Saturday, November 22, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 64. 11/21/14

Lizi proposes to German to spend some time together. Who knows perhaps this could last a lifetime. German nods his acceptance and the two share a lovely kiss.

Luisa tries to talk sense to Acacia about Ulises. She doesn't want to hear it but Luisa insists. Arturo told her Ulises never did anything shady or escaped with Nuria. Acacia doesn't think he would have told his family the truth. Luisa advises her to speak with Ulises and if she's not convinced, no harm no foul. Acacia is afraid that once speaking with Ulises he would convince her of his innocence even though everyone is accusing him of fraud. Unless you want Manuel now and don't care that Ulises rots in prison.

Memo pulls a gun on Patricio and says Danilo ordered him to die. Patricio pleads for his life.
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Friday, November 21, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo Capitulo 69 when it should be 70 Today.

Chava's with Araceli when ArmieKittyEyescalls to let him know SofiBleachBlondeAlmost has canceled her wedding with UglyPat. Chava maintains composure but is evidently happy while Araceli isn't such a happy camper in the background.

Sofi and Silvie chat about Sofi being in love with Chava. Some talk morecand Sofi is reassuring Silvie that her time as a mother will come again; Silvie's expression says, "You're Darn Tootin'!" and she also says that her relationship with "that guy" is no more.

Lupe and Javier argue.


La Gata #59 11/21/14 La Mancha

I will be out of town until Friday of next week and I don't think I'll have access to Univision. If anyone can take Tuesday, it would be appreciated.

*Le Sigh*
I know I owe you all a recap, but the thought of watching Pablo, Esme and the crew talk in circles for 45 minutes leaves me nauseous.

I am also fully committed, but I  will one up Kat's grumpiness and go into full kvetch mode. As you are all mentioning in the comments, there are so many loose and forgotten ends. Hell, a list of THOSE is more entertaining than last night's swill.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, 11/21/2014, No show doesn't mean that we don't get to chat

First of all: I apologize for my lack of presence on the boards. I just started a new job that is killing me softly. It's a completely new field of work for me, one that I'm not completely sure that I even like but I absolutely have to make work; so I'm constantly exhausted and I'm behind on all my TV watching.
Having said that and since there was no show yesterday, I figured we could do something else for today's post.

How about if we take advantage of the mini-break to explore some of the moral themes of the story, some of the situations that have been discussed before, but never at length because there was always something else to comment on.
  •  Ana has no real skills, other than dancing on the pole and making bad business decisions. She has a huge heart and she loves the kids just like a mother would, but what has she really accomplished so far, except surviving?
  • Fernando decided to marry the mother of his presumed 8th child, even if there was no connection between him and the mother to be and he was in love with another woman. Is this type of situation still acceptable in 2014?
  • Nico married a much younger woman, but failed to realize that she will want to be there for him no matter what and fixing her up with another man is not OK. For better and for worse, right?
  • Diego, an adventurer at heart, decided to give up on his entire life for a woman that only feels gratitude for him. Even if he had Ana's love, would a life of domesticity be enough for him?
  • Fanny, a barely 20 year-old, who is still struggling with finding out who she is and what she wants out of life, committed to a guy with a young child to take care of. Seen from this point of view, isn't Lenin - the care-free student boy, a more appropriate match?
  • Manuela wanted to be the surrogate for her employer and she would have probably done it if not for Nico's health problems.
  • Alicia accused Fernando of not respecting her privacy; but she's 15, still living in her father's house and cyber-dating is almost never safe.
  • And the big elephant in the room, that hasn't even been addressed yet: when Fernando finds out about Ana's real job and lying to him for so many months, won't he have the right to be upset? Ana's presence in his house exposed all of his children to the likes of Doroteo (and even Johnny), so should we blame him too much when he jumps through the roof upon finding out the truth (because I believe that he will)
 If anything else pops into your heads, feel free to discuss.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #68 Discussion Space!

While I get the recap cookin', discuss away!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

La Malquerida #63, 11/19/14

Mexico Episode #69

Discussion page. Latin Grammys means that there's no show Thursday, and we have two whole days to discuss tonight's twisted happenings in the small town of El Soto. Catch Diana's recap in the comments!


La Gata #58 - Wed 11/19 - La Víspera

Pablo calls Esme and the ladies on their belief in superstitions…especially since Esme has a black cat.  True, dude.  Principe can't possibly be bad luck.  I'm ignoring their meaningless conversation as it goes nowhere.

Rita does a limpia, which apparently doesn't work, because in walks Meatball.  He's come to say goodbye…don't let the door hit 'ya!  Before he goes, he chokes Rita and accuses the cards of lying, but she says it's not the cards, it's him!  Plus, he's married.  Meatball protests that he's only "arrejuntado" (living together) which isn't the same thing.  The choking continues.

Pablo is nearly finished with the hideous mural.  Or so he says.  The boss wants to celebrate with a toast.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #88 Isa going... going... gone!!! Fernando finds out about Alicia's internet boyfriend and does not like it one bit


Leon and Fanny in a romantic moment… he tells her what he loves about her and their relationship… followed by kisses…

Ana with a picture of Eliz Taylor as her mom… (or who is that?)… Ana is crying with the boys in the room, Fernando overhears out the door. One of the twins goes out to get him… Luz is also there. Some guy (sorry haven’t seen the last 4 eps) sent Ana a pic of her mom… Fernando asks to see it, then says he is happy that Ana can see what her mom looks like, says she is beautiful like Ana (with the song… yeah that one!... in the background, sung by the old woman)… The boys and Luz are hugging Ana… The boys are all smiling and this seems to move Fernando even more.

Lo Nuevo:

Bruno comes to library to see Fer. Bruno asks Fer if he is feeling alright. The tragedies have not come alone but quitting the company… Fernando is honest with Bruno, and acknowledges Bruno’s important role in their family… Bruno notes that when Fernando started working there he looked like a little boy in his first day of classes… Fernando acknowledges the company was his life… his family. A great family, like the Lasc are for Bruno. Fernando knows the value of not only the company but the people who work there. He quit because the company does not need the scandal. It is a dream of many families.

Nando and Edith in his room… they are arguing about exact sciences, theory of relativity, scientific explanations and exactitude, subatomic particles, (and these two are on each other’s face…) quantum space and space time… He acknowledges she is real smart to have so many tattoos.

Nico and Jen. Nico tells Jen the Doctor said he would need special care… Jen offers herself. Nico does not want to be a burden on Jen.(Fernando heard this on his way in the room).

Ana calls Diego, Natalia gets the phone. She tells Diego its Ana. But Diego does not want to talk to her. Ana texts Diego she wanted to say thank you… about finding facts about her mom… appoligizes for what happened but says she was always sincere… and again, thank you.

Back to Nico, Jen and Fer. Jen argues that her dream was to be with him, he thanks her but… will you be happy with no kids? Aren’t you better off with a young man and not having to care for an old hag? Fernando cuts him short, not the time to talk about this. Jen is crying. Nico says he loves her so much he wishes her to find a guy closer to her age… (Fernando is hugging Jen, who is very upset)

Isa and Yomama, Isa is carrying a suitcase… Yomama says you have to help me with my suitcase. Isa nags. Suddenly Fanny and the boys are all throwing stuff at Isa and YoMama and the twins are shooting with their water guns… a battle ensues, Isa slips at the door trying to run out. (Carmen Salinas can’t help but laugh on her way out)…

Ana and Fer come out of the library… Ana says finally the arachnidas are out of here…! Fernando says ‘perfect! Now finally we can be happy…’ and they kiss (WHOA!!! what did I Miss???? I have to watch these recordings… someone changed the game on me!!)… nah… it was just a nightmare of Isa’s… (Phew!! I thought I had missed volumes!!)
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #87, Discussion Page

Marta isn't able to recap because she's on a trip or something, so I am putting this up so we can talk about the episode, and if anyone wants to add recap information in the comments, I'm sure it would be appreciated.


Send get well greetings to our wonderful blogger and team captain Madelaine!

Madelaine has been quite ill, here is a post where you can comment and give her thanks for the amazing double- and triple-shifts she has pulled recapping for everybody!

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Favorite telenovelas recommended by our crack team of bloggers and experts! Compiled by Vikki Gomez

Evidently you all have been longing for a definitive list of the best telenovelas and now, thanks to Victoria (Vikki) Gomez, you have it! Here is the link: List of the Greatest Telenovelas. I have also put it in the sidebar where it will lodge forever. Thanks Vikki!

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #67 20141118 LLCoolS, but Patrick Hates Him (You'll Have to be a Fan of Rap to Get That)

Silvana's Apartment
Sophia wraps up her visit with Silvana.  As soon a the door closes behind the blonde, Patrick steps out of the bedroom.  Silvana mocks him about Sophia cheating on him.  Patrick tells Silvana that she's lucky that she just lost her child or "to the moon Alice!"  Silvana reminds him that the baby that she lost was his baby too!  She is offended by his insensitivity!  She accuses him of being jealous of Chava.  Patrick says that he's not jealous of Chava, he's upset because Chava is messing up "their" plans to marry Sophia.  Because of Chava, Sophia has postponed the wedding until the next year.  She should be encouraging Sophia to marry him ASAP.  He tells Silvana to send him a message if she needs anything, but she must not ever call him again!  Silvana tells us that she hopes that Sophia leaves him for Chava. 
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La Malquerida #62, 11/18/14: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ulises?

Mexico Episode #68

The Old:
Cristina rips old Danilo a new one for secretly marrying young Alejandra, but reassures Ale that she is still beloved and welcomed. Acacia worries how poor Esteban will survive. Cris tells her he has the savings from his administrator salary, and a good head on his shoulders. Ulises rides into town on Juancho’s ass and hobbles to the Soto min-mart and calls Acacia, who had just dug his cross out of Este’s desk drawer and seemed to want to put it on.

The New:
Uli begs Acacia not to hang up, as she cries and curses him. He asks her to meet him in the town park. Back in the boondocks, Itzel and her grandma come back from picking herbs and find Uli gone, but a note left behind. He thanks them for everything they did for him, says he can’t keep putting them in danger (which hasn’t really changed since he sent a letter with their location in it!), and hopes to pay them back one day (if Dan’s goons haven’t killed them). Itzel cries and Grandma tells her not to worry.

Dan beats the snot and stuffing out of Memo and Patricio for letting Uli escape and live long enough to send a letter, and letting him see their faces (Memo points out only Pat’s face was seen). They need to get more men and find him! “It’s really important to find Ulises, because if he lives…” Ale runs out, in her new Dan-provided ramera-wear, and asks what the heck Dan is saying?! He clams up, and tells her to go back to their room where he told her to stay. Dan introduces her to Pat and Memo as his wife, who should be treated with respect, before he shoves her back to the bedroom. Memo makes the mistake of asking if she isn’t the infamous Turquesa, and nearly gets smacked again. Dan orders him never to mention it or that name again!

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

La Gata #57 11/18/14 La Miseria

I took quick notes during the commercial break. I'm sure I missed a lot and as usual, I'm a little scant on the details. I'm still battling this crappy crud.

In other news, this felt like a relatively coherent episode. Please note: all action was interspersed with lots of Pablo and Esme sappiness.

The episode begins with a wedding dress try-on montage and a few shots of Pablo working on his acid inspired mural.

Esme's joy is interrupted by a sudden memory of Rita's fortune telling. She'll never be happy at Pablo's side.

Mariano visits Ines at the basurero and tells her about El Sil's beca program for disadvantaged youth. He's got four to give away and Carrlos is the first recipient. Mariano want Ines to help him find 3 more lucky indigent youth.

Esme goes to visit Rita for a card reading. Rita's cards foretell a lonely future for Esme...WITHOUT the babies (say what?)

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La Gata #56 11/14/2014 The Lost Episode

Peeps, work was awful yesterday and I got home way past ten, I was unable to watch the episode and do a recap, so use this as a discussion page, my apologies, all should return to normal next week!

PS: My burrito tried to kill me last night. True story.

Previous: Episode 55
Next: Episode 57


Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #66 11/17/14 Lupe' Needs to Make a Choice

From Friday:
From his sickbed, Javier asks Lupe' to forgive him.
Sofia and Chava meet with Raphael Silvetti who likes the proposal. Sofia tells Chava that if the deal gets done she'll owe him one. He suggests they take the bus back home.
Irma tells Araceli that she knows how to make Armie stay with her.
Alexa and Armie look at apartments together.
Captain Tavares talks to Renzi about the robberies. Renzi claims he had no idea the neighborhood was that violent.
Chava asks Sofia to imagine that all the people on the bus are customers of Ripoll. She likes the idea.

They can all buy my chocolates. - except the guy
who dropped the chicken on my head.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 61. 11/17/14

Discussion page.


♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/17/14 ♥ #86 ♥

Capitulo 86: En el sueño es verdad
Hospital Room: Enrique, disguised in scrubs complete with mask, rubber gloves, and matching biohazard booties to prevent footprints, sneaked into Nicolás' room. He remembered his father's death. He leaned over the bed whispering, “Your son killed my father. Now you will die.”
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE - Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc -- week of November 17, 2014.

Here is a new page to chat about the current shows and the ones on the way.  Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones, Project Chapter a Day -- week of November 17, 2014.

My Dear Reinamaniacs:

If we were Telemundo programming executives, we would surely see the wisdom in running this witty little spoof of a telenovela through the powerful maw of the network Plot-Compactor.™  We would understand why two or three whole episodes are being crammed into a time slot meant to accommodate only one.  We would realize that whole episodes of Reina could not be shown late at night or early in the morning because... well, just because.

But since we are mere viewers, we can only marvel at the incoherent mess that the Plot-Compactor produces and at its uncanny ability to remove all narrative flow (and almost every light-hearted moment) from Marcela Citterio's brilliant, if wonderfully insane and convoluted story. 

In case you missed last week's conversation in this space, listen up.  We've decided to try a slightly different approach to recapping.  Since in this case, the Dragon is in the details, as of Thursday, November 13, we started telling the story one Mexican episode at a time -- A Chapter a Day -- regardless of how it is broadcast in the United States.  
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Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Week 9 - Nov 17)

Looking Ahead--Questions that need to be answered.

What does Max mean when he says the meeting is "just for the two of us?"
How soon do Max and Amaya finally declare their love for each other?
Does Flavia come between Ivan and Mariana?
Does Jorge go for Juliana or Carolina?
Will Ulises get any pleasure out of Mariana?
How will Lucrecia be foiled in her attempt to kill Amaya?
When does Horacio get caught for fraud and embezzlement?
Who will get the red folder with page 2 of Cesar's DNA results?

More surprises await us on Quiero Amarte.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blogger Update: New Update from Madelaine

Madelaine just sent a new update on her health today.... 

Hola Y'all,

I've had two little set backs. I went back in the hospital twice. The first was a complete heart check. Things were fine. The second was to drain that lung again. I am now done with the radiation treatment. I am continuing to recover. It's funny in a way, I have now been on all floors of the hospital, and they all know me. I even got two cards from them, one from oncology, and one from cardiac floor. They called me the crazy Texan, too funny. My name may be Madelaine Fails, but Mads never Fails, how about that.

I feel so blessed for having Mr. Mads as my hubby, my wonder daughter Mia, the home nurses that come check on me, the physical therapists that work with me, and Y'all for being family to me and sending me all those wonderful cards, earworms, gift cards and to the person, you know who you are, who sent me Alborada, I thank you so much. God Bless you, your prayers, and warm feelings. I think of you everyday. 


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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo # 65 11/14/14 I'll Know You Love Me If You Ride the Bus Home

Hello Everyone! I'm sorry this is late, I had to take a quick trip out of town on Saturday. Here are links to a couple of articles I found on Hasta. The first is Pedro talking about leaving the show:
The second is a short article on David Zepeda's thoughts about taking on the role of Chava:

On to the recap!

Alexa and Armie go out for lunch and kiss passionately at their table.
Miguelina comes back to work at the Ripoll house and learns about Dani's hunger strike.

Dani, once again dressed like jailbait, studies with Oliver. To surprise her, Miguelina brings them milk and cookies. Dani is overjoyed to have Miguelina back. She starts to introduce Miguelina to Oliver and finds out that they already know each other because Miguelina worked for Oliver's family.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 60. 11/14/14

Discussion page.


Mi Corazon Es Tuyo, #85 A Busy Day at the Hospital Waiting Room

This recap seems to read like bulletpoints, but the scenes were actually just short and to the point throughout the episode.

We begin with Ana praying with the children that Don Nico will be alright. And under TN rules, when something is prayed for, it will be so. So there you have it. We know that Nico will pull through. Phhew!

Ximena is on her way out the door, when her mama stops her asks her if she thought about what they talked about. Xi wants to talk about it later, that is, if mama is still going to be around. Mama (don’t know her name) says she will be there for as long as she needs her. Xi pulls away suddenly and says ‘who are you and what have you done with my selfish and egocentric mother?’ Did Xi pray for her mother to change her attitude? If so, then that will explain the new improved attitude.
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La Gata #55 11/14/14 La Confusión

Just a quick run down from memory. It might be a little out of order (or a lot...) I really just stuck to the main events. I'm sure I missed some things.

The motín (rebellion) continues. Pablo tries to talk-down the Cyclops/Unibrow.

Augie and El Sil discuss assets. El Sil reminds him that all the assets are his, BUT there is some mine near the ranch that Augie insists is his. He bought it after El Sil went to jail. Augie tries a little groveling and El Sil reminds Augie that he had no pity when El Sil was begging all those years ago.

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Friday, November 14, 2014


Ana’s answer to The Big Question is another question: why didn’t Don Fernando fight for their love?  Because I was an idiot!  No, she reasons, it was because he didn’t love her enough.

Nando takes Edith Munster home after their miraculous drowning rescue of Xi from the pool.  (Makes me curious if Edith-Death-Becomes-Her instead of St. Peter was the first thing Xi saw when regaining consciousness, did Xi think she’d succeeded in her suicide attempt?)

Ana finally sleeps on the rough jail cell bench and dreams a combo of Cinderella and Ice with a type of competition for her two contending Prince Charmings and two slippers, neither of which fits. It turns into a nightmare.  (Kiddie fare. FF>>)
Bruno’s still a mental case.

The next morning the airing of the family laundry is pretty rank as Ana and Don Fernando return to a pacing and very angry and accusative Diego.  Don Nicolas tells him he’s past the line.  Why?  He reproaches Ana for cheating on him with his big brother.  What?  How?...Why????  “—My heart is yours????”  that’s why.  He saw the whole thing—practically—on tape, especially that kiss.  Ruh-roh.  Doesn’t matter that Ana tries to defend her defending him.  He saw what he saw.  Doesn’t matter that Estefania left him because of his footloose and fancy-free life-style, not to mention any number of infidelities before Don Fernando and she became an item., and yadda, yadda.  Ana reminds all three men that she was very clear about her confusion and her feelings towards DF from the very beginning.

Meanwhile, Nando prepares Xi-I want-it–painted-black for her mother’s return to take responsibility finally for her daughter’s condition.

Bety learns over at the company offices that Enrique has been named the interim president.  She’ll continue as the prez’s sexratary BTW.  Celebration time.  They enter the office.  He tells her to box up DF’s stuff.  He barks at her over DF’s unsigned letter of resignation.

Leon gets another bill for Tamara’s unpaid funeral expenses along with a threat he’ll be sued if the bill isn’t paid ASAP.  (Don’t these people ever think ahead and just go with what they can afford?)  Yawn.

Alicia and BFF continue with their computerized femme fatale fiction.  FF>>
The argument spins out—“And if I did approach Ana, so what?  You gonna come after me?”  It ends in a slug fest till Don Nico drops over from a heart attack due to the anxiety and upset.  Isabrooda blames Ana, natch, but Ana tells her to stuff it.

The family ends up at the hospital where Don Nico dreams about the happy times with his grand kids.

Reeky finds out from Bety, while surfing the net or something else equally as productive…. that Don Nico’s in the hospital with serious heart problems.  He’s smiling from ear to ear as she walks out of the room.  His  culminating act of venganza papa for papa cannot be very far off now.  He tells Isa later that his plan is to insure that DF continues to believe they’re closest of friends.

The doctor comes out to tell Jennifer that he’ll need open heart surgery.  50-50 chance of survival.

Xi’s momma returns and offers a solution: go to a therapeutic ranch in the U.S. where they treat people specifically afflicted with Bi-Polar disease.  “--Do it for your boyfriend, at least?”  Xi looks like she might agree with her for once.

Ana returns home to tell the kids about their granddad when they arrive home from school.  In the meanwhile she saves Bruno, still a memory-less mental case, from being harassed and abused by Yo-low Yolanda as she tries undressing him in her bedroom after claiming they’ve been lovers this whole time.  FF>>FF>>

Reeky arrives at the hospital to give his respects to DF and family as they wait for the results of the surgery.  DF suggests it was Linda who planned the scandal.  Reeky quickly agrees it had to have been.

Isa shows up next and gives her emotional support—as a friend.  He falls for it.  He’s too blinded by the pain and guilt of all that’s transpired to be thinking clearly.

Once the kids arrive home, Ana explains the situation about Don Nico and the group of them begin praying for his recovery.


Hasta el Fin del Mundo #64 20141113 Move Over Armando, there's New Wingman in Town!


Abarrotes "La Union"

She's Counting his Ripoll Recipe Royalties Before they are Hatched

Greta tells Paco that she doesn't like seeing hate in his eyes.  Paco says that the love turned to hate.  They are interrupted by Araceli.  Greta introduces herself to Araceli and leaves.  Araceli recognizes Greta from the photo that Paco had torn up earlier in the week. She asks Paco about it.  Paco says that she's mistaken.  Paco is saved by Irma who is there to purchase soup for Nandito.  She tells Paco that Armando left her for one of those manstealin' Ripoll tramps.  She's begun working for Renzi again in order to support herself and Nandito.  Paco tells her that she's a fool.  Renzi is responsible for the sudden rash of violence in the neighborhood.  Irma tells them that Renzi has upped the offer for her house.  Their conversation is interrupted by Lupe, who agrees that Renzi is responsible for the thuggishness activites.  She suggests that Irma pay more attention to her husband.  Irma leaves in a huff. 
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La Gata #54 Thursday, 11-13-14 Hurry Up! . . . .and wait

We begin riding along with Virginia and Esme in a car talking about Virginia’s parents, the embargo and El Sil’s venganza.  Virginia says she would like to talk to El Sil and appeal to his goodness but she doesn’t dare.   Esme says it’s better that way and explains that El Sil wants to clear his name for when he finds his daughter.  Venganza is not the way to clear your name Virginia gently says.  Esme agrees and shares that if she were his daughter she wouldn’t want a name so filled with hate.  She feels his name is already clean.  What happened wasn’t his fault, it was an injustice.  Virginia hopes her parents learn some humility from this experience.


Mariano and Augie discuss El Sil’s next move:  the preventive embargo is something the complainant does when he’s sure he’ll win the case.  Augie agrees it is what he would do in El Sil’s position.   Lorenza can’t believe they’re talking so impersonally as if it were just another legal case.  This is our life, our ruin!  Mariano wants Augie to admit his guilt, his crime.  Lo reminds Mariano that thanks to this “immorality", he (Mariano) is a lawyer today and not to forget these problems affect him, too,  Augie tells Mariano to do what his conscience tells him and don’t worry about his.


Gisela tells Pablo about the embargo.  Pablo says he knows how his mother is going to take it.  She says only El Sil can save them.  Pablo states he has no influence over El Sil who initiated the embargo in the first place.  So you’re turning your back on your parents too?


In a short breather from Gisela we see Carlos walking with Esme and Virginia in the background. Esme assures Carlos he will be free soon, his case is being worked on.


Back to Pablo telling Gisela he doesn’t know what he can do.   Exasperated but stern she says so you want me to go back to your parents and tell them you can do absolutely nothing for them?  Esme walks up.  She and Pablo kiss warmly.  Gisela decides to leave, thinks better of it and then lays into Esme with a verbal projectile vomiting of Lorenza’s lamentations:   She’s leaving your parents in the kind of misery she’s all too used to; she’s encouraging El Sil in his revenge; she hates your parents.

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

La Malquerida #59, Thursday, 11/13/14

Mexico Episode #65

Discussion page...let's get the discussion started!


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: REINA DE CORAZONES -- PAGE TWO -- Week of November 10, 2014

 Miércoles – Parte Uno

ORBO and Estefi are brought into CIA headquarters by FELS and Esmeeth. ORBO didn’t think this was how he was going to have a talk with Esmeeth. FELS tells Estefi that he needs to talk to her. She asks if this is part of the interrogation. “Take her away,” orders FELS. [Why is he allowed to be anywhere near her?]

Susana comes into Juanjo’s bedroom and sees him in bed, asleep with his arm around Connie. They’re dressed but she is shocked.

Dra Moto takes off her shirt. In comes Laz with the baby. He hastily looks the other way while she covers herself. She explains that she about to take a bath since she was working all night. “Well, not all night,” corrects Laz. Laz says that what happened between them should never happen again. Moto agrees.

Juanjo and Connie wake up hung over. “Did they really sleep together?” asks Connie. “Shhh. Don’t say that,” replies JJ and then finds a note from Susana congratulating him or getting together with Connie. She wrote that he is better than Christián and Connie is better than Yoli.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo.. #83 Nov 12 2014... If Fer could turn back time... but Ana says not so fast, i was door no. 2 but you dont get to pick me after you chose door no.1 and didn't like what was there


Nando spooked by Edith, he would want to rip her pierced earring off her nose but is afraid he will end up with snot in his hands… she warns he would die trying. Rosita calls Nando and he runs out on everyone.

Ana reminds Fernando that Diego is also a player in this script. Fernando insists that Ana should not stay with Diego if she doesn’t love him. Ana asks ‘what do you know about what I feel?’

F: So you love him? Tell me! You love him?

Lo Nuevo:

A: it doesn’t matter what I feel for Diego. You broke my heart! You!

F: If you can swear to me right now that you can be completely happy with Diego, I will gladly step aside and give up on your love for the rest of my life. Go ahead!

A: Lets see.. He (Diego) has been the only one that has been by my side all the time… he has done for me things no one else has.

F: Ana, I know Diego too well. He has always run away from long term commitments. He has never dreamed of forming a family! Ana, what happened so many years ago with Fanny Sr was not my fault.

A: Lets see. Fanny Sr, RIP, was Diego’s GF. And you got in the middle there!

F: Ana, I did not get in the middle. Love does not end overnight. Of course there were reasons for her to stop loving him. They were not compatible. She ended their relationship!

(‘who was Mrs Estefania?’ ‘She was my brother’s wife’)

A: You got in the middle! They were a couple and he loved her!! Your brother loved her! And you went after your brother’s girl!

F: Lets see, I did not go after her! I did not get in the middle! She was free! She first ended it with Diego! And later, the love between us could not be hidden. We were together 20 years. We had 7 kids desired and loved! I don’t regret the relationship I had with Fanny Sr. I don’t regret it.

(‘was that true?’ ‘Yes!’)

F: Ana, the relationship was wearing out because their interests were not the same. My brother is not stable. He was a womanizer. Even while they were still dating, he was unfaithful to her. He swore he was madly in love and was unfaithful. That is why she ended it with him. That is why I did not get in the middle!

(‘ is that true too?’ ‘Yes!’)
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La Malquerida #58, 11/12/14: A Night of Confessions!

Mexico Episode #64

After Hector confesses to still being in love with Cris while hugging her, Esteban rushes in, pulls them apart and starts punching. Hector gives as good as he gets, and Cris gets between them and orders them to stop. They stop long enough for Este to manhandle Cris, and for Hector to fuss at him for doing so and say that this was not Cris’ fault. Este is not listening. He scuffles with Hector some more, then drags Cris out of there. Hector calls himself an idiot.

Norberto has been out all night with Julianita and they are making out in his car. He decides to buy her some expensive perfume, and they make out some more in public on the street in front of the shop. German catches them, and goes off on Norberto about betraying his mother and about his moral double standards. Norberto yells that German is nobody to judge him. “Yes I am-- I’m your son!” WHAP! Norberto whacks German across the face with his closed fist. German leaves with angry tears in his eyes, warning Norb that he won't let him hurt his mother. (Well, that was a short reconciliation.)

Out on the street, Cris insists that Este let her go and not treat her this way. She says that regardless of what Hector may feel for her, she only sees him as a friend. She has never betrayed Este, not even in her thoughts (he certainly can’t say the same). She would never cheat on him. Este refuses to believe it, says he doesn’t want to listen to lies, and demands that she cancel the art show and stop seeing Hector. “If you see him again, then forget about me.” “Very well then. Go.” (Woohoo! You go, Cris.)

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La Gata #53 - Wed 11/12 - La Comedia

At Casa Silencioso, Mercedes bullies Esme into eating some breakfast.  Despite the huge table, there are only, what, six? places set.  And Esme's saying "What, are we feeding the entire colonia this morning?"  Even the arrival of Fela doesn't snap Esme out of her grouchy mood.  Fela is convinced Fernando will be able to spring Pablo.

The cops apparently called Rita to testify.  Why?  Fernando asks why she wants to hurt Pablo.  Rita told the cops that Pablo has "ojeriza" (dislike) for Meatball.  Rita whines about her achy joints when Fernando says his lawyers will be calling her to "rectificar" (fix , clarify …not take it back) her testimony.  While Fernando thinks Pablo has screwed up royally, whatever Esme wants, Esme gets!  And it would do Rita well to remember that she's not dealing with the old Don Fernando, but El Silencioso.  And El Sil does not forgive.

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HEFDM Recap- "Estamos Solos en un Cuarto, tan Enamorados is right!"

Sofia has rehired Miguelina! Hermanitas Ripoll
hug (and Fausto doeshis happy dance <3)

Pato and Silvie angst, she's headed to the bathroom and Pato gloats in thoughtbubbles about his assasination completion.

SofiWetHair talks with Fausto about work.

Silvie is a bloody mess at the legs and Pato gloats some more.

Armie has 20 missed calls from Irma about Nandito

Silvie is whisked away in a gurney and begs Pato not to leave her side.

Pato gives Sofi some BS that Mauro was beat up and she buys it. She leaves with Armie to work.

Greta and Dani have a heart to heart.

Lina and Lucas; some about a contest (you all know he was Alcachofa in Alegrijes y Rebujos right? I wanna see him paired with Chofis -Maria Chacon- again.)

Silvie lost her baby. (MI HIJO! NOOOO!)

Chava can't find a ride.

Silvie's still crying and I CANNOT WAIT 'til anvils ahoy day! This may have have been a pie cart? More like a dessert buffet cart!

Chava finds a ride; with 3 girls.

Silvie tells patricio she was prego and he gives the camera a, tell me something i dont know look.

Chava is hitchhiking still.

Silvie and Pato- i want you to stayyyy.

SofiBlueBodySuit calls asking RenziSilvie and she wishes the best while after the call the two jerks gloat over their havoc.

Chava and Armie while Sofis on the phone with Noemi.

PacoDenimOveralls argues with Greta at at the shoppe. Greta meets Araceli there.

Chava gets directions.

Armie has distributed the chocolate and Sofi thanks him.

Greta, Paco and `Celi.

Abrupt End of Capitulo and tmrw, Pato catches Chava with Sofi who has on the cutest bonnet!


La Malquerida #57, 11/11/14

Mexico Episode 63

All- I did a ffwd through the Uni version and realized that they showed a whole episode. No cutting or combining. Who knows what they have planned for the next few weeks.

Cris’ angry/perplexed reaction to finding Acacia and Estebone all alone cuddled up on the hillside is sidelined when Acacia runs to her arms crying about Palomino’s death. Acacia then says she doesn’t want to talk about it and runs off. The first of a series of fights between Cris and Este begins. The short version: Cris calls Este out for not telling her something so important that happened to her daughter. He throws in her face that she was off doing lord knows what with Hector. Cris slaps him! How dare he insult her that way!

Later, the family and friends at Benavente have a little memorial in the living room for Palomino (his ashes in a box Acacia holds). Acacia basically speaks out loud to her father about losing this piece of him, but then publicly thanks Esteban for being there for her like a second father. She takes his hand and then gives him one of those full body hugs. Cris looks on, and she does not look pleased. She takes Acacia to her bedroom for a chat.

Cris asks Acacia why lately she goes to Este first with all her problems and not her, her mother? She says she wants to spend more time with Acacia, and that Acacia should come to her first with her issues. Acacia points out that Cris wanted her to get close to Este. She used to hate him because she thought he wanted to take all that was her father’s, and now she loves/cares for (querer) him. She thought that’s what Cris wanted. Cris says yeah, but I’M YOUR MOTHER! Acacia tells her not to be jealous (note that she means Cris shouldn’t be jealous of Este, while we in the audience know it should be Cris being jealous of Acacia). She tells Cris things she would never tell Este, like that she kissed Manuel. “Que, que?!!” Cris is shocked and ticked off. She scolds Acacia for kissing Manuel when she knows she doesn’t have feelings for him and is just leading him on—doesn’t matter if she was tipsy. Now Cris thinks Este might have been right to forbid Acacia and Manuel from seeing each other. Acacia is ticked off that either one of them would forbid her seeing Manuel.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #62 20141111 How Not to Go to Jail When You're Obviously a Sexual Predator

Silvana bites Patrick's power tie and invites him over for dinner.  Patrick readily accepts the sexy invitation, but he will indeed be over later.

Over drinks, Renzi gives Patrick the abortion concoction and wishes Patrick luck.  Patrick gives Renzi a small yellow envelope that contains a brick of cash.  Renzi tells Patrick, the more drops she ingests, the quicker that she will miscarry. 
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #82 11/11/2014 Ana and Fernando have a rare heart to heart (or as close as they manage) talk, but they don't know Diego has seen and heard it all.


Ana and Fernando trying to convince the chief of police that the cop brought them over in a whim. Ana and Fernando have to argue that they have the right to make one call. Meanwhile Diego and Natalialll he would have wanted to be there to support her… she replies you can support me now.

Ana finally gets through to Diego and tells him she and Fernando are in jail. Diego impactado.

Lo Nuevo:

Johnny is watching TV about some contest of phone receipt/invoice with the highest number will win 1 Million pesos. Johnny gets excited… so is Sebastian when Johnny tells him about it.

Ana asks Diego to ask at the house about Bruno… who is at the hospital for having lost his memory.

Fernando keeps trying to convince the chief of police that he and Ana are not thugs. The cops keep stereotyping them as ‘los ricos’. Ana not appreciating being categorized along with Fernando.

Reeky tells Isa that things turned better than planned. Linda arrives at Reeky’s… she wants to continue celebrating. Reeky tells Linda that Isa is in the team as well. Fernando asked for divorce so she is in vengeance mode too. Surely you will put Reeky at the Prez spot. He will replace Fernando. However, Linda wants to keep a low profile. She is putting Reeky at the Prez spot, but so that he can watch for her interests. Glad to do business with you. Linda leaves. In comes Laura, and Linda gives her a snotty look. Reeky hides Isa. Laura comes in …

Fanny and Edith arrive at the house to the news about Bruno and that Fernando and Ana are missing in action. Luz impactada about Edith’s appearance (is she a vampire?... no, look a here, no fangs!)

Bruno calls Fanny to delegate to her to follow up with Bruno while he goes to the jail. He tells her Ana and Fer were arrested together. He will handle that.

Fanny gets a bit alarmed that Johnny has been delegated to watch the boys… they are playing water gun war in the boys room. They are mangling and watering down Johnny.

Nando arrives, a bit upset about XIme… FF>> Edith feels like playing a little scaring game with him. Nando not in the mood.

Diego leaves Natalia behind to deal with the jail issue. He only tells Natalia that the story about Fanny Sr is repeating itself with Ana. Natalia shocked that Diego left his brilliant and fun career behind for a woman like Ana, who has none of the same lifestyle as him. Natalia asks if Ana is willing to go with him and renounce to everything she has.. no, right? (Diego wants to go now…)

In jail cell Fernando is pacing around. Ana is upset, looking away. Chief of police is watching a video of them. He is amused that at first they could not shut up and now they are not saying a word.
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La Gata #52 11/11/14 La Piedad

El Sil has a heart!!

All the defense team needs to do is put Virginia in charge. She would get Pablo out of jail in a DF Minute.

Mariano's pants are now so skinny that I swear he's walking funny.

Now on with the show!
Everyone in the Garabato gang duck behind the car and yells at Ines. She explains that they are right in front of the house where La Gata lived with El Sil. He's the MN's neighbors.

At the delegación Pablo gives his declaración. He swears he's innocent and that the Meatball lied. THe officer tries to get some details: Why did you go there? What were you doing there? Pablo doesn't answer.

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #61 11/10/14 Bums and Kisses

From Friday:
Paco tells Lupe' that he wants to get married in the neighborhood.
The drunken Javier pounds on Lupe's door.
Chava finishes the commercial and poses with the model as she takes a selfie. His phone rings and he looks at the message.
Save 15% on car insurance... damn telemarketers!
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La Malquerida, capitulo 56. 11/10/14

Ale is walking alone outside when Danilo walks up. In greeting she gives him a b!tchslap and he returns it. Ale doesn't care since he failed in killing German. He laughs and says he didn't fail. If I wanted to kill him, I would have. I didn't kill him because I then wouldn't have anything to control you with. First it was his capataz, next could be his brother. Or perhaps your friend, Acacia. How many more deaths do you want on your conscience?

Mystery girl covers Ulises up and runs off to hide. Memo is supporting his friend as they look to find Ulises and mystery girl. They walk past the mystery girl and she rushes over to an unconscious Ulises urging him to stay with her.

Norberto pays a visit to German. He acknowledges that he took out his anger on German whenever things were going bad for him. Such as problems with his mother. He cries and promises never to mistreat him again. Can you forgive me he begs. Of course replies German and they hug it out. You are my father replies German. Norberto acknowledges he never supported German's paintings because....but doesn't finish his thought. I wanted you to be like me says Norberto. I ask that you forgive me for ruining your paintings.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

La Gata #51 11/10/2014 Never,ever, threaten to kill someone

Okay peeps, this will be quick because I have a lot of work to get to today!

Esmeralda has taken Fela outside to keep her away from Lorenza, inside the house Low demands to speak to Fernando, even after Mercedes tells her that he wont see her and that it would be best if she left. Low, will not budge and finally Fernando graces her with his presence, she explains that she is there to beg for mercy for her sick husband, he can't take away their money, they need it! Fer does not care, he tells her his wife was in need of mercy and they denied her that and he will do the same to them, Low then gets on her knees to beg but Fernando is not moved (although Mercedes looks horrified), Low finally realizes she won't get anywhere and goes home with her tail between her legs.

The Crypt Keeper:

I think at this point the Meatball understands that he wont be getting anything from Esmeralda so he pays Rita a few pesos to ensure that Esmeralda goes to see him. Rita is trash and I don't care what silly love story they give her this lady is bad news, there's a song by Pepe Aguilar that has a line "tu solo te mueves por dinero"- or "you only move for money" and that's a pretty good description of Rita, as long as she gets what she wants she will sell anyone out. Witch.

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♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/10/14 # ♥ 81 ♥

Capitulo 81:  House of Cards

La Costeña: Fernando accused Linda of using the altered photo as a pretext for forcing him out of the company. She tried to get on the moral high horse of “You are a blot on the company escutcheon” and turned to the two other men present at the meeting to ask for a reason why Fernando shouldn't be ridden out on a rail. However, he stood up and told her not to bother; he was resigning.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — week of November 10, 2014: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc.

Here's a fresh page to discuss your favorite shows.  If you've ever thought about recapping, here's your chance!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: REINA DE CORAZONES -- PAGE ONE -- Week of November 10, 2014

Friends: NovelaMaven had already written the text below when we decided that I would do the post this week so that I can put tonight's episode for Caroline in the post instead of in the comments because I am going to do a 3-fer for what I hope is the last time. See you in the comments!!


My dear Reinamaniacs:

Hold on for dear life! Our wild ride is careening to a premature end!  We have, what, two weeks to go?  It looks as if tonight and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday) will be triple episodes and then we'll get doubles right up to the end.

We have two new crazies in the mix -- Alicia aka The Cobra and Secret Agent Number 69 aka Julio César Blanco.

We left Moto and Laz in the middle of their hastily contrived civil wedding.  What's wrong with Moto?  Is she having a panic attack?  Or is there something more nefarious going on?

We met and said goodbye to the Mysterious Emperatriz Picasso all in the course of a night or two and learned about her quasi-incestuous past with FELS-PELS-GELS.

We discovered that Big O was an impostor -- Original Recipe Big O had been locked away in a psychiatric hospital for  years!

BSC Estefanía has conquered her fear of guns and shot her way out of the manicomio!

Asunción finally knows that FELS is her long-lost son Gregorio Pérez.  Unfortunately, before she has had a chance to process this knowledge, she has been kidnapped by Crazy Agent 69, the writers' writer who can no longer draw a line between reality and fiction.

And now, the Queen of Hearts herself has fallen into Crazy 69's clutches!

Will the Dragon save the day?

Monday recap  of Capitulos 113, 114 and 115.

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Sunday, November 09, 2014

An article about telenovelas y'all may enjoy.

I think this is well written and dead on. Comments?

Is America Ready to Fall in Love with the Telenovela?


Mi Corazón #80: Dog Days At Mansion Lascurain; Bitch Linda’s Advantageous Power Gain

Cap. 80

Oh the horror-- chewed up shoes!!  “--¡ANA!!!” Ana and the kids try hiding Siete in the twins’ bedroom.  Nando states the obvious: Don Fernando will kill Ana for bringing home that dog.  (In unison, class.  Cancela!  Cancela! Cancela!)

DF continues sneezing and yelling at her alternately.  (Okay, so the guy is so obtuse he’s apparently never heard of allergy shots.) “—Salud!”   Siete tries taking matters into his own hands, however, and after racing out of the bedroom and down into the living room, he  stands up and begs for mercy from Don Hielo.  (Premio for El Siete!  Bravo!! Premio!  Premio!  A Puppy Premio!)  The kids and Ana are all in torment. “—But he’ll die back out on the streets, living in an alley!”  (Gr-r-r-r-r!)

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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #60 11/7/14 Irma Sells Out

Marisol takes her books to Lucas' house to study.
Chava tells Lupe' that he got hired as a stunt driver for a commercial.
Paco runs in to tell Lupe' and Chava that Cuco's place was robbed.

Armie packs his things. Irma tries to convince him to stay, but he's had enough. Armie tells her that Nandito is okay with what's happening and she should stop trying to use him to manipulate the situation. Irma says, "You have no feelings."

Greta is upset that Oliver came to the mansion to give Dani her school lessons and she's nowhere to be found. Sofia comes in and tells her that Dani has gone out with Alexa. After Oliver leaves, Greta tells Sofia that she's so proud of her! Sofia is the only daughter who has been manipulated and guilt-tripped enough to do what's expected of her. Work hard to keep this family of layabouts financially solvent.

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Weekend Discussion: Do Things In Novelas Change Your Life?

Has your taste changed in anything since you became a regular novela viewer?  Did you find you love Latin music, did you want to try more Latin foods?  Do you think nothing of shopping in the international aisle of your supermarket?  Are La Costena and Goya products on your shelves or your shopping list?

Do you treat your family or friends differently?  Do you dress differently?

Enquiring minds want to know!

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My Dear Reinamaniacs:

Here's a new page for the weekend.  Make yourselves at home here -- laugh, wail, rant, o lo que sea -- while I try to make some sense of Friday's triple episode.  

For now, please enjoy Anita's brilliant creation that was posted on Thursday, but that some of you may have missed in the embarrassment of riches that is Page Two:

Subtitled: I Cannot Reveal Who is Making This Up


He who hesitates when facing a dragon, loses.

When el llamado de la sangre regarding dragona daughters is in doubt and he doesn’t believe the child’s mother, a dragon can turn to DNA; but should be skeptical about believing the results.

A Dragon trusts no one, not even science. (See prior entry).

A Dragon always greets his mother with a drawn gun.

A Dragon can survive torture, as long as he remembers all the other things that were done to him that were worse (like abandonment in a church as an infant and being raised in an orphanage).
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Friday, November 07, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 55. 11/07/14

Recap will be up tomorrow.


La Gata #50 Friday 11/7/14 La Visita

Here's a link to the latest entry in the La Gata soundtrack: Todo lo que soy. A duet with Alex Ubago.

On with the show:

Damian presents FDLSC with legal paperwork. The legal team wants to request that the courts freeze Augie's assets. Since they will be able to show that FDLSC is the real owner of the MN assets, a judge will most likely grant that. All they need to do is deposit some bond or fee or something (they used the word "fianza" so clearly not bail. I friggin' hate having to recap legal crap.) FDLSC tells Damian to proceed.

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La Malquerida, capitulo 54. 11/06/14

Dicussion page


La Gata #49 Thursday 11-6-14 Lowrenza and Augie declare war; Pablo, Mariano and Virginia declare Independence!

We rejoin Pablo and Esme in a rare moment of intimacy, their souls joined at the lips.  She breaks the kiss complaining that his parents will never accept her and she can’t wait all her life.  She wants to marry a good man and have a normal life!   Like with El Italiano?  Pablo asks.   At least he’s done something for my daughter unlike you who hasn’t shown me any of this money you are supposedly earning!  Pablo looks incredulous, almost amused.
Quick cut to El Italiano and Rita in his shop.  Rita wonders when he’s going to make wedding preparations.  El Italiano says Gata will never marry him.  Lupe is glad El Italiano has come to his senses.  In bursts Pablo who is no longer looking amused.  He slugs El Italiano for letting Esme think it was his money that paid for the hospital bill.   He falls back and Lupe catches him.  Having been warned to stay out of it, Lupe flings El Italiano back and Pablo slugs him again telling him if he keeps up this lie he swears he will kill him!  [Admit it, didn’t that feel good!]
Now we are with Mariano and Augustin discussing strategy in the counter offensive against Fernando.   Augustine discovers he holds title to land that includes the town dump!  A light bulb goes on in Augustine’s beady eyes:  he will get back at Fernando by throwing La Gata and everyone else out of the basuerero!
Back to the pizza shop where El Italiano screams at Pablo that La Gata is afraid of him, that he will take the babies from her.  We are treated to Pablo yelling at him one more time, forget about the wedding and tell her the truth or I swear I’ll kill you.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, #79, Thursday And Siete makes eight

Fernando tells Ana that her mom’s full name is Soledad Fuentes. Ana is happy to learn what her real name should be. (I wonder where Leal comes from, did the monjitas give it to her?) But before the news has any time to sink in, Doroteo el Feo shows up at the house, wanting to talk to Don Fernando about the money Ana owes him. Ana is freaked out, but thankfully Fanny is there and distracts Fer with some school papers that he needs to sign. This gives Ana the chance to talk to Doroteo and beg him not to say anything. Somehow the lecherous weasel agrees and goes to wait for Ana outside.
Now freed from Fanny, Fernando asks Doroteo to call next time and never show up at his house again.
In the street Doroteo tells Ana that he found out about her second job by following Jonny (apparently he has one of his teams of goons on Jonny at all times) and since her other boss doesn’t know about her job at Chicago, this seems like the best opportunity for some good old-fashioned blackmail. Ana can forget about making calculations to see how much money she still owes him, because he just decided to reinstate the full debt, no matter that Ana actually worked her butt off (literally, ahem) to pay him back.
Doroteo has her cornered and she knows it. This would be the best moment for her to TELL FERNANDO THE TRUTH!

After she gets rid of Doroteo Ana goes to Fer’s office and he tells her that he doesn’t like that man coming to his home, where his kids are (fair enough). He wants to know what that was all about and why is Ana involved with such characters and owns them money, too. Ana makes up an excuse about the money being borrowed by Jonny for them back when they were dating; and since Jonny doesn’t have a job now she feels like she needs to help him. Fer tells her that Jonny will start working for him as a handyman around the house, so he should be able to chip in, too. He also asks her if she needs a loan, but Ana refuses (because every good natured telenovela girl will always refuse money from good, respectable men, but always somehow get tricked into accepting blood money from the villains).
Getting back to Ana’s mom, Fernando tells her that his investigations also brought to light some other pieces of information – apparently Soledad was in jail for 18 years, but not for premeditated murder; there was no intent from her part, so she was convicted for involuntary manslaughter (I hope I got this right, basically Fer says that she killed a man by accident). This makes Ana feel better, but this is all the good news that Fer has for now; since Soledad has been released from prison 14 years ago, the prison has no other information about her.
Ana thanks Fer for his help and for trusting her and then Fer sneezes, because we need to be reminded that there is a dog in the house and Fer is allergic to furry ones.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #59 20141106 Your Phone was Ringing so I Read Your Mail

Pleased that his son Oliver will be good for evil!

After Peralta discovers that his son Oliver is Daniela Ripoll's tutor, he breaks out a Cuban cigar to celebrate!  His goody-two-shoes son might be good fit for the Diabolical Family Corporation after all.
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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap

  • Chava lays in a hospital bed and Lupe lets her emotions out; she was worried about him. Marisol says Chava really loved playing Superhero. Chavita then says he got hurt because he was defending Don Paco; their future father. Marisol asks, "What do you mean future father?" Lupe changes the subject and Chava follows suit but Lupe didn't raise a fool; Marisol demands to know what he meant by future father. He explains and she takes it that he is dizzy from the medicine. Lupe defends herself and reminds Mari that when Mari called him, the jerk of their real father Javier just hang up!

  • Ugh, speak of the devil, he's guitaring in a cantina and everyone rebuffs him; he's a nuisance to society and after pulling himself aside, proceeds to drink his beloved alcohol.

  • Armie is with Nandito and says the boy is sold enough to understand the concept of divorce. IrkMe comes and intervened so OhSoSexyInGreenArmie tells him to go watch TV while IrkTheHellOutOfMe and him have a talk. Armie is trying to let the kid know what he has to know the easy way and IrkMe takes it that he is justtrying to run off with Alexa. Armie says she has nothing to do with this situation; he is leaving IrkMe porque le falto el respeto durante ocho (8) anos! She needs to understand that she's shoved Armie away the most she possibly ever could and he is trying to hurt Nandito the least he possibly can due to their separation. IrkMe says she is going to come off as the witch (bitch) of the story and Armie says he isn't going to hurt her verbally now get off his dick! (my words, not his!)

  • Chava says out of the three of them, Guadalupe has suffered the most and she deserves some lovin' Marisol. She agrees and she likes Paco so she submits to these plans. Chava feels ready to leave but he's still dizzy.

  • Lucas and Miguelina; Luc. is telling 'Lina about having told Marisol about his past of thievery; he likes to be a stand-up guy with his friends and now he thinks Mari doesn't want to have anything to do with him! 'Lina suggests for him to wait and she is proud of him for having improved his lifestyle.

  • Renzi and Pato gloat over their evil actions.

  • Las Hermanas y Mama Ripoll have dinner;

Greta-"Hace mucho tiempo de que no cenamos sin discutir."
Alexa- "I'm Lovin' it! It's also looking like our last dinner with Sofia."
Sofia- "I'm going to visit hiffer-and-fiffer."
Daniela-"This is all a lie!"
Greta-"Daniela, what did you say? (And so it begins...)
Daniela-" The vibe is perfect, the company of us gals tonight is perfect but the food is horrible."
Alexa-"La monstrua tiene razon, eh?" (Does she call Dani Monstrua after the cartoon and fabulous doll collection Monster High?)
Daniela-"Eldest Sis, chime in when you're ready!"
Sofia-"Aurora tried/tries her best but keep in mind she isn't the cook here."
Daniela-"No one cooks better than Miguelina."
Greta-"You've just ruined everything."
Daniela-"This must run in the family; first YOU fire Miguelina and then Sofia fires Salvador!"
Alexa-"You fired Salvador?"
Sofia-"(Carita de Yo No Fui)"

  • Matias is helping Chava in with Lupe (I guess he was dispatched but remains somewhat dizzy.) Lucas has come to check on Chava and Marisol apologizes for having been a bitch to him (to quote Mamma Mia!- Just one look and I was smitten with you! Long story short, I guess all it took was a flash of his biceps and Marisol realized what the pretty packaging she was about to toss out.)
  • Back to dinner with the R4, Alexa chides Sofi and lets her know she's throwing away a really good guy! Fausto agrees. Moreover, Alexa asks Sofia for the opportunity to work at the Ripollery and access is granted (SQUEE!)
  • IrkMe has gotten a call that Paco's shop was assaulted and Chava was hurt; Armie uses this as his chance to go out running and IrkMe JUST THIS ONCE is the voice of reason in which she says, "Let me call Paco, he'll inform us more about this" but Armie's already out the door!
  • Paco and 'Celi are with Tavares and their aghasted-ness of the town being overrun with thieves and quasi-murderers is quite present!
  • Chava  is colored surprised at how Luc. is such friends with Marisol who brushes him off (He was a thief once but I doubt he ever purloined virginity malicefully) Matias thankfully lets Chava know that Luc. has been working hard to the Ripollery. Mati goes to answer the door and it's Armie who ran all the way to Chava's! He asks if Chava is OK and Chava responds maybe with another tamale. Bro-Hugs.
  • Sofi lays in bed thinking about Chava and Fausto startles her! He apologizes but he had put all together why Sofi fired Chava. She's glad he is OK though.
  • -Theme Song-
  • Luc. and Armie head out and Chava says he'll walk them out.
  • Dani calls Miguelina; She misses 'Lina and not just because Aurora cooks awful. 'Lina tells her about Lucas's schooling and she is proud and really wants to talk with him but he doesn't sadly and is at Marisol's. Daniela- "Marisol's..."
  • Chava cautions Lucas to be careful walking home at night.
  • Greta agrees with Dani that Aurora cooks awful. Fausto lets it slip that Chava was hurt at Paco's shoppe and she worries about Paco.
  • Silvie and Pato are in bed and Pato suspects that BilgeRat Paco is Sofia's father. Silvie asks where did he get that Paco is Sofi's father from? Pato (I keep almost typing Paco and that's a funny thought since Paco and Silvie were Uncle and Niece in La Tempestad) responds with. "It's elementary my dear Silvie." Silvie says it must run in the family and chortles like no one's business. (All the while she is sucking on Pato's toes literally!) Just pure PILLOW TALK throughout this scene.


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #78 At this rate Ana will complete the puzzle of her mom by the time she collects social security ... Johnny gets a new job... and the mansion gets a new pet


Repeat of Nando giving Ana the laptop. Repeat of Reeky saying goodbye to Fernando. Repeat of part of the moving convo between Fernando and Alicia.

Lo Nuevo:

In the homework room the kids tell Fernando about an online contest they want to enter to try to win some money (1 Million pesos, about $50K) to help out Leon. Fernando agrees to let them enter the contest.

Jenny in kitchen asks Manuela to teach her how to fix healthier foods for Nico. Manuela happy to help.

The plumbing under the sink begins to leak pretty fast and furious.

Johnny is at the door. He asks Manuela to see if he can talk to Fernando to try to get a job through him. Manuela invites Johnny to eat some of her stew.

Isa at Reeky’s is nagging she has been waiting for him for hours. He shows her the photo shopped result. She is impressed. He gets a call in his cell. It is Laura. He explains who it is to Isa. Isa can’t believe he is adding another ‘little girl’ to his list. ( Meanwhile in the bus Laura is hoping that Reeky will be her ticket to continue at the University. ) Isa tells Reeky that the baby is Fernando’s, not his.

Johnny helps Bruno and Manuela out in the kitchen. (I will skip the comic choreography)

Fernando talks to Ana in her room. She is so glad he was able to talk to Alicia. She is so proud of him, very beautiful words he said. She makes him blush. He wants to hear what happened with her mom. She gets upset.. tells him Diego discovered her mom’s name is Soledad. (we see a woman polishing her nails… turns out to be Soledad, but we don’t see her face. Only hear her voice and her singing voice singing the Ana song… but with the ‘today’ voice… there is a certificate on the wall for Soledad Fuentes from Mexiquense school… praising her performance at a ‘Sing together’ campaign… seems she might have made a career as a singer… this woman has a very nice manicure set and another guitar. She looks well off, although not quite as well as the Lascurains) Ana gets real sad and after a few attempts from Fernando and some caressing of her chin and hair, she finally tells him that her mom was in jail for killing someone. Fernando gives her a great comforting hug. She says she had been looking for her mom all her life and she turns out a killer. Fernando asks ‘are you sure?’ everything will be alright. I am with you. Ana is embarrassed that he found out. He is really moved and his eyes are teary.
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La Malquerida, capitulo 53. 11/05/14

Discussion page.


La Gata #48 - Wed 11/5 - La Injusticia

Esme reads Carlos the riot act for absconding with a minor.  She gives up when confronted with his big, stupid heart and says she'll do what she can to help.

Days later….

Lorenza, faking concern, is yelling at the cops, but since, as far as they're concerned Virginia ran off with her boyfriend....*shrug*...the cop thinks they have bigger fish to fry.  Lorenza seriously tells him if they just follow her orders, they'll find her daughter.

Carlos leaves Virginia in Ines' care while he goes out to sell chicle.  The cops pull up while he's out, two cars of them, with sirens blazing and everything, to arrest him.

Leti's going to be out of the hospital soon and Pablo tries to talk to Esme about moving out of Rita's and letting him, you know, actually be a responsible parent and provide her and the babies with a home.  He makes the mistake of invoking the Meatball and upsetting Esme.  She tells him there's never going to be anything between them and then changes the subject to Virginia.  Since he promises he won't do anything against the person she's with, she tells him where Virginia is.

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La Gata #47 - Tue 11/4 - La Discusión

Sorry for the delay.  Life happens!

Previous: Episode 46
Next: Episode 48


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- page two -- Week of November 3, 2014

Reina de Corazones, Tuesday, November 4, 2014 -- capítulos 101, 102, 103: 

If it weren't for Dr. Mala Suerte, the Dragon family would have no luck at all.

My dear Reinamaniacs,
This recap got absurdly long when I tried to incorporate all three episodes in one.  I hope you are okay with meeting on a separate page just this once.  It was simply too unwieldy to chop the thing up and load it into comment boxes.

[Cut scenes are bracketed and in blue.] 

The Reina is in Spain... 
And it's the first time we've ever seen Victor in anything but black.  Victor tells Reina and Navier that Lopez was shot twice, the kill shot through the head suggesting a mafia hit.  At first, he thought it was the work of The Organization, but now he's thinking it could well have been Estefi who gave the order.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #57 20141104 Chava and Dani get Schooled

Nothing will ever erase my memories of Chava's kisses except a Brillo Pad!

Sophia fondly remembers Chava's kisses while enjoying a relaxing bubble bath.  Meanwhile downstairs in the office, Patrick suggests to Greta that Sophia's biological father might be behind the mystery telegram.  Greta disagrees.  Sophia's father never knew about his daughter.     When Patrick brings up the name of a man named Francisco Fernandez, Greta almost leaps out of her skin.  Franciso claims that Octavio and Coria stole the recipes and products from him. 
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La Malquerida, capitulo 52. 11/04/14. Esteban needs a cold one.

Skipping the old....

Esteban and Acacia go to the reception desk to ask for another room. Unfortunately, they are booked up, but offer to put in another bed. Esteban declines and calls Cris.

Hector finds out from Cris that Esetban and Acacia went alone on the trip to the city. Cris explains that she didn't want to miss the meeting with him. Her phone rings and it's Esteban telling Cris about the confusion with the room. Since he thought she was accompanying him, he only reserved one room and forgot to arrange two instead. Cris asks to speak with Acacia and asks her if it's okay if the hotel would put in another bed for Esteban. Acacia doesn't have a problem. She hands the phone over to Esteban and Cris says to just put in another bed since Acacia doesn't have a problem with it. (Hector's eyes almost pop out at hearing this). Esteban says he doesn’t' want to inconvenience Acacia and would just sleep in the car. Esteban needs to rush off to the meeting and will call her back later. Hector continues talking business then offers to make her a cup of coffee.

Esteban says he doesn't mind sleeping in the car. Acacia will not hear of it. They will be roommates tonight. Esteban is gracious for the offer but doesn't want to inconvenience her. Acacia would feel bad if he had to sleep in the car. She says it would only bother her if he snore loudly. They have a good laugh and he says how he likes to see her laugh again. Acacia says she sometimes feels empty and that the pain will not go away. But you are making it more bearable.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #77 4 Nov 2014... hankie-worthy ep... Our favorite sleepwalker is on the loose again... the 1001 nicknames for Isa... and Fernando opens up his heart to Alicia, to the delight of Ana and the rest of the family.

sorry the recap is long, but there were several very moving scenes i felt I needed to capture word by word.


No refritos… instead we got update on election results in local Uni station.

Lo Nuevo:

We pick up right where we left off Monday. (Fernando asks Ana whether Fanny and Leon went far since she slipped ‘they were careful…’)… Ana immediately changes the subject and they argue about the changes she is making to the recipe of the tea she is fixing him a 2nd dose of… he does not like lemon on it. He just wants an answer to his question. Ana claims she is not in liberty to give details of other people’s lives. Fernando gets a bit more irritated and grunts at her ‘Fanny trusts YOU, she surely told you something’. Ana rebutes yeah she trusts me because I don’t spill the beans!! (no abro la boca!!) Ana claims Fanny is her friend. Fernando pulls his card ‘and you are my employee!, and she is MY daughter’. Besides, let me tell you ‘el que calla otorga.’ (meaning if she won’t tell him it must mean it did happen). You just responded. She gives a bit disrespectful body language. Again she takes offense at his calling her ‘empleada’. (these two rather than lovebirds, look more like close age siblings). He rebutes that Ana is not fulfilling her job (as a nanny to a 19 year old?? GMAB!! He sounds like a 19 yr old himself, projecting blame away from himself!) Ana suggests he talk to Fanny directly himself. Then she asks ‘you don't mind if i get tea for myself too, right?? And what will we do if you get another episode of somnambulism?’ She ended up putting the lemon on it anyway so he stands up and dumps it in the sink repeating he does not want lemon on it. She claims the recipe includes lemon! She claims the work area of the kitchen is her SPACE. She then wants to talk about meeting halfway. He thinks this is about Fanny going out… she corrects 'nope, it is about your somnambulism issue.' What about we try placing some hurdles (objects) in his way between his room and hers. As they get to argue about that, Nando comes in and they cut the talk right there. He smells the tea. Ana explains about it. Nando asks if it works. Nando tells them he went to see Ximena. He asks if he can talk to both of them about it. Of course.

Laura and Reeky at his place… he offers to escort her out. She says 'no need, you are not my dad'. She had a great time. Will call you when I get home. She is very flirty with him…

Diego is looking in the phone book for the Valdez-Resendez. Wonders if the guy is still alive.

Fernando and Ana explain to Nando what is their concern. Nando agrees with them now. He is tired of the situation. He got mad at Ximena and left her at the place they were at. She is very fragile/unstable. He is afraid of losing her… of losing her forever.

Leon in his house texts Fanny that he 'got home. Good nite. Love ya'. He seems cold. He notices Mau is feverish. Leon checks Mau's belly area skin, there are pink spots all over (could be measles or chickenpox).
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La Gata #46 Mon 11/03/14 Lorenza, you are a dog!

Let's get started!

The Hospital:
 Pablo and Esme are keeping watch over Leti, it looks like the doctor does not have high hopes for the baby making a full recovery but Esme tells Pablo that the doctor is a man of science, and does not understand miracles, as soon as she says this baby Leti starts to move and both her parents see this as a sign that she will make a full recovery. Esme and Pablo bond, but it is short lived because once Pablo announces that he has to go to work Esme pouts and whines about how he is not a real father, girl, a man has to pay bills and eat! 

Ugh, this episode annoyed the living daylights out of me and here's why: El Italiano. I.can't.stand.him. #killmenow. Seriously. The fatty (that's what I'm going to call him) and Pablo have this stupid arrangement where Pablo gives chubs money to pay the hospital expenses and Chubby takes the credit for doing a good deed. Pablo is stupid. He is allowing a man that he knows has the hots for Esmeralda to take credit for something he has not done and build good will with Kitty. Ugh. Chubby has a conversation with Lupe where he explains his plan: take credit for helping Miss Kitty, and then pounce! He says no one will ever know the truth, however, Pablo has told Maria what's going on and I'm betting she's gonna spill the frijoles. I hope she does.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #56 11/3/14 Chava Gets the Bum's Rush

From Friday:
Dani returns the medal to Lucas.
Nandito thanks Ramon for the puzzle.
New: (Some scenes have been combined)
Sofia tells Pato that she's decided to let Salvador go. Pato is glad that Sofia has finally realized that Cruz is dangerous. Sofia disagrees, "He's an excellent employee. But he won't achieve his dreams by working here." Sofia gave Salvador his severance check but he refused to take it. Pato calls Chava an idiot and offers to throw him out. Sofia scolds him, "Don't be rude. Let Silvana handle it. You need to stay out of it."
Nandito hugs Ramon and Ramon kisses his cheek. They fist bump, then Nandito runs to Armie. Irma says, "Adios Ramon." He thanks Irma for letting him see his son and asks for her forgiveness. She walks away from him. Armie approaches Ramon and asks Marina to give them some privacy.
I guess Irma figures she's done enough.
Silvana tells Sofia that her doctor has prescribed vitamins and told her to minimize her stress. Sofia hands Silvana a folder and an envelope and explains that Silvana must convince Chava to leave the company. Silvana wants to know what happened, "Did you... go all the way?" Sofia confesses that she and Chava kissed. "I'm engaged. It shouldn't have happened and I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Make sure Salvador signs whatever documents he needs to sign. And make sure Patricio doesn't get involved." Silvana assures Sofia that she will take care of everything.
Fire Salvador and lose Pato? That ain't happening.
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