Thursday, May 18, 2017

La Piloto #52 5.17.17: In Which Yolanda Makes Her Move...

• Dave takes Monica up the stairs and to her apartment. He asks her how she feels and she said nothing would make her feel worse than her sister’s death so she’s fine. He thinks it was stupid that she went alone, especially to arrest Yolanda, but Monica reiterates that she had to because he is the only one who still thinks Yolanda is going to help them. Dave explains that Yolanda has disappeared; she went to Christian’s funeral and no one has seen her since. Monica thinks she will appear soon, as always, and Dave hopes so. He then tells Monica that he already confirmed Montgomery is working with the Lucios and was able to take his cell phone but he needs someone’s help to unlock it. Monica promises to help him with that as Raul and Lizbeth come. He’s happy to see her and tells them that Lizbeth has taken care of him very well while they were out. Lizbeth is also happy to see her and Raul explains that his contact in Tres Fuegos found Margot’s car abandoned a few blocks from the house but there was no trace of Yolanda. Dave shakes his head.
• That night, Yolanda sighs and lies down in a bed in Yanez’s house. She remembers when she ran to John in the airstrip and he confessed to ordering her murder. She then remembers her plan to capture the Lucios and extradite them to the US. her bed. She gets off the bed and sits in a nearby chair to make a call.

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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #8 5.17.17: Danilo is the Man with Several Plans…

• In Michoacán, Ryan converses with the Padre Otero about Laustela. Otero explains that she used to sing in the chorus and eventually came to lead it before she left. He also explains that Laustela’s mother was a single mother, who eventually left her with a tia-abuela named Herminia, who took care of her despite her advanced age. Ryan confirms that he is a friend of Laustela, and used to see her when she taught music in el Gabacho, but lost track of her years ago. He had some pressing business close by and decided to visit her town because she used to speak highly about it. Otero is happy to hear about her after all those years but because he never did again after she left. Ryan asks if he knows why she did and suggests she had problems with her husband. Otero stands up, surprised to hear that Laustela married that boy she used to date.
• Mercy wonders how Laustela will convince Don Chayo to sing at the festival since she’s a stranger but Laustela reminds her that she is the best person to explain that Ryan, and Furia, has been cleared of all charges. Joe also has his doubts and Mercy orders them to keep looking instead of wasting time trying to convince Chayo. Just then, Danilo limps in surprised that they have a meeting without letting him know. Mercy explains that Ryan is in New York so she is taking care of any pressing business but Danilo reminds her that she is no longer alone and that he can help. Mercy tells him that the meeting is over but she will get him up to speed. Everyone exits the board room expect Mercy and Danilo.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

La Piloto #51 5.16.17: In Which Yolanda Hides From Everyone But Yanez...

• John and his men torture Monica, now tied up with rope from head to toe, by placing a plastic bag over her head. He calls her pretty but Monica shies away from his touch. He continues to ask her where Dave is but Monica is quiet. John shrugs and tells her that he will get the information out of her the hard way. Just then, Monica’s phone rings and it is Dave. John answers and asks Dave where he is. Dave is shocked to hear John and asks him what happened to Monica. John tells them they are just talking but Dave vows to kill him if he does anything to Monica. John reminds him that he can kill her whenever he wants and Dave asks him what he wants. John tells Dave to come to them and bring Yolanda but Dave tells him that he doesn’t know how to find her. John suggests he does, soon, and hangs up. John then tells Monica that they will finally see if Dave loves her as much as Monica loves him.
• On the side of the road, Yanez agrees to help Yolanda and tells her that John is in Olivia’s house and they need to call the police. Yolanda wants to call Olivia first, who is on her way there, and Yanez hands her a phone. Yolanda calls Olivia immediately, who is close to her house, and warns her to not go home because john is waiting for her. Olivia nods and tells the taxi driver to not stop and then hangs up.
• Zulima converses with the Senator, who chides John for not appreciating a woman like Zulima. He suggests she come with him so she can take advantage of all his privileges as the future President of Mexico. Zulima laughs and tells him that any woman would love to hear his promises but she knows he won’t leave his wife and she will not be his lover. She thanks him and tells him she can’t accept. He nods and asks if she thinks she’s the only woman in John’s life. She is quiet and the Senator asks her to look him up should she change her mind and leaves.

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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo #7, 5-16-17, Breaking News: Dead Men DoTell Tales

Anita, here, substituting for Alfredo, so he can have the night off. I apologize for the lack of detail, but my heart is in it. Some short scenes have been combined. Ok, here  we go---

Lo de Ayer
Laustela tries to convince Mr. Everwood of the real reason for the mass shooting at the Foundation. He refuses to believe that it’s all about the gangs trying to re-establish lost territory by frightening the citizens of Riverside into looking to the gangs for protection. That and then recruiting new gang members, even from the Foundation. Estela is there to warn him. He still doesn’t believe her and points out that the home invasion at Estela’s proves the action was taken against her specifically and not by throwing blame for the danger to the neighborhood on others. She knows that El Caravelas, a gang member is involved. Everwood is still not convinced as he’s the nephew of Bettina, who is very helpful to the foundation. He thinks Estela is the one responsible and trying to blame others.

Meanwhile, at the La Furia offices, after the reading of the will, Ryan is trying to calm a very agitated Mercy saying he will never abandon her or leave her unprotected. That’s not what she’s worried about. She’s worried about Ryan and what will happen to La Furia in the hands of that buffoon—as she points to Danilo. Ryan is calm. He says what’s written is written and he plans to follow his father’s wishes.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

La Piloto #50, 5-15-17: Changing Sides And Re-assessing Alliances

Yolanda remembers Dave’s saving her and giving her back her medallion as she heads off to Christian’s funeral

Lisbet visits Raul Arguelles, late of the Federales.  She gives him the doctor’s bad news about never walking again-or at least it being very unlikely.  She plans to stay by his side.

Col. Santa Maria tells Reyes that when they get to the border, Reyes is going to use his head and his papers to get the three of them safely across the border into Nicaruagua on their way to Mexico.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #6 5.15.17: Everyone's Lying & Some are Almost Dying...

• In the car, Laustela laments the fact that Paloma’s teddy bear is destroyed; she cannot give it like that to the girl. Ryan reminds her it is only a teddy bear but Laustela thinks he only says that because he doesn’t have kids. After a moment of silence, she chances the station and raises the volume of a regional music song and begins to sing along. Ryan is surprised is knows all the words and Laustela confesses that it reminds her of home. She goes to turn down the volume but Ryan stops her and they share a moment. She asks if he is done asking questions and Ryan confirms he is, for now. She then asks her if he is willing to help her and Paloma become legal citizens and Ryan confirms he will, as long as she goes along with their charade for as long as he needs her too. Laustela reminds him that their “relationship” is in appearances only and Ryan chides her for nagging so much. He assumes that is why Paloma’s father left but Laustela prefers he keep trying and stop asking stupid questions. She raises the volume again and Ryan tells her that he can introduce her to Don Chayo. Laustela is ecstatic but asks if that too is part of their deal. Ryan smiles but is quiet.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Capo, La Querida del Centauro2, & más: Week of May 15, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Gonul
• 8-9PM—El Capo
• 9-11PM—La Querida del Centauro2  (repeats 12-2AM except Friday 12-1AM)

Guerra de Ídoles has been relegated to Saturday nights, 9-11PM after barely a few weeks.  Apparently Telemundo does not consider patience to be a virtue. Folks may certainly discuss the novela here if they wish.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

La Piloto #49, 5-12-17: It Finally Dawns On John...Or Does It?

 Parte 1~~

John suddenly suspects that Zulima and brother Oscar have been lying to him about Yolanda still being alive.  Zuli manages once again to “bewitch” the damnable bastard into believing she knew nothing; but Oscar apparently did.  And, Os didn’t kill Christian like he had agreed to either!  Estela is alive and kickin’ as well.  John is filled with self-doubt for once.  Muy pero muy impactado is he!  Could his brother really be defying him and going behind his back and… why?  Zoo plays Ms. Naïve and helpless. “—Well Oscar’s been really strange lately.  I heard the guards talking about things.  Forgive me!  I didn’t want to worry you.”

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #5, Friday 5/12/17 Ryan saves Estela, Estela saves Ryan. But who will save Danilo… from his own stupidity?

The old:

Ryan takes Estella, Chayo and Palomita to his mansion. Mercy almost has a heart attack in seeing them, but Ryan says he brought his "family" home, so she better deal with it, or else...
In order to keep up the pretense of a reunion, Estella and Ryan need to share the same room, so Paloma has to sleep with Chayo in a separate part of the house.
Also, Estella just happens to get a glimpse of Ryan's "goods" - the girl likes what she sees and he doesn't mind the admiration. Dudes, I understand that you have to play pretend, do you wanna make things easier by just going for it?

Mercy goes to a bar and who is there to join her? Young, married Joe, the company lawyer and Mercy's boy toy apparently.
Danilo sees them making out in the car later in the evening - he's sure to take advantage of this bit of information later on. He also realizes that working for El Dorado comes with serious, dangerous strings attached. Will this be enough for him to say no?
On the other hand, Morgana is more than willing to accept the deal.
Mercy and Pedro Carillo apparently share a common history. She has his picture hidden in her room - wonder what this is about...
The new
The Mansion
We pick up with Mercy again, while she’s burning Pedro Carillo’s photo. She looks serious. And crazy.

Estella is in panic mode because Paloma has disappeared (so she believes). The housekeeper explains that she overheard a conversation between Ryan and Mercy – Paloma was present and she was saying that she wants to go back home, in Riverside. So is that where Ryan took the girl?
Estella is about to explode. Why would he take Paloma? How dare he not inform her first? Just then Mercy comes to the kitchen, and doesn’t understand what the big fuss is about? Isn’t Ry Paloma’s dad?
Uhhhh, yeah, sure, but it’s not like he’s very paternal, Estella insists and not even Chayo’s attempts to calm her down succeed. Mercy wonders why Estella decided to testify and tell Ryan about having a child together – were his letters such a turning point for her? Also, maybe she should take some anxiolytics if she’s so nervous (hehe). Chayo thinks a tea would suffice.
Estella wants neither, she storms off in search of Paloma. She won’t take Chayo with her, in case Daddy Kidnapper shows up. 

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Friday, May 12, 2017

La Piloto #48 5.11.17: In Which Yolanda Realizes Dave May Not Be Such a Bad Guy...

• The Lucios and their men look around but they don’t find Raul anywhere on his floor. Oscar assumes it was Monica who busted him out and John agrees. He radios his men at the entrance and as them to keep a lookout for Monica.
• Downstairs, Monica weeks Raul out through the parking garage exit. She tells him that they are going to her apartment and run out to the street.
• Moments later, the Lucios arrive at the parking garage but find it empty. Oscar asks John what they will do now but they don’t have time to think about it as they hear sirens. The Lucios and their men run.
• In the coroner’s van, Olivia finds it strange that Yolanda hasn’t arrived yet and Wilmer wonders if Dave caught her. Estela suggests they call her but Olivia wants to give her more time lest Dave catch her trying to answer her cell. The coroner continues to struggle against his restraints and Estela threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t stop. Wilmer laughs at the fact that her and Yolanda are a lot alike.

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La Doble Vida De Estela Carrillo #4, 5-11-2017 Discussion

Hi all-

 I fell asleep before the episode came on, I'll watch it now and have a recap later, in the mean time discuss!


Vino El Amor 5/12/17 Alternate Ending is Finally Dunne

It's been a little while since I've visited wine country. It was time to catch up with some of the people I've met there. While it's usually a little more relaxed than the social scenes in the major cities, it's not without tales with more juice than the grapes in Napa Valley. Here is a section from my forthcoming book, More Grapes of Wrath.
– D.D.

It was 1 AM and David Robles could not sleep. Most would think that normal for a bridegroom, even one who had previous experience of this event. The truth was he had looked for any excuse to not marry Graciela.
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Vino El Amor: Alternate Endings 5/11/17

Note:  This will have multiple endings added as they come in.  Mine is posted on its own only because I am extremely verbose.  My apologies if that looks narcissistic.  Julie's has been added.

Delilah's ending

Luciana realizes that the best thing is for her to finally put HERSELF first. She tells her family that she realizes she needs to be away to grow and pursue her love of wine and so she is going to travel through Europe and taste wine, maybe work at a vineyard. It's heartbreaking for David especially who begs her not to leave, but alas she does anyway vowing to always love him. 
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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Vino el Amor y Se Fué, Postmortem, 5-11-2017


Disgraced Came Along and Ruined Everything
Julie:  Here are some lessons I've learned from VEA:
- Women are hopelessly fickle.
- Men are hopelessly fickle.
- True love is a fantasy.
- People really can change...they can get meaner and dumber.

Susanlynn: So many lessons learned via this show....all of them depressing .  In most telenovelas in the past, women viewers want to be with the galan and male viewers want to be him. In this show…not so much.

Now, presenting a DisGraced Graciela with a few Dudveeds thrown in for variety. This round-up is not comprehensive or complete. Many of the contributions come from 4 of our wordsmiths, Kirby, Susanlynn, Lila and Julie. The Patio thanks them for the diversion and helping us through this show.

Urban: on Graciela: “She is a legend in her own mind. She thinks she is All That and a Bag of Chips.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Capo, Guerra de Ídolos, La Querida del Centauro2, y más: Week of May 8, 2017


SCHEDULE ALERT: from your faithful, if erroneous admin. This WAS to have been Thursday's post, but as I am out of the reach of internet OR television this week, please take it with a large grain of salt. I've been led to understand that Telemundo (as it grasps desperately for ratings) has been playing fast & loose with the schedule, so pay heed to your fellow commenters who are more current than I.

Here's [ed note, was] Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12PM-2PM (Tues -Fri)—Gonul
• 8-9PM—El Capo
• 9-10PM—Guerra de Ídolos
• 10-11PM—La Querida del Centauro2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #47 5.10.17: In Which Yolanda Gets Caught (Again)...

• Wilmer arrives at the airstrip field and finds Raul. He tells him he needs a doctor as Dave comes behind him and orders Wilmer to drop his gun. Wilmer tells him he found Raul like that and Dave goes to see if he can help Raul. Monica comes and Dave asks her to call an ambulance. She obliges as Dave goes to check Arguelles’ pulse and finds him dead. He then asks Wilmer who he is and Wilmer explains that he came with Yolanda in a motor home. Dave goes to help Raul again and tells him help is on the way.
• Sometime later, Dave drags Wilmer to his car with Monica in tow and asks him how he knows Yolanda. Wilmer explains that he works for a telephone company and was helping Olivia find her brother by tracing the outgoing calls made from Lucio cell phones. He met Yolanda through Olivia and came with her to meet up with her boyfriend, John. Dave asks why John wanted to kill her but Wilmer doesn’t know so Monica asks where Olivia is. Wilmer explains that she is with Christian, who was shot yesterday when they rescued him and Estela. Dave orders Wilmer to take them to the hospital and push him into their car.
• Yolanda arrives in Mexico City and parks the RV. She begins to cry and goes over to Olivia’s revenge board and pulls off a photo of John. She remembers when she met up with John at the airstrip and he confessed to ordering her murder. She cries some more.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #3 5.10.17: Out of the Frying Pan and into a Fiery Pit...

• The defense rests and the prosecution asks Laustela when she renewed her relationship with Ryan. Laustela explains that it was recent because she realized he was the love of her life but the prosecution calls to dismiss her testimony as her relationship with Ryan shows clear favoritism. The defense tries to object but the judge shakes head. Laustela explains that her father opposed her relationship with Ryan because he thought it was a passing fancy and the prosecution assumes that’s why Ryan hated Pedro Carrillo. Laustela tells him that Ryan didn’t hate her father and explains that Pedro was a criminal who could’ve been killed my one of his many enemies. The prosecution asks for proof, especially because she may be an accomplice to her father’s criminal activities, but Laustela makes it clear she only found out about it after Pedro passed and he knew none of his father’s contacts.
• At the narco party, Danilo and his band continue to play. All the narcos drink and dance around as Danilo tries to catch the attention of the woman in the chaise. Morgana is none too happy about this but continues to sing, When Danilo gets closer to the chaise with drinks, one of the El Dorado men grabs him and points a gun at his privates. He reveals that the woman is El Dorado’s main squeeze and Danilo should be careful.

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La Piloto #46 5.9.17: In Which Yolanda Rescues Everyone But Herself...

• A freshly showered Zulima gets a call from Oscar, who informs her that Yolanda accepted their deal so he needs her to entertain John while he kills Yolanda. Zulima hopes he doesn’t fail again and hangs up.
• Roberto informs Oscar, who is in his car outside that John has been in his room for a while. Oscar instructs him to go to the warehouse, grab Estela and take her to the warehouse where they will meet Yolanda. Roberto thought that they were going to kill Estela and Christian but Oscar wants to see what Yolanda is planning first.
• Yolanda and Olivia arrive at the warehouse that Oscar told them about and sees Christian. She wants to go in immediately but Yolanda tells her that they need to bide their time and plan their strategy as Oscar is going to betray them. Just then, Yolanda receives a call from Oscar, doesn’t answer, and she tells Olivia that they have to hurry.
• Roberto is packing up his things when another one of the Lucio men, Javi, catches him. He tells Javi to let him explain and then attacks him. In the ensuing gun battle, a round escapes and kills Javi. Roberto freaks out at the sign of his blood-covered hands.

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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #2 5.9.17: Telling the Truth is Overrated...

• Ryan deduces that Laustela stole Estela’s identity and wonders what sort of deal an illegal immigrant can offer. Laustela goes to leave but Ryan stops her and tells her he will listen to her since they can help each other.
• Danilo gives Rita, the servant girl, a stack of clothes to wash and iron but Mercy comes and informs him that Rita only comes twice a week because a servant girl in the US is a luxury most can’t afford. Rita leaves.
• Laustela proposes that she testify in favor of Ryan and he forgets about her for the rest of his life. Ryan reminds her that the real Estela was his woman so she would have to pretend that she loves him and is deeply committed to him. Laustela wonders why Estela there to help so Ryan reveals that Estela is dead and that is why he needed to see her. She tries to leave but Ryan has a counteroffer.
• Danilo pushes the servant issue with Mercy, who reveals that despite having Walter’s name and a US citizenship, the only child Walter recognized was Ryan and he shouldn’t expect much from the will. Danilo thinks Walter could’ve left him something like part ownership of Furia productions but Mercy tells him you need an education to direct a company. Danilo reminds her that he’s never been accused of murderer even if he doesn’t have an education.

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Tuesday, May 09, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #1 5.8.17: The American Dream is harder than it looks....

Courtesy of Vivi (Special Guest Recapper ;) to get us started):

The real name of Estela Carrillo is Laura Oviedo. Laura bought the identity (SS number, DOB info) of Estela Carrillo a few years back when she wanted to stop working under the table as an illegal, and get a real, decent paying job. She eventually got the music teacher job at the foundation that works with Latino youth in her Riverside community.

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La Piloto #45, 5-6-2017: Setting Traps; Plans In Motion

Parte 1~~

Shot start firing at Rosalba’s and Yolanda wants to race off to know what’s going on but she can’t cuz they know her face.  Wilmer volunteers to check on what’s taken place.

During the fracas, DEA Dave manages to wound and capture one of Oscar’s guerreros.

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Monday, May 08, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 5/8/17 Chapter 142, el Gran Final: The Curse Is Lifted

This finale would be completely right if the rest of the series had been better-written. I have thus given it a mostly straight retelling. Gracias to my fabulous team – dy77, Cynthia, Julie, Delilah, Sonia, and Anita – for doing better than justice to this mediocre novela. This is the wrap-up episode to Friday's action-packed one and I wish they had been shown together as the producers meant them to. Univision, take note of that.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1):El Capo, Guerra de Ídolos, La Querida del Centauro2, y más: Week of May 8, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12PM-2PM (Monday only)—Amar es Primavera (final show)
• 12PM-2PM (Tues -Fri)—Gonul (new show starts Tues)
• 8-9PM—El Capo
• 9-10PM—Guerra de Ídolos
• 10-11PM—La Querida del Centauro2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, May 06, 2017

La Piloto #44, 5-5-2017: On The March To Make Those Proverbial Tables Turn

Parte 1~~

The gunfight at Aero Tours continues;  Yolanda makes her escape through the forest however, and once again Oscar The Grouch must return to his trash can having been bested by his lady-bell, backtracking, backpacking betters.

Col. SantaMaria, meanwhile, is failing on the home front.  He learns his wife is now in the know and is leaving him.  Yuppers.  She knows he lied about Yoli the love-slave and his varied and sundried petty criminal activities and money stashes [caleta=slang for hideaway, stash o’ cash].  She and Pretty Baby are leaving him!   Like others of his ilk, he blames his victim:  “--Yolanda has ruined my life!!”

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Friday, May 05, 2017

Vino el Amor, #141a, Friday May 5, 2017: Sideways

Alt. titles:
A Fall from Grace
Grace Under Pressure
Lil and Grace
The Many Faces of Grace (thanks RC)

Juan says to Lilian, "your daughter Lisa didn't die in an accident like everyone thinks. Graciela killed her!" Graciela slowly turns to face her mother.

Lil asks Juan to clarify. Juan explains that he saw Grace coming back from the river after killing Lisa. Grace lamely tries to deny it, but by now she's so nervous she sounds like a chipmunk and has no credibility at all.

Juan reminds Lil of the time Grace abruptly went back to Spain, and the time she agreed to a pact for the three of them, and has always done whatever Juan told her to do, including defending Juan when David was going to fire him, and getting out of the way when Juan wanted to buy Los Olivos. She always helped Juan in exchange for his silence. Grace calls Juan a liar, but Juan continues calmly, "you never let me down until now!"
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La Piloto #43 5.4.17: In Which Yolanda Safely Lands in Mexico but is Barely Safe...

• Santamaria and Rubio walk to the airstrip in Reposo and Rubio is surprised to know that Santamaria knew about the airstrip beforehand. Santamaria explains he didn’t know the narcos used it and they both agree that money can move mountains. They arrive at the airstrip but notice two men (Pinto and Helper #137) wrapping a tarp over the back of an airplane. They walk over to them and comment on the fact that the men haven’t even noticed them. Santamaria shouts good morning to Pinto and then takes out his gun. Both men immediately surrender and Pinto confirms that he knows who Santamaria is. Santamaria smiles and asks where Yolanda is. Pinto wants to know why he wants her since they have orders to kill her on sight. Santamaria nods and punches both Pinto and his helper before confirming that he doesn’t want Yolanda dead like him does.
• Dave, Reyes and some military officers stop and look at the map. Dave tells them that they need to search the area he has designated for the secret airstrip and Reyes reminds the men to be careful as Santamaria has an officer helping him and they are both armed with nothing to lose. They decide to spread out and get back in the car to find the airstrip.
• Some time later, Santamaria and Rubio look around the airstrip but find it too quiet. In another part of the airstrip, Yolanda and Diego arrive and begin to look around. Santamaria sees her and shouts her name before firing a few rounds. Diego and Yolanda take cover behind a car parked next to the airstrip and Diego behind to fire back at Santamaria.

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Vino el Amor #140 (Univision 129); Thursday, May 4, 2017: Vino la Verdad (The truth has arrived!)

[This is my last recap for the series. I have very much enjoyed this group of followers and all the comments. You all have been great. Hope that many of you join us for “La Candidata” when it begins.]

Repeated scene: Luciana arrives in front of David’s office in hopes of talking with him. But before she even can get close to the door, she sees David and DisGrace together, locked in embrace, kissing each other. In tears, she runs out.

DisGrace is in semi-meltdown and asks why the papers he was supposed to sign weren’t on his desk. She is wondering now if he just said he needed to go to his office to sign something just to be alone and get away from her. Dave says, “That isn’t true, Susan was supposed to leave some papers here.” Grace begins her frantic little act again and starts acting very insecure and tells David how much she loves him and kisses him some more.
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Thursday, May 04, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Capo, Guerra de Ídoles, La Querida del Centauro2, & más: Week of May 1, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12PM-2PM—Amar es Primavera (on May 3-5, 12-1PM)
• 1-2PM—La Querida del Centauro2 (on May 3-5, repeats previous night's episode)
• 8-9PM—El Capo
• 9-10PM—Guerra de Ídoles
• 10-11PM—La Querida del Centauro2 (began Tuesday, May 2)

Season 2 of La Querida del Centauro began on Tuesday of this week. More info about Centauro appears on the Telemundo site.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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New Novela Alert: La Doble Vida de Estela Carillo

New Novela Alert:

Next week La doble Vida de Estela Carrillo starts, anyone want to recap it? It sounds like it might be good, the story line deals with an undocumented immigrant who saves her students after a shooting in Riverside, she becomes a hero but can't afford to have anyone know that she's in the country illegally. 

If anyone else is up for this one I'm willing to recap.

La Piloto #42 5.3.17: In Which Yolanda Makes Contact With the Wrong (and Right) People...

• Santamaria asks Rubio for a mirror so he can see himself. Rubio hesitates so Santamaria rips off his IV cable and goes to the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees his right eye, half closed and mangled, before cursing Yolanda’s name. Rubio suggests he sit down and rest but Santamaria reminds him that Garcia is going to send the military police to arrest him for his crimes and they need to leave ASAP. Rubio reminds him that Castro will protect them but Santamaria calls Castro an idiot, just like Rubio, and assumes the DEA must know he kidnapped Yolanda too. Rubio sits down Santamaria, who stands up again, and tells Rubio to go to the street and steal a car and park it in the garage immediately so they can go. He also wants Rubio to find out if Yolanda talked to Amparo since she will need her help if she has not been able to fly out of Colombia. Rubio obliges and leaves to find a car as Santamaria curses Yolanda again.
• At the base, Dave tells Reyes that he’s going to visit Santamaria but Reyes thinks it’s useless since he won’t tell him anything. Dave reminds him that Santamaria’s career is over and he would have no reason to hide what they now all know. Dave reiterates that he needs to find Yolanda before leaving Colombia but Reyes tells him she must be long gone. Dave doesn’t care and Reyes offers to go to Medellin with him. They go off.

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Vino el Amor #139 (Univision #128); Wednesday, May 3, 2017: One Very Happy Couple

Repeated scene: Miguel apologizes to Luciana for his previous possessive behavior. She says he does have a point and he says it was just not the way to do things. He feels badly about the way he treated her. Then Luciana says she needs him to help her completely forget David.

“So what can I do to help you forget about David”, says Miguel
“Oh I don’t know.”
“Well, I am going to have to get you to think about something else. Hey I have an idea. How about if I organize a trip for us to present this wine in other countries?”
“I love the idea”, says Luciana. “You always know how to make me feel good.”
“And other times, we can just work in the vineyard, with the soil and tending the vines, just like you love to do. In fact, why don’t we go outside and start now?”
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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

La Piloto #41 5.2.17: In Which Yolanda Makes a Daring Escape

• Santamaria immediately wants to get to business but Yolanda tells him they have plenty of time and hands him another shot. He chugs it down as she takes off her shirt and throws him on the bed. She kisses his neck and strokes his ego with sweet words when he stops her and shakes his head, trying to focus his eyes. Yolanda notices as he begins to struggle and she tells him to be quiet before anyone hears them.
• Reyes tells Dave that he doubts Santamaria will let them inside the base, especially if he’s holding Yolanda hostage. Dave suggests they speak directly to the brigade and Reyes is shocked at how far he’s willing to go to save Yolanda. Dave reveals that he thought she was dead but now he knows she isn’t. Reyes asks what he will do if they find Yolanda in the base but Dave doesn’t know. He begs Reyes to call the brigade in the meantime.
• Olivia shows her mother the board she’s made of her enemies starting with the Lucios. Her mother is confused so Olivia explains that the Lucios communicate via radio unless the distance is too far, then they use cell phones. For them to make international calls, their roaming must be on which means they must use a local cell phone company in Mexico to get their service. Her mother agrees but they must have used fake names and Olivia agrees. She sits down, frustrated, and tells her mother that the phone company wouldn’t have given her the information regardless; the DEA or federal police must ask for it.

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Vino el Amor #138 (Univision #127), May 2, 2017: Vino el Killa Bridezilla

In this episode, we've got blackmail, regrets, worries, dumb moves, and a whole bunch of killa bridezilla faces!

This is my last recap. I had high hopes for this show, but ultimately the writing just was not good and the main promoted couple was probably the worst couple I've ever seen on a telenovela. So it's definitely not going down for me as a favorite. On the plus side, the villains were fun and the supporting characters were fairly fleshed out. There were some good performances in the cast. I really thought Kimberly Dos Ramos stood out as Gracie - one of the more intriguing and crazy villains I've seen in one of these. She gave great screencap face, so for my last recap, I am going to salute those crazy faces one last time.

In the end, I had a good time laughing at the whole thing and I guess in that sense, I was entertained! Which is all I ask of the telenovelas I watch. Thank you to all of the fellow recappers and to all of you who posted nice words for my recaps and had a good time commenting on the show.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2017

La Piloto #40, 5-1-2017: Of Contraband And Contrabanditos Or Hand Across the Water, Heads Across The Sky

It's on the way (with apologies to Paul and Linda, qepd. --edit.)

Over the next five months, life goes on.  DEA Dave returns to the EEUU where Spanish is spoken like a native language; Amanda gets plumper and plumper as the pregnancy continues in Villa Antigua now as Sindy’s surrogate self; Lisbette gets very courtier-like visits from Lt. Raul Arguelles, who comes a –courtin’ her in jail; Olivia is putting together and studying pictures and maps/locations of los Lucios and the main players in that group, using the dead sergeant/colonel’s RV (don’t know what good it’s doing a dunce like her, but again, we’re in telenovela land where the miraculous is the norm); Rosalba prays for and to her (shrine of) her niece; Monica avoids all contact with her former life and Dave; John struggles not to lose patience with Zoolima’s lacking aeronautical acumen; Yolanda endures Colonel Santa Maria nightly “assaults”; and the partying never ends in the new mansion of Lucio expansion.

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Monday, May 01, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 5/1/17 Chapter 137: Head-Scratchers

Juan watched the video on the cell phone, horrified at the shooting of Perla, whom he had cared about after all. He almost collapsed on the bed next to the dead girl, crying and shouting, “You will pay for this, Graciela! You will pay!”
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña, Guerra de Ídoles, El Capo, La Querida del Centauro2, & más: Week of May 1, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Amar es Primavera (May 1 & 2)
• 12-1PM—Amar es Primavera (May 3-5)
• 1-2PM—La Querida del Centauro2 (May 3-5 - repeat of previous night's episode)
• 8-9PM—La Doña (May 1 - final episode)
• 9-10PM—La Guerra de Ídoles
• 10-11PM—El Capo (as of May 2, El Capo will move to the 8-9PM time slot)
• 10-11PM—La Querida del Centauro2 (beginning May 2)

There are lots of changes this week. La Doña ends on Monday, May 1. Beginning Tuesday, May 2, El Capo moves to the 8-9 PM slot, making way for season 2 of La Querida del Centauro at 10-11PM. (For more info about Centauro, see the Telemundo site.) Guerra repeats at midnight each night. Once Centauro2 starts, it too repeats late at night, 1-2AM. Also, at the start of its run, Centauro2 will have a repeat of the previous night's episode the next afternoon, 1-2PM.  (Got all that? There will be a quiz in 5 minutes.)
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Saturday, April 29, 2017

La Piloto #39, 4-28-2017: Flight To Freedom So Near and Yet So Far•

Yolanda’s attempts to get into the helicopter are foiled by Castro who’s been sent to guard it.  She pretends she’s only there getting extra buckets for watering.  Col. SantaMaria catches her there and screams at her to get back into the tent.

Los Lucio are traveling to meet El Senador; John’s flying and Zulima asks him to teach her to fly.  To shut her up he tells her it’s not for everyone.  She whines that he taught Yolanda.  Well, Yo! was born to fly, he tells her.  However, when they get back he’ll give her a chance and if she has what it takes he’ll take her on.  (That shuts her up, at least, whether the intent or not.)  And he leaves her in charge of the ranch while they’re gone.

At the prison, Bette is unwillingly introduced to her roommate’s deplorables.  She excuses herself to get a bit of fresher air.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Vino el Amor, #136, Friday Apr 28, 2017: Cell Phone of Doom II

Sorry, Lisa's phone. We liked you. But we like Perla's phone better. Because sometimes the sequel is better than the original.

Grace's phone says "UNKNOWN," and she doesn't take the call. She says it's probably a vendor for the wedding and she can't deal with any more of those calls today. (Do a lot of reputable businesses like to show up as "UNKNOWN" on caller ID? I doubt it. UNKNOWN means Rachel from Card Services, or one of her friends. If it's important, they leave a message!)

David takes the liberty of picking up and is surprised to hear Juan. "Why the hell are you calling Graciela?" David asks. "Why don't you ask her?" replies Juan. But clever, vestless David says he won't take that bait a second time! Juan says he has something to work out with Grace. David tells Juan to leave her alone. "You don't know what you're doing," Juan says. David warns Juan that the police are closing in. Juan says he'll resurface when David least expects it.

Grace is grateful to David and "admits" that Juan has called her multiple times, always from a different number (how can she tell, if it's unknown... never mind...) and that's why she didn't want to pick up. He tells her that Juan's a coward and won't come here. With dewy eyes, Grace says, "for the first time in my life, I feel protected." (Maybe she should try a different deodorant.) "I will always protect you and my whole family," he promises. Grace is afraid Juan will do something to David. David says no he won't, and if he calls again, tell me. She SWEARS that she will.
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La Piloto #38 4.27.17: In Which Yolanda Sets a Plan in Motion...

• Santamaria is pissed that he has a mole in his battalion and orders Caicedo to watch him closely but don’t reveal that they know about the grenades. Caicedo agrees and asks if he needs anything else. Santamaria sends him away but Yolanda reminds Santamaria that they still need supplies to treat his wound. Caicedo offers to go into town and Santamaria agrees but asks that he keep things quiet because no one in town needs to know about the attack or the intoxication. Caicedo nods and Santamaria then asks him to send over all the squad leaders. Caicedo nods again and leaves. Once alone, Yolanda attends to Santamaria’s wounds with alcohol while they wait.
• The Lucio man in Altamirano call Oscar to let him know the job was a success but Rosalba won’t shut up and keeps insisting that she’s Estela. Oscar asks the man to describe the woman and Oscar realizes the woman they have is Estela. He orders the man to lock Estela up good and watch her until he receives further instructions. The man agrees and Oscar hangs up. Zulima chides he for kidnapping the wrong woman, especially because Yolanda hates Estela, but Oscar reminds her that it’s the only leverage they have at the moment. Zulima then asks if Salvador called to inform them of the Yolanda situation but Oscar tells her they haven’t heard anything yet.

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Vino el Amor #135 (Univision 124); Thursday April 27, 2017: Vino el Chantaje (Blackmail)

Repeated scene: The Bodega’s reorganization and new assignments.

There was a musical montage of what appears to be time passing. People are working, Carito taking care of Bobby, Tano receiving texts from Fernanda, Susan and Ramón meeting with David, successes at the SB Vineyard, David disinterested in the wedding, León making plans, Lil staring at a photo of Gutierrez, Ramon and Marta walking hand in hand, Susan and Cesar, and Juan with Perla looking very unhappy.

After the montage is over, the heading is “Months later.” So we have a time jump here.
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Thursday, April 27, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña, El Capo, Guerra de Idolos & más: Week of April 24, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Corazon Valientes
• 12-1PM — Amar es Primavera
• 1-2PM – Guerra de Idolos
• 7-11PM — Premios Billboard Latin music awards (starts after the evening news)– all evening shows preempted

• 10:30AM-noon — Corazon Valientes
• 12-1PM — Amar es Primavera (only one hour)
• 8-9PM — La Doña
• 9-10PM — Guerra de Idolos
• 10-11PM — El Capo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #37 4.26.17: In Which Yolanda Confirms (Again) that Men Are Despicable...

• In Choco, Yolanda and Santamaria walk around the tents where the intoxicated are being nursed. Rubio thinks it was the fish they had at lunch but Yolanda thinks it was all the alcohol they drank yesterday. Either way, she’s not a nurse so she doesn’t know what else to give them, not that they have any medicine at the base even if she did. Santamaria insists they do something, anything, to not lose soldiers, so Yolanda suggests they bring IV bags. Rubio reveals that they ran out of IV bags and the medicine arrives tomorrow so Yolanda tells him to fill some bags up with water and salt and make makeshift IV bags. Rubio obliges.
• Lizbeth is pissed that she is being held in the Villa Antigua police station despite the fact that she collaborated with the police. Raul assumes it’s the protocol until a judge orders her release. Garrido comes and tells them that the judge ordered Lizbeth be sent to a prison in Mexico City. Raul and Lizbeth remind him that they had a verbal deal with Dave and Monica but Garrido explains that Monica has disappeared and Dave has no jurisdiction in Villa Antigua. Garrido laments her situation but there is nothing he can do so they open prison door and take her away.

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Vino el Amor #134 (Univision 123); Wednesday, April 26, 2017: Cooperating Together

We begin where we left off yesterday with Juan’s phone call to Lilian and Lilian telling Juan that she will do everything in her power to destroy him. He warns her by reminding her that she was once in cahoots with him embezzling from David. She says, “Oh well that was a long time ago.” Juan says it still matters because he kept records of all the transactions they did together. He says something like, “Why, did you think I was some idiot?” Before he hangs up he tells Lilian that she had better stay quiet if she does not want to ruin herself and her daughter, she’d better not mess with him!

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

La Piloto #36 4.25.17: In Which Yolanda Does What's Necessary to Survive...

• In Atlamirano, Flor arrives home to find two men at her doorstep. They ask her about Rosalba and Estela but Flor confirms that she doesn’t know them nor has have ever lived in her house. She tries to go inside but the men take out a gun and point it at her back before forcing their way inside the house to confirm what she told them is true. One of the men sits Flor down as another searches the whole house. Flor repeats that she doesn’t know who the women are nor have they lived there as the men searching the house comes back and confirms that they are not there. The man points a gun at Flor’s head and Flor confirms that a DEA agent came, took them and is going to help both women leave the country. The man smiles.
• In Tres Fuegos, Olivia goes to Olmedo’s trailer and knocks on his door but no one is home. A man comes up behind her, fires a warning shot and asks who sent her to kill him.
• In Villa Antigua, Carmen and Amanda lament Cindy’s passing. Carmen confirms that she died of blow to the head when they ran her over. Carmen begins to cry and wonders what Cindy was even doing on the street where she died and at 6 am. Amanda looks at her and Carmen confirms it was near the bar but Cindy should’ve come straight home to tell her what she found out about. Amanda nods and Carmen vows to avenge her daughter’s death. Amanda shakes her head and warns her it will be dangerous and she should let it go. Carmen cries in Amanda’s arms.

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Vino el Amor #133 (Univision #122), April 25, 2017: Vino el Escape but Not Yet for Viewers

In this episode, Juan is on the lam with Perla, but there's no escaping:
  • David's stupidity
  • Juan's stupidity
  • Gracie's manipulations
  • Marta 
  • Bobby  
  • I still have one more recap to go and we've got 8 more episodes.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

La Piloto #35, 4-24-2017: De La Tarantula Y La Traición (About Tarantulas and Betrayal)

Castro finds traces of blood on some leaves/branches in the jungle.  Col. SantaMarina determines the troops need to head west to find her on the road.  Sure enough, Sanmarco (?) and his posse are headed the same way.  Yolanda is boxed in by the army and the gang of narco-guerreros.  Col. S&M approaches as Yoli’s being drug into the back of the narcos’ truck and shooting begins.  The only one of them left to tell the tale is Richard.

The colonel takes Yoli back to the base and punishes her.  They take her to a mausoleum looking building and lay her on a slab.  They chain her down and place a tarantula on her.  Col. S&M says he’ll give her the antidote at the right time.  They light a fire to make it hot as hades in there and leave her.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 4/24/17 Chapter 132: Women in Black

David told Ramón and the others that Marta would have to decide whether to apologize to Lillian or to leave. This had nothing to do with the vineyard work. León and Tano looked at him as though he had lost his remaining IQ points.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña, El Capo, Guerra de Idolos & más: Week of April 24, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

This week Telemundo is treating us to a scheduling nightmare, so sit tight. Here is what I have been able to construct from my various sources. No telling how accurate it will turn out to be  (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-noon — Corazon Valientes
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM — Guerra de Idolos premiere (no LA DOÑA tonight)
• 10-11PM — El Capo
• 10:30AM-noon — Corazon Valientes
• 12-2PM — Guerra de Idolos (2 hours)
• 8-9PM — La Doña
• 9-10PM — Guerra de Idolos (1 hour)
• 10-11PM — El Capo

(see more under comments)

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

La Piloto #34, 4-21-2017: Escape Is Not An Option--Until It Is

Parte 1~~

Monica informs DEA Dave that the hidden police/DEA agent saw activity at Aero Tours.  He says somebody came across a big bag in the woods but couldn’t identify whoever was in it.

Narcocienda Big Shot calls Oscar and informs him that Col. SantaMarina still has Yolanda jailed at the military base out in the jungle and yeah, she’s well-guarded.  He won’t stop until he’s gotten to her and killed her himself.   Yoli’s remembering Col. S&M’s goading her about why John, who she’d even give her life for, has left her on her own and not bothered to rescue her up to now.  She figures it’s now time for plan B, C, and or D.

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Vino el Amor, #131, Friday Apr 21, 2017: Between a Rock and Another Rock

Lilian tells Marta, "you're a hussy just like your damned daughter!" This brings out Marta's little fists of fury. Bobby walks in and asks what's happening. Marta tells him everything's fine! David comes in and wants to know what's going on. Lil pulls herself up and says that Marta attacked her, she doesn't know why. David wants an explanation.

Bobby is very upset about what he just witnessed. Lilian says that Marta is a savage and was screaming at her like a crazy person. Marta yells at her not to lie. She demands that Lil tell the truth. (Marta, if YOU would tell the truth once in a while, it would be better for everyone. Like that time she overheard Lilian in the coffee shop.) David sends Marta to the employee house.

Alone with David (and Bobby), a trembling Lilian repeats that Marta came in angry and crazy. Then she announces that the sheriff was killed, and starts to cry. Although her grief is real, it also appears as though she is putting on a little show for David and Bobby as she mentions again that Marta came in and attacked her. Bobby tries to comfort her. David pulls Bobby away and tells him to watch TV (which is probably being pre-empted with coverage of the sheriff's murder). David says to Lil in English, "I'll be right back."
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Friday, April 21, 2017

Coming Soon: La Candidata on UniMás beginning 5/29/17

Get to know the characters of La Candidata, - discover who is who In this story starring Silvia Navarro and Victor Gonzalez, where for the first time in history, a marriage rivals the presidential candidacy. Unscrupulous, he is willing to go over everyone to achieve it and she will risk the deep affection of her son and the authentic love of her life to become La Candidata.
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La Piloto #33 4.20.17: In Which Yolanda Asks the Right Questions...

• Yolanda tells one of the guards, Castro, that the party downstairs seems to be in full swing. Castro laments the fact that he’s not down there with the other soldiers but taking care of her; he also warns her that she shouldn’t try anything because they’ve told him about her. Yolanda then asks how often one of those parties takes place and Castro explains that it’s only when there is something to celebrate like taking down the narcos.
• From his office, Santamaria quietly observes the party as well.
• Amanda slowly caresses her stomach as Cindy’s mother does some house chores. Cindy then calls her mother to inquire about Amanda and her mother confirms that a doctor saw her and she’s doing better. Cindy tells her to warn Amanda that the Lucios are involved in what happened because she heard a conversation at the bar and they already know Lizbeth is alive but they are looking for her. Cindy will see them when she gets out of work but they shouldn’t go out or open the door.
• In the Cielito Lindo bathroom, Cindy looks at herself in the mirror and wipes her eyes before going out. She doesn’t notice Zulima come out of an adjacent stall and quietly wash her hands.

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Vino el Amor #130; Thursday April 20, 2017: RIP Sheriff Brian Gutierrez

We begin where we left off yesterday with a little more information. Brian tells Marta that he didn’t know Marta’s family was in town that day Marcos was arrested. He admitted that Lilian told him to deport them. She forgives him and tells him she loves him too.
Paramedics finally arrive after what has seemed like forever to come get Brian’s body and tape up the crime scene. Marta continues to cry and tell Carito that she lost her family for so many years because it was Lilian’s fault.
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Thursday, April 20, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 17, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12PM-2PM—Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Capo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #32 4.19.17: In Which Yolanda Defends Her Dignity…

• Santamaria demands Yolanda take off her clothes and she remembers when Ernesto raped her 4 years ago. She grabs Santamaria’s gun from his desk and points it at him. Santamaria laughs and suggests she listen to him and they’ll get along fine. He approaches Yolanda and takes the gun away. She tries to run but Santamaria grabs her and demands she get naked. He lets her go so she can do so.
• Lizbeth tells Capitan Arguelles that she needs to talk to Raul but he confirms that Raul may not come back today. He offers to help and asks her to come to his office so they can talk. He checks out her as he walks behind her and opens the door.
• Olivia asks a man at a roadside taco stand if he’s going to Tres Fuegos and he confirms he is in a little bit and she may be able to help him since his car’s been stalling. Olivia agrees and he asks her if she wants some food. She nods and they sit down to eat. They ask about her wound but Olivia tells them she’s fine.
• Christian tells Monica that he will get his revenge on the ones who killed his father and hangs up. She tries to call him back and doesn’t notice Simpson listening from behind a wall.

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Vino el Amor #129; Wednesday April 19, 2017: The Bad, the Ugly, and it just gets Worse!

We begin where we left off yesterday, with DisGrace and David telling the family that they are now engaged to be married as they are so in love (according to DisGrace).

Still at dinner in the restaurant where David proposed to DisGrace, Miguel and Adolfo talk winery business, Adolfo asks for Lu’s opinion, but Luciana is not listening to their conversation. Of course Lu is depressed and thinking about what just happened with David and his engagement to DisGrace. Adolfo in a fatherly way is very understanding and tells her she really needs some relief from all this and it’s just better that they just all leave the restaurant. Adolfo says, “You don’t know how badly it hurts me to see you suffering. Now why don’t you finish what you were eating and you’ll feel better soon.”
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

La Piloto #31 4.18.17: In Which Yolanda Realizes the Danger She's In...

• Lizbeth walks around the town and asks a man on the street where the police station is. He tells her that it’s a little far but, if she takes the bus, she will arrive in no time. She tells him she has no money and he tells he she will arrive by foot in about an hour. She thanks him and starts walking.
• Across town, the truck Olivia was stashed in arrives at its destination and she gets off when the driver begs to unload boxes in a warehouse. Olivia looks around but doesn’t know where to go.
• In Colombia, Santamaria and his men stop a few yards before the entrance of Salvador’s house. Santamaria takes out his binoculars and observes a guard with a gun at the entrance. He asks Rubio to bring him Yolanda and asks her how many men are on Salvador’s farm. Yolanda has no idea but she assumes its 6 or 7. Santamaria orders his men to surround the property lest there be some surprises waiting for them and to let him know when they can proceed. The men oblige and Santamaria tells Caicedo, quietly, that if he sees any “snitches” (sapos) around to kill them. Caicedo nods and tells Vasquez to get a move on.
• Arley confers with his men about his ammunition. He nods as Roberto and another lackey confirm numbers. Just then, John comes with Oscar and tells the men that they will have a grand party tonight so they can capture El Bochas. Oscar wants him alive so they can take his money and supplies but if El Bochas insists on being difficult then they can get rid of him. Arley agrees and John gives him a phone to communicate directly with Capitan Arguelles, who will let them know when everything’s ready. John warns the men that the ammunition is not to be played with and the men all nod.

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Vino el Amor #128 (Uni # 117) - Tuesday April 18, 2017 - Vino el Plans for the Future

Miguel has got big plans for vinedo del competency. Vinedo del incompetency is falling apart and we're supposed to think that's because Luciana quit. Sure...

The real reason for vinedo del incompetency's incompetency, Duh-vid, is making another incompetent decision by planning a surprise proposal for everyone's favorite aunt Succubus.

As for the rest of the villains, Lilian is planning to destroy Gut, Gut is planning to destroy the illegal traffickers, and Perla is stewing about Juan and plans to get Carito to stew with her. Only Carito has other plans... to help Gut catch Juan and Perla.

Hang in there, we're almost at the finish line (which is episode #141/142 in Mexico and who knows with Uni since they are stretching this out to May 5). Looks like I should plan to have one more recap next week...I think we only got episode #128 in this one, based on the summary at Canal de las Estrellas. If it turns out I'm wrong, I'll edit accordingly.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

La Piloto #30, 4-17-2017: Slip-Ups And Loose Ends Hurt Your Friends

Vasquez enters Yolanda’s cell and wakes her up just as Sargent Recaldo (?) abusively reminds him that Yolanda is Colonel Santa Marina’s personal property.  He’s called away and El Galeno finds his cellphone on the floor under the bed for her and says make that call now before somebody else comes along and they make din-din out of the both of us!  She does but there’s no signal.

In Villa Antigua, John and Oscar are still offering Pops Arguelles, the Rent-a-Cop, an offer he cannot refuse.  Oscar tells him that they have a friend in common that they’re looking for and want to get in touch with, El Bolches, aka Eladio the Bald Bullyboy.  Pops takes the cash and says he’ll let them know.  “—Better be today.  And BTW, smile for the camera—just in case you’re thinking of opening you’re big trap…DON’T.”  Pops exits stage left as Arley enters.  Arley tells him the stewardess, aka the Gone Gals, have been permanently exiled to the depths of “el más allá [the great beyond/afterlife]” otherwise known as that great airline in the sky.

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 4/17/17 Chapter 126: When All Sex Fails, Play the Victim & Chapter 127: Surrogate and Departing Daughters

When we last saw the madness in the vineyard, Luciana had knocked on the door and seen the deliberate deshabille of Gracie, who did this deliberately to vex her. Luciana apologized to David, said she would not seek him out again, wished them happiness, and left. David started to follow her only to be shrieked at by Gracie, who gave herself credit for such sexual witchcraft that she could not believe that he would still think that way of Luciana.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 17, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Corazón Valiente
• 12-2PM—Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM—La Doña
* 10PM--El Capo

There has been a change in the morning novela lineup.. Corazón Valiente has replaced Mujeres Ambiciosas in the 10:30AM-12PM slot.  Amar es Primavera continues from 12-2PM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Weekend Discussion 4/15/17: Vino el Amor Karmageddon comes to Sonoma

Who would have thought that the snake from the Garden of Eden really lurks in a vineyard? Well, it's time he bites the evil ones in this pastoral tale. As usual we will ask the following two questions:

What do you think the writers will do to them?
What do you think they really deserve?

Let's start with the self-styled queen and her spawn:
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La Piloto #29, 4-14-2017: Death Defiant Damsels And Much Distress

Santa Marina gets a call from the higher-ups asking if he’s found the body of the pilot for the plane that crashed.  He lies and says no body was found.  In fact with a fall from the sky like that probably nobody could have survived.    Also, the general tells him of a narco production mill at a hacienda around 10 km from there.  Santa Marina’s got a plan and asks for the coordinates.

It is pretty grim pickin's this time.....

On her walk back to her cell, Yolanda starts to ask a favor of her young guard-escort (El Rubio) but is quickly interrupted by the medic, Vasquez (El Galeno) with a bottle of pills for her that she has to fake remembering she forgot (or something like that….)  Rubio warns Galeno that Col. S&M has claimed her as his hembra [hot chick/sexy female].   The medic, Vasquez, says to cool his jets and instructs him to walk her back; he’ll examine her later on.   When the dude leaves, Galeno warns Yoli to watch out who she talks to and asks favors of.  Rubio and Old Dude Sargent are the colonel’s toadies and run to him with all the news.  He’ll get her his cell to use for that call but keep mum.  (Oh, we get to hear Colombiano’s  slurred accents.  Charming but even worse than P.R. and Cubano to try to understand!)   

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Vino el Amor, #124/125 (Uni #115), Friday Apr 14, 2017: Operation Blushing Bride

Episode 124. Marta's Big Vacation

Luci is determined to tell David to his face how she feels about him. Leon, who is possibly even drunker than Luci, is supportive at first. Sonia has difficulty speaking, and following her own train of thought, but she says it's not a good idea. (Sonia calls Luciana "cuñada." Adorable!) Leon agrees with Sonia, but has to ask why. Sonia reminds them that David is with someone else now. This provokes another burst of grief from Luci.

David tries to tell Marta that he's not firing her. He just wants her to take a vacation because she's tired and he's worried about her. Grace backs him up on this, of course. Marta accuses her of plotting with her mother. Grace says all they've ever done is support Marta. Marta scoffs, but grudgingly agrees to take a couple of weeks off. She hobbles away, and Dave tells Grace he's never seen Marta like this. Grace says Marta will be better after she's rested and then she can be with the kids again.

Juan tells Perla they're in financial trouble. He doesn't think they can find new clients. "We" need to get back into the immigration business, he says. Perla is disgusted.
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Friday, April 14, 2017

La Piloto #28 4.13.17: In Which Yolanda Settles into her New Reality

Selvas del Choco, Colombia, 2016 (We are back to where we started):

• The Colombian Air Force tells Yolanda to land immediately or they will shoot her down but Yolanda continues to go. Air control tells the air force pilot to continue to follow it. Yolanda descends so the pilot can’t reach her so air control asks ground support.
• On the ground, Capitan Arnoldo Santamaria shoots the engine and the plane and Yolanda goes down by the river. Arnoldo leads a search in the forest and asks his men to look for survivors and merchandise. They finally find an unconscious Yolanda by the river and wonder who she is.
• Later, Yolanda has been taken to the Lanceros military base and laid to rest. She wakes up with a start and thanks her Virgencita for helping her survive. Arnoldo thinks it’s a miracle she did and Yolanda wonders where she is and asks for her clothes. He tells her they are at a base but asks her why a beautiful, Mexican woman is piloting a plane in Colombian airspace going north. Yolanda tells him she’s taking a pilot course and had an accident but Arnoldo shows her the cocaine they found. Yolanda is quiet.

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Vino el Amor #122-123 (Univision 114) Thursday, April 13, 2017: As the Stomach Turns

David and Luciana continue arguing and she leaves her report with him and walks out.

Marta’s back hurts as she is overworked. Sonia tries to help her out with the sheet folding.

At the SB Vineyard, Miggy and Adolfo talk about Luciana’s troubles with David. Adolfo offers to talk to David but Miguel advises against it.
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Thursday, April 13, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 10, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM — La Doña (preempted Friday for a religious special Santiago Apostál)
• 10PM — El Capo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #27 4.12.17: In Which Yolanda Does a Good Deed...

• Moreno’s man, Richard, goes inside Amparo’s prison and finds her still tied up. He tells her that it will all be over soon and leaves. As soon as he’s gone, she reveals a knife in her hands and cuts the ropes that bind her.
• The girls and Zulima run out the backdoor of the bar and hide in the backyard.
• Inside, Cindy tells Dave that she has no information on the men that died but Capitan Arguelles should have all that info. Arugelles confirms that all the dead bodies are in the morgue and Dave asks her what is behind the back door. Cindy explains that the door leads to the warehouse and administrative office and Simpson offers to search it. Ortega goes with him and Dave tells Cindy that he is just asking some preliminary questions so she needn’t be nervous. She nods and he reiterates that she doesn’t know Omar Nieves and then asks her about Olivia Nieves. Cindy doesn’t know that name either.
• The girls wonder what they are going to do since they don’t have cell phones to call anyone and Olivia reminds them that this is why they needed them. Amanda hopes Cindy doesn’t say anything to the DEA but Zulima is sure she won’t because she is as guilty as the rest of them. Lizbeth thinks she makes them sound like criminal but Zulima reaffirms that they aren’t saints.

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Vino el Amor # 120-121 (Univision #113); Wednesday April 12, 2017: Vino el ayudo


[The Univision episode was so chopped up I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it and I tried. So I went back to the Mexican version and even though this is long, I’m really sorry, it will make a lot more sense.]

Luciana shows up at SB Vineyard to help and she and Miguel get to work. She gives him a pep talk about what to do and how he needs to carry on. He says he’s grateful for everything she is doing for him.

Juan and Perla talk about how David wants to get back at him. He says it’s not his fault that Erica died and it’s her fault that she started to help with the fumigation. Perla wants him to give it up, but Juan insists that he’s going to make David pay for all he did in the past. Perla says, “If all you care about is getting revenge, then why do you want me with you?”  He promises it will end, but Perla brings up what the sheriff said that this could be homicide with Erica’s death. He says he is not worried, he’s a lawyer and he did nothing wrong. But Perla is still scared.
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Vino el Amor, Tuesday, April 11, 2017, #118 + #119 (Uni #112): Vino el Parasites

In this episode, Juan's parasite takes root and attacks both vineyards. Erika decides to fight for her land, and um, well that doesn't work out (details inside). Duh-vid is an idiot who gets lucky this time with Juan's parasite, but who has taken on some personal parasites in the form of two succubi and his old lawyer.

Since Uni editors are eating this show to shreds like parasites, I did my best to find some advance clips of #118 to watch. So if some of the screencaps look a little funny, that's why. I am pressed for time, so will shorten this recap and probably not have time to watch the full #119, but will do what I can to fill in gaps later. This episode (Uni labeling it #112) starts with episode #118 in Mexico.
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La Piloto #26 4.11.17: In Which Yolanda Goes to Colombia...

• Roberto tells Oscar that he wants to work for him, to help, and he suggests that he be his personal bodyguard. Oscar tells him he needs to be concentrated and focused if he’s going to be his bodyguard, not wasting time with girlfriends. Roberto tells him that if he’s talking about Olivia, they are not anything, and Oscar agrees to give him a trial run. Just then, Zulima walks in, without knocking, and is shocked to see Roberto there. Oscar asks her to knock next time and sends Roberto away. Zulima then tells Oscar that he’s looking better but Oscar asks her to mind her own business. Zulima will but reminds him that Roberto is dead meat. Oscar tells her that whatever happens to Roberto from now on is up to him because he’s going to work with him. Zulima laughs and wonders if everyone and Olivia is going to be okay with that but he cocks his gun and she grows quiet. She then tells Oscar that Olivia used Yolanda’s phone again to call her mother and Oscar is surprised at her audacity. Zulima then informs him that the girls are growing restless and asked Yolanda to help them get out of Villa Antigua. She explains that John promised to do so after Yolanda comes back from her trip to Colombia. Oscar thinks John is an idiot for trusting Yolanda and then asks Zulima to leave so he can think.
• Simpson is in his office, frustrated, because he has not been able to get in touch with Ortega or Dave. He asks an agent for their whereabouts and he informs him that they left but didn’t say where.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

La Piloto #25, 4-10-17: Aftermath Of The Bloodbath

John finds Oscar on the front steps and races the unconscious Oscar somewhere so Carlita can take care of Oscar.  (He should pay her way through med school, me thinks, by now to show his appreciation.)  Yo leaves Zulima in charge of the bar and cleaning it up; she orders them to claim to police it was only their drunken customers fighting amongst themselves.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 4/10/17 Chapters 116 & 117

Chapter 116: Sometimes Love is Not Enough, Part II

Back to where we left off, David is pleased with Luciana's reading of the Romance ad copy. He embraces her and she in return. Her expression is bittersweet while his is more like regret and possible sadness at a decision contrary to his own best interests.
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La Doble Vida De Estela Carrillo index

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 10, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM — La Doña (Mon-Thurs; preempted Friday for a religious special Santiago Apostál)
• 10PM — El Capo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 08, 2017

La Piloto #24, 4-7-17: Battle Of The Brutes In Which Oscar Gets More Than He Bar-gained For

Yolanda settles Rosalba in at her home in Altamirano while Estela hides under a table, eavesdropping.  Yoli notes when trying to leave a phone number with her aunt that she has somebody else’s (similar) cell phone and not her own with her. She shrugs it off until realizing that whoever has her phone, will know that she called DEA Dave on it since she forgot to erase the call.  Yoli sees that El Cañengo will be Rosie’s bodyguard, but at a distance.  He puts locks on all the doors and brings food for her.  Yoli says her good-byes as Rosie tells her to remember her decent upbringing and hopefully she’ll get free of the narcos and start leading a proper life and earning a proper living.

John learns from Oscar that the town folk freeze up when anybody mentions Los “Bolches”(?), the local syndicate run by Eladio, aka, The Bald-headed Bully-Boy. They are reluctant to discuss anything to do with him, he tells his brother.  Oscar wants to do a little bullying of his own to get people around there to talk, but John reminds him to keep their heads down and let things ride a bit.

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Vino el Amor, #114/115, Friday Apr 7, 2017: Gracie Tastes the Rainbow

Episode 114. Fernanda's Party

Cut scene: Luci, Susan, and David (in vest) talk about the winery's success, especially with becoming the Sunset restaurant's house wine. David is excited, and grateful to both of them.

Montage: Juan gives Perla some earrings; Luci, Susan, and Dave work together, and vestless Dave is smiling, but Luci looks sad after he leaves the room; Erika, Miguel, and Adolfo are working together, and they're laughing and cheering; Marta and Ramon work on something together in the kitchen, and shirtless Tano approves.

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Friday, April 07, 2017

La Piloto #23 4.6.17: In Which Everyone Plots Against Yolanda...

• Zulima takes the phone away from Oscar to make sure Yolanda called Dave. She laughs and calls Yolanda an idiot for doing so.
• Roberto gets into Omar’s car and leaves but doesn’t notice Omar following him in a motorcycle.
• Olivia tells Lizbeth that she’s worried about seeing Roberto because she would have to confess the truth about where she works and what she does. Lizbeth reminds her that that’s their reality and he has to accept it. Olivia agrees and then asks her about the guy from the bar, Raul Arguelles. She smiles.
• Raul and his father, Arguelles, investigate the road shootout from Yolanda’s kidnapping attempt. Raul wants to investigate personally but his father will handle it but it was probably related to drug trafficking. He sends Raul on his way and looks at the blood on the floor.
• Yolanda and Carlina load Rosalba onto the plane as Lizbeth comes and gives her the jacket she left at the cabin. She thanks her and John comes to wish her a safe flight. She thanks him and then he tells John that he hopes she’s well. Rosalba reminds him to take care of Yolanda and not let anything happen to her. John agrees and Yolanda goes to take off.

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Vino el Amor #112-113; Thursday, April 6, 2017: Fighting for Position

Repeat from yesterday: Begin with Lu and Dave telling each other their feelings. One day all their problems will resolve. In time they will find out if they have made the right decisions. Lu tells him she is happy when they can talk about the things that come from their heats. Dave says he doesn’t want her to be waiting for something that may not ever be. But Lu does not want to lose faith and Dave doesn’t want to lose faith either. He just worries that this is not fair to Luciana.
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Thursday, April 06, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 3, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8-10PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Capo

Please note the changes that have taken place this week: La Doña now runs for two hours each day, and El Capo debuted at the 10PM slot on Tuesday.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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