Monday, August 10, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #20 Lunes, 8/10/15
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #95 and #96 8/10 and 8/11
Second: “Antes Muerta que Lichita” premieres Tuesday Sept. 22. Surely we will see the Ultimas Semanas announcement soon.
Third: This is from memory, sooooo out of order and really, really short....
Rocio remembers that Isa has the code to the boutique. Despite Fac trying to stop her, Maria goes to Isa’s house and accuses her of breaking in and tearing up the store. Isa denies it. She is not a common thief.
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Labels: Trampa
Labels: avenida, bajo, telemundo
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #35-39 Aug. 10-14
I'm back to work! I don't foresee being able to do a recap until Wednesday. Please feel free to discuss to your heart's content.
Here are a few things from last week....
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Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
Last week on Caray, Caray!...
Changes are coming to the Univision lineup. La Sombra del Pasado is in Ultimas Semanas. The replacement show will be Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse, starring Livia Brito and Jose Ron. Check out Sara's synopsis and my Help Wanted ad for further details.
Coverage continues for Amores con Trampa , Lo Imperdonable, Yo No Creo En Los Hombres , and La Vecina.
On Telemundo, you'll find recaps and discussions about Bajo el Mismo Cielo and other shows.
In general blog news...
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Sunday, August 09, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #19 Fri 8/7/15: Wham, Bam, What a Sham
Parte 1~~
Daniel catches his mistake and glibly promises to marry Maria Dolores in a proper church as soon as they might be able to, mourning and the added expense being his two major considerations. Mama Esperanza and MD are glad to hear it—and in the end both women say sí, sí, sí as Viewerville screams at the screen, “--Oh no, no, no!!!!!”
Gerry is coaxing Ivana out of bed. (We note the matching purple in Gerry’s choice of shirt and Iva’s nightgown which serves to confound those of us in Viewerville who are currently laying bets as to which team talented Gerald bats for.) Work has never betrayed her, so alright. She’ll go back today.
In the barrio, a nurse and her AA sponsor arrive at Honoria’s home to help out with Fermin’s illness. Honoria is shocked to see two respectable-looking individuals there instead of the two drunks she thought their doctor seemed to be advocating. Oooops! Her bad.
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Labels: no-creo
Saturday, August 08, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #59 Fri 8/7/15 The Makeup, The Breakup, And The Engagement
Alternative Title: Will The Character Who Isn't An Idiot Please Raise Their Hand...
The Makeup
Meanwhile in her hotel room, Matilde lights a candle to La Virgencita and prays that Vero finds happiness at the side of a good man. The next morning, she wakes up to find that Vero's bed has not been slept in. Where could her precious niña be? Matilde's prayers have been answered (at least for now) because Vero is with Marty in his room. The two have spent the night together and Marty watches her sleep. She wakes up and kisses him. She asks him to promise her that he'll NEVER do anything to make her want to be far away from him. He promises (and over at The Patio we take on bets on how long it'll be before he breaks this promise just like he has broken all the other promises he has made before). He has her promises that she'll always love him and she promises. The two kiss.
Labels: imperdonable
Friday, August 07, 2015
Amores con Trampa #94 Aug 7, 2015 And Porfirio's secret is finally out! (yikes!!) and Maria and Florencio save the day for Facu... even if he does not like it
Labels: Trampa
La Sombra del Pasado #123 (Mex 126) 8-7-15 Valeria the Skankster Strikes Out and Sev's Anvils Line Up!
We begin with the end of the conversation at Cande’s bedside where Cris asks her upfront if she was an accomplice to the lie that Sev told about how he lost his arm. He asks if she knew that Sev did not loose his arm in an accident with a plow or some such but rather that Raimundo Alcocer hacked him with a machete. Cande says she didn’t know. She always suspected his story but she didn’t want to know the details or become involved in such a disturbing event. Cris takes Cande’s hand. He shares his fear that he is losing the respect he had for her and Sev forever, he feels so deceived and betrayed. Cande says she would do anything in her power to change how he feels but she cannot defend Sev because she doesn’t know what his real thoughts and motives are. Cande swears she loves Cris with all her heart and it hurts her deeply this abyss that has grown between him. Cris drops her hand and leaves her side, he is unmoved and unconvinced and leaves her room with his single tear still in place. Ah, Candela, for once you tell the truth [she DIDN”T know how Sev was really severed] and your beloved Cris doesn’t believe you.
Labels: sombra
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 18 Thurs 08/06/2015: Why are the slimy ones so good at their job?
Labels: no-creo
An alternative way to view the feeds
If this works, we have an alternative way to look at the feeds that would help IE and Chrome users. Even if you're not watching Sombra, please take a look when you have some time and give me some feedback on how this would work for you.
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Labels: announcements
This has to be a non-politics zone. So: no politics
This is NOT a forum for political beliefs. Political comments will be removed. Thanks for your understanding.
Labels: announcements, la-vecina, no-creo, proximas, sombra, telemundo
Weekend Discussion: First Annual Televisa Perversity Pageant (Men's Division)
Labels: que-te, robo, siempre, sombra, weekend
Lo Imperdonable #58 Thu 8/6/15 She's alive! She's alive! But she's not too bright, is she?
Labels: imperdonable
Thursday, August 06, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #122 (Mx 125) Thursday 8/6 Check Out The Junk In Her Trunk*
My cat is sick. He's been to the vet and he's not acting any better. I am in spaz mode right now and I really didn't pay close attention to the episode. Here's what I remember (in no particular order.) I will come back in the morning with a real recap.
Aldonza does not shoot Sev. I guess I should be glad about that since protagonistas don't murder, but I wouldn't have held it against her. She was in a church yeah...bad.
Hum is one hell of a general practitioner. He's performed surgery (amputation, vascular surgery) and now he's participating in Adelina's autopsy. I am pleasantly surprised that they are able to determine that Adelina's death was a homicide. There were no traces of pills in her stomach. It must have been injected. I seem to recall it was ácido bariburico. It's like Ley y Orden exploded all over SL.
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Labels: sombra
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 17 Wed 8/5/15 Oh sweetie you don˝t believe in Clowns?
( Some scenes may merged out of context. Also there are some issues with quotes since I have recently upgraded to Windows 10. I really like it but it messed up my keyboard preferences a bit.)
Labels: no-creo
Yo no Creo en Los Hombres #16 Tue 8/4/15 She had to find out sometime
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Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #57 Wed 8/5/15 Filler, Filler, Filler, And What's In The Casket?
Labels: imperdonable
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #121 (Mx 124) - Wed 8/5 - Everybody cries
Cris asks Don Camilo to call Padre J as Aldonza is still crying and rocking Adelina's body.
Lola visits Padre J to see how Em's doing, but he's left already. Lola throws a tantrum. I agree Em is sad and shouldn't be alone, but he'll be with Don Ant and Vero. Padre J doesn't seem to know that, but he thinks a little solitude would do Em some good. The phone call from Don Camilo interrupts them. Cara de impactado de Padre J! And a "!no puede ser!" into the bargain. He tells Lola that Adelina is dead.
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Labels: sombra
Amores con trampa #92 and #92 Wednesday and Thursday 8/5/15 and 8/6/15
All the peeps are waiting for you!!
And the recaps that you do!
Woman of the hour!!! With her recap power!!
(Look for it in the comments!)
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #56 Tue 8/4/15 Veronica makes her escape!
- Bad Marty makes Vero cry by telling her he is tired of having to beg for forgiveness, he gives up and won't bother her any more (wanna bet that's not true?)
- In Mexico Aaron continues his emotional torture of Maggie, he tells her he lied about their daughter being dead in order to make her suffer for dumping his sorry butt and running away with Botel. *I HATE AARON!*
- Bad Marty brings Matilde to look after Veronica and then gets angry when Vero accuses him of doing it only to make himself feel less guilty.
- Along with Matilde a neurologist comes along and examines Vero, he is surprised to hear that Dr.Feelgood has been keeping her sedated but proclaims the young Doc did a good job.
- In Mexico Claudia visists Ginny and tells her she's there to see Emi, over coffee she shares that Marty fired her, Ginny blames this on Vero always getting what she wants from men, and tells Claudia that she and Emi are novios.
Labels: imperdonable
La Sombra del Pasado #120 (Mx 123) - Tue 8/4 - Red dress blues
Pru is frantically searching for the cell phone, which Juana obligingly hands over. Thanks, Juana
Silvia is still recovering, and very well, and she's allowed to go home. Renato gets an eye- and ear-full of her giddily hugging Tomas, kissing him, and telling him that YES, she wants him to stay with her night and day, forever and ever. She also makes him promise not to go after Pru.
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Labels: sombra
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Do what you gotta do, bro La Sombra Del Pasado 119 (Mx 122) 08/03/2015
When trying to bribe someone goes wrong:
Severiano is acting like a creeper and hiding in the shadows waiting for the , eh, what is he? Detective, ministerio publico, police officer? Sev tells the officer that he wants to know what he needs to do in order to get his gun back, the officer says it's simple: All he has to do is wait for Adriano's trail to be over. Sev says he would be willing to give the good officer a very good compensation for his help. The officer wants to know how much Sev is willing to pay and Sev says that that's up to him (the officer).
Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #55 Mon 8/3/15 You won't have Crazy Marty to kick around anymore!
Labels: imperdonable
Monday, August 03, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #15 Lunes 8/3/15
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #90 and #91 Monday 8/3/15 & Tuesday 8/4/15
I did combine some scenes.
Francis jumps into Diego’s car without an invitation...and refuses to leave. It seems she took a picture of an extra special page in Carmen’s diary. It describes Carmen’s perfect date. Francis thinks this is how Diego can win Carmen’s affections. ¡Ay de mí! I don’t trust her! Don’t listen Diego. But what if it’s legit info? You could still win Carmen’s affections! But is that fair to Feli? Please stop messing with my head, show! Diego does wonder if it’s really a page from Carmen’s diary. Francis thinks he should be able to recognize his beloved’s handwriting. She leaves the page with him and encourages him to read it and take advantage.
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Labels: Trampa
I am copying Deb's cast list of Bajo el Mismo Cielo from the comments to last week's post and putting them in this week's post to help folks get a handle on the characters. Thanks, Deb. Enjoy your week!
Bajo el mismo cielo"... the cast
(this is a rough google translation, the original article is here with photos)
(this may help us get oriented at the start, but be warned, this may contain too much information)
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Labels: avenida, bajo, telemundo
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #30-34 August 3-7
This is my last week of vacation before I go back to work full time August 10. From now on I will be scheduling a post for every Monday at 2PM EST.
I will have recaps this week, but I can't make any guarantees about the future until Amores con trampa ends. I'm not above shameless begging. Have you ever thought about recapping? This might be the perfect place to give it a try. It's a smaller "venue" and even if it's just highlights and jokes about Simon's rocket, you will have the eternal thanks of the patio. Even if it's just once or twice. You don't have to commit to a long time period. Week by week is fine. Piénsalo, ok? I'm sure we can make this work and keep it going.
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Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?
Last week on Caray, Caray!...
On Telemundo, Tierra de Reyes came to a close and Bajo el Mismo Cielo is now underway.
In the Univision lineup, La Sombra del Pasado is in Ultimas Semanas. Check out Urban Anthropologist's Karmageddon post for some anvil-icious fun. As far as we know, we're heading for an August fin, with Muchacha Italiana scheduled to follow.
Coverage continues for Amores con Trampa and Lo Imperdonable, and Yo No Creo En Los Hombres is entering its fourth week.
Meanwhile, in the daytime spot on Univision, we have bi-weekly posts for La Vecina.
Got proximas news? A shameless plug for a current show? Community news? Recommendations for shows, movies, music, or books that may appeal to your fellow telenovela fans? Let's hear it! (Remember to keep it spoiler-free and gossip-free.)
Sunday, August 02, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Cap 14, Fri July 31, 2015- Puppy-Dog Eyes Dan is a Scumbag and Jacinto is Evil Sherlock Holmes or, If It Wasn’t For Bad Luck, Maria Delores Wouldn’t Have Any Luck
Labels: no-creo
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #53-54 Thu 7/30/15-Fri 7/31/15 We Are Stuck In A Rut It Seems
Labels: imperdonable
Friday, July 31, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #118 (Mx 121) 7-31-15 Emanuel FINALLY gets a hug!
Greetings, my dear friends! Let’s jump right into our story. Yesterday we ended with a cowardly, yet bold, broad daylight attack on our beloved Silvia, right in the town square! It was very shocking and painful for me last night and is no less so twenty four hours later! Silvia screams and cries in pain for help as a waiter at one of cafes runs up and offers his apron and assures her the police have been called!
Labels: sombra
Amores con Trampa #89 Never mind an Eye for an Eye... a Lie for a Lie...will whoever is NOT LYING to anyone step forward??
Labels: Trampa
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capítulo 13 Thurs 07-30-2015 Will someone PLEASE tell MD what's going on?
Labels: no-creo
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Weekend Discussion: Karmageddon Comes to Santa Lucia (La Sombra del Pasado)
Labels: Karmageddon, sombra, weekend
La Sombra del Pasado #117(US, Mx 120) 7/30/15 I suck at titles
Aldonza vows to find out the truth about her father's death.
The search party that looks a little bit like a possee looks for Em. Mudo finds Em's shirt draped on a branch.
Candela whines because Cris is not at her side. He cares more about Em than he cares about meeee!
Ren tells Aldonza that it's going to be hard to solve Ray's death and prove who did it. It's been years. And if she's going to accuse Sev, she might want to have some proof.
Em is passed out near the waterfall at El Santuario. I wonder if there are any outtakes from this scene. I bet they're funny.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #52 Wed 7/29/15 Just the Facts.
Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 12 Wed 7/29/15 The Clown seaps his glory
(Some scenes were merged out of context. .)
Hon goes to the hospital to check up on Vermin pleading for him to wake up in order to save their son from jailtime and bullies. Vermin suddenly does wake up and the doctor says that he will be ready to testify in a few days. ( You know it kind of sucks when an alcoholic has to save you from a mess)
Appearently Dan called Victor( The crooked lawyer) who told him that only the family can visit him now. Dan chastises MD for not telling the lawyer that Julian got beat up. MD is angry that Max got in between Leo & Clara but Dan advises MD to make Clara dump Leo otherwise Julian wont be the only one to end up in jail. His parents would not accept Clara anyway.
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Labels: no-creo
La Sombra del Pasado #116 (Mx 119) - Wed 7/29 - The more things change, the more they stay the same
Sev lays the guilt on thick, saying he's going upstairs to check on Cande and Cris should stay put because she needs him. And then, for some unknown reason, he heads outside and drives off in the truck, never noticing Aldonza, Jacinto, and Don Camilo lurking by a tree.
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Labels: sombra
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Amores con trama #87 and #88 7/29/15 and 7/30/15
Mighty Jarifa is on the waaaaaay!!!!!!!!!
She has the recap well in hand! Look for it in the comments.
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #51 Tue 7/28/15 Discussion page
Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #11 Tue 7/28/15 Five SidesTo Every Story
Labels: no-creo
La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 115 (Mx 117-118), 07-28-2015: Choose a title.
Short of it...
Labels: sombra
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
When bad things happen to bad people La Sombra Del Pasado #114 (Mx 116) 07/27/2015
We get some footage from Friday night's episode, mainly Aldi telling Humberto that she's the one that will be talking to E-man, he had several years to man up and never did, she's also not going to give him the opportunity to lie to E-man.
Aldonza leaves and Humberto asks Adelina how Aldi found out that E-man was her brother. Adelina spills: Aldi had her fathers remains exhumed so she could have him cremated and spread his ashes in ES, when they opened his coffin only his body was there, she then questioned everyone and connected the dots. Ade tells him that she even went to see Sev, and Humberto tells her that Sev is such a bastard that he would never admit to being E-mans father.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #50 Mon 7/27/15 Ladies' Night
Labels: imperdonable
Monday, July 27, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #10 Lunes 7/27/15
Some, anyway. Here is the first third:
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #85 and #86 7/27/15 and 7/28/15
There’s a rehash of Carmen taking down the casting information and Francis trying to goad her into a fight. Unfortunately, Carmen in unaware that Francis has removed the most important part of the poster. It’s a casting for models for a teeny weeny bikini line.
At the boutique, Maria tells Rocio that Fac is not the man she married. Rocio tells Maria that Beto told her about Maria left Florencio at the altar for Fac. Rocio asks Maria if she ever regretting leaving Florencio stranded at the altar. Maria gets uncomfortable and walks away. Both of them hear the bell announcing a customer. A man enters with a huge bouquet of roses. Maria thinks it’s Facundo, but it’s Florencio. He says “all these roses together cannot match the beauty of your face.” He hopes they can can at least make her ojitos de venado sparkle (I translate under duress because it sounds like crap in English: literally deer eyes. I guess I could go with doe eyes.)
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Labels: Trampa
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: El gran final de Tierra de Reyes, el gran estreno de Bajo el mismo cielo; El señor de los cielos 3, Avenida Brasil, etc – week of July 27, 2015
The anxiously awaited Bajo el mismo cielo begins on Tuesday night in the 9pm/8C time slot.
Enjoy the week!
Labels: bajo, telemundo, tierra
What's up, Caray, Caray!?
Here is your space for all the news that's fit to print about proximas, shameless plugs for current shows, community news, and anything you think might be of interest to your fellow telenovela fans.
What shows are ending? What new shows are starting? Got any recommendations for shows, movies, music, or books that may appeal to your fellow fans? Let's hear it! (Remember to keep it spoiler-free and gossip-free.)
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #20-29 July 20-31
Simon Has a Rocket
See Simon. See Simon build a rocket.
See Bermudez. See Bermudez interview Simon for a bank loan. See Bermudez decide Simon is crazy.
See Edwina. See Edwina gush over the rocket. See Edwina convince Bermudez to give Simon the loan.
See Simon again. See Simon buy chocolate for Edwina. See Simon ask Edwina out. See Edwina arrive late. See Edwina fall.
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Labels: la-vecina
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #9 Fri 7/24/15 A Date with Fate and a Twisted Date
Labels: no-creo
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #49 Fri 7/24/15 The one with the magical healing herbs
And now your recap. Disclaimer: Events are NOT in order.
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Labels: imperdonable
Friday, July 24, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #113 (Mx 115) The Sombra begins to fade
Hola, mis amigos del Patio de la Sombra! Let’s dive right in! The episode felt staccato and that may be reflected in the recap.
Labels: sombra
Chrome feeds
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Labels: announcements
Amores con Trampa #84 Facu gets deceived by Santee, Esteban and Beto so he misses the meeting with the investors. Florencio arrives at MC. Rocio and Beto strengthen their love in front of Hilda and Francis
Labels: Trampa
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capítulo 8 Thurs 07-23-2015
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #48 Thu 7/23/15 The one where EXPLOSIVE stuff happens
I had a very bad morning, probably the worst in ages, so I wasn't able to watch the show or write a recap as I had planned. I'm extremely sorry and ashamed, but these have been difficult days for me, as I received a couple of bad news and more might follow (friendly advice: never move to France - it will suck the life out of you and then, when you finally come out for air, it will suck some more).
The one VERY bright spot right now is that my baby is doing just fine, which is the only thing that truly matters, but all the rest is a mess, so I didn't have the heart to watch the show.
I am so very sorry to disappoint you all, especially after Eli's two stellar recaps (btw, Eli, great job yesterday, too, you bring it every single time - thank you so much for your hard work!).
Please, if you can, feel free to include whatever you want about last night's show in your comments and later on I might have the time to edit this post and add your stuff, too.
Now I have to go struggle with some French bureaucrats some more, as my day is only half over and who knows what will happen next. If only I had a gold mine somewhere deep in the Mexican nowhere land to go hide...
Adriana Noel
Later Edit:
Thank you so much, Vivi and Anon 09:48, for giving us the highlights of the episode. It seems like I lost quite an explosive show.
I will add them here, so that anyone who comes to the post later on, can find them faster.
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Labels: imperdonable
Thursday, July 23, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #112 (Mx 113-114)
Padre goes to see Emanuel. They talk about the robbery. Em says it was worth it to save Solitario's life. Padre waxes all kinds of dramatic. Fight the good fight! It's the biggest fight of your life and Sev is the biggest enemy. You aren't just fighting for yourself you're fighting for ALL the little people Sev has trod upon. God is on your side! You will win! At the end of the road you will find your origin and your destiny and you will find it mounted on your horse EL SOLITARIO!!
Emanuel gets sentenced to prison. They are going to transfer him to El Reclusorio Laa Vigas. I'm pretty sure the sentence said he would stay there an undetermined amount of time until the judge made a decision(?) Throughout the episode it was made clear that that was code for "he's probably not getting out any time soon." Slivia says they will get him out. Em knows he has no defense. Silvia and Pato are hoping that Em's wanting to save the horse's life will at least get him a reduced sentence.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #47 Wed 7/22/15 Claudia suelta la sopa
Now your recap:
The Old Goat and Family:
Pablo gets grilled. He tells the old goat his story: he does not come from money, he is on a scholarship that allows him to pay his expenses, he has an art show scheduled in New York which should net him enough money to buy a house in Pueblo Nuevo. The old goat freaks out at the thought of Pablo taking AP with him but Pablo promises that he won't, he has no plans to move to the city. The Old Goat questions how Pablo will manage to keep AP living in the same standard that she's used to...sorry, time for a rant:
Dear Old Goat,
Your granddaughter has spent a life time being bullied by Manuel simply because she was born with a vagina, she has been treated as a second class citizen, and as a criminal who needs to be watched at all times to prevent her from what? Having a party in her pants? More recently she has been emotionally abused by your pig of a grandson and has been locked in a shed, oh and let's not forget that she's not even allowed to read because god forbid she should get any "ideas"- I'm pretty sure AP would gladly live in a hovel like Veronica's if it meant having some freedom, what good is all the money she has now when she can't even walk down the street without you and Manuel thinking she's going to start jumping the bones of every man in town?
End of rant. PS:I'm still counting down to your death!
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Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 7 Wed 7/22/15 A Mole To Remember
The boss gives Jacinto " The Mole" his liquidation papers because it's not like he will get a job anywhere now once the truth comes out. Jacinto suddenly stands up and declares WW3 on the Boss. He is still playing the same strings and blames his victims for his problems.
Daniel is apologizing to MD for their previous discussion but he doesnt trust Max and he doesnt want for any more bad things happening to MD. MD says that there are lot's of things that he can do such as guarding her bag ( Note: It includes Ivana's dress for the parade) like a golden treasure. Daniel later tosses the dress away to a random female employee. The employee of an employee thinks that she stole the dress. They plan to sell the dress.
Jacinto comes to the company like nothing and starts his molesting spree on the poor women. The Boss comes at last but Jacinto doesn't want to move. The Boss does nothing , he doesn't even attempt to call security WTH.
Maleny at the tennis-ground is worried that Isela & Orlando will open their mouths but Ari assures her that they will not because once Max is done helping them , he might not see them again. Maly wants Ari to move to a new apartment but Ari has no money. Maly proclaims that she needs to marry Max ASAP.
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Labels: no-creo
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #111 (Mx 112) - Wed 7/22 - Love sh-- yeah, not so much
Cris thinks that Aldonza's amorous attentions are proof that if they just run away forever, they can be together. She insists they can't run forever. She still thinks Val might be giving Cris the child she'll "never" be able to and it hurts. Cris gets the impression that the piece of trash who raped her is still around and he has some ass kicking to do. Aldonza denies it, but says she's engaged to Renato, so Cris backs off.
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Labels: sombra
Amores con trampa #82 and #83 7/22/15 and 7/23/15
She's the Wednesday Wonder and the Thursday Thunder. She's..........
*muppet flail*
Look for her recap in the comments :-)
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #46 Tue 7/21/15 Babies, soulmates, and disappointment
I'm skipping the old and going to the new: (Events not in order)
Matilde gets the letter in which Veronica tells her that her marriage is not what she expected, Marty has shown his true colors and while she loves him and they've had some lovely times, this is not enough for her to stick around, she will wait until Marty returns from his trip, then she will travel to Mexico and start the divorce process. Veronica asks that Matiilde keep this to herself until she gets a chance to tell uncle Jorge what's going on. Matilde laments that Vero is too good to be suffering so much.
Matilde is shaken by the letter and left in tears, she calls Marty and tells him that they need to talk, they arrange to meet the next day at a cafe near the notary Marty is using to make Vero half owner of his portion of La Morenita. The next day Marty goes to the notary and finishes the process of giving Vero ownership of the mine- the paper work will take an hour and instead of waiting Marty opts to leave in order to meet with a very unhappy Matilde.
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Labels: imperdonable
La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #110 (Mx 111), 07/21/2015: New Scenery, Same Story
Labels: sombra
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Yo no Creo en los Hombres #6 Tues 7/21/15 No karma anvils yet for Jacinto. Maybe karma pebbles?
One caveat before we get started: My cable is weird in that the Eng subs don't work when I try to watch live, but they do for the On-Demand eps. Don't ask me why. The On-Demand isn't up yet, so I am working off my back up recording, the Spanish caps, and Google Translate for things that fly over my head. I sincerely hope I don't mess anything up, and I am so sorry if I do. I'd also like to thank CountxAlacran for sending me tips on what makes a good recap. I've tried to keep them in mind for this. But enough of my yammering. Let's get started!
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Labels: no-creo
La Sombra del Pasado #109 (Mx 110) - Mon 7/20 - Santa Lucia Status Updates
Javier? The new flunky is dispatched to Simoneta's place to clean it out. Why Sev didn't call those nice movers who helped him load the coffin table into the bed of his truck is beyond me. Flunky pockets some jewelry while he's there.
She really can't stand being cooped up in the hospital, so Gonzalo offers to let her stay at his house until he thinks she's ready to be around large groups of people and/or travel again. Flavia would like Ray to come visit her at Gonzalo's, but that's going to depend on her test results.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #45 Mon 7/20/15 Marty, get help!
Labels: imperdonable
Monday, July 20, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #5 Mon 7/20/15
Labels: no-creo
Amores con trampa #80 and #81 7/20/15 and 7/21/15
Later she finds the key to the file cabinet and steals Mireya’s files.
Beto interrupts Carmen while she watches her reality model program (they are eliminating contestants tonight!) Beto tells her to get gussied up. He and Feli have a plan for her to go out with Feli. Beto will tell their parents that he’s taking Carmen to the movies. Carmen thinks he’s the best brother ever. Beto wants her to remember that and not call him bad brother names anymore. Carmen tries to decide what to wear. Beto thinks something really modest is the best thing. Apparently he thinks an afghan would make a great date outfit.
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Labels: Trampa
Labels: avenida, bajo, telemundo, tierra
Bajo el Mismo Cielo-index
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 4 Fri July 17, 2015 or Everyone is Using Somebody
I'm JdesdeNYC. Like the name implies I'm from NYC. I usually watch and post on Telemundo tns. I have recapped for one of my favorites, La Patrona in 2013, as well as Los Miserables, another gem, in 2015. I also recapped for Por Siempre Mi Amor in 2014, which frankly was a disappointment. I'm long-winded to my enemies and detailed-oriented to my friends but from my recaps I make sure you learn some Spanish vocabulary. When I grow up, I want Cynderella's sense of humor, Urban Anthropologist ability to craft a story and LatinainMD's editing skills. Ok, al grano.
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 4
Lo Refrito
Maria Delores tells mom Esperanza she won't hide her relationships from her anymore. At their public school Clara and Leo talk about their dads. Clara doesn't understand why Leo goes to their school since his father is a rich judge. Leo says he doesn't want to follow his father's or brother's footsteps even though it means he has to get a job since he doesn't have his father's support to go to public school. Clara says her father always supported his daughters and his family and now that he's gone everything had gone to pot. Mom is jobless as is Maria Delores (MD). "It's not fair," Clara says repeatedly, "It's not fair."
Lo Nuevo
Esperanza is paid by Orlando for her cooking. He gives her way too much and Espie tells him playfully she doesn't need his charity but his recommendation so she can get more work since she's now her family's sole provider.
Max and Isela meet up at Vera Duval and he asks Isela why she lied about MD wanting to sue Vera Duval (VD) for wrongful termination (despido injustificado). Isela says she didn't get a chance to talk to MD since after the funeral MD locked herself in her room to rest and she couldn't bother her then. The VD secretary waves Isela and Max into the chief's office where Jacinto looks like a vulture as usual. Max quickly gets to the point saying Isela is suing for wrongful termination and for not getting severance (liquidación) as the law requires. Jacinto says Isela was fired for assaulting him and company rules say that is a fireable offense. Isela asks why Jacinto is still at the workshop if he always assaults female employees by touching them and with sexual innuendo.
The chief says he's not intimidated by Max as they are not just any simple workshop; they are a part of the Vera-Duval consortium and they won't allow a thief (ratera) or an aggresive person in their ranks (filas). Max says since they can't come to an agreement, he'll see them in court (los tribunales) where they have to prove their charges. Outside the chief's office Max asks Ise why she didn't mention the theft and assault accusations VD has against them. Ise says she did hit Jacinto but only to defend herself after he told her if she didn't like the workplace conditions to go stand on a street corner. She also swears Jac is lying on MD and she would risk any thing (meter los manos en el fuego)to help MD. Max says Ise keeps complicating things by lying and hiding details but as he had already given his word he would help them he will continue to do so. However, his help is predicated on Ise telling the truth.
Gerry tells Ivana that MD left VD and it's a shame since she's the only one who can fix Ivana's dress. "And the whole collection," Ivana emphasizes, asking why she left. Gerry thinks MD left to go where they pay is higher and Ivana should pay her more to her back. Ivana says if they did that would show MD has no loyalty to the brand. Gerry says MD may well like the brand but says people work to get paid so Ivana should pay MD more. Ivana agrees.
MD is at a job interview and while the interviewer loves her CV and designs, he wonders why her last job was such a long time ago. MD mentions having worked for Vera-Duval as well and the interviewer wonders why she didn't put such a prestigious firm on her CV. MD purses her lips and smiles. The interviewer tells her to come back and see him when she gets a letter of recommendation from VD.
Jacinto calls Gerry and lets him know MD was fired for stealing and she and another girl are suing for wrongful termination. Gerry says this sounds weird and he's going to speak with MD. Ivana says no as MD is just a dressmaker, let the courts handle it. Meanwhile she expects the collection to be made with the same quality.
Josefa beats the stuffing out of Isela when Ise tells her Max is balking at helping without MD's support. She even bites her and blames Ise for the damage she does to her face.
MD and Isela return Julian's money that Isela tried to make as coming from Max. MD tells Ise to sue VD if she wants but leave her out of it. Ise says MD should sue not for herself but all the female employees so Jacinto won't get away with sexual harrassment.
At VD Jacinto the vulture is interviewing a woman to replace MD and Ise. Of course, the interview cones with a side of sexual harrassment. He tells her she should put her photo on her resume as it's her best recommendation and only ugly women don't put their photos. He then caresses her face. (The photo thing is ILLEGAL here in the US thanks to the Civil Rights Act)
Honoria encourages Julian to be more direct in his pursuit of MD since she won't know his feelings from him just helping her economically. He insists he has to make sure he has more clients and money to ensure if he's with her she won't fall into more poverty.
Danny-boy is at Esperanza's finally introducing himself when Clara and MD show up. After some resistance from MD, Danny and MD have a makeout session which Julian sees from his window and immediately feels sick. Danny also sends flowers to Ivana, one arrangement to her house and another to her office.
Maleny and Ari meet up for their skeezy rendezvous at his apt in the hood and Maleny complains about his place. Ari says he's giving her a taste of her own medicine for treating him like a cheap stripper. Although he isn't rich like her lawyer steady Max his tennis instructor job is hard, too. Maleny says she's only marrying Max because her family is broke and a marriage with him will secure her future. She and Ari can still see each other on the side. She'll even get them a love shack apt with cleaning service included. Ari's manly pride shows up as he balks at living off Max (vivir de la costilla de Max).
Max meets with Ivana for dinner and he explains what happened with MD and Isela at the taller: they weren't given severance as the law requires and they are suing for workplace sexual harrassment.
Orlando meets up with Ise and sees her injured face and goes to beat up Josefa for hurting the woman he loves. After helping to break up the ruckus MD decides to sue with Isela so Ise can get her severance.
Maleny is leaving Ari's and her car apparently got stolen.
Ise goes back to Josefa's and apologizes to her for causing trouble. Josefa asks Ise if she's slept with Orlando and she says no. Josefa says that's good because the only man who should touch Ise is Juez Bustamante, the judge they have to get revenge on.
Danny-boy goes to Ivana's and asks her to be his girlfriend.
Labels: no-creo
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