Monday, April 06, 2015

Amores con trampa #6 4/6/15 Is it just me or is it hot in here?

There will be only 3 recaps this week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We can discuss Tuesday's and Thursday's episode in the comments.

Beto has just stopped Facundo from signing the papers that would make him business partners with Santiago. Beto informs his father that Santiago is just trying to rob him. He knows this because Rocío, Santaigo's own niece told him!

The security guard thinks he should have listened to his mother and become a fireman or un soldado de *BLEEP*.

Santiago wants everyone to calm down. Esteban thinks there must be some misunderstanding. Santiago explains that Rocío has some psychological problems and is on medication. She's troubled. She's being very difficult lately. That must be why she told Beto that her uncle was trying to cheat Facundo. Beto asks Santiago to deny his company is in trouble. Santiago comes right out with the truth. Yes. The company is going though a difficult moment right now. But that doesn't mean he's trying to steal from Facundo. Facundo thinks he should think about the deal a little more. Santiago understands. Handshakes all around.

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Dueños del Paraíso is in últimas semanas at 10pm/9C, or as we think of it around here, the NarcoHour.   Look for the latest season of El Señor de los Cielos to begin around April 21 at that same time.

Meanwhile, Tierras de Reyes continues chugging along, the middle child in the primetime lineup that is finally getting a little attention.

The new show this week is Avenida Brasil, a Portuguese language novela that was a monster of a hit (and an unprecedented money-maker) when it originally aired on Brazilian TV from March to October 2012.  It went on to achieve remarkable international success.  For a socioeconomic perspective on its huge impact, take a look at this piece in Forbes from October 19, 2012.

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Quiero Amarte (Week 29-Apr 6) Highlights & Discussion


Did the perpetrators of the majority of the evil deeds committed on QA reach their zenith this past week?
Is this the week their downward slide begins as revelations and confrontations begin?
How much longer can the master criminal minds, Lucrecia and her evil spawn, Cesar, prevail against the forces for good?
What about the deeds of all the minor criminal minds, Ulises, Cecelia and Cipriano? Will they be blocked or continue to interfere in the lives of the Good Folks?
And what about the minor, minor one, Whoracio? He is merely a tool in someone else’s hands at present, but could he start to think for himself again—for either good or evil?
And what about the persons who merely impede the path to justice and love, Sal, Tía Becca, Efrain, Consta, what is their fate to be?

We can only hold our collective breaths and hope the Good Folks learn quickly who they are up against, protect themselves and succeed in bringing these criminals to justice.
(But we also beg the telenovela gods to hurry up and have Mauro meet his younger self (as Dr. Guapo) and hope it isn't because of or doesn't cause another heart attack.)


Saturday, April 04, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 54 -Discussion(Recap) Full Recap

Diego has just brought some nice flowers to Ab"s for some good morning hustle  to tell her that bad things will pass soon and they seem to have a fun time till Mat comes to interrupt to groan ,he wants to talk about the reasons he cant leave his puppet master Hoe Die since the Stork Flu is reaching climax very soon&no one"s a happy camper but Abi ain't wanna hear anything , he has made his choice and even begged & kissed Di to let him stay but i cannot forgive that you have mocked and made a fool out of me!  Diego interrupts and Doormat tries to stop him from interfering but he soon learns the terrible news : "Abi and I are now novios and you are  just some disposable toy to us and you"re air to us now ,enjoy your hellfire and sorry if I broke your little heart  to shreds, we might also get married soon!"  .Mat"s confused and Abi confirms ,she hopes the relationship will not go kaput for the greater good of all of us.    Mat leaves and Diego and Ab"s share a look.  Doormat later comes home  to celebrate in tears , now he truly lost Ab"s forever, boo-little hoo ! (You are already centuries dead for me , this is just an anniversary) 

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #156 Javier Ruins the Party!

Racetrack:  Team Chava's supporters are dressed in red and holding up signs!  Lupe prays to the virgincita and Sophia yells that she loves Salvador!  Armando gives Chava some tips and a pep talk!  When you get in the car, turn on the engine and focus.  Geez, I'm glad Armando made that clear.  Also, remember that our good stuff comes in the last laps.  Anyways, there are some crashes, engines revving and Chava wins!  He jumps out the Patotas and on to the roof.  Um, I thought he was gonna get intimate with the car when he laid flat on the roof and kissed it.  OK, so Chava is escorted to the winners stage by a half-naked chick and he sprays champagne and raises the trophy.  While being interviewed by the Televisa reporter, does Chava give any credit to God or the virgincita that he's been constantly begging for help to win?  Nope!  How about Armando?  Surely he gives big ups to Armando on national TV for his success! The Armando who slaved all night and sometimes made his kid sleep in the garage while he selflessly worked.  Of course not, Chava gives all credit of his success to Sophia.  He tells the world that her love repaired Patotas!  Sophia's kisses filled the tires and painted the car.  This declaration gets him a GDA (Global Display of Affection) from Sophie!  Chava offers to give Sophia (not Armando, not his mother, not Marisol) the loot that he won! They make out and she declares that she loves Chava and wants to spend the rest of her life with him.  Chava says that he is lucky to have Sophia.
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La Sombra del Pasado #34 4-3-15 Sealed with a Kiss?

Let’s rejoin the little party Cande arranged in her dollhouse called “Las Animas”.  Our girl Aldonza has shown a brave and lively face up until the point when Cris and Vale are trotted out to the stage and Cris puts a ring on it.  All the other guests are in front of the stage clapping and calling for “besos.”  Aldonza gets up and leaves the table where she and Renato sit alone.  She detains him from following her but Sev has carefully noted her departure and leaves the stage.  Renato notices Sev heading in the direction that Aldonza went and follows.  From the stage Cris manages to sweep the audience with his eyes before Vale pulls him back to her lips. 

Quickly checking in with the break-in at Hum’s office we see Lardo has hidden under Hum's desk while a patrolling officer shines the flashlight into the room and sees the chaos.  Tomas slips up behind the officer and knocks him out.  Lardo calls Tomas an idiot and the two idiots escape.

E-man and Lola sit cheesing in each other's faces.  She wants to know if he’s tried the candies from the little candy casita she gave him.  No, he’s saving it for a special occasion.  Like, for an anniversary, Lola grins?  Seems E-man has a hankering for another drinkipoo.  Lola wonders if he wants to get drunk to avoid her kisses.  She thinks if she hadn’t robbed that kiss at the stables, she wouldn’t have stolen his heart either.  She makes E-man swear that he doesn’t like Mary.  Well, Mary is cool and she’s good looking but, ok, he swears and she rewards him with a kiss.
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Friday, April 03, 2015

Amores con trampa #5 4/3/15

Thanks again to NovelaMaven and Marta for all the work you did this week. Jarifa, thank you too for the comments you left earlier today!

I'll get right to the new stuff (bear in mind I miss most of the jokes)...

Esteban tries to convince the workers not to quit. He understands they haven't been paid...He hasn't been paid either! But the company needs them. He promises to give them all bonuses if they stay. Santiago arrives with Facundo and Beto. He tries to convince Facundo what a great project it is. It smells like comfort and well-being for families! Facundo introduces his son and Facundo meets one of the workers. Santiago desperately tries to close the deal, but Beto thinks this is not the best time to make decisions. They've only just arrived in the city! Facundo agrees Facundo wants to think about it (echarle una buena pensadera.) Where did the soccer ball come from?

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #160 Aldo is No Suge Knight, that's for Sure

Confusical The Musical:  Paolo and Alexa continue kissing after the director yells cut.  Once they finally unlock, Alexa blames Paolo for the prolonged smooch.  Paolo tells Alexa that he's in love with her.  Everything his character said is how he feels for her.  

A Little Less Than Snobbish Hill:  Sophia tells the family that she officially and publicly acknowledged Paco as the chef who created the company's famous recipes.  There's joy all around!  After hearing the maid drop the coffee pot, Fausto tells the girls that Greta believes that Octavio is haunting the house.  Greta is certain that Oct is hunting the house because she opened her big trap.  Greta's still pissed about her daughter's dating scrubs.  Sophia points out that Chava has never taken a dime from her and is a great mechanic.  

Dark Road:  Aldo bumps the motorcycle and Chava and Armando go down.  Aldo, a sorry excuse for a hit man, gets out to check his work, but fails to put a bullet in their heads or back up over them again.  Anyways, Armando, whose legs appear twisted and broken, awakens first.  He drags himself over to his friend while calling Chava's name.  Finally, Chava awakens but says that he can't move or feel his body.
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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Amores con trampa #4 4/2/15

Here's a discussion space if you want/need it.

Marta wrote up the following and I just copied and pasted from her.


Here are some quotes and comments about ep 4.

Both Santiago and Isabel refer to Maria as ‘la guarachuda’

Maria: El changarro is cute! (referring to Isa’s boutique locale)

So Yoya’s real name is Carmen.

Beto: sera mejor que se vaya, si no… le voy a dejar la cara mas machucada que un venado en carretera!
(LOL!!) you better go now… otherwise I will smash your face worse than a deer on a highway!

OMG that Francisca is a B with capital BEE.

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La Sombra del Pasado #33 4/2/15 ¿Fiesta o Pesadilla?

Disclaimer: I haven't been sleeping well this week, so this might end up being a quick job. I tried to take a nap this afternoon after work, but the neighbors are pulling out their concrete patio...with a jack hammer. That's not hyperbole.

This episode felt a little like filler-esque set up...but at the same time oddly tense.

Directo al grano
  • Severiano(Sev) instructs Abelardo(Lardo) to break into Dr. Humberto's office, locate the rental contract, take clear and legible pictures of and then trash the office to make it look like a robbery. Lardo gets a wad of cash for the job.
  • Renato shares a meal with his mother. She is again overcome with a stabbing pain in her head. Renato begs her to take care of herself and see the neurologist. He will go with her. She finally agrees. His mother quips that he seems more like a father than a son.
  • Adelina thanks Emmanuel(E-man) for helping to clean the house, especially since it's his day off. She worries what Sev would do if he found out. Aldonza and Joaquin arrive with new locks. Adelina's eyes are google as she watches Joaquin install the new locks. She thinks about her conversation with Padre Jeronimo(Padre J) when she admitted to only having an admiration and respect for him and nothing more.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 53 - Whats a Promise??? - Full Recap

Recap :Courtesy of TN4EVER

Refrito: Helena applies guilt with a trowel to Mateo, saying he’ll matarla en vida (kill her in life, make her as good as dead) if he leaves his wife and child. She is firmly on Diana’s side. “Even above my happiness?” “Yes. It’s the job of the parents to make sacrifices for their children.”

New: Comandante Barragan approaches Motor at the mechanic shop and asks if Motor had a chance to look over the car in which Fausto had his accident. Yes, he did and it does indeed appear that somebody le metió mano (put a hand in it, messed with it). Barragan says that whoever messed with Fausto’s vehicle also messed with the Padre’s. Motor is like, “That would be me.” But Barragan expresses his faith that Motor is innocent, that Marcelino framed him, and that they will find the true culprit.

Lucio is sitting at Mac’s table in her house when she walks in. She gets a little frisky, sitting on his lap and saying she never thought she would say it, but she missed him. I didn’t quite catch their whole conversation, but it seemed like he said she was full of it and she said yeah, I am. She asks after Max, and he says Max is safe in Mexico City. Lucio asks if she made use of Benito since she was missing Lucio, just like she makes use of him (Lucio) when Fausto rejects her. Then he grabs her in a choke hold and says if Benito caves to Barragan about their involvement with Fausto’s accident, he will kill Benito. I’m not sure why he needs to be choking Mac as he says this, but she seems okay with it and they kiss.

The twins are together, and Daniela says she wishes Lucio would go away because he makes her nervous. He’s obviously a criminal. “No worse than our father, and you handled him just fine,” says Ximena, teasing us with a back story that we don’t know yet. Anyway, Daniela needs to pull herself together and run the show for a while, because Ximena will be checking into a spa for some R&R before her hubby comes home from the hospital.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #52: Discussion Page

Thanks to TF and TN4ever for the highlights recap. --ed.

1. Motor hits up the bars after getting rejected (reminds me of poor Germán in LM)

2. Lucio returns and threatens Benito after telling him Barragan questioned him about Fausto's accident. 

3. Amanda, Vicenta, and Constanza chat about the happenings at the hacienda. Amanda and Vicenta remind a confused Constanza that Renata has secrets of her own. 

4. Dianaconda slithers in Diego's direction to turn him to the dark side by making a deal that he needs to lie 
to Mateo about what he really saw that time at La Enramada when Di and Fausto were getting it on so that Diego can woo Abii without any interference from Mateo. And so that Mateo will regret divorcing Diana.

5. Diego and Mateo talk. Diego almost regrets lying 
and is about to tell Mateo the truth when Helena arrives and takes Mateo away so that he can have a civil conversation with Diana.

6. Diana "insists" Helena not make Mateo talk to her if he doesn't want to. Helena gives her support to Diana.   Helena lectures Mateo about taking responsibility for "his" child. Helena reveals to Mateo that his father was 
a jerk (that's at least partly the truth).

7. Helena reveal[s] a partial truth to Mateo about his dad, that he was not a good guy. She neglected to mention the rather glaring detail that Fausto is his dad. But she poured the guilt thick onto Mateo, to not leave his wife and child the way his own father did. Helena was distraught, saying how that man ruined her life, destroyed her heart.

 8. Diego and Mateo continue their conversation. Diego lies and says the  woman he saw with Fausto was Mia. Mateo remembers the "fake" kiss. Mateo wonders why Abi said it was Diana. 

9. Julio and Eduviges declare their "love" each other. Julio wants to keep their relationship a secret from Efi. Julio plans his "business deal" with the sisters. 


4/1 Wed #159 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Javier dies; Armando goes back to Irma; Pato marries Silvana; Aracely gives up and moves to Monterrey


Penthouse del Perdición
Geronimo lets it be known that no way, no how is that “tipo” going to compete in the Big Race and stabs his desk to make the point clear.  He makes sure Aldo knows perfectly well there is to be no evidence.  Aldo assures him he knows how to do his job.

Empresa Ripoll
Chava and Sofia arrive at Ripoll.  Paco is there to meet them.  They walk in arm in arm and are greeted by Pato who informs Sofia everything is ready.  Dani also greets Paco very kindly and joins the group.  I feel as though we’re on the Yellow Brick Road.  Sofia=Dorothy, Paco=the wise scarecrow, Dani=the Tinman who’s found his heart, that leaves Chava=Toto.

Courthouse – feels like a white trench coat day
Aracely meets with Chava’s attorney.  She informs Irma via phone that the psych-test results are in.  Irma gets her vicious on and tells Aracely to get on it already!  Her son is in the balance!  Aracely doesn’t take too kindly to her outburst and tells her she’s on it and will call her later.  Yeesh, calmate!

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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #32 - Wed 4/1 - In which the fools don't even recognize their own foolishness

Sev explains to Abelardo that he needs a discreet, reliable henchman…and preferably one who shuts up until Sev tells him to speak.

Aldonza has no intention of going to the engagement party, which Adelina is happy about.  As she is happy to see the pretty, pretty flowers…and the sweet card, "None of these flowers is as beautiful as you, but they try."  Are they from Renato, or aren't they?  What about Cristobal?  Aldonza doesn't think so, since he was there and since he asked who sent them, and since he's on the verge of getting married.  And really, Aldonza really doesn't want to talk boys…she'd rather clean house.  Screw that!  I say keep talking about boys if those are the only options!

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Amores con trampa #3 1 Apr 2015 Animal House Party!! poor Petunia!!


Santiago tries to convince Facundo to invest in the builder company. Santiago’s company builds condo buildings.

Isa meets Margarito… then Porfirio almost hand-feeds her a boiled egg… gets flirty with her. Perpetua nags him.

Perpetua tells Isa that in their hometown they called him ‘el mil amores’ and ‘el todas mias’ (all women are mine)

They give isa some warm drink… jumirichi (I think it had a worm in the glass because she had something in her mouth when she spit on Perpetua.

Isa falls in the pool, Facundo jumps after her.

Lo Nuevo:

Santiago feels embarrassed. Isa gets a bit of a wardrobe malfunction… she runs back to her house with a hand on butt.

Back in their bedroom, Isa nags at Santiago for forcing her to go there with him. Why are you so interested in being friends with them?... She keeps whining and demanding he tell her what is going on. Insists… insists… you can’t handle the truth!!! You really want the truth?? Here it goes… the company is totally bankrupt. We are going to loose everything. The house, the company.. everything!! … that is why I need to get close to those rancheros. The govt paid them $10 Mill for their lands. If we can convince them to invest in our business, we can survive. He has tried all other avenues. No one will lend him a peso. ‘either the corn planting farmers… or the streets.’ Isa is in disbelief. Why me!??

As soon as we have their money they will have to leave penniless… He promises Isa that it will be as he says. He cuddles her in his arms.

Facundo gets a bit tlc from his wife and family. Maria comments that the neighbors are a bit misbehaved. Facundo mentions that the husband is not as strict/firm as he should be. Facundo will go to his business tomorrow and will talk with him. Facundo announces to his family that he is about to become an entrepreneur. They all congratulate him.

At Santiago’s office, Santiago is showing Facundo some videos. Serves him a whole lot of BS of visualizing Facundo and Maria playing tennis, on the Jacuzzi, with the family and the farm animals all around them… and will do good for the community… success!!! Santiago presents Esteban to Facundo. Facundo squeezes Esteban’s hand. Esteban plays his part telling Santiago in front of Facundo that someone just bought a condo from them cash. Santiago milks the lie for all its worth. Facundo asks how much should I invest. Santiago says not much… just some… 50 Million pesos (ballpark is about half of what Facundo has). Facundo impactado at the amount.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 51 - Die"s &Slice Recap Part 1

Refritos (Merged scenes)

Sober Conny teaches DianaConda ( Abs  mil veces gracias  for this wonderful choice of a nickname!) 
about Cindrella, ya know the story where a slave meets a noble  prince on the WHITE horse?

Mac is disgusted and pithed due to the fact that Faust misplaced her once again for some other Hoe and Fart tries to calm her down in vain ˛&excuses that he only told Die goodbye ,thats all  .  She could scream to anyone the dare truth that Pablo was nothing to her and the  only man  to have her was Faust ,Faust , Faust Y Mil Veces Faust ! Unfortunately her screaming and rattling was not misheard cause Abi eavesdrops the nasty truth  .  Mac continues  to ramble that he was her unico amante & muses at people believing that she gave her great looking  butt to some nasty peon like Pablo Ramos.  Abi has enough and Faust reminds her of the same thing he told her 30 episodes ago, she"s only worth for drunkards and peons not for men  like me ,did you forget about Lucio already? Mac sows her hatred as she does do love him and Faust tells Die will be no more,she"s leaving! Mac warns him that she knows of Luc as much as Faust, he only hid to one day strike his wrath on him!

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La Sombra del Pasado #31, 03/31/2015

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle

Severiano (Sev) saves Abelardo (Lardo) from the thugs that were beating him up. They jump off of him as soon as Sev says boo. Sev tells Lardo to get in the car and shushes the gang leader when he tries to explain that they were just playing with him.

Aldonza (Aldie) and Renato (Ren) are strolling through the streets. Aldonza has just shared her secret recipe for frying monsters in hell aka her big plans, but we were not privy to it. Whatever it is, Renato seems to think it’s a good idea, but wants to study the contract and local laws to make sure they can do it legally. He recognizes that Sev’s very powerful so they can’t jump into this willy nilly. Aldonza says she’s willing to put her life on the line for this. Renato says he wouldn’t recommend that as her lawyer…but as a man, he’ll walk into Hell with her if she asks. She smiles, thanks him and says that’s just what she needed to hear. In return he thanks her for her company. Um…seriously? I already feel for his poor, broken heart.

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3/31/15 Tues #158 Aracely’s tears will continue……HASTA EL FIN DEL MUNDO!!!

Casa Ripoll – Casa de Lagrimas
Sofia is overwrought upon learning her dad (technically stepdad), Octavio, isn't the hero she thought him to be.  Greta explains how Octavio threatened Paco's life if she ever told the truth about him stealing the chocolate formulas.  But she can no longer remain silent.  Paco should no longer continue to sacrifice himself, she won't allow it!  Even if it means Octavio now has further reason to be angry with her (yeah, like he’s alive).

Sofia can't believe the man who raised her was capable of stealing her father's formulas.  Greta confirms he unfortunately was and Paco's love for her is so strong that he asked Greta not to tell Sofia the truth.  He didn't want to ruin Octavio's supposedly irreproachable image in Sofia's eyes.  “He asked me to tell you that Coria was the one responsible for the theft.  But I can't.  I've owed this clarification for some time, for Paco.  This family owes everything we have to him.”  Sofia wails, “Then all those strict rules imposed on me by Octavio were all a farce!”  Greta explains Octavio hated Paco.  He never forgave her for choosing Paco.  That may have been why he was so adamant that they marry under those circumstances.  He and her mother forced her into the marriage.  She admits that as a husband, Octavio gave her many nice things.  She had his affection and loyalty.  As a father he gave them all his love.  But there was a dark side to him.  He was overcome by ambition and the need for power.  Sofia never would have thought that of him.  Greta is so very sorry to have to tell her this and cause her so much pain.  She's also sorry to have gone against Paco's wishes. 

Sofia can't take anymore and leaves the room in tears.  waaaaaah

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Amores con Trampa #2 31 Nar 2015 ... opposites attract... times four? Isa smells animals stinch, Santiago smells money!!


Isabel hysterical, not knowing what language the ‘rancheros’ speak. Rocio finds it amusing that the neighbors can drive her aunt that crazy. ‘neta?? que oso!’ Felipe actually glad they HAVE neighbors, no?... Isabel bans them from coming close to any of the neighbors.

Of course the dare makes it even more fun for Rocio… so she ends up presenting herself to Beto (who is obviously smitten with her) and his horse ‘El Pinto’, Beto offers her a ride, she gladly hops on (must not be that easy with the tight black leather pants). Isa comes out of her house and faints at seeing them.

Lo Nuevo:

Rocio leads the route. They are seen by the neighbors, who start gossiping since Rocio is Isabel’s niece.

Rocio and Beto have arrived at someone’s house. A young guy who is dressed ready for the beach is amused at seeing Rocio’s new neighbor, stating Beto is ‘very rural’.

Santiago gets home and starts shrieking at the sight of the horses. He finds Isabel fainted and gets scared. ‘Puchis, are you ok??’ She wakes up, asks if she is dead, she WANTS to be dead!! … They are in disgrace, it is the 7 plagues of the Apocalypsis!! ..

Rocio kisses Diego (who we find out later is her bf, at least that’s what she says) in front of Beto who is not enjoying. Rocio goes in Diego’s house after he invited her to his pool. Beto is not amused, so much not that he calls her ‘Loca’… (but he can't take the credit, Diego called her 'loca' when he came out the door)

Santiago (with wife) comes over to meets Facundo (with wife)… Santiago says they have a situation that concerns him. Isabel says ‘your son kidnapped our daughter!’ Maria and Facundo are surprised but don’t have much time to react, here comes Beto riding back (alone!). Beto says he dropped their daughter with her bf… Ok crisis over. Facundo moves on to the next item on the agenda… Let’s get along and spend some time together!! He tells Santiago that the government bought their lands saying they were going to build a major highway and an oil refinery in there. Facundo says they bought the house ‘cash’. Isa is about to have a stroke. Santiago is quick to recover and puts his hand on Facundo’s shoulder ‘welcome!’.
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Que Te Perdone Dios #49 on Monday, March 30th, 2015. "Caught in the Act?"

(There aren't enough things in this world with Marinara Sauce on or in them. MaPat's sex-based jokes are enough of that for me when I've had Coca-Cola and want to touch Jorge Gallegos' prominent breasts. The word-of-the-day is Doohickey.)

-That's Angelli Nesma Comedy for You-

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #157 3/30/15 Paco Chooses and Araceli Loses

From Friday:
Pato tells Silvana that Araceli is suing Sofia.
Armando tells Nandito that he has to tell the truth during the psychological evaluation.
Paco and a lawyer discuss revoking the Power of Attorney that Paco gave Araceli.
Sofia takes Peralta to meet Pato.

Monday's Episode:
(Some scenes have been combined)

Sofia introduces Geronimo to Pato, "Geronimo is Oliver's father. He is in the import/export business. He knows some clients who might be interested in our products." Pato shakes his hand, "As Ripoll's Director of Finance, I am always interested in international expansion." Peralta seizes the opportunity to zing Pato, "Your reputation precedes you. I have heard that you are a man who gets results."

I'm here to do the job you couldn't, Pinhead.
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Monday, March 30, 2015

Amores con trampa, Ep. 1, Monday, 3/30/15: Cowabunga!

After a few episodes, we can all settle in.  We know it's a comedy.  These good actors know that we know.  I'm counting on the writers to let the actors do their stuff without elbowing us too many times. (Did you get the joke? Huh? Huh?  Was it funny?  Answer me!)

In this first episode, the salt of the earth Carmona family mooooves to the city, where they meet the snooty familia Velasco.  The Velascos happen to be in a vulnerable position right now.  Their construction company is in trouble.  Maybe the bumbling Carmona family will be just the cash cow the Velascos need...

How it all begins

Blissed out.  A man and his cow.

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Stumpy gets found out! La Sombra del Pasado #30 03/30/2015

Recap is done!

Renato is such a doll:

 In the towns restaurant Aldonza is with Renato, she tells him that she needs his help but she has to warn him, she is going to be fighting against a very powerful enemy. Renato is down to help and Aldonza tells him very clearly that she appreciates his willingness to help her but that he should not confuse things: he is there as her friend and attorney-nothing else. Renato tells her he will be there for her no matter what and maybe someday things between them will change...Aldi (Aldonza) again tells him that she is not ready to have a relationship with anyone. 

Candela is a witch:

But we all knew that, sadly poor E-man keeps encountering her and she takes every opportunity to be a b*tch to him. E-man came over to the big house to speak to Cristobal, instead he finds Candy who lies and tells him Cris is in bed, because unlike others he gets to bed at a decent time, she sends him away and makes sure to tell him not repeat his error again. Poor E-man, I hope that someday he stabs her in her sleep.

Cris is of course not sleeping, he is waiting for E-man to bring him an update on Aldi, Dominga finds him and asks him if he wants something to eat. He says no and asks if E has come around, Dominga tells him "nope". Emmanuel and Cris totally need cell phones-cell phones with passwords and then they could text each other all the juicy Aldi news. Cris tells Dominga that Emmanuel was going to bring him some news about a few umm horses, but Dominga is on to him and knows darn well that that's not the truth, she even asks in a round about way if maybe E-man was going to bring him news about a woman, Cris denies it. The phone rings and Honey Boo Boo, I mean Valeria is on the other end of the line, she wants to speak with Cris but he signals Dominga to tell her he is asleep, Val requests that Cris go visit her the following day.

Dominga is worried, if he is avoiding Valeria now what will happen when they get married and have to live with each other? She tells him that she has a bad feeling about the way things are going and Cris gives her a tender hug and kiss and tells her she should go back to the kitchen because he thinks her beans might be burning.

Legend has it...

That if you walk alone at night a grumpy grandfather will be jump out of the shadows and warn you against hurting his beloved granddaughter, at least that's what Melesio did to E-man, he saw him and Mari together and he tells Emmanuel that they looked way too cozy . E-man tells him that Mari is all over him like white on rice, like a frat boy on a drunk co-ed, like Bill Clinton on a chubby staffer, well you get the point. He tells Mel that he will clarify to Mari that he is not into her, and Mel tells him he better not hurt Lola, or else.

Elsewhere, Lola prays to the virgin Mary, she hopes Mari has not stolen that drooling fool also known as E-man from her.
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Greetings, Telemundites. We are back to one post for now. The Miserables has ended. Novela-wise, we have Tierra and Paraíso running right now and the rerun of Avenida Brasil starts next week. I don't consider The Bible to be a novela ;-) . Enjoy the week and Happy Easter.

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Quiero Amarte (Week 28-Mar 30) Highlights & Discussion

Iván to be rescued successfully
Amaya gets some solid evidence to use against Lucrecia
Max to untangle himself from his clinging vine—an invasive species
Dr. Guapo to make another appearance
José not to make another appearance
Lucrecia to choke on her martini, or the olive, either one will do
César to choke on his own bile, or for Whoracio to choke him, either one will do
Mauro to get another hug from Eloisa
Juliana to allow herself to be happy with Jorge
Heri and Flavia to lock eyes again and smile at each other
Effer and Cip to stay in jail
Cecy to land in jail or checked into a psychiatric hospital, either one will do
Uli to get his money but has nowhere to go


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #177, Grand Fin Part 2: A Rancid Ransom And A Happily (For Some) Ever After

Diego meets his match when nearly being run over by a beautiful motorcycling babe reporter who is there to cover this (totally unbelievable) stadium-sized baptismal “show” for the twin daughters Ana just had as the “event of the year.”   Babe on a Bike apologizes for nearly creaming Diego a second time and, it is love at first bike as they share a painfully prolonged passionate lip-locking meet ‘n greet which is equally as unbelievable.  But hey, it’s the fin and we are just happy to get this show on the long awaited road to …anywhere!

Meanwhile, Hissabela has changed her “look” and her disguise to Ice-Cream Vendor in a peppermint striped pant-suit worthy of a 1960’s magazine spread.   No doubt she is still trying to poison all possible pipsqueaks populating the huge in-your-dreams kiddie guest list. 

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #156 Priorites and Goals

Peralta tells Patrick that the evil goal is still the same, only the path to success has changed.  They hang up. 

We arrive where just where we left off.  Sophia is begging Paco to assure her that Octavio was a good man.  In order to save Sophia's feelings, Paco suggests that maybe Coria could have stolen the recipes on his own.  Paco doesn't know if Octavio was aware of the stolen recipes.  Chava butts in and says that there is no way that Araceli will prevail.  Paco says that Araceli can win because he gave her power of attorney over everything he has including his intellectual property.  Chava is shocked.  After Chava dumped Araceli, she got all bummed out and looked sadder than usual.  Paco gave her the POA as a birthday gift.  Sophia says that Ripoll is screwed if Araceli prevails.  Ripoll is broke an the lawsuit will destroy them.  Paco promises to take care of it.  He's going to revoke the Power of Attorney. 
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Friday, March 27, 2015

Gran Estreno de Amores con trampa- lunes el 30 de marzo 8/7C

Disclaimer: Most likely there won't be any recaps for this TN, but I really hated the thought of Caray not doing anything for the first week of a prime-time novela. Below is the sinopsis and a few character descriptions. If you would like to have at least a discussion post for the first week, please leave a comment. If the response is underwhelming, then we can forgo even a discussion.

Personal note: Ernesto Laguardia has stated in an interview that he is happy to be a part of a production that carries a message of family unity and responsible pet adoption/ownership. On the ACT site of Televisa viewers are encouraged to share pictures of their pets. I just think this is cool.

Producer: Emilio Larrosa (I admit I know nothing about him except that he produced Hasta que el dinero nos separe.)

Source material: Somos los carmona (Produced by Televisión Nacional de Chile)

Translated (sometimes loosely) from the Televisa website.
The Carmona family lives a peaceful and simple life in the country in a small pueblo located in the interior of the Mexican Republic. The family owns important mineral mines in the region. They are forced to move to the city after the government buys their extensive property for a huge sum.

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La Sombra del Pasado #29 3-27-15 Three Caballeros and a Padre

Let’s get right to it!  Adelina is at Humberto’s office to complete the paperwork and get the keys for the Alcocer house.  Adelina has asked Humberto a direct question:  “Was that baby (girl) born dead?  Yes or no?”  Humberto answers with a question, “Why are you asking?  You were there.”  Adelina gets tough for a minute, refreshing his memory that he and Sev took the baby from the room, and then she pleads.  Humberto looks at her evenly and swears by his daughter that “. . . this baby (girl) does not exist.”  Adelina leaves, defeated and a lie lives all over Humberto’s face.

Operation happy family begins at the Mendoza breakfast table.  Sev and Cande are able to fit in a mini inquisition re Cris's whereabouts the preceding night (when he was playing a moonlight Romeo outside of Aldonza’s window); a vote of support for his version of the Lardo beat down story and an assurance that he is free to leave Las Animas as soon as he weds, all before the cornflakes lose their crunch.  Cris wonders why the sudden change of heart but he appreciates it and reassures Sev he will continue to work in the hacienda until he marries.  Cris should’ve hung around one more minute and heard the ominous music and Sev’s vow to make sure he stays.

Adelina gives Aldonza the lease and keys and quick as a flash she’s off to find someone to help her get the house in order, waving aside Adelina and Padre J’s attempts to find out where she’s going.  Padre is very interested in the question Adelina put to Humberto.  She tells him that he “swore by his daughter that the baby (girl) was born dead.”  Padre doesn’t believe that for a minute:  It doesn’t make sense to him that Sev would be intent on carrying away a dead baby and he certainly doesn’t believe it was because he wanted to give it a proper Christian burial.  Padre wants to look more into the background of this whole event and to do that he says he needs Adelina’s authorization.  Ah, Padre J. sure knows how to keep Adelina in the game, doesn’t he?

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 48 - Discussion

Feel free to discuss the episode while Eli will hopefully put up a recap tomorrow or on Sunday.
I will still work upon it though just in case the recap would not arrive so you will not get left behind!
Also i asked Urban Antropologist to be a  substitute  for Eli every other week but he/she is currently catching up to the novela so we will have to last a bit and then things would also improve for the Friday"s !


Mi Corazon es tuyo, #176, Thursday GRAN FINAL – Part 1: Par de clonas

Hello, everybody! This is my last recap for Mi Corazon es tuyo and it so happens to be the second to last episode, so I hope I do it justice.
Since I watched on line like I usually do, I’m not entirely sure where the episode ended on your TV’s since mine had about 130 minutes. I checked on Univision and the original Mexican recap and I tried to stop my writing accordingly, but I’m not sure if I succeeded. So, if you read about something that you haven’t seen, yet, or I missed part of the episode’s ending, I’m sorry.

Recapping this show has been fun, especially at first when the stories where fresh and more exciting. Of course we had to go through the same extensions that Televisa usually employs to prolong the successful shows, but all in all, I think this was a good story, with some decent acting and a few genuinely funny moments.
Thank you all for your appreciation and praise of my recaps. Especially since I haven't been my best self lately, because, SPOILET ALERT, Ana and Silvia Navarro are not the only ones who got pregnant during the shooting of this show – I did, too. So I might take a break from watching silly dramas for a while…
Yeah, right! Who am I kidding? When is the Ivan Sanchez one starting?

Without further ado ….

Ana and Fernando are kissing in their bedroom, when the kids show up, screaming and jumping on the bed. Apparently they still don’t know if they are having a brother or a sister, Ana and Fer are keeping it a secret. They are almost careful not to suffocate Ana, but they do start to draw on her huge belly, with Fernando looking on, lovingly.
At night Fernando is woken up by Ana’s scream. He thinks that she’s going into labor, but what she's having are cravings: for lemons, lemonade, strawberries or chocolate. She’s not very sure, but Fer is trying to be patient (it’s obvious she’s been doing this all through the pregnancy – poor guy). Then Ana decides that she doesn’t want to eat, after all, she just wants him to stand by her side. She gets nervous, afraid that he won’t be with her when she has to give birth. He promises that he will never leave her side, which automatically means that he will most definitely have to. 
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #155 Oh My Gosh! It's an Awful Musical! I HATE Musicals!

Peralta calls Sophia and tells her that the investor should be there next week.  Sophia asks Peralta if Dulliver told him that Dani dumped him.  Peralta says that he knows all about it and that Dani made a big mistake.  Sophia hopes that the break up won't affect the business relationship.  Sophia also suggests that Dulliver work as a consultant for the firm.  Peralta says that Dulliver won't let Dani bother him.  He's a big boy.  Once Peralta hangs up, he tells Dulliver that he needs to man up!  The Ripolls chicks think that he's a weak girlie man.  Peralta tells Dulliver not to quit Ripoll!  Go back in there and show them that you are a Peralta and not a punk b*tch!  Dulliver says that he won't quit.  Meanwhile, Marisol is sitting alone in the dark giving herself the same pep talk.  She ain't quittin' either. 
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Amores con Trampa-Index

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #28 3/26/15

Be prepared for questionable quality and possible absence of details. I'm basically fast forwarding and writing down what I remember them saying...which might not be a lot. Oh, and I combined a lot of scenes. Always feel free to fill in.

Right to the new
Severiano(Sev) does an admirable job not letting on that he knows Simoneta Saavedra. According to her, she's here for business. Sev invites her to his study. When there, she tells him that she missed him soooo much! She swears she didn't let Candela(Cande) know anything! She's staying at a local hotel. She'll go back there and wait for him. (Seriously, what is it about Sev that has women clinging to him and going crazy?) As Simoneta leaves, Dominga sees her and you can tell there is recognition.

Pru and Humberto(Hum) argue about Aldonza. He's flattered that she would think a girl like Aldonza would go for him. Pru informs him that she put Aldonza in her place anyway and the news about The Stoning comes out. Pru also accuses him of keeping El Satunario at Aldonza's request and says that also explains why he was so willing to get a divorce. Hum gets angry and decides he's not going to share his bedroom with Pru anymore. He goes to stay with Emmanuel.

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 47 -Nobody can handle the truth! -Full Recap

 Here is the recap on the courtesy of TN4Ever:

 Refrito: Mac is spying on Renata and Comandante Barragan’s conversation in the parlor. When he mentions Pablo, she’s like, “I thought I told you to leave that alone?” He wants to know if she’s Abi’s mom. At the hospital, we re-learn that Diana is pregnant.

New: Dr. Pat tells Di that he has advised Mat to wait to get divorced, but Diana says no, bring it on. His punishment for divorcing me will be to lose his child. Dr. Pat has to swear not to say anything. If there are Mexican HIPAA laws, then it’d be illegal to. But neither priests nor police officers are very discreet, so we’ll see about the good doctor. After he leaves, Diana stops crying and gets her game face back on.

Abi is loitering outside the Hacienda and Diego shows up. There’s a creepy scene of uncle telling niece how much he loves her, to give him a chance, he loves enough for both of them. In other words Diego’s usual spiel.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #46: Di's Elastic Tie That Binds

  • Fausto's got more lives than Morris the Cat!  He survived practiccally without a scratch,  Com. Barragan smells something rotten.  He does some checking with Meliton who refuses to tell him anything useful.  He tries questioning Feisty, but meets another brick wall.
  • Diego and his Abue are at logger heads over his wanting to know who his daddy was --and if his mother is still alive (?)  Vee tells Diego the secret about the creep who diddled his mama for grins is gone and best forgotten. His identity will go with her to her grave.  As for his ma, she hasn't heard from her in years(?)  [Had a hard time making out the conversation here, especially since there were no CC's.]
  • Mateo tells Diana she's ready to go home--alone.   (Hey, Mia's house is empty I hear.)  No way he's letting her guilt him over the D.I.V.O.R.C.E. (Too bad about the scars those scissors made.  Get a shrink.)  He's off to see his lawyer ASAP.
  • Macaria visits her later in the day and offers to become her ally in hanging onto Mat cuz Fausto's HER man.
  • Padre T tries convincing Renata that Fausto is a changed man.  Why, he swore before Christ's image on the altar!!  Ren says she's the one who's lived with the guy for 30 years, with all due respect, Padre.  He was blowing smoke.  They agree to disagree and she'll due some penance in the meantime for disagreeing with Dios's faithful messenger.
  • Max learns why Toni told such a tall tale about him and Motor being each other's love toy and tells him to clear things up with his mom cuz he doesn't want that garbage being spread about him, especially in front of Dr. Mat and double especially with Abigail!  He's got a thing for her!
  • The ex-mayor finds one of his hit men hanging from a tree limb with a warning sign pinned to his chest.  "You're next!" in so many words.  Later on Lucio only half admits to the deed with Max.
  • Max takes Lucio to his megamanse in the D. F. and introduces him to "Ximena" who is really Crazy Twin.  CT freeks and makes a panicked call to Xi, who tells her to chill.
  • Motor confesses to Efi and Edi's maid (Teo's BFF) that he's in love with Edi?  Efi? (Glasses Sis) and needs her help to see her.  She agrees and gets the message to her that night before dinner.
  • Late that afternoon, Dr. Pat has another visit with Di and tells her one of the studies came back late.  It now turns out that she is PREGGERS!!!!!  To quote the guard at the gate to the Emerald City as he lets Dorothy and pals enter, "Well, that's a horse of a different color!  Come in!!  Come in!!"


3/25 Wednesday – Hasta el Fin del Mundo #154 Armando is delusional, Pato is hot, and Fausto is just Fausto

Street near Miguelina's home
Dani drives up just as Miguelina returns with the bread.  Miguelina fills her in on Lucas and Rosa talking about his father.  Blah, blah, the end, Dani invites Miguelina out for coffee to allow mother and son more time to talk.

Rosa tells Lucas about his father's dream to become an Olympic boxer, how she fell in love with him, and about his first boxing match.  Lucas is relaxing.

Over coffee, Dani tells Miguelina about her woes with her mom.  Miguelina figures Grrreta won't want her back as the cook.  Dani knows her sisters will support Miguelina and she will definitely stay!  Neta!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #175 25 Mar 2015... The church wedding! with more guests than expected... and several amusing extras

Refritos: Ana and Soledad get in the limo… Ana whispers to Sole ‘don’t you notice something wrong with the driver?’ Next we see the driver communicate with Arquimides ‘its all ready here. Ana is inside.’ The limo leaves the house.

Jennifer rants at Johnny for borrowing money from some questionable guy to offer it to David for Aura. Johnny says don’t worry about that, only think you will have Aura in your arms today. ‘you haven’t learned anything’.

Diego, Nico and Fernando start to worry about Ana’s tardiness.

Hissa meets up with Arq and the limo at the top of a hillside. Hissa is celebrating/laughing ‘I want Ana to realize I AM the one that won in the end!’

Lo Nuevo:

Suddenly some heavy woman comes out of the limo. Hissa’s face is priceless… (wrong bride!!!)

Meanwhile at church Ana gets out of the limo. Fernando gets excited at seeing her from far away. He turns around and says ‘I can’t see her!’ and asks Nico how she looks. Bellisima!!

Hissa rants at Arq and Jairo (the driver) that they brought a different Ana to them. The wrong Ana asks them to bring her to the church, her bf is waiting for her. Hissa starts arguing with her. Ana 2 says ‘I prefer to be fat than to be crazy like you!!’

Hissa, Jairo and Arq get in the limo and leave the Ana 2 bride alone in the hillside!

At the church, Luz and Mau are carrying the train… Nico comments to Ana ‘you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment. ‘ ‘no more than I!’ is her answer.

A good opera singer is singing Ave Maria while Fernando is sighing as Ana and Nico approach. Ana blows kisses to the kids, the girlfriends, etc everyone she knows…

As Ana and Nico arrive to the altar, Ana makes a pose for Fernando with her hand on her hip. Fernando continues swooning at her. Nico hands Ana over to Fernando ‘Fernando, I give you Ana, whom I love as a daughter.’ Ana and Soledad have their moment too and Soledad gives her her blessing… Fernando watches very happily.

As Ana approaches Fernando, she whispers that he is ‘guapo’. He is speechless.

As the priest starts with the signal of the cross… Hissa is ready outside with a bazooka on her shoulder, talks to camera.

Fernando and Ana say their vows ‘… I, XXX, promise to love you, YYY, and be faithful to you until death do us part’.

Fernando and Ana exchange rings… Hissa is ready to shoot…

Time for the arras (symbolic coins).

Hissa shoots the bazooka but it malfunctions. She then starts ranting insults for Arq and points the bazooka up.

Hissa tries the trigger again and this time the bazooka shoots straight up. The explosion sound makes Johnny and Diego run out to the door as Arq is dragging Hissa away. Johnny asks Diego if he knows what that was. Diego says he has been in war zone… he knows that was the sound of a bazooka shooting. They even smell powder.

As the priest continues asking Ana and Fernando if they came willingly, etc… we see a barefoot woman in aura approaching them from behind. Both Ana and Fernando sense a presence so they turn around. It is Fanny Sr. she nods ‘yes’ to both Fernando and Ana… Fernando and Ana then ask each other if they felt/saw what they did. They agree that it felt like Fanny Sr came to give them her approval/blessing, it did not feel threatening at all. Fernando agrees and caresses her face.
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La Sombra del Pasado #27 3/25/15 Things Get a Little Rocky

Kat asked me to fill in for her tonight so she could catch her breath.

I will jump right in at the new stuff.

Cristobal (Cris) isn't convinced that Aldonza is the home-wrecker Valeria (Val) is making her out to be. And Val is going to have to forgive him, but he didn't come to fight about Aldonza and her questionable morals. He excuses himself and leaves.

Humberto (Hum) makes the rounds at local banks. At Banco de Progreso he is informed that his loan application was turned down because of his credit history. Humberto is confused. He doesn't owe anything that he isn't paying in due time and proper form (en tiempo y forma. With mad props to Wordreference forums.) He asks if Severiano (Sev) had anything to do with the rejection and the banker looks like he just pooped his pants a little. Poopy Banker doesn't know what Hum is talking about.
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La Sombra Del Pasado, Capitulo #26, March 24, 2015: In which villains act like children but, sadly, none of them get slapped

Recap by HellaShelle

The old: Cande’s an elitist b**** with a stick up her butt about E staying in Cris’s room, but too bad for her b/c it’s doc’s orders. Padre J reveals his Lola theory to Adelina.

The new: Cris is going to tell Vale that her dad is staying to watch Emmanuel. Hum’s on board b/c he doesn’t want to talk to Vale.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #45 3/25/15 -Sympathy for the Devil

Previously (Merged scenes)

The horrible Mac and Lucio are trying to turn Benito who is horrified ho hear that Faust shot him in cold blood to their side and Mac informs him that it wasn't Brutus to slaughter Pab for fun but it was Faust instead.  Luc confirms the story with the excuse that Faust confessed and bragged about the sin in the bar. Mac too confirms it  and asks Dumb Ben a rhetorical question " Are you against or with us"? Ben of course chooses the latter ,bad move Ben bad move!

Diana is damning Mat with her deadly scissors that there'll be NO divorce, nunca before that, I would rather  kill myself ( Do it, we shall eat, drink and piss on your grave but wait would it be a grave at all?) 
and BAM soon she completes her threat with no remorse present (  I forgot what remorse even is in this novela, can someone elaborate on that strange word? It seems to be something when the conscience rings dry  and you let it  out while being drunk as hell ,did i get that right?) . Mat rushes go get her help to get some dem bandages for his obviously  mentally ill wife who cut her veins and she  wont stand seeing him with some other Hoe!  Mat is still shocked at Diana's obsession  but Die Hard celebrates it as a further sign of her hard love and she could do it again if Mat goes against her wishes cause I don't believe you would like to have me on your consensus . Mat is pithed and decides to take her to the hospital ASAP!
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3/24 Tuesday Hasta el Fin del Mundo #153 There is a disturbance in the Force; Dr. Phil makes a guest appearance.

3/24 Tuesday Hasta el Fin del Mundo #153  There is a disturbance in the Force; Dr. Phil makes a guest appearance. 

Depa de Armando
Papito is mucho depressed after seeing the news article about Alexa and Paolo.  Nandito very astutely guesses Paolo may be to blame for the breakup between Armie and Alexa.  Armie admits they've decided to take a break from the relationship.  Dr. Phil, in the role of Nandito, asks why.  Armie explains Alexa will be very busy with her movie and he's got a lot of work at the fabrica.  He admits he misses her, a little. 

Casa de Ripoll
Dr. Phil, now playing the roll of Dani, attempts to get at the root of Lucas' anger with his mother.  He doesn't understand why Rosa would have the nerve to go to his home to announce she's leaving when he had made it very clear he never wanted to see her again.  Dr. Dani asks some probing questions, “Is that what you really want – for her to leave again?  Have you considered your mother may have returned for a reason?  If she were as bad as you say she is, why would she have bothered to come back at all?”  She then points out Rosa's positive actions.  For example, she was very supportive of WBB and making all those posters.  Lucas agrees that was nice and also remembers the cover charge was Rosa's bright idea.  But are these small gestures supposed to make up for all the pain she caused him?  Dr. Dani continues to dispense her good counsel and tells him Rosa's return proves she's sorry and that she loves him.  Lucas shouldn't pass up the opportunity to get to know Rosa.  He should keep his heart open, or in Dr. Dani's words, his antenna, or he could end up regretting it the rest of his life.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #174 a lot of silly filler stuff... with a few cute moments... Hissabella is desperate, playing all her cards at once, and it seems she has 'the force' working AGAINST her

Refritos: among tears, Jennifer has to hand over Aura to David. She begs him to take care of her. He says will do. Ana and Johnny hug Jennifer for support.

Lo Nuevo:

At office, Fernando is with Torres. He gets a phone call and can’t hide his excitement. He has a date for the church wedding. 28 Feb. (boy! They are rushing in MCET time!! I recall they reconciled Feb 11th!!)

Jennifer tells Ana she will try to focus on work to not think too much about what is happening with Aura.

At David’s place, Mónica, David’s wife, asks him why he brought her. He wants Jennifer and Johnny to suffer a while. He says the more they suffer the more they will pay to get Aura back.

Isabela drives to the location of ‘Las Merceditas’ and intends to run Ana over with a car to make her loose her baby. But the car starts to malfunction as Isabela tries to slam on the gas to run Ana over.

Fernando calls Ana on the cell phone to tell her they have a date for the church wedding AND he has the priest too (Padre Samuel). He even gets excited and talks like Ana ‘Si! Si! Si!’ Ana is excited.

Jumping beside the disabled car, Isa is having a tantrum because this attempt to hurt Ana ALSO failed. Some guy comes by and tells her she didn’t have antifreeze so the car motor stalled. Isa continues her tantrum swearing she hates the Lascurains and las nacas.

Back at the Manse, Fernando and Ana announce to the family, staff, Siete and dates of the older kids that there will be a church wedding soon. Fernando is using a bit strange language so it gets a bit silly. The kids get confused and suggest the new wedding is for Soledad and Nico. Soledad says ‘that doesn’t sound too bad’ (which gets a ‘say what?’ look and then a giggle from Fernando and Ana).(hey, with all the weird stuff we've seen in this novela, that is actually not THAT out of the blue... at least Nico won't have to worry about her surviving him by THAT much or wanting him to get BUSY with her )  Fernando clears up ‘no, its OUR church wedding’.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 44 -Discussion

Today i was waiting on the recap for this episode all day but sadly this one was delayed too. It will most likely arrive tomorrow because Corazon Salvaje was supposed to put it up.  To me this is quite frustrating because it hurts my motivation but on the other-hand i understand that personal lives at times conquer our professional lives, i learned this from experience.   So i put this discussion page up so you can at least discuss the episode.



Abelardo: The bad seed La Sombra Del Pasado #25 03/23/2015

Okay this will be quick and dirty but here we go!

From last week: Prudencia asks for a divorce and Humberto is all like "k", she seems surprised that he would react that way. 

Last night: Prudencia made it home and is crying to Valeria that Humberto has agreed to a divorce, she's sure he is seeing someone else, and when Valeria tries to tell her that her dad is not that kind of man Prudencia tells her she knows nothing about the private things that go in in their marriage.

Chris and Abelardo have a mini showdown, Chris tells Abelardo that his gossip accomplished nothing and that he and Val are still super together, Lardo leaves in a huff and runs into his dad, who just wanted to stop by and say "hi"-Uriel wonders if Lardo is having issues with Chris and Lardo gives him major attitude, ugh Lardo is such a pill.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #152 3/23/15 Personally, I'd Rather Have Paul Allen's Yacht

From Friday:
Javier thanks Lupe' for coming to visit him.
Marisol remembers back to when she first met Lucas. She cries and goes to join Lupe' at the hospital.
Peralta takes Sofia and Chava on a Three-Hour Tour aboard his yacht.

Monday's Episode:
Some scenes have been combined.

Peralta's Yacht
Geronimo asks Chava what he thinks of the yacht. Okay, right here I have to object. What Peralta has is just a big boat, it's not a yacht. THIS is a yacht:

The most Bad Ass yacht ever built:
The Octopus owned by Paul Allen

Chava admits likes the boat, but his dream is to win races and spend his life with Sofia. They kiss while Peralta fumes. Sofia tells the story of Chava's last race. He almost won until another driver had an accident and Chava stopped to save him. Chava lost the race but gained hero status. Chava talks about fixing Big Foot and getting more sponsors. Geronimo suggests that Ripoll Chocolates sponsor his car, but Chava says he wants Sofia for her love, not her money. He plans on giving Sofia the trophy from the first race he wins. 
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Monday, March 23, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 3/23/15 ♥ #173 ♥

Capitulo 173: A Fat Future

Charity House: David, the bio-father of Aurora, insisted upon taking her. Both Jen and Johnny refused to surrender her, saying he will take her over their dead bodies. He went to speak with Erica. Jen wanted to take the baby and run, but Johnny was the voice of reason, saying he didn't want her ending up in prison for this.
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This page is for all things Telemundo except for comments on Los Miserables, which can be directed here.  As you may know, Los Mis ends Tuesday, March 24.

Dueños del Paraíso is in its final weeks.  Given the time the writers have devoted to developing several characters, each with a sustantial plot line unlikely to be resolved in a few weeks, it seems likely that we are seeing the first of two or more seasons of this Super Series.  I wonder what kind of a role Kate will have in future stories.  Not a central one, I bet.  There’s got to be a reason they named it Dueños and not La Reina, La Dueña or La Señora del Paraíso.

On Wednesday, March 25, La Biblia will be shown in the 8pm/7C slot.  Then Avenida Brasil will get that timeslot, beginning Monday, April 6.

Enjoy your week! 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LOS MISERABLES — the last two episodes, week of March 23, 2015

We’re closing in on the finish, my friends.  Just tonight and tomorrow and then it’s Adiós para siempre to the novela that has included every cliché in the book and yet has somehow managed to transcend them.

As usual, recaps will be posted in the comment section below.  Enjoy!  ¡Hasta siempre! 

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Quiero Amarte (Week 27-Mar 23) They Shouldn't Have Said "IT" Out Loud

Ay, Mauro, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that Lucrecia hasn't thought of it before, but honey-bear, you just gave her a free pass when you told her she'd have to kill you first, before you would let Lucio stay in the house alone with her (watch out for those slippery stairs).

Ay, Amaya, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that you didn't feel it and Max didn't suspect it anyway, but the hospital hallway just wasn't the right place to tell him you still loved him (can't get him alone?--try the garden again).

Ay, Lucrecia, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that it will stop Mauro or Eloisa from acting on their feelings, but telling Eloisa Mauro will never be hers since he belongs to you, divorce or not, will only embolden Eloisa (go girl).

Ay, Ivan, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that Cecy doesn't know you have a beautiful, dark-haired wife you are crazy in love with, but asking her (well, ok, in all innocence), if Cecy knows a dark-haired beauty that is occupying your dreams was not a savvy thing to do (nor safe).

Ay, Doctor Guapo, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that the Patio Peeps didn't see the resemblance immediately, but when you said you were from Guatemala, but born right in Chiapas, Mauro, Amaya and Lucrecia are in for a big surprise (we hope).

Ay, Cesar, you shouldn't have said "IT" out loud. Not that you aren't a prick, but do you really think your secretary is going to believe you can't stand having trash in your office is the reason she is to dispose of the bag, toute de suite. (she smells a dead rat).


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 44 Discussion

I have put up the discussion page since Eli Perez  didnt yet,the recap will most likely arrive tomorrow morning/afternoon.


Hasta el Fin del Mundo #151 20150320 If You're Gonna Have to Spend Money to Give a Girl a Good Beatdown, Make it a Good One...And That's Just What Marisol Did!

Jarifa's Better Version of Events/Thank you so much for stepping up again!

Chava looks aggravated.

Irma tells bored channel surfing pissy faced Aracely that she just needs nine or ten cats to live with to make her an official old maid. Aracely tells Irma that Irma is just like her but Irma says not for long since she is well on her way getting her "loves" ( Armando and Nandito back". She tells Araceli that Armando received her well and even invited her for breakfast. Aracely does not believe they will get back as a family but Irma says they will be because she is being so understanding and good (even offering to make them more comfy) that Armando will fall for her. Aracely cannot believe Irma has lost her love for "material" things. Of course she hasn't it is just part of her "game". When she gets Armando back, Aracely will see that she was right. Aracely reminds her of her legal situation and Armando's request for custody. Irma just calls her bitter and says she at least she is doing something to get her man back while Aracely is just bawling in the corners while Chava is having a good old time at the beach with that Ripoll blondie.Read more »


Mi Corazon Es Tuyo, #172 Fernando is THE MAN!!!!

Wow, this show felt like it was about 3 hours long, there was a lot of detail to put in since it was such an action packed episode. I think this is my last recap for this TN, I can't say it's been my favorite show, but not my worst either.

We start with Jen and Jonny talking to a woman at the orphanage, or wherever Aura is, and she tells them that the biological father of Aura is claiming his daughter. Then he comes into the room and Jen gives him the stink eye.

León is preparing the dinner table for his night with Fanny. The doorbell rings and he’s expecting it to be Fanny, except we are gifted with the unfortunate return of Laura. She starts stripping her clothes off.

Ana and Alicia come home and Ana confronts Alicia about what she did. Ana is not happy about what she did, but we all know from past experience that all Alicia has to do is whine and all will be forgiven. She storms up to her room.

At the hospital, Diego sits Fernando down in the waiting room. He has something he needs to tell Fer. Diego tells him that Diego Nicolas is not his son. He saw the paternity test that Isabela had done. Enrique Basurto is the baby daddy.  And then Yomama confirmed it, Enrique and Isa were lovers before Fernando came into the picture. He shows him the analysis. Needless to say, Fer is in shock. He tells Diego to stay at the hospital, he’s got to talk with Isabela. Diego calls Ana to come to the hospital, he needs to go after Fernando. He won’t tell her why.
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Weekend Discussion and Writing Assignment for the Brave; to be continued next week

Since most of us are tired of remakes but the networks keep doing them, let's give our networks something to really think about.  Continued from last week.
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La Sombra del Pasado #24 3-20-15 A Sanctuary without Peace

Humberto says nobody in the house values what he does!  Val says her father is trying to swindle the father of the man she’s going to marry!  She thinks this can affect her marriage to Cristobal!

In a tearful embrace, Adelina asks Aldonza to pardon her if she ever in the future fails her or is not forthright with her.

Moving Forward
Padre Jeronimo and Lulu are in the Church office looking for  baptismal records of children born the year his brother died, 1988.  He pours through the first of three large 3 ring binders she locates.

Lola seeks advice from  Doña Irma on how to snag that special man.  Irma shares how she took the initiative, set the bait and reeled in Uriel.  Lola is surprised that Irma is so liberal in her thinking.  Well, appearances can be deceiving or, as the saying goes:  caras vemos, corazones no sabemos;   we see faces, but we don’t know the hearts.

Ay, pobrecito de Cris, he can’t have one private moment or thought.  Cande has invaded his room to ask him if he still feels anything for Aldonza and he blows a gasket!  He’s tired of everybody asking him the same thing over and over!  She asks if he’s not interested in her, why is he so pissed?  Candela should go back and read the first sentence in this paragraph!  Cande advises that his reaction is abnormal, as is his doubt in his Father’s Word, which Cris denies.  Cande looks down her nose and asks him to think about what he’s saying and he’ll realize SHE is right.  Cris seems to subtly gasp for the air Candela has sucked out of the room.  She leaves and he takes the escapulario from his neck, looks at it and then flings it on the floor.  He gets up, throws his hands in the air and wonders aloud what the heck is happening to him now.

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo: Thurs. Mar. 19 Discussion Page

[Thanks to Martai for filling in!]

Ángel and Magda are planning a trip and he gets the call from Ana about Sebastian's pain. He tells her to take him to ER ASAP and he will meet them there. He takes off and Magda is left there frozen.
Ana asks Betty to let Fernando know.
Fernando arrives at hospital in a jiffy and Angel tells him and Ana that he was arranging for the OR. Sebastian has appendicitis.
Fanny is surprised talking to Edith and asking her what happened. Edith explains that she was realizing she was running from her problems instead of facing them. Fanny is happy to hear that.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #150 20150319 Chava and Sophia run across the Sand and Kiss or Telenovela Groundhog Day Repeated 15 Times

While Armando prepares pancakes for Armando, there is a knock at the door.  Irma is their visitor and she has brought cake.  Armando tries to give her the heave ho, but Nandito asks if she can stay.  Armando reluctantly relents and the three sit down for pancakes and cake.  Irma offers to let Armando have some of the furniture to furnish his new apartment.  She went to far.  Armando smells a trap.  Irma wants to help clean.  Armando turns her down.  She wants the family to spend the day together, but Armando says the boys will be doing men things.  She kisses Nandito goodbye and tries to kiss Armando.  He evades her lips and shoves her out of the man cave. 
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #23 3/19/15

In the interest of full disclosure I should tell you this is half-assed.

Directo al grano
Candelaria (Cande) tells Severiano(Sev) to tell Cristobal(Cris) what Aldonza did to him. In Sev's telling, Aldonza is a nutcase who stabbed him simply because he told her to leave Cris and Valeria(Val) alone. Cris doesn't buy it. Cande jumps in and tells him that yes, Aldonza is capable. It's in her blood. She's just like her mother if not worse. Cris wants to know why his father didn't tell him about this yesterday (remember? Cris asked him that what was wrong.) Sev didn't want to unfairly malign Aldonza (note the eyeroll from Cande.) Sev reiterates that Aldonza is mentally unbalanced, but if it will make Cris feel better he'll file a report with the police. Cris doesn't think that's necessary. Like Sev said...Aldonza needs professional help. Not jail. After Cris leaves Sev tells Cande what a stupid stunt she pulled. He walks away and ignores her insistence that they talk.

Adelina is glad Aldonza finally talked to Lola. Aldonza is glad she did too. Adelina is glad to see Aldonza happy again...not sad and wanting vengeance. Aldonza tells Adelina about Emanuel's visit and how Lola got jealous. Adelina thinks Aldonza needs to explain to Lola that Emmanuel is just a dear friend...but Adelina does think Emanuel is super guapo. Oh! Oh! It's practically confirmed that Emanuel is Roberta's lost child!! Aldonza says he's just like a brother to her! Aldonza doesn't want Lola angry at her because of Emmanuel.

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 43 -Full Recap

Update:Here is the recap for Capitulo  43  ,courtesy of TN4Ever who volunteered to recap today instead of me and i thank him/her very much for her efforts! 

Que Te Perdone Dios, Capítulo 43 – Curtains for Tia Mia. That’s a wrap!
Refrito: Mateo and Abi agree that they love each and must wait for Mat to be free for proper lovin’. Mat leaves and Abi laugh/cries with joy/horror. Comandante Barragan reveals details of a confidential conversation he had with Renata, but tells Helena he doesn’t want to talk about it because it’s confidential.
Onto the new: Toño comes home to find his mom crying. He assumes that it’s for his lost brother Freddy, and Simona doesn’t correct him, but we know it’s because of the pressure she’s under from Mia.
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La Sombra del Pasado #22 - Wed 3/18 - Do tell!

Sev finishes up his little offended innocent act for the Padre and stalks off.  He's approached by Abelardo.  Bad timing, dude.  No, you may NOT have an advance on your salary!  Abelardo keeps on walking, right past Candela who is continuing the lies and backing Sev up.  Candela should be in politics.  She managed to say "My husband is an honest man" without conveying even the slightest hint of disgust…no, that she saved for Aldonza and the ridiculous assertion that she must be some kind of liar because "We all know her mother."  Padre J reminds her that Aldonza and her mother are two separate people.  And besides, Roberta is dead.  "I think you trust in your husband too much."  Cande says of course she trusts him!  He's her husband!  She knows him better than anyone!  Padre J calls BS…uh, in a completely clerical way…asking if she knows him SO well, if there's SUCH great communication between them, then why didn't she have any idea about him being stabbed?  'Cause he could tell she was just hearing the news.  Why wouldn't she have been informed, sine her husband has such a clean, clear conscience?  Padre J leaves her to stew.

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3/18 Tue Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Zona Peligrosa! Zona Peligrosa!

 Depa de Irais – No means no
Matias is all hot and bothered with Joveth and he's all over her.  “¡Zona Peligrosa! ¡Zona Peligrosa!” she warns.  Dimwit apparently doesn't realize this means no and asks if he can stay.  She says of course not.  “Well, that's because you've never had an extreme experience with the Master Chocolatier!”  Seriously? He continues kissing her and has her down on the couch, momentarily.  Joveth pushes him away telling him this can't be, she hasn't even talked to Irais.  This can't be right.  Matias argues Irais is surely asleep by now.  “Come on, my Goddess of the Disco.  I want to kiss you, and caress you without limits, without censure!”  She tells him not to take advantage of an inebriated woman.  He says he's not taking advantage, he's just letting the love flow.  Here comes Irais to the rescue, in rollers and wearing a face mask.  “AHEM” Matias and Joveth hurriedly pull apart and he leaves.  Irais is understandably angry and starts in on Joveth about finding a job to share costs.  Joveth, as usual, just makes lame excuses.  She starts to say she and Matias aren't......but Irais doesn't want to hear it.  “I'm not saying this only because of Matias.  Your little boyfriend won't be able to keep up with you.”  Joveth is dismayed and becomes frantic to learn Matias may be a pobretón (poor)!  Irais suggests she ask him directly.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios: Wed. Mar. 18th Discussion Page

(My schedule changed and I was unable to write a recap or to even see the episodio yet.   Thanks to Diana, TN4ever, Novella Lover,ViviDC and La Paloma for what follows...)

Diana watched with raised eyebrow as Mateo and Abi shared short, sweet kisses, the yearning lovers looking solemn and not at all happy. As Mateo mounted his steed and rode away, Diana angrily confronted Abi and a full blown altercation, down and dirty, ensued. As screaming and hair pulling continued, Benito pulled the two apart. Threats were uttered...

The catfight between Abi and Diana involved a miracle--no wardrobe malfunction with Abi's strapless bustier. She must have been using some super two-sided tape to keep it in place.

Tia Mia came to visit Simona and discussed Tono as Julio's son (?). They gave him to Simona to raise, but now that money is short, Mia needs cash from Simona. Simona says she doesn't have it and Mia insists that the worried mayor find a way.

The twins were at work prepping for the takeover of Xi's life by Dani. Dani had large photo flashcards, but couldn't remember some people. Xi said no food for her tired and hungry sister until Dani was picture perfect.

Lucio, perched in a tree like the bird of prey he is, waits. Soon, Fausto comes in sight and Lucio shoots. Fausto falls off his horse and Lucio strides up looking vengefully and crosses himself.

Mateo soon arrives on the scene and comes to Fausto's aid. Not sure if the bullet is embedded in his head or if it simply grazed his temple. In either case, it appears, pitifully, he is still alive.

It just grazed him and Fausto still lives. Fausto tells everyone he fell off a horse, but Mateo knows the truth, and Fausto tells Marcial the truth. Meanwhile, Lucio thinking he's killed him, comes out of hiding and goes to Marcial's house and subtly threatens him. Marcial does not tell him that he just saw a living Fausto who told him he's sure it was Lucio who shot him and he's alive after all.

Mateo has decided that he cares for a desires Diana, but it's Abi he loves and he wants a divorce. He tells Pat, his mama, Renata, and even Abi at the end. But he still hasn't told Diana. He and Abi make VERY obvious googly eyes at each other over dinner, right in front of Diana!

After shooting Fausto, Lucio went to Macaria's and they said that Lucio had just grazed Fausto, per the plan. Lucio wants Fausto living in fear and sleepless nights. Not sure why. Probably because Lucio still loves Fausto. Later when Lucio threatened Marcelino, Lucio blamed him for making Fausto want to kill him. "You took my friend away!"


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