Wednesday, April 29, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #52 4/29/15

Dear hellashelle,
Please remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

The Shortest Version:
  • Cristobal wants to marry Aldonza. Yeah. It's a crazy idea. He gives her time to think about it though. He'll be waiting for her at noon tomorrow at El Santuario. If she doesn't show up, he'll leave her alone for good.. (If you are dying to know what happens, skip to the end of the recap.)
  • Renato talks Silvia into working with him on Aldonza's case. Recapper loses all respect for Silvia when she accepts his offer (Because really girlfriend, this is your only option? Working with the man you love to help him suck up to another woman?)
  • Renato's mother left him a ton of money. At least I assume it's a lot. He seemed gobsmacked and asked if there was some error. Surely that's code for "HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF ZEROS."
  • Sev slithers out of the accusation that he caused Padre's accident.
  • Valeria tells Aldonza that things are just going *gush*SO WELL*gush* with Cristobal and soon they might be *gush*TALKING ABOUT A WEDDING*gush* (Please note: "gush" is code for "the recapper is puking".)
  • Aldonza calls Val on her sh!t: Hmmm. That's interesting, Val. Because I saw you and Abelardo playing tonsil hockey outside the clinic.
  • Val yells at Abelardo because someone saw them kissing. In the open. In broad daylight. With no shame.
So yeah. That's pretty much the big stuff.
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Amores con trampa #23 and 24 4/29 and 4/30

Look for Jarifa's recap in the comments!!


La Sombra del Pasado, 04-28-2015, Capitulo 51

Paragraph summary: Hum realizes Sev’s a monster.
Long paragraph: Humberto is up in arms over Sev’s implied orders, but Sev says he shouldn’t take life so seriously. Especially other peoples’ lives. Besides, he’s only suggesting that Hum help PJ…to die well. Maybe this has opened Hum’s eyes a little because now he can see that Sev’s a monster and he tells him so. Sev says that may be, but they’re the same. The only difference is that Hum’s a hypocrite and Sev isn’t. Hum sits down and tells Sev that’s he’s starting to realize Sev’s much, much worse than he thought. Sev’s glad he’s figured that out because they still have to resolve the matter of El Santuario. He hasn’t pressed about it because he didn’t want to affect Val and Cris’s relationship. Hum notes that there is no relationship anymore, but Sev thinks that that might change. He has the gall to look to heaven and say “with God’s help” on this point, as though he didn’t just ask Hum to kill a priest.

Paragraph summary: Ren updates Aldonza on the apt and the job debacle.
Long paragraph: Aldonza calls Ren for an update. He’s promised the neighbors that they’ll come to a fair recompense for the damage. Aldonza wants to know where they’ll get the money. Ren again advises her to fix and sell the apartment. She doesn’t want to, but she’ll think about it. Yes, he says, but they don’t have much time. Meanwhile, she asks what he’s going to do about his job situation. He’ll look elsewhere, but he’ll take Pato and Silvia with him wherever he goes because they also got fired because of this whole thing. Oh, well in that case, Aldonza agrees, it’s the least he can do for them. He hopes Silvia’s open to the idea because she won’t even talk to him right now. Aldie advises him to give her time.

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 71 - 50 Shades of Dumbo (Discussion& Recap)

Sit tight as I work on the recap!  I have really  accustomed to the opening to be honest but i would have still preferred  this song : . What's your opinion?

On to the recap:

Refritos:  It's a repeat of the scene between Max and Dan. She after Max has mocked her supposed loss ( Just let it live by said Max)  proceeds to inform Max that the reason they travel without a Heli is cause his parents went to the otro mundo! Max is in denial of course.

Present:   Mat  who always has a never ceasing  head of imaginations & blunders furiously   reclaims Ab's in her face that he now hates her despite having loved her once. Ab's as much we are is pithed as hell cause Mat claims she betrayed Ren's trust and because Mat is  so ingenious with his imaginations he could build a Fausto out of Lego's but it would still inevitably transform into Satan  ( Imagine no more  Fausto's , one age full of darts wohohoo!)  .  Abi exclaims that she has not betrayed Ren's trust. Mat claims her intimate life is no concern for him but he still hates Ab's for being so cruel  and serene with him but especially cause he will never be hers.  Abi says to the thick-head she unfortunately has no heart to hate , she only feels love. Mat calls her a liar and Ab's after he having left squeals in frustration. Ab's 5 , Mat 0.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #70 on Monday, April 27th, 2015. (Julion and Tono do take after each other alright!)

Mateo (Drippin' Wet) and Fausto

Mateo (unfortunately in board shorts and not a banana hammock like Jorge Aravena has done before) has hopped out of the pool and talks with Fausto. He thought Fausto had gone out with Abigail and he did' into the city. Mat is amazed and Fausto cuts what could be the beginning of an argument off. That was futile because Mat doesn't believe this sudden closeness with Abi.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4/28 #179 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Beware the wrath of Geronimo

Casa de Chava
Chava  finds Aracely knitting away and confronts her, “I want the truth!  Who’s the daddy?  Me or Pedro?”  Aracely doesn’t know what Pedro may have told him but she assures Chava that he’s the baby-daddy!  She would never lie when it comes to “their” child!  She admits she took advantage that night, but this baby she’s carrying is the result of that marvelous night they had together.  Chava knows she was with Pedro shortly before that night.  Aracely can’t even look him in the eye when she admits sleeping with Pedro,  “It was a big mistake on my part since I knew it’s you who I truly love.  I know my cycle and know when I conceived.  I have no doubt you’re the father of this baby.”  Chava apologizes for being such a cad but this does involve knowing whether or not that child is his or someone else’s!  He can’t trust her assumption the baby is his. He insists on a doctor’s opinion.  Aracely brings on the waterworks, “Please believe me, this is your child!” waaaaaah.   Chava insists, “For the good of everyone involved, we have to be sure about the baby-daddy!  I can’t see myself living a lie my entire life that will eventually eat away (carcomer) at my soul!”

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #177 4/27/15 Two Daddies and Two Weddings

From Friday:
Irma takes Nandito to school. On the way to class he hides from the teacher and escapes out the side door.
Sofia is mourning the loss of Chava's love and the news that he's marrying Araceli. Fausto tries to comfort her.
Araceli is happy about her shotgun wedding. Paco doesn't like the fact that Araceli's happiness is based on Sofia's suffering.

New Episode:
Araceli vows to Paco that Chava will be the happiest man in the world with her and her spawn. She storms out. Paco looks at the ceiling, "Dios, dios." then turns and goes after her, "Araceli! Araceli!" He stops at the door. She's gone. Paco sighs, " I didn't get to tell her that Pedro came here looking for her last night."
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Monday, April 27, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #50 4-27-15 She's Aliiiiiive!!!

Let’s pick up where we left off!  Abelardo bolts down the stairs of Aldonza’s apartment building, exits and crosses the street, five-gallon gas can in full view.  He stops and calls Sev to tell him the job is done.  Sev is pleased and instructs him to return to Santa Lucia.  When Sev takes this call he is already at the Police Station and goes in immediately to talk to the Chief, who greets him warmly.  Sev has stopped by to inform the Chief that a nasty rumor is going around that he is involved in Padre J’s accident.  No alarms go off for the Chief that he’s not heard this “rumor” before.  Sev reminds the Chief he has had problems with this family making false accusations before.  The Chief remembers.  Sev has come to get the Chief’s assurance that he will do everything in his power to do a thorough investigation and make sure the ravings of Aldonza don’t soil his sterling reputation and honorable name.  The charges are all the more painful as everybody knows nobody loves and respects Padre Jeronimo more than him and his family.  The Chief assures Sev he will look into the matter with the ultimate care and attention to the law.  Sev leaves and the Chief wears a look I can’t quite figure out; determined pissivity?  “Here we go again?”

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Amores con Trampa #21 & #22 4/27/15-4/28/15

Today was a really trying day at work, but tonight's episode made me forget all my woes. Ernesto Laguardia just gets better and better!

Straight to the new!

María spent the night worrying. Facundo never made it home. They've fought before, but he didn't stay away all night. Abuela tells Maria to wait until he gets home and they can talk things over. Women know how to turn their husbands around. Maria laments that Facundo even turned off his phone. Her finger is swollen from calling him all night! Abuelo comes in and tells them to change up breakfast...except for the boiled eggs. Carmen and Beto also arrive and Carmen asks about her father. Beto is a chip off the old block and blames his mother (that's María) for Facundo's absence. Jacinto and Susana are the BEST!! Jacinto doesn't give a rip if Beto is bigger--he tells his big brother not to talk to his mother that way. Susana gets in there too...fists ready for action. Go girl! Beto repeats that if Facundo spent the night elsewhere, it's María's fault.

At the hotel Isa prays that God forgive her for what she's about to do. It's the only way for the family to avoid ruin. She snuggles up to a naked Facundo. He wakes up with a start. They both start freaking out. Poor Facundo tries to make sense of things "What happened? Did it happen? Did it not happen? Ay Dios mío! I don't remember!" Isa does "remember". EVERYTHING happened! She starts to apologize as Facundo begins to worry about María finding out. In comes Santiago!

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It's Narco-novelas all the time at 10pm as El Señor de los Cielos, tercer temporada, begins its run. At 8pm, Avenida Brasil is hitting its stride and at 9pm Tierra de Reyes slogs along. This is your post for comments on all things Telemundo! Enjoy spring, too.


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Quiero Amarte (Week 32-Apr 27) Highlights & Discussion

Please step into our voting booth. We invite you to select the size anvil for the characters who have done the most to derail the happiness of our main couples, Amaya/Max and Mariana/Iván. However, note this is not a secret ballot. If you wish to amplify your choices with comments, you are invited to do so.

There are four sizes:
1. Full-body size (FBS)—the character will not recover and most likely will serve time in a confined space (this could include a coffin, e.g. Horacio Espinoza)
2. Rib-crushing size (RCS)—the character will recover but will be disgraced (e.g. Constanza)
3. Leg-fracturing size (LFS)—the character will be inconvenienced for having been mean or aided and abetted a major antagonist (e.g. Becca)
4. Nail-breaking size (NBS)—the character is unaware they caused any harm or interfered (e.g. Vale at her snotty worst)

We know certain characters have tried to wreck the lives and plans of other characters (like Cesar did to Lucio and Manuel), but let’s stick to the main protagonists. Dig back into your memory banks and pull out some who may have faded into the mists on Mexican mountains.  Have Fun.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #176 20150424 Pedro Came.....................................................Back!

Discussion Page.....the recap will be up shortly!


Que Te Perdone Dios #69: Love Means Letting Go, Or Maybe Not

Abigail gives Diego another go at the marriage go-round; they and Renata agree amongst themselves to keep it secret for a while.

Macaria threatens Renata to keep Abi by her side (and to fill her mind with gawd knows what trash about Ren) instead of leaving the rancho.  Her only goal is to now needle Ren at every turn.  Ren reminds her that she’s the servant; she’s to stop dissin’ her, and to start addressing her with “usted.” Mac needles her as only Mac can with “ustedito’s”.  Grrrr!

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Friday, April 24, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #49 4-24-15 The Stolen Kiss!

We have a brief overlap of the conversation between Adelina and Aldonza.  Aldonza admits that she is not happy but she will be one day, that happiness being contingent on making Sev pay for all his offenses.  The main thrust of the scene is Adelina’s firm rejection of Aldonza’ s suspicion that Cris is as perverse as his parents and her doubting her love for him.  Adelina tells her to trust her heart; it’s one thing that he is their son and raised by them but quite another that he would ever hurt Padre J.  Adelina tells her never to forget that Cris loves her as much as she loves him!

Lic. Serrano wants Reanato’s resignation on his desk NOW!  Serrano shuts down Sylvia and Pato and send them away so he can chew Renato out some more.  Serrano is unmoved by Renato’s accepting responsibility and asking pardon and tells Renato to get his cases in order for his successor:  there are lots of candidates who want an opportunity like he just threw away!

Across town there’s another chewing out going on.  Pru accuses Juana of taking the Humberto’s watch and gives her an ultimatum:  if she doesn’t find it, she is fired!  Hum intervenes and rescues Juanita from Pru’s hypocritical claws.

Ay, Candela is still wearing what she wore the previous night and we find her in her bedroom feverishly praying with a rosary.  Dominga knocks and Cande tearfully bids her to enter, affectionately calling her “Nana.”  Dominga sees Cande is distraught and crying.   Cande pulls Dominga down to the bed where she sits and holds her hand.  Cande cries that Jeronimo can’t die!  Dominga gently reminds Cande that she’s always been strong and she can’t get weak now.  Dominga coos to her that she’ll draw her a nice hot bath, it will help her relax, and leads her to the bathroom.

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Amores con Trampa April 24 2015... the fashion show wrapped in deceptions, dissappointments and appologies. and one villain team mystery solved... i see duos of villains everywhere...

Pancha tries to convince Chabelle that she needs to pull Fel away from Car or she will have to get used to the 'farm channel' scent of the month.
Lo nuevo:
Carmen is showing Fel some of her modeling steps she will use in the catwalk... (eh... pastorela... eh... pasarela).   Carmen is very excited about the modeling stint.  Chabelle asks Fel if he is trading Pancha for Carmen.   She says she can tolerate the Carmonas but she does not want the farmers to join the 'family'
Maria and Facundo in bedroom(they are wearing ALMOST matching plaid pajama pants)... she wants to talk to him about the knitting... he is excited to announce to her they will celebrate their anniversary in a BIG way.  (are we talking elephants or giraffes instead of horses and goats now?)
Next morning the lovebirds are telling the rest of the family about the celebration plans. Mother Galla warns them they have to hide all the valuables for the celebration so none of them dissappear.  El Gallo wants everyone to know what a great perfect wife he has.
nighttime... at Velascos, Chabelle is getting ready (quite ellegant outfit/jewelry) for the fashion show.  Santi asks if tonight will be THAT special.  why spend so much on HER outfit?  She argues she feels useful and valuable for the first time in a long time. SHe does not think his presence would add much. He is happy to hear that, more time to spend with his Steffffi.
Maria and Carmen are getting dressed. Susana and Margarito (the pig) come in. the others ask her not to tell on them.
Maria and Carmen get to go out, Facundo only ranted a little about the length of Carmen's skirt.
Meanwhle Steffffiiii is with Estevan... they are toasting to deceiving Santi and the farmer and will end up with all the farmer's money... jajajajaja...
Maria and Carmen have made it to the dressing area of the fashion show.  The designer is there to help Carmen get ready.   He yells at all the makeup/stylists just lke a good designer would. He has a surprise. The last model is none other than... the white rabit!... nah... Wendy Thomas!... nah... none other than PANCHA!!!! Carmen not a happy camper, rather she looks like someone just took her ice cream away. To add insult to injury Fel came in with Pancha.
Santi finds Steffi's door locked. Estevan is hiding behind a plant while Steffi is tryng to calm down Santi who is miffed at finding the door locked.
Chabelle is working the next step of her plan... she tells El Gallo that his wife lied to him, she deceived him and never stopped working on the shawls. she is now at the fashion show.  El Gallo looks like he just saw his favorite hen  necking with the Gallo from three hen houses down.

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Weekend Discussion: Misogyny and Sexism Need an Executioner

I'm in step with those who are watching Amores Con Trampa but still catching up to La Sombra del Pasado (cap 25) and Que Te Perdone Dios (cap 34), but the sexism is getting to me.  I totally get that rural environments are often more sexist than urban ones and what's going on in ACT makes a certain amount of sense.  However in the 21st century are the other two even close to reality anymore?

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Que Te Perdone Dios #68 - Max Bites the Bullet, and Abi Gets Re-Engaged to Uncle Diego

Refrito: Simona walked home after over two months in jail. I would have expected her to look thinner after so long on jail food, but she seems healthy. She laments her ruined reputation to Barragan, who assures her she still has a friend in him. She asks, “What good is it to be honest your whole life if you can lose it in an instant by people telling lies about you?” She conveniently forgets that she has lied, and lied to cover up her lies. But hers was for a good reason, not like other liars.

Replay the meeting of Diana and Toño. She asks Julio, “What are you doing with this character from the market?” which makes it sound like he’s the guy dressed in the chicken suit. Julio: “He’s my son.”

New: Violeta shows up at Simona’s house. This part is a little confusing, because she knocks even though she’s been living there alone for the last two months, unless unbeknownst to us she reconciled with her bag-of-wind hubby Marcelino. She apologizes for not giving Simona a ride home. It does seem like the least she could have done. Violeta says she lost the campaign. Simona tries to be positive, but Violeta knows. Then Simona takes the blame, but Violeta won’t have it. It’s the people who told the lies about Sim murdering Mia that lost them the election. Simona: “The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar.”

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #175 Mob Wife...Sophia is Engaged!

I don't have cable.  The signal came in and out during the last 12 minutes of the show.  Please fill in what I didn't see.

Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday?

Ripoll:  Peralta suggests that Sophia read the contract.  Sophia says that she trusts him and signs the company away, I'm certain.  Afterwards, Peralta asks her out for dinner.  As they are leaving, Dani rushes in and thanks Peralta for putting up the ransom.  Without it, she would've be in the Christian's unwilling bride.  Dani leaves and Chava barges in.  He begs for five minutes of Sophia's time.  Peralta tells Chava he and Sophia have dinner reservations and he will definitely be trying to get in Sophia's pants.  Chava becomes all enraged in stuff.  He begs Sophia not to put that seducution visualization into his brain or ours.

Cruz Residence-Kitchen:   Marisol is all pissed at Chava for literally c*ck blockin' Patrick!  Chava asked Dani not to allow her to work late.  Lupe tells Marisol that she agrees with Chava.  It's dangerous for a chick to work alone at night.  Araceli who is present tells Lupe and Marisol that she can't wait until Chava accepts her as part of the family.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #48 - Thu 4/23 - A lot of waiting

Aldonza is in shock.  Padre J just left the house!  She starts getting her shoes on and grabbing her coat and purse while she tells Cris they're on their way.

Pru succumbs to the temptation of her pretty phone…will she call Tomas, a.k.a. Papi Chulo?

Silvia goes somewhere that's not her house, but that's ok, Lardo has his new BFF the skeevy cab driver to hang out with him and wait for her to leave again.  Thanks, Skeevy Cab Driver!

Silvia is at Renato's house, telling his dad that Renato is close to losing his job because of his trips to Santa Lucia.  If he doesn't come into the office tomorrow….

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Que Te Perdone Dios #67: Pity Party for One?

Cap 67

Abigail races over to the Montero place to help Toño through his drunken sob-fest.

Abi learns Tony's pissed cuz he’s pissed to have learned that Simona lied to him all his life about not really being his mother.  How would she feel if she found out the same?  Abi frowns big-time.  It doesn’t look very good for Renata’s Tale of Truth.

Meanwhile, the cops do an end run around Julian-lio to bring him to Com. Barragan’s office for a sit-down.  Comandante explains that there’s no proof Simona killed Mia.  She’s about to be let free unless El Lio de Juli or his “sister,” Diana have some other complaint.

Macaria and Fausto get into a game of chicken over whose threat is greater re: Who Shot J.R.—er…Pablo.    He takes out The Gun from his office safe as she watches closely, wipes the barrel off, just in case after all these years there might still be a print or two of his, and then calls Barragan’s office to have him come over with information leading to the case.  Rotten shame, he says, if you serve a life sentence for the murder of a man I killed!  Just as Barragan arrives, the argument subsides as Feisty has won this battle of wits with Mac also.  It's Jaque-mate.  Checkmate! Vicenta is told through the closed office door to send Barragan home due to a “cancelled appointment.”

Abi returns home and explains to Ren about Tony and his predicament.  No way she’d ever forgive anyone telling her that the woman who raised her wasn’t really her mother.  Of course, she adds, it would be just another lie of many around there for her.

Ren visits Simona in jail to pay her respects and empathize with her over the rotten way Tony has rejected her.  She returns home and promptly loses her courage over coming clean with Abi about being her real mother.  She   remembers Mac’s snide threats from earlier, Abi’s declaration and feels totally helpless.

[This is where I fell asleep!  Feel free to add what I left out at the end here.--ed.]


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/22 Tue #174 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Calling Patricio a Rata con Dos Patas is an insult to Ratas

Empressa Ripoll
Patricieeeeewwww continues seducing Marisol.  In his mind, he’s just demonstrating what sexual harassment in the workplace looks like.

Meanwhile at Casa Chava, Chava finally takes notice that Marisol’s running a little late and decides to call her cellphone and it goes straight to voicemail.  He decides to go check on her.  Lupe is so proud of her son, watching over his sister as though he were actually her father.  Actually Lupe, it’s just that since he’s no longer joined at the hip to his güerita, he has nothing else to do.   Luckily for Marisol, he’d do anything to get away from Aracely.

Highrise Cantina
Irais and Matias are having a good time and she’s had a bit too much.  Jughead insists on drinking a toast to “impossible loves.”  Irais insists on getting the check before it gets too expensive, blah blah blah.  He agrees to take her to her depa and maybe continue the party there.

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Amores con trampa 4/22/15 and 4/23/15 #18 and #19

Look for Jarifa's recap in the comments!


La Sombra del Pasado #47 4/22/15

Bullets! They are from memory, woefully out of order and short on detail. I'll come back in the morning and really recap.
  • Simoneta visits Lola at the shop. Dominga shows up, too. Sim tries to introduce herself, but Dom refuses to shake her hand. Sim leaves and Dominga goes after her, almost knocking Aldonza down. 
  • The senior partner grills Silvia. Did she know Renato was in SL? She says she only thought he was helping a friend. Abelardo(Lardo) pipes up that Renato is filing lawsuits outside of the lawfirm. Senior partner instructs Silvia to get in touch with Renato and tell him to call them. Senior partner also wants her to get Lardo's contact info. Lardo apologizes for causing problems. Silvia calls Renato and tells him to call the senior partner. They are in deep caca. Lardo eavesdrops at the door.
  • Dominga chases down Sim in the street. She wants to know what Sim wants with her granddaughter. Sim just wants to get to know her. Dominga asks Sim what will Lola think when she finds out her mother abandoned her.  Sim doesn't think Dominga has a right to say anything. Dominga let Lola believe her mother was dead! Now Sim just wants to get to know her daughter.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 66 - Recap Part 1

This episode was quite action packed i must say! . Some scenes were merged out of context.

Here are some of the major plot-points that happened last night:

Ren finally encounters with Mac and Mac at first begged for mercy after she received the Slap of Doom and Gloom from the glorious  Ren but much later she flips a 360° showing her true evil, nasty side after Ren revealed she knew all the dirty truth , even wanting to injure Ren.  Ren wants her to leave the hacienda forever  but Mac threatens to tell Ab's the truth but Ren threatens if that happens , she'll make French Fries of Mac ! . Mac leaves Ren utterly destroyed ( She promised that she shall  make Ab's beg to come at  her side when she learns of Ren's filthy pecado since she never cared for her as much as Mac cared for her.)  . 
Mac will toy with Ren as she pleases because she can also transform her life in hellfire!  Ren's only solution ATM is for her to stay otherwise when Ab's learns the truth it will be Ab's who will never want to hear her voice again!

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La Sombra del Pasado, 04-21-2015, Capitulo 46, Aldie's stepped in it, but everyone's shoes are covered OR Sh*t hits the fan and all the good guys are splattered

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle!

Hey guys. I’m a little scattered this week, so I apologize if I forgot anything.

Re-re-cap-cap: Lola runs off, Eman calls after her, Pato tells him to back off. Sim/Viv runs into Lola, offers some generic comfort and invites her to dinner. Hum tells Sev he’s back on Team Sevil.

New Stuff: Hum tells Sev that PJ is on the Case of the Missing Love Child which worries Hum because he actually has an actual conscience that actually bothers him sometimes. Sev, in addition to an arm and heart, is missing that too, so he’s not worried; PJ can’t prove anything.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #65 on Monday, April 20th, 2015. (A/N = Author's Note.)

Disclaimer: I might have taken forever and a day with this but it's here. I hope you guys enjoy it while we await Tuesday's re-cap.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4/21/15 TUE #173 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Huracán Irma hits el D.F.

Don Peralta’s Office
Geronimo is worried Silvana will rat out Patricio and him to the authorities.  She’s a loose cannon.  She swears she’d never do that.  She pledges her allegiance to him and asks him to allow her to return.  Welllll, Gerry’s not so sure about that.  She and her brother have caused him an awful lot of headaches lately.  Silvana, feeling his hands closing around her throat pleads for mercy and asks for the honor of working for him.  She’d do whatever he asks.  Well, ok, he’s gonna allow her to return.  Silvana just about bows and scrapes, thanking him profusely.  For her first assignment, he wants her to speak with Cristian and warn him her life is in danger if he talks.

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #172 4/20/15 Is This the End for Silvana?

I'm kind of tired tonight so this will be a quick and dirty recap. Let's get to it!

Monday's Episode:

Dani wants to think about something other than her harrowing experience with Iker. She tells Lucas that she is going to work and that she will see him there. They make out in the kitchen while their annoying theme song plays in the background.

Lupe', Marisol and Matias gang up on Chava to let the perpetually sobbing Araceli stay at the house. Chava finally agrees to let her stay and says that while he will support her and the baby, he has no intention of marrying her. Ever. Never, never, never. Ever. End of story. Finito.

The Ripolls gather in Sofia's bedroom to talk about Dani's ordeal over morning coffee. Dani tells them that psycho Iker didn't want money, he wanted her! He was obsessed with Dani and hired thugs to kill Lucas - but the reason he came to the Ripoll house in the first place was to kill Greta!

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La Sombra Del Pasado #45 04/20/2015 Discussion page

Work is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y, I'll be back with a short recap in the morning!

Previous: Episode 44
Next: Episode 46


Monday, April 20, 2015

Amores con trampa 4/20-4/21 La Fiesta and its aftermath

It was a full episode tonight with a decidedly dramatic turn toward the end, but Margarito!

Right to the new
Santiago(Santi) goes to Estefany's house. At least he thinks it's her house. That's where he dropped her off last time. The voice at the other end of the speaker box informs him that there is no Estefany there. Try the house next door. Santi is confused.

In the office, Santi whines to Esteban. He went to Estefany's "house"...or at least he thought it was her house-that's where he dropped her off last time. Esteban tries to tell him "I told you so." Not only did they tell Santi that Estefany didn't live there, they ran him off. HIM! Santi wonders why Estefany should do such a thing. He thought they had a good relationship. Esteban questions "relationship" so Santi concedes that "connection" might be the better word. Esteban tells him to talk to Estefany, but Santi tells him she won't answer her cell (the cell SANTI pays for.) Santi panics. What if she went to Africa? Esteban is sure Santi will find out and come running to tell him. Santi starts to complain that all women are the same-dishonest liars. Luckily, his Puchis is different! Esteban looks at him funny and Santi backtracks and explains that if he's playing this game with Estefany it's because Puchis practically pushed him to to it.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: DUEÑOS DEL PARAÍSO (ending Monday), El SEÑOR DE LOS CIELOS 3 (starting Tuesday), TIERRA DE REYES, AVENIDA BRASIL, etc – week of April 20, 2015

It's a transitional week here on Telemundo as the Dueños finish up tonight (Monday) and then cede their place to El Señor at 10pm/9C, the dedicated NarcoHour tomorrow night (Tuesday).

NOTE: The premiere of El Señor de los Cielos will start an hour earlier tomorrow, April 21 and run for 2 hours, from 9-11pm/8-10C.  Tierra will not be shown on Tuesday, but will resume on Wednesday when El Señor will be in its usual one-hour slot.

Avenida Brasil and Tierra de Reyes continue apace.

Have fun, guys!

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Quiero Amarte (Week 31-Apr 20) Highlights & Discussion

THE CHIAPAS WEEKLY NEWS - Online Edition for Select Subscribers
Don Mauro Montesinos, head of the Montesinos family, chairman and majority shareholder of the Nescafé-Mexico empire and owner of vast coffee lands in Chiapas, has been missing and presumed dead for many weeks. Most of his family members cannot believe he is dead. In breaking news it seems a Dr. Marco Antonio Linares, newly arrived head of the Chiapas medical clinic, has been instrumental in identifying him as being alive (and to his own surprise, identifying him also as his father). Don Mauro is in serious but not critical condition upon being rescued. He is alive thanks to two individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. Family members had gathered in the Montesinos Mansion in Mexico City, expecting a family reunion that never took place. They have yet to be informed of Mauro’s recovery and status. This story has not been officially confirmed, but sources close to the scene have indicated it is credible. More news on the family’s reaction as it comes in to News Central.

Iván Fonseca, recently married to the lovely Mariana Valdez and having of late recovered his lost memory, has volunteered to be a super hero and single-handedly deal fatal blows (figuratively speaking, of course) to the evil, scheming Ulises Arteaga and the dangerously obsessed and mentally unbalanced Cecilia Cortez (aka Cecy), owner of the WUN finca, La Tormenta. Ulises, recent heir to the finca El Deseo has been identified as engaging in some dirty coffee business dealings. He has now abandoned the property to evade capture after kidnapping and sequestering Mariana twice, nearly whisking her out of the country using fake passports (which he had to have replaced). He is on the run, thought to be heading for Cecy’s finca. Cecy was given parole for her participation in deceiving Iván into believing he had no wife, no family and preventing him from being reunited with his loved ones. She pretended to be crazy (which of course she really is) to “pass” her psychiatric exam and is now back home at her finca, plotting new ways to separate Mariana from Iván, the object of her obsession. More news on Iván’s heroics as it comes in to News Central.

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Que Te Perdone Dios#64: Crazy Connie Is The Only Sane One Around?

What is wrong with my screen?  Have the aliens suddenly taken control of my set?  Am I having another J.R.’s-really-alive-in-the-shower moment in time?  Something has really got to be wrong when the only sane person in this telenovela turns out to be Crazy Connie!   (Maybe I need a Meliton cocktail or two myself…..)  

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #171 When Honest Criminals and Idiots Collide

So Patricio asks Peralta if he's earned any evil loyalty points for snitchin' on Chris' whereabouts.  Meanwhile, Aldo, the most honest assassin in the world delivers a big duffle bag filled with cash to the Snobs.  Peralta tells Patrick that he is 100% certain that he his cash will be returned to him along with Dani and then he will be the hero of this drama.  

In Silvanna's apartment, Dani is still tied to the bed while Christian force feeds her sleeping drops.  Dani spits the drops out, but Christian finally subdues her by pinching her nose and holding her mouth closed.  She passes out, but Christian makes out with her unconscience body and tells her that she will beg for his kisses one day. He needs her to sleep and when she awakens, they will be far away.

After leaving Snob Hill, Aldo pays a unnannounced with his gun drawn visit to Silvanna's residence only to find that Dani and Chris are gone.  Aldo calls Peralta.  
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Friday, April 17, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #44, 4-17-15 True Confessions of Boinkers, Lovers and Other Strangers

Overlap:   Lola with Dominga and Mel in the kitchen declaring her new attitude toward E-man while admitting she can't help being attracted to the handsome devil!

We return to the morning after and the afterglow is long gone for the Mendozas.  Among other things Cande screeches to Severiano is that nothing happened last night!  Sev begs, even falls to his knees claiming he loves her but Cande is seized by pain and humiliation.  She wails that Sev should get out, slams and locks her bedroom door, then slumps to her chair and weeps.

Dominga enters Cande’s room to bring tea and hastens to leave.  Cande asks her not to stay, she needs to talk.  I get the feeling that Cande as a wounded little girl and Dominga as the comforter is a role that has played out throughout their lives.  Cande cries that Sev has a lover and of her pain after having surrendered to him last night.  Doming gently checks her reality:  it’s logical and Cande knows this woman isn’t his first.   Dominga wants to know what is really hurting Cande:  she’s maintained for years that Sev didn’t matter to her.  Cande looks within to a private screening of her past.  She thought she would be happy when first married him but she was wrong.  The bastard never valued her as she deserved and she will never forgive him for that!  Dominga asks her if she valued Sev as a man:  They both married knowing she was in love with another man.   Cande cries that THAT man didn’t value her either!  Dominga entreats Cande not to torture herself with thoughts of a past that cannot be changed.  Dominga walks Cande over to her sitting area and brings her tea.  Cande thanks her weakly and sips.  Take a good look.  I’ve got a feeling we won’t be seeing a lot of this helpless, vulnerable, loose-haired Cande.

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Amores con trampa #15 17 Apr 2015... the setup for a very entertaining birthday party!! Carmen gets a bit of 'right back at you babe!' to Francis

Alejandra and Rocio, Rocio is  a nice big sister.
repeat of Isa dreaming with Facundo (a bit more of the dream, they are kissing, sharing a strawberry and some pancakes... "que rico!!")
Lo nuevo:
Santi wakes Isa up, he is really angry, jealous that she was dreaming of Facundo and the dream looked quite graphic... 'no tienes verguenza!!' (you have no shame!!)
Isa again rants back at him that Santi is the one that asked her to seduce the charrito montaperros.
they have a bit of a pillowfight. Santi yells at the rooster to keep singing (cocoodling).

At the college, turns out Francis converted the video clips of Carmen hitting her car into making a caricature of Carmen as a 'rancherita loca'.  Francis mocks Carmen in front of everyone at school. Francis declares the war on her directly. This is only the beginning, if you insist with MY BF, you will end up worse.  Carmen walks away. Francis runs to latch to Felipe but he did not miss the fact that the video was uploaded by some 'Frank Lop'.  She steals a kiss from him and Carmen sees it.

Back at the house... Diego came to see Rocio...  ISa warns them she does not want 'naco'-related scandals.  Diego is angry at Rocio, she says we were splitting up already.  He rants at her and realizes she is wearing a chain/pendant that Beto gave her. He rips it right off her neck.
Rocio rants that Diego was never charming or delicate with her.  Diego warns her that once the 'farmer' learns about her 'not so normal' features he will get away from her.  Rocio says i was looking for a reason to split with you but this is more than enough. Diego warns her she will come back to him begging.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #63 – Benito’s Horrible, Terrible, Very Bad Day, and Mac and Diana Always Get Their Man

Right to new business: After Mateo came home late, without lovin’ on his mind, Diana brings him some breakfast in bed in the morning. But he pushes it aside and wants to take a shower – with no funny business. Since he’s in a novela, he doesn’t know that he can just lock the door to keep stray people out. Diana hurls the tray.

In his own room, Fausto is having an intimate moment with his hat of the day, when Diana rushes in and wants some 20 minute lovin’ while Mat’s in the shower. Fausto gives her the bum’s rush. He’s mad about what Mac said re Diana having a lover, and plus I don’t think him getting caught with Diana could possibly help his “Look at me, I’m making changes” campaign. Diana says if he can’t give her what she needs, she’ll just have to go elsewhere. Fausto assures her, “Te mato” if she does.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #170 Chava is in the Middle of a Hot Sister Sandwich

  • Patrick tells Peralta that Sophia's psychotic brother, Christian, is working as a nurse on Snob Hill.
  • If Silvanna has anything to do with her psychotic brother, Patrick threatens her with divorce.  Christian can get them both dead.  Silvanna defends Christian and says that he's had a hard life.  She wants to continue to support him.  Patrick warns her again to wash her hands of Christian.  
  • Detective Fuzzy Tavarez gathers all of the Snobs together and tells them that Igor does not exist.  He's been using an alias and he's probably not even a nurse.  
  • Across town, Christian asks his friend for help.  He needs cash and has to get out of town ASAP.  While he is out, Daniela frees herself by breaking a mirror and using on of the broken pieces to cut her rope.  She gets the key, but too late, Christian is at the door.  She throws something at her captor and runs by him, but he tackles her out in the hallway and drags her back in.  He stops her from screaming by telling twisting her arm and telling her that he doesn't want to hurt her.  
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

La sombra del pasado #43 4/16/15 There are dirty words. Read with caution.

I think I got a set up episode. I felt like it was all over the place, but not in a wasting time kind of way. There are things afoot in Santa Lucia!

El Refrito
Severiano(Sev) convinces Candela(Cande to let down her hair.

Lo Nuevo
It's late and Slivia is surprised Renato is still in his office and notes how tense he is. It's understandable. He's dealing with the death of his mother and his unrequited love for Aldonza. Sylvia gets mighty handsy and asks about how things are going with Aldonza. Renato confesses that things are not going well. He fears it's a lost battle. Sylvia takes this to mean "please kiss me" and she obliges. Renato responds, but soon gets himself under control and tells he tells Sylvia that what they are doing is not a good idea. Sylvia disagrees and continues applying her stress relieving techniques. Little Renato takes over...if you know what I mean.

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Que Te Perdone Dios#62: More Snitfits From The Misfits

Parte Uno:
We learn that Diego is the bastard son Constanza could never give Bruno and he was kept close to the house with his abuela after his mother left for parts unknown.  (Bruno kicked the bucket before ever squaring things with Diego—that is, if he ever meant to.  Personally, I don’t think he would’ve liked eating that much crow.)
Renata is gasp-gasp-impactada to hear that Fausto is Mateo’s baby daddy, knows it and that Mat is ignorant of the fact.  Helena imparts her em-bare-assing story to Renata.  Considering the truth ain't out for real yet, the two broads cluck to each other and assume that Feisty, being in the room when his brother “took his own life” probably was affected horribly which accounts for his nasty, anti-social behavior?  Pobre de Fausto!  (Yeah, my heart bleeds.  Another victim of supposed circumstance.)  And pobre de Hellie who says she didn’t stop to think what the consequences would be (in blurting the truth out on your wedding day to your intended you mean???) so badly was she needing to clear her conscience about her affair.  She blames herself for that tragedy.  (Well at least you have figured that much out over that past 30 years.)
Simona is thrilled to speak to her lawyer and tells Father Tomas as much. When she tells Tom that Max’s aunt Ximena sent him from Mexico City to help her pro bono, they both mistakenly assume that it was Max’s idea.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #42 - Wed 4/15 - Warnings all around

Sev continues his intimidation of Adelina, adding that when he goes down, there are a lot of people going down with him.  Like her.  She was Roberta's "accomplice" in some of what happened--like the murder of Raymundo.  Uh, legally?  No.  Though in the court of public opinion…hell, she's already been tried, convicted, and sentenced, so the only threat there is Aldonza finding out she hid the truth.  Anyway, Adelina finally picks up the groceries and leaves, with smarmy Sev watching her walk away and looking like he's enjoying the view.  Sicko!

Tomas and Abelardo discuss Pru.  Tomas does think Pru is a hottie (well, at least he has good taste), but he's also building up his gigolo clientele.  He counsels Lardo that providing *ahem* mechanical services to women with money is always going to be more profitable than working.

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4/15 #169 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Rata de Dos Patas!!! is all I can say……..

Iker has Daniiiiiiii tied up at Silvana’s depa.  Yikes!  She’s trying desperately to get away from him and tells him she loves Lucas.  She tells him one time too many and he breaks.  He turns from psycho amorous to psycho angry in one second flat!  “Don’t say that!  Don’t ever say that!  I love you Daniela!”  She repeats that she loves Lucas and could never love Iker.  This isn’t what Iker wants to hear and he puts the gag over her mouth again.  I have to say the actress playing Daniela, Jade Fraser, is doing a fantastic job here.  She looks terrified.

Casa de Chava/Casa Ripoll
Armando calls Chava with the news that Dani is missing, wondering if he might know where she is.  Meanwhile, the Ripolls and Fausto are grilling Aurora the maid about what happened the last time she saw Dani.  She tells how Dani asked Iker for juice and he mixed it up for her.  She doesn’t know anything else because she locked herself up in her room.  The Ripoll family & Fausto call around looking for Dani.  ¡Que angustia!  Fausto even leaves a voicemail for Iker!  It appears she hasn’t been in an accident and the cops say they can’t do anything for 72 hours.  Greta only hopes Lucas hasn’t got her mixed up in something stupid.  Doorbell rings and the cavalry has arrived!  Chava has come to offer his help.  Greta declines his help, saying there’s nothing he can do but Fausto interrupts her, saying any help is welcome.  Greta returns to her room to keep making calls.  Sofia updates Chava on who they’ve called but there are still some hospitals and police precincts they haven’t checked.

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Amores con trampa 4/15/15 thru 4/16/15

All descriptors of the notes are added by the editor (Sara.) I can't thank Jarifa enough! What a wonderful job she's done for us!

Jarifa's notes- Capítulo 13

Part 1
At the Velasco offices Santiago fills in Esteban about the situation with Isabel. Esteban says he will find a way to regain control. Esteban doubts that since all of the money has been spent on wages, the collateral for the new company, and the 2 million pesos he gave to Estefany. Santiago sees the latter as an investment to gain the trust of Estefany. Santiago figues that with the rest of the money he will rob from Facundo as well as the money he will get from Estefany, he'll be set for life.

In the kitchen, María and grandma Perpétua are discussing the dirty air of the city. The conversation moves on to grandma trying to talk María into workingwith Isabel she on the business opportunity Isabel is offering her. She sees it as a chance for María to do something for herself. María is confused. Grandpappy Porfirio is hungry and stops by and gets 2 hardboiled eggs. (He never misses a chance.)

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 61 -Discussion(Recap) Full Recap

Refrito's : There aren't much of refrito scenes , most of them included  Pat' decision to call Xi & Efrain calling Ren for Judgment Day !

Present: ( Some scenes were merged) 
 ( I must say  the Bar-Ren scenes were quite hard  scenes to recap  , they would have took me ages to recap  in perfection and  i am not in the mood to drag this for too long since by the time I finish them Fausto would have already  became Dictator ! )  To sum the scenes  all up ,  Bar was basically shredding Ren to bits for her supposed secretive and manipulative ways that dragged Pab to the Pits just so that she could marry Fausto in clean white  glory .  Bar also accuses of now playing with Pat's emotions like Pab's  ,   playing a mask of innocence and for forcing Abi to live with Mac to hide her embarrassing  secrets but he"s not surprised at all since that's what rich people are known for right? . Ren keeps claiming that she"s innocent  , constantly defending her guts from the ranting Bar who shares  a face of Terminator and informs him that he should know that she was a victim too but Bar won't listen to her but promises that Abi will be told nothing cause it would utterly destroy her cause her very mother decided to raise her not & has ashamed of her . Ren exclaims that she has always protected and watched over her but Bar is not satisfied much, after Brutus croaked nothing could hold Ren hostage ( Except the Ogre who must not be named nor has a name nor soul neither emotion less for his Hat  still remains ) He himself will not forgive her abandonment , may God do it Yo No!

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #41 4/14/15

Recap courtesy of HellaShelle

Dom tells PJ she doesn’t dare tell Lola the truth, it would hurt her so! PJ says she’ll avoid lots of problems if she does. He wishes Dom Godly illumination as she leaves.

Melesio goes to see Aldonza after the shooting. Aldonza blames Sev, but Mel says he’s not so sure. Besides, without proof, they can’t just accuse anyone. Aldonza asks for his help getting some security and he promises to send someone by that he trusts. He also wants to talk about Cris. Aldonza insists she and Cris wouldn’t work, but Mel says her eyes tell a different story. (Geez – her eyes, her lips. Anyone use words in this town?)

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14 Tue #168 Hasta el Fin Del Mundo – Fifty Shades of Iker

Episode really jumped around tonight so I liberally moved things around.  

Slimy Geronimo insists Sofia share what’s bugging her.  She stupidly tells him her relationship with Chava is over and rushes off.  This is music to his ears.

Back at Empresa Ripoll
The chisme is all over the secretarial pool.  They’re discussing how Chava left in tears.  When Patricio walks by,  they act like nothing’s going on but Noemi tells him the chisme.  She’s sure Chava and Sofia are over.

Depa de Irais
Matias comes looking for Jobeth.  Irais tells him she has no idea where she is.  He spies Jobeth snogging with that guy in the snazzy car.  Matias yanks her out of the car and the guy splits.  He and Jobeth argue.  She tells him she was only saying goodnight to the guy and she doesn’t like jealous scenes.  She tells him like it is, cheap ring, cheap cars.  She expects only the best from someone she’s dating.  Maybe, just maybe, the truth is getting through to our Jughead Matias.

She ends up giving him back the ring.  Jughead still doesn’t get it.  He calls after her, saying he can get a bigger ring and even a better car.  I don’t like this character, but I can’t help feeling sorry for the guy.
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Que Te Perdone Dios on Moday, April 13th, 2015. (Featuring Quotes from The Stalker Song, Pink Eye, and The Red Hot Doc.)

  (Part 1)
(You know I'm committed to you baby, that's why your cat I ate.)

Foul and Lucio are in the cantina as usual when Efrain comes to borrow Lucio. The two exit while Fausto gives the camera a snide and overall cold face. The two walk outside and run into Marxellino who thinks Lucio has been arrested. Luci clears up that he and Ef are just going to talk and no one has been arrested. Busybody Marx mentions propaganda and asks to know what is going to be discussed. Ef says it's classified info and walks off. Marx says to Lucio, "No lo pierdas de vista." Lucio tips his hat off to Marx.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #167 4/13/15 Araceli Still Can't Get What She Wants

From Friday:
Alexa tells Armando that she's moving in with him.
Fausto and Lupe' take Greta to the Shaman in the Woods.
Sofia tells Chava that it's over between them. She and Chava cry and cry and cry and sob and cry some more.

Monday's Episode:
Chava leaves Sofia's office after giving her the bombshell news that Araceli is pregnant after raping him. The pregnancy would never have happened if the drunken Chava hadn't been picturing Sofia in his mind while Araceli was stealing his Team from the Inseam. Sofia drops to the floor and sobs. Sad music plays.

The TV y Novela Awards are coming up. I didn't mind kissing Pedro,
but kissing Zepeda is just gross. I'd better win something.

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La sombra del pasado #40 4/13/15

Please join me in thanking hellashelle for her recap!! THANK YOU HELLASHELLE!

Rewind: Severiano (Sev) reams Abelardo (Lardo) out. (Renato) Ren’s shirtless post-shower phone convo. (Candela) Cande suspects Sev of cheating. (Cristobal) Cris suspects both of his parents of attempted murder.

Play: Cande goes apoplectic. How dare Cris accuse them of something so low?! How humiliating! Unlike Cande, Cris doesn’t have apparent short term memory loss, so he reminds his mom that she interrupted a funeral mass and slapped the bereaved. That was completely different! Cande insists. (Yes, villains never think the rules apply to them.) Sev steps in to say that what hurts the most is that Cris believes the priest (here he gives Cande a hard look), who’s had Sev entre ceja y ceja (=between eyebrows; had his eyes on him) more than his own parents. This means nothing to Cris, who simply asks again if it was them. Sev screams back that he doesn’t have to take this disrespect. Cande cuts him off and says that it’s one thing for them to hate Aldonza, for obvious reasons, but quite another for them to be criminals. Sev orders Cris to get out of his sight and for a second Cris looks like he thinks he really f*d up with his folks, but then he warns them that if he finds out they’re behind this mess, he himself will denounce them to the police.

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Amores con trampa 4/13/15 thru 4/14/15

I'm about to cry. I don't know what the hell just happened but I had the recap almost completely done and my computer just restarted itself. And no, I hadn't stopped to save it.

I'm really mad. I'm just going to give you bullets with the action. The snark is all gone. I tried to remember some of it.

I'm really sorry and from now on I will be hitting save after practically every sentence

  • Santi tells the family they have to cut down on their spending. They are selling Isa's car, but not Feli's. He's using it to deliver pizzas and help the family. Alejandra offers to sell her bike.
  • Fac get amorous. Maria turns him down. (Oh Facuuuundo! Over here!! The lady in the plaid pajamas and the sexy, fuzzy socks! I'll volunteer!)
  • Fac and Beto burn leaves. The city authorities show up because Isa called them.
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Greetings, I hope everyone has done their taxes so that there won't be any distractions from this week's Telemundo novela lineup of Avenida Brasil, Tierra de Reyes and Dueños del Paraíso.


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Quiero Amarte (Week 30-April 13) Highlights & Discussion

For Dr. Guapo Marco Antonio Linares (aka Baby Boy Montesinos) parentage to be revealed. Here's hoping he goes to El Paraiso for a visit very soon.
To figure out why Candy Seller (aka Dulce for me) has appeared so late in this story.
To learn why Sal is still hanging around.
For Mauro to SHOW UP ALIVE, for heaven's sake. It's been too long, already.
For Cesar and Lucrecia to learn Florencia has been long dead. HaHa, the "joke" is on them.
For Cecy and Uli to get the heck out of the lives of Ivan and Mariana.
For Flavia and Heriberto to share more than work, a bonfire and distributing flyers.
To clear up the seeming mystery, perpetuated by certain characters not in the telenovela, that Consta's baby is not Max's.
To see how Max and Amaya will ever be able to get back together before the end.

Let your speculations abound!


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Que Te Perdone #59: Dog In A Manger Danger for Mat; Mac Is Made; And Sacramental Sin May Be “In”

Fortunately for those of us in Viewerville who’d just eaten, Fausto suddenly comes to his senses.  He stops himself from ruining his whole political future through the folly of forcing himself onto his sleeping “foster daughter,” and thus causing a sordid sex scandal the likes of which that pueblocito has NEVER seen.  Renata comes into the hall.   Feisty is safely there and tells her he’s just on his way to bed, that didn’t want to disturb her.  He then walks off, presumably to take a quick cold shower before bed.

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #166 While I was Boinking Her, I was Thinking of You, Baby!....Said Every Low Down Cheating Man on Planet Earth!

Ripoll:  Sophia tells Paco that even if she sells Oct's country home and mortgages the Snob Hill, she still won't be able to pay off the debt the Ripoll owes.  Peralta's presence is announced.  Sophia introduces him to her father, the real creator of the Ripoll recipes.  Peralta feigns being impressed.  Paco exits so that Sophia and Peralta can talk.  Peralta tells Sophia not to let Ripoll close because of her pride.  He has no evil motive.  He knows that Sophia is a hard worker.  Sophia agrees to take the loan, but he has to accept Ripoll as a guarantee.  The fly talked the spider into it.  Sophia has her lawyers draw up the agreement.   
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Weekend Discussion Your Favorite Actors' Best Performances

This was suggested two weeks ago.  Pick your favorite actor and his best performance.  All character types are fair game; you can choose one of each.  I'll start.  I might add photos later from your entries in between catching up on the two big dramas currently airing.

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La Sombra del Pasado #39 Friday 4-10-15 BREAKING NOW: DRIVE BY IN SANTA LUCIA! Story at 11.

<<R  Simoneta promising to be a good little mistress.  At Sev's request, she will try to make Humberto a rental offer on the Alcocer house that he can’t refuse!

F>>Pru practices her cougar skills on Lardo’s equally useless friend, Tomas.  He’s willing to play gigolo to her cougar, her being married is no obstacle until he learns she is the wife of Dr. Zapata and Santa Lucita es buen chiquita!  (too small and everybody knows everything)  He strokes her ego as he kisses her hand:  he didn’t know Doctorcito had such good taste!  Pru leans against the hood of her car, heaves a big sigh and gives Tomas a twinkly finger wave as he drives away.

Over at the Alcocer place Padre accompanies Adelina as she makes some finishing touches .  Uh oh!  Adelina discovers Aldonza’s pistol as she is putting away some clothes!  Neither she nor Padre J like it one bit!

Aldonza is picking Renato up some coffee for Renato at the (funeral home?) cafeteria when Gaby, standing behind her, corrects the order Aldonza has just given the clerk.  This is a lead in for Gaby to tell Aldonza that she and Renato were going together until recently but they broke up.  Say it with me now, because of Aldonza!  [Hoo boy, she may not wear twirly skirts but Donnie’s got Roberta’s dude magnet gene!]  Gaby tells her that Renato is in love with her and she doesn’t know if it’s mutual, she just doesn’t want Aldonza to hurt him because he’s very emotionally vulnerable right now.

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Friday, April 10, 2015

Amores con trampa #10 Isa and Gallo: 'don't let me be misunderstood!'

Refrito: Isa talks on phone, about not forgetting a date and swearing no one will know what “I” did.

Maria hears this and looks alarmed. Isa sees her and freezes like she got caught stealing a lipstick from Walmart.

Lo Nuevo:

Perpetua notices Facundo is eating like a bird. (and he usually eats like a bull) She guesses it’s about Maria leaving them alone at dinner time. Facundo is surprised, Maria never leaves them to eat alone. Maria is changing…

Isa, after getting Maria’s name right a few times, asks what she is doing there, and whines at Conchita for not alerting her Maria was here. Isa acts a bit strange telling Maria that she got there at the perfect time.

Then Isa and Maria at a wine bar/restaurant. (one of those wine tasting restaurants with wine bottles all around). Isa tries to convince Maria that Facundo won’t be any more angry if she gets home later than if she went home now. Isa keeps trying to feed Maria B.S. about her career just taking off.

The rest of the Carmonas jump back on the couch to keep watching the 3D movies. Porfirio gets scared about what he is seeing, he says the women look way too thin… Perpetua offers Porfirio to give him a 3D massage.

Santi and Stefani are toasting to their reunion… Stefani wishes there will be very good news soon… Santi wants to know what is it. She plays him to wait a bit. She says she has not received her money transfer from Spain. Santi plays the resourceful knight in shining armour… She drops the bomb of the amount… 2 Million pesos. Santi swallows hard but then plays it as if its nothing, they can go to his office and he‘ll get it. But on one condition. She has to go out to dinner with him. (She looks him up and down like ‘bingo!’)

Facundo brings Beto some drink (it must be alcoholic, since El Gallo says he sneaked it out of the MIL) El Gallo tells Gallito1 that he feels a bit off-put by Maria’s behavior and how things are getting complicated lately. But then he says the speech about them moving to the city so the kids can get more opportunities. But there are things you can’t forget like your roots. With a lot of emotion and tears, El Gallo reminisces when they could just ride horses together when they felt a bit enclosed/restrained. Beto says ‘we can do it right now!’ They are heading to get the horses.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo 20150409 #165 Who Knew that You can't get a Refund or Credit for a Failed Hit?

PoPo HQ:  Fuzzy Tavarez grills Patrick concerning the whereabouts of his cousin.  He is looking for Renzi and Manarrez for tossing chick off of a roof.  Patrick swears he doesn't know nuthin', didn't see nuthin, didn't hear nuthin'.  The Fuzz asks to see Patrick's phone.  He wants to see for himself whether or not Renzi and Patrick have been in contact with one another.  Patrick turns over his phone and The Fuzz notes that Renzi called him twice.  The Fuzz suspects that Renzi told Patrick where he bounced.  Patrick argues that family members call family members.  The Fuzz can't argue with that, so he tells Patrick don't leave town cuz' The Fuzz will be watching.  Patrick doesn't look afraid.  Read more »


Thursday, April 09, 2015

La sombra del pasado #38 4/9/10 Today I Am A Man or Cris Finds His Spine

Thank all that is holy, the writers started with Cris and Val and didn't leave me hanging. (Then again, they left me with contratct/business dialog...which I hate and never quite get.)

So yes. Cristobal(Cris) leaned in and for a split second I really thought I would be doing one of my now (in)famous Grumpy Recaps™. Luckily, he stopped himself. Valeria(Val) of course kept pushing him to give in. She reminds him of how things were when they were in Spain and says they've become cold and distant with each other since returning to Santa Lucia. It's kind of sad that Cris has to explain to her that fabulous sex does not a great couple make. There's more to a healthy relationship than that. He still cares for her and that's why he doesn't want to hurt her. Val thinks it's because Aldonza offered herself to him and since she was a novelty, Cris thought her better than Val. Cris tells her not to talk just to hear herself talk. Aldonza doesn't want to have anything to do with him. (And he's still not marrying you b*tch so... HA!) Wow, Thelma Madrigal goes Rudolph when she cries.

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 58 Full Recap by TN4Ever

Refried: Mat eavesdrops on Diego’s proposal to Abigail. Why is he so distraught? After all, he has to make it work with Diana, so he really needs to start letting go of Abi.

New: Well, Macaria’s yucky, downturned mouth is not new. She is crying in the forest, and has a flashback of her younger self with Fausto. He is seducing her with pretty words and false promises, it looks like right in the same spot where she is there remembering 25+ years later. In the flashback, she gives it the old college try to get a promise of marriage before going too far, and he does promise that he will marry the woman he loves, social class doesn’t matter. He’s technically saying the truth, but Macaria doesn’t realize that he is NOT talking about her. She says her mama warned her that men like him won’t buy the cow once they get the milk for free. Will he promise her he’s not like that? No, he won’t promise that – he will swear that. Poor Mac, this scene gives good insight into what she is always telling Abi about men, which apparently is the same thing her mom told her. Mac doesn’t earn many points while parenting, but she does seem sincere in wanting Abi to avoid her mistakes with men. One final thought: very good physical casting with both Macarias. They resemble each other and are age appropriate.

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Que Te Perdone Dios: Proposal Accepted

Mateo taunts Abigail about not loving Diego; she tells him to get stuffed cuz there’s a baby on the way.
Julio/ian shares a beer at the corner cantina with Toño and tells him he never made a formal complaint against Simona.  They can be friends now, especially since the kid reminds him of a woman he once knew back in the day.  Somebody else wants her in jail.  Toño later tells him his papa and kid brother have both died.   

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La Sombra del Pasado #37 - Wed 4/8 -It's raining men. Hallelujah.

So, what's it gonna be, Cande?  Did you love him, or didn't you?  'Cause Sev thinks if you really did love him, you would have forgiven him.  "Ha!  Like you would have forgiven me if I'd cheated."  Cande doesn't accept Sev's "well, men are different" excuse.  To her it's the same.  She went all in when she married him and she trusted him to live up to his end of the "marriage" bargain, but instead he's turned her life into a living hell.  "Hell looks pretty comfy from here.  If you wanted to, you could have left.  Maybe you're still feeling some of that love you said you used to have."  Puh-leeze!  Cande says it's "pura conveniencia" (purely convenience, interest, or benefit).

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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

4/8/15 #164 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Chava is now fused to Sofia’s side; it’ll take a miracle to dislodge him!

We relive Renzi’s final moments and I don’t mind seeing him die again. 

Renzi Realty
Chava has taken over the questioning of an employee and Tavarez doesn’t seem to mind.  Employee had no idea Renzi was into illegal doings.  Tavarez warns him he could be looking at a few years in the slammer if it turns out he’s an accomplice.  Employee nervously agrees to cooperate but he really doesn’t know anything.  He just knows Renzi left and he looked very anxious.  Chava takes this to mean his suspicions are confirmed.  There was something rotten going on in this company.   Tevarez seems to think this confirms his theory Renzi was behind the violence in the hood.  Really? On what evidence? Oh, and Chava adds the sabotage at the factory and his races.  Renzi was surely trying to take advantage of everyone in the hood.  Irma found out about it and that’s why Renzi tried to kill her.  ok, but where’s the evidence?  Chava insists Patricio’s hands are dirty as well.  Chava is sure Pato knew what Renzi did to Irma.  In fact, he’s sure Patricio could tell them where to find Renzi, Jimmy Hoffa, and the Mayan gold.  Tevarez will continue with his investigation and will review all the computers.  He’s sure they’ll get a lot of new information.  “Investigation Scmestigation,” Chava says.  Tevares must listen to him and interrogate Patricio.  Surely he’s the key to capturing his cousin.  Tevares is looking at him as though thinking, “Gee, why didn’t I think about this before?”

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Amores con trampa #8 4/8/15

I'll get right to it...

Facundo chokes on his wasabi and María and Isabel(Isa) jump to his aid. Isa even offers to do mouth to mouth (I would too!) María pushes her away. Facundo recovers. Isa asks if he's ok and María jealously guards her man. Conchita finally arrives with water.

Estefany talks to a mystery person on the phone. Santiago doesn't suspect a thing. Women have ways of making men believe anything. She hasn't called this mystery person in a while...but she has everything perfectly under control. She hopes to see this person very soon! (The plot thickens!)

Facundo can't believe Isa would be in love with him. Well, María thinks she is. Isa has even started using "tú" with him. Facundo still isn't convinced. Isa is a city gal-elegant and refined. She wouldn't go for a ranchero like him. María is just jealous. She wonders what Isa has that she doesn't and shows a little leg. Facundo assures her that she's a beautiful woman and they start to snog...but Facundo stops mid-snog and says he's going to take a bath. Duuuude. Not cool.

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La Sombra del Pasado, 4-7-15, Capitulo #36: Oh, it’s not over. It’s just begun…

Recap by HellaShelle

Things are just about ready in El Santuario house. Adelina thinks it’s like time never passed, everything’s exactly the same. No, Aldonza reminds her. It’s not the same without her mother. Adelina gathers her up into a hug. When does Aldie want to move back in? Aldie says tomorrow. Adelina thinks that’s a little fast. Despite what she said two seconds ago, the house isn’t 100% ready yet, but Aldie doesn’t think there’s a reason to wait; it’s livable. They’re discussing it when Emmanuel comes in to tell Aldie someone’s looking for her. It’s Cris.

He needs to talk to her. It’s important. Well, she has nothing to say. But he does. But she doesn’t. But he does – Thank God Joaquin comes in to ask if there’s a problem. No, Cris just wants to talk to Aldonza, that’s all. She tells him he can state his piece and then leave. He would like some privacy to share his inner most thoughts and feelings and here, away from his house, he can actually get it. He and Aldonza head outside to talk.

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 57 - Everyone has a Fausto Discussion(Recap) Full Recap


-Connie procceds to apoligice for Ren"s lying ,it was done out of sweet love ! Oh if you only knew yawns Connie . Ab"s in her own mind comes to a grim revelation that Fausto is her daddy and she aint exactly dancing Gangam Style


At house Ramada Door -Mat is complaining to Ele that Di threatened to abandon him & take the child with her .

Ele transforms that annoying wretch Ugly Bea from La Tempoostad and excuses Di"s behavior , its normal that she distrusts you i mean you almost cheated on her right? He will soon notice that his sacrifices were worth your emotional pain when the baby comes out ( Hopefully his name shall not be Fausto II or possess reptilian skin/eyes less he"s a dinosaur so he could eat his Daddy for breakfast ) .

Mat claims he"s only doing this stuff so his non son wont live the same fate as he who was tormented without a Padre ( The truth : Your dad"s a Decepticon from outer space & He"s a wolf in sheep's clothing , Que Me Perdone Fausto , yo croak!) . Ele yawns she wont tell the truth to protect him but Mat cant live with half truths so he finally goes to take a hike ( Perhaps bang some gals on your way like your Daddy of Century does , ya know for shiz and giggles?? )

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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

4/7/15 #163 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Stork is a no-show and Clemenza pays a call

Irma being Irma – I love it!  Irma screams and swears she didn’t try to commit suicide – unfortunately, Aracely had already opened the door where Renzi’s goon was keeping watch --- and he heard everything as Irma finally let it out that Renzi tried to kill her!  tan-tan-TAN!!

Empresa Ripoll
Dani accuses Ollie of sending out a hit on Lucas.  She thinks he’s just playing cool and just waiting for an opportune moment to pounce.  Ollie tells her he could care less about her suspicions but suggests she remember Lucas has a turbulent past with some shady characters, any of whom would have been happy to provide the beating.  Dani refuses to believe Lucas hangs out with such characters now and Ollie tells her not to be too sure.  Dani is furious and leaves without another word. 

Goon Report
Goon calls Renzi – “La Vieja just spilled the beans that you and Manjarrez threw her off that roof to kill  her.” ruh-roh.  Renzi is furious!  His response is very disappointing.  After all this time, his only response is that they’ll need to disappear and starts to empty out the safe!  Really?  Why didn’t he just have her whacked when he had the chance?  He’s had her followed all this time.  Renzi, you’ve let me down.

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Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, April 6th, 2015.

(Que Te Perdone Dani...tu no)

Renata and Amanda are in the park enjoying a day in the sun when Ren dismisses Amanda because she feels secure at the moment. Ren is about to sit down when she bumps into one of the Dani/Xime twins and begs a pardon.
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Upcoming Telenovelas: On the horizon Via Stevey

This was posted as an update to last year's post but I thought it deserved its own spot in the sun. It will be very useful to me, your blog mom, who is not keeping up very well (sorry).

Hi everyone!!

With 'Amores con trampa' having just started, 'Hasta el fin del mundo' soon to be coming to its conclusion, and 'Que te perdone dios' and 'La sombra del pasado' chugging right along, I thought some of you might be interested in how the next few months are going to be progressing telenovela-wise, down Mexico way, anyways....

- Sunday, April 19th will be the final episode of 'Hasta el fin del mundo'

- Monday, April 20th will be the 'Gran Estreno' of 'Lo imperdonable', in the HEFDM time-slot (this is a Salvador Mejia production starring Ana Brenda Contreras, Ivan Sanchez, Grettel Valdez, and Sergio Sendel)

- Monday, May 11th will be the final episode of 'La sombra del pasado'

- Then, for 2 weeks, 'Que te perdone dios' will air back-to-back episodes both in it's original timeslot, AND in the one previously held by LSDP (which is one hour earlier)

- After this, on Monday, May 25th we will have the 'Gran Estreno' of 'La Vecina' (Lucero Suarez produced novela starring Esmerelda Pimentel and Juan Diego Covarrubias) in the earlier timeslot, and QTPD will go back to just one hour at its original time.

- Mid-June sometime, we will have the Gran Finale of 'Muchacha italiana viene y casarse'

- Following 'Muchacha italiana viene y casarse' will be 'Amor de barrio (a Roberto Hernandez production (he did 'Heridas de amor') novela starring Renata Notni, Mane de la Parra, Alejandra Garcia, Jessica Coch as the villain and Manuel Landeta)

And finally, a couple of other things to note...

- Following the end of 'Que te perdone dios' will be the remake of the classic 'Amor en silencio' (which I'm hearing will feature Alejandra Barros and- interestingly- the return of Leticia Calderon in some role...)

- And, last but not least, fpr those of you who prefer your comedies- around the end of August, when 'Amores con trampa' reaches it's conclusion we are going to have the latest, original Rosy Ocampo novela, 'Antes muerte que Lichita' starring Eduardo Santamaria, Chantal Andere, Ingrid Martz, and Sylvia Pasquel.

Also, to give you a better grasp as to the progression of novelas down this way as opposed to up there...

'Hasta el fin del mundo' is at Capitulo 180

'La sombra del pasado' is at Capitulo 106

'Que te perdone dios' is at Capitulo 36

'Amores con trampa' is at Capitulo 25

'Muchacha italiana vieni y casarse' is at Capitulo 121

This should be able to give everybody a good idea as to how many capitulos each novela has left before their ultimate conclusion.

I hope this is of use and/or interest to you all! :-)


Calling all bloggers (and readers): we are under spam attack

Hello friends,

Owing to a sudden onslaught of spam comments, I've changed the settings on comments so that after seven or ten days comments will NOT be automatically published, but will be submitted for moderation. I believe (but I'm not sure) that each individual blogger will start seeing a lot of comments to be moderated. It's now your responsibility to kill the spam ones and let the others go through. I would do it, but I only get the comments put on my own posts. If you have questions let me know.

And readers, I suggest you get your comments up promptly (unless you are a spam generating robot) because later they may not be appearing in a timely manner!

I don't know why blogger is suddenly letting us down like this. Or whether the spammers suddenly noticed we are getting about 12,000 visits a day (we're up to around 14 million total now!) and figure it's worth it to attack us.

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #157 4/6/15 Javier is Dead, Irma May Not Be Far Behind

I missed about the first 15 minutes or so of this episode so if someone could fill in in the comments that would be much appreciated.

Monday's Episode:
Everybody is gathered at Lupe's house for Javier's wake. Apparently Sofia won't be getting the entire race prize check because Chava sprang for a better casket for Javier than a simple wooden fruit crate. Then again, Chava must have saved on embalming costs because, let's face it, most of Javier was already pickled. Lots of tears and "I'm so sorry for your loss" from those attending. Sofia and Alexa give Lupe' their condolences and offer to help in any way they can. Marisol sits on the stairs and glares at Dani.

Silvana and Pato take a breather from sex to watch the news. The news anchor solemnly announces that Salvador Cruz's happiness at his victory was marred by the death of his father shortly after the race. Pato and Silvana laugh at this turn of events because Pato hates Chava and Silvana is just a bitch.

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We are over! La Sombra Del Pasado #35 04/06/2015

Hello my patio peeps! Here goes your recap, enjoy!

First, I'd like to announce to the patio that I also have my little beady eyes set on Renato, and I'll throw rocks at anyone who comes between us, you've been warned!

We pick up where we left off last week, Aldi is telling Renato that she kissed Cristobal because she loves him and tha even though she loves him she also understands that they can't be together. I'm all for honesty but when you know a guy is into you it's just kinda mean to tell him that you love someone else, at least I think so. Renato to his credit does not pitch a fit like so many other telenovela men would do and instead tells Aldi that he worries because she is in love with the son of the man she wants to destroy. Aldi changes the subject and invites Renato on a tour of the property, he agrees to go.

In the hacienda of no love and zero privacy Cris is in bed with a book-but his thoughts are actually on a conversation he had with Mel, when Mel told him he should take the bull by the horns and fight for the woman he loves instead of attending engagement parties. Candy walks in on Cris and quickly questions where he went off to during the party, he tells her he went for a walk, he was very uncomfortable with all the strange people and needed a walk to clear his head. Candela does not buy it and finally Cris snaps at her and tells her to tell him where he was if she does not believe him, she makes it seem like Cris is the one with the problem and tells him she'll leave because he's clearly in a bad mood-umm with a mother like her it's a surprise he hasn't started cutting himself to express his inner angst. Candy take a moment to ask Cris is Val liked the ring and he says that she did.
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Monday, April 06, 2015

Amores con trampa #6 4/6/15 Is it just me or is it hot in here?

There will be only 3 recaps this week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We can discuss Tuesday's and Thursday's episode in the comments.

Beto has just stopped Facundo from signing the papers that would make him business partners with Santiago. Beto informs his father that Santiago is just trying to rob him. He knows this because Rocío, Santaigo's own niece told him!

The security guard thinks he should have listened to his mother and become a fireman or un soldado de *BLEEP*.

Santiago wants everyone to calm down. Esteban thinks there must be some misunderstanding. Santiago explains that Rocío has some psychological problems and is on medication. She's troubled. She's being very difficult lately. That must be why she told Beto that her uncle was trying to cheat Facundo. Beto asks Santiago to deny his company is in trouble. Santiago comes right out with the truth. Yes. The company is going though a difficult moment right now. But that doesn't mean he's trying to steal from Facundo. Facundo thinks he should think about the deal a little more. Santiago understands. Handshakes all around.

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Dueños del Paraíso is in últimas semanas at 10pm/9C, or as we think of it around here, the NarcoHour.   Look for the latest season of El Señor de los Cielos to begin around April 21 at that same time.

Meanwhile, Tierras de Reyes continues chugging along, the middle child in the primetime lineup that is finally getting a little attention.

The new show this week is Avenida Brasil, a Portuguese language novela that was a monster of a hit (and an unprecedented money-maker) when it originally aired on Brazilian TV from March to October 2012.  It went on to achieve remarkable international success.  For a socioeconomic perspective on its huge impact, take a look at this piece in Forbes from October 19, 2012.

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Quiero Amarte (Week 29-Apr 6) Highlights & Discussion


Did the perpetrators of the majority of the evil deeds committed on QA reach their zenith this past week?
Is this the week their downward slide begins as revelations and confrontations begin?
How much longer can the master criminal minds, Lucrecia and her evil spawn, Cesar, prevail against the forces for good?
What about the deeds of all the minor criminal minds, Ulises, Cecelia and Cipriano? Will they be blocked or continue to interfere in the lives of the Good Folks?
And what about the minor, minor one, Whoracio? He is merely a tool in someone else’s hands at present, but could he start to think for himself again—for either good or evil?
And what about the persons who merely impede the path to justice and love, Sal, Tía Becca, Efrain, Consta, what is their fate to be?

We can only hold our collective breaths and hope the Good Folks learn quickly who they are up against, protect themselves and succeed in bringing these criminals to justice.
(But we also beg the telenovela gods to hurry up and have Mauro meet his younger self (as Dr. Guapo) and hope it isn't because of or doesn't cause another heart attack.)


Saturday, April 04, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 54 -Discussion(Recap) Full Recap

Diego has just brought some nice flowers to Ab"s for some good morning hustle  to tell her that bad things will pass soon and they seem to have a fun time till Mat comes to interrupt to groan ,he wants to talk about the reasons he cant leave his puppet master Hoe Die since the Stork Flu is reaching climax very soon&no one"s a happy camper but Abi ain't wanna hear anything , he has made his choice and even begged & kissed Di to let him stay but i cannot forgive that you have mocked and made a fool out of me!  Diego interrupts and Doormat tries to stop him from interfering but he soon learns the terrible news : "Abi and I are now novios and you are  just some disposable toy to us and you"re air to us now ,enjoy your hellfire and sorry if I broke your little heart  to shreds, we might also get married soon!"  .Mat"s confused and Abi confirms ,she hopes the relationship will not go kaput for the greater good of all of us.    Mat leaves and Diego and Ab"s share a look.  Doormat later comes home  to celebrate in tears , now he truly lost Ab"s forever, boo-little hoo ! (You are already centuries dead for me , this is just an anniversary) 

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #156 Javier Ruins the Party!

Racetrack:  Team Chava's supporters are dressed in red and holding up signs!  Lupe prays to the virgincita and Sophia yells that she loves Salvador!  Armando gives Chava some tips and a pep talk!  When you get in the car, turn on the engine and focus.  Geez, I'm glad Armando made that clear.  Also, remember that our good stuff comes in the last laps.  Anyways, there are some crashes, engines revving and Chava wins!  He jumps out the Patotas and on to the roof.  Um, I thought he was gonna get intimate with the car when he laid flat on the roof and kissed it.  OK, so Chava is escorted to the winners stage by a half-naked chick and he sprays champagne and raises the trophy.  While being interviewed by the Televisa reporter, does Chava give any credit to God or the virgincita that he's been constantly begging for help to win?  Nope!  How about Armando?  Surely he gives big ups to Armando on national TV for his success! The Armando who slaved all night and sometimes made his kid sleep in the garage while he selflessly worked.  Of course not, Chava gives all credit of his success to Sophia.  He tells the world that her love repaired Patotas!  Sophia's kisses filled the tires and painted the car.  This declaration gets him a GDA (Global Display of Affection) from Sophie!  Chava offers to give Sophia (not Armando, not his mother, not Marisol) the loot that he won! They make out and she declares that she loves Chava and wants to spend the rest of her life with him.  Chava says that he is lucky to have Sophia.
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