Friday, June 01, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/31/18 Chapter 62: The Rules of the Game

⦁     Carlos works his wizard of smart on the magistrate and gets Crazy Dude --who's obviously been without his nose candy a bit too long--out of jail.  It was a bad beating and the restaurant owner claimed it was because he wouldn't pay protection money to the cartel.  The magistrate wants to keep him and open a file on this.  Carlos says no can do.  It isn't legal and besides you won't find anything conclusive in the 48 hrs. he can keep him there for (I think was the argument.)

And, while this is going on, Sonia notices it's Carlos who's the crook's mouthpiece and this is a totally odd type of case for him to have messed with.  Once Carlos has Crazy Dude released, he tells Mr. Clean that El Ciego is never to "invite" himself unannounced either to his home or his office like that again.  He can call him.  Mr. Clean tells him that El Ciego is a bit old fashioned and will be put out when he hears this. El Ciego only makes visits in person.  "--Are you threatening me?"  "--No.  Just telling you the rules of the game."  "--Yeah?  Well, it's to tamp down any suspicions."

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Papa a Toda madre #95/96 5.31.18: Bite You Once, Shame On The Snake, Bite You Twice, It's a Novela

Capitulo #95: A Time Jump and a Smoke Signal

Mauricio urges Anifer to tell him what Fabian told her, because she won’t get in trouble, and Anifer confesses everything and worries that he won’t love her in the future, because they aren’t blood related. Mauricio tells her not worry, because she is his daughter, no matter how old he gets. Anifer makes him promise, and he does, and also promises not to lie to her again, especially after lying about his relationship with Maria. Maria assures her that her relationship with Mauricio won’t affect her relationship with her, they are both adults, and came deal with their issues without involving her. Anifer nods and Maria also tells her that they won’t take her to see Fabian as often. Anifer worries that he won’t get better unless they visit him, but Maria tells her that his well-being doesn’t depend on them.

The next morning, Jorge gets dressed as Dulce smiles from bed and asks if he wants to go for Round 2. Jorge tells her that he is in a hurry now, so she proposes that they do it that night though Jorge promises to let her know when it’s time. She smiles and announces that she’s going to show then but asks for a kiss. Jorge obliges and scurries out, afraid she will get grabby again, and Dulce screams that she loves him.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, El señor de los cielos, & más: Week of May 28, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—El señor de los cielos 6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/30/18 Chapter 61 Miercoles: Consequences

Chapter 61: Consequences
I'm Christopher Mason. We were always told in our childhood science class that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When we are adults these are often the result either of mistakes or acts of malice. Tonight we will see a variety of people who have to face The Consequences.
  • Elena told Alejandra in no uncertain terms that she did not want Ricardo near her children.
    “I don't want any father near my children who doesn't worry about them when it's so easy for him to abandon them for just any woman.”
    “Don't be such a manipulator,” was Alejandra's reply.
    “Does it look alright that they saw him [???] with another woman?”
    “I'd like to talk to them.”
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Papá a toda madre Wednesday 5/30/18 Capítulo #94: "You Knew I Was a Snake When You Picked Me Up"--OR--"No Matter How Much a Snake Sheds Its Skin, It is Still a Snake"

Dear Patio Members, This most excellent recap is courtesy of Alfredo. The commentary in parentheses is all my own. Jarifa

Anifer's teacher calls Maria to let her know that Fabian wants to see Anifer. Maria is shocked. (Did she expect him to play by the rules????)

As Flor and Socorro get dinner ready, Socorro apologizes for ruining her peace and quiet and her beautiful house. Flor agrees and begins to call them all pigs as Ciceron arrives and asks Socorro for a coffee. She goes to make it but Flor wonders if he doesn't have hands to do it himself. Ciceron smiles and reminds her that he has someone to do it for himself, so he doesn't. Ciceron then notices that Carmelita's picture is missing and demands to know where it is. Flor tells him that she put it away and put a family picture (Neron, Milady and Flor) instead because it is now her house and not Ciceron's or Carmelita's. They begin to argue again about who own the house when Ciceron reminds Flor that Neron and her aren't married so, therefore, she has no rights to the house. He storms off as Socorro comes back with the coffee and wonders where he went or if he's mad. Flor is fuming. (Flor is into her perpetual grammar corrections: preterite tense second person singular does not have an "s" on the end which is something that Nerón, Socorro and Cicerón always want to add).
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/29/18 Chapter 60: A Very Vega Version

                                                 The Vega Family on the march.

“Elena is a woman off her rocker!” Ricardo has reached his limit with her.  She’s unmasked herself in front of Ric The Brick's entire legal family.  Of course, Benjamin gets off a cheap shot about couldn't you've guessed and gotten out ahead of this?  It's your specialty, after all. He smiles knowingly at Leticia who’s also put in her three and a half cents’ worth of finger pointing and claiming her BFF, Vexlena's “got a possible good reason for this, HUH?” before Gustavo shuts her down and puts her in her place.   Still, Elexlena and Company have done just enough to drag Ric over the coals a bit more serving him so publicly in front of the entire law firm.

However, the Vega Family closes ranks and it becomes A Very Vega Vision vitiating Vexlena's new found legal strategy.  Alonso says they’re in the tank with Ric and will help him overcome this injusticia.  Viewerville has flashbacks of the Brady Bunch ala Mexico, now all grown up and legal beagles for Firm Vega, El Justiciero.  Visions of viewing the Brady Bunch's Mexican cousins: The Vega Family on the legal march for one of its own.  “--One for all and all for one!!”—Oooops.  Sorry, that’s a different vision and the next country over, and a few centuries in the past.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #93: Trust Is the Name of the Game and No One Is Playing...

Or Kiss Like No One (Except Your Daughter) Is Watching

Ariel shows Renee and Mauricio the documents the private investigator gave him confirming that Noel was never in the rehabilitation clinic. Mauricio thinks Ariel’s story doesn’t make any sense, but Ariel explains that Noel could’ve been hiding out. Mauricio nods but Renee reminds them about the woman who called and told her Noel was at the bus station and left. Ariel doesn’t think so and promises to find Noel; Renee gives him a big hug as Mauricio watches.

Dulce can’t believe Jorge doesn’t believe her when she said her savings come from years of hard work. She tells him that she could’ve left with all her money elsewhere, but she chose them over everything. Jorge nods but asks that she left the twins to him and she can take care of everything else while they get on their feet. Dulce smiles and caresses his hand, reminding him that the best part of a fight is the reconciliation, but Jorge rejects her advances.

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/28/18 Chapter 59 Lunes: Children's War

Chapter 59: Children's War
I'm Christopher Mason. Normal peace between parents and children is valued often because it is scarce. Often when parents are trying to protect their children from deserved punishment or imagined wrongs there is what is called Collateral Damage. When children become adults there is often different conflict. When either side is in the wrong it is usually difficult to put it right. We therefore will now see examples of Children's War.
  • Ricardo and Alejandra talked briefly about the latest Elena crisis before taking leave of each other until the next day. They kissed, she left his office, and he looked at the photo of his children with great concern.
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Papá a Toda Madre, Episodes 91 & 92, 5/28/2018: Just in time…to Mess Things Up OR A (Child’s) Kiss Doesn’t Always Change a Frog into a Prince

Cut Scenes in Blue
At the orphanage, the director explains to R&R that they didn’t get to see the younger children the night before because they were being prepared to go to bed, but today, they will meet the babies and the children under 5 years of age. When Rafa gets shivers just thinking of the past these children have had, the director suggests that they concentrate on selecting which boy or girl they would like to have as their child. As soon as they walk into the room, Manolita, a five-year-old, runs to them and introduces herself. When she tells them that though she is very big, she would like to have a family, R&R are quite touched.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, El señor de los cielos 6, & más: Week of May 28, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—El señor de los cielos 6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/25/18 Chapter 58: Split's Gettin' Real


@T.O.P.S.I.M.C. (The Only Police Station in Mexico City):

Curly-top Vicente has got himself a Curly-Top Lawyer who squares off with Carlos muy bien. No one seems to have much evidence, but then it's not that kind of show. 

Carlos: Your client killed the minor character!

CTL: My client says YOUR client killed the minor character!

Carlos: My client says otherwise!

CTL: Well, DUH.

Vicente: I don't wanna go to jail!

CTL: It will only be for a short time.

Carlos: It will be for a wicked LONG time.

CTL: Let's go outside and hold an impromptu press conference where we say the same things, but with more head-tossing and nostril-flaring.

Carlos: Only if I can manspread all over the microphone.
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Papa a Toda Madre Capítulo 90, Friday May 25, 2018; Fabian may never walk again, or will he?

(I’ve named this episode, “Fabian may never walk again” but since this is a TN, I’m banking that he will in a few more episodes have a “miraculous recovery.”)

We begin with Lili and Pablo going apartment hunting. They eye one that is several stories high and looks like a decent place. So they go up to see it. Lili thinks it might be a penthouse, but it turns out to be a single, plain room, like an attic room. Lili is not pleased and you can tell that she does not want to live there. But Pablo has grand ideas about how he can paint the place, put in curtains and plants and make it a lovely place to live for them. Soon Lili is smiling and they kiss.

At Jorge’s Dulce sets the table as Jorge is working on the household budget. It doesn’t look good and he doesn’t look happy. Dulce has a few ideas that don’t sit well with Jorge regarding Lili and Pablo. Jorge walks away saying, “My grandchild will be living here.”

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/24/18 Chapter 57: Life's Surprises Come In All Sizes

    • Ricardo and Alejandra finally spend the night together and in the same bed. (Viewerville was taking bets on whether he’d catch Ale’s zipper in that beautiful lace dress, but something tells me high maintenance Elena had trained him well!)

    • On the other side of town, Fer stayed asleep on the couch and Juan beside her.  She wakes up probably close to midnight and he wakes then also and walks her home.  Not to worry, his mama called hers and explained already.
    • At the scene of Imelda’s attempted murder, Alan and Carlos piece together the probable facts to the pictures.  Alan discovers some pomade that’s used for new tattoos in her room along with a diary/journal of sorts.  Carlos looks around and determines that Vicente’s DNA should be found on the drapery cord then it’s a slam dunk about the boy’s murder.  However, why would he attempt to kill them; there has to be some reason.

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #89 5.24.18: I Don't Want Her BUT You Can't Have Her Either

Or When A (Man) Child Can't Share

Noel tries to escape by holding the door open with his cane, but he is caught immediately, subdued, and dragged back to his room while the nurse injects him with his “medicine.”

Tono and Veronica bring Fidel back home and let everyone know that he had nothing more than a stuffy nose. Tono then asks Esperanza to take the kids for a bath and she obliges, slightly annoyed. Once alone with Tono, Veronica asks him to lay off his mother, because everyone makes mistakes, but he thinks she’s too old to care for the kids and, therefore, doesn’t trust her. Either way, Veronica thinks they should care for the kids, if they are going to be home, but Tono is adamant that she’s too old (but still leaves them with Esperanza so he and Veronica can go to the cooperative company meeting).

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al Otro Lado del Muro, El Señor de los Cielos 6, y más: Week of May 21, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos 6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Papá a toda madre Wed. 5/23/18 Capítulo 88: Still Marching in Place--Or--Kisses All Around

Mauricio tells Anifer about the delicate nature of Fabián's spinal surgery. She still wants to go visit him. Mauricio admits to being afraid that Anifer will love Fabián more than him. Anifer assures him she will always love him best because he is her only father in the whole wide world.

Jorge calls his work number to say he is no longer going to play their boss' game and will return the money they paid him up front ASAP. He tells Dulce that he ended things with Kika. Where is Lili? Dulce says she is with Flor Ivonne that "naquita" (ignorant thing) as if she were somebody to follow as a role model.

Anifer goes to visit Fabián. His says his heart hurts him because he is in front of his daughter and he does not know what to say to her. He admits he has done some really bad things and he is sorry but thanks to all of those mistakes she was able to find the father she really deserves (Mauricio). Anifer remembers back to when she arrived at the church. She saw him there. Why didn't he tell her then that he was her father? Mauricio watches and waits for an answer along with Anifer.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/23/18 Chapter 56 Miercoles: Traps

Chapter 56: Traps
I'm Christopher Mason. Rats come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. They are both scavengers and predators and they respect neither age nor assets. In our story tonight we will see several get very close to or fall into the traps set for them.
  • Alonso told off Marrufo, telling him that as soon as the rapists are sent to prison so will he. Marrufo – arrogant as usual – denied this, in the full belief that he was bullet-proof. Jaime told him that when he acquitted the rapists he abused their victim. He insisted that Alexa's accusations were false, which Alonso reminded him was not proven in his courtroom. Marrufo took out his cell, saying he was calling his lawyer. He thoroughly believed that he would get out of this cesspool of corruption.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/22/18 Chapter 55: Justice Comes A-knockin'

    • While Ricardo and Alejandra contemplate taking his kids to the amusement park, they enjoy a bit of diversionary lip-smacking themselves in his office.

    • Juanito is whining to his mother that he’s got too much to do to stay at home and have breakfast. Just then there’s a knock at the door.  It’s Fer and nope, she hasn’t had breakfast either.   They discuss her staying up all night and searching for some clue on the net about dead “dancer” Patricia’s missing-in-action boyfriend, Pedro.  And, well, she found an old resume still up on the net with a photo of him on it. (See, Johnny. Sometimes Mama does know best!)  Happy, happy! Joy, joy!!  Juanito attaches a “my love” to his excited comments.  Fer smiles that it’s the first time he’s done that.  They celebrate with a loving lip-lock as, we assume, Mama approves in the background.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #86/87 5.22.2018: Not Knowing When To Give Up, Get Dressed, or Tell The Truth

Or "Fired?! Again?!" God Bless Esperanza And Her Patience

Hey All! Slicing and Dicing Has Begun! :( Please find the recap for 86 below and Jarifa's summary for 87 in the comments. Thank you! :)

Dulce asks Jorge for some help because he’s making a lot of money at his new job, without doing much, but Jorge is sick of her and storms out of the house. He doesn’t realize, however, that he left one of the documents on the dining room table and Dulce gets her hands on it before inspecting the logo, looking for more information.

Renee goes to her house and tells Rafael and Rodrigo that her house is almost hers again but she’s now unsure of what to do: stay and rent it out to them or finally sell it. She has to also consider how expensive Maryland is going to be before making a final decision. They nod and then Rafael goes to answer the door for Ariel before they both leave as they have to go to do a seminar at the police station for parents who are adopting. Once alone with Renee, Ariel invites her out for the night because he’s going back to the US tomorrow. She wonders why he didn’t tell her before, but Ariel is silent.

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/21/18 Chapter 54 Lunes: Greed

Chapter 54: Greed

I'm Christopher Mason. There is no honor among thieves, no matter the size of the stakes. In our story tonight we will see examples of greed at all levels, for different currencies, and all from people who don't think more than two steps ahead of their games.
  • Leonardo and Roberto succeeded in getting injunctions pending appeal on the three rapists who escaped justice. They thanked Sonia who told them that this was exactly what happened when they appealed Carlos Ibarra's case. She considered him guilty; Leonardo reminded her that he was released due to lack of hard evidence. They told her that they are coming up with a new suspect list, which includes Tatiana. She was a bit incredulous at this as Tatiana had been a prosecution witness, but they met her halfway by suggesting that they get Carlos to surrender his passport until the case is concluded. She was satisfied with this and said she would issue the appropriate orders.
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Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 85, 5/21/2018: When ‘NO’ Falls on Deaf Ears, Run, Georgie, Run!

[Previously: At Renée’s house, Ariel is again saying good-bye to Renée acknowledging that those who repeat their good-byes do so because they really don’t want to leave. He kisses her on the mouth by mistake (yeah, right!) and apologizes, but thinks it was a nice mistake. (If his aim is this bad all the way around, it is no wonder he is single.)  Renée blushes and tells him good-bye so he leaves. Renée appears ambivalent about where this is going…]

As they arrive at school, Anifer tells Mauricio that she wants to go see Fabián at the hospital, but Mauricio reminds her that she is not allowed to go in. When he reiterates that those are the rules, Anifer points out that Mauricio never follows the rules; Mauricio thinks that is a good point, but is steadfast that it just can’t be done.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al Otro Lado del Muro, El Señor de los Cielos 6, y más: Week of May 21, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/18/18 Chapter 53: Vega The Avenger

Alonso warns Malrupo that he'll be personally handling the appeal of the rape trial and before it's over he'll see that Malrupo ends up behind bars.  Malrupo claims he’s untouchable.  “--Come at me if you can, suckah!”

Gustavo's career seems to be going to the dogs, literally.  Thanks be to the Diosito that Chiquita’s owners have agreed to visitation times.  (Grrr.  FF>>FF>>)

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Papa a Toda Madre, Capítulo 84, Friday May 18, 2018; Ani finds out that Fabian is her biological father

We open with Maria being released from the hospital a few days later. Anifer asks about Fabian if he is being released. Mau explains that Fabian is “sleeping” and cannot come out yet.

Vero and Toño’s boss starts to explain to him about his interview and the job. At first, Toño thinks he didn’t get the job, but he did get the directorship. Toño is ecstatic, but the boss explains to Vero privately that if it weren’t for her recommendations, they would never have selected Toño for the position.

Mau and Ani bring Maria home to a “welcome home” sign complete with balloons! Mau informs Maria that the neighbors in La Privada have organized a welcome home party for her tonight with a dinner.
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Thursday, May 17, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, El señor de los cielos 6, & más: Week of May 14, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—El señor de los cielos 6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/16/18 Chapter 52 Miercoles: Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 52:  Spoiled Rotten
I'm Christopher Mason. It's often been said that children of the rich are spoiled We have already seen that this leads to an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Money can buy anything, including justice. In our story we will soon see how justice is often perverted to suit the demands of parents of children who are Spoiled Rotten.
  • Ricardo drove Alejandra home and thanked her for helping with Alexa. He declined her invitation to come inside because he had to prepare for court the next day. She was sure they had what it would take to win the case. He asked if she would like to go out to eat after cout and she said she would love to. He kissed her on the cheek and she laughed flirtatiously before going inside.
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Papá a toda madre Wed. 5/16/18 Capítulo 83: Marking Time--OR--Flor Seizes the Day.

María is stuck in the car with Fabián as he flees from the police. Fearing for their lives, she begs him to stop. He continues speeding on and ends up getting broadsided by a police vehicle on the driver side. Mauricio jumps out of the unmarked car and runs to help María. She and Fabián both have blood on their faces and are unconsicous.

Back with Renée, Ariel comments that she looks very nervous. She says that she is just a little tired when her phone rings. It is Mauricio who tells her about the accident. Mauricio asks Renée not to say anything to Anifer yet. He will call when he gets some news.

In the meantime, Ariel is trying to get Anifer to help him get Renée to be his novia. Anifer is not too sure she wants to help him out.

At the hospital, Mauricio is impatient wanting to know how María is. Rodrigo sees the doctor who tells them that the two victims are still being cared for and one of them is in very grave condition. Mauricio tries to find out which patient exactly that is, but the doctor has no other information for him at this time.

At the cul-de-sac, Renée stops Jorge who is going over to Mauricio's to get some licensing papers signed. She tells him that he is not home and what happened.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/15/18 Chapter 51: BIG BUCK RATTLE AND ROLL

Ahhh!  Mating season has finally arrived at Vega and Associates.  A bit of the long-awaited pre-rut buck rattle ensues to much of Viewerville's delight.  (Those of us who've been snoozing along have finally awoken to the real joys of telenoveladom which this tn has sorely disabused us of to this point.)

Isabel gives in to Gustavo's suggestion he can stay in the guestroom after an evening of playing video games with Luis. (Luis has definitely got game here.)

Carlos has set up his money laundering operation, putting Victoria and Alejandra as the lead officers.  "--No better hands to put this into than yours,"  he tells her as he mentally is rubbing his together.

Vicki starts the court hearing about the deadbeat dad who claims he doesn't have a job let alone a bank account.  (Really??  What does he do all day with himself then? Beg off the streets?  Wash windshields for pesitos?)

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #82 5.15.18: Ding! Dong! The Wicked...Too Soon?

Or Two Kidnappings and An Arrest...Are We Close to the End?

Fabian walks into Kika’s suite and sits down with a smile. Kika insists he leave but Fabian is shocked as she was very loveable before, of course, just to steal information, but still. Kika tells Jorge that she will explain everything later, but Fabian continues to insult Kika, calling her slut and whatnot, until Jorge tries to beat him up. Kika holds him back and Fabian tells her that she sure was forthcoming with him before, to spy on him for her new lover, but, either way, she won’t get anywhere. He then turns his attention to Jorge, not at all surprised that he is seducing a rich woman, and Jorge punches him. Fabian backhands him and Kika get sin the middle so they stop. Fabian knows the truth hurts more than any punch, but he’s done his due diligence and caused trouble so he’s out of there. Once alone, Jorge demands Kika explain what is happening.

At Falcon’s, Hector, his son, packs his bags by himself as Falcon comes into the living room with his. Hector wonders why they are packing their own bags and Falcon explains that he gave the servants the day off. He then asks him to pack light and casual as they are going to Miami for sun and fun and they are going to be there for a while as well. Hector is surprised and wonders if they are actually moving there and it if has anything to do with the people who broke into their home. Falcon insists that no one broke in, but Hector knows the truth and demands Falcon admit it. Falcon considers this.

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Monday, May 14, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/14/18 Chapter 50 Lunes: The Capture

Chapter 50: The Capture
I'm Christopher Mason. Suspects will run and try to hide, but the law wil have its satisfaction. When a crime as heinous as rape or murder comes to the attention of guardians of the law and life, nothing is more satisfying than The Capture.
  • Alejandra told her female colleagues – the ones she could trust – that Carlos had deceived her with another woman the night before the wedding while Ricardo was selfish. She was unable to deal with either of them at this stage. Olivia didn't think that this was a fair comparison. Victoria didn't want to argue the point and Alejandra was determined never to be hurt again.
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Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 81, 5/14/2018: Guess Who’ s Comin’ to Dinner…

Alt Title: Careful What You Wish For, Pabs!

In his rat hole, Isauro chides Dulce for not answering her phone and asks where she has been all day long. She left him without eating and she knows very well that he can’t go out on the streets (only to kidnap girls??). When he asks her what time she will be returning, Dulce tells him she won’t be returning at all; he will never see her again in his life (one good thing going for Isaurotten). Isauro accuses her of having looked for someone else already since he can’t give her the life of luxury she likes. (He just finished that book, 'If they will do for you, they will do it to you'?) She then tells him that she looked into his phone and saw everything he was doing with Valentina. She also saw the messages to his associates and saw that, fortunately, none of his plans panned out. As he starts to tell her that she knows nothing, the cops bang on the door and call out his name. Isauro curses Dulce; and Dulce tells him that this time his influential contacts won’t be able to help him; she hopes he rots in jail. The cops kick open the door and arrest Isauro (Bye, Bye! Snow White, your snow will soon be mush!).
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, El señor de los cielos 6, & más: Week of May 14, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—El señor de los cielos 6

Telemundo's website now has information about upcoming programs for 2018-19. Included are a number of new novelas. See Telemundo's website for more information.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/11/18 Chapter 49: Loose Lips


...and the gang's all there (except Alonso, who has never once had fun in his entire life.) They spend the whole evening talking to each other, so it would have been way cheaper to buy a bottle and go to someone's house, but there probably wouldn't have been enough rooms for all the breakout sessions.

Conversations have been paraphrased for underlying intent.

Vic: I hate to butt in, DIMWIT, but Ale broke up with Carlos like ages ago. What are you waiting for?

Ric: QUE QUE QUE? But Carlos told me everything was hunky-dory!

Vic: And you believed him? What kind of a lawyer are you? (Not paraphrased; she actually said that. Gotta love Victoria.)

Oli: It's so nice to be out! I've had an irrational fear of nightclubs since The Thing.

Leo: I won't let anything bad happen to you! I can promise that because I have taken off my glasses and am now Superman!

Oli: Ooo let me hug you with inappropriate clinginess.

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Papa a Toda Madre, Capítulo 80, Friday May 11, 2018; Kika to the Rescue!

Flor is performing her “psychic” act and gleefully tells everyone that the Cooperative will be a grand success! And even Jorge starts to dance. Mau just looks over at Jorge as though to say, “Hey dude, I didn’t know you could let loose like that!” [Hey, this alone was the most entertaining part of the night, getting to find out that Jorge has some moves]

Valentina is on her phone texting with “Dani” AKA Isauro, AKA Dulce’s skuzzy gangster boyfriend. “Dani” tells her that it’s too bad he can’t go and meet her tomorrow because early in the morning his family is taking a trip and so he will be unavailable for a while. “I am dying to meet you. But how about now?” Dani says. “Now?” says Valentina. “I just don’t know how I can get out without anyone noticing.  I’ll let you know if I can go.” “Dani” says he will stand by and wait for her message. Meanwhile, Dulce comes in and Isauro tells her that it will be soon that they will have the money to get out of the country. Dulce says she is so tired of living in this situation, AKA this dump.
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Friday, May 11, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/10/18 Chapter 48: Make Me An Offer I Cannot Refuse

    • Ricardo “threatens” sex offender suspect #uno with the full weight of the law to put him behind bars , lock him up and throw away the key.  SoS1, aka,Tavio has a mouthpiece who shows the magistrate at the police station a writ of protection against  atrocities by the legal authorities.  Essentially he doesn’t have to give his statement yet and cannot be thrown in jail, either. (I believe.)

    • El Ciego has a few little things in mind for all the pesos he’s been piling up lately which he brings up to Carlos.  What’s the possibility Carlos can do a little cleaning up for him?  “--Oh, you mean money-laundering?”  El Ciego sniggers over to his guerrero, “--He said it, not me!! Well, you might say that, yeah.”  He notes Alejandra’s picture on the credenza behind Carlos.  Carlos, unshaken, says yeah, they can handle a few soapsuds here and there.

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al Otro Lado del Muro, El Señor de los Cielos 6, y más: Week of May 7, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos 6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/9/18 Chapter 47 Miercoles: Lies, Fraud, and Suspicion

Chapter 47: Lies, Fraud, and Suspicion
I'm Christopher Mason. Untruths are an unfortunate reality of life. They sometimes save a life or a situation but ones intended to do otherwise usually lead to crime... including murder. In the lives of these people who live in glass houses there are whole webs of lies, fraud, and suspicion.

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Papá a toda madre Wednesday 5/9/18 Capítulo 79: Renée Hits a Wall--OR-- Rodrigo Chooses Love

It is time for the children's performance at school and everyone is in the audience including Renée and Ariel. The principal informs the audience that after the show, there will be a presentation of educational toys from two toy companies in the gymnasium. The participation of the students will be needed to evaluate their new products. In the wings, Mauricio and Toño wonder what toy Fabián could have brought. They also wonder if he came. Nobody has seen him. Mauricio is then introduced to the audience as the person responsible for the production of the performance and as its director. Mauricio is all smiles as he tells the audience that this production was supposed to be an intensive course on how they do things on Broadway for the children but in the end the one who ended up almost failing the course was him. He learned just as much from their children as from his own daughter. He learned that each of these little monsters is somebody's child, incredible, a natural teacher, valuable, and an advisor. Also, one must remember to treat each and every one as if they were all of our children. Mauricio announces the production which the children named themselves: "Princesses Without Toads and Soccer Players Without Penalties".
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/8/18 Chapter 46: The Search For The Sixteen Year-Old Sex Fiends Is On

We pass through an excruuuuuuciatingly  uncomfortable moment with Alejandra as she witnesses Gustavo begging Isabel not to sign the divorce papers.  Isa tearfully explains she cannot trust him not to be unfaithful to her again, if not now then in a couple of years, thinking she forgave me once; she'll forgive me again.  Nope.  Not gonna risk it again!

Across town, Susana is ironing Juan's shirts when Fer arrives for a chat.  She offers to teach Fer how to iron his shirts (Talk about a walk down memory lane!  So, Fer doesn't know how to iron a shirt?   The suegra handed me Hubby's shirts the day after I got the engagement ring!  However, my momma already had taught me how to iron at 10 yrs. old! My suegra's suegra had done the same to her.)   They chat about how much Juan enjoys her company. FF>>FF>>

Back at AcheyBreaky Hearts, LLC, Isa and Gus are left to say one last good-bye to each other.

Sus and Fer discuss the how and why of Juanito's incognitos for days at a time.  The guy has a job to do and he's a very focused individual.  Fer just wants a little bit more acknowledgement.  Sus says don't worry.  It's not her.  Give it a bit of time.
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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Papa a Toda Madre #78 5.8.2018: Cloudy With a Chance of Ex-Wife

Or How To Lie, Lie, Lie like the Rest of Them

At Logatoys, Fabian has another meeting with his cohorts but finds that the second round of focus groups were as terrible as the first. Fabian demands Falcon bring a new batch of kids to Logatoys, so they can try out his “near perfect” robot and he’d better hope the tests come out positive this time.

Renee talks with Rafael at home. She understands that he wants to adopt but she also understands that Rodrigo would have a hard time coming out of the closet at work. Rafael is starting to doubt Rodrigo was the ideal man if that’s the case and Renee assumes they are fighting because Rodrigo slept on the couch. Renee tells them that not everything is the end of the world and they should work out it. Rafael agrees and Renee smiles before leaving to figure out what she can do to save Noel. Rafael asks her to be careful and she goes as Rodrigo comes into the living room and, very dejected, asks Rafael to help him evaluate their relationship because they must decide if they want to be together. Rafael doesn’t answer him, and Rodrigo walks away.
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Monday, May 07, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/7/18 Chapter 45 Lunes: Parents

Chapter 45: Parents
I'm Christopher Mason. Parents, whether rich or poor or whatever age, both have and create problems. In our stories today we see several examples of parents whose children have created or are resolving problems for them. Some have higher stakes than others.
  • Carlos took his leave of Alejandra and Victoria. After he was out the door Victoria siad she didn't want to be a gossip but she had heard that all was well between her and Carlos and this was why she and Ricardo were so distant. Alejandra corrected that, saying that all was not well and that for the moment she wanted nothing to do with men.
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Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 77, 5/7/2018: Fathers Lost, But Not Forgotten

Alt. Title: Mission Implausible for the Odd Squad

Mau is at the gazebo telling the Coop members that Fabián is not going to give up; he will keep badgering them. He tells them that they can’t be waiting around and that they need to find out what Fabián and Falcón are up to. They need to follow Falcón because Falcón would not be expecting them to follow him; Fabián, on the other hand, is taking precautions for himself….he even electrified his fence. (Mau, are you sure you are not making that up about the fence?) When Toño asks when they should start, Mau responds, “Right here! Right now!” (in English). After they all get up, Nerón asks when they will be doing that, so Toño explains that they will be doing it now…that is what Mau meant when he spoke in English.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al Otro Lado del Muro, Enemigo Íntimo, El Señor de los Cielos 6: Week of May 7, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro
• 10-11PM—Enemigo Intimo*/El Señor de los Cielos #6**

*Monday May 6th: Gran Final of Enemigo Intimo
** Tuesday May 7th: NEW Premier episode of El Señor de los Cielos #6

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 05, 2018

Papa a toda Madre, Capítulo 76, Friday May 4, 2018; “I’m Not in Love!”

Mau comes back from his “meeting” that he told Maria he was going to and told her it went well. [Guess he didn’t want her to know he was playing “stand in” with Vero] So she thinks he had a meeting with the cooperative. Then she mentions Fabian and Mau wants to know if he came over. Maria says, “No, not that. It’s just that Anifer is asking about her biological father.” So Mau goes to her bedroom to find out if she is awake and she is. He tells her, “A little bird told me that you were interesting in knowing something about your biological father. I want you to know that if you want to talk to me about it, I’m here for you.” But Ani says, “I just wanted to know if my mother was in love with my father and why he didn’t want to know me. Was he angry with me or my mother?” Mau answers, “I don’t think he was angry. But the most important thing in the world is that you don’t hold that against him.” Mau used the word “rancor” and Ani wants to know what it means. He explains that it means that something turns ugly and stays in the heart, then it’s very difficult to get rid of. “Well I’m not angry with anyone” says Ani. Mau then explains that no matter what happens, it is always important to forgive.  Ani then talks about how he changed girlfriends and went from Renée to Maria.

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Friday, May 04, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/4/18 Chapter 44: .....and Justice for All, Sort of

Carlos extracts justice from the judge and the pride overfloweth
Ric and Leo promise justice for Alexa and her dad, but they must be quick about it
Benji deals in fake justice and gets a hard earned check (the client's hard earned check, that is)
Alonso rises above Carlos' sense of justice (i.e. he's not buying Carlos' crap)
Oli doesn't think there's any justice for her new client, who feels duped by a commercial product
Letty will find justice for and CASH from Oli's new client
Carlos reminds Rob how justice slipped through his hands--but no hard feelings, dude
Ale hands Carlos her personalized form of justice--keep your hands off me
Juan and Rob work on justice for Patricia (or her killer)
Ale and Vic will collaborate to provide justice for abused women via Carlos' questionable principles
Rob says Mexico is hurting because of injustice

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Papá a toda madre Thurs. 5/3/18 Capítulo 75: Fabián: Around the Bend--OR--Renée: Out of Her League

Talking with Renée, Mauricio is finding it hard to believe that don Noél is still alive when he returned from the USA to go to his funeral. Even though he was a just a kid, he still remembers how painful don Noél's death was. How can he still be alive? Renée reminds Mauricio how she told him that Fabián was living with his uncle but then she recognized him as the man from the photo that her mother had given her. That man told her who he was. Mauricio asks her if he was at Fabián's house when Mauricio and María saw Renée. She says yes, he was there but hidden. She lied. Mauricio still cannot believe it.

In Verónica's office, Mr. Bustamante is insisting that she and Toño go out to dinner with him and the owner of the company. He is just dying to get to know Toño's wife. They need to cancel whatever they need to. Toño says he can make it but his wife is going to have to look after the kids since the nanny broke her back. Mr. Bustamante informs them that this is very important and he wants the two of them with their spouses at dinner tonight. He will not accept "no" as an answer. As he leaves, Verónica just hits her head on her desk. What to do? They have to get somebody to pose as their spouses, but who?
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/3/18 Chapter 43 Jueves: Flying the Coop - Discussion Page

So the ringleader frat boy had the gall to call his victim.  Paging Lorena Bobbitt!

Have at it, folks.

Note: Our resident attorney, relaxing on the lounge chair next to the Patio's Limpid Pool this afternoon has provided us with a crackin' good mini recap of the last 20 minutes of the episode.


Thursday, May 03, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, Enemigo íntimo, & más: Week of April 30, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—Enemigo íntimo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/2/18 Chapter 42 Miercoles: Dens of Iniquity

Chapter 42: Dens of Iniquity

I'm Christopher Mason. The truth can be found in the strangest places. While this is usually thought of as helpful often it is quite distasteful. This is the unpleasant discovery that is made when good people need to enter Dens of Iniquity.

  • Alejandra accused Ricardo of being selfish and thinking only of himself. She was determined to deal with him only as a colleague and nothing else. She felt as though she had never been special to him. Paula tried to convince her to take time to think about this, but she would not be persuaded.
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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 5/1/18 Chapter 41 Martes: Evidence

Chapter 41: Evidence
I'm Christopher Mason. Crime and sin are somewhat different concepts. They are merely relatives whose existence are proven by those qualified to do so. We all hope that crime is followed by punishment, but first there has to be Evidence.
  • Gustavo got after Ricardo, insisting that he was taking Alejandra's side against him and that he considered this disloyal. Ricardo wasn't able to get a word in edgewise.
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Papa a Toda Madre #74 5.1.18: The Truth Shall Set You Free, Like a Cold Bucket of Water Will Wake You Up

Or Drug the Old Man and Add Barbed Wire to the Fence AFTER the Dead Come Back to Life

Mr. Bustamante, Veronica’s and Tono’s boss, takes them to her office and announces that the meeting was a complete success and their clients were very impressed. She smiles wide and apologizes, again, for the daily celebration thing, but Bustamante apologizes for not understanding the value of such a tradition. She then goes to tell him something, but he tells her that they will talk tomorrow as he has to go. Once alone, Tono tells Veronica, sarcastically, that her work is important and great and the only thing that matters. Veronica chide shim for being so rude but Tono reminds her that she didn’t tell their boss that he helped, even though she should’ve.

Renee is crossing the street when a motorcyclist stills her bag, but Mauricio grabs it back as the motorcyclist is getting away. He cheers but the motorcyclist turns around and reeves his engine, leaving Mauricio a little scared for his life.

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Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/30/18 Chapter 40: Gustavo--Front and Center--Again

Herewith are your court reporter's hastily jotted shorthand notes. (She pulled double duty today dealing with some pesky, nasty weeds and generally getting her hands dirty.) Tomorrow, she will transcribe, amplify and/or correct, if needed.

* Gus is confronting Ale repeating his pushy (selfish) attempts to leave Isy in ruin--it will serve her right for filing for divorce. She should of thought about that beforehand. Almost nose to nose, he tells Ale HE DOES NOT WISH TO BE DIVORCED. Y punto.

* Carlos is explaining to Alan why he didn't confront and accuse Ale about her behavior. He sure she's got a thing for Bust-a-man-te and he can't risk alienating her. Alan thinks it's mostly in his head.

* Ale tells Gus what he is proposing is not fair to Isy, nor to his son and she's willing to stand up against him for what is right. Gus is yelling that she doesn't have as much experience as he does and she doesn't know who she's up against.
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Monday, April 30, 2018

Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 73, 4/30/2018: And They Will Be Divided, Father Against Son and Son Against Father…

At Mau’s house, María and Mau are necking on the couch, but Mau’s thoughts are with Renée; he remembers his first kisses with her and their last romantic encounter. María senses his coldness and wonders if something is wrong (Yes! He’s not into you!). Mau denies that anything is wrong and falters as he tells her that this would be their first time; so it should be something special…not just something casual on the couch. María thinks making love is special in and of itself…how and where is the least of it, but if he wants to plan something, then they can do that. After he thanks her for understanding, she hugs him, but Mau looks disinclined (and probably thinking “How can I get out of this?”)
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi familia perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, Enemigo íntimo, & más: Week of April 30, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi familia perfecta
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—Enemigo íntimo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/27/18 Chapter 39 Viernes: Discussion Page

Chapter 39 Conflict With No Resolution

Just a few bullet points to kick off discussion; not necessarily in order.
  • Funeral: No more fisticuffs or arguments.
  • Alejandra: Accompanied Ricardo to his place, got him to calm down. Fixed him tea, stayed after he went to bed, and slept on the loveseat couch in his room.
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Papa a Toda Madre, Capítulo 72, Friday April 27, 2018; The Sins of the Fathers….create generational messes….

We begin with where we left off yesterday as Renée and Noel continue to chat about the past and the “whys” of what happened. Noel did not realize that Anifer was really HIS granddaughter. But at this time, Renée decides it’s better that she leaves, but Noel stops her. He says, “You say you came to see about your house, but I think that you really came to find out what my relationship was with your mother. In truth, we weren’t really lovers. But if you would like to find out more, please come tomorrow at the same time.” Renée responds, “I’m just not sure that I really want to know the details of your relationship.” She gets up to leave.
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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/26/18 Chapter 38 Jueves: Entitlement

Chapter 38: Entitlement
I'm Christopher Mason. Divorce and death bring out both the best and the worst in people. It is often a litmus test for both virtues and sins. From some it brings sympathy and compassion and for others it only brings out their sense of Entitlement.
  • Marcia saw the dead body of her husband in a pool of blood after his suicide by gunshot. She became nearly hysterical with grief and needed to be held back by Roberto and Ricardo. Roberto got her out of the room, leaving Ricardo there. He knelt on the floor and moved toward the body of the godfather who had been a second father to him where he cried out in grief.

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Papa a Toda Madre #71 4.26.18: Who Was That Masked Man?

Or If You're Planning Evil Deeds Together, Are You Surprised When Your Partner-In-Crime Turns Out to Be Evil?

Neron arrives home and announces his arrival. Flor comes out and greets him with a smile and a freshly shaved head. Neron’s jaw hits the floor and he gets teary eyed as Flor asks him if he won’t love her bald. Neron tells her he will love her however and Flor realizes that he’s just sad to see her without hair. She tells him to cry if he needs to and he does after giving her a kiss. Flor smiles and gives him a hug.

At home, Mauricio asks Maria how she ended up in Guatemala in the first place. Maria explains that, when she received death threats in San Crispin, she went to go hide in Guatemala, which was were she was arrested for crimes against the government. She assumed it was the corporations they were fighting against, but the worst part was that drugs were planted on them, so they were imprisoned for a lot longer than expected. Mauricio thinks Fabian could’ve planted the drugs also and Maria explains that she’s trying to find out who exactly reported them, so they can compare notes. Mauricio wonders if Fabian could be hiding the proof of his deeds at home, since he couldn’t find anything in Logatoys, and Maria agrees that her whole arrest and release were weird.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al otro lado del muro, Enemigo Íntimo, y más: Week of April 23, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta*
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro*
• 10-11PM—Enemigo Intimo*


Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/25/18 Chapter 37: The Case of the Hit and (Didn't) Run

Ay de mi, where is Christopher Mason tonight? Without his literary talent, this episode will have to be in the ever-dull court reporting style.

Part 1 of 2
Rob is handing Fanny's problem with Albert over to Gus. He has to explain to her, why. He's recently uncovered facts that demonstrate Al fooled him into believing the shooting was an accident but he really meant to kill Ramon. He feels guilty about allowing him to go free and can't help her himself because, well, he represented Al. Gus is up to speed and takes over. Fanny doesn't understand any of this.

After last night's convivial phone conversation Ric had with Ale, she returns the call in the morning. Her dimples light up her face, smiling through the admiration Ric lays on her. She promises they'll see each other when she gets back. He says he'll be waiting for her. Ale is happy with the anticipation of a reunion with Ric.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Papá a toda madre Wed. 4/25/18 Capítulo 70: Reality Bites--OR--Kika On a Roll

At Logatoys, Mauricio is having it out with Falcón. Mauricio asks him point blank if it was Fabián who had María put in jail. Falcón laughs him off. The loss of the company is really affecting him. Mauricio informs him: if Fabián had something to do with it, he will pay for it. Falcón says he will tell Fabián and asks him to leave. Mauricio makes a point of telling him that he cannot be threatened like Renée. No matter what Fabián does the cooperative will move on ahead. Still chuckling, Falcón decides if there is anything else Mauricio has to say then he really should write it all down in a notebook. A more serious Falcón then wishes him good luck in proving his accusations. Fabián is not as stupid as he is. Mauricio leaves telling Falcón to tell Fabián what he said.

At Jorge's, Jorge goes to talk to Lili in her bedroom. She has been looking at photos on her phone of her mother and the early Christmas they had with him or rather "Uncle Jorge". She asks who came up with the idea of "Uncle Jorge". Jorge remembers that he talked to her mother telling her that he had to see his children even if it could only be once a year. From that, her mother decided that they should invent "Uncle Jorge" so he could be with them. Lili reminds him that his visits were not enough. Jorge does not disagree but hopes that maybe someday she will understand the guilt he lives with. Jorge admits that when he sees everything that is going on now . . . with this "mistake", he blames himself for not being there. Lili gets upset. Her baby is not a "mistake" and she doesn't want it to be considered as such. Why cannot he try to understand her and walk in her shoes? He is trying . . . Lili does not agree. Even though they live together, he is still very "absent" and not just for her and Baldo but also for Valentina and Samuel.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/24/18 Chapter 36 Martes: Has a Special Guest Co-Host

I'm Christopher Mason.  Behind mansion walls, old money and new money have a few things in common, including an inherent sense of superiority.  Some of those who manage to beat the odds in their society to join the ranks of old money think that their intelligence is so great they can do anything they please, including commiting The Perfect Crime.

Chapter 36:  The Perfect Crime

  • Fanny arrived at Alberto's house and marched right in. She slapped Berenice almost hard enough to knock her off her stilettos calling her a slut and demanding to know how long she had been fooling around with Ramón.
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Papa A Toda Madre #69: Honest Questions for Not-So-Honest People

Or The Worst Kept Secrets Are In Telenovelas

Renee tells Manifer that it is not her fault that she and Mauricio broke up. Anifer still asks for her and Maria’s forgiveness and they forgive her, but Renee continues to explain that her and Mauricio had problems beforehand and nothing she did caused them to break up. Maria is sad to see her daughter so distraught and Renee understands as she feels the same way. Anifer is sad to see Renee is so sad and, with tears in her eyes, begs Maria to let her stay with Mauricio, even if he has another girlfriend. Maria promises to never take her away from her father and Renee reiterates that nothing she did is her fault before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Renee then tells Maria that they have plenty to talk about and Maria nods.

All of Jorge’s children, minus Lili, go to see Flor and offer their help, no matter when or what. Neron teases Baldo for being so willing but Flor chides him for a second before thanking the kids for their offer. Neron asks the kids to take care of Flor, since he must go back to work, and the kids agree but Neron warns Baldo to keep his distance. He then smiles at Flor and waves goodbye before leaving.

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Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/22/18 Chapter 35: Deceptive Appearances Now Perceived By The Truly Bereaved

    • While Rob is busy winning Alberto’s freedom for an accidental shooting, Elena and Leticia have a chat about Ricardo.  Ric the Brick is still staunchly rejecting Exlena to her dismay.  She is checking up on him ahead of time to see if he and Alejandra are still “keeping company.”  Leti says not that she can determine.  Both are pretty much keeping to themselves.  In fact she’s getting on well it would seem with Carlos as just recently in a firm meeting she stated he wants her to set up a Women’s Shelter and supportive foundation.
      Hope springs eternal for Exlena who is thrilled to hear it, as it means that she’s got a chance at getting him to concede and return to her.  He’s too good a man and father for her and her kids,  aka topnotch husband material, to let go of.  She believes that Ric The Brick is capable of doing anything for her children, even forgiving her and giving her a second chance….eventually.  Leti, though, wonders why, with all the available proverbial finned finned and gilled vertebrates in the sea, why be obsessed with Ric?  Family picture or something more?  “--You only see him as father material.”  Well, if Leti had kids she’d understand, ok?  In fact, Exlena figures not only to get him to love her like before, but even more than what he felt before!  Hmmmmm.
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Monday, April 23, 2018

Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 68, 4/23/2018: From Sweet Surrender to Woeful Farewell

The male chauvinist boss (hereinafter known as MCB) hopes Toño doesn’t have a problem being an assistant to a woman and that Veronica doesn’t have a problem having a man for an assistant. (Little does he know how long these two have been practicing for this.) Toño assures him he has no problem; in fact, he would be honored to work for, uh-hmm, Barbara? Veronica corrects him before stating that she doesn’t care if her assistant is male, female or a squid…as long as he does his work well and that he knows her name.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Mi Familia Perfecta, Al Otro Lado del Muro, Enemigo Íntimo, y más: Week of April 23, 2018

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—Mi Familia Perfecta*
• 9-10PM—Al Otro Lado del Muro*
• 10-11PM—Enemigo Intimo*


Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 4/20/18 Chapter 34: The Gun Fired Itself--Oh wait, that was Caer en Tentacion

Part 1 of 2 [Some scenes have been combined to help the flow.]
Previously on D.F. Law
Victoria and her client, Sol, Baby Daddy and his lawyer, listen as the judge trumpets out his decision: Baby Daddy is to pay to said Adult Baby all the child support he should have been paying all along. Vic was always confident of the outcome. Sol is over the Luna and her daddy, Jorge Garcia, is so gobsmacked he forgets he's in court and starts to rail against the decision. The judge has spoken. The gavel comes down. Sol looks over at her daddy.
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