Monday, August 22, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 112 (8.22.16) Esperanza suffers Aquimichú syndrome: One step forward, two steps back

We start this episode with Ricardo telling Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of the education, the reasons why he left Esperanza 21 years ago. We will never have the whole story, because he partially reveals that he did it because of his father, who died anyway, so his effort was in vain. Poor Ricardo.

Then, like in the truth or dare game, CVV reveals that her mother is alive and kicking in USA. We all know her father died of lung cancer. Why is her mother not coming to the wedding, is she illegal also and can not leave the county? Poor Cristinita.

In the Guerrero's household, Esperanza and her daughter discuss Ernesto's kidney's problems. Since he is reluctant to accept the girl's organ, Patricia has an idea to make him take it. Looks like these women like to decide what is best for everybody else except themselves.
Your father is a saint, says Espy, he prefers to die before taking your kidney.
He is so noble, right?
-But mapa, I am ready to donate my kidney for love. Love is everything!
-Well, and if you're right and love is everything, why is he rejecting me? You know that I can not leave him, after all he did for me. 
-This is the same you did to Ricardo, remember? It's called karma, viatch!
-And I can not keep insisting with Ricardo either. I need to get away from them.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 22, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana**
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**
Note that there are three newly added novelas in the daytime lineup.  Here are one-line descriptions of each: Más Sabe el Diablo: a young man whose life is filled with bad decisions falls in love with a forbidden woman.  Império:  José Alfredo, head of an international jewelry network, will do anything to keep his power.  Tormenta de Pasiones: A family's life will change forever when the husband's infidelity is discovered. 
**Also, be aware that the three evening novelas will be preempted this Thursday, August 25, by the Telemundo awards show Premios Tu Mundo.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #78/79: Altered Egos OR Facing The Hiss Pitting Image

  While Iñaki and Santiago get good and snakkered (I love this Norwegian-based term, snakker=talking/speaking) on two bottles of a most expensive brand of tequila, discussing the vices and virtues of Ana Leticia versus Ana Lucia, Ana MiMi has a major meltdown over her missing Marcelo whom she believes must be in his mistress’s arms.  Ana Not-So-Lucky, meanwhile, is examining SanMarco’s wedding ring and musing the meaning of the inscription: Ana Leticia.  “--Must be his wife’s name.”  (Ding-ding-ding!!!) And, Orlando, as usual, is sticking his obnoxious and greasy oar in where it is not wanted.
  Orly begins bugging NSLucky about the wife and unskillfully points out how perfect people at Danzaire think they are as a couple.  That’s only for the particular performance.  He doesn’t get it.  “—Not all taxis that pass by are free.  His has a passenger in it already.”  (Apt yeah but he doesn’t stop there.)  He inserts himself as the best alternative to Mr. Alter-Ego.  (As Hubby always tells me, even the ugliest man thinks himself an alpha-male, totally irresistible if only the woman involved would remove her blinders.  –In his case, I’d rather keep them on.) The only thing of interest for Ana NSL is that he mentions he knows who Ana Leticia is-and Orly plays his hand pitifully, if not pitiably.
  Yaki and SanMarco discuss Ana NSL taking his ring from him and putting him in Dutch with her sister for “losing” it.  He cannot go home now.  Listen to me, says Yaki, I don’t sermonize like Ramiro, but I give you decent advice.  SanMarco wants to follow it and grab Ana Lucia and just go to places unknown for the rest of their lives, he says, but he’s got nothing to offer her.  Besides, they’d be fugitives for life, especially as there’s still somebody out there looking for him.  Not a life she deserves, ya know?  Marcelo needs his revenge, though, and is who shows up when he's in need of an answer.  Darn it all.....

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Narcos Synopsis and Characters :Gran Estreno Monday, August 22 2016

Start Date and Time Slot: August 22nd, 10pm, replacing the 2nd hour of Tres Veces Ana for 2 weeks as the show only has 10 episodes.

If anyone desires to recap alongside me let me know in the comments below. You can also contact me at this email

Plot Summary: Set and filmed in Colombia, Season 1 tells the story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities.


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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, Fifth Edition

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to point out severe fashion felonies, you can always count on the staff of your established fashion -- and gossip -- magazines to point fingers and name names.  

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Sueno de amor, #101, Friday All talk and no play

For those of you who thought that this was going to be an action packed episode, there is nothing for you to see here. But for those who hoped they would be subjected to another never ending episode with people having the same conversations over and over again, then you are in the right spot.
Get a chair, make yourself comfortable and let the talking begin.
(scene have been combined, for better flow)

The hors d'oeuvre are so tasty, but who cares about them?

We open the episode on Cristina and Ricardo fighting over the other woman the walking dead the wedding menu. She can see that he's showing to much "hate" for it not to be hiding some leftover feelings of love. So, are they going to get married or not? Ricardo denies everything, he's even upset that she would doubt him after all that he has done to show him his love for her.
The wedding planner drops by in between their fighting, and even whispers at one moment that there might not be a wedding because of all this mess. Cristina doesn't appreciate the interruption, but her mind is set on figuring out what's going on in Ricardo's head. She finds it hard to believe that he would remain indifferent to Esperanza's love. She asks him to look her straight in the eye and promise that he wants to marry her because of love, and not because he committed to it and he promised to the kids.
He swears he loves her and only her. She cries from relief and they kiss, but I'm still having a bad feeling about this. He's very believable and I'm sure that he truly believes what he's saying, but the Patio knows better.

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Yago Capitulo 56: We're going home

We have finally found Hernan's shoe benefactor!

We begin our episode with Hernan's point of view of the last night's cliffhanger scene. As Teo&Romo begin their mission , Teo receives a call from Katia. Teo tells her that he is coming so Teo rushes Romo into the bathroom. He urges Romo to collaborate. As Teo leaves Hernan sneaks from behind and enters the bathroom. Hernan chokes Romo to death while describing the laws of Nature. 

Meanwhile Lucio is gleefully presenting his new multimillionaire  project. Yago is getting impatient. Abel think's Lucio's just bluffing since that's part of his nature but Yago believes it's serious this time. Abel goes to look for Romo and he get's himself quite a prey in Hernan. Abel cuts two of Hernan's fingers to avenge Ambar but to his surprise Hernan doesn't feel any pain at all. Some girl interrupts them and Hernan get's away. Abel puffs and huffs tossing Hernan's finger to the ground and spits into his ketchup filled hands. 

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 2d Half

Luis has Pedrito in his clutches and is now going after Fernanda. He’s planning to travel under false passports with the baby’s name changed to Luis and his daughter as Luisa.  (Is there an egotist in the house?) Fernanda is not going to go willingly, just because he’s her bio-dad.

The only way she'd ever go with him will be for Luis to threaten her with never seeing her son again. (It’s not speculation, it’s a Sherlockian deduction—thanks, David.) What an agonizing decision for a young mother to make—leave the whole family she’s grown so close to and supports her, the love of her life, a bright future (in charitable works, not artistic excellence) in order to be reunited with her son and have to live with someone she's hated (although she was making inroads in her own mind to forgive him—but not necessarily love him) in a country and culture far away from where she belongs. Ay de mi. What a dilemma for us to have to watch in the last week of our travels on the Camino as it brings us nearer the Boda at the End of the Road.


New Telenovelas/Series Coming to Univision- Aug/Sept 2016

Hola Amigos!

Here’s an update on some changes coming in the next few weeks to Univision’s lineup, if you haven’t already seen the ads. Three new shows are coming our way. Two of them are not so new, as one is a popular telenovela that aired in Mexico in 2014, and the other already aired as a Netflix series last year. Keep in mind that Univision has been known to change its mind often, and last minute. No word yet on if Uni still plans to split Tres Veces Ana into 2 seasons (temporadas), but it seems they don't. If you would like to recap any of these new shows, please let Blog Mom/Jane/Melinama know.  Let’s go in order of Univision start dates…
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Tres Veces Ana # 76 and 77

Recap by Sneaky: 

Skipping the rehash
TioM and Old Flame meet up at lunch and chat inconsequentially.
Evaristo and Ramiro are still looking at the wall o’ graves, ‘two people here died for you, you should feel bad oh and don’t forget I can find you anytime’ Ev says. Ram gives Ev the side eye and heads out.

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 15, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current novelas are the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 110 (8.18.16) If you love him set him free, if he doesn't come back, GO GET HIM!!

A quien le dan pan que llore!
We start this episode with Cristina Vélez Valderrama and Espy talking about Ricardo. What else?
Since CVV thinks she still loves him, she needs to know the ground she is on. 
Esperanza, a known flipflopper, replies this time that despite still loving him too, she is no longer interested in him. My word is my bond and I am now with Erny.
She should put that in writing, sign it, and seal it with a Notary Public, because we know how often she makes bad decisions and then she reverses everything always for her convenience.
The card on Espy's sleeve is that argument that even when she no longer wants Ricardo, "she is not responsible of what he feels" meaning, I don't want it, but if he comes to me I will take it! After all, 20 years are 20 years!
Let's synchronize our feelings, I love him and you don't, ok?
OK, you are sure. Yes.
Is that your final answer? Yes.
You will not think you are dying again and change your mind AGAIN. Yes, I mean no.
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Yago #55, Wednesday August 17, 2016: All You Need Is Love

Flashback: Sara remembers going to dinner at the Guerrero home to meet Omar's parents. She is nervous. So is he - she's the first girlfriend he's ever brought home to his parents. Sara tells us to treasure the good times.

Sara's nostalgic reverie ends when she sees Ximena sitting in her old spot at Yomar's side. She coolly announces that she's just here to drop Mati off, and then she leaves. No one attempts to introduce the two women to one another.

Sara thinks back to all the times she's had sex with Yago - on the sofa, on the table, in the car... she woefully tells us that at one time she thought she had found love and a true family. But everything can change in an instant. Boo hoo.

At dinner, Mati says he and his mother visited Ambar's grave. He apologizes for yelling at Yago for killing Mati's aunt; Mati knows now that that wasn't true. Yago asks if they can be friends, but Mati says that his parents are divorced because of Yago. Poor Ximena tries to steer the conversation back to dinner-related stuff.
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Tres Veces Ana - #74 and 75 - Cheaters, zombies and murderers - Tarantino has nothing on Televisa!

Skipping over the substantial repeat we had from yesterday (Facundo planning to get his paws into Ernestina inheritance via Leonor, the confirmation of the latter’s relationship to Ernie, and Facundo’s performance at the hostel informing everyone his dear sonny will not be gracing them with his presence ever again!)

Part I 

Ana Lu, who ran away in tears from this spectacle, is in her room demanding Soledad gives her an answer on why Facundo was singling her out as the one who knew all along this will end in tears for Ana Lu. Soledad doesn’t have a good answer. She responds with pointing out that Facundo is an arrogant person, who looks down on everybody and will say what he needs to. He is capable of anything to keep his son away from them. Who knows if Ana Lu is satisfied with this flimsy explanation, but she is fed a sleeping pill to help her rest and told by Sole that all things happen for a reason and all will work out fine.

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Sueño de amor #109 Wed. 8/17/16 Cristina of the X-Ray Vision or a Liar by Any Other Name: Esperanza? Ricardo?

Still outside of the church, Esperanza becomes aware of Ernesto's kidney problem and confronts him about it. He says it does not matter; because her well being is all that matters to him. She is worried that he put himself out too much for her day and night. She insists it is her turn to support him. She will be with him and do whatever is necessary. He did not do all that he did so that she would do something for him. He did it for love and totally selfish reasons: he wants to be with her. No discussion for her: she will be with him and as they overcame the cancer they will overcome his illnes. Ernesto, who has not stopped smiling throughout this whole exchange, thanks her and asks if he can give her a kiss. They kiss right on the lips. (The scene would have been much better if Pato, Pedro and Luca were not like a Greek chorus of grinning goons in the background.)

Anastasia is at the Gallo house talking to Erasmo who is holding Luquita. She is all excited about the prospects of working at the Instituto Palacios even though she will have to leave Luquita in a nursery for half the day. Erasmo is happy because it would free up their afternoons to see each other. She should go to the interview and see if the job is something she would like. Anastasia thinks about how she was so hard on Luca's secretaries and now how she might be a secretary just like them.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yago #54: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Hola Yago Patio! This episode made me burn with rage at Lucio. I didn’t know I could hate him more than I did after he aided Ambar’s murder, but that was just a preview to the hate I feel for him now. -Vivi  

Flashback: Katia flashes back to a time many years ago when she was in search of a new, intense high. She had been sent by her usual dealer to a flop house, where dozens of addled-brained drug addicts roamed the halls and filthy rooms. The proprietress of this fine establishment is happy to get a new victim, and instead of giving Katia the cocaine she requests and pays for, she injects a very nervous Katia with her first ever hit of heroine. A new addiction is born. Katia’s voiceover tells us that what drove her to addiction was her compelling need to turn over the reins of her life to someone or something else. “The most dangerous thing about Hell, is that it’s a thousand times more tempting than Heaven.”
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Tres Veces Ana #72 and #73 - It's My Party & I'll Cry Si Quiero

Color Guide:
*Rehash in Red
*Recall in Blue
*Reader Reactions in Green

RehashMarcelo is arguing with Evaristo about the contents of the security box. Marc wants to thank the secret squirrel that helped Alfredo. Santiago will just be a memory, and he'll go after everyone including Solebad. Ev threatens him if he does, but Marc is over this convo and boops Ev on the head, who is strategically placed in front of the bed so he can ballerina twirl before knocking out. Marc searches for the key, but an Ev seedling comes in. Marc ambushes him with orders to take him to his bromantic friend, Ramiro. Ramiro is tied up and gagged, just the way we like him. The grandthugs (gracias Ria!) are taunting him with a gun and waiting for Ev's orders. Llora sobs in her room.

Sleeping Beauty awaits Prince Charming

Recap: AnaLu sits with Nerina to apologize for getting them both in trouble. Nerina tells a despondent AnaLu not to worry, she can come to her for any help anytime. She went to the hospital that morning but didn't get a chance to see Santi. She asked her if she thinks they'll have a party ready by tomorrow. Our Ana Luchador is thrilled hearing this, this means he's gotten better and she'll see him soon!
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #108. Tuesday August 16, 2016. Loves That Heal And Loves That Sicken

Esperanza is stuck on Ricardolt and Ernesto is stuck with a defective Lukidney! Los shippeo y los shippeo, I ship them and I ship them, but their love story will never blossom because Osorio is determined to kill one of them and make the other terminally stoopid!

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you next week, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Yay! Dr. Cutie Pie is back! In all his years of practicing medicine, Dr. Medrano says he has never seen a case like Esperanza's (because they don’t exist) and he can only classify it as a “miracle” (the correct scientific term being “writer’s whim”). 
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Yago #53 Is it a True Truce?

Flashback: Camilo hears a gunshot, runs upstairs and there is Julia, age 3 or so, standing next to a gun she fired on the floor. A worried Camilo hugs her and tells her that he’s going to be more vigilant and watch her more closely.  Julia’s voiceover says that unconditional love makes one feel secure and protected. She never thought that that promise of keeping a loved one safe would be so difficult to fulfill. That one day she would have to defend that love from true bullets.

Present day: Julia arrives to save her kidnapper.( I think it odd that they would plot to just kill Camilo outright like this, they’ve had plenty of opportunity in the past to kill him)
Teo grabs her then lets her go, then Yago grabs her, but Teo announces that she’s pregnant, and to be easy with her. Teo won’t be happy until he tells everyone about the pregnancy. I’m trying to keep this recap short. So, needless to say, she foils the plot to kill Camilo. And in the process, Katia tells the entire group that Julia is pregnant. 
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #107. Monday August 15, 2016. Now That Esperanza Has Miraculously Returned From The Dead, Let’s Kill Off Ernesto!

Aren't you glad you picked this light fun comedy to follow?

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you next week, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Pedro, Pato and Ernesto are wailing next to Esperanza’s frail and, by the looks of it, lifeless body. Luca is tearing up nearby. Anya is standing awkwardly in the middle of the brouhaha, no doubt feeling like she is intruding on a private moment and, quite probably, beating herself up for not leaving Casa Guerrero earlier. The efficient priest just goes about his business as if nothing and gives Esperanza the last rites. Maybe he needs to be somewhere in a hurry. 
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 1st Half

In a short refrito, the unfried Luis Montero is seen escaping up the stairs of the prison so he can be with his daughter and grandson. [Lots of luck, Luis—I hope you trip and fall and no one can put you back together again.]

Carlos is fixing a meal in the cabaña for his little family. Marissa and Iggy interrupt and Mar asks Paco to take Pedrito out to play. Then she tells Fer about the fire at the prison and that Luis was roasted to death in the kitchen. Fernanda has a look of disbelief on her face.

Fer calls Amelia to tell her Luis is dead. It’s hard for her to believe, but it’s true. While she’s on the phone, Carlos, Marissa and Ignacio talk about Luis. Carlos loathed him, but wouldn’t wish such a horrible death on anyone. Fer finishes her conversation and tells the group Amelia isn’t going to cut short her honeymoon.

Iggy wants to ask Fer if she knows of any relatives Luis might gave. The three of them knew him best, but they are also the ones Luis hurt the most. He’s asking because if no relation claims the body, he’ll be buried in a common grave without a marker. Fer says, then, they need to do that. Marissa gently tells her if that’s what she wants, Fer will have to acknowledge she’s Luis’ daughter.

Fer goes outside to clear her head. All the awful confrontations she had with Luis get rewound and reviewed. Carlos comes out to comfort her. She tells him about all the times Luis asked for her forgiveness and a little affection and now it’s too late. Carlos reminds her Luis only caused them all harm and she shouldn’t feel guilty about not responding to his petitions for forgiveness.

Fer and her big heart realize he was a human capable of remorse and changing, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him and now he’ll never know. She feels terrible. Carlos holds her tightly.
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Tres Veces Ana - #70 and 71 - All roads lead to Evaristo!

Happy Monday and happy last week of two hour episodes (…we think anyway)!! This was a very action-packed episode, so get ready!

We return to Santi’s hospital room, where he and Facundo are arguing over what sort of terrible people Santi has made acquaintance with in those dark,, dark days when Facundo didn’t know Santi was alive (you know, when Santi was allowed to grow an unkempt beard and live like a hermit in a cave that didn’t even look like it had running water. Oh wait, that was Facundo, not Santi! But anyway, we are sure those places Facundo is referring to are much, much worse and have roaches to boot.) Santi wouldn’t hear any of it. And by the by, while they are on the topic, he needs to warn Facundo to leave his madrina alone – he knows that he treated Rem very badly. The whole scene from Friday is repeated, as is the one with Rem and Sole with their musings on life and the mysterious and powerful force of protection love has.

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Monday, August 15, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 15, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #68/69? : Face To Face With Destiny-Or Not

-- If you were like me, your heart was in your throat.--ed.


Whack a mole’s got nothing on this episodio of cat and mouse patrol.  Just as all Hell is about to break loose inside the hospital lobby, Ramiro appears out of nowhere and catches Ana Lucia by the arm.  He tells her she knows Santiago does not want her at the hospital.  She insists nobody’s stopping her from seeing the man she loves.  “--No doubt it was his father standing there making him say that just to keep me away.”  Ram insists it isn’t like that (but oh, it is, isn’t it).  “They can all come down and pitch a fit and it still won’t get me out of the way; I’ll still speak to Santiago.”  Well, if she’s going, he won’t let her enter through the front door.  He pulls her around out of view of the entrance and continues while Narina and Ana Laura continue their confused conversation in the front lobby.

Narina explains how she met Marcelo in the boarding house.  Is Narina the owner?  No, she clarifies, she’s the friend of the owner.  (Nice touch, Narina.)  Why, with all his money, would he rent a room there?  Narina learns that they lost contact with Marcelo, A Llora’s BIL, three years ago and that all believe he did it purposely to make his wife and the family think he’d died so he could desert his wife and the rest of them.  “All the people we love die or abandon this family:  my two parents, my sister, Ana Lucia…--”  “--y-y-y-your sister?”  “--It was terribly cruel.”  Now things are beginning to become clear to Narina.  “--No, you don’t understand.  The poor boy lost his memory after a horrible accident three years ago.  He’s just now by chance coming face to face with his old life and memories.”  

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Yago Capitulo 52: Abortion Free Funday

Before we even begin , there are other guests from the North pole that would like to express their regards:

Aww isn't Elf Flavio a sweet bum? I want to give him a hug!
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Sueno de Amor, Friday #106 No perdón for the dying

And here we go again, with today's comedy. Hold on, guys, the chuckles abound, you might even die laughing when you're not crying your eyes out because our protagonista is dying, while wearing ugly make-up and without even having her beloved's perdón.

Ernesto is telling Cristina and Ricardo that he has to go search for a priest, because Esperanza wants to marry him before she dies. Ricardo is impactado with the news, but he tells Cristina that he wants to say good-bye to Esperanza.

Pato is now apologizing for having told Ricardo that Esperanza still loved him and she'd lied to him. She did it because her mom didn't deserve Ricardo's hate and now she wants mom to forgive her for saying what she should have said episodes ago.
But Espe doesn't care about this anymore because she is dying and she has nothing to forgive. And since Ric just happens to be here, with his prometida, can you fetch him for me? Time for some more tears.

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #66 and 67

Sneaky will have a recap for us later in the day, until then please discuss.

Recap posted below

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 8, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current novelas are the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 105 (8.11.16) Sacrifices are necessary for greater goods, not for greatest bads

Después de un breve sueño, despertar eternamente  (or die mommy die already)

Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of education, while adding cremora to her coffee, is simmered in her own thoughts about the talk she had with Esperanza after the ring incident in the bathroom with wi-fi.

Stupid is not only who makes stupid choices, but also whoever complies with them
This morning, Espy has woken up weaker than usual but she still insists on going to school.
Pedro tries to convince her to stay and rest but what in Hillary is determination in Espy is stubbornness and she tries to get up to no avail. After the sour discussion with Pato regarding the night of sex with Luca and the fight with Ernesto over his potentially deadly prank, she is feeling rather weak.
Finally, she agrees to stay home and rest and send Pedro to school, after all, neither one of her kids should miss it. Have you seen their cards? 
And I am talking to you Pato, we have to talk when you come back, ok?

Then Ernesto gets home. He has changed but that doesn't erase what he did before. They argue some more and there is a zoom to Silvia Derbez picture with a tear. Really? Whoever painted it decided that it was a good idea to add a tear? Is this Crown of Tears or what?
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 25 (Aug 8, 2016) 2d Half

Aplogies ahead of time for ruining a nice little nursery rhyme.
A nod to Kendra for the idea.

Oh where oh where has Pedrito gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
With his ears cut long and his hair cut short
Oh where oh where can he be?

Oh where oh where has the little boy gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
I think he went down to the landscaping site
To see what he could see
While his folks all reveled without a care

I think I saw him by the tractor
Playing and running around
While his folks all reveled without a care

But I just can't see him anymore
He just can't seem to be found
While his folks all reveled without a care

Who knows where he might have decided to go
Perhaps someone at Televisa will know
Maybe his real mommy came and took him away


Yago #51, Wednesday August 10, 2016: Unexpected Cliche

- Bruno overhears Sara and Yago, and discovers that Yago is Omar. At home, he wants to talk to Melina about Yago.

- Julia is pregnant by Abel and wants an abortion. Katia urges her to tell to Abel, but Julia doesn't want to talk to him.

- Julia's icy attitude towards Fidel begins to thaw.

- Ximena returns to the bar to finish her mural and to invite Yago to an art exhibit. It turns out she's an art instructor - she's not as young as she looks!

- Becker wants out of the deal with Camilo. Camilo doesn't like that.

- Abel is giving Teo the cold shoulder, and Yago is giving Abel the cold shoulder. It's a bromance love triangle!

- Sara is giving both Camilo and Lucio the cold shoulder, and Yago is giving Sara the cold shoulder. It's a love trapezoid!

- Camilo is leaning on Lucio to get Abel, and Lucio is waiting to hear from Fidel about being a double-agent. But Sara asks Yago to let her be the double-agent instead.

The blow-by-blow:
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Tres Veces Ana - # 64 and 65 - Triple hysteria and impactful reunions

(Some scenes below are consolidated)

Rehash of Rem finding out about Santi and Ana Le’s monologue to her bed-bound husband on not expecting anything less of him than to murder Daniel. She cheated, that is true, but he was neglecting her, working late, she just wanted attention. And Marcelo cheated himself. Ana Le loves him and will not divorce him. She also apparently generously forgives him and asks for the same in return.

New episode:
Abue for some reason feels the need to explain herself to Facundo, as she feels guilty for not finding him earlier. She promises she tried, but his nephew didn’t know anything either (Abue, you tried once two days ago. That hardly even qualifies to be an attempt.) She does tell him about Jenny and Facundo is very surprised. He offers condolences to Mariano, who has his “Ana Le has already shown me the light and I hate Jenny now” face on and so he changes the subject. Abue departs and Mariano wants to make it clear to Facundo that Marcelo is not on the list of his favorite people right now. He, Mariano, needs to defend his niece. Facundo, though, says Marcelo will need all their help as well. Mariano is skeptical.  
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sueño de amor #104 Wednesday 8/10/16. "Too Many Tears, Everyone Looks Like Hell and a Pato Who Won't Stop Quacking"

We pick up our story just after a worn down, weakened, and ill Esperanza has told Ernesto that she is ready to throw in the towel, that she just cannot deal with her situation anymore and he has begged her to keep fighting and not give in: just do it please for her children.

(WARNING: the unifying theme of this episode was TEARS!!!!!!!)

Ricardo, Cristina and all of the kids are leaving the church (Pámela is on his back) after setting the date of the wedding. Ricardo is chanting: two weeks!!! (To the wedding) The kids and Ricardo want to go celebrate by going to the movies. Cristina is all poopie at first saying they just were at the amusement park but gives in.

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Yago #50: Ticking Time Bomb

Ticking Time Bomb-- Poem by Jaquay Atkins
With an arrow through my heart, you poisoned my soul
Toxic fumes run rampant
Appalled at your conniving actions;
Body is numb, icicles for fingers
Crying inside
My mind has become a ticking time bomb
The explosion is bound to be epic

Flashback: Lucio takes a very young Matias to his first horse riding (equitación) lesson. Matias is worried about falling off the horse and prefers to go to Jonas’ house to learn carpentry. Lucio tells him they will go afterwards. He tries to alleviate Matias’ fears about the horse, and tells Matias that he always wanted to be a horseman (jinete) when he was a kid. He tells Matias that horses need their love and care, and can be good friends. Voiceover: “If there was anything I learned from my parents when they stopped caring for me, it was that blood ties aren’t enough to unite a family.”

Present Day: Lucio goes into Mati’s room, picks up a picture of Matias on his horse, hugs it to his body, and begins to cry. Voiceover: “I thought that my love for Matias would be enough to have him with me for always. Now, I know that even the strongest love is powerless against the whims of destiny.”

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Tres Veces Ana #62 and #63 - The Past Catches Up at Last

Rehash: Ana Let kisses Dani goodbye, and Evaristo is seen lurking towards Dani's room (possibly also to kiss him goodbye). Santi has a wet dream (and by wet, I mean his ritual baptism in doused gel) where Marc is there to finish Danito off. Fack-mundo decides to go for a night stroll.....into Dani's hospital room, mayhap?? Santi wakes abruptly to find that the gel was just a nightmare....oh and Dani's death too. He checks w/ Inaki who reassures him Dani is fine. Ghoulieta arrives to thank him once again, but he tells her to save it. Dr. Lorenzo comes in and& informs them that Dani kicked the bucket overnight. Ghoulieta makes a ghoulish face and howls at the moon. Inaki humorously crosses himself.

Ghoulietta auditions for Ghostbusters
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #103. Tuesday August 9, 2016. Lies That Build You Up And Truths That Tear You Down

With this red string I thee project to wed. Red for love. Red for heart. Red for ready to commit to you. Red for rededicating my life to you. Red for red-herring.

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Ernesto tells Anastasia they need to talk about alimony and child support (pensión alimenticia). She says she doesn't want it or the apartment. Ernesto reminds her that Baby Luca is his son and a De la Colina. Ernesto wants his baby to have the best in life, live comfortably, go to the best schools and never want for anything. 
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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Yago #49 Bombs are dropping all over the place, (not really)

Sorry it took so long. Recapping this TN is very time consuming because there is so much detail to it. Anyway, here you go.

We start off at Lucio’s office with Abel telling Lucio that Abel has joined forces with Yago now and he wants Lucio to do it also, he will bring him there dead or alive.  With sweat dripping off of his face profusely cuz it’s Mexico City and no one needs to wear a heavy jacket anytime of the year to keep warm, he opens it and show Lucio the bomb he’s wearing on his chest. 

Flashback to Ambar as a 10 year old, crying and hungry, she misses Sara, Damian trying to calm her down. He tells her that Sara abandoned them. Damian admits to missing her too. He also admits that Sara was his favorite, wishing that Ambar was instead, things would have been much easier if she were. 
Current day, Damian puts flowers on Ambar’s grave.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #102. Monday August 8, 2016. Ricardo The Lionheart Has Nothing On This Ricardo!

Students, faculty, cancer-ridden ex-fiancée: I cancelled your coffee break and gathered you in this auditorium to gloat about my shacking up with this beautiful, voluptuous and definitely cancer-free blonde!

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Esperanza has a lot of fever due to the cancer virotherapy. The little inspirational board that hangs in her bedroom says: “After a brief dream, to wake up eternally”. Juaréver that means. Pato and Pedro take turns in taking care of their mother.
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Tres Veces Ana # 60 and 61 - In which Ana Le settles many of her debts

(Some scene consolidation below, don’t be confused) 

Skipping the rehash and going straight to the new material, because far be it from me to deprive you all of the episode that might just make you wish you could kick some of these characters in a shin. No finger pointing though (Llora). 

So we ended on Facundo confusing Ana Lu for Ana Leticia. Before Santicelo could collect his split personality brain cells and think up an excuse, Ana Lu gave him a huge break by assuming that Facundo had just mistaken Leticia with Lucia, since he probably just heard it for the first time yesteday! So she corrected him and invited him for coffee. Santi of course played along, and Facundo – quick thinking on his feet (he must have had a lot of time to do crossword puzzles and Sudoku in his cave) – did as well.
(Side note – what is happening to Ana Lu’s blouse there? Is it borrowed from Ana Le?) 

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Monday, August 08, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 25 (Aug 8, 2016) 1st Half

After they are married:
Will Carlos and Paco move into the shack with Fer, Pedro and Pedrito? OR
Will Fer & Pedrito move into the Gomez Ruiz mansion with Carlos, Paco, Marissa and Clarita?
Will Pedro want to come with them?

After they are married:
Will Pedro move into the Altamirano mansion with Amelia, Mariana, Hernan and Blanca? OR
Will Amelia move into the shack with Pedro, Fer, Carlos, Pedrito and Paco? OR
Will Fer move into the Altamirano mansion with all her brood of family and friends? AND 
Who will adjust better to their new abode?
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 8, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Saturday, August 06, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #49/54: Who Killed G.R.? And Who The Heck Is Ana Leticia?

Parte 1~

While Mariano is suffering guilt pangs for having fooled around with Valentin Padilla’s exploitative ex, Facundo is getting the second biggest shock of his life in seeing that his dead and buried son is no longer dead and buried, but very much alive.  Unfortunately, Santiago wants nothing to do with him or the past life he represents as Marcelo Salvaterra’s father.  (And, what a debby-downer!  A recluse ruminating in refuse. Santi can't help but wrinkle his nose in disgust.)

Facundo may be his father but he’s no father figure.  SanMarco cannot remember the man and seeing him does not arouse feeling number one in him.  He knows enough about Marcelo Salvaterra to know he doesn’t want to be that man or have any part of his life as his any longer.  Remedios was Santi’s biggest help, his biggest fan, and his only reason for having recovered. That won’t stop Facundo from trying to rescue him from his amnesia, and he tells him as much. 

Ramiro visits Mariano at The Realty Place and tells him he wants the truth about Gina’s death.

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Sueno de amor, #101, Friday Alive! Alive!

Hello, everybody!
As Nandicta is away for a much needed break, I'll be in charge of Fridays for a while and so far I'm doing a terrible job. I just got back from my vacation, so I haven't had the chance to unpack, watch the show or catch up with the last week of recaps. So, I have no clue what happened yesterday, except to say that ADRIAN IS ALIVE (which I found out from Univision's site).
If you, guys, are kind enough to share a few of last night's happenings, I'll add them here, to give those who can't watch at the moment more details.  I'll do the same, if I get the chance to watch before the next show airs.

Later edit, courtesy of Pablo (THANK YOU, Pablo, you rock!)

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Friday, August 05, 2016

Yago Caputulo 48: Burn My Shadow

Monsters don't sleep
Monsters don't fear
Monsters attract
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Thursday, August 04, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #56 and 57 - The Amnesiac of the Baskervilles

Hi all -- Sneaky is unable to recap for us today, so I am providing a short summary from memory below and if anybody has more details, please add in comments and I will update the main post later. Otherwise, discuss away!

Quite a bit of movement this episode.

First, as we suspected Ana Le is trying to weasel her way out of the predicament she created by accepting Ramiro’s advances. Nobody wants to hear her out though, except our gullible Llora. Before deciding to bare her lying soul, Ana Le goes into a rage attack and slaps Llora. Realizing that, should Llora talk about this, Ana Le will never get out of the doghouse, our scheming murderess asks Llora to keep the slap quiet from the family. After all, she – Ana Le – is going through so much. Marcelo is really alive and Ramiro knew this all along, so Ana Le only agreed to this relationship to get closer to Marcelo, who faked his death and is in hiding. Llora, of course, cannot believe this. She is instructed by Ana Le to go talk to Ramiro and say nothing to anybody else. So the joy of Llora’s tears and probably yet another break up with Ramiro is awaiting us in one of the next few episodes. 
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 1, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current novelas are the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 100 (8.4.16) Unplanned, unwanted, rejected, ugly, abused, alcoholic, raped, neglected, kidnapped, dead.

Whoope! We made it to 100th! 30 more to go!

The refried made us watch again the agony of Erny and the morbid curiosity of Espy while they both saw Kracy giving water to Adrián. 

From there Erny went to see Ricardo with the purpose of terminate him. Only way to save his own son. You know that although Baxter has tracked Adrián down, Ernesto is desperate to get him back and gives in to Kracy's demands, trying to kill Richerd. But Ricardo, who can sell you an umbrella on a rainy day using his rhetoric, convinces Erny that Kracy is so crazy that she wont fulfill her promise after he is dead, so he is spared, and just in the heat of the argument, Cristina Vélez Valderrama (or CVV for short) arrives and tackles Erny down, making him lose his gun. Sorry, this was part of the conditions and I would do anything for my son (except go visit him in the rehab center).
I would even give my life for his. Now.
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 24 (Aug 1, 2016) 2nd Half

So, two of our bad guys are locked up in a prison, not unlike the one Fer was in. She’s feeling sorry for Luis, who insists on calling her Luisa, after himself, because she knows what prisons are like. Carlos and many on the Caray Patio would do not agree, after all the maldad he’s caused, and which Carlos keeps enumerating. Luis deserves to be where he is and he deserves to get the best treatment from Apolinaro and his gang.

Luis, on the other hand, was feeling great as he made arrangements to flee the country, leaving this daughter he’s been fighting for, for weeks, in order to avoid prison. With glee he believes he’s off to Taiwan holding onto a cheap little necklace (not unlike the one Felipe wanted to give Fer at the beginning of this story). Taiwan is pretty far away to try to recoup a daughter he didn't know he had for 20 years and to whom he’s caused nothing but pain and sorrow. How nice the getaway was foiled by the hardworking police force.

Of course, Luis wouldn’t be where he is today had Carlos not been able to recoup the box of documents proving that Luis had ruined his family’s bank. So much for listening at doors and overhearing conversations—now I’m all for it.

Luis is last seen vowing to get out of prison one way or another and give Fer the necklace. When it is taken from him by other prisoners, his one-track mind focuses on the necklace rather than thinking about becoming a model prisoner and serving his time.

It seems to me that Luis is feeling sorry enough for himself than for Fer to feel sorry for him, too. What will Fernanda do about her feelings for Luis? We can only wait and see.


Yago #47, Wednesday August 4, 2016: Yago vs. Omar

Bullet points:

- Lucio gets Damian out of jail, much to the horror of Sara and Mati.

- Julia accepts Selma as her mama. (Fidel will have to wait a little longer.)

- Melina tells Yago she doesn't want any more to do with him. He can come back when he's ready to be Omar.

- Lucio looks for Abel at Camilo's request, but is unable to find him. Also, Lucio's been doing coke. Oh yeah, that'll totally help!

- Yago agrees to let Jimena, the pushy artist, exhibit her art in his bar. He offers her a wall for a new mural.

- There's some discussion about what to do with Abel. Also, Team Fidel/Yago agree to target Hernan next.

- Camilo impresses Mati and woos Sara. (Sara lets Camilo know that Lucio isn't Mati's biological father.) The flirtation leads to a poker game in which Sara is the prize. Sara throws the game, but when it's time to pay up, it's not clear if she can go through with it...

The blow-by-blow:
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Tres Veces Ana #54 and 55 - A long lead up to an explosive reveal - the evil queen is banished from the kingdom, but keeps her head…for now

We start with a couple of Llora/Ana Le and Ramiro/Santiago repeat moments. (Aren't there suddenly more repeat scenes in these double episodes at the beginning?)

Marcelo gave a very firm and convincing talk to Mariano’s lawyer friend Samuel. Marcelo will protect friends and destroy his enemies and Samuel better pick a side and fast. Mousy Samuel agrees he is better off on Marcelo’s good side. In that case, Marcelo instructs him to give him the key to the security deposit box and transfer all the money Samuel laundered abroad to Marcelo under the alias they’ve used previously. Samuel will also indeed represent Ana Le in the divorce. Marcelo will get a different lawyer. Samuel will make sure things don’t go Ana Le’s way in this divorce and that Marcelo quickly regains his freedom. Samuel is not to talk to Santiago Garcia. To him Santiago Garcia does not exist. Seems there are a lot of dirty deeds between these two, as Samuel did not even try to argue.
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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Sueño de amor #99 Wednesday 8/3/16

So, here we are with our story ready to pick up right after Ricardo and Cristina reaffirm their love for each other and kiss.

At home, Anya is having a nightmare of sorts where all of her patients are gone and Pedro appears as a doctor trying to convince her that love can also be a profession (just like medicine) by having her listen to his accelerated heart beat which he says she caused. She awakens just as they are about to kiss and laughs at herself for being so crazy and seeing Pedro as a doctor in her dream.

At the Guerrero's, Pedro tucks his mother Esperanza into bed. They say good night and he turns out the light.
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Yago #46: The Perfect Weapon

Full recap is up now. Enjoy!

Flashback: Abel comes to Casa Guerrero in the middle of the night, beat up and bleeding after getting in yet another fight. Omar lets him in and takes him upstairs, trying not to wake the rest of the family, but Melina wakes anyway. She sends Omar for the medical kit to tend to Abel’s wounds, and gently warns Abel to stop getting into these fights. He’s going to get himself killed one day. He has to learn to control himself. She assures him she’s concerned about him and that he’s family. Abel is touched, and tells her what his grandmother told him—that he’s the family black sheep and a lost soul. Melina tells him, “Your grandmother doesn’t know what a big heart you have. And I don’t think you do either.”

Abel voiceover: “Omar’s family healed my old wounds. Ones I never thought were possible to heal. They believed in me, and made me believe that I wasn’t the monster that everyone else thought I was. But they were mistaken. The monster was only sleeping.”

Present day: Abel meets Hernan in an abandoned warehouse, prepared to follow Camilo’s orders and interrogate someone. Abel stops cold when he sees the someone is a terrified Melina. Abel tries to get out of it and asks Hernan to let her go. He points out to Hernan that he knows the lady. Hernan, the Killing Machine, doesn’t give a damn. Abel’s there to get info out of the old lady, by any means necessary. Abel is more than reluctant, remembering how kind Melina has always been to him.
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Tres Veces Ana #52 and #53 - FlashBack To The Future

(All flashbacks discussed will be in italics)

Leonora has a flashback to a conversation with Facundo (aka Funky Dodo):
Funky says he plans to go back to Costa Paraiso. He asks her for forgiveness. She forgives & thanks him for a beautiful experience. Not wanting it to end, he asks her to go with him. He feels the family denied her the life she deserves, one that he'd offer her as his woman. She claims she had the chance, but was never brave enough to reach for happiness & feels she doesn't deserve it. He says it's her life, but he wants to thank her for helping him discover a heart that still beats. But due to her resistance, he can't resolve the sadness she feels inside. She nods and they bid each other goodbye.

Ana Let discovers her as he leaves. She confronts Leonora about her involvement with her FIL (father-in-law) and tells her she should be ashamed of herself.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #98. Tuesday August 2, 2016. Adrián In A Gorilla Cage, Ernesto In Debt to His Rival And Maggie In Suegra Hell!

Oh hell no! I didn't invest months of cougaring to land this  young thang only to have his mom sleep in our bed!

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Montserrat Izquierdo viuda del Pozo, mother of Félix Tiburcio del Pozo is visiting from Tabasco (actual Tabasco, not the Tabasco where we exile telenovela characters). She is a mustached woman whose vestimentary inspirations are Madonna in “Like A Virgin” and Hyacinth Bucket from the BBC’s “Keeping Up Appearances”. She plans to live at Casa Manzanares for the next 2 to 24 months. She is overbearing, haughty, meddlesome and nit-picky. She laughs like a hyperactive hyena, eats like a medieval serf during famine and relishes mocking Margarita for her advanced age. 
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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Yago #45 More cold blooded killing

I don't know how to make this any shorter, there is too much information I would be leaving out in order to do so. 

We start with a flashback from Omar, he’s about 10, Jonas walks in on Omar in the midst of a huge mess in his workshop, yelling at Omar, how he could do such a thing. Omar denies culpability, but his father doesn’t believe his denials. They go outside, Jonas asks if it wasn’t Omar, who did it? Omar sees a smirking Lucio in the distance, but like a good friend, Omar takes the fall for him. 
Yago is heard saying that there’s nothing worse than be accused of something you didn’t do. Poor Omar has had a lot of that in his life. And the latest is from Matias accusing Yago of killing Ambar. And just like when Jonas wouldn’t believe in the goodness of Omar and Omar’s denials, Jonas is repeating it with Yago, and told Yago to leave. 

Well, even though Julia left her conversation with Katia in a huff, saying she didn’t want to have anything to do with Selma and Fidel, she now is taking the time to read the letter Selma wrote to her dead daughter Fabiana, the letter that  Katia snuck from Selma’s book and then gave to Julia. It says:
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #97. Monday August 1, 2016. The She-Bat In The Hat Kidnaps Adrián And Nurse Anya Ratched Joins Sueñolandia’s Only Private Hospital

Wa wa wa wee wa! That stethoscope could totally double up as a whip!

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Adrián is happy because he feels he is in the best phase of his life. He is out of rehab, he has learnt to love and accept himself, he has forgiven his dad, his parents are happy in their respective romantic relationships and Estrella has agreed to be with him forever! All is peachy peach cobbler in Adrián’s life! The boy has been happy for all of 12 episodes and he hasn’t been bullied or punched in the face for a whole 5 episodes so, naturally, it’s time for Osorio to start torturing him again. Kracy kidnaps Adrián at gunpoint (a punta de pistola) outside his school. 
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Tres Veces Ana # 50 and 51 - In which it seems that the odds are stacked against Ana Le, yet it is too soon for the good to triumph

Hold on to your flat screens, Patio friends, we have a lot to cover here today. 

Rehash: Santi and Sole continue to figure out whether he still loves his wife. 

Tin is asking fake Llora to not let TioM separate them. Tin will die if he loses Llora. In her fake faint, too sweet voice, “Llora” asks Tin what he has against her tio. Well, says surprised Tin, it is actually him – the crippled by TioM poor schmuck who is entitled to feeling snubbed. TioM made him like this!!!  

Out at the get-away ranch, TioM presents Llora to Viridiana and talks about his never-ending love for his nieces. Viridiana is impressed, Llora is touched. They talk about Ana Le and Llora reveals they are triplets. TioM quickly says that the third sister is dead, but that doesn’t sit well with Llora. She asks him not to say that, they argue some, making Viridiana uncomfortable, and Llora excuses herself. Viridiana and TioM get back to staring and flirting.  

New stuff (scenes somewhat consolidated): 
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