Monday, June 16, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 6/16/14 (#115): Water, Water, Everywhere

How many people tuned in at the usual time last night, waited five minutes, and then tuned out thinking there wouldn't be an episode? We started more than 8 minutes late. I don't know why.

Acapulco. Night. Carmelita's snoring wakes up everyone in the bus. Lupe and Miguel Angel (MA) go outside to chat. It's a full moon, of course, even if there's only a half-moon anywhere else, because couples like Lupe and MA get a full moon every night! MA talks about el mar. (Can it, Aldo! This is at least the SECOND TN in which Jaime Camil has evoked the memory of his romantic rival from LFMB.) Lupe teases him for wearing sandals with socks.

MA tells Lupe that Mini did, in fact, try to seduce him, but he didn't let her. Lupe asks if Mini's attempts reminded him of happier times. MA says he didn't feel anything at all. Mini is the past, and Lupe is the present. She's the only woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and he hope it's a long life.

Inland, Vilma regards some of the "evidence" Alejo has gathered at the Menchaca home (I think there's a toy from Emiliano) and says that none of this, not even the polo mallet, is enough to prove that MA and Mati have been there (to get the police to come here and find Mati and MA). They pretty much need to catch the Menchacas red-handed. For all they know, Emi could have taken or borrowed the polo mallet. Of course this only annoys Ahole...
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 6/16/14 #154

Chapter 154: Where Jealousy Rules

Valverde House: Alejandro and Monserrat returned and all was not well. Alejandro told his family they weren't going anywhere. Monserrat told Rosario they were returning home, which meant they were returning to the Álvarez house. Lauro asked his father when he would see him again and he told him “soon.” Carlota offered to accompany her niece home, but she declined the offer. She tried to conceal her tears, but it wasn't possible. She thanked Josefina, gave Alejandro a disappointed look, got a stubborn one back, and departed with his mother and his son. They were barely out the door when Alejandro went upstairs, his jaw set in stone. Victor and Macario followed him, leaving Carlota, Dominga, and Josefina to wonder what had happened.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 16, 2014

Here's your weekly post Impostoras!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 16, 2014

Here is your post for this week's comments.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #153: 6/13/14: It's All About Them, Ale And JL That Is!

Ahoy Amguis. It's been so dark and cloudy here on the Patio of Disillusionment hasn't it? Now a fog seems to be moving in, with respect to some of these character's brains, that is. Someone asked last week where all the levity had gone. This TN has been short of that hasn't it? I have thought of levity all week and have come up with the perfect solution. I have found an earworm that will be like Calgon and take all your troubles away. It's rather longish, but well worth it. Please take a gander and a listen. Lovely Song

I am skipping the old and getting right to the new.

Sandho (Sandro) catches BM (Maria) sneaking into the chapel and follows her. He sees exactly where she has hidden that will of Ale's. He purposely runs into her outside and asks what she was doing in the chapel. Looking for EZ she tells him, and he asks again if she would like to accept his proposal, um, nopis from her. She warns Sandho that if he keeps bothering her, Addled will kill him.
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Weekend Discussion: The Narcissism Epidemic

Narcissism is one of the most common mental disorders of telenovela villains.  Many people have a very simplistic definition of it:  Muhammad Ali.  His "I am the greatest" is how many people see narcissism.  The sad truth is that it's far more complex than that.

Narcissists see themselves as the center of the universe.  Everyone else exists for their purposes and once they cease to satisfy them, they either become evil or non-existent.  They are incapable of dealing with their own faults and assign them to others as a way of ridding themselves of them.  In extreme form they can be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos, 114, 13 June 2014... the trip begins... and as expected, AS had packed her complaint recorder... but everyone else is up for the vacation. Nepo tries to 'cure' DA.

MA apologizes for the trouble AND for forgetting the febreze. Chuy rants at him. Lupe rants at CHuy and everyone bickers in response.

At Editorial offices, A-hole still arguing with cop that MA is NOT innocent, the cop repeats that the first shot did not come from the gun that has MA’s prints on it. A-hole gets louder and argues again that MA was teamed up with Bambi and they killed Adolfo, Ahole insists the cop should be scanning every inch of La Nopalera.

In the bus, no one is moving yet, they are still arguing whether to take MA along or leave him behind. Carm backs up Lupita, it is not Christian act to abandon someone in need. Chuy says its been a lot of need after need in MA’s case. Chuy mentions something that happened to DA, and Perla insists in hearing what’s up with DA. Chuy changes subject back to wanting MA gone, everyone bickers again.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #94/94 6/13/14

De que dura sola una hora, dura sola una hora!!!

Lo Refrito
  • Gino hates the website.
  • Rod and Vicente (Grumps) have their reunion.
  • Diego ugly cries and finds out Nat married Rod thinking it was Diego.

Lo Nuevo
Diego is beside himself with grief and wants to know why Alonso didn't stop the wedding or do something. Alonso is a terrible friend. Diego gets agitated and has to be restrained and sedated.

Grumps thinks what Rod did to his brother was terrible. What was he thinking trying to kill him? Rod gives Grumps his BS side of the story. It's Diego's fault he was in the coma! Diego had set his sights on a pueblerina and Rod decided to have a little fun and switch places with Diego. At the party she dragged him away and the next thing he knew a guy showed up and beat him. He woke up two years later to find out Diego had set him up and was engaged to the girl that saw him getting beat up and did nothing! Diego sent the dude to beat me up and the Pueblerina was none other than Natalia Garcia!

Al tries to convince the nurse that Diego is not a violent guy. It was just a crisis. When he wakes up he'll be better able to understand what's going least Alonso hopes so.

Grumps really can't believe Diego is capable of doing such a thing. He really suffered while Rod was in the coma. He fought the hardest against against pulling the plug. Rod doesn't believe it. He's convinced Diego sent the guy to beat him up and he hates Diego. Rod wants BOTH Diego and Nat to suffer.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 152 - 13 May, 2014 - As The Plot Thins, Maria’s Indecent Proposals Are Given Due Consideration

Honest. If there was any scoop to give you tonight about Aguazul I would. Withholding information would only irritate you, fair reader, and, by being chintzy with the facts I could easily work my way out of a job. Not that recapping pays much, but there it is. We’ve all got to have a reason to get up in the morning.

The town of Aguazul, Campeche State, MX, was as quiet as Bethlehem before the ‘Silent Night’.  And, the plot of Robo is moving as slow as honey dripping down the side of a comb.

So, in the interest of interest, yours, that is, let’s take a look at the slow goings on in Bluewater, character by character, instead of following the action geographically.  Let’s go alphabetically, just to keep things straight. You can always skip the characters you don’t want to know about.

Tonight Adolfo quietly makes his way about town. He meets up with Maria and decides to give her a house. You know, for all the good times. Like when he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger but it was loaded with blanks. Fun times, huh? He meets up with Maria at her new house and is unable to resist her indecent proposal. “Let’s just do one for the road”. So they rock and roll in the empty new house and he hands her a wad of cash after; she needs some money to furnish the place. After all, how can she entertain Alejandro in style on a bare stone floor?

Later, Adolfo meets up with his brother-in-law the Governor, Pedro Medina. Now that guy, Pedro, is a real whack job. After watching the last couple of shows I think he has begun to believe his own publicity. And when he starts to drink his own Kool-Aid, all hell is going to break loose. You heard it here first. I, for one, will be happy to be here Stateside, watching the action on a very long Televisa/Univision lens. Televisa ought to pay those camera guys double the union scale to work on THAT job.

Adolfo stays cool while that ‘dumb’ EZ Basurto provokes the hell out of Pedro. Dumb, you say? Yea, he’s as dumb as a fox. Basurto. Basurto tells Little Pepe that it is time Pedro took care of some business up north, personally, as in ‘on the ground’. Pedro, who has always kept his mani/pedi clear of the muck, was one flustered customer. Adolfo backed EZ up in his little tease of Pedro; of course, he has his own reasons for wanting Pedro away and over the Campeche State frontier.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #113: 6/12/14: Acapulco Here We Come!

Hola Amiguis! We had a better epi this evening. So sit back, relax and while you are reading this recap, I found a perfect little earworm for this epi, cause I took one look at that microbus and couldn't help myself. Here is the earworm, Sausalito

Ana Chofi is praying to the Santa Madonna (Virgincita) and to Dios about Leo, how he is acting like a child. Ana Chofi surprises him and lets Leo know it isn't a crime to be gay, what is a crime is the guy he is interested in, that futbolista from the barrio! Leo can't understand why Ana Chofi always has to be so dramatic.

Don Chuy has revived, Carm and Tizoc are there, and he feels okay. Lupe insists he needs to go to the Doc to be checked out. Over his protestations they take him to the hospital.
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #92/93- Wed 6/12

De que el abuelo tiene su favorito, tiene su favorito.

Alonso hopes he's convinced Vicente, but Vicente just wants to see his grandson…whichever one it is.  And he won't accept any conditions.  He gets dizzy and has to sit down.  Forgetting that he fired Lala, he tells her to bring his pills while Alonso goes to get his bag from the car.

When PJ is ready to leave Casa Garcia, Nat talks to him out in the hall to tell him that Irene doesn't know about her and Andres' involvement in Rodrigo's coma.  He tells her not to worry--they have strong bonds that can't be broken.

Grumps' blood pressure is back down again and he insists on going to get his grandson.  He forgot that he fired Lala and tells her to get her damn uniform back on and stay out of other people's business!   Pobre Lala!  She must have whiplash after today!

The PI talks to Irene and Tad, but the one and only girl orphan during that time period was Asian.  Irene comes to the (correct) conclusion that Vicente lied to them.

Carmen and El wonder what ace PJ has up his sleeve.  Then Carmen gets all warm and fuzzy about her feelings for El…and he returns the warm and fuzzies.  But he stops after asking if she really wants to marry the Fettuccini…"Never mind.  The decision is made."  Carmen looks sad.  I look annoyed.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #112: 6/11/14: Who Let The Dog Out, Woo, Woo, Woo!!!!

I am putting up a brief summary of what happened last night on Pobres. Ezra may still be out of town. If he posts a recap I will take this summary down.

Diego goes to Guendy's salon and gets a new "luke", almost the same as Leo's.

Diego and Leo go to the movies and see a Vampi (Vampire) movie.

Ana Chofi needs a day of relaxation, she worked ya know ; ) She misses the Spas she used to go to. That gives Guendy an idea. Guendy's Spa. Perla is doing Ana Chofi's nails and Guendy asks if maybe Ana Chofi could work? Ana Chofi is offended, women of high society don't work, but Guendy suggests maybe something with the kitchen, Ana Chofi is horrified. She only knows high flautin' cuisine.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 151, 6-11-2014:

Hi Robó Fans,

Eli's internet and cable went out on her completely last night, so she asked me to post this discussion page until the problem can be fixed.

In the meantime, please feel free to discuss the episode!


De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #90/91- Wed 6/11

De que Diego no es Diego, no es Diego!

RoDiego admits to Brigitte that he's obsessed with Nat…and also, bring me a sammich and a beer.

Nat doesn't know who the hell she married, but she's convinced it's not Diego.  Tad says some guys are just rough around the edges, but Nat and Irene say Diego's not one of them.  Tad tells her she can stay as long as she wants and Irene calls Alonso and asks him to come over.

Carmen doesn't believe Lupita's story about polar bears for a second.  Gino decides to try to talk to her.

Tad lets Alonso in, but he's not happy about it.

Lupita told Gino the same story about the polar bears and he bought it.  He asks Carmen not to ground her.  Carmen refuses to lift her punishment, but eventually Gino butters her up enough that she cuts the grounding back to a week.  Gino advises Lupita to take the deal.  He thinks he's winning her over, but Lupita's too smart for that.

Nat tells Alonso that "Diego" tried to rape her, just like Rodrigo did--and, no, that's not the fear talking.  Alonso agrees that the man she married isn't Diego, but he's working on finding out who he is.  For now, he advises her to stay away from "Diego," but if he shows up, play it cool and don't let on that they're investigating.  I mentally kick Alonso for equating "bipolar" with "double personality" as the first is inaccurate and the second doesn't exist.  He leaves Nat with some pills.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos: Minerva denigrates the fry-cook, Ana Sofia discovers that manual labor is difficult, Emiliano is tired of eating beans.

  • Mike is a prisoner in red pajamas. Minerva has hidden his cellphone battery. She tells him he's unnecessarily depressed and should trust her.

    She boasts Alejo will have to give her half of everything (later Mike wonders what she has on Alejo, that he might have to be so generous!). She says after losing her (fake) baby she thinks of suicide.

    Carmela thinkgs Lupe should tell Mike about the papers so Lupita tries to call, but Mike's cellphone is sans battery.

    Mike is about to call Lupita when he hears a scream. It's Minerva, pretending to be waking from a nightmare. Mike comes running, she pulls him into her bed.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 150, Tues., 6/10/14: On the House!

Run, Alejandro, Run!
In her dressing room at La Escondida, María makes Alejandro an offer he can't refuse -- she will return Benjamín's original will to him in exchange for a single night of pleasure in her arms.  What does he have to lose?  Everything, he tells her.  It would put his happiness with Montserrat at risk. He won't do it.  

María can't believe her ears.  She lashes out at Montserrat, calling her a zorra and saying she's probably in José Luis's bed right now.  Alejandro reminds María that she's the one who has slept with every man in Aguazul.  Except with him, she says with an insinuating smile.  

"There are things more important to me than money," he says.  "You never really knew me."  He leaves her alone with her dime store blonde wig, her tawdry outfit, and her delusions of grandeur.  

[A man sits alone at a table on the otherwise crowded Patio of Lowered Expectations and takes a thoughtful pull on his bourbon.  ¡Ánimo, María! he whispers under his breath.]
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #88/89 6/10/14

De que casi lo tienen, casi lo tienen

Really short and sweet tonight. Please, please, please fill in the blanks. Thanks!

Oh my. The little cerebral hamsters were just running, running, running and getting nowhere tonight.

Rod pays a visit to Brat's apt. She would swear she was dealing with the evil twin and not Diego. (She's sooooo close.)

Rod's evil behavior escalates. He was absolutely emotionally abusive. He let Nat know he spent their wedding night with another woman and she might as well get used to it.

That sent her running to upstairs where the patient known as Rodrigo was. She tells him that he and Diego should have told her of his existence. None of this would have happened if she'd known. The patient opens his eyes and looks directly at her. She is freaked to say they least.

When Irene later visits Nat, they discuss the Great Misunderstanding and Diego's reasons for not telling Nat. Nat still feels as if it's Diego that's in that bed. (She's sooooo close.) Concerned for Nat, Irene suggests that she talk to Aloser (and yes, Tad also ends up showing some bad behavior and acting like an azz about that little visit.)

Now, before we get to Nat's session with Aloser I need to tell you that Krazy is still molesting him and he's STILL ANSWERING HER CALLS AND MAKING COFFEE DATES WITH HER. Pretty stupid behavior, right? At least when it comes to doctor stuff he's not too stupid. He thinks it's a little odd that the results of the blood tests don't show anything. Na.da. If Irma is administering drugs, something should show up. He asks for another sample. Unfortunately, he asks Irma. The blood she hands over is hers and again results show nothing...but this is doctor stuff, not relationship stuff. Aloser is finally on to Irma and the great blood switcheroo. (He's soooo close.)

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Monday, June 09, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 6/9/14 (#110): Signs of the Apocalypse

Leo's looking for a job?

Ana Sofia's asking for cleaning supplies?

Frida's claiming Tizoc as her boyfriend, and her classmates are laughing at Tato??

Laugh it up while you can! Calamity is nigh!!
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #86/87- Mon 6/9

De que se casaron, se casaron

Tad's maid gets a stern talking-to for letting Vicente in without finding out who he was.  Vicente's there to interrogate Tad about why he married Irene.  Vicente doesn't take Tad's status as "famous painter" very seriously and thinks he married Irene for her name.  He throws the scholarship in his face, but Tad defends himself, saying he would have made a name for himself--with or without the scholarship.  He calls Vicente on his crappy treatment of Irene, especially when she was pregnant.  Vicente sticks to his story, that he's done the right thing for his family.  Tad says one day Vicente will be asking for forgiveness.

Mrs. Tiburcio apologizes to Irene for Tiburcio's panic attack.  She explains about working with him to communicate using the alphabet poster.

Tad calls the PI and gives him a stern talking-to for not telling Tad that he talked to Vicente.  The PI makes some placating noises…and some I-need-money noises.  Creep.

Luchón, Gino's old butler…'cause we all know he lied about that...calls a woman from a pay phone.  She speaks Italian, so I hope he brought a lot of quarters.  Blah, blah, blah, Italian chattering, "vendetta."  I think we all know what that means.

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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #149 Lunes 6/9/14: The Fuses are Lit

Chapter 149: The Fuses are Lit

Valverde House: Monserrat arrived and told Alejandro there was someone she wanted him to meet. She stepped aside and Rosario entered with little Lauro. The boy's first words were “How tall you are, Papa!” Alejandro and his mother, Rosario, began to cry. The boy said “I have many pictures of you but you're different. I like your eyes, but your teeth are gigantic!” Alejandro laughed at the uncensored honesty of his son, who then told him he had a beautiful smile. He hugged him as though he would never have the chance to do so again.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 9, 2014

Here's your weekly page, Impostora fans.  Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 9, 2014

Is anyone else watching Metástasis?  The first episode of the Colombian version of the remarkable American drama, Breaking Bad,  aired last night on Univisión, Gala, and Unimás.  Tonight, it will be shown only on Unimás at 8pm Central (9pm Eastern) as well as 9pm/10pm.  I'm not sure if they will repeat the first episode in the earlier slot and then show episode 2 in the later time.

On Tuesday, it will settle into a regular 9C/10E slot.

I was very impressed with the quality of the first episode.  I'm not planning on recapping the show, but I might comment on it from time to time, and I hope some other people do too.

Enjoy your week!

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Saturday, June 07, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 148, Fri., 6/6/14: Alejandro Domínguez -- Wanted Dead or Alive!

Almonte Mansion on the Beach

Sandro insists he said nothing to María about the fake will.  Fabiola -- never relinquishing her glass of red wine  -- warns him he'd better figure out how to shut that woman up.

Mónica and Dimitrio's new place

Did someone ask for a definition of chutzpah?

Gracie pays a friendly visit to Mónica, insults her six ways to Sunday, and ends up wangling a dinner invitation out of her.

Graciela, with a dazzling display of dentition -- upper and lower -- insults Monica's TASTE (and just about everything else about her).  When she finally goads the young woman into standing up to her, Graciela somehow squeezes out a couple of tears and launches into a self-pitying bleat: She may have made some bad decisions, but she never intended to hurt her children.  It breaks her heart that her actions may have been misunderstood.  
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Friday, June 06, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #109 06 June 2014... So close... and yet so far...

Sorry, I was having trouble with my tv’s so I missed the first 5 minutes or so… someone please fill in.

Alejo tries to get the straight truth about the origin of the polo stick from Emi, but Emi will not say, even when Alejo promises to keep the secret. Lupe comes in to Emi’s rescue.

Nepo gets mad at DA, DA tries to tell him the money was used for some art lessons. Nepo not quite good with that. You must be deeply in love. DA is about to explain that yes, it is love, but… Nepo won’t let him speak. Nepo won’t let DA give up futbol and send his life to the fregada… leaves Trofeo to try to convince DA.

MA and Saul… Saul tries to get MA to hide here until they get the laptop… not such a bad idea to stay locked in with an awesome rubia…. MA not so convinced… MA tries to get Saul to stay but Saul says his usual farewell gingle (quedo de uds muy atentamente SB) and takes his leave… to Mini’s delight.

The cops outside watch Saul as he leaves, and he even says hi to them.

Perla and Gwendy… Perla not sure why Gwendy wanted her to come to the farmers market. They end up at Nepo’s stand. Nepo is not a happy camper, says it is because DA wants to give up futbol. Nepo thinks DA wants to take dance classes instead Perla does not understand the reference to the dance classes… Perla offers to try to talk to DA to find out what is going on. Nepo accepts. Perla is sure she can convince DA of anything. Nepo very thankful. Nepo even had thought up a nickname for DA ‘el chichaDieguito’, which Perla loves.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero 6/6/14 #84 and #85 (Or something like that): The Extrapolation Edition

De que hay tsuris, hay tsuris.

Why do I get the heartbreaking episodes?

This is going to be short. I was having attention issues. There was much extrapolation on my part. Feel free to add more details (corrections really in the comments.

Tonight's Cast:
Jean Marie=The fashion show organizer that works with Irene to plan shoots and shows for Eskenda
Mr. T=Tiburcio
Mrs. T=Mrs. Tiburcio
PJ=Papá Juancho

The lady at the orphanage tells Irene that of the 6 children that came to the facility that year, only one was a girl. True to TN form there was a fire 17 years ago and records are no more. Irene flips. Tad calms her down so the director can tell her to come back with a court order.

Mr. T is in bad shape. He can't talk or move. Even after a lot of therapy, he will only recover a minimum of his previous abilities.

Brat comes in late for work and takes offense when Nat reminds her about professionalism.

Grumps is thoughtbubbling in his office--Nat is NOT a Cáceres. Nat comes in with some papers and asks about Irene. Grumps plays dumb about Irene's whereabouts and the reason for the trip.

Mrs. T is with Mr. T in the hospital. She tells him how bad she feels about what a shrew she was him. He moves his hand.

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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion

One of the things inciting constant comment here is the fashion felonies committed by many female characters in novelas (or by the fashion consultants for the shows).  It seems that femme fatale rivals and villanas are the biggest offenders, although heroines can be guilty, too.  For our purposes today we will cover the villanas, particularly since we have such a stunning example in our current prime time.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #108: 6/5/14: Jive Talkin'

Hola Amiguis! We have Mini hauling off MA, Ahole invading La Nopalera, with Vilma and Beto, so what else can happen? Well, read on and discover what else happened during this episode! Shall we start with an earworm? It applies to Ahole, especially! Jive Talkin'!

We start with Frida and Tizoc and how they are glad they are there for each other, and they decide to continue their relationship, as long as they keep it on the down low, cause neither of their familia's can find out. It would so not be good for either of them and besos!

Mini shoves MA into the back of her vehicle and makes sure he's in there safe and sound, while she says now MA is in my hands, Bwwhaaaa!
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 147 - So Many Lies, So Little Time

Basurto/Mendoza Mansion, Aguazul, Campeche, MX

Sandro and EZ have an after-dinner table conversation about Carlota and Graciela after the ladies have left the room to powder their noses. Carlota wants to know about Fabiola. So sad, Fabiola has all the money in the world and she is still alone. Carlota taunts Graciela by asking her if she can see herself in the same place? She has lost her children’s love. Graciela says that things are about to change.

Back in the dining room, EZ Basurto tells Sandro that he regrets that his feelings for his sister-in-law do not parallel those spoken by Sandro about Carlota—Sandro finds Carlota enchanting. Sandro points out Graciela’s beauty, and… as he puffs away on what is surely a Cuban cigar. EZ asks Sandro to take her away!
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Thursday, June 05, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero: 6/5/2014, #82 & 83 US (or something like that)

De Que Su Hija Está Viva, Está Viva!

I’ve got an early and long day tomorrow, so I’m doing a bullet points quick and dirty, just the facts recap. Feel free to fill in anything I might have missed.

- Brigitte the Brat, while packing her stuff to leave sad Alberto’s apartment, says some things I agree with for the first time. She calls herself capricious, bossy, hotheaded/mean, and immature (caprichosa, mandona, explosiva, y inmadura). Yep, that describes a few of her defects. These are her excuses for why she wants to live on her own, and not marry him now (yet keep the man’s ring). Al takes her to her “friend’s” apartment and is impressed by the size and luxury of the apartment.

- Rod and Irma have a not so friendly chat over unconscious Diego. Rod says to Diego: “If I leave you alive, I won’t be able to explain, and no one will forgive me.” He’s decided to kill Diego and steal his life and inheritance. Despite the fact that he’s basically already said this a few times, Irma is shocked, shocked!  She says she’s not going be an accomplice to murder. Rod gets in her face and threatens her, and tells her she has no choice. After he leaves the room, she says she laments what she’s doing, mentions Rod trying to steal Diego’s life and Natalia, is sympathetic when Diego reacts to Nat’s name and cries, but shoots him up with more drugs anyway. Bitch! Grumps arrives and sees the tears, Irma makes up a sick aunt in Miami, and Grumps offers to let her go see her aunt as soon as tomorrow. He’ll hire a temporary nurse. Irma is overjoyed that she’ll get to escape and the whole thing will explode on Rod.

- El’s payment to Gino for losing the soccer game is to serve as waiter and ring bearer at a fancy Italian restaurant, while Gino proposes to Carmen. El first tries to sabotage the evening by putting mega hot peppers in Gino’s pasta. Unfortunately, Carmen switches dishes with him, and nearly chokes to death on the hot peppers. Lupita calls him in tears, since she heard about the proposal, but El has given up. He's about to serve the tiramisu with the ring, when a hazmat team busts in, saying there’s a toxic gas leak.  Gino is hustled off to the hospital. El kisses Carmen in front of the restaurant owner, who knows Gino. Carmen rejects him, since she thinks he’s behind the fake gas leak plot. However, he really knows nothing since Morales did it all on his own. Carmen sees Morales and is further convinced it was El behind it all. Carmen, Paolo, and Abdul get to the hospital just in time to save Gino from a mistaken enema, performed by student nurses, and hemorrhoid surgery!

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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #146, 6-4-2014: José-Luis suspects the rumors of Alejandro's comatose state have been greatly exaggerated

Lo refrito:  Montserrat counters Gracie's disapproval of Montse's infidelity with Alejandro by proclaiming that, unlike Gracie herself, she (Montserrat) isn't trying to hide her love.  Montse claims that Gracie, even if she were to acquire millions, is the poorest woman that Montserrat knows.

Unanticipated Noble Gestures May Have Surprisingly Negative Consequences
House of Montse and José-Luis:  Rosario continues ripping J-L for marrying Montse without telling her that Alejandro was still alive.  Rosario claims that Alejandro needed Montse more than ever, and she's also mad that J-L didn't even tell her (Rosario) either!  J-L looks guilty and seems to feel bad about what he's done.  He assures Rosario he's taking charge of things and also going to do the right thing to make amends:  he's in the process of trying to bring comatose Alejandro back to Mexico so he can live out his life-supported days among the women who love him best.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #80 & 81, Wed, June 4th

De que al menos PJ conoce el secreto, el sabe secreto

Tiburcio (Mr. T) suffers a headache from his guilt

Rod and the Brat (Briggite) chat about their new love nest (icky.)  Irma comes in and he gets off the phone which leaves the Brat mad.  Then Nat calls so Irma leaves angry.  They both know they are being played so leave him or deal.  As recapper Carlos would say, NEXT.

At the fonda, Angela asks Carmen about Abdul, sigh.  Then Padre Juancho (PJ) comes to find out details about the soccer match (football).  He also ask about Gino.  Carmen gets all smiley and tells him Paolo is happy and she is too.  PJ warns Carmen to not play with love.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: Danger-Mike must flee!

Hi guys, sorry for the short recap, I'm about to go fly in a plane!

The main theme of Wednesday's episode is Mike going into hiding from his own hiding place (la Nopalera, I think is its fancy name).

Tearful goodbye w/ Lupita, they love each other, blah blah, no one can ever separate them but they have to separate until things blow over a little bit.

Detective Alejo gets a little closer to catching Mike - Isela tells him he's been hiding at La Nopalera. He will now set out to go catch him and turn him in!

Now Mike's whole family comes to give him a huge goodbye, even Ana Sofia, who is very lovey despite her tearful moping she's  been doing! She loves Mike with all her heart!

Anyway, please comment and tell us your favorite parts of the episode.



Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 145. 06/03/14. Ale makes a deal with the she-devil; JL's life starts to unravel.

Jumping right into the new...

Macario, Dominga and Rosario sit down for a chit chat. Macario tells Dominga that Rosario delivered a well deserved slap to Graceless which Dominga practically applauds. It was about time someone put Graceless in her place. Rosario is worried about what Graceless could do to her baby boy, but Macario says they are their to defend him. Dominga is more concerned about what JL will do when he finds out Ale is still alive. Macario says JL needs to start packing and move out. Rosario wishes it was that easy but has a feeling that this time around JL will not give Montse up so easily. He asks when are they going to tell Laurito that his father is alive? Hopefully soon replies Rosario.

Montse will not allow both JL and Ale to fight. Ale wonders if they should just flee. Montse tells him to just say the words and this very night she will pack up everything and Laurito to join him. She never wants to leave his side again. Ale can't believe that she will leave everything behind for him. He thinks that perhaps it's not such a good idea. Sooner or later, the past will catch up to them. Just like Victor and Nadia. We have to stay and I need to clear my name. I made the mistake 7 years ago to flee and now I am paying the price. Montse decides he's right and she will help him in any way she can. Ale wants to prove his innocence. Montse wants to know when to let the cat out of the bag and tell JL the truth. He wants to wait until everything has been cleared up and promises to talk to JL directly. I don't care what happened between you two before you found out I was alive. I can understand that. But I don't want JL to touch you again. Montse confesses that when she married JL, she told him that she would always love Ale and could never forget him. And now seeing you again, being in your arms, just confirms that my body and soul only belong to you. They kiss. Victor walks by and starts thinking of his lady love.
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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos: San Ciprianito loses his groove; Ana Sofia does NOT have a drinking problem; Mike gets famous

  • "I'm going to kill you, tarantula!" Alejo growls as he chokes Minerva. She and her mom are playing a dangerous game. The mother wants to trade Mike's location in exchange for the entire house, which she has always liked. She disabuses Alejo: "He's not bonking Minerva, he has somebody else."

    Minerva still thinks she can win Mike back and tells her mom she won't betray him. "But daughter, we have to think of ourselves."

    Vilma thinks the "piranhas" are pulling a fiddle. Alejo snarls, "It's your fault, you let your laptop get stolen." He's willing to cede the house, eventually, because he does not actually own it, it belongs to the corporation. Vilma thinks he's as smart as Napoleon.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #78/79 6/3/2014 The Bleeeecccchhh Edition

De que tengo náuseas, tengo náuseas.

I respect you all enough to carry through with this recap, but I have a big desire to just invoke the Recapper's Privilege Card for the whole darn thing.

Let us begin the descent into hell.

Rodrigo apologizes to Carmen for the porno scene she walked in to last night. Carmen tells Not Diego to cool his jets. He and Natalia will be married soon enough. Respect her house.

Brigitte goes off on Irene. She had enough of her mom's reproaches without Irene jumping on her too. She leaves in a huff.

Alonso comes to get "Rodrigo's" record. Doc gets him up to speed. A while ago the patient seemed to improve, but tests showed his neurological activity was the same.

Diego's bed isn't working. Irma shakes her booty for Grumps. Bleeeccchhh.

Brigitte is packed and leaving the house. She tells her about the scene with the wedding dress (ooops, the secret is out.)Natalia tries to convince Brat to stay and Brat tells her to cut the goody goody crap. Brat is in rare form and tells Nat that if she hadn't come on the scene, Brat's life wouldn't be the utter crap that it is. Brat then has the nerve to say that she gets a little comfort knowing that Nat's real mother didn't even want her and just dumped her at the church. Carmen and Lupita arrive home. When Lupita finds out Brat is leaving she begins to cry and beg her not to go. Natalia offers to leave instead. Carmen tells Brat to go if she is so intent on leaving. Lupita is inconsolable. Gee whiz this kid is amazing!!

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #76/77- Mon 6/2

De que estoy harta de casi todos, estoy harta de casi todos!

Not only does the ghastly image of Karina interrupt Alonso and Irene's  potential nookie, but the actual Karina calls while Irene is getting packed to invite Al to the movies.  And he, like an idiot, says he "can't" and they'll talk later instead of "No!  And I never want to see you again!"

Mara's mom arrives to pick her up at Padre Juancho's.  Despite PJ's effusive praise, she insists on nagging Mara about not eradicating PJ's place of dust and cooking PJ's  meals.  When they leave, PJ summons Paolo from a back room so they can marvel at how hardcore Mara's mom is.  (She really does remind me of Carrie's mom, but that would make Mara Carrie and I really hope we're not going down that road!)

After the re-opening of the fonda, Abdul walks Angela home and Gino and Eleazar fight over who's going to take Carmen and Lupita home.  Lupita finally shouts that her name is not "piccolina" (little girl?) it's Lupita!  Ms. Garcia if you're one of her sibling's baby daddies.  She ends up going home with Eleazar, leaving Gino to take Carmen home.  Carmen talks a little about having a relationship with El, but not being able to really get things off the ground (well, except for what we KNOW she's gotten off the ground).  Gino thought bubbles that it's gonna suck if El ends up with "his" Carmelona.

RoDiego brings Diego back to the house, with Irma to watch over him.  Vicente isn't thrilled at first, but RoDiego talks him into it and addresses all Vicente's concerns.  Diego will stay in Diego's room, because it's near the guest room where Irma will be staying and RoDiego will stay in Rodrigo's room.
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Monday, June 02, 2014

Qué Pobres, LUNES 6/2/14 (#105): Ana Sofia’s Purple Haze

MA confronts Alejo (Ahole) in the office parking garage, asking Alejo how many more crimes he's going to accuse him of/frame him for, stealing all of his family's money. Ahole plays dumb, urges MA to turn himself in, and asks, "Are you going to kill me like you killed Adolfo?"

MA doesn't want Ahole to harm any of the people he cares about. Ahole pounces on this, accusing MA of fooling around with Minerva, which confuses MA because he doesn't know that Ahole thinks MA is Mini's secret lover. MA says Ahole resents him because Grandfather always liked MA best. Grandpa sent MA away because he didn't want him to become a vulture like Ahole.

MA catches Ahole trying to work his cellphone behind his back and tries to take it away from him. They come to blows. The fight sets off a car alarm, and MA flees.

Ahole returns to the office and uses his bruises to persuade the new police detective to hurry up with the homicide case against MA. MA threatened his life, Ahole claims. The detective is confused; he thought the RP company wanted them to handle this discreetly? Ahole says it's too risky. MA is too dangerous! Please catch him now! The detective tells him to calm down. They still haven't completed the ballistics analysis and they won't charge MA until they're sure.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 6/2/14 #144

Chapter 144: Can't Face the Competition

Monserrat's House, Master Bedroom: Monserrat sat on the couch because she had a fainting spell. She told José Luis that it was nothing, but he slid along the floor to the couch, saying she might be pregnant. She scoffed at this, but he was determined to believe it. She collected herself to help him back to the bed. Once he was seated there she excused herself and headed for the bathroom. He watched her with a hint of suspicion.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 2, 2014

Sometimes it's fun to look back and see what we were watching (and recapping) a year ago. In June, 2013, there was only one Telemundo y Más post a week and we were watching El Señor de los Cielos I! In addition, Pasión Prohibida and La Patrona were on. At the end of the month, we made the transition to Monday postings to better accommodate Friday recaps and comments. So thanks for looking back with me and now on to the weekly coomments for La Impostora, which I see is in its "Capitulos Culminantes."

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 2, 2014

Sometimes it's fun to look back and see what we were watching (and recapping) a year ago. In June, 2013, there was only one Telemundo y Más post a week and we were watching El Señor de los Cielos I! In addition, Pasión Prohibida and La Patrona were on. At the end of the month, we made the transition to Monday postings to better accommodate Friday recaps and comments. So thanks for looking back with me and now on to the comments for the coming week's shows.

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #143: 5/30/14: Ritorna A Me

Ahoy, Amiguis! Mr. Mads and I took a mini vacay this past week. I am all rested up, have read all the recaps. I want to thank Urban, Gloria, Eli and NovelaMaven for all their fantastic recaps this past week. I am so happy to be back, communing with all of you again. Now on to the recap. I know Y'all are just salivating to find out what happened with this episode and the humdinger of an ending. Shall we begin with an earworm? This song is especially dedicated to Monse and JL, Starting All Over Again.

Ale is pacing the hotel room waiting for Monse.

Pobrecito JL, falls down the stairs and injures his foot. Dimi and Refug help him up the stairs.

The flowers and champagne arrive for this night of lurvvveee Ale has planned, and I echo Carlos, where is the rose petals and come on, no chocolate covered strawberries, for shame, Ale, for shame.

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Friday, May 30, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #74 and 75 US 5/30/14

De que me enojo, me enojo.

Can it get any more frustrating???? The devil writers are indeed on your side you big Rod.

Eleazar (El) and Padre Juancho (PJ) explain to Natalia why they think Paolo is gay and is possibly in an inappropriate relationship (meaning age-wise) with someone. Paolo interrupts and is upset. He denies he's gay and seems more mad that El and PJ were spying and sneaking instead of being REAL MEN and being honest and talk to him face to face.

Meanwhile, the neighborhood chismosas feel the need to spread the "news" about Paolo to Carmen. She takes umbrage at their remarks. She takes a few chunks of hair from their scalps as well. Crabette #1 sees the fight and tells La Jaiba. La Jaiba calls the cops.

After Paolo leaves, Lupita asks the adults what is going on. They tell her it's "grown-up stuff." She innocently asks if it has to do with Marita, Paolo's girlfriend. Sheepish expressions were had by all.

The police take the chismosas and Carmen to the hoosegow.

Alberto tries to get in touch with Brigitte (Brat), but she and Rod are gettin' it on. When she deigns to answer she lies through her lemon-sucking teeth and tells him she was bathing. She sourly turns down his invitation to go out. She and Rod discuss how easily they lie to others and exchange sloppy kisses. She thinks they are made for each other.

Paolo walks the street and thoughtbubbles. He is mad and PJ and El. He sort of gets PJ's reasons, but he can't forgive El. How could he?

Irene goes to Alonso's to collect her things and Al begs for an explanation. They fight. Again. (This is getting old to me, but I assume it's because it was only Tuesday when they last fought and made up. Maybe if Uni wasn't scissor happy this relationship wouldn't seem so schizophrenic.)
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Que Pobres tan Ricos #104 May 30, 2014. Reluctant appologies, reluctant promises, forced celebration speeches and one overdue reunion.

Once Tizoc and Perla hear about the million dollar clause, they barge in the room, Tizoc/Perla vs Frida/Leo. Leo and Frida claim that Tizoc and Perla have invaded ‘their’ property… Tizoc and Perla respond with insults of their own. MA is stuck in between the doubles debate match.

Trofeo promises the guy everything is alright. Guy leaves. Nepo compares himself with one banana, MA is another, and Nepo now is assuming the gringo the other guy was talking about is none other than MA.

Chuy and Mati come up to the debate… Leo and Tizoc get more offensive. Frida intervenes and Perla sees her open door to throw some more insults. MA tries to settle things, even says he is angry he is sibling of Frida/Leo. Chuy says similar of his ‘children’. MA tries to get AS to say something… ‘Salud!!!’

At office, Mini and Isela… Mini doubts if Alejo knows Lupe is with MA. Isela suggests find out what Alejo knows and then use it in OUR favor. Mini says there are priorities…

AS sleeping now, MA calls Leo and Frida over. In front of Mati, he tells them that he can’t believe how they behaved with Tizoc and Perla Ivette. Mati repeats, she hopes she will never remember where the papers are. MA tells her she was right when she said those documents bring out the worst in everyone. Mati says right, that money brought about the worst. Maybe that was a way from Abuelo to put them to the test. If he were alive, he would be ashamed of the situation of his family, he would die all over again rather than watch them fight for money. MA says he loves how she talks about the abuelo… Mati says it is a family tradition to honor his memory, even the board members at the company do it. Mati asks Frida and Leo to go find the Menchacas and not to return until they have apologized to them. MA and Mati end up alone. She tells MA he is her support… she now remembers how she would have wanted him to be there at Aureliano’s funeral. MA feels guilty he was not there. Mati says don’t feel bad, the past is over. She remembers a discussion with Aureliano when he had kicked MA out. Aureliano swearing he did it for MA’s good. She protested that MA went alone and pennyless, how can that be good for him? Aureliano says he will mature not depending on our money, one day he will returned a gentleman. He has to work and grow to feel proud of himself. As a father he was not what his children could be, but MA will be the best of RPs, no matter what it costs…the end will justify the means. Mati comes back to present, tells MA that Aureliano, with his rights and wrong decisions, always wanted the best for MA. She can assure him.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #103: 5/29/14: If I Had a Million Dollars!

Hola Amiguis! Mr. Mads and I took a mini vacay, I have caught up with all the recaps and am now raring to go! Shall we begin with an earworm? It's especially for AS: Keep On Smilin'

Mati is calming knitting as Leo is talking about the ship sinking and the pirates are boarding. Sucks to be Leo.

MA goes upstairs and checks on AS, who of course, is passed out from all that hooch she's been guzzling. AS finally wakes up and cries about the wedding being her salvation and last hope. Her birthday is coming up and she's poor, porca miseria! She's lost her society friends, I'd think she'd think of them as frenemies, she vants to be alone. The family leaves her thus.

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 142, Thursday, 5/29/14: Montserrat, You Is My Woman Now!

At the cemetery wall of the churchyard

We rejoice at the sight of the two impossibly beautiful people together again; for them and for us, seven years seem to disappear in the blink of an eye. 

Te amo Alejandro, te amo más que a mi propia vida, whispers Montserrat.  (I love you more than life itself.) 

The lovers exchange a slow, sweet kiss, restrained and full of longing. 

Mi amor, me has hecho tanta falta, she tells him as her lips graze his hand.  (My love, I've missed you so much.) 

She feels as if she has been asleep all this time too and he has just opened her eyes.  

"Of course I'm yours, I've always been yours."  

"Then come with me," he says softly, leading her by the hand.

JL and Rosario at the café
Seriously.  Could this guy BE any more annoying?
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero, 5/29/14, #72 & 73 US (or something like that)

De que tiene agallas, tiene agallas 

Naughty Nurse Irma tells Rod that Diego is dying. He tells her to keep him alive another 2 weeks so that Diego can see how he’s stolen his life. The stupid nurse seems to be finally realizing that Rod isn’t a good person. She threatens to skip town. He buys her cooperation with the promise of lots of money. He makes it clear that she was nothing but a quick and easy lay.

The Brat tries to listen in, but apparently Caprico’s doors aren’t made of cardboard and she hears nothing. When Irma leaves, she tries to play the jealous girlfriend card to find out who that woman was. Rod reminds her of her place as his mistress. Her only job is to find a place where they can do the dirty on the down-low.

Morales reports back to El on Paolo’s "close" relationship with his new boss.

There has obviously been something important cut because Carmen is crying in her bedroom, and Nat comes in to reassure her that she is of course more important to her than Diego’s family. She thanks God each day for putting her in Carmen’s path. She loves her and respects her, even though they don’t carry the same blood. Carmen says there is no difference between Nat and her other siblings. Carm dismisses her tears as just being emotional about her first baby girl getting married. She assures Nat that she just wants her to be happy. Nat is sure she will be happy with Diego. She doesn’t think Grumps will be a problem once they are married, living apart from him, and he has time to see she is not a gold-digger.

Paolo’s papa Gino invites him out for dinner. Paolo says he can’t since he has to attend his sister’s engagement dinner. Gino insists that he will get Paolo a tie or even a suit for the occasion, since Italians must be fashionable.

Rod is primping in front of the mirror for the dinner, when Lala informs him that Irene and “el Joven Alonso” are downstairs. Step number one for Al, if he wants to be seen as a real man by Irene’s side: get people in their circle to stop calling him “joven.” Rodiego goes downstairs and apologizes for beating the crap out of Al, just in time for Grumps to enter and ask what they’re talking about. He tells Rodiego that problems aren’t resolved through fighting/blows. (Just through lying, cheating, and generally being a jerk.)

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Alejandro Almonte Returns Lo Que La Vida Me Robo Episode 141 05/28/2014

Hi patio peeps! I'm going to just cover our major story lines because I have to be up in a few hours for my sisters graduation, with some luck I'll get three hours of sleep, I hope you enjoy the recap and feel free to fill in anything that I may have missed/skipped.

Alejandro Returns:

Last night Alejandro was outside of Montse's house, the plan was for him to reveal that he had survived the plane crash, little Laurito however put an end to those plans when he saw Alejandro outside of his house, Alejandro did not want his child to find out that he was still alive until he had been prepared by his mother for the news so he ran away and together with his mother came up with plan B which was to lure Montse away from the house and take her to a safe location where Alejandro could show himself without fear of Jose Luis showing up.

Rosario lies to Montse and tells her they have a social engagement to attend, she tells Montse to dress up because it is a formal affair, when Montse  suggests calling her husband so that he can meet up with them Rosario discourages her and tells her that the gathering is for women only, they leave the house and later arrive outside the church. Rosario tells Montse that her aunt Carlota would be meeting them there, she then asks her daughter-in law to go in and see if her aunt is already there, she will remain outside just in case Carlota is not inside the church.

Montse goes into the church and a minute later hears for the first time in seven years the voice of the husband she thought had died. Her face registers relief, confusion and happiness, but also anger. After a quick reunion the questions come fast, Montse wants to know why he abandoned her and their child. Where was he for the last seven years? What was he doing? How could he have left without them? Alejandro sits in silence while his wife continues to accuse him of abandonment. He finally tries to explain what happened, but only gets to say "please forgive me" before Montse leads him outside to the place where her father's remains rest, she then shows him an empty grave site with his name on it (dude, they took his last name!)- she explains that she had the grave stone placed so their child could have somewhere to visit his father on special occasions, she says her heart broke when she saw her child talking to an empty grave.

Montse continues her speech and tells Alejandro that she would have rather taken her son to visit him in jail every Sunday than to have had to endure the suffering of the past seven years-she tells him that he has returned to their lives far too late and then turns to walk away, finally Alejandro tells her that he has been in a coma for seven years. She returns and sits by his side, he tells her that the accident happened very quickly, the last thing he remembers is using Victor's phone and speaking to Graciela who told him that Montse had died, when he woke up from his coma he believed her dead and only wanted to return to Agua Azul to find Rosario and his son.

He explains that he arrived in Agua Azul on her wedding day and that he saw her and Jose Luis leave the church together with Laurito calling Jose Luis "daddy", and then he asks why she married Jose Luis. She explains that she remarried because everyone told her it was time to rebuild her life, but mainly because she felt a great amount of gratitude towards JL- after all Jose Luis spent years in jail for a crime that he did not commit and he sacrificed much in order for Montse and Alejandro to be happy. Alejandro asks if she loves Jose Luis and she tells him "no", then he asks if she still loves him and she says that she does, he is her one true love and then they kiss.

Josefina and Adolfo-he really is a giant marsh-mellow

 Josefina and Victor discuss the possibility of Adolfo helping Vic stay in contact with Nadia, Vic is unsure of Adolfo and he reminds Fina that Adolfo and Dimitrio once used her in the worst way and she says she remembers but that she knows how to handle Adolfo and that she will do whatever is needed to help Victor and Nadia be together again.

We see Adolfo receive a phone call from Josefina and they agree to meet up. The place that Josefina picked for their meeting is also the same place where they shared their first kiss. Adolfo starts off by telling Josefina that he cares for her, when he sees her he sees the man he was before she left. Josefina gives him a hard time and tells him that he is a good liar, but Adolfo does not give up, he tells her he is being honest with her, he loves her and he is not after her money or anything else. She ribs him some more and says that once he gets her into bed he will dump her, he says that he does want to get her into bed but only because he wants to wake up to her every morning for the rest of their lives, until they are old and wrinkled. He continues and says he wants everything with her, a wedding, a little house with a garden and all the children god can give them. She agrees to give him the benefit of the doubt and they kiss, then she explains that there are two people who need his help and that she needs for him to help them without asking for anything in return.

Adolfo guesses that it's Victor and she tells him he is right, she takes him to her house so that he can meet with Victor.

Fabiola is scared:

In Fabiola's living room she has a little meeting with Pedro and Sandho, she is scared that Alejandro might not be dead and Pedro tells her not to worry, Alejandro is dead and he is not going to get up from his grave in order to seek revenge-and he is right, the dead don't come back to life but people in comas ALWAYS wake up and seek revenge, especially if they are in a telenovela produced by Televisa.

Later that day Sandho meets with Graciela, he tells her Fabiola is freaking out about the possibility of Alejandro still being alive, and that the way to get to her is to try and find her long lost family. Graciela tells him to leave things alone and excuses herself. At the end of the episode she shows up at Fabiola's house and tells her that they need to talk.

In other news, Dimitrio is starting to pack in order to move in to his new crib and I'm starting to think he is really over Josefina! Also, Maria gets her job back on the pole and Jose Luis finds out first hand what it feels like to have people play you for a fool. Karma is a b*tch.

Come back tomorrow for what's bound to be an hour of must see TV!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Que Pobres, 5/28: POBRESUQUI!

So here we have the final segment of the disastrous wedding!

But before we get to that, we have a little blowback from Emiliano's little romp with his dad. Lupe wants to punish her son for scaring her. Mike first tries to console her, then goes for a heart-to-heart with the kid. He makes a speech about how the kid should respect and live with his mom for everything she's done for him. But the kid would rather play the video game Alejo bought him.

Consolation and hugs with Lupe.

Now on to the fun: The guests are rumbling and furious about the thefts. The king of sumatra (I can't remember his name) comes out with his chef hat and tries to distract them with talk of dessert. It doesn't fly. That  woman in black (chief of Ana Sofia's frenemies) says it must have been the servants who stole the stuff: "all of us here are so rich and good."That's a disturbing development, but people are mostly just mad at the Ruiz-Palacios. They begin taking back the gifts! The ringleader of the frenemies continues to accuse the Menchacas and says "enough with this 'honorable poor' crap," poor people will always steal."

The detective arrives and asks if all of the guests are still present. Somehow nobody has noticed that the parents of the bride are missing.

Vilma brings Alejo a document (pertaining to custody of the kid, I think) and wants to go with him to talk to Lupe. She wants to be an intimidating presence at the meeting.

Mike suspects Alejo might be merely taking advantage of the kid.

Back at the wedding, Ana Sofia gets more and more sour. The ringleader of frenemies pronounces that the Ruiz-Palacios are broken. Leo mentions that this is going worse than a greek tragedy! The guests want the RP to pay for the stolen stuff. They're going to be pobresuiquis!

Saul the lawyer suspects Minerva may have some info to prove Mike's innocence and suggests Mike use his famed seduction skills to get the info out of her. Mike balks, and Saul is confused why he would have any hangups. "Sure, Lupe's a nice and cute girl, but Minerva is... Minerva." I think Saul has a thing for her.

At the wedding again, the detective reveals that Maca is no royalty. The shit hits the fan. AS comes down on Maca with a shaking fury, the girl admits that her "parents" were merely unemployed actors. AS is crushed and deflated and Leo yelps about not being a count.

Vilma reveals that Alejo may have some property rights over the Menchaca house through the grandma. Will he try to use it as leverage to get Lupe to marry him? Anyway, he asks her to stay behind as he goes in to talk to Lupe. He shows her the custody form and suggests it would be so much easier if they just all lived together. She isn't even remotely convinced.

Ana Sofia is in catastrophe. The ringleader notices that her dress is made of the same fabric as the curtains. This is the humiliation of her life. She begs Jesus for help. King of Sumatra hands her a bottle of booze (yikes! she's an alcoholic! does he think he's helping?). She says "thank you, don jesus."

Maca offers Leo a solution: why don't we just run off and live off of your family's fortune. Uhhhh that's a non-starter. They start to let loose on each other. Leo: "we don't have any money. You're a witch and I'll never be a count!

The Prince of Bananas! He's moping in his room over Leo (god knows why he likes the guy). His dad comes in, assumes it's about a girl, and gives him a speech. See, women are like bees. They give you honey and then sting you. Prince says the venom is worse than bee - it's a scorpion. Later, when Guendy comes in and yaks about the wedding disaster, the prince is horrified to hear the wedding went through and maybe encouraged that such a disaster might mean the marriage is short.

Mike makes a date with a fawning Minerva.

The newlyweds are basically moving in with the Menchacas. The king of Sumatra comes in on the arguing pair and snarkily asks how the royalty is doing. At first they bark at him that "we're doing fine, our marriage will last forever," but they quickly get to fighting furiously. She outs him as gay and tromps off.  Once she's gone, an unphased Leo says "I'm not gay, I'm metrosexual." An utterly ruined and drunk Ana Sofia gives a "salud por el metro."

And that's basically it!

Julia - I also liked the sailor-knot crack!


De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #70/71 5/28/14

De que ella vuelve a él otra vez, otra vez

Rod and the Brat make plans for the evening.

Nat explains Rod’s bad behavior to Irene and Alonso.   He lost it over the fabric provider.  Irene promises Nat she won’t have to interact with Diego so Nat goes back to her job AGAIN.  I think it was Vivi who mentioned that we should keep of tally of how many times she quits Caprico and/or breaks up w/Diego.  Irene hopes they will make up and Diego gets rid of his demons.  Help me here friends, when did Diego have demons?  I know, I know, I’m thinking too hard and my poor tn beanie may burst.  Irene also says perhaps he will apologize and propose and Nat says if he did so, I’d be dubious.  Ah but would you really Nat?
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 140. 05/27/14.

Sorry folks.  Something happened to the channel and 3/4 of the show was pink screen.  I tried looking online for it and nothing.  Think Televisa has been cleaning house.  So I will re-cap what I could see.  Please fill in what was missed in the comments section if you were able to see it (I have DISH). 

Ok, so today is not my day.  I wrote an kick-a$$ re-cap (well a short one anyway) and POOF! gone!!!!  I don't know what button I pressed or if it is somewhere around here, but I am doing another one.  This unforuntately will be short.  Enjoy.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos - wedding anvils R us.

Wow, tonight we got to see the mighty deception begin to crumble - the cracks are widening and water is spurting through, but the dam will break tomorrow!

Ana Sofia's refrains tonight: "Why does this happen to me?" (The way Scarlett O'Hara regarded the Civil War - such an impediment to her happiness!) and "Just keep dancing! There's nothing to see here!"

Isela is drunk. Perla faints. Minerva, enraged at the sight of Mike and Lupita macking, throws a pebble at them.

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #68/69 5/27/14

De que volvió a renunciar, volvió a renunciar.

Morales follows Irene and pulls her over. At the station, El asks Alonso if he's sure he wants to continue with whatever they've cooked up. Al is sure.

Brigitte and Karina continue to plot against Irene and Alonso.

Morales claims that a car matching Irene's has been reported as stolen. He inspects the car and calls it in. He wants to see the car's registration, but they aren't in the car. More comps show up. They keep talking about a 1028 and won't answer Irene's questions. They ask her to come to the station

Rod yells at Rosa and then calls a sketchy guy. Apparently Diego fired this guy for fraud, but Rod wants to hire him back. They will meet later.

Grumps comes looking for Irene. Nat covers for Irene. Bri realizes she's covering for Irene and Nat lets it slip that Irene is with Al. Bri decides to be proactive for Karina's sake.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #66/67- Mon 5/26

De que lo que temíamos no pasó, no pasó

Randy Rod and his hot rod volunteer to find a romantic place to have his way with Natalia.

Irene is in a hideous mood and takes it out on Natalia, who shows up late.  Brigitte is loving that Natalia's the one getting yelled at today.

Randy Rod makes a hotel reservation for tonight.  He fakes his way through greeting Irene and asking about…um…er…Tad…whoever that is.  He then sends her to Vicente's office ahead of him to buy himself time to look for the paperwork alone.

Nurse Irma pumps Rod's doctor for info so she can keep Diego coma-ing on.  He thinks she's hitting on him and invites her to dinner.  It's so rare to find a woman who's interested in talking about coma drugs.

Vicente has been scouting and selecting fabric suppliers for Eskenda.  Irene's feeling blindsided by that and concerned about the quality of the fabric, since she assumes Vicente will be most interested in price.  Randy Rod asks for Eskenda to have control of, and funding for, its own budget and Vicente, surprisingly, agrees.  Of course, we all know he's doing it to bilk the company, but Vicente probably sees it as a way to keep the entire company from getting dragged down by Eskenda.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/26/14 (#100): A Sea of Porca Miseria

Wowie wow wow. Hold onto your sombreros!

Ana Sofia takes one look at the decorations (balloons) for the wedding and complains that they are a monument to poor taste. (It takes one to know one!) That and more verbal abuse from AS induces Lupe to quit "Until you apologize."

Miguel Angel happens by and tries to get his mother to apologize. Even Leo, unsure as he is about this wedding, begs her to make nice. AS says it is humiliating, but she will do it for her children: she averts her eyes, gazes skyward, and utters a feeble "Sorry."

Over MA's protests ("Apologize to Lupe, not to the birds, air, and trees!"), Lupe accepts the weak gesture of contrition but reminds AS to respect the rest of the Menchacas as well.

Carmela leaves Emiliano at Paco's house and tells Paco's mother that Lupe will come for him this evening.

Mini and Isela prepare to crash the wedding.

AS tries to get Perla to lose the flower in her hair, but Lupe intervenes. The flower can stay! Perla offers to get one for AS. (Declined!) Later, AS bad-mouths the indoor decorations with Leo when the Menchacas approach... she quickly changes her tune, says everything looks great, and even thanks them. (Briefly.)

Confidentially, Leo asks the Menchacas of the decorations: "I have just one question: Why the Styrofoam?"
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 5/26/14 #139

Chapter 139: Silence Is Deadly

Mendoza Mansion: In her endless attempt at defrauding anyone out of the most money she could, Gracie asked Pedro Medina for help.

Help me destroy Fabiola Guillen.”

He looked at her with ironic amusement and a smile that betrayed it. “Graciela, Ezequiel never suspected all this time? The woman whom you're looking to destroy could be the daughter you had with Benjamín Almonte.”
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of May 26, 2014

As you probably know, La Impostora isn't on tonight, Monday.  Telemundo is trying to get you all excited about El Señor de los Cielos 2, which premieres on Tuesday (and which will be discussed on The Front Page).

Sorry folks.  You'll have to wait until Tuesday for a new episode of this one.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of May 26, 2014

Tonight Telemundo is dedicating its primetime slot to getting everyone hyped up about the Tuesday premiere of El Señor de los Cielos 2, which replaces Camelia.  That means fans of En Otra Piel (and La Impostora) will have to wait until Tuesday for their next novela fix. (Not that these shows are addictive or anything...)

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 138, Fri., 5/23/14: The Honeymoon is Over, and the Dirty Secrets are Busting Out All Over

Eating With The Enemy

In a dinner table scene they have surely played many times before, Graciela needles EZ about his dirty money, he reminds her she is free to leave any time, and she reminds him of their deal (Does she mean that she gets to live in the Mendoza-Basurto house until she dies?) He acknowledges the final point with a good-natured smile.  (Maybe he has reason to believe that endpoint will arrive sooner rather than later.)

A Soul in Pain

After her barbed exchange with Ezequiel, Graciela retreats to her bedroom. She is startled by Alejandro's sudden emergence from the shadows, though she rapidly recovers her imperious bearing.  How dare he just materialize out of nowhere like that, like a specter! (como si fueras un alma en pena: as if you were a ghost/a lost soul). 

Alejandro has come to say he is leaving Aguazul.  He has, however, one condition: she is not to tell anyone -- not the police and especially not Pedro Medina -- that she has seen him.  They snarl and circle and show their excellent teeth: he has some nerve making demands on her; she'll be sorry if she opens her mouth.   In the end, she says she'll keep quiet about him, but only because it's in her own interest to do so. 
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Que pobres tan Ricos #99 May 23, 2014... pre-wedding jitters... One nervous groom, one proud mama, one miffed bride, two fake in-law thieves and two suspicous siblings, stir it all together, pour in baking pan and bake until Monday

We get some pretty good sight-seeing seconds (are they near Guadalajara?, that is west coast about center of mex... near Guanajuato and Puerto Vallarta, right?)…

School playground, Emi spots A-hole and runs to him. A-hole fakes happy to see him. Says Emi’s new shoes are ugly. Offers to buy him whatever tennis shoes he wants. Lupe not amused. That’s not how it is. A-hole argues his case. What’s the problem? Lupe says won’t allow him to buy expensive shoes for Emi. She lets Emi walk away with A-hole. A-hole takes jacket off to play with him. He is obviously not enjoying himself when Lupe is not looking.

Hacienda: AS, Leo and Frida arrive, the employee leads them around. MA arrives. Leo is eager to introduce MA to his new in-laws. AS and DaVinci are still wearing the matching gray outfits. AS criticizes MA’s outfit, even though he looks good. He says he has not much money, he bought the best he found at a second hand store. Frida says it might not look the best but they might not notice it. AS says our future depends on it. It is the end of one ‘world’ and the beginning of another.

Lupe says we gotta go. Emi asks A-hole when will see him again. A-hole says don’t get your mommy mad at you. Whenever you need you can call me. Emi says Lupe took his phone away. A-hole gives him a card to use to call him. Emi and A-hole walk back to Lupe. A-hole has a last gift for Emi. It is a playstation Vita.

At hacienda, the condes have arrived, AS says it is ‘our’ hacienda ‘our house is your house’. Maca introduces the ‘parents’ the ‘condes’. AS introduces her family. The bowing is significantly overdone by MA who almost puts his head on his knees. The ‘countess’ clarifies they should keep referring to them as ‘the countess’ . The count is not so demanding. Salomon interferes and gives the condes his business card ‘for whatever you might need’. They all go inside except AS and Salomon.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero 5/23/14 Episodes #64 and 65

De que se despertó el diablo, se despertó el diablo.

I didn't take any notes and I didn't pay close attention. I'll get up early tomorrow and write a recap for realz. Oh, and Diana was an angel compared to the new crop of demons.
  • Eleazar is going to invest his life savings in helping Carmen out. They are going to become business partners. They throw in some smoochies for good measure...but don't think they are officially off the ground yet. Be sure to see the scene where Abdul interrupts Eleazar's profession of love. Cynthia and Marcelo are masterful. Holy crap I love watching these two consummate actors.
  • Rodrigo is awake and despite a few flubs, he's passing himself off as Diego (albeit a Diego that is behaving oddly.) And he's going to be wreaking havoc. He plans to empty Diego's bank accounts and take Natalia's virginity. While he waits for Nat, he'll be getting his nookie from Brigitte and Irma.
  • Speaking of Irma, she warns Rod that there are grave consequences to keeping Diego in a coma too long. One of which is permanent amnesia. Rod doesn't give hoot. He figures that will even things up after losing two years of his life. Irma has to give Diego an extra dose since the drug doesn't seem to keep Diego in a very deep coma. Rod wants her to do something and he'll pay her well for it. He tells her to open and account so he can make the transfer. This is the second time a character has had to open an account. Chato took Lupita to a bank. I bet a bank is the product placement.
  • "Diego" tries to convince Vicente to pull the plug on "Rodrigo." Vicente doesn't want to. Thank heaven.
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Weekend Discussion: TVyNovela Award Shows

By CorazonSalvaje:

Hey I wanted to make a Weekend Discussion. Since you guys are always saying the TVyNovelas Award Shows are rigged, we can discuss to whom we'd give the prizes to.

(I'll start it like this.)
So I noticed you guys make remarks about the TVyNovelas Award Shows which I have come to agree with. I feel as well that these shows are unfair at times but the fairest I think I've seen are 1999 (El Privilego de Amar taking them all is perfectly fine.) and 2014 (Amores Verdaderos taking a majority is OK as well.)

Ignacio Sada Madero has a Simplemente Maria remake in the works (He is one who is capable of writing good novelas which are often overlooked but honestly mentioned with affection. La Intrusa comes to mind and I think the ONLY reason(s) Bajo Las Riendas del Amor was rebuffed at the Premios TVyNovelas is because Mejia was associated with it. That and Destilando Amor robbing everything cough-Pasion-cough. I think the only awards I agreed with that year were the ones going to Lola Erase Una Vez and Pasion albeit 2 each. I think-
TBLMOE or Ed. Santamarina deserved best homme lead (but let's be real, all three leads were worthy of the prize. The only other lead was Gabriel Soto whom I can't stand.)
Angelica Rivera or Adriana Fonseca deserved best femme lead (Tie please!)
Adamariz Lopez deserved best femme fatale (but Daniela Castro was worthy as well. Keep in mind I include Bajo Las Riendas since it WAS  a Carla Estrada refrito which was harassed by Mejia. So in a way, she has 2 things for her LOL)
Bouffy or Alexis Ayala deserved best homme fatale)
Ana Martin deserved her award but I'm a sucker for Silvia Mariscal.
Marisol and German from Pasion deserved their awards.
Direccion de Camaras- Lola Erase Una Vez just because.
Escenas-Destilando Amor (was there a love scene in a barn? I remember one that was hot. Either that or Pasion because of Bouffy's decapitation scene.)
The revelation award does deserve to go to Eiza but her nominee Ariadne deserved it as well. Maybe a tie (in 2012, there was a tie for it with Laura Carmine and Alejandra Garcia.)
Best kid role went to Octavio Ocana which I agree with just because I wanted Lola Erase Una Vez to win in all it's 3 nominations LOL. (Danna Paola could have begged for a tie however.)

What is your opinion on these shows?

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #98: 5/22/14: Hasta Nunca Porca Miseria!

Hola Amiguis! What an episode this evening! We start with an earworm. This one is dedicated to Leo from Diego. Let's hope Leo gets the message: Take A Chance On Me

We begin with MA and Lupe in the afterglow of their time together and Mini has continued to call. Lupe insists that MA call Mini back to find out what the heck she wants, it could be important. So MA answers the phone. Mini has called MA to let him know that Ahole suspects MA is in Mexico and to be careful, cause Ahole is dangerous, Mini just called to warn him. Mini hears a noise and suspects MA is not alone, so she asks him. He tells Mini his private life is private and click, hangs up! Mini is beyond pithed that MA is with that woman. Throughout the next five minutes or so, MA asks Lupe if she is jealous of Mini, she denies, he asks and he ends up hitting her with a pillow as she does him. MA assures Lupe he is only talking to Mini to help him prove his innocence and nothing else. He'll be with Lupe foreva and eva. Do you see the little mini piecart that is hanging about? They sure don't.
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 137 - Alejandro Reunites With His Mother - 22 May 2014

There were several interwoven themes in tonight's show:

    •    Josefina facilitates the mother and child reunion between Alejandro and Rosario.
    •    The two have a tender meeting. Bring at least two handkerchiefs.
    •    Josefina tells Rosario that Dimitrio will never forgive her for the way she ended their marriage. She does not blame him for being angry with her. She does not mention that she would have a GREAT deal to forgive Dimitrio in order for the two of them to build a new relationship.
    •    Monica dumps Dimitrio because she does not perceive that he is ready for an adult relationship.
    •    Refugio confesses to Dimitrio that there are times that the last place he would like to be is home.
    •    Amalia visits Esmeralda and offer to throw her a baby shower. Esme tells her that the baby will be named "Angel" in honor of Angelica.
    •    Dimitrio confesses to Refu that he wants a wife, a home and a family.
    •    Nadia meets with Adolfo and he swears to protect her and his niece, Victoria.
    •    Nadia receives a antique cart full of flowers and she recognizes it as a signal that Victor is alive and will fight for she and Victoria.
    •    Susana confirms to Nadia that she spoke with Victor and that he is alive.
    •     Susana takes the flowers away in order to not trigger Pedro's suspicions about Victor.
    •    Rosario tells Alejandro that Montserrat, Jose Luis and Laurito will be away on their honeymoon for two weeks.
    •    Alejandro vows to recover his prize possessions—Montserrat and Laurito. He makes his mother swear to tell no one that he is back in Aguazul.
    •    Alejandro needs to clear his name and prove his innocence before he can make a PUBLIC return to Aguazul.
    •    Sadly, Pedro sees the cart of flowers and is tweaked. Victor is a romantic fool.
    •    Pedro calls Adolfo and demands to know the content of his conversation with Nadia.
    •    Pedro orders Adolfo to look for Victor, and, if he finds him, to kill Victor on the spot.
    •    Pedro continues to verbally abuse Nadia and demands that Victoria learn to meet him after a long hard day with a smile on her face.
    •    When Graciela gets mouthy with EZ Basurto and Carlota about the source of EZ's fortune, EZ reminds her that the food on her plate and the bed she sleeps in are there because of his money. If she thinks the money was made in an illicit manner the front door behind her is wide and it is open. She can leave anytime she wants.
    •    We do not see hide nor hair of the newlyweds or Laurito.
Please discuss and enjoy!

Elna June

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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #62 and #63 5/22/14

De que estamos dando vueltas el desagüe, el desagüe

Hola amigas/os.  The quick and dirty is the first hour was fun and laughs and the second hour sets us up for future gloom and doom.  To keep things fun, I’ve decided to enter certain of the more obnoxious characters into what I call the Audacity Olympics.  Perhaps the Uni cuts got to me but the boldness of some of our more wretched characters saying incredibly, insensitive things really got to me this evening.

Old Stuff – Chato opening the limo door and his children all coming out along with their mothers.  They hand him a pic of Carmen alone at the altar and say, Carmen’s says you are even now.   Chato screams.
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #60 and #61 5/21/14

De que están incluso, son aún 

Quick notes though these are episodes 60 and 61 based on titles and Uni's edits it looks like we saw episodes 61, 62, and 63.  I continue to hate Uni!!

Rod and Irma discuss his options for faking out his impending tests.  She says to induce a coma, I say YES!  Rod doesn’t look to happy.

Diego chats with the Doc and inadvertently get Irma in trouble (she should not have asked him about the tests).  Rod seems to be an anomaly b/c of the weight gain and return of color.  They go to see Rod and he says nasty things under silently (Diego – give me a sign you are alive; Rod – if I punch you will you never touch me again).  Still pulling for the coma and his not returning though I know that’s pretty much a fantasy like me seeing El getting any action any time soon.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #136, 5-21-2014: No Te Queda Nada Más, Alejandro! Our Poor Galán Lives Out the Grim Promise of this TN's Theme Song

Lo refrito:  Graciela screams at Rosario to shut up already with the gratuitous advice about the way Gracie treats her children when Rosario knows nothing about Gracie's situation or past.  Gracie adds in some bitter recriminations about the fact that Rosario has alienated Graciela from her own children while simultaneously  gloating in the knowledge that Rosario had to pay the price of losing her own beloved son, Alejandro.  

Lordy, that's some impressive combo of bitterness and spitefulness!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos Wednesday: tableclothes, diet pills, Ave Maria, and smooching to the sound of a banshee vocalist.

I enjoyed the rerun of yesterday's last Alejo-Minerva squabble: "You're no guru of sex, you 3-minute wonder, you're a fiasco in bed, MIKE is who I like!" Alejo flushes murderously and bellows: "He's not in Italy, where is he?" He starts to strangle her but she brains him with a vase. Her mom, for once, runs in too late to join in the fun. The mom wants Minerva to tell Alejo where Mike is in exchange for getting absolutely everything she wants in the divorce settlement, but no, Minerva says she never will - and forbids her mom to interfere.

It's the day before the wedding. The Menchacas are eating breakfast when Ana Sofia hustles in and wants them to commence packing. Lupita is going to take a load of stuff to the hacienda, AS says she's coming along "so you don't break my Limoges."

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Que pobres tan ricos: the lower classes may be about to revolt.

I think this was the start of the episode, at any rate it's where my recording started: Ana Sofia is ecstatically looking forward to getting her luxurious life back when her son marries the Countess (should we write "Countess" now that we know she's a fraud?). "We'll be nobility." Leo does not look happy. He says it's because deceiving his Countess is below him - but it's also, no doubt, because he feels some yearning for the Prince of Bananas. (The Prince is, come to think of it, nobility as well.) AS says it's too late for regrets and, pouting, goes off to fuss over the invitations.

I've missed a week of the show (being in New Jersey where I did not have Univision). So I don't know who this old lady in black is who says she's living an inferno, she has some problem with Bambi and is having to sell everything she has left. Mike pulls out a few pesos for her.

Frida shows a very unpleasant side of her personality tonight. Some guy in a really stupid two-toned outfit, a friend from the old days, sees her and invites her to hang out. She goes to some preppy watering hole with him and talks entitled-rich-kid-talk with her fresa friends. Perla's old friends grill her: Is it true you're broke? "My brother is marrying a contessa and we'll go to Spain."
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 135, Tues. 5/20/14: Graciela's Revenge (or: you thought YOUR mother was bad!)

I'll never forget the first time I ordered a Bloody Mary in a bar in Milwaukee; it came with a small glass of beer -- a beer chaser. 

Well, my friends, tonight's episode was a beer chaser to the campy drama of last night's disappearing bride, out of control groom, murdered cake and toy pistol-packing woman scorned.  Not exactly what we expected, maybe, but not so bad, all told.  Burp.  Perdón.

[And every Bloody Mary on The Patio comes with a beer chaser tonight!]

The Party is Over

Oddly enough, Montserrat doesn't hear all of us on The Patio screaming at her to run for her life.  Instead, she tries to appease José Luis.  She doesn't go so far as to say she loves him, but she returns his ardent kiss.  She feels bad that he didn't get the wedding of his dreams and promises she'll make it up to him on their honeymoon.  He leers unpleasantly.  He reminds her that she is his wife and that they belong to each other.

[Perhaps this time around, complementary tats?  A chain for her, a key for him?  A cage and a lock?]
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De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #58 and #59(ish) 5/20/14

I'm pretty sure Univision has the scissors out again. I decided NOT to beat a dead horse and point it out in the recap.

Mostly in order. Sort-of kind-of.

De que se cayó, se cayó
Irene is launching her new line of clothing for Caprico: Eskenda. So exciting!! Last minute adjustments are being made and pep talks are being said.

Chato arrives in a tacky suit and in tacky transportation.

Diana takes a cold shower since Oliverio forgot to pay his gas bill. After getting dressed, she sees the headline about the launch and rushes out.

Alonso makes an on the sly visit to Irene backstage.

Natalia (Nat) suggests that the seamstress take up Brigitte's (Brat) dress a few centimeters. Brat likes the length and later rips out the hem.

Carmen is seated next to Vicente (Grumps) and lets him have it when he makes some snide remarks about the poor and her family. Eleazar (El) drags her away before she gets herself into too much trouble. He reminds her that Grumps owns Caprico/Eskenda.
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