Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1/13 TUE Hasta el Fin del Mundo #104 Not Armando’s finest hour.

Oficina de Alexa
Alexa tells Irais she’s planning to dedicate herself to what she really cares for.  ruh-roh

Dani barges in, complaining about Alexa’s decision to support Sofia’s resignation.  Alexa explains she only did what Sofia asked.  Sofia needs to “find herself” and needs some alone time.  “Mal onda, neta!” opines Dani.  Alexa agrees she never would have thought of taking over the reins but Sofia needed her.  She feels Sofia will soon realize she needs to return and Alexa has the “perfect plan”.  She’s not divulging the details, but in less than a week Sofia – and the other partners – will agree that Sofia must return.  Que te lo digo yo!  (shot # 1)

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Mi corazon es tuyo #125 Sebastian and Sarai compete and win!!, Johnny and Jen show Ana the new pole dance studio, Fer and Ana take their relationship up one notch even if they have to kiss over the turkey


Not much, Ana dancing and thinking if Chicago disappears, she won’t have to tell Fernando anything.

Fernando silent with teary eyes staring at Fanny Sr’s portrait

Lo Nuevo:

Fanny and Leon take Mau looking for Christmas tree… She tells Mau she loves him very much… Mau saying you had not said that yet, I would remember it. Leon thinks about the last step (proposing to/asking Fanny) Leon makes Mau agree that Fanny is sooo beautiful.

At Chicago, Ana is saying a speech on the mike, wishes merry xmas to everyone and special greeting to her dear Jenny, Johnny and all her co-workers. A toast with red roses all around her on the stage… She announces they are closing for a couple weeks. Merry xmas and happy new year, Chicago! Cheers! Ana walks around hugging everyone.

Back to Fer and we hear the voice of Fanny Sr ‘don’t let her go, Fernando! … don’t let her go’. Him responding ‘No, Fanny. I won’t let her go. I won’t… let Ana go. Thank you… Than you.’ (he is very emotional, this is indeed a farewell)

(good acting on JS part…. Excellent… one of the few actor men who can cry realistically on the fly)

Back to Chicago… Johny and Jenny are leaving but find ‘la diva’ crying… she is sad she will be away from them such a long time. She loves working here. Good music, ambience, friends… you all. Jen tells her just give us a call. She is heading home to Agualulco near San Luis (San Luis Obispo?). Johny gives her a cell phone. She is real grateful.

At Lasc house, we get closeup of all the decorations… fireplace sparking… (WHOA!!!) Ana and Fernando are cuddling together in couch. Ana says they will make a stocking for Diego Nicolas. She will buy the materials and make it tomorrow. He is thankful.

F: This kiss we shared… (she is babbling some nonsense syllables LOL!... ) … yeah.. beautiful… you know I love you. And with that kiss I felt that you love me too.

A: AH you didn’t know?

F: Well. Believe me that sometimes I am not so sure because you never have told me.

A: Aaah!

F: That’s all.

A: … I love you!...

F: (in disbelief, emotional) Do you have any idea of how happy I feel to hear this??...

A: Yeah, but you are hyperventilating… I know because I feel the same.

(then they get to kissing and babbling about it being the first of thousands… no, millions… no, billions! Of kisses…)

She asks him one thing… whatever you say… anything… She asks him to keep it secret from the kids for now… he asks why… she does not want them to know yet… she wants to take things easy, slow to make sure they work out… He does understand her point… He recalls Luz saw him kissing Ana and then he married Isa. And Ana ended up dating Diego… and now they are back together… Ana says the kids won’t know what to think, especially the younger ones and she does not want to confuse them. (‘calmantes montes elegantes pintos pajaros cantantes’ … and in Ana’s vocabulary all that means ‘easy does it’) He says you're right, ‘si, mi amor’. She says she loves when he calls her that. (AWWWWW) However, he wants to continue kissing and points out that there is no one around right now. ‘sure!’ ‘I love yur englich’ (LOL!) Kissy kissy continues… he shuts her up… (FINALLY!! She was getting me dizzy)
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La Gata #95 1/13/15 A Rainbow of Stupid

1. Many thanks to Eli, Diva and Anon for the inspiration
2. The only action getting recapped is whatever fits into the theme. We can all clarify and add in the comments.

Seeing Red
Garabato is pissed. His parents were murdered and he was left a dumpster baby. It's all La Gata's fault. Her parents must die....or her parents must be left without a child. We've all said it before-La Gata was a baby. How is it her fault?

Little White Lies
More like big whoppers, but I'm working an angle here.
Augie conveniently gets back his ability to talk and tells Esme and Pablo that Lorenza is lying about her illness just so Eseme will care for him. Later Augie is back to thought bubbling so I'm particularly annoyed by this. Proof positive that the writers just do whatever the hell they want. Logic, story and quality be damned.

Later in the episode Lo tells another lie. She spills the beans to Esme about the paternity suit (stretched over two scenes...it took forever.) Lo says Pablo came to her full of doubt thanks to this latest event. Could it be that the children aren't Pablo's?

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La Gata #94 01/12/15 Where's Maury when you need him?

I used to be a happy girl, but this show has broken my spirit, its gotten so bad that I can't really seem to make out what the characters are saying, as in all the conversations are a blur. I'm not trying to be a jerk, it's just that I find myself having a hard time trying to focus. I even made a song!

I hate this show and I can not lie
All my patio peeps will understand
That nothing on this show is worth watching
But we are dedicated peeps
so we will keep on recapping
I might need therapy this is no lie
I wonder if Televisa will help me out?

Okay, so not the best song but it's the best I could do!

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #103 1/12/14 How About a Game of "Who's Your Daddy?"

From Friday:
At the store, Pedro says good-by to Paco before going back to Monterrey.
Chava shows up at home on his motorcycle and takes Lupe' to her dance classes.
Renzi suggests Pato give Greta the name of one of the real estate partners to use for the name of Sofia's fake father. They'll use the name of a dead man so Sofia won't find out much about him. Pato asks Renzi to make sure the guy was a bum, that way Sofia will be so humiliated by her background that she won't feel she has a right to come back to run the factory.
Iker puts the drops in Greta's tea. 
Greta gets the name of Sofia's fake father from Pato.
New Episode:
This is the Lombardi Trophy that the NFL presents to the team that wins the Super Bowl. Please remember this picture for later in the recap.
Lucas, Ollie, Dani and Mari meet at the factory and talk about their band. They still need a drummer and a female vocalist. Both girls want to try out. These kids are so wholesome and picture perfect that I'm going to call them the Wonder Bread Band.
Dani tells Ollie that after Sofia ran out and left Pato at the alter, she came back home with him! Now Sofia wants to resign as the head of the company.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 98. 01/12/15.

Hunky Hector doesn't understand how Ulises is going to allow the love of his life to marry another. You will regret not trying to do more. I don't want to be all up in your business but I see myself in you. I allowed the love of my life to go off with another man and I have regretted it since. It's better to lose your pride for love then your love for pride.

Acacia tells Esteban that he now has to keep his distance. He says his only sin has been in loving her. She reminds him that is the biggest of sins. What we have done is wrong, but I am willing to do anything so that you go away. He only wants her happiness and says he will leave her to get on with her wedding.

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Monday, January 12, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 1/12/15 ♥ #124 ♥

Capitulo 124: The Name Game

Prologue on Mount Olympus:

Have you seen Father?” asked Apollo. “I've been looking for him for the last few days and he's nowhere to be found.”

I suspect he's up to his usual old tricks,” said Athena. “He could be down on earth among the mortals.”

Oh, that's trouble we don't need,” said Apollo. “The last time that happened – “

Don't remind me,” said Athena. “We'd better see Hera. Maybe he's with her.”

They went into the palace toward Hera's boudoir, only to hear her voice calling out.

Zeusy? Zeusy? Where are you?” Hera emerged from her boudoir, disheveled and not quite looking like herself.

Oh, no. It finally happened. She's losing her mind.”

Zeusy? Zeusy? Where are you hiding?”

That's too dangerous. We have to do something now.”

You're the patron of physicians. That's up to you. You must have a potion for this.”

I'll work on that right away. Meanwhile, don't let her leave the palace. I'll send Pegasus down to help look for Dad by himself so Hera can't find him. Nothing worse than Step-mum on the warpath.”
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Jan. 12, 2015

Hola á todos! Tonight is the gran final of Señora Acero and tomorrow is the long-awaited premiere of Dueños del Paraíso.
Los Miserables and Tierra de Reyes are chugging along.
Here is your page for comments on the old, the new and the remake.

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Dueños del Paraíso-index

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quiero Amarte (Week 17-Jan 12) Highlights & Discussion

How much evil have we seen so far in this ""Wanting to love you" telenovela? Let us count the ways. (Reminder: We are only at the halfway mark.)
Fraud & Embezzlement
Burglary & Robbery
Conspiracy to commit the above crimes
Attempted Murder
Attempted Drowning
Cruelty to Children and mentally challenged young adult
Domestic Violence and Assault
Threats of Bodily Harm

Not enough for you? Tune in, as we will probably have to make the list longer before El Fin.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

La Gata #93 Friday 1/9/15 La... Oh who am I kidding? There are just no words.

Yes, the foot art is ridiculously annoying, distracting and ugly. So is Pablo. As Mariano noted, he accomplished NOTHING with the lawyer. Pablo does get a point for suggesting a DNA test. Mariano gets the dumbass award for scoffing at the idea. That only happens when the case goes to court, he says. I want to try hash out an agreement before it comes to that, he says. WTF? I say. They don't even finish this line of thought before Pablo veers off into a conversation about Virginia.

Virginia and Esme gush over the wedding dress. Virginia just wants a family. A united family.No anvil sounds. Almost a disappointment until I realize they really only use the anvil sound for totally stupid stuff.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #123, Who survives? The Baby or Isabela?

I didn’t set out to write this in bullet points, but the way the show has been aired lately with quickly changing scenes and time passing by fast, that’s the only way I can do it. Also, there are really bad transitions and editing so a few things are difficult to follow or just make no sense as to why they are there.

Time is flying by rapidly; Fernando gets La Costaña financially healthy again, Sebastain is learning to use the crutches, Maricela has her baby, the kids and León prepare a production of Grease, which we never see so what’s the point, Isabela attempts to kill Enrique but there is an earthquake right as she’s about to stab him with a letter opener, (please!), so also what’s the point, León finishes his final thesis to get his degree, and Isabela is starting to feel contractions.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #102 Case Study: Chava, the Stalker is Outraged that he is being Stalked

This episode opens with Sophia sobbing at Octavio's tombstone.  Octavio molded her to be like him because he believed that she was his first born daughter.  He expected her to a perfect role model for her sisters.  What we see now that she is a the results of Octavio's fatherly attention...a 30 year old educated, refined, virgin who could be mistaken for a bimbo if she wasn't the CEO of a large corporation.  He was hard on her and expected her to be perfect in every way, she says.  She attributes her straight teeth, perky breasts and stunning looks to Octavio.  She wonders how he would have acted if he had known that she was a poor man's bastard. 

After pestering Octavio, she moves on to the chapel and bores the poor Virgin Mary statue with her annoying and endless sobbing.  She begs Mary help her find purpose in her disappointment.  She places her life in the virgins hands and then lays a lit candle at her feet.  Sophia notices a charm at on the floor and picks it up. 
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La Malquerida, capitulo 97. 01/09/15.

Acacia goes to Ulises office and wants to talk. She needs to clarify that what happened the other night was a misunderstanding. But he says he's tired of all the misunderstandings. She begs him to let her talk but he's not feeling it. He takes her by the hand and tells her that every time he has her close, it destroys him. And knows the same happens to her when he's around. I see that your marriage to Manuel has happened and in the name of the love that we once shared, I ask that you no longer seek me out. Even love has it's limits and I have reached mine. He asks her to leave and no longer wants to know anything about her. She agrees but asks him to forgive her and leaves.

Arturo tells him Carmen that he and Luisa are in love and want to quickly formalize their relationship. Carmen thinks they are too young but believes they will be happy together and congratulates them. But asks why the rush? He says he wants to experience every moment of life with Luisa. Carmen wants to celebrate by having a dinner. They need to celebrate Ulises going away and Arturo and Luisa's formal relationship. She asks Luisa to invite Rosa.

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Friday, January 09, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #101 20150108 Chava Gets a Happy Ending and He Ain't Thrilled About It

I only caught the last 20 minutes of the show and witnessed Araceli's violation of Chava.  If someone would like to tell us what happened, please share.


Mi Corazón 122: No More Bet Debt For Johnny And Bela’s Scheme Wrecks Seba’s Dancing Dreams

Fanny and Leon admit their stolen/surprise non-kisses to each other and make up.  FF>>

Disguised as the Little Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe, Isabela walks along the stairstepped pathway at the Lascurain children’s private school, and with a twist of her cane, trips Sebastian as he’s demonstrating a dance move to Sarai.  Seb is screaming that his foot hurts and he can’t move.  Neither can the only other adult within hearing distance, apparently—the Lascurain’s chauffeur. He stands at attention like a wooden soldier and does absolutely nothing during the entire event.  (What’s he even in the darn scene for?  Must be somebody’s couch snatch.)  Alicia calls Ana who calls Don Fernando who calls El Médico Mágico de Angel while Bitchabelly escapes into her car and laughs all the way back to her apartment.  

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La Malquerida #96, 1/8/2015: First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage…On Second Thought…

Mexico Episodes #104 and 105
Cut scenes are in italics.

Episode 104: Guess What, Ma…I’m Married!
After telling Ulises off, thinking he’s Esteban, through her shuttered windows, Acacia calls Manuel and tells him they have to do something to keep them (their families) from separating them. Outside, heartbroken Ulises is confronted by an armed guard who tells him he can’t be there without permission. (Dude. Had Uli been the real killer on the loose, Acacia would have been at the Pearly Gates by now!) Uli leaves.

The next day, Rubio is at the front desk at the police station, asking how he can see a prisoner. He balks at having to present and leave identification, and instead wanders off taking in the other folks around him. He spots Norberto, looking shady in shades, also pacing around.

Cris tells German that Ale is coming to live at the hacienda. He is fine with it. First, because it’s Cris’ house and she can do what she wants, and second because Ale will be surrounded by people who love her. Plus the guards are there to keep her safe. In any case, he’ll soon be moving into his apartment. Cris wants him to at least wait till they trap Dan, and stay under the protection of the hacienda. German will think about it. He requests that Cris not give Juliana all the details about what happened to Ale. Cris gets it, and won’t. They then talk about the craziness of Acacia and Manuel getting married. German also thinks it’s foolish and promises Cris he’ll talk to Manuel. Cris doesn’t want her opposition to ruin her relationship with Acacia, but German says Acacia adores Cris and that would never happen. Cris wants German to convince Manuel to at least wait a year.

Norb manages to get into see Perla and Julianita. He offers them money and demands that they be discreet and not mention his connection to them or Dan. He’s sure they will need money either on the inside or when they get out. Perla knows they have the power in this situation and reminds him of that. He softens his tone. He offers his protection, since they know Dan doesn’t play. He tells them to think about it, and leaves. J-nita is hurt. She thought he was there to help them and that he really cared about her. Perla calls her naïve. He’s like all the clients. Perla smiles and says, wait till he finds out he’s on video. J-nita freaks out to learn she’s on video servicing Norb.

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La Gata #92 Thursday 1-8-15 The Anti-Climax or Was it a dud for you too?

Pablo invites Carlos to his apartment.  Carlos thinks it’s about Pablo’s not being chosen as the Padrino for Carlos and Virginia’s wedding.  No.  It’s about Virginia and after Carlos learns it, he probably won’t want to marry her.

Pablo tells Carlos Virginia has a terrible illness she inherited from her mother.  She can’t have children.  If she does she will die.  Carlos thinks it’s a lie from Lo to separate them.  Pablo further tells Carlos that Virginia is not the biological child of his parents but his cousin.  Carlos turns away and weeps.   He tells Carlos he can marry but not have children and Virginia doesn’t know.  Carlos mustn’t  tell her.  It is his mother’s place.  Pablo tells him he will understand if he doesn’t want to marry and just go far away.  He asks Carlos if he will marry Virginia or leave.  Carlos turns his back, silently weeping and thinking for a loooong time.  Finally he turns back to Pablo.  Only Virginia matters to him.  If they can’t have children, they can adopt.  Virginia is a blessing in his life and he’s going to marry her.  He deflects any praise from Pablo that he is a great man.  “I’m a normal man with a great woman by my side.”

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Thursday, January 08, 2015

La Malquerida #95, 1/7/2015: Truth and Consequences

Mexico Episodes #102 and 103
Cut scenes are in italics.

Episode 102: German Learns the Painful Truth
The police have just arrived at Dan’s with a warrant to search the place. Dan demands that they leave and the police say the place is suspected of being a brothel and Dan is suspected of holding various women prisoner there. Cris and Esteban emerge from the den, where they were just about to sign the contract. Dan denies, denies, denies, but Ale speaks up and says it’s all true! Cris is shocked. As Esteban asks for an explanation and everyone looks towards him, Dan takes the opportunity to grab Ale and hold her hostage with his knife against her neck. Like a fearless mama bear, Cris marches right up to him, past the armed police and tries to pull Ale out of Dan’s grasp, but Efrain grabs her and holds her at gun point! All the police draw their guns, but Dan threatens to kill if they don’t lower their weapons. The police chief complies and tells his men to drop their weapons, as Dan and Efrain drag the women outside. Efrain locks the cops and Esteban inside the house, as Ale and Cris fuss, and fight, and struggle to get free of the two psychos.

Ulises and Hector come running up to save the day and a six person struggle begins as the two heroes struggle to free the women and disarm and incapacitate the two killers. Uli holds Dan as Hector struggles with Efrain. Dan yells at Efrain to shoot! And he does. Alejandra goes down with a bullet to the abdomen! They all panic and surround her, even Dan, as Hector holds Efrain down. Thinking that Ale is dead, Dan quickly scrambles to his feet, just as the police emerge from a side door of the house with weapons drawn. They shoot and manage to blow his cane to smithereens, but he manages to get in his car and drive away before they can stop him. Ale loses consciousness as Cris wails, Uli and Hector look sad and horrified, and Este looks disappointed that he didn’t get that contract signed.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 7, 2015- "The Truth will Set You Free."

Dani who has changed out of her dress watches Sofia saunter in still dolled up as a blushing bride with Patricio who promptly leaves.

Sofia comes in demanding to QueenBeeGreta that she is to tell her who her father is.

Alexa is with Armando when her phone rings a fabulous tone and she has to go.

Greta tells Sofia 50% of the truth and that is enough to set off her berserk button. Greta has a flashback to her wedding with Octavio and when Sofia was born.

Sofia yells at Greta some more which is amazing. Greta trues defending herself which she does and says she doesn't regret a thing. Sofia is livid and Dani comes in; she is worried and asks why she isn't with Chava. Sofia ignores that and lays it down; OCTAVIO RIPOLL (SHOULD BE RIPOFF) NO ES SU PADRE!

Alexa comes in asking what is up with the mystery? Fausto says he is a stinky poo in Greta's eyes and nose right now so Alexa should go see this for herself.

She comes in and Sofi grills Greta for having forbidden Daniela's relationship with TooSexyForWordsLucas and.                                 Alexa's relationship with ArmieSize15FootEqualsBigBanana when Greta was in a relationship with a poor man and the result of that relationship was her! Caras de imPACtO all around!

Cristie calls Silvie letting her know that Sofia's returned, there's an obligatory, mandatory, respiratory Maldita Sofia (think of Maldita Gata from Lorenza in La Gata.) She simply and bitchingly orders him to find out everything that's possible to be found out.

Chava says to Armie3rdTelenovioO'Mine that he is going to rip his love for Sofia out of his heart.

DaniPinkShorts comes in to talk with StillBlushingBrideDressedSofi and they console each other. Sofia acknowledges that Alexa is and was Octi's primogenita and favorite.

Alexa and Sofi have a heart-to-heart about how Sofia having had worked so hard all her life and Alexa was always the fave regardless of the effort Sofi put into everything.

Chava and ArmieDressedLikeUncleJesse talk about throwing Sofia out of his life for his career.

SofiBathrobe rocks back and forth repeating Greta's life-changing confession in her head; she compares her love for Salvador with Greta's....uhhhhhhhh with Paco that she still doesn't know was with Paco.

Chava's home and Nandito blabs something rotten Marisol said and she lies about not having said it. Miguelina says that she's beat from having cooked all day and for there to have been no completed matrimony,  fuggetaboutit! Lucas pats her shoulder and Miguelina seems to like having been touched by him a little too much. She's out and everyone else who doesn't live there either follow suit. Chava 'fesses up that Sofi didn't get married and Lupe says he should be glad. He really isn't and won't be he says and sulks it all the way to his room to wallow in tears on his racecar bed.

Silvie gabs her revenge non-sense with Christie ; they're gonna drug Greta and Pato comes in to stretch out this scene. He spills to Silvie about what went down at ministerio publico and heart-breaking news for Silvie that he still needs to play the good BF.



Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #121 Ana and Fernando enter the set of 'Dirty Dancing' for a while and Fernando likes it so much he now wants to add a dance room to the house...


Nando won’t tell Fernando who hit him, ‘its not my information to give’.

Fanny and Edith talk about Lenin and Leon and her… Fanny claims kiss with Lenin was just spite. But Leon screwed the surprise he had fixed for her. Edith tells her you gotta forgive yourself and figure things out with Leon.

Leon sends Laura ‘por un tubo’. ‘Haz Click & delete yourself … I LOVE FANNY!’

Fernando calls Ana to come to office to take Nando to hospital. Soledad will go with Ana.

Isa gets to hospital with a surgical blade. ‘in any case Freeky is half dead already… if he talks I am lost…’

Lo Nuevo:

Edith and Fanny keep arguing, Seems Fanny learned about Nando getting beat up. Edith feels guilty, is crying. They are rushing to go to see Nando. Edith guesses it was Gabriel (well, who else?)

At office, Ana and Soledad run into Isa, who does not lose time to start namecalling them with her favorite ‘mommy n a c a and little n a c a.’ This gets a slap heard round the world from Soledad. Ana has to hold Soledad to stop her from ending in the floor from her arm swing.

Bruno argues with Manuela about her ‘UFO’ beliefs. Bruno calls them a fanatic sect. She let herself be brainwashed. Bruno prefers her ‘free spirit’ self. Manuela admits her ‘free spirit’ self only brought her suffering. He plays dumb, she almost brings back the old Manuela to rush to hit him, but she stops herself. But it seems it worked, we have the old Manuela… Bruno seems happier all considered.

Isa pulls the pregnant card. But Soledad says it did not prevent her form hurting them. Isa brags about her prank working well. Soledad wants to hit her again but Ana stops her… its not worth it, its like talking to the chair. Isa wants to keep arguing. Isa pulls the fact that she did get rid of the guitar. Soledad asks why she hates so much. Isa wants to twist the knife describing how she destroyed the guitar, but Ana and Soledad play the ‘see how much we care’ stand. Isa is mad that they kept on walking.

Siete is barking at Bruno. He says Manuela is back. Manuela has changed outfit to the old colorful wavy blouses she wore. She says she is the old one, but with a bitter version. Bruno looks happy anyway.

Ana asks Nando who he fought with. He says he needs Edith’s permission to give details. Fernando and Soledad also ask him but he won’t bulge.

Pancho Villa Dorofeo arrives with flowers to visit YoMama. She looks pretty good in royal blue lace dress… she is smiling. Dorofeo asks about Isa, he smirks a smile when she says Isa went to work.

Isa is whining to herself… she calls home but Yomama and Dorofeo are too busy flirting and drinking margaritas. Yomama answers anyway. But then immediately says she can’t talk to her and hangs up (You go Yomama!)

Edith arrives upset. Nando confirms to her it was Gabriel. Fernando and Ana ask who is Gabriel. Fanny asks Edith permission and tells them the story of Edith’s mother marrying a guy with 3 sons, the older, Gabriel raped Edith when she was 15. Edith adds that she did not denounce him because her mom did not believe her. She has since lived in the streets. Recently he found her. He came toward Edith in a bus and threatened her with a knife. Nando says he told Gabriel he had denounced him at the school. Nando swears to Edith that Gabriel will end up in jail. Fernando strongly supports that. He immediately summons for Cornejo. Fernando asks what is that embezzle’s full name. Edith tells him Gabriel Ramirez de Nocolinas (Lacolinas?). Ana mocks the name, that not even the Colinas (mounts) he will save him.
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La Gata #91 - Wed 1/7- La Desilusión

Omigosh you guys!  I'm like SUPER EXCITED about this episode!  I hope Esme's dad finally tells her the truth tonight.  I'd be SO STOKED!

Oh noooooo!  Pablo says that if Fernando doesn't tell he will.  Don't do it, Pablo!  That's just mean!  Awww, he's right…it's mean to Fela not to tell.  Esme's so pretty!  I love her dress!  Hee hee, she kissed Pablo hello.  They're so cute!  They're looking at her funny.  She's going to get suspicious you guys!  Cut it out!  Whew!  Pablo left without telling her.  Maybe she'll tell Jarocha why she's all weirded out.

Yuck!  Gisela's wearing more of her stupid glasses.  Oh no! And now Lorenza is telling Gisela that she knows who Esme's dad is.  What?  Gisela wants to go to Paris.  Poor Paris.  She's nuts!

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La Malquerida, capitulo 94. 01/06/15. Acacia finally realizes Esteban is BSC.

So the show started early and I came in with Esteban caressing Acacia's face then leaving her room as she is breathing heavily.

Manuel is telling his parents to forget about him getting with Acacia. She only sees him as a friend. Norberto thinks he needs to give it more time. Manuel finds it sad that the only time his parents are united is when they are in the pursuit of money. No matter how much you have, you will never be happy. This makes Norberto ponder but totally flies over Juliana's head.

Luisa gets released from the doctor from bed rest. She can resume her life as long as she doesn't strain herself. Arturo asks Luisa if she knew that she couldn't tell the sex of the baby yet at this early stage from the ultrasound photo. Of course silly she replies. The doctor wanted them to view and enjoy the growing process of their baby. Arturo doesn't correct the doctor on the fact that he's not the baby daddy.

Acacia tells Esteban that she wants to end their illicit relationship.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

#99 Tuesday 1/6 Hasta el Fin del Mundo: I Got the Wedding Bell Blues or Pato gets zilch from the 3 Kings

Church---did I say that out loud?
Greta has just admitted in prayer that Octavio Ripoll is not Sofia’s true father…..and Sofia has heard it all!  Mother and daughter exchange anguished tear-stained looks while outside the priest is grumbling that they’ve got to get this boda on track.  Meanwhile, Alexa gets a call from Armie telling her the good news about Irma.  Alexa asks about Chava, who apparently wasn’t able to keep  Sofia from getting to the church on time. 

Inside, Greta tries to deny what she said but Sofia knows what she heard.  She asks Greta straight up, “Is Octavio my father?” Greta: “Now’s not the time, it’s your wedding.”  Sofia insists and asks her to swear by la Virgincita to tell her the truth.  Greta finally admits it and they both cry out.  Waaaaaaah.  Sofia is out of control, screaming NO!!!! 

Later, after they’ve both calmed down, Sofia wants to know why Greta let her believe Octavio was her father all these years.  Greta admits she wanted Octavio to give her his name and a good future.  Alexa and Dani walk in just now to tell them the priest can’t wait any longer.  Alexa tells her she must get going then asks, “unless you’re not sure about this.”  Sofia gathers herself, and her petticoats, ---- the show must go on.  What a trooper.  Greta trails behind, in tears. 

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Mi corazon es tuyo #120, Nando gets another beating, Fernando and Ana continue flirting with each other as if they were in high school, Laura and Lenin plant trouble between Fanny and Leon


Kai performs…

Sarai asks if the water in the balloons is purified.

Fernando complains about the time and the ‘noise’. Ana dances the tapatio to him and says it is a modern serenade.

Nando complains to Edith that (Pablo) could have picked Mozart music instead… Edith says bring your ‘culture’ down two notches.

Ana convinces Fernando to let Pablo and Alicia alone for a few mins…

Alicia asks Pablo how he pulled it off to get Kai to come… Pablo says my brother knows them and helped me.

Fernando asks Ana what is up with ‘if Fernando hears it he will never forgive me for it’…

Lo Nuevo:

Isa and Yomama… Yomama cuddles Isa who is crying… Yomama says can’t lie when I believe you are screwing up with your decisions and actions… (Yomama seems to act as if Isa were 6 instead of 36)

Leon tells Fanny that Laura said the guy she slept with to pay for her school was Freeky. Fanny angry that Leon felt so bad that he had to console Laura. Fanny says first Laura went after Nando and now she is going after him. Fanny says then don’t complain about Lenin getting close. Leon says he had not told her because he knew she would get like this. This does not help. Fanny leaves in a huff.

Soledad is telling a story to Sarai and Luz. Something about a dove that was able to escape a monster. The lesson: always need to be grateful when someone does us a favor.

Fernando tells Ana about the ‘invisible wall’ he feels is between them since Diego left. Ana is super nervous and tries to send Fernando off the path saying it was about a photo. A photo Diego took of her that was a bit revealing. It was not in the album Fernando had, this one is still ‘in the cloud’, a photo where ‘something slipped out’ (think something like a breast exposed or stte)… Fernando does not think this is something so critical that he would not forgive. She is crying very upset, he does not understand but by now it is obvious he is more concerned at her current emotional state than at the story behind the photo, he is really sweet and caring with her. She insists that she believes that he would not react well because he is so conservative and that what he heard was just an expression, that she meant that he would not like it… [it is hard to understand Silvia when she is losing her breath crying]. He is even apologizing for no reason, he is calmly listening. She apologizes after him. He thinks he is questioning her too much. Coming back to the subject of the ‘wall’…. She continues to fake confusion and asks what he is talking about… he says maybe it(the wall) is indeed just in his head…

F: … (holds her close and tender, his hands around her waist)… you know I love you… eh?... (holds her chin in his hand) … do you know that?

A: (nods a yes, still very upset)

F: … and you… do you love me? (just at that moment Fanny comes in the kitchen)

Fanny worries about finding Ana crying… Fanny tells them Leon has been seeing Laura… the girl who wanted to steal Nando from Ximena… Ana runs to hug Fanny.

At Chicago, Johnny is talking to Jenny who is working at the bar… Johnny says what she needs is to distract herself with something, maybe dancing…

Doroteo and his men arrive. Dana tells him Yomama came by. He tells himself he has got to get something out of that woman.

Back to Isa’s… Isa wants to get revenge on Sebastian. Yomama is about to critique her but swallows her opinion. Yomama gets a phone call… its Pancho Villa (Dorofeo)… he tells her he has been thinking of her.

At house, Fernando is assuming Pablo is now gone, its been more than 5 min. Ana stalls him some more coughing hard. (as in trying to give Pablo/Alicia a signal LOL!).

Fanny asks Ana what is going on. Ana tells her about her dad’s suspicion of a ‘wall’ between them.

Fernando comes out ot living room, seems Pablo is gone. Alicia thanks Fernando for not getting mad. She wants Fernando to confirm that what Pablo did was great. Fernando jokes around saying it would have been better if Pablo himself sang, but it was indeed a nice gesture(detalle).

Fanny assures Ana that the video is no longer on the page. Ana sighs some relief. Ana tells Fanny things are getting really complicated, more and more as time goes by.

Angel remembers the last visit from Ana and the twins. He smiles.

Soledad is in boys room with twins and Sebas and Siete. The twins are telling them about Angel’s magic fire trick and the shots… shots did not hurt. Soledad suggests they go to sleep now. Sebastian asks her if it is true she was in jail. That is why she could not meet with Ana earlier. Soledad tells them it was an injustice that kept her away from Ana. But they are together again. YEY!!! Yell the boys.

Ana tells Fanny that she was in lala-land when Fernando got close to her and held her by her waist with his big hands. She kept her arms crossed… he started sweet talking her… she smelled his cologne… she went crazy. She was dying to open up to him, hold him and tell him she loves him too and tell him she wants to have his next children… maybe not many because her baby fusebox is running out but at least 2 o 3. Fanny says that would be incredible great. Ana can’t wait to tell him she loves him, his huge eyes, his huge hands and even his bad jokes that he thinks are great, but then there is also the other side that she’s been lying to him. Fanny doesn’t know what to tell her. Fanny admits she is also an accomplice. When Ana arrived at the house it was logical not to tell him but now… Ana again puts the excuse of now not being the time due to the holidays. Fanny says it will never be a perfect moment. Have to soon. Ana knows.

Fernando is in the girls room. He says ‘I know it is hard to talk to me about some things, to trust me completely.’ Alicia agrees. Fernando admits he lived many years with strict rules and his conservative ways. He confesses he gets jealous. More than that, he does not want anything or anyone to hurt her. Alicia says Pablo will not hurt me. Fernando insists sometimes love makes you suffer. Alicia says ‘like you with Ana, right?’ yeah. (they embrace).

Back to kitchen, Ana wants to talk about Freeky and Laura now… Laura went crying to Leon. Leon never told her anything even though he has been meeting with Laura for over a month now. He feels very guilty but … they have not been in romantic mode for a long time, he ruined their opportunity… she does not know what to think, and it hurts. Ana embraces her.

Boys are dreaming that Angel shows like a caped magician. The magician claims he can turn a human into anything. On suggestion from Liz he turns the twins into pigs… the pigs talk like the twins. ‘lets go to the mudd, pareja!!!’

One of the twins (Alex) wakes up from the nightmare and falls off the bed. The other twin wakes up from the noise.

Next day, Sebastian tells Sarai that he composed a song specially for her. Then he raps the song, blowing her a kiss. She feels flattered. Nando and Alicia peek from the library and kitchen doors… Luz and the twins are there too, it is all 6 of the siblings now as choreography backup… Sebas ends up hugging Sarai at the end of the number, the siblings come to congratulate them.

Fanny catches up with Laura at school. Confronts her about trying to get Leon from her. Laura lies to her saying the ‘kiss’ was an accident. Fanny not happy. Laura fakes apologizing. It was a mistake, things that happen. Laura calls her a traitor and does not want to see her ever again. When Fanny leaves, Laura smirks and says ‘oops!!’

At the bus on way to school Leon is remembering Fanny’s argument to him and punches his hand. Mau asks whats up and Leon tells him that he fought with Fanny. Mau says don’t like to have you 2 fight, papi. Leon calls Fanny but she just rants at him about the kiss with Laura; ‘you betrayed me again with the kiss!’ and did not let Leon respond. Mau asks what is wrong, Leon denies anything wrong.

At house, Ana asks Fernando hows working at the office with Isa. Fernando says he cleared up with Isa that their interaction would only be business stuff, that she should just work on the finances. Fernando can tell Ana asked because of some jealousy feeling so he tells her ‘don’t worry about it’… She denies she is worried so he jokes with Ana that she must have asked for ‘jealousy’. Ana laughs it off … ‘jealous of that woman? naw! She will see you every day AND You just married her already, AND she expects your child, AND she will spend more time with you than I?’ (Fernando gets serious since she got a point)… but comes close and keeps joking about her ‘jealousy’. He again tries to steal a ‘beso’ from her but to no avail. Ana ends up discussing the ‘jealousy’ with Fanny Sr’s painting… Cute scene.

Isa is spying on Sebastian and is thinking about an accident possibly for Sebastian.

Nando is walking Edith to school… they kiss goodbye… Then Gabriel approaches Nando from behind… He tells Nando he is Gabriel, Edith’s step brother. Elsewhere in the school Fanny and Lenin bump into each other and he ends up kissing her. Edith walks into the kiss. Lenin apologizes. Fanny says it was wrong, it was a mistake and asks Lenin why he kissed her. She was mad… Lenin asks if she was mad at her boyfriend. Some teacher comes to get Fanny and demands that she turn in her work in two hours. She also demands they keep quiet, they are in the library. Lenin walks away so Edith asks Fanny why she is mad at Leon. Fanny says he kissed Laura.

Nando ends up arguing and then fighting with Gabriel, who says Nando is not enough of a man for her. Nando warns Gabriel that Edith denounced Gabriel to the police. Gabriel mocks that saying ‘look how I shake about it!’ and Nando ends up having the worse part of the fight (fists and kicks) before a teacher makes Gabriel run. His glasses are broken and he is bleeding out the nose.

At the office, Fernando congratulates Leon on the office redesign (nice warm mudd color walls with modern art). Just like he wanted, Serious but modern, current but classic. And so fast. Leon is glad. Fernando mentions that he learned from Fanny that they had an argument. He hopes they can settle things.

Angel is working out in a huge bathroom (gets a cell phone call from his ex-wife).

At the little house, Jen, still in her pjs and slippers, is whining to Johnny that Nico has shown no signs of life. But he has communicated with Fernando several times since he left. Jen is getting bored with not doing anything. Johnny says ‘isn’t that what Nico wants?’ Johnny is trying to cheer her up making her a taco… Ana and Soledad come in. Soledad tells Jen that Ana gave her the story on Jen and that Jen can count on her as an adoptive mom for whatever she needs. Jen thanks her.

At a mall, Isa is buying a costume, of course being very offensive and rude to the poor girl at the costume store. Isa’s cell rings, Fernando is angry waiting for her finance report. He wants her at the office in ½ hr with the report. He hangs up on her. Again she is rude to the saleslady.

Nando makes it to Fernando’s office and he gets instantly alarmed. Nando tells him he fought. (he either went home or got his glasses fixed himself).

At the house, Ana and Jen tell Soledad that they are very close like sisters. Everyone is talking at once. They tell Soledad about the character of Lola that they had to come up with to get out of a bind with Fernando at the Chicago.

Johnny keeps waiting on them with coffee and more food…

Fernando yells for Betty to call the company doctor. Seems Nando got a hurt or broken rib. Fernando asks who hurt him, Nando can’t tell Fernando the whole story because it is not his story to tell.

Fanny still arguing with Edith about Leon being too impulsive and stupid. And she is stupid herself. Edith asks about the kiss with Lenin. Fanny says of course did not like that kiss, it was just out of spite. Fanny is dellusioned about Leon fixing her the surprised and the moment being spoiled. Edith asks her to forgive herself and figure out what she will do about Leon.

Laura goes to the office to see Leon. (wish Fernando would see her… he now knows what Fanny told him in the kitchen)… Leon is angry at her, saying SHE is the one that kissed him, asks her what she is pretending. Laura says she told Fanny it was an accident and it did not mean anything. Leon tells her Fanny is mad, and doesn’t even know Laura loves/likes him. He warns Laura he wants her away, he LOVES Fanny.

Doctor tells Fernando they have to get an x-ray of Nando’s thorax, he might have a broken rib. Fernando calls Ana. She is still at her house. He tells her someone hit Nando. He asks Ana to come get Nando to take him to hospital to get an x-ray. Soledad offers to go with Ana. Johnny offers to go get some payback for Nando (LOL!).

Isa comes to Freeky’s bedroom at hospital, but her costume does not look that different from the first one. Seems she has some injection of poison for him. Cancela! Cancela! That is a blade! Not a poison injection!

Previews: Fernando takes Ana in surprise trip to a dance studio. And Soledad confronts and slaps Isa at Fernando’s office.


La Gata #90 1/6/14 La Pelea

We had a little more action tonight. No. Action isn't exactly it. It seemed a little less cut and paste. Here are some bullets. The captions lagged tonight, I didn't pay close attention and I'm doing this from memory.
  • Garabato sees Mariano and asks if he can get some sort of work with La Gata. He and Mariano head over to Fer's.
  • At Fer's Garabato plays the penitent and apologizes for all the harm he did. He even apologizes to Fela for playing keep away with the doll. Fer thinks Garabato could be a good bodyguard or chauffeur. Gata doesn't like that idea. Eventually it's decided that Garabato is just going to hang around Gata's house and be at her beck and call. (I swear that's what it sounded like.)
  • Needless to say, as soon as Garabato can get to a phone he calls Gi and tells her where Esme is living. This is no way to treat Esme. She even gave him money so he could buy chocolate for Ines!
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La Gata #89 01/05/2015

Hi peeps, I had a doctors appointment this morning that ran late, I'll try to come back with a recap but I can't promise anything, feel free to discuss the episode in the comments section and bring your snark with you!

Previous: Episode 88
Next: Episode 90


Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #98 Who Will Put the Brakes on This Boda?

From Friday:
Pato tells Silvana that while he's gettin' bizzy with Sofia on their honeymoon, Silvana is to get busy with the factory. You know, mess up the delivery schedule and quality control, make sure inferior products get sent out late, that kind of thing.
Monday's Episode:
Chava visits Senor Landa to look for a job. Since the explosion at the Pan Americana race, Landa doesn't have a car but he does have a friend who needs a mechanic. Is Chava interested in working for his friend? Landa calls and Chava gets the job.
Irais whines to Alexa about breaking out a tooth while climbing with Matias. Alexa wants Irais to help her plan a surprise for Sofia's bachelorette party.
Fausto is interested in Iker's past. How does a guy as young as Iker know so much about meditation, teas and herbs, and avant-garde fashion? Iker answers that he does lots of reading and is someone who is interested in the finer side of life. He moves into Fausto's personal space and asks if Fausto understands what he means? Fausto gets all flustered. After Iker leaves the room Fausto fans himself. I really hope this is not going to become a storyline where Fausto is the old guy in a May-December relationship. I'd rather see Fausto keep his dignity than see him chase or be victimized by a troubled young drug addict/con man.
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Monday, January 05, 2015

La Malquerida #93, 1/5/2015

Mexico Episode #99

There was no chopping or combining tonight. Yay! No idea how Uni is going to get us to the two hour final Episode #116 by the 16th, unless they show this tn every day including weekends for the next two weeks. This is not a bad idea, actually...Are you listening, Univision? Anyways, you'll find Diana's marvelous recap in the comments. Discuss away!


♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo #119, ♥ Lunes 1/5/15 ♥: Out in the Night

Dispensing with refritos...

La Costeña: Hisabruja tried insulting Yolanda once more about having the gall to try to intimidate her and said she would deny everything but Yolanda wouldn't back down. She asked Hisabitch whether she really thought Fernando wouldn't demand a DNA test when the baby was born. That stopped her long enough for Yolanda to head for the door to say she would then bring her suitcases back to the apartment. As in previous situations, Hisababy had a tantrum as soon as Yolanda was out the door.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Jan. 5, 2015

Hola amigos -- Abrígense bien (Bundle up)  Brrrrrrrrrr...  And enjoy your page! 

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Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 16-Jan 5)

Lineage and Courtiers of the Montesinos Dynasty
Queen Lucrecia - The Queen of Evil, possesses all the knowledge and power in the royal family.
Mauro, Prince Consort - Weak, but Kindly and Benevolent titular head of the dynasty.
Princess Juliana - Exiled by her evil stepmother and alienated from her family, has recently returned to the fold and has her father's blessing and protection
Prince Alan - Heir apparent to Princess Juliana's land holdings
Cesar - Not Yet Emperor Cesar, but, Emperor in Waiting, cut from the same cloth as his mother, although his level of evilness has not risen to her level--yet. He intends to inherit everything.
Prince Maximiliano - Annointed by the Telenovela Gods to triumph over Evil in all its manifestations, save the family honor and unite with his only love--but it will take awhile.
Princess Flavia and Prince Lucio - Unimportant in the hereditary dynasty, but could make or break their mother's hold over the family.
Sir Jorge - Max's right-hand man, loyal to the death.
Duchess Amaya - Max's love interest, has royal blood, but not the lineage or pedigree the Queen wants for her son--or any son.
Lady Eloisa = Landless and lacking a fortune, lives off the fortunes of her sister, the Queen, treated as a servant rather than an equal.
Lady Constanza - Socially disgraced by her untimely bodus interruptus with Prince Max, but preferred by the Queen as a mate.
Sir Salvador - Up from nothing, learned, but none too wise, former friend and counselor to Max, until his attraction to Lady Constanza was uncovered.


Saturday, January 03, 2015

La Gata #88 1/2/14

I watched it, and then  fast forwarded to catch the main action. Most of the episode felt like it was Esme getting ready to leave. Most of it is in order but I did some serious condensing.

Dr. Marcelo asks Esme if it's possible that Gisela and Lo were in cahoots.

So Esme goes tearing over to Gisela's and starts acting like a wild woman, demanding to know why Gisela almost killed Pablo's child. The nurse runs out and calls the doctor from a pay phone. WTF? Gisela doesn't have a phone?

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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo 118: Checkmate, You Ingrate!!

Cap #118, Parte 1  AND 2 complete 

Ana and Jenifer get a lesson first hand in what “going viral” means—and the problem is that not only might Don Fernando get an eyeful, but his kids as well!  R.U.H. – R.O.H.!!!

"--How can we erase the thing?"  Fanny isn’t sure, but they need to try reporting it.   (--And how!! But, to whom? Good luck with that!)

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #97 Is There a Limit to How Dumb this Show can Get? I Mean Really!

The Tea Caper
With a little oregano, Fausto sabotages the tea that Christian has already sabotaged.  Unfortunately for the butler, Christian smells the extra spices and remakes it before he delivers it to Greta.  Fausto checks with Greta to see how she likes the tea and she says that it's delicious.  Fausto catches up with Christian and asks him for his tea recipe.  Christian refuses to give it to him, citing that Fausto sabotaged the tea.  Christian tells Fausto that he is not trying to take his job, he is just trying to do his job and that job is to kill Greta. 

Ripoll Karaoke Contest
Lucas and a few others compete in the stupid contest.  Everyone applauds for Lucas' love song and Daniela swoons.  Right before the voting begins, Lucas suggests that Daniela enter the contest and sing a song too.  She invites him up on the stage for a duet.  While they are singing and dancing and no one in the entire company is working, Patrick smooches with Sophia.  This upsets Silvana (who is seated right next to them) and she storms out into the hallway.  Matias follows her and tells her that Patrick is very happy with Sophia and his going to marry her.  If Silvana loves Patrick, she could stop the wedding by telling Sophia the truth.  Silvana simply glares at him. 
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Friday, January 02, 2015

La Malquerida, capitulo 92.

Recap will be done and up as soon as I can keep power on.  Having lots of rain which is icing over.  Discuss until then.


Mi corazon es tuyo, #117 January, 2nd Introducing: The secret! Fresh video edition available in a store near you

Happy New Year, my Caray fellows!!!! Hope you had some rest, a glass of champagne, made good resolutions that you will forget about by the end of the week and are all ready for what 2015 has in store for us.

The old (2014 old):
Enrique has resuscitated from his coma, but he faints once he’s outside his room.
Isabela is mooning over Angel, while impersonating one of her many alias, Ines – do you think that maybe Isa remembers that in another life she used to be called like this and she had to lie in order to live, while pretending to be a drug addict with a rich granny?
Soledad sees her daughter dance – being artistic must run in the family.
Fernando feels that something is keeping him away from Ana – yeah, a 4 meters dancing pole.
Ana is sure that Fernando will never forgive her when he finds out the secret. Soledad is sure that love is powerful enough to forgive everything. Ehhh… maybe after another 50 episodes of drama.

The new (2015 new!!!!)

At Chicago Dorofeo and a guy are sitting at a table and Doro signals Jenny and the other waitress to bring them drinks. Dana and Johnny watch them and Dana tells Johnny that the guy who is with the boss is a lawyer; they both agree that probably they have some shady business together.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on January 1st, 2015- Happy New Year Carayers!

Sofia and Patricio are reconciled and plan on getting married ASAP

Pedro, bless his rodeo clown jacketed heart, is getting his romantic feelings out to Araceli and is kissing her in the restaurant.

Pato Sofi and Silvie

Araceli and Pedro kiss some more; he has wanted to for so long and his thirst has been quenched. Araceli doesn't wanna regret anything.

Silvie tells Noemi that Sofi is to marry Pato at the end of the month; woot woot!  Noemi passes it on to Conchita.

Paco Nandito and Cuco

Sofia bitches to Mati (who sticks by the truth) about Pato and hopes he keeps the "misunderstanding" between the 5 of them only.

Noemi spills to ArmieSoSexyAtWork about her wedding plans.

Mati and Chava discuss their dilemma.

Lupe, Nandito and Paco talk avout Chaca having beeb fired and his party

Arnie mentions to Chava and Mati that that Sifi is getting married soon.

Alexa comes in with Dani; OSTRAS about the air. She chides Sofi for such nonsense of marrying Pato soon. Sofi defends herself (she is Greta's daughter fa' sho.)

The three muskateets plan to unmask Pato for the man he really is.

Sofi and Dani talk about love and how it hurts everyone that she is rebuffing Chava.

Lucas and Marisol talk and there is an announcement about the guitar-for-a-prize talent show.

Armie and Alexa talk about their respective friend(s) andhelping them against Silvie and Pato.

Silvie's groin is in pain at the thought of Pato being married to Sofi but keeps her eyes on the prize.

Chava dejectedly tells Lupe he has been fired and she sympathizes.

Did I miss something? Araceli and Pedro are getting dressed in a hotel room after having had sex (is Uni getting the scissors out? I only know they had sex  because I'm ahead of this but don't spoil anything for you guys.)

Talent Show-

Employee 1 plays Fur Elise on the harmonica.
Employee 2 does something I did not catch.

Fausto puts Oregano in the tea IkStian has prepared. I LMAO and move on.

Lucas sings his sig. song and Irais tilts her head to the tune, Dani falls in love, Marisol scowls and it's the end of the capitulo.


La Malquerida #91, 1/1/2015: Acacia Can’t Come Clean; Cris Is Blinded By Love; Hector Bows Out

Mexico Episode #97

After Acacia tells the grandparents and Cris about the police going to the Association to question Esteban, Cris goes into the home office to speak to him and finds him writing a check from her/the hacienda’s checkbook. She takes the check from him, sees it’s a large amount, and asks what the deal is. He says it’s for his hotel bill (true). And that he needed to use the hacienda checkbook because his checkbook and credit cards were stolen (lie). He says he likely lost them in the restaurant where they reconciled, but he was so caught up with her that he didn’t notice. Cris buys it. Cris asks about the police and he tells her someone is trying to defame Dan, but glosses over giving her the details. Cris decides to continue with their 100% honesty policy and tells Este she called up Hector to meet with him to tell him about the reconciliation, and to create some distance between her and Hector. Esteban gives his permission for Cris to continue her friendship with Hector and to even do her art show with him. Cris thanks him, but she insists that she should work with someone else on her photo show. Este thanks her for being so considerate of his feelings. Smooches, happy smiles from Cris, and creepy behind the back looks from Esteban.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the grandparents don’t approve of Acacia badmouthing Esteban, if she’s not going to back it up with some real reasons and evidence. She of course does not do this, since it would implicate her backstabbing self. Elena asks if Acacia doesn’t want to see her mother happy? She has no answer for that. Later, Cris and Este tell her the real reason the police spoke to Este. Acacia clearly doesn’t care. She’s just looking for any reason to drive a wedge between Este and Cris, and it’s not working. She leaves in a huff. Cris is worried and perplexed.

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Thursday, January 01, 2015

La Gata #87 1-1-15 In which brainless parents are more harmful than the Big Bad Wolf!

Happy New Year my suffering sisters and brothers on the La Gata Patio.  Let's do this!

We open with another look at Esme’s demonstration of her ability to walk for El Sil, Blanca, Jarocha, her babies and creepy doc.  The babies are the best.  Pablito stares at her with wonder then appears to get choked up while Leti stares at the pretty lights in the ceiling.  Oops!  They suddenly switch and now Pablito is transfixed by the lights while Leti watches the unfolding miracle!  Creepy doc just stares blankly and smiles.
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #95 Tuesday 12/30/14; Princess Sophia is not amused

Swanky Restaurant
Pato tells Sophie that Chava is threatened him in the lobby of the hotel.  Chava warned he’ll tell her a mad story about Pato and Sylvana being lovers if Pato doesn’t end his relationship with Sophie.  Chava’s willing to do anything to break them up.  Pato swears he would never, ever deceive her with another woman.  After everything he’s been through for her.  He flashes his best puppy dog eyes at her. 

Sophie knows he’s been the best of boyfriends.  What she doesn’t understand is how Chava could have come up with such a vile story about Pato and her BFF.  Doesn’t make sense.  Pato keeps laying it on, saying this is the work of a desperate man.  Sophie’s lost her appetite.  Sophie is muy impactada and sheds a tear.  Ever, the doting novio, Pato dries her tears.

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La Malquerida, capitulo 90. 12/30/14

Due to some bad weather here in Oklahoma (expecting some snow but right now VERY windy), I have lost bits and pieces of my recording.  No worries not too bad.  So fill in what I missed.

Skipping the old....

Danilo goes around the house yelling for Perla. He spots the maid but she doesn't know. Perla comes running up asking what happened. He questions her on her whereabouts. She lies and says she was at the cabins with some clients. He pulls her in for a hug which shocks her. You are the only one that I can trust replies Danilo. And tonight, I will coming to your room. I don't even want to see Ale. So you finally realize that she will not love you as much as I will says Perla. He agrees.

Cris asks Acacia why she came back from San Jaciento. She hugs her mother and says she came back because Luisa became ill. Although I would never have imagined coming back to find you and Esteban are back together again. I want to talk to you about that says Cris. Acacia doesn't want to hear it and reminds her that she once told her not to get involved in her relationship with her husband. Whatever you decide I will except. I hope you will be happy.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mi Corazon Es tuyo #116 Ana performs for Soledad, Isa kicks Yomama out, Fernando tells Fanny he feels something that he can't see separates him and Ana


Fernando and Ana have dinner out in a roof/balcony surrounded by roses… Fernando could tell Ana is distracted. She says she can’t believe all the events of the last few days… Fernando says Soledad is ‘guapa’ like Ana. Ana blushes a bit with his using and his pronouncing the ‘guapa’. She wants to call the house to check on the kids, he grabs her hand and prevents her from dialong, he wants her to enjoy the moment alone with him. Suddenly they hear the children of the choir sing the theme song of the show… Fernando brings Ana to the fence to see the kids who are at street level singing. Off key, like UA said… Ana gets a bit closer to Fernando, they are both moved/happy and turn to each other… about to kiss…

Lo Nuevo:

We see Isa is at office reading Angel’s business card and remembering their encounter. Betty comes in. wants Isa to sign some documents. Betty asks her if she knows about Freeky. Isa was with him at hospital. Betty notices her bruise on her neck. She says it was urticaria (irritation/rash). Isa tells her that Fernando will come back to the office. Isa is excited at the idea of working with Fernando every day.

Laura tells Leon that she was hurt by Freeky. She feels cheap, used, etc. She seems to want Leon to vouch for her to get back in Fanny’s good friends list. Laura says she feels alone. Leon gets a call from Fanny while they talk. Leon smiles and Laura guesses its Fanny. They get into cheesy talk and Laura rolls her eyes and blows hard. More cheesy talk. Leon and Fanny will go somewhere tonight. He hangs up and ‘see ya, gotta go back to work’ for Laura.

Jenny tells Bruno she is so disillusioned… she promised herself not to cry. She can’t believe Nico left without even a goodbye. Not caring about her feelings or her pain. Bruno is understanding. All he can say is Nico is also suffering and left without courage to face his own pain. Vouches for Nico being noble. (hah?) all he did was for love (double hah?) Jen questions herself if he left her for being pour, ordinary, or a bad homemaker. Bruno does not believe it was any of that. Bruno said it was more Nico not having the will or drive to go on. Jen says suffering is no use. Nico won’t change his mind.
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La Gata #86 12/30/14 La Catatonia

Lo comes to visit Gi and tells her about her google research on bipolar disorder. If Gi will fake a catatonic state, Pablo will feel so guilty he will marry Gi and they will be rid of the maldita gata forever. I can't even. No seriously. As much as I want to be funny as hell and make some scathingly witty remark, I can't. Just.too.stupid. (Keep that in mind through the whole recap. I don't have the skillz to make this sh!t entertaining.)

Mariano comes to visit and can't even put 2 and 2 together. Listen again, Mariano: the nurse said your mom came by and then boom! Gi went all catatonic. Mariano actually feels sorry for her and is worried about how terrible Pablo is going to feel.

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La Gata #85 12/29/2014 Haters gonna hate but I'm just going to roll

Hey peeps! Guess what I got for Christmas? A beanie! It's gold and it sparkles and I'll try and figure out how to post a picture of it soon.

Anyhoo, last week I was over at my boyfriends house and I was telling him all about the show and then he looked at me and said "I'm sorry I asked, please,please stop telling me about this, it sounds so convoluted and if I were using this show to learn Spanish I'd think I was understanding things wrong". I then went into sneaky ninja mode and slowly hid the remote. On to the recap!

How do we know Pablo is stupid?

Easy. He has agreed to get married to a woman who he knows has an unhealthy obsession with him, who has tried to injure his lady love and who accused his brother of RAPE all so he can save his good for nothing criminal of a father.Oh yes, he is going to go through with it because when you are a member of a family you make sacrifices!

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #94 12/29/14 Reports of Chava's Death are Greatly Exaggerated

From Friday:
Greta rejects the tea that Fausto brings. Greta says their relationship will never be the same because Fausto has lost her trust. She tells him to leave the tea and get out.
The lead in the Panamericana race keeps changing. Chava is in front, then behind, then in front again. The other car goes off the road and crashes into a tree. Chava pulls over and stops. He and Martinez jump out and race back to the crash site and pull the other team from the smoking wreck. While they are assessing the other drivers' injuries, Chava's car explodes.
The injured driver has several broken bones. He thanks Chava for stopping to save them. Martinez asks Chava what could have caused their car to explode. Chava thinks there must have been a gas leak. They are both glad that they got out in time.
News about the accident and explosion has reached the hotel. Pato thought bubbles that this is the end of Cruz. Sofia asks which team was involved in the accident. The woman doesn't know who it was. Sofia worries.
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Monday, December 29, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ #115, Lunes 12/29/14: ♥Confessions♥

Dispensing with refritos...

Hospital: While Ana, Soledad, and Fernando prepared to leave for El Oro, leaving Bruno in charge of the children, Torres told Hissabela the news about Enrique being in a coma.
She either didn't quite believe it or got very nervous, wanting to know how long this would last. He said it could be hours... or years. Then he excused himself so he could call Fernando with the update.
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La Malquerida #89, 12/29/2014: He’s Baaaaaaaaack!!!

Mexico Episode #95

The Old: German proposes to Lizzy because her daddy caught them doing the do—she rejects him. Este’s bill at the hotel has come due, he’s maxed out, his business partner pops up wanting payment and makes threats about calling his lawyer. Cris is missing Este, and Elena encourages her to reach out. She calls him and they agree to meet.

The New:
Rosa walks into her and Luisa’s room just in time to hear Acacia ask Luisa if the baby she’s carrying is Manuel’s. Rosa freaks out, grabs and jerks Luisa’s arm, and is about to slap her into next week, when Acacia stops her by yelling that Luisa is in danger of losing the baby. Rosa pulls back from the physical violence, but goes into a verbal lament about the shame of having a young, unmarried granddaughter. She then asks Luisa to tell her who is the father of her baby. With the questioning eyes of both Acacia and Rosa on her, Luisa isn’t able to get any words out. In walks her Principe Azul, Arturo, who proudly proclaims that HE is the father!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Dec. 29, 2014

¡Prospero Año Nuevo á todos!  Here is your post for this week.

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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Week 15-Dec 29)

A new week and a new year begins for this wonderful story of love, friendship, hate, envy, betrayal, obsession, mystery, and evil, but mostly love. There's lost love, new love, old love, rejected love, filial love, maternal love, well, all kinds of LOVE. There is also hope and expectation.

Hopefully, Emma deposits the whole check to Amaya's account.
Hopefully, Lucrecia's plan to sprinkle depression drops in Juliana's car backfires.
Hopefully, Eloisa and German straighten out their story before he dies.
Hopefully, Juliana and Eloisa unmask the fake hypnotist.
Hopefully, Amaya will not use the same fake, or maybe she should. The joke would be on him.
Hopefully, Cesar will not acquire Manuel's shares in Nescafe.

Constanza almost gets a headache. Salvador doesn't notice.
Ivan is almost a saint. Uli is not pleased.
Manuel and Geno almost get caught in the garage. Ooops, they do, by Cesar and his camera.
Flavia almost got TMI about Mauro and Florencia. How much will they tell her.
Dolores was almost right in not telling Amaya about her mother. Amaya understands.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 88. 12/26/14

Skipping the old....

Cris and her bff, Hector, are talking in the kitchen. She's happy that German's exhibition was a success. Hector is in agreement and asks when she plans on doing hers. She wants to wait and get some things settled first. She mentions Juliana's strange behavior tonight. She returned with Norberto and even acted loving towards him. Hector thinks you should never be with someone that makes you suffer.

Perla cries as she hears about Memo's death. Danilo cruelly grabs her chin and says it appears she loved him.  You are the one that wanted me to get close to him says Perla.  I told you to keep an eye on him not to fall in love replies Danilo.  He signals for Rubio to leave the room.  I warned you says Danilo to Perla. Who is your owner he asks.  I am he yells. And I forbid you to cry over him.  Perla lies and says she only loves him.  Ale comes in and finds out that Memo is dead.

Cris tells Hector she hopes Norberto can change and Juliana can be happy.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #93 20141226 When Plotting Evil, One Should Always Factor in the Wile E Coyote and Pepe Le Pew Scenarios

I fell asleep after I got off work and woke up during the last five minutes.  If I've missed anything or misinterpreted anything, please add in what you know. 

Nandito and Armando wait by Irma's beside urging her to fight and not to die.  Nandito tells his mother that Chava is driving in the big La Carrera Panamericas race, she should wake up so she can see it.  Armando tells Irma to wake up for Nandito. 
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #114 A hit to the groin instead of a cigar.

Daniela Romo is off stage now and Ana is still reeling from the magic of the moment. She tells Soledad that the one thing that she remembers about her is her singing. They express their love for each other again. Angel comes back from seeing Daniela with a bag of fan goodies, a poster, a t-shirt, and a cd.

Isa is still at Enrique’s discussing his poor performance as the president of La Costaña. He sneers at her as she tells him that the finance officer gave her the grim details of the financial health of the company. She tells him that no one wants him heading up the company and that he’s cray cray. He asks what she wants, she says she wants the company to run like it used to, you know, healthily. She has a lot at stake for the company to make money since she can’t live on the pittance that Fernando is giving her, she needs to be the president. He tells her that she will not take the company away from him, grabs her neck and starts to squeeze. Go Enrique Go! 
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Friday, December 26, 2014

La Gata #84 12/26/14 La Bomba

Alternate title: La Decisión (but it's a shame that El Circo is a masculine noun, 'cause seriously, the trial is just a circus of interruptions.)

The trial begins and Fer claims in his opening statement that he was unjustly accused of murdering his partner (Bruno de la Fuente) in cold blood, but it was really in self defense. Augie just heckles and objects. The murder has already been tried and settled. It has no bearing on the current case. Why are they rehashing it? Osorio says he hopes to get a second trial(?) The judge overrules Augie's objection.

Fer now realizes that Augie not only took his fortune, he took his child and drove Blanca mad. Augie was obsessed with Blanca and when she refused to have anything to do with him, Augie took his revenge and stole Fernando's life!

This sets off Fela's memories. She now remembers that Fernando was set up. She remembers when her baby was taken away. She also remembers when Fernando was taken away. She remembers the confrontation with Augie soon afterwards. She accuses Augie of framing Fernando. Augie was the one that told Fernando that Bruno de la Fuente had a gun and it was Augie who put the gun where Fernando could get it. When she asked Augie why he did that, Augie says so there would be no witnesses. According to Augie both he and Bruno were stealing Fernando's fortune (did I get that right?) Now Augie alone has Fernando's fortune. Blanca thinks Augie must have really hated her. Oh, no. That's not it at all! Augie claims he sent Fernando off to jail and stole his fortune so Blanca would be his. He loves her! Blanca tells him money doesn't matter and she would rather be dead or crazy than be with Augie. Augie says that can be arranged! Back to the present: She announces she wants to be a witness!
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HEFDM Discussion Space

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Let's discuss the events of last night!


Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #113: Time For The Golden Parachute!

While Don Fernando is telling Ana the details of Isabela. aka, IsaBlanca’s deception of Soledad, Nico calls Johnny into the library for a serious chat.  He’s leaving for Switzerland to check up on Diego’s progress, but also to put some distance between him and Jennifer.  He will leave Jens her own ample bank account, and he won’t be telling her good-bye personally.  Don Nicolas wants Johnny to take care of her and “to make her very happy.”   Johnny doesn’t feel comfortable about this. Knowing Johnny, neither does Viewerville.

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La Gata #83 12/25/14 La impotencia

I wish everyone Love and the best of whatever tradition you hold dear!  Here is a skeletal summary of tonight’s show!


Augie and Gisela have drugged Lorenza and send a text to Pablo to throw him off her trail.  The MN kids recognize immediately it’s a fake:  Lo doesn’t text.  Mauro and Pablo head for Lo and Augie’s apartment.


Garabato tries to preach the gospel of a better life to a bitter and angry Ines.  La Gata is to blame for everything including filling his head with these crazy dreams.  He vows vengeance on La Gata so Ines can be happy.


Pablo and Mariano arrive at their folks' apartment and start yelling for them and pounding on their door.  Gisela counsels Augie by phone to NOT open the door and SHE will take care of Pablo.  Augie talks to the zoned-out Lo blaming her for forcing him to do this to her, she should have stuck by him and now he’s going to end up looking like the bad guy!

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

La Malquerida #87, 12/25/14

Mexico Episode #93

Looks like Univision expects we'll all be home watching our telenovelas on Christmas day. Let's discuss what drama unfolded while we were digesting our holiday dinners. If Diana is able to tear herself away from family for a few hours, you'll find her recap in the comments. If not, let's discuss anyway!


La Malquerida #86, 12/24/2014: Acacia Can’t Take the Heat, So She’s Fleeing the Kitchen

Mexico Episode #92

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! Enjoy your day off (if you do have it off) and the recap.

Cris has just caught Acacia about to knock on Esteban’s hotel door. Acacia covers and says she’s there to get on Esteban’s case about the way he treated Ulises. Cris says she wants to also talk to him about this, and tells Acacia not to worry, she’ll handle it. She doesn’t want Este to get angry and rude with her too. Acacia rushes away and Cris knocks on the door. Este opens the door with a big smile on his face, obviously expecting the younger model. After Cris enters the room, Acacia skulks back and hovers outside the door.

Cris tries to reason with a crazy man. He’s still ticked off that she went against him and let Uli stay, even though she had given the original order that he be kept off the hacienda. Cris points out the obvious, that this was when they all thought he was a criminal. She thinks Este’s reaction was unjust and exaggerated. Even Acacia came to speak to him about it. Este gets nervous and agitated and looks around. “Acacia came with you?” Cris lets him know they ran into each other outside his door. Este looks dumbstruck. (Or just plain dumb. You take your pick)

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mi Corazon Es tuyo #112 Dec 24 2014... Aftermath of Ana's surprise, Edith tells Nando her story... Fernando tells Ana what Isa did




Angel magic trick with twins with Fernando’s 200 pesos…

Johnny and Jennifer at kitchen

Ana/Soledad talk about Fernando and Ana love for each other…

Lo Nuevo:

After the stares, Fernando just heads away with Bruno…

Ana and Soledad … Soledad wants to know more about Fernando love story with Ana… Ana will tell her all the details later… Soledad tells her all the praises from Fernando for Ana… (talks wonders… extraordinary, generous, tender, sweet, charming…). Ana blushes a bit… tells Soledad it is still a bit hard to call her ‘mom’ since she gets nervous… Both women are looking forward to talk and talk to recover more than 30 yrs of separation… Soledad feels bad about that. Ana says lets let it go… lets look forward from here… always… always together. They embrace again.

Ana wants to go put the kids to bed, Fernando says no worries, I will do that. Ana thanks him (tries to give him a laundry list of things to check with Alicia’s and the boys bedtime routines). Fernando wants her to keep talking to Soledad. Soledad asks him for authorization to spend a lot of time talking to Ana. Fernando even offers Soledad to stay in the house with Ana so they can spend lots of time together… Soledad says he is a total gentleman. Angel says goodbye but not before taking their (Soledad and Ana) first picture together. Ana wants him to send her a copy. Angel reminds Ana the booster shots for the twins and to bring Luz back for checkup.

Nico also says goodbye… although he is staying in the house too but is not emotionally in the mood for lots of talk.

Fernando goes to check on Sarai, apologizes for not spending much time with her. (Ali and Luz are watching).. he offers her to ask for anything, she thanks him.

Soledad needs to explain to Ana what happened… ‘Once you know the truth… I will be able to get it off my system and I won’t mention the subject again… it is very important for me that you know that I never abandoned you.’

Sarai tells Fernando that her parents are always fighting/arguing.

Soledad: when Angel’s parents died, I ended jobless… we ended up poor and I found myself in the need to sing at the buses to get us through. (Ana asks about her dad) He left the moment he found out I was pregnant and he even took the money I had saved. I had fallen for him, he seduced me, told me sweet things, and then he just left… have not found out anything about him. Never saw him again.
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La Gata #82 - Wed 12/24- La Finta

Virginia isn't Lo's daughter!  She's the daughter of Lo's favorite sister and made Lo swear she'd care for her like her own daughter.  If Virginia has a daughter, she'll have the same fate as her mother--death.

Virginia is telling Esme that she's "dying" of excitement and wants Esme to be her maid of honor.  Or matron, I guess, depending on the timing.  She's looking forward to having lots and lots of kids with Carlos.

Pablo vows to keep Lorenza's secret, but Lo says she can't tell Virginia either.  He appears to have talked her into telling Virginia herself.  Lorenza thought bubbles that at least if Virginia adopts she won't have a grandchild who is *****.  There are a million ways she could have finished that sentence, and unfortunately, since she wasn't saying it out loud, there is no way to figure out what she said.  Can anyone who saw the Mexican broadcast tell us if it was bleeped there as well?

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(This needs editing)

Apple Pie Daniela

Chava and Sofia throw the word ball(s) back and dorth

Pato and Renzi; he spills that he threw Irma iff the building

Chava reassures Sofia he will win her back

Pato and Renzi throw the balla back and forth now and get Peralra involved in tge convo. Blah, blah, blah, erase Chava feom yge map.

Alexa, Armie and Chava talk about Nandito

More Renzi and Pato scheming; they will send Chava offsomewhere(?)

Silvie has a simple talk with Matu; she is so not taking hi himm seriously

Araceli, Pedro, Paco and Nadito

Isadora, Morgana and Javier

Sofi gabs to loud ass Dani that Irma fell off a building.

See four above

Silvie Pato and Renzi

SexyStoicArmie and Alexa's feeding and comfort of him. Chava and Sofi talk about love (is it always about you two?) When Araceli comes in with an expression tgat says tgat ezactly.

MotherFuckerJavier seduces Isadora some more (All I have to say about there two being together is that I like when Isa laughs; it sgows she has a sense of humor and is getting out of her drunk funk. For that and mote reasons, she is becoming a favorite of mine. As for Javier, he can go in a ditch,wallow in his own filth and die.)

Elsa tells Sofi that Dani and Olly have plans. Pato comes up to Sofi and ahe isn't up for a kot roght now. Pato thoughtbubbles that Nandito will hace to wait forever then.

ArmieSadEmoticon is distressed for Nanditos sake.

Isa is drubk and confodong in Javier about her love for Peralta ans that he tossed her aside whilw the mother fucker is rummaging in her purse (at least getting Isa drunk gets her true emotiins out. Her alcoholism is beneficiary. )

Sani ans Maei get Luc and Olly set up

Osvi from Por Siempre mi Amor shiws up as Carlos Landa and talks with Renzi about Chava.

Luc and Olly are being boys yhat hatr when Dani and Mari respectively text their beauss to make up

Sofiband Chava

Luc and Olly are about to kill each ither qhen Manjarrez and his goons are teady to jull them. Luc and Olly put up a good fight and kick ass

Dani and mari winder how its going and talk about reconciliation (boy-wise)

Kucas and Olly are still kicking ass and Manjarrez is just there in shock and awe (why is this fool not jailed yet?)

Carlos' pilots are drugged by Renzi

Paxo and Armie talk wheb Nandito comes in concerned about Irma.

The goons begin to attack when the biys catchtheir second wind and kick ass again. Lucas is about ti kill Manjarrez when he stops and leacea with the goons. The boys slowly make up (it's subtle)
 Nandito cries

Luc and Olly compare and contrast their lives; After some more communication, they make up (Bros? Bros! And we hear that at one point Lucas saved Olly from an atomic wedgie which would leace him looking like a cheese ball.)
Danu and Mari run out ti check on them. The boys are made up and hug wheb the girls come out thinking they're about to dight. They explain evetything and soon enough theyvwill double date.

Carlos fires his gyys and tellS rebzi his coiche ia to hire CHAVA.

Chava is on the phone with Silvie and oenthing aboit Armando; Irma is being mived to a different hospital. Tavares comes un with his head acrewrd on right; he

Avancrs; Chava isbbeing set uo by Pato and Renzi. Sofi is wistful.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

La Malquerida #85, 12/23/14: Este and Juli Just Can't Get Some...Maybe They Should Meet

Mexico Episode #91

Part 1 (Both parts are now up!):

Esteban is trying every trick in the seduction playbook to get Acacia horizontal in his hotel room. She’s playing hard to get and trying to find every excuse to not do what they both want to do, and what she knows he expected when she walked into his hotel room. Finally, to assuage the “guilt” Acacia is feeling about betraying her mom, Esteban says that he asked Cristina for a divorce. Acacia is impactada (not sure exactly why, when she’s having an affair with her stepfather who keeps talking about running away and playing house with her).

Viewerville knows that the conversation between Cris and Este about divorce wasn’t so cut and dried, and we immediately get her interpretation of the conversation when Elena comes to speak to her. Cris is actually pleased with the conversation they had. She says that Este accepted that she needs time to fully recuperate from her depression and miscarriage, that he doesn’t believe the loss of the baby was her fault, and she felt he was sincere when he said that she has marked his life forever. Elena says that at Cris’ side, Este’s life changed totally and for the better. Cris thinks she needs to become strong and independent again, so that she has more to offer Esteban. Elena looks like she wants to tell Cris that men don’t necessarily want an independent strong woman. Instead she tells Cris that she’s happy for the two of them, but urges that they don’t let too much time pass being separated. “Part of marriage implies being together with your spouse, even if the other is not well and in crisis.” Elena believes that the two of them should fight TOGETHER for Cris to fully recuperate. Cris doesn’t agree. She wants to show Esteban that she’s strong enough to do it on her own, without having to rely on him. Elena keeps her mouth shut, but gives her daughter a knowing, big green-eyed worried look.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #90 Tuesday 12/23 What to do, what to do?

Ay Caray!
Chava walks in on Pato and Sylvana getting hot and bothered on the couch in her office.  “What to do, what to do?” he asks himself.  He decides to knock on her door while the two despicable ones rush to makes themselves presentable:  “un momento!”  Chava calmly explains he’s just come by to advise her of Armando’s family emergency.  Pato tries to play it off, saying they’re really busy.  Chava sarcastically responds, “Yeah, sure looks as though you’re really busy.”  He then asks Patricio to step outside to take a look at the car.  Patricio tries unsuccessfully to avoid it but Chava insists and says he’ll wait for him in the parking lot.  Chava can barely contain his anger but leaves anyway.

As soon as he leaves, Pato and Sylvana begin bickering.  He wonders what Chava is up to now and she doesn’t understand why Pato’s surprised since he didn’t come through by firing Chava.  They both noticed Chava’s demeaner and wonder if he heard them.  eek!

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