Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Lucas wants to see Dani at her house but he can't and she changes rendezvous; now she's gotta find a way to get out of the house. She asks a friend or sister (it wasn't clear) to lend her their chauffeur.
Greta is coddling Alexa and asks what kind of debt could lead her to such an act. Alexa comes clean and Greta then says she will help her pay the debt and send her packing but it's for the best. Alexa is forgiven.
Fausto and Sofi discuss the purloinment. Fau. is glad it was resolved so soon and somehow they end up talking about Chava; that he is the man Sofi is in love with (says Fausto) but Sofi denies it and says she is marrying Patricio.
'Li asks Paco what he was dreaming of.
More of Sofi and Fau's back and forth about Chava; he ships ChoFi.
Mari is cooking cluelessly >>FF for a sec then Play<< Chava and Lupe talk about work, 'Li and Sofi.
'Li and Paco bond and 'Li mentions not having a sister (Wouldn't you like to know?)
Sofi and Dani respectively are trying to sneak out; Dani however ends up hiding under a table.
Armie is watching over Nandito and he calls Irma who is off doing God knows what God knows where.
Alexa is reading a book about Estrellas del Cine while thinking about Armie.
Dani meets Luc. at Cuco's and they tenderly kiss in the middle of the colorful, fantasy restaurant.
Armie is chilling watching TV when Alexa crosses his mind.
More Luc/Dani fluff (I'm lovin' it!)
Renzi and Patricio stink up the joint they're together at with their smarmings and much more.
Chava and Sofi heavily breathe and give each other the real/correct love they need.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #37 20141007 Rebounds Abound All Around
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La Maluerida #32 10/7/14 Victims Of Love
Cris and Acacia will be going on a Mother Daugter vacay. no Este no Abuelas. Etste isn't too happy he likes it when Cris, and Acia are with him. Cris rhinks it is time to deal with Acacia herself as mother should. She also told Este that when Acia lived in San jacinto Cris felt that Elena was more a MAMa to AcAcia, Later when Cris tells Acia, She thinks that Cris and Este are sre mad at each other.
Labels: malquerida
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Mi Corazon es tuyo #57 DissaBella goes beserk with the twins new prank... a bit overboard... Fernando finds out about the dress for Alicia
Way to go Orioles and Cards!!
Johnny with the receptionist..
Fernando admits to Nando he is dying of jealousy of his brother… Nando tells Fernando he has not smiled since he married DissaBella … no scientist needed to know you are not happy. Do you think you are doing any of us a favor to know our father is not happy and did not fight for the woman he loves?
Ana arguing with twins about both of them forgetting the Spanish notebooks… Luz tries to cover for them, zipped mouth. Ana suspects there is something they are hiding…
Lo Nuevo: \
Diego won’t tell Ana what he has planned…
Nando asks DissaBella how is the baby going. She says ‘I feel it’ (LIAR!!) .. Fanny arrives asking for Ximena. Doctor comes out, she had a crisis, had to sedate her, can’t keep her here for long. She will have to be transferred to the Psych unit. And for that he will need her mother’s authorization. She would be locked up in the Psych ward. Nando impactado.
At house, Bruno serves YoMama her usual martini and snacks… she gets the blues and tells him she feels very lonely… Bruno willing to listen and talk…
Fanny asks Fernando about Ana… Diego and Sebas/Alicia arrive to the clinic to support Nando.. DissaBella rolls her eyes in disgust. Nando very thankful, group hug with Frida and the kids, Fernando and Diego join in, DissaBella looks at them like ‘these are clowns’…
YoMama spills her upset feelings to Bruno about the way DissaBella treats her, tells Bruno how she grew up poor, she worked in everything, she used to run errands, took care of kids… she discovered eventually she could sing, she would sing in the public transport trucks singing with her guitar… (Now Bruno is the one that seems to be recalling old times)… Bruno tells her he too has had hard times, and Don Nico rescued him. yoMama notes they have much in common… she was rescued by her husband… he always respected her and is the best that happened in her life (besides my DAUGHTERS …[NOOOOO SAY IT ISNT SO!!!!])
Diego will drop Ana at her house.
Fernando tells Nando he is concerned Nando has already missed two days of school. I get it that you are in love… or I don’t get it. Ximena is always depressed or angry all the time, can’t find anything you two have in common. Nando keeps insisting love has no explanation… what do you Fanny have in common with a messenger… or you, Dad, with Ana who takes care of the kids… Fernando points that neither Ana or Leon are ‘ill’. Fanny says we don’t want you to sink. Ximena’s mom arrives. She has an attitude from the get go ‘how is my daughter?’ (Fernando looks at her like 'oh my!')
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La Gata #27 10/7/14 La Carta
Here's what I did get:
See Fela. See Fela run. See Fela sneak on the bus. See Fela get kicked off the bus. See Fela starve. See Fela filch a sandwich. See Fela talk to her doll. See Fela nap in the park.
See the Meatball. See the Meatball with a fake mustache. See Lupe investigate. See Lupe mention that the Meatball isn't even Italian. See the recapper wonder QTH?
See Augie. See Augie get an e-mail. See Augie read the e-mail. See the e-mail tell Augie to meet about FDLSC's assests. See Augie drink straight from the bottle. See Augie deny he's an alcoholic.
See Augie meet with FDLSC's lawyer. See the lawyer go for Augie's jugular. See Augie huff and puff.
See Augie moon over Blanca's picture (QTH?)
See Rita. See Rita try to bamboozle Maria. See Maria tell Rita she has to check with Esme.
See Rita plan to find Fela/Blanca. See Rita delude herself into thinking that will give her a free ticket into Fernando's Hideaway and all the luxuries it affords.
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Labels: gata
Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 3 - October 6-10, 2014)
For folks who would like to discuss the goings on in the country at the coffee plantation El Paraiso and the Nescafe empresa in Mexico City, the Montesino family and Max's problems with the family, girlfriend and pining for a fantasy named Amaya, here is your space.
Labels: amarte
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #36 10/6/14 Greta May Not Want to Rent That Reception Hall After All
Chava gets the rug pulled out from under him.
Labels: hasta
La Malquerida, capitulo 31. 10/06/14. Esteban is sinking deeper into crazyville.
Labels: malquerida
Monday, October 06, 2014
La Gata #26 10/06/2014 Miss Kitty goes to the ball
Esmeralda and her daddy (Fernando) who she still does not know is one half of her parental unit arrive at the ball and Kitty cat looks good! She manages to get the attention of several of the guests, all of them stunned by her beauty.
Shoe update:she is not wearing boots!
Anyhoo, among the guests are Lorenza and her children along with her husband-you remember him right? He is the one that gets off on stealing other peoples property and framing innocent people. We will get back to him later, oh and Monica is also there, poor girl, will her public humiliation never end? Will she learn to just say "no" to Pablo and run off to a place where it's okay to wear red shoes that look like crocs in public? Am I asking for too much? (Yes, yes I am, but I can hope,no?)
Mariano is the first to spot Esmeralda (aka: Miss Kitty) and he points her out to his mother, he has enough avocados to actually comment on how beautiful Esmeralda looks in front of his mother and enough grace to actually say that he is happy for her. Can you imagine Pablo having enough grace and character to say such a thing? Of course not because the only thing that matters to Pablo is well, Pablo. Whatever the case may be I'm now a Mariano fan.
Lorenza is not happy for Esmeralda and makes it her mission to tell every one at the gala that Esmeralda is gutter trash (her words, not mine!), like a snake she slithers around spreading her venom, she makes the mistake of telling the ambassadors wife (the ones throwing the party and those who invited Fernando and Esmeralda there) the same story, but this time Fernando catches her and tells her that she needs to stop spreading gossip, or else. She makes the mistake of asking what the "or else" is and she gets put in her place. In short Fernando tells her who he really is and that her family will be sorry for all the crap they have pulled. Lorenza calls his bluff and tells him she is not alone, she has a husband and two sons to protect her! Fernando tells her to call them over and maybe the would like to hear what he has to say, Lorenza finds Agustin and tells him that Fernando wants to speak to him, in the end it's the same conversation Fernando had with Lorenza, he promises to get revenge and to expose Agustin as a liar and a thief and an all around criminal, Agustin says he is not scared but it is revealed to us that his conversation with Fer upset him enough to almost give him a heart attack ( a well deserved one!)
While this is taking place Esmeralda is on the dance floor, as is Pablo along with Monica and when Esme tries to say hello to him he treats her rather harshly and tells her that they have never been friends. He is enough of a jerk that the French ambassador has to tell him to behave. Later Esme bumps into Virginia and the two bond with Virginia suggesting Esme take Pablo away so that they can talk and resolve their issues. Pablo arrives, is again a jerk to Esme and when it looks like there will be another physical fight Fernando arrives and takes Kitty away.
The next morning Lorenza wakes up and realizes that Agustin is nowhere to be found, he comes in looking like death warmed over and he explains that his worse fears have come to pass, Fernando has made a formal accusation against him and it's only a matter of time until their life comes crashing down around them. Lorenzas suggestion? Throw Kitty and Fer in jail for a good 20 years. Agustin says this wont work, Fernando is not the same trusting man he once was, Lorenza finally looks worried.
Felas tale:
Okay, Fela after seeing Rita runs away in fear, and can anyone blame her? Rita looks like the crypt keeper but worse. However after thinking about this for a bit I have a few points I'd like to make, follow me dear friends:
- At some point Rita had some sort of relationship with Fela, she has spoken of Fela as if she were a dear friend, however:
- Rita was somehow involved in harm being done to Fela, did someone pay her off to look the other way while an attempt on Felas life was made?
- Why did they try to kill Fela? Was it simply to get their hands on Fernandos money?
Previous: Episode 25
Next: Episode 27
Labels: gata
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 10/6/14 #56
Labels: mcet
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of October 6, 2014 -- Los Miserables, Señora Acero, etc.
If anyone else is interested in writing about these shows, please don't be shy. A paragraph or two of highlights would be great.
If you just want to chat about the novelas, that's fine too. This is your space!
Labels: acero, miserables, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE ONE: week of October 6, 2014
First Izzy and then Lopez 2.0 tracked down one of the Giant Red Diamonds to the sticky-fingered EMT guy. Uh oh.
More Fodder for Crackpot/Crockpot/Colander/Sieve Theorists: Asunción changes her story when she talks to Estefanía -- She knew Estefi's father when she was just a teenager. (Oh ho!) It was later that she married Pedro (el payaso) Ortíz.
Victor leads Christian, The Worst Cop in Las Vegas (TWCILV), by the nose, convincing him that Navier is responsible for the death of the hapless Reina stand-in. Later TWCILV somehow stumbles on the fact that Navier is actually a Secret Agent Man.
Navier, with Boris of Belgium's help, is about to flee the country. At the eleventh hour, Greta spills the frijoles about Christian's murky past -- maybe they can use the secret to help Navier. Femme Fatale Connie Leiva lures TWCILV to her house where Navier is waiting to pounce.
Serious Reinamaniacs -- feel free to review previous recaps in the dropbox Jean has set up here.
So is it time for our show yet?
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Weekend Discussion: Sob Stories and Snob Stories
My college buddy recently became a grandfather for the first time (I think he's freaking out about it). I remember when his older daughter was born his now-ex bought her a Laura Ashley nightgown in a thrift shop for $3. It looked absolutely brand new; I'm sure its previous owner barely wore it a handful of times before outgrowing it. She showed it to me and another woman and we commended her on her practicality (which in this case she had learned with their firstborn). She begged us not to tell her husband, who had an issue with thrift shopping. This is the same man who wouldn't have made it to the IBM boardroom for not having attended an Ivy League university.
For a while they drove leased cars (Lexus and Mercedes) until they couldn't afford to continue to do so. It was all downhill from there and he is still recovering. Much of that was her fault 20 years ago but I won't bore you with the details. Interestingly she came from a family with a lot of reverse snobbery.
Tell your tales, amigos, and you can change the names to protect the guilty.
Mi Corazon es Tuyo #55, Two Offers Made, Two Offers Accepted
Labels: mcet
La Malquerida #30, 10/3/2014: Dueling Daddies and Mad Mamas
Labels: malquerida
Hasta el Fin del Mundo #35 20141003 Chava Curses After Hearing Greta's Blessings!
Sophia sits alone in her office remembering all of the wonderful and scary times that she's had with Chava. Patrick has a slight tantrum in his office. He tells us that he will expedite the wedding, bankrupt Ripoll and destroy Chava.
CASA de CRUZ-Aracely, dressed as Donna Reed or June Cleaver, tells Lupe that her relationship with Pedro is officially over. Chava comes home. He tells them that he stopped by to thank Sophia for trusting him and dropping the charges. Lupe tells him that Aracely deserves all of the credit for getting him released.
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Friday, October 03, 2014
La Gata #25 10/3/14- La Gala
I had some questions...
- How long until Centavito and Fela get to live in the mansion? They deserve it.
- What the h*ll is Lowrenza's deal with Monica? She is obsessed with her marrying Pablo. It makes me want to puke.
- Why are we still being subjected to Rita's wrinkly face?
- Can Virginia look any more pitiful when Lowrenza is yelling at her? And am I the only one that thinks Lowrenza's crimes against her daughter are worse than her meddling with Pablo?
Now on to the recap.
Esme doesn't think she could ever be unforgettable. She's just La Gata. Fernando explains there are street cats and salon cats. And now she will be a salon cat. Don't you want the Sra Martinez Negrete to lower herself for you and beg to be friends?
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Labels: gata
Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #34 20141002 Something Happened, As Usual--Updated!
Xlnt provided us with an Xlnt short recap!
Thanks so much! See below!
Here's a quick and dirty bullet point recap of the show:
Sofia visits Chava in jail. Aracely shows up and introduces herself as Chava's ex-novio. Sofia goes back to work with the realization that she has some competition.
Aracely offers to be Chava's lawyer. Chava agrees.
Irma tries to convince Armando to sell the house. In the midst of her harping the phone rings. Irma answers and quickly hangs-up when she realizes she is talking to a voice from her past. The phone rings again. The woman, Martina, warns Irma not to hang up or she'll come to the house. Irma agrees to meet Martina the next day.
Dani hears about the theft at Ripoll and thinks Lucas is the culprit.
Chava goes free from jail due to positive testimony from both Sofia and (surprisingly!) Silvana. Though he is now free, Chava remains under suspicion. Read more »
Labels: hasta
Mi Corazón Es Tuyo: Just Another Day In The Life.....
Cap 54
• Fernando has given Diego his blessing to pursue Ana. They shake on it. He later tells Fanny. She deals as best she can.
• Don Nicolas is still having difficulty dealing with the reality of his old age and the social restrictions regarding adopting. He and Ana have a heart to heart about it.
• Jens gets a follow-up visit by her OB-Gyne and learns that she still has her ovaries. The wheels start turning in her head. (In vitro fertilization alert! Will Ana be the surrogate mother for her? Hmmm.)
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La Malquerida #29, 10/2/14: The Green Eyed Monster (Jealousy/Acacia) Strikes Again
Labels: malquerida
Thursday, October 02, 2014
La Gata #24- Thu 10/2 - La Audiencia
Lorenza gets the news from Monica and explains away Pablo's reaction with "Well, he's a man." She blames it all on Esme and begs Monica not to leave Pablo. Monica wants Pablo to be happy, and Lorenza says that Monica is his happiness. I don't think Lorenza understands the meaning of that word.
Back at the house, Esme cries and is comforted by Silencioso, who says those meanies will pay. The maid brings them tea or coffee and gives them a suspicious look.
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Labels: gata
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE TWO: week of September 29, 2014
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Mi Corazón es Tuyo #53, Wednesday, October 1. Meet Encreaky, aka Enfrique the Elder.
Labels: mcet
La Malquerida #28, 10/1/2014: Acacia’s Getting Heat on All Sides, Can She Take the Pressure?
Labels: malquerida
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
La Gata #23- Wed 10/1 - La Transformacion
We jump RIGHT in to a smooth-haired Esme being adored by Fela, but they're not letting us see her face.
Back at the house, Silencioso tells Esme that from now on she'll have tutors to prepare her for taking her secondary school exams. She won't have to go to night classes anymore. With her gorgeous clean face and her bright red lipstick. Also, Silencioso wants to teach her some stuff too. She almost looks like she's wearing her same black dress and boots…but are these pricier versions of the originals?
Esme rides past the Negrete house in the back of the car, setting Mariano's mixed feelings aflame. He assumes she's Silencioso's new amante (lover). He starts to have thoughts that, hey, since Pablo's out of the picture maybe he could…. But no! In an extensive thought bubble, Mariano puts Esme up on a pedestal as much as Pablo ever did (you know, back in the day, before all the lies) thinking that she's a one-man woman and she'll probably never love anyone other than Pablo. I get the impression that only makes him admire her more.
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Labels: gata
We begin tonight with Pato conspiring against Chava to Sofi's face but she isn't buying what he's selling.
Matt. says hi to Lucas and that it feels different without Chava around.
Sofi gives Silvie the skinny as she leaves and says for Chava she wants the best lawyer.
Luc. needs to see Silvie and Matt. says for him to be easy on the future mother of his kids.
Silvie and Pato spew their negative venom amongst each themselves and malenergize the room.
Chava is in jail an dis if notified he has a visitor; it's Sofi.
Silvie and Pato pro and con Pato's plot until he says he has a secret qeapon; Queen Bee Greta!
Speak of the devil, Fausto lets Greta know she seems happier and she says she woke up that way. They talk about Alan but Fausto isn't convinced by his story.
Tavares lets Chava out of the cell to talk with Sofi, in an actual room; she KNOWS Chava is innocent.
Pato has shown up at the Ripoll mansion on short notice and that kills Greta's day; jerk has the decency to apologize and he wants to talk.
Silvie is instructing Dani how to do her job. Silvie says she personally loves the way Dani dresses but she needs to uniform it, not wear tennis shoes, pin her hair up and put on a little bit of make-up.
Greta says she doesn't like going behind Sofia and talking with Pato about her situations like that. Greta's not having Pato's games and wants to know what is in the envelope. Pato straight up says it contains proof Sofia's not Octavio Ripoll's daughter and Gret. who now has a look of Fret is alarmed; is it true?
Chava tells Sofi that when he was done with Silvie, he went to go get water and then the police found the money in his bag. He like Lucas swears on his mother that he didn't steal the money and Sofi. believes him.
Tavares is the observant little bugger and says he noticed a tension between Sofi. and 'Li but Chava reassures him there was nothing.
Pato is arguing with Sofi. and says he doesn't like a thing about Chava.
Armie =3 thinks it's weird that Renzi is buying all those businesses and if he has so much money, why not donate it to the poor kids of the world (Armie =3 is quite the galan <3)
Pato is bitching some more but Sofi isn't having ANY of that and says that if they're separated due to not seeing eye-to-eye on the whole Chava thing than so be it!
Avances from Mexico (and EnElVideo .com)
1-Greta calls Paco,
2-'Li asks Lupe what's up with Sofi and Chava or in other words if there is anything between them.
3-Chava and Sofi kiss as he strips her of her black silk robe.
Labels: hasta
Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 2- September 29th-October 3rd, 2014)
Labels: amarte
Hasta el Fin del Mundo #32 20140930 Who's Your Daddy NOW, Sophia?
While everyone is outside, in Silvanna's office, Patrick and Silvanna celebrate his success in setting up Chava by making out.
A while later, Patrick returns to Silvanna's office with the DNA results. It's official! Sophia did not spew forth from the loins of Octavio. Patrick laughs maniacally. Silvanna congratulates him for having Greta in the palm of his hand.
SNOB HILL: Alexa informs Alan that she is going to tell Greta the truth. Alan tells Alexa that the mob has found him. She and her family are in danger unless they come up with some greenback. Greta interrupts the conversation when she barges in with the script. She encourages Alexa to study for the roll. Greta compliments her daughter for having a brilliant man by her side and says that Alexa is blessed to have someone who loves her. Alan says that he will make Alexa some dinner later. Alexa flees from the room.
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La Malquerida #27, 9/30/14: Alejandra Meets Her Demon Danilo, Face to Face!
Labels: malquerida
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #52, Tues 09/30/2014 Finally Bruno and Manuela hook up, Jen leaves Nico breathless... Isa wins one battle, or does she?...
Johny hugs the bald guy
Leon meets Reeky… Reeky notices that Leon is not quite just history for Fanny.
Nando and Ximena, his blindly kissing her nose… she keeps on smiling…
Jenn and Nico… Ay my Sciatica!!! / no worries, I will go make you a home remedy in a jiffy!
Isa spills the coffee on Ana intentionally…
I: sorry, I am so clumsy… (Ana growls) … you owed me. Know? It was an accident, I am so distracted…
A: You think you ruined my night?... I can change clothes in 2 minutes, but you can’t change your bitterness…
Lo Nuevo:
Jen is delighted with how ‘lively’ (vivaz) Nico turned out to be…
Ximena and Nando… he makes some comment of going 300K km per second… she says ‘don’t feel bad… these things happen. … it was great.’ ‘you are such a bad liar… but I love you so much…’ ‘ Nando, you are my love… my love.’
Nico throws the towel on Jenn (he has her lip kiss prints all over his face’… she will bring him some cake she has around. (he comments ‘this woman is a beast’ and she replies she heard him LOL!)
Isa goes to fetch Fernando at library… She reminds Fernando Ana must be having a great time with his brother… they make a great couple, don’t you think? They are both liberal, extroverted… i can imagine them backpacking semi-nude in the middle of the jungle… ‘ She suggests they go to bedroom… sorry Isa, even if you try to massage and give him a preview, he is just not that into you… he comes up with the excuse that his son Sebas is out on the street. Isa asks Fer if it is time to take the painting of him and Fanny off the wall. He just replies ‘No.’ (take that, bruja!!)
The guy who Leon got off Fanny when they met is the DJ at some club. There is Sebas in the middle of teenage girls who are clearly older than him. Poor guy is about to be stepped on… but he is real happy to be there.
Erasmo the driver calls Fernando’s cell. Fernando is very impactado to hear his son escaped.
At scalpore, Bruno keeps admiring Manuela’s cleavage. She pulls his chin up so his eyes look at her face… LOL! He mentions the devil arriving and then blows on her chest… she asks him how long has she been running after his jacket tails… he doesn’t know. She says she is tired. He begs her not to go. ‘Today you will understand one of my mysteries’.
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La Gata #22 Tuesday 9/30/14- La Suplicación
Tonight's recapping theme: loose translations
Inspired by: Julia and Blue Lass
At Rita's
Fernando: Keep your pie-hole shut! I'll reveal my identity when I'm ready!
Rita: I can keep a secret!
Fernando: You better!
Rita (to self): Wow, it's getting all resurrection of the dead up in this jacal. But hey! My cards were correct! I still got it!
Fernando (to self): Hijaaaaa! I want to tell you everything!!!! Give me strength!
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Labels: gata
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #31 9/29/14 Go to Jail. Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go or Collect $200.
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony
Rod Stewart and Rachel Hunter
Labels: hasta
La Gata #21- Mon 9/29 - La Hija
Garabato hits on some other girl and gets caught by Ines. She, of course, takes it out on the other girl.
Fernando sees Gata's inner light…she gives his life meaning. He tells her about the pain in his life since he lost his wife and daughter. He figures guys are always into her for sexual reasons (he doesn't say it like that, though) but he's interested in being her daddy, minus the sugar. He wants to give her and the kids everything they need, so she can show Pablo that she doesn't need him. He wants to humiliate the Negretes and raise Esme up like a queen. She keeps resisting. Fernando tells her that Agustin took everything from him and his revenge will be her revenge.
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Labels: gata
La Malquerida, capitulo 26. 09/29/14. Stalkers aka crazies are circling.
Labels: malquerida
Monday, September 29, 2014
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 9/29/14 #51
Labels: mcet
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE ONE: week of September 29, 2014
I have also updated the Perils of the Dragon (although I might have to add another one after tonight):
The Perils of the Dragon or, It's Hard being Navier
shot twice in back on Victor's orders;
beaten by guards in prison;
knocked out when Reina was kidnapped;
shot in leg rescuing Reina w/fever complications;
shot (graze only) while in shower with Reina;
forcibly sedated on orders of Esmeeth;
knocked out by Izzy and pinned by falling beam in fire in body-storage place;
shot in shoulder by Fico in parking deck;
poisoned by coffee laced with heart-attack flu virus;
involved in roll-over car crash - no injuries;
shot in chest by Reina but was wearing a bullet-proof vest - no injury;
thrown through window of hotel onto van on Victor's orders - minor injuries, broken ribs;
knocked out, chained up, beaten and almost shot on Victor's orders - minor injuries; and
rendered unconscious by sleeping gas in diamond vault by Estefi.
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- En Otra Piel ends tonight! Gran Estreno de Los Miserables and Señora Acero starts its first full week -- Week of Sept. 29, 2014
This is the place for comments and recaps of these novelas.
Labels: acero, miserables, piel, telemundo
Los Miserables-index
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Bela Gets The Blues (As Her Due)
Labels: mcet
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #30:
Sofie goes home and has a chat with Alexa She gives Alexa her check for her work on the Chica Ripoll campaign. Sofia wants her to give up this pipe dream of going back to Spain and to stay here and work for her at Ripoll. She compliments Alexa on her creativity and talent. I also think that Sofie is on to Alan.
Alexa goes to see Dani next, and tells her about her convo with Sofie. Dani says that Sofia gives good advice. Dani is actually studying, who knew.
MIguelina has a chat with Lucas. He is liking his work at Ripoll and has found a brother kind of there named Mittias, and yes, he has a novia, but he doesn't say who.
Chava and Sofie are having a sad goodbye. She will miss him, as he will miss her, but she has a new job for him while she's gone, he'll be under Pato's thumb, well not that, but he will be working for Pato. Poor Chava doesn't like it but Sofie assures him it will be alright, yeah right Oh, and Pato will be taking Sofie to the airport, more's the pity.
They are so darn cute.
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Labels: hasta
La Malqerida, capitulo 25. 09/26/14
Labels: malquerida
Weekend Discussion: The Galans of Opera
It is no longer necessary just to be able to sing well; opera stars are now expected to be good actors and also to be hot. Today I will present a line-up of tenors. If there is adequate response, I'll do a sequel featuring baritones and basses.
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Labels: weekend
Friday, September 26, 2014
La Gata #20 Friday 9/26/14 La Emoción
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Labels: gata
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #29: 9/25/14: He's Nakkid and Sofie Sees!
Shall we begin.
Sofia tells Chava he can take a shower to clean off. So he goes to do that. Sofia is leaving for Brasil shortly, I wonder if Pato is going with her. Crap! Sofia goes down to check on Chava, he is buck nakkid and covers his head with the towel, too funny. Sofia is embarrased and he finally realizes she can see everything. He covers himself but drops the towel. She squees and he apologizes to her. The only women folk that have seen him nakkid is his Mama and Marisol when he was younger that is. Sofia goes and runs to the study and tells Fausto what she has seen. He laughs and also says oh the gods on Mt Olympus. Too funny. I guess she has never seen a nakkid guy before. Hmmmm......
Marisol and Lupe are making amends over a cup of delecious hot chocolate. How sweet. Lupe assures Marisol she is not reuniting with the infeliz, Marisol is juat happy that her Mom forgave her for all the bad things she said to her.
Greta and Dani are also making amends. Dani apologizes to Greta and Greta also apoligizes th Dani. They love each other muchly. Greta finally allows Dani to have her computer and cell phone back. I think Dani will now toe the line.
Armie and Alexa and Little Lord Fauntleroy are about to leave, when Armie gets a phone call from Nando's school. He's sick and needs to be picked up.
Renzi and Irma are talking, although he is flirting with her. Renzi is checking out her boobage and she remind him she is a mother and she has a guy. Her phone goes off snd she doesn't answer. That call is
Don Paco don't leave us now.
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La Malquerida #24: What is Lost Becomes Found And The Accidental Kiss
Shall we begin.
Este and Acacia are off to Cuidad Real to take care of bidnez with that Pieralta guy. When they meet with him he immediately goes off on Acacia, what a jerk, calling her inexperienced and how could Este leave this child in charge of so important a bidnez deal. Este has gives it back to this guy , he tells this Peirata guy that he is talking to the daughter of the duena of the Hacienda and not just a nobody. Acacia wants to go, but Este has her stay. This Peiralta guy is a true putz. His cell phone keeps going off, and he is constantly walking out of this meeting to take the calls. We just know who keeps burning up his phone, it's Norbie of course. Well, Norbie too is unable to fulfill this order, cause he doesn't have that amount of cotton, nor is he able to get it yet. Peiralta is giving Este grief that this cotton is destined for The United States and they are holding his feet to the fire, and he'll have to pay a huge fine. Which will get passed on to Este of course. Este will do what he can.
Stop the hugging of Este, you are driving him mad!
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Labels: malquerida
Mi corazon es tuyo, #49 - Thursday, 09/25/2014 Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you
Off we go...
Labels: mcet
Thursday, September 25, 2014
La Gata #19- Thu 9/25 - La Llegada
Rita and Jarocha argue because Rita's an evil old hag. A selfish, evil old hag. A selfish, evil old hag who uses people.
Gata gets yelled at by both guys. Both guys yell at each other. Damian headbutts Meatball. I guess he's a meat patty now. Damnit, Damian, you've already got a record for assault! Gata keeps pleading with Damian that she needs the money for the kids, but instead of just telling her that he's going to give her money, he keeps telling her not to make a deal with Meatball. Meatball says this is a "now or never" offer. This is a lot of arguing back and forth that's going nowhere. Damian finally hauls Gata out of the pizzeria while Meatball yells at her that she's stupid.
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Labels: gata
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE TWO: week of September 22, 2014
With everything that's going on, I think we're going to need this page to tide us over from Thursday to Monday. Enjoy yourselves, everyone!
Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.
--Edmund Burke
Maybe those who DO know history are also destined to repeat it...
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #28: 9/24/14: Everyone is Slumming
Shall we begin?
Chava is on the hunt for Lucas. He goes to his house and asks him why he didn't go to work? Well his girlfriend is having some family problems and would Chava want to meet her? Dani hides out and Chava says no. You need to get back to work, after what Ms Sofie did for you! So Lucas goes. As soon as both Chava and Lucas goes, Dani hi tails it home.
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Labels: hasta
La Malquerida #23: 9/24/14: Who is Chantajeing Who?
Shall we begin?
Este is being pissy and wants to leave. Cris convinces him to stay, it's the last day of their honeymoon. Este was thinking of taking a private plane. So the upshot is that Este is staying, there's a good boy, and they kiss.
Oh, look Norbie is hitting the bottle, I wonder why. A little riddled with guilt are we? German comes in, wondering where he's been. Norbie tries to say that Manuel's injuries are due to Uli. Yeah, blame the other guy! Now Norbie is thinking this will work to Manuel's advantage. I love German, Mr. Big Sexy! He tells his deluded Papa never happen.
Such a small man. I can't wait till they catch your butt.
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Labels: malquerida
Mi corazon es tuyo #48... FINALLY Nico and Jen get engaged!!... and some more 'near miss' scenes of Ana and Fer... Fernando as the tooth fairy... and Diego moves into Reeky's building
Isa arrives home, tells YoMama went to OBGYN alone. There is something you don’t know. / what did you do?
Reeky and Fanny at lunch… he digs into her phone calls and what happened with Leon and Fernando, never seen my dad that angry.
Isa tells YoMama the worst news she could hear… ‘I don’t know who’s my baby daddy’ / ‘NO!! … NO!!’
Lo Nuevo:
Reeky surprised Leon was just a messenger… no wonder your dad was angry… / it was not about that. It turned out Leon was married and has a child…
Said Leon is getting the ashes of his ex… he is still upset… he is signing up for a payment plan to pay for her cremation… (the loan term is for six months, a very short time for someone currently unemployed)
Fanny says really what makes me upset is to think of Mau, Leon’s son. I know what it feels like to lose your mother. Saw the painting at my house? My mom was a beautiful person inside and out. Reeky (I am sure it is a lie) says his mom died too, and his dad is ill, had an embolism (embolia). He was my partner, my friend, my hero… and now he can’t even talk… (wow, good acting from this jerk)
Yomama calls Isa a cynic… Isa brushes it off to YoMama as ‘'asi es la vida' (that's life). YoMama asks ‘then why did you split your legs (aflojaste) for him??' Isa replies it was a few days before and a few days after the weekend at Malinalco with Fernando. YoMama is more and more upset the more she hears. ‘I feel like a piano just fell over me.. No! .. No!’ She wants a triple Margarita from the waiter. YoMama gets even more scared when she learns Reeky knows about Isa's pregnancy. 'Then why did you recommend him to Fernando as your replacement' 'What do you mean why?? Because Reeky knows about our plan!!' … 'No, no.. no manches (don’t tell me).' 'What plan?? (as in DUH!) The plan to strip Fernando dry of his money! (to sum the rest up, YoMama ends up pulling on Isa’s ear… 'Reeky could be our demise… if Fer finds out, we won’t end on the street, we will end up… and I will lose this great(tan rica) bed!.. Waiter!!'.
The twins and Luz are helping Ana finish the dress… the twins say it still does not look like a princess. Ana asks then what do we do? Luz suggests a crown/tiara… they all jump for joy at the idea.
Ana goes to talk to Fanny… how is your heart? Fanny says she feels she will never be able to put the pieces back together. Ana gives her some encouragement… she has a very good glue (gives her a big hug)… pega cachitos del Corazon (a glue specifically to put a heart back together)… muy apachurrante (very squeezy) (Ana gives Fanny a very nice strong hug of support and then whispers in her ear… ' Time always heals… when you feel sad and sensible, you have your BFF-Nana… or the Nana-BFF… a confident who will be with you always.. love ya' (AWWWWW... she has nothing to envy of any real mom there... Ana, don't change anything when you become her real 'new mom' as Luz said)
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
La Gata #18 Wednesday 9/24/14 La Discusión
The Good News: Rita does not get her skeletal and grimy hands on Leti.
The Bad News: Rita is in this episode a lot.
The Good News: Little Pablito will recover.
The Bad News: He needs an expensive prescription.
The Good News: The doctor gives Esmeralda some free samples.
The Bad News: Esme finally gets desperate enough to go to the Italiano.
The Good News: We had a Virginia sighting!
The Bad News: She's miserable in Italy and misses Carrrrlos.
The Good News: Damian talks to El Silencioso about Esme, despite
The Bad News: He may be too late!
The Good News: Lupe likes to interrupt!
The Bad News: El Italiano is still his boss and he has to follow orders.
And I don't give a hoot about Pablum Pan anymore.
Previous: Episode 17
Next: Episode 19
Labels: gata
Quiero Amarte Week 1 Discussion Space Sept. 22-26, 2014
Labels: amarte
Mi Corazon es Tuyo #47 Tues 23 Sep 2014... Ana and Fer in another 'almost kiss' scene, this time with a witness... Betty gets a big letdown courtesy of Ricky... Isa gotta know who is her baby daddy, Isa and Fer play truth or dare
YoMama and Fer make amends
Diego, Ana, Nando and Ximena at club and out on the sidewalk… ‘tacos de lengua’ with Xime very excited that Nando defended her…
Nico, Jen… I love you… I know.
Lo Nuevo:
Bruno flattered that Manuela was mad at YoMama for what she made him do and Manuela ready to beat up YoMama… YoMama caught the last of this and threatens Manuela ‘you don’t know who you are messing with’… Manuela answers in kind.
Ximena invites herself for sleepover in Fanny’s room, Fanny tells her she can forgive Leon but can’t go back with him. Fer comes in to check on Fanny and repeats to her that he loves her.
Betty visits Ricky, they get into chaka chaka… FF>>
Fer knocks on Ana’s room but she does not answer the door in time.
Isa finds the twins in her bed… runs to get Fernando and fakes being delighted about it …
Ana goes to kitchen for a tea. Fernando finds her there, he is in his pj’s. She ALMOST tells him the details about the bad guys at the club, but stops herself. Then she tells him about Tamara’s accident with the kid and that Fanny was there to support Leon. Fernando is sad to hear what happened.
Isa in bed mistakes one of the twins with Fer. She gets sick about it and gets up to go find Fernando. She peeks through some square hole from hallway to kitchen… watches as Fer and Ana have the same conversation of usual ‘you do so much for the kids… you love them… don’t know what we would do without you’. / ‘don’t know what I would do without you all’. He holds her hand and they are AGAIN about to kiss…. Isa has witnessed all this through the square window… Ana notices there is ‘someone in the window’. Fer goes out to look, Isa runs and hides… He doesn’t find anyone… Ana cuts their midnite meeting short… when she walks out, she can smell Isa’s perfume. (que asco! … yuck!)
Isa watches Fer still in kitchen deep in thought… she probably wishes he could think those thoughts about her.
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La Malquerida #22: 9/23/14: Trouble, Trouble
Shall we begin?
Acacia has come to see Esteban to let him know what happened, but she's too slow and he goes off on her. The only part she's gotten out is that she wasn't able to fulfill that bidnez deal with the cotten. He isn't waiting he goes off. What is it with these guys.
OKay Esteban, shut up for just a tic. I can't hear myself berating you!
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Labels: malquerida
Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #27 20140923 Lucas Bueller's* Day Off
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Quiero Amarte-Index
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