Monday, June 13, 2022

Karmageddon in Mexico City: Mi Fortuna es Amarte


It's that time again! We need to talk about who gets what's coming to him (or her) for all their evil deeds. Most of us here are experienced viewers so we know that what we think is right is not always what the writers will have done. So.... here we ask the two questions:

  • What do you think the writers will do to them?

  • What do you think they really deserve (if different)?

Keep in mind that all of these are sexist and classist.  All info is through Episode 79.

Veronica Alanis Gomez / Denia Agalianou

Guilty of at least one murder (Tania, sister of Mario), several counts of embezzlement, adultery, and probably various other sexually deviant behavior we have not been privy to. Guilty of colluding with Adrian and Pedro for embezzlement, Olga for potential crimes against Natalia, – including murder – and Elias against his own son. Paid Olga for information. Guilty of double-crossing Adrian and thinking she is all that and a pound of Beluga caviar.

We still don't know what the connexion is between blood and her yellow roses, but let's hope that gets confirmed. She may be the reincarnation of a past serial killer.

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PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Mexicana y El Güero, La Hija del Embajador*, & El Último Rey - Week of June 13, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: “El Último Rey” will be preempted on Monday due to a 2hr. airing of “Mi Fortuna Es Amarte.” NO Univisión Primetime TNs will be aired on Tuesday due to Fútbol. “La Hija del Embajador” will be preempted on Monday due to Fútbol.

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! El Último Rey (Season 1) is being recapped by our illustrious Urban Anthropologist. Dondi356 continues delighting us with recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 26-27 (*on Unimás…Tues. & Wed. only)

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Güero:  Ep. 10-11

10-11PM – El Último Rey:  Ep. 19

Coming Soon: “Mujer de Nadie” starts June 28th! AND La Herencia” will start muy pronto!


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Amor Valiente, Infiel: Historia de un engaño, Hasta que la plata nos separe Week of June 13, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 1-2PM -   Hasta que la plata nos separe
  • 9-10PM - Amor Valiente*
  • 10-11PM - Infiel: Historia de un engaño**

 *Amor Valiente will be not be shown at 9PM Monday, June 13.  Casa de los Famosos will have a two-hour conclusion then.  Amor Valiente will resume at 9PM on Tuesday, June 14.

**A new Turkish dizi called Infiel:  Historia de un engaño will begin Monday, June 13 at 10PM.  This one revolves around the family of a female doctor (Asya) and her husband (Volkan) who live in harmony with their younger son Ali.  All this peace is shattered when the doctor finds out that her husband has been in a two-year relationship with a young woman named Derin.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #75 - 06/10/22: Regina Is Queen For A Day

 [Parte 1~~ ***NOTICE: 2 hrs. of episodios this Monday night!!*** --Ed.]

Natalia tells Adrian it's time for her and Regina to move out and move on.  (Her boots were also made for walkin'....)  She's been there the past two weeks as a debt to him for risking his life to save her from the thieves.  He accuses her of reacting negatively to Veronica's unexpected visit.  Nopers!  She could care less--but isn't it curious that she's running around free as a lark when she's supposedly the mastermind behind all  the company fraud??? (Viewerville was so entirely awestruck it hadn't had a moment to question such.)  This is very astute on Nata's part and Adrian has to do a bit of a moonwalkin' two-step to come up with a (not-so-suitable) answer.  There is no proof so it's her word against his.  Period. (Who's bribed what judge would be my next question, but we are dealing with a pair of supposedly college-educated celluloid numbnuts so why bother?)   Nata insists numerous mysteries are abounding that he's preventing from coming to light.  

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Friday, June 10, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #74 Thursday 6/9/22 Stupidity Reigns

Princess Juju was unable to join us, so here is little bit of this and that from last night.

--Chole reads Olga the riot act.   If she hears that she is bothering Natalia, she is out.

--Chente thought that Granny Magos was delirious from the anesthesia talking about a novio. She tells him that Heliiodoro  ended up being the joy of her mornings and her nights . . . those nights! Chente is visibly uncomfortable and says she doesn't have to say anymore.  She makes it clear that she is not going to be pulling any old man's oxygen tank for him. Since Heliodoro  is younger,  Chente is worried he could be taking advantage of her. No way! She likes her men strong and vigorous so they can keep up with her. Chente is worried about his intentions. Granny Magos doesn't take too kindly to that and wonders who asked him for his opinion anyway??? or his permission???  

--Granny Magos has Heliodoro running a mystery errand. It involves him having brought her some papers from her home. She is going to get together with him tomorrow to look them over and then she wants him to go back to their town and take care of business ASAP. It is urgent. 

--Chente is still all shook up having dreams and nightmares about Natalia.  

--Vale invites Mario to spend the night. He refuses saying he wants to take things more slowly.

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Thursday, June 09, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): La Mexicana y El Güero, La Hija del Embajador*, & El Último Rey - Week of June 6, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: “La Hija del Embajador” will be preempted on Friday due to Fútbol.

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! The new TN, “La Mexicana y el Güero” has started and it seems to be off to a shaky start, but it’s coming along.  El Último Rey (Season 1) is being recapped Urban Anthropologist. Dondi356 is doing a tremendous job with recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 25 (*on Unimás…Thursday only)

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Güero:  Ep. 8-9

10-11PM – El Último Rey:  Ep. 17-18

Coming Soon: “Mujer de Nadie” starts June 28th at 10PM!! Click “Read more” for additional info.


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Amor Valiente, Hasta que la plata nos separe, y más: Week of June 6, 2022

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

1-2 PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe
9-11PM - Amor Valiente**

**Now that Pasión de Gavilanes has ended, Amor Valiente has been running 2-hour episodes. This will continue until the end of this week. Telemundo has announced that next Monday, June 13, a new Turkish telenovela, Infiél, will begin in the 10 PM time slot, and Amor Valiente will resume normal 1-hour episodes at 9 PM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #73 Wed. 6/8/22 Treading Water--OR--Thank Goodness for Ben and Heliodoro

 Hey,  JudyB,  looks like it could be another exciting episode tonight.  We have some Valencia orange infused tequila for your drinking pleasure with some nachos. Save me a seat!

1. Chente agrees that he is the biggest imbecile of all  because he has no idea how any of this happened. He begs for one more chance to show that he didn't do it but Natalia refuses. He would never want to hurt her or Olga. Olga  has been through so much. Natalia has a hard time containing  her anger and sarcastically agrees: "Yes, Poor Olga." Natalia then admits she feels sorry for Olga knowing everything she has done just to get a crumb of Chente's attention. Chente insists he would never hurt Natalia on purpose. She tells him he is worse than Adrián. She will never forgive him. He did the same thing to her that Adrián did after knowing how Adrián cheated on her. He tries to touch her as he begs to be forgiven again. She removes his hands and tells him not to touch her. She informs him that he has lost her forever. She knows who she is, what she is worth and she has her dignity.  She does not deserve to spend her life with another miserable man like him. His cheating hurts her so deeply but his lies insult her!! 

2. Tere asks Chole if she thinks she can solve things with Tavo. Chole says she thinks not because of how  he offended her and treated her as if she was the worst woman of them all. Tere believes in miracles and thought that Tavo would have been happy finding out she was pregnant. Chole plans on proving that the baby is Tavo's and then she will prevent him from returning to her life. She tells Tere she cannot imagine the horrible things that he said to her doubting  her and her love. He is sure she slept with somebody else and so he rejected their child. Julián Reus the caterer walks in the door looking for Natalia. Tere says she is her daughter and introduces herself. There seems to be some attraction. Tere directs him to the kitchen to find Natalia. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #72 6/7/22: Dead To Rights

Viewerville is barely able to watch as Olga whispers her intentions into the sleeping Vicente's ears: she's going to convince him that this child of hers is really his and not that of either Simba or Adrian.  (Oh woe is we....)

Chole is hear that Natalia caught La Vulga de  Olga in bed with Chente doing the down and dirty and telling the vulgar wench that he luuuhhhhvvvved her, and that she drove him crazy.  Even though Chole swears that in all this time Chente never responded to a single one of her attempts to seduce him.  Nata remembers that when she first came to the neighborhood Vulga constantly complained to Nata about getting close to Chente as if she and he had something together before she entered the picture.  She tells Chole it's useless to deny it any longer.  He is actually worse than Adrian because he knew what she'd been through and he took advantage of her knowing all this.  Chole insists there has to be some explanation.  Nata says that Adi already explained but she refused to believe it: Vulga confessed to him that she and Chente had an affair while he was married to Lucia; Chente had made all sorts of promises to her.  Chole says that's all a total lie.  She wasn't blind; she saw what she saw and it's apparent that they've been together for a long while.     

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Monday, June 06, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #71 Mon. 6/6/22 Bingo! --OR-- Lady Luck Smiles on Olga

WARNING:  JudyB, and everyone else. You better fasten your seatbelts for tonight's episode or at least parts of it. I had them installed on all of the patio chairs for tonight. I also found a supply of "air sickness bags" behind the grill to use as needed. We have extra beanies if you forgot yours. There will be light snacks and  beverages available but no mezcal tonight. ANY section marked with any number of asterisks will indicate it is a particularly troubling scene  for which you might want to fasten your seatbelt. The more asterisks, the more disturbing the scene.   ; )

This episode takes place during one day: the day that Natalia continues her work on and finishes her huge catering order that Chef Tellez got her. 

1. A very stressed Natalia comes home in a rush as everyone is working on the catering order. She explains that Chente is down at the municipal office where he was called to get some information on the running of the fonda. She reminds them that they need get moving because the next thing they have to do is make 150 servings of the matcha cake. They will have to work out of this kitchen and Chole's, too. She encourages them saying they will not give up. Andrea seems to have come around expressing her confidence in her mother and telling her what a super chef she is. 

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PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Mexicana y El Güero La Hija del Embajador*, & El Último Rey - Week of June 6, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: “La Hija del Embajador will be preempted on Friday due to Fútbol.

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! The new TN, “La Mexicana y el Güero” has started and it seems to be off to a shaky start, but it’s coming along.  El Último Rey (Season 1) is being recapped Urban Anthropologist. Dondi356 is doing a tremendous job with recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 22-24 (*on Unimás)

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Güero:  Ep. 5-7

10-11PM – El Último Rey:  Ep. 14-16

Coming Soon: “Mujer de Nadie” starts muy pronto!! Click “Read more” for additional info. 


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Amor Valiente, Hasta que la plata nos separe, y más: Week of June 6, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

1-2PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe
9-11PM - Amor Valiente**

**Now that Pasión de Gavilanes has ended, Amor Valiente has been running 2-hour episodes. This will continue until the end of this week. Telemundo has announced that next Monday, June 13, a new Turkish telenovela, Infiél, will begin in the 10 PM time slot, and Amor Valiente will resume normal 1-hour episodes at 9 PM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, June 04, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #70, 6/3/22: Deadly Tricks and Business Risks

[Our best to you, JudyB!   A speedy recovery and return to the patio!]

Claudio's big lie continues...he arrives back to tell Teresa that he was appointed after all.  She's thrilled.  But Constanza isn't fooled one bit and lets the old drunk know what she thinks of him, cuz truth be told, she's hated him ever since he married her mother!

Regina still won't give Jose Jose "el si'" to be her boyfriend again...FF>>

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Friday, June 03, 2022

Discussion Page Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #69 June 2,2022

 Hi all-

 I've had a serious family emergency with my nephew so I was unable to watch the episode last night, I'm exhausted, hopefully things will settle down by next week.


Thursday, June 02, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): La Hija del Embajador*, El Último Rey, & La Mexicana y EL Güero- Week of May 30, 2022

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! The new TN, “La Mexicana y el Güero”has started and I don’t think I’m the only one droolimg over Juan Soler J  El Último Rey (Season 1) is being recapped Urban Anthropologist. Dondi356 is doing a tremendous job with recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 21 (*on Unimás; Friday only!)

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Güero:  Ep. 3-4 (Semana de Estreno!)

10-11PM – El Último Rey:  Ep. 12-13

Coming Soon: “Mujer de Nadie” will start muy pronto! Click “Read more” for additional info. 


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Amor Valiente, Hasta que la plata nos separe, y más: Week of May 30, 2022


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 1-2PM -  Hasta que la plata nos separe
  • 9-11PM - Amor Valiente

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Mi fortuna es amarte #68 Wednesday 6/1/22

 Hey, JudyB,  we have a snack left-over-rama on the patio tonight. Let's see if we can clear them out. Feel free to take anything left with you. 

1. Andrea runs from her father's room. Adrián runs out half-dressed after her. She demands to know who SHE is cutting though his efforts to avoid answering the question. She calls him a liar and a traitor. He asks for just a minute as he retreats into her room. 

2. Back in his room he tells Olga to get dressed and  get out because Andrea has arrived. Olga starts to get dressed. 

3. Adrián goes back out into the hall more completely dressed telling Andrea that he is ready to talk to her. Andrea leads him away from the bedroom saying she doesn't want to hear what he has to say.  He follows his "little princess" his "little doll" all the way down the stairs. At the bottom, he grabs her arm which she wrenches away from him.  She confronts him about his wish to get back with her mother, to be one family again and now he has a woman in his bed. She  thought that he had bought the house for them. He grabs her again and she screams for him to let her go until he finally does. Suddenly,  he is all concerned about how upset she is getting carrying a baby. Andrea says she was the stupid one for believing him. He hugs her and as she struggles to get out of his embrace.  Olga slips out of the house sight unseen. He begs Andrea to calm down. 

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Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 05/31/22 #67: Andrea's Home Invasion Of The Bootie Snatchers

We again watch as Adrian so artfully rips to shreds the divorce papers Natalia came with for him to sign.  He says, "--Not now or ever will I divorce you as I only love you."  And, Vicente, at the same time is telling off Mario.  He says he'd prefer to lose his clients rather than lose his dignity.  (Ok.  We know where this is leading and it forebodes bad times ahead....)

Nata warns Adi through gritted teeth that with or without his agreement, this divorce will happen.  (Ex-queezy me, but...) she has plenty of evidence of infidelity with him running away with Veronica, including Mario's seeing the two of them embracing as well as that smoking hot smooch while waiting in line to board the plane the night of his anniversary.   When Nata reminds him of this he attacks her and practically tries forcing her to kiss and embrace him right then and there at the restaurant, but Nata fights back.  It's only her pride keeping her at a distance; he can feel her trembling in his arms; therefore it's obvious she still loves him.  She slaps him hard and breaks away.  The only thing he provokes in her now is disgust, she replies and races off.

Andrea, meanwhile, gets a boatload of crazy speech and tears from her Tia Constanza.  The woman is depressed and babbling at her in her room at the boarding house that they had an agreement.  Couldn't she still be at least a godparent?  She'll give her back all the goodies from before, even.  Andi says no.  She's acting creepy and frightening her.  If Andi was ready to give up the baby before or get an abortion it was because of what she and los Hadad made her believe.  Conz says she'll accept her part in that but not whatever Hadad did.  She screams for forgiveness....Andi gives in somewhat to Conz to allow her to spoil the kid, just to get her out of there.

Back at the beauty shop, Chole and Kimberly discuss Chole's upcoming OB-Gyn appointment.  

Nata arrives back at Chente's only to find that Samia is waiting in the living room there to plan the wedding of the year with Nata, something worthy of los Hadad.  And, first, they must find a dress that hides Andi's big belly.  It would be in very bad taste otherwise. 

Conz runs into Chole downstairs and fails at being polite.  "--I'm seeing my niece.  I should thank you for taking a load off my shoulders (aka Gustavo).  But when Chole drops the adoption fliers, Connie's attitude turns nasty.  "--You're thinking of adoption?" Why yes, they plan to start a family.  Connie wipes a tear from her eye and says perhaps they eventually can stop treating each other as the enemy and then leaves. 

Chente returns to his parts shop and informs Omar that Mario and Adrian have started a new parts distributorship with giveaway pricing.  Omi reminds him he mentioned not raising prices.  Chente has his back up and says he will weather the storm, no matter what.    He refuses to allow Adrian and Mario to snatch away what it took a lifetime to build.  (Good luck with that, guy.)

Meanwhile, across the street, Olga stops in front of Tavo's garage and plans more mischief.  Seems La Vulga has her own method of keeping Simba in line.  She makes certain that Chente is there and present as she taunts Simba.  He of course immediately wants his next payoff.  She grabs his arm and forces it down in back of her, then screams for Chente to stop Simba.  Chente comes running to her aid.  Simba was coming on to her and scaring the heck out of her; she whines.  All she wants is to have her life back, without fear of that night again.  Chente warns Simba off.  He has a chance to tell them all the truth about her lying, but he doesn't.  He acts innocent of all her complaints but agrees not to come near L Vulga again....Chente, falls for it all and Viewerville makes another communal trip to the china bowl.

Samia runs the show, as usual, and tramples all over the surprised Nata.  But of course, Nata should make up the menu, chef that she is.  And, BTW, Adrian is covering all the expenses, so not to worry.  Of course, whatever Chuchu and Andi want is fine.  They will just improve on it with wads of cash.

At Conz's casota, Claudio has arrived with suitcase in hand.  His place is with Teresa and since she's staying there with Connie, he will join her.  Tere is speechless.  

Back in the barrio,  Chente brings Vulga home.  He suggests it's time for her to see a specialist and, yes, to look for another place to live.  She's got to learn to be on her own again.  Where would she go?  She has no job since Chole chucked her out.  (Good point.)  Suddenly Vulga says she knows that the fonda still needs a waitress.  She can work for him!!  (Don't think that's what he had in mind.  However, she whines and wheedles till he says ok, but only as a tryout. 

That night, Simba gets an unexpected visitor.  Adi rushes into Simba's room and points a gun at his face.  Simba's piece of pizza sags towards the floor.  (Viewerville takes bets on whether it will drop and slop all over the floor before the scene ends.)  Adi warns Simba never to try blackmailing Olga again.  Simba agrees, wholeheartedly!  

Chente informs Nata that he's hired Vulga to be their new waitress.  Nata doesn't like the idea The girl won't accept directions, especially from Nata.  She is certain that something bad is bound to happen because of it.  And this news is just the cherry on top of a horrid day.  They both have had a hell of a day today.  Chente discusses his news about Mario and Adi's competition, and Nata tells hers about Adrian's tearing up the divorce papers.  The two of them pledge their love for each other.  Nobody can force them apart or bankrupt them:  their wealth is the love they have for each other.   

Once Simba agrees to leave Vulga alone, Adi says he wants Simba to work for him and he'll give him a great salary.  Doing what?  Well, he wants this barrio to become the most dangerous in the city.  To begin with, he will rob Chente's auto parts store!  All right by Simba!

Fernanda gets the truth out of Mario while they set the dinner table for Juanga and Valentina's arrival. He's joined up with Elias and Adrian for the sake of revenge.  Adrian should never have gotten out of jail, and Elias' kicking Nata and her family out of their home was dastardly.  They both need to suffer the consequences of their actions!  Yes, he knows that right now people will think the worst of him.  He won't tell Nata or anyone else about this plan of his.  Fer kisses him for being such a decent kind o' guy.

And, before bed, Nata discusses with Chente her disappointment with Mario.  It's as if he never learned his lesson not to do business with Adrian.  She feels like talking to Adi about this move.  Chente warns her not to do that since that's exactly what Adrian's hoping she will do.  Then he'll have power over her once again.  

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Monday, May 30, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #66 Monday 5/30/22

 Hey, JudyB,  here is hoping you are enjoying  Memorial Day on the  patio. I am sure you will find whatever you might like on the grill. Ice cream sundaes are the desserts for tonight!

1. Natalia decides to leave Connie's but Tere decides to stay and wait out Connie's bad mood explaining to Natalia that Connie needs her because she has nobody else but Delia the maid. She reminds Natalia that  if it were Andrea, Natalia would be doing the same.  Natalie has to agree. 

2. Adrián meets with Samia who is upset that Elías keeps pretending that Omar does not exist. Adrián informs her that her son is living in a rented room near Natalia's.   He sees that as a real sorry situation considering he is a Haddad. Samia says it is all her fault for mistreating Andrea but now she is set to recognize her as  a daughter-in-law because, in the end, she loves her son. Adrián cannot believe what he is hearing. Sami confesses to having spent days balancing her energy so she could turn into an understanding, loving and divine mother-in-law. She knows that the way back to her ChuChú is through Andrea so she is dedicated to planing the perfect wedding for them. Adrián smiles.

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PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Hija del Embajador*, Soltero Con Hijas, El Último Rey, & La Mexicana y EL Güero- Week of May 30, 2022

 Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! This week we have the GRAN FINAL for “Soltero Con Hijas!”  And the new TN, “La Mexicana y el Güero”, starts on Tuesday, thus replacing “Soltero.” El Último Rey (Season 1) is being recapped by Urban Anthropologist. Muchísimas gracias to the Triple Ds (Diana, Darcy and Doris) for their dedication in providing such outstanding recaps for Soltero….hats off and a bouquet of flowers to all three!  Dondi356 is doing a tremendous job with recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 19-21 (*on Unimás)

8-9 PM  Soltero Con Hijas: Ep. 87 (GRAN FINAL on Monday!!)

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Güero:  Ep. 1-2 (Starting on Tuesday!!)

10-11PM – El Último Rey:  Ep. 10-11


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Amor Valiente, Pasión de Gavilanes 2, Hasta que la plata nos separe, y más: Week of May 30, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 1-2PM   -  Hasta que la plata nos separe*
  • 9-10PM -  Amor Valiente**
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes 2***

*After moving it to the afternoon, Telemundo has been re-showing this telenovela from the beginning.  The guide says Monday is Epi 5. Viewers who watched when it aired at 9PM should be able to begin watching new episodes soon.

**Amor Valiente will be shown for one hour at 9 PM Monday, May 30 and Tuesday, May 31.  On Wednesday, June 1 two-hour episodes will begin.

***Pasión de Gavilanes 2 will conclude on Tuesday, May 31.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte#65, 5/27/22: Downtown Versus Uptown Down

 ⦁ Andrea tells everyone as she's ready to leave the hospital that she's going to join Omar.  Yup, she's moving downtown to the barrio boarding house that Omi now is renting from Chole.  Although Papi Adrian tries to find various excuses to make her change her mind and join him back at the new manse, Natalia has responses to counter every single one and the barrio it is.

Adi drives Nata back to his manse for Andi's things; he is still trying to convince her he was right to suggest one night at the manse.  "--Oh, so you can manipulate her like you did Regina to get all three of us living with you again?  --No.  Just drive.  I'm not in the mood to argue with you."  Ok.  He tries flirting with her again.  She responds NEGatively! It's over and get it through your thick head!

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Amor Valiente, Pasión de Gavilantes 2, Hasta que la plata nos separe, y más: Week of May 23, 2022

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

1-2 PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe**
9-10PM - Amor Valiente**
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilantes 2

**As previously announced, Telemundo has pulled Hasta que la plata nos separe from the 9 PM slot and is showing it at 1PM. Starting this week, Amor Valiente, a new Turkish novela, has replaced it in the 9PM slot. According to Telemundo, Amor Valiente tells the story of Cesur Alemdaroglu, (played by Kivanç Tatlitug), an attractive and enigmatic man, who returns to a small town outside Istanbul with a plan to take revenge on Tahsin Korludag, the murderer of his father. However, his plan for revenge takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with Sühan Korludag (played by Tuba Büyüküstün), the beautiful daughter of the man who he believes killed his father. This novela has already received international acclaim. Note: do not read Wikipedia's account: it contains spoilers! Read more »

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Mi fortuna es amarte #64 Wed. 5/25/22 "Too Much Conversation and Not Enough Action"

 Hey, JudyB, so happy to hear that you are back home!  It will be quicker trip to the patio  The heat lamps will be out tonight. We have savory and sweet tamales to snack on to celebrate your return!

1. As they are working in the kitchen, JuanGa is informing Natalia that the secret to his sauce is that he uses dried chipotles not canned ones. Natalia  could really tell in the flavor. A call from Adrián interrupts their conversation. As Adrián tells Natalia that he is taking  Andrea to the hospital, Andrea is screaming in pain from the back seat of his car.  Natalia will contact Fernanda so they are seen in emergency the emergency room upon arrival. Natalia is on her way.

2. In her room, Granny Magos is saying her rosary when Olga arrives  trying to get on GrannyMagos' good side by bringing her a vase full of fresh flowers to liven up her bedroom. In their conversation, GrannyMagos says the doctors recommend that she get out and walk. Olga suggests that she take her out walking and they could take care of each other. It would be a good chance for them to smooth things over. GrannyMagos is not convinced. Olga continues saying  if GrannyMagos would allow her to take care of her and give her some company, it would be her way of showing her gratitude for staying at her home. Maybe she would realize that she is not as bad as she thinks. GrannyMagos finally gives in asking for a few minutes to get ready. Olga assures her that she will not be sorry and she has a feeling they will end up being be very good friends. 

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #63, //:Andrea's Spite Night Or Just Blame It On The Hormones

Claudio witnesses Olga and Adrian leaving Gustavo and Chole's engagement party together.; it's quite obvious the two know each other... 

Inside the boarding house kitchen, Natalia scolds Andrea for trying to embarrass her in front of Vicente by bringing her father there to stir the pot.  Andi insists Papi's only intention was to say hello to all.  Nata says don't treat me like a child; "-- I am not and you know it."v Andi insists naively that her father is totally repentant, loves only Nata, and never robbed a centavo from anybody.  "-This is not the time for expressing sorrow and resentments. ! spoke to Veronica and know the level of his betrayal.  I am never going to trust Adrian again."  Andi insists Vero is to blame for everything. "--He left us all starving and in street.  He should be in jail for the rest of his life!"  "--Mom!  He didn't steal anything!  Understand that!"  "--For crying out loud!  We're both women now!  Respect what I'm saying!  Is it my fault your father left me for another woman?  Oh, he says I ignored him and so he went to somebody else after twenty years?  Don't be naive, Andrea!  Your father plans everything to the nth degree.  He's a businessman who always plans for the future in any deal he makes.   He leaves nothing to chance; he knows all the possibilities and doesn't make a move unless.  He knew exactly what he was doing and therefore is totally responsible for the Hell he left us in!!  So, do not get mad at me if I offend him or do not act tolerant around him!  Because it isn't right; it isn't fair for either me or my family!  Respect my position!."

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Monday, May 23, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #62 Mon. 5/23/22 "Nothing for Nothing"

Hey, JudyB,  a friend baked us some sugar cookies with plenty of butter and multicolored sugar sprinkles on top.  I will be bringing them to the patio tonight. There are lilies of the valley blooming all around. It is so nice that it is lighter longer outside for our viewing convenience! There is nothing like spring. 

1. Natalia catches Olga all decked out and looking like she is ready to go out on the prowl.  She is feeling much better. Natalia suggests that she go to have the doctor check her out first since she was having so much pain earlier. Olga isn't interested. Natalia doesn't think it is such a good idea for her  to go out at night on top of it all. Olga insists she isn't a child. Natalia offers to go with her. Nope, Olga only wants to be left in peace. JuanGa comes in, Olga tries to ignore him and pushes past him on her way out.

2. Tavo says to Chole that he always wanted to be a father; he was dying to be a father.  He starts to explain what happened with Connie but Chole doesn't want to hear.  She says if he doesn't get her pregnant, they can adopt a baby. She asks if he isn't going to put the engagement ring on her finger. He proposes and she accepts. They kiss.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Amor Valiente, Hasta que la plata nos separe, Pasión de Gavilanes 2, y más: Week of May 23, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

1-2PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe**
9-10PM - Amor Valiente**
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes 2

**Telemundo has run wild again. After just 9 episodes, Hasta que la plata nos separe has been pulled from the 9 PM slot and relegated to the 1PM slot. Starting today (May 23), Amor Valiente, a new Turkish novela, will run in the 9PM slot. According to Telemundo, it tells the story of Cesur Alemdaroglu, (played by Kivanç Tatlitug), an attractive and enigmatic man, who returns to a small town outside Istanbul with a plan to take revenge on Tahsin Korludag, the murderer of his father. However, his plan for revenge takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with Sühan Korludag (played by Tuba Büyüküstün), the beautiful daughter of the man who he believes killed his father. This novela has already received international acclaim. Note: do not read Wikipedia's account: it contains spoilers. Read more »

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #61, 05/20/22: Pass Out The Blow-up Cigars

Adrian tries to convince Elias to consider the great familial empire that could be theirs once Omar and Andrea get married but it's all futile--even the threats.  There's a ring at the doorbell "--Just in time."

Vicente and Natalia finally decide on a name for their tavern/bakery.

Elias has his captive son courtesy of his rent-a-cop mobsters--but it turns out to have been a switch.  Mauricio has been bagged instead of Omi.  Elias is not a happy camper and beats up on  Mau till he learns who was behind the switch and how it happened.

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Friday, May 20, 2022

The Truth Come Out Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #60 Thursday May 19,2022

 Quick Recap because I spent the morning doing chores, cleaning the kitty litter box is never fun.

*Am I the only one that just realized the Natalia's one awful child is the child named after her awful father?* Also, are the cops investigating Olga's attack? I've missed episodes and recaps because life is currently hell.

  • Natalia walks in in Olga kissing Chente, Olga tries to blame the kiss on Chente but Natalia tells her she saw everything and finally Olga tells the truth- she forced the kiss on poor Chente and OMG why don't they pack her things and send her on her way what is wrong with them why are they so dumb, I wrote this the way my brain processed it last night. 
  • Chente thanks Natalia for trusting him and expresses regret that his actions have led to Olga having to live with them, he is also upset that Natalia had to give up her bedroom to Olga and proposes that they start living as a family and invites her to move in to his bedroom.
  • Olga is eavesdropping and almost has a stroke.
  • Juan Gabriel made a mistake with the repair of a car that could have caused the car to explode, this makes Tavo fire him.
  • Juan Gabriel cries, he lost his job and his woman, what is a guy to do? He needs a job that will value him.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #59 Wed. 5/18/22

Hey, JudyB, hope you are settled in and ready for the show.  Save me a seat. I have some chocolates for us to snack on. This looks like this going to be a good episode  tonight. 

1. Olga tells Ben she wants him to be quiet as a "tomb" because if he isn't,  she is going to cut his tongue out and give it to the dogs to eat. He starts to beg her not to as he cries. She covers his mouth and goes on to threaten to put a spell on his Granny Magos if he doesn't behave himself with her. Ben  promises her that he will behave well with her. She says that is good because he now knows what is going to happen. She tells him to stick out his tongue and touches it with her gross fingernail. She repeats that she will cut his tongue out as he begs her not to. She shushes him to be quiet.

2.  At the rooming house, Chole asks Vale how Tavo is doing. She says he is real sad and she knows he misses her. Chole says there are some things that just are not negotiable and this is one of them. Chole explains it isn't because they do not love each other. They want very different things out of life. She wants a family and a baby but hat is the last thing Tavo wants. What really offended her is that he wanted to compensate her by offering her the rooming house and the beauty shop property. Vale sees that as  such a good opportunity to own something. Vale cannot see accepting a house as a gift. Vale suggests that she buy it from Tavo by making monthly payments until she is the owner. Vale has to admit that isn't a bad idea. 

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #58 Benji Talks and Olga Still Squawks

Vicente and Natalia agree to take Vicente's reimbursement check from Adrian to buy whatever equipment, tables, and chairs will be necessary for the fonda as an investment.

Regina informs Andrea over the phone about their needing to leave Chente's house due to Olga's moving in.  Andi says she'll come by in the morning to show them the new house El Wonderful Loving and Repentant Papi bought them. ( Allow me to retch!)

The next morning Olga puts on a hot pink negligee and sneaks into Chente's bedroom.  She loses it and bawls out, "NO!" when she sees a naked Nata spooning with her beloved.  Nata wakes up and asks what she's doing in there.  "--No!  What are you doing in here, you shameless hussy!"  (Lest Viewerville scream back in vain, "-- Look in the mirror and tell us now what YOU are," we must remember ultimately that La Vulga's emotional elevator does not go all the way to the top.  In fact, if the top is  floors18-20, hers stops at 10-12. )  

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Monday, May 16, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #57 Mon. 5/16/22 Natalia Has Given Chente the Rope: Will He Hang Himself or Anchor Himself to Her?

Hey, JudyB, the lilacs are blooming on the patio and their fragrance is permeating the air tonight. We have some lovely blueberry scones with tea or coffee to get comfy with.  Enjoy!

1. Connie continues her harangue criticizing her mother for never being an example for her daughters because she never demanded her rightful place with their father so they could have had his last name. She thinks that the reason that Tere is now supporting Chole  and not her is because she identifies with Chole the whore being "the lover."  Tere must think she is looking in a mirror when she sees her.  Connie sees them as being pathetic because they both are nothing more than a pair of doormats. Tere tells her to shut up and slaps her hard in the face.  Tere stalks off after telling her that she will never forgive her, never. 

2. Still at the park, Natalia and Chente agree with the therapist that the next appointment will be in the office. A new little boy Chucho comes over to play with them. Chente invites Chucho to come to play with them on Chente's team since he needs "the help." In tears, Chucho tells Ben that he is so lucky that he has a father to play with him. His father died. Ben gives him a hug. Chente gets them all to play. 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hasta que la plata nos separe, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of May 16, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   Hasta que la plata nos separe
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Soltero Con Hijas Index


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MI Fortuna Es Amarte#56, 05/12/22: Apology Accepted--NOT! Or One Gargantuan Guilt Trip

Who is speaking on Omar's phone?  Why it's Veronica, silly! Natalia cannot believe it.  "-- You said you were in Mexico!"  "--Yes.  And instead of coming to our appointment you and your preferred to meet up with Adrian for a reconciliation, right?"  "--How do you know so much about my life?"  "--That's my secret. --You know I never thought you would forgive your husband so easily!.  I thought you had more dignity than that!....Adrian, remember those weekend business trips?  And when you found me sick in bed, Adrian was hiding in the closet.  (Snicker)" Adi awakends from the shock and spits into the phone that every day since running away with her he could kick himself (complains to himself) how he could have ever gotten involved with such a poisonous snake as she! Vero purrs like a kitten..."--just like you said when we were making love....."  Natalia can hardly catch her breath.

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Friday, May 13, 2022

La Mentira Mi Fortuna es Amarte #55 Thursday May 12, 2022

 Hi all, below is your recap:

  • Olga continues to fake being a victim, everyone is mad at vicente for leaving her behind, Simba gives her an update on what's going on in the barrio and Olga is convinced that Vicente will now have to be with her FOREVER.
  • Simba's like "girl your toxic", he takes his 30,000 pesos and leaves.
  • Seriously, everyone feels bad for Olga including Mario and Valentina, Mariois quick to blame Chente, as the conversation progresses Valentina says she wants to go see Felix in prison to give me a piece of her mind!
  • Chente finds out the truth- Natalia did not reconcile with Adrian and in fact she spent the night with Andrea and Regina, yes, she and Adrian are getting along a bit better BUT Natalia has made it clear to Adrian that she loves Vicente.
  • Vicente realizes he's a dummy and goes looking for Natalia in order to apologize but Teresa tells him he's just like Adrian and to leave Natalia alone.
  • The next morning Natalia makes breakfast for everyone, she gets up from the table and tells everyone she agreed to join Adrian for breakfast.
  • Adrian shows up and he has a showdown with Vicente. Adrian is a jerk and calls Vicente a dog with fleas! He gets punched for this and I cheered. Adrian does give Chente a check for the money he stole from him, he tells him that with that money he can pay off Natalia and the house will finally be his. Vicente questions whether the check will clear, I'm wondering the same.
  • Elias calls Mario, he has a plan to get revenge on Adrian, basically his plan is to trick Adrian into a shady business deal, a deal so juicy that there's no doubt that Adrian will steal from them and when he does they will send him back to prison where he belongs.
  • Mario was a busy boy, he also helps Tavo draft the paperwork needed to gift Chole the boarding house and the salon.
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Thursday, May 12, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Hasta que la plata nos separe, Pasión de Gavilantes 2, y más: Week of May 9, 2022

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe**
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilantes 2

**Hasta que la plata nos separe is a new Colombian telenovela that began this week on Tuesday. It stars Sebastián Martínez and Carmen Villalobos. See Wikipedia for a brief plot summary in English.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #54 Wed. 5/11/22

 Hey, JudyB, it is hot and muggy on the patio tonight. We went from winter to summer in three days. We have some fresh lemonade  to keep us cool and hydrated.  

1. Chole is at the hospital to visit Olga who keeps turned away so her cousin can't see what she looks like. She doesn't want anyone to touch her. As Chole asks what happened, Olga turns to show her battered face and says she was with Chente at an out of the way place far from there. He started to fight with her because of Natalia. Then he left her there all alone. She asked him not to leave but he didn't pay any attention to her.  She started to walk hoping somebody would pick her up or maybe get a taxi. A cargo truck stopped and offered to take her to the city. It was early morning. She was cold. It turned out to be her worst nightmare. 

2. Knowing what he knows, Chente doesn't know what he is going to do about Natalia. She is in his blood. He is at the point of tears but doesn't want Ben to see him like he is. Tavo is feeling the same way about his Chole. Chente advises him to tell Chole the truth. She is understanding and Chente is sure they will find happiness with or without a child. Tavo doesn't want to ruin her life like he did to Connie. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #53, 05/10/22: A Night Full of Suprises


Just as Natalia is waiting for Vicente to get his truck back to take her to the supposed rendezvous point with Veronica, Andrea races in and begs her mother to come with her for something extremely important-and no she cannot discuss it there.  Natalia agrees and balks when she sees the limousine parked outside to take her, Regina, and Andrea to meet Adrian.

Once they arrive, they see a sign with "Forgive me" and flowers.  Adi goes on bended knee and begs forgiveness and a new chance to join the family again.  Regi is convinced--not a good sign for the good guys--so we wonder if Nata is....  

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Monday, May 09, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #52 Mon. 5/9/22

 Hey, JudyB, it is heating up here this week but tonight is still nice and cool.  It is particularly windy so hold onto your coffee and pan dulce. Hope you enjoy the assortment I got at the panadería. 

1. While Natalia is out with Fernanda, Chente and Ben are making a delivery of her tortillas españolas in the neighborhood. The  vendor has bad news for Chente. The novelty of the tortillas españolas has worn off and they are not selling.  He will take one of the tortilla españolas instead of the five he ordered  but if that doesn't sell, the deal is off. 

2. 2XJosé and Regina talk about plans for vacation time from school and what they can do together. She wants to do more with her channel like really helping people. They decide to start today. 

3. At the club, Sami sees Fernanda and Natalia together and decides to join them uninvited.  She sees them laughing and all smiles. She asks why is going on. Fernanda says it is something between friends. Samia reminds them she is a friend, too.  Anyway, she knows that Natalia has so much to tell her. Natalia turns serious and asks about what? Samia says she heard there was a new romance. Fernanda remarks how quickly good news flies. Samia asks how long has it been since she has been going out with that  . . . (she crinkles her nose in disgust) Chente. Natalia says it has been couple of weeks and sarcastically adds that if Samia didn't hear that, they didn't tell her all of the gossip. Samia says she has plenty of time to hear the whole story! 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Hasta que la plata nos separe, Pasión de Gavilanes 2, y más: Week of May 9, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM - Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2** (ending Monday)
9-10PM - Hasta que la plata nos separe** (starting Tuesday)
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes 2**

**Hercai has a 2-hour gran final on Monday, from 9-11 PM, followed on Tuesday by a 2-hour debut episode of a new Colombian telenovela, Hasta que la plata nos separe (Til Money Do Us Part). It will star Sebastián Martínez and Carmen Villalobos. Thus, Pasión de Gavilanes will not be shown on Monday or Tuesday. Here is a brief plot summary from Wikipedia: "Rafael Méndez (Sebastián Martínez) is an ethical and noble man who dedicates his life to selling household items and is dating his neighbor Vicky Pardo (Juliette Pardau). Alejandra Maldonado (Carmen Villalobos) is a successful businesswoman and manager of the Ramenautos car dealership, she is engaged to Luciano Valenzuela (Gregorio Pernía). Rafael and Alejandra suffer a car accident that will trigger a series of events that will bring them closer. Rafael must pay off the debt he has left Alejandra with after the accident and this closeness will lead them to fall in love despite their social differences. However, circumstances and their respective families and partners will do everything possible to prevent their love from happening." Read more »

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Saturday, May 07, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #51, 05/06/22: Obsession In Common


         [Doesn't he look familiar?  It's been driving me crazy till now.  V for Vendetta... or Guy Fawkes...or  Adrian?] 

 Natalia tries explaining to know-it-all 17 year-old Andrea that a person doesn't change his stripes overnight.  She doesn't believe that Adrian is truly remorseful; she doesn't need or want his "support money" to live at the level to which she was once accustomed.  Nopers.  If she gets a home like the one she had again it will be due to her own efforts, by the sweat of her own brow.  Andi shuts up for a while.  (Viewerville finds Andi's affected use of English words sprinkled in amongst her chatty-Cathy speech truly irritating, disconcerting, and senseless.  Is this a character affectation or that of Univision's?) Nata states she cannot deny her from renewing her relationship with her father.  He's a fact of her life.  But Nata wants nothing more to do with him and nothing more from him; Andi needs to respect her wishes.  No more errands or messages from him through her.

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Friday, May 06, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #50 Thursday 05/05/2022 The rescue

 Not too much happened last night, below are the highlights:

  • Adrian and Chente square off, Adrian is of the opinion that Natalia is on the rebound and desperate, that's the only reason she could be dating someone like Chente (I missed some of this scene but this is the best I could get). Chente has to stop himself from hitting Adrian and eventually kicks him out of the house.
  • It's 2022, Natalia and Chente would be wise to invest in a ring camera.
  • We get great news, Magos is going to make a full recovery! The tumor was not cancerous! 
  • Magos can tell that things between Tere and Claudio have gotten worse, Tere tells her she just learned some very delicate information that Claudio withheld from her.
  • Andrea visits Natalia, she tries to give her an envelope full of money, Natalia asks her where the money is coming from and eventually Andrea has to admit that Adrian gave her the money to give to Natalia, Natalia refuses the money.
  • The boys (Donovan, Simba, Octavio and Mario) show up at the nightclub where Valentina is being held hostage by Felix, they leave Mario and Donavan in the car while Tavo and Simba go in to the club.
  • Simba has found his natural habitat, he fits right in at the brothel/night club.
  • Valentina spots Tavo and Simba, she pretends not to know them and goes to serve them some drinks, they tell her they are there to rescue her but she tells them to leave, Felix had previously told Valentina that if she made a run for it he would kill Mario.
  • Tavo and Simba are approached by felix, he welcomes them to the club. Tavo asks to hire Valentina for a private party, Felix says no way, that girl does not leave the club, Tavo insists and Felix kicks them out of the club.
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Thursday, May 05, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of May 2, 2022


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-11PM -  Hercai, Amor y Venganza 2
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #49 Wed. 5/4/22

 Hey, JudyB,  hope you are keeping warm with the throws on the chairs on the patio tonight. We have  hot herbal tea and some butter cookies for tonight's episode.  Hope you see me waving at you!   ; ) 

1. A crying Regina tells Chente how lucky Ben is to have a father like him and not one like Adrián but what she really wants to know is if he loves her mother. He says he adores her. She says if that is the case, she wants him to swear to her that he will not hurt her, get bored with her and throw her aside for somebody else. Chente sees being with her a privilege, a gift from God. After his wife died, he could never see himself falling in love with another woman but her mother showed him that life goes and love can come knocking at your door again. He seriously promises that he will not do anything to make her mother sad. He wants to dedicate every day of his life to making her happy. 

2. In Acapulco in the room in which he has her imprisoned, Félix is arguing with Vale.  He thinks that she is in love with Mario.   She insists she is not in love with Mario. He doesn't believe her. She wants to be let go and doesn't want Mario hurt either. He grabs her around the neck and tell her to get it straight in her head. She is going to be staying there to be his  alone and she needs to know that  he is the one she loves the most.  He throws her on the bed before he leaves. Vale picks up some junk from the floor and hurls it at the locked door. 

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MI Fortuna Es Amarte #48: Recapture

 [This is only a few high points as not a lot happened and I truly couldn't get much of the gutter slang.-edit.]

  • Dona Magos makes it out of surgery after hours of waiting and praying.
  • Taking Ver at her word, Olga finds her some extra cash by selling Valentina out to Felix.
  • Felix waits till dark and kidnaps Tina from the boarding house.  She mouths "--Ayudame" through the car window to Simba who snickers and ignores it as they drive off.  He later brags about that to Vulga and complains the money isn't enough by a longshot.
  • Mario makes it back to the boarding house and sees the destruction all over the floor and the mess in Tina's bedroom.  He raises the alarm to the others, insuring they realize he was a cellmate of Felix who had a hell of a grudge.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #47 Mon. 5/2/22

 Hey, JudyB, looks like we are down to jelly beans for tonight so what I can say for sure is that this episode was much better than the snacks! 

1. Granny Magos is in her room with Ben who is coloring. She is in a great deal of pain. There is knocking at the door and Ben goes down see who it is. It is Olga who has come to see his father. Ben runs away from her and tries to hide from her under the coffee table. Olga can't believe they would've left him all alone. She calls out to Chente and Granny Magos. There is no answer.  She stomps loudly and drags Ben out from his hiding place.  She holds him in place and asks him if he is happy that his father is with that old lady. Ben nods. She take delight in informing him that she is going to do the same to her that she did to his mother. She torments him showing him a picture of his mother and telling him how she killed his mother by using witchcraft. Ben starts crying and trying to get a hold of the picture as she pushes him around. She adds that she has used her black magic on Granny Magos so she would get sick and end up like his mother. She grabs his face so she can deliver her warning up close and personal. If he  continues behaving badly, she is going to do the same thing to  Natalia for getting in between her and his father. As he continues crying, she asks how he likes that. He continues to cry in terror.

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Monday, May 02, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of May 2, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -  Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #46, 04/29/22: Ultimatum

Andrea, of course, scolds--nay, lays a major guilt trip on-- her mother for not being anywhere near while she was contemplating killing herself by jumping off the nearest bridge.  (Viewerville is screaming that she chose to leave the shack to live with her aunt in the huge manse, choosing to remain incognito all this while.) 

Down the street outside the garage, Juanga and his mechanic compatriots are having a wake for Juanga's failed relationship with Olga.  The others bid farewell and good riddance as they share a couple of 40 ouncers with Juanga who is literally crying in his beer.  (Viewerville swallows a trago or two along with Tavo and Tina.  ¡Salud y hasta nunca, naca!)  We agree with Darius, "Some people will never change...i.e., it was to be expected (from Vulga).  Tina emphasizes what was obvious for the rest of us: "--She was just playing with you.  Good riddance. She was using you to get to Chente."  Simba walks by to rub salt on the wound.  "--She dumped you cuz you're a dumbass!"  

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Friday, April 29, 2022

My Fortuna es Amarte #45 04/28/2022 Andrea is the worst

 Hi all, here's your recap!

The important stuff:

Natalia and Chente announce that they are seeing each other, everyone is happy for them, well not Olga and not Mario, those two are not happy bunnies. Natalia and Chente give Benjamin the news and he's over the moon- Regina not so much but she seems to come around a little when Benjamin asks her if she wants to be his sister.

Olga is fuming, she calls Veronica and tells her she wants Natalia dead- Veronica wants to know how much money it would take to make that happen, Olga seems surprised that Veronica is also on the kill Natalia team. Veronica tells her to find out how much it would cost, they will pay the hitman half up front and half when the job is done, does Olga know someone who could do the job? Enter Simba. Bro, why would you trust someone with that hair to do ANYTHING? ANYTHING AT ALL? Simba agrees to do it but he has one condition: Olga has to break up with Juan Gabriel.

Olga marches into Tavo's shop and tells Juan Gabriel that she's been using him, she still loves Chente, will only ever love Chente and their relationship is over. My nephew from the couch says "bro she's mean, she didn't have to do him like that".

Adrian has a busy day with the Hadad's, first he visits Elias, he has a new business plan that involves money laundering, if Elias agrees to work with him they will make millions, it's better that they work together than be enemies. Elias agrees. Later Adrian meets up with Samia for a nice chat over some wine, he tells her that he's going to get Natalia back because she belongs to him, and after all he's not the first man to stray away from home. Samia agrees, he's not the first, nor will he be the last, however, he did leave his wife on the night for their anniversary and ran off with her best friend and that's unforgivable. 

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilantes, y más: Week of April 25, 2022

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM - Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes 2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Mi Fortuna es Amarte #44 Wed. 4/27/22

 Hey, JudyB, it looks like early spring/late winter weather is continuing on the patio. We have the heat lamps out tonight to go with our oversupply of Cadbury eggs and carrot cake. Hot chocolate is on tonight! Keep cozy!

1. Natalia leaves Chente speechless as she comes down in her formal blue dress.  A smiling Ben watches  them from  under a coffee table. She tells him he looks exceptionally handsome as she fingers his shirt.His suit and shirt suit him so very well. She also loves the cologne he used but nothing can compare to his smile. He thinks she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.   She thanks him for being a gentleman. He thanks her. They leave arm in arm.  Ben prays  that his father and Natalia get together. 

2. As Mario and Connie are still bickering about the shop and rooming house and Mario's "attack of compassion."  Connie asks if he thinks handing over the property to Tavo will get him into heaven? He doesn't think so. She agrees. Regina and Connie come in telling Connie there is a change of plans. They have to take the surprise party to Natalia's place. Connie does not look pleased. 

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #43 Tuesday 4/26/22

 Ah, the life of a blogger. . . . technical difficulties get even the best of us. That being the situation, I am  posting a discussion page on behalf of Jardinera for this episode. 

Here are a few notes from tonight's episode:

-Adrián tells Natalia that Vero set him up. Natalia is not interested in getting back with him. He insists that he will not give up trying to win her back.

-The sample offerings of Natalia's tortillas españolas in the barrio goes well in spite of her not being there.

-Adrián becomes aware of Natalia's new business and her two partners during  Regina's live stream covering the event. 

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Mi Fortuna es Amarte #42 Mon. 4/25/22

 Hey, JudyB, tonight it is left-over solid chocolate bunnies: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate on the patio. I will make sure we have some hot coffee to go with them. Take good care and we will see you on the patio!

1. Tavo is unwilling to spend years in litigation with Connie. He only wants the property that his parents left him. Tavo's request does not go over well since Connie doesn't like the fact that his suggestion includes the  rooming house he wants for his lover.  She doesn't care if Chole and the renters end up living  under a bridge.  If he hasn't noticed, SHE is doing just fine.  He disagrees reminding her she is all alone. Connie corrects him.  She is not alone but  in the process of getting exactly what she has always wanted.

2. Chente has put on a crisp white shirt and black pants. He asks for Ben's approval and gets it as he finishes off his look with a black suit coat. He asks Ben how he looks and if Natalia is going to whistle at him when she sees him. Ben smiles and nods eagerly.  

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Monday, April 25, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes 2, y más: Week of April 25, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM - Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2
10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes 2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Mi fortuna Es Amarte 41, 4/22/22: Of Partners And Papas


Mario offers to front the fonda [little tavern/inn] serving simple neighborhood favorites that Natalia and Teresa were thinking of starting.  He'd be the silent partner.  Nat likes the idea but says she thinks the best place to locate it is there in the house.  She needs to see what Vicente thinks, though.  

Andrea receives a number of bags of baby and maternity clothes.  She rudely tells the maid to take them to her aunt as they don't belong to her.

Chente walks in and wants an explanation.  Mario asks him to listen closely to what Nat has to say.  "--Sure, sure. I know to speak to the head of the circus, not to the clown. (We all know who he's talking about....) She informs him that since she hasn't any cash to rent a space she's going to put the restaurant there in the house.  "--My house?"  "--Our house!"  

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Friday, April 22, 2022

Mario tries to escape the friend zone Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #40 04/21/2022

 Here's your recap:

  • We start back up where we left off yesterday, Regina has slapped the living daylights out of Juan Gabriel, he totally deserved it. Regina leaves and finds Pepe Pepe, he tells her that he thinks Chente is in love with Natalia, Regina leaves in a huff.
  • Natalia has a hard day, she has to deal with Adrian who is still trying to convince her that he's changed, Natalia is smart and she tells him that she will never, ever, ever believe a word he says. As the Taylor Swift song goes: We are never ever getting back together.
  • Susana Gonzales is rocking that blue outfit, she looks so elegant.
  • The next thing she has to deal with is trying to sell her baked goods to the hospital (I think) but the woman that makes the decisions around there refuses to work with her on the basis that Adrian is a rat bastard. 
  • Elias visits Constanza, he's worried about her sudden interest in the baby, she tells him Andrea is her niece and that it's normal for her to worry about the baby and Andrea.
  • Elias tells Andrea and Constanza that if the little bastard is male and truly is his grandchild he will be seeing a lot of the two women.
  • Constanza and Andrea go to the car dealership to buy a car. It's a new "sell your baby for a car" program.
  • In London Omar is feeling pretty crappy on account that he thinks he killed a girl but his lil heart says there's no way he could have done that, Veronica is there trying to make him feel better.
  • Speaking of Veronica she totally killed Tania, she poisoned her before they were to leave for the airport, I mean on the bright side she didn't have to deal with TSA, so there's that.
  • Natalia comes home and Tavo shows up a few seconds later, he asks to speak with her, he wants her to talk to Constanza and convince her to give him the divorce without having to go to trail, all he wants is his shop and the building that Chole rents rooms from, Natalia does not want to get involved. bro, how does Tavo expect Constanza to listen to Natalia when she hates her? He is one dumb bunny.
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of April 18, 2022


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-11PM -  Hercai, Amor y Venganza 2
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

 NOTEHercai 2 and Pasión de Gavilanes will be preempted by music awards Thursday 4/21/22.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #39 Wednesday 4/20/22

Hey, Judy, stay dry on the patio. We have tons of left over Easter candy. Tonight it is chocolate covered marshmallow eggs.

 1. Claudio reminds Mario that Adrián didn't only betray him as a partner but he also took the woman he was going to marry. Mario thinks that now he is actually grateful that he avoided marrying a woman like Vero. He also thinks that Adrián suspects he fell in love with Natalia. Claudio chokes on his drink as he proclaims: Sacre bleu!

2. JuanGa and 2XJosé are upset with Granny Magos who is in bed but did not tell them how ill she was. Granny Magos said that she didn't want to tell them because she didn't want to fill the house with tears and sadness. 2XJosé  says will do whatever she wants. She make sit clear that she  only needs two things. In the first place, she wants Juanga to cancel his wedding. JuanGa dissolves in tears as he whines on about how much he loves Olga and how he wants her to be the mother of his five kids. She tells him to put off the wedding because only time will tell where things are going with Olga.  As for 2XJosé, she wants him to be the first Ramírez to get a university degree. 2XJosé agrees that is exactly what he intends to do. He wants to have that diploma hanging on the wall in the living room where it will look really good. He tells her she has to get well so he can show it off to her. She asks them for a hug and they both join her on the bed to hug and all cry together. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #38 4/19/22: Discussion Page and Highlights

 Sorry, patio peeps.  No time to do the page for last night's episodio.  The only  a few things of great importance is that Natalia admitted to Magos that she's in love with Vicente, Felix is in the barrio searching for Mario but got the wrong address as given by Claudio to Adrian.  Valentina's seen him outside the garage and avoided him seeing her by doing a wonderous liplock on Mario.  Clod's also warned Mario that Adrian wanted his address and since he doesn't trust Adrian he gave out a false one.  Omar got out of a motel room bed and Veronica was in the other room rushing him to get dressed.  Samia told Constanza that Elias has had a change of heart so that if the baby is a boy and is Omar's he will inherit and be responsible for the kid.  Conz spit nails at Sam for even considering this.  She's raising the kid and ain't nobody else to stick their honker noses into it.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #37 Monday 4/18/22

Thanks to RgvChick, we know that our novela will start FIVE minutes early on Wed. 

Hey, JudyB, there is hot coffee on the patio tonight with some donuts to keep the chill out.  Sending healing thoughts your way. 


 1. After the slap and as Natalia demands to know why Olga sent her daughter to an abortion provider, Olga starts to fight back. As she goes to hit Natalia, Natalia grabs her arm and tells her not to dare touch her. Juanga grabs Olga to keep her under control. Olga changes the subject and tells Natalia that she is a fine one to talk when she is the one with the bad reputation that she got all by herself chasing after Chente. As Mario watches on, Natalia tells her she doesn't have to explain to anyone about anything she does in her personal life. As Juanga tries to defend Olga,  Natalia warns him to mind his own business.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of April 18, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -  Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

NOTEHercai 2 and Pasion de Gavilanes will be preempted by music awards Thursday 4/21/22.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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