that Ale (Alejandro) is in Aguazul, and he has an idea where he is. Monica will call the Navy for an assist.

Fina (Josefina) and Dimi (Dimitrio) and the sad replay of the aftermath of the escatasy they enjoyed not many hours before. They are both sad, their faces don't lie, but they chalk it up to being a mistake. Fina heads to the bathroom and cries her like her heart is breaking.
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos, #119, 20 June 2014. MA is transferred, AS is depressed, Perla is cover girl, and Lupe gets the last laugh/punch.

MA begs Top Cop to let Lupe and all family visit him. Top Cop says ok and leaves.

Lupe is ignoring Mini. Mini yells at the police receptionist that she is Minerva Fontanet, niece of so and so and demands to see Lic MARP. Lupe says she is Lupe Menchaca and wants to see him too. Receptionist is overwhelmed and just promises he will do what he can.

At Fonda, they all arrive. Very hungry Tizoc gets some killer stares. Frida asks how the trip went. AS whines and whines… she never thought she would say this but ‘finally we got home!’ But AS does not want to hear anything about MA. Not even Leo understands her attitude. Chuy gives her the benefit of the doubt and tells them she is more affected than it seems. Not everyone can express their feelings directly.

Gwendy with Nepo… he is deflated, she is trying to cheer him up. She offers him a ‘cure all’ shot… She brings a glass… he says he will need about chorros – hundreds of these to get over it. Gwendy is there for him. He says what he would like most is to cry… they are both already crying. Gwendy will accompany him in crying. He takes a shot glass in one swallow, then breaks down and cries. She says ‘go ahead get it out’.

The nurse is trying to read the paper. ‘check the Fonda, ‘al fondo’ (in the end… end of the hallway, end of the drawer… who knows). Nurse gives up in trying to figure it out.

Mini keeps nagging at Lupe, can’t believe MA fell so low. You even smell of frying fat. You are nothing but a ‘wild rose’. Lupe rebutes you are married to his cousin. Mini claims that marriage means nothing. She asks Lupe to admit that a man like ‘mi vi’ would never take a serious relationship with a ‘fritanguera’.

Nepo is napping on the couch with the bottle by his arm. Wakes up. Achis! Gwendy brings him some food (sandwiches). He needs Lupe to…. (Gwendy finishes his line… to love you!.) Gwendy asks him to get over it, if a woman doesn’t love you you have nothing to look for. Diego comes in at that time and Nepo is ready to beat him to a pulp, but Gwendy stops him. Nepo does not want to see DA anymore! DA is scared/shocked. DA tries to talk to him, but is decided to try the relationship with Leo, we are already ‘pareja’ ( a serious couple). Nepo believes it is a joke. Gwendy has to jump between them. She tries to get Nepo to listen, but to no avail. Diego again tries to talk to him, but all he gets is Nepo kicking him out. Gwendy offers her house to DA. Nepo won’t even let DA pack anything. And he kicks the two of them out. DA leaves, Gwendy leaves Nepo with one more food for thought ‘go on like this and you will end up more alone than the statue of independence.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #99, 6/20/2014

De que no es su trofeo, no es su trofeo.

Part One
I did some combining of scenes.
El Refrito
  • Mr. Policeman is told to keep out the OTHER guy that looks like the picture out.
  • Brat cries to Alberto.
  • Natalia tells Diego that she doesn't want Diego or Rod near her until she can tell the difference. She's so confused could hate or love Diego or Rodrigo equally.
Lo Nuevo
Diego (like this recapper) doesn't understand how Natalia can consider him and Rod one and the same. Natalia feels like a trophy in the twins' game, but Diego swears he's never seen her as a trophy. The love each other! How can she be doing this? The only thing she knows is she's confused (and maybe a little dumb?)

Gino supervises Paolo's computer usage. Paolo realizes he's going to distract Gino if he's to discover anything. Paolo calls Mara and she comes running to tell Gino some machine or something is making an odd noise. Gino tells Paolo to take it, but Paolo makes some excuse about being in the middle of his computer business. Gino finally leaves and Paolo finds the deleted emails from the secret admirer, Cunchetina (C-tina.) One email asks Gino to meet at a hotel restaurant at 8. Paolo is distressed that his mom is being lied to.

Diego chooses a sporting metaphor (If you do this Rod "wins) and Nat is not happy about it. She doesn't want to be the plaything between Rod and Diego anymore and just wants them to leave her alone. Diego doesn't want her upset, so he agrees. He'll leave, but he's sad that Rod came between them. He leaves the fonda like a defeated dog and Rod, observing from the corner, thinks to himself that Nat must have kicked his bro to the curve. He muses that they are both tied in the Natalia Cup.

In Tuxpan, the slimy PI (Alejandro Rotundo) checks birth records.

Carmen and Natalia discuss the latest happenings. Natalia doesn't doubt she loves Diego; the problem is she can't tell the two of them apart. Rod could walk in right now and be sweet and kind and Nat would thinks it's Diego. It's driving Nat crazy. Carmen suggests that Nat talk to a professional.

Diego calls Alonso at his office. Alonso tells him to come on over. Irene calls soon after Alonso hangs up with Diego. He lets her know that Diego is upset after talking to Natalia and suggests that Irene come by his office as well. Irene heads over.

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Weekend Discussion: Children and Secrets

In view of the recent trend in novelas to have children in the position of keeping secrets, I thought this an apt discussion point.

Lauro and Victoria had the secret of Alejandro being alive and he and Victor being in Aguazul (which has now been blown to pieces).  Victoria still needs to keep the secret of the cell phone in Nadia's possession and we know that one won't last long.  It won't necessarily be her fault, either, as the close of last night's episode wasn't about the kids.

I personally don't believe that children should be burdened with secrets of any kind.  Children the ages of Victoria and Lauro aren't quite old enough to have a real grasp of the purpose of these secrets.  During that scene at school recess I started wondering who would overhear them.

There is also the issue of keeping secrets from kids.  If Lauro doesn't end up in a dangerous situation before this tale is over, what do you think Monserrat should do about what he doesn't yet know (Not that Alejandro should be left out of this decision but she knows him better due to the circumstances)?  What sort -- if any -- of family secrets should be shared with kids?  When?  How?

The floor is open


Que Pobres Tan Ricos #118: 6/19/14: The King of the Porca Miseria!

Hola, Amiguis! I will try to make this recap short and sweet, all I gotta say is poor, poor Dona Mati! May Ahole rot in porca miseria, jus' sayin'.

We start with Vilma doing PI duty again and she's found Frida and Lupe. Does Ahole want her to follow them? Course he does, silly question, find Dona Mati, that is the goal.

Tizoc, Perla and Carm are leaving the karaoke place and Tizoc is still pithed over losing. Don Chuy comes and tells them what happened to MA. Carm hits Leo with her fan, and Vilma just happens by and sees them with Dona Mati.

Guendy is talking to Lupe on the phone. Lupe wants all the info she has especially about where MA is, the jail that is. Guendy spills that Nepo went to talk to Ahole. Sucks to be Nepo, the Banana King.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo # 157, Invalid Format, 19 June, 2014

Invalid Format

Dear Friends:

I regret to report that I am unable to tell you what happened tonight on 'Robo, because my television is showing no picture and claiming to have an "invalid format". I do not know what this error message means, and, neither (apparently) do the Comcast phone technicians because after 70 minutes on the phone they sadly informed me, that although I am a very valued customer! they do not know what is wrong with their #$%%%^^&&&#@! cable box.

The nice lady from Comcast offers, "Perhaps someone can come and replace it, tomorrow, say between 12-2PM?"

That will be just ducky, I respond, but what about the adoring public out there, waiting to find out if Jose Luis shoots anyone important on 'Lo Que La Vida Me Robo'?

You, adoring public, are out of luck.

So, your faithful recapper begs your pardon and asks that, as a group,  you tell ME just what happened in tonight's episode. Please post your notes in the comments.

I'll look forward to hosting a lively discussion on tonight's happenings tomorrow on the blog.

Is Mercury Retrograde or is it just me?

Hasta mañana,

Your grumpy amiga, Elna June


Thursday, June 19, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #98, 6/19/2014

De que cayó otra vez, cayó otra vez

I’m just doing a recap from memory without going back to watch a 2nd time. The plot went all over the place today, so I hope I capture it all. If not, let us know in the comments.

- We get a repeat of dumb bunny Natalia (who I do actually like), assuming the healthy looking, smirking guy in front of her is Diego instead of Rodrigo. She proceeds to smooch him through the jail bars, and detail her plans to see Diego on the sly, and find a way to get back at Rod. “Diego” is all on board with making “them” pay, and keeping their smooching sessions secret.

-Kimberly has decided that the best way to hold on to her man is through parading around in nothing but his shirt, being sweet to him, and giving him massages in bed. For the first time the audience is right on board with Kim, since she manages to get El shirtless for a number of scenes. He gets a call from Cunchetina, who relates her picture swap with Gino, and El lies to Kim that it was a coworker telling him something about the operation they were on last night. Kim doesn’t look convinced, and looks quite dangerous with the pointy nail file she’s got in hand. El goes to the shower. Sadly, we don’t get to go with him. Kim calls back the number that just called El, gets hotel reception, and begins to doubt that El was out all night on a police operation. She suspects he was instead with that “resbalosa” C-Tina. She calls Morales, and he’s not quick enough to confirm that he and El were together on an operation the night before. Kim looks like she might be considering other options for that nail file.

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Qué Pobres, Wednesday 6/18 (#117):

Hey everybody - I might not finish this this morning, because I have to go to the eye doctor and I've been finding it hard to follow the show without glasses (my last pair of contact lenses got too gross to wear yesterday and I threw them out).

But here's what I've got so far:

Saul tells Mike he and the hip barrio lawyer have ascertained there is good proof of Alejo's dastardly money dealings on the USB from Minerva, and there are probably proofs that will acquit Mike. He tells Lupe and they're happy, but he says he'll probably have to go to the capital and give himself up in order that the law take its course - but would she go out with him next day? Romanticismo. She wants him to learn to whistle. He tries out his barrio slang on her.

Diego and Leo invite Ana Sofia to a nice dinner with them, and Diego pays with real folding green, but after he and Leo leave Ana stuffs the dough in her bra and orders another drink. That makes me cringe, as well as the way that she refuses to acknowledge Diego's presence, much less thank him. She just refers to him as "the frutero's son"

Tizoc comes in second in the singing competition, with a song about his light-skinned fresa with her "airs of grandiosity" and she is delighted (and later crawls into his tent with him).  Loud smacking smooches can be heard.

Next morning, naturally Ana Sofia is hung over. Don Chuy says she should go swimming. The huge pile of Menchacas and Ruizpalacios say yes when Diego asks "can a refugee join you?" Also there is some random dude hoisting a dumbbell in the background. Looks a little goofy. Aww, Mike pulls Leo aside and tells him how proud he is of him for following his heart.

Then they all go to the hotel and the guy at the front won't let them in. AS tries to bully her way in with how wonderful and mediterranean and white she is, and the guy agrees to let in a few of them. Then Lupe speaks up about how that's racism and everyone leaves together.

As usual I can't understand banana king's flunky when he talks in idioms.


Minerva drops a bomb on Alejo, coming to his office and telling him that Mike is Lupita's boyfriend. *gasp*! I don't know why, but I kind of thought he already knew. Anyway, muy impactado!

Guendy calls Lupita and warns her that the police are zeroing in on Mike! Lupita in turn runs to the Menchacas hunting for Mike. Meanwhile, he is setting up a surprise romantic meal for her by the beach. I am amused by the candlesticks he's fashioned out of upside-down plastic cups. He can't get the candles lit. It's quite nice, but as soon as they kiss the cops show up and take him away!!!

The Menchacas+ have found a place to serve them  lunch by the beach. Tizoc's fresa girlfriend seems to at least have recognized that racism/colorism was at play, and then Leo pays the bill which makes everyone very happy!

Ana Sofia looks on with revulsion from a la-z-boy in the sand as Leo and the girl  yuk it up and have fun with the Menchacas! This is the theme.

Everyone seems weirdly proud of Leo and Tizoc for riding an inflated tube of some sort. Oh wait, it's a competition, who can stay on top longer. Ana Sofia wagers money she doesn't have on who will win, but she gets the money anyway.


Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 156, 6-18-2014: Caught in flagrante delicto except for some tighty blackies, a green bra, and matching panties.

Lo refrito # 1:  J-L tells Montse he knows she's hiding something from him, and it's her last chance to tell the truth.

Lo refrito # 2:  Fabiola and Graciela argue over who killed Sandro--Montserrat or María.  Adolfo and his crew are called in by Pedro Medina to clean up the mess.

Lo refrito # 3:  Montserrat arrives at the motel to meet Alejandro for their usual nookie session;  María sees them together.

Lo refrito # 4 Or Hell Hath No Fury Like María Scorned
José-Luis tells María he's not going to fall for her usual tricks, but she insists she isn't messing with him this time and wonders whether J-L is curious to know with whom his wife is at that very moment.  J-L asks if it's who he thinks. María tells him to go and see for himself but advises him to hurry up before he misses the chance.  He takes a gun and heads out.

"It's your fault, Alejandro, for rejecting me," María says to herself.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #97- Wed 6/18

De que aceptó el trato, aceptó el trato

Diego wants to go in to see Natalia, but Alberto tells him to back off…as lawyer, Alberto's the one she needs right now.  Plus, Nat's pissed at him, sooo….

Vicente accuses Irene of going "against" the family because of her anger.  Irene says it's not about taking sides, it's about justice.  Plus, he can't be changing his mind every five minutes about whether Irene is "a Cacares" or not.  Vicente tells Irene that he made Natalia an offer.

Natalia doesn't want to take Vicente's offer, which she tells Alberto about.  He can tell they planned this out.  Now that Nat knows that Rodrigo is locked up, she's really not going to take it back.

Vicente spins his deal as good for everyone, but Irene is horrified.  "You know I'm capable of anything for my family!"  Yeah, dude, she knows.  You did it to her, too.  Irene bursts his bubble--Diego already knows how Rodrigo ended up in a coma.  Vicente threatens to disinherit Diego, because he missed the memo that the only one of his kids or grandkids that threat will work on is Rodrigo.

Alberto says there's practically no way to prove that Rod attacked Natalia.  He never carried out the rape and she never reported it.  If she gets Andres to show up and testify, he'll be arrested, too.  She can't get out on bail.  And since Rodrigo turned himself in and is trying to claim he's crazy…that's not helping either.  And Irma has disappeared.  Alberto actually advises Natalia to take Vicente's deal.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 155. 06/17/14. Sandro checks out, JL checks into Crazyville.

Skipping the old and heading right into the new...

Esme congratulates Montse on her pregnancy. Esme threatens to be upset if Montse doesn't turn into a butterball. She asks if JL is happy about the news. Montse confides that things are not well between JL and her. Before finding out about the pregnancy, she was going to leave him. She found out that he lied to her. He knew before marrying her that Ale was in a coma and didn’t tell her. Esme asks if Ale is still in a coma.

BSC JL tells Dim that he owes him loyalty. He almost destroyed his life and is now indebted to him. JL takes his letter opener and pokes Dim in the shoulder and demands him to spill the frijoles if he knows anything about Ale and his whereabouts. Dim tells JL to get the letter opener off him. They are friends but he ain't got to do nothing. Dim turns to Refugio in disbelief and with his eyes says that he has definitely lost his marbles. JL goes on a rant and says that Montse vowed at the alter to be faithful (well, she broke that vow sugar foot). Do you know what that means? I won't tolerate lies. Dim keeps turning to Refugio in disbelief.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #96- Tue 6/17

De que está tras las rejas, está tras las rejas.

Carmen is upset that Natalia told Irene about Tuxpan.  She assumes Irene will end up taking Rod's side and now she has more ammo.

El leaves Morales to wait for some important papers while he takes Cunchetina to lunch.  Morales' mom calls because she locked herself out of the house…and now he has a dilemma.

Gino keeps thinking about the anonymous love email, checking out the chicks in the bowling alley, and wondering which one of them sent it.

Morales gets his buddy to wait for the papers while he goes to unlock the door for his mom.  Kimberly shows up and he tells her El is at La Hortaliza.

Irene shows up at Alonso's apartment.  She's not surprised that Grumps is on Rodrigo's side.  She agrees that Diego needs to press charges and Alonso suggests they check with El.

El can't help being enchanted by Cunchetina.  He thinks Gino's an idiot to care about a few extra pounds.  She asks about his personal life and Kimberly gets to hear him saying he's on the verge of breaking up with someone.  Alonso calls El to summon him to a meeting at his place.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: Ana Sofia goes tippling, Diego comes wooing, Tizoc takes a shower.

  • AS is boozing with her pooch. How is she going to pay for all these exotic martinis? The barkeep says, pay up. "You don't trust a woman of such distinction?" She passes him an expired credit card ("I hope the bank is as slow as always") and by the time the waiter is shouting, she has staggered off.

    She staggers into a luxury hotel. She orders a tamarind martini. The bouncer ejects her for refusing to give her room number. ("But you have a perverted face, I can't risk giving you my room number, you'd attack me in my room.")
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #95- Mon 6/16

De que todavía anda suelto, todavía anda suelto.

Lupita calls Cunchetina to tell her about the website for the bowling alley.  She advises Cunchetina to send Gino anonymous love emails.  Cunchetina is thrilled to have such a diabolical pint-sized ally.

Nat convinces Carmen to go to work and promises she won't go down to Caprico to quit until Carmen gets back.

Grumps spins his BS story for the lawyer, who doesn't think burying Nat is going to be easy.  The lawyer asks why Rodrigo didn't just turn Natalia in and married her, when he knew all along she was the one who was responsible for putting him in a coma.  Grumps says that's not his concern and money is no object.  The lawyer promises Rod will get off completely.

Diego, looking like utter crap, shows up at Natalia's.  He invokes instant soup and the conch shell and she knows it's him.  I suggest they establish a password.  Nat sits him down on the couch, where he struggles to keep his eyes open as he asks QTH happened to them.  He remembers the accident in the taxi after Monterrey and after that it was all drugs and voices.

Cecilia, Noemi's substitute nurse, gets the embarrassing duty of explaining to Alonso that Diego pulled a runner.  Alonso tries the house, but Lala says he's not there.  Alonso is worried Diego will run into Rodrigo and the shizz will really hit the fan.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 6/16/14 (#115): Water, Water, Everywhere

How many people tuned in at the usual time last night, waited five minutes, and then tuned out thinking there wouldn't be an episode? We started more than 8 minutes late. I don't know why.

Acapulco. Night. Carmelita's snoring wakes up everyone in the bus. Lupe and Miguel Angel (MA) go outside to chat. It's a full moon, of course, even if there's only a half-moon anywhere else, because couples like Lupe and MA get a full moon every night! MA talks about el mar. (Can it, Aldo! This is at least the SECOND TN in which Jaime Camil has evoked the memory of his romantic rival from LFMB.) Lupe teases him for wearing sandals with socks.

MA tells Lupe that Mini did, in fact, try to seduce him, but he didn't let her. Lupe asks if Mini's attempts reminded him of happier times. MA says he didn't feel anything at all. Mini is the past, and Lupe is the present. She's the only woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and he hope it's a long life.

Inland, Vilma regards some of the "evidence" Alejo has gathered at the Menchaca home (I think there's a toy from Emiliano) and says that none of this, not even the polo mallet, is enough to prove that MA and Mati have been there (to get the police to come here and find Mati and MA). They pretty much need to catch the Menchacas red-handed. For all they know, Emi could have taken or borrowed the polo mallet. Of course this only annoys Ahole...
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 6/16/14 #154

Chapter 154: Where Jealousy Rules

Valverde House: Alejandro and Monserrat returned and all was not well. Alejandro told his family they weren't going anywhere. Monserrat told Rosario they were returning home, which meant they were returning to the Álvarez house. Lauro asked his father when he would see him again and he told him “soon.” Carlota offered to accompany her niece home, but she declined the offer. She tried to conceal her tears, but it wasn't possible. She thanked Josefina, gave Alejandro a disappointed look, got a stubborn one back, and departed with his mother and his son. They were barely out the door when Alejandro went upstairs, his jaw set in stone. Victor and Macario followed him, leaving Carlota, Dominga, and Josefina to wonder what had happened.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 16, 2014

Here's your weekly post Impostoras!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 16, 2014

Here is your post for this week's comments.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #153: 6/13/14: It's All About Them, Ale And JL That Is!

Ahoy Amguis. It's been so dark and cloudy here on the Patio of Disillusionment hasn't it? Now a fog seems to be moving in, with respect to some of these character's brains, that is. Someone asked last week where all the levity had gone. This TN has been short of that hasn't it? I have thought of levity all week and have come up with the perfect solution. I have found an earworm that will be like Calgon and take all your troubles away. It's rather longish, but well worth it. Please take a gander and a listen. Lovely Song

I am skipping the old and getting right to the new.

Sandho (Sandro) catches BM (Maria) sneaking into the chapel and follows her. He sees exactly where she has hidden that will of Ale's. He purposely runs into her outside and asks what she was doing in the chapel. Looking for EZ she tells him, and he asks again if she would like to accept his proposal, um, nopis from her. She warns Sandho that if he keeps bothering her, Addled will kill him.
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Weekend Discussion: The Narcissism Epidemic

Narcissism is one of the most common mental disorders of telenovela villains.  Many people have a very simplistic definition of it:  Muhammad Ali.  His "I am the greatest" is how many people see narcissism.  The sad truth is that it's far more complex than that.

Narcissists see themselves as the center of the universe.  Everyone else exists for their purposes and once they cease to satisfy them, they either become evil or non-existent.  They are incapable of dealing with their own faults and assign them to others as a way of ridding themselves of them.  In extreme form they can be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos, 114, 13 June 2014... the trip begins... and as expected, AS had packed her complaint recorder... but everyone else is up for the vacation. Nepo tries to 'cure' DA.

MA apologizes for the trouble AND for forgetting the febreze. Chuy rants at him. Lupe rants at CHuy and everyone bickers in response.

At Editorial offices, A-hole still arguing with cop that MA is NOT innocent, the cop repeats that the first shot did not come from the gun that has MA’s prints on it. A-hole gets louder and argues again that MA was teamed up with Bambi and they killed Adolfo, Ahole insists the cop should be scanning every inch of La Nopalera.

In the bus, no one is moving yet, they are still arguing whether to take MA along or leave him behind. Carm backs up Lupita, it is not Christian act to abandon someone in need. Chuy says its been a lot of need after need in MA’s case. Chuy mentions something that happened to DA, and Perla insists in hearing what’s up with DA. Chuy changes subject back to wanting MA gone, everyone bickers again.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #94/94 6/13/14

De que dura sola una hora, dura sola una hora!!!

Lo Refrito
  • Gino hates the website.
  • Rod and Vicente (Grumps) have their reunion.
  • Diego ugly cries and finds out Nat married Rod thinking it was Diego.

Lo Nuevo
Diego is beside himself with grief and wants to know why Alonso didn't stop the wedding or do something. Alonso is a terrible friend. Diego gets agitated and has to be restrained and sedated.

Grumps thinks what Rod did to his brother was terrible. What was he thinking trying to kill him? Rod gives Grumps his BS side of the story. It's Diego's fault he was in the coma! Diego had set his sights on a pueblerina and Rod decided to have a little fun and switch places with Diego. At the party she dragged him away and the next thing he knew a guy showed up and beat him. He woke up two years later to find out Diego had set him up and was engaged to the girl that saw him getting beat up and did nothing! Diego sent the dude to beat me up and the Pueblerina was none other than Natalia Garcia!

Al tries to convince the nurse that Diego is not a violent guy. It was just a crisis. When he wakes up he'll be better able to understand what's going on...at least Alonso hopes so.

Grumps really can't believe Diego is capable of doing such a thing. He really suffered while Rod was in the coma. He fought the hardest against against pulling the plug. Rod doesn't believe it. He's convinced Diego sent the guy to beat him up and he hates Diego. Rod wants BOTH Diego and Nat to suffer.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 152 - 13 May, 2014 - As The Plot Thins, Maria’s Indecent Proposals Are Given Due Consideration

Honest. If there was any scoop to give you tonight about Aguazul I would. Withholding information would only irritate you, fair reader, and, by being chintzy with the facts I could easily work my way out of a job. Not that recapping pays much, but there it is. We’ve all got to have a reason to get up in the morning.

The town of Aguazul, Campeche State, MX, was as quiet as Bethlehem before the ‘Silent Night’.  And, the plot of Robo is moving as slow as honey dripping down the side of a comb.

So, in the interest of interest, yours, that is, let’s take a look at the slow goings on in Bluewater, character by character, instead of following the action geographically.  Let’s go alphabetically, just to keep things straight. You can always skip the characters you don’t want to know about.

Tonight Adolfo quietly makes his way about town. He meets up with Maria and decides to give her a house. You know, for all the good times. Like when he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger but it was loaded with blanks. Fun times, huh? He meets up with Maria at her new house and is unable to resist her indecent proposal. “Let’s just do one for the road”. So they rock and roll in the empty new house and he hands her a wad of cash after; she needs some money to furnish the place. After all, how can she entertain Alejandro in style on a bare stone floor?

Later, Adolfo meets up with his brother-in-law the Governor, Pedro Medina. Now that guy, Pedro, is a real whack job. After watching the last couple of shows I think he has begun to believe his own publicity. And when he starts to drink his own Kool-Aid, all hell is going to break loose. You heard it here first. I, for one, will be happy to be here Stateside, watching the action on a very long Televisa/Univision lens. Televisa ought to pay those camera guys double the union scale to work on THAT job.

Adolfo stays cool while that ‘dumb’ EZ Basurto provokes the hell out of Pedro. Dumb, you say? Yea, he’s as dumb as a fox. Basurto. Basurto tells Little Pepe that it is time Pedro took care of some business up north, personally, as in ‘on the ground’. Pedro, who has always kept his mani/pedi clear of the muck, was one flustered customer. Adolfo backed EZ up in his little tease of Pedro; of course, he has his own reasons for wanting Pedro away and over the Campeche State frontier.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #113: 6/12/14: Acapulco Here We Come!

Hola Amiguis! We had a better epi this evening. So sit back, relax and while you are reading this recap, I found a perfect little earworm for this epi, cause I took one look at that microbus and couldn't help myself. Here is the earworm, Sausalito

Ana Chofi is praying to the Santa Madonna (Virgincita) and to Dios about Leo, how he is acting like a child. Ana Chofi surprises him and lets Leo know it isn't a crime to be gay, what is a crime is the guy he is interested in, that futbolista from the barrio! Leo can't understand why Ana Chofi always has to be so dramatic.

Don Chuy has revived, Carm and Tizoc are there, and he feels okay. Lupe insists he needs to go to the Doc to be checked out. Over his protestations they take him to the hospital.
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #92/93- Wed 6/12

De que el abuelo tiene su favorito, tiene su favorito.

Alonso hopes he's convinced Vicente, but Vicente just wants to see his grandson…whichever one it is.  And he won't accept any conditions.  He gets dizzy and has to sit down.  Forgetting that he fired Lala, he tells her to bring his pills while Alonso goes to get his bag from the car.

When PJ is ready to leave Casa Garcia, Nat talks to him out in the hall to tell him that Irene doesn't know about her and Andres' involvement in Rodrigo's coma.  He tells her not to worry--they have strong bonds that can't be broken.

Grumps' blood pressure is back down again and he insists on going to get his grandson.  He forgot that he fired Lala and tells her to get her damn uniform back on and stay out of other people's business!   Pobre Lala!  She must have whiplash after today!

The PI talks to Irene and Tad, but the one and only girl orphan during that time period was Asian.  Irene comes to the (correct) conclusion that Vicente lied to them.

Carmen and El wonder what ace PJ has up his sleeve.  Then Carmen gets all warm and fuzzy about her feelings for El…and he returns the warm and fuzzies.  But he stops after asking if she really wants to marry the Fettuccini…"Never mind.  The decision is made."  Carmen looks sad.  I look annoyed.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #112: 6/11/14: Who Let The Dog Out, Woo, Woo, Woo!!!!

I am putting up a brief summary of what happened last night on Pobres. Ezra may still be out of town. If he posts a recap I will take this summary down.

Diego goes to Guendy's salon and gets a new "luke", almost the same as Leo's.

Diego and Leo go to the movies and see a Vampi (Vampire) movie.

Ana Chofi needs a day of relaxation, she worked ya know ; ) She misses the Spas she used to go to. That gives Guendy an idea. Guendy's Spa. Perla is doing Ana Chofi's nails and Guendy asks if maybe Ana Chofi could work? Ana Chofi is offended, women of high society don't work, but Guendy suggests maybe something with the kitchen, Ana Chofi is horrified. She only knows high flautin' cuisine.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 151, 6-11-2014:

Hi Robó Fans,

Eli's internet and cable went out on her completely last night, so she asked me to post this discussion page until the problem can be fixed.

In the meantime, please feel free to discuss the episode!


De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #90/91- Wed 6/11

De que Diego no es Diego, no es Diego!

RoDiego admits to Brigitte that he's obsessed with Nat…and also, bring me a sammich and a beer.

Nat doesn't know who the hell she married, but she's convinced it's not Diego.  Tad says some guys are just rough around the edges, but Nat and Irene say Diego's not one of them.  Tad tells her she can stay as long as she wants and Irene calls Alonso and asks him to come over.

Carmen doesn't believe Lupita's story about polar bears for a second.  Gino decides to try to talk to her.

Tad lets Alonso in, but he's not happy about it.

Lupita told Gino the same story about the polar bears and he bought it.  He asks Carmen not to ground her.  Carmen refuses to lift her punishment, but eventually Gino butters her up enough that she cuts the grounding back to a week.  Gino advises Lupita to take the deal.  He thinks he's winning her over, but Lupita's too smart for that.

Nat tells Alonso that "Diego" tried to rape her, just like Rodrigo did--and, no, that's not the fear talking.  Alonso agrees that the man she married isn't Diego, but he's working on finding out who he is.  For now, he advises her to stay away from "Diego," but if he shows up, play it cool and don't let on that they're investigating.  I mentally kick Alonso for equating "bipolar" with "double personality" as the first is inaccurate and the second doesn't exist.  He leaves Nat with some pills.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos: Minerva denigrates the fry-cook, Ana Sofia discovers that manual labor is difficult, Emiliano is tired of eating beans.

  • Mike is a prisoner in red pajamas. Minerva has hidden his cellphone battery. She tells him he's unnecessarily depressed and should trust her.

    She boasts Alejo will have to give her half of everything (later Mike wonders what she has on Alejo, that he might have to be so generous!). She says after losing her (fake) baby she thinks of suicide.

    Carmela thinkgs Lupe should tell Mike about the papers so Lupita tries to call, but Mike's cellphone is sans battery.

    Mike is about to call Lupita when he hears a scream. It's Minerva, pretending to be waking from a nightmare. Mike comes running, she pulls him into her bed.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 150, Tues., 6/10/14: On the House!

Run, Alejandro, Run!
In her dressing room at La Escondida, María makes Alejandro an offer he can't refuse -- she will return Benjamín's original will to him in exchange for a single night of pleasure in her arms.  What does he have to lose?  Everything, he tells her.  It would put his happiness with Montserrat at risk. He won't do it.  

María can't believe her ears.  She lashes out at Montserrat, calling her a zorra and saying she's probably in José Luis's bed right now.  Alejandro reminds María that she's the one who has slept with every man in Aguazul.  Except with him, she says with an insinuating smile.  

"There are things more important to me than money," he says.  "You never really knew me."  He leaves her alone with her dime store blonde wig, her tawdry outfit, and her delusions of grandeur.  

[A man sits alone at a table on the otherwise crowded Patio of Lowered Expectations and takes a thoughtful pull on his bourbon.  ¡Ánimo, María! he whispers under his breath.]
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #88/89 6/10/14

De que casi lo tienen, casi lo tienen

Really short and sweet tonight. Please, please, please fill in the blanks. Thanks!

Oh my. The little cerebral hamsters were just running, running, running and getting nowhere tonight.

Rod pays a visit to Brat's apt. She would swear she was dealing with the evil twin and not Diego. (She's sooooo close.)

Rod's evil behavior escalates. He was absolutely emotionally abusive. He let Nat know he spent their wedding night with another woman and she might as well get used to it.

That sent her running to upstairs where the patient known as Rodrigo was. She tells him that he and Diego should have told her of his existence. None of this would have happened if she'd known. The patient opens his eyes and looks directly at her. She is freaked to say they least.

When Irene later visits Nat, they discuss the Great Misunderstanding and Diego's reasons for not telling Nat. Nat still feels as if it's Diego that's in that bed. (She's sooooo close.) Concerned for Nat, Irene suggests that she talk to Aloser (and yes, Tad also ends up showing some bad behavior and acting like an azz about that little visit.)

Now, before we get to Nat's session with Aloser I need to tell you that Krazy is still molesting him and he's STILL ANSWERING HER CALLS AND MAKING COFFEE DATES WITH HER. Pretty stupid behavior, right? At least when it comes to doctor stuff he's not too stupid. He thinks it's a little odd that the results of the blood tests don't show anything. Na.da. If Irma is administering drugs, something should show up. He asks for another sample. Unfortunately, he asks Irma. The blood she hands over is hers and again results show nothing...but this is doctor stuff, not relationship stuff. Aloser is finally on to Irma and the great blood switcheroo. (He's soooo close.)

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Monday, June 09, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 6/9/14 (#110): Signs of the Apocalypse

Leo's looking for a job?

Ana Sofia's asking for cleaning supplies?

Frida's claiming Tizoc as her boyfriend, and her classmates are laughing at Tato??

Laugh it up while you can! Calamity is nigh!!
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #86/87- Mon 6/9

De que se casaron, se casaron

Tad's maid gets a stern talking-to for letting Vicente in without finding out who he was.  Vicente's there to interrogate Tad about why he married Irene.  Vicente doesn't take Tad's status as "famous painter" very seriously and thinks he married Irene for her name.  He throws the scholarship in his face, but Tad defends himself, saying he would have made a name for himself--with or without the scholarship.  He calls Vicente on his crappy treatment of Irene, especially when she was pregnant.  Vicente sticks to his story, that he's done the right thing for his family.  Tad says one day Vicente will be asking for forgiveness.

Mrs. Tiburcio apologizes to Irene for Tiburcio's panic attack.  She explains about working with him to communicate using the alphabet poster.

Tad calls the PI and gives him a stern talking-to for not telling Tad that he talked to Vicente.  The PI makes some placating noises…and some I-need-money noises.  Creep.

Luchón, Gino's old butler…'cause we all know he lied about that...calls a woman from a pay phone.  She speaks Italian, so I hope he brought a lot of quarters.  Blah, blah, blah, Italian chattering, "vendetta."  I think we all know what that means.

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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #149 Lunes 6/9/14: The Fuses are Lit

Chapter 149: The Fuses are Lit

Valverde House: Monserrat arrived and told Alejandro there was someone she wanted him to meet. She stepped aside and Rosario entered with little Lauro. The boy's first words were “How tall you are, Papa!” Alejandro and his mother, Rosario, began to cry. The boy said “I have many pictures of you but you're different. I like your eyes, but your teeth are gigantic!” Alejandro laughed at the uncensored honesty of his son, who then told him he had a beautiful smile. He hugged him as though he would never have the chance to do so again.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 9, 2014

Here's your weekly page, Impostora fans.  Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 9, 2014

Is anyone else watching Metástasis?  The first episode of the Colombian version of the remarkable American drama, Breaking Bad,  aired last night on Univisión, Gala, and Unimás.  Tonight, it will be shown only on Unimás at 8pm Central (9pm Eastern) as well as 9pm/10pm.  I'm not sure if they will repeat the first episode in the earlier slot and then show episode 2 in the later time.

On Tuesday, it will settle into a regular 9C/10E slot.

I was very impressed with the quality of the first episode.  I'm not planning on recapping the show, but I might comment on it from time to time, and I hope some other people do too.

Enjoy your week!

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Saturday, June 07, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 148, Fri., 6/6/14: Alejandro Domínguez -- Wanted Dead or Alive!

Almonte Mansion on the Beach

Sandro insists he said nothing to María about the fake will.  Fabiola -- never relinquishing her glass of red wine  -- warns him he'd better figure out how to shut that woman up.

Mónica and Dimitrio's new place

Did someone ask for a definition of chutzpah?

Gracie pays a friendly visit to Mónica, insults her six ways to Sunday, and ends up wangling a dinner invitation out of her.

Graciela, with a dazzling display of dentition -- upper and lower -- insults Monica's TASTE (and just about everything else about her).  When she finally goads the young woman into standing up to her, Graciela somehow squeezes out a couple of tears and launches into a self-pitying bleat: She may have made some bad decisions, but she never intended to hurt her children.  It breaks her heart that her actions may have been misunderstood.  
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Friday, June 06, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #109 06 June 2014... So close... and yet so far...

Sorry, I was having trouble with my tv’s so I missed the first 5 minutes or so… someone please fill in.

Alejo tries to get the straight truth about the origin of the polo stick from Emi, but Emi will not say, even when Alejo promises to keep the secret. Lupe comes in to Emi’s rescue.

Nepo gets mad at DA, DA tries to tell him the money was used for some art lessons. Nepo not quite good with that. You must be deeply in love. DA is about to explain that yes, it is love, but… Nepo won’t let him speak. Nepo won’t let DA give up futbol and send his life to the fregada… leaves Trofeo to try to convince DA.

MA and Saul… Saul tries to get MA to hide here until they get the laptop… not such a bad idea to stay locked in with an awesome rubia…. MA not so convinced… MA tries to get Saul to stay but Saul says his usual farewell gingle (quedo de uds muy atentamente SB) and takes his leave… to Mini’s delight.

The cops outside watch Saul as he leaves, and he even says hi to them.

Perla and Gwendy… Perla not sure why Gwendy wanted her to come to the farmers market. They end up at Nepo’s stand. Nepo is not a happy camper, says it is because DA wants to give up futbol. Nepo thinks DA wants to take dance classes instead Perla does not understand the reference to the dance classes… Perla offers to try to talk to DA to find out what is going on. Nepo accepts. Perla is sure she can convince DA of anything. Nepo very thankful. Nepo even had thought up a nickname for DA ‘el chichaDieguito’, which Perla loves.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero 6/6/14 #84 and #85 (Or something like that): The Extrapolation Edition

De que hay tsuris, hay tsuris.

Why do I get the heartbreaking episodes?

This is going to be short. I was having attention issues. There was much extrapolation on my part. Feel free to add more details (corrections really in the comments.

Tonight's Cast:
Jean Marie=The fashion show organizer that works with Irene to plan shoots and shows for Eskenda
Mr. T=Tiburcio
Mrs. T=Mrs. Tiburcio
PJ=Papá Juancho

The lady at the orphanage tells Irene that of the 6 children that came to the facility that year, only one was a girl. True to TN form there was a fire 17 years ago and records are no more. Irene flips. Tad calms her down so the director can tell her to come back with a court order.

Mr. T is in bad shape. He can't talk or move. Even after a lot of therapy, he will only recover a minimum of his previous abilities.

Brat comes in late for work and takes offense when Nat reminds her about professionalism.

Grumps is thoughtbubbling in his office--Nat is NOT a Cáceres. Nat comes in with some papers and asks about Irene. Grumps plays dumb about Irene's whereabouts and the reason for the trip.

Mrs. T is with Mr. T in the hospital. She tells him how bad she feels about what a shrew she was him. He moves his hand.

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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion

One of the things inciting constant comment here is the fashion felonies committed by many female characters in novelas (or by the fashion consultants for the shows).  It seems that femme fatale rivals and villanas are the biggest offenders, although heroines can be guilty, too.  For our purposes today we will cover the villanas, particularly since we have such a stunning example in our current prime time.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #108: 6/5/14: Jive Talkin'

Hola Amiguis! We have Mini hauling off MA, Ahole invading La Nopalera, with Vilma and Beto, so what else can happen? Well, read on and discover what else happened during this episode! Shall we start with an earworm? It applies to Ahole, especially! Jive Talkin'!

We start with Frida and Tizoc and how they are glad they are there for each other, and they decide to continue their relationship, as long as they keep it on the down low, cause neither of their familia's can find out. It would so not be good for either of them and besos!

Mini shoves MA into the back of her vehicle and makes sure he's in there safe and sound, while she says now MA is in my hands, Bwwhaaaa!
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 147 - So Many Lies, So Little Time

Basurto/Mendoza Mansion, Aguazul, Campeche, MX

Sandro and EZ have an after-dinner table conversation about Carlota and Graciela after the ladies have left the room to powder their noses. Carlota wants to know about Fabiola. So sad, Fabiola has all the money in the world and she is still alone. Carlota taunts Graciela by asking her if she can see herself in the same place? She has lost her children’s love. Graciela says that things are about to change.

Back in the dining room, EZ Basurto tells Sandro that he regrets that his feelings for his sister-in-law do not parallel those spoken by Sandro about Carlota—Sandro finds Carlota enchanting. Sandro points out Graciela’s beauty, and… as he puffs away on what is surely a Cuban cigar. EZ asks Sandro to take her away!
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Thursday, June 05, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero: 6/5/2014, #82 & 83 US (or something like that)

De Que Su Hija Está Viva, Está Viva!

I’ve got an early and long day tomorrow, so I’m doing a bullet points quick and dirty, just the facts recap. Feel free to fill in anything I might have missed.

- Brigitte the Brat, while packing her stuff to leave sad Alberto’s apartment, says some things I agree with for the first time. She calls herself capricious, bossy, hotheaded/mean, and immature (caprichosa, mandona, explosiva, y inmadura). Yep, that describes a few of her defects. These are her excuses for why she wants to live on her own, and not marry him now (yet keep the man’s ring). Al takes her to her “friend’s” apartment and is impressed by the size and luxury of the apartment.

- Rod and Irma have a not so friendly chat over unconscious Diego. Rod says to Diego: “If I leave you alive, I won’t be able to explain, and no one will forgive me.” He’s decided to kill Diego and steal his life and inheritance. Despite the fact that he’s basically already said this a few times, Irma is shocked, shocked!  She says she’s not going be an accomplice to murder. Rod gets in her face and threatens her, and tells her she has no choice. After he leaves the room, she says she laments what she’s doing, mentions Rod trying to steal Diego’s life and Natalia, is sympathetic when Diego reacts to Nat’s name and cries, but shoots him up with more drugs anyway. Bitch! Grumps arrives and sees the tears, Irma makes up a sick aunt in Miami, and Grumps offers to let her go see her aunt as soon as tomorrow. He’ll hire a temporary nurse. Irma is overjoyed that she’ll get to escape and the whole thing will explode on Rod.

- El’s payment to Gino for losing the soccer game is to serve as waiter and ring bearer at a fancy Italian restaurant, while Gino proposes to Carmen. El first tries to sabotage the evening by putting mega hot peppers in Gino’s pasta. Unfortunately, Carmen switches dishes with him, and nearly chokes to death on the hot peppers. Lupita calls him in tears, since she heard about the proposal, but El has given up. He's about to serve the tiramisu with the ring, when a hazmat team busts in, saying there’s a toxic gas leak.  Gino is hustled off to the hospital. El kisses Carmen in front of the restaurant owner, who knows Gino. Carmen rejects him, since she thinks he’s behind the fake gas leak plot. However, he really knows nothing since Morales did it all on his own. Carmen sees Morales and is further convinced it was El behind it all. Carmen, Paolo, and Abdul get to the hospital just in time to save Gino from a mistaken enema, performed by student nurses, and hemorrhoid surgery!

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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #146, 6-4-2014: José-Luis suspects the rumors of Alejandro's comatose state have been greatly exaggerated

Lo refrito:  Montserrat counters Gracie's disapproval of Montse's infidelity with Alejandro by proclaiming that, unlike Gracie herself, she (Montserrat) isn't trying to hide her love.  Montse claims that Gracie, even if she were to acquire millions, is the poorest woman that Montserrat knows.

Unanticipated Noble Gestures May Have Surprisingly Negative Consequences
House of Montse and José-Luis:  Rosario continues ripping J-L for marrying Montse without telling her that Alejandro was still alive.  Rosario claims that Alejandro needed Montse more than ever, and she's also mad that J-L didn't even tell her (Rosario) either!  J-L looks guilty and seems to feel bad about what he's done.  He assures Rosario he's taking charge of things and also going to do the right thing to make amends:  he's in the process of trying to bring comatose Alejandro back to Mexico so he can live out his life-supported days among the women who love him best.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #80 & 81, Wed, June 4th

De que al menos PJ conoce el secreto, el sabe secreto

Tiburcio (Mr. T) suffers a headache from his guilt

Rod and the Brat (Briggite) chat about their new love nest (icky.)  Irma comes in and he gets off the phone which leaves the Brat mad.  Then Nat calls so Irma leaves angry.  They both know they are being played so leave him or deal.  As recapper Carlos would say, NEXT.

At the fonda, Angela asks Carmen about Abdul, sigh.  Then Padre Juancho (PJ) comes to find out details about the soccer match (football).  He also ask about Gino.  Carmen gets all smiley and tells him Paolo is happy and she is too.  PJ warns Carmen to not play with love.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: Danger-Mike must flee!

Hi guys, sorry for the short recap, I'm about to go fly in a plane!

The main theme of Wednesday's episode is Mike going into hiding from his own hiding place (la Nopalera, I think is its fancy name).

Tearful goodbye w/ Lupita, they love each other, blah blah, no one can ever separate them but they have to separate until things blow over a little bit.

Detective Alejo gets a little closer to catching Mike - Isela tells him he's been hiding at La Nopalera. He will now set out to go catch him and turn him in!

Now Mike's whole family comes to give him a huge goodbye, even Ana Sofia, who is very lovey despite her tearful moping she's  been doing! She loves Mike with all her heart!

Anyway, please comment and tell us your favorite parts of the episode.



Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 145. 06/03/14. Ale makes a deal with the she-devil; JL's life starts to unravel.

Jumping right into the new...

Macario, Dominga and Rosario sit down for a chit chat. Macario tells Dominga that Rosario delivered a well deserved slap to Graceless which Dominga practically applauds. It was about time someone put Graceless in her place. Rosario is worried about what Graceless could do to her baby boy, but Macario says they are their to defend him. Dominga is more concerned about what JL will do when he finds out Ale is still alive. Macario says JL needs to start packing and move out. Rosario wishes it was that easy but has a feeling that this time around JL will not give Montse up so easily. He asks when are they going to tell Laurito that his father is alive? Hopefully soon replies Rosario.

Montse will not allow both JL and Ale to fight. Ale wonders if they should just flee. Montse tells him to just say the words and this very night she will pack up everything and Laurito to join him. She never wants to leave his side again. Ale can't believe that she will leave everything behind for him. He thinks that perhaps it's not such a good idea. Sooner or later, the past will catch up to them. Just like Victor and Nadia. We have to stay and I need to clear my name. I made the mistake 7 years ago to flee and now I am paying the price. Montse decides he's right and she will help him in any way she can. Ale wants to prove his innocence. Montse wants to know when to let the cat out of the bag and tell JL the truth. He wants to wait until everything has been cleared up and promises to talk to JL directly. I don't care what happened between you two before you found out I was alive. I can understand that. But I don't want JL to touch you again. Montse confesses that when she married JL, she told him that she would always love Ale and could never forget him. And now seeing you again, being in your arms, just confirms that my body and soul only belong to you. They kiss. Victor walks by and starts thinking of his lady love.
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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos: San Ciprianito loses his groove; Ana Sofia does NOT have a drinking problem; Mike gets famous

  • "I'm going to kill you, tarantula!" Alejo growls as he chokes Minerva. She and her mom are playing a dangerous game. The mother wants to trade Mike's location in exchange for the entire house, which she has always liked. She disabuses Alejo: "He's not bonking Minerva, he has somebody else."

    Minerva still thinks she can win Mike back and tells her mom she won't betray him. "But daughter, we have to think of ourselves."

    Vilma thinks the "piranhas" are pulling a fiddle. Alejo snarls, "It's your fault, you let your laptop get stolen." He's willing to cede the house, eventually, because he does not actually own it, it belongs to the corporation. Vilma thinks he's as smart as Napoleon.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #78/79 6/3/2014 The Bleeeecccchhh Edition

De que tengo náuseas, tengo náuseas.

I respect you all enough to carry through with this recap, but I have a big desire to just invoke the Recapper's Privilege Card for the whole darn thing.

Let us begin the descent into hell.

Rodrigo apologizes to Carmen for the porno scene she walked in to last night. Carmen tells Not Diego to cool his jets. He and Natalia will be married soon enough. Respect her house.

Brigitte goes off on Irene. She had enough of her mom's reproaches without Irene jumping on her too. She leaves in a huff.

Alonso comes to get "Rodrigo's" record. Doc gets him up to speed. A while ago the patient seemed to improve, but tests showed his neurological activity was the same.

Diego's bed isn't working. Irma shakes her booty for Grumps. Bleeeccchhh.

Brigitte is packed and leaving the house. She tells her about the scene with the wedding dress (ooops, the secret is out.)Natalia tries to convince Brat to stay and Brat tells her to cut the goody goody crap. Brat is in rare form and tells Nat that if she hadn't come on the scene, Brat's life wouldn't be the utter crap that it is. Brat then has the nerve to say that she gets a little comfort knowing that Nat's real mother didn't even want her and just dumped her at the church. Carmen and Lupita arrive home. When Lupita finds out Brat is leaving she begins to cry and beg her not to go. Natalia offers to leave instead. Carmen tells Brat to go if she is so intent on leaving. Lupita is inconsolable. Gee whiz this kid is amazing!!

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