Friday, May 16, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #94 Several characters are (or fake being) lost in translation... MA finally spills the beans to Nepo, who has a double-edged reaction

CHuy tells Lupe the payment would be that the RPs leave the house for-eva. AS would take them to Spain.

MA tells Frida and Leo and AS that they all will be kicked out of the Menchaca house. AS doubts it, in any case they would be moving to Spain soon. Leo swings his arms with the options. Frida mocks them on that plan. AS calls MA over to tell him that Frida is mocking her. She calls him again to tell him she will borrow money from Solomon. She calls him over again to remind him that Solomon is NOT her novio. She has to deal with such a disgusting and materialistic man. See what your ma-ma is capable of doing, your ma-ma, the being that gave you life. Leo reminds them that the parents of the bride would end up paying for the wedding in the end. Everyone knows that. Lupe knocks the door to let them know the Menchacas have arrived at a sentence (ehem… decision regarding whether to help them with the wedding).

Gwendy and Saul make plans for the night. Gwendy tells him that El Mike and Carm went out. She ends up giving him a free facial massage…

The RPs have come down and Lupe tells them the Menchacas will help them… AS assumes they agreed to her terms. But Lupe tells them 25,000 pesos (double what AS had offered). MA agrees on that. Tizoc will take care of the music at the church and the party. AS warns that the archbishop is pretty strict about how the wedding march and Ave Maria should sound like. Chuy tells them he is heading to the market to get the supplies for the food. AS is disgusted… to the m a r k e t ?? … The families great each other as two sports teams do at the end o the game… The Menchacas cheer as team and MA is among them (not with the RPs)…
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #54 and #55 5/16/14

De que hablan mucho, hablan mucho

I don't even know how to get all this in some sort of readable order. Lots of talking. Lots of action (but not necessarily plot moving action.)

After Diego politely excuses himself from Brigitte's (Brat) pedassault, he and Natalia (Nat) decide to leave the club.

Irma brings Rod a sandwich and the latest info on Caprico. Diego is the now the vice president. Rod grouses that Diego became VP a mere month after his accident. He is surprised that Caprico is launching a clothing line. He wonders how his grandfather could have approved that.

Irene visits Tad. He is able to go home. He shows her the logo he designed. Viewerville has to wait.

Chato comes to Carmen's house and tells her he's reserved the El Jorongo (poncho) restaurant. He gives her the time to meet. He wants to ask the children for her hand in marriage. He's got the ring!

At Bro Central, Alonso and Diego discuss the night before and I got the impression he was just about to tell Alonso about his slutty sis-in-law when Alberto (Albogado) arrives and wants to know why Diego and made such a hasty departure. Diego says he felt a little dizzy.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #93: 5/15/14: There is Option A and Option B! There is no Option C!

Hola Amiguis! What a fast paced epi. I will give it my very best shot. If I missed something, as usual please let me know. Shall we begin?

In Emi's bedroom, Lupe spies the phone that Emi got from Ahole, she figures this out and confronts Emi about it. When did he get it precisely, Lupe wants to know? Emi finally tells her the truth about Ahole's visit to the school. Lupe is very upset that Emi has lied to her. Well, she made Emi lie by saying that MA was his primo, how about that lie? It's not the same thing, it's about an adult thing. He wants his phone back, Lupe won't give it to him and she tells him no. He thinks it is unfair. Off to school they go.

At their usual outdoor cafe, MA is taking a meeting with Tomas and Saul, those hard working lawyers. It seems they have divvied up the tasks to prove MA's innocence, but there is a jam in the greasy wheeled wheel, so to speak, because now Adolfo is dead. What to do, he was going to help MA out until that confrontation. Well, what about Bambi? True he hasn't squealed, but there is always a first time. MA is very vulernable right now, opines Saul. Saul thinks Ahole is gonna do some more evil. MA fesses up about that gun of Nepo's he had with him at the meet with Adolfo and it was at the crime scene last time he saw it!
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #52 and #53, 5/15/14

De que volvieron otra vez, volvieron otra vez! 

Alonso, who has been acting rather stupid lately, recovers enough brain cells to figure out that Nat’s crazy reaction, plus Andres’ attitude, plus Diana’s comment about Diego being a rapist, means that Nat must have been attacked by Rod, and defended by Andres! Damn! That must be some pretty high quality coffee Karina gave him. The truth is finally out! Hallelujah!  

How does Diego react? He can’t believe it. No way is his brother Rod a rapist (has he met his brother?), and no way would Nat’s family accept him if they thought he was a rapist (he has a point there). Nope, the only problem Nat has with me is my Diana problem. So much for the end of the Great Misunderstanding. He tells Al that Diana is coming back to the house tomorrow. Happy times ahead!

Paolo gives Mara a kiss on the cheek at the end of their shift. Aww! Her mom comes and drags her away, accusing Paolo of being the boy who walked her home the other night, and blaming him for causing their problems. Mara denies it and says it was another guy.

Diego joins Irene and Grumps for dinner and tells them Diana’s coming home, but he’s not. He doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea. Grumps is not happy with this and blames that gold-digger, Natalia. He walks off before anyone can tell him Nat neither works for Irene anymore, nor is she Diego’s girlfriend—at least not today.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #92 : 5/14/14: Discussion Post

Hola everyone! I don't know what happened to Cerebrez, so I am putting a discussion post up for Y'all to comment. If Cerebrez posts a recap, I will take this discussion post down. Talk away.


Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 132 - 15 May, 2014 - Drat! Alejandro Just Misses His Wife's Wedding

Robo 132

Dear Patio:

I just now got here because the puddle jumper from Cancun to Campeche was four hours late. What’s new?—you guys ask?  “When have we ever been able to get to Agua Azul in a timely manner? The place is in some sort of weird space/time warp when seven years can go by I the blink of an eye and nobody, even the bad guys, ever age.”

You are right, of course, but I still want to gripe about it.

I got my DIY spy camera equipment set up so I can faithfully report the doings of our main characters but I cannot guarantee that this report will actually reflect the exact order of events as I observed them.

When I left San Francisco it was 82° F in the City and 92° in the Sonoma Valley. This kind of heat is unheard of this time of year, but when I got off the plane in Campeche I realized that we have no heat compared to that of Aguazul. I thought I would melt from the combo of heat and humidity. I had read that the cast was having challenges filming in the heat but man, oh man, I hope Montserrat has got some misters going to keep her guests cool at the wedding reception.

Everybody is all dressed up before the wedding and we start events with Fabiola having opened a bottle of special red wine, just for Montse. Or so she says. She then throws the wine on Montserrat’s wedding dress. Montserrat jumps back, and, as Eli mentioned yesterday, I thought there was going to be a wardrobe malfunction right then and there with the strapless formerly white wedding dress and Montserrat’s mountains of boobage, but somehow the double-sided wardrobe tape did the trick and Montserrat’s hillocks were blessedly held in place by the miracles of modern science. Saints be praised.

Our cameras take us over to observe Mama Rosario and Tia Carlota talking, yet again, about Rosario not wanting her former daughter-in-law Montse to remarry. Both women look lovely, by the way, with Rosario especially fetching in a lovely blue dress. Carlota sympathizes with her friend but reminds Rosario that, over the years, Jose Louis has proved himself to be a good man. It is time for everybody to move on. Carlota says that Laurito is very excited about the whole thing and she promises her friend that everything is going to be OK.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #131 5/14/14: Kids and drunks always speak the truth

Hello friends-work has been brutal this week and I'm bone tired, I'll give you the best recap I can but I already feel Bernie (my one and only brain cell starting to shut down). Here we go:

Boozy pays her madrina a visit:

Fabiola has come to visit Amelia, because it's hot out and because she's a gracious host-Amelia offers Fabiola a drink, Fabi immediately requests a glass of wine, Amelia instead offers her a glass of refreshing juice which makes boozy explode, "why did you offer me other drinks when you knew what you were going to serve me?!" Amelia asks her why she's there and Fabiola tells her she is having issues with Graciela-she is out to get her. Amelia tries to warn her against picking a fight with Graciela and tells her to leave Agua Azul, and sell her lands, she says that Graciela is not an enemy she wants to have. Fabiola says that she wont leave, where would she go, where does she belong (dead in a ditch perhaps?What too harsh?)  In Agua Azul she has Amalia and...."Jose Luis?" asks Amelia, then she delivers a crushing blow to Fabiola when she reveals that Jose Luis is off limits because he is going to wed Montserrat, "when" asks Fabiola, "later today" says Amelia and Fabiola does not take the news well. Sucks to be you Fabiola, sucks to be you.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #50 and #51 5/14/14

De que algunos entienden, entiende

Hola amigas/os.  I played with Sara's title and if you haven't seen this yet you will know seems an unteneable plot is about to be resolved.  I'm skipping the 7 minute rehash and jumping into the new.

Diego, Nat and the Brat arrive at Caprico and meet up with Irene.  She notices Nat is still cold to Diego and he doesn’t know what to do (because having a discussion about what’s wrong could resolve things, sigh).

Irma learns that Rod stole Lolita’s jelly but their laughs get cut short.  The doc comes in and she has left her bowl of food on Rod. Doc isn't happy and threatens to write up Irma.  This should be a warning for her but sadly it is not. 
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 130, Tues., 5/13/14: Don't Tell Montserrat

Come let us rationalize together.

If Graciela is disconcerted when José Luis returns her head poke and Te hace falta Jesús, she hides it well.  

And the source of her information about Alejandro doesn't matter.  (Eso es lo de menos).  The important thing is that the bastardo Alejandro didn't die -- even if he isn't exactly alive.  He has been in a coma all these years. 

José Luis wants Montserrat protected from this knowledge.  It would only cause her pain.  She would cling to the hope that Alejandro might wake up some day; she would live out her days in unending unhappiness (desdicha).

Graciela agrees that her daughter must be protected.  She will speak to the person who told her about Alejandro and make certain the secret isn't revealed...

...Is she referring to Nadia Argüelles?

She's not.   Besides, Graciela doesn't think Nadia would dare set foot in Aguazul.  Pedro would destroy her.
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Qué Pobres, Martes 5/13/14 (#91): Oh my God! They killed Adolfo! You bastards!!

Alt title: A Tale of Two Guns

Oops. I screwed up a little bit. I agreed to switch nights with Jane. She asked me on Monday to do the recap "tomorrow," which of course was today, but my brain interpreted that as "Wednesday." I did see tonight's episode, but I didn't record it or take any notes.

Yeah, Adolfo is dead. Between one gun and the other we have the fingerprints of, I think, Nepo, MA, and maybe Trofeo... but not the killer, who doesn't like to get his hands that dirty.

Heh heh, it's a funny story, really. Let's go back in time...
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #48 and #49 5/13/14

De que algunos entienden mal, entienden mal

Mainly the main events sort of in order and mightily condensed.

Diana calls Britgitte (Brat) and asks if she's done the dirty deed. Brat asks Diana if she knew Diego was a rapist. Diana is Qué???? Brat nags about the 3 mil pesos ($232...hmmm. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.) Diana tells her she'll make the transfer, but Brat tells her she doesn't have a bank account. Diana tells her to get one.

The Doctor has finished his tests and informs Diego, Alina and Diana that her eating disorder is yet again rearing its ugly head. Diana needs to eat. She will have to stay in the hospital. Diana is not pleased with this news. Neither is Alina. She's ready to bail. This is too much for mommy. Alonso gets filled in, too. He'll runs some psychological tests. While Alonso is there he gets a call from Irene. They plan to meet in the hospital cafeteria.

Carmen calls Luz. She needs her cooking wisdom. There's a new fonda opening around the corner! Later the family brainstorms ways to beat the competition (Mireya is her name...which they finally mention near the end of the two hours): Special offers, new recipes, marimba players (?)

Diana's baby is in danger. She risks losing it if she doesn't eat.

Brat wonders what Diego could have possibly said for Natalia (Nat) to forgive him. She thinks Alberto must know and calls him. They plan to meet.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #46- Mon 5/12

De que recapacitó, recapacitó

Let the 2-hour episodes begin!

Tiburcio makes excuses to the Virgen for not coming clean to the padre.  Hilda makes fun of him, thinking it's stupid of him to talk about Irene's daughter "wherever she is" when he knows damn well she's dead.

Padre Juancho asks a staff member at the church what happened to the guy who wanted to talk to him earlier.

Tad places the blame for what happened to their daughter squarely on Vicente, not that it keeps Irene from thinking dark thoughts.

Brigitte kicks Natalia off the sewing machine, but then goes to a friend's house to watch a movie.  Eleazar brings Lupita some chocolate and gets invited to stay for dinner.  Chato won't be joining them.  Eleazar looks at the sketches and gets the story of Irene Cacares Designs.

Chato arranges to hook up with his "mamita" to deliver the money in person.  That could mean his actual mama or his hot mama, but judging from his guilt when he realizes Andres is listening, I don't think it's the woman who raised him.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos: Adolfo loses his starch, Leo gets a love poem, they'll be serving more vegetables at the cafe.

Greetings friends, thanks to Julie for switching with me so I can get up at 5 am and leave town.
Adolfo Giron continues to put the moves on Vilma and she finally likes it. He does have a very sexy voice. She's learning to smile and sashay when she walks. She goes to get groceries for the delicious dinner he'll make and purrs: "You don't need to call me licenciada any more, but we are not going to say tu, the formal is more exciting."

Saul has staked out Vilma's house. MA sneaks up (disguised in - A HAT). Hearing that the police have been hunting for MA in the barrio, Saul offers his own house as a hideout, but MA doesn't want to leave Alejo a free field with Lupe.

They watch Wilma leave. Saul: "Look she is smiling, I haven't seen that in years!" MA pretends to be a delivery guy (in his HAT) and convinces a neighbor to let him through the gate. He sneaks upstairs and pushes his phone number under the door. He tells Giron: "We're in the same boat, you're a fugitive too, we have a mutual enemy. And you KNOW I'm innocent." "Yes, but it's my neck. I can't help you." MA is disappointed and leaves.

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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 5/12/14 #129

Chapter 129: Touch of Evil

Mendoza Mansion: Gracie Mendoza sat on the couch, ruminating about the consequences of Josefina Valverde's return to Aguazul. She had never liked her and had never been honest about her reasons for this hatred, even with herself. Now she was wondering what revenge Josefina was planning by defying her demand to clam up about Alejandro Almonte being alive. She didn't have a lot of time to think about this because Fabiola Guillen and Sandro Narvaez arrived and barged in.

Outdoor Café: Amelia explained to José Luis that she had married Pedro Medina under some very special conditions, which was to say that the marriage was for the convenience of appearances.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of May 12, 2014

Here you are, my friends.  Another week to chat about the little novela that couldn't.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of May 12, 2014

According to my cable listings, Avenida Brasil is ending this week.   Thursday and Friday are both labeled as "Final."  I'm not sure if they planning a two-day final or airing the last episode twice.

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Friday, May 09, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos, #89 09 May 2014 MA, Adolfo and even Tizoc have a moment to remember

We return to Lupe picking up Emiliano and MA finding them there… Lupe goes back in the school for a moment and MA uses the opportunity to ask Emiliano why he is lying to his mother. Emiliano says he is just finding it fun to keep the secret with A-hole. Emi asks MA not to tell Lupe. MA says no I won’t tell her, but you will, because you know it is not right to keep that information from her. I will wait until you tell her yourself.

Cop Jennifer is in car asking around La Nopalera with a drawn picture of MA if anyone has seen him. First she asks a girl dressed as clown, then she asks Tomas… Tomas fakes not knowing him and even confusing him with a novella star (again the reference to novellas).

A-hole is giving Vilma some orders, notices she is not really focused on what they are doing, Vilma receives a cell phone call, its Adolfo. She won’t answer in front of A-hole, Ahole notes that she seems to have her mind elsewhere. She comes up with the excuse of her moon/venus/planets lining up in her favor. She steps out to call Adolfo back. As Vilma is talking to Adolfo and he is asking her to stop by the grocery store to get him razor and shaving crème, Mini overhears Vilma on phone, finds out Adolfo Giron is staying at Vilma’s. Later Mini discusses with Isela whether or not she should tell MA about Adolfo’s whereabouts.
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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 128, Fri., 5/9/14: How's Tricks?

Graciela, foul trickster and serial Apple picker* sits with her latest victim, Josefina Valverde, and parlays a few facts -- 

-Josefina has returned to Aguazul.
-Josefina is looking for Rosario.
-Nadia has called Josefina's phone.

-- into a full-blown Holmesian deduction:

-Someone has asked Josefina to find Rosario.
-If Nadia is alive, then that damned bastard Alejandro has also survived.
-Josefina is here on Alejandro's behalf.

Josefina remains silent.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #45- Thu 5/9

De que hubieron muchas emociones, hubieron muchas emociones

Irene lays down the law and tells Natalia she's not doing herself OR Brigitte any favors covering up for her.  Natalia says she does it because Brigitte has always thought Natalia is the favorite and she knows Brigitte's insecure.  Irene says Brigitte's going to have to get ahead on her own merits and Natalia's silence isn't the way to fix things.  Irene's going to talk to Brigitte and if her attitude doesn't change, then she'll have to fire her.

Brigitte runs into a classmate at the mall and says she hasn't been around lately because she's been doing her "community service" which takes all day.  She complains about being "exploited" and paid a "pittance" at Caprico, but her classmate says most places don't even pay, so Brigitte's lucky.  Brigitte accepts her classmate's invitation to have coffee and complain about Natalia, who she's having SUCH a difficult time putting up with.  Yeah, 'cause Natalia's such a hateful, manipulative, scheming cow.

Natalia brings Diego to the fonda for lunch.  He's dying to try the empanadas.

The world according to Brigitte: Natalia has always been jealous of her, Irene's an idiot for believing in her, Carmen's in her pocket as well.  Diana, avoiding a bookstore, sits at a table behind Brigitte and gets to hear her delusional diatribe.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #112/Mexico #151 FIN- That Sucked (™ tofie)

It has been a pleasure to be on this team. I have really enjoyed the show, but mostly I've enjoyed the conversation and comments. I looked forward to tofie's daily lists and I appreciated CD's Dead Pool list. Special thanks to Tablet Jefa who was a great leader. She also covered for me several Friday nights. Thank you xlnt for your hilarious pictures. Thanks Corazon for "fArt". It's probably my all time favorite nickname. Thank you for your work J desde NYC! I will be recapping De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero and looking forward to watching La Gata (I hope the rumors are true that it will be here in July!)

Fernando (Feo) gives Arturo (fArt ™ Corazon), Isabel (Isa) and Aranza (Ara) time to say their goodbyes. He takes Sonia out of the cell. Sonia starts telling him she loves him and he says he loves her, too. Outside he shows Sonia 4 graves and tells her who each one is for: Arturo, Aranza, Isabel and YOU! Goodbye, Sonia. She starts blubbering and telling him she'd never betray him. She loves him! They're partners! Feo tells her she betrayed him when she fell for Fabricio (Fab.) She swears she didn't love Fab. He was just part of her plan. She begs FEo not to kill her. They have a son together!!

Esteban (Este) arrives at the lair. He calls Agente Rosas and gives him directions.

Sonia continues to beg Feo to spare her. She kisses him and he shoots. Este hears the shots, as do the prisoners inside. It sends Ara into a panic. Este tells Agente Rosas about the shots. The police officer tells him NOT to enter the property. Este ignores him. He's goin' in!!!

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #44- Thu 5/8

De que hay opciones, hay opciones

Don't worry about your little wardrobe malfunction, Brigitte.  "I didn't see anything.  I've already forgotten."  She finally stops her relentless and feeble attempt at seduction when Irene and Natalia come back from the copy shop.

Paolo gets the job, to the delight of his new love interest.

Diego complains to the ladies about his crappy severance pay and his plans to sue.  He's planning to use the money to finance the clothing line.  Irene knows exactly what the old goat is up to.  Natalia is alarmed to hear that Diego is going to leave the house…"But what about Diana?"  Natalia…there is such a thing as being too good!

From the kitchen, Irene explains to Alonso that she's going to have dinner with Tad.  He gets whiney.  That is not attractive, Alonso.

Diego's bags are packed.  He's got no intention of living under the same roof as his lyin' grandpa and his cheatin' soon-to-be-ex-wife.  Diana gets tipped off and sends Alina to threaten him.  Diana joins them, whining about not wanting to be locked up.  Diego explains to Vicente it's for the health of the baby.  He calls their bluff and says "Take her if you want to.  I'll figure out how to get my child back."  Diana and Alina head upstairs to pack.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 127 - 5/8/2014 - Laurito Wants To Be The Red Headed Step-Child

Carlota and Montserrat Discuss Laurito’s Daddy Issues

•    Montserrat and Tia Carlotta speak of how Montse has tried to give Laurito a “picture” of his real father, Alejandro. Montse smiles as she remembers Ale changing Lauro’s diapers and holding him, way back in the day. This was, of course, after Ale rejected to kid as the bastard son of Jose Luis Alvarez, but it seems Montse only wants to remember the good times with her MIA husband.
•    Ever since Laurito started school Montserrat has put a picture of Alejandro in Lauro's backpack so his father could be with him all the time. I suspect this is so that if Alejandro makes a miraculous return Laurito will recognize him instantly.
•    Montserrat wants Lauro to always love Alejandro, particularly after Little Lauro becomes Jose Luis’ redheaded stepchild.
•    Carlotta proffers her usual brand of astute Pollyanna analysis. She thinks Lauro and his not-really-dead-dad Ale will always have a special bond.
•    Carlota says that a photo cannot make up for the hands-on love that Little Lauro needs. Montse cannot deny that to the child.

Jose Luis And Basurto Agree To Make a Convicted Felon The New Chief of Police

•    José-Luis concludes his deal with EZ Basurto. JL will be appointed the new Chief of Police in Aguazul. I wonder if he will have to wear that same kind of tacky laminated name badge around his neck that EZ sported when he was on the job? It could wrinkle his stylish new Italian suit. Huh.

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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #88: 5/8/14: The Commenters Recap

 Hola Amiguis! I am unable to do my  usual Thursday recap because Mr. Mads if having knee surgery at 6:00AM on Friday morning and I couldn't stay up to watch the episode. So I came up with a novel idea. Just as Julie did a whole team recap a couple three weeks ago, I thought I'd do a all commenters recap. This way the commenters can chip in and tell me what you saw. I will be back next Thursday, for my  usual recap. Thank  you so much for helping me out and hey, I have an earworm for you, I couldn't leave you without one ; ) The Best Is Yet To Come!  


Por Siempre Mi Amor #111 (Mexico #150) Thursday, 5-8-14- Gran FInale Part One- A Family Gathering!

Hola!  This is my last recap for Por Siempre Mi Amor.  I want to just say that it was a pleasure recapping and I thank everyone for their support even with Univision's scissors.  I want to publicly thank my team, Xintperuvian, CorazonSalvaje, J Desde NYC and Sara for helping hold this novela together when possible and all of the commenters.  Your comments was the motivation that kept us going. I am taking a brief hiatus and will return to recap for the next 8:00 novela. FF

Isa tries to convince the witch doctor to let her go but the witch doctor needs Isa in order to get Art from Feo (or so she thinks). Isa will never have Art according to the witch doctor.
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Pobres, 5/7: my first one!

Hi guys! This is my first time watching this show, so please forgive any mistakes I've made!

We open on Wilma and Alejo - Alejo gloats about how his son loves luxury (just like his dad) and will be easily won. Wilma favors a legal battle, but Alejo prefers his current plan.

Lupita attempts to convince MA that she wasn't involved in the hair pulling fight. She wasn't even there. Alibi - she's been with Alejo! He doesn't love that..

Money launderer guy (Adolfo) has made a nice dinner for Vilma. Alejo imperiously demands that Vilma bring him wine. Adolfo helps in a very friendly hands-on way, and Alejo snaps a pic with an evil look on his face and hiding his phone sneakily.

Flashback/dream for the kid of the amazing rich-kid room he'll have with his Dad. He shows off the expensive school photos to tizoc, with some easy commentary on the difference b/w rich and poor. How swiftly the boy has decided to be spoiled and obnoxious.

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Qué Pobres Tan Ricos recap for Wednesday night is on its way! Talk among yourselves.

Hi, this is your blog mom. Brand-new Wednesday night recapper, my son Cerberez, is working but will be back and on the job soon - recap ready by 4 pm - in the mean time, have at it!


Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #126, 5-7-2014: Even blind, I'd know that unfortunate mustache anywhere!

Pedro returns to wreak havoc in Nadia's life; Josefina returns to discombobulate DIM;  Ale's recovery continues, but his desperation grows.

Lo refrito #1:  Gracie gives a performance worthy of a write-in campaign for a nomination as best actress at the TV y Novela Premios as she talks about how sad and lonely she feels over the loss of her children's love.  

Lo refrito #2 Buenos Aires, House of Victor and Nadia:  Pedro can see Nadia; Nadia can't see Pedro; things don't look good.

Lo nuevo
Mansion Mendoza-Basurto, Agua Azul, Mexico:   Gracie continues with her attempt at conciliatory speech-making.  She claims that all she has ever wanted was the best for her family, though she admits that what she thinks they want is not necessarily what they need.  The others seem skeptical, but she is either oblivious or not bothered and goes on anyway. She says she'll do whatever it takes to return to their good graces and that for her their happiness is worth any price:  

If she has to accept that loser ex-marinero José-Luis, she will.  

She also really wants to support DIM in his new relationship with er…. 

"What your name, sweetheart?" Gracie asks Dim's female guest.

"Monica," says Captain Monica Rentería, surprisingly quietly for someone used to giving orders.  (As a military woman, though, she seems to comprehend and accept Gracie's natural authority.)  

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #110 (Mexico #149)-Wednesday- 5-7-14-A Funeral and A Wedding And A Divorce All In The Same Episode!

As we begin to read this recap- anvils are making rapid descents.

Ara asks a dying Dante- where is her dad?  He was tricked into meeting Feo alone.  Feo will exchange Art for Isa.

Sadly Isa gets into a tugging match with the crazy doctor Skankenstien. The crazy bitch tells Isa to behave or she will kill the baby.  (Isa thought bubbles-  I wish that I knew and realized that hitting someone over the head with a heavy object would knock them out.  I would have knocked out Fernando and this crazy doctor.)

The first anvil of the evening:
Ara insists on getting answers from Dante, who is on his last leg and can barely speak.  Where did Feo take Art?  All Dante can remember is that they were on the highway heading towards Pachuca.  He got shot and Feo kept it moving with Art in the trunk.
I felt bad for Lucha and Gabino who found out at their son Dante's hospital bed, that he took the easy road and didn't listen, he regrets it and was Feo's accomplice.  Feo turned on him and shot him.  He told Ara that on Feo's computer, there is evidence against him, there are videos  can be used as evidence. He tells them that Fernando and Javier are the same person. Snooty Ara says, yea, we know that already.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #43 Wednesday 5/7/14

De que tienen apetito, tienen apetito

Ok folks, the DVR said it was recording, but it's not listed as recorded. I don't know what happened. This is just from crappy notes. There will be lots of holes. Sorry. Maybe later the recording will magically appear. I'm really annoyed. And my wit (such as it is) is gone. The recap is as dry as burnt toast.

El Refrito
Alberto (Albogado) tells Alonso (Al) about Diana's e-mail threatening to get rid of the baby. He asks Alonso for a psychological workup on Diana.

Diego is happy Irene didn't drink. He tells her about Natalia (Nat) and Brigitte (Brat) bringing everything to Nat's house. They talk a little about Diana. Irene starts to quote Alonso and stops herself. She backtracks and says it's something he told her in therapy about some women doing anything to get their way.

Albogado will get the paperwork ready to give to the judge so they can have Diana committed. After Albogado leaves, Alonso asks Eleazar to keep Alonso's relationship with Irene a secret.

Tad is back home. He doesn't want to tell Irene about his health problems. He doesn't want to be a bother.

Lo Nuevo
Irene, Nat and Brat will work at the Garcia departamento until a better location is found. Carmen is lukewarm about the idea.

Albogado and Alonso discuss the Diana conundrum. Her mom is back and surely sees Diana as the poor victim.

Alina (Diana's mom) is still talking to colleague in the field. It bothers her that she's not there. Diana takes offense. Alina asks if she had breakfast. Diana lies and tells her juice, eggs and bread. Diana leaves in a huff.

Irene, Nat and Brat work hard.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #42- Tue 5/6

De que hicieron el amor, hicieron el amor!

Alonso went to the bar to pick up Irene!  She didn't drink!  She's amazed Alonso still believes in her.  Well, of course she is, because her dad's a total tool!

Eleazar tries to find out why Chato has shown up all of a sudden, and what he was doing while he was away.  Chato doesn't mention his "problem," but he talks about how it would be impossible not to love Lupita and that he's had other women (yeah, right) but none as great as Carmen and he never should have left her.  He realizes it's time to pick Lupita up from school.  This is not going to go well.

Padre Juancho thinks Diana's threats are empty.  Natalia knows that even if she leaves Diego alone, he's still determined to get a divorce and no one's going to be able to convince Diana that it's NOT because of Natalia.  And if she tells Diego, then he'll confront Diana and she'll make good on her threat.  Natalia begs  Padre Juancho to go talk to her.  He grudgingly agrees, and I do not blame him for wanting nothing to do with that hot mess!  But, if he can't talk some sense into her, he thinks she needs to tell Diego.  In other words, just go tell him and save Padre Juancho the trip.  Seriously, Natalia…I thought you liked Padre Juancho.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #109 (Mexico-#148)- May 6, 2014- That's Gonna Leave a Mark!


(T'is my final PSMA recap. I will miss my team, Tofie's lists and the novela! On with the show!)

fART has put the pedal to to the metal and is on the phone with FeVer. He tells him to not even think of laying a finger on Isabel and that's when FeVer begins to push fART's berkserk button 'til it's stuck. (He gets to the point where he even says Isabel could be excepting a FeVer baby.) FeVer says if he wants to see Isa again, to take a detour and come alone (I guess you know what that means.)

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 125. 05/06/14.

The first couple of minutes did not record. Please fill in what I  missed.

Huckalious Ale is slowly crawling out of bed. He falls gracefully to the floor, pulls himself up and decided to do squats on the side of the bed. Nothing like being in a coma for 7 years and suddenly decide to work out.

Vic is outside the room and asks the nurse where he can get a cup of joe.  The nurse drops her tray of meds and Ale takes the opportunity to make his escape. He stumbles to the elevator unnoticed. He bypasses Vic who is trying to figure out out how to get a cup of joe out of the vending machine. He runs out of the hospital confused at his surroundings.

Vic returns to the room to find Ale gone.
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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #86 6 May 2014. The chairs, tables and hair extensions bout... and AS has a way to train the Menchacas for a job without their knowing about it.

Chilaquiles talking to Carm. And we see her reaction again…

Gwendy vs Mini/Isela… if you pretend to get my hubby, my home and my moolah you got one comin!

Gwendy calls Isela chiflada, then tells them to move and Mini confronts her… now you will see! (slap!)

Gwendy’s turn! I will break your….

(head butt to get Isela out of the way, the girls get tangled by the tresses… Isela screaming for help.

MA gets a visit from his little sister… Frida gets a kick out of a sign about highlites special 2x1 and about a particular photo of a 'quinceanera' with an updo. MA tells Frida that if Ahole had told anything to the police, they would have cops all around the Nopalera.

Back to the Editorial, now Isela is part of the lady tresses web… Gwendy clears up that she is not Lupe. Mini wonders who Gwendy is, but Gwendy warns her not to go after Lupe or they will get to know her for real. Momma/Mini end up on floor… Gwendy runs out… The ladies stand up with their hair looking like beehives.

At fonda, AS wants to retake the etiquette classes with Perla. AS offers Perla to give her the classes for free. (nothing is free, Perla! She is up to something!)

Gwendy returns to the banana truck and Nepo realizes she was involved in some physical engagement. Gwendy tells Nepo what happened with Mini and mommy. Nepo in disbelief that Lupita would get involved with a married man… Gwendy says one ends up falling for the wrong ones… They see that Lupe arrives in taxi with Emiliano. Gwendy wants to go back in, but Nepo drives her away.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #41- Fri 5/5

De que eres un monstruo, eres un monstruo!

Andres offers to leave, since Diego's there acting like a jerk, and he does leave, effectively stranding Natalia.  Who turns on Diego, asking him where the hell he gets off doubting her or assuming that SHE needs someone else to console herself with while he deals with his WIFE.  And here she is being so understanding and this is how he behaves?  His excuse is that he loves her so much that he gets jealous and he promises never to do it again.  Natalia tells him not to promise, but she's ready to brush off his little bout of cavemanitis.  They go up to his office for the papers the needed.

Alonso is wondering if Irene even read his email…or cares.  He turns down Karina when she calls, then gets annoyed with himself for waiting for Irene to call.  He leaves his apartment just as Irene does call, and she tells herself it's better that way.

Chato is continuing to try to charm Lupita by reading The Three Little Pigs, but he gets sad that she's not listening and starts changing to story, talking about how the wolf was his mother's least favorite and was adopted by a band of hyenas.  Lupita knows that's not how it goes and takes over storytelling duties, with Chato providing sound effects.  As the dramatic music swells, Carmen looks in and the Post-it of Doom tells us Chato has completed Task #2.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #108 (Mex #147) 5/5/14 Dr. Skankenstein is BSC, Dafne is Busted and fArt *Finally* Gets a Clue

Well here we are in the final week of this TN and still so much to resolve! Will the writers be able to bring this to a satisfying conclusion? We'll know on Friday. For now I want to say Thank You to all of you who have been with us on this very frustrating journey. Thanks to my fellow recappers: Corazon Salvaje, Tablet Jefe, J Desde NYC and Sara who have done a great job! Thanks also the commenters who have responded to our work and given us much humor and great insights into the characters. (Tofie your lists have been da bomb!) Many times I have enjoyed the conversations in the comments more than this novela which Univision did its best to sabotage. This was my first time recapping and I enjoyed it. I learned so much and I hope to do it again sometime in the fall. My final picture for Por Siempre Mi Amor is this:

We finally know why Arturo is sooo stupid.
On to the recap!
As Isabel runs toward the house she sees Marcela (aka Dr. Skankenstein) coming down the stairs. Isabel leaps toward Dr. Skankenstein and lands a stinging slap to her face. Isabel never should have trusted her. She can't believe her lies, that she's after her husband. Marcela calls Isabel loca. Isabel yells, "The crazy one is you, Marcela!"  Marcela says Arturo hates Isabel now. "You're dead to him! You don't exist!" Isabel tries to get past Marcela to the house. They scuffle. Marcela hits Isabel with her medical case. The thump is so loud I have to wonder if she's carrying bricks in there. Isabel falls to the ground unconscious. Marcela takes a syringe and a vial from her bag and shoots Isabel with a sedative. This is daylight and out in the open in front of a house full of people. Why doesn't anyone hear the screaming or see what's happening here?
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Monday, May 05, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/5/14 (#85): Taste and the Tasteless

Ana Sofia (AS) gets to her friend Chabelita's hacienda (it looks VERY familiar) and tells the loan shark to wait outside. This does not discourage him in the least.

At home, after school, Lupe introduces Emiliano to his father. Alejo (Ahole) puts on an impressive display. Emiliano maintains a poker face. Lupita's face is moist.

Ahole has a gift for Emiliano. He hugs the overwhelmed boy and pressures Lupe about the name change. While the grownups step outside to talk, Emil looks really pleased with his gift but I don't think we see what it is. Or maybe he's just happy that he thinks he won't have to sneak around any more.

Lupe warns Ahole not to take advantage of Emiliano. She'll be watching him, and he'd better be careful.

At the Cafe Popular, Mini comments on Miguel Angelo (MA)'s non-designer clothing. Mini says she's found no evidence to help him yet, but she happens to know that Ahole has a son! Mini is personally offended that he went and had a kid with someone behind her back. The tramp's name is Menchaca, she says. MA doesn't try very hard to look surprised. She tries to find out who he's been seeing. He tells her they'd better not keep meeting if she's hoping to get back with him. He especially doesn't want her to make Ahole suspicious. Most of all, he really values their new "friendship"!
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 5/5/14 #124

Chapter 124: Return From the Ashes

Pedro Medina's Office: Governor Medina spoke in very clipped tones with Carlos Torres, the man who had snapped the photo of Nadia at the concert. He was staring at the picture while demanding every piece of information available on the woman in the photo. Almost anyone could tell he was a pressure cooker with a loose lid.

Monserrat Mendoza's Home: Monserrat allowed José Luis to introduce himself to young Lauro. She had never talked about him with her son, only of Angélica. She had told her son that Angélica was watching him from Heaven along with his father and grandfather. She watched as José Luis told the boy he was his godfather, husband to his deceased godmother, Angélica. The boy had a problem with his toy cars and José Luis handled the situation like a pro, as though he had children of his own. Something life had stolen from him until that moment. Over the next few days he played with Lauro under the watchful eyes of the boy's mother and grandmother at the beach, in the garden, in front of the TV, other places. Rosario (who still missed her own son) was concerned at first, but soon saw that José Luis was in fact becoming the father figure her grandson had missed since before he even knew he needed one. When he carried the sleeping child into the house and helped put him to bed he could not help thinking about what he wanted this to mean. He was so sincere that one morning Rosario said to her daughter-in-law that she should move on with her life. She would help because she wanted to see her happy. They embraced, each hoping she was making the right decision.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of May 5, 2014

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Here is your post for this week. Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of May 5, 2014

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Enjoy the week.

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Saturday, May 03, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo # 123: 5/2/14: Memories and Premonitions!

Ahoy, Mi Amiguis! I have been under the weather since last weekend and am now recovering. If I miss anything or need a correction please let me know. We still have the same distubrance in the force, namely Peddy of course, but there is a sliver of hope on the horizon and well, you'll see what I mean. I am starting with the usual earworm for you to enjoy as you read this recap. This one is dedicated to Monse and JL. Try To Love Again

Shall we begin? I am briefly going over that last scene where Monse feels Ale is gone now for the last seven years and Rosy isn't accepting it, pobrecita! After all the poor woman's finace, the love of her life was brutally murdered by Don Benny, she went to the prison for 30 years for a that crime which she didn't commit and had just come to know her son, she has lost so much. Monse understands this grief and hands her the cell phone for her to look at the last words of her son Ale, Monse says she will talk to her manana and gives her a kiss and hug goodnight. Rosy watches the video and cries and kisses that cell phone.

Dimi and Monica have spent the night together, and he actually looks happy having done this, but maybe a mite guilty? Monica stirs and smiles. What does Dimi do? He covers her and goes! It's not nice to do this Dimi, jus' sayin'! Monica wakes to find Dimi gone. She gets up and finds a piece of chocolate the Ferrara Roche wrapped in gold type, her car keys and a note. What does the note say? Far as I could tell he told her he was sorry he had to go, he did bring her car for her, it's outside so she can get back to her place and he'll see her Lunes at work. Hmmmmmm.....
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #40- Fri 5/2

De que no confío en el, no confío en el

Irene, Vicente, and Lala all come running into Diana's room.  No one got shot, but they see the gun on the ground and Diana laughing maliciously.

Alonso and Alberto talk chicks.  Alberto doesn't know where things are going with Brigitte.  Alonso says there's no one for him and he'd rather be alone right now.  He gets the call from Irene that Diana shot at Diego, but he wasn't hit.  They just don't know what to do, so she asks him to come over.  Los dos Als hit the road.

Paolo fills out his job application, where for some reason it's asking for the names of both his parents.  He jokes with Abdul…"Should I say my dad is Eleazar Medina or Chato Reynoso?"  He puts down Fonda Los 6 Garcia as his work experience and Abdul as his previous boss since, as Abdul says, Carmen is the owner, but he's the General Manager.  Paolo gets worried when it asks about his criminal record, but Abdul tells him the thing with the truck doesn't count and if they need proof, they can ask Eleazar for a letter.

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Friday, May 02, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #84, 02 May 2014... Ahole arrives unannounced at Fonda (yikes!). Salomon gets 'fresco' and receives a slapfest from AS. Emi 'meets' his dad.

Ahole gets call from Lupita. call ok will meet but we will see later about the surname, Ahole knows Isela and Mini are at table so he talks to Lupita with a lot of charm, as if she is his current girlfriend, and tells her his whole life are Emiliano and her. Ahole walks away after hanging up and Isela and Mini act offended, how dare he talk like that in front of US!. They start trying to remember the name of the boy’s mother… is it Mechaca, Muchaca, Isela even says Chewbacca, and Mini says no, that’s the hairy one!(these 2 really work well off each other in comedy)

Vilma comes out to living room, Adolfo has fixed her desayuno, she is shocked, no one cooked for her before. He notes every man should. When she sits down, she gets a call from Ahole summoning her to get there NOW!! She has to run out, won’t even take bread and butter on the go, poor Adolfo was stood up.

Lupe drops off Emiliano at school. Reminds him she will arrange the meeting to meet his dad. She tells him some things will change, like he will get his dad’s surname. He is glad now he will also have both his dad’s surname and his mom’s surname.

Carm and Lupe talk on phone, they realize Gwendy is again hearing from the other line, Carm comes in the bedroom and reprimands Gwendy. Lupe feels more pitiful for Gwendy, she is sad about Nepo not giving her even the time of day.

Lupe delivers chilaquiles at Mercado, apparently MA followed her to that stand from Nepo’s stand, Lupe and MA chat that Nepo already knows she is with an Angel RP. It was Gwendy who told him, she is incapable of holding a secret, so be very careful what you tell Gwendy. With this MA wants her to confirm she cares about him. He insists he can’t live without her and wants to tell everyone about their relationship. They are about to kiss but stop just short, realizing where they are. She leaves and again he is dancing for joy.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #107 (Mexico #146)- Run, Isa! Run!

Ay Ay Ay! I couldn't take notes fast enough, and half of it was crap I didn't care about!

Right to the new
Borlas tells Sonia that despite her rejection, he is proud of who he is. Borlas asks who is dad is. Sonia says it's better he doesn't know and that Borlas shouldn't go looking for answers.

The Doctor in charge of Isa's care (Dr. Santa) continues his online research of Casa Arte. It's the second time Isa was telling the truth!

Bruno and Gabriela (Gabi) are both at the restaurant. Bruno tells Gabi that Ally asked him to meet her there because she had something important to tell him. He tries to call her, but she doesn't pick up. Gabi thinks it was all planned.

Dafne (The Duck) tells Lucha to pack a bigger bag since she's still undecided about what she'll wear. Esteban can carry it. NEXT!
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Nadia goes to earn some cheese while everyone else drinks wine: lo que la Vida me Robo Epi 122 05/1/2014

I over slept this morning but the recap is finally done, enjoy!

Refugio, you are an epic punk

We start tonight's show in Agua Azul, Refugio and Esmeralda are waiting  for Montse and Jose Luis to join them for diner, Esme looks better but sadly she's stuck with her dreadful husband who can't even be bothered to listen to her while she speaks, he gives her a lame excuse about being worried about work and we know that Esmeralda is not buying it, finally Montse and Jose Luis arrive and thank god they did because watching the interaction between Esme and Refugio was painful! Oh but things don't get any better, Montse tries to break the ice and says that she believes that there's a lot of truth behind people saying that pregnant women are always stunning and beautiful and that Esmeralda  looks great, Jose Luis agrees and things get mighty uncomfortable when all Refugio can say about his wife is "yeah she looks pretty." Someone call a divorce lawyer.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #39- Thu 5/1

"Pues…de que prende, prende!"

Eleazar plays along, saying of course he's not in love with Carmen…as if!  He doesn't join in on Luz's hysterical laughter.  He's not thrilled to hear that Luz encouraged Chato to have Carmen make an honest man out of him.

Paolo, Abdul, and Lupita are ready to head out for the day.  Carmen has an exciting day of cleaning planned, so she doesn't go with them.

Natalia visits Angela at the Good Vibes kiosk. She fills her in about the baby being Diego's, then runs off to meet him elsewhere in the mall.  He brought her a stuffed bear. Which is cute.  But it would be cuter if he wasn't married with a kid on the way.

Carmen got stuck taking an unintentional cold shower.  As she shivers and shuffles out to the living room in a towel, someone knocks on the door.  She answers it, thinking it's the kids, but unfortunately, it's Chato.  She goes to get dressed and trips on the towel.  Chato's response: "Oh, please, hit me!  With both hands, so the towel falls again!"  When Carmen finally re-emerges, fully dressed, I ignore all his incoherent quasi-romantic babbling.  And then he asks her to marry him.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: 5/1/14: Talk To The Hand!

Hola, Amiguis! I have been under the weather since last weekend but I am feeling a bit better.This recap will be short and bulleted so to speak. If I miss something, please add/correct. I have an earworm for you and it's especially for MA and Lupe, What About Love? Shall we begin?

Agt Jen Gomez (Agent Jennifer Gomez) is wanting to talk to Ahole (Alejo) she has some questions for him as both Ahole and Vilma sweat. Ahole is blaming everything on MA of course. Oh, and he went to Italia have they contacted Interpol into his whereabouts? Agt Jen thinks that the familia is living in a hotel in Italia. She'll get right on that, takes candy from Ahole's desk and ends up spilling most of it on his desk.
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Thursday, May 01, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #106 (Mexico #145) 5/1/14- Marriage is For Obligation Not Love, Sonia, You Are Borlas' Mother and Dr. Santa is Reading His List Over Twice and It Doesn't Add Up!

Happy May Day!  I tried to combine the scenes as much as I could.

The past
The witch doctor slithered in Art's bedroom to remember the old times,  suck face and do the horizontal mambo. 
The present
Her dress came off with one movement and they sucked face some more.  Stupid Art is completely under the witch doctor's spell.
GIl lets Cuca know that Borlas is Sucia's son.  How ironic.  Dan wants to have a family dinner with Mari and Dan to let them know about Borlas.
Dan asks Borlas about the test, he thinks that he passed thanks to Ileane.  He shares that he is in love with Ileana while she thought bubbles about almost kissing him.  She doesnt want to be too confident and think that they are more than friends.  Borlas is not confident enough to ask Ileana if she feels the same.  She is high class and he has a "little thug in him" and he's from the hood. Some girls like a bad boy, oops, I digress)
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Qué Pobres Tan Ricos April 30: your blog mom gets her feet wet dipping back into the delicious waters of the surreal landscape of the telenovela world.

Hello friends, it's been what, two years since I watched a single episode of one of our shows? I got my son to show me how to record Que Pobres (because I can't stay up that late for recapping) and I'm going to try to come on board as your Wednesday recapper. I haven't watched a single episode of this show before but I think there was a lot of refrito in this episode so it was a good one to start with. Or (it just occurs to me) did somebody recap this yesterday? Oh well, here it is anyway.

Nepo is good at convincing Wendy, with a combination of bluster and puppy dog eyes, that she should tell him who Lupita's new admirer is. He thinks it is Don Alejo. She confidently swears it's not, but he realizes she knows the identity of the actual pretender to the throne. Not a very good prevaricator, she names an "Angeles Palacios." He wants to call the RP editorial offices but doesn't. "Get a gypsy to read the cards and tell you what you want to know." They take this discussion to the street. She reminds him he could find somebody else (perhaps herself) who would love him even though he's such a brute. Also PSA: the fact he loves Lupita does not give him any rights over her.

Alejo meets his son at school. I think he won't tell Maxi his name. The kid asks "Why did you never look for me before?" "Your mother never told me, she was jealous, it wasn't my fault. But now, you have to trust me. Here's your new cellphone, I am #1 on the speed dial, #1 is me, PAPA. Don't tell your mother."

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When the money starts to run out your friends might consider pulling the plug: Lo Que la Vida me Robo Epi 121. 04/30/14

Hello fellow Caray Caray mates, tonight you will get a quick recap from me but I hope to be able to cover everything you need to know, here we go:

Puppy Lake is calling....

We are transported to Argentina, where we see a cute little girl named Victoria getting juice for her parents-Nadia and Victor, both survived the plane crash and although Victor seems fine we realize that poor Nadia lost her sight in the accident-which is a small price to pay in order to be away from her bat shit crazy husband. Victoria wakes her parents up at six am in the morning, and friends I think that any child that wakes anyone up at that hour of the day is just asking to be put up for adoption. The happy family gets ready to start the day and Victor tells Nadia that he is going to the hospital to see Alejandro and asks if she would like to join him-Nadia says she will tag along and they make plans to go after Victoria is in school.

Once they arrive in the hospital Alejandro's doctor approaches them and tells them that they have a serious problem that needs to be discussed. We later learn that the money that has been paying for Alejandro's treatment has started to run out-the hospital is requesting that they pay three months worth of treatment up front and neither Victor nor Nadia have any idea how they will come up with the cash. Victor is making only enough money to pay for their rent and for Victoria's school tuition, even with the little that Nadia brings in from teaching music classes things are tight, one day of treatment would cost them a month's wages, the only solution they can come up with is for Victor to ask for a loan at his job.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 4/30/14 (#82): Daddy Issues. The Big Book. Blind Man's Bluff.

Miguel Angelo (MA) and Saul and Tomás
MA meets with Saul at their new hangout, the Popular Café. Saul has the paperwork for the house, as well as the "proof" Mini found earlier on Ahole. MA explains that he's giving the house to the Menchacas because it was his mother who stole the 300 thousand pesos. (He didn't tell Saul that before?)

MA tells Saul he's sure that Bambi hasn't incriminated him. Bambi wasn't even sure who he was. Ah, here comes Tomás. Saul is miffed to have been replaced by what he assumes is a backward, inexperienced youngster and tries to intimidate him: not all of these documents are in Spanish, so you won't understand them. Some of the files are encrypted. Etc. Tom says that's no problem. He's got resources, all kinds of people to help him, including a really good hacker. Ha!

Saul warns MA that once the Menchacas get the deed to the house, they'll kick the rest of the RPs out.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #38- Mon 4/30

De que se emborrachó, se emborrachó 

Yep, it's true…Karina is, in fact, working at the Coffee Shop Company.  And not getting fired, at least for now.  She offers Alonso a freebie with his coffee and he accepts a "cuernito" (horn…either a croissant or a horn-shaped pan dulce with lots of sugar on it).

Diego swears to Natalia that he really hasn't been with Diana since he realized Natalia was the love of his life.  Natalia believes him, but she's still worried about the baby.  They both agree they want to spend the rest of their lives together and smooch on it.

Diana's clothes don't fit and she blames the baby.  She summons Hilda and asks her to get bandages.  She refuses to buy maternity clothes and swears she'll hide her belly until she gives birth.  "But what if it's bad for the baby?"  Hilda asks.  As if Diana would care about that.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #105 (Mexico #144)- 4/30/14- Did I Say That? Did I Do That? You Want to Do What?

The past-
Dan and Agatha are searching for the church where Sucia left her baby, Feo is still plotting, Dr. Santa (thanks Corazon) watches Isa's visit with Feo and the Duck (thanks tofie) is still pretending that she can't waddle.
The present-
The Duck is still pretending and feigns embarrassment but she is using her wheelchair to keep Este.
Miraculously Gil and Agatha encounter a priest, who was a seminary student at the time but vividly remembers a baby being drooped off wrapped in a blue blanket with tassels (Borlas).  The baby was taken to an orphanage and the resourceful priest recalled the name.
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Que pobres tan ricos #81 Tue 29 Apr 2014 Of different ways men try to get attention from 'their' women

Nina fresa tv reporter (Valeria) leaves Bambi a voice mail saying farewell, thanks for everything… bye!!

Outside, MA has to deal with the police, during the pursuit the girl cop gets a good look at MA. They all are driving on reverse LOL!

At fonda, Leo and AS… she is in la-la land, he would pay 64K pennies for her thoughts. Frida comments that AS has not spoken for quite a while. Leo makes a snarty comment to Frida, and Mati rants at him about enjoying offending others. Leo defends himself, his only vice is art… AS has had enough arguments around her, can’t think with cold head. Mati adds ‘sonar no cuesta nada’ (dreams don’t cost a thing)… instead of thinking of something useful, you are delirious. Mati wonders where MA is… AS has no clue but she is glad he is away from Lupe. Mati gets irritated and leaves her.

The cops lost trace of MA. They argue among themselves. Anyone could be Bambi’s accomplice by now.

Alejo faces the board again… They say: ‘time is running and you have not fulfilled the clause of Don Aureliano. Maybe MA has been busy doing something to that effect and we don’t know it. Even if he is out of the country, he is still in the race.’ Alejo reminds them MA is a runaway from police. If he were expecting a child it would take months. You all don’t have to worry about it. Very soon you will get great news, which will convince you all that I will be the next great president of Editorial RP.

MA returns the car to Tomas. Thank you. I lost another chance to prove my innocence. Tomas is more worried that the cops recognized him. MA is confident they could not with his hat and sunglasses. Tomas still worried. Tomas says keep poking Saul about the Menchaca’s deed papers.

Bambi and his aunt get arrested. They argue with each other as they are put in different cop cars. He would rather go to jail than continue living with her. The couple cops come to question Bambi, but he just yells at them that he has no clue what they are asking, this is just a no-good guy he hired to be his driver.

Carm and Lupe, all Carm heard was that the nephew was a thug and they all got arrested. Lupe is glad that MA was not involved. Carm says MA is no thug, the one they arrested was. Lupe concerned that all the cops in the neighborhood will recognize MA and take him away. Lupe catches herself worrying about MA and says ‘whatever happens to him is not my business’. Carm says go preach that to someone who does not know you better. Lupe leaves to go pick up Emiliano.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #104 (Mex #143) 4/29/14- Seriously?


We begin with Dena in a cute blue cropped-jacket and her purple eye-shadow going to tell off Gabs. Gabs clears her name and Den walks off with an "This isn't over yet" look.
FeVer is being himself as usual and spewing all his venom in Isabel's face while the doctors in the room wistfully stand there oblivious to the infamy confessed and threatened by the devil's ballsac. How do they not hear what that human scrotum is saying and the ONLY time they intervene is when Isa is administering a long overdue yet futile whooping all over FeVer!
Mao is with the police and aome diarrhea has hit the fan; FeVer's deletion of the prison records is now noted!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 120, Tues. 4/29/14: Get Back where you once belonged?
...what once belonged to you?

Graciela and José Luis aren't listening to each other(So what else is new?)

She's going to help him whether he likes it or not. And he's so arrogant he thinks that by telling her not to interfere -- by paying her not to interfere -- she'll sit on her hands. 
[Oh this is not going to end well.]

A glimpse of La Casa Rosada, Argentina's elegant pink presidential palace. 

The scene has shifted to Buenos Aires.  We are in a modern hospital room where Alejandro lies perfectly still, surrounded by monitors, an oxygen mask not quite obscuring his perfect features, his golden head crowned by a helmet of electrodes.  A nurse, clearly fond of her patient and not indifferent to his beauty, addresses him as Alejandro and cheerily undertakes his leg massages and exercises.

[Alejandro is not in a coma -- he is under a magical spell.] 
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #36 4/29/14

De que los escritores me odian, me odian.

What started out as a tickle in my throat has quickly devolved into TB (that might be a minor exaggeration.) So anyhoo. I paid attention as best I could and took pitiful notes and the recap might have some holes in it.

Grandfather Vicente (Grumps) dips into the reading material Al left and begins to think about Rod. That can't be a life. Grumps would rather he be dead than hooked up to wires and possibly suffering. He asks Rosa what she would do.

Rodrigo's (Rod's) nurse continues to swoon and thinks she's falling in love. In his head, Rod wakes up (all white set=comaland) and hears the nurse.

Diego tells Diana she'll be submitting to a DNA test the next a lab of his choosing!

Alonso (Al) has followed Irene to Caprico. He apologizes and plants a wet one on her. Irene rejects him. Eleazar (El) is dropping Natalia (Nat) off at Caprico. The 2 love-sick amigos decide to grab a drink.

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Por Siempre Mi Amor #103 (Mex #142) 4/28/14 The Alliance from Hell

We have had such a great discussion going on in the comments about the men in this telenovela. There seems to be unanimous agreement that Arturo is the worst galan ever and the rest of the men (with the exception of Mauricio and perhaps Fabricio) are selfish wimps who are dumber than dryer lint. None of our female commenters would ever want to be stuck with Arturo and we don't want Isabel to be stuck with him either.
What has happened to the men in telenovelas? Maybe it's a reflection of what is happening to men in our society. The following paragraphs are taken from an article titled "Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues" published in the Wall Street Journal in Dec. 2013.

"What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide," says Camille Paglia. ...her indictment may be as surprising as it is wide-ranging ... But no subject gets her going more than when I ask if she really sees a connection between society's attempts to paper over the biological distinction between men and women and the collapse of Western civilization.

... Ms. Paglia argues that the softening of modern American society begins as early as kindergarten. "Primary-school education is a crock, basically. It's oppressive to anyone with physical energy, especially guys," she says, pointing to the most obvious example: the way many schools have cut recess. "They're making a toxic environment for boys. Primary education does everything in its power to turn boys into neuters."

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 4/28/14 (#80): Bambi and the Bimbo

I've been out of the loop for about a week, and am behind on reading recaps and comments, so please forgive me if some of this is a rerun:

Alejo (Ahole) wants to give Emiliano his name. He reminds Lupita that he has every right to be in Emil's life. Lupita asks him to give her some time. ("I need some time" appears to be the only strategy in her repertoire for dealing with difficult situations. Not that I have a better suggestion.) She asks Ahole to give her and Emiliano some space while she comes to terms with this.

Drunker than ever, AS assures MA she'll pay back the money she stole from the Menchacas. She tells Chuy she'll pay every cent after Leo gets married. She doesn't go so far as to reveal that it was actually she and not MA who stole the money, though, and she has to endure some "supportive" comments from Chuy about parents who are disgraced by their children's behavior.

Bambi's bimbo reporter hassles the married police detectives about some "rumors," but I miss most of this scene.

MA agrees to let Tomas handle his case, though he has second thoughts when he finally accepts Tom's "card" and see's that it's handwritten. But the partnership quickly pays off in an unexpected way: MA needs to borrow a car for the chauffeuring gig with Bambi's aunt, and Tomas is able to hook him up. One of his divorce clients got a car from his wife as part of his settlement, and he owes Tomas a favor. Wow! Tomas must be really good. Someday he will be able to buy a suit that fits him.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #36- Mon 4/28

 De que el amor no tiene edad, el amor no tiene edad

Luz agrees to babysit Chato.

Diego brings Natalia a giant greeting card.  AT WORK?!  Dude…what are you thinking?  Discretion is the better part of a smooth divorce.

Rosa escorts Vicente down to his home office and gets him to hang out on the couch while she does the actual searching for info on the computer.  Vicente starts looking through the books Irene left there last night.

Alberto shows up to see Diego and hears some mushy talk via the speakerphone.  Maybe Alberto can talk some sense into him.  Alberto tells him that Diana only has another 24 hours to "prove" his infidelity.  Diego says that's no problem, since he and Natalia have decided not to have a relationship until the divorce is final.  Clearly that doesn't mean the same thing to him as it does to me.  He's grumpy about Brigitte knowing his personal bidness, but Alberto says she didn't find out from him.  Speaking of people who need some sense talked into them….

Eleazar and Paolo talk about Chato…specifically about being suspicious about him.

Chato is enjoying Luz's cooking.  He tries to pump Luz for information about Lupita so he can figure out how he can win her over.  Well, Chato, it's not difficult.  You just have to be a decent guy. 
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 4/28/14 # 119

Chapter 119: Bitter Memories

Ligera Tentación: José Luis walked into the nightclub bakery just at closing time, staring at his one-time love after almost seven years of staring at stone walls. She was exactly as he remembered her, light blonde with eyes like sapphires and a figure that could stop traffic.

I'd like some coffee, please, and cake... can you tell me what's the specialty of the house?”

Monserrat looked up in surprise. She had not expected to see him. “You look different.”

Yes. It's been a long time. You are still beautiful, Monserrat.”

She was obviously uncomfortable as she asked “What do you want, José Luis?” She then looked down at the books she was looking to close out for the day.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of April 28, 2014


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of April 28, 2014

Here's a new page for the week!

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Reina de Corazones-index

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #35- Fri 4/25

De que le salió el tiro por la culata, salió el tiro por la culata

Natalia way too politely asks Brigitte why she bad-mouthed her to Irene.  Brigitte tries to act like Irene just misinterpreted what she said, but Natalia doesn't believe that.  She points out that the only one Brigitte's making look bad is herself.  Carmen listens in as Brigitte tells Natalia she was wrong to tell her to wait for an appointment because Irene just luuuuurved her designs.  Carmen comes out from the doorway to tell the girls that Irene is doing nothing but causing problems between them and Natalia had better be as careful about Irene as she is about Diego.  She then asks Brigitte why the heck, if she's so upset with Natalia's behavior, she would go try to get a job at the same place she works.  "Because I wanted to.  Just like you, letting Chato into our house."  Carmen looks hurt as Abdul tiredly rubs his eyes.

Rodrigo's doctor believes the longer the coma lasts, the less chance Rodrigo's going to come out of it and the greater the risk that if he does, it's going to be with some serious mental deficits.  Alonso brings up the possibility of deep brain stimulation therapy, but the doc says they tried it six months ago and it had no effect.  Diego refuses to do anything that will lead to his brother's death and Irene agrees.  Alonso says he loves Rodrigo as much as either of them, but he's more inclined to agree with the doctor.  Diego storms out of the room.
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 118, Friday, 4/25/14: Aguazuleño Alumni Updates -- Special Year Seven Edition.

We are delighted that so many aguazuleños returned the questionnaires we sent out in anticipation of our Seventh Year Class Reunion.  No one's life has stood still -- no surprise there! -- but color us IMPRESSED by all you have been up to! 

Before we give you the scoop, let's take a moment to reflect on some of the souls we lost seven years ago:

--Angélica Arechiga died in the arms of her beloved José Luis.
--The galán formerly known as Alejandro Almonte and his friends Victor Hernández and Nadia Argüelles and their unborn child -- all presumed dead after a plane crash, though their bodies were never recovered.
--The good father Anselmo who disappeared under murky circumstances and whose body has also never been found.
-- Lic. Cervera, life-long legal counsel to the Almonte family who, along with all his records and files, perished in a tragic fire just at the time that the legitimacy of Alejandro's inheritance was being challenged in court.
-- Josefina Valverde, who, while still among the living (we hope), moved away from Aguazul and never looked back.
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Que pobres tan ricos #79, Apr 25 2014; The S hits the F... and MA could have taken an overdose of nobility and honesty first thing, maybe he could bottle it '5 hr nobility/honesty'

Mini insults Saul (no tienes familia ni perro que les ladre) and then asks if he remembers the date of Aureliano’s death… Saul responds even if he has no family or dog to bark at him or cat to meow at him, he won’t get in her personal issues. Quedo de Usted, atentamente, Saul Ballesteros.

MA and Frida are still trying to make AS come to her senses… Lupe knocks on window and gets MA to follow her down. Leo asks ‘in what moment our nice dolce vita turned into a horror movie?

Lupe: You knew what that money meant to us! Know how we indebted outselves to get it! You swore to me that you and your family had nothing to do!

(MA tries to get her to understand when he made that swearing statement he had no clue).

Mati asks MA to let Lupe go and wait a while… you might think it is ‘cosas de vieja’ but I know my story.

Bambi and the reporter on phone again. They are dying to see each other but she is still reluctant to meet with him. HE demands they meet. Have you heard about Giron? Nothing but I am still working on it. Alright, talk to you later.. kisses.

MA and Mati, he swears he does not want to harm Lupe. On the contrary, he loves her. Mati says the years she has lived have served her to get to know people. When someone is as angry as Lupita, give them time and space. Aureliano and I did have our arguments from time to time. We learned to get to know each other, we knew when the other was happy or angry. And when it was time to talk or time to be quiet. Our arguments were never public but we were always honest with each other. The private reconcilations were the best!!

Lupe and Carm… Lupe is trying for Nepo to answer her. Phone rings at the platanera stand… Trofeo answers. Lupe asks for Nepo. He is… he is really wasted in alcohol! Do you want to leave a message?
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #102 (Mexico #141)- ¿Yo fui la que hizo este lío?/ Solo vine a hablar por teléfono

Tonight's title is inspired by Cuca and the avances. In light of his recent death, it is really creepy how much Isa's story is starting to look like the Gabriel García Márquez story (scroll down for the quick synopsis.)

I'm jumping right in to the "new." I tried to keep it brief, but oh my these últimos capítulos are chock full o' fun!

Isabel clocks Fernando (Feo) and the bedroom (Your purse! Ay Dio mio!™ TabletJefa) Feo follows, grabs her by the neck and tells her she's not leaving. Meanwhile, Gabriela (Gabi) is re-dialing, but she gets the "fuera del área de servicio" message.

Marianela (Mari) wants to know why Sonia would do such a thing as abandon her. Dan explains Sonia was a lying liar who lied to her husband. He didn't tell her because he didn't want her hurt. He's finally coming clean because Gil found out. He and Sonia are coming to Tita's to clear things up. Dan wanted to be the one to tell her first. Mari wonders if Sonia will claim her. Dan doubts it. She wasn't exactly running to be a good mom.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #78: 4/24/14: You Dropped A Bomb On Me!

Hola Amiguis! Yes, it's me again! I will try to make this one short and tidy and I have another earworm for you. This one is for MA and Lupe: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid.

I am skipping the old and starting with the new. Shall we begin? Dona Q and Trofeo are at the market and Trofeo is talking up Mi Mike for that chofer's job, he is a man that can be trusted, take his word for it, Dona Q still isn't quite sure.

AS and Don Chuy are still speaking at this point and he wants her to explain exactly what she meant when she said the Menchaca were "different"? Well she meant they are traditional folks, yeah that's the ticket that was what she meant! Don Chuy tells AS the hoity toity one that he told MA to stay away from his good daughter Lupe and AS says Lupe doesn't know her place! Don Chuy tells AS this works both ways she has to tell MA to stay away from his Lupe who is a good girl, while MA is in trouble with the law, and he's a deliquent! AS tries to say that MA is innocent and didn't do it, and walks away just as pithed as Don Chuy is.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 117 - Time Jump! We Just Gained Half a Decade and Fabiola Still has Bad Hair - 4/24/14

Amalia Has Juice With the King of Darkness

Amalia admits to Pedro that she used to doubt Alejandro’s character. He appeared out of nowhere and then he was Benjamin’s heir. Of course she doubted him, but Joaquin came to speak of Alejandro as a great man.

Pedro plants the idea in Amelia’s mind that Joaquin began to speak well of Ale after they went into business together. Amalia says she, knows nothing. She was married to a man for years that hoodwinked her. Now she reiterates her dismay at finding that Joaquin did attend Angelica’s wedding to Jose Luis, but secretly, with a plan to assassinate his son-in-law at the alter. What kind of a monster did she marry? Pedro fuels her distress by eying that Alejandro was doing Joaquin’s dirty works when, later, on the beach he shot and tried till kill JL in their ill-fated duel. Pedro opines that life is fair, in the end. Alejandro and Joaquin both got what was coming to them.

Now that Angelica is dead, Amelia’s reason for living is gone. It sounds like she needs to figure out who she is. Hopefully she will remember that she still has another kid to come into relationship with, suggests Pedro. This is the first piece of good advice I have heard him offer on the show.

He takes Amelia’s hand, and complains about his own terrible loss of Nadia and the child.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #34 4/24/14

De que los malos prosperan, prosperan

Oh amigas/os, woe as me.  I get the episode where the antics of three icky characters seem to wretch havoc and not a lot of the great light moments we’ve come to enjoy.  I apologize as this is longer than I expected and please let me know if I missed anything.  Let’s go.

Natalia and Diego are explaining why they were so late when her evil sister states that Diego should run along to his wife.  Naturally things go downhill for Nat from there (while the Brat enjoys humiliating her mother’s favorite).  Nat does tell her Mom know she loves Diego but her Mom calls her a home wrecker.  Later, the Brat kisses up to Carmen and its quite sickening.  You know in the next breath she’ll demand Nat help to get a job at Caprico or bash her for something else.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #101 (Mexico #140) Thursday, April 24, 2014- Cuca Finally Opens Her Big Mouth and Isa Remembers!

Isa calls the Comandante that was on her case. She tells him that she wasn't kidnapped her husband brought her home and asks for Gaby's number, she has to come to the police station and present id in order to get the number.  Isa is confused, did Gaby return from Spain?

Mau calls Art, Casa Arte needs the money that they loaned him back. Bruno reminds Art that the woman who her thought was a ho' loaned him thr money when he neeeded.  It fell of deaf ears.  Art pays back Casa Arte with the witch doctor's money.  Bruno judges Art and Art says that Mariseal is a better woman than Isa.  Art- you are so ignorant!!! Art rubs it into Gaby's face that Mariseal is supporting him. Gaby tells ARt that AMriseal is a back stabber and he needs to open his eyes. He says that the witch doctor is an upstanding person and I hope that I am recapping when he finds out the truth.  He also tells Gaby to let Isa know that he is getting a divorce.
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Lo que la Vida me Robo #116, 4/23/14: The plane crashed. There are no survivors.

I'm just going to jump in and get this over with, recapping this one was zero fun *sad, salty tears*

I hate these three:

We start tonight's episode with Pedro 'no nuts Medina', Fabiola "boozy" Guillen and Sandro whose last name i can't be bothered to learn, sitting in the living room of Amalias home plotting away when Pedro gets a call from Ezequiel, he is informed that Alejandro Almonte managed to escape, the police got to the airport too late to stop him, Pedro wants to know who else was in the aircraft and EZ breaks the bad news to him, Nadia and Victor were also on the plane. Pedro becomes enraged, "you mean to tell me that my slut of a wife and that dog she kept as her lover managed to escape?!" "Yep" replies EZ, and I did a little dance cause not only does he have no balls, but now he has no wife, and in the words of Nelson from the Simpsons all I think of is "haha" and "it sucks to be you Medina!".

Agua Azul Hospital

We now go to the hospital where Montserrat is recovering after having surgery, she thinks that Jose Luis shot her and her brother quickly tells her that that was not the case, all Jose Luis wanted to do was protect her, sadly he got there too late. Montserrat is also worried about her husband whom no one has been able to contact, Graciela takes this opportunity to say that Alejandro ran away and left her behind (witch,witch,witch!!!), thank goodness that Dimitrio is there to set the record straight, he tells Montse that there was a warrant out for Alejandro-he was accused of killing his father and had to run away to avoid being arrested, man Montse can't win, first she gets shot and then her husband has to flee with out her AND she has Graciela as a mother. Life is so unfair. Ahem, sorry, got distracted there for a bit, back to our story, tia Carlota says her goodbyes to Montse, she wants to go back home to look after the baby and Graciela also excuses herself, she probably has to go to the town orphanage to set orphans on fire, or maybe the local animal rescue to kill kittens. Dimitrio stays behind with his sister and I'm so proud of him *sniff,sniff*.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #77: 4/23/14: Don't Stop Believing!

Hola Mis Amiguis! I am subbing for our very busy Julie. I will make this brief and you can let me know any additions/corrections as usual. I have a little earworm for Y'all for this epi, take a listen: Barracuda! This song is dedicated to AS.

I am skipping the old and beginning with the new. MA tells Frida he is exiting stage left, cause of Don Chuy. Frida wants to know what is gonna happen when their Mom's finds out? MA tells Frida if Don Chuy didn't kill him over this, AS won't either.

Lupe is feeding Emi and telling him MA is leaving. He isn't hungry and Lupe advises him to eat and be healthy and strong. Don Chuy comes in and won't talk to Lupe. He is talking around her to Emi. She rolls her eyes at him. Oh, and he's going to the gym. Lupe tells Emi she doesn't know why MA is leaving.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #100 (Mexico #139)- Wednesday, April 23, 2014- Isa Is Still Being Held Hostage and The Witch Doctor is Really A Snake Charmer

Isa rides around and sees Art talk get to the witch doctor and begins to remember who he is. She first saw him crying in the elevator of the hospital. 
Osvy tells the witch doctor how he trusts her and she feels such love for Art. Osvy tells the witch doctor that now is a good time for her to get with Art.  He was always seen her as the " good wife" for Art.
Dante visits his parents snooping around for info on Isa. He finds out that Daphne got shot and Este is alive and okay and Gaby heard from Isa.
Daphne tries to walk but can't and is extremely frustrated.
Bruno calls Ally to let her know that now is not the right time to adopt the others, it's too late she has already told Pulga that she's the next one up.
Isa is still on her cab ride to regain her memory and stops
Tita tells Bruno that Ally lied to her about adopting all of the other kids with Bruno's blessing.  Tita wants to know, why doesn't Bruno want to adopt any more; Is it because of the money or something or someone else? Tita confesses that when Bruno and Gaby worked on the orphanage it was a test. (Tita, I'm really disappointed in you- take the tit out of Bruno's mouth). Bruno wasn't too happy to hear about the test.  She wanted to clear up his feelings because he had so many doubts.  Tita thinks that Gaby and Bruno can be good friends.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #33 4/23/14

De que tienen tanta terquedad, tienen tanta terquedad.

Just some happenings and thoughts. No particular order.

Now that Nat and Diego have cleared things up, he assures her he will get that divorce and then they can make lots of babies together.
Analysis: Diego and Nat Yeah, they are the main couple. It's why we're all here...but HE'S STILL MARRIED granted to a shrew but they are just handing Diana and her shark of a lawyer more ammunition!

Lupita wonders if Eleazar is mad since Chato is back just when he and Carmen are becoming novios. She saw them kissing. He tries to play it off. Lupita tells Eleazar that Chato may be her dad, but she still prefers Eleazar.
Analysis: This kid is good. She can read and play any situation. Eleazar is completely wrapped around her finger.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2014 -Por Siempre Mi Amor Capitulo #99 (Mexico #138)- In Which, I Leap onto "Is this Really Going to End Happily? I'm Beginning to Doubt" BandWagon and Use a Lot of Parenthesis to Leave My Hysterical Commentary.


Dena, Tita, Bruno and a whole bunch of other people are happy celebrating with Uriel and his yummy-looking cake.
Daffne's in the hospital along with the peanut gallery (Art, 'Za, BonBon, 'Drea and Mao) when Mr.Duck comes along and goes to see her! He actually seems moved by the fact his daughter is in peril!
Lucha and Gabi. go to see Gabs (see what I did there) with concern about Isa and her predicament. (If they're stressed now, wait 'til or if they hear about what they're beautiful son has involved in. That day gaskets will be blown and if they don't find out, gaskets will still be blown. By us at Caray Caray!)
Borlas and Illeana meet and they talk. She offers coffee at her house and he accepts!
Some more Daffne anguish/angst where she is hollering at our bloody bloused BonBon that she can't feel her legs (QUE NO SIENTO LAS PIERNAS ESTEBAN, NO SIENTO LAS PIERNAS!)
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