Wednesday, March 22, 2017

La Piloto #11 3.21.17: In Which Yolanda Lands in Costa Rica and (Possibly) Loses Someone Else...

• At the airstrip, John goes into his office and tries to radio into the plane Zeki has hijacked. Oscar tells him that they need to go because the DEA is coming but John wants to find out if Yolanda is safe first. Oscar tells him that they are in this mess because of her but John doesn’t believe she had anything to do with it. Oscar asks him if he’s sure but John is silent and Oscar remind him that he has doubts and that’s the problem. John confesses that he has one doubt: why did Zeki hijack the plane after leaving the warehouse if he was with the DEA?
• On the plane, Zeki tells the co-pilot that they need to reach Panama ASAP but the co-pilot warns him that they don’t have enough fuel and to fly lower so the radar does not detect them. John’s voice finally comes through and Zeki answers. John warns him that if anything happens to his plane or Yolanda, he will regret it but Zeki tells him to forget about both and hangs up.
• Yolanda asks Zulima if she knows what is going on with Zeki but she shakes her head. Yolanda wonders where they will go as they barely have enough fuel to even make it to Costa Rica. Zulima then asks what happened with Dalberto and Yolanda confesses that he’s a rat that works with the DEA and even lied about his name. Zulima is shocked to hear the news.
• Outside the airport, Olivia, Amanda and Lizbeth are arrested. The DEA find the bag with the cash in their possession.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

La Piloto #10, 3-20-2017: Taking A Flier Or From The Frying Pan Into The Fire

Parte 1 ~

Yolanda makes her escape from the restaurant in back of the druggies’ car, the money bag in tow.  “--Keep your head down!!” Dave/Alberto is chasing them but loses them along the way.

Yoli calls John to let him know the score and the problem: Dave done us in.  He’s working for the DEA!  He’s a federale!”  He’s another jerkwad, like all the other men in my life.   My choice of men sucks—and I wanted to help him through!  John tells her to get back to the airport and get on the flight back to Mexico.  Trust in a guy named Pincheros (Good enough).   Don’t get caught by the Feds in the U.S., cuz he cannot help her there.

The driver says he’s got some merchandise to deliver and he’ll take her back to the airport. (I think.)

Zeki meanwhile, gets lose from the ropes, finds a gun and knocks Oscar over the head when his back is turned.  Zulima manages to make it to her car and is ready to start the car when Zeki puts a gun in her face.  He gets in and forces her to drive.

Becker’s Amerian Counterpart at the airport or the mission com room tells Dave, El Duro, to pack it in.  The mission’s been a total failure.  The Lucio’s are going underground and Yolanda with them.  Duro says nope.  He’s certain JL will move heaven and earth to get Yolanda back there today.

Duro learns about the shootout at the Lucio’s Miami warehouse and that Monica’s there in the middle of it.  Oscar and Mena Arley escape on the back of a motor cycle.

Druggie gets back to the airport and meets up with Bald Dude – Pineros.  He hides her in a huge cinch bag.

On the Centroamerica plane, the stewardesses are muy impactado to see Alberto show a DEA badge and demand to speak to the pilot of the plane, which he plans to search.  Of course, the agents find nothing, not even in the baggage area.  The gals’ flight documents are in order.  Duro wants to know where Yoli is. He tells the other agents he’ll take it from there.  He sits down and looks out the window while the luggage for the flight back is being loaded.  He sees the huge cinch bag move and he orders to pilots to open up the baggage area.  CoPiloto bangs him over the head and lets him drop in.  JL will reward him handily for capturing the DEA agent.  They take off immediately and without permission to escape the Feds and get back to Mexico.
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Vino el Amor, Lunes 3/20/17 Chapter 97: Paternity Blues

David tried to assure Luciana that this separation is temporary. She looks a bit doubtful but he says that these are difficult times but they will get through them. He misses her. Before they can seal it with a kiss Ramón entered to tell them that they need to talk about diverting the river water. Complicated, but the only way at the moment. After he leaves the room Luciana asks whether that is the only way. And David says they need also to find out what is causing the current problem.
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Monday, March 20, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 20, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. 

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

La Piloto #9 3.17.17: In Which Yolanda Finds Out The Truth...

• Zulima goes to answer the door as John hides in the bedroom. Yolanda is sorry that she came unannounced but she needs a favor. She notices that Zulima is nervous and asks if she has someone there. Zulima tells her it’s no one she knows and Yolanda asks if she can take Miami shipment. Zulima asks that they talk about it on the way over to the airline and Yolanda agrees and goes to wait outside. Zulima goes to her room and gives John the keys to her apartment and asks her to lock up. John asks her what Yolanda is doing there but Zulima will update him later. She leaves and John calls his men to asks them why they didn’t call when they saw Yolanda. They tell him they thought he had invited her,
• In the car, Zulima explains that the Miami shipment is special and Yolanda confirms that it’s a lot of money and wants to do it. Zulima makes her promise that if something goes wrong, she will take full responsibility. Yolanda asks her why she thinks something will but Zulima makes her promise either way.
• Dalberto wakes up from his alarm and looks for Yolanda but finds his apartment empty. He then receives a call from John, who wants him at the airline in 40 minutes so Zeki can give him instructions. He asks Dalberto to be on his toes since this is his test run. Dalberto agrees and hangs up.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Vino el Amor #96, Friday 3/17/17: Water, Water, Everywhere Else, But Not a Drop for Lil

Yesterday –  (See Julie’s rippin’ good tale at the end of yesterday’s recap)
The review starts with Dr. Evil Anderson trying to convince David he’s at fault for Fer’s suicide attempt. It includes Juan and Mark plotting in English; Luci and Leon discussing Mamá’s betrayal, and Marta and Lilian’s confrontation in the kitchen.

Today – (All you’ve got is me)
Dr. Evil and Fer – Fer is telling the doc that she feels worse now that she realized her affection for her nana was misplaced because of what she did with Fer’s own granddaddy. Dr. Evil jumps up, very concerned that she might try to off herself again. Fer insists that she’s almost positively sure she didn’t want to commit suicide, she only wanted to feel better. Dr. Evil (with $$$$ dancing in his head) assures her that her motives are hidden deep inside her and that’s what he’s there for. Fer says, juarever. She is going to concentrate on defending her feelings for her aunt, her grandmother and for, sigh, Tano, un tipazo.

Marta and Lil – The two continue their argument in the kitchen. Marta says she’s no longer afraid of Lil’s threats. Since she lost the love of Fer and her children, there’s nothing to hold her back, so beware, Lil. Marta sneers that the Patron still prefers her to Lil to care for the children. Lil answers back that she’ll figure out a way to get close to the grandchildren and if Marta had any dignity, she would leave. Lil gloats that she didn’t get Fernando nor Gut. Marta has had enough and hands Lil a drippy ladle and tells her here, if she wants to be a good grandmother, finish the meal. Marta stalks out. Yikes, Lil holds the ladle away from her as if it were a poisonous snake and yells for Sonia, who has the bad luck to be within earshot of the battlefield.
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Friday, March 17, 2017

La Piloto #8 3.16.17: In Which Yolanda Gives Into Her Desires...

• Yolanda, dressed as a flight attendant, lies back in bed and thinks about all that happened with Ernesto. She signs and then leaves. Outside, she receives a call from John but ignores it.
• In the airline, Yolanda calls Estela looking for Ernesto but she has no idea where he is. She calls her daughter but Yolanda tells her to never call her that again because she doesn’t have a daughter since she turned her back on her. Zulima comes and quietly stands behind Yolanda as she tells Estela that she will find Ernesto and make him pay for what he did. This time it won’t be a cut across his face, this time she’s going to kill him. Yolanda hangs up and Zulima touches her shoulder. Yolanda jumps and asks her how long she has been standing there. Zulima confirms that she came for coffee and heard everything. Yolanda confirms that Ernesto left her with nothing but she will deal with it. Zulima offers her support as Yolanda receives a call and goes off to answer it. Zulima keeps her eye on Yolanda as she walks off and pulls out Ernesto’s card with his number on it.
• At the same time, Yolanda answers John’s call and tells him she doesn’t feel like talking right now. He backs off but offers to take her to dinner. She accepts but tells him it can’t be tonight because she has something to do. He reminds her that Dalberto is alive because of him and Yolanda chides him for always seemingly doing her favors but still asking her to pay for them. John reminds her that nothing is free in this world and hangs up.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Vino el Amor, #95, Thursday Mar 16, 2017: A Dry Spell Begins

Hi all! Cynthia is dealing with a cupcake emergency tonight. She will return as your recapper next week.

Luci tells Dave she thinks it's better for everyone if they break up. Dave can't believe life is so unfair, it's the second time that what he loves most is taken away from him. Luci says no, it's just not their time. He tells her that she's shown him the best time he's had in ages, and she will stay with him in his heart. They hug. She doesn't want to hurt anyone else with their love. He says they have to consider themselves very lucky to have lived such a special love. He says "I love you" (te amo), and she replies "I will always love you" (yo siempre te voy a amar).

They share one last whiskery kiss. Luciana walks away crying.

Lilian is having coffee with Brian. She's gloating about Marta's admission of the affair. Bri says he's sorry and he doesn't know what to say, but he looks as though he also doesn't give a crap. Lil continues that Marta said she did it to hurt Lil AND because she was in love with Lil's husband, in that order. Bri says he's sure Marta is suffering. Lil says Marta deserves it; she fooled Brian too. Lil is excited that this is giving her a second chance to be with David and with her granddaughter. (I guess Bobby can go fly a kite.) And with Brian, too. Brian dutifully smiles and puts his hand on hers. Lil assures him that she's not a bad person, and had good reason to treat Marta the way she did.

Brian kisses her hand and says, "enjoy your coffee." Steamy!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 13, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #7 3.15.17: In Which Yolanda Gets A Surprise Visitor...

• John sees Dalberto and Yolanda and demands to know what she’s doing there. He berates Dalberto for lying to him and begins to beat him. Yolanda tries to intercede for Dalberto but John pushes her away.
• Ortega and the police are at a stale mate in the stairs. She and her men try to get closer but John’s men keep firing at them.
• At the ranch, Zeki, Oscar and Zulima discuss the mole. Zeki explains that he still doesn’t know and Zulima tells Oscar that she may know who it is: it’s someone who’s been acting strange as of late….
• John receives a call from Oscar who tells him that he may know who the mole is but John has bigger problems. He tells Oscar that the DEA has him trapped and he needs his help to escape. Yolanda tells him that they can escape through the roof and John agrees. He asks his men to take Dalberto with them.
• Oscar is barking at his men to get a move on when he passes by a stable where Arley and Amanda are getting it on. He has that Arley get dressed and follow him. He does and they race off.
• The police finally shot the last of John’s men and race up the stairs. They storm the apartment but there is no one to found.
• Yolanda, et al. have made their way to the roof and are racing to catch the helicopter waiting for them on the ground. The DEA keeps shooting at them but they manage to hide behind some vents. Dalberto tries to help Yolanda move faster but John warns him to keep his hands off the merchandise.
• Outside the ranch, Zulima and Zeki load the girls into the car and Zulima warns Zeki that he’s being an idiot. For all he knows, the Lucios have made a deal with the mole and they’re leaving him out of the game. She asks that he think about it.

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Vino el Amor #94; Wednesday, March 15, 2017: Vino la Verdad

As we left off yesterday, the truth comes out about Marta’s affair with Fernando. Luciana, standing in the living room is shocked at what she hears and says, “Mamá?” Fernanda also looks up and says, “Nana, what is happening?” Lil angrily looks at Marta and says, “Now they all know who you really are! And now they understand why I am the way I am with you!” Marta just looks down and is now looking ashamed and doesn’t know what to say.  Fernanda is just shocked. Lil comes running down the stairs saying, “She took my husband away from me just to hurt me!” Luciana looks up at Lil and says, “Señora, please!” Lil just looks at Luciana and tells her, “As much as it hurts to say the truth, your mother destroyed my marriage. She went with my husband KNOWING he was married to me and she didn’t care.” Marta comes out to Lu saying, “No, no, no, it wasn’t like that at all. I swear they weren’t.” But Lil goes on, “I didn’t say anything. I suffered alone with this. And why?” (Lil looks at Fernanda) “Because of you dear. I didn’t want to destroy your illusions.” Marta tries to get out of it by saying she only said those words to annoy Lilian and goes on to say, “I’m simply not capable of doing those things.” 
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Que no Me Dejas, the filler episode #129, 03/14/17

This was a totally boring episode.

 Jaime and Gisela: Gisela meets Jaime for lunch and gets right to the point: she wants a divorce. They don't want the same things any more and heck, they don't even sleep together. Gisela admits they have a wonderful family but that's not enough, Jaime asks her to reconsider but she says she wont. They agree to take things slowly so that Jaime can talk things out with Fabricio. Le sigh, this could all have been avoided had Jaime told his wife that he has CANCER.

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Vino El Amor #93, Tuesday, March 14, 2017: Vino el Rescues and Miscues

In this episode, both Miguel and Carito survive their torture via that grungy Mark for now. If only the audience could be spared from grungy Mark. David is torn - should he get a second opinion or go with Dr. Evil Martin Mull's (bought by the succubis) opinion? And everyone is stunned at the last thing we hear...
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La Piloto #6 3.14.17: In Which Yolanda Goes on a Date...

• At the ranch, Zeki is walking to his car, cursing Zulima, when Oscar comes and reminds him that he told him working with women would be hard. Zeki agrees, gets in his car and drives away. Oscar laughs.
• The next day, Yolanda fills in Amanda and Lizbeth on what happened at the clinic. Lizbeth reminds her that she told Yolanda the Lucios were dangerous but Yolanda tells her that she’s not going to see them anymore. Amanda doesn’t think it will be so easy since 1) John is her boss and 2) John likes her. Amanda explains that it doesn’t take a genius to see she likes him too. Yolanda disagrees and tells them that everything will be done through Zeki from now on until she can make enough money to move elsewhere with her aunt, where no one could find them. Lizbeth thinks it’s a good idea but wonders how hard it will be to free. Yolanda then asks her how it went with the NY pickup and Lizbeth confesses she was nervous but she made it.
• Just then, Ortega comes into the airline with an arrest warrant and an army of agents. She goes to Zeki’s office and asks that he let them do their job and search everything on the premises.
• At the same time, DEA agents also raid warehouses affiliated the Central American market that use double accounting books.
• Zeki gives a press conference and explains that CAA has nothing to do with drug trafficking and asks that the DEA let CAA work until anything concrete shows up.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

La Piloto #5 3.13.17: In Which Yolanda Lands a Plane...

• Yolanda showers and thinks about flying with John and her potential dinner date with Dalberto. Dolores knocks on the door and tells her to get out ASAP and Yolanda obliges.
• In the men’s locker room, Dalberto give Hector, the security guard, the watch he stole from Ines’ office. Hector is bothered by the fact that he only stole a watch but Dalberto reminds him it’s a good watch. He suggests that Hector give him the keys to Zequi’s office so that they can steal a lot more valuable merchandise and split it 50/50. Hector agrees. That night, Dalberto bugs the phone in Zequi’s office and takes pictures of some invoices.
• Arley is in the waiting area for Centro America Air when Amanda walks by and he stops her. He compliments her looks and invites her for coffee but she has to go. He wants to talk to her a little more and tells her that he works for a security company. She’s impressed but insists she has to go so he asks for her number. She hesitates so he gives her his phone and asks that she keep it so he can call her. Olivia then comes and takes her away but not before Amanda agrees and smiles at Arley.

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 3/13/17 Chapter 92: Extreme Distress

Some scenes combined for clarity:

David got on Tano's case for getting involved with Fernanda. He started blaming him for Fernanda's depression. Tano tried explaining why it wasn't like that. Their relationship started on her birthday and he was trying to balance it so that he could return to college and so she could pick up her grades. She came to him all upset because of her differences with him (David) and wanting them to run away together. He had refused and she became angry with him. He would not comply with her request that they run away together out of respect for him and for his own father. David asked whether he knew why Fernanda was in the hospital and he said “Yes, because she took some pills.”
Yes. Because she wanted to take her own life.”
Tano looked shocked. Both should have been.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 13, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

El Chema is now in Últimos

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, March 11, 2017

La Piloto #4 3-10-2017: Lift Off!

As we drop into our comfy couches this evening, Monica leads a team to examine the taxi that was used as a decoy and abandoned.  She is curses-foiled-again-impactada.

John and Yolanda finish the flight in his Red Baron (Cesna?) special.  She was loving it.  He offers to teach her to fly – all she’s got to do is say the word.  She asks what’s he want in exchange?  Growing up, she realized early on, men always want something in exchange with a woman. He had to work hard and scrabble for all he has.  A smile from her is enough.  Actually, he’s trying to do right by her for saving his life and risking her own at the same time.  She answers she would have done that for anyone.  (I kind of doubt it.)  So, consider them even now.  Just to be totally honest, though, it bugs her; she doesn’t appreciate being in gunfights or having the police hounding her all the time.  And, so, she’s heading home.

Dave is upset that the Lucios are always a step ahead of him and Monica.  They cannot keep this up or it’s watching over the drug inventory in the medicine closet of the DEA office in Barrow, Alaska for him.  Moni says they captured a phone call between Zeki and Zulima last night telling her there’s been a hit ordered on Lisbet.  (Ms. Blonde Ambition).  Dave remembers that Yoli is supposed to be with her this evening and so her life’s in danger also.  He tries calling but there’s no answer.  They can’t get there in time.  They form plan.  Outside the house, Oscar’s two goons are watching the girls enter.  They call him for directions considering there’s a second girl with Blonde Bette.  Oscar has them describe her and thinks about it.  He tells them to kill her also.  (Viewerville gasps a communal breath of angst.)
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Friday, March 10, 2017

Vino el Amor, #91, Friday Mar 10, 2017: Love Hurts

Paco tells Miguel and Susan that he doesn't want to talk to Gutierrez. Susan and Mig thank him for his help and decide to wait for the truck to arrive.

Luci thinks she and Dave will talk to Fernanda when she gets better and everything will be fine, but Marta makes it clear that she thinks Fernanda is in the hospital because of Luci.

People give Susan and Mig funny looks as they pass them on the street. Susan is getting nervous. Mig lets Susan bail and decides to give Carito another chance.

Luci tells Marta that leaving David is no way to solve their problems. That will just cause more pain. "It seems that I don't matter to you," Luci says. "This is all about Fernanda. I need you to be more understanding with me. All I want of you as my mother is to hug me and console me instead of losing the love of my life."

Mark complains to Juan: "You're not my dad, I don't have to come when you call." He says that Carito deserves to die. Juan urges him not to do anything stupid. Mark replies, "If you're doing this because of Perla, just give me my money and then we can end this."
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La Piloto #3 3-9-2017: With More Lives Than A Herd Of Cats

[My apologies, but I am living the recapper’s nightmare with only a poor quality video, bad audio, machine gun Spanish, and no CC’s. On Demand and Hulu+ are a bit behind.  But who’s complaining? –ed.]

(And this is just in the first ten minutes.....)

Viewerville is at the edge of their seats as Yolanda, John, and Zulima take an unexpected air born detour to the creek bed hundreds of feet below in the red bug. Dave/Arturo and Monica look on in horror.  Dave thinks on his feet and immediately grabs a rope; he then heads down the branch-filled  cliff side.  Suddenly there’s an explosion.  More horror as we learn Dave’s knocked cold—but only momentarily.  He heads back down and another policeman comes down with a fire extinguisher.  They see all have escaped into the deep-forested hillsides.

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Vino el Amor #90; Thursday, March 9, 2017: Fernanda wakes up, but still angry

We left off yesterday with David cradling Fernanda in his arms. DisGrace comes in and then the whole family walks in. David says he doesn’t know how many pills Fer took David carries Fer downstairs so he can have her ready to go for the paramedics. As everyone goes out Fer’s bedroom door, DisGrace says to Luciana, “So, I hope you happy now!”
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Thursday, March 09, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 6, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time--but not for long!):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #89; Wednesday March 8, 2017: The search for Ferzilla and vino el intento de suicidio

We begin with Luciana and David again pledging their love for one another. Luciana tells him that their dreams of having a lovely family together are about to pass by the wayside. But David tells her to never give up, to have faith, and not to throw in the towel. Luciana says, “But to think how I could lose you or that this could ruin your family, it just terrifies me.” David tells her he is not going to let this happen. He goes on and says, “These are the tests of life, the day to day family problems, the difficulties with children.” Luciana says, “Yes, you are right. I am ready to face all of that with you.”
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La Piloto #2 3.8.17: In Which Yolanda Is In Three Shootouts

• The police knock on the bathroom door as Yolanda silently freaks out. Think quickly, she hides the suitcase under one of the ceiling tiles as a female military officer opens the locked door and asks her to step into the hallway so the officers can search the bathroom with the dog.
• In the hallway, the officer body searches her and asks her where she comes from, when she got to Colombia and how many bags is she carrying. Yolanda came from Mexico today and she only has her purse and one suitcase with clothes. The officer tells her that she can’t lock a public bathroom and search her bags. They find exactly what she told them and assume the dogs made a mistake. They apologize for their mistake and let her go.
• Yolanda goes back into the bathroom and retrieves the money from the ceiling tile. She opens up the bag, sees that the money is gone and calls Zulima to ask her why she never told her there was money in the bag. Zulima lies says she didn’t know about the money or whom it was for. Yolanda admits that she was robbed and Zulima freaks out, confessing that they are going to kill them both if she doesn’t show up with the money. Yolanda offers to go to the hotel and explain what happened but Zulima tells her that she has no idea who she’s dealing with and hangs up.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Nuria will never change: A que no me Dejas # 124 03/07/2017

This will be short because I'm on my own a work for three weeks, nothing says fun like doing the work of three people!

  • Fabricio and Alan both spot Almuneda with Jaime, they both assume the worse. Alan confronts Almuneda for "seeing a married man" and Fabricio uses this as an excuse to go see Adriana.
  • Jaime, we all know id suffering from cancer and the chemo has been giving him terrible side effects, his heart might be compromised, so if the cancer does not kill him the side effects might.
  • Special service announcement: if you have cancer tell your spouse and children!
  • Nuria wakes up at the hospital and learns that she's been disfigured and will never be able to talk again.
  • Leonel confronts Rene, he wants to know if he is still on his side, and if so why did he put up the 2 million to save Valentina, and why is he hearing that he made up with Gonzalo? He also let's it slip that he knows about the casinos Rene is planning on starting.
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Vino el Amor #88, Tuesday, March 7, 2017: Vino el Fer Whisperers, or Not

In this episode, Fer is upset. VERY UPSET. She's running here. She's running there. She's running back. Many try to reason with her. Few, if any, succeed. She's in full meltdown mode. Who will be the Fer Whisperer? Will anyone be the Fer Whisperer?! Please, someone, step in and soon.

Also, Gutierrez frets about his upcoming charity event, which I think is going to be screencap gold given the participants and the initial planning session. Carito and Perla are at odds, while Miguel is on the track for finding out what's going on with the illegal trafficking.
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La Piloto #1 (Premiere) 3.7.17: In Which We Meet Yolanda, A Woman With Dreams of Being a Pilot

Colombia. 2016.

• A small airplane flies through Colombian air space with unknown cargo. The military chases in their own plane but the small plane gets too close to the trees, in a effort to escape, than is safe for any pilot. Military officers also chase it on land and one officer manages to shoot it down. The small airplane crashes into the forest and the officers go to see if there are any survivors. By the river they find an unconscious woman.

• Some time later, the woman is asleep in a tent with the head commander watching her. She wakes up and he introduces himself as Arnoldo. The woman wants to change into her own clothes but the commander has some questions: is she Mexican? Why is she flying a plane in Colombian air space and so close to the ground? The woman explains that she was taking a flying course and because it’s her last day the school let her fly by herself. The commander doesn’t buy the story and asks if there were drugs on the plane.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 3/6/17 Chapter 87: You Can't Handle the Truth

Some scenes combined for clarity:

Luciana remained calm in the face of the screaming banshee Graciela, who swore she would turn David's children against her. She finally delivered a sound slap at the insult to her moral fibre and stared her enemy right in the face. Too cowardly to answer back in kind, Gracie delivered one more such insult before turning tail and leaving. Luciana slapped the table in frustration.
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Monday, March 06, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 6, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Vino el Amor #86, Friday, March 3, 2017: Vino el Date Night

Basically a lot of your favorite and not so favorite Vino el Amor couples go out on dates.  Some are more successful than others. And we get a HUGE fight at the end.
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Friday, March 03, 2017

Vino el Amor #85 Thursday March 2, 2017: Vino el tiempo para avanzar (time to move forward)

We begin where we left off yesterday as David announces to DisGrace that he is planning to buy her out of their partnership and dissolve it. DisGrace is not happy about this and begins to protest. “What”, says DisGrace, “Are you saying that I’m just like Juan? How could you? I thought you said everything was fine with us. Oh, I see you are doing this because of the olive orchard thing.” David says, “I’ve already told you that I wanted to dissolve our partnership, it’s just the best thing to do.” DisGrace continues to whine, “But WHYYYYYYYYY……????” Dave explains, “Look, I’m doing this for my children because I don’t want them to have any problems later on down the line.” DisGrace replies, “Well do you really think I’d leave them unprotected?” (Yeah DisGrace, I DO think you’d take all their money and run with it.) Dave says, “No I don’t but things have changed and it’s clear to me that you cannot separate our professional and personal realms together. It’s just best that I do things this way.”
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Thursday, March 02, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 27, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #84; Wednesday March 1, 2017: With family like this, who needs enemies?

Repeated scene: Juan gets thrown out of Bodega de Los Angeles and Ramón and Tano are assigned to get Juan’s things out.

Sonia breaks the news to Lilian and Grace that David threw Juan out. Grace tells Sonia to get out, then Lil tries to call Juan and leaves a voicemail for him. Lil and DisGrace argue about how this must be Grace’s fault. Lil says to DisGrace, “This wouldn’t have happened if you had been able to buy that land!
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Monday, February 27, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 2/27/17 Chapter 83: The Showdown

Some scenes combined for clarity:

Luciana encouraged David to keep talking to his children. She noticed that he had taken off his wedding ring. They kissed and all looked optimistic.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 27, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Vino el Amor #82 - Friday 2/24/2017: Juan 1, David 0, DisGracie -1, the match is even

Out in the vineyard, David tells Luci his kids are backing off letting him have a relationship with any kind of evil stepmother. He doesn’t understand their change of opinion. Luci persuades him to delay saying anything right now about their relationship, rather than risk upsetting the whole grape cart they’ve filled with their juicy dreams. She’ll keep working on her relationship with Fer. They exchange “Te Amos” and a river of spit.
David and Luci getting more face time but, sadly, there kisses look a little painful. Anyway, I'm buyin' it because I wanted them together. (Lila)  I really have to fault Lucia, her besos seem emotionless and robotic. If they are really to be believable together, they must emanate some genuine chemistry which is sadly lacking currently. (Diana)
Sonia is telling Leon in the kitchen that Lil is not in a very good mood since Gut left her high and dry. Then the talk turns toward their latest romance novel.
Leon lets her know he better not be a substitute for anybody (like El Patrón, Sr. David), not like some character in their romance novel. She swears he's not. The Leon that takes no crap is kinda sexy. (Niece)  I'm thinking these two might have a real future with each other after all! (Diana)
Bobby & Charlie are in town heading for the candy store counter, discussing candy choices and evil stepmother choices when a pig-tailed beauty enters the store. Charlie pushes Bobby towards her. Bobby is delighted she speaks soccer. He finds out she also likes video games and she quickly seduces him into a date.
Now looks like Bobby will have a little girlfriend too. Gawd. (Tofie) Did we really need to introduce a girlfriend for Bobby? What is he..8 ? (Susanlynn)  Bobby's new girlfriend maybe will go on about how her new Mom is the coolest thing since sliced bread. (Kirby)

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 20, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #81; Wednesday February 22, 2017: Vino el miedos (fears)

We begin where we left off yesterday with David and Luciana in an embrace and kissing. Luciana tells him that she is very happy but doesn’t want to cause him any problems. David says, “Well this is why we are going to take things slowly and quietly so that we don’t lose everything that we have worked for. But then DisGrace barges in. (Her presence always seems to spoil the party).
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Vino el Amor #80, Tuesday, February 21, 2017: Vino el New Novias

This episode was kind of a mish-mash transitional episode. David is happy, not grumpy, but he makes a lot of other people grumpy with the news that he's got a new girlfriend! And her name is not Gracie, which makes Gracie quite unhappy. Fer is happy about her new boyfriend, but not so happy about Dad's new girlfriend. Miguel still seems like he's heading for a new novia himself though, even though he still keeps reaching out to the old one.

(Just a small note that I'm scheduling this post early because I'll be busy all day Wednesday and Thursday. So if I missed anything, just please correct me in the comments. Thanks in advance for all comments!)
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Monday, February 20, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 2/20/17 Chapter 79: The New Beginning

Some scenes combined for clarity:

David declined Graciela's offer of money for the land purchase. In fact, he intended to go to the bank for a loan and start paying her back for the previous money she poured into his vineyard. Before she could whine and cajole he took his leave.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 20, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Vino El Amor #78 Friday 2/17/17 -- Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited you....

No party is a party without a little drama, tears, fights, the party crasher and that one guest who has to be a party pooper! I counted three in this episode. 

Fer can't believe this is happening, but Tano says this kiss is filled with all of the affection he feels for her.  She's a magical girl..a princess and the more he gets to know her the more fond he becomes of her.   He thanks her for everything she's done and for making him smile again.   Fer says if tonight was already perfect, he's made it unforgettable. They share another sweet kiss before Tano thinks it's best they go back inside before Fer's father realizes they're missing.  Fer says she'll treasure this moment forever. 
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Friday, February 17, 2017

Vino el Amor #77; Thursday February 16, 2017: Love Wins; sealed with a kiss

Continuing on with DisGracie’s little “guess who” game she is very upset that David guessed Luciana instead of herself. David apologizes, but DisGrace is insistent about “What the hell is going on, so why did you think it was Luciana? Why did you think it was her and why did you confuse me with her?” David just replies that nothing is going on and to PLEASE forget it! But DisGrace continues to insist that she will not forget it.
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Thursday, February 16, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 13, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #76; Wednesday, February 15, 2017: Blessings, parties, thieves, and guess who came home?

Repeated scene: Luciana argues with León about her relationship with David, finally gets tired of the gossip, and admits to León that she and David are together. Meanwhile, Marta is on the stairs listening and then she has a hissy fit with Luciana about her relationship with David. Lu explains that she tried not to get involved, but admits that David is the man she loves. Marta says, “No, that can’t be!” Marta begins to grab Lu and shake her and tell her she doesn’t want Lu to suffer all her life. Of course Marta is projecting her own bad experience on to her daughter believing it’s the same thing. Lu explains that her love for David is very strong and she will suffer without David. She just feels very badly about hurting Miguel and having to hide this from everyone. Marta is talked out and says “Good night”. She is very angry with Lu. [Marta better get a grip here and give her daughter the freedom to choose her own man.]
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Vino el Amor #75, February 14, 2017: Vino el Fer's Party Plans, But First - Have You Heard About Luciana and the Patron?

On this very special Valentine's day episode, we get bullying in the school and workplace, some missed connections, some party planning, some smuggling planning, some charity planning, some campaign events, a smidge of wine-making discussion, and a TON of workplace gossip! In other words, go on your Valentine's Day date and skip this one! Although it did feature rare smiling from Grumpy David and about two seconds of Luciana actually working!
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Monday, February 13, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 2/13/17 Chapter 74: Conflicts Brewing

Some scenes combined for clarity:

During the confrontation with Erika, Luciana accused her of attempted corporate espionage and of moving in on Miguel on the heels of their breakup, even of trying to poison his mind against them. Erika said that Miguel is a better administrator than whatever they have but Luciana has no authority over that. She noted that Luciana didn't try to accuse her of stealing Miguel as a novio.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 13, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8PM — La Fan
• 9PM — La Doña
• 10PM — El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey Tells Us What’s Happening in Mexico (2017)

The following post is from Commenter Stevey, who shares all he knows about the new telenovelas in the works in Mexico, that we may or may not see eventually in the U.S.

Hi everybody!!  In the past, I've tried to put together a little 'fact sheet' for you guys in regards to what's going on telenovela-wise 'South of the Border', in the land where they come from!   As I realize that whatever it is the staggeringly disgraceful boobs at Univision decide on by way of programming, will ultimately entail just what it is that YOU guys get to watch up yonder, America-way.  Some will make it, some will not... and god knows which will be which (hell, with the Univision execs being what they are, I doubt even HE knows!).  But, that being said, I wanted to come up with a post that hopefully you will find informative, enlightening, useful, entertaining, or any combination therein!  I apologize for its stupefying length, but it's a labor of love to be sure (I just hope it isn't as such reading it!)  To avoid editorializing (I unfortunately do that enough once I get going, for which I apologize... FWIW, I'm writing this paragraph last, so I know what I'm talking about here...), I'm just going to get right in on things, and on the projects that we've got on hand right now, or are already actively in preparation in some way...
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Vino el Amor – Episode #73 – Friday 2/10/2017: It’s David and Luci United (Por Fin) Against the World

Some scenes have been combined and may not be in order.
Los Frijoles de Ayer
David and Luci stand together in the sunlight on a path in the vineyard, not very hidden from view. They declare their love, pledge their troth regardless of the obstacles ahead and kiss on it. Their first obstacle as a couple is to try to hear each other over that annoying singer who manages to drown out most of their declarations, making it hard for the Restless Patio to hear as well. They decide kissing is more productive.

El Arroz de Hoy
Still in a clinch and breathing heavily, Luci tells David they need to get back to work. He has other work on his mind, but Luci prevails. The walk arm in arm while Luci discusses how to go organic. Although Susan has already given David a lesson, he says he wants to hear it from Luci and listens attentively. He hopes the organic wine will reflect the passion and love they have for each other. (Oy vey, how maudlin.)

Speaking of Obstacles Part 1
For David, his first obstacle comes in the form of a visit from Adolfo, who has come to talk about winning the prize (Miguel, that is). Adolfo probes a bit. He wants to know why Miguel left. David explains they had some problems of late, but nothing to do with his work. Just let it be said he no longer felt comfortable working at Bodega Los Angeles (BLA). Adolfo is ok with a young man wanting to get ahead in life and choosing new opportunities. Then he challenges David to a duel of the wines in the upcoming competition. It’s his bodega with Miguel and Erica against David’s. He’s sure his wine will win handily. David is just as sure it will be his wine that wins because he has Luciana….and all the rest of the workers, of course.
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Friday, February 10, 2017

Vino el Amor #72; Thursday February 9, 2017: Will Love Conquer All?

Repeated scene: As Susan is in the lab, David walks in and tells Susan that this batch of wine must be the best in their vineyard’s history. David wants to win the competition against the Santa Barbara Vineyard since Miguel works there now. Susan catches on to what’s going on so she asks David, “is this really about the vineyard, or about Luciana?” David admits this is about both as Susan knowingly shakes her head. Susan wisely advises him to not let this be personal and to keep his head on straight. It should not be about beating Miguel or Luciana and remember the things that are important.
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Thursday, February 09, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 6, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera  (began on Tuesday)
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #71; Wednesday February 8, 2017: Against all odds, the romance resumes

(I am out of town and not able to deliver the quality as I usually do. But I will put up pictures later and make some edits. Most things I've just abbreviated.)

We open with a montage of everyone getting along well. It ends with Miguel giving the keys to David and last report. Marta and the other employees give their loving goodbyes to him.

David and Luciana are in the Cava talking wine stuff that seems to be mixed with love talk. Lu doesn’t want things to go too fast just in case it doesn’t work out. She relates what happened with Miguel. David says they will figure it all out with love and patience. But then DisGracie calls….
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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Vino el Amor, #70, February 7, 2017: Vino el New Opportunity

Decisions are made, threats are made, whines are made and immigrant deliveries are made. Better: Miguel sanely decides to leave the vineyard of threats and whines and illegal immigrant fines but not much wine, except for the poisoned batch that he was the only one ever worried about.

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Monday, February 06, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 2/6/17 Chapter 69: Advice

Some scenes combined for clarity:

Miguel cried as Luciana broke up with him while going through the best-friend-vs-lover thing. She didn't want him to hate her and he said he never could. He wondered if he could ever look at her as just a friend. After another round of verbiage on this, Luciana and Miguel kissed their childhood love goodbye.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of February 6, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones (ends Monday)**
• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera (starting Tuesday)**
• 12-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

**Tormenta de Pasiones ends on Monday. Beginning Tuesday, a new novela will occupy the 10:30-noon time slot.  Entitled Amar es Primavera, this Turkish novela has been described as follows: "A modest young fashion designer, who lives with her mother and younger brother, has been in love with one of her childhood friends, but he falls in love with her best friend."

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Friday, February 03, 2017

Vino el Amor, Viernes 2/3/17 Chapter 68: 10,000 Pieces of Silver

Just the facts, peeps:

We come back to David telling Miguel he loved Luciana and will fight for her. Miguel told him he wouldn't make it easy for him, accusing him of wanting to leave. David said he wasn't going to ask him to but if he wanted to it was his decision. Miguel said he was going, then walked out the door.

Lillian walked in on Bobby playing his video game and tried to give him cookies, but he wasn't interested; Marta had already given him some. She tried a little harder but as with DisGracie the previous episode, they had no interests in common. Lillian looked frustrated.
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A Que No Me Dejas #101 Thursday 2/2/2017 --Tainted Blood

Nuria doing what she always does, begins to lie to Tobias.  Why would I want to pull out a gun at a wedding and shoot Alfonso, my godfather? Tobias tells her that she was trying to kill Valentina and Mauricio.  Nuria says why that's crazy!  I may not like those two annoying brats but not enough to kill them.  They were children what could they have done to me?  Well Raquel said she saw you.  Well Raquel is also ill in the head.  She never remembers things correctly.  Tobias can't argue against that.  Nuria says yeah and she also can't stand me, so she wants to blame me, since she needs to blame someone.   What really hurts is that you'd believe her.  Don't you know me?  Tobias head is spinning from everything and what strikes him most odd is that Nuria keeps telling him that Felix and Hector just wanted to rob her father, but he saw Felix actually try to kill him.  Nuria says no he didn’t, he was just trying to defend himself and that's why Tobias needs to keep his mouth shut.  If he says what he saw they'll go to jail..that is if her father dies.  Tobias says no matter what she says, Felix is a murderer.  Nuria tells him to shut it.  Why do you believe him over me?  You just met him and you've known me forever, and I've stood by you unconditionally.  Because Felix and I love each other, he's my boyfriend!   Whaaaa?  Tobias looks repulsed.
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Vino el Amor #67; Thursday February 2, 2017: No sense or sensibilities, or "How to fight over the same woman"

We open where we left off yesterday with Miguel and Erica in town caught by David. As David leaves, he tells Erica to give his regards to her father, but he does not look very happy. Erica remarks, “So what’s his problem?” Miguel say, “I guess he just didn’t like seeing us together.” They say their goodbyes because Miguel says he has to get back to work.
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Thursday, February 02, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2):La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, y más: Week of January 30, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

Tormenta 10:30am-12noon
Mujeres Ambiciosas 12noon-2pm
La Fan 8pm-9pm
La Doña 9pm-10pm
El Chema 10pm-11pm

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #66; Wednesday February 1, 2017: Mark goes to Jail; DisGrace called to Spain

David and Luciana are conversing outside concerning Bobby and his well-being. The conversation then gets personal between David and Luciana. David notices that Luciana looks sad. She says it’s just a lot of things, mostly having to do with her mother and Gutierrez. Then she mentions Miguel….David says, “What about Miguel? Are there problems with work? Is there anything that I need to worry about?” Luciana replies, “No, just personal problems. I don’t know why I said anything.” David responds, “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me about it I respect that. But tell me one thing: I need to know if you have forgotten what you felt for me when you have been with Miguel. Because I can’t forget….” Luciana says, “It’s best that you say nothing because there is nothing we can do to change or fix things.” David says, “I’m not so sure about that. Before I move on to with things, there are a few things I need to take care of and fix. I don’t want to do anything that will hurt anyone.”
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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

A Que No Me Dejas #99 Discussion & #100 Recap: Everyone's Lying to Someone Except Raquel...

Episode #99: This is going to be quick! (Please feel free to add any other info as the most crucial things that happened were:
  • Felix and Hector went to rob Casa Murat and Tobias caught them. In the struggle, Gonzalo was shot in the heart and took a tumble down the stairs. 
  • Mauricio went to LA to bring Valentina back and are on their way back to Cancun having heard the news about Gonzalo. 
Episode #100 (Full Recap):

Valentina informs Mauricio that they’re on the waiting list for boarding tickets to Cancun. Mauricio asks, with tears in his eyes, what he will do if Gonzalo dies. Valentina tells him he won’t die because he’s strong. Mauricio tells her that he knows she doesn’t feel the same about Gonzalo and Valentina stops him right there: she’s still worried about him. Just then the airline calls their names and inform them that they’re tickets are ready. Valentina grabs Mauricio and they go.

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La Piloto - index

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Vino el Amor #65, Tuesday, January 31: Vino el Tiffs, Tantrums and Threats

Lovers quarrel, a room is raided, a body is found, lovers vent to their friends, various villains and non-villains experience various levels of guilt, non-lovers quarrel, a room is trashed, threats are made, a room is trashed some more, lovers quarrel again, and yet - the world still apparently revolves around Bobby, unless you are an evil human trafficker or Gracie, in whose case it revolves around David, whose world revolves around Luciana even though he claims it revolves around Bobby. Busy episode!
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 1/30/17 Chapter 64: Out of the Mouths of Babes, II

Graciela came back for Bobby, whom she had spotted on the floor of the Marital Shrine when he had been hiding under the bed. She grabbed him when he tried to bolt and he told her quite vociferously he did not want to be sent to a boarding school.

Luciana wondered why Bobby ran off. David wondered whether the ceremony had been bad for him, but that didn't seem the case. They had asked workers whether they had seen the boy and David was feeling like an idiot. He thought about when he walked off with Graciela when Bobby had wanted to play and felt worse.
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Monday, January 30, 2017

A que no me dejas Episode 98 (1.30.17) In Dejaland, lies are blatantly suffocating any remaining hint of a speck of precious scarce truth.

"Between yesterday and tomorrow there is more than a day,
between truth and lies, between true and false, there is also the "alternative facts" 


Valentina has been flashbacking for the whole weekend. She thinks about serial liar René and all their memories together rush back to her head. Oh, if she could turn back time!

Meanwhile, in the Murat residence, Micaela helps Raquel getting dressed to go to the foundation and Raquel wants her gray tahitian pearls but the little red jewelry box, along with all the other jewel boxes, are completely empty. Alzheimer is probably making her forget that she has forgotten where she put them last time she used them, or maybe Mr. Gonzalo have them in the safe- Anyway. 
-Tomorrow we can ask Florencia the nurse- says Mica. 
-Yes. In this house nobody steals. 
-No, no that I know of.

By the fountain, Nuria and Chelo argue about Tobías. Nuria came to get some documents and didn't miss the chance to hurt Consuelo emotionally. Chelo only wants her to leave her boy alone. Nuria blackmails her throwing half of Schrodinger's cat out of the box.

-If you convince Micaela to tell me what I want, what a really really want, to know, I will leave your son alone!
-And what is that you want to know so badly? -asks the maid.
-Find out! Tell me and I will do as you wish. I swear!
I didn't get to see her fingers, but I am sure she had them crossed.
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Upcoming Telenovelas: Jan/Feb 2017: What’s Happening Now; What’s Coming Soon?


There are a few changes coming to primetime telenovelas. Here’s a rundown of what’s happening now on Telemundo, Univision and Unimás, and what’s coming soon. Feel free to share any intel in the comments. 


Despertar Contigo sprints to its finish. Its final week’s episodes will be shown in 2-hour slots, 7pm-9pm, this whole week. After that, Univision does NOT seem to be in any hurry to bring in another 8pm telenovela, and instead will run the new season of its kids’ talent show, Pequeños Gigantes (the original version of Little Bigshots shown on NBC that’s hosted by Steve Harvey).  

Vino el Amor, currently in the 9pm slot, is doing so well in Mexico, it’s been extended. Let’s hope it continues to heat up on the vineyard, and we soon learn why the Mexican audience wanted another serving of vino. So far, this wine has mainly been making us sleepy.

El Color de la Pasión is in its final weeks in the 10pm slot. After moving along at a rapid clip for 80+ episodes, it’s hit a lull before what’s sure to be an exciting final few weeks.


La Fan recently started in the 8pm slot, and so far is a very enjoyable comedic telenovela, worthy of the talents of its leading lady, Angélica Vale (La Fea Mas Bella). It’s a fun look at the lives of telenovela actors and their fans, and perfect for anyone looking for a light comedy with heart. La Fan is only two weeks in, so it won’t be hard to catch up!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, y más: Week of January 30, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time), the week is a bit complicated, so scroll down to see each day:

• Tormenta 10:30am-12noon
• Mujeres Ambiciosas 12noon-2pm
• La Fan 8pm-9pm
• La Doña 9pm-10pm
• El Chema 10pm-11pm

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: chema, doña, silvana, telemundo

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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Vino el Amor - Episode #63-Friday 1/27/2017: Esta Historia te Atrapa--and How

We’re as trapped as those poor undocumented border crossers Juan has. We might have more fun on a scavenger hunt game, cruising the aisles of the nearest Wall*Verdes browsing the shelves hunting for all the products they advertise on Vino.
[Some scenes have been combined.]
Ni modo—Here is Lo De Ayer
Graciela, in her slinky, low-cut, spaghetti-strap, black cocktail pants suit, tomato red lips and golden locks slimes her spit all over David’s 10 o’clock shadow. It looks as though he might be leaning in to kiss her, but maybe he just lost his balance. Gracie pulls away and apologizes. His clear blue eyes look after her with interest as she walks away.
Meanwhile Perla and Juan spit at each other over their next steps in the police-human trafficking net closing in on them. Juan has changed his mind. He’s staying. Perla says he can’t do that to her. If he turns chicken like his little friend Mark, she’s going to send him packing. Juan takes that as a threat. If she doesn’t like how things are, she can take a hike right now herself. She whirls and leaves. Juan sits down in a thinking man’s pose as his world collapses on him. He knows it, too.
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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Vino el Amor, Jueves 1/26/17 Chapter 62: Tears for Fears

Just the facts:

Miguel, and Tano arrived at the Susan and Mark encounter; some threats were made and Mark tried to throw Susan under the bus for the benefit of the crowd. César arrived with the lawyer, then the police came. Mark ran. One cop told Susan she would need to go to the station to make a statement. They went to do so.

Juan panicked about the two investigations; Mark called him to tell him the police are now also after him about Susan and he needs to split the scene.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of January 23, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Vino el Amor #61; Wednesday January 25, 2017: Time for Heart Mending and Truths

Repeated scene: Gutierrez comes over to the employees house to talk to Marta, but Marta is livid and does not want anything to do with him. She says to “get the hell out of my home!” León arrives with Miguel and León is like, “let me at him!” and tries to go after Gut but Miguel holds him back. Gutierrez finally leaves and Marta, Luciana, and León huddle together trying to comfort Marta. Luciana tells Miguel she needs to go talk to David. Mig says, “Why don’t I go talk to him and you can stay here with your mom?” But Luciana explains that since this really is about her work visa, she needs to go and explain what happened, since she angrily threw the visa paperwork back over at Gutierrez when she was so angry. Luciana goes out the door and Miguel brings something to eat for Marta to try to cheer her up.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Vino el Amor #60, January 24, 2017: Vino El Tears, Fears, Jeers, Sneers and More Tears

As predicted, this was quite the episode! Nice to see some drama that is actual drama on this show. We had a big revelation, punches were thrown and there were more tears than even Victoria Ruffo can handle. Our other villains provided some fears, some jeers and some sneers, when not partying or plotting! Oh and David and Cesar had one of their Girl Talk sessions and David did the mannequin challenge.

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